Disaster resilience - A Guide to Prevention, Response, and Recovery (Otpornost na katastrofe - Vodič za prevenciju, reagovanje i oporavak)
Abstract and Figures
Dragi čitaoci, sa zadovoljstvom vam predstavljamo knjigu ,,Otpornost na katastrofe - Vodič za Prevenciju, Reagovanje i Oporavak”. Ova knjiga je namenjena svima koji žele da se bolje pripreme za nepredviđene situacije, bilo da su izazvane prirodnim katastrofama poput zemljotresa, poplava ili šumskim požarima ili antropogenim katastrofama kao što su požari, nezgode na radu, teroristički napadi ili pandemije. Živimo u svetu koji se neprestano menja i često se suočavamo sa izazovima koji zahtevaju brzo i efikasno reagovanje. Osmišljena je kako bi vam pomogla da razumete različite aspekte katastrofa, da prepoznate rizike i da se pripremite za njih. Kroz nju ćete saznati kako da zaštitite sebe, svoje porodice i zajednicu, kako da reagujete u nepredviđenim situacijama i kako da se oporavite nakon katastrofe. Nema ništa važnije od bezbednosti i dobrobiti onih koje volimo i zato je važno da budemo informisani i spremni. Ova knjiga vam pruža praktične savete, korake za planiranje i konkretne smernice koje će vam pomoći da budete spremni za sve što budućnost može doneti.
Kroz detaljne opise i praktične primere, naučićete kako da se nosite sa različitim scenarijima, okolnostima i situacijama koje se mogu javiti u vanrednim situacijama. Autor ove knjige je posvetio mnogo vremena i truda kako bi vam pružio najvažnije informacije o katastrofama i kako da se nosite sa njima. Zasnovani na stručnim saznanjima i iskustvima stručnjaka iz različitih oblasti, ovi saveti su utemeljeni na najnovijim istraživanjima i najboljim praksama u oblasti katastrofa. Nadamo se da ćete ovu knjigu koristiti kao resurs za unapređenje vaše sopstvene otpornosti i zaštite, ali takođe i kao sredstvo za edukaciju i osnaživanje vaših zajednica.
Zajedno, možemo da stvorimo bezbednije i otpornije zajednice, spremne za izazove koje budućnost donosi. U knjizi ćete pronaći informacije o osnovnim koracima koje treba preduzeti kako biste se zaštitili i pripremili za katastrofe. Upoznaćete se sa konkretnim savetima o tome kako da kreirate plan za vanredne situacije za vašu porodicu, šta treba da imate u kući za slučaj katastrofe i kako da se ponašate tokom samih takvih okolnosti. Osim toga, razmotrićemo i važnost obnove nakon katastrofe i kako da se oporavite sa što manje posledica. Ovaj vodič ne obuhvata samo niz pratičnih saveta; on takođe otvara prostor za stručnu diskusiju o otpornosti i pripremljenosti za katastrofe. Uključivanje mladih, stručnih i ambicioznih naučnih saradnika u pisanje domaćih i međunarodnih projekata, kao i u sprovođenje naučnih istraživanja, predstavlja korak ka izgradnji stručne zajednice posvećene prevenciji, reagovanju i oporavku od katastrofa.
Kroz analize rizika, proučavanje efikasnih strategija reagovanja i istraživanje novih tehnologija, ova zajednica doprinosi širem razumevanju i unapređenju otpornosti društava na nepredviđene događaje. Ovaj multidisciplinarni pristup, podržan stručnim saznanjima i iskustvima, ključan je za izgradnju održivih sistema prevencije i upravljanja u katastrofama. Želim da napomenem i to da je ova knjiga više od samo praktičnog vodiča; ona je ključ za otkrivanje snalažljivosti i pripremljenosti u nepredviđenim okolnostima. Sažeta u ovom vodiču su znanja i veštine koje će vas naučiti kako da zaštitite sebe, svoje najbliže i vašu zajednicu, pružajući vam bezbednost u svetu koji se neprestano menja. Ona nije običan priručnik već je poziv na akciju, inspiracija za razmišljanje i ključ za transformaciju našeg shvatanja o otpornosti. Sa stručnim i sveobuhvatnim pristupom, istražuje različite aspekte katastrofa, prepoznaje rizike i priprema nas za pravilno postupanje u takvim situacijama. Ovaj vodič nije samo resurs za ličnu otpornost, već i temelj za izgradnju zajednica spremnih na izazove koje budućnost nosi.
Spremni ste za otkrivanje sveta otpornosti na katastrofe? Započnite svoje usavršavanje sa ovom jedinstvenom knjigom koja će vas podstaći da razmišljate, delujete i postanete deo globalne zajednice otpornosti. U svetlu ubrzanog tempa promena koje oblikuju naše okruženje, ,,Otpornost na katastrofe” postavlja se kao sredstvo za razumevanje kompleksnosti savremenog života. Bez obzira da li se suočavate sa poplavama, zemljotresima, nesrećama na radu, terorističkim napadima ili pandemijama, ovaj vodič nudi dragoceno uputstvo za sagledavanje rizika i efikasno reagovanje. Ono što izdvaja ovu knjigu jeste njena praktična orijentacija. Ne samo da vam pruža informacije o tome kako se ponašati tokom katastrofe, već vas navodi da razmislite o koracima koje možete preduzeti unapred kako biste se pripremili i bili otporniji na katastrofe koje će biti sve učestalije i razornije.
Osim toga, knjiga naglašava važnost procesa oporavka nakon katastrofe, pružajući smernice o tome kako se nositi sa stresom i obnavljati normalnost u životu. Poseban naglasak stavljen je na ulogu zajednice u izgradnji otpornosti. Ova knjiga podstiče čitaoce da razmišljaju o svojoj ulozi u širem kontekstu i kako zajedno možemo stvoriti bezbednije i otpornije zajednice. Kroz primerima obogaćen tekst, otkrivate konkretne korake koje možete preduzeti kako biste doprineli jačanju kolektivne otpornosti na katastrofe.
Stručni pristup autora proizilazi iz iskustva i saznanja stručnjaka iz različitih oblasti studija katastrofa. Njihova posvećenost pružanju relevantnih informacija i saveta ogleda se u temeljnom proučavanju najnovijih istraživanja i primeni najboljih praksi. Svaki savet i smernica podržani su stručnim znanjem, a multidisciplinarni pristup pruža sveobuhvatan uvid u kompleksnost izazova sa kojima se suočavamo. Neka vam ova knjiga ,,Otpornost na katastrofe - Vodič za prevenciju, reagovanje i oporavak bude lični vodič u pripremi, reagovanju i oporavku u katastrofama izazvanim prirodnim i antropogenim opasnostima.
Dear readers, we are pleased to present to you the book "Resilience to Disasters - A Guide to Prevention, Response, and Recovery." This book is intended for everyone who wants to better prepare for unforeseen situations, whether caused by natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, or wildfires, or anthropogenic disasters such as fires, workplace accidents, terrorist attacks, or pandemics. We live in a constantly changing world and often face challenges that require quick and effective responses. It is designed to help you understand different aspects of disasters, recognize risks, and prepare for them.
Through detailed descriptions and practical examples, you will learn how to deal with various scenarios, circumstances, and situations that may arise in emergencies. The author of this book has devoted much time and effort to provide you with essential information about disasters and how to cope with them. Based on expert knowledge and experiences from various fields, these tips are grounded in the latest research and best practices in disaster management. We hope that you will use this book as a resource to enhance your own resilience and protection, as well as an educational tool to empower your communities.
Together, we can create safer and more resilient communities ready for the challenges the future may bring. In the book, you will find information on the basic steps to take to protect yourself and prepare for disasters. You will become familiar with specific advice on creating emergency plans for your family, what to have at home in case of a disaster, and how to behave during such circumstances. Additionally, we will explore the importance of recovery after a disaster and how to bounce back with minimal consequences.
This guide not only provides a range of practical tips but also opens the door to expert discussions on resilience and disaster preparedness. Involving young, skilled, and ambitious scientific collaborators in domestic and international projects, as well as in conducting scientific research, is a step towards building a professional community dedicated to disaster prevention, response, and recovery.
Through risk analysis, the study of effective response strategies, and the exploration of new technologies, this community contributes to a broader understanding and enhancement of societies' resilience to unforeseen events. This multidisciplinary approach, supported by expert knowledge and experiences, is crucial for building sustainable disaster prevention and management systems.
I want to emphasize that this book is more than just a practical guide; it is a key to discovering resourcefulness and preparedness in unforeseen circumstances. Condensed in this guide are the knowledge and skills that will teach you how to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community, providing security in an ever-changing world. It is not just a manual but a call to action, an inspiration for thought, and a key to transforming our understanding of resilience.
With an expert and comprehensive approach, it explores various aspects of disasters, identifies risks, and prepares us for proper handling in such situations. This guide is not only a resource for personal resilience but also a foundation for building communities ready to face the challenges the future holds.
Are you ready to explore the world of resilience to disasters? Begin your journey with this unique book that will encourage you to think, act, and become part of the global resilience community. In the face of the accelerated pace of changes shaping our environment, "Resilience to Disasters" stands as a tool for understanding the complexity of modern life.
Whether facing floods, earthquakes, workplace accidents, terrorist attacks, or pandemics, this guide offers valuable instruction for assessing risks and responding effectively. What sets this book apart is its practical orientation. It not only provides information on how to behave during a disaster but prompts you to consider steps you can take in advance to prepare and become more resilient to increasingly frequent and devastating disasters.
Moreover, the book underscores the importance of the recovery process after a disaster, offering guidance on dealing with stress and restoring normalcy in life. Special emphasis is placed on the role of the community in building resilience. This book encourages readers to think about their role in a broader context and how together we can create safer and more resilient communities.
Through a text enriched with examples, you discover concrete steps you can take to contribute to strengthening collective resilience to disasters. The author's expert approach stems from the experience and knowledge of experts from various disaster study fields. Their commitment to providing relevant information and advice is reflected in a thorough examination of the latest research and the application of best practices.
Each piece of advice and guidance is backed by expert knowledge, and the multidisciplinary approach provides a comprehensive insight into the complexity of the challenges we face. Let this book, "Resilience to Disasters - A Guide to Prevention, Response, and Recovery," be your personal guide in preparing, responding, and recovering from disasters caused by both natural and anthropogenic hazards.
Figures - uploaded by Vladimir M. Cvetković
Author content
All figure content in this area was uploaded by Vladimir M. Cvetković
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... Viewed from that perspective, disaster risk reduction education policies occupy a special place in non-structural disaster risk reduction measures (Chicatto et al. 2015). Unfortunately, there is no educational policy in Serbia that would comprehensively and systematically design and implement certain measures aimed at reducing the risk of disasters (Cvetković 2023). ...
The territory of the Republic of Serbia is exposed to various natural and technical–technological hazards that increasingly endanger people and their material goods. An integrated disaster risk management system (preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery) has not yet taken root in Serbia to a sufficient extent, although there are certain institutional and legal prerequisites for its smooth functioning. Abandoning the reactive way of preparing for disasters and increasingly implementing proactive measures, societies are desperately trying to improve their resilience in resource-scarce situations and mitigate future consequences of disasters. In Serbia, there is insufficient resistance to disasters, reflected in the insufficiently improved ability of Serbian society exposed to dangers to respond to them and recover from the consequences of disasters promptly and efficiently. Despite this, many efforts are in vain, considering that the population's awareness of various aspects of disaster management remains very low. The aim of this chapter refers to the comprehensive analysis and description of capacity building in Serbia for Disaster and Climate Risk Education. The undoubted importance of education in the field of disasters, which is increasingly receiving priority positions on various agendas around the world, emphasizes the necessity of continuous research on the perspectives of formal and informal education on disasters. One of the most effective tools used in all areas of integrated disaster risk management is education. Admittedly, it should be borne in mind that education is a complex and interactive psychological process in which the transfer of knowledge from different fields is carried out in a planned and clearly grounded manner in the form of a kind of transfer.
... profound impacts disasters have on mental health. Robust support systems, including psychological first aid and stress management training, are essential for supporting the well-being of responders (Cvetković, 2023). Natural disasters can cause a significant amount of distress, as well as potential damage to people's mental health. ...
Abstract: When disaster strikes, first responders must be not only operationally and logistically but also psychologically prepared. Psychological preparation for a potential adverse event can have a critical impact on the success of responses, and recovery efforts. This paper aims to analyze the psychological preparedness of rescuers and volunteers from Bosnia and Herzegovina who were assigned to the mission of minimizing the consequences of the earthquake in the Republic of Türkiye in February 2023. As a module in the training of the organizations that engaged them, the existence of psychosocial assistance provided to rescuers and volunteers (psychological first aid) in the circumstances of natural disasters was analyzed. The psychological readiness of the rescuers sent from Bosnia and Herzegovina to perform the assigned tasks and their
status and condition during the mission were analyzed. The research was conducted in the period March – June 2023 using an anonymous questionnaire with combined questions. The results of this research determined that the majority of respondents believe that training aimed at protecting mental health and preventing the harmful effects of stressful situations in their work organization does not meet the challenges they encountered during the rescue mission in the Republic of Türkiye in February 2023. The results of this research highlight the need to find practical solutions - the inclusion of
psychosocial assistance activities. It is therefore vital that psychological preparedness be included in emergency response plans.
Keywords: rescuers, volunteers, psychological preparedness, earthquake, Türkiye
This scientific monograph stems from a deep interest in the resilience of local communities to natural disasters, particularly earthquakes, which pose one of the greatest challenges humanity faces. In our quest to explore the multifaceted factors influencing this crucial dimension of societal preparedness, we focused on Montenegro, a country located in the seismic active zone of the Mediterranean. Through an in-depth analysis of various aspects, we aim to contribute to a better understanding of the factors shaping the resilience of local communities to earthquakes and provide guidance for the development of effective strategies and programs.
Our research mission aims to identify key factors shaping the resilience of local communities to earthquakes and analyze the prerequisites for the development and implementation of various strategies and programs that would enhance the situation in this area. In doing so, we rely on an interdisciplinary approach, integrating insights from various scientific disciplines to gain a deeper understanding of the complexity of this issue. In this context, we consider demographic, socioeconomic, and psychological factors influencing the resilience of local communities to earthquakes. We understand that resilience is not only the result of technical preparations but also of deeper social, economic, and psychological dynamics. Through a systematic analysis of these factors, we strive to provide a comprehensive picture of the state of preparedness of local communities and to identify key points of intervention to improve their resilience.
Research approach is based on the analysis of available data as well as on field research, including interviews with the population and relevant experts. This enables us to gain a more detailed insight into the perception and attitudes of citizens regarding preparedness for earthquakes, as well as to identify specific challenges faced by local communities. Given the complexity of the problem and the importance of an interdisciplinary approach, we aim for our monograph to be a valuable resource for various stakeholders, including government institutions, non-governmental organizations, local communities, and the scientific community. We hope that the results of our research will serve as a basis for the development of concrete action plans and policies that will enhance the preparedness of local communities for earthquakes.
This monograph is not only the result of our research effort but also the product of collaboration with a wider community of experts and practitioners who have contributed their knowledge and experience to our understanding of this complex issue. We express our gratitude to all who have supported and contributed to our research. Through the following pages, we will guide you through a deep analysis of the factors shaping the resilience of local communities to earthquakes, providing insight into the complexity of this problem and identifying opportunities for improving the preparedness of local communities. We hope that this monograph will be a valuable resource for all those involved in this important field and will contribute to strengthening the resilience of local communities to earthquakes and other natural disasters.
A large number of social and natural factors influence the resilience of local communities to geohazards caused by earthquakes. Understanding these factors plays a crucial role in devising and implementing strategies to enhance resilience. The results of previous research on citizen resilience to geohazards caused by earthquakes have influenced the development of hypotheses, which are grounded in the concept of resilience. The general hypothesis involves testing the assertion that there is a relationship between demographic (gender, age, education, household size), socio-economic (employment, income level, marital status), and psychological characteristics (fear, past experience, risk perception) of citizens and their level of preparedness to respond to geohazards caused by earthquakes in the Republic of Montenegro. It is assumed that this relationship is at the pre-planning level, implying that citizens recognize the problem and accept that action must be taken. Based on the general hypothesis, three specific hypotheses have been defined: The first hypothesis concerns testing the assertion that there is a correlation between demographic factors (gender, age, education, household size) of citizens in the Republic of Montenegro and their resilience levels in responding to geohazards caused by earthquakes. The second hypothesis pertains to testing the assertion that there is a correlation between socio-economic factors (employment status, income level, marital status) of citizens in the Republic of Montenegro and their resilience levels in responding to geohazards caused by earthquakes. The third hypothesis concerns testing the assertion that there is a correlation between psychological characteristics (fear, previous experience, risk perception) of citizens and their readiness levels in responding to geohazards caused by earthquakes in the Republic of Montenegro.
In the methodological framework of our research, we employed a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to gather and analyze data. Surveys and interviews were conducted to collect quantitative and qualitative data, respectively, while statistical analysis techniques were applied to test the formulated hypotheses. Additionally, a comprehensive literature review was conducted to provide a theoretical foundation for our research and to contextualize our findings within existing knowledge. Through this methodological approach, we aimed to ensure the rigor and validity of our research findings. We extend our gratitude to the reviewers who provided valuable feedback and insights during the development of this monograph. Their contributions have undoubtedly enriched the quality of our work and have helped us refine our analysis and interpretations.
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