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East African Journal of Education Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, 2023
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.6.3.1560
265 | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
East African Journal of Education
Volume 6, Issue 3, 2023
Print ISSN: 2707-3939 | Online ISSN: 2707-3947
Title DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/2707-3947
Original Article
Effect of Implementation of Mainstreaming Practices on Retention of
Learners with Special Needs in Regular Public Primary Schools in Lurambi
Sub-County, Kakamega, Kenya
Mackenzie Khalai Monica1*, Dr. Naftali Rop, PhD & Prof. Edward Tanui, PhD1
1 Maasai Mara University, P. O. Box 861-20500. Narok, Kenya.
* Author for Correspondence Email: mackenziemonie@gmail.com
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.6.3.1560
Date Published:
09 November 2023
Learners with
Special Needs,
Regular Public
Primary Schools.
Enrolment statistics for learners with special needs at Lurambi sub-county
Educational Assessment and Resource Centre are alarming and warrant
verifying whether these learners receive any mainstream education and are
retained in the schools after placement. The study sought to determine the
implementation of mainstreamed practices on the retention of learners with
special needs. The study was guided by Michael Oliver's Social Model of
disability theory, which argues that it is the society that segregates and
disables people with special needs. This theory advocates for society with its
institutions to adjust their approach to people with disabilities by creating an
ambient environment instead of requiring them to adjust and fit
unapologetically in the defined structures by society. The study employed a
Descriptive survey research design. The study targeted 406 teachers from 29
regular public primary schools with resource rooms. Questionnaires and
checklists were the main instruments of data collection. A document analysis
guide was used for collecting data on learners' enrolment from the years 2016
to 2020. Quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistics,
frequencies, percentages and the findings presented in frequency tables.
Findings showed that awareness of mainstreaming and learner-based factors
also affect retention of learners with special needs in regular public primary
schools. The study recommends the training of all teachers to be able to teach
learners with special needs. The KICD should develop and disseminate
teaching and learning resources specifically made for learners with special
needs. The study suggests further research to compare the effect of learners
with special needs in mainstream education on the performance of learners
without special needs.
Monica, M. K., Rop, N. & Tanui, E. (2023). Effect of Implementation of Mainstreaming Practices on Retention of Learners
with Special Needs in Regular Public Primary Schools in Lurambi Sub-County, Kakamega, Kenya East African Journal of
Education Studies, 6(3), 265-286. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.6.3.1560.
Monica, Mackenzie Khalai, Naftali Rop and Edward Tanui. 2023. “Effect of Implementation of Mainstreaming Practices
on Retention of Learners with Special Needs in Regular Public Primary Schools in Lurambi Sub-County, Kakamega,
Kenya”. East African Journal of Education Studies 6 (3), 265-286. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.6.3.1560
East African Journal of Education Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, 2023
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.6.3.1560
266 | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Monica, M. K., Rop, N. & Tanui, E. (2023) “Effect of Implementation of Mainstreaming Practices on Retention of Learners
with Special Needs in Regular Public Primary Schools in Lurambi Sub-County, Kakamega, Kenya”, East African Journal
of Education Studies, 6(3), pp. 265-286. doi: 10.37284/eajes.6.3.1560.
M. K., Monica, N., Rop & E., Tanui “Effect of Implementation of Mainstreaming Practices on Retention of Learners with
Special Needs in Regular Public Primary Schools in Lurambi Sub-County, Kakamega, Kenya” EAJES, vol. 6, no. 3, pp.
265-286, Nov. 2023.
Monica, Mackenzie Khalai, Naftali Rop & Edward Tanui. “Effect of Implementation of Mainstreaming Practices on
Retention of Learners with Special Needs in Regular Public Primary Schools in Lurambi Sub-County, Kakamega, Kenya”.
East African Journal of Education Studies, Vol. 6, no. 3, Nov. 2023, pp. 265-286, doi:10.37284/eajes.6.3.1560
Mainstreaming is a concept that was introduced
across the globe over the need to mainstream and
provide education access to all learning levels and
learners regardless of their abilities. Ministry of
Education (2009) indicates that Kenya has a
responsibility to ensure the realization of
inclusivity in education where learners with
special needs are incorporated into typical class
settings through mainstreaming in all levels of
educational systems. Therefore, mainstreaming is
defined as the process and the programs aimed at
educating learners with special needs and
disabilities (SNDs) in typical class settings.
Mangope (2018) indicates that many special
education professionals have increasingly
accepted the axiomatic need to educate most of
the learners with SNDS in typical classrooms,
postulating that the learners would be educated
better in these classroom settings. Mainstreaming
is envisioned to create an inclusive system where
these learners do not feel segregated and learn in
the same environment as others. Despite increased
advocacy and the creation of legislation and
policies supporting inclusive and mainstreaming
education, the Ministry of Education (2018) noted
that there was still a significant and alarming
number of learners with disabilities out of school,
as well as a high dropout rate. Nonetheless, this
statement does not indicate the trend or magnitude
of the noted high dropout rate.
According to the World Disability Report 2011 by
the World Health Organization (WHO, 2011), it is
estimated that persons with disabilities account
for about 15% of the world's population. The
report also indicated that out of the 77 million
children who fail to access educational programs,
a third constitutes children with disabilities.
Myers and Bagree (2011) point out that in Africa,
about 10% of disabled children manage to acquire
primary education. Conversely, about 1-3% of
disabled children do not receive any form of
education in developing nations (Mwoma, 2017).
This is a major challenge, following that more
than two-thirds of countries across the world
ratified the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights and committed to adhering to the
provisions of Article 26 that stems out the
imperativeness of realizing universal primary
education for all though mainstreaming
(UNESCO, 2019).
Several countries across the globe have made
significant advances toward incorporating
mainstream education as a central component in
their national legislation. For instance, the
national legislation of Germany, Iceland, and
Canada are cited to support fully inclusive
education where most Children with disabilities
(CwDs) are enrolled in local schools (McCarthy,
2002). Governments of some countries such as
India, Italy, and Norway have shown a strong
commitment to the policy for mainstreamed
education; therefore, the number of learners with
special needs and disabilities (SNDs) learning in
regular classes in schools in their neighbourhoods
has increased yearly (McCarthy, 2002; Rustemier,
2008). Nonetheless, some countries have reported
little to no progress in implementing mainstream
education despite the general global articulation
towards inclusive education (McCarthy, 2002).
For instance, despite the German government
fully supporting and implementing mainstream
and inclusive education, a high proportion of
parents still opt to place their CwDs in special
East African Journal of Education Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, 2023
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.6.3.1560
267 | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
schools (Hinz, 2010). Similarly, in Norway, its
policy of eliminating special schools is hampered
by the tendency and preference of some parents to
send their children with disabilities to alternative
educational centres (Rustemier, 2008). This, thus,
demonstrates that the severity of the issues
identified in these nations requires explanation;
nevertheless, because the challenges are equally
widespread in Kenya as a developing country and
especially in Lurambi, Kenya, there was a need to
understand and invent solutions to increase
student retention with SNDs through
Inclusive education was defined by the Ministry
of Education (2009) as an approach where
learners with SNDs can access proper education
within typical or regular schools. This implies that
regular public schools must practice
mainstreaming for an inclusively viable and
sustainable education system (Dağlı & Öznacar,
2015). The Kenya Education For All (GoK, 2014)
national review 2014 emphasized the vitality of
inclusive education, noting that under Article
54(1) of the 2010 Constitution, PwDs should
access any educational facility and institution
deemed well-matched with the interest of the
In Kenya, the national housing and population
census report of 2009 that considered the
disability indicators recorded that over 1,330,312
people, comprising about 3.5% of the national
population, have disabilities, out of which
647,689 are males while 682,623 are females (Bii
& Taylor, 2013). According to the Kenya National
Survey for Persons with Disability report of 2008,
over 1.3 million Kenyans are living with
disabilities, with only 39% (507000) and 9%
(117,000) managing to attend mainstream primary
and secondary schools, respectively. The National
Coordinating Agency for Population and
Development indicates that over 3.3% (1657208)
of the population of the Western province of
Kenya are persons with disabilities (NCAPD,
The Kenya Education Policy of 2012 indicated
that the nation stood at over 102,749 enrolments
of learners with disabilities, where 21,050 and
81,649 joined special schools and special
integrated units, respectively, in primary and
secondary learning institutions (GoK, 2012). The
above statistics constitute a third of all the
estimated CwDs who had attained school-going
age. The statistics significantly improved
compared to 1999, 2003, and 2008, when only
22,000, 26,885, and 45,000 learners and special
needs, joined special and integrated schools
(GoK, 2012). The Kenya National Survey for
Persons with Disability report (2008) indicated
that the former western province in which the
study area (Lurambi Sub-County) is located had
the highest proportion (16%) of people with
According to the report, the PwD in this region
reported that other people's attitudes toward
disability had a significant impact on their daily
activities. The province had the highest
prevalence of disability, 4251969 (96.7%),
followed by the North Eastern province with a
prevalence of 2425331 (97.4%), then Rift Valley
with a prevalence of 4,857,937 (96.8%) and the
Eastern province with a prevalence of 3,871,548
(95%) (NCAPD, 2008). In terms of the
availability of assistive devices, the former
Western province has the lowest at 1,044,543
(20.8%), followed by the North Eastern province
at 393,431 (15.8%), and Nairobi province has the
highest at 1,864,358 (42.4%). The absence of
assistive devices was cited as a major challenge
by 95% of PwDs in Western Province (NCAPD,
2008). Approximately 2.3 per cent of the
province's PwDs reported having significant
difficulty attending school (NCAPD, 2008). This
clearly indicates that access to quality education is
a major problem in the region among PwDs;
hence, there was a need for the development and
implementation of coherent measures to ensure
the UPE and EFA objectives are promoted in the
study area.
Education Assessment and Resource Centre
(EARC) Lurambi Sub-County Office (2020)
enrolment of learners with special needs records
show that there was a total of 6607 and 819
East African Journal of Education Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, 2023
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.6.3.1560
268 | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
(12.4%) children with special needs were
admitted in regular public schools from 2015 -
2020. A total of 2906 mentally challenged
learners, 185 (6.37%) physically challenged
learners, 213 (7.33%) hearing impaired learners,
141 (4.85%) visually impaired learners, 90 (3.1%)
learners with cerebral palsy, 277 (9.53%) learners
with a learning disability, and 19 (0.65%) autistic
learners were enrolled in special schools and
public primary schools in Lurambi Sub-county
from 2015 to 2020. These data indicate a need to
evaluate mainstreaming in education in Lurambi
Sub-County, Kakamega County.
The Ministry of Education (2009) draft of the
National Special Needs Education Policy
Framework emphasized the importance of
promoting inclusive education, hence leading to
mainstreaming. It is being practised where special
units (resource rooms) are attached to regular
public primary schools as opposed to the initial
idea of having exclusively inclusive education
systems. At the time this study was being born, no
study had been carried out to find out the effect of
mainstreaming practices on the retention of
learners with special needs in Lurambi Sub-
County. This study, therefore, sought to bridge
this gap by availing scientific data that establishes
the effect of implementing mainstreaming
practices on the retention of learners with special
needs in regular public primary schools in the
Lurambi sub-county.
Statement of the Problem
Access to education is a basic need and a
fundamental human right in the current millennia.
Regardless of gender, social, economic, political,
and environmental backgrounds, all people are
entitled to equal access to education. Education
systems are thus bound to be inclusive of all
learners regardless of their backgrounds and
abilities and should be delivered in the most
ambient and comfortable environment.
Mainstreaming is a concept concerned with
proper measures to ensure that individual needs
are catered for appropriately and the placement of
learners with special needs in regular learning
The enrolment of learners with SNDs records at
the Lurambi sub-county Education Assessment
and Resource Centre (EARC) indicates that 1,049
mentally challenged learners, 185 physically
challenged learners, 213 hearing impaired
learners, 141 visually impaired learners, 90
learners with cerebral palsy, 277 learners with
learning disabilities and 19 learners with autism
were enrolled in public primary schools in
Lurambi Sub-county from 2015 to 2020. These
statistics warrant a need to verify whether these
persons receive any mainstream education and
whether they are retained in the schools.
Moreover, at the time this study was being born,
no study had been done to find out the effect of
mainstreaming practices on the retention of
learners with special needs in Lurambi Sub-
County. This study, therefore, sought to bridge
this gap by availing scientific data that establishes
the effect of implementing mainstreaming
practices on the retention of learners with special
needs in the Lurambi sub-county.
Objective of the Study
The following objective guided the study:
• To examine the effect of implementation of
mainstreaming practices on retention of
learners with special needs in regular public
primary schools in Lurambi Sub-county.
Research Hypothesis
H01: There is no significant difference between
the implementation of mainstreaming practices
and the retention of learners with special needs in
regular public primary schools in Lurambi Sub-
Implementation of Mainstreaming Practices
on Retention of Learners with SN
Implementing Mainstreamed Practices ensures
that learners with special needs access education
irrespective of the severity of their special needs.
Four categories describe the severity of an
individual's disability. They include mild,
moderate, severe, and profound disabilities. The
East African Journal of Education Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, 2023
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.6.3.1560
269 | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
survey by the Ministry of Education, Science and
Technology in 2013 in the Lurambi constituency
established that the prevalence of disabilities
among children aged 0-21 years was 13.5%,
which is comparable to the global estimate of
15%, as of 2010 (Ministry of Education, 2013).
Each type of disability severity affects the life of
an individual. For example, in intellectual
disability, a person in the mild category is
described as people who react slower to their daily
activities and social life. They can learn practical
life skills, enabling them to operate in ordinary life
with minimal support (Boat & Wu, 2015).
An individual with a moderate disability can take
care of himself, learn some basic life skills, and
move to familiar places. They require moderate
support to operate as a reasonable man. A severe
disability is a situation whereby there is an impact
on communication skills. They might learn simple
life skills and self-care but require supervision in
a social setting and family care in their daily
routine. Finally, an individual with a profound
disability usually is dependent. They always need
close support and family help in self-care
activities. They have limited ability in
communication and movement skills and are also
prone to health matters. Boat and Wus (2015)
book chapter primarily discussed the intellectual
disabilities which affect the learning capabilities
of learners; however, it does not state the extent to
which the severity of the special needs and
disabilities can affect the retention of learners,
more so in regular public primary schools.
Therefore, there was a need to fill this gap with a
focus on Lurambi Sub-County, Kakamega
county, Kenya.
The severity of an individual disability has a
significant influence on learners with special
needs retention in school. The more severe the
disability, the higher the possibility of more health
issues. Health is among the factors that influence
learners with special needs to retain school
attendance. People living with disabilities are
more prone to diseases than people without
disabilities (Krahn et al., 2015). Disability itself
results from an underlying health condition that
makes an individual more vulnerable to other
health matters. Disability contributes to an
individual's activity limitation and participation
restriction, making their body inactive, hence
attracting diseases like cardiovascular diseases
and diabetes. Such conditions are likely to occur
to learners, contributing to the rate of learners with
disability retention. Krahn et al. (2015) looked at
the neglection of persons with disabilities, which
can be characterized by their ability to acquire an
education; however, it does not state the extent to
which the severity and negligence of learners with
special needs and disabilities can affect the
retention of learners in regular public primary
A survey carried out by the Ministry of Education,
Science and Technology (MOE, 2013) in the
Lurambi sub-county to establish the prevalence of
disabilities and special needs among school and
out-of-school children between the ages of 0 to 21
years in Kenya indicated that there was a high
prevalence of disabilities among children aged 0-
21 years. According to the findings, the youngest
age group (0–5 years old) had the lowest
impairment rates, at 15% (Musili, 2020). The
other age groups had about identical rates of 28%
each, with the 11–15 age group having the highest
prevalence of 29%. Furthermore, this age group
(11–15 years old) had the greatest rate in six of the
fifteen categories of disorders, with 45% in the
learning disability category and 38% in the
intellectual and cognitive handicap category
(Musili, 2020). Except for albinism, which had the
highest prevalence at 45%, the age range 0-5 years
had the lowest rates in practically other categories.
In the gifted and talented category, all age groups
over 5 years had the same percentages, ranging
from 28% (6-10 years old) to 31% (11-15 years
old). Disability rates for several categories among
youth aged 16-21 years (hearing impairment,
visual impairment, physical impairment, cerebral
palsy, epilepsy, Down syndrome, autistic
spectrum disorders, intellectual and cognitive
handicap, emotional and behavioural disorders,
learning disabilities, speech and language
disorder, multiple disabilities other than
deafblind, dwarfism and albinism) indicate that
East African Journal of Education Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, 2023
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.6.3.1560
270 | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
the multiple disabilities other than deafblind were
the most common followed by visual impairment
and hearing impairment (Musili, 2020).
The underlying health conditions have several
influences on a learner with a disability, affecting
the rate of school retention. As discussed above,
people with disabilities are more vulnerable to
infections and viruses, contributing to
absenteeism or school dropout because of
hospitalization (Australia Disability Clearing
House on Education and Training, 2020). Some
learners with special needs may be affected by the
environmental condition of the school, such as the
inability to tolerate heat during hot seasons, hence
forcing them to stop schooling. Some special
needs learners are usually on medication to
compact health conditions. Particular medication
contributes to a lack of concentration in class,
which affects performance and ability to learn.
Some health conditions that people with
disabilities suffer are connected to mood swings
and depression, determining the learner's
attendance at school. The health conditions
contribute to gaps in their educational experience,
affecting consistency and adjustment because
people with disabilities are more vulnerable to
infections and viruses, contributing to
absenteeism or school dropout because of
hospitalization (Australia Disability Clearing
House on Education and Training, 2020).
The multiple disabilities effect is also another
thing that significantly impacts special needs
learners' retention at school. Multiple disabilities
denote a situation where a child has more than one
disability. The two examples of such a
combination include intellectual disability and
blindness and intellectual impairment and
orthopaedic (Lombardi, 2019). Such blending has
an impact on children's educational needs. An
individual needs to understand the child's
disabilities involved, the severity of each
disability, and how each of the disabilities present
affects the learning and daily life for him/her to
understand the appropriate support for the child.
Offering an education curriculum that covers all
requirements of the individual with multiple
disabilities may be difficult. The education
programs that should be provided to a child with
multiple disabilities must address all the
conditions, not one or some. Therefore,
inadequate education programs can affect
students’ school retention rates.
Deafness is another disability that has an impact
on the retention of learners with special needs.
Deafness hinders communication, which in turn
affects the learning activities. Children who lose
hearing at a given stage of life after speaking are
helped through hearing aids. Children born with
deafness disability are a bit different when it
comes to assisting them in learning. They majorly
depend on sign language for communication.
According to Mwoma (2017), deaf children learn
better and understand more when taught by a deaf
teacher. Deaf teachers have a deep understanding
of sign language vocabulary better than hearing
special needs trained teachers. Communication
barriers also impact how deaf children interact
with others and adjust to the school environment.
Speech and Language disabilities are other
examples of communication disabilities (CD) that
influence special needs learner retention.
Communication is an essential tool both in
education and in the daily life activity of an
individual. The severity of communication
disability is primarily experienced in teachers
practising in a mainstream setting where there is a
wide range of learners. A challenge emerges when
teachers must address that learner with CD
(Mutai, 2018). Such conditions and other
disabilities among the learners seem more
demanding and disruptive on teachers and other
learners without disabilities. Teachers' attitudes
towards learners with disabilities may be affected
considering the rate of demand for support
required. The teacher's presentation to the learner
determines the willingness to continue studying
and complying with the classroom requirements.
Therefore, the severity of the learner's disability
impacts the teacher's attitude, which in turn affects
the learner's academic success and the focus on
East African Journal of Education Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, 2023
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.6.3.1560
271 | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Parents also play an essential role in influencing
the retention of special needs learners in schools.
Parent perception concerning disability influences
the education progress of the CwD in India. Social
stigma, shock, and acceptance of the child's
condition make some parents deny CwD from
acquiring education. Parental approval of
disability depends on how physical the disability
is and the type and severity of the disability
(Limaye, 2016). Lack of adequate counselling for
parents affects acceptance of the condition,
making them fail to understand the slowness
experienced in education progress. Regarding
that, some parents remove their children from
school or change their children to other schools.
Some fail to appreciate the mainstream education
system, while others develop an overprotective
attitude that impacts the child's learning process.
In Nepal, there was also a problem in retaining
special needs learners in school. According to a
Human Rights Watch report, there was a low
enrolment rate and high dropout of learners with
disabilities (Barriga, 2011). The factors that
contribute to low enrolment and retention rates
include lack of awareness concerning the right to
education for all, enough trained teachers,
required teaching materials, Distance to school,
and means of transport. The other factor is the
negative attitude towards the capability of learners
with impairment.
PwD and their parents/families in Nepal reported
to Human Right Watch that the reason for high
school dropout is because of communication
barriers such as lack of sign language instruction,
difficulty in accessing schools, teachers' attitudes,
and education programs that fail to address
adequate requirements of learners with disability.
The poor environmental condition that is not
friendly based on the needs of the impaired
children and inadequate staff also cause a lack of
trust in the quality of education for children with
disabilities. To add to that, all children in the
mainstream learning system must follow the same
lesson plan regardless of the variation in the
ability and needs of the learners. Therefore,
learners with disabilities repeatedly fail and
rewind the same grade severally, which may be
demoralizing to the learner. Girls with disabilities
in Nepal drop out of school when they reach
puberty because of a lack of school support
(Barriga, 2011). As much as puberty is a problem
for all girls to those with disabilities, they are
already experiencing problems with movement
and coping with other conditions.
Social factors are also an issue that influences the
special needs learner's retention. Stigma from
society is a problem that many people in society
face. Stigmatisation and isolation from the
immediate society, for example, school and
community, contribute to the child with special
needs dropping out of school (Flora, 2015). The
social theory explains that disability is a limitation
to participating in society because of an
inaccessible environment. The approach urges
that social attitude is among the barriers people
with disabilities face (Moyi, 2018). Applying
social theory, one can understand that learners
with special needs fail to access education
opportunities because of obstacles from school
and the community (Flora, 2015). Such barriers
affect their participation and performance in
mainstream settings, hence contributing to school
dropout. It is noted that the studies did not
specifically evaluate the extent to which the
severity of SN and disability affect the retention
of learners with special needs. Therefore, the
researcher tried to fill this gap by evaluating the
extent to which the severity of SN and disability
affect the retention of learners, more so in regular
public primary schools in Lurambi Sub-County.
Theoretical Framework
The study was guided by the Social Model of
Disability theory, which argues that it is the
society that segregates and disables people with
SN; however, this can be averted by the society
changing their perceptions as opposed to focusing
on the rehabilitation and adjusting the individuals
(Owens, 2015; Retief & Letšosa, 2018; Terzi,
2004). The social model of disability was coined
by Michael Oliver due to a series of disability
movements in the 1960s and 1970s in Britain,
where society expected people with disabilities to
East African Journal of Education Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, 2023
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.6.3.1560
272 | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
adjust themselves to the prevailing needs of their
environment (Retief & Letšosa, 2018; Terzi,
2004). Disability is a product of the specific socio-
cultural, economic, and environmental structures;
hence, the social model of disability aims at
addressing issues of discrimination and
oppression of disabled people based on
institutional forms and cultural attitudes drawn
from social practices of exclusions. It advocates
for society with its institutions to adjust their
approach to people with disabilities by creating
ambient environments as opposed to requiring
them to adjust and fit unapologetically in the
defined structures by society. This implies that
learners with SNDs should access education with
other learners without disabilities; however, the
environment, resources, and perceptions of
society should change towards embracing the
least restrictive environments.
Learners with SNDs are often made to feel
segregated and always at fault for being born with
unique and diverse abilities as compared to
learners without disabilities. The theory sensitizes
the entire education system to acknowledge that
learners with SNDS are not lesser humans just for
being born different, but people are abled
differently. It is factual that the difficulties
experienced by these learners cannot be reversed
nor forced to comply with what is presumed to be
conventional. However, society can make the
learners feel welcomed by modifying their
environment stemming from cultural and
individual attitudes to create an accommodating
Mainstreaming is anchored on the theory of the
social model of disability as it advocates
educating learners with SN in regular class and
school settings as opposed to special schools. This
implies that the schools should be accommodative
and inclusive enough for all learners. Noteworthy,
this is expected, but it is paramount to ascertain
whether the policy is implemented on the ground.
Therefore, the social model of disability theory is
relevant to this study as it encourages education
systems to create a mainstream learning
environment for all, hence translating to higher
retention of learners with SNDs. As per the
theory, if there are sufficiently trained SNE
teachers, a disability-friendly environment,
teachers, and education officers who make the
learners experience a sense of belonging, the
school will be an enjoyable place to stay, hence
high retention. Thus, this ensures that the learners'
strength is prioritised instead of focusing on their
Conceptual Framework
From the literature review, the conceptual
framework is developed; it illustrates the
implication of independent variables (indicators
of mainstreaming) on the dependent variables
(indicators of retention), and the two are affected
by the intervening variables.
Figure 1: Effect of mainstreaming on the retention of learners with SN
Source: Researcher (2019)
Independent Variables
Retention of learners with special needs
in regular public primary schools
• Dropout rates
Implementation of mainstreamed
• Intervention strategies
Awareness on Mainstreaming
Practices in education
• Learner based factors
Dependent Variable
Intervening Variables
East African Journal of Education Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, 2023
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.6.3.1560
273 | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
As per the study title, the outcome variable in this
study is the retention of learners with SN in
regular public primary schools. The dropout rate
was used as an indicator of retention. For instance,
when the schools lack teachers trained in special
education, such as sign language, it is very hard
for a learner with partial or severe hearing
impairment to be accommodated in regular
primary school, hence forced to either drop out or
enrol in the special schools. The availability of SN
and disability-friendly resources and
infrastructure also determine the retention of
learners with SN in schools. For instance, when
schools lack infrastructure such as ramps, a
learner in a wheelchair might find it frustrating to
be carried by other learners into a class, hence
dropping out of school. Equally, when teachers
make derogatory statements to learners with SN
due to their negative perceptions of them, they are
likely to drop out of school. In this study, the
independent variable was the implementation of
mainstreaming practices based on the perceptions
of teachers and education officers. Conversely,
the intervening variables are not studied, but they
can influence mainstreaming (independent
variable) and its effects on the retention of
learners with SNDs in regular public primary
schools (Kothari, 2004; Kaur, 2013). This study's
intervening variables constituted awareness about
mainstreaming practices and learner-based
Research Design
Descriptive survey research design was used in
this study. According to Kothari (2004), a
descriptive survey research design aims to
describe the state of affairs of the phenomena as
they exists in the present time. Neuman (2014)
also notes descriptive research gives a vivid
picture of the specific details, relationship, or
social setting of phenomena. This design fit this
study because it aimed at assessing the state of
mainstreaming and its influence on the retention
of learners with SN in regular primary schools.
Study Area
The research was carried out in Lurambi Sub-
County, one of Kakamega County's twelve sub-
counties in Kenya's former Western Province.
Figure 2 depicts a map of the study's location.
Lurambi Sub-county was selected for the study
because it had the highest number of learners with
special needs at the EARC compared to other sub-
counties in Kakamega County. The population of
the Lurambi sub-county is estimated to be
160,229 people, with an area of 161.8 km2. There
are 61 primary schools in the Lurambi Subcounty
(Kiiti et al., 2020). Butsotso East, Butsotso South,
Butsotso Central, Shieywe, Mahiakalo, and
Shirere are among the wards.
East African Journal of Education Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, 2023
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.6.3.1560
274 | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Figure 2: A Map of the study area - Lurambi Sub-county
Source: Researcher (2019)
Target Population, Sampling Procedures and
Sample Size
The study targeted 440 teachers in 29 primary
schools (see Table 1). Mugenda and Mugenda
(2008) point out that a population is the total
number of the entire group of individuals, events,
or objects sharing common observable attributes
and characteristics. The total population
comprised four hundred and forty respondents,
which made up the target population of the study.
Sampling Procedures
The study used cluster sampling to cluster the 29
primary schools in different locations within
Lurambi Sub-county. Purposive sampling is a
method used to select the subjects with the
required information. Therefore, purposive
sampling was used to select the 29 schools with
special units for CwDs because they had the
information the researcher needed. Simple
random sampling was used to select samples
without bias from the accessible population; it
was justified because it accorded each member of
the population an equal and independent chance
of being selected and independent choice.
Sample Size Determination
This research drew a sample size using Yamane's
formula. The sample size was determined from
the target population using the Yamane's formula
(Yamane, 1967).
Where n = the desired sample size, N = the total
population, e = the level of statistical significance
Therefore, the sample size for teaching staff and
non-teaching staff is:
Therefore, the total sample size is 210+22 = 232
East African Journal of Education Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, 2023
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.6.3.1560
275 | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The sample size for each stratum was determined
using a sample proportionate stratification
approach. With proportionate stratification, the
sample size of each stratum is proportionate to the
population size of the stratum. The following
equation determines strata sample sizes.
Where =sample size for strata, N = the total
population size, n = total sample size,
=population size for the strata
Table 1: Target population and sample size
Target Population
Sample size
Data Collection Instruments
The research instruments used included
questionnaires (questionnaires for teachers) and
checklists (Teaching, learning Equipment and
Materials Checklist). The questionnaires
primarily focused on collecting data on the
perceptions of teachers on mainstreaming and
how they affect the retention of learners with SN.
A five-point Likert Scale questionnaire was used
(Agree, Strongly Agree, Not Sure, Disagree, and
Strongly Disagree).
A checklist is a pre-set form used for rapid and
easy data recording. It was simple to extract data
because it frequently relies on records and
observable features, and it was especially useful
when tracking the occurrence of incidents, events,
activities, or difficulties (Andersen, 2007; Bauer
et al., 2006). A checklist was used to call attention
to various aspects of an object or situation.
Data Analysis
The researcher ensured that the questionnaires
were accurate and complete as received from the
respondents during the process of data collection.
The questionnaires were coded and keyed into the
statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)
version 26 for processing. In this study, the
researcher used both descriptive and inferential
statistics. The data collected was presented in the
form of tables and frequency distribution.
Descriptive analysis entailed the use of
frequencies, mean, percentages and standard
deviation, while inferential statistics involved
Pearson correlation and linear regression.
According to Kothari (2014), correlation tests the
strength and direction of the relationship between
variables. It is used to explore the relationship
among groups of variables. Linear regression
analysis was used to examine the direct influence
of independent variables on independent
variables. The regression model used was as
Regression equation without moderator
Where Y is the outcome variable (retention of
learners with SN), β0 is the y-intercept or constant.
X1, X2 and X3 denote the Implementation of
mainstreamed practices, Awareness of inclusive
education, and learner-based factors, ε denotes the
error margin. β1, β2 and β3 - Model coefficients,
which are significantly large have a significant
influence on the model.
Ethical Issues and Considerations
The researcher obtained an introductory letter and
clearance from the Maasai Mara University
School of graduate studies. This enabled the
researcher to obtain a research permit from the
National Commission for Science, Technology,
and Innovations (NACOSTI). The researcher was
at liberty to conduct the research in the study area.
In addition, the researcher sought approval for
data collection in the study area from the Lurambi
Sub-County Director of Education before actual
data collection. While at the respective schools,
the researcher could first seek permission from the
head teacher or any other relevant authority before
conducting the study.
East African Journal of Education Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, 2023
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.6.3.1560
276 | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The questionnaires were only administered in the
respective schools in the study area upon approval
by the relevant authorities. Permission to conduct
the study was from the County Director of
Education, the Education Assessment and
Resource Centre (EARC) Lurambi Sub-County
Office, and the head teachers. The participation of
respondents in the study was on a voluntary basis.
The researcher explained to the respondents the
purpose and procedures of the study before
commencing the data collection process. The
responses of the respondents were treated with the
utmost confidentiality.
Rate of Questionnaire Return
A total of 214 questionnaires were issued to the
respondents. A total of 198 (93%) questionnaires
were received back. Of these, 15 (7.5%) were
dropped out of the tally for having significant gaps
in response for variable items.
Table 2: Survey response rate
Unit of
Data collection
% effective
response rate
From 2, a total of 183 questionnaires were used
for data analysis. This represented 86% of the
questionnaire return rate. According to Kothari, C
(1993), over 60% return rate was an acceptable
return for a survey studies such as this one.
Demographic Information
Before embarking on the study's main objectives,
it was important to find out the respondents'
background information. This was ascertained by
gender, age, education, years of teaching
experience, type of special need and area of
specialization. Background information was
important as it lays a basic foundation on which
interpretations of the study are based.
Furthermore, the respondents' background
information enables both the researcher and the
readers to have confidence in the study. The
results of demographic information are shown in
Table 3.
The results presented in Table 3. show that
68(37.2%) of the respondents were male, while
115(62.8%) were female. The findings reveal the
gender disparity in favour of female teachers as
compared to male teachers. In terms of age
distribution, teachers between 21 - 30 years were
40(21.9%), between 31 - 40 years were
82(44.8%), and between 41 and 50 years were
61(33.3%). On the level of education of the SN
teachers, the majority, 87 (47.5%), had attained a
Certificate level of education, 69 (37.7%) had a
Diploma, the teachers who had attained Degree
level 15 (8.2%) while a 6 (3.3%) of the teachers
had Master's degree. The results further show that
the majority of the teachers, 78(42.6%), had work
experience of 0-5 years. Those who had 6-10
years of experience were 45(24.6%) teachers,
36(19.7%) had worked as teachers for 11-15 years
and above 15 years was 24(13.2%). The results
indicated that the majority of the respondents had
served long enough to give information on the
effects of mainstreaming on the retention of
learners with SN in regular public primary schools
in Lurambi Sub-County, Kakamega County,
The researcher also sought to find out from the
respondents the type of special need that is
dominant in the school they teach; from the
results, 79(43.2%) of the respondents' schools had
mentally challenged students, 64(35%) had
physically challenged students, 10(5.5%) had
visual impaired students, 9(4.9%) had hearing
impaired students, 7(3.8%) had learning disability
students, 8(4.4%) had cerebral palsy students
while 6(3.3%) had Autism students. On the area
of specialization of teachers, 8(4.4%) had
specialized in mentally challenged students,
12(6.6%) in physical challenged students,
58(31.7%) in visual impaired students, 84(45.9%)
in hearing impaired students, 12(6.6%) in learning
disability students, 5(2.7%) in cerebral palsy
East African Journal of Education Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, 2023
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.6.3.1560
277 | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
students while 4(2.2%) had specialized in Autism
Table 3: Demographic information
Per cent
Above 15
Type of special need
Mentally challenged
Physically challenged
Visual impaired
Hearing impaired
Learning Disability
Cerebral palsy
Area of specialization
Mentally challenged
Physical challenged
Visual impaired
Hearing impaired
Learning disability
Cerebral palsy
Mainstreaming Practices and Learners'
Retention of Learners Regular Public Primary
Type of SN and Disability
The researcher first sought to find out the extent
of severity of SN on the retention of learners with
SN in regular public primary schools. The data
used on the type of disability was from 2015 to
2020, as displayed in Table 4 below.
From the data, it is indicated that in the year 2015,
the majority, 402 of the learners with SN and
disabilities were mentally challenged, followed by
those with learning disabilities 186, 24 of the
learners had autism as well as those who had
cerebral palsy, only 6 were physically challenged
as well as those who were visually impaired, there
were no learners with hearing impaired. Only 5
learners dropped out of school. In 2016, most of
the learners, 447 were mentally challenged, and
423 had a learning disability. 55, 40, 24, and 9
learners were physically challenged, with cerebral
palsy, autism, and visually impaired, respectively.
In the years 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020, the
majority of learners were mentally challenged
457, 528, 530, and 542, respectively. From the
East African Journal of Education Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, 2023
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.6.3.1560
278 | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
data collected, it shows that from 2017 to 2020,
the number of learners with a learning disability
were 468, 450, 483, and 472 consecutively. The
hearing impairment cases were minimal, as
observed in Table 4. The dropout rate was
reported with a small proportion (4, 3, 6, 7, 10 and
11) dropouts from 2015 to 2020, respectively. The
dropout rate measured retention of the primary
schools based on whether the children moved out
of the schools or not. The changes in the dropout
rates were evidence of variation in the retention
rates across the different schools involved in the
Table 4: Type of SN and disability
Type of SN and Disabilities
Total Number of Learners
Mentally challenged
Physically Challenged
Visually impaired
Learning Disability
Cerebral palsy
Any other
Categories of Disabilities
The study found it ideal to investigate the category
of disability among the learners in regular public
primary schools in the Lurambi sub-county by
categorizing them into either mild, moderate, or
severe. The findings of the research and the results
are presented in Table 5 below.
Table 5: Categorization of disabilities
Per cent
From the results, 115(62.8%) of learners in the
Lurambi sub-county in regular public primary
schools were found to have moderate cases of
disability, followed by 42(23%) with mild cases,
and the least severe with 26(14.2%). Therefore, it
can be concluded from the analysis that most of
the learners in special schools have moderate
cases of special needs and disability.
Equipment and Materials that Affect the
Retention of Learners
The study also sought to investigate the
availability of assistive equipment and materials
that influence the retention of learners in regular
public primary schools in the Lurambi sub-
county. The findings of the study are illustrated in
Table 6 below.
From the findings of the study, regular public
primary schools in the Lurambi sub-county
recorded a low number of equipment and
materials. Among the regular public primary
schools in the Lurambi sub-county, the schools
reported having 43 hearing aids, even though in
the year 2020, the number of learners recorded
with hearing impairment was more compared to
the previous years. The equipment was less due to
the mild cases from the majority of the learners
that were reported by regular public primary
schools. The cases were not severe; hence, the
teachers might have used other available means to
assist these learners, including speaking audibly
and loud enough in clear voices, large print, and
well-ventilated rooms for those with low vision.
The severity of these cases being moderate and
East African Journal of Education Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, 2023
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.6.3.1560
279 | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
mild made it possible for learners with SN to be
managed in regular public primary schools.
Table 6: List of equipment and materials that affect the retention of learners
Hearing Aids
Standing aids
Number/Letter Puzzles
Scored Board
Theme Board
In addition, out of 183 learners who were
physically challenged, the schools recorded 27
crutches and 45 wheelchairs, which aided in
mobility. Most of the learners had moderate and
mild cases, which probably required environment
modification to enable them to learn effectively.
The schools are also reported to have only two
commodes, which might not be enough given the
high numbers of learners who are likely to use
Challenges of Mainstreaming Practices
The researcher sought to find out some of the
problems faced during the application of
mainstreaming practices on the retention of
learners with SN in regular public primary
schools. The results are displayed in Table 7.
Table 7: Challenges of mainstreaming practices
Per cent
Regular teachers do not want students with SN in their class
Regular class teachers lack adequate information on the special needs
Less participation in class and rules are not followed
Regular approaches to teaching learners without SN
From Table 7, 86(47%) of the respondents do not
want students with SN in their class, 83(45.4%) of
the respondents lack adequate information on
special needs learners, while 9(4.9%) of the
respondents cited less participation in class and
school rules not being followed. On the other
hand, 5(2.7%) of the respondents use regular
approaches in teaching children without SN,
which affects learners with SN.
Expectations from the Ministry of Education for
the Best Way to Apply Mainstreaming
The researcher also sought to find out the
expectations of the ministry of education on the
best way to apply mainstreaming practices in
regular public primary schools. The results are
displayed in Table 8.
From Table 8, the results show that 85(46.4%) of
the respondents believe that regulation should be
made on mainstreaming practices, 46(25.1%) of
the respondents believe that necessary
infrastructure should be provided, 36(19.7%) of
the respondents believe that enough funds should
be provided while 16(8.7%) of the respondents
believe that the ministry should increase
sensitization towards mainstreaming practices in
regular public primary schools.
East African Journal of Education Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, 2023
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.6.3.1560
280 | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Table 8: Expectations from the Ministry of Education for the best way to apply mainstreaming
Per cent
Regulation should be made
Provision of necessary infrastructure
Provision of enough funds
Increase Sensitivity towards mainstreaming
Expectations of Teachers on the Application of
Mainstreaming Practices
The researcher also sought to find out the
expectations of teachers on the application of
mainstreaming practices in regular public primary
schools. The results are displayed in Table 9.
From the results in Table 9, 49 (26.8%) of the
respondents believe that regular teachers should
be patient, accept and be warm towards students
with SN and develop themselves through research
collaboration among parents, special education
teachers and counsellors. The results further
reveal that 85 (46.4%) of the respondents should
be able to fulfil their duties as teachers.
Table 9: Expectations of teachers on the application of mainstreaming practices
Per cent
Be more patient, accepting and warm towards students with SN
Develop themselves through research collaboration among parents, special
education teachers and counsellors
To fulfil their duties as a teacher
Benefits of Mainstreaming
The researcher also sought to find out the benefits
of mainstreaming practices in regular public
primary schools. The results are displayed in
Table 10.
Table 10: Benefits of mainstreaming practices
Per cent
Increase Confidence
Increase Socializing
Develop academically
Develop understanding and acceptance of different individuals
Develop communication skills
From Table 10, the results show that 27(14.8%) of
the respondents believe that mainstreaming
practices increase confidence, 38(20.8%) of the
respondents believe that it increases socializing,
20(10.9%) of the respondents believe that it
develops academically while 62(33.9%) of the
respondents believe that it develops
understanding and acceptance of different
Ways for the Application of Mainstreaming
The researcher also sought to find out the ways of
applying mainstreaming practices in regular
public primary schools. The results are displayed
in Table 11. From Table 11, the results show that
21(11.5%) of the respondents are of the opinion
that time spent in the resource room should be
increased, 25(13.7%) of the responds are of the
opinion that infrastructure problems should be
resolved while 73(39.9%) of the respondents
suggest that resource rooms should be opened in
all schools. On the other hand, the results show
that 12(6.6%) of the respondents believe that
teacher development should be enabled.
32(17.5%) believe that the mainstreaming
practices should serve the intended purpose, while
East African Journal of Education Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, 2023
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.6.3.1560
281 | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
20(10.9%) of the respondents believe that the
relationship among parents, teachers and
administrators should be good.
Table 11: Ways for the application of mainstreaming
Time spent in the resource room should be increased
Infrastructure problems should be resolved
resource rooms should be opened in all schools
Teacher development should be enabled
Mainstreaming applications should serve their purpose
The relationship among parents, teachers and administrators should be good
Implementation of Mainstreamed Practices
and Retention of Learners with SN
The study sought to determine the implementation
of mainstreamed practices on the retention of
learners with SN in regular public primary
schools. To establish this, a simple linear
regression test was used. The study utilized the
following null hypothesis, which was tested at a
0.05 level of significance.
H01: There is no significant difference between the
implementation of mainstreaming practices and
the retention of learners with special needs in
regular public primary schools in Lurambi Sub-
The results are shown in Tables 12 to 14.
Table 12: Model summary
Std. Error of
the Estimate
Change Statistics
R Square
Sig. F
a. Predictors: (Constant), Implementation of mainstreamed practices
b. Predictors: (Constant), Implementation of mainstreamed practices, Awareness of inclusive education,
learner-based factors
c. Dependent Variable: Retention of learners with SN in regular public primary schools
Table 13: ANOVA
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
a. Dependent Variable: Retention of learners with SN in regular public primary schools
b. Predictors: (Constant), Implementation of Mainstreaming practices
c. Predictors: (Constant), Implementation of Mainstreaming practices, Awareness of inclusive education,
learner-based factors
East African Journal of Education Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, 2023
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.6.3.1560
282 | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Table 14: Regression coefficients
Std. Error
Implementation of mainstreamed
Implementation of mainstreamed
Awareness of inclusive education
learner-based factors
a. Dependent Variable: Retention of learners with SN in regular public primary schools
Tables 12 – 14 show that with the inclusion of the
interaction effect of awareness on inclusive
education and learner-based factors in the
relationship implementation of mainstreaming
practices on retention of learners with SN in
regular public primary schools. A multiple linear
regression was fitted to explain the
implementation of mainstreaming practices on
retention of learners with SN in regular public
primary schools using awareness of inclusive
education and learner-based factors as the
intervening/moderating variable. All the
assumptions of regression analysis were met
except the autocorrelation assumption between
residuals. The results in the model summary show
that the "R Square Change" in model 1 increased
in variation as a result of the addition of the
interaction term, i.e., 10.6% (i.e., 0.106), which is
the percentage increase in the variation explained
by the addition of the interaction term. The results
further show that this increase is statistically
significant (p < .05), a result we obtain from the
"Sig. F Change" column. Therefore, we can
conclude that awareness of inclusive education
and learner-based factors do moderate retention of
learners with SN in regular public primary
schools. Further, though still more accurate
prediction about retention of learners with SN in
regular public primary schools could be made (F-
ratio > 1) with the inclusion of interaction effect
(awareness on inclusive education and learner-
based factors), this accuracy has decreased, i.e., F-
ratio increased from 3.304 to 8.417. Finally,
model 2 has p-values of 0.000 and 0.040 for the
interaction effect (awareness of inclusive
education and learner-based factors), which
shows that the null hypothesis of having no
moderating effect of awareness on inclusive
education and learner-based factors on the linkage
between implementation of mainstreamed
practices and retention of learners with SN in
regular public primary schools is rejected for
awareness on inclusive education and learner-
based factors because the p-value (sig value in
regression coefficient table) is less than the level
of significance of the study i.e. 0.05. The null
hypothesis of having no moderating effect of the
implementation of mainstreamed practices on
retention of learners with SN in regular public
primary schools is rejected for awareness of
inclusive education and learner-based factors
because the p-value (sig value in regression
coefficient table) is less than the level of
significance of the study, i.e., 0.05.
Regression equation:
The Retention of Learners with SN in Regular
Public Primary Schools
The researcher sought to find out factors that
measure the retention of learners with SN in
regular public primary schools in Lurambi Sub-
County. Retention of learners was measured by
the dropout rates. The study considered four
strategies including; equipment to accommodate
learners regardless of their severity, teachers
rarely experience challenges teaching learners
regardless of severity, Teachers' perception of the
severity of learners influences their willingness to
East African Journal of Education Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, 2023
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.6.3.1560
283 | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
teach, and Distance between school and learners'
homes limits retention of learners based on the
severity for the teachers and four strategies that
include; infrastructure well suited regardless of
Severity, Materials well suited regardless of
severity, Retention of learners, Open to admit
learners regardless of their disability for the heads.
Responses were analysed descriptively by
determining the percentage response, mean
response, and standard deviation on each of the
strategies, which were measured on a five scale
Likert. The summary of the responses on a five
scale Likert is presented in Table 15.
Table 15: Respondents' views on the retention of learners based on the extent of severity
Equipment to accommodate learners
regardless of their SN
Teachers rarely experience
challenges teaching learners
regardless of SN
6 (3.3)
9 (4.9)
Teachers' perception towards learners
with SN influences their willingness
to teach
Distance between school and
learners' homes limits retention of
learners based on the severity
Key: SA = Strongly agree, A = Agree, N = Neutral, D = Disagree, SD = Strongly Disagree; StD = Standard
The results regarding retention of learners with
SN in regular public primary schools in Lurambi
sub-county on a scale of 1-5, where one is strongly
disagree, five is strongly agreed and strongly
Disagree (SD), Disagree (D), Not sure (NS), agree
(A) and strongly agree (SA). The results indicated
that the majority of the participants, 84(45.9%),
disagreed that there was enough equipment and
preparedness to admit and accommodate SN
regardless of their needs, and 69(37.7%) of the
respondents agreed with the same statement.
147(80.4%) of the respondents agreed that
teachers rarely experience challenges in teaching
learners regardless of their severity (M = 2.02, SD
= 1.29), and those respondents who were with a
contrary opinion 27(14.8%). Relating teachers'
perception of the severity of learners and how it
influences their willingness to teach was opposed
by the majority of the teachers, 87(47.5%), (M =
3.20, SD = 1). On the other hand, 63(34.4%) of
the respondents supported that the teachers'
perception of the severity of learners influenced
their willingness to teach (M = 3.20, SD = 1.57).
Most of the teachers, 39(21.3%) of the
respondents (M = 3.66, SD = 1.36), indicated that
retention of learners with SN was based on their
needs; this was supported by the Distance between
school and learners' homes, which limits retention
of learners based on their level of disability. The
findings were similar to those of Owens (2015)
and Retief & Letšosa (2018) since the Distance
travelled by learners was one of the factors linked
to an increased rate of dropouts among CwD.
Nonetheless, Terzi (2004) explained that changes
in the dropout rates (retention) were influenced by
other factors such as the available SN schools,
adequate resources to facilitate the children's
education and the parental push to enable the
learners to gain primary education.
Summary of the Findings
The majority of the teachers disagreed with the
statement that learners with SN should be taught
in mainstream schools. This implied that they
have a negative attitude towards mainstreaming
learners with SN, a point which was confirmed by
the teachers when they reported that
communicating with learners with special needs
was frustrating for them. The majority of the
teachers preferred handling learners without SN,
and most of them also disagreed with handling
both learners.
East African Journal of Education Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, 2023
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.6.3.1560
284 | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
For effective intervention strategies, teaching-
learning resources are very important for teaching
learners with SN. It was found that textbooks,
hearing aids, speech aids, charts, models, and
computers were available in varying quantities.
From the statistical test to compare the effect of
intervention strategies on retention of learners
with SN, it was found that learners with SN scored
significantly lower than their counterparts without
SN. Intervening variables of awareness on
inclusive education and learner-based factors also
played a vital role in the retention of these
The majority of the teachers did not support the
idea of full inclusion of learners with SN in their
mainstream classrooms, but they accepted them.
The teachers were less willing to educate learners
with SN in the mainstream classroom. These
teachers also felt that such learners lacked the
skills needed to master the mainstream classroom
curriculum. These findings suggest primary
mainstream teachers are willing to include
learners with SN. These findings agree with Liu et
al. (1999). Teachers tend to be more willing to
educate students in their classrooms as long as the
students do not have severe SN. These findings
are also in line with the conclusion of the research
done by Al Ghazo and Gaad (2004).
In conclusion, the study showed that teachers'
attitude on mainstream education for learners with
SN was just physically having and accepting
learners in their school and in their classrooms.
However, offering learning experiences and
providing opportunities that require learners with
special needs to actively participate in their
learning seemed minimal in practice. Some
teachers were aware of the fact that there was a
need to help learners with special needs by
creating extra time for them. Failure to do so
would just be a confirmation to them that they are
unable to cater for their diverse needs, and
therefore, their self-efficacy, attitude and morale
would be affected. Teachers should be advised to
collaborate with special education teachers,
school counsellors, and school administrators in
order to find more positive solutions to challenges
facing learners with SN. In this context, it can be
said that school administrators should have
regular assessment meetings with teachers who
have mainstream learners and other relevant
teachers. Retention was influenced by factors
such as Distance from school, availability of
special needs schools, and adequate resources to
facilitate the children's education.
Recommendations of the study
The study recommends the development of
policies and legislation that support learners with
SN. Coming up with administrative policies
within the school environment, including friendly
rules and regulations. The motivation of teachers
through better remuneration and certification to
positively change their attitude towards learners
with SN. Introduction of a diversified curriculum
and examination system that accommodates
learners with SN.
Recommendations for Further Research
A comparative study should be conducted to
establish the effects of learners with SN on the
educational performance of learners without SN.
The sense of self-efficacy of the teachers in the
mainstream classroom. The discrepancy between
policy and practice of mainstream education in
public primary schools.
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