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Leadership Styles and School Effectiveness



Leadership is the act of motivating subordinates to carry out specific functions to achieve organizational objectives. Leadership is key to institutional growth and development. Leadership styles are ways and methods employed by leaders to govern subordinates under them. Leadership styles are behaviors and practices adopted by organizational leaders to direct the affairs of the organization for success. Both Leadership and Leadership styles are crucial to the realization of institutional objectives.The paper adopted a review research to examine different types of leadership styles and their impact on teacher's job performance and students' academic performance in the schools. Secondary data were collected based on the inclusion and exclusion method. Secondary data were collected from online publications and print materials. 93 publications were collected and 52 literatures were finally used. The content analysis method was used to select the literature. The review results showed that visionary leadership style, strategic leadership style, coaching leadership style, situational leadership style and charismatic leadership styles have an impact on school administration in the areas of teachers' job performance and students' academic performance in schools.
International Journal of
Development and Public Policy
| e-ISSN: 2792-3991 | | Volume: 3 Issue: 11
Published under an exclusive license by open access journals under Volume: 3 Issue: 11 in Nov -2023
Copyright (c) 2023 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution
License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit
Leadership Styles and School Effectiveness
Niyi Jacob Ogunode
Ukpoju Bartholomew Ojochnemi
Victor Olugbenga Ayoko
Abstract: Leadership is the act of motivating subordinates to carry out specific functions to achieve
organizational objectives. Leadership is key to institutional growth and development. Leadership
styles are ways and methods employed by leaders to govern subordinates under them. Leadership
styles are behaviors and practices adopted by organizational leaders to direct the affairs of the
organization for success. Both Leadership and Leadership styles are crucial to the realization of
institutional objectives.The paper adopted a review research to examine different types of
leadership styles and their impact on teacher's job performance and students' academic performance
in the schools. Secondary data were collected based on the inclusion and exclusion method.
Secondary data were collected from online publications and print materials. 93 publications were
collected and 52 literatures were finally used. The content analysis method was used to select the
literature. The review results showed that visionary leadership style, strategic leadership style,
coaching leadership style, situational leadership style and charismatic leadership styles have an
impact on school administration in the areas of teachers' job performance and students' academic
performance in schools.
Keywords: School administrators, Leadership styles.
A leader is someone who inspires passion and motivation in followers. A leader is someone
with a vision and the path to realizing it. A leader is someone who ensures their team has
support and tools to achieve their goals. In general, the role of a leader is to coach, guide, and
inspire others (Perry, 2022). They motivate teams through challenging times and guide
individuals through their career progressions. A leader manages individuals to keep teams
aligned and working toward shared goals. They foster a collaborative culture and lead by
example (Perry, 2022). A leader is defined as someone who performs managerial roles in an
organization, such as decision-making and implementing plans.
A leader is someone who is in charge of organizing, guiding, and managing others. They are
visionaries who motivate and encourage their team to reach the desired outcome (Pandey 2023). The
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about the roles and responsibilities of a leader. A leader is someone who directs and motivates a
group of people or an individual to accomplish a certain goal. Those who are leaders inspire
followers to take the initiatives necessary for success. The abilities required to be an effective
leader must be developed via learning and practice (Pandey 2023). From the above, a leader is a
person who inspires others to work and carry out specific responsibilities. A leader is someone
who identifies a goal and achieves the goal.
International Journal of
Development and Public Policy
| e-ISSN: 2792-3991 | | Volume: 3 Issue: 11
Published under an exclusive license by open access journals under Volume: 3 Issue: 11 in Nov -2023
Copyright (c) 2023 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution
License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit
Leadership is the act of motivating subordinates to carry out specific functions to achieve
organizational objectives. Leadership is key to institutional growth and development. Ogunode,
(2023) noted that leadership is the process of motivating people to carry out functions. Leadership
is an inbuilt and acquired knowledge of inspiring, directing, guiding and ensuring people that who
are supposed to carry out some responsibilities carry them out at the right time. Leadership is an act
of practically motivating and supervising subordinates to carry out specific tasks for institutions to
realize the institution's objectives. Leadership is the process of ensuring specific assignments are
carried out by those who are assigned to carry them out trot the act of personal and acquired skills
of motivation and organization. Adwella (2014) saw leadership as the operational tool in
influencing people to strive willingly and enthusiastically towards the achievement of
organisational goals, including secondary schools. According to Kruse (2013) "Leadership is a
process of social influence, which maximises the efforts of others towards the achievement of a
goal" In his view, Nworgu (1991) stated that leadership is the process of influencing the activities
of a group of people by a leader in effort towards goal achievement. Similarly, Igbal, Anwar, and
Haider (2015) see leadership as a process, by which leaders can direct, guide and influence the
behaviour and work of others towards the accomplishment of a specific goal in a given situation.
From the above, leadership is the act of giving direction to followers. Leadership is the provision of
guidance and leadership is the process of motivating others to perform some specific assignment
without forcing them. Leadership is the ability and capacity to inspire and motivate people to work
and to create an atmosphere to work. Leadership is a person with qualities of foresight, self-
confidence and personal integrity capable of using them to guide and direct others. Leadership is a
process that involves influencing people to carry out some responsibilities without forcing them.
Many factors determine leadership success or failure in institutions. The level of leadership
training, motivation, team spirit, work environment, management policies, level of supervision and
leadership styles. Leadership styles are very important to leaders. Leadership styles help leaders to
provide solutions to organizational problems in their respective problems (Ogunode, 2023).
Leadership styles are ways and methods employed by leaders to govern subordinates under them.
Okumbe, (1998) viewed leadership styles as particular behaviors applied by a leader to motivate
subordinates to achieve the objectives of the organization. Akinwumiju & Olaniyan (1996), and
Adeyemi (2006), leadership style is seen as a process through which the leader influences others in
the process of attaining the group goal. As a process, it requires that the leader has a laid down
procedure to follow in his/her leadership activities, and such a leader has specific direction to
follow. Oyetunyi (2006), leadership style is the way a leader leads. Some leaders are more
interested in the work to be done than in the people they work with, whilst others pay more
attention to their relationship with subordinates than the job. Both Leadership and leadership styles
are crucial to the realization of institutional objectives. Leadership style in this paper is the unique
way a leader coordinates the affairs of the institutions towards attaining the objectives of the
Theories of Leadership
It is important for school administrator to understand leadership theories and how they impact their
leadership style. By recognizing what leadership style a leader gravitate toward, or what leadership theory
the leader will like to employ, can help in determine how to be the most effective school leader possible.
Understanding the leadership theories and styles in the school system, will make it possible for school
leaders to understand what can be done to improve on it. Leadership theories are the explanations of how
and why certain people become leaders. This theories focus on behaviors and traits such as adequate self-
organizational skills, good moral and ethical standards, high learning efficiencies, abilities to nurture the
International Journal of
Development and Public Policy
| e-ISSN: 2792-3991 | | Volume: 3 Issue: 11
Published under an exclusive license by open access journals under Volume: 3 Issue: 11 in Nov -2023
Copyright (c) 2023 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution
License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit
development and growth of subordinates, encouraging relationship that leaders can adopt to increase their
leadership potentials.
leadership that will help followers to work efficiently towards expected outcomes
Figure 1: Types of Leadership Theories
Source: Ogunode, Ojochnemi & Ayoko (2023)
Leadership Styles in Educational Organizations
According to Ogunode, Olowonefa & Ayoko (2023), School administrators have opportunities to adopt
different leadership styles that best suit the situation of their schools. Leadership styles are very important
in school management and administration. It provides opportunities for school leaders to solve pressing
school challenges
School administrators in Nigeria are faced with the challenges of adopting the right and most effective
leadership style to address these problems in the educational system. It is a major factor in determining the
success and progress of an institution. It is the key to success in every organization because it can either
influence the climate of the school positively or negatively. Without effective leadership, even an
institution full of talented teachers will surely drift without purpose. This paper is aimed to discuss the
importance of the 
job performances in educational organizations across the country.
a). Concept of Visionary Leadership Style
Visionary leaders inspire others to work toward a vision for the future. Pros. Visionary leaders
inspire and motivate others with their vision for the future. They encourage creative thinking and
innovation by challenging the status quo and promoting new ideas. They can face difficulty
communicating their grand vision, which can result in misunderstandings or confusion among team
Relationship Theory
Participative Theory
International Journal of
Development and Public Policy
| e-ISSN: 2792-3991 | | Volume: 3 Issue: 11
Published under an exclusive license by open access journals under Volume: 3 Issue: 11 in Nov -2023
Copyright (c) 2023 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution
License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit
members. Visionary leaders may also establish ambitious goals that can be challenging to achieve,
potentially creating pressure and fostering unrealistic expectations. Becker (2023) observed that
visionary leadership focuses on future and long-term goals. They aim to inspire and guide their
team towards the achievement of a shared vision. This type of leader encourages collaboration,
emotional intelligence, and teamwork. They also foster a culture of innovation and change,
encouraging individuals to embrace new ideas and approaches. Visionary leaders can create a clear
plan for employees to follow and execute.
They are powerful and persuasive communicators, which help in energizing the teams toward
impactful business growth. As the focus is on future growth, visionary leaders can forecast
potential roadblocks and outline action plans, giving employees increased confidence during
uncertainty or challenging times. Teams can do more and enjoy their work more if they have a
vision to work toward. This type of leader offers vision statements and other tools to inspire and
motivate teams to engage at work (Becker 2023). Indeed (2023) maintained that Visionary leaders
possess a powerful ability to drive progress and usher in periods of change by inspiring employees
and earning trust for new ideas. A visionary leader is also able to establish a strong organizational
bond. They strive to foster confidence among direct reports and colleagues alike. Visionary style is
especially helpful for small, fast-growing organizations, or larger organizations experiencing
transformations or restructuring. Visionary leaders tend to be persistent and bold, strategic and
open to taking risks. They're often described as inspirational, optimistic, innovative and magnetic
From the above, this paper defined visionary leadership style as leadership style where the leaders
set a clear vision for the institutions and the various staff in the institutions. Visionary leaders give
more attention to communication in educational institutions.
Visionary leaders create a vision for their team members and create clear communication that
inspires team members to work. Visionary leaders are inclusive because they understand the value
of their team members and know how to get the vision across to them. Visionary leaders are leaders
with big dreams and visions. They are thinkers and optimistic about their vision. They believe in
their vision with an unmatched passion driven by the sincere belief that it can and will happen (with
the help of a team of course). Visionary leader clearly understands what direction the institutions
need to proceed and how to get the institutions there.
On the merits side, visionary leader has their eyes on the set vision and prize. Visionary leaders
are not discouraged by minor setbacks and internal problems. Visionary leaders are good at
creating plans to deal with crises or unexpected obstacles. Visionary leadership leads to the
attainment of institutional objectives.
The demerit of the Visionary leadership style is that it is often a problem with a short-term focus.
Visionary leaders aren't crazy about the opinions of others who see the future differently than
they do. The problem is that visionary leaders' personalities can overwhelm a company's goals
and brand so that the company becomes all about them.
McMackin (2022) listed the following as advantages of the visionary leadership style
1. Directional Hyperfocus: Visionaries have a way of always bringing it back to the main vision,
ensuring that everyone is on track and heading in the right direction. Small bumps in the road are
no match for their persistence and desire for the vision to come to fruition. These long-term
thinkers pair well with the short-term and day-to-day team members who implement the work
needed to achieve the vision.
International Journal of
Development and Public Policy
| e-ISSN: 2792-3991 | | Volume: 3 Issue: 11
Published under an exclusive license by open access journals under Volume: 3 Issue: 11 in Nov -2023
Copyright (c) 2023 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution
License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit
2. Comfortable with Risk: When there is something worth striving for, risks are part of the game.
Visionaries are more likely to take calculated risks because they can see the bigger picture and
therefore more accurately understand not only the cost but the potential gain. Their optimistic
nature also helps calm the nerves when it comes to making any kind of jump.
3. Optimistic Energy: Has it been mentioned yet that visionaries are optimistic people? One of the
most lovable qualities of a visionary leader is their unwavering optimism and dedication to the
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Visionaries play an important role when it comes to inspiring a team to action and assigning
meaning to their work.
4. Creativity and Innovation: Visionaries are known to be creative and innovative, they have to
have a clear vision of the future in which their idea comes to life. Much like inspiring optimism in
their teams, they also inspire people to let their creative juices flow. They encourage an
environment where innovation can thrive by establishing it as the norm. While their ability to be
creative and innovative is unmatched, permitting others to exercise these often suppressed qualities
creates the perfect environment for future visionaries to spread their wings.
5. Inspiration and Direction: At their best, visionaries are simply great people to be around. They
are known not just for their value but also for acknowledging workers' achievements and
recognizing their contributions to the overall vision. Appreciated people are more likely to give it
their all and help advance the vision for everyone. Visionaries create a united front of inspired
people with a common goal.
McMackin (2022) listed the following as disadvantages of the visionary leadership style
1. Hyperfocus on the Wrong Things: Visionaries tend to hyperfocus on the big picture and
neglect the details and processes that would allow them to reach the end goal. This can leave a team
frustrated as they can see the vision but lack any kind of instructions on how to make it happen.
The big vision can be overwhelming to a team when there is no guidance on how to obtain it.
2 Disconnected from Reality: While the visionary is focused on the big picture and distant vision,
they tend to ignore the present as it seems much less interesting than the "what ifs". This lack of
day-to-day perspective and guidance can lead to additional frustration from a team that struggles to
see the clear path to the vision or even their roles in obtaining it. The team may also tire of having
to constantly remind the visionary that we live on planet Earth and the laws of physics (or general
business) apply here.
3. Bore Easily: A bored visionary is problematic as they rely heavily on the energy that comes with
exciting opportunities. When that energy fades, they tend to look for the next hit of excitement. A
solo-preneur may benefit from the ability to quickly pivot to new projects but an organization (like
a large boat) takes time and energy to change directions. While change is sometimes warranted, if it
isn't planned properly (with everyone onboard) it could turn out to be a huge waste of resources and
increase the time needed to arrive at the destination.
4. Inconsiderate of Succession Planning: To a visionary, succession planning is working
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the end goal and so optimistic that you will achieve it? Long-term vision can sometimes blind you
to short-term realities which can be stressful for management as well as the team.
International Journal of
Development and Public Policy
| e-ISSN: 2792-3991 | | Volume: 3 Issue: 11
Published under an exclusive license by open access journals under Volume: 3 Issue: 11 in Nov -2023
Copyright (c) 2023 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution
License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit
5. Lack of Communication: When a visionary leader is left unchecked, they are significantly less
likely to follow through and even less likely to communicate any changes or ideas with the team.
Lack of communication can be the nail in the coffin when those involved in implementing the
strategy are left out of the loop. In 2019, the Harvard Business Review released an article called
Why Visionary Leadership Fails which discusses the idea of risk management through
communication and team involvement.
b). Concept of Strategic Leadership
Becker (2023) noted that strategic leaders sit between a company's primary operations and its
growth opportunities. This form of leadership requires vision, competitive awareness, and
adaptability. These leaders accept the burden of executive interests but also ensure that Strategic
leaders aim to guide their organization toward its long-term goals. By utilizing this leadership style,
you can create a forward-thinking, agile, and adaptable organization that can thrive in today's
dynamic business landscape. Strategic leaders tie plans for growth and strategy to how they manage
a team. They ask questions, develop and execute strategies, and consider future growth. This
approach supports popular business goals like Accountability, Productivity, Collaboration and
Transparency. Strategic thinking supports many employees at once, so it's a desirable style for
many companies. It encourages visualization, planning, and making the most of existing resources,
and it can motivate employees. Panchal (2021) noted that Strategic leaders are known for thinking
ahead of the curve. They are always preparing to implement a strategy to meet the vision in the
future. These leaders can detect the lacking problem in a workplace and strategically eliminate it or
balance it. They are dedicated, effective communicators, master strategists, and visionaries and are
very well structured to initiate their planning.
From the above, strategic leadership style can be seen as a leadership style that can provide an
organizational perspective. It means they can examine different components and predict the future.
Their leadership framework has a vivid understanding of organizational components and how they
need to work together to move in a particular direction. Not to mention deciding what that direction
must be for an organization. It helps management understand the weight of every decision, ranging
from product to hiring. It also gives them insight into how their decision will impact the whole
industry and what implications further bounce back to them as well. They prevent the experts in the
companies from not being blindsided by their limitations of the 'big picture and frame the potential
impacts of every decision on the map.
Panchal (2021) outlined the advantages of strategic leadership including;
1. Encourage Objective Thinking: The leadership heads in the company often get caught up in
handling the day-to-day operations. Strategic leaders are capable of objectively thinking and
analyzing the decisions made in the organization. They can look beyond and aim for the long-term
vision of anything present, giving the organization a strategic advantage in its vision.
2. Creating Framework for Strategic Decisions: Strategic leaders install a strategic model for
every employee to consider before making decisions. This allows strategic leaders to strategically
optimize the employees' decision-making skills for their long-term potential. So, every decision
made in the company is strategic, considering its full-length impact on the company from the
beginning to the later. It helps companies to leverage their strength and double down on what
consists of more potential for the company. It also helps in setting up the right objectives more
confidently. Not to mention helping employees to mitigate their weaknesses as well.
International Journal of
Development and Public Policy
| e-ISSN: 2792-3991 | | Volume: 3 Issue: 11
Published under an exclusive license by open access journals under Volume: 3 Issue: 11 in Nov -2023
Copyright (c) 2023 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution
License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit
3. Enforces an Objective Assessment: An objective assessment of all the tasks and operations
going on in the company is essential. Strategic leaders develop the discipline enabling the senior
management to take back their steps from randomly moving from one task to another. And they
need to objectively assess the potential and long-term requirements of the operations and tasks. It
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term game. It gives them a big picture to see rather than get consumed by every next problem in the
4. Helps Creating an Action Plan: Strategic leaders help create a more intuitive and fail-proof
action plan with a set of objectives and tasks for the company. These tasks and objectives are very
clearly defined and lead the organization towards a centric goal of the brand. It ensures that no
different tasks or objectives are contradictory to one another or the mission statement or branding
of the organization. They also help put the system in place that monitors the progress of each of
these objectives and tasks.
5. Bring More Clarity to Tasks:         
potential, it is certainly clearer to approach it.  
evaluate the weight of particular tasks concerning overall company goals. Most of the time,
employees do not understand the significance of certain tasks, or there is just too much direction to
move. Strategic leaders give them a route that leads the company to gain the maximum benefit
within the given timeline.
Panchal (2021) outlined the disadvantages of strategic leadership including;
1. Over-Reliance on Predicting the Future: When the framework always tries to assess the
futuristic implication of every policy or guideline drafting, it is something that is not set in stone.
As no one can predict the future, at the end of the day, all the predictions and implications are
merely potential possibilities. So, all in all, it becomes good guesswork that never really guarantees
the right choices. This can either make organizations take a gloomy approach to the future where
they think of all the worst scenarios. Or they consider it as a rosy pathway and end up hurting their
organization by avoiding the risk-management strategies. Either way, over-reliance on predicting
the future is bad for the organization in one way or another.
2. Tunnel Vision of the strategic leader: Strategic leaders focus on the current operations and
tasks going on in the organization and how they will impact the future.  
    
  in front of them but only the problems ahead of them. It is possible
               
strategic leader at all. But it does hinder and impact the current situation of the organization.
3 Difficulty Due To Flexibility: Strategic leaders can be adaptable, but their framework for the
employees to optimize their decisions is certainly not. They are, in fact, disruptive in the sense that
everyone has to adapt to this more intricate level of making decisions and completing tasks. This
calls for people to be highly flexible and adapt to the changes in strategic planning. So, strategic
planning does have adverse effects on the organization as it often distracts the people in its
implementation rather than making it easier. The way of doing it becomes more difficult than
actually doing it.
4. May Stall Company’s Growth: Strategic leaders impact the organization immensely, especially
when it starts to roll out the implementation. The personality of the strategic leader carries too
much stake for the organization as he or she is what decides the very turn the company will take.
International Journal of
Development and Public Policy
| e-ISSN: 2792-3991 | | Volume: 3 Issue: 11
Published under an exclusive license by open access journals under Volume: 3 Issue: 11 in Nov -2023
Copyright (c) 2023 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution
License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit
For example, if the leader is more open to risk and has an idealistic approach to the future, they
might miss the problems that are currently at risk. On the other hand, if they are more conservative
            It might just slow down the
 And just like the example, many reasons lead to such
consequences, so this very nature of extreme results being over-dependent on the leader is a bit too
much to bear.
3). Concept of Coaching Leadership Style
The coaching leadership style is that in which leaders are interested in helping the individual in the
team to develop team spirit and work together. Coaching leadership style is a leadership style that
builds individuals and teams to achieve institutional objectives. Indeed (2023) observed that a
coaching leader is someone who can quickly recognize their team members' strengths, weaknesses
and motivations to help each individual improve. This type of leader often assists team members in
setting smart goals and then provides regular feedback with challenging projects to promote
growth. They set clear expectations and create a positive, motivating environment. The coach
leadership style is one of the most advantageous for employers as well as the employees they
manage. Unfortunately, it's often also one of the most underused styleslargely because it can be
more time-intensive than other types of leadership. Coaching leaders are supportive and value
learning as a way of growing. They're self-aware, offer guidance instead of giving commands and
ask guided questions. Becker (2023) A coaching leader focuses on identifying and nurturing the
individual strengths of each member of the team and developing strategies that will enable teams to
work better together. This style is similar to strategic and democratic leadership, but it emphasizes
individual employees' success. A manager with this leadership style might help employees improve
on their strengths by giving them new tasks to try, Offering guidance and Meeting to discuss
constructive feedback. Melbado (undated) noted that coaching leadership style can help to improve
communication and collaboration in the institutions. This is because coaching encourages
employees to share their ideas and concerns openly, and also provides opportunities for employees
to work together to find solutions. The coaching leadership style can be a great way to do this, as it
encourages open dialogue and allows employees to work together towards common goals.
The coaching leadership style can be extremely beneficial for school businesses, as it can help to
improve problem-solving skills and decision-making abilities within the organization. This type of
leadership involves working with employees to identify areas where they need improvement and
then providing them with the resources and support they need to reach their goals (Melbado,
The coaching leadership style can help to create a positive and productive work environment.
Coaching leadership style can provide regular feedback and support, which can help employees
stay on track and improve their performance over time. Coaching leadership style improved
employee morale and motivation. Coaching leadership style helps to build trust and teamwork, as
employees learn to rely on each other for support. Coaching leadership style improves
communication and collaboration and can help reduce conflict within a business, as employees are
more likely to understand each other's perspectives. Coaching as a leadership style is that it can
help to improve problem-solving skills within an organization.
On the positive side, coaching leadership motivates team members who enjoy being a part of a
unified group. Team members receive clear expectations, which creates skilled, productive
individuals who can go on to coach others. On the negative side, institutions that require rapid
results should avoid coaching leadership, as it requires patience. Coaching leadership only
International Journal of
Development and Public Policy
| e-ISSN: 2792-3991 | | Volume: 3 Issue: 11
Published under an exclusive license by open access journals under Volume: 3 Issue: 11 in Nov -2023
Copyright (c) 2023 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution
License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit
works if team members are open to working with this kind of leader. If there is no team
chemistry, this style of leadership will suffer.
Future of Work (2023a) outlined the following as advantages of coaching leadership style
1. This leadership style produces a positive workplace environment: Leaders who utilize the
coaching leadership style can create a stable, positive workplace environment. That is because the
goal of this leadership style is to help others be able to improve their performance. They don't hold
someone's hand while they do their job. They will provide important feedback to the person to
encourage them how to make it through a difficult situation.
2. Employees know what is expected of them:  
team. They share the expectations openly and clearly to ensure that everyone knows what is
expected of them. These leaders make sure there are no questions left unanswered before a project
is started. This process makes it possible for an entire team to understand what the overall strategy
of a project or concept happens to be, which gets everyone onto the same page.
3. It increases the skill set available to the individual worker: Coaching leadership involves
high levels of personal mentorship. These mentoring processes are directly associated with the
potential to improve skill competence levels at every level. Not only does this improve productivity
levels and the quality of work being performed, but it also sets the stage for future leaders to
continue using the coaching leadership style when they can ascend into a management position.
4. The coaching leadership style can create competitive advantages: One of the biggest issues
facing organizations today is turnover. When organizations lose an employee, they are losing
someone with soft skills that are difficult to imitate. That is why large training investments are put
into the new employee orientation process. When coaching leaders are present, turnover rates go
down. More soft skills are retained and enhanced. That makes it possible for a company to attain a
competitive advantage in their industry.
5. It makes it easier for a company to endure a time of change: Some companies go through
change when they need to evolve a service or product. Others see change happen all the time
because they operate within a fast-paced industry. When the coaching leadership style is present, it
is easier for teams to accept changes when they occur. Even if the coaching advice is not initially
accepted by a team, proving that there is usefulness in the advice being offered will help it become
accepted eventually.
Future of Work (2023a) outlined the following as disadvantages of coaching leadership style
1. It takes time for the coaching leadership style to be effective: The coaching leadership style is
one of the least-used management styles in the modern workplace. Leaders aren't using this option
for one basic reason: they don't feel like they have the time to stop and help others with their
responsibilities. It requires a lot of time and plenty of patience for this leadership style to start
producing results. Some organizations may not be in a position where they can make such an
upfront investment.
2. Coaching leaders must be skilled in leadership: The effectiveness of a mentoring or coaching
relationship is dependent upon the skills of the leader involved. When the characteristics of
coaching leadership are implemented poorly, or they are integrated ineffectively, then it can create
problems on multiple levels. Without proper skills, there is a greater risk that individuals will
International Journal of
Development and Public Policy
| e-ISSN: 2792-3991 | | Volume: 3 Issue: 11
Published under an exclusive license by open access journals under Volume: 3 Issue: 11 in Nov -2023
Copyright (c) 2023 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution
License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit
3. Mentoring is not always the right approach: Some situations can be improved by the coaching
leadership style. When a coaching leader is forced to work harder than the person being mentored
    
Coaching requires a collaborative relationship. It will not solve universal problems or create quick
4. It requires specific coaches for each situation: You must be able to find the right leader when
wanting to implement a coaching leadership style at the professional level. Great coaches don't
always translate into great leaders for a specific organization. There needs to be chemistry between
the manager and the direct reports for this style to be effective. If there's no trust right at the
beginning, then you must move on to the next candidate. Great coaching leaders draw upon their
own life experiences and have specific training in this management style. You must be leery of
anyone who says they use this style but do not believe in training or experience for implementation.
4). Concept of Situational Leadership Style
Situational leadership style is a leadership style that develops the leadership approach towards the
individual, the team and the institutional needs. Becker (2023) Situational leaders change their
management style to meet the needs of the situation or team. It suggests that effective leaders must
adapt their leadership style to match the readiness and development levels of their team members.
Becker (2023) submitted that leadership style involves analyzing specific situations, assessing the
competence and commitment of individuals, and adjusting the leadership approach accordingly. It
is proactive and recognizes that change is the only constant. This leadership approach can motivate
employees and ensure that people aren't stuck working in a way that doesn't make sense for the
situation. It's also valuable for startups or businesses requiring frequent changes and flexible talent
and support. Situational leaders are great communicators and use team feedback to make decisions.
They also analyze market changes and can quickly evaluate and update processes to ensure success.
This can create strong relationships and help employees see and feel their value to the business.
Situational leadership is based on the idea that one leadership style is not inherently better than
practice. Siagian (2007) noted that the situational leadership style is a leadership style that focuses
on the suitability or effectiveness of the leadership style by the maturity of followers about certain
tasks. It is emphasized by Miftah (2012) that situational leadership is based on the interrelation of
1) several instructions and directions given by the leadership; 2) the amount of social support given
by the leadership; 3) the level of readiness or maturity of the followers shown in carrying out
specific tasks, functions or specific objectives. Lian & Fitria (2020) viewed situational leadership
style as an art or behaviour to influence someone through their work to achieve the desired goals
Making Business Matter (2020) outlined the advantages of situational leadership including:
1. Increased Flexibility: Situational leadership allows leaders to adjust their leadership style
based on the situation, which can increase flexibility and adaptability. By recognizing that
different situations require different approaches, leaders can more effectively respond to
changing circumstances. This increased flexibility can also help leaders to build trust and
credibility with their followers, as they demonstrate their ability to adapt to different situations.
2. Improved Communication: Situational leadership emphasizes communication between the
leader and followers, which can improve relationships and collaboration. Leaders who use a
situational leadership style are encouraged to seek feedback and input from their followers,
creating a more open and collaborative work environment.
International Journal of
Development and Public Policy
| e-ISSN: 2792-3991 | | Volume: 3 Issue: 11
Published under an exclusive license by open access journals under Volume: 3 Issue: 11 in Nov -2023
Copyright (c) 2023 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution
License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit
3. More Efficient Resource Allocation: Situational leadership can help leaders allocate resources
more efficiently by focusing on the most important tasks at hand. By assessing the situation and
determining the appropriate leadership style, leaders can prioritise tasks and allocate resources
accordingly. This can help to ensure that resources are not wasted on unimportant tasks or
projects, resulting in more efficient and productive use of resources.
4. Enhanced Motivation: Situational leadership can enhance motivation by aligning leadership
style with the needs and abilities of followers. By matching the level of direction and support to
the competence and commitment level of followers, leaders can help to create a more
motivating work environment. This can help to improve morale and job satisfaction, leading to
increased productivity and better outcomes.
5. Better Decision-making: Situational leadership can lead to better decision-making by
considering a variety of factors that impact the situation. By assessing follower competence and
commitment, as well as other situational factors, leaders can make more informed decisions
about the appropriate leadership style to use. This can help to ensure that decisions are based on
a comprehensive understanding of the situation, leading to better outcomes and more successful
Making Business Matter (2020) outlined the disadvantages of situational leadership to include;
1. Complexity: Situational leadership can be complex and difficult to implement, as it requires a
deep understanding of both the situation and the needs of the followers. One way to overcome
this disadvantage is to provide training and development for leaders on situational leadership
               
confidence in their ability to use situational leadership effectively.
2. Time-Consuming: Situational leadership can be time-consuming, as leaders need to constantly
assess the situation and adjust their style accordingly. To overcome this disadvantage, leaders
can streamline their assessment process by focusing on key factors that impact the situation,
such as follower competence and commitment. Additionally, leaders can delegate certain tasks
or responsibilities to trusted team members, freeing up more time to focus on leadership and
3. Potential for Misinterpretation: Situational leadership can be misinterpreted by followers,
leading to confusion or mistrust. To overcome this disadvantage, leaders can provide regular
communication and feedback to their followers, explaining their leadership decisions and how
they align with the needs of the team and organization. Additionally, leaders can encourage
open and honest communication from their followers, creating a more transparent and
supportive work environment.
4. Inconsistency: Situational leadership can lead to inconsistencies in leadership style, which can
create confusion and reduce trust in the leader. To overcome this disadvantage, leaders can
establish clear expectations and guidelines for situational leadership within the organization.
This can include training and development for all leaders, as well as regular communication and
feedback to ensure that leadership styles are consistent and aligned with the needs of the team
and organization.
International Journal of
Development and Public Policy
| e-ISSN: 2792-3991 | | Volume: 3 Issue: 11
Published under an exclusive license by open access journals under Volume: 3 Issue: 11 in Nov -2023
Copyright (c) 2023 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution
License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit
5. Concept of Charismatic Leadership Style
Weber in Saidu (2017) viewed charismatic leaders as being highly esteemed persons, who are
gifted with exemplary qualities. These qualities include confidence, dominance, a sense of purpose,
and the ability to articulate goals and ideas. Oyetunyi (2006) defined charisma as the process of
influencing major changes in the attitudes and assumptions of organizational members and building
commitment to the organization's objectives. In the same vein, Lussier & Achua (2001) described
charismatic leaders as leaders who have distinguished qualities to inspire and motivate subordinates
more than they would in a normal situation. Lawler in Saidu (2017) viewed charismatic leaders as
those with vision and concern for people doing the right things. Bass in Saidu (2017) characterized
the charismatic in several ways. Charisma is dependent upon the follower as well as the leader. The
follower must accept the charismatic leader's vision for charisma to be realized. Under times of
stress within an organization, charismatic leaders are much more likely to appear. Once an
individual is identified as a charismatic person, such a definition is likely to persist.
The charismatic leader is often domineering, self-confident, and has a strong need for power. His
ability to articulate a vision and engage his followers in his viewpoint makes him a transforming
leader. The charismatic leader is also able to communicate to followers 'ideological goals that are
readily accepted by them. To achieve this, the leader must have a deep understanding of the needs
of the subordinates. Once these goals are communicated, the charismatic leader demonstrates great
confidence in the followers 'ability to reach the goals. This increases the likelihood of the followers
internalizing the goals and ultimately realizing them. However, personally charismatic leaders, yet
retain their own goals as separate from their followers are not considered true transformational
leaders. These charismatic leaders will resist empowering and developing their followers (Howell
& Avolio, 1993).
Charismatic leadership involves viewing challenges as opportunities. Charismatic leaders are also
aware of how they differ from others, and they aren't afraid of their uniqueness. Instead, they
embrace their differences and use them to their advantage. Charismatic leaders will be willing and
able to look at themselves from someone else's perspective. They can critique their behaviors and
adjust their message or demeanor to have more of an impact on their team members. Charismatic
     -off approach. They want to be involved in the day-to-day
operations of their teams and have an in-depth understanding of how their employees are doing.
  
contacts, training materials, etc.) to others to help them accomplish their goals and help the team
progress. Charismatic leaders are comfortable in a variety of social situations. They know how to
help others feel comfortable as well.
From the above, charismatic leadership in this paper can be seen as a leadership style that is hinged
on the leader's charm, confidence, and vision. Charismatic leadership is the process whereby a
leader uses his or her natural charisma gift to motivate and inspire people. Charismatic leaders are
anchored on the motivation and inspiration of leaders. Charismatic leaders create unity among staff
members and motivate them to work with one another. The charismatic leadership style focuses
more on the leader's personality influence on others. The leader's personality endears them to their
followers, who are motivated by the leader's passion and want to follow in their footsteps.
Charismatic leadership is a leadership style characterized by effective communication, connection
with team members, self-aware, motivation, encouragement, comfort and innovation, creativity,
humility, giver, tenacity, determination, social intelligence, and working with others and
supporters. On the merit side, charismatic leadership is a leadership style that inspires others to try
their hand at leadership positions. Charismatic leaders encourage motivation and engagement
International Journal of
Development and Public Policy
| e-ISSN: 2792-3991 | | Volume: 3 Issue: 11
Published under an exclusive license by open access journals under Volume: 3 Issue: 11 in Nov -2023
Copyright (c) 2023 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution
License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit
among their staff. Charismatic leaders encourage and welcome innovation and creative suggestions
from their staff. A charismatic leader encourages teamwork. A charismatic leader reduces stress
and burnout among their staff. On the demerit side, charismatic leaders focus on the wrong things
about staff. Charismatic leadership can lead to changes in staff values and orientation. Charismatic
leaders can create or build dependency on individuals. Charismatic leadership does not work in
every situation. Charismatic leaders can turn into leader's admirers and turn followers into always
Impact of Leadership Styles on Effective School Administration
Many investigations have been carried out on the impact of leadership styles on school
administration. For instance, a study by Shanti, Gunawan & Sobri (2020) determined the
relationship between visionary leadership and organizational climate in the performance of high
school teachers in Kediri, Indonesia. The results showed that the principal's visionary leadership
was in the high category, the organizational climate was in the high category, and the teacher's
performance was in the high category. The results of the study concluded that there was a positive
relationship between visionary leadership and teacher performance and teacher performance.
Herdayati, Harapan, Tobari, & Samsonova, (2020) did a study that determined how high leadership
style and lecturers' performance on students' achievement in STIKes Muhammadiyah Palembang.
The results obtained disclosed that there is no effect of visionary leadership on students'
achievement, but there is an effect of lecturers' performance toward students' achievement. While
          
achievement had significant effects.
Also, on strategic leadership style and coaching leadership style, studies by Maqbool, Zafeer HMI,
Zeng, Mohammad, Khassawneh & Wu (2023) revealed that most teachers give preference strategic
Leadership, then instructional leadership, and finally, cultural leadership in their teaching to sustain
academic excellence. Moreover, the findings also indicated a statistically strong positive
relationship among diverse leadership styles in teaching and sustaining academic excellence with
the value (rncluded that when teachers increase their
effort in the use of strategic, instructional, and cultural leadership styles, academic excellence may
also be sustained and improved. Also, Broadbent (2017) concluded that strategic leadership style
had a greater impact on school performance (an indication of maintaining student excellence) than
the cultural leadership style in public schools as a whole and for male head teachers. In the instance
of female head teachers, the cultural leadership style was much more influential than the strategic
leadership style (toward shared objectives). The efficacy of the school led to the academic
excellence of the students. Dong (undated) did a study and discovered that coaching leadership
style has a significant indirect impact on employee performance, and organizational identity plays a
           
For situational leadership styles and charismatic leadership styles, Lian & Fitria (2020) concluded
            
performance of SD Negeri in the Penuguan; and       
in Penuguan. Another study by Saidu (2017) that      
styles on teaching and learning in secondary schools in the Ilorin metropolis, Kwara State revealed
that situational and charismatic leadership styles had a positive impact on teaching and learning
while autocratic leadership style hurt teaching and learning in secondary schools in Ilorin
International Journal of
Development and Public Policy
| e-ISSN: 2792-3991 | | Volume: 3 Issue: 11
Published under an exclusive license by open access journals under Volume: 3 Issue: 11 in Nov -2023
Copyright (c) 2023 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution
License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit
metropolis. Saidu, (2017) concluded that the charismatic leadership style also had a significant
impact on teaching and learning outcomes in secondary schools in the Ilorin metropolis. The
principal was able to carry the subordinate along with charisma and influence. Lawler (1982)
observed that the charismatic leader can communicate to followers, ideological goals that are
readily accepted by them. Charismatic leadership style that leadership styles especially democratic
had a significant impact on students' academic achievement because it motivated the teacher's
classroom performance. Hafeez, Abbasi, & Novita, (2023) observed leadership style is observed as
one of the significant elements that affect the performance of teachers and organizations. The way
by which a leader gives direction and inspires others to achieve defined goals is called leadership
style. They concluded that transformational, charismatic, transactional and democratic leadership
styles are the most practical styles that have significantly positive impacts on the performance of
teachers and organizations.
Conclusion and Recommendations
Leadership is the act of motivating subordinates to carry out specific functions to achieve
organizational objectives. Leadership is key to institutional growth and development. Leadership
styles are ways and methods employed by leaders to govern subordinates under them. Leadership
styles are behaviors and practices adopted by organizational leaders to direct the affairs of the
organization for success. Both Leadership and Leadership styles are crucial to the realization of
institutional objectives. The review result indicated that visionary leadership style, strategic
leadership style, coaching leadership style, situational leadership style and charismatic leadership
styles are impactful in schools administration, teach     
performance in schools.
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... Teacher job performance refers to the execution of the instructor's responsibilities and tasks in educational institutions (Josiah, Audu and Ogunode, 2023). Teacher job performance is the level by which the teachers accomplish their given functions and assignments in the schools (Ogunode 2023). Teachers' job performance is the extent they are committed to effective pedagogical delivery and exhibit uprightness and academic excellence in conducting academic activities (Uko et al., 2015). ...
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This paper is a review study that examines the impact of principals’ managerial conceptual skills on teacher’s job performance in secondary schools in Nigeria and beyond. Secondary data were used in the paper. The data were sourced from print and online publications. The result collected revealed that 83% agreed principal’s managerial conceptual skills have an impact on teachers’ job performance in secondary schools. Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations were made that the government should design training programmes for school principals on how to apply the appropriate managerial styles and skills in every situation that arises in school administration. Principals should supervise, guide and help teachers to improve their professional skills by supporting the teachers and providing necessary resources for them to work.
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Leadership style is observed as one of the significant elements that effect on the performance of teachers' and organizations. The way by which a leader gives direction and inspires others to achieve defined goals is called leadership style. A review research was conducted to examine the effects of various leadership styles on teacher and organizational performance. The prior researches were chosen based on exclusion and inclusion criteria. The final version of 167 published articles was completed. The outcomes of the review showed that transformational, charismatic, transactional and democratic leadership styles are the most practical styles that have significantly positive impacts on the performance of teachers and organizations. Leadership styles namely bureaucratic and autocratic have the no or little impacts on the performance of teachers and organizations. These leadership styles may have negative impacts on the organizational and teachers' performance.
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The paper discussed the application of the task-oriented leadership style in addressing specific educational problems in Nigerian public educational institutions. The paper adopted secondary data for the collection of data. The secondary data were obtained from print and online publications. The paper concluded that a task-oriented leadership style can be used for specific school problems. The paper also discovered that a task-oriented leadership style can be used to improve teachers' job performance and students' academic performance in educational institutions in Nigeria. Based on this, the paper recommended that school administrators in Nigeria should learn more about task-oriented leadership styles for application in providing quality leadership in their respective schools and the government should expose school administrators to constant capacity-building programmes that are leadership style inclined.
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This study aimed at examining the effect of the principal's situational leadership style and teacher's professionalism together on teacher's performance in primary schools. The sample of this study were 32 teachers in three primary schools. The data were collected using questionnaire and documentation. Data were analyzed using SPSS program. The results showed that there is influence of the principal's situational leadership style on the teacher's performance of SD Negeri in Penuguan; there is influence of teacher's professionalism on the teacher's performance of SD Negeri in the Penuguan; and there is influence of the principal's situational leadership style and teacher's professionalism together on the teacher's performance of SD Negeri in Penuguan.
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The existing literature suggests that self-regulated learning (SRL) strategies are relevant to student grade performance in both online and blended contexts, although few, if any, studies have compared them. However, due to challenges unique to each group, the variety of SRL strategies that are implicated, and their effect size for predicting performance may differ across contexts. One hundred and forty online students and 466 blended learning students completed the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire. The results show that online students utilised SRL strategies more often than blended learning students, with the exception of peer learning and help seeking. Despite some differences in individual predictive value across enrolment status, the key SRL predictors of academic performance were largely equivalent between online and blended learning students. Findings highlight the relative importance of using time management and elaboration strategies, while avoiding rehearsal strategies, in relation to academic subject grade for both study modes.
This study aimed at determining how high leadership style and lecturers' performance on students' achievement in STIKes Muhammadiyah Palembang. This study used a quantitative survey by using questionnaire to collect the data. The data were analyzed by using SPSS for Windows. The results obtained indicate that there is no effect of visionary leadership toward students' achievement, but there is an effect of lecturers' performance toward students' achievement. While tested simultanously, the visionary leadership style and lecturers 'performance toward students' achieved had significant effect.
The authors used measures of leadership, locus of control, and support for innovation to predict the consolidated-unit performance of 78 managers. Results revealed that 3 transformational-leadership measures were associated with a higher internal locus of control and significantly and positively predicted business-unit performance over a 1-year interval. Transactional measures of leadership, including contingent reward and management by exception (active and passive), were each negatively related to business-unit performance. Causal relationships between the transformational-leadership behaviors and unit performance were moderated by the level of support for innovation in the business unit.
Incl. bibl. references, index.
Word processed copy. Thesis (D. Ed.)--University of South Africa, 2006. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 201-216).
The principals' leadership style and teachers' performance in secondary schools of Gambella regional state. Unpublished M.A. Thesis in the Department of Educational Planning and Management
  • J Adelle
Adelle, J. (2014). The principals' leadership style and teachers' performance in secondary schools of Gambella regional state. Unpublished M.A. Thesis in the Department of Educational Planning and Management, University of Jimaa: Ethiopia.