
Éléments pour une intégration de la dimension de genre dans l’archéologie classique : contrer les androcentrismes et les anachronismes

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L’introduction du genre dans les différentes disciplines des études classiques s’est faite à des rythmes différents. Si l’histoire des femmes et du genre a très rapidement pris son essor à partir des années 1960, l’archéologie s’est révélée plus lente à intégrer cette notion issue des sciences sociales et des women’s studies. Pour ce faire, les chercheuses – puisque ce sont en majorité des femmes – qui ont abordé la thématique du genre et des rapports sociaux de sexe dans les sociétés antiques ont dû faire face à plusieurs obstacles épistémologiques au nombre desquels figurent l’androcentrisme et l’anachronisme. Dans cet article, nous aborderons brièvement l’histoire de l’intégration du genre dans les études classiques, en particulier en archéologie, avant d’approfondir le fonctionnement de ces deux mécanismes que sont l’androcentrisme et l’anachronisme.

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Si la question de l’identification d’un troisième genre ou de la fluidité de genre dans les contextes archéologiques a déjà fait l’objet de recherches dans d’autres régions du monde et pour d’autres époques, les spécialistes de la Grèce classique, et en particulier d’Athènes, ne se sont pour l’instant pas emparés de ce sujet. Pourtant, même si l’Athènes classique semble donner l’image d’une société strictement binaire, il existe des divinités et des individus qui ont pour particularité de brouiller les frontières des genres. C’est notamment le cas des acteurs et, dans cet article, nous nous intéresserons à la tombe de l’acteur Makareus, découverte dans la nécropole du Céramique et datée du ive siècle av. J.‑C. À partir du matériel de cette tombe, et en envisageant les données relatives aux acteurs dans les sources anciennes, nous reviendrons sur l’idée, proposée par plusieurs chercheurs, que les acteurs appartiendraient au genre féminin, avant de proposer une autre interprétation, basée sur la fluidité de genre.
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This article is the second in a two-part series that analyzes current research on harassment in archaeology. Both qualitative and quantitative studies, along with activist narratives and survivor testimonials, have established that harassment is occurring in archaeology at epidemic rates. These studies have also identified key patterns in harassment in archaeology that point to potential interventions that may prevent harassment, support survivors, and hold perpetrators accountable. This article reviews five key obstacles to change in the disciplinary culture of archaeology: normalization, exclusionary practices, fraternization, gatekeeping, and obstacles to reporting. Two public health paradigms—the social-environmental model and trauma-informed approaches—are used to identify interventions that can be taken at all levels of archaeological practice: individual, relational, organizational, community, and societal.
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This article is the first of a two-part series to analyze current research on harassment in archaeology. Harassment has shaped the discipline of archaeology since at least the late 1800s. Since the 1970s, harassment has been recognized as a significant factor impacting gender equity in archaeology. Recent qualitative and quantitative research has verified that harassment occurs at epidemic rates in archaeology. Archaeologists are primarily harassed by other archaeologists, and harassment occurs not only in field research settings but also in classrooms, laboratories, museums, office workplaces, and conferences. Although women in archaeology experience a higher frequency of harassment, both men and women report harassment at disturbingly high rates. Archaeologists of color, LGBTQIA+ archaeologists, nonbinary archaeologists, and archaeologists with disabilities are also disproportionately harassed. As reflected in the author's own career experiences, harassment creates a cognitive burden for survivors and reduces access to professional opportunities, directly impacting diversity within archaeology. Fortunately, there are evidence-based interventions and policies that can reduce harassment and support survivors. These are discussed in the second article, “Disrupting Cultures of Harassment in Archaeology.”
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The article starts with a discussion of the relation between feminist archaeology and gender archaeology followed by a short account of how androcentrism may influence on archaeological research. By exploring two representative examples I will argue that androcentric archaeology mainly reproduces stereotype images of men and do not provide much new or real knowledge about prehistoric men or understandings of masculinity. Consequently, there is a need to study prehistoric men as gendered and I will argue that to include studies in men and masculinity into a gender archaeology based on feminist theory might challenge androcentric archaeological studies just as much as to study women in prehistory.
This paper discusses the complex relationship between material culture and gender studies from a methodological point of view, with the aim of contributing to discussions in the field of Classical archaeology. First, we provide a few historiographical benchmarks for key epistemological developments, while evidencing the methodological difficulties inherent in the variability of our interpretations of burial practices and data. Then, in a second section, a case study focuses on simple objects of daily life. Discussing approaches inspired by gender studies, and considering the place of loom weights, we wish to tackle the presumption of textile work as an eminently female activity. The aim of this paper is to suggest a more nuanced and fluid approach to gender in relation to material culture.
Archaeologists, as explorers and discoverers, have maintained the myth of objective research far longer than have researchers in other social science disciplines. Focused on action, the “cowboys of science” (Alaskan bumper sticker 1981) have dabbled little in self-reflective criticism. Now at 50, however, the discipline is becoming aware that our notions of the past, our epistemologies, our research emphases, the methods we employ in our research, and the interpretations we bring to and distill from our investigations, are far from value-neutral.
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