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The validation crisis in the L2 motivational self system tradition


Abstract and Figures

Concerns have recently been raised about the validity of scales used in the L2 motivational self system tradition, particularly in relation to sufficient discriminant validity among some of its scales. These concerns highlight the need to systematically examine the validity of scales used in this tradition. In this study, we therefore compiled a list of 18 scales in widespread use and administered them to Korean learners of English ( N = 384). Testing the factorial structure of these scales using multiple exploratory and confirmatory factor-analytic criteria revealed severe discriminant validity issues. For example, the ideal L2 self was not discriminant from linguistic self-confidence, suggesting that participant responses to such ideal L2 self items is not driven by actual–ideal discrepancies as previously presumed but more likely by self-efficacy beliefs. We discuss these results in the context of the need to encourage systematic psychometric validation research in the language motivation field.
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The validation crisis in the L2 motivational self
system tradition
Ali H. Al-Hoorie
, Phil Hiver
and Yo Innami
Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu, Saudi Arabia;
Florida State University, USA;
Chuo University,
Corresponding author: Phil Hiver; Email:
(Received 28 February 2023; Revised 27 August 2023; Accepted 29 August 2023)
Concerns have recently been raised about the validity of scales used in the L2 motivational
self system tradition, particularly in relation to sufficient discriminant validity among some
of its scales. These concerns highlight the need to systematically examine the validity of scales
used in this tradition. In this study, we therefore compiled a list of 18 scales in widespread use
and administered them to Korean learners of English (N= 384). Testing the factorial
structure of these scales using multiple exploratory and confirmatory factor-analytic criteria
revealed severe discriminant validity issues. For example, the ideal L2 self was not discrim-
inant from linguistic self-confidence, suggesting that participant responses to such ideal L2
self items is not driven by actualideal discrepancies as previously presumed but more likely
by self-efficacy beliefs. We discuss these results in the context of the need to encourage
systematic psychometric validation research in the language motivation field.
What is the value of knowing each legs length, after already knowing the other
legs length?
McElreath (2020, p. 164)
In 1994, Dörnyei commented on the validity of the Attitude/Motivation Test Battery,
which underlies the socioeducational model (Gardner, 1979,1985,2010). Dörnyei
raised discriminant validity concerns regarding the three motivation variables in that
model, arguing that if we mixed the thirty items, it would be rather difficult to
reconstruct the three scales(Dörnyei, 1994, p. 518). He went on to suggest using
factor analysis to refine the scales: I suspect that an exploratory factor analysis of all
items in the AMTB [Attitude/Motivation Test Battery] would not come up with the
exact scales the test contains(Dörnyei, 1994, p. 519; see also Dörnyei, 2005). In
response, Gardner and Tremblay (1994) emphasized that these three components
actually represent a single latent variable, motivationin the model, and thus this
concern was unwarranted. They additionally explained that extensive research had
been conducted on the construct, predictive, convergent, and discriminant validity
© The Author(s), 2023. Published by Cambridge University Press. This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution licence (, which permits unrestricted
re-use, distribution and reproduction, provided the original article is properly cited.
Studies in Second Language Acquisition (2024), 46, 307329
doi:10.1017/S0272263123000487 Published online by Cambridge University Press
aspects of variables in the socioeducational model. In their words, All of the published
research associated with the socio-educational model is concerned with the issue of
construct validation(Gardner & Tremblay, 1994, p. 252).
In the past 2 decades, another model of second language (L2) motivation has seen
widespread, though often uncritical, adoption. The L2 motivational self system
(L2MSS; Dörnyei, 2005,2009) has, for some, become synonymous with L2 motivation
and its instruments and data-elicitation scales isomorphic with learnersactual levels of
motivation. The L2MSS has three primary elements: the ideal L2 self, the ought-to L2
self, and the L2 learning experience. The ideal L2 self, which reflects the actualideal
discrepancy, has received the most attention. In contrast, the ought-to L2 self, con-
cerned with the less internalized actualought discrepancy, did not receive equal
enthusiasm from the start in that it does not lend itself to obvious motivational
practices(Dörnyei, 2009, p. 32), ultimately yielding disappointing results (Al-Hoorie,
2018). The L2 learning experience has the least theoretical relevance to this self-based
model, and its inclusion seems to be primarily to maintain correspondence to its
historical antecedent, the socioeducational model (see Dörnyei, 2009, p. 30). Research
adopting this model ranges from qualitative case study designs to large scale cross-
sectional designs relying on quantitative analysis. The characteristics of this body of
scholarship, along with its methodological and conceptual shortcomings, have been
described and summarized in recent work taking stock of the past decades of L2
motivation research (Al-Hoorie, 2018; Al-Hoorie et al., 2021; Hiver & Al-Hoorie,
2020a). This work spotlights very similar concerns and indicates that criticisms leveled
at the AMTB measurement could apply equally well to the L2MSS. Given the large, and
still growing, body of work on the L2MSS, it is perhaps alarming that little work exists to
validate its widely adopted measurement scales.
In line with the resurgence of interest in the psychometric validity of measures used
in the L2 motivation field (e.g., Arndt, 2023; Sudina, 2021,2023), the purpose of the
present study was to investigate the validity of the scales used in the L2MSS tradition.
Specifically, our purpose was to examine whether discriminant validity concerns, as
those described above, would apply to scales associated with the L2MSS. We compiled a
list of widely used scales and tested their factorial structure using multiple exploratory
and confirmatory factor-analytic criteria.
The validation crisis
Validity, simply put, refers to whether a test actually measures what it is intended to
measure (Kelley, 1927). Because tests and measures typically assess an intangible
construct, such as attitudes or proficiency, it is important to examine whether these
tests do so validly. The idea of construct validity, the umbrella term for validity, has
evolved over time. Originally, Cronbach and Meehl (1955) introduced construct
validity to refer to test scores as part of a nomological network and as being consistent
with empirical and theoretical relations within that network. Messick (1989) subse-
quently extended construct validity to the justifiability of actions based on test score
interpretation, not exclusively in relation to scientific evidence but also in relation to the
social and ethical consequences of that interpretation. Advancing a more modern
conception of validity, Borsboom et al. (2004) argued for a realist, causality-based
interpretation where variation in the attribute under investigation causes variation in
test scores. This conceptualization is akin to (reflective) latent variable modeling in that
response to items is posited to be an effect of the respective latent variable(s). More
308 Ali H. Al-Hoorie, Phil Hiver and Yo Innami Published online by Cambridge University Press
recently, Stone (2019) distinguished between construct validity and construct legiti-
macy, with the latter referring not to measurement but to theoretical clarity of the
construct and its usefulness to the larger theory or model.
A validation crisis occurs when a discipline neglects the validity of its instruments,
and as a result skepticism about a whole body of literature starts to spread. A
validation crisis has been argued to be a precursor to a replication crisis, making
even replicable results uninformative (Schimmack, 2021). If the instruments used to
come up with a finding are questionable, this will naturally overshadow the credi-
bility of that finding. This is because, without valid measurement, inferences become
or advanced statistics. Besides neglecting the validity of its instruments, a discipline
may experience a validation crisis when questionable measurement practices
become widespread. Questionable measurement practices refer to researcher
degrees of freedom that, intentionally or unintentionally, are nontransparently
exploited to obtain a desired result (Flake & Fried, 2020). Examples of these
questionable measurement practices include not justifying why a certain measure
was selectively chosen when there are other options, not transparently acknowledg-
ing arguments against the validity of the chosen measure and thus implying that the
measure is more valid than it actually is, not reporting the measure in full (e.g., giving
only one example item), and not disclosing measure treatment in detail (e.g., coding,
transformation, item removal) especially when this measure was developed on
the fly.
One consequence of a validation crisis is the jingle and jangle fallacies (Kelley, 1927;
Pedhazur & Schmelkin, 1991). The jingle fallacy is the belief that, because two or more
measures have the same name, they must measure the same construct. In contrast, the
jangle fallacy is the belief that, because the measures have different names, they must
also refer to different constructs. The jangle fallacywhich is probably more relevant to
our fieldrisks muddying theoretical clarity and introducing theoretical clutter due to
the proliferation of abstract constructs that, in reality, all measure more or less the same
thing (Al-Hoorie, 2018; Shaffer et al., 2016). One example is emotional intelligence,
which has been argued to actually underlie well-established aspects of personality
(Joseph et al., 2015) and when these aspects are controlled for, the effect of emotional
intelligence disappears (van der Linden et al., 2017). One might assume that, in line
with the recent methodological turn, research advances with more sophisticated
analyses and more rigorous designs will provide the antidote to theoretical shortcom-
ings of work in the field. After all, hypothesis testing and exploratory research can help
to further develop incomplete theories. Ironically, however, robust theorizing along
with coherent conceptual thinking is a prerequisite to accurate measurement. Prolif-
eration of measures that actually underlie the same construct usually reflects the
emergence of fads that a field latches on to uncritically coupled with the neglect to
systematically validate measures before substantive research, culminating in a valida-
tion crisis.
Possible overlap among constructs that measures tap into may be investigated
through the assessment of discriminant validity (Campbell & Fiske, 1959). Although
the definition of discriminant validity has varied across studies, it can be grouped into
four categories (Rönkkö & Cho, 2022). These categories pertain to the presence or
extent of correlations (a) between constructs (e.g., how Constructs A and B are
correlated), (b) between measures (e.g., how scores in Tests A and B are correlated),
(c) between constructs and measures (e.g., how Construct A and a test score measuring
Construct B is correlated), and (d) combinations of these categories. When two
The validation crisis in the L2 motivational self system tradition 309 Published online by Cambridge University Press
constructs fail discriminant validity testing, three possible interpretations arise (Shaffer
et al., 2016). One is that the constructs are empirically redundant. In this case, the
multiplicity of constructs is spurious and clouds theoretical clarity, indicating the need
to clean up the fields landscape. A second interpretation is that the constructs are
indeed distinct but share a causal relationship. Here, researchers should carefully
consider the need for a construct that is entirely or almost entirely caused by another
one. A final possibility is that the two constructs are unique but the measures developed
and used to assess them are still unable to tap into their uniqueness. Recent advances
have offered different techniques to address these discriminant validity concerns
(Rönkkö & Cho, 2022).
Generally speaking, discriminant validity requires that two measures demon-
strate a sufficiently low absolute correlation to regard them as representing two
meaningfully distinct constructs (Rönkkö & Cho, 2022). According to Dörnyei
(2007), if two tests correlate with each other in the order of 0.6, we can say that
theymeasuremoreorlessthesamething(p. 223). Although a correlation of .60 per
se is not a hard and fast rule, the basic idea is that scores having high correlations
measure the same thing’” (Cronbach, 1990, p. 372), whereas if the correlations are
low to moderate, this demonstrates that the measure has discriminant validity
(Carless, 2004,p.272).Thatahighcorrelationconstitutes a risk to discriminant
validity has been repeatedly voiced by psychometricians (e.g., Kenny, 1976, p. 251;
McDonald, 1985, p. 220; Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994, p. 93). The correlation referred
to here is not the one typically reported (e.g., Pearson correlation coefficient) but the
disattenuated or error-corrected correlation that removes the effect of unreliability.
Thus, this truecorrelation is invariably higher than the one typically reported. On
the other hand, reliability (e.g., coefficient αor ω) is not an appropriate measure for
discriminant validity, or any other type of validity, besides internal consistency
under the assumption of unidimensionality (Al-Hoorie & Vitta, 2019). If two
measures fail to exhibit adequate discriminant validity, this suggests the need to
clean uptheoretical constructs to minimize empirical redundancy (Hiver &
Al-Hoorie, 2020a; Shaffer et al., 2016).
In the second language acquisition field more broadly, although validity is already
recognized as being of central importance for the credibility of research results
(Chapelle, 2021, p. 11), language researchers have long lamented the status of
validation in the field. Researchers have largely ignored it, often happy to talk about
acquisition with no consideration of the type of data they had collected(Ellis, 2021,
p. 197), and may simply assume the validity of whatever assessment method is
adopted(Norris & Ortega, 2012, p. 575). In fact, there seems to be an unwritten
agreementthat readers will accept instrument validity at face value(Cohen &
Macaro, 2013, p. 133) without asking for explicit evidence for it. When it comes to
language learning motivation specifically, the most popular instrument by far is
Likert-type self-report questionnaires (Dörnyei & Ushioda, 2021). In a survey of
motivation and anxiety questionnaire scales between 2009 and 2019, Sudina (2021)
found that severe validity concerns existinstudiespublishedinthefieldstopfive
journals (Applied Linguistics,Language Learning,The Modern Language Journal,
Studies in Second Language Acquisition,andTESOL Quarterly). For example, less
than half of motivation studies used factor analysis to investigate the psychometric
properties of their scales and only 4% specifically examined discriminant validity. In
addition, more than 90% of the studies did not provide readers with any validity
information for the scales used. These findings are particularly concerning in light of
the review we present in the next section.
310 Ali H. Al-Hoorie, Phil Hiver and Yo Innami Published online by Cambridge University Press
Validation in the L2MSS tradition
The above review shows that validity concerns are widespread both within second
language acquisition and beyond. When it comes to the L2MSS, it is noteworthy that
the term validationis sometimes used inappropriately to refer to whether the results
support the theory itself instead of the robustness of the measures used (e.g., Dörnyei &
Ryan, 2015, p. 91). This incorrect application of the term validation has been copied
widely by the L2MSS literature. As explained above, validation is a procedure related to
measurement. Theories may be proposed, tested, developed, challenged, and refuted
based on falsifiable hypotheses they should put forward. A measure may or may not be
valid depending on the extent to which the construct intended is the underlying cause of
item covariation in that measure (DeVellis, 2017).
Scales in the L2MSS tradition have been variously described as exhibiting a high level
of rigor. For example, Vlaeva and Dörnyei (2021) explained that they did not conduct a
pilot because they relied on established instruments widely used in the literature
(p. 952). You et al. (2016) similarly claimed that the scales they used were tried and
tested in previous studies(p. 103). Such generic, referenceless statements are widespread
in the L2MSS literature. Busse (2013) described the scales she used as validated research
instruments(p. 382), Chan (2014a)astaken from an established motivation inventory
(p. 363); Danesh and Shahnazari (2020) remark that the validity of the questionnaire has
been affirmed by different studies(p. 4), and Du (2019) depicts the ideal L2 self as
validated as a key motivational source(p. 135). Validation-related terminology in such
instances is used rather loosely and does not mean that these scales have been subjected to
rigorous psychometric analyses. The same applies to Dörnyei and Ryans(2015)claim
that Virtually all the validation studies reported in the literature found the L2 motivation
self system providing a good fit for the data(p. 91). Generally, these so-called validation
studies did not actually conduct any psychometric validation of scales used or include
meaningful learning-related behaviors, apart from relating one measure based on verbal
report to another measure based on verbal report(Gardner, 2010,p.73)introducing
common-method bias into the entire empirical literature.
As an illustration of the absence of measurement validation, consider the study by
Al-Shehri (2009). Al-Shehri reported high correlations between several L2MSS scales
without investigating the validity of these scales or even reporting their reliabilities.
Nevertheless, the author went on to argue that the pattern of the results confirmsthe
role of the ideal L2 self and proveshis hypothesis (Al-Shehri, 2009, p. 167).
these obvious weaknesses, this study has been widely cited as validatingthe L2MSS in
the Saudi context (e.g., Hessel, 2015; Muir, 2020; You & Chan, 2015; You & Dörnyei,
2016). (See also Waninge et al., 2014, for another illustration of the disregard of best
measurement practices under the guise of complex dynamic systems theory [Hiver &
Al-Hoorie, 2020b].)
In some instances, validation was attempted but clearly inappropriately so. For
example, Dörnyei and Chan (2013) used a Visual Style scale that originally had had five
items, but it showed a very poor reliability (exact reliability not declared). The authors
therefore had to drop two items, but the remaining items still had a very low reliability
of .49. Ideally, as this scale was adapted and applied to the L2 context for the first time, it
should have been dropped and not used in any further inferential analyses. However,
It is worth noting that it is inappropriate to describe findings as confirmingor provinga theory, as
results supporting a theory merely make it empirically adequate until future research refutes it (see Hiver &
Al-Hoorie, 2020b, p. 253).
The validation crisis in the L2 motivational self system tradition 311 Published online by Cambridge University Press
the authors decided to retain this scale, interpret its results as meaningful, and then
argue that this very poor reliability did produce important significant results
(Dörnyei & Chan, 2013, p. 448), and that the low reliability simply restricted the
scales sensitivity(p. 456). A more parsimonious explanation that the authors did not
acknowledge is simply that the scale lacks adequate psychometric propertiesand
results based on it are consequently questionable. Another example of poor validation
practices is applying factor analysis after completing inferential analysis. Validation
should precede any inferential statistical analysis, not be relegated to the end of a study,
as this would be tantamount to putting the horse behind the cart. In the study by
Dörnyei and Chan (2013), the authors conducted exploratory factor analysis (on two
scales only, and separately) after completing their analyses. The results also revealed
problematic patterns including Heywood cases (loadings over 1.0) and scales that were
clearly multidimensional. Both of these issues should have raised red flags about the
scales. (Another example of inappropriately using exploratory factor analysis at the end
of the study is Tseng et al., 2006.)
Since the first empirical anthology on the L2MSS (Dörnyei & Ushioda, 2009)
appeared, a number of scales have been introduced to the field. These scales, however,
did not undergo psychometric validation before they were extensively used to make
substantive claims. Close examination of the wording of some of these scales reveals
significant overlap. For example, in the context of learning L2 English, My future
career is closely related to speaking Englishand My future goal needs Englishhave a
very similar underlying concept (almost a tautology) that it would be hard to imagine
that these two items could belong to two distinct constructs. Similarly, If an English
course was offered in the future, I would like to take itand Im always looking forward
to my English classesseem very closely related and placing them under separate scales
would most likely lead to discriminant validity issues. Examples of such cases abound in
the L2MSS tradition, with alarmingly high correlations almost the default finding (see
Table 1).
As explained in the previous section, a high correlation raises red discriminant
validity flags. The correlations reported in Table 1, which have yet to be corrected for
disattenuation, are rather highespecially in light of the apparent overlap in items
purported to belong to different scales. Indeed, these correlations seem too high to the
extent that Dörnyei and associates have acknowledged that a correlation of this
magnitude is an exceptionally high figure(Dörnyei, 2009, p. 31) and an unusually
high figure in motivation studies(Dörnyei & Ryan, 2015, p. 91). Unsurprisingly, in
studies where a factor-analytic procedure was implemented, the correlation typically
drops significantly (Al-Hoorie, 2018). This suggests that researchers who conducted a
factor-analytic procedure were able to locate problematic items (e.g., loading highly on
two variables) and exclude them before inferential analyses. This in turn suggests that
the high correlations reported in the literature might be an artifact of a lack of
discriminant validity.
In a direct empirical test of these discriminant validity concerns, Hiver and
Al-Hoorie (2020a) conducted a replication of You et al. (2016). You et al. (2016)
conducted a large-scale study involving over 10,000 Chinese learners of English. A
number of scales were used in that study, including the Ideal L2 Self, Vividness of
Imagery, Ease of Using Imagery, and Positive Changes of the Future L2 Self-Image. The
magnitude of the path coefficients in their structural equation model was rather high in
some instances. For example, the Vividness of Imagery predicted the Ideal L2 Self at β=
.81. In turn, Visual Style predicted Vividness of Imagery at β= .67, and Attitudes toward
L2 Learning predicted Intended Effort at β= .68. Examination of the items used to
312 Ali H. Al-Hoorie, Phil Hiver and Yo Innami Published online by Cambridge University Press
operationalize these constructs reveals a great deal of overlap (Table 2). In Hiver and
Al-Hoories(2020a) replication, these scales in question failed to exhibit adequate
discriminant validity, indicating that these items represent one latent variable. Thus,
the high correlations obtained are more likely to be spurious due to lack of discriminant
Table 1. Examples of high correlations between observed variables involving items with apparent
Scale name
(as used in the study) Sample items r
Al-Shehri (2009) Ideal Self Whatever I do in the future, I think I
will be needing English.
Motivated Behavior and
Learning English is one of the most
important aspects in my life.
Kim and Kim (2011) Ideal L2 Self I can imagine a time when I can
speak English with native
speakers from other countries.
Motivated L2 Behavior If I had the opportunity to speak
English outside of school, I would
do it as much as I can.
Kim (2009) Ideal L2 Self The things I want to do in the future
require me to speak English.
Motivated Behavior Learning English is very important in
my life.
Ryan (2009) Intended Learning Effort If an English course was offered in
the future, I would like to take it.
Attitudes to Learning
Im always looking forward to my
English classes.
Papi (2010) English Learning
Would you like to have more English
lessons at school?
Intended Effort If an English course was offered in
the future, I would like to take it.
Yang and Kim (2011) Ideal L2 Self My future career is closely related to
speaking English
Motivated L2 Behavior My future goal needs English
Taguchi et al. (2009) Ideal L2 Self I can imagine myself studying in a
university where all my courses
are taught in English.
Criterion Measures If an English course was offered in
the future, I would like to take it.
Table 2. Items presumed to belong to different scales but appear to have significant wording overlap
Scale Example item
Ideal L2 Self I can imagine myself in the future giving an English speech
successfully to the public in the future.
Vividness of Imagery
If I wish, I can imagine how I could successfully use English in the
future so vividly that the images and/or sounds hold my attention
as a good movie or story does.
Ease of Using Imagery It is easy for me to imagine how I could successfully use English in the
Positive Changes of the
Future L2 Self-Image
In the past I couldntimagine of myself using English in the future, but
now I do imagine it.
The validation crisis in the L2 motivational self system tradition 313 Published online by Cambridge University Press
The present study
In light of the above literature review, the purpose of this study was to conduct an
empirical investigation of the discriminant validity of a collection of scales used in the
L2MSS tradition. We surveyed the literature and compiled a list of 18 scales used in this
tradition. These scales were also included in Dörnyeis(2010) authoritative guide to
questionnaires in L2 research. We categorized these scales into six groups (see Table 3)
based on construct similarity (see also Instruments later). The overall research question
guiding the present study was whether and to what extent the scales in each group
would show sufficient discriminant validity.
The participants were 384 (female = 214) secondary school learners of English as a
foreign language in Korean public schools. Participants ranged in age from 1318
= 15.6, SD = 3.31) and all used Korean as their L1. Using quota sampling, we
recruited a roughly equal number of students from Seoul and the most densely
populated urban province immediately surrounding the capital (n= 204) and from
schools in provinces located further to the south and center of the country (n= 180).
These two different geographic regions represent divergent socioeconomic strata and
levels of educational investment and competitiveness. The ratio of high school
students sampled (n= 232) relative to middle school students (n= 152) was
approximately 60:40. Typical of many other foreign language contexts, all these
participants reported engaging in regular independent L2 study outside of the
compulsory classroom setting; however, none indicated study-abroad experience in
the L2. Ability levels, obtained from participantsmost recent secondary school
standardized exam reports ranged from novice-high to intermediate-mid according
to ACTFL proficiency guidelines.
Table 3. Scales used in the present study
Scale Items Source
Group 1 Intended Effort 10 (Taguchi et al., 2009)
Attitudes to Learning English 5
Group 2 Attitudes to L2 Community 4 (Taguchi et al., 2009)
Cultural Interest 4
Group 3 Auditory Style 5 (You et al., 2016)
Visual Style 5
Group 4 Feared L2 Self 4 (Chan, 2014b)
Negative Changes of the Future L2 Self-image 2 (You et al., 2016)
Group 5 Ought-to L2 Self 10 (Taguchi et al., 2009)
InstrumentalityPromotion 14
InstrumentalityPrevention 8
Family Influence 11
Group 6 Ideal L2 Self 10 (Taguchi et al., 2009)
Linguistic Self-Confidence 4 (Dörnyei, 2010)
Vividness of Imagery 5 (You et al., 2016)
Ease of Using Imagery 5 (You et al., 2016)
Imagery Capacity 5 (Dörnyei & Chan, 2013)
Positive Changes of the Future L2 Self-image 3 (You et al., 2016)
314 Ali H. Al-Hoorie, Phil Hiver and Yo Innami Published online by Cambridge University Press
As explained above, we used 18 scales that represent major constructs in the L2MSS
tradition (see Table 3). We grouped the first element of the L2MSS, the Ideal L2 Self,
along with vision- and imagery-related scales because of the close connection between
the Ideal L2 Self and vision, with the theory sometimes referred to as vision theory (Muir
& Dörnyei, 2013, p. 362; see also Al-Hoorie & Al Shlowiy, 2020). We also included
Linguistic Self-Confidence in this group because the Ideal L2 Self Items do not refer to
any actualideal discrepancy per se, so we hypothesized that ability beliefs might drive
response to items in this scale. The second element of the L2MSS, the Ought-to L2 Self,
was grouped with other scales related to external motivational forces. These include
Family Influence, Promotional Instrumentality, and Preventive Instrumentality. The
third element, the L2 Learning Experience (i.e., attitudes toward learning English) was
grouped with intended effort (see Hiver & Al-Hoorie, 2020a). Other scales were
likewise grouped based on thematic similarly: Attitudes Toward L2 Community with
Cultural Interest, the Feared L2 Self with negative changes of the Future L2 Self-Image,
Auditory Style with Visual Style. All items and their original Korean wording are listed
in the online supplementary materials.
The questionnaire items were translated into the studentsL1 (Korean) by a researcher
familiar with the principles of questionnaire construction and both languages in
question. These 114 items across 18 scales were then back-translated by a professional
translator for consistency. Once we obtained ethical approval, we approached school
administration and teaching staff for institutional consent and participant assent to
collect data. Students from the schools that agreed to participate completed the
questionnaire outside of their regular class hours in the final weeks of the academic
year. The regular L2 teacher and a research assistant were both present to inform
participants about the purpose of the survey and administer it. Students were reminded
that participation was voluntary and were assured their responses would remain
confidential. Participation was voluntary and uncompensated. All data-elicitation
measures were administered in person using the SurveyMonkey platform that ran-
domized and intermixed the 114 items such that no two items from a single scale were
adjacent or presented to any one respondent in the same order. Response rates ranged
from 50%60% across sites. Respondents were given 30 min to complete the scales but
on average spent less than 20 min to complete their response to all items. Throughout
data collection, participants were treated in accordance with APA ethical guidelines.
Data analysis
We conducted exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis
(CFA). For EFA, we set the number of factors to retain as a range from one to the
maximumnumberofscales.Forexample,Group 1 had two scales: (1) Intended Effort
and (2) Attitudes to Learning English. We examined whether one factor would be
retained or two factors (based on the maximum number of the scales in Group 1). We
retained factors (a) with eigenvalues greater than 1 computed from the current data,
(b) with scree plots showing factors appearing before the point of inflexion, and
(c) with parallel analysis using eigenvalues greater than the corresponding eigen-
values computed from many data sets randomly generated from the current data (e.g.,
The validation crisis in the L2 motivational self system tradition 315 Published online by Cambridge University Press
Widaman, 2012). We acknowledge that the eigenvalues-greater-than-1 rule risks
overdimensionalization (van der Eijk & Rose, 2015), though, and we report it here for
completeness and transparency. As parallel analysis is not available for categorical
variables, we treated item responses as continuous and used the robust maximum-
likelihood estimator.
For CFA, the data were multivariate nonnormal as judged by Mardiasmultivar-
iate normality test available in the MVN R package (Korkmaz et al., 2014), Mardia
Skewness = 3396.713, p< .001, Mardia Kurtosis = 48.067, p< .001. Further, the data
were categorical. For these reasons, we used the WLSMV estimator. We compared the
fit of a CFA model with both scales under one latent variable and a model with each
scale as a separate latent variable. The CFA models were considered to fit the data as
judged by a comparative fit index (CFI) and a TuckerLewis index (TLI) of .90 or
higher, a standardized root mean square residual of .08 or lower, and root mean
square error of approximation (RMSEA) values of .08 or lower (Browne & Cudeck,
1993). The models were additionally compared using a chi-square difference test
(Brown, 2015), though we note that this is a relative procedure showing which model
fits the data better than providing an absolute indication of appropriateness of scale
psychometric properties.
Throughout these processes, each model was evaluated individually as to whether it
met these statistical criteria and was substantively interpretable. The analysis was
implemented in Mplus 8.6 (Muthén & Muthén, 19982012), and there were no missing
values. Supplementary materials are available from the OSF project page (
7c8qs/). They are also available on the IRIS Digital Repository.
Table 4 shows the observed correlations among the scales (the 95% confidence
intervals are available in the online supplementary materials). The table shows rather
high correlations, in many cases exceeding .70. For the sake of convenience, the
triangles in Table 4 indicate correlations between scales within one group. The
weakest correlation was observed in Group 4, with a correlation of .41 between
(7) Feared L2 Self and (8) Negative Changes of the Future L2 Self-Image. Conversely,
the strongest correlation was observed in Group 5, with a correlation of .87 between
(9) Ought-to L2 Self and (12) Family Influence. The magnitudes of these correlations
aligned with medium (.40) and large (.60), respectively, according to Plonsky and
Oswalds(2014) benchmarks for correlation magnitude. Although these are the
observed correlations, their latent counterparts exceeded .90 (not reported here).
All of this underscores the need to scrutinize the discriminant validity of variables
underlying these scales.
In subsequent analyses, three scales had to be excluded due to a nonpositive definite
error: Family Influence, Vividness of Imagery, and Ease of Using Imagery. Nonpositive
definiteness refers to matrices that are unsuitable for analysis, for example, due to high
correlations among variables (e.g., Wothke, 1993). Our data indeed showed extremely
high latent correlations. For example, Family Influence exhibited a latent correlation of
.97 with Ought-to L2 Self, whereas Vividness of Imagery and Ease of Using Imagery
correlated with Ideal L2 Self at .94 and .96, respectively. With such high correlations, it
is highly unlikely that these scales represent distinct constructs. These problematic
patterns may not be particularly surprising for the latter two scales considering that
they were first created by You et al. (2016) and did not undergo extensive psychometric
316 Ali H. Al-Hoorie, Phil Hiver and Yo Innami Published online by Cambridge University Press
Table 4. Observed variable correlations
GaSb(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
12) .84
23) .73 .65
24) .70 .68 .74
35) .73 .67 .63 .54
3 6) .65 .60 .59 .55 .71
4 7) .62 .47 .44 .44 .54 .52
4 8) .20 .12 .15 .16 . 23 .33 .41
5 9) .61 .48 .43 .42 .48 .52 .71 .46
5 10) .79 .61 .62 .59 .66 .63 .70 .33 .75
5 11) .61 .43 .40 .39 .52 .53 .72 .44 .84 .81
5 12) .54 .44 .37 .38 .39 .46 .63 .44 .87 .66 .74
6 13) .82 .74 .76 .72 .66 .56 .55 .16 .54 .70 .50 .48
6 14) .77 .70 .67 .66 .64 .53 .45 .06 .43 .67 .47 .36 .80
6 15) .77 .72 .68 .64 .63 .60 .49 .17 .52 .60 .43 .49 .86 .71
6 16) .75 .73 .66 .68 .68 .62 .48 .13 .48 .61 .44 .43 .86 .76 .87
6 17) .69 .63 .66 .68 .70 .71 .54 .22 .49 .61 .47 .43 .76 .69 .77 .82
6 18) .80 .73 .62 .60 .62 .57 .62 .16 .58 .69 .55 .52 .80 .70 .79 .75 .67
M42 20 19 18 23 22 17 7 41 64 35 43 43 18 20 21 22 12
SD 14 7 6 5 6 6 5 3 13 18 11 15 14 6 7 7 6 5
α .92 .88 .84 .77 .77 .78 .73 .54 .90 .93 .91 .91 .93 .83 .89 .84 .81 .84
Note. Triangles represent correlations within each group. G
= Scale. (1) Intended Effort; (2) Attitudes to Learning English; (3) Attitudes to L2
Community; (4)Cultural Interest; (5) AuditoryStyle; (6) Visual Style; (7) Feared L2 Self;(8) Negative Changes of the Future L2 Self-image; (9) Ought-toL2 Self;
(10) InstrumentalityPromotion; (11) InstrumentalityPrevention; (12) Family Influence; (13) Ideal L2 Self; (14) Linguistic Self-Confidence; (15) Vividness of
Imagery; (16) Ease of Using Imagery; (17) Imagery Capacity; (18) Positive Changes of the Future L2 Self-image. Means and standard deviations have been
rounded to thenearest integer to save space. Forinstance, the mean value of (1) IntendedEffort was 42.21, but was roundedto 42. Results prior to rounding
can be found in the online supplementary material. Correlations of .70 and stronger are in bold.
The validation crisis in the L2 motivational self system tradition 317 Published online by Cambridge University Press
validation. Exclusion of these scales does not affect the main purpose of this study as
these scales are not central to the L2MSS.
Table 5 presents the EFA results. The scree plot and parallel analysis always agreed,
showing thatwith the exception of Group 5the results for all groups indicated only
one meaningful underlying variable. For Group 5, there were two factors, which is less
than the three expected factors. As expected, the eigenvalue-over-1 rule was frequently
prone to overdimensionalization (van der Eijk & Rose, 2015). One surprising aspect in
these results is that the Ideal L2 Self and Linguistic Self-Confidence (Group 6) did not
turn out to be distinct factors. Additional examination using scree plot as well as parallel
analysis simulations similarly supported one factor only (see Figure 1; scree plots for
other groups are available in the online supplementary materials). As shown in Table 4,
the observed correlation between the Ideal L2 Self and the Linguistic Self-Confidence
scales was .80, whereas the latent correlation reached .90. These are problematically
high magnitudes. This suggests that response to the Ideal L2 Self might be driven by
belief in ability rather than an actualideal discrepancy. As for Group 5 (Ought-to L2
Self, InstrumentalityPromotion, and InstrumentalityPrevention), the results sug-
gested two factors only. Table 6 presents the factor loadings for these two factors. The
factor loading pattern suggests that the Ought-to L2 Self is not distinct from the
Table 5. Exploratory factor analysis results
Group No. of scales Eigenvalue Scree plot Parallel analysis
1 2 1 factor 1 factor 1 factor
2 2 1 factor 1 factor 1 factor
3 2 2 factors 1 factor 1 factor
4 2 1 factor 1 factor 1 factor
5 3 4 factors 2 factors 2 factors
6 4 3 factors 1 factor 1 factor
Note. Group 1: Intended Effort and Attitudes to Learning English. Group 2: Attitudes to L2 Community and Cultural Interest.
Group 3: Auditory Style and Visual Style. Group 4: Feared L2 Self and Negative Changes of the Future L2 Self-image. Group 5:
Ought-to L2 Self, InstrumentalityPromotion, and InstrumentalityPrevention. Group 6: Ideal L2 Self, Linguistic Self-
Confidence, Imagery Capacity, and Positive Changes of the Future L2 Self-image.
Figure 1. Scree plot of Group 6 (Ideal L2 Self, Linguistic Self-Confidence, Imagery Capacity, and Positive
Changes of the Future L2 Self-Image). The results suggest that all these scales represent only one latent
318 Ali H. Al-Hoorie, Phil Hiver and Yo Innami Published online by Cambridge University Press
InstrumentalityPrevention, but it tends to be distinct from the Instrumentality
Promotion scale.
As Table 5 shows, there were cases where even the eigenvalue-over-1 rule suggested
only one factor and agreed with the other two criteria. Intended Effort and Attitudes to
Learning English (Group 1) turned out to represent only one factor using all three
criteria, indicating that using these two scales in one study may lead to a jangle fallacy.
The same applies to Attitudes to L2 Community and Cultural Interest (Group 2) and to
Feared L2 Self and Negative Changes of the Future L2 Self-Image (Group 4).
Table 7 presents the CFA results. All models showed signs of problematic model fit.
Specifically, the RMSEA values were larger than .08, most of the time even exceeding .10. In
fact, even the lower confidence interval was usually larger than the standard .08 threshold.
The CFI and TLI values were occasionally too low, especially for Group 5. Following Lai
and Green (2016), who reported on the conditions under which CFI and RMSEA did not
agree with each other, we examined whether and how our results satisfied those conditions.
We found that the necessary condition was met in 12 of the 16 cases and that the sufficient
condition was met in five of the 16 cases (see online supplementary material). Thus, the fit
indices of all of these models were considered suboptimal.
Table 6. Exploratory factor analysis for Group 5 (Ought-to L2 Self, InstrumentalityPromotion, and
Item Factor 1 Factor 2
Ought6 .92 .22
Ought7 .79 .06
Prev7 .75 .01
Ought1 .75 .13
Prev6 .73 .05
Ought2 .70 .07
Ought3 .68 .05
Prev8 .64 .20
Ought4 .61 .06
Ought9 .61 .17
Prev4 .57 .31
Prom10 .57 .13
Ought5 .52 .31
Prom12 .49 .36
Prev3 .49 .35
Prev1 .46 .28
Prev2 .39 .40
Ought8 .39 .33
Prom9 .32 .22
Prom1 .03 .84
Prom4 .01 .82
Prom7 .13 .82
Prom14 .02 .80
Prom3 .02 .78
Prom13 .01 .72
Prom6 .06 .71
Prev5 .12 .68
Prom5 .15 .67
Prom2 .18 .65
Prom11 .22 .58
Ought10 .24 .39
Prom8 .25 .34
Note. Geomin rotated loadings. Loadings over .30 in bold.
The validation crisis in the L2 motivational self system tradition 319 Published online by Cambridge University Press
For model comparison, the results supported the model with separate factors.
However, as explained previously, the chi-square test is a relative measure of fit and
does not provide an absolute indication of psychometric properties (e.g., the better
fitting model might still have poor psychometric properties). This might be promising,
implying thatdespite the poor model fitfuture refinement of these scales has the
potential to lead to more valid measures.
The epigraph of this article is a quote from McElreath (2020, p. 164) asking about the
value of knowing the length of a leg if we already know the length of the other leg.
Obviously, there is little to be learned from knowing the length of the other leg. The
same notion applies to measurement, variables, and inferential analysis. The question
that linear multiple regression asks is this: What can we learn from a variable if we
already know the value of another variable (or variables)? If these variables are highly
Table 7. Model fit and chi-square different test results using confirmatory factor analysis results
Model χ
(df) CFI TLI RMSEA [90% CI] SRMR χ
Diff. test (df) Support
Group 1: Intended Effort and Attitudes to Learning English
1 factor 912.024*
(90) .921 .908 .154
[.145, .163] .042 61.166***
(1) 2 factors
2 factors 809.031*
(89) .931 .918 .145
[.136, .154] .040
Group 2: Attitudes to L2 Community and Cultural Interest
1 factor 133.249*
(20) .968 .955 .121
[.102, .141] .029 9.637***
(1) 2 factors
2 factors 106.874*
(19) .975 .963 .110
[.090, .130] .027
Group 3: Auditory Style and Visual Style
1 factor 284.222*
(35) .915 .891 .136
[.122, .151] .043 25.274***
(1) 2 factors
2 factors 253.546*
(34) .925 .901 .130
[.115, .145] .040
Group 4: Feared L2 Self and Negative Changes of the Future L2 Self-image
1 factor 108.330*
(9) .899 .831 .170
[.142, .199] .038 47.946***
(1) 2 factors
2 factors 37.678*
(8) .970 .943 .098
[.068, .131] .023
Group 5: Ought-to L2 Self, InstrumentalityPromotion, and InstrumentalityPrevention
1 factor 3,166.454*
(464) .862 .853 .123
[.119, .127] .070 271.375***
(3) 3 factors
3 factors 2,591.560*
(461) .891 .883 .110
[.106, .114] .062
Group 6: Ideal L2 Self, Linguistic Self-Confidence, Imagery Capacity, and Positive Changes of the Future L2
1 factor 1241.217*
(209) .935 .928 .113
[.107, .120] .042 267.356***
(6) 4 factors
4 factors 922.180*
(203) .955 .949 .096
[.091, .102] .036
Note. Bold denotes problematic values. SRMR = standardized root mean square residual.
*p< .05;
***p< .001.
320 Ali H. Al-Hoorie, Phil Hiver and Yo Innami Published online by Cambridge University Press
correlated, each will explain little unique variance in the outcome variable (Al-Hoorie &
Hiver, 2022). Clearly, designs such as those used in the L2MSS tradition rest on the
assumption that the variables in question indeed underlie distinct latent variables. The
results of this study suggest otherwise, showing that there is a severe case of a jangle
fallacy in the L2MSS tradition. This is rather surprising considering that this model was
first introduced almost 2 decades ago. This indicates a clear neglect of psychometrics
and scale validation in this tradition. It also suggests the need to pause substantive
studies until issues with validity can be ironed out. Results are only as good as a models
measures are.
Revisiting our results
Virtually all scales we examined in this study showed problematic psychometric
properties. Further, none of the three main elements of the L2MSS (Ideal L2 Self,
Ought-to L2 Self, and L2 Learning Experience) exhibited adequate discriminant
validity when tested alongside related scales. This is concerning.
One interesting finding from this study is the lack of discriminant validity between
arguably the crown jewel of this model, the Ideal L2 Self, and linguistic self-confidence.
Linguistic self-confidence, ability beliefs, self-efficacy, and related concepts have been
around for decades (Goetze & Driver, 2022) and, in theory, should have little to do with
actualideal discrepancies. In fact, Higgins (1987, p. 336) speculated whether self-
efficacy beliefs might moderate the effect of self-discrepancies (whether ideal or ought),
a clear acknowledgment of the theoretical distinction between these constructs.
As for the second component of the L2MSS, the Ought-to L2 Self, it also failed to
demonstrate discriminant validity in relation to InstrumentalityPrevention or Family
Influence. On one hand, it makes sense for the Ought-to L2 Self to be related to a
prevention focus, but these results suggest that treating these two scales as separate is
problematic. On the other hand, although it also makes sense for the Ought-to L2 Self to
be related to family influence, the extremely high latent correlation between them (.97)
suggests thatjust like the Ideal L2 Selfthe Ought-to L2 Self does not represent
actualought discrepancies per se as originally proposed. This is in turn part of the
jangle fallacy where multiple scales with different names refer basically to the same
When it comes to the third component of the L2MSS, again, there was little evidence
that it was distinct from Intended Effort. Intended Effort is erroneously yet commonly
used as the sole dependent variable in substantive research (Henry, 2021; Papi & Hiver,
2022) while the L2 Learning Experience is perhaps the least theorized construct in the
model (Hiver et al., 2019) despite 2 decades of intense interest in the L2MSS. Claims
that the L2 learning experience is the best predictor of intended effort may therefore be
explained away by the lack of discriminant validity between the scales used.
Nor was there a clear empirical distinction between Cultural Interest and Attitudes
Toward the L2 Community, again despite clear links to 6 decades of work by Robert
Gardner and the ostensibly desire to move from integrative motivation to a more global
outlook (Al-Hoorie & MacIntyre, 2020). The same applies to the various still unvali-
dated imagery-related constructs whose theoretical foundations have been problema-
tized in motivational science for decades (see Baumeister et al., 2016; Oettingen &
Reininger, 2016; Oettingen et al., 2018).
Recent work has attempted to revise the L2MSS model with information about the
sources of these self-related perceptions and images in order to achieve greater
The validation crisis in the L2 motivational self system tradition 321 Published online by Cambridge University Press
conceptual clarity and measurement accuracy (e.g., see Papi et al., 2019; Papi &
Khajavy, 2021). As we elaborate below, our results suggest that this work does not go
far enough, and more fundamental thinking is needed that revisits the validity of the
ideal L2 self construct itself and the original eclectic theoretical base underlying it
(Henry & Cliffordson, 2017). What is the theoretical rationale for the conflation of self-
discrepancy theory with possible selves theory? What does this self construct comprise
(i.e., over and above other self-related constructs)? What, if anything, makes it specific
to additional language use and learning? What does an actualideal discrepancy entail
in concrete terms? Do multilingual learners have these, and if so in which domains or in
reference to what? These and many other important questions remain unanswered
(Henry, 2023).
In more practical terms, the ideal L2 self is conceptually claimed to represent an
actualideal discrepancy that the learner holds and consequently wants to bridge
(Dörnyei, 2005,2009). As Al-Hoorie (2018) argued, the actual items of this scale do
not reflect any actualideal discrepancy as they explicitly refer to imagining oneself in
the future using the language competently, leading him to suggest relabeling it to the
imagined self. Our results suggest that response to Ideal L2 Self items might be driven by
ability beliefs. Indeed, for an item like I can imagine a situation where I am speaking
English with foreigners,it is not clear why a respondent should first think of their
current state, then their future state, and subsequently the gap between the two and
finally respond to this item by saying strongly agreefor example. It is more likely that
the potential respondent will instead think about their ability and their belief in the
extent to which they can achieve the task in question. This suggests that the ideal L2 self
suffers not just from a discriminant validity problem but also a content validity one.
Items in this scale are simply measuring ability. If this is the case, then findings from the
ideal L2 self should probably be attributed to self-efficacy and related ability belief
constructs instead. Even if the point of reference is a vision that is anchored to an
achievement of a specific task, this is likely to not be qualitatively different from a goal
(Al-Hoorie & Al Shlowiy, 2020), and such achievement-oriented perceptions have been
studied under the rubric of self-efficacy for many decades (Bandura, 1986,1997; Goetze
& Driver, 2022).
In parallel with the above, what does it mean that the results did not show evidence
that the Intended Effort scale is discriminant from Attitudes Toward Learning the L2?
Looking at the actual items, it would be hard to argue that I would like to study English
even if I were not required(intended effort) and I really enjoy learning English
(attitudes toward learning the L2) should represent distinct latent variables. If a learner
reports that they would like to expend voluntary effort in language learning despite it
not being required, it would sound very strange if simultaneously they do not enjoy that
class. These seem like two sides of the same coin or sharing a consistent causal
relationship (Shaffer et al., 2016). The problematic validity (both discriminant and
predictive) of intended effort and its ambiguity in models of L2 motivation are well
established (see Al-Hoorie, 2018, for one review). In fact, this lack of discriminant
validity replicates a previous report by Hiver and Al-Hoorie (2020a), who failed to
replicate You et al. (2016).
Implications for the field
Part of the problem our results revealed lies in the exclusive reliance in the literature on
subjective self-report measures, particularly Likert-type items (Al-Hoorie, 2018). For
322 Ali H. Al-Hoorie, Phil Hiver and Yo Innami Published online by Cambridge University Press
historical reasons (Al-Hoorie, 2017) and for convenience (Al-Hoorie et al., 2021), the
L2 motivation field generally, and the L2MSS tradition more specifically, has over-
emphasized self-report measures of variables that, as a baseline, are conceptually hazy.
Instead of rating statements or even specific attributes, in self-discrepancy research
participants are asked to list attributes they think they actually, ideally, and ought to
possess. Researchers then have to compare these attributes and determine whether
there are matches and mismatches (Higgins et al., 1985). The problem of overreliance
on subjective self-report has extended to outcome measures, where these too for
convenience are measured with a quick self-report scale (i.e., Intended Effort, Moti-
vated Behavior). This dependence on proxy measures for important outcomes may not
reflect learnersactual achievement (r= .12; Al-Hoorie, 2018) or tangible engagement
(see Hiver, Al-Hoorie, & Mercer, 2021; Hiver, Al-Hoorie, et al., 2021).
Furthermore, validation research should not be limited to conventional correla-
tional approaches. As construct validity essentially entails causality (Borsboom et al.,
2004), research should investigate whether and to what extent measures are responsive
to the manipulation of intended constructs. For example, if a measure is intended to
assess state anxiety, it is expected that response to this measure should change
depending on the specific conditions in which the instrument is administered, such
as when respondents are placed in anxiety-inducing conditions (Gregersen et al., 2014).
As it turns out, the picture might not be straightforward and individual differences may
play a role (Gardner et al., 1992).
Another consideration is the usefulness of the construct for broader theoretical
understanding in the field. Construct legitimacy (Stone, 2019) encourages researchers
to consider the risk of conceptual clutter when too many overlapping constructs are
introduced to the field. In some cases, it is possible to reduce this clutter by focusing on a
smaller, more parsimonious set of corevariables. Existing variables may sometimes
be hardly distinguishable at a theoretical level from newly introduced ones even if the
new ones are measured and conceptualized somewhat differently. An example is the
distinction, or lack thereof, between a goal and a vision (Al-Hoorie & Al Shlowiy, 2020).
Curbing this atheoretic proliferation may help researchers pay closer attention to the
dynamic relationships among these constructs and factors influencing these relation-
Regardless of the validation paradigm deemed fit for a specific area of inquiry, there
is a need to place validation research on the map of applied linguistics research. After
all, validation research is research(Borsboom et al., 2004, p. 1063), making valuable
contributions to the rigor and validity of substantive research. When such validation
research is recognized as a legitimate area of investigation in its own right, it should
ideally be separate, ongoing, and a precursor to substantive research using the measures
in question. This will help the field move beyond the mire of a repetitive exploratory
research stage and the nefarious researcher degrees of freedom and other questionable
measurement practices accompanying it. It will additionally minimize the need to
create measures on the fly for substantive purposes as well as the dubious practice of
unsystematically selecting a subset of existing scales merely for practical reasons (Claro,
Our study is not without limitations. Our sample is limited to participants in one
specific learning context, sharing one L1, and having a rather narrow age range.
Nevertheless, we do not anticipate these sample characteristics to be a major factor
in our results given the theoretical complications, conceptual ambiguities, and previous
replications showing similar results. Readers may also question our scale-grouping
choices or point out other scales we did not include in this study. These concerns may
The validation crisis in the L2 motivational self system tradition 323 Published online by Cambridge University Press
have some merits, and in this study we had to make strategic decisions to keep the
analysis manageable and to minimize capitalizing on chance. We see this study as one
step toward recognizing the validation crisis, opening a discussion around it, and
eventually hopefully overcoming it.
Just like Dörnyei (1994) argued in relation to the Attitude/Motivation Test Battery, if
we were mix items in the L2MSS, it would be rather difficult to reconstruct their scales
using factor-analytic procedures. This applies to all three elements of the L2MSS
including its uncontested crown jewel, the Ideal L2 Self. These findings, coupled with
sundry other validity limitations and concerns even in top-tier journals in the field (e.g.,
Sudina, 2021,2023), justifies declaring a state of validation crisis.
From a psychometrics perspective, replicability is not enough (Schimmack, 2021).
Empirical demonstration of measure validity must be proffered, as rationalization is
not construct validation(Cronbach & Meehl, 1955, p. 291). When measures turn out
to be problematic afterward, this realization will inevitably overshadow the legitimacy
of findings generated using these measures. Our results indicate that scales used in the
L2MSS suffer from severe discriminant validity concerns. Future research should
therefore prioritize addressing this validation crisis before undertaking further sub-
stantive research. Still, we caution against running down the rabbit hole of more and
more selves,as the multitude of overlapping concepts in the literature on the self is
more confusing than integrativeness ever could be(MacIntyre et al., 2009, p. 54). A
focus on the self rather than on identity, which has a long and established tradition,
represents a regrettable, costly detour the field has taken.
Another future direction is revisiting findings from studies that employed scales
with suspect discriminant validity. Once a study is published and becomes widespread,
it may be a slow and uphill process to promote research showing contrary results, or
even publish it, in light of the general atmosphere in academia that is bias toward
innovativeand newsworthy research. Nevertheless, based on our experience and
available evidence, it appears that channeling efforts and resources into self-
determination theory (Al-Hoorie et al., 2022; Oga-Baldwin et al., 2019,2022) might
present more promising research avenues.
Finally, just like other disciplines in applied linguistics, it is important for validation
research to embrace transparency. Researchers should be transparent about the limitations
of their measures and consider the extent to which these limitations might have affected
their results. It is equally important to reflect such limitations in any claims and recom-
mendations stemming from findings based on these measures. Furthermore, it is imper-
ative that researchers engaged in validation research adopt open science practices. This
includes replication, sharing data and code, and preregistration. This research should also
recruit samples representative of the language learner population. Doing so will ensure the
rigor and quality of research findings and their relevance to policy and practice.
Data availability statement. The experiment in this article earned Open Data and Open Materials badges
for transparent practices. The materials and data are available at
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Cite this article: Al-Hoorie, A. H., Hiver, P., & Innami, Y. (2024). The validation crisis in the L2
motivational self system tradition. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 46: 307329.
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... Another potential limitation of the present study is the high correlation observed between personal teacher support and academic teacher support. Although we conducted VIF and tolerance tests and found no issues with multicollinearity, the high correlation between these variables may raise concerns about discriminant validity (see Al-Hoorie et al., 2023). Future research should consider this limitation and explore additional methods to ensure the discriminant validity of these two facets of L2 teacher support. ...
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The present study aimed to explore the association between 302 (93 males and 209 females) English as a foreign language (EFL) learners' perceived teacher support (i.e., personal support and academic support) and their reading motivation. This inquiry also sought to assess the potential mediating influences of second Ali Derakhshan, Mehdi Solhi, Jean-Marc Dewaele, Farzaneh Shakki 2 or foreign language (L2) boredom, anxiety, and enjoyment on the interplay between the constructs under investigation. The results indicated a significantly strong and positive relationship between personal and academic teacher support and reading motivation. While L2 reading boredom and anxiety exhibited strong negative correlations with the two facets of teacher support, L2 enjoyment was positively correlated. Additionally, L2 reading enjoyment displayed a strong association with reading motivation. The results also revealed that over half of the variance in L2 reading motivation could be predicted by teacher support, along with the mediating influences of learner emotions. The findings are discussed in connection with educational theories, and implications are drawn for teaching.
... Following Zoltán Dörnyei (2005), the L2 Motivational Self System (L2MSS) has become a major focus of study, spurring substantial research on individual differences in language learning motivation (Al-Hoorie, 2018). Although questions have been raised about the instrument's validity (Al-Hoorie et al., 2023), other researchers have reaffirmed the system's reliability (Henry & Liu, 2024;Papi & Teimouri, 2024). Despite recent debates, this framework remains a significant development in SLA as it explores the psychological factors that drive learners' motivation to study a second language (L2). ...
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The present study explores the effects of generative AI, specifically ChatGPT, in EFL classrooms on student motivation and writing efficacy. Motivation was measured through three components: Ideal L2 Self (IL2), Ought-to L2 Self (OL2), and L2 Learning Experience (L2LE). Participants (n = 327) were first and second-year undergraduate students at a Japanese university, enrolled in mandatory English classes focused on reading/writing or speaking/listening. The control group (n = 164) received peer feedback, whereas the treatment group (n = 163) utilized ChatGPT with specially crafted prompts for feedback. Both groups completed pre- and post-questionnaires to assess motivation and writing self-efficacy. Results affirmed that ChatGPT positively affected students’ motivation related to Ideal L2 Self and L2 Learning Experience. ChatGPT also significantly enhanced writing self-efficacy, which was found to correlate with all three motivational factors. However, there was no impact on Ought-to L2 Self motivation. The study highlights that ChatGPT’s integration can improve intrinsic motivation and writing self-efficacy, provided structured guidance is available to manage issues such as plagiarism. Future research should examine diverse samples, long-term effects, and ChatGPT’s impact on other language skills.
... Language motivation research offers a cautionary tale for when L2 researchers fail to heed the call to improve and refine their measures. Al-Hoorie et al. (2023) showed that popular surveys used to operationalize the constructs of the L2 motivational self system (L2MSS) (e.g., You et al., 2016) produced measurements that failed the most checks for divergent validity, i.e., the constructs that the L2MSS theory proposed as being distinct were actually observed to potentially measure the same 'thing.' Al-Hoorie et al.'s observations fit into a growing trend of research where actual research findings and what L2MSS theory would predict were not aligned. ...
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In this discussion paper, I examine three exceptional articles presented at the 2023 Symposium of the Japan Association for Language Teaching’s Vocabulary Special Interest Group. These papers are analyzed from the standpoint of providing positive examples for future vocabulary researchers to follow in order to promote rigor in their work. I also discuss how these reports demonstrate a clear self-awareness regarding the conclusions their inquiries can and cannot support. Taken together, these three reports are invaluable for promoting better vocabulary research.
The duality of human nature, consisting of positive and negative personality traits, has intrigued scholars in different fields. Despite an overwhelming dominance of research on positive characteristics, particularly in the field of education, negative traits, such as those constituting the Dark Triad (DT; i.e., Psychopathy, Narcissism, and Machiavellianism), have been confirmed to be associated with both positive and detrimental outcomes. This paper aims to investigate the potential influence of these aversive traits on second language (L2) learning outcomes-L2 learning motivation, engagement, achievement, and willingness to communicate. L2 learners from a single country (n = 431) participated in this study. Multiple structural equation models (SEMs) were run to analyze the links and the directionality of significant effects. Overall, among the undesirable DT traits, Psychopathy and Narcissism were both positive and negative predictors of the L2 outcomes, while Machiavellianism unexpectedly emerged solely as a positive predictor. The intricacy of the results underscores the vague nature of the effects, pinpointing the need for more caution while examining negative personality traits in education and the L2 contexts. Based on the results of this study, implications and directions for future research on DT and language learning are suggested.
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Al-Hoorie et al. (2024) offer compelling arguments for why L2 motivational self system research is currently in a state of validation crisis. Seeking a constructive resolution to the crisis, in this response we argue that two fundamental conditions are needed for the field to emerge stronger: psychological readiness and methodological maturity. For psychological readiness, we call for a reframing of the “crisis” narrative. We highlight the need to value controversy, to normalize failure and (self-)correction, and to resist the allure of novelty. For methodological maturity, we suggest that an argument-based approach to validation can provide a constructive solution to current controversies. We present an integrated framework which can guide systematic validation efforts, and we demonstrate its application using a recent validation study as an example.
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A long-standing concern in the field of second language acquisition is that replication studies are not only infrequent but also poorly designed, reported, and labeled. This special issue responds to an urgent need for action by showcasing eleven high-quality replication studies. In doing so, this collection highlights exemplary standards in replication study design and reporting. This introduction to the special issue provides readers with a point of reference for what replication research is, including why replication studies are needed, issues about originality and innovation in replication research, how replication studies can be designed and conducted, and recent advances and resources to support future replication efforts in the field. The introduction concludes with an overview of each study in the special issue, highlighting its main components and discussing how the replication strengthens the field and advances knowledge and understanding about the topic.
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Dörnyei's L2 motivational self‐system (L2MSS) is a dominant theory within the field of language motivation research. In this study, we explore the interrelationship between the three central components of L2MSS, with a particular focus on the often‐overlooked L2 learning experience (L2LE). While previous research has primarily examined the Ideal L2 Self and Ought‐to L2 Self in relation to various factors, this paper explores the impact of the L2LE on these two motivational constructs. We collected and analyzed data from 238 surveys administered online to Japanese university students using structural equation modeling. The results indicate that the L2LE has a causal pathway toward both the Ideal L2 Self and Ought‐to L2 Self, characterized by a moderate to strong degree of influence. Furthermore, there exists a moderate to strong causal relationship between the Ideal L2 Self and the Ought‐to L2 Self. The results of this study should have clear implications for educators and researchers, as it shows the importance of the L2LE and should encourage further research into this still underexplored construct.
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This article reports on the development and validation of the Informal Second Language Engagement questionnaire (ISLE) for capturing various aspects of learner engagement with informal second language practices. Whereas other questionnaires have primarily focused on learner behavior (the frequency, quantity, and diversity of informal activities in which learners engage), the ISLE additionally targets affective, cognitive, and linguistic aspects of engagement. Consequently, this questionnaire has the potential to help second language acquisition researchers better understand individual differences and variability in informal language engagement, how it changes over time, and the ways in which engagement affects language learning. The ISLE was developed and evaluated in three stages with a total of 382 German secondary school learners of English as a foreign language. The initial instrument development was informed by qualitative findings from focus group interviews. Subsequently, the questionnaire was piloted, and Exploratory Factor Analysis was applied to the data to uncover the underlying factor structures and reduce the number of items per construct. Finally, the revised instrument was evaluated further using Confirmatory Factor Analysis.
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As survey research in second language acquisition grows in popularity, the adherence to best practices associated with questionnaire quality is critical for a better understanding of factors that influence second language (L2) development. To ensure that a self-report scale targets the construct of interest and does it consistently and accurately, authors of primary research should demonstrate that their instrument possesses acceptable evidence of validity and reliability. To this end, this methodological synthesis focused on the state of scale quality in L2 anxiety and willingness to communicate (WTC) research by examining key methodological issues of quantitative survey research and offering empirically grounded suggestions for future studies. A close examination of 232 peer-reviewed articles that used 385 L2 anxiety and WTC scales demonstrated, among other findings, the lack of evidence for scale content and construct validity. The implications of this study contribute to concurrent attempts at methodological reform in applied linguistics.