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Abstract and Figures

The aim of the present research study is to produce biodiesel from waste cooking oil (WCO) using Transesterification reaction at laboratory scale and also comparison of the % of yield and quality of Bio-diesel fuel that comply the specification of standard methods (ASTM D 6751 and ISO 3675/p32). For the production of Bio-diesel, WCO is collected from Restaurant, university canteen, snack centre and mixed oil is collected from temple. In transesterification process KOH and NaOH is used as catalyst and Methanol andEthanol were used. All tests are conducted using same volume of alcohol and constant stirring speed i.e., 200 rpm for two hrs, during stirring no heat is supply. High % yield of Bio-diesel is achieved from WCO collected from Restaurant and snack centre using KOH as a catalyst and methanol. Physico-chemical parameters of both samples are within the prescribed limit of Bio-diesel.
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© 2023 JETIR November 2023, Volume 10, Issue 11 (ISSN-2349-5162)
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
1Chonde Sachin G., 2Chonde Sonal G.
1Assistant Professor, 2Assistant Professor
1Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities, AMGOI, Vathar, Kolhapur,
Mahrashtra, India
Abstract:The aim of the present research study is to produce biodiesel from waste cooking oil (WCO) using Transesterification
reaction at laboratory scale and also comparison of the % of yield and quality of Bio-diesel fuel that comply the specification of
standard methods (ASTM D 6751 and ISO 3675/p32). For the production of Bio-diesel, WCO is collected from Restaurant, university
canteen, snack centre and mixed oil is collected from temple. In transesterification process KOH and NaOH is used as catalyst and
Methanol andEthanol were used. All tests are conducted using same volume of alcohol and constant stirring speed i.e., 200 rpm for
two hrs, during stirring no heat is supply.
High % yield of Bio-diesel is achieved from WCO collected from Restaurant and snack centre using KOH as a catalyst and
methanol. Physico-chemical parameters of both samples are within the prescribed limit of Bio-diesel.
Key Words: Biodiesel production, waste oil, cooking oil etc.
1. Introduction:
Biodiesel is a source of new renewable energies and a substitute fuel with much potential in the future for petroleum-derived diesel.
According to BP Statistical Review of World Energy, total global consumption of diesel from petroleum increasing in one decade
which is 3.5 million tonnes in 2010 and 3.9 million tonnes in 2019. Despite reducing the dependence on fossil fuel, the question of
how waste cooking oil (WCO) disposal and related environmental damage issues might be solved by biodiesel production. rising
petroleum prices, environmental concerns about car exhausts, local changes in the atmosphere, and an increasing proportion in the
usage of diesel engines, which have greater performance than gasoline engines, have all led to the growing of biodiesel as a substitute
fuel [Yaakob Z 2013]. The use of fossil fuels or petroleum products is becoming more prevalent. According to [Hosseini M. 2012],
total global consumption of diesel from petroleum increasing in one decade which is 3.5 million tonnes in 2010 and 3.9 million
tonnes in 2019.
Biodiesel is described as an alternative, biodegradable, and renewable diesel fuel [Ayoub M. Z. 2021]. Transesterification of
vegetable or animal fats and short-chain alcohols like methanol or ethanol is used to make biodiesel.The advantages of using waste
cooking oils to produce biodiesel are low-cost effectiveness and prevention of environmental pollution [ Gnanaprakasam A. 2013,
Kharina A. 2018]. Generally, if waste oil is disposed of, it has many problems like water and soil pollution, human health concerns,
and disturbances to the amphibious ecosystem. Anastasia Kharina et al. [Solikhah M. 2009]
Several studies on biodiesel synthesis from used cooking oil have been carried out. The study [Wang Y. 2007] has synthesized
biodiesel from used cooking oil with the trans-esterification process. Research [Carlini M. 2014] has synthesized biodiesel using a
two-stage catalyst process, namely the esterification process with ferry sulfate catalyst and potassium hydroxide base catalyst. The
biodiesel processing process that uses two stages, namely esterification and transesterification require double consumption of
methanol. The addition of catalyst can increase conversion percentage of biodiesel produced [Setiawati E 2012].
© 2023 JETIR November 2023, Volume 10, Issue 11 (ISSN-2349-5162)
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
2. Materials and Methods:
Flow chart of Production of Bio-diesel
2.1 Filtration and Heating of raw WCO:
During frying food material, there is possibility of presence of small food particles and very minute amount of water molecules in
oil. for this reason, the oil sample was filtered and heated at 600c for 1 hour to melt coagulated oil and also it allows water molecules
to settle down at the bottom of the vessel. Heating of oil reduces the probability of soap formation during the transesterification
2.2 Free fatty acid test:
This test was analysis for determination of the amount of KOH or NaOH alkali catalyst that must be added to neutralize free fatty
acids presents or produced while cooking oil is heated in fryer.
In 100 ml flask 10ml of 91% isopropyl alcohol was added. 1ml of heated oil to the flask containing 91% isopropyl alcohol and stir
well for mixing. two drops of phenolphthalein indicator were added. this solution was titrated with 0.1%KOH solution and observed
for pink color formation as end point.
2.3 Preparation of Potassium Methoxide:
The 50 ml of methanol was poured in conical flask and seal the lid. KOH was added into the conical flask, secure the lid again and
shake it until all the KOH has dissolved. (for 250ml of cooked or waste vegetable oil)
2.4 preparation of crudeBiodiesel: -
Take250ml of preheated, waste cooking oil in beaker andallow it to cool up to 450c-500c. Once temperature achieved the waste
cooking oil was mixed in conical flask containing potassium methoxide solution. Secure the lid. conical flask was shaked
continuously at least for 2 hours at 200rpm. After 2 hrs the mixture was transferred to separation funnel. After completion of 24 hrs
two separate phases was observed. Upper layer is of crude biodiesel (crude ester) and bottom layer is of glycerol. Bottom layer of
glycerol was separated in conical flask and secure the lid (avoid evaporation of alcohol present in it). the upper layer of crude
biodiesel was collected in another conical flask.
2.5 Alcohol recovery and purification of separated layer
The Upper layer (crude biodiesel) constitute some impurities, un- reacted alcohol molecules, catalyst or soap. Crude biodiesel was
opened for 30 min. and evaporated the excess alcohol. After the evaporation of alcohol, upper layer was washed with warm water.
30% of water per 100 ml of upper layer was added to remove impurities, catalyst or soap. Water was immiscible with bio-diesel;
hence it was easily separated from bio-diesel. The procedure was repeated for 2-3 times until the pH of bio-diesel reaches 7 i.e.,
neutral. The produced biodiesel was heated at 600c about 10-15 min in water bath. The bottom layer (glycerol)constitutes alcohol and
soap particles. Alcohol molecules were present in bottom layer which was recovered by using distillation process. Glycerol was
purified to about 85% by accumulating with acid (like 85%concentrated phosphoric acid). The acid combines with the residual
catalyst to form salt and water. Free fatty acid was recovered and used as boiler fuel or esterifies
© 2023 JETIR November 2023, Volume 10, Issue 11 (ISSN-2349-5162)
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
2.6 Confirmation test for biodiesel:
Confirmation tests wereperformed to make sure that complete conversion of oil to biodiesel. Theses test was carried out after drying
and washing of fuel. The emulsification was completed by one part of biodiesel with water (50/50 mix). The resulting mixture was
separated quickly and the biodiesel phase on top was appears clear and bright and the water phase appears at the bottom appears clear
and free of debris your fuel is clean.
2.7 The 3/27 Test:
This test works on the basis that biodiesel dissolves in methanol where as triglycerides do not dissolve in methanol. In this process,
3ml of biodiesel was mixed with 27ml of methanol and shaken it for a few seconds.
2.8 Parameter analysis:
a) % of yield:
% of biodiesel yield was analysed to study the quantity of biodiesel was produced from different variety of waste cooking oil.
Formula: % of biodiesel yield= Quantity of biodiesel produced
Quantity of raw oil taken ×100
b) Total Acid Number test (TAN): -
After washing and drying fuel, prior to storage or use and has passes soap titration.This test was run to determine how acidic the
biodiesel is after processing.
c) Density:
Density was an important property of Bio-Diesel. Density is nothing but mass per unit volume of any liquid at a given
temperature.Density measurements were carried out using density bottle at temperature of 312K.
Formula: Density = Mass of liquid
Volume of liquid = gm/cm3
Mass of liquid = Weight of Density bottle filled with liquid − weight of empty bottle
d) Viscosity:
Viscosity was measured by using Ostwald’s Viscometer
e) Calorific value:
The calorific value of produced biodiesel was measured using bomb calorimeter.
Figure -I separation of biodiesel and glycerol (after 24 hrs):
© 2023 JETIR November 2023, Volume 10, Issue 11 (ISSN-2349-5162)
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
Figure No 2. water washing of biodiesel sample
Figure No. 3. biodiesel produced and confirmation test for biodiesel
© 2023 JETIR November 2023, Volume 10, Issue 11 (ISSN-2349-5162)
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
3. Result and Discussion:
Data representation of Bio-diesel produced from WCO collected from different sites
Contents of Bio-diesel produced from WCO collected from different sites:
Sample site
Raw oil + Catalyst+ Alcohol
250ml oil + 4.5gm KOH +50ml Methanol
College Canteen
250ml oil + 4.2gm KOH +Methanol
Snack centre
250ml oil + 4gm KOH +Methanol
250ml oil + 3.5gm KOH +Methanol
Table no.1: Study of Free Fatty Acids Present in Waste Cooking oil:
Graph 1: Graphical representation of Free Fatty Acids Present in Waste Cooking oil:
Raw oil sample
Snack centre
Restaurant University
Canteen Snack
Centre Temple
Acid Value (gm/lit)
Raw oil sample collection sites
Free Fatty Acid
Free Fatty Acid
© 2023 JETIR November 2023, Volume 10, Issue 11 (ISSN-2349-5162)
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
Table no.2: Study of % yield of Bio-Diesel from different oil samples:
Graph 2: Graphical representation for % yield of bio-diesel from different oil samples:
Table 3: Study of Total Acid Number of Bio-Diesel from different oil samples:
Restaurant university
canteen snack centre temple
% yield
Bio-diesel samples
% of Yield of Biodiesel
% of yield
Sample sites
% yield
Snack centre
Sample sites
Total Acid Number(mg/gm)
0.4824 mg/gm
University Canteen
0.5497 mg/gm
Snack centre
0.4600 mg/gm
© 2023 JETIR November 2023, Volume 10, Issue 11 (ISSN-2349-5162)
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
Graph 3: Graphical representation for Total Acid Number of bio-diesel from different oil samples:
Table 4: Study of Density of Bio-Diesel from different oil samples:
Graph 4: Graphical representation for Density of bio-diesel from different oil samples:
Restaurant university
canteen snack
centre temple
Acid value (mg/gm)
Bio-diesel smples
Total acid number
total acid number
Restaurant university
canteen snack
centre temple
Density (gm/cm3)
Bio-diesel samples
Density of Bio-diesel
Density of Bio-diesel
Sample sites
Density gm/cm3
University Canteen
Snack centre
© 2023 JETIR November 2023, Volume 10, Issue 11 (ISSN-2349-5162)
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
Table 5: Study of Viscosity of Bio-Diesel from different oil samples:
Graph 5: Graphical representation for Viscosity of bio-diesel from different oil samples:
Table 6: Study of Calorific value of Bio-Diesel from different oil samples:
Restaurant university
canteen snack
centre temple
Viscosity (mm 2/s)
Samples of Bio-diesel
Viscosity of Bio-diesel
Viscosity of Bio-diesel
Sample sites
Viscosity of Biodiesel mm2/s.
University Canteen
Snack centre
Sample sites
Calorific Value KJ/Kg
University Canteen
Snack centre
© 2023 JETIR November 2023, Volume 10, Issue 11 (ISSN-2349-5162)
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
Graph 6: Graphical representation for Calorific value of bio-diesel from different oil samples:
4. Conclusion:
From the above study it shows that methanol was the best alcohol for this reaction condition for biodiesel production. the Three-time water
washing process was needed to obtain the pure Bio-diesel with close PH =7. The highest Bio-diesel yield 88% was achieved through trans-
esterification of waste cooking oil collected from restaurant and snack centreusing 50ml methanol and KOH as catalyst. It also concludes
that the equal amount of catalyst KOH and NaOH was used for same oil sample shows variation in % yield of Bio-diesel due to the
different molecular weight of KOH and NaOH, because Free fatty acid test of oil is conducted using 1% KOH. According to this study it is
concluded that Waste cooking oil containing high free fatty acid also has potential to provide good quality of Bio-diesel which can be use
directly or blending with fuel.
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Restaurant university
canteen snack
centre temple
Calorific Value (KJ/Kg)
Bio-diesel sample
Calorific value of Bio-diesel
Calorific value of Bio-
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Solid acid catalyst prepared from tungsten and zirconium oxide composite had been characterized and evaluated on biodiesel production by esterification of low quality oils taken from POME sludge. Catalyst characterization was conducted using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and acidity test. Acidity test of catalyst resulted using Gravimetry method is 5.4 mole/g. Esterification to produce biodiesel using tungsten and zirconium oxide composite show increasing amount of catalyst used will also increased conversion percentage of biodiesel produced and reach optimum value at 10%. Catalyst:oil ratio used to produce optimum conversion is 8:1 which converted 74.88% oil to biodiesel.
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Biodiesel as an alternative and renewable fuel could be applied in diesel engines in order to reduce air contamination and dependence to fossil fuels. So far, various processes were prepared for biodiesel production, but using transesterification method via base catalyst in batch reactors could result in a reasonable yield of biodiesel. At the present study, a batch tank reactor equipped to a helical ribbon-like agitator was designed and manufactured. Using this reactor, the production efficiency was considerably promoted and the required residence time was reduced. Experiments were conducted at 6:1 molar ratio of alcohol to refined soybean oil, operational temperature of 6C, KOH concentration of 1%wt oil, and three levels of agitation speed; 600, 750, and 900 rpm. The agitator design and its helicon movement led to a uniform phase formation of insoluble alcohol and oil. Therefore, at 900 rpm stirring speed and after 20 min residence time, 97.3% conversion of triglycerides to methyl esters (biodiesel) could be achieved.
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Biodiesel is a renewable diesel fuel produced from fats and oils. Waste Vegetable Oil (WVO) is an important feedstock for biofuel production. WVOs availability as wastes from restaurants, workplace canteens and residential users and their utilization will reduce environmental pollution. In the present work, WVO has been transesterified in a pilot plant under different conditions. The assessment of the parameters affecting the biodiesel conversion factor has been investigated, namely catalyst type and concentration and alcohol concentration. In order to maximize the yield of the process and to obtain biodiesel with lower specific gravity, an optimization process has been carried out.
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Cost of biodiesel produced from virgin vegetable oil through transesterification is higher than that of fossil fuel, because of high raw material cost. To minimize the biofuel cost, in recent days waste cooking oil was used as feedstock. Catalysts used in this process are usually acids, base, and lipase. Since lipase catalysts are much expensive, the usage of lipase in biodiesel production is limited. In most cases, NaOH is used as alkaline catalyst, because of its low cost and higher reaction rate. In the case of waste cooking oil containing high percentage of free fatty acid, alkaline catalyst reacts with free fatty acid and forms soap by saponification reaction. Also, it reduces the biodiesel conversions. In order to reduce the level of fatty acid content, waste cooking oil is pretreated with acid catalyst to undergo esterification reaction, which also requires high operating conditions. In this review paper, various parameters influencing the process of biofuel production such as reaction rate, catalyst concentration, temperature, stirrer speed, catalyst type, alcohol used, alcohol to oil ratio, free fatty acid content, and water content have been summarized.
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As crude oil price reach a new high, the need for developing alternate fuels has become acute. Alternate fuels should be economically attractive in order to compete with currently used fossil fuels. In this work, biodiesel (ethyl ester) was prepared from waste cooking oil collected from a local restaurant in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Ethyl alcohol with sodium hydroxide as a catalyst was used for the transesterification process. The fatty acid composition of the final biodiesel esters was determined by gas chromatography. The biodiesel was characterized by its physical and fuel properties including density, viscosity, acid value, flash point, cloud point, pour point, cetane index, water and sediment content, total and free glycerin content, diglycerides and monoglycerides, phosphorus content and sulfur content according to ASTM standards. The viscosity of the biodiesel ethyl ester was found to be 5.03 mm2/sec at 40oC. The viscosity of waste cooking oil measured in room temperature (at 21° C) was 72 mm2/sec. From the tests, the flash point was found to be 164oC, the phosphorous content was 2 ppm, those of calcium and magnesium were 1 ppm combined, water and sediment was 0 %, sulfur content was 2 ppm, total acid number was 0.29 mgKOH/g, cetane index was 61, cloud point was -1oC and pour point was -16oC. Production of biodiesel from waste cooking oils for diesel substitute is particularly important because of the decreasing trend of economical oil reserves, environmental problems caused due to fossil fuel use and the high price of petroleum products in the international market.
In recent years, biodiesel has attracted significant attention from researchers, governments, and industries as a renewable, biodegradable, and non-toxic fuel. However, several feedstocks have been proven impractical or infeasible because of their extremely high cost due to their usage primarily as food resources. Waste cooking oil (WCO) is considered the most promising biodiesel feedstock despite its drawbacks, such as its high free fatty acid (FFA) and water contents. This review paper provides a comprehensive overview of the pre-treatment and the usage of WCO for the production of biodiesel using several methods, different types of reactors, and various types and amounts of alcohol and catalysts. The most common process in the production of biodiesel is transesterification, and using a methanol–ethanol mixture will combine the advantages of both alcohols in biodiesel production. In addition, this paper highlights the purification and analysis of the produced biodiesel, operating parameters that highly affect the biodiesel yield, and several economic studies. This review suggests that WCO is a promising feedstock in biodiesel production.
A study was made of the reaction of transesterification of Cynara cardunculus L. oil by means of methanol, using sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, and sodium methoxide as catalysts. The objective of the work was to characterize the methyl esters for use as biodiesels in internal combustion motors. The operation variables used were methanol concentration (5−21 wt %), catalyst concentration (0.1−1 wt %), and temperature (25−60 °C). The evolution of the process was followed by gas chromatography, determining the concentration of the methyl esters at different reaction times. The biodiesel was characterized by determining its density, viscosity, high heating value, cetane index, cloud and pour points, Ramsbottom carbon residue, characteristics of distillation, and flash and combustion points according to ISO norms. The biodiesel with the best properties was obtained using 15% methanol, sodium methoxide as catalyst (1%), and 60 °C temperature. This biodiesel has very similar properties to those of diesel no. 2.
Waste cooking oils (WCO), which contain large amounts of free fatty acids produced in restaurants, are collected by the environmental protection agency in the main cities of China and should be disposed in a suitable way. In this research, a two step catalyzed process was adopted to prepare biodiesel from waste cooking oil whose acid value was 75.92 ± 0.036 mgKOH/g. The free fatty acids of WCO were esterified with methanol catalyzed by ferric sulfate in the first step, and the triglycerides (TGs) in WCO were transesterified with methanol catalyzed by potassium hydroxide in the second step. The results showed that ferric sulfate had high activity to catalyze the esterification of free fatty acids (FFA) with methanol, The conversion rate of FFA reached 97.22% when 2 wt% of ferric sulfate was added to the reaction system containing methanol to TG in10:1 (mole ratio) composition and reacted at 95 °C for 4 h. The methanol was vacuum evaporated, and transesterification of the remained triglycerides was performed at 65 °C for 1 h in a reaction system containing 1 wt% of potassium hydroxide and 6:1 mole ratio of methanol to TG. The final product with 97.02% of biodiesel, obtained after the two step catalyzed process, was analyzed by gas chromatography. This new process has many advantages compared with the old processes, such as no acidic waste water, high efficiency, low equipment cost and easy recovery of the catalyst.
TeknologiPengolahan Biodiesel dariMinyak Goreng Bekas dengan Teknik Mikrofiltrasi dan TransesterifikasisebagaiAlternatif Bahan Bakar Mesin Diesel
  • E . Setiawati
  • F Edwar
Setiawati E.., F. Edwar.," TeknologiPengolahan Biodiesel dariMinyak Goreng Bekas dengan Teknik Mikrofiltrasi dan TransesterifikasisebagaiAlternatif Bahan Bakar Mesin Diesel", Jurnal Riset Industri, Vol.6, No. 2, hal. 117-127,2012.