Based on the Act on Recognition of Credits, the Academic Credit Bank System (ACBS) is an open educational system which recognizes diverse learning experiences gained not only in-school but also out-of-school. When a learner accumulates the necessary ACBS-approved credits, he/she can be awarded a degree. This study is to analyze the characteristics, achievements, and challenges of the ACBS from the perspective of the policy's operational structure such as 'Standardized Curriculum', 'Accreditation of Educational Programs' and 'Credit Recognition'. First of all, unlike traditional university the ACBS is a provider of education that is characterized by openness and diversity, in that various educational and training institutions can participate in. ACBS learners can acquire a degree through various credit recognition without a hard selection procedure if he or she graduated from high schools. Also, educational programs are operated flexibly to respond to the rapidly changing social structure. Next, the achievement of the ACBS has developed into a representative open higher education system in South Korea that guarantees opportunities for higher education through credit recognition for various learning experiences. However, majors have been operated by the ACBS are not differentiated from traditional university, and many degree earners are too driven in certain majors linked to some certificates, and the criteria for credit recognition among various quality of courses within the ACBS are not clear. Therefore, the ACBS should expand the specialized majors of various educational and training institutions, and enhance the equivalency by credit recognition standards for various experiential learning in the future.