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A critical review of quantity surveying education in an offsite construction perspective: strategies for up-skilling


Abstract and Figures

Purpose-Offsite construction (OSC) is a modern method of construction (MMC) that involves manufacturing and assembly of buildings. Industry 4.0-driven technological advancements have accelerated OSC uptake causing many skilled construction workers requiring re-skilling or up-skilling. Quantity surveyors currently play an important role throughout a construction project life cycle, and hence, their knowledge on OSC projects is vital for the continuity of quantity surveying (QS) profession. The purpose of this paper is to critically review QS education in an OSC perspective and to propose strategies for up-skilling. Design/methodology/approach-This research includes a detailed literature review of QS and OSC to evaluate how OSC affects the QS profession. Publicly available information on the university websites on accredited QS and construction management degrees was reviewed to identify OSC and MMC references, specifically the content listing and learning outcomes. Findings-Out of the 315 degrees offered by 157 universities, only 69 degrees in 32 universities refer to OSC or MMC. OSC concept is explicitly referred in subjects related to construction technology, production management, lean construction, digital construction and MMC. As such, the research suggests including lean production principles, OSC techniques and design philosophies such as design for manufacture and assembly be added to the QS curricula. Research limitations/implications-This research is a comprehensive desktop study that does not involve empirical data-based evaluation. Research findings inform strategies to improve QS education and professional competencies. Originality/value-To the best of the authors' knowledge, this paper is the first of its kind that evaluates accredited QS degrees and learning requirements in an OSC perspective.
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A critical review of quantity
surveying education in an osite
construction perspective:
strategies for up-skilling
Buddhini Ginigaddara,Thayaparan Gajendran and Cameron Beard
School of Architecture and Built Environment, The University of Newcastle,
Callaghan, Australia
Purpose Offsite construction (OSC) is a modern method of construction (MMC) that involves
manufacturing and assembly of buildings. Industry 4.0-driven technological advancements have
accelerated OSC uptake causing many skilled construction workers requiring re-skilling or up-skilling.
Quantity surveyors currently play an important role throughout a construction project life cycle, and
hence, their knowledge on OSC projects is vital for the continuity of quantity surveying (QS) profession.
The purpose of this paper is to critically review QS education in an OSC perspective and to propose
strategies for up-skilling.
Design/methodology/approach This research includes a detailed literature review of QS and OSC to
evaluate how OSC affects the QS profession. Publicly available information on the university websites on
accredited QS and construction management degrees was reviewed to identify OSC and MMC references,
specically the content listing and learning outcomes.
Findings Out of the 315 degrees offered by 157 universities, only 69 degrees in 32 universities refer to OSC
or MMC. OSC concept is explicitly referred in subjects related to construction technology, production
management, lean construction, digital construction and MMC. As such, the research suggests including lean
production principles, OSC techniques and design philosophies such as design for manufacture andassembly
be added to the QS curricula.
Research limitations/implications This research is a comprehensive desktop study that does not
involve empirical data-based evaluation. Research ndings inform strategies to improve QS education and
professional competencies.
Originality/value To the best of the authorsknowledge, this paper is the rst of its kind that evaluates
accredited QS degrees and learning requirements in an OSC perspective.
Keywords Offsite construction, Quantity surveying, Construction management,
Learning and development, Up-skilling
Paper type Research paper
1. Introduction
Offsite construction (OSC) has been a vital part of construction projects over centuries
(Arif and Egbu, 2010), and the fourth industrial revolution-driven industrialised
construction processes have given a newfound prominence to OSC (Goulding and Pour
Rahimian, 2019). As OSC endorses sustainable, safe, lean and productive work
environments, with quality improvements, time and cost savings, the uptake of OSC has
incremented over the past years (Zolghadr et al., 2022). The accelerated adoption of
Industry 4.0-driven technological advancements also forced many industries including
construction to modernise and adopt industrialised construction processes (Farmer, 2016;
Strategies for
Received 16 December2022
Revised 13 March 2023
Accepted 13 October2023
Construction Innovation
© Emerald Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/CI-12-2022-0322
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available on Emerald Insight at:
Ghaffar et al., 2022). Predictions about the future of jobs indicate that globally 85 million
jobs will be displaced by 2025 due to humanmachine integration, and it will also create
95 million new jobs by 2025 (World Economic Forum, 2020). The shift towards advanced
technological adaptations has created a need for many new skilled workers, as well as the
up-skilling and re-skilling of the existing construction workforce (Adepoju et al., 2022).
Access to quality education, or lack thereof, can result in poor chances of nding jobs in
the era of the fourth industrial revolution (World Economic Forum, 2022), and hence the
education providers need to be aware of the rapidly changing industrialisation,
mechanisation and digitalisation needs of the construction sector.
The transformation of Industry 4.0 and its technologies to the construction sector is
referred to as Construction 4.0, where efcient production processes, advanced robotics,
humanmachine integration and new business models are being implemented (García de
Soto et al.,2019;Kor et al., 2022). The construction industry has evolved through several
industrial revolutions, and its skill composition has also advanced from tradespeople and
master builders to a team of managers, professionals and specialised workers with specic
job descriptions (Moon et al., 2020). Researchers have tried to capture this evolution of OSC
skills and jobs by developing skill classications (Ginigaddara et al., 2022a), recognising
technical and managerial skills (Brennan and Vokes, 2017), investigating training needs
(Assaad et al.,2022), developing optimisation models to evaluate multi-skills used in OSC
factories (Arashpour et al.,2018) and predicting skill quantities (Ginigaddara et al., 2022b;
Ginigaddara et al., 2022c). Although the studies on OSC skills are limited (Assaad et al.,
2022), research about the impact of OSC on specic job roles and professions are
The changing paradigms of design, construction and assembly processes involved in
OSC require construction professionals such as architects, engineers, construction
managers, project managers and quantity surveyors to perform their job roles for
manufactured buildings. Furthermore, OSC generates new construction processes such
as manufacturing, production monitoring, on-site assembly and logistics management
(Brennan and Vokes, 2017). The quantity surveyor is the professional that is responsible
for cost management of construction projects, and hence, they need to have a sound
awareness about the processes involved in a construction project from its inception
through to the demolition stage (Wao and Flood, 2016). Similarly, construction
managers are responsible for the leadership and operations management of a
construction project by overseeing time, cost and quality aspects along with the
construction site (Pathuri et al., 2020). Although these two professions have distinct job
requirements, in most parts of the world quantity surveying (QS) and construction
management (CM) educations programmes are delivered with little to no difference
between the professions (Perera et al., 2016). As both quantity surveyors and
construction managers need to be procient in technical, monetary and operational
aspects of construction projects, the learning process overlaps (Wao and Flood, 2016).
However, the required evolution of a quantity surveyors role in an industrialised
construction project that adopts OSC and modern methods of construction (MMC)
techniques has not been found yet. This creates a knowledge gap to understand the
position of current QS practice and education in an OSC perspective and to investigate
the strategies for up-skilling the QS profession. The research presents a critical review of
existing educational programmes on both QS and CM degree programmes worldwide.
The paper includes a literature review, adopted research method, discussion of ndings,
proposed strategies and conclusion.
2. Literature review
The literature review explored the current global context of OSC, existing knowledge about
the OSC impact on construction skills, QS education and the need for re-skilling quantity
surveyorsskills from an OSC perspective.
2.1 Global context of osite construction and modern methods of construction
The term offsite constructionis interchangeably used to refer offsite manufacturing,
offsite production,modular construction,panelised constructionand similar processes
that involve design, manufacture, transport and on-site assembly of buildings or functional
elements of buildings. MMC is an umbrella term that refers to Industry 4.0-driven
construction technologies used in the construction sector (Daniel and Oshodi, 2022).
Although there are many denitions and classications of MMC and OSC, this research
adopts the MMC categories of pre-manufacturing, site-based materials and process
innovation introduced by the UK Government (2019). This classication includes seven
categories: pre-manufacturing (assemblies, non-systemised, 2D and 3D primary structures),
additive manufacturing, traditional building product-led site labour reduction and site
process improvement-led site labour reduction (UK Government, 2019). Furthermore, this
research refers to the OSC typology consisting of six OSC types (components, panels, foldable
structures, pods, modules and complete buildings) (Ginigaddara et al.,2021). As such, any
functional element of the building that is manufactured in a factory, excluding materials, is
recognised as OSC.
Country-based evaluation of OSC adoption reveals the inuence of established
automotive and manufacturing sectors for the uptake of building construction using
industrialised manufacturing techniques (Goulding and Pour Rahimian, 2019). Smith and
Quale (2017) stated how Japanese automotive companies such as Seisuki Heim, Asahi Kasei
and Toyota transferred their manufacturing skills to house production and succeeded.
Japans aging population and skills shortage became a driver for incremented house
manufacturing, resulting in producing nearly 10,000 OSC houses each year (Darlow et al.,
2021). Similarly, Sweden possesses a mature OSC market (Steinhardt et al.,2019), with more
than 90% of single-family home newly built construction to be done using timber panels
(Smith and Quale, 2017). Research on OSC shows the USA as the biggest contributor to OSC
research, while the UK has a similar inuence with much collaborated research with other
parts of the world such as China and Hong Kong (Hosseini et al.,2018). Despite the high level
of research and industry maturity levels, the inuence of government incentives,
government leadership, economic conditions, sustainable features, stakeholder participation
and the level of technological advancements have been identied as the key driving forces
for OSC adoption in a country (Akmam Syed Zakaria et al.,2017;Oti-Sarpong et al.,2022).
2.2 Construction 4.0 and its eect on construction skills
Construction 4.0 incorporates innovative, digitalised and automated systems that attract
novel processes as well as new skills (Sawhney et al., 2020). Previous researchers have
indicated how these skill requirements can vary based on the emergence of new skills,
termination of redundant skills in an industrialised construction setting, the need for up-
skilling existing skills and re-skilling the current workforce to do completely new tasks
(Adepoju et al.,2022;Ginigaddara et al., 2022b). Numerous technologies were introduced to
achieve higher performance levels resulting in skill changes, and some of those technologies
are cyberphysical integration, Internet of Things, digital twins, blockchain, unmanned
aerial vehicles, 3D printing, advanced robotics and OSC (Elghaish et al.,2022;Ginigaddara
et al., 2022c;Kor et al.,2022). Although there are new processes associated with these
Strategies for
technologies, OSC is widely connected with design philosophies that come under design for
excellence (DfX), which was originated in the manufacturing sector (Wuni et al., 2021b). DfX
incorporates several concepts and processes such as design for manufacture and assembly
(DfMA), platform DfMA (Masters and Johnston, 2019), design for sustainability, design for
safety, design for quality, design for life cycle, design for circular economy, design for
adaptability and design for deconstruction (Tan et al.,2020;Wuni et al., 2021a). Although
most of these concepts are common to any construction project, applying those to offsite
constructed buildings requires specic learning and industrial training.
Despite productivity enhancement, wastage reduction and sustainable construction
promoted by the constituents of Construction 4.0, a signicant barrier for their implementation
is the lack of knowledge and awareness about these technologies (Osunsanmi et al.,2020).
In addition, to reduce skill shortage and embrace technological advancements, the construction
industry needs to be attractive and popular for younger generations (Nagy et al.,2021).
Advanced robotics-related production and assembly lines, plug-and-play actions using
machine operating with safe and clean working conditions in factories may promote OSC
compared to traditional construction methods (Farmer, 2016). However, the workforce needs to
possess psychological awareness to work with robots and successfully adapt to processes that
involve humanmachine integration (Nagy et al., 2021). This is not an exception to both
quantity surveyors and construction managers, who are responsible for the time, cost and
quality management of construction projects.
2.3 Quantity surveying within the broader industry context
The construction industry plays a signicant role in the development and achievement of
societys goals (Dadzie et al., 2012) through the provision of housing, places of work,
recreation and critical infrastructure. Historically, all construction industry professions can
be traced back to the master builder, who was responsible for designing, surveying, laying
out and managing construction projects according to the contract documents (Yates and
Battersby, 2003). This Master Builder concept can be traced back as far as the 27th century
bc, with the polymath Imhotep being credited as the rst architect, builder and engineer
(João, 2020).
Although the construction industry started from a single master buildertradition, as
construction projects grew in complexity and scale due to new technologies and techniques,
specialisation was required. Where once the apprentice-trained master builder could
realistically have expertise in all of the required building trades, this was no longer
achievable, with the rst professional separation being that of the designer and the builder
(Burr, 2011).
During subsequent early professional separations, the QS profession evolved and is said
to have emerged during the restoration of London following the great re. The name
quantity surveyorcomes from the bills of quantities, a document that itemises the
quantities of materials and labour in a construction project, which was the key role of the
quantity surveyor when the profession was rst named (AIQS, 2008).
Subsequently, there has been signicant specialisation occurring within the industry
over time, and in stepping forward to today, it is not uncommon on larger projects for what
was once a single profession such as the architect, to engage additional specialist
architectural sub-consultants for some of the now specialist items such as interior design,
acoustics, landscaping (Woods, 1999), façade design, accessibility and building certication/
2.4 The quantity surveyors evolution
Although other professions such as architecture and engineering have separated into more
specialised sub-professions, the QS profession does not appear to have had this same
separation but rather increased the breadth of services offered. The expansion of the profession
to different roles such as construction manager and cost engineer can also be considered as a
part of this evolution.
In building upon the quantity surveyorscore skills of measurement and pricing used in
the preparation of bills of quantities, Ashworth et al. (2013) noted that quantity surveyors
now provide associated services that include procurement advice, design cost planning, life
cycle costing, value management and risk analysis and management. As such, quantity
surveyors are now involved in all phases of a projects life cycle, right from feasibility
throughout design, construction, extension, refurbishment, maintenance and demolition
(Olanrewaju, 2016).
One of the core skills to be developed by the quantity surveyor is cost planning. Cost
planning developed as an evolutionary role for the quantity surveyor in the mid-1960s
(Higgin et al., 1965), with the service starting to be offered by quantity surveyors during this
time, as it used their core skills of quantication and pricing and therefore fell within the
scope of their professional role (Male, 1990).
Cost planning starts at the beginning of a project with the primary objective of the initial
cost plan estimate being to allow for the evaluation of alternative design concepts and to
ensure the selected design for the project is within the owners budget (Pratt, 2011). As such,
the early cost plan estimates for a construction project are extremely important to the initial
decision-making process by the owners organisation and the greater project team as a
whole (Latief et al.,2013)
The importance of accurate early cost plan estimates has been widely recognised, with
early project estimates often forming the basis of decisions and often becoming the basis for
the projects ultimate funding (Oberlender and Trost, 2001); therefore, making their accuracy
critical in successful outcomes. In one of the original denitions of cost planning, Seeley
(1972) considered the aims of cost planning to be threefold:
(1) to give the building client good value for money;
(2) to achieve a balanced and logical distribution of the available funds between the
various parts of the building; and
(3) to keep the total expenditure on a building within the sum of money that the client
has agreed to spend.
Although this denition is now almost 50 years old, the core foundations of the denition are
applicable to any project irrespective of the procurement method or construction
technologies used. As such, there is a vast potential for re-skilling quantity surveyors
competencies to match with OSC techniques and Construction 4.0-based technological
2.5 Quantity surveying education and professional bodies
Peurifoy and Oberlender (2014) suggested that there are a signicant number of ways to
calculate a project cost and note that experienced estimators agree that the procedures used
for estimating vary from company to company, and even among individuals within a
company.Peurifoy and Oberlender (2014) also acknowledged that cost estimates are not an
exact science, with accurate estimates needing to be prepared by using construction
knowledge and common sense.
Strategies for
Given both the importance of the early cost planning activity and the noted variability in
its preparation, there is signicant importance on both QS education and the professional
bodies to establish systems and procedures and to train future professionals accordingly. In
general, the traditional central role of a professional body is the creation and maintenance of
a profession, by providing the central elements such as social closure, credentialism, a code
of conduct/ethics and an overall professional identify (Abbott, 1988;Freidson, 2001;Johnson,
According to Leathem (2020), at a tertiary level, education standards are typically
identied through accrediting bodies for the specic disciplines. QS is a practice-driven
profession that essentially requires industry recognition and professional body
accreditation. In the case of QS profession, some of the globally recognised accreditation
bodies include Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, Chartered Institute of Builders,
Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors and Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering
Surveyors (Wao and Flood, 2016;AIQS, 2020;CICES, 2022;CIOB, 2022;RICS, 2022). Most of
these professional bodies possess global recognition with member and accredited degrees in
many parts of Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. In addition, there are country-based
professional bodies that are responsible for the accreditation of the QS degree programmes
offered by universities within the country. Some of these professional bodies are the Board
of Quantity Surveyors Malaysia, Hong Kong Institute of Construction Management,
Institute of Quantity Surveyors Sri Lanka, New Zealand Institute of Quantity Surveyors, the
South African Council for the Quantity Surveying Profession, the Society of Chartered
Surveyors Ireland and Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers.
The popularity, however, of the QS profession in some parts of the world is not well
established. For example, in the USA, quantity surveyorsjob role is done by cost engineers,
construction estimators, construction managers or project engineers (Wao and Flood, 2016).
Unlike the rest of the world, where professional bodies that specialise in QS or CM practice
accredit education qualications, the American Council for Construction Education
accredits construction degree programmes offered by American universities (Perera et al.,
2016;ACCE, 2022).
Although OSC adoption is considered as a transformative process, this transformation
implies the knowledge and understanding about the potential technology-driven changes in
the construction sector. As the role of a QS expands over at all stages of a construction
project, the level of OSC knowledge held by the future generation is important for the
betterment of the industry. Therefore, this research reviews the current context of MMC and
OSC adoption in QS and CM degrees worldwide.
3. Research methodology
The research adopted a desktop study to evaluate the existing degree programmes on QS
and CM. The degree programmes were selected for evaluation based on the quality and
industry-ready graduate creation by tertiary education institutions. Although global
university rankings such as Quacquarelli Symonds and Times Higher Education can
provide a basis for relevant QS degree selection, global university rankings do not account
for degree content or learning outcomes achieved in each subject delivered by the university
(Li and Yen, 2022). In contrast, university ranking is based on research impact factors, level
of interdisciplinary research, academicstudent ratio, citations per faculty, research
reputation and international composition (Anowar et al.,2015;Li and Yen, 2022), which do
not have a direct relationship with their respective QS or CM degrees. As such, the
researchers decided to evaluate QS degrees offered by worldwide universities based on the
quality of the degree content. An accepted measure for the degree quality is its accreditation
by professional institutions. Hence, as presented in Table 1, worldwide professional bodies
that provide accreditation to QS or CM degrees were assessed to select 315 degrees for
further evaluation.
The professional bodies were selected based on their global acceptance and common
reference in most QS and CM related previous research (Perera et al.,2016;Wao and Flood,
2016). Researchers acknowledge the limitations of selecting only a few professional bodies
that are restricted to certain geographical locations. However, the analysis included 157
universities in 16 countries that offer QS and CM degree programmes in English language.
A total of 315-degree programmes on QS and CM with at least one accreditation from one of
the professional institutions listed in Table 1 were evaluated accordingly. As some of the
selected professional bodies represent many professions such as civil engineering,
surveying, project management and property management, the selection of relevant degrees
was only limited to QS and CM professional pathways. The content analysis of selected
degree programmes was limited to the publicly available information on the university
websites, programmes information and course outlines. It was assumed that if the
information was not presented to the general public and prospective future students, the
content was not included within the programmes. It is expected that the universities
generally promote their course and teaching mechanisms to the public, and accredited
degrees follow formative and summative assessment mechanisms.
4. Analysis of ndings
The evaluation of QS and CM degree programmes involved ve globally established
professional bodies that provide accreditation to undergraduate [BSc, BSc (Hons), Bachelor
of Construction, etc.] and postgraduate (MSc) degree programmes. Out of the total degrees
analysed, 212 were undergraduate degrees, while 103 were postgraduate degrees. The
evaluation considered any reference to the keywords OSC, MMC, prefabrication, offsite
manufacturing, panelised construction, modular construction, volumetric construction,
manufacturing processes, lean construction, lean production and production processes. A
summary of ndings of the evaluated subjects and learning outcomes is provided in Table 3.
To avoid the discrepancy among various terms used by different universities, this research
refers to a degree (both BSc and MSc) offered by a tertiary education institution as a
degreeand modules, courses or units that are delivered as a part of the learning process as
subjects. Furthermore, subject aim, description and learning outcomes (if available) were
textually analysed and these are recognised under subject contentin Table 3. A notation
was introduced to refer different degrees offered by universities, and these are provided in
Table 2.
According to the ndings in Table 3, a total of 64 subjects indicated some relevance to
OSC or MMC. These subjects belong to 69 degrees, and 42 of these degrees were
Table 1.
Summary of
professional bodies
Professional body (PB) Origin country/region No. of accredited QS/CM degrees
PB1 Australia 20
PB2 UK 150
PB3 UK 190
PB4 UK 18
PB5 USA 77
Source: Authorsown creation
Strategies for
undergraduate, while 27 were postgraduate. As a percentage, only 22% out of the 315
accredited degrees offered subjects with content related to OSC or MMC. The breakdown
among undergraduate and postgraduate degrees with any reference to OSC and MMC
subjects is 20% (42 out of 212) and 26% (27 out of 103), respectively. In addition, analysis of
variance (ANOVA) test was conducted for the accredited degrees and subjects with OSC/
MMC reference under each professional body to receive a variance of 5962 and 549.3,
respectively. Single-factor ANOVA results are presented in Table 4.
The results indicate that the selected degrees and subjects are not equally distributed
among the selected professional bodies, as PB2 and PB3 have more references compared to
the remaining professional bodies.
The number of universities that included OSC or MMC in their QS and/or CM degree
programmes is 32 out of the total 157 universities evaluated. As a percentage, this values at
20%, which shows only one-fth of accredited degree programmes offer or market
industrialised construction methods to their prospective students through publicly available
data on subject content. However, researchers acknowledge that the depth and breadth of
the selected subject content delivery cannot be assessed based on this exercise. This can also
depend on the mode of the subject, whether it is offered as a compulsory core subject or as
an elective. In-depth evaluation of the course content can be further considered using
empirical data-based research.
5. Discussion of ndings
The degrees with OSC or MMC reference were offered by universities dispersed over eight
countries: Australia, Hong Kong, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, the UK and
the USA. This implies an important nding in terms of OSC adoption and the level of OSC
research undertaken by different countries. None of the countries with high OSC uptake such
as Germany, Japan and Sweden have accredited QS or CM degrees with the selected
professional bodies. This can also be due to the elimination of degrees that are not delivered
in English. It is evident that 20 universities out of the 32 selected universities (refer to Table 3)
are from the UK. Although OSC research delivery is highest in the USA (Hosseini et al.,2018),
only three American universities offer subjects that are related to OSC or MMC. This implies
poor adoption of research-based teaching, where novel construction techniques are hardly
translated into course content delivery.
Out of the 64 subjects analysed in Table 3, the subjects that relate to OSC and MMC are
mostly related to the following 16 areas, and these can be summarised under the three
Table 2.
Degree references
Degree title Reference
Bachelor of Science in quantity surveying UG1
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in quantity surveying UG2
Bachelor of Science in construction management UG3
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in construction management UG4
Other bachelors degree UG5
Other bachelors honours degree UG6
Master of Science in quantity surveying PG1
Master of Science in construction management PG2
Master of Science in construction project management PG3
Other masters degree PG4
Source: Authorsown creation
No. Subject Subject content Degree Accreditation University Country
1 Advanced
technology and
Compare different construction
methods and analyse suitable
applications for each method. In
particular, frames, cladding
systems, internal walls, structural
ooring and roong will form key
areas of the module. This analysis
will include considerations of
buildability, prefabrication, value
for money and whole life costs
2 The strategic
Develop their knowledge and
understanding of current industry
contexts (e.g. relating to local and
global markets and wider political
and economic climates), industry
initiatives (e.g. lean, BIM, digital
construction, AI, collaborative
cultures and ethics) and industry
practices (e.g. H&S strategy, zero
harm, corporate social
responsibility, sustainability and
supply chain integration)
3 Construction
technology and
Consider current construction
issues relating to buildability,
sustainable construction, lean
construction and fast track
construction; describe forms and
methods of special construction
covering energy-saving buildings,
recycled buildings and alternative
technology buildings
4 Production
This module provides you with
an in-depth consideration of the
specialist methods and
applications required to manage
modern, complex and fast-paced
construction projects. The focus
of the module is on the
management of the productive
resources used in construction
and in the analysis and
management of construction as a
processwithin a project
5 Construction
technology 2
Research MMC and digital
construction processes used on
construction projects
UG3 PB2 U2 Ireland
Table 3.
Course and learning
outcome references
to OSC or MMC
Strategies for
No. Subject Subject content Degree Accreditation University Country
6 Site management
Outline a range of current
developments in the eld of
construction site management,
indicating how these
developments may potentially
affect the role of the site manager.
MMC, digitalisation, process
improvement and sustainability
UG3 PB2 U2 Ireland
7 Building
economics 3
The inuence of prefabrication,
industrial and system building
types (cost savings); explain the
economic benets of
prefabrication, industrial and
system building
UG3 PB2 U2 Ireland
8 Built
technology 1
It provides you with an
understanding of modern and
sustainable methods of
9 Innovation in the
built environment
The fast pace of development in
the built environment has led to
improvements in the design and
management of projects in the
built environment with the use of
modern technologies, processes
and techniques for delivering
value for money on project. The
successful introduction of new
technologies or procedures into
the built environment context is
critical for the improvement of the
industry. For the built
environment professionals of the
future, this means the need to
master modern and innovative
technologies and techniques for
designing and building faster,
using more sustainable materials
and methods and within
reasonable cost
10 Digital design
and intelligent
Case studies of international rms
and projects that exemplify new
approaches shall be highlighted
and examined. Principles and
concepts to be introduced include
information modelling, lean
production, products of service,
life cycle analysis, technical
nutrients, embodied energy,
offsite manufacturing, design for
manufacture, blockchains, digital
twins, mass customisation and
augmented reality. Analyse
UG5 PB1/PB2/
U4 Australia
Table 3.
No. Subject Subject content Degree Accreditation University Country
predominant procurement
methods for construction and
evaluate the factors and
opportunities to implement new
procurement methods.
Assess and explain how
stakeholder values in the lifespan
of a project are transferred and
Apply and carry out basic
operations of digital fabrication
and computer aided assembly
processes, as they might be used
in actual application in
Construct and compose graphic
and written interpretation of
cutting-edge industry exemplars
11 Site management
and technology
Constructability, buildability,
component assembly of buildings,
including mechanical and
electrical services, offsite
construction and contractors
quality management procedures
UG4 PB2 U5 Ireland
12 Construction
System buildings (prefabrication,
large panel systems, lift slab, tilt-
up slab
UG2 PB3/PB4 U5 Ireland
13 Construction cost
studies 2
Demonstrate an understanding of
how MMC can contribute towards
providing better value for clients
when producing initial project
14 Production
Analysis of construction
strategies, physical production
systems and on- and offsite
production; discuss the nature of
production in construction;
discuss and evaluate the
importance of modern methods of
production and the implications
of lean production upon
construction activity
15 Construction
management 2
Buildability and contemporary
production systems (JIT)
16 Construction
technology 3
Introduction to MMC, sub-
structures, manufactured
construction, super-structures,
prefabrication, offsite
construction, advanced
construction techniques,
application of advanced
(continued)Table 3.
Strategies for
No. Subject Subject content Degree Accreditation University Country
construction techniques, best
practice methods of construction,
MMC building systems: timber
frames, steel frames, precast
concrete frames, insulated panels,
modular construction, pods,
hybrid systems, benets and
constraints of MMC
17 Risk and value
The background to value
management and value
engineering, its use in
manufacturing and construction
at an international level
18 Sustainable
design and
MMC (lean/agile production,
offsite, prefabrication and
advanced construction
19 Construction
technology (MSc)
MMC: background and
development reasoning; primary
forms and material use and
connectional details; present
practice and associated case
VR/AR: current and future use of
such technologies; incorporation
into the design and construction
Robotics: applications to the
construction industry.
Selected case studies of actual and
potential effective/efcient use;
innovative design/construction
techniques; examination of more
specialised techniques such as
ground amelioration, heavy lift
technologies, unitised envelope
construction and other selected
examples for consideration
20 Construction
technology 3
The course addresses different
concepts in modern buildings
construction, namely, on- and
offsite construction and low-
carbon construction. Identify the
implications for adopting offsite
construction and low-carbon
technologies. Offsite construction:
Table 3.
No. Subject Subject content Degree Accreditation University Country
an overview of offsite
practical issues and case
studies; and
factory production.
21 Innovation in
Construction industrialisation,
appreciate the development of
industrialisation in construction,
new information and
communication technologies
(ICTs), BIM, various sensing
technologies, mobile computing
and visualisation technologies
and realise their impact on the
practice of construction
management and surveying;
production technologies (MMC
and robotics)
22 Engineering
design and
The basic principles of
measurement and manufacturing
processes in a workshop and
testing environment are also
addressed in the module
23 Production
management and
This module provides you with
an in-depth understanding of the
production management of
modern, complex and fast-paced
construction projects
PG3 PB2/PB3 U10 UK
24 Sustainable and
lean principles
Provides with a wide-ranging
study of the sustainability and
lean principles affecting the
modern construction sector. It
aims to identify and critically
appraise how environmental
sustainability and lean principles
can be incorporated into a more
modern and innovative
construction organisation and
PG3 PB2/PB3 U10 UK
25 Economics and
nance for
Attention is also focused on the
production process of construction
products and current debates
within the industry regarding
project-based industries
PG1 PB3 U11 UK
26 Construction
students to understand the
technological aspects of simple and
framed buildings including their
elements and components, their
functional and performance
requirements and options available
for on- and offsite construction
UG6 PB3/PB4 U12 UK
(continued)Table 3.
Strategies for
No. Subject Subject content Degree Accreditation University Country
27 MMC The aims of this module are for
the student to develop an
understanding of MMC, offsite
and modular construction,
construction innovation,
advanced construction
techniques, technologies and
materials, including the
management and technological
aspects of large-scale complex
contemporary construction
UG6 PB2 U12 UK
28 Construction
laboratory I
Construction of a building mock-
up including fabrication and
assembly of components,
documentation and tracking,
teamwork and coordination and
quality control
29 Integrated project
delivery and lean
This class will investigate how
integrated project delivery and lean
methods can be used to reduce risks,
streamline costs, improve project
teamwork and cooperation and
optimise communication in building
30 Project
Offsite manufacturing and lean
PG1 PB3 U14 UK
31 Construction
project planning
and delivery
Lean construction, total quality
management (TQM) and
continuous improvement, design,
construct links visualising the
design process, ADePT, value
client and end-user satisfaction,
target value design (TVD),
planning theory and practice,
integrated project delivery and
relational contracting and
PG3 PB2/PB3 U14 UK
32 Construction
The key aim is for you to
understand modern and
traditional building technologies
UG4 PB2 U15 UK
33 Lean construction Lean project production is a
philosophy-based approach that
requires a new way of thinking
and a new culture in design and
construction of buildings and
Using project simulations and
real-life examples you will be
introduced to the new thinking
and the key underlying principles
of lean project production. The
PG3 PB2/PB3/
U15 UK
Table 3.
No. Subject Subject content Degree Accreditation University Country
module will include likely benets
of transforming projects and
organisations in accordance with
the lean process
34 Advanced
technology and
Sustainable construction, OSC
and smart technologies are some
of the methods being developed to
deliver a high-quality, productive
and more sustainable built
environment for our future
PG4 PB2/PB3 U16 UK
35 Managing
technology for
BIM, developments in OSC and
low-carbon construction are
covered as part of the module
PG4 PB2/PB3 U16 UK
36 Production
planning and
The course will focus on the
planning and design of
construction processes. The major
emphasis of this course is on
production and productivity. You
will develop your knowledge of
production problems that
typically occur in construction
systems. Topics covered include
the following:
production systems and sub-
construction systems and
system design product and
service design, capacity planning,
process selection and layout,
design of work systems; and
location planning and analysis;
inventory management and
scheduling, production curves and
CLO1: investigate and analyse the
effectiveness of building
production systems;
CLO2: plan and design building
production systems;
CLO3: design systems to optimise
production and reduce waste
UG6 PB1/PB2/
U17 Australia
37 Productivity
Describe the role of innovation in
construction, and the implications
of Lean and Project Management
Institute approaches, and the 5S
philosophy in construction.
Discuss the importance of and
contributions by Kaizen, just-in-
UG5 PB3 U18 Singapore
(continued)Table 3.
Strategies for
No. Subject Subject content Degree Accreditation University Country
time and total quality
management to construction
productivity, including the
problems in their implementation
38 Organisational
and strategic
DFCA (design for constructability
and assembly)
PG4 PB3 U19 Malaysia
39 Construction
technology 1
Different methods of construction
are introduced along with MMC
UG4 PB2/PB3/
U20 UK
UG2 PB2/PB3/
40 Construction site
Lean construction and MMC UG4 PB2/PB3/
U20 UK
41 Maintenance
Building defects in modern
industrial buildings
UG4 PB2/PB3/
U20 UK
42 Sustainable and
Framed structures, MMC and
cladding to frames this topic
covers concrete frames, steel
frames, timber frames, hybrid
frames, cladding systems,
systems building, on- and offsite
production and reasons for
building with MMC from an
innovation and sustainability
PG2 PB2/PB3 U20 UK
PG1 PB2/PB3/
43 Construction
technology and
Development of construction
technology knowledge and skills
including building materials and
structural loads, innovative
building processes and systems,
application of Industry 4.0 in
construction, new construction
methods (e.g. prefabrication, 3D
printing in metal and concrete
and construction robotics) and
construction automation and
sustainability. Practical
construction techniques and skills
are covered. Module 3:
Construction 4.0 this module
introduces how digitisation and
new technologies are shaping
various processes on how our
industry functions. It will focus
on how the construction work can
be automated from technologies
that include BIM, prefabrication,
wireless sensors, automated and
robotic equipment and 3D-
printing. It aims to develop
studentsskills in technology
application and implement
PG4 PB2 U21 New
Table 3.
No. Subject Subject content Degree Accreditation University Country
strategies for industry
44 Construction
supply chain
Understand and appreciate the
advantages and disadvantages of
prefabrication and how to
manage the supply chain and
logistics of offsite manufacture
PG4 PB2 U21 New
45 Construction
Study of vertical construction
process to include wooden
platform frame construction, cast-
in-place and pre-cast concrete
construction and steel erection.
Included are masonry
construction, interior and exterior
nishes, vertical transportation,
roong and other building
46 Sustainable
Offsite manufacture UG3 PB2 U23 UK
47 Construction
Prefabrication and construction
UG2 PB2/PB3 U23 UK
48 Sustainable
construction and
integrated project
Offsite manufacture UG2 PB2/PB3 U23 UK
49 BIM and digital
Industry 4.0 and built
Digital twin; emerging trends in
the construction industry
PG4 PB3 U23 UK
50 Digital making The course introduces and
critiques design by making
through digital fabrication
technologies and advanced
prototyping. Students will be
provided with the conceptual
understanding, technical skills
and critical thinking methods
required to apply and review
skills in digital making as a
system that connects design to
fabrication. The students
performance will be evaluated
with respect to their progressive
work developed in preparation for
or during the studio activities.
Students will use a range of
verbal and multimedia
communication skills to represent
and deliver their design decisions
and prototyping results with
professionalism, clarity and
UG5 PB1/PB3 U24 Australia
(continued)Table 3.
Strategies for
No. Subject Subject content Degree Accreditation University Country
51 Digital design
This course introduces students
to developing and applying
fundamental skills in a visual
programming language interface
and apply fundamental
mathematical concepts to inform
computational design methods.
Students will generate, evaluate
and reect on complex geometries
that shape, the form, space and
detail of architectural
environments via digital
fabrication techniques, 3D
printing and laser cutting.
Students will also demonstrate
knowledge of computational
design as a system that connects
design to fabrication and apply
digital fabrication skills to inform
their own design practice.
Theoretical knowledge will be
introduced falling under the
following broad concepts:
topological architectures,
inuenced architectures,
dynamics and motion, generative
forms, parametric design,
evolving architectures, digital
fabrication, digital manipulation,
digital optimisation and
performance. Students will
participate to weekly laboratory-
based activities to experiment
with and develop complex
geometries. The students
performance will be evaluated
with respect to their progressive
explorations and ndings
developed in preparation for or
during the studio activities
UG5 PB1/PB3 U24 Australia
52 Sustainable
Introduction to the principles of
lean construction and BIM
UG3 PB2 U25 South
AfricaUG4 PB2
53 Construction
Issues of particular importance
are high numbers of specialist
trade contractors, the separation
of design from construction,
complex interactions between
offsite and on-site fabrication and
the role of professionals in the
UG3 PB2/PB3 U26 UK
Table 3.
No. Subject Subject content Degree Accreditation University Country
54 Lean and offsite
Understand the role and
responsibilities of the production
manager; key organisational
management principles and
issues involved in lean theory and
its applications in design,
production and operations; risk
management processes that apply
to production management
practice; evaluate current and
future production processes and
methods by which the production
manager can control resource
efciency, quality, safety and
environment; implementation of
offsite construction for an
efcient and effective
implementation of construction
UG6 PB2/PB3 U27 UK
55 Project and
Critically appraise and evaluate
the concepts of lean production
and the Six Sigma techniques
PG2 PB2/ PB3 U27 UK
56 Project
Learn to address challenges
associated with coordinating
production, organising design for
manufacturing, assembly and
PG2 PB2/ PB3 U27 UK
PG3 PB2/ PB3
PG3 PB2/ PB3
57 Lean production
and construction
Critically appraise the
foundational concepts underlying
traditional and lean managerial
methods before identifying the
opportunities in construction and
project organisations for lean
PG3 PB2/ PB3 U27 UK
PG3 PB2/ PB3
58 Sustainable
process and
Pre-manufactured solutions
incorporating OSC and assembly/
PG1 PB3 U27 UK
59 Advanced
Lean construction, prefabrication
and simulation
UG4 PB1/PB3 U28 Australia
60 Construction
technology 4
It commences with an overview of
the main methods/systems of
high-rise construction and
materials handling and then
examines the typical elements in
high-rise construction such as
concrete framed structures, pre-
stressed concrete construction
and prefabricated construction
(such as precast concrete)
UG5 PB1/PB2/
U29 Australia
(continued)Table 3.
Strategies for
No. Subject Subject content Degree Accreditation University Country
61 MMC The module extends a basic
appreciation of construction
technology and environmental
science principles from traditional
construction to MMC. You will be
looking at efciencies and smart
project delivery through MMC,
which are key to secure a
sustainable built environment and
a net zero carbon future
PG3 PB2/PB3 U30 UK
62 Construction
project based
Different international practices
are explored within construction
and other manufacturing and
production industries
UG4 PB2 U31 UK
63 Digital
construction and
Explore and experiment with
construction from the perspective
of digital information, computer
numerical control (CNC) and
computer-aided manufacturing
(CAM) processes. Tools like 3D
scanners, 3D printers, CNC
manufacturing techniques and
others will be used in a lab setting
intended to provide familiarity
with these technologies and a
sense of their benets and
64 Production
planning and
process design
for construction
The course deals with the planning
and design of construction
processes. Course topics include
production systems, behaviour of
construction systems and workers,
the relationships between
subsystems in the construction
process, queuing systems, process
modelling and simulation. The
major emphasis is on production
and productivity. Production
problems that typically occur in
construction systems are discussed.
The course also explores recent
innovations in construction system
design such as lean construction
and agile construction
Notes: AI = Articial intelligence; H&S = health and safety; VR = virtual reality; AR = augmented reality;
ADePT = analytical design planning technique
Source: Authorsown creation
Table 3.
broader concepts of construction technology, project management and construction
(1) Construction technology
Construction technology/built environment technology;
Construction innovation/innovation in the built environment;
Modern methods of construction;
Sustainable design and construction;
Digital design and intelligent construction/building information modelling and
digital construction/digital making/digital construction and manufacturing; and
Engineering design and professional practice.
(2) Project management
Site management and technology/project management;
Production management/production planning;
Construction process management/construction supply chain management;
Organisational and strategic management;
Risk and value management;
Procurement management;
Productivity management;
Lean construction/lean production/offsite production management; and
Integrated project delivery/construction project planning and delivery.
(3) Construction economics
Building economics/construction cost studies/economics and nance for
Focusing on modernising the subject content in these three core areas of QS and CM degrees
will help to incorporate MMC and OSC to degree qualications in a more efcient manner. As it
is difcult to change existing core subject areas, especially when there is little to no drive from
accreditation bodies, it is recommended that the changes to curricula occur in incremental
processes. For example, initially, subjects related to construction technology can be revised to
introduce MMC and OSC to students from their rst years of study itself. Later on, advanced
production technologies and their management principles adopted from the manufacturing and
Table 4.
ANOVA results
Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Subjects 5 117 23.4 549.3
Accredited degrees 5 455 91 5,962
Source of variation SS df MS Fp-value Fcrit
Between groups 11,424.4 1 11,424.4 3.509 0.098 5.317
Within groups 26,045.2 8 3,255.65
Total 37,469.6 9
Source: Authorsown creation
Strategies for
automotive industries can be introduced within project management subjects. As construction
economics is one of the most specialised areas for QS and CM students, introducing OSC
estimating techniques can be done along with traditional and digital-driven construction
estimating methods. At this inceptive stage of MMC and OSC education in QS and CM degrees,
it would be benecial to involve industry expertise through guest lectures and similar engaging
exercises to help students learn about modern technologies and design philosophies that are
not a common practice in traditional construction.
Although the content inclusion in these subjects vary, they consist of Construction 4.0-
driven technological advancements and how those technologies can be translated into QS
and CM practice. However, it should be noted that the subject content of any of the core QS
areas such as measurement, estimating, and cost planning did not include references to OSC
and MMC. It can be assumed that when the subjects use recently updated versions of
standards (e.g. New Rules of Measurement 2), they may include rules and regulations of OSC
building measurements and estimating. Based on these ndings on the course content of
accredited degrees in QS and CM worldwide, future directions for curricula improvement are
suggested in the next section.
6. Future directions and potential strategies to up-skill QS education
Quantity surveyors are involved in construction cost management and value management
processes, where they evaluate the potential benets of alternative construction methods
that are available in the market. Although traditional QS role was limited to measurement,
estimating and cost planning alone, non-traditional QS role in a modern construction setting
has far more involvement in many aspects of the construction project. Quantity surveyors
inputs and insights are needed for quality management, programmes achievement,
contract administration, claims management and dispute resolution, which need thorough
knowledge about the existing market conditions and alternative MMC. For example, when
undertaking a value management process for a particular project, if the option for OSC was
suggested by the value management team or the client, the quantity surveyor must be
adequately skilled to evaluate cost savings, time constrains and procurement routes
associated with different OSC products such as panels, pods and modules. Unless the
quantity surveyor has prior experience in a similar OSC project, the current education
providers hardly acknowledge the pricing principles and techniques to be considered in the
cost management of OSC projects.
Construction site operations in an OSC project are only limited to the assembly, xing
and installation of manufactured products that can be limited to several days or even a few
hours. It is evident that a production manager is well-equipped for the operation
management of a manufacturing facility compared to a construction manager, and hence,
the role of a construction manager needs to be evolved to match with industrial construction
needs. The construction knowledge, skills and competencies possessed by a construction
manager must be easily translated into a production process, which involves advanced
robotics and assembly lines rather than hundreds of labourers and tradespeople who take
part in traditional construction processes.
A case study-based evaluation of an accredited QS degree found that only 3%5% of most
QS degree programmes curricula taught sustainable construction and its related areas in 2011
(Ekundayo et al.,2011). However, after 11 years in 2022, all evaluated accredited QS degree
programmes provide sustainable education to promote sustainable construction methods.
Similarly, to generate industry-ready graduates, the current trajectory in industrialised
construction processes indicates that QS education programmes need to acknowledge OSC,
MMC, Construction 4.0 and its related technological advancements. This must be an industry-
driven initiative where professional bodies that accredit degree qualications expand their
competencies to incorporate OSC and MMC explicitly. As such, this research informs practical
implications to both industry practitioners and built environment educators to take urgent
actions to recognise Construction 4.0-related technologies to up-skill the next generation of
quantity surveyors and construction managers. If this does not happen through formal
education, there is the risk of professional devaluation where the industry will nd ad hoc
solutions to provide on-the-job training for quantity surveyors and construction managers who
are involved in modern construction projects. One of the strongest strategies to modernise and
adopt Construction 4.0 to QS and CM degrees is via research-led teaching to meet industry
needs of technological competencies.
7. Conclusion
QS is a well-established profession in many countries within which quantity surveyors are
responsible for the cost management of construction projects. Moreover, in countries
without a QS profession, other professionals may have the required skills and training to
deliver QS tasks. The traditional role of a quantity surveyor has now expanded to other
important areas such as value management, project planning, contract administration,
dispute resolution and arbitration. In addition, this evolution of the QS role has emerged
several other roles such as construction manager and cost engineer in some parts of the
world. A profession is established based on its recognition by a professional body that
consists of experienced industry practitioners. As such, QS education is perceived as a
practice-oriented process which needs to be embossed by professional bodies. This has
resulted in accredited QS degrees to take the responsibilities of managing construction
project cost. Although the role of a QS predominantly focuses on cost management, a
quantity surveyor must be versed and knowledgeable about the technical aspects of
construction activities. The breakdown of any cost item using the rst principles of labour,
material, plant and overhead allows a quantity surveyor to makedecisions based on the cost
implications of various construction processes. Therefore, a quantity surveyors skills
expand to the technicaland technology aspects as well.
Modern construction methods have evolved to recognise Construction 4.0-driven
technologies including OSC. OSC promotes factory-based manufacturing processes where
buildings or functional elements of buildings are produced in an assembly line using advanced
robotics. Such processes reduce the reliance on site-based construction activities resulting in a
signicant shift of cost engagement from on-site to offsite. For a quantity surveyor to be able to
successfully manage the cost of such OSC projects, they need to be aware about the different
types of OSC available in the industry and be able to price those construction projects based on
rst principles or a different method common to manufacturing sector. This does not
necessarily mean the digitalisation of QS practice by using new software for cost management.
Rather, OSC requires a manufacturing mind-set to provide cost management and cost
consultancy services, as it does not involve unique construction projects that have a denite
design and construction process. Offsite constructed buildings are based on new design
philosophies where manufacturing and assembly play vital roles rather than construction. As
such, the QS education needs to be updated to match these MMC. Based on this research
background, the study aimed to critically review QS education in an OSC perspective and
propose strategies for up-skilling quantity surveyors.
The evaluation of 315 accredited QS and CM degrees (212 undergraduate and 103
postgraduate) offered by 157 universities in 16 countries indicated that the subject content in
most degrees does not include any reference to OSC or MMC. Only 64 subjects in 69 degrees
have some reference to Construction 4.0-driven modern construction aspects such as lean
Strategies for
production, OSC and MMC. All these subjects belong to construction technology and
sustainability-related subjects and none of them are focused on cost management-related
subject areas. This implies that QS education is still limited to traditional construction
methods, and the majority of graduate quantity surveyors or construction managers do not
have a sound knowledge about OSC or MMC. While learning, training and expertise of
certain construction methods can be obtained through many modes such as formal
education, on-the-job training and continuous professional development, the basic learning
process begins with a formal education. Unless university curricula accommodate OSC
technologies in its subjects, the education providers are expecting the next generation of QS
and CM graduates to up-skill their skills, knowledge and competencies on MMC and OSC
through industry-based training and learning. Although QS is a practice-oriented learning
process, the basics and theoretical aspects of any subject area need to be learnt through a
systematic learning process. On a different note, the professional bodies also need to
acknowledge the future of construction by including OSC into their competency mapping to
accommodate the inclusion of Construction 4.0-driven technological advancements into their
accreditation processes.
The practical implications of this research are the strategies that can be adopted by
universities to introduce MMC and OSC to QS and CM curricula. In terms of theoretical
implications, this research provides a comprehensive evaluation of existing QS and CM
degree programmes worldwide to identify their lack of attention given to theory and skills in
the area of MMC and OSC. Only 20% of the evaluated courses had some reference to either
MMC and OSC, and this highlights the minimal attention given to these Construction 4.0-
driven technologies in the current education system in the built environment. The
methodological implications of the ndings are only limited to textual data that are publicly
available on university websites. Therefore, the research ndings cannot be generalised to
any particular QS or CM degree, as it is due to the limited access to comprehensive course
content such as lecture material, assessments and the like.
The research includes a literature review of the subject content offered in accredited QS
and CM degrees worldwide. The research ndings inform strategies to up-skill QS and CM
education by including OSC-related construction techniques, manufacturing processes
design philosophies and cost management concepts into QS and CM curricula. Furthermore,
the research conrms the current state of global QS and CM education and how it needs to
be updated to match with modern construction techniques that are widely practiced in the
construction industry. The researchers acknowledge the limitations of this qualitative
desktop study, and the future research directions could be proposing QS and CM curricula
based on competency mapping and empirical evidence of current practice from OSC
companies and manufacturing industry.
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... These technological advancements that are novel to less digitalised and less industrialised construction sectors cause significant changes in skills that are used in construction projects. While skill shortage in global construction impacts OSC adoption (Saad et al., 2022), not having the right skills, training or education programs (Ginigaddara et al., 2023) have also been identified as the reasons for poor OSC uptake. OSC allows assembly line workers and production managers in a manufacturing facility to become more related and value-adding to a construction project rather than traditional construction skills (Adepoju et al., 2022). ...
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Purpose Recent research advocates that there are plenty of opportunities for key players in the offsite construction (OSC) sector to harness the full potential of advanced project management techniques. While previous research mainly focuses on transformations related to digital and advanced technologies driven by industry 4.0 principles, a research gap still exists on the intersection of project management capabilities and OSC. This study attempts to bridge this gap by capturing the homogeneity of different capabilities and integrating them into an overarching framework. Design/methodology/approach A scientometric analysis is conducted to provide an overview of the co-occurrence network of keywords in the representative studies. A systematic literature review (SLR) of articles published between 2010 and 2022, followed by a subsequent full-text examination of 63 selected articles, revealed 34 interrelated capabilities to be categorised under three exhaustive planning-oriented, design-oriented and delivery-oriented groups. Findings This review revealed an upward trend of publication on project management capabilities for OSC with a specific interest in optimisation of resources allocated to offsite operations. The top five capabilities discussed more frequently in the literature include (1) artificial intelligence for design error detection, (2) enhanced resource productivity, (3) cost saving in offsite production, (4) real-time traceability of modules and (5) applying lean agile production principles to OSC, which imply the critical role of quality, cost saving, traceability and agility in OSC. Originality/value This study elicits core capabilities and develops a new offsite project management framework for the first time. The authors provide directions for researchers and practitioners to apply capabilities for obtaining better outcomes and higher value out of offsite operations.
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External wall thermal insulation is one of the most effective solutions on the market to increase energy efficiency in the built environment. Off-Site Construction (OSC), through better control of the various parameters involved, can bring important advantages, such as the reduction of construction time, the improvement of product and process quality, etc. In the last years, the rapidly growing demand for thermal insulation systems, stimulated also by tax incentives, has generated a unique situation in Italy compared to the rest of Europe, also leading to a considerable fragmentation of the supply chain with several players involved (component and system manufacturers, distributors, and installers). The complexity of such context makes Italy an extremely challenging and insightful case study for a supply chain and sustainability study, also considering the fact that the energy efficiency of the Italian building stock represents a crucial challenge to achieve the country's energy saving goals since 40% of final energy consumption derives from buildings and 75% of the building stock presents a low energy performance (energy labels E, F and G). This article presents both an analysis of the Italian market of manufacturers of building envelope thermal insulation solutions, highlighting the different players in the supply chain in terms of number, type, and marketed products and solutions, and a focus on sustainable and recycled materials. The study also aims to define a methodology to investigate the state of play and opportunities for industrialisation of this market and its bottlenecks. In the article, a questionnaire is proposed to collect information and opinions on the spread of OSC and the perception of companies and professionals regarding the advantages and disadvantages of industrializing the sector. A first validation of the survey is presented in the form of industrial focus groups.
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Purpose: Industry 4.0 is exacerbating the need for offsite construction (OSC) adoption, and this rapid transformation is pushing the boundaries of construction skills towards extensive modernisation. The adoption of this modern production strategy by the construction industry would redefine the position of OSC. This study aims to examine whether the existing skills are capable of satisfying the needs of different OSC types. Design/methodology/approach: A critical literature review evaluated the impact of transformative technology on OSC skills. An existing industry standard OSC skill classification was used as the basis to develop a master list that recognises emerging and diminishing OSC skills. The master list recognises 67 OSC skills under six skill categories: managers, professionals, technicians and trade workers, clerical and administrative workers, machinery operators and drivers and labourers. The skills data was extracted from a series of 13 case studies using document reviews and semi-structured interviews with project stakeholders. Findings: The multiple case study evaluation recognised 13 redundant skills and 16 emerging OSC skills such as architects with building information modelling and design for manufacture and assembly knowledge, architects specialised in design and logistics integration, advanced OSC technical skills, factory operators, OSC estimators, technicians for three dimensional visualisation and computer numeric control operators. Interview findings assessed the current state and future directions for OSC skills development. Findings indicate that the prevailing skills are not adequate to readily relocate construction activities from onsite to offsite. Originality/value: To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this research is one of the first studies that recognises the major differences in skill requirements for non-volumetric and volumetric OSC types.
Conference Paper
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Industry 4.0 driven technological advancements have accelerated the uptake of Offsite Construction (OSC), causing the need for re-skilling, up-skilling, and multi-skilling traditional onsite construction skills and competencies. The purpose of this paper is to develop a conceptual model that predicts OSC skills as a response to the OSC demand. The paper is a theoretical presentation of a skill profile prediction model which introduces the key concepts, OSC typology, OSC skill classification and their relationships. Components, panels, pods, modules, and complete buildings represent the OSC typology. Managers, professionals, technicians, and trade workers, clerical and administration workers, machine operators and drivers, and labourers constitute the OSC skill classification. The conceptual model takes the OSC project parameters: gross floor area, OSC value percentage and skill quantities as input and provides predicted skill variations as the output. The skills are quantified in "manhours/m2" under six skill categories, for five distinct OSC types. As such, the research presents a comprehensive conceptual model for the development of an OSC skills predictor to capture the skill variations and demand in a construction market moving towards rapid industrialisation. The research contributes to the existing body of knowledge by identifying the key concepts, parameters, and mutual relationships of those parameters that are needed to develop a realistic prediction of future trends of OSC skills.
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Offsite construction has showed great potential in addressing many of the industry's problems. While multiple research efforts have been directed at examining different offsite construction aspects, few studies investigated the workforce-related aspects. Therefore, this study aims to address this knowledge gap by examining the impact of offsite construction on the workforce, as represented by the following five workforce categories: offsite, onsite, engineering and design, construction and fabrication, and administrative workforce. To this end, this paper (1) determined the impact of offsite construction on the skillset (reskilling or upskilling) and the demand (shrink or growth) for the offsite and onsite construction workforce occupations; (2) evaluated the impact of offsite construction on the technical and managerial skills of the engineering, construction, and administrative workforce occupations; and (3) identified the specific required skills that need to be incorporated into the offsite construction training programs for the workforce. The results showed that the skillsets for all offsite and onsite workforce occupations need to be upskilled. While the demand for the offsite construction workforce will increase, the demand for around 79% of the onsite workforce occupations will decrease. The findings also reflected that a total of 20 main skills are needed for the offsite construction engineering and design workforce, a total of 24 key skills are needed for the construction and fabrication workforce involved in offsite construction operations, and 22 skills are needed for the offsite construction administrative workforce. This study adds to the body of knowledge by helping offsite construction industry practitioners in workforce planning and management, in the prioritization of training needs and programs, and in identifying the required skillset to improve the quality of the workforce involved in the offsite construction operations.
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the potential integration of deep learning (DL) and digital twins (DT), referred to as (DDT), to facilitate Construction 4.0 through an exploratory analysis. Design/methodology/approach A mixed approach involving qualitative and quantitative analysis was applied to collect data from global industry experts via interviews, focus groups and a questionnaire survey, with an emphasis on the practicality and interoperability of DDT with decision-support capabilities for process optimization. Findings Based on the analysis of results, a conceptual model of the framework has been developed. The research findings validate that DL integrated DT model facilitating Construction 4.0 will incorporate cognitive abilities to detect complex and unpredictable actions and reasoning about dynamic process optimization strategies to support decision-making. Practical implications The DL integrated DT model will establish an interoperable functionality and develop typologies of models described for autonomous real-time interpretation and decision-making support of complex building systems development based on cognitive capabilities of DT. Originality/value The research explores how the technologies work collaboratively to integrate data from different environments in real-time through the interplay of the optimization and simulation during planning and construction. The framework model is a step for the next level of DT involving process automation and control towards Construction 4.0 to be implemented for different phases of the project lifecycle (design–planning–construction).
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Offsite construction (OSC) delivers multiple products that vary in design and building complexity. Considering the growing prevalence of OSC, a systematic categorization of OSC types can offer operational and macroeconomic benefits to the construction industry. The purpose of this study is to develop an OSC typology through a systematic process, as existing studies do not present a rigorously evaluated typology that suits the modern OSC context. The research addresses the following research question: what are the distinct characteristics of unique OSC types that have emerged through the adoption of Industry 4.0-based technological advancements? Due to the rapid advancement of production and construction technologies, the existing OSC classifications are becoming outdated. As such, a detailed review of OSC technologies was conducted which enabled the identification of OSC categories: components, panels, pods, modules, complete buildings, and flat-pack (foldable structure). A series of case studies was then reviewed to explore and analyze the relevance of these OSC types in practice. It was then subjected to a Delphi-based multi-level expert forum to develop a modern and future-proof OSC typology. The rigorous process validated, defined, and delineated the boundaries between the OSC types. The research confirmed that OSC types can be broadly categorized as volumetric (pods, modules, complete buildings) and non-volumetric (components, panels, foldable structure). The results indicated that OSC skills vary with the complexity of OSC types, and that lightweight steel and timber are the most common materials.
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The construction industry (CI) is ancient and has evolved along with humanity, yet it has become increasingly inefficient due to fragmentation, the use of traditional solutions and the lack of innovative technologies and methodologies which are no longer sustainable. The Fourth Industrial Revolution has started to transform this industry, and Construction 4.0 (C4) can advocate this change to become a more efficient cyber-physical ecosystem. However, technology alone will not solve all challenges. While research on C4 focuses mainly on technology, management also plays a key role. We asked experienced company executives for their opinions on the digital transformation in the CI. Research proves that it is not just a technology but primarily a management and strategic challenge.
The rank of a university has been widely perceived as a reputation measure that is often determined based on the comprehensive overview of various factors. Among the factors, publication is imperative and carries a significant weight in almost every university ranking system around the globe. To reveal how publication may influence university ranking, we investigated the 2020 US News Best Global Universities Ranking results and analyzed different publication related criteria, including discipline coverage, publication productivity, research impact, level of interdisciplinary research, and degree of research collaboration. Shannon index and Field-Weighted Citation Impact (FWCI) index were calculated to compare universities at four levels (i.e. top50, top100, top200, and top500). Results showed that the top50 universities cover nearly all majority disciplines, at least half of which rank among the global top 10%. Top50 universities are also featured with high publication numbers, high-impact factors, and broad network for international collaboration. The top200 universities showed a relatively longer history of carrying out high level of interdisciplinary research compared to the universities belonged to the remaining category in which interdisciplinary research was mostly started less than a decade. More than two-thirds of surveyed universities with Shannon index above 2.5 and Field-Weighted Citation Impact (FWCI) above 1.5 shows that interdisciplinary research promotes the quality of publication. Universities small in size and focused on specific academic themes can earn top ranking spots based on their extraordinary academic performance, but the current ranking method results in more favor of the large comprehensive universities. In seeking for higher-ranking within the top200 category, in addition to expanding in campus size, increasing the number of academic programs, and encouraging more publications, university decision makers should value the efforts to develop leading academic disciplines, enable broad international collaborations, and promote new interdisciplinary programs.
Purpose The purpose of this study is to present an overview of the existing knowledge on the combined application of lean, off-site and simulation (LOS) in housing delivery. Design/methodology/approach A systematic literature review approach was adopted. Based on a comprehensive search using Scopus, Web of Science and the International Group for Lean Construction databases, 66 relevant journal articles were identified and analysed. Findings This study found that the most significant impacts of the combined application of LOS in housing delivery are the capacity to visualise the production processes as a whole in real time, exposure and removal of non-value-adding activities from the production and faster delivery. However, the combined application of LOS is low compared to a single application of each technique in housing delivery. Practical implications The results provide relevant stakeholders and actors in the housing sector (private and public housing developers, off-site housing manufacturers and constructors, housing associations and government housing agencies, among others) with the information needed to improve the outcomes of housing delivery through the application of LOS. Originality/value This study contributes to the ongoing debate on addressing the global housing shortage by presenting an integrated overview of the existing knowledge on the impact of the nexus of LOS and providing compelling evidence for its usage in housing delivery. It also demonstrates how the combined application of LOS supports the achievement of the flow and value view in the transformation flow value model, which was not previously reported.
Purpose This paper aims to explore the emerging relationship between Industry 4.0 (I4.0) digital technologies (e.g. blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI)) and the construction industry’s gradual transition into a circular economy (CE) system to foster the adoption of circular economy in the construction industry. Design/methodology/approach A critical and thematic analysis conducted on 115 scientific papers reveals a noticeable growth in adopting digital technologies to leverage a CE system. Moreover, a conceptual framework is developed to show the interrelationship between different I4.0 technologies to foster the implantation of CE in the construction industry. Findings Most of the existing bodies of research provide conceptual solutions rather than developing workable applications and the future of smart cities. Moreover, the coalescence of different technologies is highly recommended to enable tracking of building assets’ and components’ (e.g. fixtures and fittings and structural components) performance, which enables users to optimize the salvage value of components reusing or recycling them just in time and extending assets’ operating lifetime. Finally, circular supply chain management must be adopted for both new and existing buildings to realise the industry's CE ambitions. Hence, further applied research is required to foster CE adoption for existing cities and infrastructure that connects them. Originality/value This paper investigates the interrelationships between most emerging digital technologies and circular economy and concludes with the development of a conceptual digital ecosystem to integrate IoT, blockchain and AI into the operation of assets to direct future practical research applications
The uptake of offsite construction in the housing sector is low, despite extensive discussions on its benefits. Offsite construction methods significantly disrupt the products and processes of the housing sector. In this context, the interactions of autonomous actors in a loosely coupled system within and beyond the industry determines desirability of offsite construction methods for different actors and consequently the uptake of the methods on sector level. As a result, there is a need to systematically synthesise the mechanisms that shape the desirability of offsite construction for industry practitioners. To fill this gap, a qualitative system dynamics model is developed in this research to study the feedback mechanisms that encourage/discourage application of offsite construction methods with a focus on economic justifiability of these methods for housebuilders. The model is developed via a grounded theory-based approach through a synthesis of the literature. A series of semi-structured interviews with industry experts are then carried out to verify and contextualise the model. The results indicate that a long-term holistic perspective accounting for the interactions of different actors can redefine economic justifiability and consequently improve desirability of offsite construction methods for builders, which will then feed back into the system to sustain the long-term benefits of all involved actors. The model is used to propose uptake strategies based on strengthening the feedback structures that reinforce economic justifiability of offsite construction methods and weakening those that decrease economic justifiability.