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Exploring the Impact of Mobile Marketing Strategies on Consumer Behavior: A Comprehensive Analysis. International Journal of Information, Business and Management. (ISSN 2218-046X).



The impact of mobile marketing strategies on consumer behavior is a topic of significant interest in the field of marketing. Mobile marketing has become a dominant channel for reaching and engaging consumers due to the widespread use of smartphones and mobile devices. This research aims to study the kinds of mobile marketing and values and its impact on the consumer behavior. The analysis includes the theoretical concept of mobile marketing as a modern digital method that is widely used and has a variety of advantages in promoting different products/or services. The characteristics, tools, and strategies of mobile marketing are presented in an explanatory way and are described thoroughly with their advantages and potential disadvantages of its use. A further explanation is made on the consumers’ behavior and more specifically on the impact mobile marketing has on the purchasing procedure and on the decision-making process, followed by a discussion of the most essential points that marketers and managers use in the promotion of their digital transformation strategies. You can download current issue of the Journal in the Journal's website or in following address:
International Journal of Information, Business and Management 2024, 16 (2): 1-17.
ISSN 2076-9202 (Print)
ISSN 2218-046X (Online)
Exploring the Impact of Mobile Marketing Strategies on Consumer Behavior: A
Comprehensive Analysis
Author: Theodore Tarnanidis, International Hellenic University
Cite this article: Tarnanidis, T. (2024) Exploring the Impact of Mobile Marketing
Strategies on Consumer Behavior: A Comprehensive Analysis, International Journal
of Information, Business and Management, Vol. 16, Issue 2, pp. 1-17.
The IC Impact factor value of this journal is 4.8 [UIF)],
The impact of mobile marketing strategies on consumer behavior is a topic of
significant interest in the field of marketing. Mobile marketing has become a
dominant channel for reaching and engaging consumers due to the widespread use of
smartphones and mobile devices. This research aims to study the kinds of mobile
marketing and values and its impact on the consumer behavior. The analysis includes
the theoretical concept of mobile marketing as a modern digital method that is widely
used and has a variety of advantages in promoting different products/or services. The
characteristics, tools, and strategies of mobile marketing are presented in an
explanatory way and are described thoroughly with their advantages and potential
disadvantages of its use. A further explanation is made on the consumers’ behavior
and more specifically on the impact mobile marketing has on the purchasing
procedure and on the decision-making process, followed by a discussion of the most
essential points that marketers and managers use in the promotion of their digital
transformation strategies.
Keywords: Digital transformation, mobile marketing, SMS marketing, social media
marketing, location-based marketing, consumer buying process, buying behavior
1 Introduction
In recent decades, the globalization of markets and advances in technology has led to
an unprecedented increase in innovation, digital tailor-made solutions and
competitiveness (Ziakis and Vlachopoulou, 2023). Marketing practices are keeping
pace, but the strong reliance on technologies raises the following question: "How well
can the challenges are addressed to seize opportunities in today's highly competitive
market space?”» Digital transformation is having an impact on business models and
customer experience, fundamentally changing traditional advertising practices by
adopting new ones digital channels of promotion and influencing the way value is
offered to the customer (Vassileva, 2017). Successful digital transformation brings
business benefits: digital technologies and processes enable businesses/organizations
International Journal of Information, Business and Management 2024, 16 (2): 1-17.
ISSN 2076-9202 (Print)
ISSN 2218-046X (Online)
to respond appropriately to the requirements of the present in the modern
environment. Adapting digital strategy and policy formulation of a new business
model by leveraging rapidly evolving technologies can provide competitive advantage
in business (Gebayewet et al., 2018).
The nature of the science of marketing is changing in a systematic and irreversible
way Dholakia et al. (2009). Inevitably, digital transformation contributes to the
growth of marketing activities, as traditional marketing tools decline and are replaced
by modern digital technologies. Marketing becomes more personalized and marketing
science techniques that take advantage of customer heterogeneity become necessary.
Consequently, these changes are shaping a modern, dynamic and complex
environment. Digital Marketing uses digital technologies to create channels and reach
potential consumers in order to achieve its goals enterprise (Sawicki, 2016). It
primarily uses the power of e-commerce to match knowledge with customer needs
(Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick, 2019).
The growth of digital marketing is due to the rapid advancement of technology and
the changing dynamics of the market (Morris and Venkatesh, 2000). It is a modern
concept, often considered synonymous with the digital identity of a company, through
which it is presented in the digital world to a huge number of users (Sawicki, 2016).
This type of marketing includes the use of websites, mobile devices, social media,
search engines, and other similar channels. Digital marketing became popular with the
advent of the internet in the 1990s and includes some of the same principles as
traditional marketing (Misirlis and Vlachopoulou, 2018). Traditionally, companies
focused on marketing through print, television and radio, but today they often
combine traditional and digital techniques marketing in their strategies. Monitoring
trends have enabled companies to respond to new consumer needs.
2 Methodology
This study is exploratory in nature and involves qualitative analysis. Exploratory
research is designed to allow the researcher to look around with respect to some
phenomenon, with the aim of developing ideas (Reynolds, 1973). The purpose of this
study is to collect data and information from various scholars and researchers
contained in published e-books, articles published in journals, conference papers,
websites and annual reports. The secondary data analyzed in order to understand
mobile marketing as a modern digital practice and its contribution to the purchasing
3 Literature Review
The accelerating technological evolution faced by companies on a global scale due to
the advent of the internet combined with the rapid spread of mobile devices highlight
the mobile phone as a new communication channel and an important marketing tool
with great potential (Varnali, 2021; Varnali and Toker, 2010; Watson et al., 2002)
report that the technical benefits of mobile media contribute to the creation of a new
marketing environment in which businesses should participate if they want to survive
in conditions of global competition. To take advantage of the channel's potential
benefits, brands need to consider the specific features of mobile devices. In this new
context, each user has their own identification number and usually carries the device
with them most of the time. Given this, advertisers can get specific data about the
International Journal of Information, Business and Management 2024, 16 (2): 1-17.
ISSN 2076-9202 (Print)
ISSN 2218-046X (Online)
location of their potential consumers in real time in order to increase effectiveness of
communication between them (Berman, 2016; Tahtinen, 2005; Taezoon, 2008). The
possibility of personalized communication, which was not previously possible in
other contact channels, is now possible and affordable. It can be argued that in the
near future the mobile device will be established as a channel for advertising, much
like television and newspapers, and that the mobile phone is the best tool created to
upgrade customer experience with SMS and build relationships. Undoubtedly,
understanding the importance of integrating mobile technology into the company's
strategic plan can contribute to acquiring and maintaining competitive Advantage.
This information allows marketers to explore new communication channels and
choose the right tool for their business plan. Mobile marketing, as a modern digital
strategy, encourages companies to invest in more advanced applications. Shankar et
al. (2016) characterize mobile marketing as "the means to provide consumers with
real-time and location data personalized content for the purpose of promoting goods
or services for the benefit of all stakeholders. Furter, four different terms, mobile
marketing, mobile advertising, wireless marketing and wireless advertising are used
interchangeably to define the concept of mobile marketing. All these terms include
communication via mobile phone, which can be carried out on the go and at any point
of time (Pedro et al., 2019; Leppäniemi et al. 2006).
The increasing use of mobile phones has fueled radical changes in traditional
marketing practices, so it is advisable to understand the characteristics that They offer
such unprecedented opportunities for companies when it comes to digital advertising
and project handling. The features that deliver innovation and optimize marketing
actions are: ubiquity, personalization and localization. Ubiquity is the Increased use
and constant engagement with the mobile phone is the primary advantage. More
specifically, it refers to the ability of users to receive information and make
transactions wherever they are and whenever required (Balasubramanian, et al.,
2003). This possibility is possible due to the fact that these devices are activated
almost always, in addition the mobile is a personal means of communication and users
constantly are carrying them anywhere, so that they have constant access and control,
and use mobile devices for online shopping (Groß, 2015). The mobile phone also
provides personal information through the SIM (Subscriber Identity Module), a
subscriber identity module, which stores personal information of the user (Walsh and
White, 2007). Personalized marketing tailors to the data collected, including the user's
interests, shopping preferences, purchase history, and more. Therefore, any company
that wants to promote products or services can use this data and target the appropriate
target groups. Two-way communication: Mobile devices allow for more two-way
communication than any other digital tool due to the constant connection of users to
them. This feature enables the creation of a meaningful brand communication
experience without requiring a physical presence (Krishen et al., 2021; Neslin and
Shankar, 2009).In this case, the mobile hype allows companies to get instant feedback
from the target audience by monitoring the evaluation response to the advertising
message. Mobile marketing interacts with mobile device owners, since the receiver
can respond either by making a call to the appropriate company or by visiting its
business website. Localization refers to the ability to determine a user's geographic
location by calculating the geographic location of the mobile Device. This capability
has been made possible through the use of geolocation technologies, including the
global positioning system, known as GPS. With the application of this technology,
International Journal of Information, Business and Management 2024, 16 (2): 1-17.
ISSN 2076-9202 (Print)
ISSN 2218-046X (Online)
companies are now able to geographically focus the promotion of their products or
services by targeting a segment of potential Customer. Currently, the application of
location-based marketing is also being developed with technologies, such as
Bluetooth or RFID systems, which are a subset of automatic identification, creating
many more business opportunities (Dwivedi et al., 2021; Bruner and Kumar, 2007).
Mobile marketing is an innovative way to modify the relationships between digital
media and customers. Any channel that a consumer can access from the phone or any
other mobile device can be used for mobile marketing. Based on the literature the
main promotional and mobile marketing techniques are the following:
SMS or text messages: Refer to the sending of text messages directly to consumers'
mobile phones, after users have given their consent to the processing and use of
personal data from the competent company. Through SMS marketing, the company
shares valuable content and for this reason it does not cease to be a fast, easy and
effective way for consumers to receive Notifications, updates, personalized
promotional offers in real time from the brand they are interested in.SMS marketing
can be used to send bulk SMS or MMS to business customers to inform them about a
new product or service or to be notified of the expiration of a service on time.
Similarly, through SMS it is common to conduct competitions, which can enhance the
promotion of a product with some other way of advertising (online, printed, radio,
etc.). Customers are invited to send by SMS a code they find in the product or
advertisement and in this way they automatically participate in the competition. One
of the reasons SMS marketing is such a powerful mobile advertising strategy is
because text messages have high engagement rates (delivery). This is likely because
most users have their mobile phones with them and receiving push notifications
makes it difficult to ignore them (Krishen, 2021).
MMS: Is a kind of SMS message, enhanced with colorful text, image or sound. Third-
generation communication networks have allowed MMS applications to grow. What
differentiates them from simple SMS messages is the addition of image and sound
and the use of the WAP protocol (Wireless Application Protocol = Wireless
Application Protocol), in order to give access and Allows the content to be displayed
to recipients. However, the cost of MMS is higher than that of SMS and in some
cases it is found that their reading can be borne simultaneously by the business and
the consumer. In addition, the fact that some mobile devices do not have the ability to
receive and read MMS and other smartphones need to activate the appropriate settings
for Accepting multimedia messages makes them less effective. Therefore, many
businesses in their interactive campaigns use MMS in addition to other strategic
Push Notifications & In-app Messaging
For businesses that make their own application available to their public, free of charge
or with payment, they provide the opportunity for users who use it to receive relevant
notifications. Push notifications include offers, suggestions and reminders that appear
on the mobile device screen, whether users are currently using the application or not.
App promotion helps to further personalize offerings and consequently improve the
user experience, which is why companies can't ignore this market. The top five
mobile apps, according to Visual Capitalist are WhatsApp, TikTok, Messenger,
Facebook, and Instagram (Axcell and Ellis, 2023; Li et al., 2023). But there are
International Journal of Information, Business and Management 2024, 16 (2): 1-17.
ISSN 2076-9202 (Print)
ISSN 2218-046X (Online)
thousands of other apps, which is why in-app advertising has become a key mobile
marketing strategy (Tawira and Ivanov, 2023; Kaur et al., 2023).
The types of ads included in-app: (1) Display ads, e.g. banner displayed at the top or
bottom of the mobile device screen, (2) Native ads, i.e. sponsored content displayed
as a video or article and its function and format looks like the app in which it appears,
(3) Videoads, (4) Interstitial ads, which are full-screen ads and typically appear at
points in the app's feed, such as when transitioning from one game level to another.
The Mobile Marketer points out that in-app marketing can increase traffic from 19%
to 49% because it is more effective at targeting customers (Zhao and Huang, 2023;
Bala and Verma, 2018; Cheng et al., 2023). Hence, it can be argued that many mobile
apps use a combination of both push notifications and in-app messaging to create a
holistic engagement strategy. Push notifications are often used for broad
announcements and re-engagement efforts, while in-app messages are used for
delivering contextually relevant content and guidance when users are actively using
the app. The choice between the two methods, or their combination, depends on the
app's goals and user behavior.
Mobile Optimized Email marketing
As the majority of smartphone users access email from their mobile phone, it is
important that email marketing is optimized for mobile phones. Content is created
with mobile in mind, designing responsive websites and functional applications that
make it easy for email recipients to go directly to the site and take the desired action.
In this regard, it is impressive that 68% of email campaigns are opened on a mobile
device (Bala and Verma, 2018; Zheng, 2023).
According to international law, the relevant sending of emails depends on the
acceptance by the subscriber to receive messages from the specific sender and for the
specific purpose. As usual, the user's consent, is obtained when subscribing to the list
or service, where the terms and charges that may be specified in a clear procedure
(Wang, 2023).
Social Media
Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms, which companies use to
boost brand awareness, increase traffic and increase traffic popularity of the website
and eventually increase sales (Dens and Poels, 2023). In addition to facilitating
interaction and creating a personal connection with existing customers and reaching
new ones, SMM has detailed statistical data that They allow companies to track the
evolution of their campaigns. On the one hand, the dynamic nature of social media
interaction enables businesses to take advantage of free advertising opportunities,
word of mouth between existing and potential customers. On the other hand, it is a
valuable resource in the marketing plan with SMM tools that derive and extract
detailed statistics against which companies evaluate the success of marketing
strategies, without being overwhelmed by the volume and variety of data (Bruner and
Kumar, 2005; Khan, 2023).
Social media platforms have attracted millions of users, and as they use their mobile
phone to gain access, social media is becoming one of the Main Mobile Marketing
Strategies. According to Statista (2022) Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, and
Instagram are the four most popular social media platforms worldwide. Effective
social media marketing requires a well-defined strategy, consistent effort, and a focus
on building and maintaining relationships with the audience. It can be a powerful tool
International Journal of Information, Business and Management 2024, 16 (2): 1-17.
ISSN 2076-9202 (Print)
ISSN 2218-046X (Online)
for brand awareness, customer engagement, lead generation, and driving sales when
executed effectively.
Location-Based Marketing
Location-based marketing uses the RFID system or GPS operating system for
smartphones to display offers and relevant content according to users' locations. This
marketing method results in greater engagement and better response because the
promotion is geographically targeted. Geofencing technology makes it possible to
define a geographical boundary based on a postal code or a specific area or radius of
an area such as a city, a country. It then tracks mobile devices leaving or entering that
area to show specific ads. With geofencing, people on the go can also be easily
reached based on an area close to the business, or even the competitor's business.
Beacon marketing refers to the devices known as beacons that are powered by a
battery and emit a Bluetooth signal. Using a user's proximity to a default geographic
point (inside or outside the store) triggers a marketing message. Once beacons are
configured, a push notification is sent to users' mobile devices after verifying the
user's location. In some cases it can and be traffic-based - the message could be
triggered if a user moves from one specified location to another.
Mobile friendly, mobile responsive, responsive design
The extraordinary increase in mobile traffic to websites has gradually led to sites that
are more complex and interactive. Therefore, the need for these websites to work
efficiently and properly on mobile phones is becoming more and more vital. In this
context, the terms "mobile friendly" or "mobile responsive" or "responsive design"
appear. Are mobile-optimized websites mobile-friendly? And are mobile-friendly
websites optimized for mobile? What about the design that Mobile responsive?.
When a website is mobile-friendly (static content, simplified navigation, manually
resize images), it means that it looks exactly the same regardless of the device used to
access it. That is, mobile-friendly websites are designed to work the exact same way
on all devices, whether mobile browsers or Desktops. Although mobile-friendly
websites appear on mobile screens, this is Google's minimum requirement and does
not rank them as high in its results, in unlike websites that are optimized for mobile or
responsive appropriately and effectively on mobile.
Mobile responsive websites go one step further (Dynamic content Intuitive
navigation, easy interactivity,Optimized images). Mobile optimization isn't a
simplified or smaller version of the desktop site. It actually involves reconfiguring it
to meet the needs of a browser of every mobile device. A responsive website is one
that responds to (or changes) based on the needs of users and the device on which
users view it. A mobile-optimized website may include "thumb-friendly" navigation
(as opposed to "runner-friendly" for desktop), Large graphics, smaller image file
sizes, minimal need to type some information, and a column layout. Still, unnecessary
images may be hidden so as not to interfere with or compete with the most important
information on the smaller screen of the site. The design of these features is simplified
so users can find information more quickly and easily.
A mobile-friendly website is tailored to a mobile device, while a mobile-optimized
(website) one meets as many needs for provide easy access to information to mobile
users. In terms of responsive design, this adds the ability to customize to any device
International Journal of Information, Business and Management 2024, 16 (2): 1-17.
ISSN 2076-9202 (Print)
ISSN 2218-046X (Online)
and screen size, for both desktop and mobile devices. This means that the various
elements of the website change size depending on the device used. This can be
translated into images and text that adjust in size, adjust the content layout on each
screen, and switch menu formats for improved Visualization.
The three options available vary in both complexity and cost, so all factors should all
be carefully weighed in order to choose the best application. This will of course
depend on the product and its requirements, on the purpose of the website and even on
what devices the business expects visitors to use to gain access to the website
(Vasudeva, 2023).
Mobile devices have an immediate response from the public and the low cost of
communication makes them increasingly accessible to companies. Thus, mobile
marketing has to offer a plethora of advantages that make it one of the most effective
tools of digital marketing.
Easy access
Consumers/customers always bring mobile devices with them or close to them, which
ensures the immediate impact of their marketing actions. These are reasons why
mobile marketing is at the heart of digital marketing. Easy and regular access to
telephone devices ensures that advertisements/campaigns become visible to users in a
reasonable time.
Location and personalization
Mobile marketing reaches people in any place at any time. Using location-based
marketing, a lot of information about the audience can be gathered, including user
preferences and habits Helping with ads personalization targeted ads that are
tailored to each person's needs, based on purchase history and location. Matching the
right creative variation of ads to the right person creates a more personalized
experience for each recipient; Reaching the right segments of the audience with the
right offers, at the right time and in the right place.
Campaign reach
Mobile marketing enhances the ability for posts to "go viral." It enables content to
become widely known, gaining attention and spreading brand awareness at zero cost.
Ads on social media platforms garner more exposure at no extra effort or cost. If, for
example, a user is informed about a current offer, they can forward it directly to their
surroundings, resulting in content being shared very quickly. Customers have the
opportunity to actively participate in the marketing campaigns carried out.
Instant transactions
Consumers/customers use mobile phones to make fast and secure payments or check
them. Essentially, the mobile device acts as a digital wallet, as users can use the
appropriate functional applications (mobile banking) to perform their activities
distance financial transactions at any time.
Lower cost
Low cost is perhaps one of the most important advantages of mobile marketing.
Mobile marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to reach audiences. Because
the screen size of mobile devices is smaller than that of desktop computers, the area
available for ads is limited and the content takes up much less space; In addition,
precise location-based targeting allows marketing efforts to be focused on the right
segments of the audience, minimizing the cost of advertising spend.For this reason, in
terms of ROI, mobile marketing requires lower costs compared to radio or television.
Despite the potential benefits of mobile marketing, there are a number of
International Journal of Information, Business and Management 2024, 16 (2): 1-17.
ISSN 2076-9202 (Print)
ISSN 2218-046X (Online)
considerations that businesses need to consider when planning their mobile marketing
Mobile marketing is by its very nature a method of direct communication in real time.
It is very difficult to correct a bug before it appears, so there is no room for mistakes.
Preventing any mistakes is recommended for building a good reputation and a proper
first impression. If the content to be released badly mirrors the brand, it can damage
its reputation, which is difficult and expensive to fix.
Risk of negative ad reach
In the same way that good/valuable content can go viral, bad advertising can just as
easily be reproduced. The dissemination of content in the digital world is fast, so
before activating each campaign, it is necessary to thoroughly examine how and how
reproduced in the media to ensure that advertising is not mistaken for its wider
Limited accessibility
The majority of the target audience uses smartphones, but there is still a segment that
they do not use and therefore cannot be reached through marketing channels for
mobile. Therefore, a user may be interested in advertising, but may not have access to
a mobile device.That's why your marketing strategy should include multiple potential
communication channels to reach as many consumers as possible.
Cost to the user
While some mobile marketing channels, such as email or SMS marketing, can be
some of the most cost-effective and cost-effective marketing tools for the company,
they can cost the audience Because of mobile data and text message billing.
Since the mid-1990s, consumer attitudes towards technology have gained particular
importance as a field of research. One of the main areas of research has focused on
technology acceptance (Robayo, et al., 2017).
In case of a consumer's decision to adopt a mobile device, incentives include: the
level of adaptation of the innovation to existing data, its acceptance the usefulness of
innovation, awareness of the complexity of innovation, awareness of any existing risk
associated with the use of innovation.Rogers' model points out that if the potential
user reports a positive impression of the combination of features that make up the
innovation, then the likelihood will increase adoption or acceptance of such an
innovation (Robayo et al., 2017). As consumers are exposed to mobile marketing,
their acceptance of this medium will grow.
In this context, there are three basic principles, which, if adhered to, increase the
consumer's desire to participate in mobile marketing (Figure 11). The first principle
involves accepting the conditions for achieving participation in the process of mobile
marketing. Next, the second and particularly important principle refers to the user's
ability to terminate advertising communication at any time or to redefine it. Total
control over this communication makes the medium affordable. Thirdly, in order to be
successful and effective, advertising must provide quality content that is highly
relevant to the wishes and interests of the consumer. Depending on whether the
content of the communication provides value to the consumer, he will accept or reject
this communication channel respectively.
Finally, regarding the measurement of acceptance or rejection of advertising
communication, there is the concept of "intrusiveness" or otherwise the invasive
International Journal of Information, Business and Management 2024, 16 (2): 1-17.
ISSN 2076-9202 (Print)
ISSN 2218-046X (Online)
character of an advertising, which describes the negative emotions of the consumer
due to advertisements that they believe violate their privacy. It often happens that
information or advertising messages are sent at times inappropriate for consumers,
which can cause dissatisfaction and lead to reject the message (Ullah et al., 2023).
Recipients want to have a balance in the frequency of messages they receive from
companies and the relevance of the content.
Customer Journey
A 'customer journey' is a diagram that illustrates the stages potential consumers go
through when interacting with a company. The term customer journey describes the
different touchpoints between a person and a product or brand from the first
perception to the moment of decision Market. Touchpoints can be billboards, email, a
website, social media experience reports, call center customer service and generally
any means by which the consumer comes into contact with the brand. The reasons for
creating a customer journey map include understanding the path and channels
customers will take to acquire the product. For the most part, journey mapping is a
visual story that tries to understand the processes and needs of the customer.An
effective journey map reflects all potential customer journeys through potential
communication channels and visually represents the different ones It is a valuable tool
that can be used to predict the course of future customers, also. Research-based
companies often need to create several travel maps.
To create a customer journey map, identify the best possible ways for the company to
interact with potential customers. It can also flag misdirection or identify gaps in the
customer experience, such as: (1) gaps between devices when a user moves from one
device to another, (2) gaps between departments or functions of the company, which
may frustrate the prospective consumer and (3) gaps between channels, where the
media transition experience social networking on the website is not optimized.
Every stage of the customer journey is crucial for sales and marketing departments.
The customer journey begins when a customer is informed about a product or service.
The comparison stage is where customers use readily available information about
corresponding products in any market and compare features, prices, Customer service
assessments, and so on. There are important requirements for effectively mapping the
customer journey.
a) Value creation. The journey map should focus on how the customer experiences
brand interaction and creating positive customer experiences and minimizing negative
ones Experiences
(b) Research. The use of tools such as customer analytics helps develop the map to
faithfully represent potential consumer behavior
(c) Contact points. Maps should capture all possible communication points through
which customers want to connect with companies: emails, websites, social media
platforms Maps also need to represent different sequences for consumers following
different paths
When planning a customer journey map, there is no set protocol, but there are
guidelines for this, including that it must be visually appealing, concise and
understandable. Standard customer journey maps include charts, charts, and timelines.
Multimedia has also been used for customer journey maps.
Buying behavior
International Journal of Information, Business and Management 2024, 16 (2): 1-17.
ISSN 2076-9202 (Print)
ISSN 2218-046X (Online)
The customer journey is influenced by many external factors (Hadi and Aslam, 2023).
As the use of mobile devices has taken off, the way businesses consistently promote
their services and products have changed, as well as the way who manages their social
network, i.e. like followers perceptions of credibility and their positive word of mouth
(Wang and Weng, 2023; Elwalda et al., 2023; Watson et al., 2013). To understand the
impact of mobile marketing on the customer journey, it is useful to understand how
mobile phones affect consumer behavior and how they meet their evolving needs.
What would have needed research in the past is now achieved in minutes via a mobile
device. Internet users discover businesses by searching local websites with listings,
such as Google, MyBusiness. For the same reason, business profiles must exist on
social media. Some turn to social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram for
advice on which local businesses to support (Wang and Weng, 2023).
For instance, the introduction of mobile devices has brought with it a shift in our
cultures, most notably by blurring the boundaries between activities and locations
(Maduku and Thusi, 2023) and introducing the culture of "always connected"
(Pinchot et al, 2011) and "always available" (Wellman and Rainie, 2013). Mobile
devices are key to understanding consumer behaviour and patterns, especially since
consumers use more often. Brasel and Gips (2014) show that touch screen devices
smartphones (Otto and Kruikemeler, 2023), tablets influence online shopping
behavior by reinforcing the phenomenon of "owning" (Wu et al., 2023). This is the
case, as Stephen (2016) summarizes, because "touch (versus mouse click) increases
the perception of psychological ownership of products while browsing the Internet.
More people are buying goods on mobile devices, either in the comfort of their couch
or on the go, than ever before, with smartphones making up 80% of social media
browsing – 91.5% for Facebook, 86% for Twitter and 60% for Linkedin (Broadband,
2021). Instagram, as one of the most mobile-oriented platforms engaged in image-
sharing activities, confirms the importance of social media in the fashion industry
(Park et al, 2016).
Satisfying consumer experiences on mobile devices increase customer loyalty. If the
experience isn't enjoyable, the consumer tends to research other brands. Therefore, it
is important for advertisers to create mobile-friendly and easy-to-use applications that
are adequately responsive. Brands need to design digital experiences that work well
on smartphones to increase campaign returns and customer engagement. Businesses
that follow a defined mobile strategy have higher customer engagement rates and
positive impact than those that don't incorporate a strategy mobile marketing (Matin
and Laksamana, 2023). Mobile marketing's impact on buying behavior is substantial
because it aligns with the way modern consumers use mobile devices to research,
compare, and make purchase decisions. Successful mobile marketing strategies
leverage these behaviors to provide value and drive conversions.
4 Decision-making process
The consumer decision-making process can be explained by the information
processing approach which is shaped by the consumer and depends on the context of
the decision (Bettman, et al., 1998; Xiao et al., 2023; Pop et al., 2023). The purchase
decision-making process involves five stages that are analyzed below:
1) Needs identification stage
International Journal of Information, Business and Management 2024, 16 (2): 1-17.
ISSN 2076-9202 (Print)
ISSN 2218-046X (Online)
The decision-making process for every consumer begins when he understands that he
has an unmet need. The recognition of need occurs when a consumer is confronted
with either a real or a desired situation. This is a vital stage for companies, as they
attempt to create through marketing efforts a need in consumers, which will lead to
search for a product or service.
As part of these efforts, thanks to mobile marketing, which allows marketers to
connect with customers anywhere and anytime, they are activated offers tailored to
the individual needs of each customer. For example, SMS marketing can act as an
external signal that helps consumers realize a need or creates a new one. In addition, a
push notification received on a mobile device, accompanied by a list of suggested
gifts or discount, can motivate the recipient to start the purchase process (Darko et al.,
2) Information search stage
Once a desire or need has arisen for the consumer, the next thing he will do is to start
searching for information about the different alternative solutions available. An
internal search for information consists of spontaneously recalling previous
experiences about a product/service. Similarly, the external search for information
refers to the external process that involves the utilization of information from the
external environment, such as family and wider social circle, radio, TV commercials,
digital commercials. Therefore, mobile marketing has become one of the most
important marketing tools offering ease of access and ability to share information.At
this stage, companies can reach their target audience through mobile search ads, in-
app popups, location-based ads, mobile display ads (especially using remarketing to
target consumers looking for a specific type of products).
3) Stage of comparison of alternatives
After consumers conduct a market research, they then create a set of alternative final
decisions (evoked set). At this point, in order to make a final decision, they evaluate
the alternatives. When making the final decision, consumers take into account the
different characteristics of the products/services, such as quality, price and location.
Mobile devices allow consumers to evaluate their online purchases by combining the
advantages of physical stores.Traditional physical shopping environments have
limitations, such as limited product exposure and difficulty comparing alternative
products.However, the online shopping environment also has its own limitations, such
as the inability to touch and actually feel.
At this stage, mobile search ads are used extensively (so that the brand appears high in
search results when a user searches for it), location-based campaigns (especially with
the use of beacon technology reach customers in physical stores), mobile display ads
(using remarketing target people looking for a specific type of products), others
marketing activities (such as sending discounts and special offers).
4) Market stage
Finally, the consumer, after completing all the above stages, proceeds to the purchase
of a product / service. The purchase decision has already been influenced upstream,
but companies continue to have an impact on consumers at this stage of the purchase.
At this stage, companies through mobile marketing can make the buying process easy
and enjoyable. For example, mobile marketing services can improve consumers'
shopping experience at the purchase stage by making the order, purchase and payment
of the product more convenient. These improvements save consumers time and
International Journal of Information, Business and Management 2024, 16 (2): 1-17.
ISSN 2076-9202 (Print)
ISSN 2218-046X (Online)
The following (1)mobile wallets play a key role at this stage: mobile devices can be
used as digital wallets - consumers can pay with electronic money transfer, (2)
location-based campaigns: consumers at the purchase stage can be notified of the
availability of another relevant product on store, (3) push notifications: instant
notification about payment status and order progress, (4) other enabled campaigns:
send notifications to Customers abandoning the shopping cart can be used to
influence consumer decisions at this stage.
Companies that study consumer behavior are more likely to have a positive impact at
the market stage. This is due to the fact that most of the consumers move to the
market gradually leaving traces such as conducting a search, adding a product to the
cart, leaving the site, commenting on a product.
5) Post-purchase stage
Companies make sure that the consumer is completely satisfied and hope to develop a
relationship of loyalty with the brand. Mobile marketing can promote quality
customer service experiences after purchase). For example, consumers can receive
updates on the status of their order. In addition, support can be improved by providing
more interactive content (e.g. images, videos). Push notifications, in-app popups and
other promotions through which the company provides consumers with services and
additional benefits, such as discounts or free trials. Effective marketing and
advertising strategies aim to influence consumers at various stages of this process,
from creating awareness to facilitating information search, providing compelling
alternatives, and ensuring a positive post-purchase experience. Understanding the
consumer decision-making process helps businesses tailor their marketing efforts to
meet consumer needs and preferences effectively.
5 Discussion and conclusions
Technology has shaped both marketing practices and consumer behavior. New
technologies are intertwined with digital marketing. Compared to traditional sales
strategies, digital marketing is more complex, ubiquitous, and effective. This ensures
faster positive results than traditional techniques and is a more flexible form of
marketing than conventional methods. The market approach has also evolved with the
rise of technology. Marketing has made a number of advances and improvements in
its digital strategy. Therefore, companies are advised to be informed about the
benefits and disadvantages of the digital tools they use, in order to make the best use
of them Way. In this paper the basic conceptual elements of marketing, which are
inextricably linked to new technologies, were examined and it was concluded that the
effects of marketing. They entail not just dramatic changes in the field of marketing,
but radical and transformative ones. Mobile phones have become of unprecedented
importance. Consumers around the world choose mobile devices as their preferred
means to connect with other people, gather information, and more. As a result, many
businesses are actively working on new mobile marketing strategies to reach their
audience. Mobile marketing is a digital marketing strategy that aims to reach target
audiences through smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices. It uses tools such
as email, SMS and MMS, social media and mobile applications. Companies create
commitment across all channels, which is very important for the brand as it creates
deeper bonds with customers. The content is strategically distributed and becomes
highly personalized towards digital era, as social networks multiplied rapidly. All
modern enterprises use a variety of social platforms to reach the target audience
International Journal of Information, Business and Management 2024, 16 (2): 1-17.
ISSN 2076-9202 (Print)
ISSN 2218-046X (Online)
located there. The great thing about digital marketing is that it offers resources for
direct study of the impact on the market. Social networks play a very important role in
promoting digital behavior as well.
The growth of the digital market provides to firm’s brands the unique ability to meet
consumers’ needs and expectations more appropriately and easily. Through mobile
marketing, given geographical barriers, the reach of the targeted audience can be
expanded. A proper understanding of digital marketing enables companies to evaluate
their advertising activities. In addition, it allows advertisers to analyze and control
their quality content online. Of course, saving time and cost is a major advantage.
Looking at the customer experience is crucial to strengthening the relationship
between them. To that extent, we have made an attempt to gather and correlate the
various findings of this qualitative research towards a comprehensive understanding
of the characteristics of mobile marketing use in consumer purchase decision-making.
First, it is obvious that scientific research on marketing, due to the long processes of
implementation and publication, generally cannot keep up with the rapid pace of
digital technological developments in the field of mobile marketing. As such, the
depiction of mobile marketing reflects only a part of the current electronic and
shopping reality of goods. The second aspect also relates to the pace of change, not of
mobile marketing itself, but of the context of consumer behavior. Mobile marketing is
irrevocably linked to consumer behavior. Therefore, the attempt to understand mobile
marketing in an integrated way is hindered by the dynamic nature of the subject itself,
but also by the variability of its context.
Mobile marketing is not an application in a changing business and technological
environment, but a tool for shaping it. In addition, it is an innovative means to achieve
the strategic goals of enterprises. The market has free space to expand the application
of mobile marketing as it has not been established by many companies as a tool of
marketing strategy. Also, many technologies, such as beacons and augmented reality,
have not been fully developed and disseminated from the digital marketing
perspective, like the implementation of segmenting, targeting and positioning firm’s
brands and products for creating increase of sales and positive market shares. This
research provides practical benefits to various businesses to extend the digital
marketing techniques for promotional and commercial purposes.
In summary, mobile marketing strategies have a substantial impact on consumer
behavior by leveraging the unique attributes of mobile devices, including their
ubiquity, personalization capabilities, and convenience. Effective mobile marketing
can influence consumer decision-making, drive engagement, and ultimately lead to
increased conversions and brand loyalty. However, it's important for businesses to use
mobile marketing responsibly and ethically, respecting consumer preferences and
privacy concerns. To that extend marketing strategies are designed to engage and
target users on mobile devices efficiently. Given the widespread use of smartphones
and tablets, mobile marketing has become a fundamental component of digital
International Journal of Information, Business and Management 2024, 16 (2): 1-17.
ISSN 2076-9202 (Print)
ISSN 2218-046X (Online)
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... İşletmeler SMS pazarlamasıyla değerli içerikler paylaşarak tüketicilerin ilgilendikleri markalardan gerçek zamanlı bildirimler, güncellemeler ve kişiselleştirilmiş promosyon teklifleri almasını sağlamak için hızlı, kolay ve etkili bir yöntem sunmaktadır. SMS pazarlaması, işletmelerin müşterilerine toplu SMS veya MMS göndererek bilgi vermesine olanak tanır (Tarnanidis, 2024). Bu şekilde akıllı cihazlar üzerinden gerçekleştirilen mobil pazarlama uygulamaları tüketicileri rahatsız etmeden ve onların takvimlerine uygun saatlerde, aşırıya kaçmadan kullanılmalıdır. ...
... Reklamların doğru ve yaratıcı varyasyonlarını doğru kitlelerle eşleştirmek, her alıcı için daha kişiselleştirilmiş bir deneyim oluşturur. Bu şekilde hedef kitlenin doğru segmentlerine doğru teklifler sunarak, onlara doğru zamanda ve doğru yerde ulaşılarak etkileşim artırılabilir (Tarnanidis, 2024). ...
... Çift yönlü iletişim, yüksek kişiselleştirme oranı, artan yanıt verme oranı ve hedef gruplara belirli zaman ve yerlerde ulaşabilme imkanı sayesinde işletmeler, maliyetlerini düşürüp potansiyel gelirlerini artırma fırsatı bulabilirler (Etuk ve Udonde, 2024). Tarnanidis (2024)'e göre, düşük maliyet mobil pazarlamanın en önemli avantajlarından biri olup, bu yöntem kitlelere ulaşmanın en uygun maliyetli yollarından biridir. Mobil pazarlama, maliyet etkinliği sağlamasının yanı sıra anında ve saniyeler içinde dünya genelindeki kullanıcılara ulaşma imkânı sunduğu için pazarlamacılar tarafından sıklıkla tercih edilmektedir. ...
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... The rise of mobile Internet usage and the increasing prevalence of the gig economy have influenced how businesses approach marketing and workforce management [24]. Mobile-friendly marketing strategies, coupled with the ability to tap into a flexible and scalable freelance workforce, offer new avenues for growth and innovation [25]. However, these developments also necessitate a focus on cybersecurity, as businesses must protect their digital operations from the growing threat of cyberattacks [26,27]. ...
... Recognizing the potential of email marketing to nurture leads, retain customers, and build trust in a scalable manner can encourage individuals to see entrepreneurship as more manageable and predictable. The perception that entrepreneurs can maintain consistent contact with their audience, offer tailored recommendations, and promptly address customer inquiries or concerns supports a sense of control and reliability [25,51,63]. Content marketing (CMA) focuses on producing and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content that resonates with a well-defined audience. ...
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Amidst the globalization of markets, there has been a continuous intensification of competitiveness between enterprises. The modern business environment has caused a shift in how business is conducted. Opportunities and challenges arise, which put a tremendous pressure on enterprises regardless of size and industry. Entrepreneurship in enterprises plays an important role in obtaining a competitive edge in the market. Thus, entrepreneurial intentions in enterprises can often shape the future and survival of the enterprise. In this paper, the prediction of entrepreneurial intentions in enterprises through Internet marketing predictors is addressed. For this, several statistical methods in data mining were used. First, simpler approaches such as linear regression, logistic regression were used. Afterward, classifier decision trees QUEST (quick, unbiased, efficient, statistical tree), and CHAID (chi-squared automatic interaction detection) were used. The sample for analysis was 137 enterprises from Serbia. Furthermore, a supervised machine learning algorithm, support vector machine (SVM) was used. Finally, a feed-forward neural network (FNN) was applied. The results varied across the applied approach, thus providing significant insights into the dynamics of data mining for prediction outcomes in an enterprise setting.
... According to the Abhijith Nair (2022) global M-marketing market size was valued at $11,000M in 2020 and is predicted to reach $57,850M by 2030. The developed nations are utilizing M-marketing tools at various levels, whereas developing nations lagged behind to utilize M-marketing facilities to improve performance (Tarnanidis, 2024). According to PTA (2022), about 218 million internet users and 189M mobile phone users in Pakistan. ...
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The aim of this study to address the purposeful question for the managers and researchers is how organizational resources through mobile marketing (M-marketing) capabilities can improve sales performance of organizations. The study considered training, internal marketing, organizational culture and product-related knowledge as organizational resources that enhance perceived sales performance through different M-marketing capabilities like accessibility, cost saving and quick decision making. This research incorporated dynamic capability and resource-based view (RBV) theories to construct the research model. 396 responses were received from SMEs employees from ten big cities of Pakistan and structure equation modelling used to examine the research model. Findings showed that the organizational resources (training, internal marketing, organizational culture and product-related knowledge) and M-marketing capabilities (accessibility, cost saving and quick decision making) significantly impacted the PSP. M-marketing capabilities significantly partially mediate among the relationships of organizational resources and PSP.
... Companies can use their brand name to their advantage in various ways, such as advertising, according to the opinion of marketing theorists and international literature (Tarnanidis, 2024a;2024b;2024c). According to Kotler (2012), a company's advertising will be positive if it has an effective and strong brand name, whether through television or radio. ...
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The aim of this chapter is to analyze brand names and their potential impact on consumer behavior when making luxury fashion purchases. Secondary research was carried out to investigate this issue by analyzing the results of older and modern studies available in foreign language bibliography. The theoretical issue of brand management in luxury fashion marketing was examined in the first section. According to the literature review, brand building is a demanding process that requires the consideration of many critical parameters. A thorough understanding of the target audience and a commitment to maintaining the brand's exclusivity, quality, and popularity are necessary for luxury marketing and branding. Creating a strong emotional connection is a priority for the strategy's focus on brand name factors. After that, we will talk about consumer behavior and the most significant trends in the luxury fashion market for affluent consumers.
Consumer experience refers to a series of events that consumers go through while shopping or conducting transactions. A positive consumer experience can lead to customer satisfaction, while a negative experience can result in dissatisfaction. This study aims to examine the impact of customer experience on customer satisfaction. The research method employs a bibliometric approach, involving nationally and internationally reputable articles published on Google Schooler. The conclusion from the research results analysis shows that citation analysis is a valuable tool for evaluating the influence of academic works, particularly in the context of customer experience. The data indicates that 2020 was a peak year for productivity, with two key studies receiving significant attention from the academic community, emphasizing their relevance in the fields of customer experience and satisfaction. This research also highlights that the theme of customer experience has rapidly developed across various domains, including tourism and hospitality management, with numerous publications in leading journals. Furthermore, the trend analysis reveals a strong connection between customer experience and factors such as satisfaction and loyalty, as well as a growing interest in technological aspects that influence customer interactions. Therefore, there are ample opportunities for further exploration of key themes and emerging trends in customer experience research.
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Purpose: This study investigates the effects of e-marketing on customer behaviour in book purchases regarding e-mail marketing, social media marketing, and mobile marketing. It also examines the factors influencing the book-purchasing decision and how each e-marketing channel affects customer behaviour. These findings will be essential context for book industry marketers and stakeholders. Methodology: This quantitative analysis was drawn from survey data in which 205 university undergraduate students from 3 public universities were participated. It is designed to determine the customer's level of acceptance of this or that e-marketing strategy. Regression analysis has been employed to test the relationship between e-marketing strategies and book-buying behaviour, and cross-tabulation has been used to detect demographic patterns. Findings: Unlike social media and mobile marketing, e-mail marketing does not affect consumers' intent to purchase books. Regression analysis shows the significance of concentrated marketing campaigns in influencing consumer behaviour. Practical Implication: The study's insights might help those in the book sector improve their online advertising campaigns. Opportunities in the digital book market are increasing, and publishers and merchants may exploit them by targeting specific customer categories with tailored content. Originality: This study contributes to the existing literature by highlighting the different e-marketing strategies that affect people's decisions to buy books and the demographic factors that play a crucial role in creating these effects.
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing human resource management, transforming key functions such as recruitment, on boarding, employee engagement, performance management, and learning and development. This article explores the profound impact of AI on talent management, highlighting how AI-powered tools streamline HR processes, enhance decision-making, and personalize employee experiences. Key AI technologies, including chatbots, predictive analytics, and natural language processing, are examined for their specific applications in HR practices. The article also addresses the benefits and challenges of implementing AI in HR, including issues of bias, data privacy, and maintaining the human touch. Looking ahead, the article investigates future trends and the evolving landscape of AI in HR, providing insights into how organizations can leverage these advancements to stay competitive. Through a comprehensive analysis, the article underscores AI's transformative potential in creating more efficient, data-driven, and personalized HR environments.
Mobile devices have become an integral part of our daily lives, and people use them for numerous activities, including shopping. As a result, businesses must utilize mobile marketing tools to communicate with their customers and offer personalized and differentiated products. Mobile marketing employs various tools such as location-based services, mobile applications, and mobile e-mail to attract customers and stimulate their interest in purchasing a particular product. This research seeks to identify the mobile marketing tools that influence the Iberian consumer's purchase intention. The study collected data through a questionnaire from Iberian consumers using a non-probabilistic convenience sample. The study results showed that a positive attitude towards mobile marketing is a significant factor that influences the purchase intention of a product or service. The study also revealed that location-based services and mobile applications are the most effective tools in creating a favorable attitude towards mobile marketing and, consequently, the intention of Iberian consumers to purchase a product or service. This investigation aims to provide organizations and researchers with know-how on mobile marketing and the Iberian consumer's purchase intention so that they can make better decisions and encourage further research.
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The loading screen is unavoidable to smartphone users, and the waiting experience influences the success of a mobile application. Providing visual feedback during waiting time is an effective way to increase the waiting experience. This study is the first to examine the effects of interactive loading screens on the waiting experience compared to a passive loading screen on mobile phones across varying waiting times. The rotating ring, which has been used in loading screens widely, was chosen in our experiments. Participants compared a passive animation with grey-scale and colour-changed interactive animations. The results indicated that the duration of waiting time has a significant impact on the selection of the loading screen type. The studies also demonstrate that colour can act as an essential design factor to improve the waiting experience when designing the interactive loading screen. Furthermore, it was found that perceived time was shorter when an interactive loading screen was used, leading to higher user satisfaction compared to a passive loading screen, especially for the long waiting time. The findings obtained in the experiments provide a reference and guidelines for loading screen design to improve users` waiting experience.
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This study is entitled "Analysis of the Effect of Mobile Marketing and Social Media Marketing on Purchase Intention with Customer Engagement as an intervening variable in the Property Industry". The two variables that will be studied in this study Mobile Marketing and Social Media Marketing are used as independent variables. The Purchase Intention variable as the dependent variable and the Customer Engagement variable as the intervening variable. The purpose of this study is to obtain an overview of Mobile Marketing and Social Media Marketing and analyze the relationship of these two variables to Purchase Intention. The empirical study was conducted on internet users in the Jabodetabek area with internet use focused on finding information related to property. The research methods used are survey methods and data collection methods through questionnaires. This study used a sample of 100 respondents. The data analysis method uses SEM (Structural Equation Model) from AMOS 22.0 statistical software. The results of this study show that mobile marketing and social media marketing have a positive impact on customer engagement. From this study it was also found that mobile marketing and social media marketing have no effect on purchase intention. The final conclusion of the study, mobile marketing and social media marketing have a positive impact on the property industry. The presence of both is able to reach a wider market so it needs to be maximized in use.
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This paper focuses on determining the age-based differences among consumers in terms of the acceptance of mobile social media. In doing so, the younger age group is represented by Generation Y and the elderly by Baby Boomers. Further, the famous UTAUT2 model is applied, and relationships mentioned in it are evaluated for the two age groups. For this purpose, a sample of 249 respondents was obtained from the online survey conducted in the state of Punjab in India. The statistical technique of multi-group path analysis using structural equation modelling (SEM) is applied to the generated data. The findings of the study reveal that the young age and elderly groups differ significantly in terms of the impact of effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation on behavioral intention, and facilitating conditions on use behavior. It may provide important implications for future research related to internet marketing and mobile social media.
Purpose Increasing followers' positive word-of-mouth (PWOM) is a critical means through which social media influencers (SMIs) marketers can increase SMIs' follower count. Studies have reported that authenticity and credibility increase followers' PWOM and have identified the dimensions of authenticity (i.e. originality, naturalness and continuity) and credibility (i.e. attractiveness, trustworthiness and expertise). However, the mechanisms underlying the associations among these dimensions are unclear. Drawing from social exchange theory, the authors developed an integrated conceptual model and explored how the dimensions of SMI authenticity affect those of followers' perception of credibility. Moreover, the authors analyzed how followers' perception of credibility affects the followers' PWOM behavior. Design/methodology/approach The authors collected 463 valid questionnaires from respondents that followed at least one SMI. Additionally, the authors developed a structural equation model for data analysis. Findings The results revealed that the subdimensions of SMI authenticity have different effects on followers' perception of credibility. An SMI's continuity positively affects followers' perceptions of the SMI's trustworthiness and expertise. The naturalness of an SMI positively affects followers' perception of the SMI's attractiveness but nonsignificantly affects followers' perception of the SMI's trustworthiness. Additionally, an SMI's originality positively affects followers' perception of the SMI's attractiveness but negatively affects followers' perception of the SMI's trustworthiness. Finally, followers' perceptions of an SMI's attractiveness, trustworthiness and expertise all positively affect followers' PWOM behavior. Originality/value By employing multidimensional constructs, the authors obtained results that provide a comprehensive understanding of the effects of SMI authenticity on the SMI's followers' perception of followers' credibility. These results can be used by SMIs to increase SMIs followers' PWOM by determining which aspects of authenticity and credibility SMIs should develop.
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are often considered an economic engine. The digital boom that has happened in the recent years offers a variety of tools to these SMEs to reach out to their target audience in a very cost-effective manner. Automation of marketing is often related with the digitization of marketing, internet of things, and related activities. This mainly harnesses the use of internet and other electronic sources to communicate with their stakeholders. Terms like e-marketing, e-commerce, e-business, and internet of things (IoT) have gained prominence in the arena of modern business management. In this chapter, an attempt has been made to connect e-marketing, e-commerce, e-business, and internet of things in context of SMEs and marketing automation by performing bibliometric analysis of Scopus database and review of literature. This will help in understanding the way concepts have evolved in recent times. This chapter also attempts to differentiate the four terms in light of literature and theories.
Purpose The study aims to examine the indirect relationships via application (app) brand self-relevance emotions and self-relevance that underlie the relationships between perceived value of mobile apps and (brand) love with respect to mobile apps. The study further investigates the moderating role of user–app relationship duration in the formation process of brand love for mobile apps from a dynamic and long-term perspective. Design/methodology/approach A multiple moderated-mediation model is developed and empirically tested with a sample of 396 users of popular Chinese mobile educational apps. Findings The study reveals that utilitarian value exhibits positive indirect relationships with brand love for mobile apps through increased positive self-relevance emotions. All three types of perceived value of mobile apps (utilitarian, hedonic and social) affect app brand love positively via self-relevance. These three types of perceived value were found to be serially linked to brand love through self-relevance and self-relevance emotions. Furthermore, empirical evidence is found for the moderating effects of user–app relationship duration. Originality/value By testing mechanisms simultaneously in an integrative model, this study investigates the reasons for app brand love that attract a user into a lasting relationship with an app and extends knowledge of the app brand love building process in inducing strong and positive brand–self connections. Our study also makes practical contributions by offering insights into delivering the most desired benefits to mobile app users according to different contextual conditions, in order to attract and retain users in a more cost-effective manner.
Mobile communication differs from other forms of mediated communication in terms of connectedness, dynamics, omnipresence, and interactivity. Consequently, it can be difficult for scholars to investigate mobile communication using traditional research methods. The main goal of this article is to show how the mobile experience sampling method (MESM), in combination with data donations, can be useful for addressing the challenges of mobile communication research. We explicate the design using an experience-sampling study that was conducted on mobile campaigning during the Dutch 2021 national election. Using this case, we discuss how MESM can be extended and combined with other data sources, such as tracking data, GPS, and sensory data, to address the challenges of mobile communication effects research and facilitate future studies.
Digital marketing is an integral part of any business. The increasing popularity of digital channels has changed the way businesses market and interact with their customers. Due to the rapid emergence of new marketing techniques, the tourism industry has undergone significant changes. This paper consists of a manually performed analysis regarding the digital presence of 3016 travel companies in Greece and, more specifically in the Halkidiki region, and a survey conducted to recognize the perceived benefits and the use of digital marketing by these companies. Results indicate that travel companies in Greece do not implement a comprehensive digital marketing strategy and highlight an increased need for digital marketing solutions in the travel sector.KeywordsDigital marketingTourism industrySocial mediaWebsitesSearch engine optimization
Purpose The rapid growth of m-commerce and mobile marketing has flooded the users with homogeneous contents that raise little user interest making the users' browsing pattern on these contents aimless free browsing. However, the interface that presents the mobile marketing contents triggers much user attention, especially the layout. Without significant usability defects, the layout poses influences on the user's aesthetic experience. Identifying the layout attributes that affect user aesthetic preference is critical to the design of mobile marketing interfaces since they influence users' interaction intention, cognitive process, and decision-making. Design/methodology/approach In this paper, 6 layout attributes that quantify the aesthetic design of the interface layout and 3 eye-movement indicators that connect to human aesthetic preference were identified through literature research. An eye-tracking experiment measuring the 3 eye-movement indicators on 6 pairs of interface layout materials corresponding to the 6 layout attributes was conducted. The experiment was designed to mimic the free browsing context in mobile marketing. The materials were divided into Liked/Disliked preference groups according to the response of the subjects. Analysis of indicators on materials between the L/D groups shows that the attributes of balance, centricity, density, simplicity, and symmetry affect user aesthetic preferences. Findings Analysis of the attribute value levels shows that balance, centricity, and density are responsible for addressing users' aesthetic preferences for a disliked interface layout. The study suggests an attribute set for quantitatively optimizing the aesthetic design of mobile marketing system interfaces and provides evidence for the visual attention and cognitive process under the free browsing context. Originality/value The study contributes to the field both theoretically and practically: (1) it provides support for optimizing the interface layout of mobile marketing systems quantitatively from the aesthetic perspective. (2) It promotes the cognitive attention theory by providing evidence for the cognitive process of interacting with mobile marketing interfaces from the perspective of visual attention and cognitive fluency. (3) It expands the objects of visual perception from traditional or symbolic artworks (such as logos) to the abstract visual stimuli of interface layout. (4) It suggests an optimization tool of five quantification layout attributes for mobile marketing businesses and platforms to aesthetically improve their marketing interfaces to improve user experiences.
Interactive marketing, as one of the fastest growing academic fields in contemporary business world, is the multi-directional value creation and mutual-influence marketing process through active customer connection, engagement, participation and interaction (Wang in J Res Interact Mark 15:1–9, 2021). Such a definition reflects the nature of interactive marketing as bilateral communication that emphasizes consumer active participation in the marketing process.