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Exploring the dimensions of traditional breakfast experience: A netnography study


Abstract and Figures

The primary aim of this paper is to explore the dimensions of traditional breakfast experience of international tourists visiting Istanbul. To achieve this aim, the netnography approach, which is a qualitative study method, was performed using the User-Generated Content (UGC) technique. The data were gathered in July 2022 from TripAdvisor platform and were sequenced from the latest to the earliest reviews (n=1184). The results of this study demonstrated that the traditional breakfast experience has six major components: authenticity, memorability, novelty, local hospitality, food attributes, togetherness, and social interactions. Significant theoretical and managerial implications were discussed.
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Exploring the dimensions of traditional breakfast experience:
A netnography study
Davut Kodaş 1*
Mardin Artuklu University, Tourism Faculty, Department of Tourism Guide, Mardin, Turkey. Email:
*Corresponding author
The primary aim of this paper is to explore the dimensions of traditional breakfast experience of international
tourists visiting Istanbul. To achieve this aim, the netnography approach, which is a qualitative study method, was
performed using the User-Generated Content (UGC) technique. The data were gathered in July 2022 from
TripAdvisor platform and were sequenced from the latest to the earliest reviews (n=1184). The results of this study
demonstrated that the traditional breakfast experience has six major components: authenticity, memorability,
novelty, local hospitality, food attributes, togetherness, and social interactions. Significant theoretical and
managerial implications were discussed.
Keywords: Food experience, breakfast experience, local food, traditional, breakfast experience model.
Citation: Kodas, D. (2024). Exploring the dimensions of traditional breakfast experience: A netnography study.
European Journal of Tourism Research, 36, 3606.
Exploring the dimensions of traditional breakfast experience: A netnography study
1. Introduction
Besides food which is of utmost importance to satisfy human biological needs on vacation, it has
enormous potential to meet tourist-specific expectations and demands such as learning experience,
relaxing, enhancing cultural knowledge, and to have new, unique and authentic experiences (Barbel-
Pineda et al., 2019). Thus, it can be stated that food is an indispensable component of the tourism
experience (Hjalager & Richards, 2002). In this case, the food (local) offered with its local characteristics
is seen as one of the crucial elements of destination attractions (Hall & Mitchell, 2000). With a post-
Fordist consumption approach, the quest for unique, different, and novel food experiences increases
the significance of food tourism for the destination and tourism firms (Everett & Aitchison, 2008; Björk
& Räisänen, 2014).
Exploring or understanding local food experience in a tourist destination has received considerable
attention for its ability to provide travellers with new tourism experiences and is currently a popular
subject of study in the field of gastronomy (Atsız, Cifci, & Rasoolimanesh; 2022; Atsız, Cifci & Law, 2022;
Yiğit, 2022). Many scholarly articles suggest that local food in a place is a highly significant tourist
attraction for both domestic and international travelers seeking new and unique experiences (Björk &
Räisänen, 2016). Additionally, many academic papers are conducted to identify local food experiences
that are seen as one of essential tools for service providers and destination marketing practitioners in
creating of successful marketing and management strategies related to local food promotions (Chang,
Kivela, & Mak, 2011; Kim, Eves, & Scarles, 2009; Wijaya et al., 2013; Adongo, Anuga, & Dayour, 2015; Atsız,
Cifci & Law, 2022).
It is emphasized that Turkish cuisine ranks third after Chinese and French cuisine (Atsız et al., 2022).
The origins of Turkish cuisine can be traced back to Central Asia and has been shaped by various
nationalities who have come into contact as a result of wars and migration, leading to a diverse and
enriched food culture (Yayla & Aktaş, 2021). The desire to experience the national food of destination is
regarded as one of the important travel decision-making criteria for the contemporary tourists (Björk &
Räisänen, 2014). For example, Rimmington and Yüksel (1998) stated that Turkish cuisine is a major
travel motivation for tourists. Due to its unique characteristics, Turkish cuisine provides an important
opportunity for tourists to experience different flavours. Although nearly all hotels and resorts in Turkey
provide the tourist with a trip including a bed and breakfast experiences, tourists visiting a destination
may be eager to consume the local breakfast of the region. Traditional breakfast heritage of destinations
is considered a crucial part of the local food and beverage of the region and one of the major tourist
attractions for tourists visiting destinations to experience local cuisine.
Although there is a significant amount of literature on food experiences, no research has been
conducted to examine the dimensions of the food experience specifically related to traditional breakfast.
This research aims to fill this gap by using netnography analysis to explore a new and under-examined
aspect of the food experience that is the traditional breakfast experience of tourists in Istanbul.
Therefore, the primary objective of this study is to investigate the fundamental factors that impact the
traditional breakfast experience of tourists who visit Istanbul. Istanbul was selected as the research
setting for several reasons. Istanbul is a major tourist destination in Turkey, offering some of the iconic
dishes of Turkish cuisine. Istanbul has large number of unique local cuisine resources from many
regions of Turkey and attracts numerous domestic and international tourists (Çetin & Bilgehan, 2016).
Traditional Turkish breakfast, a valuable section of a Turk's daily life, is a crucial element of local
Turkish cuisine (Özden, 2020). Almost every region of Turkey has its own unique breakfast which is
based on the use of locally sourced ingredients and prepared with unique methods.
The findings of this study provide a foundation for service providers to develop a traditional breakfast
experience model by emphasizing the key components identified in this research. In addition, this study
Kodas (2024) / European Journal of Tourism Research 36, 3606
contributes to the development of traditional breakfast which is a local attractiveness of destination by
giving valuable inputs to the destination stakeholders who want to attract more international visitors.
2. Literature Review
2.1. Tourism Experience
Experience is a concept that affects the consumer emotionally, physically, intellectually, and spiritually
because of the combination of many elements. (Mossberg, 2007, p. 70). A touristic experience refers to
the various activities and products offered in tourism that are associated with a holiday or trip and have
a lasting impact on an individual's memory. These experiences can include stimulation, rejuvenation,
and the enjoyment of various tourism-related products and activities (Çeltek, 2010). It is acknowledged
that it is no longer enough to consider the tourism experience from a visual perspective (Urry, 1990).
The phenomenon of tourism is undergoing significant changes as we enter the era of the experience
economy. Offering the experiential aspect of touristic products provides tourism practitioners with
significant advantages in increasing destination image, gaining competitiveness, and providing tourists
with unforgettable and memorable experiences (Kodaş & Özel, 2022).
Following experience marketing theory which is introduced by Pine and Gilmore (1999) and Schmitt
(1999) to the marketing discipline, tourism experience has become a remarkable research topic in
tourism and hospitality. The advent of the experience economy has led to increased focus from scholars
and practitioners on the modern tourism paradigm. Therefore, tourism scholars have tried to
investigate the tourism experience concept in various type of tourism such as cultural tourism, rural
tourism, gastronomy tourism etc. (Björk & Räisänen, 2016; Kastenholz, Carneiro, Marques, & Loureiro,
2018; Seyfi, Hall, & Rasoolimanesh, 2020). For example, identifying tourists' food experiences is widely
investigated in tourism and gastronomy, as it is a popular issue (Björk & Räisänen, 2016; Kivela & Crotts,
2006; Sthapit, 2017). These studies have been prominently focused on the local food experience of
tourists visiting a destination which is famous for local cuisine or gastronomic tourism that is handled
as cultural tourism.
2.2. Local Food Experience
With rising of alternative tourism after the 1990s, the local food of the destination has been considered
a key attraction for tourists seeking the peak experience in the context of gastronomy tourism.
Especially for contemporary tourists, learning about destination culture is a significant motivation for
consuming local food and is one of the crucial components of food experiences (Björk & Räisänen, 2016),
since local food in a destination helps to have deep insights into the destination's culture to satisfy
tourists' need for the cultural experience (Fields, 2002; Aksoy & Kodaş, 2021). It can be argued that local
cuisine is a frequently studied subject in hospitality and gastronomy literature and many scholars
focused on this topic in their research. Based on the aforementioned academic works, it can be stated
that some tourists are pursuing new tastes to have a unique food experience by visiting specific
destinations which are famous for local cuisine (Hjalager & Richards, 2003; Kivela & Crotts, 2006). It
can be noted that local or traditional foods are the best way to explore different and new cultures by
providing distinguished tastes for visitors. Local foods in a tourist destination and their experiential
components are crucial factors in the destination selection process for tourists. By experiencing the
traditional or local food of a destination, tourists can obtain deeper information about regional culture,
and they can relax and have fun (Kim et al., 2009).
In many aspects of food research, such as gastronomy motivation, and gastronomy experience, local
food has been widely investigated recently (Atsız, Cifci, & Row, 2022; Kivela & Crotts, 2006; Kim & Eves,
2012; Sthapit, 2017; Rodrigues, Borges, & Vieira; Kattiyapornpong et al., 2022). More recently among
these studies, understanding or exploring dimensions of food experience has become a popular research
Exploring the dimensions of traditional breakfast experience: A netnography study
topic and is widely examined in the context of gastronomy and tourism. For instance, Adongo Anuga,
and Dayour, (2015) conducted quantitative research to explore international tourists’ experiences
regarding local foods in Ghana. The authors found that the memorable local food experience is a
multidimensional construct which was revealed under the five dimensions including local culture,
knowledge, novelty hedonismmeaningfulness, and adverse experiences. Moreover, they have found
that local food experience is positively associated with their willingness to recommend. Björk and
Kauppinen-Räisänen (2016) conducted research to designate the multidimensionality of travelers’ food-
related experiences. As a result of the study, the five components of food experience such as food, social,
place and time were identified.
Sthapit (2017) found that the tourist's memorable food experience was revealed under seven
components: local specialities and food attributes (taste), authenticity, novelty, togetherness and social
interaction, hospitality, and servicescape, including food souvenirs. A study written by Seyitoğlu (2021)
found that the culinary experiences of tourists were identified under ten categories indicating the guide,
food characteristics (taste, variety, flexibility, and availability), educational experience, socialize/meet
people, authentic experience, memorable experience, value/ price, safety, the hospitality of locals, and
satisfaction, recommendation and revisit intention. In another study conducted by Atsız, Cifci, and Law
(2022), the authors revealed the four main themes related to food experience: knowledge, authenticity,
local hospitality, and social interaction. These studies mainly focus on the local food of a tourist
destination and attempt to investigate the different underlying components of the food experience with
local. Due to its importance for service providers and destination marketers, local food is an essential
element of the tourism experience, even if it is considered a peak or supporting experience (Quan &
Wang, 2004). Besides these papers, local food has been seen as an important antecedent of some
variables such as satisfaction, destination brand equity components, and behavioural intentions
(recommendation, revisit intentions) in many studies (Adongo Anuga, & Dayour, 2015; Hendijani, 2016;
Kodaş, & Özel, 2022).
3. Method
This study tries to explore the traditional breakfast experience using user-generated contents (UGC). In
order to achieve this goal, the current study adopts netnography approach which is described as 'online
ethnography' (Kozinets, 2002; Mkono & Markwell, 2014). According to Kozinets (1998, p. 366),
netnography is a “new qualitative method devised specifically to investigate the consumer behaviour of
cultures and communities present on the Internet”. The netnography approach is widely used to
investigate tourism experiences (Sthapit, 2018; Thanh and Kirova; 2018) and to explore food experiences
in various destinations and online platforms (Atsız, Cifci, & Rasoolimanesh, 2022; Mkono, Markwell &
Wilson, 2013). This approach is particularly suitable for revealing the exploratory nature of the research
topic of this study and provides an original and valuable contribution to the literature on the food
experience. The current study employed a qualitative case study approach which is more appropriate
for this study because of its exploratory nature (Cetin & Bilgehan, 2016), and used travellers' reviews
posted on Tripadvisor, which is one of the popular online platforms for tourists and tourism
establishment (Assaker, 2020). Online platforms such as Tripadvisor have a pivotal role in
understanding tourism behaviour (Thanh & Kirova, 2018) and searching for trustful information
(Kaosiri et al., 2017). Before selecting data, the types of data must be decided too. To do so, we evaluated
the data types mainly conducted in netnography studies (Kozinet, 2010). Archival data, elicited data,
and fieldnotes suggested by Kozinet (2010) are generally used in netnography research. In this study,
archival data were selected to analyze online reviews as data is already available online and obtained by
copying without any participation of the researcher (Kozinet, Dolbec, & Earley, 2014).
Before data collection, we selected the top restaurants (seven) that offer traditional Turkish breakfast
in Istanbul. The other restaurants which offer Turkish breakfast were not included in the data analyses,
Kodas (2024) / European Journal of Tourism Research 36, 3606
as they also serve lunch and dinner for their customers besides breakfast. Although these selected
restaurants have reviews regarding tourist’s negative breakfast experiences, they have large number of
positive reviews (4- and 5-point). Therefore, positive reviews were included for data analyses to achieve
the purpose of the current study. Tourists who have posted reviews were checked by their names and
nationalities to choose the right sample. Thus, the research sample for this study included positive
reviews posted by international tourists who tasted and experienced the traditional Turkish breakfast
during their Istanbul vacation.
Data were collected in July 2022 from the English online reviews of international tourists. As much as
reviews posted by domestic tourists could have enriched the study, this study focused on reviews of
international tourists to ascertain their emotional attachment to Turkish breakfast cuisine because
tasting different cuisine in various countries is seen as one of the important motives of local food
consumption and provided a significant social and emotional bond between tourist and destination
(Fields, 2002). Therefore, Turkish reviews regarding breakfast experience was not included in the data.
The dates of the reviews were from the most recent to the oldest. At the end of data collection 1184
positive reviews of tourists posted regarding the traditional Turkish breakfast experience were included
in this study. Subsequently, the reviews were extracted and conveyed to Microsoft Word to be analyzed
for conventional content analysis. Conventional content analysis is described as ‘an observational
research method that is used to systematically evaluate the symbolic content of all forms of recorded
communications' (Kolbe & Burnett, 1991, p. 243). To reach valid and correct codes and themes, the
author analyzed the reviews of tourists with manual technic due to its reliability and effectiveness
(Sinkovics & Alfoldi, 2012; Sterchele, 2020). Three coding types were conducted for data analyses and
interpretation: open coding, axial coding, and selective coding, which were propounded by Strauss and
Corbin (1990). Tables 1 and 2 depict how it works in practice. For the trustworthiness of content analysis
in the coding process, except the author, two independent coders experienced in qualitative research
methodology and have a number of published papers read many times the obtained data to identify
initial codes and themes until reaching a consensus on the main themes. Finally, 66 codes and based
on these codes, six themes have identified at the end of the data analyses.
Table 1. An example of the open coding
Online reviews (extracted from TripAdvisor)
Line-by-line coding
An outstanding example of Turkish hospitality, we were
here for a traditional Turkish breakfast, and it went out as
a unique new experience not only in food and drinks but
also in intercultural communication. We were offered
toast, eggs, lots of traditional Turkish starters (a variety of
salads, olives, hummus, yogurt, peanut butter, etc.), fresh
watermelon, and free drinks (tea and Turkish coffee). The
founder is very friendly and hospitable…
We came here for breakfast; we had a beautiful table
overlooking the Galata tower. We had the traditional
farmers' breakfast, there was a variety of things that we got,
and we really enjoyed the breakfast and the view. The staff
is very welcoming and sweet…
Friendly; hospitable; friendly host;
welcoming; sweet
Exploring the dimensions of traditional breakfast experience: A netnography study
Table 2. Example of the coding process in practice.
Open coding (line-by-line coding)
(axial coding)
respectful; comfortable; generous;
welcomed; patient; friendly host; language
skilled; helpful; intelligent; warm; youthful
and helpful personnel; attentive; insightful,
hospitable, skilled in languages; chatty; very
pleasant; the kindness of all the
waiters/waitresses; helpful staff; staff are
extremely kind; sweet…
Local hospitality
4. Findings
In the current study, the content analysis of the online reviews posted by tourists revealed six
dimensions affecting tourists' traditional breakfast experience: authenticity, memorability, novelty,
local hospitality, food attributes, togetherness and social interactions. The short quotations of the data
were used to denote the elements of the traditional breakfast experience.
Table 3. The number of codes for each related theme
# of codes for each related theme
Food attributes
Local hospitality
Togetherness and social interactions
4.1. Authenticity
For the present study, to identify the authentic experience in the reviews, codes identified such as "really
authentic, original, cozy place, unique tastes, traditions, native atmosphere, speaking Turkish, real
Turkish cuisine, homemade, genuine, true, special, fascinating, traditional village breakfast, fantastic
breakfast, great breakfast in a traditional setting, complimentary Turkish tea, unlimited tea, family
recipe" were determined as indicators of authenticity in tourists' traditional breakfast experience. The
rising importance of authentic experience for tourists seeking new tastes in cultural destinations,
especially those famous for gastronomy, has led destination stakeholders to create strategies to
differentiate between similar destinations. Authenticity in cuisine is related to tradition, customs, and
history of the destination, a meal that is prepared in original ways by local people using a unique cooking
method and local ingredients according to customs and traditions (Waitt, 2000; Yiğit, 2022) and was
revealed as a remarkable component of food experience in the food and gastronomy literature (Atsız,
Cifci, & Rasoolimanesh, 2022; Atsız, Cifci, & Law, 2022; Ellis et al.,2018; Sthapit, 2017; Yiğit, 2021). Local
foods that are considered as a valuable attraction for tourists in terms of authenticity and tradition can
attract tourists to the destination (Sims, 2009). Some examples of reviews on tourists' search for
authenticity regarding traditional breakfast experiences are given below:
“…Authentic Turkish Breakfast…Set in a lovely area of Istanbul away from the crowds. The staff are
friendly in this no thrills breakfast cafe. The food is fantastic with a large array of options available -
all created with love and tradition…” (R212)
Kodas (2024) / European Journal of Tourism Research 36, 3606
“…The traditional breakfast at this cafe consisted of a multitude of sweet and savory bread toppings,
cheeses, vegetables, and salads, menemen (an egg, chiles, tomatoes and cheese dish), a basket filled
with a variety of fresh breads and tea. Everything was fresh and delicious. The owner Ibrahim took the
time to greet us personally and tell us about the dishes and toppings that he made from family
recipes…” (R317).
“…This is such a great place to enjoy an authentic Turkish breakfast! This is definitely a must go place
for those who want to experience the city beyond the touristic attractions!!...” (R334).
“…Food was indeed gourmet, prepared with local produce (I witnessed the fresh milk delivery myself!)
- olives, peanut butter and delicious aubergines…”(R241)
"…Very cozy place owned by very nice people that prepare great authentic homemade food. Perfect for
breakfast…" (R102).
4.2. Memorability
In this study, interpretive codes such as “unforgettable experience, memory, my favourite, memorable
part, a true experience, a dream come true, and truly never had,” are used to reveal the dimension of
memorable in online reviews. The memorability of food experience has a pivotal role in gaining
unforgettable experiences during food consumption which is at times seen as a peak experience for the
tourists who visited the destination to taste novel food (Quan & Wang, 2004) and is closely related to
experiencing the local culture of a destination (Morgan & Xu, 2009). Memorable food experience is
related to having a good memory of the destination's food and has a positive impact on tourist’s future
travel decisions and positive behavioural intentions (Adongo, Anuga, & Dayour; 2015; Ali, Ryu, &
Hussain, 2016). Some comments highlighted by the following reviews made by tourists:
“…I truly never had a better breakfast ever! a dream come true…”(R111).
“…A wonderful place and friendly staff. The village breakfast is a must to try, it was amazing! I truly
never had a better breakfast ever...” (R97).
“…I visited this place every time I have been in Istanbul! Definitely an unforgettable experience!!
Everything is very tasteful!! Big variety of dishes! Menemen eggs are the best!!...” (R281).
“…This is like a breakfast heaven on earth. Turkish knows how to make your first meal of the day an
eventful, unforgettable experience that is worth looking forward to every single day…”(R64).
“…Amazing food, amazing service, amazing atmosphere. Never tasted such omelette in my life.
Breakfast is unbelievably delicious, everything tastes different. This is my favorite among 5 other great
places for breakfast…”(R714).
“…Such a lovely breakfast and staff were so friendly! Tahini pekmez the best I had... So good I bought
a jar of their homemade tahini to take back to home. Menemen breakfast set well sized and all great
value. Deserves so many more reviews. Made a very memorable last breakfast, thank you!!...” (R665).
4.3. Novelty
For the current study, "new taste, different flavor, different experience, outstanding, extraordinary,
amazing, excellent, fabulous, different from home, never tasted before, different cuisine, different taste,
different ingredients, try some new foods, phenomenal different flavours" were mentioned as
interpretive indicators for novelty and used to determine the novelty experience of tourist based on
their comments. In the study many reviews emphasize that experiencing the traditional Turkish
breakfast is novel and different. Learning new local foods and trying new and different tastes are
associated with novelty dimensions of food experience in a tourism setting (Aksoy & Kodaş, 2021; Quan
& Wang, 2004; Sthapit, 2017). Gyimóthy and Mykletun (2009) state that tourists who are searching for
new tastes want to experience different tastes on vacation. Additionally, the novelty-seeking tendency
is considered a significant local food consumption motivation of tourists (Kim et al., 2009; Mak et al.,
2012). Regarding this dimension, some comments made by tourists are below:
Exploring the dimensions of traditional breakfast experience: A netnography study
“…The best breakfast ever! Very tasty and interesting dishes with different bread, nice eggs, avocado
cream and locals:)…” (R34).
“…The food is freshly prepared and wholly natural. The Traditional Breakfast is especially delicious.
This is a chance to try some new foods which epitomize Turkey…”(R512).
“…Turkey is an amazing country with its unique breakfast culture. In this restaurant you can find an
alternative breakfast. It is typically large Turkish breakfast, but it has some different
“…The breakfast was tasty and reach with different kinds of tastes. the people very nice and welcoming.
We enjoyed our time! Really liked the colorful chairs and tables…”(812).
4.4. Local Hospitality
As expressed by several reviews, the local hospitality dimension is mainly associated with host
characteristics. Some features of the staff and host such as being respectful, comfortable, welcoming,
friendly, language skilled, warm, youthful, helpful and hospitable and extremely kind were identified as
codes which are refereed to indicators of local hospitality. In this study, many tourists mentioned that
the behaviour of local hosts is positive towards the tourist. The hospitality of locals has a pivotal role in
satisfying tourists experiencing new tastes (Atsız, Cifci, & Rasoolimanesh, 2022), influence positively the
tourist experience (Chandralal & Valenzuela, 2013) and impact the tourist revisit intentions (Lashley,
2008). Some examples of reviews regarding this dimension are expressed below:
“…The best breakfast in my life...First of all, the food is amazing, everything is fresh and big portions, I
had breakfast couple of times and couldn’t finish it all)) thanks for the staff, Aidina and Gio - you are
amazing guys, you made my day start with the best customer experience! Thanks for your
hospitality...” (R724).
“…Very nice place with welcoming and friendly hosts. An affordable place serving outstandingly good
Turkish breakfast, all in a timeless setting with beautiful decoration. Visited various times and never
felt disappointed…”(412).
“…We came here for breakfast; we had a beautiful table with a view over the Galata tower. We had the
traditional farmers breakfast, there was a variety of things that we got, and we really enjoyed the
breakfast and the view. The staff is very welcoming and sweet…”(R982).
“…Are you looking for a very traditional Turkish breakfast with very reasonable price and worth it, visit
this place and enjoy your breakfast with unlimited flavor and tea highly recommend it. The service and
stuff are very friendly and speak English as well…”(R17).
4.5. Food Attributes
In most reviews, the food attributes dimension was revealed as an important component of the
traditional breakfast experience. Many reviews emphasize that the traditional Turkish breakfast is
flavour, delicious, various, offered with high quality, natural and fresh. Codes such as "delicious food,
yummy food, freshness, local foods, quality food, various delicious, tasty, organic, a most enjoyable
meal, various local kinds of cheese, fresh and natural, big portions, wholly natural, a wide range of tasty
plates, quality of food, food is beyond excellent, large portion” were used as indicators of food attributes
dimension. In the gastronomy and tourism literature, food attributes such as flavors, natural and fresh
food, and quality of food are expressed as an important factor for tourists to evaluate their food
experience. (Kim et al., 2009; Mak et al., 2013; Wijaya, 2014). Some examples are given below:
"…Worth 5/5, huge breakfast selection, everything homemade, even the breads. Everything tasted so
delicious, fresh and natural. Very friendly service. I can especially recommend their homemade
hazelnut spread, the lemonades and their lentil soup alone are worth 5 stars…"(R545).
Kodas (2024) / European Journal of Tourism Research 36, 3606
“…Excellent to discover quality Turkish food. A really nice place to eat, some ambiance music and
Turkish dishes made with quality ingredients, from the mezzes to the homemade lemonade. perfect to
chill and relax enjoying good food…”(R471).
“…We came here for breakfast, and each ordered the Turkish breakfast, which was equal parts massive
and delicious. The breakfast consists of what I'd estimate to be 15 or so small plates containing
marinated fruits and nuts, cheeses, tomatoes, cucumbers, mezze-type spreads, and breads, as well as
eggs and pancakes. The food was fantastic; favorites included the hazelnut butter, the pancakes, and
the Borek, a spinach and feta pastry so perfectly salty and satisfying I came back here the next day to
order it again. Everything was fresh and the ambience was lovely, with a little garden on the patio and
an eclectic, bohemian interior…”(R814).
4.6. Togetherness and social interactions
Reviews posted by tourists regarding the traditional breakfast experience show that dimension of
togetherness and social interactions is the significant part of the tourism experience. Interpretive
indicators of this component are identified such as "generous, fun and enjoyment with family or friend,
passionate, warm, and meet new friends". It is clear from the gastronomy literature that social
interactions with relatives, hosts, and other tourists and togetherness with family are one of the notable
components of consumption motivations and culinary-gastronomy experience in the gastronomy
literature (Fields, 2002; Kim et al., 2009). More recently, numerous studies revealed that togetherness
and social interactions dimensions were determined as important dimensions of food experience (Atsız,
Cifci, & Law, 2022; Atsız, Cifci, & Rasoolimanesh, 2022; Goolaup & Moosberg, 2017; Sthapit, 2017). Some
comments related to this dimension are depicted below:
"… breakfast is the most important meal for Turkish, especially on the weekend. A great variety of
dishes; sharing both sweet and savoury dishes among family and friends and the freshness and quality
of food is important…"(R808).
“…A cute place, with amazing people offering a great and overwhelming hospitality. Traditional tastes
and beautiful atmosphere. The perfect place to try a traditional Turkish breakfast and meet new
friends!! Totally recommended!!...” (R219).
“…I arrived alone and was amazed to have been treated with such great hospitality. The staff were
attentive and polite, and I even had a chance to meet the owner…”(R439).
“…An outstanding example of Turkish hospitality, we were here for a traditional Turkish breakfast, and
it went out as an amazing new experience not only in food and drinks but also in intercultural
communication. We were offered toasts, eggs, lots of traditional Turkish starters (variety of salads,
olives, hummus, yogurt, peanut butter etc.), fresh watermelon and free drinks (tea and Turkish coffee).
The founder is very friendly and hospitable…”(715).
5. Discussion and Conclusion
The main aim of the current paper is to identify the underlying dimensions of the traditional breakfast
experience of tourists in the sample of Turkish cuisine using netnography approach. The reviews of
international tourists posted on TripAdvisor were analyzed to achieve this fundamental objective.
Results of data analyses revealed the six major components: authenticity, memorability, novelty, local
hospitality, food attributes, togetherness and social interactions. Compared with previous studies this
is the first study to identify traditional breakfast experience dimensions offering important details to
gain a deep understanding of the traditional breakfast experience. From a theoretical perspective, this
study makes original contributions to augment the food research literature by identifying the traditional
breakfast experience. The present study's findings tried to build a model of the breakfast experience
which assists in extending the knowledge of the extant literature and has some theoretical
contributions. First, no similar study has been conducted to reveal the traditional breakfast experience
Exploring the dimensions of traditional breakfast experience: A netnography study
in the relevant literature. Thereby, despite many studies being conducted to identify the food(local)
experience in various destinations (Atsız, Cifci, & Rasoolimanesh, 2022; Mkono, Markwell, & Wilson,
2013; Sthapit, 2017), this study provides new insights into exploring the nature of dimensions of local
food experience regarding the traditional breakfast experience. Second, the study's findings
demonstrate that the traditional Turkish breakfast experience is a significant part of the tourist
experience of Turkish cuisine.
Figure 1. The Components of Traditional Breakfast Experience
Additionally, the components of traditional breakfast in the present study have a greater impact on
their total tourism experience. The dimensions of food experience which were revealed in this study are
in accord with recent academic papers that explored the nature of food experience (Atsız, Cifci, &
Rasoolimanesh, 2022; Sthapit, 2017; Seyitoğlu, 2021; Yiğit, 2022) but the results of this study could have
potential to build a model of traditional breakfast experience which has not been investigated before in
food studies (Figure 1). Thus, this paper explores a new and under-examined aspect of the food
experience. Additionally, from a methodological point of view this study is the first attempt to use the
netnography approach to reveal these traditional breakfast dimensions.
All tourism destinations make a great effort to create a successful destination brand by promoting
indigenous tourism products and using these tourism products as promotional tools to attract domestic
hospitality Food attributes
Components of
and social
Kodas (2024) / European Journal of Tourism Research 36, 3606
and international visitors (Ford, Bowen & Yates, 2023). Gastronomy tourism is a valuable attraction for
most tourists who want to have an exciting, different, and memorable experience with local food that
represents the region's culture (Kodaş & Aksoy, 2022). Gastronomy is one of the most significant
elements that bring tourists and local people together (Kim & Eves, 2012). Local foods are considered
essential elements of the tourism experience and attraction of the destination and offer a unique
experience for some tourists who are interested in local foods (Quan & Wang, 2004). For this reason, in
line with the findings of this study, the findings have some practical implications for tourism providers
and food-related destination marketing efforts.
The multidimensional components of the traditional breakfast experience help destination marketers
and service providers how to design traditional breakfast experiences. The results of the study show
that tourists seek clues to the authentic experience that turns it into a memorable food experience.
Thus, service providers must give special attention to the local food they offer by focusing on homemade
breakfast and producing food with the local recipe. The other dimensions, namely food attributes,
novelty, togetherness, and social interactions are very important dimensions for tourists who seek food
flavour, delicious, natural, and fresh, want to have fun and enjoyment with family and relatives and
want to taste new foods. In previous studies, these attributes are very important for tourists when
tasting local food in a destination (Kim et al., 2009; Mak et al., 2012). In this regard, the findings of the
study could help destination marketers benefit from traditional breakfast as a destination attraction in
improving their competitive advantage. Through local food tourists’ perceptions can have some
important information about the local culture of the destination by learning how food of destination is
produced and served locally. Consequently, the findings of this study give evidence for destination
marketers and service providers to improve and design experiences regarding traditional breakfast,
which is considered a precious source for gastronomy tourism.
5.1. Limitations and future research suggestions
This study was undertaken to explore the international tourist experience regarding the traditional
breakfast experience in the sample of Turkish cuisine. For this reason, the present study has some
limitations due to its method and provides some suggestions for further research. The results of the
study could not be generalized since the sample size is restricted to international tourists who tasted
traditional Turkish breakfast in Istanbul. Thereby, since the components of the breakfast experience
may differ across the other destination and different samples such as domestic visitors, further studies
must be performed to obtain a better understanding of the food experience regarding breakfast
experience. More specifically, to validate the findings of this study, empirical studies should be
conducted by focusing on a quantitative approach.
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Received: 11/01/2023
Accepted: 26/06/2023
Coordinating editor: Jessica Mei Pung
... As an emerging special-interest tourism, food & wine experiences are undergoing increasing tourism demand. Visitors are keen to experience local food and wine products in destinations, as these are key cultural elements that may contribute to fostering cultural experiences (Kodaş, 2024;Qian et al., 2023). However, the literature remains short in addressing this topic. ...
... In the research field of co-creative food & wine experiences, netnographic studies are also identified as a useful qualitative approach, particularly interesting to enrich case-study research, for example when analysing visitors' shared and authentically lived experiences, which can potentially trigger place attachment (Souza et al., 2020), and the memorability of food experiences (Sthapit & Börk, 2020). Other netnographic studies focused on understanding the value co-creation experience in the context of cooking classes in Thailand (Qian et al., 2023) or on traditional breakfast experiences of international visitors in Istanbul (Kodaş, 2024). Netnography has also been increasingly used in research on wine experiences (for example, Kastenholz et al., 2022;Kirova, 2021;Thanh & Kirova, 2018). ...
The relationship between food & wine tourism and co-creation is gaining prominence in the academic field, due to the increasing interest shown by visitors for engaging in multi-sensory, rich experiences while travelling. Considering the relevance of understanding most valued experience dimensions within each tourism context to help design memorable, immersive co-creative food & wine experiences, this article aims to identify the dimensions of food & wine tourism experiences from the perspective of visitors and supply agents. For this purpose, insights from a food tour experience in Lisbon and other gastronomic experiences in Bairrada and Dão wine regions are presented based on a qualitative approach. A netnography study, integrating the analysis of 658 visitor reviews and an interview with the tour operator, combined with a case study involving semi-structured interviews with visitors (N = 38) and supply agents (N = 6) from the above-mentioned wine regions, are key elements of this multiple case study. Content analysis was performed with QSR NVivo 12 software. Findings highlighted a convergent perception of visitors and supply agents regarding the most prominent dimensions of co-creative experiences identified and revealed the potential of qualitative methodologies in the promotion of in-depth knowledge, especially within exploratory research frameworks.
... Hatırlanabilir turizm deneyiminin yerel yemek/gastronomi bağlamında incelenmesine yönelik yapılan araştırmalar yerel yemeklerin hatırlanabilir turizm deneyiminin önemli bir unsuru olduğunu göstermektedir (Adongo vd., 2015;Kodaş, 2024). Turistlerin seyahatleri boyunca tükettikleri yerel yiyecek ve içecekler ile ilgili yaşadığı eşsiz deneyimlerin tatil sonrasında unutulmaz anı olarak hatırlanmasını ifade eden hatırlanabilir gastronomi deneyimi (Kodaş, 2023) basit anlamıyla tüketilen yemeği yeniden deneyimlemek için destinasyona tekrar gidilen ve aynı yemeğin ziyaretçi tarafından tekrar denenmesini ifade etmektedir (Antón vd., 2019). ...
... Bunun yanısıra negatif unsurların da misafirlerin hatırlanabilir yemek deneyimi bileşenlerinden biri olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Kodaş (2024) geleneksel kahvaltı deneyim bileşenlerinin netnografik araştırma yöntemiyle belirlemeye yönelik gerçekleştirdiği çalışmasında hatırlanabilirliğin bu bileşenlerden biri olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. ...
Hatırlanabilir yemek deneyimine ilişkin son yıllarda ciddi oranda önemli araştırmalar yapılmış, ancak bu araştırmalarda daha çok hatırlanabilir yemek deneyiminin pozitif yönünü odaklanıldığı, negatif yönünün ihmal edildiği görülmektedir. Dolayısıyla bu araştırmanın amacı negatif hatırlanabilir yemek deneyiminin bileşenlerini keşfetmektir. Araştırma amacı çerçevesinde toplanan veriler yerli ziyaretçilerin Mardin seyahatleri boyunca tüketmiş oldukları yerel yemek deneyimlerine ilişkin yaptıkları çevrim içi yorumlardan oluşmaktadır. İncelenmeye alınan çevrimiçi yorumlar kötü ve berbat puanlama şeklinde filtrelenmiştir. Nihayetinde araştırmanın veri setini toplamda 587 çevrimiçi yorum oluşturmaktadır. Verilerde zaman açısından herhangi bir kısıtlamaya gidilmemiş tüm olumsuz yorumlar veri analizine dâhil edilmiştir. Veri analizi için netnografik yöntem benimsenerek içerik analizi yardımıyla bulgulara ulaşılmıştır. Veri analizi sonucunda ulaşılan bulgular, negatif hatırlanabilir yemek deneyimini beş boyut altında toplandığını göstermektedir. Bu bulgular sırasıyla kaba davranışlar, fiziksel özellikler, adil olmayan fiyat, zayıf hizmet, hijyensizlik şeklinde belirlenmiştir. Araştırmanın keşfedici araştırma olmasından dolayı hatırlanabilir yemek deneyiminin negatif bileşenleri ortaya koymaya çalışan ilk araştırma olma özelliği nedeniyle ilgili alanyazının gelişmesinde önemli katkı sunmaktadır.
... In terms of the applied method, this study utilised netnography to analyze social media content due to its effectiveness in analyzing online information (Loanzon et al., 2013). Netnography is commonly used in tourism research and has been proven effective in exploring tourist experiences (Kodaş, 2024;Kozinets & Gretzel, 2024). Citywalk, a popular travel experience on the internet, can be analyzed using netnography. ...
Citywalk, a burgeoning travelling phenomenon, significantly shapes destination branding experience (DBE) construction. Social media posts about citywalk have gained significant exposure on platforms like Xiaohongshu, one of the fastest-growing social media platforms in mainland China. Contemporary tourism research identifies six DBE dimensions: sensory, affective, behavioural, cognitive, spiritual, and relational. However, how these DBE dimensions are reflected in tourists’ citywalk experiences on social media remains unclear. Few studies have examined how young citywalkers reveal their DBE through Xiaohongshu posts. This study aims to investigate the citywalkers’ experiences by aligning them with six DBE dimensions. Utilising netnography and analyzing Xiaohongshu posts, this study highlights the multi-dimensional experience fostered by citywalks, surpassing the conventional focus on brand experience dimensions in marketing research. Except for cognitive experience, other dimensions of experience demonstrate potential interactions among themselves.
... Por exemplo, de modo geral os consumidores são influenciados por comentários positivos que avaliam atributos como sabor, serviço, preço, cardápio e qualidade (Ramadanoğlu & Ince Karaçeper, 2023), por fatores que interferem na experiência, como autenticidade, memorabilidade, novidade, hospitalidade e interações sociais (Kodaş, 2023), e por características demográficas do autor e de inteligibilidade do texto da avaliação (Fang et al., 2016). ...
Objetivo: Analisar o comportamento dos usuários da seção de restaurantes do Tripadvisor à luz da Teoria do Comportamento Planejado, considerando os antecedentes da intenção de fazer uso da plataforma e o seu efeito no comportamento de boca a boca. Método/abordagem: Pesquisa exploratório-dedutiva que verificou as relações entre construtos da TCP e de escalas de boca a boca. Os dados amostrais foram coletados através de um questionário, totalizando 111 respondentes, com procedimentos de análise exploratória preliminar, análise descritiva da amostra, testes de normalidade, análise fatorial confirmatória e modelagem de equações estruturais. Principais Resultados: Observou-se a influência das opiniões nas normas subjetivas e na familiaridade com a plataforma. Ainda, as atitudes em relação à utilização da plataforma, as normas subjetivas e do controle percebido dos indivíduos como preditores da intenção de uso. E, por fim, a intenção de uso foi considerada como preditora do comportamento de emissão do boca a boca positivo. Contribuições teóricas/práticas/sociais: Melhor compreensão teórica sobre as relações entre o papel do boca a boca recebido e da familiaridade nos antecedentes da intenção de buscar informações na plataforma Tripadvisor, assim como o efeito dessas intenções no comportamento de emitir boca a boca. Quanto à aplicação prática, têm implicações diretas para os proprietários e clientes de restaurantes, além da própria gestão da plataforma. No que concerne as contribuições sociais, a discussão sobre explorar de melhor maneira características “family friendly”, uma vez que famílias mais numerosas parecem não sofrer influência das avaliações no site. Originalidade/relevância: Apesar da seção de Restaurantes da plataforma Tripadvisor ter sido objeto de estudos na literatura de turismo e hospitalidade, curiosamente, vem sendo preterida em comparação a outras seções na plataforma, mesmo existindo relevância deste tipo de tecnologia para micro e pequenos empreendimentos alimentares. Neste contexto, apresenta uma lacuna referente ao engajamento de consumidores em comportamentos de boca a boca, sobretudo no Brasil.
Deneyim ekonomisinin yükselmesine paralel biçimde turist deneyimi ve hatırlanabilir ilişkisi birçok araştırmacının dikkatini çekmektedir. Hatırlanabilir otel deneyimi, öncülleri ve sonuçları arasındaki ilişkisini konu alan çalışmalar son yıllarda önemli oranda artış göstermiştir. Ancak konu ile ilgili daha fazla çalışmanın gerçekleştirilmesi, özellikle kendine ait konsept otellerdeki misafir deneyimlerinin belirlenmesine yönelik araştırmaların yapılması literatürün zenginleşmesine katkı sunacaktır. Bundan hareketle bu araştırmanın amacı Nevşehir kenti Kapadokya bölgesinde hizmet veren kendine ait konseptiyle öne çıkan mağara otellerdeki ziyaretçilerin hatırlanabilir deneyimlerini belirlemektir. Bu amaca ulaşmak için nitel araştırma yöntem benimsenmiştir. Veri analizi için Netnografik yöntem kullanılmış içerik analizi tekniğiyle bulgulara ulaşılmıştır. Veriler 2024 mayıs ayı içinde toplanmıştır. Veri toplama sonucunda Tripadvisor internet sitesinde yer alan ilk 10 mağara oteline yapılan tüm yorumlar değerlendirilmiş ve toplam 2132 yoruma ulaşılmıştır. Veri analizi sonucunda elde edilen bulgulara göre hatırlanabilir misafir deneyimini dört tema altında toplandığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bu deneyimsel boyutlar sırasıyla yerel misafirperverlik, lokasyon (otelin konumu), fiziksel ortam ve zengin yemekler (kahvaltı, yerel yemekler) şeklinde adlandırılmıştır.
Full-text available
The tourists' gastronomic experiences are important in developing a destination branding strategy, especially if this translates into greater happiness and tourists' life satisfaction. We intend to study the influence of five gastronomic/food experience variables on the tourists’ life satisfaction and happiness. After inquiring 352 tourists in Porto, the data were analysed through SEM and SPSS/AMOS software. The results validate the hypotheses concerning refreshment and hedonic/novelty experiences, which improve tourists’ satisfaction and happiness. The adverse experiences reduce the tourists' happiness, and lastly, tourists' life satisfaction with the gastronomic/food experience improves their happiness. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
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This paper aims to test the relationships among gastronomic experience, motivation, destination satisfaction, and gastronomy destination brand equity. Data (n:600) was gathered from domestic visitors visiting Gaziantep in March, April to May 2018. Scale development to measure gastronomy experiences and scale adaptation process of destination brand equity were carried out. The relationships among the variables were examined with structural equation modeling. According to the findings, except H5 and H8, all hypotheses are significant in the research model. At the end of the study, significant theoretical and managerial implications were provided for the tourism providers and destination marketers, and managers.
Full-text available
The purpose of this study is to determine the food experiences of tourists, who consumed food in food and beverage establishments in Istanbul, through online reviews. In this context, online reviews made to restaurants that are registered on were analyzed with descriptive analysis technique. The data was collected between 1 December 2019 and 1 December 2020 from tourists’ reviews. Before the descriptive analysis, existing studies were examined, and traits, which may be related to peak, supporting, and attractionised experiences, were determined. Reviews were analyzed within the framework of these traits. The findings of the study show that how the food consumption of the tourists can be interpreted as three different dimensions of food experience such as the peak experience, the supporting experience, and the attractionised experience. In addition, the findings of this study illustrate that online reviews about restaurants provide very important information about the food experiences of tourists. Therefore, the destination stakeholders should consider tourist profiles and their online reviews while planning the destination marketing strategies. As there have been no similar studies in the literature, it is foreseen that the results of this study will contribute to the literature and fill the current gap in the literature on tourists’ food experiences with perspectives of social and market-driven.
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Gastronomic (food) tourism is crucial for visitation and destination choices. Thailand tourism and its reputable cuisine can utilise the potential of online platforms as a channel to connect tourists to local communities. Despite massive online textual data in tourism, employing such insightful knowledge in theory and practice is still insufficient. This research explores gastronomic tourists’ experiences and their impacts on local communities in Thailand by conducting a qualitative approach to analyse local food experiences of gastronomic tourists’ reviews from five different online platforms. The results from 461 online reviews reveal positive tourists’ gastronomic experiences in Thailand. The gastronomic tourism offers and their contributions to local community destinations vary across online platforms. Additionally, all five online platforms facilitate the connection of gastronomic tourists and local people differently. In addition, the local online platforms offer a greater variety and uniqueness of gastronomic tourism experiences, including authentic food experiences, local interaction and community benefits, tailor-made cultural learning with locals, and social aspect of food that benefit local communities. This research benefits both tourism scholars and practitioners in filling the knowledge gap of employing available online tourism platforms to better understand, plan and design gastronomic tourism experiences in local communities.
Purpose The purpose of this study is to add new insights into the discussion of how a city’s destination marketing organization (DMO) can apply operant resources to act upon its operant resources to create, market and manage a unique brand over time. Design/methodology/approach The study uses an abductive approach to advance understanding of how to execute a branding strategy that evolves over time while strategically curating its unique and valued resources. This understanding is based on an in-depth review of Louisville’s branding journey, including written documents and interviews with people involved in building the branding strategy. Findings This paper presents a model to help destinations focus on how to create, market and manage the delivery of a branded ecosystem that capitalizes on its resources. The study adds new insights into how DMOs can curate a destination’s resources into an ecosystem that delivers its brand promise over time. Originality/value The study introduces the idea of ecotopes to expand an understanding of tourism ecosystems, it presents the concept of a customer journey to depict a destination’s branding strategy, incorporates Barney’s Resource Based Theory (Barney & Clark, 2007) into the process of creating a destination’s brand and applies Barnard’s (1938) classic Acceptance Theory of Authority to explain how DMOs can execute a destination’s branding strategy.
The primary objective of this study is to evaluate and comprehend foreign tourists' cooking class experiences in Istanbul. In the study conducted a qualitative case study method was used by analyzing the comments of the travelers and using the User-Generated Content (UGC) technique. The data in the study was collected via TripAdvisor, from tourists' reviews (n: 1228) between December 10, 2021 and January 10, 2022. The findings from cooking class experiences are diverse and are based on a variety of dimensions hospitality of locals, value/price, memorable experience, authentic experience, culture learning experience, social interaction, culinary characteristics, and instructor attributes. As a result of in-depth examination of the cooking class experience, it was concluded that cooking classes can be a tool in learning a new culture. In addition the study substantially contributes to the cooking class experience literature and providing a deep understanding of tourists’ cooking class experiences.
The spatial variation of foodstuffs derived from a combination of Turkish culinary culture and geographical conditions, as well as the spatial distribution of kitchen richness, are critical for the development of food culture. Therefore, the main purpose of this study was to determine whether there are statistically significant flavor region boundaries based on the spatial distribution of ingredient proportions in certain dishes. Turkey was selected as the study area because of its diversity in terms of physical and human geography due to its geopolitical location. Four dishes were selected as examples in this study, for which a total of 4098 recipes were compiled from 973 districts. Flavor regions were determined using a spatial mapping technique that considered provinces located in the high-high and low-low regions in the LISA (local indicator of spatial association) ingredient maps, and the Moran's I values were found to be significant at the 0.001 level in a spatial autocorrelation analysis. Overall, 15 distinct flavor regions were identified. These findings provide a significant resource for improving existing destinations and developing new destinations for gastronomy tourism by considering the various flavor regions of Turkish cuisine and their general characteristics.
Purpose The aim of the study is to determine the effect of street food experience on behavioural intention and to determine the relationship between the street food experiences and behavioural intention. Design/methodology/approach In this research, a quantitative research method and a structured questionnaire form are used. The author has used a 48-item questionnaire. The questionnaire contains three categories. In the first section of the questionnaire form, there were 14 questions to determine gender, education, age, income state and demographic findings of the participants. In other sections, a Likert scale with 5 points (strongly agree–strongly disagree) was used. Findings It was found that street food experience affects behavioural intention and also there is a significant positive relationship between street food and behavioural intention. The research includes constructive propositions for many institutions and organisations such as local businesses and local governments. In spite of the shortcomings of basic research about the impact of the street food experience on behavioural intention of the tourist, there is still some need of other with a wider sample and different studies to understand the impacts of street food experience. In addition, future studies can focus on the relationship between street food experience and food culture. Originality/value In tourism literature, there are so many research studies that examine tourist experience. Many of these studies are about the relationships between food and cultural experience. Nevertheless, no study has been conducted on similar relationships between street food and behavioural intentions in the literature. There are also some other studies that discuss different types of tourism experience. However, there has not been found any research on tourist experience of street food. In prior studies, rather than street food impacts on experience, food impacts on tourist experience have been emphasised. In this way, this study is important in terms of contributing both qualitative and quantitative studies.
This study aims to explore and ascertain the components of meal-sharing experiences with local foods of international travellers. This study offers insights into the factors influencing local food tourists' evaluation of destination experiences of a sharing economy platform. A netnography approach is applied to understand the meal-sharing experience and 957 online reviews are examined which were posted on Eatwith by visitors who participated in the meal-sharing economy platform in Rome (Italy) between 2013 and 2020. Findings reveal seven components of meal-sharing experiences with local foods: authenticity, social interaction, local hospitality, awe, local culture, novelty, and servicescape. Findings show that participants can interpret their meal-sharing experience in different ways. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first research that uses online reviews to explore and understand the meal-sharing experience with local foods. This study has unique theoretical contribution by exploring the components of meal-sharing experience with local foods, as well as practical implications for service providers in order to enhance their service and experience quality.
This study aims to identify and determine the dimensions of food experience using user-generated content on two sharing-economy websites as well as to offer insights into factors affecting food tourists' evaluation of travel experiences at a culinary destination, Istanbul. For this purpose, conventional content analysis is conducted on 459 food-experience reviews on sharing-economy websites, namely, EatWith and WithLocals. Results reveal 26 items and four themes, that is, knowledge, authenticity, local hospitality, and social interaction. Theoretical and managerial implications as well as limitations are discussed, and suggestions for further research are provided.