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Utilization of Transformer-Based Language
Models in Understanding Citizens’
Interests, Sentiments and Emotions
Towards Public Services Digitalization
Gloria HRISTOVAa,1 and Nikolay NETOVa
a Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Sofia University “St. Kliment
Ohridski”, Bulgaria
Abstract. We live in an era of digital revolution not only in the industry, but also in
the public sector. User opinion is key in e-services development. Currently the most
established approaches for analyzing citizens’ opinions are surveys and personal
interviews. However, governments should focus not only on developing public e-
services but also on implementing modern solutions for data analysis based on
machine learning and artificial intelligence. The main aim of the current study is to
engage state-of-the-art natural language processing technologies to develop an
analytical approach for public opinion analysis. We utilize transformer-based
language models to derive valuable insights into citizens’ intere sts and expressed
sentiments and emotions towards digitalization of educational, administrative and
health public services. Our research brings empirical evidence on the practical
usefulness of such methods in the government domain.
Keywords. Digitalization, e-government, sentiment analysis, natural language
processing, transfer learning, transformer-based language models, emotion mining
1. Introduction
We live in an era of digital revolution. Our lives are being transformed by the idea of
carrying out daily activities in a faster, cheaper and more convenient way. Digital
transformation is underway not only in the industry, but also in the public sector. Policy
makers are becoming increasingly aware of the need for sustainable digital processes in
the administrative, health, educational and other public sectors. The COVID-19
pandemic was yet another strong evidence in support of this since remote access allows
for faster services without physical contact between citizens and administrative officers.
Currently, e-government development is a top priority in the political agenda globally.
Aimed at tracking the digital transformation of governments worldwide, the United
Nations organization developed the “E-Government Development Index” (EGDI).
Bulgaria is ranked 52th among 193 countries with EGDI=0.7766 in 2022. For comparison,
1 Corresponding author: Gloria Hristova, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Sofia
University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria; E-mail: g.hristova@feb.uni-sofia.bg.
The presentation and dissemination of these research results is supported in part by National Science
Fund Project КП-06-Н45/3/30.11.2020 “Identifying citizens’ attitudes and assessments about access, quality,
and usage of electronic public services”.
Digitalization and Management Innovation II
R.J. Dwyer (Ed.)
© 2023 The Authors.
This article is published online with Open Access by IOS Press and distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0).
the top three countries are Denmark with EGDI=0.9717, Finland with EGDI=0.9533 and
Republic of Korea with EGDI=0.9529. Digital transformation in leading countries
includes the utilization of modern technologies as artificial intelligence (AI) and big data
analysis [1]. One of the components of EGDI is the Online Services Index (OSI) which
measures the scope and quality of online services in a given country. OSI is measured
by experts in assessing public sector online services who analyze how quickly and
intuitively the average user finds information and features on government sites and
electronic portals. The value of OSI for Bulgaria is below the average measured in sub-
region and region countries which reveals that more efforts should be put into the
development of user-friendly and intuitive online public services.
User opinion is key in services digitalization. Digital revolution affects all aspects
of daily life, including communication - in the last few years, social networks became a
main place to share opinions about products and services. Currently, the most established
approaches for analyzing citizens’ opinions on public services are surveys and personal
interviews. However, opinions expressed by individuals on social networks can provide
valuable insights into public behavior, which may not be immediately apparent through
traditional means of data collection. The utilization of such unstructured data often
characterized with big volume is a serious challenge for governments. The last underlines
the need to develop and assess different methodologies for knowledge extraction from
unstructured data in the government domain.
Modern technologies for text analytics and natural language processing (NLP) might
be the key to overcoming some of these real-world challenges in the public sector. Such
approaches can enable authorities to perform big data analysis and to quickly and
automatically identify trends in public behavior, opinions, and needs, which can help
inform government decisions and improve satisfaction with public services. Our research
is focused on exploring this topic in more depth and the main aim of the current study is
to investigate the applicability and practical usefulness of state-of-the-art NLP
technologies for sentiment analysis and topic modeling in gaining valuable insights on
public opinion. Previous research is focused on the application of traditional machine
learning algorithms for opinion mining. However, our study makes an attempt to
overcome some of the challenges in the field by developing an analytical approach for
public opinion analysis based on pre-trained transformer-based language models.
In the last few years, we have witnessed the emergence of many advances in the
NLP field based on Transformer models and transfer learning [2]. Our research brings
empirical evidence on the practical usefulness of such methods in the government
domain. Our methodology is tested empirically within a case study on mining citizens’
opinions on Bulgarian e-government. To accomplish our main aim, we scrape a large
sample of public comments posted in popular Bulgarian social networks in an attempt
extract valuable insights into citizens’ interests and expressed sentiments and emotions
towards digitalization of educational, administrative and health public services. To the
best of the authors’ knowledge, the current empirical study is the first applying a
combination of transformer-based language models for sentiment analysis and topic
modeling of citizens’ opinion in the Bulgarian government sector.
2. Related work
In this section we provide a review of related work. First, we present an overview of the
most recent research in applying NLP for public opinion analysis in the e-government
G. Hristova and N. Netov / Utilization of Transformer-Based Language Models2
domain. Next, we provide a brief review of recent advances in sentiment analysis and
topic modeling since these two techniques are at the core of our methodology.
2.1. Analysis of Public Opinion on Government E-services
Verma provides the first comprehensive review of research applying sentiment analysis
for smart society [3]. Findings suggest that research on social benefits of citizen opinion
mining for e-governance is still in a developing phase and will gain more and more
traction among the research community [3]. Furthermore, social networks are becoming
“citizen-government collaboration platforms”. An overview of machine learning
utilization within governmental applications is provided in [4]. Authors suggest that
social media sentiment analysis and application of machine learning techniques, in
general, allows governments to understand better the needs of citizens, while the last get
the opportunity to influence the process of service development. However, working with
unstructured big data is considered a particularly challenging task in this domain [4].
N’Diaye et al. propose a system aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of e-
government [5]. The system tracks public sentiments towards government decisions and
policies utilizing data from Facebook pages related to the Mauritania’s government. In
[6] is developed a fine-grained sentiment analysis method based on deep learning
techniques and aimed at understanding aspects of citizens’ opinions on government apps.
Al-Qudah et al. employ opinion mining techniques to explore citizens’ attitudes towards
an e-payment service in Jordan used for telecommunication bills, public utilities etc. [7].
Andoh et al. perform a comparison between several supervised machine learning
algorithms for mining public sentiments expressed towards the Ghanaian Government in
Twitter [8]. In [9] is proposed an approach based on sentiment analysis and topic
modeling techniques aimed at understanding public opinion on governments
implementing digital contact tracing to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In [10] are
studied the advantages and limitations of using a novel topic modeling algorithm in big
data analysis in the public domain. Drawn are useful insights into the general perception
of distance learning in Bulgaria in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. In [11] is presented
the general framework and design of a conceptual model of ML-based AI system for
mining public opinion on e-government services.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study aimed at applying a
combination of transformer-based language models for mining citizens’ interests,
attitudes and emotions towards e-government development and e-services provision in
Bulgaria. This finding is also supported by previous research in the field [12, 13].
2.2. Recent Advances in Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling of Textual Data
Sentiment analysis has numerous applications in various domains when people’s opinion
on various subjects plays a crucial role in decision-making and management. The
increased awareness of policy-makers about the importance of interaction with the public
in social networks recently led to applications of sentiment analysis in the government
domain too [3,13]. Sentiment analysis can be divided into two general categories, namely
- opinion mining and emotion mining [14]. While opinion mining mainly aims at
understanding the polarity of expressed attitudes (dividing them to positive, negative or
neutral), emotion mining aims at capturing finer aspects of people’s opinions (for
example, expressions of fear, anger, joy etc.) [14]. Regardless of their main differences,
both types of sentiment analysis could be performed using analogous techniques.
G. Hristova and N. Netov / Utilization of Transformer-Based Language Models 3
For many years, the traditional approach for sentiment analysis mainly consisted of
the utilization of sentiment lexicons [15]. They are fast, suitable for large volumes of
data and yield results that are easily interpretable. Nevertheless, a considerable limitation
is that lexicons are restricted to the words they contain and results might highly depend
on data domain. In case labeled data is available, various machine learning algorithms
[15] might be used in both opinion and emotion mining. In the development of the field,
several challenges have emerged (more through discussion on the subject could be found
in [15]). First, domain adaptation is crucial - models trained on one data domain may not
perform well in a different domain since language and sentiment expressions can vary
significantly. Another challenge stems from the notion of contextual understanding -
models might struggle to understand the context of a given text, such as sarcasm or irony,
which can lead to misinterpretation of the sentiment. Another problem is limited labeled
data – development of robust models often requires large amounts of labeled data, which
could be expensive and very time-consuming to obtain.
The Transformer architecture [2] and applications of transfer learning led to the
development of models with state-of-the-art performance on many NLP tasks. Such
models have the potential to overcome some of the mentioned challenges in sentiment
analysis and are a promising research direction to improve the accuracy and applicability
of current sentiment analysis methods [16]. Recently, we observe an ever-increasing
volume of pre-trained models that can be used as an “off-the-shelf” solution for a wide
range of problems including opinion and emotion mining. Such models could be applied
in completely unsupervised settings. One novel pre-trained model for sentiment analysis
is SiEBERT which potential is demonstrated in [16, 17, 18, 19].
Topic modeling described by some authors as a “revolution in text mining” [20] is
another powerful NLP method that has many practical applications. In the early work of
DiMaggio et al. [21] are presented prominent ideas revealing the potential of topic
modeling in the government domain. Topic extraction is essentially a machine learning
technique used for discovering the semantic structure and hidden knowledge in large
volumes of textual data [20]. Fundamental algorithms for non-probabilistic topic
modeling are Latent Semantic Analysis and Non-Negative Matrix Factorization [20].
Probabilistic approaches like Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) aim to improve the
algebraic methods. Until the “transformers revolution” in artificial intelligence, LDA
was probably the most popular approach for topic modeling. Although not as fast as in
the field of sentiment analysis, new approaches for topic modeling based on transformer
language models also emerged. The potential of the novel BERTopic algorithm [22] has
been demonstrated in an increasing volume of studies [10, 17, 23, 24, 25, 26].
In a nutshell, prior to the emergence of the transformer-based architecture and large-
scale pre-trained models, NLP methods relied mostly on rule-based approaches,
statistical models, and machine learning algorithms, which often required significant
manual effort and engineering to achieve good performance [27]. However, pre-trained
models have overcome some of these limitations to a given extent and introduced new
capabilities in both sentiment analysis and topic modeling. Several advantages of such
models compared to other NLP methods might be outlined [27]. The most important
among these are better generalizability and contextual understanding of textual data since
such models are trained on large volumes of data and their intrinsic architecture allows
them to capture the nuances and complexities of natural language more accurately than
other methods. Furthermore, when it comes to domain adaptation, transformer models
have shown promise in adapting to new domains with minimal additional training data.
G. Hristova and N. Netov / Utilization of Transformer-Based Language Models4
3. Methodology
This section describes the proposed NLP approach for analyzing citizens’ interests,
sentiments and emotions towards public e-services. Our methodology is tested
empirically on comments about digital educational, administrative and health public
services in Bulgaria. Some preliminary results based solely on keywords data filtering
without the usage of topic modeling and pre-trained language models in sentiment
extraction could be found in [28].
3.1. Sample Development and Initial Text Data Processing
To test empirically our NLP approach, we scrape a large sample of textual data posted
in diverse online media platforms in Bulgaria according to a list of specif ic keywords
related to educational, administrative and health electronic public services. The data
scraping process we follow extracts not only public comments, but also news or other
types of textual data related to the chosen types of e-services. Therefore, initially scraped
data should be filtered to contain only citizen comments. Next, various text data
preparation techniques are applied, including – 1. Text data deduplication; 2. Translation
to English (this step is necessary since the chosen pre-trained language model for polarity
categorization works only on English data); 3. Case normalization; 4. Removal of text
elements considered as not important for subsequent analyses, including - HTML tags,
URLs, punctuation, digits, stop words; 5. Word tokenization.
3.2. Opinion Mining with SiEBERT
Our approach for opinion mining leverages the power of pre-trained language models.
As mentioned earlier, such methods are very efficient in capturing text semantics and are
very suitable in unsupervised tasks when little or no training data is available. We utilize
the language model SiEBERT [29] for extraction of citizens’ expressed sentiments
towards digital public services. Hartmann et al. [29] suggest that the language model
RoBERTa is better suited for sentiment analysis tasks compared to other popular (but
conceptually very different) transfer learning models (BERT, ULMFiT and XLNet).
Therefore, the authors propose SiEBERT which is a fine-tuned checkpoint of RoBERTa
[30] for sentiment polarity classification – the model is trained on a large volume of texts
from publicly available sentiment datasets. SiEBERT classifies English texts into two
sentiment categories (“positive” and “negative”). The main reason behind choosing
SiEBERT in our study is that it is a “general-purpose” sentiment analysis model, which
means that it can be applied on textual data from different domains. The model is trained
on a large volume of various types of textual data in different domains (for example,
tweets, social media, reviews on goods and services etc.). SiEBERT reaches an average
accuracy of 93.2% on previously unseen data, as reported by Hartmann et al. [29].
3.3. Emotion Mining with NRC Emotion Lexicon
We employ the NRC Emotion Lexicon in the analysis of citizens’ emotions. The reason
behind choosing a lexicon-based approach for emotion detection is that currently
available pre-trained models capture 6 basic emotions – anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness
and surprise. However, the NRC Emotion Lexicon which is probably the most popular
lexicon used by researchers [31, 32, 33] for emotion mining captures all these emotions
G. Hristova and N. Netov / Utilization of Transformer-Based Language Models 5
plus additional two – “anticipation” and “trust”. Based on evidence from previous
research [34, 35], we believe that these two emotions, especially “trust”, are crucial in
usage of digital public services and e-government development. The NRC Emotion
Lexicon is general-purpose, meaning it could be applied on text data in various domains,
including social networks data – more information on the development of the lexicon is
provided in [36].
Each word part of the lexicon might be related to more than one of the eight emotions.
Applying the lexicon, we generate a list of associated emotions represented in each
comment. One considerable limitation is that the text might contain emotions expressed
by citizens using words that are not part of the dictionary. Consequently, these emotions
will not be detected using this approach. We calculate the frequency of appearance of
each emotion for each public comment ݀, applying the following formula:
ܵሺݐݎݑݏݐሻ ൌ
, where (1)
݀ - a given public comment part of the sample, ݅א ͳǤǤǤܰ.
ܰ - overall number of public comments in the sample.
- number of terms in ݀ related to the “trust” emotion. “Trust” is used only as an
example - the calculation is the same for rest of the emotion categories.
ܳ - count of all terms in ݀ related to each of the eight emotions (a term might be counted
several times if it is associated to more than one emotion category).
After calculating ܵ for each emotion and public comment in the sample, we
categorize texts based on the dominant emotions - as such are considered those emotions
with highest value of ܵ in a given comment. If ܵ has an equal value for several emotions,
then the given document will be labeled as expressing all these emotions. If ܵൌͲ for a
given emotion, this means that ݀ does not contain any terms related to this emotion.
3.4. Topic Modeling with BERTopic
Similar to our approach for opinion polarity categorization, in order to capture citizens’
main interests expressed in discussions about digital public services, we employ a topic
extraction technique that utilizes pre-trained language models. BERTopic, proposed by
Grootendorst in 2022, is a neural topic modeling algorithm with increasing popularity
among the research community [22]. The algorithm employs the Sentence-BERT
(SBERT) framework for document embeddings. We use the “all-MiniLM-L6-v2” model
for turning public comments into vector representations as suggested by the author of
BERTopic [37]. Topic extraction is performed by applying the HDBSCAN (Hierarchical
Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) algorithm on document
embeddings. Each of the generated clusters of public comments is considered a “topic”.
Key element in the application of BERTopic is the development of topic
representations. For this purpose, the algorithm employs a class-based TF-IDF (term
frequency-inverse document frequency) procedure which helps in the subjective task of
“labeling” topics. BERTopic develops cluster-word representations utilizing a
modification of the well-known information retrieval metric TF-IDF. Eq. (2) illustrates
the calculation of c-TF-IDF used to form topic representations:
), where (2)
G. Hristova and N. Netov / Utilization of Transformer-Based Language Models6
tft,c – frequency of term t in cluster C.
A - average number of words per cluster.
f୲ - frequency of term t across all clusters.
Eq. (2) is used to calculate the importance of words with respect to clusters -
c-TF-IDFሺt,cሻ is interpreted as the weight of term t in cluster C. Applying Eq. (2) enables
us to extract the most important words within each cluster and use them to infer the topic
of public comments. Using HDBSCAN for topic extraction might lead to the generation
of many “outlier” documents that are not assigned to any of the generated clusters.
However, since our samples are small in size, we utilize a simple technique for outlier
reduction as suggested by Grootendorst [22] – “outlier public comments” are assigned
to the most similar to them topics based on their c-TF-IDF representations.
4. Empirical study
The proposed methodology for public opinion analysis is tested empirically within a case
study in the government sector of Bulgaria (ranked 52th in EGDI ranking). As a first step,
we scraped a large sample of text data related to electronic public services and posted on
various online platforms in Bulgaria. However, the size of the sample decreased
substantially after initial data cleaning, deduplication and removal of observations that
are not citizen comments (for example, news, announcements in government and radio
websites). Furthermore, to develop a more focused sample, we additionally filtered
comments about education according to selected keywords related to digital educational
services. Table 1 provides details on the number of observations in each text data sample
(related to educational, administrative and health services, respectively). Figure 1
presents word cloud graphs revealing the general context of discussions in each category.
Public comments were posted in different Bulgarian social networks between 2019 and
end of 2021. This period includes the COVID-19 pandemic providing an important
context to our analysis. We assume that the pandemic had a strong impact on discussions
on the existence and current condition of public e-services.
To extract the main topics of citizen interest related to each type of public service,
we performed several experiments by fine-tuning important hyper-parameters of
BERTopic. These include: 1. Diversification of topic representations (fine-tuned by
calculating Maximal Marginal Relevance); 2. Automatic topic reduction (HDBSCAN is
used to reduce topics based on their similarity); 3. Text vectorization (fine-tuning the n-
gram range used in developing topic representations); 4. Minimum topic size (fine-tuning
the minimum size of the generated topics). The following three sections present the main
results from the analysis of citizens’ interests, sentiments and emotions.
Table 1. Number of citizen comments in each of the analyzed samples of textual data
Digital Educational Services
Digital Administrative Services
Digital Health Services
G. Hristova and N. Netov / Utilization of Transformer-Based Language Models 7
Figure 1. Word cloud graphs revealing the general context of public comments related to electronic educational,
administrative and health services.
4.1. Digital Educational Services
Most of the public comments in our sample discuss educational services. Initially, the
application of BERTopic on data combined with hyperparameter tuning led to the
extraction of 34 topics related to electronic educational services. Based on a careful
analysis of keywords and intertopic distance map generated with the help of the UMAP
algorithm, we manually merged some of the topics that are very related to each other.
Thus, the final model contains 25 topics revealing different aspects of citizens’ interests
related to digital educational services. Next, we applied sentiment and emotion mining
on public comments as described in the “Methodology” section of the current paper and
analyzed the results. In Table 2, we report seven of the most interesting topics revealed
in discussions on educational e-services. The first topic is mainly about distance
education for children (in general). Almost 50% of all comments related to educational
e-services fall under this topic - a possible explanation is the application of outlier
reduction which means that many of the comments initially treated as outliers by
HDBSCAN were probably merged to this “more general” topic. Figure 2 reveals the
distribution of positive vs. negative comments in each of the analyzed in detail topics.
We observe that 60.13% of all comments in Topic 1 are negative.
The BERTopic algorithm discovered citizen comments related to learning in an
electronic environment (Topic 2), government measures to curb the COVID-19
pandemic applied in class, like wearing masks and quarantine (Topic 3), COVID-19
spread in schools (Topic 4), university e-learning (Topic 5), technical aspects of e-
learning (Topic 6) and discussions regarding distance education in other countries (Topic
7). According to our analysis, citizens have expressed mainly positive sentiments on
learning in an electronic environment, university e-learning and technical aspects of e-
learning. Negative sentiments dominate in discussions about public policies to curb the
COVID-19 pandemic applied in schools and distance education in other countries.
Emotion mining reveals that citizens have expressed their opinions by mainly using
words associated with trust and anticipation (Figure 3). This observation is valid not only
for public comments on educational e-services, but also for administrative and health e-
services. An interesting observation is that university e-learning is associated with equal
presence of joy and fear in public comments. Figure 3 allows drawing additional diverse
insights into the emotions contained in citizens’ comments about educational e-services.
G. Hristova and N. Netov / Utilization of Transformer-Based Language Models8
4.2. Digital Administrative Services
BERTopic initially extracted 50 topics of citizen interest regarding administrative e-
services. Following the same analytical procedure described earlier, we merged some of
the most similar topics to develop a final model containing 27 topics strongly focused on
administrative e-services. Table 2 reveals four of the most frequently discussed topics in
this sample. Topic 8 is about e-government systems and usage of electronic signature.
Again, trust is the dominant emotion in comments implying that utilization of e-services
depends a lot on the level of trust in them. We observe higher levels of anger and sadness
in Topic 8 compared to the rest. Public comments in Topic 9 contain predominantly
negative sentiments and focus on the political aspects of e-governance and important
political figures and parties. Topic 10 is devoted to electronic voting and we observe a
prevalence of positive attitudes - again, citizens have used word expressions mainly
associated with trust. As observed in discussions regarding educational e-services, we
find a topic containing comments on government measures aimed at limiting the spread
of COVID-19 in general (Topic 11). Fear, trust and sadness are the dominant emotions
in this topic with sentiments being almost equally divided between positive and negative.
4.3. Digital Health Services
The sample of comments related to e-health is rather small in size compared to rest of
the samples. Nevertheless, BERTopic managed to extract 6 topics of citizen interest and
four of them are displayed in Table 2. We found citizens’ comments related to e-health
services in Bulgaria in general (Topic 12) and usage of electronic health documents like
e-prescriptions (Topic 13). Expressed sentiments towards these two topics are rather
negative. Topic 14 is focused on the digital aspects of COVID-19 testing and vaccination
(issue of digital certificates). Topic 15 contains comments about digital health platforms
and mentions the name of a specific Bulgarian company providing telemedicine services.
Apart from the last topic in which citizens’ sentiments are mostly positive, in rest of the
topics related to e-health services in Bulgaria, citizens have expressed mainly negative
attitudes. Emotion mining reveals that fear and sadness are far more dominant in this
sample. In Topic 12 and Topic 14 we observe a more balanced distribution of all the
eight emotions under analysis (compared to rest of the topics). A possible interpretation
is that citizens might have been more expressive when discussing health services.
Figure 2. Visualization of the distribution of citizens’ sentiments (positive vs. negative) by topics
G. Hristova and N. Netov / Utilization of Transformer-Based Language Models 9
Table 2. Main topics of citizen interest regarding digital educational, administrative and health public services
Topics and topic representations (associated keywords and phrases)
Public Services
Topic 1: Distance education for children (in general) - learning, children, school,
distance, distance learning, online, going, teachers, time, child
Topic 2: Learning in an electronic environment – school(s), students, education,
training, electronic, environment, learning, electronic environment, minister
Topic 3: Government measures to curb the COVID-19 pandemic applied in class -
children, school(s), masks, quarantined, students, teachers, child, distance, class
Topic 4: COVID-19 spread in schools (people, measures, minister, health, infected,
coronavirus, number, students, cases, new)
Topic 5: University E-learning (lectures, online lectures, online, exercises,
attendance, lectures exercises, faculty, Sofia, book, even)
Topic 6: Technical aspects of E-learning (laptop, learning, AMD, RAM, distance
learning, distance, used, display, Ryzen, SSD)
Topic 7: Distance education in other countries (school(s), closed, children, students,
Germany, Sweden, distance, learning, kindergartens)
Public Services
Topic 8: E-government systems and usage of electronic signature (electronic, system,
health, service(s), signature, e-government, minister, electronic signature, order)
Topic 9: Political figures and parties (Borisov, GERB, people, government, Bulgaria,
would, power, party, like, one)
Topic 10: E-voting (election(s), voting, electronic, vote, e-government, code, act,
Bulgaria, system)
Topic 11: Government measures to curb the COVID-19 pandemic in general
(measures, people, crisis, situation, virus, municipalities, pandemic, one, need, time)
Digital Health
Public Services
Topic 12: E-health services in general (people, health, electronic, time, system, many,
years, data, even, doctors)
Topic 13: E-health documents (electronic, prescription(s), pharmacy, recipes,
ordinance, electronic prescriptions, paper, doctors, electronic recipes)
Topic 14: Digital solutions/processes for COVID-19 testing and vaccination (test(s),
vaccination, people, certificate, get, end, health, electronic, covid)
Topic 15: E-health systems/platforms (health, care, change, medical, system, model,
health care, establishment, doctors, Healee)
Note: The reader should note that uniform numbering of topics is used throughout the work to avoid confusion.
Figure 3. Visualization of the distribution of citizens’ emotions by topics. Emotions are represented in different
colors and their dominance is measured as a percentage. For example, “trust” is the dominant emotion in
56.38% of all comments in Topic 8 (percentages are displayed only for the more dominant emotions).
G. Hristova and N. Netov / Utilization of Transformer-Based Language Models10
5. Discussion and Conclusions
We accomplished the main aim of the current study by proposing an analytical approach
for public opinion analysis based on pre-trained transformer-based language models. We
brought empirical evidence on the practical usefulness of such approaches in the
government domain by presenting a case study on understanding citizens’ interests,
sentiments and emotions towards educational, health and administrative e-services in
Bulgaria. Our approach could be implemented in a completely unsupervised way, unlike
traditional machine learning methods which would require the availability of training
data. The BERTopic algorithm discovered specific and meaningful topics of public
interest. Nevertheless, a comparison between BERTopic and other approaches for topic
extraction should be performed since this would allow a thorough exploration of the
efficiency of the algorithm, and how it compares to other approaches in terms of accuracy,
scalability, and computational resources required. This is a promising direction for future
research, and has the potential to contribute to the development of more efficient
techniques for analyzing and understanding large-scale text data.
Our study reveals that despite their limitations, emotion lexicons combined with the
powerful pre-trained language models might provide very important context into the
analysis of public opinion. Overall, the ability to make different intersections in the
analysis is a valuable feature of the proposed approach, as it allows to gain deeper
insights into citizens’ opinions and the patterns that exist within them. Our methodology
might also be applied in studying the public opinion on other digital services, important
issues or emerging problems in the government domain. Furthermore, our approach
utilizes data from different social networks used in the country, unlike other studies in
the field that use mainly Twitter data for studying public opinion [13].
Our analysis revealed different topics of public interest related to digital educational,
administrative and health services. Citizens have expressed mainly negative sentiments
towards the discovered topics. This finding is not surprising since e-government and
usage of public e-services are very controversial topics in Bulgaria. Furthermore, the
political environment and government instability in the last few years are other important
factors that might explain citizens’ negative attitudes. Results from emotion mining
indicate that citizens have expressed their opinions using words mainly related to trust
and anticipation. Trust is a critical factor in the adoption of digital public services [34,
35]. If citizens do not trust the services, they might be hesitant to use them or may not
use them at all, which can hinder the overall digital transformation efforts. Therefore,
building trust in electronic public services is essential to ensure their successful adoption
and implementation.
Finally, it is important to outline some of the limitations of the current study. First,
we should note that not all Bulgarian citizens have access to or regularly use social
networks, so the opinions and behaviors of this particular subset of the population studied
in the current work may not accurately represent the broader population. Another
limitation stems from the usage of specific keywords in data scraping since there is
always a risk of missing relevant information and not capturing the full range of opinions
related to the topic under study. A potential limitation of using the NRC lexicon for
emotion analysis is that it might not be equally comprehensive of all the emotion
categories that it includes. The last might lead to potential biases in the emotion analysis
results. To mitigate this limitation, as a future direction of our study we plan to consider
other emotion lexicons and combine them with approaches based on transfer learning.
G. Hristova and N. Netov / Utilization of Transformer-Based Language Models 11
Human annotation might also be very helpful in gaining a more comprehensive
understanding of the emotions presented in public comments.
The combination of state-of-the-art NLP technologies for sentiment analysis and
topic modeling led to the extraction of valuable insights into citizens’ opinions and we
believe that such an approach might successfully complement traditional approaches for
public opinion analysis (e.g., surveys and interviews). Furthermore, results might be
useful in designing more relevant questionnaires accurately reflecting current issues in
the public domain. The fusion of knowledge obtained through diverse statistical
techniques (traditional vs. NLP methods) would lead to even more informative insights
into people’s attitudes, expectations and interests. Our results might be found useful by
social science researchers, policy-makers and experts involved in implementing modern
techniques for data analysis and artificial intelligence in the government domain.
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