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With the ongoing efforts to empower people with mobility impairments and the increase in technological acceptance by the general public, assistive technologies, such as collaborative robotic arms, are gaining popularity. Yet, their widespread success is limited by usability issues, specifically the disparity between user input and software control along the autonomy continuum. To address this, shared control concepts provide opportunities to combine the targeted increase of user autonomy with a certain level of computer assistance. This paper presents the free and open-source AdaptiX XR framework for developing and evaluating shared control applications in a high-resolution simulation environment. The initial framework consists of a simulated robotic arm with an example scenario in Virtual Reality (VR), multiple standard control interfaces, and a specialized recording/replay system. AdaptiX can easily be extended for specific research needs, allowing Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) researchers to rapidly design and test novel interaction methods, intervention strategies, and multi-modal feedback techniques, without requiring an actual physical robotic arm during the early phases of ideation, prototyping, and evaluation. Also, a Robot Operating System (ROS) integration enables the controlling of a real robotic arm in a PhysicalTwin approach without any simulation-reality gap. Here, we review the capabilities and limitations of AdaptiX in detail and present three bodies of research based on the framework. AdaptiX can be accessed at
AdaptiX A Transitional XR Framework for Development
and Evaluation of Shared Control Applications in Assistive
MAX PASCHER,TU Dortmund University, Germany and University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
FELIX FERDINAND GOLDAU,German Research Center for Articial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany
KIRILL KRONHARDT,TU Dortmund University, Germany
UDO FRESE,German Research Center for Articial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany
JENS GERKEN,TU Dortmund University, Germany
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 1. Setup with (a) a user’s view in the Virtual Reality (
) simulation environment, (b) setup of interaction
with a physical robot, and (c) a combined view of physical robot and visual cues in Mixed Reality (MR).
With the ongoing eorts to empower people with mobility impairments and the increase in technological
acceptance by the general public, assistive technologies, such as collaborative robotic arms, are gaining
popularity. Yet, their widespread success is limited by usability issues, specically the disparity between user
input and software control along the autonomy continuum. To address this, shared control concepts provide
opportunities to combine the targeted increase of user autonomy with a certain level of computer assistance.
This paper presents the free and open-source AdaptiX
framework for developing and evaluating shared
control applications in a high-resolution simulation environment. The initial framework consists of a simulated
robotic arm with an example scenario in Virtual Reality (
), multiple standard control interfaces, and a
specialized recording/replay system. AdaptiX can easily be extended for specic research needs, allowing
Human-Robot Interaction (
) researchers to rapidly design and test novel interaction methods, intervention
strategies, and multi-modal feedback techniques, without requiring an actual physical robotic arm during
the early phases of ideation, prototyping, and evaluation. Also, a Robot Operating System (
) integration
enables the controlling of a real robotic arm in a PhysicalTwin approach without any simulation-reality gap.
Here, we review the capabilities and limitations of AdaptiX in detail and present three bodies of research
based on the framework. AdaptiX can be accessed at
Authors’ addresses: Max Pascher, TU Dortmund University, Emil-Figge-Str. 50. 44227 Dortmund, Germany,;Felix Ferdinand Goldau, Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 5, 28359 Bremen, Germany,;Kirill
Kronhardt, TU Dortmund University, Emil-Figge-Str. 50. 44227 Dortmund, Germany,;Udo Frese,
Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 5, 28359 Bremen, Germany,;Jens Gerken, TU Dortmund University, Emil-Figge-Str.
50. 44227 Dortmund, Germany,
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 License.
©2024 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact., Vol. 8, No. EICS, Article 244. Publication date: June 2024.
244:2 M. Pascher et al.
CCS Concepts: Computer systems organization
Robotic control;Human-centered computing
Visualization techniques;Virtual reality.
Additional Key Words and Phrases: assistive robotics, human–robot interaction, shared user control, augmented
reality, virtual reality, mixed reality, visual cues
ACM Reference Format:
Max Pascher, Felix Ferdinand Goldau, Kirill Kronhardt, Udo Frese, and Jens Gerken. 2024. AdaptiX A
Transitional XR Framework for Development and Evaluation of Shared Control Applications in Assistive
Robotics. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 8, EICS, Article 244 (June 2024), 28 pages.
Robotic arms as assistive technologies are a powerful tool to increase self-suciency in people with
limited mobility [
], as they facilitate the performance of Activities of Daily Living (
usually involving grasping and manipulating objects in their environment without human
assistance [
]. However, a frequent point of contention is the assistive robot’s autonomy level. The
reduction of user interaction to just oversight with purely autonomous systems elicits stress [
and feelings of distrust in their users [
]. On the other side of the autonomy spectrum, manual
controls can be challenging - or even impossible - to operate, depending on the signicance and
type of impairment. Shared control a combination of manual user control through standard input
devices plus algorithmic support through computer software adjusting the resulting motion may
have the potential to mitigate both concerns [
]. Here, both the user and the robot share a task on
the operational level, enabling people with motor impairments to get involved in their assistance.
As a result, such approaches can increase the feeling of independence while improving ease of use
compared to manual controls [17].
A characteristic real-world scenario, motivated by our research, has an assistive robotic arm
(e.g., a Kinova Jaco 2) attached to a wheelchair to support the user in
. Here, the user is
challenged with operating six or more Degrees-of-Freedom (DoFs), which requires complex input
devices or time-consuming and confusing mode switches. This potentially results in increased task
completion time and user frustration [
]. Addressing this, shared control systems can facilitate
more straightforward and accessible robot operation. However, they may require well-designed
communication of robot (motion) intent, so that the user retains awareness and understands the
level of support they get from the system [
]. Also, dierent users might need distinct input
devices or require multi-modal input to account for varying abilities.
Based on our experiences, we identied several challenges that currently inuence and potentially
impede the eective development of shared control approaches:
Shared control systems for assistive technologies still pose open questions requiring consid-
erable experimentation, tweaking and balancing between user and robot interaction [34].
While much research explored robot motion intent, there is little insight into what works
best in which situation and for which type of user. In assistive robotics, the visualization and
feedback modality must be carefully adapted to the user’s needs and abilities as there is no
“one size ts all” solution [23].
Similarly, suitable input devices may vary between users. Depending on individual preferences
and capabilities, multi-modal input or the choice between dierent input modalities may be
required [2].
Bringing robots and humans physically together during research studies is dicult due to
the laborious and costly transportation, safety concerns with robots and general availability
of the user group [6].
Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact., Vol. 8, No. EICS, Article 244. Publication date: June 2024.
AdaptiX A Transitional XR Framework for Assistive Robotics 244:3
Contribution. To allow researchers, designers and developers to address these challenges
holistically and exibly, we present AdaptiX a free, open-source
. Aimed at
Design and Development (
), AdaptiX combines a physical robot implementation with a
3D simulation environment. The simulation approach (analogous to simulations in industrial
settings [
]) mitigates the assistive robotic arm’s bulky, expensive, and complex nature. It
also makes the integration of visualization feedback or dierent input modalities easier to explore
and test, while a Robot Operating System (
) interface allows the direct transfer to the real
robot. Testing new interaction and control options becomes much less time-consuming while
simultaneously excluding potentially dangerous close-contact situations with users before glitches
are managed [
]. In total, the framework facilitates the development and evaluation of assistive
robot control applications in-silico and creates a practical and eective step between ideation,
development, and evaluation, allowing
researchers more exibility and facilitating ecient
resource usage.
To summarize, the AdaptiX framework contributes the following:
AdaptiX allows researchers to rapidly design and test novel visualization and interaction
The framework integrates an initial concept and implementation of a shared control approach.
The integrated
interface facilitates connection to a non-simulated physical robotic
arm to perform bidirectional interactions and data.
The framework’s concept enables a code-less trajectory programming by hand-guiding the
simulated or physical assistive robotic arm to the specic location and saving the position
and orientation of the Tool Center Point (TCP).
data enables replaying user-controlled robot movements and results in a fully
customizable system. Options include changing specic details during replaying, such as
repositioning cameras or re-rendering background scenes.
Finally, the entire continuum of Mixed Reality (
) can be exploited in the AdaptiX envi-
ronment. This allows applications in Virtual Reality (
), pure screen space, Augmented
Reality (
), simultaneous simulation and reality, and pure reality (cf. the virtuality continuum
of Milgram and Kishino [41]).
While robotic arms are a particularly useful and versatile subset of assistive technologies, their
widespread success is limited by a number of design challenges concerning the interaction with
their human user. In recent years, a growing body of research addressed these concerns and
associated optimization options to increase their usability, e.g., [
]. During the AdaptiX
development process, we aimed to include functionality to address the challenges of shared control
optimization [19], intent communication [45], and attention guidance [48].
2.1 Shared Control for Assistive Robots
Current shared control systems operate along an autonomy continuum, respectively balancing user
input and system adjustments. At one extreme, the systems tend to be heavily manual, with only
minor adjustments to the user’s input [
]. On the other end are systems where users primarily
provide high-level commands for the robot to execute [
]. A number of dierent approaches
including time-optimal [
] and blended mode switching [
], shared-control-templates [
] and
body-machine-interfaces [29] are currently employed in various settings.
1AdaptiX framework., last retrieved April 28, 2024.
Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact., Vol. 8, No. EICS, Article 244. Publication date: June 2024.
244:4 M. Pascher et al.
A fundamentally dierent approach is the shared control system proposed by Goldau and Frese
. Their concept combines a robotic arm’s cardinal DoFs according to the current situation and
maps them to a low-
input device. The mapping is accomplished by attaching a camera to the
robotic arm’s gripper and training a Convolutional Neural Network (
) by having people without
motor impairments perform
] similar to the learning-by-demonstration approach for
autonomous robots by Canal et al
. [7]
. The
returns a set of newly mapped DoFs, ranked
by their assumed likeliness based on the
for the given situation, allowing users to access a
variety of movements for each situation. In addition, the
-based approach allows the system
to be easily extendable as the same system can be trained to discriminate between many dierent
situations making it a viable concept for day-to-day use. Goldau and Frese
conducted a
proof-of-concept study comparing the control of a simulated 2D robot with manual or
controls. Task execution was faster with their proposed concept; however, users experienced it as
more complex than manual controls [19].
Our framework AdaptiX is inuenced by Goldau and Frese’s approach, but extends it from 2D to
3D space. This increases the number of possible DoFs, which allows for an accurate representation
in the framework. By adding functionality, visualizations, and a
integration, AdaptiX
can be used to develop and evaluate novel interaction control methods based on this approach for
shared control, which we refer to as Adaptive DoF Mapping Control (ADMC).
2.2 Robot Motion Intent
Regardless of the specic interaction details, it is necessary to eectively communicate the intended
assistance provided by the (semi-)autonomous system [
]. Clear communication between robots
and humans enhances the shared control system’s predictability, avoids accidents, and increases
user acceptance.
A crucial element of the
process of robotic devices is, therefore, the testing of intent
communication methods. Choreobot an interactive, online, and visual dashboard proposed by
van Deurzen et al
. [61]
supports researchers and developers to identify where and when adding
intelligibility to the interface design of a robotic system improves the predictability, trust, safety,
usability, and acceptance. Moreover, Pascher et al
. [45]
provide an extensive overview of the various
types of visualization and modalities frequently used in communicating robot motion intent. These
range from auditory [
] and haptic [
] modalities to anthropomorphizing the robot and using its
gaze [
] or gestures [
]. Their ndings are substantiated by Holthaus et al
. [24]
, who used an
ethnographic approach to derive a comprehensive communication typology.
While all these intent communication modalities are viable, visual representations of future
movements are often quoted as less workload-intense for the end-user [
is, therefore,
unsurprisingly a frequently used tool to convey detailed motion intent [
], allowing
interactions to become more intuitive and natural to humans [
]. Suzuki et al
emphasize the
benets of
-based visualizations for communicating movement trajectories or the internal state
of the robot [58].
The visual feedback employed by AdaptiX mimics
in a
environment with directional cues
registered in 3D space. This approach allows the user to understand dierent movement directions
for the actual control and the suggested
combinations. To streamline understanding the control
methods, one of our primary approaches is the usage of arrows a straightforward and common
visualization technique to communicate motion intent [54,55,63].
2.3 Feedback Modalities for User Aention Guidance
When creating systems using shared control, it is crucial to guide the user’s focus to the assistance
the robot is oering [
]. This guidance is particularly important if either party is moving the
Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact., Vol. 8, No. EICS, Article 244. Publication date: June 2024.
AdaptiX A Transitional XR Framework for Assistive Robotics 244:5
robot in a way that could lead to collisions or worsen the situation. To enhance the predictability
of shared control systems, various feedback modalities have been proposed to guide user attention
as a secondary feedback mechanism to
. The goal is to provide a feedback solution that results
in short reaction times, enabling users to quickly direct their focus to the information provided by
the robot.
In the related discipline of autonomous driving systems, if the vehicle encounters a situation
it was not programmed or trained to handle, it will issue a Take-Over-Request (
). This
prompts the driver to take manual control of the vehicle to prevent a collision or to drive in areas
the vehicle cannot handle autonomously.
Auditory, visual, and tactile/haptic modalities are commonly used for
s [
] either as a
single sensory input [
] or a combination of multiple variants [
]. Simulation studies, along with
research on reaction times to dierent sensory stimuli, indicate that multi-modal feedback results
in the lowest possible reaction times in shared control systems [5,14,31].
Implementing these feedback methods into existing assistive robot systems would be straightfor-
ward as the necessary output devices like screens, speakers, or vibration motors are commonly
already present. To allow researchers to evaluate the benets of the dierent modalities, AdaptiX
includes three modes for attention guiding: visual, auditory, and tactile/haptic. Developers can
either choose one modality or follow a multi-modal approach.
The AdaptiX
framework facilitates the development and evaluation of
shared control
applications in an easy-to-use, high-resolution transitional
environment. Equipped with a
simulation environment containing a virtual Kinova Jaco 2 and ample customization options,
researchers can streamline their
process while simultaneously reducing overhead and boosting
eciency. Figure 2 provides an overview of the framework’s architecture.
Physical Robotic Arm
Virtual Robotic Arm
Native Robot
Joystick Input
AdaptiX Framework for Unreal Engine
Record & Replay
ROS Interface
Cartesian Control
User Input
Adaptive DoF
Mapping Control
XR Motion
Track ing
Alignment of
Fig. 2. Overview of AdaptiX architecture, illustrating each component, their directional communication, and
the crossover from and to the framework. The user input is either used for Cartesian Control or Adaptive DoF
Mapping Control (ADMC). For ADMC, either a CNN-based or script-based rule engine can be selected.
In addition to an Cartesian robot control, we propose
as an initial shared control approach,
using suggestions by a rule engine (e.g., a
or script-based approach) to be controlled by the
is implemented directly into the Unreal Engine to enable researchers and developers
Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact., Vol. 8, No. EICS, Article 244. Publication date: June 2024.
244:6 M. Pascher et al.
to fully customize the control methods, systems behavior, and feedback techniques by coding in
C++ or Blueprints.
AdaptiX supports several pre-implemented input devices and provides an adapter class for an
easy development and implementation of further input devices. This supports researchers and
developers to easy implement their ideas and concepts. The integrated
interface facilitates
connection to a non-simulated physical robotic arm to perform bidirectional interactions and
data exchange in a DigitalTwin and PhysicalTwin approach.
AdaptiX enables eortless trajectory programming by manually guiding the
of a simulated
or physical robotic arm to a desired location and recording its position and orientation. Recorded
data of user-controlled robot movements can be replayed. Oering the adjustment of specic details,
such as camera positions and background scenes, results in a highly customizable system.
The aim is to provide a modular and extensible framework so that research teams do not need to
start from scratch when implementing their shared control applications.
3.1 Adaptive DoF Mapping Control (ADMC)
For the adaptive
mapping referred to as
of the robotic arm, the goal is to present
a set of
mappings ordered based on their eectiveness in accomplishing the pick-and-place
task used in the experiment. The concept of “usefulness” assumes that maximizing the cardinal
DoFs of the robot assigned to an input-
while progressing towards the next goal is the most
advantageous option.
mapping, referred to as the optimal suggestion, is assumed to be the best choice due
to a signicant reduction in the need for mode switches when multiple DoFs are combined into a
single movement. The more DoFs are combined (assuming it is sensible for the given situation), the
fewer mode switches are required. As a result, the
mappings are ordered based on the number
of DoFs they combine.
In addition to the optimal suggestion, the second suggestion is a selection of an orthogonal
variation of the rst suggestion, which has the highest probability and most variation in spatial
direction and keeps the number of combined DoFs unchanged. This secondary suggestion is likely
useful to users as they can utilize it to adjust their position while maintaining a sensible orientation
toward the next goal. The following DoF mappings were used (see Figure 3):
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
Fig. 3. Suggestions as Visualized in the
, (a) Continue previous movement, (b) Optimal Suggestion, (c)
Adjustment Suggestion, (d) Translation Suggestion, (e) Rotation Suggestion, (f) Gripper Suggestion. Colors:
Bright cyan arrow: Currently active DoF mapping. Dark blue arrow: Next most likely DoF mapping.
Optimal Suggestion: Combining translation, rotation, and nger movement [opening and
closing] into one suggestion, causing the gripper to move towards the target, pick it up, or
release it on the intended surface.
Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact., Vol. 8, No. EICS, Article 244. Publication date: June 2024.
AdaptiX A Transitional XR Framework for Assistive Robotics 244:7
Adjustment Suggestion: An orthogonal suggestion based on (1) but excluding the nger
movement. Allows the users to adjust the gripper’s position while still being correctly
Translation Suggestion: A pure translation towards the next target, disregarding any rotation.
(4) Rotation Suggestion: A pure rotation towards the next target disregarding any translation.
(5) Gripper Suggestion: Opening or closing of the gripper’s ngers.
-based Approach. For the
approach, a color-and-depth camera is attached to the
gripper of an assistive robotic arm. The live video feed is transmitted to a
, which is trained
using data collected from non-impaired individuals performing
using the robotic arm along
with a high-
input device. The
does not need a model of the environment to provide these
mappings. Principal Component Analysis (
) is employed to transform the
’s output into a
D, where each column represents a combination of cardinal DoFs along which the robotic
arm can move.
Next, a subset of
Dis selected, containing as many columns as the number of DoFs provided
by the input device. This selected subset is referred to as D, and it serves to map input-DoFs to
output-DoFs. When an input-
is engaged, the robot’s movements are determined by the values
in the corresponding vector of D, which proportionally activate the robot’s cardinal DoFs. A mode
switch is dened as the exchange of Dwith a dierent subset of
D. This enables the system to switch
between various mappings of input-DoFs to output-DoFs, adapting the robot’s control according
to the user’s needs and preferences. A visual representation of this control pipeline is depicted in
Figure 4a.
User Control
Input Robotic Arm
Adaptive DoF Mapping Control
Translational Mode Wrist Mode Finger Mode
Fig. 4. Concept of adaptive
mapping control. (a) Control pipeline for proposed adaptive shared control
and (b) matrix representation of
mappings: Columns represent input-DoFs. Rows represent output-DoFs.
Subsets represent modes. Two empty columns were added to represent zero movement mappings in Finger
Dis a square matrix with dimensions based on the number of cardinal DoFs available on the
robot to be controlled. In the case of the Kinova Jaco 2 [
], this results in a 7
7matrix. This
matrix represents a mapping of input-DoFs to output-DoFs when the number of DoFs in both cases
is equal. The values in each column, ranging from -1 to 1, indicate the proportion with which the
specic cardinal DoF is utilized when engaging the corresponding input-DoF.
By dening
Das an identity matrix, each input-
is mapped to a single output-
. Selecting
an equal number of columns from
Dto form matrix Dallows for manual control with mode
switching along cardinal DoFs. Moreover, this representation enables the combination of multiple
cardinal movements into arbitrary output
mappings. For example, a (transposed) column of
(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) would result in diagonal movement along the X- and Y-Axes of the robot. Such
Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact., Vol. 8, No. EICS, Article 244. Publication date: June 2024.
244:8 M. Pascher et al.
combinations enable the oering of complex movements with dierent proportions depending on
the situation, enhancing the control options available to users. The identity matrix for a Kinova
Jaco 2 with a 3-DoFs joystick is illustrated in Figure 4b.
3.1.2 Script-based Approach. As an alternative rule engine for our
concept, we implemented
a task-specic script. This approach eliminates potential biases that a more generic, but currently
limited method like a
-based control might introduce. It is essential to note that our task-specic
script is eective only in a controlled experimental environment.
The task-specic script assesses the end eector’s current position, rotation, and nger position
relative to a target, allowing it to adaptively calculate the matrix
D. This script recommends optimal
movements to pick up an object and place it onto a target drop area, maximizing the combination
of as many DoFs as possible. Additionally, it provides other
combinations that may be less
benecial to mimic the idea that each subsequent column in
Dhas a decreasing likelihood of
being useful. These additional
mappings are ordered by the number of combined DoFs in a
decreasing manner.
To validate the eectiveness of this approach, we conducted pilot tests, comparing it to a Wizard-
of-Oz method. In this scenario, a human “simulated a
to explore user interaction with such a
3.1.3 Point of Time to Communicate the Suggestion. Our
concept uses an adaptive
mapping system to recommend
mappings to the users depending on the current situation. The
system visualizes the currently active
mapping as a bright cyan and the suggestion as a dark
blue arrow (see Figure 3). This suggestion can be communicated based on the the conguration
either continuously or only if the next most likely movement direction diers from the currently
active DoF mapping by a certain threshold.
To calculate this threshold the dierence between the currently active and new most likely
mapping –, cosine similarity [
] is used, ranging from exact alignment [0%] to total opposite
direction [100%]. The formula for cosine similarity of two n-dimensional vectors is dened as:
cosine similarity =cos®𝒂,®
To implement a dierence value, the cosine similarity needs to be transformed. As a cosine
similarity of -1 indicates completely opposed vectors, the dierence value needs to return 1 i.e.
the maximum possible dierence for a cosine similarity value of -1. A cosine similarity of 1,
indicating exact similarity, should return a dierence value of 0 i.e. no dierence. Perpendicular
vectors with cosine similarity 0 should return a dierence value of 0.5 i.e. a 50% dierence. To
calculate the dierence value d, the following formula is used:
dierence d =1
This dierence value represents the dierence between two vectors. While the user moves the
robot with an active
mapping, the adaptive
mapping system reevaluates the situation and
calculates new suggested
mappings. The default dierence value is set to 0.2 (20% dierence
between currently active and new most likely DoF mapping).
3.2 Full Mixed Reality Continuum
In our framework, we created an environment in which the entire continuum of
is exploitable.
This extends the use of AdaptiX to new scenarios and environments including the real world. The
Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact., Vol. 8, No. EICS, Article 244. Publication date: June 2024.
AdaptiX A Transitional XR Framework for Assistive Robotics 244:9
(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
Fig. 5. MR continuum with (a) only the real robotic arm in real environment, (b) augmenting of directional
cues in the real environment with the real robotic arm, (c) additional visualizing the gripper and base of the
virtual robotic arm in the real environment, (d) visualizing the simulated robotic arm in the real environment,
(e) visualizing the real robotic arm in the virtual environment, and (f) visualizing the simulated robotic arm
in the virtual environment.
virtual and real environments of the robotic arm are aligned, allowing researchers to seamlessly
switch between the user controlling the real and virtual robot. The level of
can be adjusted in
various steps (cf. the virtuality continuum of Milgram and Kishino [41]).
The MR environment setups include:
(1) the completely real environment with the real robotic arm,
(2) the real environment extended with visual cues,
the real environment into which the virtual robot is transferred and displayed (with and
without visual cues),
the virtual environment into which the real robot is transferred and displayed (with and
without visual cues),
(5) the completely virtual environment with the virtual robotic arm.
A comparison of the user’s view in reality and simulation can be seen in Figure 5.
level (1) is suitable for study baseline-condition, without any multi-modal feedback to the user. In
level (2) an
visualization technique is mimicked, showing the whole physical setup augmented by
basic cues. Especially level (3) and (4) enable customizing either the robot itself or the environment
to extent/exchange the physical setup but still not loosing the context. In (3) users can interact
with a totally new or customized robot while being in a familiar environment. World’s distractions
can be excluded in (4) while the the original robot is presented. Finally, level (5) provides a
environment that can be fully customized.
3.3 Interfaces
We designed AdaptiX to facilitate the comparison of dierent interaction designs, intervention
strategies, and feedback techniques for shared robot control. The initial version of the framework
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244:10 M. Pascher et al.
includes interface types for extending user input,
integration, and multi-modal feedback.
However, this baseline can easily be customized and extended by future development.
3.3.1 User Input. We provide a standard control approach where pressing a keyboard button moves
the end eector along cardinal DoFs (x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw, opening and closing the gripper). Using
build-in functionalities, the designated keyboard input can easily be adjusted to other input devices
like gamepads, joysticks, or customized assistive input appliances.
In contrast to tele-operating the robotic arm, a follow-me approach for any trackable object in 3D
space e.g., the user’s handheld
motion controller was implemented. The robot’s end eector
directly follows the movement of the trackable object, which corresponds functionally to direct
control. This can be used to generate high-dimensional input and record intended behavior quickly,
providing an easy way of interacting and controlling the robot, especially for inexperienced users.
3.3.2 ROS Integration. The
integration allows for a bidirectional exchange of information
between the simulation and a real robot, mirroring the robot’s state in-silico and vice versa. Figure 6
shows the involved components: a
bridge facilitates the multi-device connection between the
framework and the real robot while exchanging robot data. On the
side, the messages for the
arm position and orientation control and the values for the angle-accurate control of the gripper
ngers are read in via the
subscriber node. They are then processed, and the robot arm and
gripper are controlled through our action client. In addition, the joint angles, the
, and the
position of all three gripper ngers are published via
, which are then input by our Unreal
Engine framework. The virtual and real robots are synchronized via ROS every 0.1 seconds.
Based on this, our framework provides depending on the specic context both a DigitalTwin
and PhysicalTwin approach, allowing the control of either with the other.
Unreal Engine ROS
Jaco 2
ROS node
/UE_TCP_position /j2s7s300_driver/pose_action/tool_pose
/UE_gripper_angles /j2s7s300_driver/fingers_action/finger_positions
Fig. 6. Component connections of the ROS interface for mixed reality.
3.3.3 Multi-Modal Feedback. To communicate any combination of DoFs, our framework supports
several visual cues to illustrate the intended movement trajectory and provides multi-modal
feedback extensions via audio and haptic-tactile feedback. Visual feedback can be either provided
dynamically attached to the virtual/physical robot’s end eector, stationary in the world, or attached
to the user’s view.
AdaptiX aims to support the development of novel multi-modal interaction and feedback designs
either in the pure
simulation testbed environment or by interacting with a real robot in
which mimics an
setting due to the stereoscopic video-feed. Moreover, it is also possible to
show the real robot in our VR simulation environment instead of the simulated one.
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AdaptiX A Transitional XR Framework for Assistive Robotics 244:11
Figure 7 shows three exemplary
-style visualizations provided by the framework, including (a)
a robotic ghost overlay, (b) discrete waypoints in 3D, and (c) a variety of multidimensional arrows.
Though varying in design, these visualizations can eectively communicate the robot’s motion
intent to the user.
Ghost: A visualization of robot motion intent by showing an additional version of the robot (or
specic components) registered in 3D space, in another color and/or opacity. These visualizations
communicate the exact position and orientation a robot at a given time, behaving precisely as
though the real robot had been moved this way.
Waypoints: This visualization technique augments the position of a robot (or in our case, the
gripper of the robotic arm) in 3D space at a certain point in the future. Usually, the robot navigates
linearly between these Waypoints, which increases predictability.
Arrow: Among visualizations arguably the most basic but certainly also the most familiar (as
seen in trac navigation systems, road signs, and on keyboards). Arrows are found both in straight
and curved varieties, where curved arrows indicate a rotation. Given the abundance of Arrows in
daily life, it makes sense that many robot motion intent visualizations use them.
Classic: This visualization also uses Arrows, but in our prototype they are used as a baseline
condition to evaluate adaptive and non-adaptive controls. Here, as with the standard input device
Kinova Jaco 2, two axes can be controlled simultaneously and the user has to choose between
dierent translations and rotations by mode-switching.
(a) Ghost (b) Waypoints (c) Arrows
Fig. 7. Visualization examples pre-implemented in the framework.
All interfaces are modular, enabling quick adaptations and switching between variations. This
exibility allows for studies with clean methodologies and easy comparisons without additional
overhead. The community is invited to extend the implementations with any interfaces or control
methods desired for their research.
3.4 Recording and Replay
AdaptiX contains an easy-to-use general-purpose system to record, store and replay simulation data,
including detailed information about robot states, execution times, or the states of various objects
in the environment. The recording system generates Comma-separated values (
) text les,
which can be accessed with any data manipulation software (e.g., Python or MATLAB). The added
output functionality diers signicantly from the replaying system provided by the underlying
Unreal Engine, which is mainly designed for visual replays and among other things does not
support a CSV le format.
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In addition, AdaptiX’s recording and replaying system is entirely customizable. Camera re-
positioning or re-rendering background scene options are included in the initial version. By default,
the recording system tracks the user’s view, the robotic arm, and all moveable actors in the virtual
environment. All other objects are assumed to be stationary, thus part of the level, and ignored as
such. This approach allows for the randomization of background scenes by re-rendering.
The system stores the assigned virtual meshes, scales, possible segmentation tags for each tracked
object, and the complete pose data per frame. During the replay process, all objects that were
initially recorded in a specic level are swapped with the corresponding data stored in the loaded
recording. However, if a dierent scene is being loaded, the objects from that scene are used instead.
In every subsequent frame, all objects are positioned at their respective position until the loaded
recording has nished. The system permits custom code to be run at the end of each loaded frame,
thus enabling de-bugging and data rendering during replays.
Overall, AdaptiX facilitates the lightweight storage of recordings as
les with the option to
render and store complex and large-scale data (e.g., images or videos) for subsequent evaluation.
This lightweight approach is particularly useful when deploying experiments on external devices
or recording extensive datasets.
The AdaptiX simulation environment is based on the game engine Unreal Engine 4.27 [
]. The
advanced real-time 3D photoreal visuals and immersive experiences provide a suitable foundation
for our framework, and assets for future extensions are readily available. Unreal Engine 4.27 includes
integrated options for various hardware setups, thus enabling the framework to be deployed on
dierent operating systems while utilizing most currently available
headsets, gamepads,
and joysticks. At the time of writing, Unreal Engine 4.27 is free to use, has a considerable user space,
and allows unrestricted publications of non-revenue generating research products like the AdaptiX
framework. Detailed implementation descriptions can be accessed in the README provided in the
repository at
Fig. 8. Example scenario provided in AdaptiX including a table, a virtual Kinova Jaco 2 robotic arm and colored
blocks on the tabletop.
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AdaptiX A Transitional XR Framework for Assistive Robotics 244:13
4.1 Simulation Environment
The AdaptiX default scenario centers on the photogrammetry scan of an actual room that contains
a table with an attached virtual robotic arm (see Figure 8). A simulated camera is mounted on the
arm’s gripper. We added a toggle-o option to hide the camera from the user’s view.
The framework includes a straightforward testbed scenario for pick-and-place operations, mim-
icking the basic principles of most
. The simulation centers around a red surface as a drop
target and a blue block as the to-be-manipulated object. Once the object has been successfully
placed, the setup randomly re-positions the blue block on the table surface, and the task can be
We optimized the robotic arm simulation for operation via a
motion controller with an
analog stick, several playable buttons, and motion capture capabilities (e.g., Meta Quest 2 [
These options provide a workable foundation to implement and test diverse interaction concepts,
including adaptive concepts which can be congured to match the individual physical abilities of
the intended user.
By incorporating the Varjo XR-3 [
] a particularly high-resolution
-Head-Mounted Display
) we implemented a transitional
environment. Using two HTC VIVE trackers [
the virtual and real worlds are synchronized so that the robots’ working areas are identical. By
including the HTC VIVE motion controller [
], it is then possible to control the physical robot
directly via the PhysicalTwin approach of AdaptiX (see Figure 1).
The virtual robotic arm is designed as a modular entity, allowing easy integration to new levels
following the Unreal Engine’s ActorBlueprint class structure.
4.1.1 Simulated Robotic Arm. The commercially available Kinova Jaco 2 assistive robotic arm [
is specically designed as an assistive device for people with motor impairments. It is frequently
used by a) the target audience and b) researchers e.g., [
] during
studies, hence the
suitability for inclusion in AdaptiX.
We designed the simulated Kinova Jaco 2 as close as possible to the actual product, using virtual
meshes generated directly from computer-aided design (
) les provided by the manufacturer.
Much like in reality, the virtual arm consists of a series of individual links connected by angular
joints as shown in the annotated rendering of the assembled model Figure 9.
As AdaptiX including the operation of its simulated robotic arm is optimized for
studies, it
focuses on user interaction rather than low-level robot control, whilst also able to incorporate those.
Hence, rather than following the standard base-up control, the simulated arm moves in reverse:
the user’s input directly controls the end eector’s motion; the connected joints are positioned to
connect the end eector with the base.Each intermediate joint is modeled as a dampened spring
with the links unaected by gravity. This also resolves the redundancy, i.e., joint angle ambiguity a
7-jointed robot has.
Fig. 9. Virtual Robotic Arm with Physics Constraints: purple capsules represent links, green discs represent
angular constraints.
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This approach allows for nearly arbitrary motion of the end eector and a semi-realistic in-
teraction of the arm with the environment. As a benecial side eect, developers can disconnect
the end eector from the rest of the arm and allow the user to control a free-oating robot hand
without any constraints. However, the internal physics engine to realistically handle collisions and
interactions between the end eector and the environment is still active.
Likewise, we based the grasp concept on a custom interaction design for robotic grasping rather
than physics. Physics-based grasping in a virtual environment is a challenging task [
] and would
require substantial preparation and asset ne-tuning from future developers who use the framework.
Instead, we dened a logic-based approach that we consider suciently realistic for shared control
applications: an object is regarded as grasped once it has contact with two opposite ngers while
closing the gripper until the ngers open again. The grasped object is rigidly attached to the end
eector, keeping its relative position stable and moving alongside the end eector until released.
4.1.2 Simulated Camera System. Computer-aided robot control usually requires a camera system
or a comparable sensor to measure context information about the current environment for the
underlying software function. To provide a realistic equivalent in simulation, AdaptiX contains
a virtual version of the commercially available Intel Realsense D435 [
]. This camera system is
commonly used in research applications [
] and can deliver aligned color and depth images.
The built-in color sensor generates depth data by applying a stereo-vision algorithm using grayscale
image data of two built-in infrared (
) imagers. To improve the texture information captured by
imagers, the camera also includes an
projector, which projects a static pattern on the
As with the simulated robotic arm, the virtual camera system is a modular actor that can be
arbitrarily placed within the simulation environment. Its mesh and texture are derived directly
from the manufacturer’s
les to optimize authenticity. The virtual camera system includes all
image sensors of the original, plus an optional virtual sensor generating a segmented image of the
scene. We designed the virtual sensor parameters to be as close as possible to those of the actual
sensors. They include but are not limited to sensor dimensions, lens structure, focal length, and
Because the framework can provide depth information directly from the 3D simulation, the
virtual depth camera does not need to calculate its data using stereo-vision but instead yields
perfect per-pixel depth information. If stereo-vision-generated depth data with realistic noise,
errors, and other algorithm-specic eects is needed, the virtual system also delivers the
for a manual calculation.
Additionally, the simulated camera system supports the usage of the image data in-simulation
and storing the data on disk for applications such as dataset generation or logging.
4.2 Adaptive DoF Mapping Control (ADMC)
The adaptive
mapping is implemented in the object Axis Wizard, which provides functions to
calculate the optimal suggestion, as well as the other possible optimizations. The calculation relies
solely on the virtual objects in the simulation environment instead of object recognition or camera
data to enable development and evaluation without a physical robot setup. However, the camera
feed for object recognition can be activated by developers to read positions and orientations. In
addition to the positions and orientations of the Gripper Mover and the Current Target (which can be
an object to pick up or a target surface to place the object on, depending on the context), two other
parameters of Axis Wizard are important to ensure the correct calculations for the pick-and-place
task Minimal Hover Distance and Hover Height.
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Disregarding the handling of edge cases, the calculation of the optimal suggestion is taken care
of in three steps: 1) calculating Translation, 2) calculating Rotation, and 3) calculating the nger
movement variable Gripper. The Blueprints for implementation details are provided in Appendix A.
4.2.1 Calculation of the Optimal Suggestion. Minimal Hover Distance represents the distance
projected on the XY-plane between the Gripper Mover and the Current Target. When this distance
is smaller than the Minimal Hover Distance (see Figure 12 in the appendix), the Axis Wizard uses
a point above the Current Target for its calculations referred to as the Target Point, instead of
the Current Target’s position to prevent the robot from getting too close to the table, allowing for
proper gripper rotation. Then, a vector from the Gripper Mover’s position towards the Target Point
is calculated, normalized, and inversely rotated by the Gripper Mover’s rotation. This calculation
returns a unit vector pointing from the Gripper Mover toward the target point in the Gripper Mover’s
reference frame. This vector is then scaled by the Vel Trans value of the Kinova Jaco 2 to get a
translation of the size of the movement performed by the Kinova Jaco 2 during one frame.
Hover Height determines the height of the aforementioned point above the Current Target. If the
XY-projected distance between the Gripper Mover and the Current Target is smaller than the Minimal
Hover Distance, the Axis Wizard directly uses the Current Target’s position for its calculations
instead of the point above it.
To calculate the optimal suggestion’s Rotation, the Translation calculated in the rst step is
used as input for the Make Rot from X node. This node returns a rotator representing the rotation
required to make an object point toward the direction indicated by the input vector target point.
To mitigate an additional roll of Gripper Mover, the inverse value is added, keeping the Gripper
Mover’s orientation largely steady. Additionally, since only a small part of the rotation is performed
during one frame, the rotator is scaled down. The calculation for the Rotation, excluding edge cases,
is depicted in Figure 13 in the appendix.
4.2.2 Calculation of Gripper values. The Gripper value only depends on whether the target point
is within reach of the robotic ngers, either with or without additional movement (i.e. if the ngers
are almost close enough, there will be a movement towards the target point, otherwise the ngers
will engage without moving the gripper) and whether or not an object is currently being grasped
(i.e. if an object is grasped and the gripper is close to the target point, it suggests to open the ngers,
otherwise close them).
4.2.3 Calculation of the Adjustment Suggestion. The adjustment suggestion is calculated by rotating
the optimal suggestion’s Translation by 90°around the Y-Axis, keeping the same Rotation and setting
the Gripper value to 0. This results in a
mapping which moves roughly along the Gripper
Mover’s Z-Axis, or colloquially "up and down" between the ngers if the optimal suggestion is
seen as "forward and backward". As Rotation is kept the same between the optimal and adjustment
suggestions, the resulting movement keeps the ngers roughly facing the direction of the Current
The translation, rotation, and gripper suggestions use much simpler calculations. The translation
suggestion calculates a vector from the Gripper Mover towards the Current Target, inversely rotates
it by the Gripper Mover’s rotation to put it into the Gripper Mover’s reference frame and uses that
as the Translation value for the suggested Adaptive Axis. This vector is also what the rotation
suggestion uses to calculate a Rotator representing a rotation towards the Current Target. The
gripper suggestion checks whether an object is currently being grasped. If so, the suggestion is to
open the ngers (Gripper = -1). Otherwise, the suggestion is to close the ngers (Gripper = 1).
4.2.4 Aention Guidance in Threshold.Both the Continuous and Threshold approaches share the
same core calculation for
mappings. However, the Threshold approach has an additional task:
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determining whether the optimal suggestion signicantly diers from the currently active
mapping. This task is more related to visualization than the
mapping calculation itself and is
managed by the Gizmo object.
The Gizmo object contains a Realtime Threshold variable, which represents the threshold as
a value between 0 and 1. It also includes a function called Adaptive Axes Nearly Equal, which
determines whether two Adaptive Axes are nearly equal by checking if their dierence is below the
Realtime Threshold. The threshold value is chosen to be between 0 and 1 to align with a percentage of
dierence (see Section 3.1.3), providing a more intuitive understanding of the amount of dierence
compared to the cosine similarity value used as the basis for the dierence calculation.
As the Unreal Engine does not provide an arbitrarily sized vector structure, the calculations
required needed to be programmed manually rather than with built-in vector operations. Therefore,
two math expression nodes were dened, one calculating the dot product of two 7D vectors and
the other calculating the magnitude of a 7D vector. Using these, the cosine similarity between two
Adaptive Axes could be calculated in Unreal Blueprints (see Figure 14 in the appendix). To forego
the transformation of the cosine similarity into a percentage dierence, the Unreal Engine’s Nearly
Equal node was used to determine whether the cosine similarity was nearly equal to 1 meaning
the vectors align with a threshold of 2 * Realtime Threshold. The threshold needed to be multiplied
by 2as the range of the cosine similarity has a magnitude of 2. The result of this calculation is a
boolean value that is true if the dierence between the Adaptive Axes is below the threshold and
false otherwise.
The resulting value is then used by the Gizmo to show the arrow corresponding to the optimal
suggestion. It is also used to notify the Game Mode an object representing the game, keeping
track of study variables, etc. that the threshold was broken. This triggers an event that causes
a 1kHz sound to play and a haptic eect to occur on the motion controller. A reset variable is
used to prevent the sound from constantly triggering. However, there appears to be a specic
point during movement at which it is possible for users to stop their input and the software to get
caught in a loop of ring the event and resetting it, causing a constant sound and vibration. If users
continued their movement, the software stopped ring the event, seizing the sound and vibration.
Unfortunately, this was only noticed during the experiment, which is why the problem persists in
the current software version. Assuming Threshold is to be used in future research, a better solution
for a single re execution of the notication needs to be developed.
research, the leading factor impacting user experience is usually the chosen method of
(shared) control and the respective interfaces. Using frameworks like AdaptiX allows researchers
to tweak these variables toward high user satisfaction through methodological studies and experi-
However, like any simulation, AdaptiX only approximates reality and contains ingrained limita-
tions when working with the system and evaluating generated results.
5.1 Scenario Selection
In the initial version, AdaptiX provides only a single level, as seen in all screenshots of this
work. This scenario functions mainly as a model for simple tasks. As such, it lacks environment
interactions or varying backgrounds and is not designed for a specic assistive task.
This single level might need to be revised to represent the complete application range of assistive
shared control, which is why extensions are required. As such, AdaptiX’s modular design allows
the community to generate custom levels for their specic research interests eortlessly.
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AdaptiX A Transitional XR Framework for Assistive Robotics 244:17
5.2 Simulation Sickness caused by Head Mounted Display
s are a popular tool to create immersive virtual environments, frequently used in research and
industrial settings. However, using a
can create a signicant displacement between
the virtual object and the physical world through eects related to the resulting limited eld of
view, reduced depth perception, and distorted spatial cues.
For applications within the AdaptiX framework, these issues could result in users experiencing
motion sickness, disorientation, discomfort, and potentially decreased performance when interact-
ing with the simulated robotic arm or virtual objects. Researchers must consider these artifacts when
designing experiments, especially when developing studies including qualitative questionnaires or
when comparing dierent levels of MR continuum.
5.3 Simulation Environment
The simulation environment centers on the photogrammetry scan of an actual room that con-
tains a table with an attached virtual robotic arm. Compared to a 3D modeling of a room, the
photogrammetry does not provide a high resolution, leading to a partial blurred appearance.
AdaptiX does not provide a photo realistic virtual environment (yet). However, in our studies,
the slightly blurred appearance never seemed to have had a negative eect. On the contrary, it has
helped participants focus on the scene’s relevant parts (i.e. the robot and objects). Researchers and
developers are invited to create and evaluate a 3D modeled environment.
5.4 Simulated Robotic Arm
If controlled entirely in simulation, the robotic arm (as described in Section 4.1.1) does not move
identically to an actual Kinova Jaco 2 because of implementation decisions favoring physical
interactions over accurate per-joint robot actions. In most other cases, the individual joints are in
relatively realistic positions, even though they might not be identical to the underlying solution
provided by an inverse kinematic of the real robot.
Especially in the follow-me approach (see Section 3.3.1), it is possible to reach outside of the
mechanical range of the robotic arm. Due to the entirely physics-based connection, this results in
partially disconnected joints. However, this is only an issue of visualizing the robotic arm in the
simulation environment and does not aect the control or the TCP data recording.
Likewise, grasping simulated objects is based on a custom implementation, and grabbed objects
are rmly attached to the end eector. Care must be taken for objects that are in reality too
heavy for the gripper, have slippery surfaces, or have mechanical dimensions that make the object
unstable when held. Theoretically, this “ideal kind of grasping” allows the virtual robot to move
any arbitrarily large and heavy object. To address this, we added the object tag Graspable that
allows developers to dene permitted and by omission unpermitted objects.
5.5 Simulated Camera System
Although the simulated camera is based on manufacturer
les, comparison tests failed
to deliver completely identical data to the actual recording system. These variances stem from
environmental dierences between simulation and reality, as light or dust/other particles in the air
will cause eects in the produced image. However, these eects can be added in post-production or
if required activated in the framework. By default, the respective settings are disabled as they
would primarily introduce noise that not every developer might want.
On a technical level, the images generated by the virtual system dier slightly in terms of data
types. The virtual grayscale IR images consist of three identical color channels instead of a single
channel in reality. Also, the virtual
and color images include an additional fourth alpha channel,
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which is not used in our framework. The generated depth data format also diers, as the actual
camera system generates images as 16-bit unsigned integer, and the simulation provides them as
16-bit signed oats. The depth data generated by the framework is pixel-perfect, which ignores
various camera system eects that occur in reality by the calculation of depth using stereo-vision.
All these technical dierences are addressed within the framework through data transformation
and should not noticeably aect the output of AdaptiX. However, researchers and developers should
be aware of these adjustments for future developments and extension.
5.6 ROS Interface
interface connects the virtual with a real robot, each with its own environmentally-
determined set of limitations. This results in some logical inconsistencies while using the interface.
The obvious velocity limitations of the real system result in delayed execution if reality is to follow
the simulation. Therefore, the maximum velocity of the virtual robotic arm is set automatically to
the physical characteristics after enabling
. Also, as the virtual joints are not controlled by an
inverse kinematics (
) but instead based on physics, the interface sends only end eector poses to
the real robot, omitting individual joint poses. This may result in diering robot congurations,
with only the end eector point being aligned in some instances.
When sending pose data from the real robot to the virtual twin in simulation, most of these
restrictions do not apply. The simulated robot can move arbitrarily fast, and its conguration aligns
automatically with the real system. The only restriction is that, by default, no further information
about the natural environment is available, resulting in a relatively empty virtual environment if
relying purely on the ROS interface.
When designing expansions, developers also must be aware that
and Unreal Engine dier in
is based on a right-handed coordinate system, while the Unreal Engine uses a
left-handed approach. AdaptiX internally does the necessary transformation for the robotic arm but
will not automatically calculate this for other position and orientation data, e.g., obstacles. However,
researchers can mitigate this by applying the provided coordinate transformation methods of the
robotic arm to any further object.
The AdaptiX framework has been successfully used and adapted in three case studies evaluating
interaction concepts and multi-modal feedback with remote and laboratory-based focus groups.
6.1 Example Adaption 1: Adaptive Control of an Assistive Robot
In an initial study [
], the AdaptiX framework was used to explore the proposed
method with associated visual cues for various DoF mappings.
In particular, we analyzed how the novel adaptive control method proposed by Goldau and
performs in a 3D environment compared to the standard mode-switch approach with
mappings. They also investigated whether changes in the visual cues’ appearance
impact the performance of the adaptive control method. Three dierent types of control with
varying visual cues and methods of mapping DoFs were compared in a remote online study. These
included the Classic visualization, one based on Double Arrow using two arrows attached to the
gripper’s ngers, and a visually reduced variant Single Arrow, using only one arrow through the
middle of the gripper. See Figure 10 for a graphical comparison.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the study was conducted entirely in a
created by AdaptiX. Non-specic participants were recruited that had access to the required
hardware (an Oculus Quest VR-HMD) for an immersive experience.
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AdaptiX A Transitional XR Framework for Assistive Robotics 244:19
(a) Classic (b) Double Arrow (c) Single Arrow
Fig. 10. Evaluated interaction design and visualizations [32].
The participants repeatedly performed a simple pick-and-place task by controlling the virtual
Kinova Jaco 2 using one of the three control types. Comparative results established that adaptive
controls require signicantly fewer mode switches than the classic control methods. However, task
completion time and workload did not improve. Study participants also mentioned concerns about
the dynamically changing mapping of combined DoFs and the 2-DoF input device.
Framework contribution: AdaptiX demonstrated its eectiveness in this remote study to
evaluate new interaction designs and feedback techniques. The innovative advantage is that the
physical robotic device does not need to be present during these preliminary studies when testing
and evaluating essential design elements. The Record & Replay functionality of AdaptiX allowed
a remote analysis of participants data. This
approach signicantly increases the potential to
include end-users in the research and design process while at the same time decreasing cost, time
involvement, and accessibility concerns.
6.2 Example Adaption 2: Communicating Adaptive Control Recommendations
A follow-up study [
] evaluated two new adaptive control methods for an assistive robotic arm,
one of which involves a multi-modal approach for attention guiding of the user.
We used AdaptiX in a laboratory study to cross-validate the initial study’s ndings on how
participants interact with the environment. The adaptive system re-calculated the best combination
of DoFs to complete the task during movement. These calculations were presented to the user
as alternative control options for the current task. Users cycled through these suggestions by
pressing a button on the input device to make a suitable selection or continue moving with the
previous active DoFs (see Figure 11).
They contrasted the variants Continuous and Threshold, diering in the time at which suggestions
are communicated to the user, against a non-adaptive Classic control method. Possible eects on task
completion time, the number of necessary mode switches, perceived workload, and user opinions on
each control method were compared. Further, we establish that Continuous and Threshold performed
equally well in quantitative and qualitative insights. Consequently, both are promising approaches
to communicating proposed directional cues eectively.
Framework contribution: The integrated multi-modal feedback is an integral feature of Adap-
tiX, capable of supporting the system’s real-time suggestions by user attention guiding. Although
some participants experienced the combined visual-auditory-haptic multi-modal feedback as “irritat-
ing” [
], it eectively communicated updated suggestions. One application of virtual frameworks
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244:20 M. Pascher et al.
like AdaptiX might be the dierentiation between dierent modality types and corresponding
user preferences in an easy-to-set-up study. Highlighting the advantage of our framework, we
could evaluate our dierent visualizations and multi-modal feedback without implementing a
environment [46].
Based on the successful implementation of AdaptiX in this laboratory study, we are condent
that the framework performs well in remote and in-person studies.
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 11. Suggested control alternatives in light blue, visualized as in case study 2: (a) Moving forward and
downward towards the object, (b) Closing the fingers to grasp the object, and (c) Moving towards the target
Example Adaption 3: Comparing Input Devices for Controlling a Physical Robot in
Mixed Reality
A third study [
] highlights the
capability of the framework and the integration options with
dierent input devices. This study used the Varjo XR-3
to explore a similar interaction
design and feedback technique to our Threshold approach [
]. By incorporating this
the prototype mimics an
environment (see Section 3.2) to the user, seeing the physical setup
augmented by visual cues. Instead of a virtual pick-and-place task as before, this study combined a
physical object, a physical drop area, and a physical robotic arm with
cues delivered via the
Participants compared three assistive input techniques: 1) a head-based control by using the
deection of the head on the pitch axis for continuous input and on the roll axis for mode-switching,
2) a gamepad input by using the Xbox Adaptive Controller [
] extended with Logitech Adaptive
Gaming Kit [
] buttons for a discrete input, and 3) the control-stick of a Nintendo Joy-Con [
motion controller as a baseline to our previous study [46].
Framework contribution: With its real-world setting augmented by virtual cues, the research
moved closer to reality on the
-continuum than the previous two case studies. AdaptiX suc-
cessfully performed as an easy-to-use interface between the usage of a physical robot and virtual
communication via a XR-HMD.
It also allowed the research team to quickly evaluate the eciency of dierent input devices
with the potential to control the robotic arm along the adaptive
mapping. The standardized
User Input Adapter enables researchers to easily chose between dierent technologies supporting
continuous, discrete, and absolute user input and further extend it to their needs by its modular
Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact., Vol. 8, No. EICS, Article 244. Publication date: June 2024.
AdaptiX A Transitional XR Framework for Assistive Robotics 244:21
Integrating AdaptiX into
research can streamline the development and evaluation of new
interaction designs and feedback techniques for controlling assistive robotic arms. The framework
is advantageous in remote and in-person studies as its usage negates the need for a physical robotic
device during the initial ideation and prototyping stages, thus increasing exibility, accessibility,
and eciency.
An initial shared control concept by adaptive
mapping is provided and implemented to
support researchers and developers to either change, extend, or exchange methods with their ideas.
In studies using a physical robot, the integration of
bridges the gap to reality, by enabling
a bidirectional connection between virtual and physical robotic arm.
allows developers and
users to choose between a DigitalTwin and PhysicalTwin approach while interacting with AdaptiX.
Using AdaptiX, researchers benet from the entire continuum of
. As the simulated and real-
world environments of the robotic arm are perfectly aligned, nearly seamless switching between
controlling the real and virtual robot is possible. This functionality allows applications in pure
screen space,
, simultaneous simulation/reality, and pure reality. AdaptiX’s 3D teach-in
interface facilitates a code-less trajectory programming of an assistive robot by hand-guiding
the simulated or real robot to the specic location and saving the position and orientation of
the tool center point. These waypoints are interpolated to a combined movement trajectory. The
framework’s recording/replaying system is entirely customizable. It includes options to change
details during replay, such as repositioning cameras or re-rendering background scenes. A fully
integrated recording of participants interacting with the robot is possible, which can be analyzed
afterward to evaluate the specic research variables.
Taken together, AdaptiX is a free and open-source tool that enables
researchers to test and
evaluate their shared control concepts for assistive robotic devices in a high-resolution virtual
environment. The cited case studies clearly demonstrate the benets researchers and developers
can draw from using the framework. The near-endless customization options allow users to tweak
the initial version to their specic research needs, resulting in practically tailor-made environments.
7.1 Framework Extensions
We invite the community to extend the AdaptiX framework based on their requirements needs by
creating custom levels/scenarios and integrating new interfaces. AdaptiX can be accessed free-of-
charge at Refer to the README provided in the repository for a
detailed description of how to implement experiments in AdaptiX.
This research is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, FKZ:
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244:26 M. Pascher et al.
Fig. 12. Calculation of the translation for the Optimal Suggestion: Excerpt of Blueprint code calculating the
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an object.
Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact., Vol. 8, No. EICS, Article 244. Publication date: June 2024.
AdaptiX A Transitional XR Framework for Assistive Robotics 244:27
Fig. 13. Calculation of the Rotation for the Optimal Suggestion: Excerpt of Blueprint code calculating the
Rotation value of the Adaptive Axis for the Optimal Suggestion. Not pictured: Edge case handling.
Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact., Vol. 8, No. EICS, Article 244. Publication date: June 2024.
244:28 M. Pascher et al.
Fig. 14. Adaptive Axes Nearly Equal function to prepare the multi-modal aention guiding of the user.
Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact., Vol. 8, No. EICS, Article 244. Publication date: June 2024.
... Introduced by Goldau & Frese, this strategy enhances support for ADLs, outperforming traditional controls by using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to select optimal DoFs from real-time environmental feeds [12]. Further research by Pascher et al. demonstrated a reduction in mode switching, indicating a notable improvement over standard controls [13], [14], [15] and explored different input devices for this adaptive control [16]. Goldau & Frese also confirmed the adaptive approach's advantages through heuristic behavior studies in a laboratory setting [17]. ...
... Conversely, for users with certain degrees of impairment, only minor adjustments to the users' otherwise manual control input [34] can pose significant challenges [21], [35]. Shared control provides a middle ground by integrating manual user operation through standard input devices with algorithmic software assistance to adjust the resulting motion [13]. This approach effectively mitigates concerns associated with purely autonomous systems and manual controls [36]. ...
... Pascher et al.'s Adaptive DoF Mapping Control (ADMC) concept draws inspiration from Goldau & Frese's approach but extends it to three dimensions [13]. This extension increases the potential DoFs, enabling a more precise realization of ADLs. ...
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Shared control in assistive robotics blends human autonomy with computer assistance, thus simplifying complex tasks for individuals with physical impairments. This study assesses an adaptive Degrees of Freedom control method specifically tailored for individuals with upper limb impairments. It employs a between-subjects analysis with 24 participants, conducting 81 trials across three distinct input devices in a realistic everyday-task setting. Given the diverse capabilities of the vulnerable target demographic and the known challenges in statistical comparisons due to individual differences, the study focuses primarily on subjective qualitative data. The results reveal consistently high success rates in trial completions, irrespective of the input device used. Participants appreciated their involvement in the research process, displayed a positive outlook, and quick adaptability to the control system. Notably, each participant effectively managed the given task within a short time frame.
... Introduced by Goldau & Frese, this strategy enhances support for ADLs, outperforming traditional controls by using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to select optimal DoFs from real-time environmental feeds [12]. Further research by Pascher et al. demonstrated a reduction in mode switching, indicating a notable improvement over standard controls [13], [14], [15] and explored different input devices for this adaptive control [16]. Goldau & Frese also confirmed the adaptive approach's advantages through heuristic behavior studies in a laboratory setting [17]. ...
... Conversely, for users with certain degrees of impairment, only minor adjustments to the users' otherwise manual control input [34] can pose significant challenges [21], [35]. Shared control provides a middle ground by integrating manual user operation through standard input devices with algorithmic software assistance to adjust the resulting motion [13]. This approach effectively mitigates concerns associated with purely autonomous systems and manual controls [36]. ...
... Pascher et al.'s Adaptive DoF Mapping Control (ADMC) concept draws inspiration from Goldau & Frese's approach but extends it to three dimensions [13]. This extension increases the potential DoFs, enabling a more precise realization of ADLs. ...
Full-text available
Shared control in assistive robotics blends human autonomy with computer assistance, thus simplifying complex tasks for individuals with physical impairments. This study assesses an adaptive Degrees of Freedom control method specifically tailored for individuals with upper limb impairments. It employs a between-subjects analysis with 24 participants, conducting 81 trials across three distinct input devices in a realistic everyday-task setting. Given the diverse capabilities of the vulnerable target demographic and the known challenges in statistical comparisons due to individual differences, the study focuses primarily on subjective qualitative data. The results reveal consistently high success rates in trial completions, irrespective of the input device used. Participants appreciated their involvement in the research process, displayed a positive outlook, and quick adaptability to the control system. Notably, each participant effectively managed the given task within a short time frame.
... Other imaginable alternatives are purely virtual off-site studies (e.g. [27]), purely ethnographic studies where researchers travel to users' homes without equipment (e.g. [26]), or expensive and complicated evaluations where researchers visit users' homes and bring along equipment such as robots (e.g. ...
Full-text available
User-centered evaluations are a core requirement in the development of new user related technologies. However, it is often difficult to recruit sufficient participants, especially if the target population is small, particularly busy, or in some way restricted in their mobility. We bypassed these problems by conducting studies on trade fairs that were specifically designed for our target population (potentially care-receiving individuals in wheelchairs) and therefore provided our users with external incentive to attend our study. This paper presents our gathered experiences, including methodological specifications and lessons learned, and is aimed to guide other researchers with conducting similar studies. In addition, we also discuss chances generated by this unconventional study environment as well as its limitations.
... The analysis revealed: (1) participants' desire for alone-time without caregiver assistance; (2) their wariness about fully autonomous robots' failures; (3) their desire to always be in control of robotics aids; and (4) most participants only have access to 1 or 2 degrees-offreedom (DoFs) to control a robot arm. Thus, we developed a sharedcontrol approach [23] to allow users to interact with a robotic arm for everyday tasks (e.g., picking up an object, opening a door) [25]. The approach utilizes a convolutional neural network to perceive the visual scene and suggest input mappings, thereby reducing the control complexity of a 7-DoFs robot arm to 2 input-DoFs. ...
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Despite the growth of physically assistive robotics (PAR) research over the last decade, nearly half of PAR user studies do not involve participants with the target disabilities. There are several reasons for this-recruitment challenges, small sample sizes, and transportation logistics-all influenced by systemic barriers that people with disabilities face. However, it is well-established that working with end-users results in technology that better addresses their needs and integrates with their lived circumstances. In this paper, we reflect on multiple approaches we have taken to working with people with motor impairments across the design, development, and evaluation of three PAR projects: (a) assistive feeding with a robot arm; (b) assistive teleoperation with a mobile manipulator; and (c) shared control with a robot arm. We discuss these approaches to working with users along three dimensions-individual-vs. community-level insight, logistic burden on end-users vs. researchers, and benefit to researchers vs. community-and share recommendations for how other PAR researchers can incorporate users into their work.
... To counter that, shared-control (or traded-control) systems aim to strike a balance between autonomous robot behavior and manual user control (Erdogan and Argall, 2017;Pascher et al., 2023bPascher et al., , 2024. Due to the lack of clear definitions of these terms, Abbink et al. (2018) introduced a topology of shared control systems and axioms for the design and evaluation thereof, unifying varying shared control concepts and definitions under one common framework. ...
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In a rapidly evolving digital landscape autonomous tools and robots are becoming commonplace. Recognizing the significance of this development, this paper explores the integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) like Generative pre-trained transformer (GPT) into human-robot teaming environments to facilitate variable autonomy through the means of verbal human-robot communication. In this paper, we introduce a novel simulation framework for such a GPT-powered multi-robot testbed environment, based on a Unity Virtual Reality (VR) setting. This system allows users to interact with simulated robot agents through natural language, each powered by individual GPT cores. By means of OpenAI's function calling, we bridge the gap between un-structured natural language input and structured robot actions. A user study with 12 participants explores the effectiveness of GPT-4 and, more importantly, user strategies when being given the opportunity to converse in natural language within a simulated multi-robot environment. Our findings suggest that users may have preconceived expectations on how to converse with robots and seldom try to explore the actual language and cognitive capabilities of their simulated robot collaborators. Still, those users who did explore where able to benefit from a much more natural flow of communication and human-like back-and-forth. We provide a set of lessons learned for future research and technical implementations of similar systems.
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Robotic arms, integral in domestic care for individuals with motor impairments, enable them to perform Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) independently, reducing dependence on human caregivers. These collaborative robots require users to manage multiple Degrees-of-Freedom (DoFs) for tasks like grasping and manipulating objects. Conventional input devices, typically limited to two DoFs, necessitate frequent and complex mode switches to control individual DoFs. Modern adaptive controls with feed-forward multi-modal feedback reduce the overall task completion time, number of mode switches, and cognitive load. Despite the variety of input devices available, their effectiveness in adaptive settings with assistive robotics has yet to be thoroughly assessed. This study explores three different input devices by integrating them into an established XR framework for assistive robotics, evaluating them and providing empirical insights through a preliminary study for future developments.
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Robotic arms, integral in domestic care for individuals with motor impairments, enable them to perform Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) independently, reducing dependence on human caregivers. These collaborative robots require users to manage multiple Degrees-of-Freedom (DoFs) for tasks like grasping and manipulating objects. Conventional input devices, typically limited to two DoFs, necessitate frequent and complex mode switches to control individual DoFs. Modern adaptive controls with feed-forward multi-modal feedback reduce the overall task completion time, number of mode switches, and cognitive load. Despite the variety of input devices available, their effectiveness in adaptive settings with assistive robotics has yet to be thoroughly assessed. This study explores three different input devices by integrating them into an established XR framework for assistive robotics, evaluating them and providing empirical insights through a preliminary study for future developments.
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Robotic solutions, in particular robotic arms, are becoming more frequently deployed for close collaboration with humans, for example in manufacturing or domestic care environments. These robotic arms require the user to control several Degrees-of-Freedom (DoFs) to perform tasks, primarily involving grasping and manipulating objects. Standard input devices predominantly have two DoFs, requiring time-consuming and cognitively demanding mode switches to select individual DoFs. Contemporary Adaptive DoF Mapping Controls (ADMCs) have shown to decrease the necessary number of mode switches but were up to now not able to significantly reduce the perceived workload. Users still bear the mental workload of incorporating abstract mode switching into their workflow. We address this by providing feed-forward multimodal feedback using updated recommendations of ADMC, allowing users to visually compare the current and the suggested mapping in real-time. We contrast the effectiveness of two new approaches that a) continuously recommend updated DoF combinations or b) use discrete thresholds between current robot movements and new recommendations. Both are compared in a Virtual Reality (VR) in-person study against a classic control method. Significant results for lowered task completion time, fewer mode switches, and reduced perceived workload conclusively establish that in combination with feedforward, ADMC methods can indeed outperform classic mode switching. A lack of apparent quantitative differences between Continuous and Threshold reveals the importance of user-centered customization options. Including these implications in the development process will improve usability, which is essential for successfully implementing robotic technologies with high user acceptance.
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We present a new typology for classifying signals from robots when they communicate with humans. For inspiration, we use ethology, the study of animal behaviour and previous efforts from literature as guides in defining the typology. The typology is based on communicative signals that consist of five properties: the origin where the signal comes from, the deliberateness of the signal, the signal's reference, the genuineness of the signal, and its clarity (i.e. how implicit or explicit it is). Using the accompanying worksheet, the typology is straightforward to use to examine communicative signals from previous human-robot interactions and provides guidance for designers to use the typology when designing new robot behaviours.