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The Effective of Block Play and Pretend Play in Early Childhood Development



Cognitive, social, as well as affective development are significantly influenced by early childhood development. This study investigates how block play and pretend play independently or jointly influence the development of young children. The positive effects of block play and pretend play on early childhood development include language and communication skills, problem-solving abilities, social skills, and emotional regulation. In addition, research indicates that children who engage in block play later demonstrate superior academic achievement. It has been discovered that playing with blocks improves spatial reasoning, problem-solving, and creativity. Children gain a deeper comprehension of fundamental concepts, such as shape, size, and measurement, through block play. In this paper, the author discussed that block play and pretend play should be emphasised in the toddler years so as to promote the development of young children. This paper provides parents, educators, and policymakers with insights for fostering childrens cognition, sociability, and emotion through play-based learning environments.
The Effective of Block Play and Pretend Play in Early
Childhood Development
Jiabin Lyu1,a,*
1Morey House, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, EH8 9JU, The United Kingdom
*corresponding author
Abstract: Cognitive, social, as well as affective development are significantly influenced by
early childhood development. This study investigates how block play and pretend play
independently or jointly influence the development of young children. The positive effects of
block play and pretend play on early childhood development include language and
communication skills, problem-solving abilities, social skills, and emotional regulation. In
addition, research indicates that children who engage in block play later demonstrate superior
academic achievement. It has been discovered that playing with blocks improves spatial
reasoning, problem-solving, and creativity. Children gain a deeper comprehension of
fundamental concepts, such as shape, size, and measurement, through block play. In this
paper, the author discussed that block play and pretend play should be emphasised in the
toddler years so as to promote the development of young children. This paper provides
parents, educators, and policymakers with insights for fostering childrens cognition,
sociability, and emotion through play-based learning environments.
Keywords: block play, pretend play, early childhood development, cognitive skills, social
1. Introduction
During early childhood, children learn and discover from their everyday experiences. Whether at
home with their family or at a learning center with their peers, children constantly expand their
worldviews and develop new skills through various forms of play. In particular, free play time is
essential for young childrens early year development. Prior study demonstrated that children obtain
knowledge most effortlessly though play with various settings [1]. After being exposed to ample
opportunities for exploration and playing in different areas, children can learn and grow in a fun and
engaging way. Play is an integral aspect of appropriate childcare and take on a vital role in the
promotion of cognitive, emotional, social, and physical behaviors in children [2]. Vygotskys
sociocultural theory argues that children learn through play; when children play, their cognitive and
social skills are built upon each other [3].
Block play, as known as, construction play, is a common activity in early childhood classrooms
[4]. Block play can help children express their ideas and encourage divergent thinking. Block play
provides children with numerous opportunities for learning and skills development. Previous research
has demonstrated that block play is an effective way for early children to acquire foundational
cognitive knowledge in a variety of domains, including language, mathematics, and science [5].
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Innovation and Philosophical Inquiries
DOI: 10.54254/2753-7048/16/20231138
© 2023 The Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
Young children acquire a deeper understanding of the world through the hands-on exploration and
development of fundamental skills afforded by playing with blocks.
When engaged in block play, children also learn essential skills such as sharing blocks or ideas
with their peers, developing their mathematical abilities, and expressing their feelings in positive
ways [6]. It is undeniable that the act of creating and designing structures using blocks holds the
capacity to offer a setting for multifaceted learning scenarios. Additionally, block play can promote
problem-solving skills in children as they use their minds and try different approaches to achieve their
goals [7]. These skills are critical to building positive relationships with peers and developing
empathy and social competence, also helping children to build essential real-life skills [8].
2. Block play
2.1. The Effects of Block Play on Social-emotional Development
Block play promotes socialization, verbal communication, and encourages collaborative play,
providing children with a chance to share ideas with their peers and cooperate with another [9,10].
Sharing blocks or ideas with peers is an essential aspect of block play that fosters social and emotional
development. Children learn to communicate and collaborate to achieve a common goal [4]. When
children are building blocks, they must communicate their ideas and plans to their peers to ensure
that everyone is on the same page. This effort for synchronicity also provides young children valuable
chances to build and improve their mental images of objects and items [8]. In this case, in order to
cooperate well, children develop the ability to express their thinking clearly, listen actively to others,
and provide feedback in a constructive and respectful manner.
Taking turns is another crucial skill that children through block play. As children work together to
build structures, they must learn to wait patiently for their turn to contribute and respect the
contributions of their peers. They learn to appreciate the unique ideas and approaches that their peers
bring to the building process and to incorporate them into their own ideas. It will help children to
develop self-control and explore a sense of teamwork and collaboration which will serve them well
throughout their lives. Furthermore, self-regulation skills improve through block play. By waiting
patiently for their turn, children learn to control their impulses and delay gratification, which are
essential skills for success in many areas of lie including school and work.
Block play offers children a rich environment for learning and developing important skills. By
collaborating with peers, communicating effectively, taking turns, and working together to achieve a
common goal, children develop the social and emotional competencies that are significant for
successes in school and beyond.
2.2. The Effects of Block Play on Mathematic Skills
Moreover, block play is an effective approach with which children can develop their mathematical
abilities as it provides them with hands-on and interactive experiences that enable them to explore
and experiment with mathematical concepts in a fun and engaging manner. The engagement in block
play has the potential to foster the development of logical thinking, problem-solved skills, and provide
learning opportunities on mathematical skills, including but not limited to sorting, counting,
classifying, and identifying shapes. The activity of block play serves to enhance early childhood
development, and it provides fundamental experiences that can facilitate future learning in the
domains of mathematics and literacy as well [11]. These early math skills form the foundation for
more complex mathematical concepts that children will encounter later in their education.
Counting and measuring are essential math skills that children develop through block play. For
example, children can count the number of blocks they have and compare quantities using
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Innovation and Philosophical Inquiries
DOI: 10.54254/2753-7048/16/20231138
comparative language such as more and less, as well as use blocks to measure distances or heights
and compare the relative sizes of various objects by using tall, short, big, and small [9].
Sorting blocks helps develop childrens sorting skills by classifying blocks by various attributes,
such as size, shape, and color. Sorting blocks helps children develop their categorization skills which
are essential for understanding mathematical concepts such as patterns and sets, and also helps
develop childrens visual discrimination skills.
In addition, block play promotes spatial awareness. Cohen and Janet showed that block play and
Lego activities play an important role in childrens spatial skills [12]. Children learn spatial
vocabulary such as in front of, on top of, and underneath through interactions with caregivers
or parents during block play [9]. These words can help children better understand their environment.
Spatial awareness enables children to locate objects and is useful not only for block play, but also for
navigating their living environment. For example, at the end of independent play time, children are
expected to sort and put blocks back in their place based on their shape and size. This activity not
only promotes the development of childrens sorting, measuring, and categorizing skills, but also
fosters the quality of responsibility.
Additionally, when kids participate in block play, the teacher played a crucial role in supporting
and enhancing childrens learning by providing scaffolding strategies. The strategies implemented in
this context aimed to enhance and broaden childrens language proficiency, while simultaneously
fostering opportunities for socialization. This was achieved through facilitating effective
communication between peers and modeling appropriate conversational techniques during one-on-
one interactions [13], ultimately contributing to the young children s growth of oral skills. The
teachers commitment to consistency in the block play area allow him/her to create a learning
atmosphere with safety and support for the children. By capitalizing on their prior knowledge and
experiences, the teacher is able to tailor his/her approach to meet each childs unique needs, further
promoting their individual growth and development.
2.3. Effects of Block Play on Problem-solving Skills
When children participate in block play, they often encounter situations where they must negotiate
and collaborate to achieve their building goals [6]. For example, one child may want to build a tall
tower, while another may want to create a wide bridge. In such cases, children must learn to work
together to find a solution that meets both of their needs. This requires them to develop problem-
solving skills, for example identifying the issues, brainstorming possible solutions, evaluation of each
solution, and choosing the optimal one.
As children negotiate and collaborate during block play, they develop important social and
emotional skills that will serve them well throughout their lives. These competencies range from
communication with efficiency, listening with active attitude and capability towards problem-solving.
Moreover, by working together to achieve a common goal, children develop a sense of teamwork and
a positive attitude towards cooperation that will help them succeed in school, work, and life.
Furthermore, block play provides children with a platform to express their feelings and emotions
in positive ways. Children can use blocks to create stories, scenarios, and representations of their
experiences and emotions, permitting them to discover and manipulate their feelings in a safe and
creative way.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Innovation and Philosophical Inquiries
DOI: 10.54254/2753-7048/16/20231138
3. Pretend Play
3.1. Influences of Pretend Play on Early Childhood Development
Pretend play refers to a kind of play where children create imaginary scenarios and play roles or
situations. It is an essential component of early childhood development, and Bergen indicates that
pretend play has a significant influence on childrens development [14].
A major benefit of pretend play is that it promotes a childs cognitive development. According to
Lillard et al., pretend play allows children to engage in complex problem-solving tasks, which in turn
enhances their cognitive flexibility [11]. This flexibility enables children to adapt to new and
challenging situations and proves vital to success in both future academic and personal life.
Furthermore, pretend play was revealed to increase young childrens creativity and imagination,
which are major features of a childs cognitive development. Park maintained that pretend play leads
to real life learning [15]. The capacity to use imagination is a cognitive ability that individuals rely
on throughout their lives. Consequently, it is imperative to develop this skill in young children from
an early age. Encouraging and fostering imaginative play during early childhood is crucial in
developing and training cognitive ability, enabling children to explore their creativity and developing
crucial problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
Pretend play also takes on a crucial role in young childrens social-emotion development. Jaggy
et al., [16] indicated that actively encouraging and promoting the quality of childrens social pretend
play is positively related to their social behavior and peer relations. By participating in pretend play,
children engage in interactive conversations and friendly negotiation which assist to develop
childrens communication and social skills.
3.2. Correlation Between Block Play and Pretend Play
Block play and pretend play are both playing essential roles in early childhood cognitive and social
development, and these two types of play are often intertwined. As discussed earlier, during block
play, children are presented with opportunities to explore spatial relationships, experiment with
balance and symmetry, and develop their problem-solving skills.
Pretend play, on the other hand, involves the transformation of objects and actions symbolically,
and encourages children to engage in imaginative play scenarios. Pretend play offers children the
opportunity to develop their communication and social skills through interactive dialogue and
negotiation, role-taking, script knowledge, and improvisation [14].
The connection between block play and pretend play is that they both involve the use of creative
imagination and problem-solving skills. For instance, during pretend play, children may build a
fictitious structure with blocks, while during block play, children may utilize their imagination to
create a structure that reflects a story or scenario they have formulated mentally. Both block play and
pretend play are effective methods for children to develop their imagination. Through these activities,
children not only enhance their problem-solving abilities, but also their social interaction skills,
fostering their overall cognitive, emotional, and social development.
4. Suggestion
In terms of future discussion, it is essential to continue researching the long-term effects of pretend
play and block play on a childs development. This paper has the potential to help parents, educators,
and policy makers understand the important role that play-based learning plays in the context of early
childhood education. The insights gained from this paper can help practitioners (educators) and
parents make choices that are beneficial to childrens development when implementing play.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Innovation and Philosophical Inquiries
DOI: 10.54254/2753-7048/16/20231138
Additionally, future research should be investigated on how technology can be used to enhance
pretend play and block play in early-year education. While technology-based toys and tools have their
advantages, it is necessary to investigate their effects on young childrens cognitive, social, and
physical development. And the present study regard it equally important to compare the effectiveness
of technology-based play interventions with traditional play-based programs. Moreover, researching
the impact of modern technology on early childhood education is crucial due to its increasing
prevalence in daily lives. It is essential to explore how technology can enhance childrens learning
and development, especially in traditional forms of play like block play and pretend play.
Incorporating augmented or virtual reality into block play could provide a more immersive and
interactive experience, while digital tools like storytelling apps and animation software could boost
childrens creativity and imagination.
However, the potential risks and disadvantages of technology usage in early childhood education
should also be considered. Screen time can negatively impact the physical, social, and cognitive
development of children. Therefore, research should concentrate on strategies for achieving a balance
between the use of technology and other forms of play and learning.
In conclusion, investigating the impact of modern technology on early childhood education,
including block play and pretend play, is crucial. Understanding both the benefits and drawbacks of
using technology in this context will ensure its rational and sustainable usage, supporting childrens
learning and development.
5. Conclusion
Overall, the effects of pretend play and block play are significant and far-reaching in early childhood
development. As discussed in the earlier chapters, both forms of play can enhance childrens
cognitive and social- emotional development. Pretend play provides kids with opportunities to
develop their creativity, imagination, and problem-solving skills, while block play helps them develop
their spatial awareness and mathematical concepts. Furthermore, pretend play and block play have
been shown to promote social skills such as cooperation, communication, and negotiation. These
skills, in general, are crucial for success in school, relationships and life for young children. Therefore,
it is important for parents, educators, and caregivers to encourage and facilitate both forms of play in
early year childhood.
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Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Innovation and Philosophical Inquiries
DOI: 10.54254/2753-7048/16/20231138
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This controlled intervention study with a pre-test, post-test, and follow-up design investigated whether promoting children's social pretend play quality fosters their social development. Twenty-seven Swiss playgroups (N = 211 children, age: M = 43.3 months, SD = 6.5, with a median of 7 children per group) were randomly assigned to one of three experimental conditions: Play tutoring, provision of role play material, or control. Standardized tests and educator questionnaires were used to assess children's social pretend play competence and social-cognitive, emotional and social skills as well as their peer relationship quality. Latent change models indicated that children's social pretend play competence, behavioral skills, and positive peer relationships as reported by their educators increased most strongly for children in the play tutoring condition. No significant intervention effects emerged regarding children's social-cognitive or emotional skills. The results show that actively promoting children's social pretend play quality also fosters their social behavior and peer relationships.
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Programmable robotics is recently used in early childhood education (ECE) to introduce programming and computational thinking (CT) skills. However, there is a further need for research to contrast the efficacy of children's participation in robot programming and traditionally beneficial ECE activities. The present study thus investigated the effects of a robot programming intervention versus a block play program on kindergarteners' CT, sequencing ability, and self‐regulation. The experiment (robot programming) versus comparison (block play) condition was randomly assigned to four kindergarten classes, which included 101 kindergarteners (M = 64.78 months, SD = 7.64). Statistical analyses revealed that the robot programming group (N = 54) had experienced greater gains over time in sequencing ability relative to those in the block play group (N = 47; F = 5.09, p < 0.05). Children in the robot programming group with lower level of self‐regulation at baseline showed larger improvements in sequencing ability over time relative to the block play group (F = 2.37, p = 0.01). Also, children in the robot programming group with older age showed larger improvements in CT over time relative to the block play group (F = 2.40, p < 0.01). The study demonstrates the positive benefits of robot programming to early childhood development in terms of CT and sequencing ability, compared to a traditional curriculum activity in ECE—block play. Practitioner notes What is already known about this topic Screen‐free robot programming can enhance preschool children's computational thinking (CT). Block play can enhance preschool children's mathematics and executive functioning. Both robot programming and block play are engaging for preschool children. What this paper adds An unplugged CT assessment is used to measure and compare the effects of both robot programming and block play interventions among preschool children. Robot programming outperforms block play in promoting children's school readiness skills such as sequencing ability. Children with lower self‐regulation skills benefited more from the robot programming intervention. Implications for practice and/or policy Robot programming and CT education should be expanded in diverse early childhood settings to boost the positive effects. Technology‐enhanced curricula should be integrated into early childhood education. Teachers should receive training on robot programming in addition to more traditional skills such as scaffolding children's block play.
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Implementing a play-based curriculum presents challenges for pre-service and in-service teachers given the current climate of standards and didactic pedagogies. This study highlights the value of playful learning and its rightful place in early childhood classrooms for children of all ages. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the use of spatial words with children aged between three and nine years. The benefits of the use of spatial words in a playful venue to advocate block play for not only preschool children, but elementary-school-age children were examined. This article suggest that industry and academia need to collaborate to provide play venues for children, and unit blocks need to be brought back into early childhood programmes.
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This paper reviews the literature to examine the themes that aims to find the association of pretend play with creativity and how pretend play is predictive of later life creativity. The developmental trends and issues of the play and creativity are also examined to find if any age and gender differences are there in developmental patterns of creativity through pretend play. The review of literature made it clear that pretend play uses cognitive processes that are involved in creative thinking. So pretend play is a predictor of creativity. Results of studies till date also indicated that creativity though develops in continuum has periods of lags and spurts throughout the childhood to adolescence. Gender differences have also been found in girls and boys play behaviors as girls are found to be engaged more in realistic role-playing than boys of their age in preschools. Later girls are found to excel boys in verbal and fluency tasks of creativity in early adolescence. Keywords: Pretend play, Creativity, Cognitive Processes, Developmental patterns, Gender differences and Review
The current study investigated the extent to which a semi-structured block play intervention supported growth in mathematics and executive functioning for preschool children using a randomized controlled design. A secondary aim was to explore whether differential intervention effects emerged for children from various socioeconomic backgrounds, indicated by parental education level. Participants included59 preschool children. Children ranged in age from 38 to 69 months (M = 55.20, SD = 7.17), and 56% were female. Results from regression models indicated that, although not statistically significant, children who participated in the intervention demonstrated greater gains in three mathematics skills (numeracy, shape recognition, and mathematical language) and two indicators of executive functioning (cognitive flexibility and a measure of global executive functioning) compared to children in a control group. Further, three significant interactions were found, suggesting that for numeracy, cognitive flexibility, and global executive functioning, children of parents with low educational attainment benefited the most from intervention participation. These findings provide preliminary evidence for the effectiveness of a semi-structured block play intervention for improving children’s school readiness and have implications for including intentional instruction using blocks in preschool classrooms.
Pretend play appears to be an evolved behavior because it is universal and appears on a set schedule. However, no specific functions have been determined for pretend play and empirical tests for its functions in humans are elusive. Yet animal play fighting can serve as an analog, as both activities involve as-if, metacommunicative signaling and symbolism. In the rat and some other animals, adaptive functions of play fighting include assisting social behavior and emotion regulation. Research is presented suggesting that pretend play might serve similar functions for humans.
Block play has been included in early childhood classrooms for over a century, yet few studies have examined its effects on learning. Several previous investigations indicate that the complexity of block building is associated with math ability, but these studies were often conducted in adult-guided, laboratory settings. In the present investigation, the relationship of block play variables to both the complexity of block structures and math learning was studied in naturalistic free play settings. A total of 41 preschool children were videorecorded playing with blocks. Time in blocks, number of structures built, levels of social participation, frequency of teacher interactions, percentage of buildings without replica play toys, and structure complexity were coded. Findings indicated that level of social participation and percentage of structures built without toys predicted the complexity of children’s buildings. This building complexity was, in turn, associated with growth in math learning, as measured by Tools for Early Assessment in Mathematics. Based on these findings, a path model was constructed to hypothesize causal relationships between block play features, structure complexity, and math learning.
A decade ago I wrote an article entitled Technology as play in which I called for early childhood educators to rethink the way in which they regard play. This involved not only incorporating the notion of playing with new technologies but also critiqued the essence of what constituted play and the link with learning that was viewed uncritically. Here, I review and update this discussion, revisit the literature about how play is conceptualised and suggest that, while play is an essential component of exemplary early childhood experiences, it needs to be related to new technologies and pedagogical practices that are designed to support learning in diverse ways, rather than being regarded as the only catalyst for learning that occurs automatically in all types of play contexts.
This chapter examines the role of mathematics in children's play and the role of play in early mathematics education. The confluence of environment and biology guarantees that virtually all children acquire major aspects of everyday mathematics (EM). Children's EM is ubiquitous, often competent, and more complex than usually assumed. It involves activities as diverse as perceiving which of two plates of cookies has "more" and reflecting on the issue of what is the largest number. It should therefore come as no surprise that EM is a significant aspect of children's play. Children use informal skills and ideas relating to number, shape, and pattern as they play with blocks or read storybooks. Indeed, EM provides the cognitive foundation for a good deal of play, as well as for other aspects of the child's life. Even more remarkably, spontaneous play may entail explicit mathematical content: young children can enjoy explorations of number and pattern as much as messing around with clay.
This study examined Vygotsky's theoretical notion that play creates the zone of proximal development by investigating the effects of peer interaction within the context of constructive play with blocks. The authors used the Play Observation Scale (Rubin, 1989) to observe 100 four-year-olds in naturalistic settings. Forty-eight children were selected from the original sample for participation in play sessions in a laboratory setting. Sample selection was based on gender, unfamiliarity, and play level displayed during the sample selection process. Data collected were examined in terms of block play, communication, and peer collaboration. Results of an overall MANOVA conducted for boys and girls found a significant interaction between treatment (play level) and gender. Follow-up MANOVAs were significant for girls, but not for boys. Subsequent univariate tests found significant differences in block play for girls in treatment groups. A pairwise MANOVA found that girls who display fewer play skills engage in more complex play when paired with more skilled or mature peers. Results of a second pairwise MANOVA established that girls who have more complex play skills display even more complex play behavior during play with less-skilled playmates. In addition, they assume a leadership role. Results of this study indicate that the play skills of peers affect the play of preschool girls but not that of preschool boys. These findings have implications for practice for both boys and girls.