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The role of shopping lifestyle in mediating store atmosphere towards impulse buying


Abstract and Figures

This study aims to analyze the effect of store atmosphere on shopping lifestyle, analyze the influence of store atmosphere on impulse buying, analyze the influence of shopping lifestyle on impulse buying, and analyze the role of shopping lifestyle in mediating the relationship between store atmosphere and impulse buying at Suzuya, Langsa City. The population is all consumers of Suzuya Kota Langsa and the sample is 97 respondents. The sample technique uses accidental sampling. Data analysis method using PLS-SEM. The results show that store atmosphere has a positive and significant effect on shopping lifestyle, store atmosphere has a positive and insignificant effect on impulse buying, shopping lifestyle has a positive and significant effect on impulse buying and shopping lifestyle can play a role in mediating the effect of store atmosphere on impulse buying at Suzuya, Langsa City. This research is expected: Suzuya Kota Langsa should add a marketing program to increase customers, and Suzuya Kota Langsa needs to pay special attention when customers start to get confused in the store, because customer convenience is basically the main thing
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Insight Management Journal, 3 (3) (2023) 232-238
ISSN 2774-1737
Insight Management Journal
Volume 3, Issue 3, May 2023, pages 232-238
The role of shopping lifestyle in mediating store atmosphere towards impulse buying
Tengku Putri Lindung Bulan, Riny Chandra
Universitas Samudra, Langsa, Indonesia
Article info A b s t r a k
Received [18-04-2023]
Revised [06-05-2023]
Accepted [29-05-2023]
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh store atmosphere terhadap shopping
lifestyle, menganalisa pengaruh store atmosphere terhadap impulse buying, menganalisa
pengaruh shopping lifestyle terhadap impulse buying, d an menganalisa peran shopping
lifestyle dalam memediasi hubungan store atmosphere terhadap impulse buying pada Suzuya
Kota Langsa. Populasinya adalah seluruh konsumen Suzuya Kot a Langsa dan sampel
berjumlah 97 responden. Teknik sampel menggunakan accidental sampling. Metod e analisa
data menggunakan PLS-SEM. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa store atmosphere berpengaruh
positif d an signifikan terhadap shopping lifestyle, store atmosphere berpengaruh positif dan
tidak signifikan terhadap impulse buying, shopping lifestyle berpengaruh pos itif dan
signifikan terhadap impulse buying d an shopping lifestyle mampu berperan dalam
memediasi pengaruh store atmosphere terhadap impulse buying pada Suzuya Kota Langsa.
Penelitian ini diharapkan: Suzuya Kota Langsa hendaknya menambahkan program marketing
untuk meningkatkan para pe langgan, dan Suzuya Kot a Langsa perlu memberikan pe rhatian
khusus saat pelanggan mulai kebingungan berada di dalam toko, karena kenyamanan
pelanggan pada dasarnya adalah yang utama.
Kata kunci: store atmosphere; shopping lifestyle; impulse buying
A b s t r a c t
Corresponding author:
Riny Chandra
This stud y aims to analyze the effect of store atmosphere on shopping lifestyle, analyze the
influence of store atmosphere on impulse buying, analyze t he influence of shopping lifestyle
on impulse buying, and analyze the role of shopping lifestyle in mediating the relationship
between store atmosphere and impulse buying at Suzuya, Langsa City. The population is all
consumers of Suzuya Kota Langsa and the sample is 97 respondents. The sample technique
uses accidental sampling. Data analysis method using PLS-SEM. The results show that store
atmosphere has a positive and significant effect on shopping lifestyle, store atmosphere has a
positive and insignificant effect on impulse buying, shopping lifestyle has a positive and
significant effect on impulse buy ing and shopping lifestyle can p lay a role in mediating the
effect of store atmosphere on impulse buying at Suzuya, Langsa City. This research is
expected: Suzuya Kota Langsa should add a marketing program t o increase cu stomers, and
Suzuya Kot a Langsa needs to pay special att ention when customers start to get confused in
the store, because customer convenience is basically the main thing.
Keywords: store atmosphere; shopping lifestyle; impulse buying
The development of an increasingly modern era makes business competition in Indonesia grow
rapidly. One that is occupied by many entrepreneurs in Indonesia is the retail business. Retail business is a
business activity that sells goods or services to consumers in the form of fulfilling their own and household
interests. One of the growing business ventures in Langsa City is the Suzuya Langsa retail business. Based
on the observations of researchers, Suzuya is visited by consumers more. This is because Suzuya, Langsa
City, is the only complete shopping center in the Langsa City area, carrying the theme of one step
shopping, namely shopping for various needs in only one place, starting from food, fashion, kitchen needs
and various equipment, supplies and so on.
Insight Management Journal, 3 (3) (2023) 232-238
One form of consumer behavior that makes purchases without prior planning is called impulse
buying (Beatty & Ferrell, 1998). Impulse buying has a very important role for the marketing world in
increasing product sales, especially new products (Cobb & Hoyer, 1986). Basically, impulse buying is
often equated with unplanned purchases, but actually these are two different things, where impulse buying
is an unplanned purchase that has a very strong emotional side. If a consumer experiences impulse buying,
the desire to buy a product is almost uncontrollable, so that the consumer will make unplanned purchases of
the product (Mattia et al., 2021).
Suzuya, Langsa City, was chosen as the object of research because it was designed in such a way,
such as a combination of red and white that dominates so as to create the impression of love and freedom in
choosing products or services and is supported by bright lighting plus a pleasant aroma and accompanied
by non-monotonous music. This forms the atmosphere of the Suzuya store in Langsa City which gives a
warm and friendly impression to the customers who come.
Theoretically, the atmosphere at Suzuya, Langsa City, has a positive impact on the impulse buying
of consumers who come. In addition, the products and services offered are closely related to the lifestyle of
consumers. The link between store atmosphere and consumer shopping lifestyle is the focus of the values
of Suzuya Kota Langsa which represents all of the previous research variables, namely shopping lifestyle
(Bashir et al., 2013) and store atmosphere (Bhatti & Latif, 2014).
Based on the explanation above, this research was conducted to examine the influence of the factors
that influence impulse buying on consumers of Suzuya Langsa City, which consists of shopping lifestyle
and store atmosphere, so that from the above phenomenon it can be concluded several research objectives
as follows:
1. To analyze the effect of store atmosphere on shopping lifestyle at Suzuya, Langsa City,
2. To analyze the effect of store atmosphere on impulse buying at Suzuya, Langsa City,
3. To analyze the effect of shopping lifestyle on impulse buying at Suzuya, Langsa City, and
4. To analyze the role of shopping lifestyle in mediating the relationship between store atmosphere and
impulse buying at Suzuya, Langsa City.
The atmosphere of the store is the design of the environment through visual communication,
lighting, color, music and fragrances to design emotional and perceptual customer responses and to
influence customers to buy goods (Utami, 2017). Sumarwan in (Imbayani & Novarini, 2018) defines that
lifestyle is a pattern in which people live and use money and time, lifestyle better describes a person's
behavior, namely how they live, use their money and make use of the time they have. Lifestyle is often
described by activities, interests, and opinions of a person (activities, interests, and opinions). Then,
impulse buying is defined as an act of buying that was not consciously recognized as a result of a
consideration or purchase intention that was formed before entering the store (Kurniawan & Kunto, 2013).
The conceptual framework in this study can be shown in Figure 1 below.
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework
H1: Store atmosphere has a positive and significant effect on shopping lifestyle.
H2: Store atmosphere has a positive and significant effect on impulse buying.
H3: Shopping lifestyle has a positive and significant effect on impulse buying.
H4: Shopping lifestyle is able to mediate store atmosphere towards impulse buying.
Insight Management Journal, 3 (3) (2023) 232-238
Research methods
This research was conducted on Suzuya consumers in Langsa City who are located at Jalan Ahmad
Yani No. 2. Paya Bujok Seuleumak, Langsa Baro District, Langsa City, Aceh. The time of the research was
conducted from May 2020 to November 2020. This research used quantitative and qualitative data. Source
of data used primary data and secondary data.
The operational definitions of the variables used in this study consist of 3 variables, namely: (1)
Store atmosphere with indicators namely store design, visual communication and merchandise
presentation; (2) Shopping lifestyle with indicators, namely the influence of advertising, the latest models,
brands and personalities; and (3) Impulse buying with indicators namely spontaneous purchases, purchases
without thinking about the consequences, purchases in a hurry, and purchases influenced by emotion.
The population in this study were Suzuya consumers from Langsa City whose exact number was not
known, so that the determination of the number of samples used the Unknown population formula (Frendy,
2011), totaling 97 respondents using accidental sampling technique. Furthermore, this study uses the PLS-
SEM method, so the recommended sample size ranges from 30 to 100 sample sizes (Ghozali, 2013). The
data collection method in this study was in the form of a field method consisting of observation, interviews
and questionnaires, as well as a library method which included books and journals related to this research.
The data analysis method uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) through the Partial Least Square
(PLS) approach which is processed with SmartPLS software. The analysis technique used includes:
descriptive statistical analysis, data quality test (outer model), namely validity and reliability tests, model
feasibility test (inner model), namely goodness of fit and hypothesis testing as seen from tcount and the
significance level of the path coefficient.
Results and discussion
Description of Respondent Characteristics
In this study, the characteristics of the respondents were Suzuya consumers who had purchased at
Suzuya, Langsa City, totaling 97 respondents. For more details, the profiles of respondents in this study can
be seen in the following table.
Table 1. Profile of Respondents
Total respondents based on gender 97 100
18 – 22 Years
23 – 27 Years
28 – 32 Years
>32 Years
Total respondents based on age
Rp 200.000 – Rp 1.000.000
>Rp 1.000.000 – Rp 2.000.000
>Rp 2.000.000 – Rp 3.000.000
>Rp 3.000.000
Total respondents based on income
Civil servant
Total respondents based on work 97 100
Insight Management Journal, 3 (3) (2023) 232-238
3. S2 5 5.1
Total respondents based on education
Validity and Reliability Test
Convergent validity is measured by looking at the outer loading with the rule of thumb (> 0.70) and
the Average Variance Extracted (AVE) with the rule of thumb (> 0.50). According to (F. Hair Jr et al.,
2014) for the initial examination of the matrix loading factor is approximately 0.30 considered to have met
the minimum level, and for a loading factor of approximately 0.40 is considered better, and for a loading
factor greater than 0.50 is generally considered significant. This research resulted in all outer loadings
greater than 0.50 and AVE greater than 0.50.
Table 2. Outer Loading
Indicator X Y Z
Y4 0.717
Discriminant validity is measured by using "Crossloading" shown by looking at the correlation of
research variables with research variables the indicators are greater if these indicators are correlated with
other variables, this study shows the loading value of each indicator of the variable is greater than
crossloading to other variables.
Table 3. Crossloadings
Indicator X Y Z
Y4 0.148 0.717 0.461
Goodness of Fit
Goodness of fit is done to find out whether the model is acceptable. If the model is acceptable then
the model can be used to test the research hypothesis. GoF is determined by calculating the root of the
average AVE multiplied by R2 = (AVE x R2), with GoF criteria being: 1) 0.10 = small, 2) 0.25 =
moderate, and 3) 0.36 = large. The results showed that the GoF value was equal to 0.36.
Insight Management Journal, 3 (3) (2023) 232-238
Table 4. Goodness of Fit
Z 0.564
(AVE x R2)
= 0,36
Hypothesis testing
The hypothesis testing used is tcount and the significance level of the path coefficient. The value of
tcount is compared to ttable. If tcount > ttable (1.96) at a significance level of 5%, then the path coefficient
is significant.
Table 5. Path Coefficient Value, T-count, and Significance Level
B (Path Coefficient)
T Statistics
P Value
Z Y 0.578 2.712 0.007 Accepted
Based on table 5 it shows that the T value is greater than 1.96 but there are also T values that are
smaller than 1.96. The conclusions obtained in the table above are (1) store atmosphere has a positive and
significant effect on shopping lifestyle, shown by the value of T statistics 2.497; (2) store atmosphere has a
positive and insignificant effect on impulse buying, shown by the T statistics value of 0.696; and (3)
shopping lifestyle has a positive and significant effect on impulse buying, shown by the T statistics value of
Figure 2. Inner Model
Shopping lifestyle is able to mediate store atmosphere towards impulse buying, so the results of the
analysis can be shown in the following table.
Insight Management Journal, 3 (3) (2023) 232-238
Table 6. Path Coefficient Value, T-count, and Significance Level of Indirect Effect
B (Path Coefficient)
T Statistics
P Value
Based on table 6, it shows that the role of shopping lifestyle is able to mediate the influence of store
atmosphere significantly on impulse buying, shown by the T statistics value of 2.091.
The Influence of Store Atmosphere on Shopping Lifestyle
Based on the results of the study, it shows that store atmosphere has a positive and significant effect
on shopping lifestyle. These findings indicate that the better the store atmosphere implemented by Suzuya
Langsa City, it will increase the shopping lifestyle of consumers at Suzuya Langsa City. This means that
shopping lifestyle can be interpreted as consumer shopping behavior that occurs because of interest and
interest in a product. This interest occurs because of interactions between consumers and external factors
that provide stimuli to consumers (Sarli & Tat, 2011). The results of this study are in accordance with the
research of (Gunadhi & Japarianto, 2015) which suggests that store atmosphere has a positive and
significant effect on shopping lifestyle.
The Effect of Store Atmosphere on Impulse Buying
Based on the results of the study, it shows that store atmosphere has a positive and insignificant
effect on impulse buying. This finding means that Suzuya Kota Langsa has not been able to consistently
make consumers make impulse purchases even though it has been supported by a good store atmosphere.
The results of this study are in contrast to (Anggoro, 2012) which explains that store atmosphere has a
positive and significant effect on impulse buying.
The Effect of Shopping Lifestyle on Impulse Buying
Based on the results of the study, it shows that shopping lifestyle has a positive and significant effect
on impulse buying. This finding means that when Suzuya consumers in Langsa City can manage their
finances, these consumers can fulfill their shopping needs, so that when they are in a shopping area they
like, they will make purchases without prior planning when they see the product they want to buy. The
results of this study are in accordance with the research of (Bashir et al., 2013) which suggests that
shopping lifestyle has a positive influence on impulse buying.
Shopping Lifestyle Mediates Store Atmosphere to Impulse Buying
Based on the results of the study, it shows that shopping lifestyle is able to significantly mediate the
effect of store atmosphere on impulse buying. This means that the presence of shopping lifestyle as a
mediating variable is able to influence the store atmosphere of impulse buying. Suzuya Kota Langsa has
implemented a good store atmosphere indirectly by involving a shopping lifestyle so that consumers will
buy products or services without planning and without thinking about it first.
Based on the research results obtained, this research has an important contribution to Su zuya Langsa
City in increasing the factors that influence impulse buying for Suzuya Langsa City consumers so that
Suzuya can optimally maximize profits. This study has differences with the research of (Gunadhi &
Japarianto, 2015) where shopping lifestyle has a role and can be used as a mediating variable between store
atmosphere variables and impulse buying variables.
Based on the results of the research and discussion, the following conclusions can be drawn: (1)
Store atmosphere has a positive and significant effect on shopping lifestyle. The results show that the better
the store atmosphere implemented by Suzuya Langsa City, it will increase the shopping lifestyle of
consumers at Suzuya Langsa City; (2) Store atmosphere has a positive and insignificant effect on impulse
buying. This shows that Suzuya Kota Langsa has not been able to consistently make consumers do impulse
buying even though it has been supported by a good store atmosphere; (3) Shopping lifestyle has a positive
and significant effect on impulse buying. This shows that when Suzuya consumers in Langsa City are able
to manage their finances, these consumers can fulfill their shopping needs, so that when they are in a
Insight Management Journal, 3 (3) (2023) 232-238
shopping area they like, they will make impulse purchases; and (4) Shopping lifestyle can be a store
atmosphere mediating variable for impulse buying. This shows that shopping lifestyle as a mediating
variable store atmosphere has an influence on impulse buying.
This research is still limited to using store atmosphere and shopping lifestyle variables that affect
impulse buying, it is hoped that future researchers can use other variables so that they can enrich what
factors can be predictors for the creation of impulse buying. It is also recommended that the number of
samples used be larger for subsequent research in order to better represent the population in the study.
This study recommends: (1) Suzuya Kota Langsa should add marketing programs to increase
customers such as holding appropriate promotions, or holding certain events that directly establish
relationships with customers; and (2) Suzuya Kota Langsa needs to pay special attention when customers
start to get confused in the store, because customer comfort is basically the main thing.
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
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Perkembangan di era globalisasi sekarang ini terutama berkaitan dengan dunia fashion terus mengalami perkembangan yang signifikan, dimana hal tersebut mengakibatkan meningkatnya keperluan individu terhadap barang serta jasa pada bagian fashion. Selain itu, variasi yang tersedia jga tergolong banyak. Rintangan yang harus konsumen hadapi terkait dengan sikap impulse buying memperlihatkan pola pengeluaran yang tidak terduga, kerap kali meleset dari rencana finansial yang sebelumnya telah dirancang. Oleh karena itu, para pelaku usaha bisnis harus memberikan perhatian lebih terkait dengan shopping lifestyle serta fashion involvements sehingga bisa menyebabkan konsumen menjadi tertarik untuk melaksanakan impulse buying behavior. Pelaksanaan kajian ini ditujukan untuk membuktikan dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh shopping lifestyle serta fashion involvement terhadap impulse buying behavior terutama pada warga Desa Tegalrejo. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini ialah metode penelitian kuantitatif.Sedangkan metode yang dipergunakan dalam proses penganalisisannya yakni metode statistika deskriptif, uji asumsi klasik, uji normalits serta analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitiannya memperlihatkan dari seluruh variabel yang telah dikaji diantara variabel dependen serta indenpendennya, diperolehkan pemahaman bahwasanya hasil penelitian yang mempergunakan alat analisis uji asumsi klasik 1) Pengaruh shopping lifestyle terhadap impulse buying behavior pada masyarakat Desa Tegalrejo dengan nilai sebesar (thitung 2.268> 1.984 ttabel ). Dari nilai tersebut merupakan hubungan yang kuat dan positif.Artinya variabel shopping lifestyle bernilai positif (searah) dan kuat. 2) Pengaruh fashion involvement terhadap impulse buying behavior pada masyarakat Desa Tegalrejo dengan nilai sebesar (thitung-1.813< 1,984 ttabel). Dari nilai tersebut merupakan hubungan yang kuat dan positif.Artinya variabel fashion involvement bernilai positif (searah) dan kuat. 3) Pengaruh shopping lifestyle dan fashion involvement secara bersama-sama terhadap impulse buying behavior yang mana besaran nilainya (Fhitung > Ftabel, yaitu 4.486>3.095). Yang artinya ada pengaruh shopping lifestyle dan fashion involvement secara positif dan signifikan terhadap impulse buying behavior pada masyarakat Desa Tegalrejo. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan shopping lifestyle dan fashion involvement secara simultan terdapat pengaruh terhadap impulse buying behavior pada masyarakat Desa Tegalrejo.
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In present Post-Modern Era, the competitive situation in the business is characterized by a cut throat competition, which subsequently results in companies and retailers to pay almost anything for undifferentiated merchandising. This merchandising tool is being used by today’s retailer to distinguish him from other competitors, to be prominent in the market and become a source of attraction for the customers. A few researchers contribute in this field by exploring the reasons which causes the customers impulsive buying, but still there is more to be determined. Purpose of this study is to identify the relation between the consumer impulsive buying and visual merchandising on buying behavior of customers. This study was based on primary data in the form of a questioner. A total of 350 questioners were floated in different consumer outlets (super marts and self-service stores of Rawalpindi, Pakistan) out of which 344 questioners were completed and received. Defined four hypotheses were window display, forum display, floor merchandising and shop brand name. These hypotheses were tested for regression analysis by using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) software. It was found that window display, forum display, floor merchandising and shop brand name (independent variables) are significantly associated to consumer impulse buying behavior (dependent variable). Hence, forum display is negatively related to consumer impulse buying and window display; however, floor merchandising and shop brand name are positively related to consumer impulse buying behavior.
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The main purpose of this study is to predict the impact of cultural values and life styles on impulse buying behavior of Pakistani customers. Survey methodology was used to collect the data by adopting convenient sampling technique. An empirical method was used to analyze the data. The T-test indicates that gender role is the only one variable of cultural values and life style of Pakistani customers where significant difference exists between male and female customers while making impulse buying behavior. Correlation test is used to analyze the relationship among the variables of cultural values and life style; the results suggest that there exist significant relation among all the variables of cultural values and life styles. The results also suggest that impulse buying behavior is predicted by security, life satisfaction, gender role, financial satisfaction, in group contact and life style variables of cultural values and lifestyles of Pakistani consumers.
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Purpose: We present partial least squares (PLS) as an evolving approach to structural equation modeling (SEM), highlight its advantages and limitations and provide an overview of recent research on the method across various fields. Design/methodology/approach: In this review article we merge literatures from the marketing, management, and management information systems fields to present the state-of-the art of PLS-SEM research. Furthermore, we meta-analyze recent review studies to shed light on popular reasons for PLS-SEM usage. Findings: PLS-SEM has experienced increasing dissemination in a variety of fields in recent years with non-normal data, small sample sizes and the use of formative indicators being the most prominent reasons for its application. Recent methodological research has extended PLS-SEM’s methodological toolbox to accommodate more complex model structures or handle data inadequacies such as heterogeneity. Research limitations/implications: While research on the PLS-SEM method has gained momentum during the last decade, there are ample research opportunities on subjects such as mediation or multigroup analysis, which warrant further attention. Originality/value: This article provides an introduction to PLS-SEM for researchers that have not yet been exposed to the method. The article is the first to meta-analyze reasons for PLS-SEM usage across the marketing, management, and management information systems fields. Our cross-disciplinary review of recent research on the PLS-SEM method also makes this article useful for researchers interested in advanced concepts.
Psychographic segmentation is a crucial strategy on target markets. It is considerable to find out and implement based on consumers' needs and wants which are changing by socio-economic factors and new technologies as well. The aim of this article is to investigate on preliminary studies about psychographic variables and segmentation as a strategy. Consumers are surrounded by product or service offerings at the markets that each of them has own pros and cons for communicating with the consumers' psychographic traits. In addition, marketers distinguish the consumers who have similarity and differences as segments for better selling and more profitable product or service on target markets. Therefore, knowing consumers and considering their desires are precisely issues on marketing strategies.
Assessed the extent of planning that occurred prior to entering a grocery store, in terms of product category and specific brand intent for toilet paper and coffee. Of 542 shoppers in 3 grocery stores approached during the study, 227 completed a personal interview and a self-administered questionnaire. The frequency of impulse purchasing for both toilet paper and coffee was very low (11.3 and 13.2%, respectively). The best predictors of the degree of planning were task-related factors such as frequency of purchase, strength of product preference, search time, and package examination. Brand loyalty had the greatest overall influence. Price also was a strong predictor, and it was especially influential for partial planners (those with category but no brand intent). Compared to impulse and planned purchasers, partial purchasers rated the brand decision as less important and had less attitudinal and behavioral commitment to the chosen brand. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
A model of the precursors of impulse buying is presented and empirically tested with data drawn at two points in time (during pre- and post-shopping interviews) from a regional shopping mall setting. Analysis of the data, utilizing LISREL 8, supported most of the predictions. Situational variables (time available and money available) and individual difference variables (shopping enjoyment and impulse buying tendency) were found to influence a set of endogenous variables, including positive and negative affect, browing activity, felt urge to buy impulsively, and ultimately, whether or not an impulse purchase occurred. Future research and managerial implications are addressed.
Analisis pengaruh store atmosphere terhadap impulse buying melalui emotional response di Matahari Department Store Tunjungan Plaza Surabaya
  • S P Anggoro
Anggoro, S. P. (2012). Analisis pengaruh store atmosphere terhadap impulse buying melalui emotional response di Matahari Department Store Tunjungan Plaza Surabaya. Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Manajemen, 3(1), 1-5.
Metode Penelitian untuk Bisnis
  • Frendy
Frendy. (2011). Metode Penelitian untuk Bisnis. Salemba Empat.