
Alphabetical pluricentricity, graphematical development and orthographical tendencies in selected Belarusian Newspapers between 1862 and 1915

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The article deals with the Belarusian Latin script in the second half of the 19th century, which the author analyses on the basis of the first illegal newspaper in the Belarusian language, Mužyckaja Praŭda. The paper focuses on the realization or non-realization of akan’e and jakan’e, two important vocalic phenomena. Significantly, the newspaper was published during the pre-orthographic phase of the Belarusian language, which was characterized by a great inconsistency in orthography. The article aims to note the distribution of the realization and non-realization of the above-mentioned phenomena and in this way trace possible trends in the evolution of Belarusian orthography. In a corpus-based analysis, the two phenomena are studied according to parts of speech, which allows exploring whether phonetical (or even morphological) criteria might have influenced the realization of akan’e and jakan’e in Mužyckaja Praŭda.
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