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Model-Based Testing Using an Implicit State Model

  • Serious Quality, LLC
Model-Based Testing Using an Implicit State Model
Harry Robinson
Last revised 3 July 2001
Several people have asked me about whether finite state machines (FSMs) are the only
kind of state models that can be used in model-based testing. They usually mention this
when we talk about modeling data-centric applications like Notepad, where the finite
state model would get really huge really fast if you try to account explicitly for all the
strings a user could type.
I think part of the answer to their question lies in whether you choose to model states
explicitly or implicitly. This white paper addresses the difference between implicit and
explicit state models.
An Explicit State Model
Excellent tools like Test Model Toolkit make it straightforward to create finite state
models. And you can use the properties of an explicit state model to drive your testing in
very effective, very efficient ways.
Here is a non-technical example. Suppose you are standing outside a room and you want
to create a model of how many people are in the room. You cannot see into the room, but
you can see when anyone goes in or out. You start off with the assumption that no one is
in the room. You could create an explicit state model like the following, where the
numbers in the circles indicate how many people are in the room, and the arrows show
how we transition from one state to another.
It's easy to see that this model could get cumbersome to maintain by hand as the number
of people climbs. One enormous benefit of Test Model Toolkit is that it relieves you of
having to maintain this kind of model by hand. Instead you only need to maintain rules
for generating the state model.
The advantage of the explicit state model we just created is that we now have an explicit
map of the "territory" and can generate test sequences that efficiently cover all possible
actions from all possible states. As one example, we could ask this model to generate a
minimum length test sequence that uses all possible actions, such as this:
Action Ending State
1. 1 person enters 1 person in room
2. 1 person enters 2 people in room
3. 2 people exit 0 people in room
4. 2 people enter 2 people in room
5. 1 person exits 1 person in room
6. 1 person exits 0 people in room
An Implicit State Model
It is also possible to model behavior of a system without explicitly generating all the
states as we did in the example above. The resulting implicit model will not be as
powerful as the explicit model in generating traversals, but the behavior you are modeling
may make it worthwhile to forego some test generation power to make the modeling
Take the room example again. Instead of creating a state model, what if we just keep a
counter of how many people are in the room? When people enter the room, we increment
the counter by the number of people entering; when people exit the room we decrement
our counter by the number exiting. When we need to know how many people are in the
room, we simply read the value out of our counter variable. The rules for the model
would be the same as in the explicit room model (though we would not take the extra step
of generating all the states).
This is a much simpler approach than creating the state graph, though it is not as
powerful at generating some types of sequences. For instance, since we do not have an
overview of the whole "territory" of our model, we can't easily generate minimum length
test sequences that cover all the actions in the model.
There are, however, several very useful ways to generate test sequences on an implicit
Random walks work very well. At each moment in the test, the implicit model
evaluates what actions are possible and chooses one of those actions to execute. In
the room example above, if the counter indicated that there were no people in the
room, then the implicit model would know that it should be impossible for
additional people to leave, so the only actions available would be actions that had
people entering the room.
Markov chain-type walks are also good for implicit models. In addition to
identifying when actions are possible, these walks allow you to determine how
likely it is that the model will choose a particular action. This can help you direct
the test sequences into areas that you want to focus on. In the room example, for
instance, you might want to focus on what happens when the room is near
capacity, so you would make the model more likely to choose actions where
people enter the room over actions where they leave the room.
Finally, the implicit model can go "hybrid" by generating a relatively small
number of states in its immediate vicinity and using knowledge of those states to
direct its sequences. In communications protocols, this is known as "random state
generation". It is more complicated than random walks or Markov chains, but
could be significantly more powerful.
So which is the real model: the explicit or the implicit one?
Both models describe the state space. They differ only in how they use that knowledge
about the state space to achieve their goals:
The explicit model generates the state space so that it can use the relationships
among the states and actions to drive its testing.
The implicit model does not need to generate the states explicitly, so it can model
behaviors that might cause an explicit state model to grow explosively.
As many people in Microsoft know, Test Model Toolkit does a wonderful job handling
explicit state models. There is fascinating work underway to understand how TMT can
handle the implicit models. For the moment, the example of an implicit model in this
paper does not take advantage of TMT.
Implicit Modeling Using a Simple Data Structure
This document and the accompanying Visual Test program describe a simple model of
folder creation that can be used for generating tests. There are two purposes to this
exercise. First, this exercise shows how we can use modeling even when an explicit state
model might be difficult to apply. Second, tree structures such as folders abound in
applications that create or delete objects, so this example can serve as a starting point to
anyone trying to model a similar function.
The model in this example shows how information about an application can be used to
test the application. The model uses a simple data structure in a Visual Test program to
maintain information about the state of the application under test.
This model covers the creation of folders and the ability to move through a folder
hierarchy. This model does not cover activities such as deleting or renaming folders. Nor
does this model allow operations on other kinds of files, such as text files. The extension
of this model to cover these activities is straightforward.
The test program
The test program maintains its own data to track the progress of the application it is
testing. The program uses Visual Test function calls to interact with the application under
For this program, all folders are created underneath a folder called "rootfolder". It doesn't
matter where this folder is actually located. The program requires only that the rootfolder
window be open on the screen when the program starts and that it should be writable and
The behavior of any particular run of this test program is not pre-determined or scripted.
At every point where an action is called for, the Visual Test program consults its internal
model to see what actions are available to it. It then randomly chooses one of these
actions. The Visual Test program then executes the chosen action.
Because of its internal model, the Visual Test program "knows" what the outcome of its
action should be. The bug-finding ability of the model depends on how much information
is stored in the internal model and what the test program can determine about the system
under test. For instance, the current test program verifies the folder window title and the
number of subfolders in the current folder.
The internal model used by the VT program in this discussion is an array that contains the
folder names and the index of each folder's parent. For the purposes of this example, this
array does not attempt to be efficient or elegant; it only strives to be correct.
This model allows only three actions. The actions are
1. Move up into the parent folder
2. Move down into an existing subfolder
3. Create a new subfolder in the current folder
At any time, any of these actions may be unavailable due to the state of the model. For
instance, if there is no existing subfolder, action 2 ("move down into an existing
subfolder") is unavailable.
Here is an sample run of the test program.
Step 1 of the Sample Test Run
The model begins in the empty "rootfolder" folder. Rootfolder is the first element in the
array (index=0). It has the value –1 for a Parent_Id to indicate that it is the root node for
this test.
0 -1 rootfolder
Here is what the folder looks like initially on the screen:
Since rootfolder is the top folder allowed in this test, the program cannot move up to
rootfolder's parent folder. Since there are no subfolders yet, the program cannot move
down into a subfolder. So, the only action available to the program is to create a new
subfolder. That folder will be named "f1".
(The naming scheme in this model is very simple. Folders are named "f" followed by
their index number from the array. Therefore the first subfolder created in rootfolder is
The test program prints out the action it took and the resulting folder layout into the
Visual Test viewport. The asterisk after "rootfolder" indicates that rootfolder was the
current folder when this action finished. The test program also verifies the current folder
name from the window title and it verifies the correct number of subfolders.
Action: Create f1 in rootfolder
---------- folder layout ----------
Current Folder: rootfolder
# immediate subfolders expected: 1
# immediate subfolders found: 1
The data array now looks like the table below, showing (by its Parent_Id field) that f1 is a
subfolder of rootfolder:
0 -1 rootfolder
1 0 f1
Step 2 of the Sample Test Run
Now that there is a subfolder in rootfolder, the test program can choose to either
Move down into subfolder f1, or
Create a new subfolder ("f2") in the current folder
Suppose the test program "decides" to move into subfolder f1:
Action: Go down into f1
---------- folder layout ----------
Current Folder: f1
# immediate subfolders expected: 0
# immediate subfolders found: 0
The data array in the test program stays the same, although the variable tracking the
position in the folder hierarchy tells us we are now in subfolder f1.
Step 3 of the Sample Test Run
The test program is now in subfolder f1. The parent folder or f1 is rootfolder. The test
program can either
Move up into the parent folder, or
Create a new subfolder ("f2") in the current folder
(Note that the folder "f2" was not created in the previous action.)
Suppose the test program "decides" to create the subfolder "f2" in f1
Action: Create f2 in f1
---------- folder layout ----------
Current Folder: f1
# immediate subfolders expected: 1
# immediate subfolders found: 1
The internal model now looks like this, showing that f2 is a subfolder of f1:
0 -1 rootfolder
1 0 f1
2 1 f2
And here is what it looks like on the screen:
The test program can be set to create an arbitrary number of folders (within some
MAX_PATH limit). The actual distribution of folders in the test run is random because
the test program can move around in the hierarchy and chooses its actions randomly.
Therefore, every run of the test program is likely to generate a different test.
[Disclaimer: this Visual Test program does not clean up after itself, so you will need to
remove all subfolders of rootfolder before re-running the program.]
Detecting a bug
How can this test program detect a bug in the behavior of the folder creation? Let's stage
a pseudo-bug to demonstrate.
Our test assumes that rootfolder is empty at the start of the test run. If we plant an extra
folder in the rootfolder before starting the test, the test program should detect that its
count of subfolders is incorrect.
Here is rootfolder before the test starts. I have put a subfolder named "extra" into
After the test program executes its first action, the test oracle routine detects that the
subfolder count is wrong:
Action: Create f1 in rootfolder
---------- folder layout ----------
Current Folder: rootfolder
# immediate subfolders expected: 1
# immediate subfolders found: 2
And here is what rootfolder looks like on the screen:
So what does this implicit modeling buy you?
As with explicit modeling, modeling the manipulation of folders this way means
that you can leave the computer to run tests for you unattended. The tests it runs
will not be merely regression tests; they will constantly choose new paths.
You can set arbitrary limits on the number and type of folders and files and how
those folders and files are manipulated.
The model allows new functionality (such as deleting of folders) to leverage the
existing testing.
Because the test program "knows" what is supposed to happen in the application,
it is more powerful than a "dumb monkey" program. A model-based test program
can find non-crashing bugs (such as incorrect subfolder counts) as well as
crashing bugs.
As eye candy, here is an example of what happened when the test program using an
implicit state model created 19 subfolders on a recent run:
And here is what the internal model expected the folder layout to look like after creating
those 19 subfolders in various places in the hierarchy. (The asterisk indicates that
subfolder f13 was the current directory.)
---------- folder layout ----------
If you look carefully, you will see that the model and the actual state of the application
are in sync.
My thanks to Noel Nyman for his excellent feedback on an earlier draft of this paper.
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