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Sequential Switching Shunt Regulation Using DC Transformers for Solar Array Power Processing in High Voltage Satellites


Abstract and Figures

This paper proposes a solar array regulation technique for a high-voltage satellite power bus. The regulation method combines on-off control at low frequency, i.e. kHz range, of highly efficient isolated and unregulated dc-dc converters operating at high frequency, i.e. hundreds of kHz. Although this technique can adopt different implementations, this paper deals with a hysteretic voltage control loop at low frequency, also known (Sequential Switching Shunt Regulator - S3R), and unregulated, isolated, current-fed, zero-voltage and zero-current push-pull dc-dc converters. Design guidelines and experimental validation are provided.
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Sequential switching
shunt regulation using
DC transformers for solar
array power processing
in high voltage satellites
C. Orts
Miguel Hernandez University of Elche, Elche, 03202, Spain
A. Garrigós, Senior Member, IEEE
Miguel Hernandez University of Elche, Elche, 03202, Spain
D. Marroquí
Miguel Hernandez University of Elche, Elche, 03202, Spain
A. Franke
European Space Agency, Noordwijk, 2201 AZ, The Netherlands
AbstractThis paper proposes a solar array
regulation technique for a high-voltage satellite power
bus. The regulation method combines on-off control at
low frequency, i.e. kHz range, of highly efficient
isolated and unregulated dc-dc converters operating
at high frequency, i.e. hundreds of kHz. Although this
technique can adopt different implementations, this
paper deals with a hysteretic voltage control loop at
low frequency, also known (Sequential Switching
Shunt Regulator - S3R), and unregulated, isolated,
current-fed, zero-voltage and zero-current push-pull
dc-dc converters. Design guidelines and experimental
validation are provided.
Manuscript received XXXXX 00, 0000; revised XXXXX 00,
0000; accepted XXXXX 00, 0000.
This work was supported in part by the European Space Agency
(Contract No.: 4000136441/21/NL/GLC/my). Corresponding
author: C. Orts. Refereeing of this contribution was handled by
Authors addresses: C. Orts (e-mail:, A. Garrigós
(e-mail: and D. Marroquí (e-mail: are with the Industrial Electronics Group,
Miguel Hernandez University of Elche, Elche 03202, Spain; A.
0000-0000 © 2022 IEEE
Franke is with the Power Management and Distribution Section,
Power Systems, EMC & Space Environments Division,
Electrical Department, European Space Agency, Noordwijk AZ
2201, The Netherlands (e-mail:
BCR: Battery Charge Regulator.
BCDR: Battery Charge Discharge Regulator.
BDR: Battery Discharge Regulator.
DC: Direct Current.
DC-DC: Direct Current to Direct Current.
DCX: Direct Current Transformer.
DET: Direct Energy Transfer.
ECSS: European Cooperation for Space Standardization.
EP: Electrical Propulsion.
EPC: Electronic Power Conditioner.
GEO: Geostationary Orbit.
HV: High Voltage.
LEO: Low Earth Orbit.
LV: Low Voltage.
MEA: Main Error Amplifier.
MPP: Maximum Power Point.
MPPT: Maximum Power Point Tracking.
PCU: Power Conditioning Unit.
PPU: Power Processing Unit.
SAS: Solar Array Section.
S3DCX: Sequential Switching Shunt DCX Regulator.
S3R: Sequential Switching Shunt Regulator.
SSR: Switching Shunt Regulator.
TWTA: Travelling Wave Tube Amplifier.
ZCS: Zero Current Switching.
ZVZC: Zero Voltage Zero Current.
ZVS: Zero Voltage Switching.
Solar array regulation is a critical power conversion
function for any spacecraft. Two main methods are
dominant nowadays: Maximum Power Point Tracking
(MPPT) DC-DC converters and Switching Shunt
Regulators (SSRs). While the first approach is typical in
low and medium-power Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and
interplanetary missions using unregulated bus
architectures, the second method is widely used in
medium and high-power satellites for Geostationary Orbit
(GEO) satellites using fully regulated bus architectures,
being the Sequential Switching Shunt Regulator (S3R) [1-
4], the most common SSR employed. The fully regulated
bus is realized by the Power Conditioning Unit (PCU),
which integrates the SSR, the Battery Charge Regulator
(BCR) and the Battery Discharge Regulator (BDR), as
represented in figure 1, [5, 6]. In the European Space
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAES.2023.3325314
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
standard [7], 100V-120V DC bus voltage is recommended
for power levels higher than 8kW, hence, most of the
space companies have adapted their products to this
voltage for the largest platforms. However, 100V starts to
be inadequate for the actual needs, since the most
powerful platforms already reach 20-25kW, also
motivated by the use of high-power Electrical Propulsion
(EP) systems [8]. Large bus current lead to high mass
harness and considerable DC losses, but also impacts on
the maximum bus impedance (Zbus) and bus capacitor
(Cbus) [7]. Further, EP systems require high-power, high-
voltage supplies, which are provided by the Power
Processing Units (PPUs) directly connected to the
regulated bus. Two-level power conversion results in a
penalty on efficiency and with obvious consequences on
the thermal design, size and mass. Besides, other systems,
such as Electronic Power Conditioners (EPCs) for
Travelling Wave Tube Amplifiers (TWTAs), also demand
high-voltage supplies and could benefit of high voltage
Fig. 1. High-power spacecraft electrical architecture: a)
traditional [5] b) proposed approach.
As a result, a higher bus voltage, around 300V, is being
considered, and two main approaches have been pondered
to address its implementation. In [9], the solar array
voltage is increased up to 300V-350V, and a Direct
Energy Transfer (DET) connection from the solar
generator to the electric thruster is suggested. The Battery
Charge Discharge Regulator (BCDR) controls the bus
voltage. While it is a conceptually simple solution, there
are relevant technical challenges associated with the high-
voltage solar array, such as, arcing due to differential
charging of the different materials, high-voltage slip rings,
qualification and cost [9]. Furthermore, it is a costly
solution that requires full requalification of the solar array
if the bus voltage is changed. In [10], a two-stage
approach is proposed for an ion-thruster supply with
MPPT tracking. The main advantages of this approach are
the simplicity and heritage, since only well-known power
regulators are used for its implementation. Besides, it
exhibits very good regulation for large power transients
that happen in ion-thrusters. The main disadvantage is the
efficiency penalty due to S3R diodes and the Weinberg
converter losses.
In [11] a two-bus approach is presented, implementing a
High-Voltage bus (HVbus) at 450V, and Low-Voltage bus
(LVbus) at 100V, featuring an integrated power processing
DC-DC converter. The power cell can operate in different
operating modes, including MPPT and bus regulated for
both busses, HVbus and LVbus. However, it requires a
complex power processing DC-DC converter and control,
making the practical implementation difficult with space-
qualified electronic parts.
In this work, a different approach for the solar array
regulator is proposed. It uses highly efficient, isolated,
unregulated, constant gain, high-frequency DC-DC
converter, also known as DC-Transformer (DCX). The
DCXs, switching at hundreds of kHz or more, are
controlled as traditional S3R power cells at low
frequency, i.e. kHz range, [1,12]. This concept is
adaptable to any regulated or unregulated bus.
The proposed Switching Sequential Shunt Regulator using
DCX (S3DCX) has the following benefits when compared
to the existing solutions: a) It is a simple concept that can
be implemented with different DCX topologies, allowing
voltage decoupling between solar array and distribution
bus, which overcomes the limitations of the direct energy
transfer regulators and provides increased flexibility in
solar array design; b) Higher (or lower) bus voltage could
be achieved with very high efficiency (>95%) end to end;
c) It can be used as direct replacement of the S3R with
minimum changes in regulated or unregulated bus
architectures and variations; d) It is highly modular and
accepts parallel and series connection of isolated
secondary sides to achieve higher current and voltage.
The design of BCRs and high-power BDRs [13,14] are
topics already discussed in the literature, therefore, these
will not be covered in this work.
The rest of this article is organized as follows: Section II
introduces the S3DCX power cell as well as a particular
implementation and modeling of the regulator. Section III
details the design and simulation of the S3DCX for a
300V-2kW prototype. Section IV details the experimental
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAES.2023.3325314
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
validation of the proposed prototype and discusses the
results. Finally, Section V concludes this article.
Different DCX topologies have been proposed for
industrial, medical, telecommunications and many other
areas. Resonant techniques [15], and particularly the LLC
converter [16, 17], have been widely accepted, but these
are mostly oriented to have regulated outputs with
complex control loops. Another type of unregulated DCX
with Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS) and Zero Current
Switching (ZCS) are described in [18] and [19]. Both
converters use the magnetizing current of the transformer
to achieve ZVS for all switches, but the method to achieve
ZCS is slightly different. In [18], the leakage inductance
of the transformer resonates with the output capacitor to
achieve ZCS without any inductor. In [19], the converter
is current-fed and the resonant circuit is formed by the
leakage inductance and a resonant capacitor placed at the
input. A fundamental feature of these DCXs is that the
conversion gain is just the transformer turns ratio, so they
are very simple and robust to parameter drifts. A detailed
analysis of those types of DCX can be found in [20]. In
the case at hand, the method proposed in [19] is better
suited than the one described in [18], because a
photovoltaic source inherently behaves as a current source
below its Maximum Power Point (MPP). This is also
reinforced by the fact that the solar array harness
inductance is relatively large in high-power satellites.
Besides, a large capacitor is required as the main bus
capacitor at the secondary side to fulfill the output
impedance requirements [7]. As discussed in [20], any
dual-ended topology is suitable, but current-fed ZVZC
push-pull is widely used in satellite applications, mainly
in EPC for TWTA [19]. Hence, this converter topology,
represented in figure 2, is selected as DCX for this work.
Briefly, the main benefits of the selected DCX are: a)
Galvanic isolation provides easy adjustment of required
output by transformer turns ratio and possibility of
secondary side output connections (series and parallel); b)
It takes advantage of the natural solar array behavior and
harness inductance to have a nearly constant current
source; c) It uses for its advantage all the parasitic
elements of the transformer in a resonant manner,
resulting in a very compact, simple, lightweight, and high
efficiency solution; d) All power semiconductors are
operated in ZVS and ZCS; e) ZVS and ZCS (neglecting
magnetizing current) are load independent in a wide
range; f) Simple and low loss gate drive (rad-hard driver
implementation is not linked to any complex driver
integrated circuit); g) Good power semiconductor
utilization (>75% equivalent duty cycle); h) Operation at
fixed frequency and duty cycle (very simple and robust
drive pulse generation); i) Reduced number of
components; j) Very low EMI.
Fig. 2. DET and DCX (current-fed ZVZC push-pull)
power cells and averaged models.
Figures 2A and 2B represents the schematic and the large
signal averaged model for the DET shunt regulator,
respectively, and figures 2C and 2D shows the circuit
schematic and averaged model of the proposed DCX. The
control signal, u, dictates the power transfer from the solar
array to the main bus in both cases (1), but the working
principle is slightly different. When u=1, in the DET case,
the transistor Msh is off and the diode D connects the solar
array section to the bus, while in the DCX, the M1 and M2
driving pulses, g, operating at switching frequency, fs,
enable the power transfer. When u=0, the transistor Msh
shunts the solar array in the DET and the DCX power
cells. An important difference is that DCX allows voltage
and current conversion ratio (gain is transformer turns
ratio, n) when it transfers power to the bus, as it can be
noted in the DCX averaged model. The main waveforms
of the power cells are represented in figure 3. Although
M1 and M2 can be used to perform power control transfer,
u, and therefore one transistor is saved, Msh simplifies
current limiting during shunt operation.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAES.2023.3325314
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
Fig. 3. DET and DCX main waveforms sketch.
The working principle of the DCX can be explained with
the two equivalent circuits shown in figure 4. During the
ON state, i.e. M1 or M2 is in conduction, a resonant switch
current occurs due to the resonant circuit formed by the
resonant capacitor, Cr, and the transformer leakage
inductance, Llk. During the GAP state, i.e. M1 and M2 are
turned-off, the magnetizing current charges and
discharges all the parasitic capacitances, i.e. MOSFETs,
diodes and transformer.
The analysis of the ON state circuit results in the resonant
current, i, whose governing differential equation is given
by (2). MOSFET current is iM=i-im, being im, the
magnetizing current and diode current is iD=iM/n.
On the other hand, the analysis of the GAP state results in
the governing differential equation (3), where the resonant
circuit is formed by the magnetizing inductance, Lm, and
the parasitic capacitance, Cp, given by (4). CM is the
parasitic MOSFET capacitance, CTR is the parasitic
transformer capacitance and CD is the diode capacitance
referred to the primary side.
The detailed design procedure to solve (2) and (3) for
ZVS and ZCS conditions can be found in the appendix. It
is clear from the ON state equivalent circuit that
<VCr>=Vbus/n, implying that the solar array operating
point, and therefore, the power injected to the bus, can be
controlled by the bus voltage in closed loop operation.
Fig. 4. DCX equivalent circuits for ON and GAP states
Satellite solar arrays are typically divided into several
sections, i.e., an arrangement of several solar cell strings
in parallel. In the proposed regulator, each section is
attached to one DCX, please refer to figure 2c. In a
sequential control scheme, some DCX converters are
permanently ON providing power to the bus, while others
DCX are OFF and only one DCX is turning ON and OFF
to eventually perform output voltage regulation. This can
be achieved by sequential hysteretic control [1] as
illustrated in figure 5, and being this scheme one of the
most common methods employed in solar array regulation
for medium and large satellites.
Fig. 5. S3DCX: Sequential hysteresis control scheme
The linearized model of the S3DCX regulator is given by
(5), resulting in a voltage-controlled current-source that
supplies the main bus capacitor, represented in figure 6.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAES.2023.3325314
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
The voltage loop gain, Tv(s) and the closed-loop output
impedance ZO(s) are given by (6) and (7), respectively.
Fig. 6. S3DCX: a) Linearized sequential hysteresis
control; b) Small-signal linear model; c) Voltage feedback
To avoid phase and gain margin degradation, [21], the
regulator turn-on delay, td, must be smaller than 1/ωc,
being ωc the crossover frequency of the loop gain (6),
The closed loop output impedance is constrained by the
output impedance mask, defined in the standard [7],
clause 5.7.2.o.
A 2kW, five power-cell S3DCX regulator has been
designed, simulated and implemented. Detailed step-by-
step calculations are included in the appendix.
A. Design
The main characteristics of the S3DCX regulator and the
solar array simulator are summarized in table 1.
S3DCX: main design parameters
Solar array section (SAS) Agilent E4351B simulator
Open-circuit voltage
Maximum power voltage
Short-circuit current
Maximum power current
Maximum power
Agilent E4351B
Added inductance
DCX transformer push-pull (N1=N1a=N1b; N2=N2a=N2b)
Material 3C95
VSAS=100V; VO=300V
DCX & shunt circuit
0.5 µF
M1; M2;
Si MOSFET (250V, 42A)
D1; D2
SiC diode (1.2kV, 10A)
fs=135kHz; D=0.378
Max shunt current= 14A
Control loop
ADUM3190, Vref=1.225V
Split into three stages
< 25µs
> 45
POmax=2kW; VO=300V
Based on the simplified transformer circuit model shown
in figure 7, measured parameters for the five transformers
are included in table 2. These parameters are, magnetizing
inductance Lm, leakage inductance Llk, parasitic
capacitance of the transformer CTR, resistance of the
primary R1 and secondary winding R2 and resonant
frequency fres.
S3DCX: transformer characterization
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAES.2023.3325314
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
Fig. 7. S3DCX: Transformer equivalent circuit model.
B. Simulation: switching and large-signal
averaged models
Computer simulation models have been implemented for
both, switching and large-signal averaged versions. The
output impedance of the S3DCX, which meets the
impedance mask required by the European space standard
[7], clause 5.7.2.o., is represented in figure 8.
Fig. 8. S3DCX output impedance and ECSS impedance
mask [7].
A half bus power load step simulation is shown in figure
9. Nominal bus voltage ripple and bus voltage transient
meet the European space standard [7], clauses 5.7.2.m and
5.7.2.i.1, respectively.
Fig. 9. S3DCX transient response simulation results. Top
figure: Output voltage (switching and large-signal
averaged models). Bottom figure: power load step.
The S3DCX prototype is shown in figure 10. The five
DCXs are identical, and the output connections are hard-
wired to allow independent or series connections to the
output bus capacitor, which is external and not shown in
the figure. The main error amplifier, MEA, is
implemented using an isolated error amplifier, and ton and
tgap signals are obtained using only discrete electronic
Fig. 10. S3DCX prototype: 2kW, five power cells.
Several tests have been carried out to validate the
proposed solar regulation concept using independent and
series configurations at the output of the regulator, as
represented in figure 11.
Fig. 11. Left figure: S3DCX five-independent output
configuration. Right figure: Two solar array sections with
two DCX in series and one independent.
A. DCX: shunt and ZVZC operation
Figure 12 shows the detail of the ON (u=1) and OFF
(u=0) of the DCX. It is clearly observed from the
MOSFET voltage and diode current that ZVS and ZCS
are achieved even during the transients. Besides, on-delay,
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAES.2023.3325314
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
td, is limited to 18µs. It can be also noticed that the shunt
transistor goes into current limitation mode during the
OFF action to discharge the parasitic capacitance of the
solar array and the resonant capacitor of the DCX.
Fig. 12. Left: DCX ON detail. Right: DCX OFF detail.
Top: VDS M1, Middle: I D1, Bottom: Blue trace: VGS M1,
Red trace: VGS shunt transistor.
B. DCX: efficiency
The efficiency of each DCX has been measured at
different solar array currents, which could represent
different irradiance levels or different solar array
orientation, please refer to table III. Efficiency
measurements also include power consumption of
ancillary electronics and is close to 95.5% in nominal
DCX: efficiency measurements
C. S3DCX: voltage regulation
Figure 13 illustrates the regulators response under a 1kW
load power step, from 100W to 1.1kW (50% of the bus
power). The configuration of the S3DCX is the one
indicated in figure 11 (left). At the beginning, DCX 1 is
regulating the output voltage and the rest of DCX are fully
off. Once the load step happens, DCX 1 and DCX 2 go to
fully on and DCX 3 regulates the output voltage. As it can
be observed in the AC bus voltage waveform (bottom),
the steady state bus voltage ripple does not exceed the
0.5% of the nominal bus voltage (1.5V) and the peak
values during load transients are within 1% of the bus
voltage (3V). Bus voltage steady state is reached in less
than 5ms.
Fig. 13. S3DCX voltage regulation. Top: DCX 1: VDS M1;
Middle-top: DCX 2: VDS M1; Middle-bottom: DCX 3:
VDS M1; Bottom: bus voltage (AC coupled).
D. S3DCX: output series connection voltage
Figure 14 illustrates the operation of the regulator with the
configuration represented in figure 11 (right) under a step
load of approximately 500W. At the beginning, DCX 3
and DCX 4 are regulating the bus voltage and the load
step forces the operation of DCX 5. It is important to note
that DCX 3 and DCX 4 are accommodating 50V solar
sections and, DCX 5 at 100V solar section, as it can be
observed from the voltage measured in the resonant
capacitor, Cr, of each DCX.
Fig. 14. S3DCX voltage regulation output series
connection. Top: DCX 3: VCr; Middle Top: DCX 4: VCr;
Middle Bottom: DCX 5: VCr; Bottom: bus voltage (AC
E. S3DCX: output series connection
unbalanced solar array currents
The last results show the proper operation of the regulator
with output series connection and unbalanced solar array
currents. The regulator has been configured as represented
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAES.2023.3325314
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
in figure 11 (right), but SAS 2 reduces its current to
ISC=3.2A and IMP=3A. As depicted in figure 15, as the
output current is limited, the operating point of the solar
sections adjust to a value where both currents are equal.
This effect is clearly shown in figure 16, where SAS 1 and
SAS 2 exhibit different voltages, either during regulation
or fully-on operation modes. It is also worth to note, that
SAS 3 operates at the nominal value, since SAS 3 and
SAS 4 are not unbalanced. Thus, it is important to remark
that DCX output series connection is possible, with no
loss of ZVZC conditions, even with unequal I-V curves of
the solar array.
Fig. 15. Sketch of balanced and unbalanced solar array
sections in output series connection.
Fig. 16. S3DCX voltage regulation output series
connection and unbalanced solar array currents. Top:
DCX 1: VCr; Middle Top: DCX 2: VCr; Middle Bottom:
DCX 3: VCr; Bottom: DCX 1: I D1.
This paper introduces a different concept for solar array
regulation that solves some of the problems associated to
direct energy transfer regulators commonly used in bus
regulated satellites. The use of the proposed DCX
topology provides two degrees of freedom for regulating
bus voltage: transformer turns ratio, and output series
connection of individual solar array sections, offering true
adaptability to accommodate different types of solar
arrays. Although this concept has been validated for a
high voltage bus at 300V, assuming step-up voltage
conversion, other approaches are possible. Design
example, computer simulation and experimental prototype
has been also included in this paper to show the operating
principles of the proposed regulator. Next steps include
higher bus voltage (600V and 900V), miniaturization of
DCX increasing switching frequency (GaN power
semiconductors and planar magnetics) and digital
implementation (control and pulse-width modulated gate
Design guidelines: ZVZC converter
1) Estimate the parasitic capacitance, Cp (2), from power
semiconductors and transformer.
2) Definition of the magnetizing current, im, as a
percentage of the input current. An initial tentative of 20%
of input current is considered. Low values im means larger
transformers and longer tgap, but lower transformer losses
and better ZCS transitions.
3) Estimation of required gap time to charge the parasitic
capacitance, tgap, and estimation of on time, ton, as a
percentage of tgap to maximize power transfer. Estimation
of switching frequency, fs.
4) Estimation of magnetizing inductance, Lm. and
transformer design.
5) Transformer design. From the above inputs, a RM14/I
core and 3C95 material with five turns on primary, n1=5,
and fifteen turns on secondary, n2=15 is considered.
Measured values of five transformers will result in the
following values (average of five measured transformers).
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAES.2023.3325314
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
6) Check if the transformer values are consistent with the
original design and go back to step 1, if necessary.
7) Gap time, tgap, calculation from measured values and
using the following expressions
8) Calculation of resonant frequency, ωr, to satisfy zero
current switching condition. Resonant frequency is found
by numerical methods.
9) Calculation of resonant capacitor, Cr.
Design guidelines: S3ZVZC MEA
10) Definition of maximum bus voltage ripple as per
ECSS-E-ST-20C Rev.2, clause 5.7.2.m.
11) Definition of bus capacitance as per ECSS-E-ST-20C
Rev.2, clauses 5.7.2.m and 5.7.2.o.
12) Definition of MEA voltage reference, Vref, and voltage
feedback gain, K. Vref is given by the internal voltage
reference of the isolated error amplifier.
13) Definition of the hysteresis of the comparator and the
transconductance of the regulator, G. Hysteresis voltage is
selected as a function of the voltage supply rail and
number of power cells. If the upper limit of the k cell is
equal to the lower limit of the k + 1 cell, and the
transformer turns ratio of all power cells are the same, n,
the transconductance of regulator is simply the
transconductance of one power cell.
14) Calculation of proportional gain and integral term of
the MEA, kp and ki, respectively, ki is adjusted to be one
decade below the crossover frequency of the voltage loop.
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... In this regard, the architecture described in [11] employs phase-shifted zero-voltage switching (ZVS) full-bridge converters in an Input Parallel Output Series (IPOS) configuration. A similar idea is proposed by the authors in [14], but the architecture is based on the current-fed zero-voltage zero-current switching (ZVZCS) direct current transformer (DCX) converter, described in [15]. Bus regulation is achieved using the Sequential Switching Shunt Regulator (S3R) technique, which consists of a sequential control of the DCX modules using a hysteretic controller [16]. ...
... The main research points of this article include a review of the state of the technology and availability of HV SiC Schottky diodes for space applications, with a focus on their voltage rating under the impact of high-energy particles. Additionally, this article covers the design and experimental validation of serialized DCX converters to achieve 600 V and 900 V distribution bus based on the S3DCX presented in [14]. The research also investigates the electric isolation of the DCX transformer and power cell in vacuum and partial pressure conditions. ...
... To regulate and increase the voltage from the solar panels to an HV distribution bus, the S3DCX topology [14] has been chosen. This topology allows each power cell to increase the input voltage of the solar arrays to an intermediate level and then serialize the outputs of each power cell to achieve the desired HV. ...
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This article proposes a photovoltaic power processor for high-voltage and high-power distribution bus, between 300 V and 900 V, to be used in future space platforms like large space stations or lunar bases. Solar arrays with voltages higher than 100 V are not available for space application, being necessary to apply power conversion techniques. The idea behind this is to use series-connected zero-voltage and zero-current unregulated and isolated DC converters to achieve high bus voltage from the existing solar arrays. Bus regulation is then achieved through low-frequency hysteretic control. Topology description, semiconductor selection, design procedure, simulation and experimental validation, including tests in vacuum and partial pressures, are presented.
... The power transfer from the source to the batteries and loads uses either the Direct Energy Transfer (DET) or Maximum Power-Point Tracking (MPPT) architectures [23,36,[39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46]. Figure 5c,d show these architectures, respectively [47,48]. While the MPPT architecture is used in low-and medium-power LEO satellites and interplanetary missions using unregulated bus systems, the DET is widely used in medium-and high-power GEO satellites using fully regulated bus architectures [49]. Two basic design approaches are used for distributing power: distributed power and decentralized power architectures [50]. ...
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Future manned and deep space missions require an Electrical Power System (EPS) that can deliver high power while overcoming challenges like weight and volume constraints and the harsh space environment. A variety of DC-DC converters are employed to supply, store, and transmit power to various satellite subsystems. This paper identifies the design specifications of DC-DC converters for a range of satellite applications and offers a state-of-the-art review of non-isolated, isolated, and integrated topologies. Foreseeing the future of electric propulsion, various sources for electric propulsion are compared, and converters for electric propulsion are studied. The topologies are compared regarding practical parameters like reliability, modularity, redundancy, efficiency, and power density. Furthermore, an application-wise comparison of the topologies and the type of satellite they are suitable for is provided. Finally, the research gaps pertaining to various space applications, such as the design of DC-DC converters, electric propulsion, deep space exploration, electronic component selection, and space-based power satellites, are presented.
... A notable example identified in the literature is that in aerospace applications, commercial SAS systems do not meet the rapid dynamics required for such applications. As a result, many researchers have developed their own SASs to overcome the dynamic limitations of commercial SAS systems [29][30][31]. ...
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The search for energy alternatives in the face of growing global demand highlights solar energy as a promising and sustainable option that is fundamental in reducing carbon emissions and mitigating climate change. In this context, inverters play a key role in connecting and distributing solar energy, requiring certification through specific tests. Given environmental unpredictability and economic challenges, the use of Solar Array Simulators (SASs) is recommended to accurately replicate the behavior of photovoltaic modules under various conditions. This study analyzes the static and dynamic performances of SASs with the aim of ensuring a faithful reproduction of module behavior in real situations under both steady-state and transient conditions. The primary focus is to ensure that experimental results are reliable and representative, promoting the implementation of more efficient energy solutions. Additionally, this study discusses the importance of optimizing inverter controllers to reflect the more realistic dynamics provided by SASs.
... Power regulator topologies based on Direct Energy Transfer (DET) directly transfer the energy produced from PV cells to payloads without intermediate power converters and are often preferred for electrical energy processing in space applications where efficiency, thermal dissipation, and mass are critical problems [9], [16], [25], [26], [27], [28], [29], [30], [31]. One of the most used DET topologies in artificial satellites is the Sequential Switching Shunt Regulator (SSSR or S 3 R) due to its excellent dynamic disturbance response, high power density, and good efficiency [23], [25], [28], [30], [31], [32], [33], [34], [35], [36], [37], [38], [39], [40], [41], [42], [43], [44], [45], [46], [47], [48], [49], [50], [51], [52], [53]. The S 3 R switching allows to periodically short-circuit PV cells and directly measure their short-circuit currents, which are essential data to determine sunlight incidence angles, sun position, angular rates, and the individual power conversion capacity of each PV cell for space applications. ...
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Despite metrological limitations, photovoltaic (PV) cells can be used as orbital sensors in order to evaluate sunlight incidence angles, sun position, and angular rates with acceptable accuracy for several on-board functions in an artificial satellite. This information is assessed using short-circuit currents and open-circuit voltages of PV cells, which can be measured and acquired from the power regulator operation. This paper presents the feasibility of the use of PV conversion systems in the evaluation of sun position and angular rates for on-board functions in a parallelepiped-shaped prismatic artificial satellite.
In [1], (A.7) and (A.8) are corrected as follows: \begin{align*} {{L}_m} &\approx 170\ \mu \mathrm{H}\\ {{C}_{TR}} &\approx 200\ \text{pF}\\ {{L}_{lk}} &\approx 650\ \text{nH}. \tag{A.7} \end{align*}
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This paper proposes a novel electrical power supply system architecture (power conditioning and processing unit, PCPU) for high power all-electric propulsion (AEP) spacecraft platform with high-voltage power bus (HVBUS) powering thrusters and regulated power bus (VBUS) powering onboard payloads, respectively. The design principle of function modules in PCPU has been analyzed. Besides, the test on electrical characteristic of VBUS and HVBUS in prototyped system proves the stable and reliable work of buses in PCPU.
A fault-tolerant converter is widely used in high-reliability applications. To satisfy the high-reliability requirements, fault tolerance is an essential feature and can be achieved by redundant converters. However, a large number of redundant converters degrade the overall power density and cost. This article proposes a novel fault-tolerant LLC converter, which can reduce the number of redundant converters. Its structure is based on the input-parallel, output-series two half-bridge LLC converters, and a midpoint connection on the secondary side. The proposed converter can withstand double short-circuit faults (SCFs) by utilizing only two converters instead of three converters. The redundant converter is used to achieve a single fault-tolerant capability against an SCF. When a second SCF occurs in the switch, the proposed converter is reconfigured to regulate the output voltage without additional semiconductor components. By analyzing the proposed converter, it is demonstrated that the proposed converter achieves high-power density and low cost without degradation of efficiency. In addition, it can be easily extended to have multiple fault-tolerant capabilities. Finally, the performance and feasibility of the proposed converter were confirmed with a 100 V/12 A 1200 W prototype.
The double-section phenomenon is inherent to the sequential switching shunt regulator (S3R), which increases the bus ripple, affects the poststage filter design, generates electromagnetic interference, and reduces the system reliability. In this article, an in-depth study of the S3R reveals that the double-section phenomenon is caused by a combination of hysteresis loop overlap, sampling integration delay, and parasitic capacitance of the solar panel. To suppress the influence of the double-section phenomenon, according to the working characteristics of S3R, an improved controller is proposed: first, replace the ladder-shaped comparators with the ladder-shaped subtracters and then use fixed frequency control to fix the sampling ripple frequency; subsequently, the specific frequency of the sampling ripple is compensated to reduce the phase shift, thus reducing the delay of the sampling signal, and finally, the S3R’s double-section phenomenon is suppressed. The controller’s specific structure and parameter design procedure are also given in this article. Finally, the correctness and feasibility of the proposed method are proved by building an experimental prototype.
In this paper, we propose a two-stage factorized power architecture (FPA) DC-DC converter, which caters to applications that require high efficiency, high power density, low ripple and high dynamic response of space-borne low-voltage, and high-current power supply. The first-stage 48 V intermediate bus converter (IBC) adopts the six-phase interleaving magnetic integration buck converter. A new array high symmetry multi-phase coupled inductor (CI) is constructed, and a general zero-voltage switching (ZVS) control strategy is proposed. The designed IBC provides 2.4 kW power with a density of up to 1400 W/in3 and efficiency up to 97.15%. The second-stage point of load converter (POLC) adopts the four-phase interleaving magnetic integration LLC DC/DC transformer (DCX). A new method of current sharing, which is based on the inverse coupling resonant inductor, is proposed. This method yields good current sharing under 15% mismatch of resonance parameters. A highly symmetrical four-phase resonant CI and a four-phase magnetic integration transformer are developed, the design of magnetic components is optimized by constructing high precision magnetic circuit mode. The designed POLC has a power density of up to 700 W/in3 and efficiency of up to 97.1%. Finally, the experimental prototype is fully tested against a similar type of Vicor's products. According to the results, the power supply designed in this paper several benefits with regard to efficiency, power density, transient response speed, and ripple.
This paper deals with the negative effects produced by unexpected energy of solar array and methods of suppressing the effects for the sequential switching shunt regulator (S3R). The complex space operation conditions such as plasma environment and accidental impact are likely to cause abnormal discharge of solar array, leading to unexpected changes in the input energy of an S3R. Effects of unexpected energy on current stress and power loss of power devices, over-regulation of the S3R and quality of output voltage are represented and analyzed in this paper. A shunt regulator topology based on the switch current limiting drive (SCLSR) is then proposed to suppress current stress and power loss of power devices, thereby alleviating negative effects. Finally, simulation and experimental results are provided to illustrate the negative effects of unexpected energy and validate the proposed shunt regulator.
Sequential switching shunt regulators (S3Rs) are widely used in satellites owing to their simple structure and high reliability. High-power communication satellites require a power supply with a high bus voltage and large solar array section current. However, a large solar array capacitance and new time-division multiple access (TDMA) operations complicate the design of a lightweight and cost-effective power supply by increasing the difficulty in dissipation and thermal control. On the basis of passive current limitation, this paper proposes a novel shunt regulator with only one output diode and a protection strategy to achieve high efficiency, appropriate shunt current limitation, and low turn-off delay. In addition, to reduce the dissipation of an S3R cell when feeding the solar array current to the main bus and to satisfy the single point failure free requirement, an innovative self-retriggerable diode short-circuit fault detector circuit is proposed, which includes a protection switch for safe thermal or electrical operation. Finally, simulation and experimental results are presented to validate the proposed shunt regulator and the corresponding control method or protection strategy.
The series resonant soft-switching topology is widely used in high-density DCX products due to its zero switching loss. But, the conventional series resonant converter is a dual end topology, which results in complex circuit structure and high cost. In order to simplify the resonant DCX topology and reduce the cost, a novel resonant cell named input current fed (ICF) cell is proposed in this paper, which can be applied to single-ended forward topologies. The zero-voltage-switching (ZVS) on and quasi-zero-current-switching (ZCS) off for switch are both achieved. According to the duality theory of circuit, another output current sink cell is derived. Based on the proposed ZVZCS ICF cell, two cells are interleaved to construct several dual end cells, which can be extended to push-pull, full bridge, half bridge, and other dual end topologies. Based on these cells, a new family of ZVZCS resonant DCX is derived, which are suitable for high-frequency and high-efficiency applications with various power levels. The operating principle and characteristics of the cells and topologies are verified by simulations and experimental results.
A new approach to the design of high power switching shunt regulators is presented which is designer oriented and takes into account imperfections in the components typically used in this application and which was developed within the framework of the European Communication Satellites program. Formulas are derived which can be used for preliminary design analysis of inherent component limitation in order to optimize the resultant design.
In the following years power levels of 20 kW to 50 kW will be demanded by the telecommunication satellites. It is not possible to keep 0.5 kW modules with up to 100 modules in parallel and, therefore, higher power modules must be used. A higher bus voltage seems also necessary and any voltage below 150 V and above 100 V could meet the needs. In addition, new optimized topologies that process only a part of the total power delivery can be employed to improve the efficiency. In this article, design guidelines and experimental results of a high efficiency battery discharge regulator (BDR) module based on parallel power processing are given.