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Development and Validation of Flipped Classroom Modules for Teacher Education Course


Abstract and Figures

Flipped Classroom Instruction is based on the concept of blended learning where students get familiar with the content at home and work on activities through it during class time. It helps to effectively use the class time for working on higher-order thinking skills. In this study, flipped classroom modules were developed for an undergraduate course. For one undergraduate course, eight modules were developed based on eight units of the course. Each module consisted of different sections depending upon the number and the nature of topics covered in each unit. Each section consisted of seven segments: learning outcomes, resources at home, scaffolding, class quiz, class activity, feedback, and further reading resources/task(s). The ‘learning resources at home’ which were used included chapters/pages from the reference books, YouTube/pre-recorded videos, class notes, and the website content. The class quiz and class activities were based on the pre-class readings (i.e., learning resources at home). The role expectations of teacher and students were clearly stated in class activity segment. There was a reflection form at the end of each section. After completing the modules, the responses of the students collected in the form of qualitative data were positive about various segments. They perceived that the modules helped them to understand and apply the course concepts. The challenges related to the student role in class tasks and the out-of-class readings were dealt by adding more clarity and practice time in class tasks and by providing instructional videos with subtitles. It is recommended to adopt the structure of flipped classroom module keeping in view the context, nature of the subject and the characteristics of the students.
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Tufail, M
JEPPS, 2023, 3(1), 26-38 26
Journal of Educational Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences (JEPPS)
ISSN:2791-0393 (Print) eISSN: 2791-0407
Vol. 3, No. 1, (Jan-June 2023): 26-38
Development and Validation of Flipped Classroom Modules for Teacher
Education Course
Mubeshera Tufail 1 *
Flipped Classroom Instruction is based on the concept of blended learning where students
get familiar with the content at home and work on activities through it during class time.
It helps to effectively use the class time for working on higher-order thinking skills. In
this study, flipped classroom modules were developed for an undergraduate course. For
one undergraduate course, eight modules were developed based on eight units of the
course. Each module consisted of different sections depending upon the number and the
nature of topics covered in each unit. Each section consisted of seven segments: learning
outcomes, resources at home, scaffolding, class quiz, class activity, feedback, and further
reading resources/task(s). The ‘learning resources at home’ which were used included
chapters/pages from the reference books, YouTube/pre-recorded videos, class notes, and
the website content. The class quiz and class activities were based on the pre-class
readings (i.e., learning resources at home). The role expectations of teacher and students
were clearly stated in class activity segment. There was a reflection form at the end of
each section. After completing the modules, the responses of the students collected in the
form of qualitative data were positive about various segments. They perceived that the
modules helped them to understand and apply the course concepts. The challenges related
to the student role in class tasks and the out-of-class readings were dealt by adding more
clarity and practice time in class tasks and by providing instructional videos with
subtitles. It is recommended to adopt the structure of flipped classroom module keeping
in view the context, nature of the subject and the characteristics of the students.
Keywords: Flipped Classroom (FC), blended learning, higher-order thinking skills, class
routine, learning experiences, modules, instructional videos, teacher-student interaction.
1. Introduction
Traditional instruction may be helpful in a situation where the learners may have little or
no prior knowledge about a concept and the procedure of a task is required to be taught before
they can apply it (Gilboy, et al. 2015) in a given or unexpected situation. However, the
traditional lecture method has been criticized for a number of reasons. For example, the lecture
Lecturer, Department of Early Childhood Education & Elementary Teacher Education,
Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad-Pakistan.
*Corresponding E-mail:;
Development and Validation of Flipped Classroom Modules for Teacher Education Course
Journal of Educational Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences, 2023, 3(1) 27
method when used as a sole method of teaching, the course may take the class time away from
challenging students’ thinking, working on problem-solving tasks, and application of concepts
in an active learning situation (Bergmann & Sams, 2012: as cited in Gilboy et al. 2015). The
flipped classroom is one of the teaching and learning pedagogies that may overcome the
limitations of traditional or lecture-based instruction.
Flipped classroom keeps students at the center of teaching and they are actively constructing
knowledge (Masood et al. 2022). The constructivist learning theory recommended to expose
students to learning experiences where they can create knowledge based on their previous
learning. Flipped classroom engaged learners in pre-class phase through interesting learning
resources, in-class phase through participation of learners in discussion/individual/group
activities and post-class phase through reflection (Gerber & Eybers, 2021). Flipped classroom
uses readily accessible technology to deliver the course content before class time and reserves
the class time for learning activities that involve the application of course concepts (Roehl et
al. 2013).
In flipped classroom (FC), the pre-class learning material in the form of videos, PowerPoint
slides, notes and readings (articles, books etc) is shared with students for studying before class
time while the teacher is in contact with his/her students through Learning Management System
(LMS). The teacher emphasizes on higher learning levels during face-to-face class time
(Cevikbas & Kaiser, 2020). The students may be more engaged in the course activities as
compared to the traditional classrooms where students are passively attending the lectures.
However, the students asked for more real-life examples, more and shorter conceptual
questions, and more summaries to be included in the content for the flipped classroom (Cho et
al. 2021).
Although the flipped classroom offered the opportunities to interact with content and to
interact via content, there is a need to anticipate and make arrangements for circumstances when
the things do not go as planned for class due to technical or other problems (Jiang et al. 2022).
The researchers have found some other challenges associated with flipped classroom including
the duration of the videos for topics, the time required by teachers to arrange the learning
resources, and the time required by students to learn the concepts (Al-Samarraie et al. 2020). It
can be concluded that although the concept of flipped classroom seems very simple to
understand but its use in the classroom requires technological skills, pedagogical and content
expertise to implement it effectively (Shimamoto, 2012).
There has been a rising trend towards the use of web-based learning materials such as videos
and documents in teaching-learning process over past few years especially during COVID-19
period. It has provided the access and the opportunities to the students and academia to take
advantage of varied sources of learning materials (Feijoo et al. 2021). However, some
meaningful interaction between teacher and student is required for effective learning process.
This interaction would be helpful for providing support for the individual student needs and
dealing with potential problems such as social distancing (Younghee & Thomas, 2007), poor
quality of programs and/or materials, cost for developing and/or accessing the resources and
use of technology for the sake of technology (Feijoo et al. 2021). Students faced difficulty in
performing assigned work in remote situation and a decrease in the comprehension of the
applied subjects in the absence of classroom interaction and weak motivation for distance
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education. Further, the performance of struggling students was adversely affected during
remote teaching (García-Alberti, Suárez, Chiyón, Mosquera Feijoo, 2021).
The flipped classroom instruction requires carefully developed modules or lesson plans for
its effective implementation where step-by-step procedure, nature of task, time allocated for the
task, and the role of teacher and students is explained. Keeping in view these challenges
mentioned above, the researcher worked on the development of flipped classroom modules so
that the process of development of modules and the experiences of students with these modules
may be shared with the academic and research community for future work in this area. This
paper would help to deal with various types of challenges faced in flipped classroom.
2. Review of Related Literature
The flipped classroom was found helpful by students for learning the course content (Cho
et al. 2021). The students preferred flipped instruction over the traditional instruction for
learning (Gilboy et al. 2015). Albert & Beatty (2014) reported an improvement in the
achievement scores of the students in the management course at the university level as a result
of the flipped classroom. The students in a partial flip course performed higher than students of
the control group in formative assessment and final examination questions. Further, the below
and above-average students equally performed well in the formative assessment in a partial flip
course (Lax et al. 2016). The result of the research work on the flipped classroom reported a
positive effect on the cognitive, affective and soft skills of the learners (Birgili et al. 2021).
Instructors adopting the flipped classroom model, provide class lectures or course material
as homework. So, for preparing for the class, the students are required to consult and understand
the lecture material. Flipped classroom model utilizes a variety of technologies for the delivery
of instructional material (Roehl et al. 2013). During class time, the students engage in solving
problems, in-depth engagement with the concepts and collaborative learning activities (Tucker,
2012: as cited in Roehl et al. 2013). A flipped classroom model can be adapted for disciplines
and courses where the lecture method is used for sharing the information and learning occur
when the learners apply the information to solve a problem or complete a task (Roehl et al.
In the active learning classroom, the students must engage with what they are learning, write
about it, relate it to their previous experiences and apply it to their daily lives (Chickering &
Gamson, 1987). The knowledge is not a ready-made product, but it is constructed and
reconstructed by making sense of new information while keeping in view the previous
knowledge and experiences. The construction and reconstruction of knowledge may be possible
through use of active learning strategies such as problem-solving, simulation, think-pair-share
etc. (Gilboy et al. 2015). Active learning is continuously developing new methods of delivering
the material (Roehl et al. 2013). Active learning can be encouraged through in-class activities
such as structured exercises, challenging discussions, team projects and peer critiques, and
through out-of-classroom tasks such as internships, independent study and cooperative job
programs (Chickering & Gamson, 1987).
The flipped classroom may encourage active learning, self-regulation, and students’
engagement in the learning process. Through technology-enabled flipped classroom instruction
and active learning, the students may develop higher-order thinking skills and creativity (Roehl
et al. 2013).
Development and Validation of Flipped Classroom Modules for Teacher Education Course
Journal of Educational Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences, 2023, 3(1) 29
Flipped classroom model and active learning require the learners to take the charge of their
learning experiences. Without understanding the learning material before class time, the
students cannot successfully perform the assigned task in the class. Therefore, the teacher must
share clear expectations and motivation for learning a concept and/or a course. The instructors,
in flipped classroom, faced the challenge related to lack of motivation of students for watching
the video lectures or studying the material before class-time (Zainuddin et al. 2019). Therefore,
the purpose of the study was to develop the modules for an undergraduate course and assess
their feasibility for the students’ learning and learning experiences of students
3. Theoretical Framework
The flipped classroom is a unique pedagogical approach because it blends the traditional
instruction in before-class time with the active learning strategies during the within-class time
for a lesson. When implemented in a strategic way, it may help to achieve all the levels of the
cognitive domain of Bloom’s taxonomy (Gilboy et al. 2015), as shown in figure 01. The flipped
classroom has three types of activities: pre-class, in-class and after-class activities. Pre-class
activities are completed before class time, and it involves seeking knowledge and transfer or
the first two levels of the cognitive domain of Bloom’s taxonomy. The learning material should
be provided through a multi-modal delivery and access mechanism. In-class activities are based
on pre-class activities, and it involves advanced learning activities based on ‘apply’, ‘analyze’
and ‘evaluate’ levels of the cognitive domain of Bloom’s taxonomy. Post-class are the further
reading resources or tasks, and it reinforces the pre-class and in-class activities. Post-class
activities involve ‘apply’, ‘analyze’ and ‘evaluate’ and in some cases, ‘create’ levels of learning
according to Bloom’s taxonomy (Gerber & Eybers, 2021).
Figure 1.
Flipped Classroom (FC) activities according to levels of Bloom's taxonomy
Source: (Gerber & Eybers, 2021)
Eppard and Rochdi (2017) elaborated the learning process in flipped classroom where
various learning concepts such as active learning, collaboration, differentiated learning, and
higher-order thinking skills may be evident. A flipped classroom heavily depends upon how
the teacher, students and the teacher interact with each other. However, it showed that the
flipped classroom is a fluid concept about the way learning theories are used in it.
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The role of teacher and students, and the nature of interaction depends upon the subject, the
topic covered in a lesson and nature of class activity student are working on. Further, the student
experience with the flipped classroom affects the nature of interaction between teacher and
students. In this study, the modules were developed keeping in view the model of Gerber and
Eybers (2021), and the model of Eppard and Rochdi (2017).
Figure 02. Learning process in flipped classroom by Eppard & Rochdi (2017)
4. Methodology
The research utilized a developmental research approach for the design and development of
modules. Research and development approach is used to develop a certain product and then
tests its implementation (Adriani, Dewi Lubis & Abdillah Triono, 2018). In this study, one
subject of B.Ed. (04 years) i.e., critical thinking and reflective practices, was selected for
development of modules. The modules were developed for this subject, and the one class of
B.Ed. program (who were studying this course in the subsequent semester) used these modules
for one semester (Richey, Klein & Nelson, 2004). Their responses about their experience with
these modules were recorded verbally through semi-structured interviews. The questions
included in the semi-structured interview were validated by three experts from the field of
education. The qualitative responses were analyzed by open coding and locating the patterns in
their qualitative responses through thematic analysis.
i. Pilot-Testing of the Modules
Before using the modules for the mentioned class, one section of a module was pilot-tested
on a group of pre-service teachers; this group was different from the group included in the
sample of the study. It helped the researcher some adjustments in the modules such as the nature
of the task and the instructions for the teacher and students for class tasks.
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ii. Subjects of the Study
The population of the study were the students of B.Ed. (04 years) in Rawalpindi and
Islamabad. The subjects of the study were one class of B.Ed. (04 years program) selected
through purposive sampling technique. There were 23 students in the age range 18-21 years in
this class. This class was selected as the subjects of the study because they were studying the
same subject for which the modules were developed, in the subsequent semester. At the start of
the study, the students signed a consent form for participating in the study. The students were
not proficient in the use of technology for the learning process. Therefore, an orientation and
training session was arranged for the participants for accessing and using online resources at
the beginning of the semester before they used these modules for learning the course concepts.
iii. Development of the Modules
The modules were developed for the course ‘Critical Thinking and Reflective Practice’ (03
Credit Hours) of the B.Ed. program. The design considerations as suggested by Gerber and
Eybers, (2021) provided a guideline for the development of modules. The course learning
outcomes were reflected in the outcomes for eight modules. The contents of the modules are
mentioned in the image below.
Table 1
Contents of the Flipped Classroom Modules
Unit of the Course
Content of Modules
Unit 01
Introduction to
Critical Thinking
In this module, the concept of critical thinking was explained with the
help of several definitions of critical thinking. The skills for critical
thinking and barriers to thinking critically were discussed. Important
concepts related to critical thinking such as argument, proposition,
claim, reason, agreement/disagreement, conclusion and logical order
were explained with the help of at least two examples. The difference
between argument, description, explanation and summary were
elaborated in this unit.
Unit 02
Strategies and
Techniques to
Develop Critical
In this module, the techniques for brainstorming and concept
mapping, and the use of Venn diagrams for critical thinking were
explicated. The generalization based on the available evidence was
also discussed. The flaws in the generalization such as sweeping and
hasty generalization were clarified with the help of examples.
Unit 03
Critical Thinking
and the Art of
In this module, the different types of questions and their use for
critical thinking was elaborated. Six types of Socratic questions by R.
W. Paul were also discussed. The characteristics of ‘Good’ questions
and the errors to avoid while asking questions were also explained in
this module. The analysis of the point of view of a person was a
section of this module where the perspective, values and purpose
behind a statement were analyzed using sample texts.
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Unit 04
Critical Thinking
and its Applications
In this module, the characteristics of an academic text such as the use
of formal language, avoiding short forms, emotive language and
phrasal verbs were explained. The difference between primary and
secondary sources of information was covered along with literature
search and reputable sources such as journal articles and ‘authorities’.
The relevance/irrelevance of evidence, currency, reliability, validity
and authenticity of evidence and triangulation were elaborated.
Interrogating a given text for its currency, relevance, authority,
accuracy and purpose, was discussed.
Unit 05
Introduction to
In this module, the concept, significance, and levels of reflection were
explicated. The reflective practice in small groups and teams was also
Unit 06
Major Proponents
of Reflective
In this module, the contribution of John Dewey, D. Schon and L.
Stenhouse in the field of reflection were discussed. Students evaluated
their contribution to reflective practice.
Unit 07
Process and
Techniques of
In this module, Gibb’s cycle of reflection and Kolb’s cycle of
reflective practice were discussed. The skills for reflective practice
such as self-awareness, description, critical analysis, and synthesis
were explicated. Major techniques and strategies such as critical
incident analysis, reflective journals, peer coaching and action
research were discussed in detail for their characteristics and
Unit 08
Application of
skills and
approaches to
In this module, systematic reflection throughout the coursework using
Bloom Taxonomy (cognitive domain) was elaborated. The key
questions which may help teachers to reflect on their teaching from
time to time were discussed along with the issues faced by the
teachers in becoming reflective practitioners.
For the development of content of the modules, student learning outcomes were stated for
each topic. A deliberate search of relevant resources was conducted. The reference books,
YouTube, websites, pdf files were compiled for each topic. Each module was divided into a
number of sections. Each section consisted of seven segments as shown in figure 04. The
allocated time for one section was 120 minutes. Learning outcomes at the start of each section
were clearly stated for the guidance of teacher and the students.
The learning resources which were used for pre-class reading purpose, included
chapters/pages from the books, YouTube videos, class notes, slides and the website content.
The duration of one video was between 5-12 minutes. If the content required more time for
learning, the instructional material was segmented into the chunks of the mentioned time limit
to reduce the boredom and distractions.
The class quiz and face-to-face class activity (e.g., individual/group activity) were designed
Development and Validation of Flipped Classroom Modules for Teacher Education Course
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according to the nature of topic and competencies required. Google Forms were used as the
class quiz platform. The class quiz consisted of multiple-choice questions and it was auto-
graded through Google Forms. The class activities in the modules were designed in a way that
it involves applying the subject’s concepts for solving the problem or completing the assigned
tasks. Some activities were individual activities and some were group activities.
A set of role expectations of teacher and students, and nature of work to be accomplished
by a student were also clearly written for a class activity. Teacher’s feedback to students on
their performance in class activity was based on nature of work to be completed by the students.
Further learning material and the reflection form was a mandatory part of each segment.
Google Classroom was used as Learning Management System (LMS). Learning
Management System provided access to the learning material, quiz, class activity and reflection
form. WhatsApp was used as a platform for after-class communication such as comments,
questions, and feedback.
Figure 3
Structure of a Flipped Classroom Module
The students watched the instructional video(s) and/or read the learning material before
class time. During class time, they attempted the class quiz to determine their minimum level
of comprehension (i.e., 90% marks in the class quiz was the qualifying score to pass it). After
successful completion of the class quiz, the students were given a briefing about class activity.
When the students were working on the class activity, the teacher was available in the class as
a guide and facilitator.
(1) Learning Outcomes
(2) Learning Resources at
Home: Print (Book, chapter in
the book and teacher notes)
and non-Print material
(YouTube videos, websites,
slide presentations and
(3) Scaffolding
(4) Class Quiz through
Google Forms with
atleast 90% score
(5) class activity
(individual or group) in
printed form with
teacher's role as a
facilitator and guide
(6) Group Discussion/Problem-
(Teacher acts as a facilitator
and monitors the progress of
students during activity)
(7) Teacher provides
feedback on the
performance of students
in class activity
(8) Sharing of learning
material for next class
with its brief
(9) Writing a reflective
journal for the class
experience after the
class time is over
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After the completion of the class activity, the students shared the output of the class activity
with the teacher and the teacher provided them feedback on their performance. At the end of
class, the students filled out an after-class reflection form consisting of three main sections:
what they learned today, their reflection on what they learned, and their suggestion(s) for the
upcoming class.
iv. Experiences of Students About Flipped Classroom Modules
After the successful completion of the course modules, the data about students’ experiences
was collected through audio-recording of their responses. Their responses were in favour of the
modules and the way it helped them to learn in a better way, as shown in figure 05. Their
suggestion was to include the pre-class video resources with subtitles so that the students can
understand the concepts even if they are struggling with the English language.
Figure 4.
Responses of Students about Their experience of using Flipped Classroom Modules
5. Discussion
Flipping a course requires advanced instructional design planning and considerable time for
arranging course activities (Arslan, 2020). Further, updating the course content from time to
time keeping in view the latest trends in the subject and the technologies used for delivering the
content is a challenge for the instructor of the course involving flipped classroom (Roehl, Reddy
& Shannon, 2013). The arrangement of the resources of the course for the first time was a very
time-consuming process. However, once the instructional material has been assembled in one
place, it can be updated with very less effort and time because the resources particularly Open
Educational Resources (OERs) can be easily adapted for the flipped classroom in future. The
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benefits of flipped classroom encompass the one-to-one interaction between the teacher and the
student, students learning at their own pace, re-use of resources if the student missed the class,
and active participation of students in the class content (Roehl, Reddy & Shannon, 2013). The
videos and the print resources can be used by a student to slow down, pause, rewatch/re-read
and learn at their own pace. Further, they could ask questions from the teacher in the WhatsApp
class group for pre-class activities. The pre-class work must be comprehended by the students
to successfully complete classwork. Therefore, they had to actively engage with the pre-class
work. For motivating students for completing pre-class work, learning outcomes were shared
with them and the class teacher was available online if students had any questions related to the
topic. During the class time, there were either group activities or individual activities where
students were required to participate and complete the assigned work. So, the students were
active during class time and reported their work to the teacher during class time. The students
were also helping each other if anybody needs help to complete the assigned activity.
One of the challenges of implementing flipped classroom is learning and accessing the latest
technology tools for delivery of course content. The teachers may be provided training for the
use of existing and the latest technologies for the delivery of course content (Roehl, Reddy &
Shannon, 2013). In these modules, the technology tools used, was free and readily available for
use on android phone and personal computers. The teacher was familiar with majority of the
technology tools used in the modules; a brief orientation to the teacher further helped to work
with the course modules.
Few challenges the teachers face while implementing flipped classroom include adapting
the traditional content to online mode using different media for the flipped classroom, and clear
expectations for students learning (Roehl, Reddy & Shannon, 2013). Challenges associated
with the flipped classroom technology include cost, time, technology resources and skills for
utilizing, developing and/or arranging technology in the classroom (Pellas, 2018). In this study,
the modules included the already available resources in the course such as YouTube videos,
Dailymotion videos, pages/chapters from the books, PowerPoint presentation slides, Prezi,
Powtoon, and other website materials. The researcher used platforms and software for this
course which were available free of cost. The instructional material provided for the pre-class
component clearly stated the learning outcomes for the students. Further, before the start of the
semester, a short orientation training was provided to the students about using technological
resources for course activities.
The instructor serves as a facilitator of the learning process and s/he can provide the
facilitation by providing the context and the support for the learning process, anytime (Gerber
& Eybers, 2021). As the role of the students change from passive to active learner (Arslan,
2020), they are also required to be trained for it. In this study, the modules of the course have
clearly stated learning outcomes for pre-class and in-class activities. When the students were
clear about the expectations of their role, they were engaged in working to achieve it. It took a
few classes to train them for their new role. Once they were ready to adopt this shift in their
role, they were more engaged in the class as depicted through their classroom behavior and the
reflective journals submitted by them.
Social networking and communication with the students and the instructor play an important
role in the learning process. Being a facilitator is a skilled job (Gerber & Eybers, 2021). The
availability of the teacher for the facilitation of course activities is required beyond the class
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For this purpose, some synchronous and asynchronous communication sources may be helpful.
For this study, the WhatsApp class group was used for teacher-peer and peer-peer
communication and collaboration beyond the class time. It was a low-cost medium for the
subjects of the study. An important aspect of facilitation was the realization of when and how
much support should be provided to the students.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the higher educational institutions moved to remote and
online teaching modes. In this scenario, the flipped classroom can be helpful (Gerber & Eybers,
2021). The modules were designed in such a way that the students had flexible access to the
learning resources using a mobile network. For example, the YouTube videos were downloaded
and shared through WhatsApp by the instructor which helped the students to access it because
the mobile networks offered very reduced rates for the use of WhatsApp as compared to other
platforms such as Google Classroom, Gmail and YouTube. The printed instructional material
was shared through Google Classroom and the WhatsApp class group for all students. The
students were provided in-class activities to the students in printed form during class time. It
can be shifted to the online platform where the group activities can be carried out through a
WhatsApp group call or Zoom sessions. The synchronous and/or recorded sessions depending
upon the need of the students and the resources available to them may be helpful for the in-
class component of the flipped classroom.
The Google Docs can be used for an in-class/online group activity where group members
can contribute to the group work on the assigned task. The work completed by the students can
be submitted through LMS or Google Docs to receive feedback from the teacher. The teacher-
student interaction and peer-peer interaction can be carried out through WhatsApp class groups
and through the discussion board on LMS. The students may share their daily reflections
through Google Forms, or any other online Survey form shared with the students through LMS.
In these modules, the students shared their reflections through WhatsApp and Mobile text
messages which was a low-cost source for the students.
6. Conclusion
The flipped classroom modules were developed for a class from a digitally divided developing
country which distinguishes the characteristics of this research from the majority of the
literature available in this field. In these modules, learning resources, activities and tasks were
provided keeping in view the pre-class, in-class and post-class phases of flipped classroom for
an undergraduate course. The flexible access to the learning resources, use of freely available
technology for the course, role expectations of the teacher and students, and use of social
networking platform (i.e., WhatsApp), and in-class and out-of-class communication were the
key considerations in developing the modules for the course. The students shared their positive
experiences about the course modules. The students suggested that instructional videos with
subtitles must be provided for before-class segment of the module if the videos are in English
The modules were implemented in a small-group class and their effectiveness for a larger
group of students may be tested in the future. The researcher also plans to evaluate the
effectiveness of the modules for tracking of course learning outcomes by the students. The
feasibility of modules in diverse classroom contexts and inclusive classroom settings may be
investigated. These modules may be helpful for preparing modules based on flipped classroom
instruction for other courses of B.Ed. (04 years) program. However, the classroom context
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nature of the subject, and the competences of students must be kept in view while designing the
course material and the class tasks.
7. References
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The global Covid-19 pandemic caused havoc in higher education teaching routines and several residential institutions encouraged instructors to convert existing modules to flipped classrooms as part of an online, blended learning strategy. Even though this seems a reasonable request, instructors straightaway encountered challenges which include a vague concept of what an online flipped classroom entails within a higher education context, a lack of guidelines for converting an existing module, facilitating learner engagement as well as unique challenges for inclusion of all learners in a digitally divided developing country in Covid-19 lockdown. In order to respond, we embarked on a study to identify the distinguishing characteristics of flipped classrooms to understand the as-is and to-be scenarios using a systematic literature review. The characteristics were used to develop of design considerations to convert to an online flipped classroom for higher education taking our diverse learner profiles into account. We subsequently converted a short module in an information systems department and shortly report on our experience.
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Background To address some challenges that the large lecture-focused courses have faced in higher education, the flipped classroom model was implemented in mechanical engineering. The purpose of the study was to investigate mechanical engineering undergraduate students’ performance in the flipped classroom. A comprehensive analysis was conducted to investigate the pedagogical benefits of active learning in the flipped classroom from a self-determination theory perspective. To evaluate the effectiveness of the flipped classroom, students’ academic achievements in the flipped classroom were compared with the ones in the traditional lecture format. Moreover, to explore in-depth students’ learning experiences and their perceptions about the flipped classroom, students’ open-ended surveys were analyzed. Results Results demonstrated that students in the flipped classroom performed better and favored the new model, feeling that flipped classroom was useful and helpful in preparing for the course. The qualitative findings showed that students felt that they benefited from the pre-week online lectures in the flipped classroom to prepare for the course. Conclusions The current study shows that the flipped classroom model has the potential to create an autonomy-supportive learning environment and provide beneficial learning experiences. This study highlights the benefits of and future direction for implementing the flipped classroom in traditional mechanical engineering courses.
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The classroom closure during the first semester of 2020 entailed decisive changes in higher education. Universities have become more digital in both the availability of e-resources and pervasive devices and how students communicate with lecturers and classmates. Learners adapted their study habits with a growing role of self-paced, internet-based strategies. Some flipped learning approaches have proven their efficacy under the remote-teaching physical constraints. This study aimed to appraise the outcomes from the implementation of various web-based, learning-aid tools on flipped teaching approaches in engineering modules. The open educational resources (OER) performed satisfactorily during the lockdown period in three universities from two countries with similar higher education models. Such resources encompassed classroom response systems and web-based exercise repositories, designed for diverse purposes such as autonomous learning, self-correction, flipped classroom, peer assessment, and guided study. The acquired experiences reveal that OER helped students to enhance their engagement, reach the deeper levels of the cone of learning, and widen their range of learning abilities. This procedure is easily attainable for architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) courses and lifelong learning settings. Feedback from students, instructors’ perceptions, and learning outcomes show the suitability and effectiveness of the web-based learning assistant procedure presented here.
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As an innovative active learning method, flipped learning provides students with several opportunities. This study was conducted to reveal the trends and outcomes in research into the flipped learning approach published between 2012 and 2018. Descriptive content analysis was used to review 316 research and conceptual articles published in academic journals included in five significant databases that ascribe to journals the highest impact factor. The results indicate that most of the studies are conducted with students as the most frequent study group and with a mixed-method research design in the subject areas of education and medicine. The flipped learning approach is mostly conducted in higher education. As a region, Asia has taken the lead in flipped learning studies. Finally, the outcomes of flipped learning indicate an increase in student performance and positive influence on cognitive, affective, and soft skills.
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As a consequence of the global health emergency in early 2020, universities had to tackle a sudden shift in their teaching–learning strategies so that the preset competences could be fulfilled. This study presents the learning outcomes of the implemented tasks, student experiences, and feedback, as well as some reflections from the instructors with a holistic perspective of the courses due to the adopted measures and adaptations. Six courses taught at civil engineering degrees of three universities, two from Spain and one from Peru, were analyzed. The teaching and evaluation strategies are described, and some reflections are made by comparing the student’s performance with the previous course. Though the shift to online learning had to be made from day to day, with no time for preparation, the experience has proved that online learning can be beneficial in some aspects and has probably come to stay, although some other aspects are difficult to replace with respect to face-to-face learning, especially students’ engagement and motivation. The significance of this study relies on a description of the challenges that arose due to the global public health and an assessment of the results of the implemented strategies to account for both teaching and evaluation in modules of civil engineering. After the acquired experience, new questions have arisen, e.g., what type of content is (and what is not) adequate or suitable for online exams? What features have come to stay? Has higher education taken a step forward to tomorrow’s education?
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Innovative methods can change the paradigm of teaching mathematics and inspire teachers to espouse new ideas and gain new experiences. The flipped classroom (FC) is currently an innovative pedagogical approach that has high potential to transform the teaching of mathematics. In the case study described in this paper, we investigated one mathematics teacher’s transformation of teaching in two mathematics classrooms through implementing interventions based on FC methods; furthermore, we identified several key points of FC design as well as challenges and opportunities afforded by teaching mathematics in FCs. The results of the study showed that the tasks posed by the teacher, the implemented discourse, teacher feedback and scaffolding, and the teaching–learning environment were changed in FCs, although the approaches used by the teacher to analyze the tasks and students’ learning were similar to those used in non-FCs, which points out the strengths of traditional teaching approaches. The study indicates that although teaching mathematics in FCs created some difficulties for teaching, well-designed FCs offered a great opportunity to promote students’ mathematical thinking and understanding. Overall, the results highlight that through FC, teachers can develop students’ mathematical potential with FCs.
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The present work synthesizes the studies in flipped language education based on Social Sciences Citation Index publications up to the year 2018. A sum of 33 studies were finalized as the targeted studies and our research questions were formulated regarding (1) the overall trend and features of the existing studies, (2) their research foci, (3) the role of technology, and (4) the integration of FL/L2 learning and teaching theories, models or strategies into flipped classroom. Some research gaps were identified, including a bias toward outcome-oriented quantitative studies over process-oriented qualitative studies. Additionally, an overwhelming majority of the studies were conducted from the learners’ perspectives, while few studies took the teachers’ perspectives. More importantly, to guide the course design and implementation, the present review proposed a comprehensive ‘interaction model’ integrating four key elements into flipped FL/L2 education. The model featured two types of interaction, namely ‘interaction with content’ and ‘interaction via content’, highlighting the uniqueness of flipped FL/L2 education. The study incorporated learner preparedness in the interaction model, entailing a practical interface for the principle of ‘design for failure’, that is, predicting and preparing contingencies for the times when in-class interactions do not go as planned for technical or other reasons.
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The recent movement to integrate the flipped classroom model into higher education has resulted in significant changes that affected both teaching and learning practices in different ways. After almost a decade of research on the flipped classroom model, different emergent outcomes have been reported in a domain specific context. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the flipped classroom implementation in a university context, a review of the literature on the use of flipped classroom in a university context was conducted. This study was guided by interpreting the previous research findings according to the domain of utilization, opportunities, challenges, and extensions to the conventional flipped classroom model. This study found that the utilization of flipped classroom in various disciplines is mainly advocated to promote students’ engagement, metacognition, attitude, performance, understanding, and achievement, as well as other learning outcomes. The key challenges of this method, shared across all disciplines, were devoted to the length of the video/digital materials and time required for instructors to prepare the learning materials and for students to master it. Recommendations for policy makers and other crucial insights for the future studies were highlighted.