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Abstract and Figures

Customer satisfaction is an important factor in the success of an institution or company. It causes the firm to strive to provide the best service to its customers to create customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction can be determined by the customer's perception and experience of the performance of using a product or service that can meet his expectations. Customer satisfaction will be achieved after the customer uses a product or service. The customer's wants and needs can be fulfilled and exceed his expectations. Five main things influence customer satisfaction: product quality, service quality, price, emotional factors, and the ease of obtaining the product or service. This study aims to analyze the effect of service quality, product quality, and price on customer satisfaction with brand trust as a mediating variable in information technology companies. The data in this study were processed using the Smart-PLS version 3 application. This study used a saturated sample of 450 respondents who worked for information technology company partners. Respondents filled out questionnaires using Google Forms. The results partially showed that service quality, product quality, price, and brand trust had significant and positive effects on customer satisfaction, while for the mediating effect, this study found that brand trust was able to mediate the effect of product quality on customer satisfaction but had not been able to mediate the effect between service quality on satisfaction customers and price on customer satisfaction. This research implies that information technology consumers do not buy services or products based on brand trust but on the services or products offered. Further research is needed to strengthen or weaken this phenomenon.
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J u r n a l A p l i k a s i M a n a j e m e n
J o u r n a l o f A p p l i e d M a n a g e m e n t
V o l u m e 2 1 I s s u e 3
S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 3
2 1 | 3 | 2023
R ec ei ve d A pr il ‘23
R ev is ed A pr il 23
M ay 23
A cc ep te d J ul y ‘23
Umbas Krisnanto
Fiksa Atlita Natanugraha
Perbanas Institute, Indonesia
: Customer satisfaction is an important factor in the success of an
institution or company. It causes the firm to strive to provide the best service
to its customers to create customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction can be
determined by the customer's perception and experience of the performance of
using a product or service that can meet his expectations. Customer satisfac-
tion will be achieved after the customer uses a product or service. The custom-
er's wants and needs can be fulfilled and exceed his expectations. Five main
things influence customer satisfaction: product quality, service quality, price,
emotional factors, and the ease of obtaining the product or service. This study
aims to analyze the effect of service quality, product quality, and price on cus-
tomer satisfaction with brand trust as a mediating variable in information tech-
nology companies. The data in this study were processed using the Smart-PLS
version 3 application. This study used a saturated sample of 450 respondents
who worked for information technology company partners. Respondents filled
out questionnaires using Google Forms. The results partially showed that ser-
vice quality, product quality, price, and brand trust had significant and positive
effects on customer satisfaction, while for the mediating effect, this study
found that brand trust was able to mediate the effect of product quality on cus-
tomer satisfaction but had not been able to mediate the effect between service
quality on satisfaction customers and price on customer satisfaction. This re-
search implies that information technology consumers do not buy services or
products based on brand trust but on the services or products offered. Further
research is needed to strengthen or weaken this phenomenon.
Keywords: Brand Trust, Customer Satisfaction, Price, Product Quality, Ser-
vice Quality
Krisnanto, U. and Natanugraha, F. A. 2023. How Brand Trust Makes Price and Service Quality
Satisfy Customer Information Technology. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen, Volume 21, Issue 3, Pages
659-670. Malang: Universitas Brawijaya. DOI:
D OA J - D ir ec t or y o f Op en
A cc es s J ou rn a ls
A CI - AS EA N C it at i on I n de x
S IN TA - Sc i en ce a n d Te c hn ol og y
I nd ex
D im en s io ns
G oo gl e S ch o la r
R es ea c hG at e
G ar ud a
I PI - I n do n es ia n P ub li c at io n
I nd ex
I nd on es i an O N ES ea r ch
U mb as K r is na nt o
P er ba na s I ns t it ut e ,
I nd on es i a
u mb as @ pe rb an a s. id
e I SS N 23 02 -6332
p I SS N 16 93 -5241
Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen
A multi-cloud infrastructure as a service
(IaaS) provider has developed new cloud-native
solutions that are more accessible and affordable.
Lyrid, a vendor-agnostic cloud platform, uses da-
ta, machine learning, and user policies to wrap, de-
ploy, and seamlessly execute the applications be-
tween all public clouds. Available in free and pro
versions, the Lyrid platform is designed for organ-
izations of all sizes, from startups to enterprises.
All users enjoy the tools, data, analytics, redundan-
cy, and automation that make cloud-native appli-
cations more efficient in the global market. Enter-
prises can innovate more affordably, increase the
flexibility of cloud vendors, and test the new ideas
without disrupting the existing processes, which
shows that the platform's role will benefit startups
operating in Indonesia. The Kubernetes service pr-
ovider platform is needed in today's digital indus-
try 4.0. As a service provider, it cannot be separat-
ed from factors that can support the continuity of
these services, including the quality of service, the
product quality, and price, which are factors that
can shape consumer satisfaction but based on the
analysis conducted on the research that became
the reference found that there is still a necessary
research gap investigated further so that in this stu-
dy the researcher made the title of effect Service
Quality, Product Quality And Price To Satisfac-
tion Customers with Brand Trust As A Mediation
Background research on service quality and
customer satisfaction was conducted by Widiyan-
to (2019), Kamila (2017), Setyawan (2022), Sinu-
lingga and Rini (2022), Rita et al. (2019), Prabjit
et al. (2021), Sari and Hariyana (2019), Syahwi
and Pantawis (2021) who found that there was a
positive influence between service quality and cus-
tomer satisfaction. Still, different results were fo-
und by Andalusi (2018) found that service quality
did not have a positive effect on customer satisfac-
tion. Research on product quality and consumer
satisfaction was conducted by Darmawan (2019),
Kamila (2017), Wantara and Tambrin (2019), Sari
and Hariyana (2019), Widiyanto (2019), Syahwi
and Pantawis (2021) who found that there was a
positive influence between the product quality and
the customer satisfaction, but different results we-
re found by Andalusi (2018) found that Product
Quality did not have a positive influence on custo-
mer satisfaction.
Research on prices and consumer satisfacti-
on was conducted by Sidqalati et al. (2019), Widi-
yanto (2019), Wantara and Tambrin (2019), An-
dalusi (2018), Juliana et al. (2021), Sari and Hari-
yana (2019) who found that there is a positive in-
fluence between price and customer satisfaction.
Research on brand trust and customer satisfaction
was conducted by Sinulingga and Rini (2022) and
Prabjit et al. (2021), who found that Brand Trust
significantly affected customer satisfaction. Diffe-
rent results were obtained by Imania and Widayan-
to (2018), who found that Brand Trust had no sig-
nificant effect on consumer satisfaction.
Research on the influence of service quality
and consumer satisfaction with brand trust as a
mediating variable was previously carried out by
Elizar et al. (2020) and Sinulingga and Rini (2022),
who found that the customer trust was significant-
ly able to mediate the relationship between the ser-
vice quality and customer satisfaction. This rese-
arch aims to discover how to promote more trust
in the brand rather than the product or service. No-
velty/newness of this study: There are only a few
kinds of literature about industry information tech-
nology services.
Service Quality
Fatihudin and Firmansyah (2019) defined
service quality as one of the determining factors
for customers will choose to use these services, as
Nasution (2015) and Tjiptono (2017) argued that
one of the characteristics of services is indivisible,
so the quality of services offered is closely related
to these providers, which shows how vital services
Product Quality
Product quality is also important for compa-
nies in influencing the customers to purchase their
products (Tjiptono and Chandra, 2017). Product
quality is the main criterion for customers in choo-
sing the products offered. By paying attention to
product quality, the company's goal of obtaining
optimal profit can be fulfilled and simultaneously
meet customer demands for high-quality products
(Kotler and Armstrong, 2018). The product quality
earns greater attention since many Indonesians do
not comprehend Kubernetes (, 2021),
so every product the company offers must have
good quality to satisfy customers.
The price factor is one of the important cri-
teria in the decision-making process. Price is clos-
ely related to the customer's financial ability to be
able or not to make a purchase. According to Ko-
tler and Armstrong (2018), Price is the amount of
money charged for a product or service or the sum
of values customers exchange to receive benefits
and own or use a product or service. Price is a real
and material sacrifice by customers to acquire or
own a product by considering several things, such
as comparing prices before using services, select-
ing services with low base prices and services with
prices comparable to their quality, or various other
Brand Trust
Egan (2020) defined Brand Trust as one of
the important elements that must be created in eve-
ry customer to increase the sense of security in us-
ing services. Customers who have high trust in the
services provided will feel satisfied with the ser-
vices provided.
Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is an essential factor
in the success of an institution or company attemp-
ting to provide the best service to its customers to
create customer satisfaction. Customer satisfacti-
on can be determined by the customer's perception
and experience of the performance of using a pro-
duct or service that can meet their expectations.
Customer satisfaction will be achieved if what they
want and need can be fulfilled and exceed their ex-
pectations after using a product or service.
Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction
Research on service quality was previously
conducted by Widiyanto (2019), who found a pos-
itive influence between service quality and custo-
mer satisfaction. Still, different results were found
by Andalusi (2018), who found that service quali-
ty did not have a positive effect on customer satis-
faction. Based on the relationship between two va-
riables, the following hypothesis can be generated:
H1 : Service quality has a positive and significant
effect on customer satisfaction.
Product Quality and Customer Satisfaction
Research on product quality was previously
conducted by Darmawan (2019), who found a pos-
itive influence between product quality and custo-
mer satisfaction. Still, different results were found
by Andalusi (2018), who found that product quali-
ty did not have a positive effect on customer satis-
faction. Based on the relationship between the two
variables, the following hypothesis can be gener-
H2 : Product quality has a positive and significant
effect on customer satisfaction.
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework
Brand Trust and Customer Satisfaction
Sidqalati et al. (2019) conducted previous
research on price, finding a positive effect betwe-
en price and customer satisfaction. The following
hypothesis can be generated based on the relation-
ship between the two variables.
H3 : Price has a positive and significant effect on
customer satisfaction.
Brand Trust and Customer Satisfaction
Research on the effect of brand trust on cus-
tomer satisfaction was conducted by Sinulingga
and Rini (2022), who found that brand trust signif-
icantly affected the customer satisfaction. Differ-
ent results were obtained by Imania and Widayan-
to (2018), who found that brand trust did not have
a significant effect on customer satisfaction.
H4 : Brand Trust has a positive and significant ef-
fect on customer satisfaction.
Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction
Research on the effect of service quality on
customer satisfaction with brand trust as a mediat-
ing variable was conducted by Elizar et al. (2020),
who found that the customer trust was significantly
able to mediate the relationship between service
quality and customer satisfaction.
H5 : Service Quality has a positive and significant
effect on Customer Satisfaction, with Brand
Trust as a mediating variable.
Product Quality, Brand Trust, and Customer
Research on the effect of the product quality
on the customer satisfaction with brand trust as a
mediating variable was conducted by Rohmat et
al. (2022), who found that Brand Trust can signifi-
cantly mediate the relationship between the Produ-
ct Quality and Customer Satisfaction.
H6 : Product Quality has a positive and significant
effect on Customer Satisfaction, with Brand
Trust as a mediating variable.
Price, Brand Trust, and Customer Satisfaction
Research on the effect of price on customer
satisfaction with brand trust as a mediating varia-
ble was carried out by Sudirman et al. (2020), who
found that trust could mediate the relationship be-
tween the price and customer satisfaction.
H7 : Price has a positive and significant effect on
customer satisfaction, with brand trust as a
mediating variable.
The population used as the object or subject
of the study was 450 respondents, that is, a satura-
ted sample, who were also companies that had
subscribed. The writer used primary data sources
from filling out the questionnaire given to custom-
ers who were employees of companies that had
subscribed to and responded via Google form.
Thus, the method used in this research is the de-
scriptive quantitative method. According to Sugi-
yono (2019), the quantitative method is scientific
since it fulfills scientific principles: Concrete/em-
pirical, objective, measurable, rational, and syste-
matic. This study was conducted online via Goo-
gle form with the customers who were representa-
tives of companies that had used Kubernetes servi-
Table 1. Operationalization variables
Variable Concept
Service is activities,
benefits, or satisfactions
Service accuracy
offered or marketed
Service Alertness
which are essentially
Correct and precise service
intangible and do not
Service User Guarantee
result in any ownership
Informative service
(Kotler and Armstrong,
Understanding consumer needs
(Sinollah and Masruroh,
Appearance of company facilities
and infrastructure
Technology equipment used
Variable Concept
The ability of a product
Product function
to perform its functions,
Product strength
which include durability,
Product Image
Consumer Convenience
reliability, ease of
operation and repair, and
Product superiority
other attributes that are
Additional privileges
of value to the product as
Product Reliability
a whole. (Kotler and
Quality Assurance
Keller, 2016).
(Tjiptono and Diana, 2020)
Possible product failure
Price (X3)
Price is the sum of all
Price list
Complete price list
values given by
Pricing variable
customers to benefit from
Price Affordability
owning or using a
Price discount
Discounts under certain conditions
product, both goods and
Favorable price service
services. (Kotler and
Price includes the entire service
Armstrong, 2018)
Price better than market price
Prices can compete with similar
Payment Period
Ease payment process
(Kotler and Armstrong,
Trust (M)
Brand trust is the
perception of reliability
Company reputation in the eyes of
from a consumer's point
of view based on
experience or rather on
Customer satisfaction for the
services provided during the
sequences of transactions
or interactions
Customer satisfaction on after-sales
characterized by fulfilled
The company's ability to compete
expectations of product
performance and
The company's ability to handle
consumer complaints
satisfaction (Rizan, 2012)
(Soni and Verghese, 2018
in Rizan, 2012)
The products offered by the
company can answer consumer
Customer satisfaction is a
Satisfaction Toward
Satisfaction with service quality
person's feeling of
Satisfaction with product quality
pleasure or
Satisfaction Toward
Satisfaction to price
disappointment that
arises after comparing
the performance (results)
Perceived Best
(Tjiptono, 2017)
The price offered is in accordance
with the quality received.
of the product that is
thought of against the
The price offered is in accordance
with the quality received.
expected performance.
(Kotler and Keller, 2016)
Service quality is better than
Respondent Characteristics
Respondents in this study were staff who
work for companies that use information technol-
ogy company Kubernetes services. The number of
respondents used as a saturated sample was 450.
This study found that the highest number of the re-
spondents based on gender was male, i.e., 368 re-
spondents or 82%, while female respondents were
82 or 18%. Based on the data obtained, it was fo-
und that the majority of respondents were aged 27-
32 years, or as many as 184 respondents (41%),
followed by respondents > 33 years or 150 respon-
dents (33%), 22-27 years as many as 88 respond-
ents (20%). At least from the age range <22 years
were 28 respondents (6%). Based on the types of
industry, most of the respondents worked in the in-
formation technology industry, i.e., 236 respond-
ents or 52%, followed by the marketplace industry
with 137 respondents or 31% then banking with 51
respondents or 11%, and in the government were
26 respondents or 6%. The classification of the re-
spondents based on education was dominated by
undergraduates, with 311 respondents, or 69%, fol-
lowed by postgraduates, with 77 respondents, or
17%, diplomas with 49 respondents, or 11%, and
high school diplomas, with 13 respondents, or 3%.
Classification of respondents based on the position
was dominated by staff equivalents of 273 respon-
dents or 61%, supervisor equivalents of 131 res-
pondents or 29%, and manager equivalents of 46
respondents or 10%. Classification of respondents
based on monthly expenses was dominated by em-
ployees with expenses of 5-10 million, 283 respon-
dents or 63%, followed by 10-20 million, 103 res-
pondents or 23%, then by >20 million, 36 respond-
ents or 8%, and <5 million as many as 28 respond-
ents or 6%.
Description of Respondents' Online Question-
naire Response
The sales promotion variable has ten indi-
cators. Respondents' responses to the question-
naire regarding the service quality variable
showed an average of 1721 in the "good" category.
It concluded that the respondents perceived IT
companies' service quality as "good". Lowest rat-
ing: IT company services provided a sense of se-
curity valued at 1666. This study showed that the
average product quality variable was 1677, which
concluded that respondents perceived the quality
owned by IT companies was "good." The lowest
score was "I believe in the service performance of
IT companies," with a value of 1604. The average
score for the price variable was 1704, so it con-
cluded that respondents perceived the prices of-
fered by IT companies were "good." The lowest
rating was "I feel the price offered is affordable,"
with a score of 1,683. The average score for the
brand trust variable was 1749, so it concluded that
respondents perceived customer brand trust in IT
companies was categorized as "good." The lowest
score on "I assess information technology compa-
nies have a good reputation with a value of 1706.
This study found the average score for the pur-
chase intention variable was 1765, so it can be
concluded that respondents perceived customer
satisfaction in information technology companies
was relatively good. The lowest rating was "I am
satisfied with the services provided," with a score
of 1644.
Statistics Analysis
The criteria for outer loadings are that each
indicator for measuring the construct must have an
outer loadings value > 0.7 or AVE > 0.50. Never-
theless, Ghozali (2015: 37) argues that research on
developing an algorithm scale of 0.50.6 is still
acceptable. Based on the analysis of the algorithm
model above, all indicators can be considered
valid and reliable because their value is above 0.7.
Based on the table above, the results of the outer
loadings output show that indicators have outer
loadings > 0.7, which means that all indicators are
valid as measurements of latent variables.
The recommended Average Variance Ex-
tracted (AVE) value is above 0.5. The results of
AVE values were > 0.5, meaning they met the va-
lidity requirements based on AVE. The recom-
mended Cronbach's Alpha (CA) Reliability Test
value must be above 0.7. It was found that the var-
iables of service quality, product quality, price,
and customer satisfaction had a CA value of > 0.7.
In contrast, the brand trust variable had a CA value
of <0.7, which means that it meets the reliability
requirements based on CR. Furthermore, a relia-
bility test was conducted based on Cronbach's Al-
pha (CA) value.
Table 2. Composite Reliability (CR) Validity Test
Composite Reliability
Moderating effect 1
Moderating effect 2
Moderating effect 3
All Composite Reliability (CR) Validity
Test values were found to be> 0.7, which means
that they met Cronbach's Alpha reliability require-
ments. Furthermore, the Fornell- Larcker ap-
proach conducted a discriminant validity test. In
the discriminant validity test, a latent variable's
AVE square root value must be greater than the
correlation between the latent variable and other
latent variables. It was found that the square root
value of the AVE for each latent variable was
greater than the correlation value between the la-
tent variable and other latent variables. Thus, it
concluded to meet the requirements of discrimi-
nant validity.
Based on the table 4 results are as follows.
Service Quality has a positive effect on Customer
Satisfaction, with a path coefficient value (original
sample) of 0.153, and significant, with P-Values =
0.000 <0.05 (H1 Accepted). Product quality has a
positive effect on customer satisfaction, with a
path coefficient value (original sample) of 0.405,
and significant, with a P-Values = 0.000 <0.05
(H2 Accepted). Price has a positive effect on cus-
tomer satisfaction, with a path coefficient value
(original sample) of 0.336, and significant, with P-
Values = 0.000 <0.05 (H3 Accepted). Brand trust
has a positive effect on customer satisfaction, with
a path coefficient value (original sample) of 0.083,
and significant, with P-Values = 0.015 <0.05 (H4
Table 4. Significant Test of the Effect
Sample (O)
Mean (M)
Standard Deviation
T Statistics
P Values
Price -> satisfaction
Trust -> satisfaction
Service -> satisfaction
Product -> satisfaction
Table 5. Moderation Test
Sample (O)
Mean (M)
Standard Deviation
T Statistics
P Values
Moderating Effect 1 ->
Moderating Effect 2 ->
Moderating Effect 3 ->
Based on the results, the R-Square value of
Customer Satisfaction is 0.570. These results indi-
cate that the variables of Service Quality, Product
Quality, Price, and Brand Trust can explain Cus-
tomer Satisfaction by 57% but still indicate that
other variables outside this research model can im-
prove customer satisfaction, such as brand image
and product diversity, which might increase pur-
chase intention.
Based on the table 5 results, Brand Trust do-
es not significantly moderate the relationship be-
tween service quality and customer satisfaction,
with the P-Values = 0.353 > 0.05 (H5 Rejected).
Brand Trust significantly moderates the relation-
ship between product quality and customer satis-
faction, with P-Values = 0.022 <0.05 (H6 Accept-
ed). Brand Trust does not significantly moderate
the relationship between price and customer satis-
faction, with P-Values = 0.404 > 0.05 (H7 Reject-
Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction
The results Service Quality has a positive
effect on Customer Satisfaction. The results are in
accordance with Widiyanto (2019), Achmad et al.
(2021), Hartanto (2019), Prabjit et al. (2021), Rita
et al. (2019), Setyawan (2022), Citra and Santoso
(2016) who found a positive effect between servi-
ce quality and customer satisfaction. However, dif-
ferent results were shown by Andalusi (2018), who
found that service quality did not positively affect
customer satisfaction. The results of this study are
inseparable from the characteristics of information
technology companies such as Kubernetes service
providers and the vendor-agnostic cloud platforms
that make them prioritize service quality to incre-
ase customer satisfaction. Information technology
companies can provide satisfying services to cus-
Product Quality and Customer Satisfaction
The Results Product quality has a positive
effect on customer satisfaction. The results are in
accordance with the research previously conduct-
ed by Darmawan (2019), Kamila (2017), Hapsoro
and Hafidh (2018), Lailiyah (2020), and Sambo et
al. (2022), who found a positive influence between
the product quality and the customer satisfaction.
However, different results were found by Andalu-
si (2018), who found that product quality did not
positively affect customer satisfaction. As the Ku-
bernetes technology service platform still sounded
unfamiliar to common people, the product offered
will undoubtedly be difficult to accept. However,
this research is aimed at companies familiar with
this Kubernetes system so they can assess the pro-
duct quality of information technology companies
well. As a result, customers feel satisfied with the
quality of the products provided, as evidenced by
the questionnaire stating the "good" quality prod-
uct and the magnitude of the effect of product qua-
lity on customer satisfaction.
Price and Customer Satisfaction
The results Price has a positive effect on
customer satisfaction. The results follow a previ-
ous study on prices conducted by Sidqalati et al.
(2019), Juliana et al. (2021), Wantara and Tambrin
(2019), Sari and Hariyana (2019), Subaebasni et
al. (2019), and Zhao et al. (2021) who found a pos-
itive influence between price and customer satis-
faction. Price is the primary factor customers con-
sider when selecting a service or product. Techno-
logy information company implements a good and
competitive pricing strategy to make customers fe-
el the price issued follows the benefits gained and
that customers feel satisfied with the products and
services provided.
Brand Trust and Customer Satisfaction
The results Brand trust has a positive effect
on customer satisfaction. The results are consiste-
nt with a study by Sinulingga and Rini (2022), Ah-
med et al. (2015), and Asbar et al. (2022), which
showed that brand trust significantly affected cus-
tomer satisfaction. Different results were found by
Imania and Widayanto (2018) that brand trust did
not significantly affect customer satisfaction. In
this era of digitalization, many crimes in cyberspa-
ce occur, which can directly attack a company's
system. One loophole that can be used is to break
into the service providers of the information tech-
nology company. However, most customers feel
they already trust the company's brand, which can-
not be separated from the quality of the products
and services provided; thus, this trust can increase
customer satisfaction in IT companies.
Brand Trust, Service Quality, and Customer
The results show that Brand Trust does not
significantly moderate the relationship between
service quality and customer satisfaction. These
results differ from research on the effect of service
quality on customer satisfaction with brand trust
as a mediating variable conducted by Elizar et al.
(2020) and Ovita et al. (2021), who found that cus-
tomer trust could significantly mediate the relati-
onship between service quality and customer satis-
Brand Trust, Product Quality, and Customer
The results of Brand Trust significantly mo-
derate the relationship between product quality and
customer satisfaction. These results are consistent
with a study on the effect of product quality on cus-
tomer satisfaction with brand trust as a mediating
variable conducted by Rohmat et al. (2022) and
Kiyani et al. (2012), which found that Brand Trust
was significantly able to mediate the relationship
between Product Quality and Customer Satisfac-
Brand Trust, Price, and Customer Satisfaction
Brand Trust does not significantly moderate
the relationship between price and customer satis-
faction. These results differ from research on the
effect of price on customer satisfaction with brand
trust as a mediating variable conducted by Sudir-
man et al. (2020) and Umar and Baharun (2017),
who found that trust could mediate the relationship
between price and customer satisfaction.
Further research is needed to strengthen the
phenomena found. Additional variables are requir-
ed in order to strengthen the research. A different
object is necessary to compare the research.
Based on the results of this study, the writ-
ers can provide several recommendations that are
expected to give significance to interested parties
in this research. Future researchers should be able
to analyze other factors not examined in this study,
such as brand image and brand awareness varia-
bles, which considerably affect customer satisfac-
tion. Based on the results of the recapitulation of
the questionnaire, the lowest score of 1,520 was
obtained in the statement, "I feel that information
technology companies have features that the other
competitors do not," The researchers recommend
companies increase the features of their products
so that compared to competitors, customers feel a
tangible difference between the products of infor-
mation technology companies and competitor pro-
ducts. Information technology company manage-
ment must improve the quality of its products as
survey results found that product quality is the var-
iable with the lowest value among other variables,
so it needs to be improved.
This research still has many shortcomings
because the writer encounters obstacles during the
writing process. In addition, this research still ne-
eds suggestions, input, and correction. In conduct-
ing this research, the writer experienced several
limitations as follows: The variables of Service
Quality, Product Quality, Price, and Brand Trust
in explaining the dependent variable, i.e., purchas-
ing interest of 57% and the remaining 43%, are af-
fected by factors not examined in this study. The
population used as respondents are customers of
information technology companies, and different
results can be obtained if the study is conducted at
a different time and place.
Based on the results of the results and dis-
cussion that have been described regarding the ef-
fect of service quality, product quality, and price
on customer satisfaction with brand trust as a me-
diating variable in information technology compa-
nies, the following conclusions can be drawn: ser-
vice quality, product quality, price, and brand trust
had a positive effect on the customer satisfaction.
Brand Trust did not significantly moderate the re-
lationship between the service quality and price to
customer satisfaction, but Brand Trust significant-
ly moderated the relationship between product qu-
ality and customer satisfaction.
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Indonesian consumers want and demand to get good quality products, have a high awareness of their rights, and always express their interests and fight for their welfare so that the character of these consumers will encourage companies to work more efficiently and innovatively. This research aims to determine the direct and indirect influence of Product Quality on Consumer Loyalty through Customer Satisfaction and Brand Trust among Samsung smartphone consumers. This research uses a descriptive explanatory quantitative approach that describes the relationship between variables and the population of Samsung smartphone consumers in Malang City. The sampling technique using purposive sampling totaled 210 respondents. The research instrument used was a closed questionnaire that had previously been tested, namely through validity and reliability tests so that the questionnaire items were declared valid and reliable to be used as research instruments. Data analysis in this research, includes a) descriptive data analysis, b) classical assumption test, c) path analysis, and finally d) Sobel test. This research uses the SPSS version 25 data processing program. The results show: Directly product quality has a significant effect on consumer loyalty with a significance value of 0.033 and a beta value of 0.165. 2) Directly product quality has a significant effect on customer satisfaction with a significance value of 0.000 and a beta value of 0.501. 3) Directly product quality has a significant effect on brand trust with a significance value of 0.000 and a beta value of 0.780. 4) Directly customer satisfaction has a significant effect on consumer loyalty with a significance value of 0.000 and a beta value of 0.503. 5) Directly brand trust has a significant effect on consumer loyalty with a significance value of 0.021 and a beta value of 0.181. 6) Indirectly product quality has a significant effect on consumer loyalty through customer satisfaction with an indirect influence value of 0.252. 7) Indirectly product quality has a significant effect on consumer loyalty through brand trust with an indirect influence value of 0.141
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In the current era, services delivered through digital channels make up the majority of business transactions compared to those carried out through traditional channels such as branch offices. Starting with the theme “DigitalisMe”, Pegadaian launched a digital-based service called Pegadaian Digital. This study aims to empirically explore the service quality of Pegadaian Digital and their impact on customer satisfaction at PT Pegadaian (Persero) Pondok Labu Branch. This is a quantitative research, and the sample in this study amounted to 160 customers who are users of Pegadaian Digital services. The data collection process uses google forms and scanned barcodes that are distributed in each unit of the Pegadaian Pondok Labu Branch. The data were analyzed using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method, and the results show that: (1) Reliability has an effect on customer satisfaction (2) Efficiency has no effect on customer satisfaction (3) Security has no effect on customer satisfaction (4) Responsiveness has no effect on customer satisfaction (5) Web design has no effect on customer satisfaction.
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The relationship between product pricing and product packaging plays an important role in the buying behavior of consumers, whereas customer satisfaction plays a mediating role. To test these hypotheses, research was conducted on university students in China. Questionnaire-based convenience sampling was conducted on 500 students for data collection using online and offline sources. A total of 367 (73%) students responded, and 17 questionnaires were rejected due to missing information. SPSS and AMOS software were used for the data analysis. Product pricing and product information were independent variables in this study, whereas consumer buying behavior was a dependent variable. Customer satisfaction is mediated by one dependent and two independent variables. Confirmatory factor analysis, path analysis, and discriminant validity in structural equation modeling revealed that product pricing and packaging had a statistically significant relationship with the buyer decision process. The introduction of satisfaction as a mediating variable led to the observation of full mediation in the case of product pricing and partial mediation in product packaging. Given the results of this research, product managers should adopt pricing tactics along with product packaging to influence the buying intentions of consumers.
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Ekosistem kemajuan teknologi informasi saat ini telah memasukin babak baru ditandai dengan munculnya perkembangan transportasi berbasis aplikasi. Saat ini, telah terjadi transformasi di bidang transportasi yang tidak disangka dapat menggantikan kebiasaan masyarakat menggunakan transportasi berbasis konvensional. Adapun tujuan utama dari penlitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peran kepercayaan dalam menunjukkan hubungan citra merek dan harga terhadap kepuasan konsumen Gojek. Dalam menganalisa data yang diperoleh dari objek penelitian menggunakan model survei dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Jumlah sampel yan digunakan sebagai responden sebanyak 100 orang. Data untuk analisis menggunakan uji validitas dan reliabilitas menggunakan outler model dan model struktural SEM sebagai representatif inner model. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa kepercayaan tidak mampu menjadi mediasi hubungan antara citra merek kepada kepuasan konsumen. Selanjutnya variabel kepercayaan ternyata mampu menjadi mediasi hubungan antara harga kepada kepuasan konsumen
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Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh harga, kualitas pelayanan dan kualitas produk terhadap minat pembelian ulang dan kepuasan pelanggan online shopping. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada remaja di Situbondo yang berlangganan online shopping. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah Analisis Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa harga, kualitas pelayanan dan kualitas produk berpengaruh terhadap minat pembelian ulang, serta harga, kualitas pelayanan dan kualitas produk berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pelanggan, dan minat pembelian ulang berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pelanggan online shopping DOI :
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The growing of restaurant industry is causing high competition among business competitor, each business is required to create competitive advantage to satisfy customers and increase the level of sales. Business people in this industry strive to achieve maximum satisfaction for their customers and not only to achieve profits. This is because satisfied customers will determine the sustainability of the relationship with the restaurant. Every effort should be made to get satisfied customers with restaurant services. This study aims to analyze and discuss the influence of product quality, brand awareness and price on customer s atisfaction di Dewi Kahyangan restoran di Jombang Kota. Tiga variabel independen yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitas produk, kesadaran merek, dan harga. Salah satu variabel dependen adalah kepuasan pelanggan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah n on p robability s ampling . Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua custume yang telah makan di restauran Dewi Kahyangan di Kota Jombang , dengan jumlah sampel 100 responden . Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik non probability sampling dengan metode accidental sampling. The alat analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linier r egression dengan SPSS 24,0 untuk w indows. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas produk, kesadaran merek dan harga memiliki pengaruh parsial dan simultan yang signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan Kata kunci: kualitas produk, b rand sebuah wareness , harga, c ustomer s atisfaction
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This study aims to analyze customer satisfaction at Mayang Collection, test and explain the effect of servqual dimension service quality (physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, confidence, and empathy) on customer satisfaction at Mayang Collection, and test and explain the effect of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty on Mayang Collection.The population in this study were customers of the Mayang Collection Kepanjen store who had a member card and made a repeat purchase. Population research or population study so that the number of samples in this study is a number of population, amounting to 93 respondents. The method used in this research is explanatory survey method, which is a method used to explain causal relationships between variables through hypothesis testing (Nazir, 2005).Based on the results of the static test all the indicators in this study are valid, and the variables are reliable. The results of the servqual analysis show that the difference or gap between customer expectations and employee performance has a total average which is at the moderate classification level (Parasuraman table, 1990) or service quality in Mayang Collection stores is quite good. This means that customer satisfaction in terms of quality of service provided at Mayang Collection is quite good. The path analysis test results (path analysis) show that there is no significant influence between servqual dimension service quality (physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, confidence, and empathy) to customer satisfaction. This proves that service quality has a long-lasting influence in shaping customer satisfaction. And customer satisfaction has a significant influence on customer loyalty. Mayang Collection stores are advised to pay more attention to and improve other factors besides service quality in increasing customer satisfaction, because with increasing customer satisfaction, customer loyalty will be formed easily.Keywords: tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty
This study aims to see the effect of Experiential Marketing, Experiential Value and Brand Trust on Customer Satisfaction with Telkomselsel Simpati Card in Lhokseumawe City. The data used in this study is primary data, the sample in this study was 97 sympathy card customers. The sampling technique used is the purposive sampling. The method used to analyze the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable is the multiple linear regression method. The results of the study partially experiential marketing variables affect customer satisfaction at Telkomselsel in Lhokseumawe City. The experiential value variable has an effect on satisfaction Customers on Telkomsel in Lhokseumawe City. Brand trust variable has an effect on customer satisfaction at Telkomselsel in Lhokseumawe City. And simultaneously experiential marketing, experiential value, brand trust variables have an effect on customer satisfaction at Telkomselsel in Lhokseumawe City.
The purpose of this study is to analyze whether ease of use has a significant effect on customer satisfaction, to analyze whether trust has a significant effect on customer satisfaction, to analyze whether service quality has a significant effect on customer satisfaction, to analyze whether brand image has a significant effect on purchase intention, to analyze whether price has a significant effect on purchase intention, to analyze perceived quality has a significant effect on purchase intention, to analyze the simultaneous relationship of purchase intention and customer satisfaction, to analyze digital technology as a dummy variable that has a positive effect on purchase intention, to analyze digital technology as a dummy variable positive effect on customer satisfaction, presents and understands how to estimate the number of Blibli transactions using the ARIMA method. Data analysis using Eviews 10 produces using digital technology as a dummy variable, it can be concluded: Perceived quality has a significant effect on purchase intention, Brand image has a significant effect on purchase intention, Price has no significant effect on purchase intention, Digital technology has no significant effect on purchase intention, Simultaneously Perceived quality, brand image, price and digital technology have a significant effect on purchase intention, Ease of Use has a significant effect on customer satisfaction, Service quality has a significant effect on customer satisfaction, Trust has no significant effect on customer satisfaction, Digital technology has no significant effect on customers satisfaction, simultaneously ease of use, service quality, trust, digital technology have a significant effect on customer satisfaction. Based on testing the simultaneous relationship of purchase intention with customer satisfaction, it is found that there are results of simultaneous testing of the regression coefficients of simultaneous equations showing purchase intention has a significant effect on customer satisfaction. So it can be concluded that the 2SLS (two stage least squares) test results indicate that there is a simultaneous relationship between purchase intention to customers satisfaction, but conversely there is no simultaneous relationship from customer satisfaction to purchase intention. t test results (partial) ease of use variable does not significantly influence customer satisfaction, trust variable does not significantly influence customer satisfaction, service quality variable significantly influences customer satisfaction. The results obtained R-Squared (R 2) of 0.575273. R-Squared (R 2) with a value of 57.52% indicates that the influence of purchase intention on customer satisfaction is 57.52%, the remaining 42.48% is explained by other variables. The results obtained adjusted R-Squared (R 2) of 0.557390. adjusted R-Squared (R 2) with a value of 55.73% shows that the influence of purchase intention on customer satisfaction is 55.73%, the remaining 44.27% is explained by other variables.The results of simultaneous testing of the simultaneous regression equation coefficients indicate customer satisfaction has no significant effect on purchase intention. So it can be concluded that the 2SLS (two stage least squares) test results show that there is no simultaneous relationship from customer satisfaction to purchase intention, but instead there is a simultaneous relationship between purchase intention to customer satisfaction. t test results (partial) brand image variables significantly influence purchase intention, perceived quality variable significantly influences purchase intention, price variable significantly influences purchase intention.The results obtained by R-Squared (R2) of 0.671763. R-Squared (R 2) with a value of 67.17% indicates that the simultaneous effect of customer satisfaction on purchase intention of 67.17%, the remaining 32.83% is explained by other variables. The results obtained adjusted R-Squared (R 2) of 0.657942. adjusted R-Squared (R 2) with a value of 65.79% indicates that simultaneous customer satisfaction with purchase intention of 65.79%, the remaining 34.21% is explained by other variables. Introduction Over time, technology and the internet have increasingly developed and become one of the tools or media used for various needs and needs. One example of the use of technology that is complemented by the benefits of the internet is e-commerce. E-Commerce refers to transaction processing, such as buying and selling products and services through computer networks such as the internet. E-Commerce not only pays attention to the functions of buying and selling goods and services online, but also facilitates the entire buying and selling process for both sellers and buyers. In general, e-commerce is a business activity that operates through electronic media such as the internet.According to data from the Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII), internet users mostly own and use social networking applications or content at 87.4%, second is searching for 68.7%, third instant messaging 59.9%, fourth looking for the latest news 59, 7%, and the fifth download and upload videos 27.3%. In terms of the types of sites used to sell online, 64.9% use social networking, 22.9% messenger, 14.4% online communities, 5.7% online shop blogs, 2.3% online shop websites, and 1, 5% of mailists (Hidayat & Kristiana, 2016)As many as 62 million people use social media, and around 4.6 million consumers in Indonesia use the internet actively to transact or shop. Digital technology has changed the way humans talk, communicate, act and make decisions. Digital marketing is one of the marketing media that is being sought by the public to support various activities carried out. People gradually began to abandon conventional or traditional marketing models and move on to modern marketing, digital marketing. Digital marketing is a marketing activity including branding that uses web-based media such as blogs, websites, e-mail, adwords or social networking. Of course digital marketing isn't just talking about internet marketing (Pradiani, 2018). In this digital era, many people search from search engines for items to buy. Indeed there are not too many review sites in Indonesia, but abroad there are already very many product reviews reviewed by the public. Just take the example of Amazon, almost every index catalog is complete with product reviews. The readiness of the present generation to obtain this information greatly impacts how purchase intentions can be formed. Regarding traditional shopper, take the example of generation of parents. In the old days, parents did not use online media to make decisions, but consumers went to department stores or malls to see variations of goods. And make decisions between brand A and brand B rapidly, based on store displays or sales promotion person intelligence. And in the consciousness of the consumer comes some purchase intentions that are stored in memory for the next visit. At this time people live in the age of globalization or commonly called the era of modernization. In the current era of globalization, individuals are very dependent on the internet, both from parents to young people. The development of today's technology is the basis for developing national and state life. The progress of a country is based on how far the science and technology are controlled by that country. The development of increasingly sophisticated and rapidly developing information technology, has created new opportunities for entrepreneurs to make buying and selling transactions online. Online-based intermediaries (internet) such as Lazada, Tokopedia, Shoppe,