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Abstract and Figures

The mobile aquaponics system is a sustainable integrated aquaculture-crop production system in which wastewater from fish ponds are utilized in crop production, filtered, and returned for aquaculture uses. This process ensures the optimization of water and nutrients as well as the simultaneous production of fish and crops in portable homestead models. The Lack of datasets and documentations on monitoring growth parameters in Sub-Saharan Africa hamper the effective management and prediction of yields. Water quality impacts the fish growth rate, feed consumption, and general well-being irrespective of the system. This research presents an improvement on the IoT water quality sensor system earlier developed in a previous study in carried out in conjunction with two local catfish farmers. The improved system produced datasets that when trained using several machine learning algorithms achieved a test RMSE score of 0.6140 against 1.0128 from the old system for fish length prediction using Decision Tree Regressor. Further testing with the XGBoost Regressor achieved a test RMSE score of 7.0192 for fish weight prediction from the initial IoT dataset and 0.7793 from the improved IoT dataset. Both systems achieved a prediction accuracy of 99%. These evaluations clearly show that the improved system outperformed the initial one.•The discovery and use of improved IoT pond water quality sensors. •Development of machine learning models to evaluate the methods. •Testing of the datasets from the two methods using the machine learning models.
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MethodsX 11 (2023) 102436
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Towards an improved internet of things sensors data quality for a
smart aquaponics system yield prediction
A.H. Eneh
, C.N. Udanor
a ,
, N.I. Ossai
, S.O. Aneke
, P.O. Ugwoke
, A.A. Obayi
C.H. Ugwuishiwu
, G.E. Okereke
Department of Computer Science, University of Nigeria, Nigeria
Department of Zoology & Environmental Biology, University of Nigeria, Nigeria
Digital Bridge Institute, Nigeria Communications Commission, Abuja, Nigeria
Method name:
Improved Smart Aquaponics Dataset Collection
Internet of things
Cloud computing
Machine learning
The mobile aquaponics system is a sustainable integrated aquaculture-crop production system
in which wastewater from sh ponds are utilized in crop production, ltered, and returned for
aquaculture uses. This process ensures the optimization of water and nutrients as well as the si-
multaneous production of sh and crops in portable homestead models. The Lack of datasets and
documentations on monitoring growth parameters in Sub-Saharan Africa hamper the eective
management and prediction of yields. Water quality impacts the sh growth rate, feed consump-
tion, and general well-being irrespective of the system. This research presents an improvement
on the IoT water quality sensor system earlier developed in a previous study in carried out in con-
junction with two local catsh farmers. The improved system produced datasets that when trained
using several machine learning algorithms achieved a test RMSE score of 0.6140 against 1.0128
from the old system for sh length prediction using Decision Tree Regressor. Further testing with
the XGBoost Regressor achieved a test RMSE score of 7.0192 for sh weight prediction from the
initial IoT dataset and 0.7793 from the improved IoT dataset. Both systems achieved a prediction
accuracy of 99%. These evaluations clearly show that the improved system outperformed the
initial one.
The discovery and use of improved IoT pond water quality sensors.
Development of machine learning models to evaluate the methods.
Testing of the datasets from the two methods using the machine learning models.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C.N. Udanor) .
Social media: @cudanor (C.N. Udanor)
Received 14 August 2023; Accepted 10 October 2023
Available online 11 October 2023
2215-0161/© 2023 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
( )
A.H. Eneh, C.N. Udanor, N.I. Ossai et al. MethodsX 11 (2023) 102436
Specications table
Subject area: Computer Science
More specic subject area: Application of Computer Science (IoT Sensors and Machine learning) to Aquaculture
Name of your method: Improved Smart Aquaponics Dataset Collection Techniques
Name and reference of original method: A Pilot Implementation of a Remote IoT Sensors for Aquaponics System Datasets Acquisition
C.N. Udanor , N.I. Ossai, B.O. Ogbuokiri, O.E. Nweke, P.O. Ugwoke, U.K. Ome (2021). A Pilot Implementation of
a Remote IoT Sensors for Aquaponics System Datasets Acquisition, The Journal of Computer Science and it’s
Applications (JCSA), Vol. 28, Iss. 2.
Resource availability: Dataset: dataset at:sh-pond-datasets
Initial method:
Method details
Several previous IoT sensor-based systems for monitoring water quality in aquaculture employed a combination of sensors like
temperature, pH value, dissolved oxygen, and water level, among others [4] . Chen, et. al. [5] in Taiwan used the Arduino Mega
2560 microcontroller and transmitted the water quality dataset over a LoRaWAN network. Danh et al. [6] in Vietnam added salinity
and oxidation-reduction sensors and used the Thingspeak cloud storage, providing a mobile user interface for farmers. Nocheski and
Naumoski [7] added a light intensity sensor in addition to the other water quality sensors listed above. Saha et al. [8] used Raspberry Pi
as the microcontroller to implement pond water quality monitoring with a smartphone camera and an Android application. Kim et al.
[9] in addition implemented a closed-loop water ow control using the Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) communication
protocol. Taher, et al. [10] helps farmers in Bangladesh to monitor the health of their sh using a combination of dissolved oxygen,
pH, and ammonia sensors. In helping farmers monitor their sh farms [11] introduce a QR code tag of an aquatic product to track
and view historical data. Ramya et al. [12] employed IoT to remotely monitor the quantity of food items in the pond water, as well
as implementing an automatic feeding system.
Other digital technologies employed to sh farm data collection and analysis include AI, big data analytics, and blockchain [13] ,
web-based applications with real-time sensor data visualization, alert and remote-control water pump systems [14] . Machine learning
algorithms like logistic regression are also used to predict sh disease by analyzing the IoT water quality data collected in Bangladesh
[15] .
We observed that while a handful of work has been done on IoT-based aquaculture systems mostly in Asia, not much work has
been done in the Sub-Saharan African region, and neither is much work done on aquaponics IoT combination. Yet also there is little
or no public water quality dataset, especially as regards catsh farming.
Working in conjunction with two local catsh farmers in Nsukka, Enugu State, South-East Nigeria we set up three experimental
project sites under the Lacuna Agriculture Fund Award 2020. We built IoT sensor units that were mounted on mobile tarpaulin sh
ponds with spinach plant beds on top of them. Three ponds were set up in each of the farmer’s sites, one set had the IoT units but no
plant bed, while the other had neither IoT sensors nor plant beds, but was used as control. Meanwhile, in the University of Nigeria,
Nsukka campus we set up 12 ponds, 9 of which were tted with the IoT sensor units and plant beds, each comprising six sensors
(temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, ammonia, and nitrate). The design and implementation of the IoT units and how they
were used for data collection are described in the following sub-sections.
Data collection
Data collection was done using an automated method with the use of IoT sensors to collect data on the water physicochemical
properties which was done in real-time and transmitted to a cloud computing storage. Fish, plant, and algae growth, morphometry,
and population dynamics were continuously assayed fortnightly. The detail of this approach is discussed in the next subsection.
Smart aquaponics dataset collection method
The experiment was conducted using six water quality sensors, out of which four were submerged in the pond water (temperature,
turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and pH), while the other two were gas sensors, which were suspended over the water surface. These
are ammonia and nitrate sensors. These sensors were calibrated according to industry specications and programmed to collect
water quality parameters in real-time and automatically upload the same to the cloud through the (IoT) [2] gateway. The process
of calibration involved using some calibration solutions, in some cases (sodium hydroxyl), as in the cases of the pH and dissolved
oxygen sensors. The sensors were connected to a 32-bit microcontroller known as ESP 32. The microcontroller has an in-built wireless
(WiFi) module which enables the sensors’ data to be automatically uploaded to a cloud computing platform, Thingspeak IoT cloud,
through an IoT (edge) network. The C programming language was used to write the software program that controlled the sensors
with the Arduino 1.8.4 integrated development environment (IDE) known as Sketch. The code was uploaded to the microcontroller.
The sensor units were locally designed, constructed, and programmed. The IoT system was programmed to automatically read the
six water quality parameters for each of the 12 aquaponics sh ponds and transmit them to the cloud storage hosted by Thingspeak
( ) every 18 seconds, which is the minimum interval allowed by Thingspeak.
A.H. Eneh, C.N. Udanor, N.I. Ossai et al. MethodsX 11 (2023) 102436
Fig. 1. IoT circuitry schematic diagram of the improved system.
Fig. 2. IoT Unit showing sensor circuitry.
After testing the system for 10 months and comparing the values with ground truth values, we discovered that some sensors did
not perform very well, notably the pH, and the two gas sensors. The pH sensor was not meant for such a volume of water as the
sh pond. We discovered this later after more studies on the characteristics of the sensors. Meanwhile, the gas sensors (MQ-135 and
MQ-137) for nitrate and ammonia, respectively, were reading high and unusual values.
We had to redesign the system using the Arduino Mega 2560 with built-in Wi-Fi as the microcontroller. We used a professional
pH meter which can function large volume of water, and a new gas sensor for ammonia and nitrite, described in the next section.
Fig 1 shows the circuit schematic diagram of the improved system while Figs. 2 and 3 show the constructed new IoT circuitry and
the sensors, respectively.
The core of the new system is the 32-bit Arduino 2560 + WiFi R3, a new microcontroller (MCU) dierent from the original 2560
(see Fig. 1 ). This version has the Expressif’s ESP8266 micro-WiFi module embedded in it. It has at its core the ATMega 2560, which
is in the traditional Arduino mega. The MCU supports a voltage range from 5V to 12V, ash memory of up to 32MB, and CPU speed
of up to 80MHz. It also comes with several [ 16 , 18 ] dual inline pins (DIP) switches and a table used for selecting the pins to connect
dierent things depending on the objectives. The 2560 MCU also has 54 digital pins, whereas 15 pins support pulse width modulation
(PWM), and 16 analog input pins and communicate via the 4x serial ports (UART).
A.H. Eneh, C.N. Udanor, N.I. Ossai et al. MethodsX 11 (2023) 102436
Fig. 3. Aquaponics IoT submersed sensors.
Whereas the ESP8266 is primarily responsible for the connection to the Internet through a GSM router gateway to upload the
datasets from the sensors to the cloud, the sensors are connected to the various I/O pins of the mega 2560 MCU. For instance, the
DS18B20 submersible temperature sensor is connected to the digital pin 2, and the rest to analog pins as follows: TDS is connected
to pin AD0, pH to AD1, dissolved oxygen to AD2, gas sensors; nitrate and ammonia to AD4 and AD5, respectively, while turbidity
and water level sensors are connected to AD6 and AD7, respectively.
The MCU-MICS-6814, an air quality sensor that measures three gases; carbon monoxide, ammonia, and nitrite (CO, NH
, NO
were installed to detect the ammonia and nitrite coming from the pond water. The MICS 6814 outdoor leak gas detector can detect
the following gases: Carbon monoxide CO from 1 1000ppm; Nitrogen dioxide NO2: 0.05 10ppm; Ethanol C2H5OH: 10 500ppm;
Hydrogen H2: 1 1000ppm; Ammonia NH3: 1 500ppm; Methane CH4 > 1000ppm; Propane C3H8 > 1000ppm; Iso-butane C4H10
> 1000ppm.
Ammonia concentration in the sh pond can lead to mortality. Ammonia removal begins with converting it to nitrite by a good
bacteria called Nitrosomonas. Nitrite is then converted to nitrate which is the nal process of removing ammonia [17] . Nitrates are
generally removed by plants, hence the need for the aquaponics system. Though nitrite and nitrate are not as harmful as ammonia
but little concentration of them can lead to sh mortality.
Sensors specifications
In this section, we list the makes and models of the sensors used as well as the acceptable ranges for each of the water parameters.
(i) DF Robot Gravity Analog pH Sensor Meter Pro Professional kit for Arduino Water Quality Surveillance Aquaculture :
This sensor is used to read the pH level of the pond water instead of the DF Robot pH sensor probe for Arduino version 2.0 used
in the initial IoT system. It monitors the water’s pH and provides an early warning to avoid the water being acidic. Acceptable
pH ranges for the catsh range from 6.5-9.0. pH also aects ammonia (NH
) concentrations. Each unit of change in pH is a
factor of 10X of ammonia. Total ammonia and nitrogen, in addition to water temperature and pH, are needed to determine
un-ionized ammonia (NH3) concentration . Total alkalinity = 50 -150 mg/L, the ability of the water to buer changes in pH.
pH of the aquaculture environment for the growth of sh and shrimp is about 6.5 8.5.
(ii) DF Robot Dissolved Oxygen (DO) sensor probe for Arduino: DO has relatively lower solubility and availability in aquatic life
than in terrestrial environments. Acceptable ranges for dissolved oxygen should be greater than 3mg/L, preferably 5mg/L, or
more. The saturated dissolved oxygen in water with a water temperature of 25°C and a chlorinity of 0.0 is 8.26mg/L.
DF Robot DC 5V TS-300B Turbidity Sensor Module : Mixed Water Detection Module Water Quality Test Turbidity Transducer
for Arduino.
(iii) Dallas DS18B20 temperature sensor. This sensor reads digital values. DSB18B20 has a Unique 1-Wire interface that requires
only one port pin for communication. The ideal water temperature for catsh should not exceed 85°F (30 C).
(iv) Ammonia detection sensor NH
gas sensor module MICS 6814: Un-ionized Ammonia (NH
) = Chronic or long-term problems
0.06 mg/L. Acute or short-term mortality 0.6 mg/L.
(v) Nitrite detection sensor NO
gas sensor module MICS 6814: This sensor replaced the MQ 135 sensor . Ideally, nitrate levels
in a freshwater aquarium should be kept below 20 mg/L. However, any changes should occur slowly, only removing less than
50 mg/L of the Nitrate per day.
(vi) Total Dissolved Solid (TDS): The TDS sensor was added to the new system which measures the amount of solluble solid in
milligram that is dissolved in one liter of water (mg/l) or in parts per million (ppm). The more the solid dissolved in the water
the less clean the water will be. The best values for fresh water sh pond should be less than 400ppm.
A.H. Eneh, C.N. Udanor, N.I. Ossai et al. MethodsX 11 (2023) 102436
Fig. 4. Machine learning result of rst IoT the system.
Fig. 5. Machine learning result of the improved IoT system.
Table 1
Fish length evaluation results for the two IoT systems.
Evaluation metrics The result for the Old System Result for New System
MSE 1.02725608411738 0.3770336613092
RMSE 1.01353642466237 0.61403066805271
MAE 0.54105020046009 0.27729398177683
R-Squared 0.99735129480191 0.99871034058614
Machine learning model development
The datasets collected from both the old and new IoT units were taken from one of the 12 ponds, respectively and cleaned,
preprocessed, and trained on the Google Colab platform using Python 3.7. Both datasets were downloaded from Kaggle where they
were both stored separately. IoTPond_old, consists of 279,612 rows and 11 columns, while the dataset from the new sensor unit,
IoTpond_new contains 128,206 rows and 11 columns. The purpose was to understand the correlation between the dierent dataset
features and use machine learning models to predict sh growth in terms of length and weight based on various attributes of the
water quality sensors.
Method validation
Figs. 4 and 5 show the result of the correlation analysis of the water quality features in order of their importance from both the
old and the new system, respectively. The new system shows a better result.
From Figs. 4 and 5 , we notice that in the rst IoT dataset, the most inuential attributes for both systems were turbidity, nitrate,
PH, and temperature. While for the new IoT dataset ammonia, nitrate, total dissolved solids (TDS), and pH are the most important
attributes for determining the sh weight.
To predict sh length and weight, we utilized models like Linear Regression, Ridge Regression, Lasso Regression, K-Neighbors
Regressor, and Decision Tree Regressor. We got their root mean squared error values (RMSE) for both sh weight and sh length
and concluded from the models’ RMSE that we can select Decision Tree Regressor for making our nal predictions. The extreme
gradient boost (XGBoost) Regressor model was used to enhance the performance of the models. It performed a randomized search
with cross-validation to nd the optimal hyperparameters for the models. The hyperparameters tuned were max_depth, learning_rate,
n_estimators, gamma, and min_child_weight. The evaluation metric used for scoring was negative root mean squared error (RMSE).
After tting the randomized search object to the training data, we obtained the best hyperparameters and evaluated the model
on the test data. The test scores for sh length prediction for both versions of IoT sensor units are shown in Table 1 .
A.H. Eneh, C.N. Udanor, N.I. Ossai et al. MethodsX 11 (2023) 102436
Table 2
Fish weight evaluation results for the two IoT systems.
Evaluation metrics The result for the Old System Result for New System
MSE 49.26981352230902 0.51018846367
RMSE 7.019245936873064 0.71427478163
MAE 2.23104303871279 0.25627263382
R-Squared 0.999530930656313 0.99825094144
Fig. 6. Fish weight prediction in the old IoT unit.
Fig. 7. Fish weight prediction in the New IoT system.
The rst IoT dataset and the new IoT dataset achieved test RMSE scores of 1.0128 and 0.6140, respectively for sh length
prediction using Decision Tree Regressor. Further testing with the XGBoost Regressor achieved a test RMSE score of 7.0192 for sh
weight prediction for the initial IoT dataset, and 0.7793 for the new IoT dataset. The new system consistently outperformed the old
system in producing lower error values, and both tying on R-squared score, which is a measure of prediction accuracy.
The test scores for sh weight prediction for both versions of IoT sensor units are shown in Table 2 .
Just as discovered in Table 1 , we also see that in Table 2 the improved system also outperformed the old system in all error
values. Using the XGBoost Regressor on weight prediction led to the improved performance of the old IoT system, almost equaling
the performance of the improved system.
Figs. 6 and 7 show the regression plots for the predicted sh growth by weight against the actual weights in both the old and new
IoT systems. Again, we see that the new system shows a better and more consistent smoother plot than the old system.
These evaluations clearly show that the new IoT system performed better than the initial one on all fronts. We also found out
that XGBoost Regressor performed well for both sh weight and sh length models in both datasets and models. However, based
on the models’ RMSE, we recommend using Decision Tree Regressor for making nal predictions for sh length and XGB Regressor
for making nal predictions for sh weight. We also discovered that the poor performance of the initial IoT system was due to
poor-quality sensors and conguration of the sensors.
A.H. Eneh, C.N. Udanor, N.I. Ossai et al. MethodsX 11 (2023) 102436
Conclusion and future work
We were motivated by the need to assist farmers to nd solutions to the stunted growth and mortality issues of their shes. We also
discovered that there was a water quality data and knowledge gap which made it dicult for farmers and researchers to eectively
monitor and predict the performance of shes in aquaculture ponds. Having received a grant from the Lacuna Agriculture Fund, we
designed an IoT sensor system to monitor the physicochemical parameters of sh pond water. Working in conjunction with local
farmers we collected the water parameters like temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, ammonia, and nitrate in real-time with
the IoT sensors we designed and built. After several months of data collection, it was observed that some of the sensors did not deliver
optimal values when compared with ground truths. This necessitated further research and the discovery of better-quality sensors for
high quality datasets. A new system was designed and built with the new Arduino Mega 2560 + Wi-Fi microcontroller. Datasets from
the old and new systems were both trained using dierent machine learning algorithms. The new IoT system performed much better
than the initial one in all fronts showing that sensor quality, design experience, and research are major considerations in designing
IoT systems.
The design and implementation of an improved IoT-Cloud orchestrated sensor system for aquaponics will provide a robust and
scalable communication infrastructure, facilitating real-time monitoring, and data analytics in the aquaculture industry. This will also
enhance the eciency, productivity, and sustainability of aquaponics systems, contributing to the advancement of agriculture and
food production. The cloud-based analytics platform will provide advanced insights, anomaly detection, and predictive maintenance,
facilitating informed decision-making for system optimization.
Future work will focus on turning the best predictive machine learning model to a mobile application. Farmers will receive the
app installed in their smart phones for monitoring water quality and predicting sh yield. Results gotten from the use of the app will
be compared with baseline data for sh growth.
Ethics statements
Our work was carried out in line with the ARRIVE guidelines and in accordance with the U.K. Animals (Scientific Procedures)
Act, 1986 and associated guidelines; EU Directive 2010/63/EU for animal experiments in terms of experimental design, sample size
determination, and measurements. The shes were randomly selected based on the sample size already determined per sh pond
based on the stocking density. Measurements of weight and length were done and the shes returned to the ponds.
For a published article
C.N. Udanor, N.I. Ossai, B.O. Ogbuokiri, O.E. Nweke, P.O. Ugwoke, U.K. Ome (2021). A Pilot Implementation of a Remote IoT
Sensors for Aquaponics System Datasets Acquisition, The Journal of Computer Science and it’s Applications (JCSA), Vol. 28, Iss. 2. .
Related research article
During the Lacuna Agriculture Fund 2020 project grant award [1] aimed at building agricultural datasets, our team designed
and developed an IoT-sensors microcontroller-based system [ 2,19 ] aimed at remotely monitoring and collecting physicochemical
parameters from catsh aquaponics pond water. The primary deliverable from the project was a labeled dataset containing water
quality parameters like water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, dissolved ammonia, and nitrate from 12 aquaponics ponds.
At the end of the project, the dataset was contributed to the Kaggle machine learning dataset at [3] under the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 to the research community. This dataset comes in handy in developing machine learning models for predicting catsh
health and yield.
In furtherance of the aforementioned research, the authors have been motivated to further improve the quality of the dataset to
completely address the following problems: (i) the absence of accurate water quality datasets in any known machine learning data
repository for the African Catsh ( Clarias gariepinus ), (ii) the high cost of generating a labeled African catsh dataset for machine
learning without an expert, (iii) the challenge of time consumption and inaccurate generation of labeled data using manual methods,
(iv) the need to recycle and reuse water given its scarcity in many African communities, (v) the need for an innovative ways of
increasing productivity in a limited space oered by aquaponics, and (vi) the challenge of making aquaculture production widespread
through the mobile and portable aquaponics model.
Given the above, the authors considered developing a scalable and robust GSM-Edge-Cloud aquaponics system with an ecient
data collection mechanism from IoT sensors. The architecture of the proposed system includes an intelligent cloud-based analytics
platform for real-time monitoring.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
inuence the work reported in this paper.
A.H. Eneh, C.N. Udanor, N.I. Ossai et al. MethodsX 11 (2023) 102436
CRediT authorship contribution statement
A.H. Eneh: Supervision. C.N. Udanor: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Visualization, Investigation. N.I. Ossai: Inves-
tigation. S.O. Aneke: Writing original draft. P.O. Ugwoke: Writing original draft, Validation, Data curation. A.A. Obayi: Writing
original draft. C.H. Ugwuishiwu: Writing –review & editing. G.E. Okereke: Software, Validation.
Data availability
Data will be made available on request.
This work was supported by the Meridian Institute under the Lacuna Fund for Agricultural Dataset 2020 [Grant No.: 0326-S-001,
2020], at 105 Village Place, Dillon, Colorado 80435, United States.
Supplementary material and/or additional information
Link to dataset:
Udanor collins, Blessing Ogbuokiri, Nweke Onyinye, Sensor Based Aquaponics Fish Pond Datasets, Kaggle, available at: , Kaggle, 2022.
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[19] C.N. Udanor, N.I. Ossai, B.O. Ogbuokiri, O.E. Nweke, P.O. Ugwoke, U.K. Ome, A pilot implementation of a remote IoT sensors for aquaponics system datasets
acquisition, J. Comput. Sci. Appl. (JCSA) 28 (2) (2021) Iss, doi:
10.4314/jcsia.v28i2.1 .
... Channa et al. 20 explored the fusion of Artificial Intelligence and IoT in a smart aquaponics system for parameter monitoring and control. Some literature also touches upon machine learning methods for yield estimation, as seen in the works of Debroy and Seban 21,22 and Eneh et al. 23 Rajendiran et al. 24 26 introduced a fuzzybased PID control method for water quality control in aquaponics. ...
... In the MPC optimization framework, the objective function is outlined in Equation (23). Equations (24) and (25) Δ u k þ ijk ð Þis given by: ...
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Aquaponics is an integration of aquaculture and hydroponics systems, utilizing recirculating water to connect these two processes. Maintaining optimal water quality parameters is critical for the life of fish and plants and crucial for the optimal production in the aquaponics. However, this is difficult due to the complex dynamics in each system and the recirculations. Atmospheric temperature significantly impacts fish and plant growth by affecting water quality parameters. To address this, a mathematical model for key parameters, such as temperature and dissolved oxygen (DO), is introduced, along with a model predictive controller (MPC) that is designed to maintain these parameters at optimal levels. The ideal operating points for temperature and DO are identified by optimizing the aquaponics dynamics. The MPC's performance is compared to that of a traditional proportional‐integral (PI) controller, utilizing two performance indices: relative absolute deviation (RAD) and mean relative deviation (MRD). The MPC demonstrates a reduction in RAD values for both FT and NFT water parameters by 40%–60%, and MRD values by 8%–43%. These results show that the MPC effectively mitigates disturbances and addresses model mismatches, outperforming the PI controller. Implementing the proposed strategies in aquaponic systems enhances overall performance, boosts food production rates, maximizes profit, and reduces labour.
... Debroy and Seban (2022a) [30] and Debroy and Seban (2022a) [31] proposed two prediction methods for fish weight estimation using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and its hybrid with fuzzy logic (ANFIS), as well as ANN models for predicting tomato biomass in aquaponic systems respectively. Eneh et al. (2023) [32] presented a yield prediction method for aquaponic systems employing various machine learning algorithms. A study on IoT integrated Machine learning based Indoor aquaponics farming is discussed by Rajendiran et al. (2024) [33]. ...
... Debroy and Seban (2022a) [30] and Debroy and Seban (2022a) [31] proposed two prediction methods for fish weight estimation using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and its hybrid with fuzzy logic (ANFIS), as well as ANN models for predicting tomato biomass in aquaponic systems respectively. Eneh et al. (2023) [32] presented a yield prediction method for aquaponic systems employing various machine learning algorithms. A study on IoT integrated Machine learning based Indoor aquaponics farming is discussed by Rajendiran et al. (2024) [33]. ...
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The rapid emergence of aquaponics presents a promising solution for food production in arid regions, heavily reliant on maintaining optimal water quality parameters for overall success. However, monitoring and controlling these parameters can be complex and costly, involving numerous sensors and actuators. Focusing on the most significant parameter for fish growth could alleviate some of this complexity and promote sustainability by ensuring a balanced system. This study introduces a novel fuzzy-based Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methodology, combining Trapezoidal Fuzzy with the Best Worst Method (BWM) and Neutrosophic-TOPSIS strategy, to identify the primary water quality parameters impacting fish growth. Through this innovative approach, essential indicators are identified to conduct efficiency analyses. Moreover, the study not only advances scientific understanding but also offers practical guidance for farmers and aquaponic enthusiasts, aiming to foster sustainability and effectiveness in aquaponic effective.
... Demand forecasting is widely used in the sectors of energy [4]- [6], oil and petroleum [3], [7], [8] [9]- [11], industrial [1], [12]- [14], agriculture and livestock [1], [15], [16]. In this context, the implementation of intelligent data analysis techniques has become an essential requirement for modern production systems [17], especially those techniques that address prediction through deep learning (DL). ...
... In the second stage, the two resources are dimensioned, s and s are subsequently projected into another two hidden states with the other two 1D convolutional modules and , then they are added or subtracted from s and s . The output results of the interactive learning module are two updated sub-resources of ′ and ′ , as shown in equations (16) and (17) [2]. ...
ndustrial demand forecasting is crucial for managing stock levels, financial revenue projections, logistics, and efficient production operations. However, there are notable gaps in the literature, particularly in the research that explores the potential of intelligent monitoring systems using Internet of Things (IoT) devices in combination with industrial production forecasting algorithms. This gap is particularly evident in scenarios characterized by seasonal data and limited historical samples. This research work presents an affordable method for monitoring and forecasting industrial production demand, which involves developing an IoT device and applying deep learning algorithms to an industrial production line. In the proposed methodology, an edge device, known as a datalogger, collects and transmits production data to a cloud server obtained through photoelectric laser beam sensors and the PLC of a filling machine. The data is subsequently retrieved from the cloud database for analysis and production demand forecasting. This work compares the performance of three distinct neural networks–sxLSTM, GRU, and SCINet-in the context of time series forecasting. The evaluation employs metrics such as root mean squared error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). Through this framework, it was possible to achieve to forecast production demand with error rates of 9.08 (RMSE), 7.67 (MAE), and 1.86 (MAPE), due to the SCINet neural network, even in scenarios with seasonal samples and limited historical data from an industrial filling line.
... " (Ibrahim et al., 2023). The integration of Industry 4.0 concepts into aquaponics has led to a digital farming approach that incorporates remote monitoring, extensive automation, and smart decision-making aimed at optimizing both crop yield and quality (Eneh et al., 2023;Nayak et al., 2020;Oladimeji et al., 2020b). For example, digital twin technology is now being used to create virtual replicas of plant production lines, which allows for enhanced monitoring and control of the entire system, thereby improving overall efficiency (Taha et al., 2022). ...
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In the face of global warming, environmental pollution, population growth, and the degradation of biodiversity and natural resources, sustainable farming practices have become crucial and should be explored and implemented. Aquaponics is an agricultural system that integrates aquaculture and hydroponics in the application of sustainable farming technologies. The nitrogen-rich biomass produced by aquatic life is used to feed crops, while the feeding process also acts as a natural filtering system that maintains the habitat of aquatic life. This article divides the development history of aquaponics into three stages: the origin stage (before the 1960s), the initial stage (1960s), and the development stage (after the 2010s). Five typical aquaponic models are compared and analyzed. This work suggests that the basic theory of the aquaponic system should be studied thoroughly, and the intelligent and industrial development trends of the system should be explored. These studies can provide sufficient evidence and concrete references for large-scale applications of aquaponics.
... Several physical and chemical properties of water that are important to consider in freshwater fish farming include temperature, water exchange, depth, turbidity, dissolved oxygen levels, pH, and heavy metal concentrations, especially Mercury (Hg) (Azhra & Anam, 2021). These parameters greatly affect the fish's living environment, and deviations from the established standards can have a negative impact on the success of farming (Eneh et al., 2023). Water quality standards for freshwater fish farming can be further seen in Table 1, which outlines the ideal ranges for various important parameters in maintaining optimal water quality for fish survival. ...
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The present study reports the first comprehensive study on the freshwater macroinvertebrates and its habitat preferences in Bilah River, the largest riverin the Northern Sumatra. The riverside is characterized by the presence of anthropogenic and industrial activities which may alter the macroinvertebrate assemblage and biodiversity. Five months of investigation on 10 sampling stations from December 2016 to October 2017 was conducted based on the river flow in Bilah River. Principal component analysis indicated a decrease in trophic status from upstream to downstream of the river. A total of 27 taxa were recorded, with the most abundant group were members of Odonata, Gastropoda, and Decapoda. The highest density of macroinvertebrate was observed from station 1 (160 ind m-2), while the lowest density was observed from station 9 (38.64 ind m-2). Based on species distribution and similarity, two groups of habitats may be distinctively recognized based on the Bray-curtis similarity coefficient. Group 1 consisted of station 1, 2, 3 and 4 while group 2 consisted of station 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Based on the diversity indices as ecological parameters, the habitat condition in Bilah River is categorized from low to moderately polluted. Spatial patterns in both environmental conditions affecting the macroinvertebrate assemblage was observed using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) revealed the preferences from each macroinvertebrate species towards environmental conditions.
... Several physical and chemical properties of water that are important to consider in freshwater fish farming include temperature, water exchange, depth, turbidity, dissolved oxygen levels, pH, and heavy metal concentrations, especially Mercury (Hg) (Azhra & Anam, 2021). These parameters greatly affect the fish's living environment, and deviations from the established standards can have a negative impact on the success of farming (Eneh et al., 2023). Water quality standards for freshwater fish farming can be further seen in Table 1, which outlines the ideal ranges for various important parameters in maintaining optimal water quality for fish survival. ...
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In fish farming, air quality is an important factor that affects fish health and growth. Poor air conditions can cause crop failure even though it looks clean. Important parameters that affect air quality include pH, temperature, oxygen levels, and turbidity. This study aims to develop an automatic detection system that is able to classify air quality based on several parameters obtained from sensors. The system developed is an artificial neural network with the backpropagation method to predict the quality of fish pond water based on input from sensors connected to the Arduino microcontroller.
... For instance, it is crucial to certify water quality in fish farming. According to the literature, creating a safe habitat for the fishes of the current use case requires a temperature between 25°C and 30°C and a pH in the range of 7 to 9 [12]. Sensors can measure parameters like temperature, oxygen, and turbidity, guaranteeing the quality of the fish. ...
... The Arduino functioned as the central component, receiving and processing user inputs through a keypad and presenting pertinent data on an LCD interface. The program developed for the Arduino Mega ATmega2560 not only facilitated communication with various system modules but also orchestrated the decision-making process [33]. User inputs, age, and quantity of poultry triggered the determination of a suitable feeding schedule, with real-time temperature data influencing the fuzzy logic algorithm to dynamically compute the quantity of feed to be dispensed. ...
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This study introduces a novel fuzzy logic algorithm tailored to the thermoneutral zone of poultry, offering a precise and adaptive approach to feed dispensation. This involved the utilization of an LCD module to present essential information such as the selected age, real-time ambient temperature, current time, and the dispensed feed quantity. Data gathered during the process were stored in a memory device. The design of the fuzzy logic algorithm centered on the thermoneutral zone of the chicken serves as the determinant for feed dispensed by the system. It's crucial to note that while the system lacked artificial intelligence (AI), its logical analysis operated based on the fuzzy logic algorithm. Rigorous testing ensued, encompassing the comparison of feed dispensation between automated and manual systems and the assessment of feed waste and broiler weight. Significant feed waste reduction in the first week demonstrated the efficacy of the fuzzy-based method, with consistently low p-values of 0.00069, 0.015195, and 0.034 across subsequent weeks confirming the consistent outperformance in broiler weight compared to the traditional feeding technique. The findings contribute to the advancement of temperature-based poultry feed systems, addressing key challenges in optimizing feed quantity. The study successfully met its objectives, demonstrating the system's capability to dispense feeds effectively across varying ambient temperatures. Notably, the study revealed a consistent alignment of system outputs with those obtained from a digital thermometer and digital weighing scale, confirming the accuracy and reliability of the temperature-based feed dispensing system.
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My TelU Mobile is a learning support application released by Telkom University on May 25, 2021. This application can be downloaded on the Play Store and App Store and has become a super app that has quite a high number of downloads. However, its user traffic is not yet stable, as seen in the decreasing usage traffic during the lecture period. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence the acceptance and use of the My TelU Mobile application using an integration of the UTAUT-2 and Delone & McLean models. This study uses a quantitative method with descriptive and causal research types. The sampling technique uses a non-probability sampling technique of the purposive sampling type with a sample size of 400 respondents. The data analysis technique uses descriptive analysis and PLS. The findings of this study are that effort expectancy, information quality, service quality, user satisfaction have a significant effect on continue use intention and system quality, information quality, service quality have a significant effect on user satisfaction. However, performance expectancy, social influence, facilitating condition, habit, hedonic motivation, and system quality do not have a significant effect on continue use intention of My TelU Mobile application.
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The purpose of the current method is to create a safe and secure that helps the fish pond owners and aquatic planters in producing high quality fish by maintaining normal water levels in the fish tank. The flow of the low or high water in the fish pond will solve the long-term problem of killing fish in a fish tank. Each water quality can affect the health of animals alone. The flow of water on fish ponds discusses how every day should be monitored. This should ensure quality by handling the PH, membrane, temperature, ammonia etc. It is a symbol of good quality water quality standards and poor water quality pools and how it should be upgraded. It is recommended that a prerequisite to increase production by ensuring sustainable fresh quality, and consequently, priority should be given priority. Therefore, water quality parameters maintain balanced positions, culture is the basis for the health and development of living organisms. It is recommended to monitor and evaluate water quality parameters on a regular basis
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Typhoons in summer and cold snaps during winter in Taiwan often cause huge aquaculture losses. Simultaneously, the lack of human resources is a problem. Therefore, we used wireless transmission technology with various sensors to transmit the temperature, pH value, dissolved oxygen, water level, and life expectancy of the sensor in the fish farm to the server. The integrated data are transmitted to mobile devices through the Internet of Things, enabling administrators to monitor the water quality in a fish farm through mobile devices. Because the current pH sensors cannot be submerged in the liquid for a long time for measurements, human resources and time are required to take the instrument to each fish farm for testing at a fixed time. Therefore, a robotic arm was developed to complete automatic measurement and maintenance actions. We designed this arm with a programmable logic controller, a single chip combined with a wireless transmission module, and an embedded system. This system is divided into control, measurement, server, and mobility. The intelligent measurement equipment designed in this study can work 24 h per day, which effectively reduces the losses caused by personnel, material resources, and data errors.
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Fish farming is gradually becoming one of the fastest-growing local enterprises in Nigeria and Sub-Saharan Africa. Among the commonly bred freshwater fishes are the catfish and tilapia, which have high survival rates and local demands. Aquaculture faces the challenges of availability and affordability of the major inputs such as land space and cost, water supply, and cost of fish feed. Lack of requisite knowledge by the farmers in managing the Physico-chemical properties of the pond water hampers the rate of growth of the fishes, and in most cases leads to the mortality of the fishes. To this end, this paper offers a pilot implementation of the first indigenous IoT sensors for the aquaponics system. Aquaponics system combines conventional aquaculture with hydroponics to allow plants to use the waste from the fish as food while at the same time filtering the water for immediate re-use by the fish. Accordingly, the project is aimed at building a remotely monitored and controlled IoT fishpond water quality management system for the generation of environmental datasets of the conventional ponds and the aquaponics pond systems. Through these datasets, machine learning researchers can build models for predicting fish yield in the aquaponics production system in terms of weight gain, water quality parameters, and feed consumption. The outcome of the data modelling would provide Fish farmers with the requisite information that would increase fish production in Nigeria. The pilot project using a submersible temperature sensor and turbidity sensor produced promising results which are in tandem with industry standards.
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Aquaculture, which is the breeding of fishes in artificial ponds, seems to be gaining popularity among urban and sub-urban dwellers in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Tenant aquaculture enables individuals irrespective of their profession to grow fishes locally in a little space. However, there are challenges facing aquaculture such as the availability of water, how to monitor and manage water quality, and more seriously, the problem of absence of dataset with which the farmer can use as a guide for fish breeding. Aquaponics is a system that combines conventional aquaculture with hydroponics (the method of growing plants in water i.e. soilless farming of crops). It uses these two technologies in a symbiotic combination in which the plant uses the waste from the fish as food while at the same time filtering the water for immediate re-use by the fish. This helps to solve the problem of frequent change of water. An Internet of Things (IoT) system consisting of an ESP-32 microcontroller which controls water quality sensors in aquaponics fish ponds was designed and developed for automatic data collection. The sensors include temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, ammonia and nitrate sensors. The IoT system reads water quality data and uploads the same to the cloud in real time. The dataset is visualized in the cloud and downloaded for the purposes of data analytics and decision-making. We present the dataset in this paper. The dataset will be very useful to the agriculture, aquaculture, data science and machine learning communities. The insights such dataset will provide when subjected to machine learning and data analytics will be very useful to fish farmers, informing them when to change the pond water, what stocking density to apply, provide knowledge about feed conversion ratios, and in predict the growth rate and patterns of their fishes.
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Agriculture including aquaculture has been changing through multiple technological transformations in recent years. The Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are providing remarkable technological innovations on fish farming. In this research, we present an automated IoT and AI-based system to improve fish farming. The proposed system uses multiple sensors to measure in real-time water quality chemical parameters such as: temperature, pH, turbidity, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, etc., from the fish pond and send them on a cloud database to allow fish farmers to access them in realtime with their devices (mobile phone, PC, tablets). The system contains three web applications which fish farmers can use. The first web application enables farmers with realtime visualizations of sensors data, issues alerts and remote pumps controls. Fish farmers can use the second web application for fish disease detection and to receive suggestions for diseases’ care. This would help to classify two fish diseases which are: Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome(EUS), and Ichthyophthirus(Ich). The third web application is a digital community platform for knowledge sharing, capacity building, market opportunities and collaboration among fish farmers. Our system can help reduce human efforts, reinforce capacity building, increase fish production and market opportunities for fish farmers. CCS CONCEPTS: •Computing Methodologies • embedded Systems • Machine Learning • Web Applications KEYWORDS: Smart Fish Farming, IoT, AI, Convolutional Neural Network, MQTT, Arduino, ESP32, eFish Farm.
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The Mekong River Delta is a key area for aquaculture production, providing over 66% of Vietnam’s aquaculture production annually. However, large-scale cultivation and intensive farming have resulted in deterioration of aquaculture water quality and higher rate of aquatic animal diseases. Therefore, water quality control is the key to succeed an aquaculture management. This work presents the design and deployment of an IoT-based water quality monitoring system for Pangasius fish farming in Mekong Delta. The designed system allows farmers to monitor in real time the most important physico-chemical variables of the pond water. Especially, this work introduces a simple and effective approach for automatic cleaning sensor probes that helps improve sensor readings reliability and reduce maintenance costs.
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Abstract— Nearly 5.3% of the national income of Bangladesh comes from fish. Fishes are the significant natural essentials that help to grow national income, nutrition, reduce the unemployment problem of a country and also earn foreign currency. Furthermore, it’s a great source of low cost, high protein and other health beneficiary nutrients comparative to red meat. Nonetheless, to fulfill the expected demand for fish, the existing system and conventional fish farming has been failed to raise the amount of fish needed for the growing population. This paper analyzed the water quality parameters standards for the suitability of fish farming and the causes of fish diseases affected by the parameters through collected ponds data from the different areas of Bangladesh. Several machine learning algorithms have been compared for accuracy for the significance water level and error rate. Logistic regression has been fitted better to train and test part. The prediction has been done to find out whether the new pond's water quality is suitable for fish farming with respect to the value of quality parameters. An empirical IoT based system design has been given to comparing the prediction in the future. Moreover, this research also analyzed the feasible environment parameter and standards for fish growth, the reason, and risk for fish death as well as the growth rate of fish by monitoring the quality parameters of water for fish.
The quality and safety of aquatic products are increasingly important in China. In this study, we developed an Internet of Things (IoT)-based intelligent fish farming and tracking control system that includes a forecasting method that enables automatic water quality management and supports tracking the breeding and selling of freshwater fish. This system can assist fish farmers to intelligently control and manage fishpond water-quality treatment equipment and assist consumers in tracking and viewing historical farming process data using the QR code tag of an aquatic product, which can raise revenue of fish farmers and safeguard the food safety of consumers. We also propose a set of water-quality indicator forecasting methods for a fishpond intelligent management module that first detect and remove abnormal data using the local outlier factor (LOF) algorithm after compared with DBSCAN. Then, the key fishpond data are analysed, modelled and predicted using the model tree algorithm, allowing water-quality indicators to be addressed in advance and maintained within a safe range that complies with standards. The experiments verified that the mean values of the predicted data generated by the M5 model tree algorithm were closer to those of the training data than Cubist, RF, GBM algorithm, and strong correlations were found between the predicted data and the verification data. Moreover, the mean absolute errors of our method are small relative to the data means, indicating that the proposed method can effectively and accurately forecast water-quality indicators.