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Revealing the dynamic formation mechanism of porous Mo 2 C: an in-situ TEM study

OAE Publishing Inc.
Chemical Synthesis
  • Qingyuan Innovation Laboratory

Abstract and Figures

In-situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) enables direct observation of the micromorphology and microstructure evolution of catalysts in the chemical atmosphere. Studying the structural evolution during the formation of molybdenum carbide using in-situ TEM is helpful for the preparation of high-performance carbide catalysts. Herein, the formation mechanism of porous Mo2C from MoO2 nanoparticles (NPs) was studied by in-situ TEM. The formation of Mo2C was induced by the defects of MoO2, and the formed Mo2C facilitated the carbonization of neighboring MoO2 NPs. The growth rate of Mo2C between MoO2 NPs was slower compared to that within a single MoO2 NP. In addition, the formation and growth of pores in Mo2C were also studied; the pores grew radially during the early stages from the nucleation sites and later grew branched and curved. As Mo2C underwent competitive growth, the pores transitioned from straight to curved. Eventually, during prolonged carbonization at high temperatures, Mo2C underwent sintering.
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Wang et al. Chem Synth 2023;3:42
DOI: 10.20517/cs.2023.33 Chemical Synthesis
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Open AccessResearch Article
Revealing the dynamic formation mechanism of
porous Mo2C: an in-situ TEM study
Yongzhao Wang1,2,#, Yiming Niu1,2,# , Yinghui Pu1,2, Shiyan Li3, Yuefeng Liu3 , Bingsen Zhang1,2,*
1Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang
110016, Liaoning, China.
2School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China, Shenyang 110016, Liaoning, China.
3Dalian National Laboratory for Clean Energy, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian 116023,
Liaoning, China.
#The authors contributed equally to this work.
*Correspondence to: Prof. Bingsen Zhang, Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, 72 Wenhua Road, Shenyang 110016, Liaoning, China. E-mail:
How to cite this article: Wang Y, Niu Y, Pu Y, Li S, Liu Y, Zhang B. Revealing the dynamic formation mechanism of porous Mo2C:
an in-situ TEM study. Chem Synth 2023;3:42.
Received: 4 Jul 2023 First Decision: 28 Aug 2023 Revised: 11 Sep 2023 Accepted: 28 Sep 2023 Published: 10 Oct 2023
Academic Editors: Ying Wan, Jun Xu Copy Editor: Pei-Yun Wang Production Editor: Pei-Yun Wang
In-situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) enables direct observation of the micromorphology and
microstructure evolution of catalysts in the chemical atmosphere. Studying the structural evolution during the
formation of molybdenum carbide using in-situ TEM is helpful for the preparation of high-performance carbide
catalysts. Herein, the formation mechanism of porous Mo2C from MoO2 nanoparticles (NPs) was studied by in-situ
TEM. The formation of Mo2C was induced by the defects of MoO2, and the formed Mo2C facilitated the
carbonization of neighboring MoO2 NPs. The growth rate of Mo2C between MoO2 NPs was slower compared to
that within a single MoO2 NP. In addition, the formation and growth of pores in Mo2C were also studied; the pores
grew radially during the early stages from the nucleation sites and later grew branched and curved. As Mo2C
underwent competitive growth, the pores transitioned from straight to curved. Eventually, during prolonged
carbonization at high temperatures, Mo2C underwent sintering.
Keywords: Mo2C, porous structure, growth mechanism, in-situ TEM
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The transition metal carbides are widely used in industry due to their unique physical and chemical
properties[1-7]. For instance, molybdenum (Mo) carbides can serve as supports in solid catalysts, which
exhibit good performances in heterogeneous catalysis[8-10]. Moreover, Mo carbides also are the active phases,
owning similar catalytic properties with the precious metals because of the introduction of carbon
atoms[11-18]. They have been applied in hydrogenation[19-23], steam reforming of methanol[24], and water gas
shift reaction[25]. Among them, β-Mo2C demonstrated excellent activity and selectivity in CO2 reduction[26],
hydrogen production[27], and hydrodeoxygenation reactions[28]. Therefore, the research and development of
preparation technology plays an important role in the application of high-performance Mo carbide
catalysts. At present, the main preparation methods of Mo carbides include solid-solid and solid-gas
(temperature-programmed reduction) reaction methods[29]. The solid-gas approach, which employs the
reaction of the Mo oxides and the carbon-containing gases (e.g., CO, CH4, C2H6, and aromatic compounds),
was developed rapidly[30-36]. It is crucial to investigate the structural transformation process of Mo oxides
into Mo carbides during temperature-programmed reduction carbonization.
Along with the development of preparation technologies for Mo carbides, the carbonization mechanism of
Mo oxides to Mo carbides has also been studied intensively[37-39]. The carburization of MoO3 with
hydrocarbon and hydrogen was studied by the photoelectron spectroscopy[40]. The carbon deposition on the
sample surface decreased with increasing carbon content. It indicated the diffusion of surface carbon on the
sample into a bulk phase in the carburization process of Mo oxides. The MoO2 was the intermediate phase
determined by thermodynamic analysis in the process of MoO3 transformed into Mo2C[41]. Based on this, the
structural evolution processes of MoO2 in different carbon-containing gas atmospheres were investigated
systematically. For example, the reduction of MoO2 powders with CO to produce Mo2C was studied, and
the reduction mechanisms were significantly distinct at different temperatures[42]. The MoO2 followed a one-
step reaction translated to Mo2C at lower temperatures. However, the transition process was different at
high temperatures; the MoO2 was reduced to Mo first, and then the Mo was carburized to Mo2C. The
transformation of MoO2 to Mo2C in a hydrocarbon atmosphere was also focused. The MoOxCy as the
intermediate phases were observed during the carburization of MoO2 in CH4/H2 or C2H6/H2[43]. In addition,
the mechanism of MoO2 to Mo2C under methane pulse conditions was also studied[44]. The researchers
proposed the “plum-pudding” model in the solid-phase transformation from MoO2 to Mo2C. However, due
to the limitation of characterization techniques, there are no relevant reports on the study of direct
observation regarding Mo2C formation processes in the preparation by temperature-programmed reduction
methods. It seriously affects the perception and regulation of Mo2C preparation. Usually, the direct reaction
of Mo oxides with a carbon source at elevated temperatures generates β-Mo2C. The investigation of their
structural formation mechanism could provide guidance for the controllable preparation and also benefit
the synthesis of Mo2C with other phase structures.
In-situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has been used to directly visualize the structural evolution
of nano-catalysts[45-47]. In recent years, the deoxidation process of MoO3 was studied by environmental TEM,
accompanied by the nanoparticles (NPs) crushing and regrowth in H2 and thermal field, and the MoO3 has
a good directional deoxidation process[48]. Meanwhile, the different solid carbon sources were used, and the
controllable growth of Mo carbides was monitored by in-situ TEM[49]. The face centered cubic (FCC) MoC
with full occupation of interstitial sites by carbon sites was formed because the sucrose was decomposed
into high reactivity sp3carbon atoms. The three-stage mechanism during nucleation and growth of Mo2C
NPs was also revealed by in-situ TEM[50]. Furthermore, if an atmosphere is introduced into TEM, the
formation process of Mo carbides in the carbonation atmosphere can be directly observed. This helps to
understand the mechanism of synthesizing Mo carbides by the solid-gas reaction method.
Wang et al. Chem Synth 2023;3:42 Page 3 of 11
Herein, to get a better understanding of the formation mechanism of Mo oxides to Mo carbides in a
temperature-programmed reduction method, we studied the microstructural evolutions of MoO2 NPs to
porous Mo2C in a mixed atmosphere of methane and hydrogen by using in-situ TEM. And the mechanism
of gas-solid reaction in the formation of Mo2C was analyzed in detail.
Synthesis of MoO3 nanobelts
The typical solvothermal method applied to synthesize the MoO3 nanobelts has been reported previously[51].
In brief, the 4,839 mg (0.02 mol) sodium molybdate dihydrate was dissolved in 60 mL deionized water after
the 4 mL nitric acid was diluted by 16 mL deionized water and added to the stirred solution dropwise. Then,
the solution was transferred into a 100 mL autoclave, sealed, and maintained at 130 °C for 12 h in an oven.
Finally, the obtained deposition was filtered and washed with deionized water and then calcinated at 300 °C
in air for 2 h. The MoO2 was prepared by reducing MoO3 nanobelts in H2 or CH4/H2 atmosphere at 500 °C
for 2 h with a heating rate of 10 °C/min. Mo2C was synthesized under a CH4/H2 atmosphere at 700 °C for
2 h.
Samples characterization
TEM and high-angle annular dark field scanning TEM (HAADF-STEM) images were obtained using FEI
Tecnai G2 F20 operated at 200 kV. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images were obtained using
Regulus 8100 operated at 3 kV. X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements were performed on a Rigaku D/max
2400 diffractometer (Cu Kα radiation, λ = 0.15418 nm) operating at 40 kV and 40 mA. X-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy (XPS) characterization was carried out with an ESCALAB 250 instrument with Al Kα X-rays
(1,489.6 eV, 150 W, 50.0 eV pass energy). N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms were measured on an ASAP
2020 micromeritics apparatus, and the specific surface areas of the samples were calculated following the
multi-point BET (Brunauer-Emmett-Teller) procedure. The pore-size distributions were determined from
the adsorption branch of the isotherms using the BJH (Barett-Joyner-Halenda) model.
CH4/H2 temperature programmed surface reaction (TPSR)
The 40 mg MoO3 nanobelts were loaded in a quartz tube reactor that was connected to a mass spectrometer.
Following, the samples were elevated to 700 °C with a heating rate of 5 °C/min under 20 vol.% CH4/H2 flow
(5 mL/min). The mass signals of H2 (Mz = 2) and H2O (Mz = 18) were monitored during the process.
In-situ TEM investigation
The commercial gas-heating holder (produced by DENSsolutions), a home-made gas controlling system,
and the Titan Themis G3 ETEM were adopted during the in-situ TEM experiments. The MoO3 sample was
encapsulated in a nanoreactor of a gas-heating holder. The nanoreactor has two amorphous SiNx windows
in order to observe the structural evolution of MoO3 catalysts. The sample was calcinated at 300 °C in
20 vol.% O2/He atmosphere for 30 min to remove any potential contamination before in-situ TEM
experiments. Then, the temperature was lowered to room temperature, and the gas was switched to a
20 vol.% CH4/H2 atmosphere. The pressure in the nanoreactor was 1 bar during the test. Following, the
temperature was sequentially elevated and kept at 500 °C, 600 °C, 700 °C, and 750 °C for in situ structural
Characterization of the Mo oxides (carbides)
The typical XRD patterns and TEM images of MoO3 nanobelts after calcination are shown in
Supplementary Figure 1. The XRD pattern [Supplementary Figure 1A] confirmed the MoO3 phase structure
(JCPDS 65-2421) for MoO3 nanobelts calcinated at 300 °C, and the sharp diffraction peaks verified the high
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crystallinity. High-resolution TEM (HRTEM) with local fast Fourier transform (FFT) observation also
identified the crystallographic property of MoO3. The interplanar distances of 0.380 nm and 0.369 nm with
an intersection angle of 90° were assigned to the (101) and (010) planes [Supplementary Figure 1C]. The
sharp, bright diffraction spots are displayed in FFT [Supplementary Figure 1D], illustrating the high
crystallinity of MoO3 nanobelts, too. The temperature programmed surface reaction (TPSR) experiments
show that the content change curves of H2 and H2O when MoO3 nanobelts were reduced and carbonized
[Supplementary Figure 2]. The reduction peaks at 500 °C and 600 °C indicate MoO3 reduced to MoO2 and
MoO2 transformed to Mo2C, respectively. The second peak area of H2O was larger than the first peak of
H2O, suggesting that there was a lot of water generated during the transformation from MoO2 to Mo2C.
SEM images were used to show the morphology of MoO2 and Mo2C samples in Supplementary Figure 3.
The produced MoO2 by reducing MoO3 nanobelts in the CH4/H2 atmosphere at 500 °C exhibited a plate-like
shape. As the treatment temperature increased, the MoO2 was carbonized to Mo2C at 700 °C. The presence
of porous agglomerates Mo2C built up by MoO2 platelets was observed. The MoO2 and Mo2C phases were
confirmed by XRD [Supplementary Figure 3C and F] according to JCPDS 65-5787 and JCPDS 35-0787,
Observation regarding the formation of porous Mo2C
In order to understand the formation mechanism of Mo2C, we observed the micromorphological and
microstructural evolution of MoO2 to Mo2C at the nanoscale using in-situ TEM. Figure 1 exhibits the
carbonization process of MoO2 to Mo2C under the 20 vol.% CH4/H2 atmosphere at ambient pressure.
Figure 1A shows that the samples were MoO2 NPs under the CH4/H2 atmosphere at 600 °C. The average
particle size of MoO2 NPs was 62.8 nm [Supplementary Figure 7]. When the temperature increased to
700 °C, the porous nanocrystals (pointed out with arrows) were observed, as shown in Figure 1B, suggesting
the formation of Mo2C at this temperature. Subsequently, the porous Mo2C grew radially [Figure 1C]. As
displayed in Figure 1D, most of MoO2 NPs had been transformed into porous Mo2C. Figure 1E shows the
corresponding selected area electron diffraction (SAED) patterns of MoO2 NPs [Figure 1A] and porous
Mo2C [Figure 1D] in the CH4/H2 atmosphere. The d-spacings of 3.42 Å, 2.43 Å, and 1.71 Å are close to the
d(011), d(020), and d(022) referring to monoclinic MoO2 (JCPDS 65-5787). Alternately, the d-spacings of 2.37 Å,
1.75 Å, and 1.30 Å are close to the d(002), d(102), and d(200) of hexagonal Mo2C (JCPDS 35-0787). The diffraction
spots transform into diffraction rings when MoO2 is transformed into Mo2C, indicating that the porous
Mo2C is polycrystalline. Figure 1F exhibits the intensity profiles from the integration of SAED patterns in
Figure 1E, and it also confirmed the monoclinic MoO2 and hexagonal Mo2C pure phase structures for the
samples in the CH4/H2 atmosphere at 600 and 700 °C, respectively. The unit cells [Figure 1G] and the
histogram of cell volume and volume per Mo [Figure 1H] of MoO2 and Mo2C indicate that the formation of
pores may be attributed to the volume reduction due to phase transformation, as there will be about 58.06%
volume reduction when the same amount of Mo in the form of MoO2 is converted to Mo2C.
The STEM images and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) elemental maps of MoO2 and Mo2C
samples were displayed in Supplementary Figure 4, exhibiting the well-distributed Mo/O in MoO2
[Supplementary Figure 4A-C] and Mo/C in Mo2C [Supplementary Figure 4D-F]. It indicated that the Mo
oxides were completely transformed into the Mo carbides. TEM images and the EEL spectra of MoO2
and Mo2C samples [Supplementary Figure 5] show the morphology and electron structure changes of the
samples before and after carbonization. It was observed that in plate-shaped MoO2, there were Mo M-
edges and O K-edges, while in porous Mo2C, there were Mo M-edges and C K-edges, confirming the
presence of pure phase structures of MoO2 and Mo2C. The XPS results were demonstrated and
compared in Supplementary Figure 6. The peaks at 229.2 eV and 228.0 eV were assigned to Mo4+ and
Mo2+, respectively. As the MoO2 transformed to Mo2C, the content of Mo2+ species increased while the
Mo4+ species highly decreased. The presence of Mo5+(Mo6+) species is ascribed to the surface oxidation
while expositing to air.
Wang et al. Chem Synth 2023;3:42 Page 5 of 11
Figure 1. In-situ transformation from MoO2 to Mo2C. (A-D) In-situ TEM images of the Mo2C formation from MoO2 in 20 vol.% CH4/H2
atmosphere; (E) The corresponding SAED patterns of MoO2 (A) and Mo2C (D); (F) Intensity profiles from the integration of diffraction
rings of SAED patterns in E (a.u., arbitrary units); (G) Unit cells of MoO2 and Mo2C; (H) The histogram of cell volume and volume per
Mo of MoO2 and Mo2C. Mo: Molybdenum; SAED: selected area electron diffraction; TEM: transmission electron microscopy.
Unraveling the nucleation and growth of porous Mo2C
Figure 2 displays the Mo2C nucleation process of MoO2 NPs under the drive of CH4 and H2 at 700 °C.
Previous studies have illustrated that the methane was cracked into carbon with high reactivity at high
temperatures, and the carbon species adsorbed on the surface of metal oxides[52,53]. In this experiment, the
MoO2 and highly reactive carbon further reacted and formed the Mo carbides. It is noteworthy that the
defects in MoO2 NPs were more likely to be carbonized preferentially. The preferential nucleation of Mo2C
was located at the defects of MoO2 NPs. Figure 2F showed many small nanocrystals gradually appearing and
the generation of pores at the defects of MoO2 NPs, suggesting that the Mo2C sites were formed here.
Following, Mo2C grew radially from the nucleation site in all directions at MoO2 NPs [Figure 2H-J]. It
proved that the defects in MoO2 NPs induced the nucleation of Mo2C. In addition, the carbonization
process of two adjacent MoO2 NPs was observed at 700 °C in the CH4/H2 atmosphere [Supplementary
Figures 8 and 9]. Under the co-drive of CH4 and H2, the defects in MoO2 NPs were carbonized first, and the
NP transformed into porous Mo2C. Subsequently, the carbonized MoO2 NP induced the carbonization of
adjacent MoO2 NPs at the interface between two NPs. The carbonization reaction crossed the interface
between two NPs and continued in the next MoO2 NP. Lastly, the two MoO2 NPs were turned to porous
Mo2C, and the grain boundary of the two NPs disappeared. It further reveals that the carbonization of
MoO2 NPs was also promoted by the adjacent already carbonized porous Mo2C as the nucleating agents.
Generally, the MoO2 NPs obtained by the reduction of MoO3 nanobelts were usually stacked[54]. Herein, the
growth rate of Mo2C within and between MoO2 NPs was studied [Figure 3]. There are approximately nine
MoO2 NPs stacked together in the observed two-dimensional (2D) region in Figure 3A. Figure 3K shows
the growth rate of 2D area of porous Mo2C in Supplementary Figure 10. The carbonization rate of
MoO2 NPs was represented by the growth rate of 2D area of porous Mo2C. When Mo2C grows across the
interface between two MoO2 NPs, it is considered to be carbonized between MoO2 NPs. Alternately,
when Mo2C only grows inside MoO2 NPs, it is carbonized within MoO2 NPs. Judging from TEM
images at 5 s, 10 s, and 15 s [Figure 3B-D], the carbonization reaction process between MoO2 NPs was
hindered and slowed down. This is mainly due to the presence of a high energy barrier at the grain
boundary[55,56]. Compared with Figure 3D (15 s) and E (20 s), the Mo2C growth rate within MoO2 NPs
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Figure 2. Defect -induced nucleation of Mo2C. (A-E) In-situ TEM images of the nucleation process of Mo2C under 20 vol.% CH4/H2
atmosphere at 700 °C; (F-J) Enlarged TEM images acquired from the dashed boxes in (A) to (E). TEM: Transmission electron
Figure 3. Growth rate of Mo2C within and between MoO2 NPs. (A-J) In-situ TEM images of structural evolution from stacked MoO2 NPs
to Mo2C under 20 vol.% CH4/H2 atmosphere at 700 °C; (K) The carbonization rates within and between MoO2 NPs. The boxes
represent the growth rate of two-dimensional area of porous Mo2C. Blue numbers represent the number of interfaces with Mo2C
growth crossing between MoO2 NPs, and the capital letters represent the corresponding TEM images in (B-J). NPs: Nanoparticles;
TEM: transmission electron microscopy.
increased after the carbonization reaction of MoO2 crossed the interfaces between MoO2 NPs. Especially
from the 30 s [Figure 3F] to 35 s [Figure 3G], the growth of Mo2C was quick, and the growth rate of 2D
area of porous Mo2C is over 3,000 nm2/s. It was because of only the growth of Mo2C within MoO2 NPs
during this period. After 35 s [Figure 3H-J], the growth of Mo2C slowed down since Mo2C growth
crossed the interfaces between MoO2 NPs and the reduction of Mo sources in a late stage of MoO2
carbonization. Supplementary Figure 11 also exhibits that the growth rate of Mo2C within MoO2 NP was
slower than that between MoO2 NPs. The above results indicated that the presence of an interface
between MoO2 NPs could only slow down the carbonization process but not prevent it. After the
carbonization reaction within and between MoO2 NPs, the MoO2 NPs were transformed into porous Mo2C,
and the interfaces between the original MoO2 NPs disappeared.
Wang et al. Chem Synth 2023;3:42 Page 7 of 11
Figure 4. Growth types during the formation of Mo2C. In-situ TEM images of radial (A-E), competition (B-J), and dendrite (K-O) growth
of Mo2C under 20 vol.% CH4/H2 atmosphere at 700 °C. TEM: Transmission electron microscopy.
Revealing the pore formation and evolution of porous Mo2C
Subsequently, the formation of pores in the growth of Mo2C was observed in Figure 4. The three types of
porous Mo2C growth were summarized. At the early stage, the pores showed radial growth from the center
to the periphery [Figure 4A-E]. The structural transition from MoO2 to Mo2C was accompanied by the
formation of straighter pores and faster pore growth rates. The competitive growth of pores was observed
when two Mo2C nucleation sites met during the carbonization process. As shown in Figure 4F-J, the
straighter pores became distorted, and the growth rate of pores was slowed down during this process. In
addition, the tip splitting and side branches of pores were observed in the late stage of growth. The growth
of porous Mo2C slowed down, and the pores curved due to the reduction of Mo sources [Figure 4K-O]. The
above observations revealed that the growth and evolution of pores were affected by the amount of Mo
sources. The pores of the Mo2C radial grew and formed straighter pores when the Mo sources were
sufficient. On the contrary, the pores of Mo2C became curved and branched when the Mo sources were
Analyzing the microstructure of porous Mo2C
Lastly, the micromorphology and structure of porous Mo2C obtained by MoO2 carbonization were
analyzed, as shown in Figure 5. Figure 5B demonstrates the porous Mo2C with different orientations of
nanocrystals; the (101) facets with a lattice spacing of 2.29 Å were observed. The measured planes with
lattice spacings of 2.61 Å, 2.29 Å, and 2.29 Å and angles of 64° and 52° in Figure 5C correspond to the crystal
parameters of (010) 2.61 Å, (101) 2.29 Å and (1-11) 2.29 Å in hexagonal Mo2C structures (JCPDS 35-0787).
FFT pattern [Figure 5C] shows the hexagonal Mo2C structure from the [-101] zone axis [Figure 5D]. The
micromorphology and pore size of Mo2C nanocrystal were computed in Supplementary Figure 12. The
mean pore width and length are 1.4 nm and 9.7 nm, respectively. In addition, the N2 physisorption tests
[Supplementary Figure 13] were performed on MoO2 and Mo2C obtained after treatment at 600 and 700 °C,
respectively. The low surface area of 1.11 m2·g-1 MoO2 NPs translated to high surface area of 5.00 m2·g-1
porous Mo2C. The pore-size distribution of MoO2 showed a weak peak at 41.27 nm, whereas a strong peak
at 2.21 nm was observed over porous Mo2C, indicating that the pore formation in Mo2C samples. However,
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Figure 5. Characterization of the porous Mo2C. In-situ TEM (A) and HRTEM (B and C) images of Mo2C under 20 vol.% CH4/H2
atmosphere at 700 °C; (D) The corresponding FFT patterns of (C). FFT: Fast Fourier transform; HRTEM: high-resolution TEM; TEM:
transmission electron microscopy.
the carbonization temperature of Mo2C prepared by a temperature-programmed reduction method should
not be too high. For example, Mo2C samples undergo obvious sintering and disappearance of pores when
the carbonization temperatures were increased to 750 °C from 700 °C, as shown in Supplementary Figure 14
The structure evolution process of MoO2 to porous Mo2C in a carbonizing atmosphere was systemically
investigated by using in-situ TEM. The formation of porous structures was observed during the
carbonization process, which could be attributed to the volume decrease when an equivalent of Mo in the
form of MoO2 is converted to Mo2C. The defects in MoO2 NPs facilitated the nucleation of Mo2C under
CH4/H2 atmosphere at 700 °C. The porous Mo2C induced the carbonization of neighboring MoO2 NPs, and
the interfaces between MoO2 NPs slowed down the carbonization process. The carbonization reaction
progressed from one MoO2 NP to another through the interface. In the early growth stage of porous Mo2C,
the pores exhibited radial growth from the nucleation sites. However, in the late stage, the tip splitting and
side branch formation of pores were observed. Moreover, the pores transitioned from straight to curved
when the porous Mo2C at different sites met during growth. Compared to MoO2, the porous Mo2C obtained
through temperature-programmed reduction methods has a higher specific surface area. This work sheds
light on the formation process of porous Mo2C in a CH4/H2 atmosphere and could provide guidance for the
synthesis of porous carbides.
Authors’ contributions
Design of the study and writing of the manuscript for the whole work: Wang Y, Niu Y, Zhang B
Performed the TEM characterization: Wang Y, Niu Y, Li S, Liu Y
Performed the analysis of data: Wang Y, Niu Y, Pu Y
Performed data acquisition and provided administrative, technical, and material support: Wang Y, Niu Y,
Zhang B
Availability of data and materials
Not applicable.
Financial support and sponsorship
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 22072164, 22002173,
52161145403), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2020M680999), the Natural Science Foundation
of Liaoning Province (2022-MS-004), and the foundations of Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials
Wang et al. Chem Synth 2023;3:42 Page 9 of 11
Conflicts of interest
All authors declared that there are no conflicts of interest.
Ethical approval and consent to participate
Not applicable.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
© The Author(s) 2023.
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Amidst the urgent demand for carbon-neutral strategies, electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) has garnered significant attention as an efficient and environmentally friendly energy conversion pathway. Non-precious metal layered transition metal carbides, particularly various modified two-dimensional molybdenum carbides (2D Mo2C), have emerged as promising HER catalysts due to their superior intrinsic catalytic activity. While common non-metal doping strategies have been widely employed to enhance the electronic configuration and bulk/interface activity, the mechanism of HER performance dependence on the doping-induced electronic configuration in 2D Mo2C remains unclear, especially for more complex binary or ternary doping configurations. To address the issue of uncontrollable doping atom percentages in conventional methods, herein, we propose a strategy for rapidly synthesizing highly tunable non-metal multielement-doped 2D Mo2C using microwave pulse-assisted synthesis. By designing doping configurations with similar atomic ratios, we delve into the impact mechanisms of various doping configurations on the HER performance of 2D Mo2C, with phosphorus doping potentially exerting the most significant positive influence. Furthermore, leveraging the unique thermodynamic and kinetic advantages of microwaves, this approach efficiently prevents potential side reactions associated with multi-element doping, enabling the rapid and precise synthesis of binary and ternary-doped 2D Mo2C. The synthesized ternary-doped 2D Mo2C with the same doping atomic ratios (2D P,N,S-Mo2C) exhibits outstanding HER performance. This method not only offers a novel approach for precisely designing non-metallic atomic doping configurations in 2D TMCs but also provides insights into the theoretical structure-activity mechanism for other carbides with unique structures.
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Understanding the charge-transfer and Li-ion-migration mechanisms in complex electrochemical environments is critical to improving the performance of commercial lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). Advanced electron microscopy and the associated characterization techniques have significantly assisted in clarifying the structure–function relationships of commercial LIBs by providing localized nano/atomic-scale information concerning the following aspects: atomic structures of light/heavy elements, spatial distributions of structural phase transitions, Li⁺ occupation, interfacial phase structures, occupation and migration of elements, elemental distribution in the interfacial layer, Li⁺ concentration, and interfacial space charge layer. Besides, the development of various in situ techniques coupled with electron microscopy can enable comprehensive understanding of the structural evolution, growth of lithium dendrites at the anode, as well as the ion transport and charge accumulation at the electrode–electrolyte interface in LIBs during charging and discharging. This review summarizes the recent progress of how advanced electron microscopy contributes to elucidating key structural information and evolution in commercial LIBs. Emphasis is placed on (1) the discussions of transition metal dissolution and charge-transfer mechanisms during charging and discharging of LIB cathodes; (2) the morphologies, structures, and compositions of solid-electrolyte-interphase (SEI)/cathode– electrolyte-interface (CEI) films, along with their influence on battery performance; (3) the effects of crystal structures, internal crystal defects, and interface structure on ion transport. The lithiation and delithiation processes in LIBs are scrutinized, and strategies for optimizing ion migration are proposed. This information has been collated to enable a deeper understanding of the charge-transfer and ion-migration mechanisms in commercial LIBs, and to provide guidance for improving battery performance.
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"Intrinsic" strategies for manipulating the local electronic structure and coordination environment of defect-regulated materials can optimize electrochemical storage performance. Nevertheless, the structure–activity relationship between defects and charge storage is ambiguous, which may be revealed by constructing highly ordered vacancy structures. Herein, we demonstrate molybdenum carbide MXene nanosheets with customized in-plane chemical ordered vacancies (Mo1.33CTx), by utilizing selective etching strategies. Synchrotron-based X-ray characterizations reveal that Mo atoms in Mo1.33CTx show increased average valence of +4.44 compared with the control Mo2CTx. Benefited from the introduced atomic active sites and high valence of Mo, Mo1.33CTx achieves an outstanding capacity of 603 mAh·g⁻¹ at 0.2 A·g⁻¹, superior to most original MXenes. Li⁺ storage kinetics analysis and density functional theory (DFT) simulations show that this optimized performance ensues from the more charge compensation during charge–discharge process, which enhances Faraday reaction compared with pure Mo2CTx. This vacancy manipulation provides an efficient way to realize MXene's potential as promising electrodes.
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In situ environmental transmission electron microscope (ETEM) could provide intuitive and solid proof for the local structure and chemical evolution of materials under practical working conditions. In particular, coupled with atmosphere and thermal field, the behavior of nano catalysts could be directly observed during the catalytic reaction. Through the change of lattice structure, it can directly correlate the relationship between the structure, size and properties of materials in the nanoscale, and further directly and accurately, which is of great guiding value for the study of catalysis mechanism and the optimization of catalysts. As an outstanding catalytic material in the application of methane reforming, molybdenum oxide (MoO3)-based materials and its deoxidation process were studied by in situ ETEM method. The corresponding microstructures and components evolution were analyzed by diffraction, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and electron energy loss spectrum (EELS) techniques. MoO3 had a good directional deoxidation process accompanied with the process of nanoparticles crushing and regrowth in hydrogen (H2) and thermal field. However, in the absence of H2, the samples would exhibit different structural evolution.
The selective cleavage of C-O and C-C is facing a challenge in the field of catalysis. In the present work, we studied the influence of doped Ni on the structure and electronic properties, as well as the selective C-O/C-C bond cleavages in the hydrodeoxygenation of palmitic acid over Ni-Mo2C catalyst. The catalytic activity on Ni doped Mo2C with TOF of 6.9 × 10³ h–1 is much superior to intrinsic Mo2C catalyst, which is also higher than most noble metal catalysts. Structurally, doped Ni raises the active particle dispersion and the coordination numbers of Mo species (Mo-C and Mo-O), improves the graphitization degree to promote the electron transfer, and increases the amount of Lewis and Brønsted acid, which are responsible for the excellent hydrodeoxygenation performance. The Ni promotes simultaneously C-O and C-C bonds cleavage to produce pentadecane and hexadecane owing to the increase of electron-rich Mo sites after Ni doping. These findings contribute to the understanding of the nature of Ni-doped Mo2C on the roles as catalytic active sites for C-O and C-C bonds cleavage.
The present energy dilemma in conjunction with the adverse environmental impacts caused by fossil fuel combustion motivates researchers to seek for new renewable energy with minimal CO2 footprint. As a practice pathway, it is of significance to produce biofuel and platform chemicals from sustainable biomass resources. However, the research and development of high-efficiency catalysts remain one key scientific challenge. Among the catalysts developed, transition metal carbides, especially molybdenum carbide, show promising performances on biomass-based conversion. Significant efforts have been made in past few decades on tuning the structure and electronic property of molybdenum carbide via controlling particle size and morphology, metal and nonmetal doping and vacancies, etc. The review summarizes recent developments of molybdenum carbide as catalysts in converting biomass into fuel, mainly focused on the preparation methods, the structure-dependent effects and the electronic modulation. The controllable selective cleavage of C-C, C-O and C-H bonds over modified molybdenum carbides that has been demonstrated in the conversion of biomass feedstocks is then highlighted. In addition, the possible deactivation mechanisms of molybdenum carbide are also presented in the review. This review provides systematic and fundamental information for the further design and development of molybdenum carbide for the conversion of biomass resources.
Industrialization undoubtedly boosts economic development and improves the standard of living; however, it also leads to some serious problems, including the energy crisis, environmental pollution, and global warming. These problems are associated with or caused by the high carbon dioxide (CO2) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas. Photocatalysis is considered one of the most promising technologies for eliminating these problems because of the possibility of converting CO2 into hydrocarbon fuels and other valuable chemicals using solar energy, hydrogen (H2) production from water (H2O) electrolysis, and degradation of pollutants. Among the various photocatalysts, silicon carbide (SiC) has great potential in the fields of photocatalysis, photoelectrocatalysis, and electrocatalysis because of its good electrical properties and photoelectrochemistry. This review is divided into six sections: introduction, fundamentals of nanostructured SiC, synthesis methods for obtaining nanostructured SiC photocatalysts, strategies for improving the activity of nanostructured SiC photocatalysts, applications of nanostructured SiC photocatalysts, and conclusions and prospects. The fundamentals of nanostructured SiC include its physicochemical characteristics. It possesses a range of unique physical properties, such as extreme hardness, high mechanical stability at high temperatures, a low thermal expansion coefficient, wide bandgap, and superior thermal conductivity. It also possesses exceptional chemical characteristics, such as high oxidation and corrosion resistance. The synthesis methods for obtaining nanostructured SiC have been systematically summarized as follows: Template growth, sol-gel, organic precursor pyrolysis, solvothermal synthesis, arc discharge, carbon thermal reduction, and electrospinning. These synthesis methods require high temperatures, and the reaction mechanism involves SiC formation via the reaction between carbon and silicon oxide. In the section of the review involving the strategies for improving the activity of nanostructured SiC photocatalysts, seven strategies are discussed, viz., element doping, construction of Z-scheme (or S-scheme) systems, supported co-catalysts, visible photosensitization, construction of semiconductor heterojunctions, supported carbon materials, and construction of nanostructures. All of these strategies, except element doping and visible photosensitization, concentrate on enhancing the separation of holes and electrons, while suppressing their recombination, thus improving the photocatalytic performance of the nanostructured SiC photocatalysts. Regarding the element doping and visible photosensitization strategies, element doping can narrow the bandgap of SiC, which generates more holes and electrons to improve photocatalytic activity. On the other hand, the principle of visible photosensitization is that photo-induced electrons move from photosensitizers to the conduction band of SiC to participate in the reaction, thus enhancing the photocatalytic performance. In the section on the applications of nanostructured SiC, photocatalytic H2 production, pollutant degradation, CO2 reduction, photoelectrocatalytic, and electrocatalytic applications will be discussed. The mechanism of a photocatalytic reaction requires the SiC photocatalyst to produce photo-induced electrons and holes during irradiation, which participate in the photocatalytic reaction. For example, photo-induced electrons can transform protons into H2, as well as CO2 into methane, methanol, or formic acid. Furthermore, photo-induced holes can convert organic waste into H2O and CO2. For photoelectrocatalytic and electrocatalytic applications, SiC is used as a catalyst under high temperatures and highly acidic or basic environments because of its remarkable physicochemical characteristics, including low thermal expansion, superior thermal conductivity, and high oxidation and corrosion resistance. The last section of the review will reveal the major obstacles impeding the industrial application of nanostructured SiC photocatalysts, such as insufficient visible absorption, slow reaction kinetics, and hard fabrication, as well as provide some ideas on how to overcome these obstacles.