
İyimserlik ve Değişime Direncin Endüstri 4.0 Uyum Yeteneği Üzerindeki Etkisi (The Impact of Optimism and Resistance to Change on the Ability to Adapt to Industry 4.0)

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Bu çalışma ile değişime direnç ve iyimserliğin Endüstri 4.0’a uyum yeteneği üzerinde bir etkisinin olup olmadığının incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma için dört (4) bölümlük anket formu planlanmıştır. İlk bölümü demografik (kişisel) bilgilerden oluşan anket formunda iyimserlik ölçeği, değişime direnç ölçeği, endüstri 4.0’a uyum potansiyeli ölçeği yer almıştır. Evren ve örneklem olarak, 2021/2022 eğitim öğretim yılında, Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesinin Arhavi ve Hopa yerleşkesinde okuyan yükseköğretim öğrencileri seçilmiştir. Ulaşılan bulgulara göre en yüksek ve anlamlı ilişki Endüstri 4.0’a uyum yeteneği ölçeğinin alt boyutları Endüstri 4.0’a ilgili olma ve Endüstri 4.0’a Uyum Sağlama arasında olduğu görülmüştür. Aynı zamanda iyimserlik ile Endüstri 4.0’a ilgili olma arasında ve Endüstri 4.0’a hazır olma arasında pozitif ve anlamlı ilişkiler olduğu belirlenmiştir. Başka bir sonuç; değişime direnç ile Endüstri 4.0’a ilgili olma ve Endüstri 4.0’a Uyum Sağlama arasında negatif ve anlamlı ilişki olduğu belirlenmiştir. Çalışmanın sonunda, çalışan ve yöneticiler için birtakım önerilerde bulunulmuştur.

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Autonomous (driverless) cars, which have entered the automotive industry with the developments in automotive and the advancement of artificial intelligence technologies, are rapidly finding a place in the marketing field. At this point, there are factors affecting consumers' concerns and willingness to use autonomous vehicles. In order to discover these factors, the readiness of consumers and the aspects in which they are ready for this technology are issues that need to be investigated. As a result of this situation, consumers' readiness to use autonomous vehicles, their attitudes toward using them, and their intentions to use them in the future are essential. This study aims to reveal the factors affecting consumers' attitudes and intentions towards using autonomous cars. Research data was collected via an online survey method. The convenience sampling method was used in the research. The research model was tested by structural equation modeling using Smart PLS. As a result of the research, it was found that discomfort and distrust dimensions significantly and negatively affected consumers' attitudes towards usage. It was found that the dimensions of optimism, innovativeness, and anthropomorphism significantly and positively affected consumers' attitudes toward use, and users' attitudes towards use significantly and positively affected their intention to use. The research results show that brands that put autonomous cars on the market should give importance to improvements in the dimensions of optimism, innovation, and anthropomorphism and should make improvements that will eliminate consumers' discomfort and insecurity.
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The aim of this study was to develop a scale that can measure the potential of adapting to Industry 4.0, which refers to the fourth industrial revolution described as a combination of the innovation of various digital technologies rapidly developed in recent years. In addition, the reliability and validity of the Industry 4.0 Adaptation Potential (4IRAPS) is demonstrated. This research was conducted in two stages of a pilot and a main study. The data was collected from 174 participants enrolled in technical and management departments at the graduate and associate degree levels of two different universities. A 50-item questionnaire concerning Industry 4.0 prepared by experts experienced in this field was applied to the participants. As a result of a factor analysis, 30 items and 11 subscales with low a factor load and reliability level were removed from the questionnaire. The reliability and validity of 4IRAPS were verified by” the analyses via PLS-SEM. Finally, the remaining four sub-dimensions referring to Industry 4.0 were labelled as interested, effort for adaptation, readiness, and pessimism. This study developed the first scale of the industry 4.0 adaptation potential. The scale consists of four sub-dimensions and 17 items. It was determined that this scale was statistically reliable and valid. First published online 23 March 2021
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Küresel boyutta seyreden Covid-19 salgını nedeniyle tüm dünyada olduğu gibi Türkiye’de de 2019-2020 öğretim yılı bahar yarıyılında üniversitelerde yüz yüze eğitime ara verilerek, uzaktan eğitime geçiş gerçekleşmiştir. Pandemi döneminde üniversiteler zorunlu olarak uzaktan eğitimi uygulamış olsalar da önceki dönemlerde de dijitalleşme süreçleri kapsamında üniversitelerde uzaktan eğitim uygulanmaktaydı. Özellikle lisansüstü eğitimde bazı programlar ile lisans ve önlisans eğitiminde ortak zorunlu dersler uzaktan eğitim aracılığıyla verilmekteydi. YÖK tarafından alınan kararlara bakıldığında uzaktan eğitimin ilerleyen dönemlerde üniversite eğitiminde öneminin devam edeceği görülmektedir. Bu süreçte değişim yönetimi becerilerini başarı ile yürütebilen üniversiteler sisteme daha kolay adapte olarak başarılarını arttırabileceklerdir. Üniversitelerin en önemli paydaşı olarak öğrencilerin bu değişim sürecinde tutumlarının yakından takip edilerek doğru yönetilmesi oldukça önemlidir. Bu araştırmada üniversite öğrencilerinin değişime direnç düzeylerinin uzaktan eğitime yönelik tutumlarına etkisi incelenmiştir. Araştırmada veri toplamak amacıyla anket yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın evrenini Bartın Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi öğrencileri oluşturmaktadır. Örneklem yöntemi kullanılarak 339 öğrenci ile çalışma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veriler “Kişisel Bilgi Formu”, “Değişime Direnç Ölçeği” ve “Uzaktan Eğitime Yönelik Öğrenci Görüşleri Ölçeği” kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Ölçeklerin açıklayıcı faktör analizi, doğrulayıcı faktör analizi ve Cronbach Alfa istatistiği ile geçerlilik ve güvenilirlikleri test edilmiştir. Araştırmada tanımlayıcı istatistikler kapsamında frekans ve yüzde analizleri, ortalama, standart sapma değerleri verilmiş, ilişki ve fark analizleri kapsamında korelasyon analizi, bağımsız örneklerde T testi, tek yönlü varyans analizi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonuçları, öğrencilerin değişime karşı gösterdikleri direnç düzeyinin uzaktan eğitime yönelik tutumlarını kısmen etkilediğini ortaya koymaktadır. Araştırmaya katılan öğrenciler değişime en fazla davranışsal (ort. =3,09) olarak direnç göstermektedirler. Öğrencilerin bilişsel direnç düzeyleri (ort.= 2,62) ve duygusal direnç düzeyleri (ort.= 2,75) düşüktür. Üniversite öğrencileri uzaktan eğitimin öğretici (ort.= 3,76) olduğunu düşünmekle beraber uzaktan eğitimin kendileri için çok fazla uygun olmadığını (ort.= 2,83) ve uzaktan eğitime yatkın (ort.= 2,26) olmadıklarını düşünmektedirler.
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Until 20 years ago, the opportunities offered by technology to people were very limited. Information technologies, which are used as universal progress tool day by day, have become an indispensable element of the globalizing world by increasing these opportunities. Today, with the increase in digitalization, it is quite difficult to keep up with the speed of technology. The technology century, which is called the digital age, has transformed individuals into technology-dependent individuals by offering innovations while facilitating their lives. With the development of information technology, organizations have become part of a national and international progress by turning the opportunities offered by the technology into opportunities by using the tools offered by technology. Organizations have entered a rapid transformation with the 21st century and have been integrated into their bodies with the tools of technology. Accordingly, It is seen that digitalization and information technologies have positive and negative effects on employees. The aim of the study is to contribute to the literature by examining the effect of the transformation that occurred in the digitalization process on the employees in the light of the studies conducted.
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The fourth industrial revolution, also labelled Industry 4.0, was beget with emergent and disruptive intelligence and information technologies. These new technologies are enabling ever-higher levels of production efficiencies. They also have the potential to dramatically influence social and environmental sustainable development. Organizations need to consider Industry 4.0 technologies contribution to sustainability. Sufficient guidance, in this respect, is lacking in the scholarly or practitioner literature. In this study, we further examine Industry 4.0 technologies in terms of application and sustainability implications. We introduce a measures framework for sustainability based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals; incorporating various economic, environmental and social attributes. We also develop a hybrid multi-situation decision method integrating hesitant fuzzy set, cumulative prospect theory and VIKOR. This method can effectively evaluate Industry 4.0 technologies based on their sustainable performance and application. We apply the method using secondary case information from a report of the World Economic Forum. The results show that mobile technology has the greatest impact on sustainability in all industries, and nanotechnology, mobile technology, simulation and drones have the highest impact on sustainability in the automotive, electronics, food and beverage, and textile, apparel and footwear industries, respectively. Our recommendation is to take advantage of Industry 4.0 technology adoption to improve sustainability impact but each technology needs to be carefully evaluated as specific technology will variably influence industry and sustainability dimensions. Investment in such technologies should consider appropriate priority investment and championing.
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The 21st century has witnessed precipitous changes spanning from the way of life to the technologies that emerged. We have entered a nascent paradigm shift (industry 4.0) where science fictions have become science facts, and technology fusion is the main driver. Thus, ensuring that any advancement in technology reach and benefit all is the ideal opportunity for everyone. In this study, disruptive technologies of industry 4.0 were explored and quantified in terms of the number of their appearances in published literature. The study aimed at identifying industry 4.0 key technologies which have been ill-defined by previous researchers and to enumerate the required skills of industry 4.0. Comprehensive literature survey covering the field of engineering, production, and management was done in multidisciplinary databases: Google Scholar, Science Direct, Scopus, Sage, Taylor & Francis, and Emerald Insight. From the electronic survey, 35 disruptive technologies were quantified and 13 key technologies: Internet of Things, Big Data, 3D printing, Cloud computing, Autonomous robots, Virtual and Augmented reality, Cyber-physical system, Artificial intelligence, Smart sensors, Simulation, Nanotechnology, Drones, and Biotechnology were identified. Both technical and personal skills to be imparted into the human workforce for industry 4.0 were reported. The review identified the need to investigate the capability and the readiness of developing countries in adapting industry 4.0 in terms of the changes in the education systems and industrial manufacturing settings. This study proposes the need to address the integration of industry 4.0 concepts into the current education system.
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The Industry 4.0 wave is built on technological advancement that is bringing about significant change. The impact of Industry 4.0 is being felt across all industries, including the education sector. During the 2019 State of the Nation address, the President of South Africa pointed out that the government was seeking to respond to the change in skills requirements. In this paper, a systematic literature review will be performed to investigate Industry 4.0 skills requirements in the engineering profession and the role of capability development in meeting Industry 4.0 requirements. An exploration of the impact of Industry 4.0 on technical institutions as opposed to academic institutions will also be discussed. This paper incorporates this exploratory investigation into detailed research on developing a skills development framework that seeks to bridge the gap between Industry 4.0 skills requirements and development in South Africa.
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Industry 4.0 is considered a new industrial stage in which vertical and horizontal manufacturing processes integration and product connectivity can help companies to achieve higher industrial performance. However, little is known about how industries see the potential contribution of the Industry 4.0 related technologies for industrial performance, especially in emerging countries. Based on the use of secondary data from a large-scale survey of 27 industrial sectors representing 2,225 companies of the Brazilian industry, we studied how the adoption of different Industry 4.0 technologies is associated with expected benefits for product, operations and side-effects aspects. Using regression analysis, we show that some of the Industry 4.0 technologies are seen as promising for industrial performance while some of the emerging technologies are not, which contraries the conventional wisdom. We discuss the contextual conditions of the Brazilian industry that may require a partial implementation of the Industry 4.0 concepts created in developed countries. We summarize our findings in a framework, that shows the perception of Brazilian industries of Industry 4.0 technologies and their relations with the expected benefits. Thus, this work contributes by discussing the real expectations on the future performance of the industry when implementing new technologies, providing a background to advance in the research on real benefits of the Industry 4.0.
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Major improvements and reforms in production sector which have been taking place at recent years, forced governments to adapt themselves to these fast changing developments in order to be able to compete with other international economical actors. For this purpose, they started to develop some new strategies. Industry 4.0 is the name of one of these strategies which started to take place in 2011. One step forward on mechanization in production processes, internet and automation are the concepts which Industry 4.0 refers to. It may be said that these developments and related strategies are coming from the need of high productivity and search for new added values. Whole major economies and developing economies would have a powerful status in international conjuncture if only they can manage to integrate their processes to the fast changing world. In this study, in order to analyze the current and also future returns and profits of Industry 4.0; industrial periods and reform ages will be examined in whole world. The outcomes of these examinations will be compared to Turkey’s economy and this study will assess the current situation of our country in the context of Industry 4.0. In this regards, structured interviews were conducted with senior management positions that are pioneers of Industry 4.0 in Turkey. A qualitative data analysis was made based on keyword analysis. The results show that both public and private sector is aware of Industry 4.0 and have settled their roadmaps.
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Dünyanın 18. yy da I. Sanayi Devrimi ile başlayan endüstrileşme yolculuğu bugün yeni bir döneme girmiş gözüküyor. Su ve buhar enerjili mekanik üretim sistemlerinin ortaya çıkmasıyla başlayan endüstrileşme süreci, 20. yy başlangıcında elektriğin ve kitle üretim sistemlerinin kullanılmasıyla ikinci aşamaya geçmiş, 1970’lerden itibaren üretim otomasyonunu daha üst düzeye taşıyan elektronik ve bilgi teknolojilerinin devreye girmesiyle de üçüncü aşama başlamıştır. 2011 yılına gelindiğinde ise ilk kez Almanya’da kullanılan Endüstri 4.0 kavramı yeni bir dönemin başlangıcını tüm dünyaya ilan etmiş oldu. Endüstri 4.0’ı tanımlayan temel konular ise siber- fiziksel sistemlere ve dinamik veri işlemeye dayalı üretim sistemlerinin ortaya çıkmasıdır. Endüstri 4.0; çok hızlı bir dijital dönüşüm yaşanan dünyada, bilişim, iletişim ve internet teknolojilerinin üretim süreçlerini yoğun biçimde etkilediği bir ortamı ifade etmektedir. Bu durumun üretimde verimlilik, maliyet avantajı, karlılık gibi firma düzeyindeki etkilerinin yanı sıra, büyüme, istihdam, insan kaynakları, eğitim, yatırım, girişimcilik gibi makro düzeydeki etkileri de söz konusudur. Bu çalışmanın amacı kavramsal düzeyde Endüstri 4.0’ı inceleyerek, günümüz girişimcilik anlayışına muhtemel etkilerini incelemek ve olası bir “Yeni Girişimcilik” konseptinin temel paradigmalarını tartışmaktır.
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Manufacturing, through the Industry 4.0 concept, is moving to the next phase of digitalization. Industry 4.0 supported by innovative technologies such as Internet of Things, Cloud technology, Augmented and Virtual Reality will also play an important role in manufacturing education, supporting advanced life-long training of the skilled workforce. Advanced education, also called Education 4.0, and networked ecosystems will develop skills and build competences for the new era of manufacturing. Towards that, this work will present how the adoption of cyber-physical systems and Industry 4.0 technologies, under the teaching factory paradigm will re-shape manufacturing education, addressing the increased need for highly-skilled employees. A teaching factory paradigm supported by Industry 4.0 technology will be presented, considering the construction of a radio-controlled car.
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The aim of this study was to examine the role of optimism in employee performance and job satisfaction. Optimism is a positive psychological construct popularized by Martin Seligman. An optimist person has positive expectations and follows a positive attribution style. An individual possessing the psychological resource of optimism tends to face life with a positive view. But on the other hand, those persons who are pessimistic in nature view life events negatively. This study was conducted on a sample of 346 employees from three large public sector banks situated in the Eastern part of India. Correlation, regression, and structural equation modeling (SEM) techniques were used to test the hypotheses. Results depicted that optimism is positively related to employee performance and job satisfaction. This study also supported the external validity of optimism construct with relation to performance and job satisfaction in the Indian cultural context.
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In recent years, concept of Industry 4.0 and the possible effects of this concept on the manufacturing and service industries are one of the top priority topic on the agenda of developed free market economies and multinational corporations which create the links of the international value chains. This new process is also known as the 4th Industrial Revolution is the next level in automation. Industry 4.0 connect every tool, machine and sensors that is involved in the manufacturing process to organize the process simultaneously by connecting them via internet. With this new form of industry, the necessary data for manufacturing processes will be stored in the cloud servers thus possibly help the process to surpass the strictness of time and location. With the embracement of advance engineering and full integration of systems provided by Industry 4.0, high value-added manufacturing competition will take the place of low labor cost manufacturing. Understanding Industry 4.0 and integration of it in local industries will help the developing countries to get their parts in the international division of labor. In this study, the basic characteristics and possible effects of the conceptualized Industry 4.0 since 2011 is being discussed.
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Bilişim teknolojileri günümüzde çalışma hayatını neredeyse tamamıyla etkisi altına almış durumdadır. Organizasyonun etkinliği ve verimliliği için birçok fayda sağlayan yeni teknolojiler, çalışanların iş yapış tarzlarında köklü değişiklere de sebep olmaktadır. Bu değişikler birey üzerinde bir takım baskılar oluşturabilmektedir. Yeni teknolojilerin tetiklediği bu baskı tekno-stres olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Tekno-stresi ölçmek yönetebilmenin ön şartı olduğundan bu çalışmada Tarafdar vd. (2007) tarafından geliştirilmiş olan tekno-stres ölçeği, iş yeri kaynaklı tekno-stresi ölçmek maksadıyla yeniden düzenlenerek Türkçe’ye adapte edilmiştir. Böylece, bankacılık ve havacılık sektörü çalışanları olmak üzere iki ayrı örneklem üzerinde geçerliği ve güvenilirlik testlerinden geçen ölçek yazına kazandırılmıştır. Ayrıca her iki sektörde de tekno-stresin %30’lar seviyesinden etkili olduğu ve aralarında anlamlı bir fark olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. **Information and computer technologies have penetrated into all dimensions of work life. These technologies that improve organizational efficiency and effectiveness, may lead some radical changes in working methods and habits of employees. These changes can cause certain pressures on employees. These pressures caused by new information technologies are called techno-stress. Measuring a concept is the prerequisite for managing it. The aim of this study is to adapt techno-stress scale by Tarafdar et al (2007) in to Turkish through a modification which is done in order to focus on workplace related techno-stress. To do so, validity and reliability analyses are conducted to data which is collected from two different industries namely banking and aviation, and “Techno-stress Scale at Workplace” is provided in Turkish. Moreover, it is found that techno-stress levels in both sectors are 30%, and there is no significant difference between them in terms of techno-stress.
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In this article I review studies of resistance to change and advocate new research based on a reconceptualization of individual responses to change as multidimensional attitudes. A challenging question for research and practice arises: How can we balance the organizational need to foster ambivalent attitudes toward change and the individual need to minimize the potentially debilitating effects of ambivalence? I conclude by highlighting the importance of examining the evolution of employee responses to change over time and the need to understand responses to change proposals that emerge from bottom-up, egalitarian change processes.
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To determine whether optimism predicts lower rates of rehospitalization after coronary artery bypass graft surgery for the 6 months after surgery. A prospective, inception cohort design was used. The sample consisted of all consenting patients (N=309) from a consecutive series of patients scheduled for elective coronary artery bypass graft surgery at a large, metropolitan hospital in Pittsburgh, Pa. To be eligible, patients could not be scheduled for any other coincidental surgery (eg, valve replacement) and could not be in the cardiac intensive care unit or experiencing angina at the time of the referral. Participants were predominantly men (69.9%) and married (80.3%), and averaged 62.8 years of age. Recruitment occurred between January 1992 and January 1994. Compared with pessimistic persons, optimistic persons were significantly less likely to be rehospitalized for a broad range of aggregated problems (including postsurgical sternal wound infection, angina, myocardial infarction, and the need for another bypass surgery or percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty) generally indicative of a poor response to the initial surgery (odds ratio=0.50, 95% confidence interval=0.33- 0.76; P=.001). The effect of optimism was independent of traditional sociodemographic and medical control variables, as well as independent of the effects of self-esteem, depression, and neuroticism. All-cause rehospitalization also tended to be less frequent for optimistic than for pessimistic persons (odds ratio=0.77, 95% confidence interval=0.57-1.05; P=.07). Optimism predicts a lower rate of rehospitalization after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Fostering positive expectations may promote better recovery.
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A science of positive subjective experience, positive individual traits, and positive institutions promises to improve quality of life and prevent the pathologies that arise when life is barren and meaningless. The exclusive focus on pathology that has dominated so much of our discipline results in a model of the human being lacking the positive features that make life worth living. Hope, wisdom, creativity, future mindedness, courage, spirituality, responsibility, and perseverance are ignored or explained as transformations of more authentic negative impulses. The 15 articles in this millennial issue of the American Psychologist discuss such issues as what enables happiness, the effects of autonomy and self-regulation, how optimism and hope affect health, what constitutes wisdom, and how talent and creativity come to fruition. The authors outline a framework for a science of positive psychology, point to gaps in our knowledge, and predict that the next century will see a science and profession that will come to understand and build the factors that allow individuals, communities, and societies to flourish.
Geleceğin üretim modellerini geliştireceği söylenen ve hızlıca içine girmekte olduğumuz yeni bir sanayi devrimi, “Endüstri 4.0” veya “4. Endüstri devrimi” olarak adlandırılıyor. Endüstri 4.0’ı oluşturacak akıllı sistemler, yenilikçi yaklaşımların, yeni teknolojilerin, ileri teknolojilere sahip bilgisayarların, yeni yazılımların ve nitelikli insan kaynağının etkileşimli çalışması ile sağlanabilmektedir. Bu süreç geleceğin endüstrisini nasıl şekillendirecek? “Nesnelerin İnterneti,” “Bulut Bilişim,” “Üretim Bulutu,” “Artırılmış Gerçeklik” gibi kavramlar bu süreçte Endüstri 4.0 devriminin neresinde olacak? gibi sorular bu yazıda ele alınacak ve açıklanmaya çalışılacaktır. Yakın gelecekte tasarım ve üretim ortamlarının nasıl şekilleneceği ve bu döneme nasıl hazır girilebileceği konuları tartışılacaktır. Bir inceleme ve öngörü yazısı olan bu makalede bu sorulara cevap aranırken, saha tecrübelerinden edinilen gerçek uygulamaların bilişim sistemleri tarafındaki temel adımları tarif edilerek bir başlangıç yol haritası önerilmektedir.
The objective of this study was to identify what competencies are identified in the literature as necessary for Industry 4.0 by conducting a survey of the literature and a scientific mapping of the evolution of the issues related to the qualification of professionals for Industry 4.0 and possible paths for research and education. A search was conducted on the Scopus, Web of Science and Science Direct databases for the interval from 2010 to 2018. This systematic review revealed topics and authors currently specialized in the field and allowed mapping the field of study. The identification of journals and keywords useful in future studies was also an object of this study. SciMAT software was used for the systematic literature review. The results are highlighted by the set of competencies (knowledge and skills) that must be developed in professional education to accompany the new industrial revolution, as well as the importance of integrating efforts by companies, governments and universities. These efforts should focus on creating “learning factories”, which are understood to be environments that provide practical experiences to these professionals, preparing them in the best way possible for the requirements of Industry 4.0. This conceptual map showed that the main competencies needed include skills: (leadership, strategic vision of knowledge, self-organization, giving and receiving feedback, pro-activity, creativity, problem solving, interdisciplinarity, teamwork, collaborative work, initiative, communication, innovation, adaptability, flexibility and self-management) and knowledge of contemporary fields (information and communication technology, algorithms, automation, software development and security, data analysis, general systems theory and sustainable development theory).
The following article presents a brief literature review conducted to extend our knowledge about how Industry 4.0 affects business models and to identify business model innovations derived in consequence. Based on the results, a set of features, issues and requirements have been identified and three different approaches has been suggested to make firms getting closer to the industry 4.0 phenomenon such as service orientation, networked ecosystems and customer orientation. Furthermore, the impacts on the creation, delivery, and capture of value through the reconfiguration of Business Models due to embracing the Industry 4.0 are depicted. As a result, four different ways to innovate the business models based on different degrees of innovation are proposed to embrace the digitalization. Those paths goes from optimizing internal and external processes or improving customer relationship to creating new value networks or smart products and services through disruptive business models.
This book draws from a foundation of positive psychology and recently emerging positive organizational behavior (POB). Its purpose is to introduce the untapped human resource capacity of psychological capital, or simply PsyCap. This PsyCap goes beyond traditionally recognized human and social capital and must meet the scientific criteria of theory, research, and valid measurement. To distinguish from other constructs in positive psychology and organizational behavior, to be included in PsyCap the resource capacity must also be 'state-like' and thus open to development (as opposed to momentary states or fixed traits) and have performance impact. The positive psychological resource capacities that meet these PsyCap criteria - efficacy (confidence), hope, optimism, and resilience - are covered in separate chapters. These four resource capacities are conceptually and empirically distinct, but also have underlying common processes for striving to succeed and when in combination contribute to a higher-order, core construct of psychological capital. Besides these four, other potential positive constructs such as creativity, wisdom, well being, flow, humor, gratitude, forgiveness, emotional intelligence, spirituality, authenticity, and courage are covered in Chapters 6 and 7. The concluding Chapter 8 summarizes and presents the research demonstrating the performance impact of PsyCap, the PsyCap questionnaire (PCQ) for measurement and the PsyCap Intervention (PCI) for development. Utility analysis indicates that investing in the development of PsyCap can result in a very substantial return. In total, this book provides the theory, research, measure, and method of application for the new resource of Psychological Capital that can be developed and sustained for competitive advantage.
This study explores employees' perception of organizational change and how those perceptions are shaped by trust and stress management strategies. Four hundred and five analyzable surveys were received from employees of four Taiwanese governmental departments undergoing change. These surveys were conducted within the Ministry of National Defense, the Coast Guard Administration, the National Police Agency, and the National Fire Agency. Results showed that organizational change had a significant negative influence on employees' trust and job involvement. However, stress management strategies and an understanding of organizational change can positively influence employees' organizational identification and job involvement. As a result, it is suggested that stress management workshops be instituted within an organization undergoing change in order to provide strategies for stress relief and to improve employees' organizational identification and job involvement.
A whistleblowing survey was completed by a sample of upper-level, middle-level, and first-level managers. A variety of individual, organizational, communication climate, and moral perception variables related to whistleblowing were examined across managerial levels using an ANOVA analysis. Results indicate significant differences with respect to most variables examined. Recommendations are made for practitioners and future research.
IntroductionBehavioral Self-regulationOptimism, Pessimism, and Coping with Health ThreatsOptimism, Pessimism, and CopingConcluding CommentAcknowledgments
A schema, first proposed by Fiske and Taylor (1984), is a cognitive structure that represents organized knowledge on a given concept or type of stimulus. Lau and Woodman (1995) further explained that when an organization experiences changes, its members have various interpretations of and expectations for those changes. The cognitive understanding of change is guided by a mental map that represents the knowledge structures of the attributes of change and relationships between different events of change. This mental map refers to the so-called change schema (Lau and Woodman, 1995). The objectives of this study are to apply this change schema to organizational change in hotels, and to examine the antecedents and consequences of organizational change.Employees have been identified as a potential source of resistance to change (Okumus and Hemmington, 1998), therefore with this study we assess the perceptions of organizational change of front-line employees in hotels. The sample group was drawn from 246 hotel employees in Taiwan. Results confirm that the five dimensions of the organizational change schema (Salience, Impact, Significance, Meaning, and Control) are applicable in a hotel setting. Furthermore, only communication (not participation and training) has a strong influence on organizational change. In turn, the nature of the organizational changes themselves contributes significantly to employees’ attitudes toward both organizational change and organizational commitment. This study also indicates that employees recognize and are concerned about changes within their hotels, suggesting that hotel managers need to be aware of the influences of such changes on hotels and go about the implementation changes very carefully.
Based on empirical survey data, this paper uses concepts from sociotechnical theory and role theory to explore the effects of stress created by information and computer technology (ICT)-that is, "technostress"-on role stress and on individual productivity. We first explain different ways in which ICTs can create stress in users and identify factors that create technostress. We next propose three hypotheses: (1) technostress is inversely related to individual productivity, (2) role stress is inversely related to individual productivity, and (3) technostress is directly related to role stress. We then use structural equation modeling on survey data from ICT users in 223 organizations to test the hypotheses. The results show support for them. Theoretically, the paper contributes in three ways. First, the different dimensions of technostress identified here add to existing concepts on stress experienced by individuals in organizations. Second, by showing that technostress inversely affects productivity, the paper reinforces that failure to manage the effects of ICT-induced stress can offset expected increases in productivity. Third, validation of the positive relationship between technostress and role stress adds a new conceptual thread to literature analyzing the relationship between technology and organizational roles and structure. In the practical domain, the paper proposes a diagnostic tool to evaluate the extent to which technostress is present in an organization and suggests that the adverse effects of technostress can be partly countered by strategies that reduce role conflict and role overload.
The article proposes and tests a model of resistance to organizational change. Contrary to most works on resistance, resistance was conceptualized here as a multifaceted construct. Relationships among resistance components and employees' personalities, the organizational context, and several work-related outcomes were examined. Through a study of 177 employees, both personality and context have been found to significantly associate with employees' attitudes towards a large-scale organizational change. These attitudes were, in turn, significantly associated with employees' job-satisfaction, organizational commitment, and intention to leave the organization. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Copyright of European Journal of Work & Organizational Psychology is the property of Psychology Press (UK) and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
In this research the authors examined the relationship between optimism and personal projects in a community sample. Three hundred twenty-five community volunteers completed the Personal Projects Analysis (PPA; B. R. Little, 1983) and measures of self-reported optimism and sociodemographic information. Participants who reported high levels of optimism rated their idiosyncratic personal goals significantly higher on PPA factors reflecting Positive Identity Fulfillment and Mastery-Control and significantly lower on the factor reflecting Perceived Strain than did participants who reported low levels of optimism. After the impact of age and education on optimism were statistically controlled, the Perceived Strain and Mastery-Control factors made significant contributions to the prediction of self-reported optimism in both initial and cross-validation samples. Findings indicate that highly optimistic individuals can be differentiated from their less optimistic peers on the basis of their perceptions of idiosyncratic goals. From an expectancy valence perspective, such differences have a direct bearing on individuals' behavior and may be associated with outcomes such as learned helplessness and procrastination.
The future of integrated electronics is the future of electronics itself. Integrated circuits will lead to such wonders as home computers, automatic controls for automobiles, and personal portable communications equipment. But the biggest potential lies in the production of large systems. In telephone communications, integrated circuits in digital filters will separate channels on multiplex equipment. Integrated circuits will also switch telephone circuits and perform data processing. In addition, the improved reliability made possible by integrated circuits will allow the construction of larger processing units. Machines similar to those in existence today will be built at lower costs and with faster turnaround.
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