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Exploring the Challenges and Tensions of Privacy Using Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud Technologies

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Abstract and Figures

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a global system of networked physical devices that will play a significant part in the next generation of the web (FI). More than 50 billion gadgets are predicted to be linked to the internet by 2023. As a result, a large number of Apps and services will be necessary to make these items readable, identifiable, locatable, accessible, and/or controlled through the web. Trust in the IoT security architecture is crucial for the IoT to be extensively accepted by both consumers and businesses. It is crucial to specify how data may be sent and received between devices in the IoT in a safe and reliable manner. We begin by developing a mechanism for establishing group keys, which will allow for secure multicast group communication in the Internet of Things. The second security aspect of our work is the design of a lightweight biometric user anonymity-preserving authentication protocol. “The third security aspect of our work is a technique for preserving the Source Location privacy. Improvements in accessibility are being made possible by the Internet of Things and the data it generates, in areas as diverse as smart homes and autonomous vehicles.” As a result, Internet of Things gadgets and services are helping individuals with impairments become more independent and engaged in their daily lives.
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Wireless Personal Communications
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Exploring theChallenges andTensions ofPrivacy Using
Internet ofThings (IoT) andCloud Technologies
AbdulazizR.Alamro1· UsamaM.Ibrahem2,4· TalalM.Alsaif3
Accepted: 11 August 2023
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2023
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a global system of networked physical devices that will
play a significant part in the next generation of the web (FI). More than 50 billion gadgets
are predicted to be linked to the internet by 2023. As a result, a large number of Apps and
services will be necessary to make these items readable, identifiable, locatable, accessible,
and/or controlled through the web. Trust in the IoT security architecture is crucial for the
IoT to be extensively accepted by both consumers and businesses. It is crucial to specify
how data may be sent and received between devices in the IoT in a safe and reliable man-
ner. We begin by developing a mechanism for establishing group keys, which will allow
for secure multicast group communication in the Internet of Things. The second security
aspect of our work is the design of a lightweight biometric user anonymity-preserving
authentication protocol. “The third security aspect of our work is a technique for preserv-
ing the Source Location privacy. Improvements in accessibility are being made possible
by the Internet of Things and the data it generates, in areas as diverse as smart homes
and autonomous vehicles.” As a result, Internet of Things gadgets and services are helping
individuals with impairments become more independent and engaged in their daily lives.
Keywords Internet of Things (IoT)· Disabilities· Privacy tension
1 Introduction
This document grew out of a series of conversations with industry experts in 2017 and
2018, including two convening’s co-hosted by the Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) and
the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) Technology Forum with
* Abdulaziz R. Alamro
1 Curriculum andInstruction, Faculty ofEducation, University ofHa’il, Ha’il,
2 Applied College, University ofHa’il, Ha’il, KingdomofSaudiArabia
3 College ofBusiness Administration, Management & MIS Department, University ofHa’il, Ha’il,
4 Faculty ofEducation, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... Kehadiran media elektronik ditengahtengah masyarakat telah berdampak pada kemudahan dalam beraktivitas sehari-hari dan mendorong perubahan dalam segala aspek kehidupan baik ekonomi, sosial budaya, serta pendidikan (Adams, Kubin, & Humphrey, 2023). Gawai adalah salah satu media elektronik dengan menggunakan jaringan internet (Alamro, Ibrahem, & Alsaif, 2023). Perangkat digital ini, selain memiliki berbagai fitur dan aplikasi, juga tersedia dalam beragam jenis perangkat seperti komputer, laptop, smartwatch, notebook, netbook, handphone, tablet, kamera, dan lain sebagainya (Setiawati & Mama, 2023;Susilowati, Kurniawidjaja, Nugraha, Nasri, Pujiriani, & Hasiholan, 2022). ...
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Background: Currently, the use of gadgets has become an inseparable part of early childhood, the increase in the use of gadgets is not only associated with extraordinary benefits for its users, but also excessive use that has an impact on health. Purpose: To analyze the role of parents in supervising gadget playing activities and cognitive development in children aged 3-4 years. Method: Quantitative analytical descriptive research, conducted in the Quality Family Village (KB Village) of Aceh Jaya Regency in January 2023. The independent variables are the role of mothers and the use of gadgets, while the dependent variable is the cognitive development of children. The research instrument used a questionnaire and data analysis used univariate and bivariate statistical tests with a 95% CI confidence level (a = 0.05). Results: It is known that there is a relationship between role models (OR=8.38), communication (OR=17.03), discipline (OR=21.33), giving gifts and consequences (OR=17.04), duration of gadget use (OR=5.44), content accessed (OR=11.29), and enforced rules (OR=32.67) on children's cognitive development with a p value of each variable of 0.001. However, no missing data was found on the intensity of use so there was no influence on children's cognitive development. Conclusion: The role of mothers in terms of being role models, communication, discipline, giving rewards and consequences has an influence on children's cognitive development. In addition, the duration, content, and rules in using gadgets in children can also affect children's cognitive development. Suggestion: Parents should continue to supervise the use of gadgets on what content is accessed by children, so that the influence is not negative. In addition, in making rules, mothers must involve children as individuals who will obey the rules. Keywords: Children; Cognitive Development; Gadget Use; Role of Parents. Pendahuluan: Saat ini penggunaan gawai sudah menjadi bagian yang tidak dapat dipisahkan pada anak usia dini, peningkatan penggunaan gawai tidak hanya dikaitkan dengan manfaat yang luar biasa bagi pengguna, namun juga penggunaan berlebihan yang menimbulkan konsekuensi bagi kesehatan. Tujuan: Untuk menganalisis peran orang tua dalam pengawasan kegiatan bermain gawai dan perkembangan kognitif pada anak usia 3-4 tahun. Metode: Penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif analitik, dilaksanakan di Gampong Keluarga Berkualitas (Gampong KB) Kabupaten Aceh Jaya pada bulan Januari 2023. Variabel independen adalah peran ibu dan penggunaan gawai, sedangkan variabel dependen yaitu perkembangan kognitif anak. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan angket kuesioner dan analisis data menggunakan univariat dan bivariat uji statistik dengan derajat kepercayaan CI 95% (a=0.05). Hasil: Diketahui terdapat hubungan antara keteladanan (OR=8.38), komunikasi (OR=17.03), kedisiplinan (OR=21.33), pemberian penghargaan dan konsekuensi (OR=17.04), durasi penggunaan gawai (OR=5.44), konten yang diakses (OR=11.29), serta aturan yang diberlakukan (OR=32.67) terhadap perkembangan kognitif anak dengan p-value masing-masing variabel adalah 0.001. Namun, pada intensitas penggunaan ditemukan data yang omitted, sehingga tidak ada pengaruh terhadap perkembangan kognitif anak. Simpulan: Peran ibu dari segi keteladanan, komunikasi, kedisiplinan, pemberian penghargaan dan konsekuensi memiliki pengaruh terhadap perkembangan kognitif anak. Selain itu, durasi, konten, dan aturan dalam penggunaan gawai pada anak juga dapat memengaruhi perkembangan kognitif anak. Saran: Orang tua tetap melakukan pengawasan penggunaan gawai terhadap konten-konten apa saja yang diakses oleh anak, agar pengaruhnya tidak ke arah negatif. Selain itu, dalam membuat aturan, ibu harus melibatkan anak sebagai individu yang akan menjalani aturan tersebut. Kata Kunci: Anak-Anak; Penggunaan Gawai; Peran Orang Tua; Perkembangan Kognitif.
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Malware is one of the most frequent cyberattacks, with its prevalence growing daily across the network. Malware traffic is always asymmetrical compared to benign traffic, which is always symmetrical. Fortunately, there are many artificial intelligence techniques that can be used to detect malware and distinguish it from normal activities. However, the problem of dealing with large and high-dimensional data has not been addressed enough. In this paper, a high-performance malware detection system using deep learning and feature selection methodologies is introduced. Two different malware datasets are used to detect malware and differentiate it from benign activities. The datasets are preprocessed, and then correlation-based feature selection is applied to produce different feature-selected datasets. The dense and LSTM-based deep learning models are then trained using these different versions of feature-selected datasets. The trained models are then evaluated using many performance metrics (accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score). The results indicate that some feature-selected scenarios preserve almost the same original dataset performance. The different nature of the used datasets shows different levels of performance changes. For the first dataset, the feature reduction ratios range from 18.18% to 42.42%, with performance degradation of 0.07% to 5.84%, respectively. The second dataset reduction rate is between 81.77% and 93.5%, with performance degradation of 3.79% and 9.44%, respectively.
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The emergence of the Industry 4.0 revolution to upgrade the Internet of Things (IoT) standards provides the prominence outcomes for the future wireless communication systems called 5G. The development of 5G green communication systems suffers from the various challenges to fulfill the requirement of higher user capacity, network speed, minimum cost, and reduced resource consumption. The use of 5G standards for Industry 4.0 applications will increase data rate performance and connected device's reliability. Since the arrival of novel Covid-19 disease, there is a higher demand for smart healthcare systems worldwide. However, designing the 5G communication systems has the research challenges like optimum resource utilization, mobility management, cost-efficiency, interference management, spectral efficiency, etc. The rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) across the different formats brings performance enhancement compared to conventional techniques. Therefore, introducing the AI into 5G standards will optimize the performances further considering the various end-user applications. We first present the survey of the terms like 5G standard, Industry 4.0, and some recent works for future wireless communications. The purpose is to explore the current research problems using the 5G technology. We further propose the novel architecture for smart healthcare systems using the 5G and Industry 4.0 standards. We design and implement that proposed model using the Network Simulator (NS2) to investigate the current 5G methods. The simulation results show that current 5G methods for resource management and interference management suffer from the challenges like performance trade-offs.
Conference Paper
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With the fast increasing of the electronic crimes and their related issues, deploying a reliable user authen-tication system became a significant task for both of access control and securing user's private data. Human biometric characteristics such as voice, finger, iris scanning, face, signature and other features provide a dependable security level for both of the personal and the public use. Many biometric authen-tication systems have been approached for long time. Due to the uniqueness of human biometrics witch played a master role in degrading imposters' attacks. Such authentication models have overcome other traditional security methods like passwords and PIN. This paper aims to briefly address the psychological biometric authentication techniques and a brief summary to the advantages, disadvantages of each method. Main contribution it found that used EEG signals, as biometrics is the best technique compare to with five other techniques.
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The surge in global population is compelling a shift towards smart agriculture practices. This coupled with the diminishing natural resources, limited availability of arable land, increase in unpredictable weather conditions makes food security a major concern for most countries. As a result, the use of internet of things (IoT) and data analytics (DA) are employed to enhance the operational efficiency and productivity in the agriculture sector. There is a paradigm shift from use of wireless sensors network (WSN) as a major driver of smart agriculture to the use of IoT and DA. The IoT integrates several existing technologies such as WSN, radio frequency identification, cloud computing, middleware systems and end-user applications. In this paper, several benefits and challenges of IoT have been identified. We present the IoT ecosystem and how the combination of IoT and DA is enabling smart agriculture. Furthermore, we provide future trends and opportunities which are categorized into technological innovations, application scenarios, business and marketability.
The adaptive Joint Photographic Experts Group 2000 (JPEG2000) image compression approach employing the wavelet image transform had proposed with the rise of the optimized Video Internet of Things (VIoT) using image transmission security using Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) techniques. Compressive Sensing (CS) for periodic data transfers has shown to be an excellent option for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) since CS-based sensor communications drastically reduce data transmissions and enhance energy efficiency. However, another issue that arises when utilizing the optimized VIoT with image transmission compression is data loss as a result of various security risks during transmission. The numerous cooperative communication strategies proved their feasibility in different ways. However, additional issues must be handled while handling image transmission in VIoT. For example, when preparing to transmit an image, you may expend a lot of energy. The main objective of this paper is to increase image quality while minimizing processing time and error rates. However, force aptitude is vital to the research problem for the Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network (WMSN), as high-dimensional digital images use greater processing capabilities of sensor nodes. The image in WMSN is transmitted through a large number of relays. The experimental findings demonstrate the effectiveness of the suggested paradigm.
We propose energy efficiency and quality-aware multi-hop one-way cooperative image transmission framework based on image pre-processing technique, wavelet-based two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform (2D-DWT) methodology, and decode-and-forward (DF) algorithm at relay nodes. The different cooperative communication methods that demonstrated their viability in various ways were reviewed. However, there are a few more issues that should be tended to while managing superb image transmission in WSNs, for example, extreme vitality utilization while preparing to proceed with image transmit, to achieve the broadcast between picture quality, and intensity of image transmitted. Before presenting the proposed model, this presents the review of recent and conventional techniques for cooperative image transmission. Keywords Cooperative image transmission · Energy efficiency · Decode-and-forward (DF) · Image transmission in WSNs · Two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform (2D-DWT)