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Addressing Governance Challenges of Digitalisation and Sustainability: The Case of Central Bank Digital Currency

  • Yong Pung How School of Law, Singapore Management University
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Digitalisation and environmental sustainability are widely discussed topics. However, their nexus remains underexplored and can pose significant challenges for governments and industries alike. The environmental implications of digitalisation are becoming increasingly pertinent with the advent of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and their inherent energy consumption and production of e-waste. On the other hand, digitalisation could potentially support sustainability efforts. This begs the question of how systems of governance, such as regulatory frameworks and internal organisational governance, should harmonise digitalisation and sustainability goals. Such harmonisation entails ensuring that digitalisation processes are environmentally responsible while exploring how the application and features of digitalisation can help achieve environmental goals. By drawing insights from the case study of CBDCs, this article will utilise the paradigm of adaptive governance to seek potential solutions to the environmental implications of digitalisation. Heng Wang, “Addressing Governance Challenges of Digitalisation and Sustainability: The Case of Central Bank Digital Currency”, Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law, Vol. 33, Iss. 3, 2024
Addressing governance challenges of digitalisation and
sustainability: The case of central bank digital currency
Heng Wang
Yong Pung How School of Law, Singapore
Management University (SMU), Singapore
School of Private and Commercial Law,
UNSW Law & Justice, Sydney, Australia
Heng Wang
Funding information
Centre for Commercial Law in Asia at
Singapore Management University; Australian
Research Council, Grant/Award Number:
Digitalisation and environmental sustainability are widely discussed topics. However,
their nexus remains underexplored and can pose significant challenges for govern-
ments and industries alike. The environmental implications of digitalisation are
becoming increasingly pertinent with the advent of central bank digital currencies
(CBDCs) and their inherent energy consumption and production of e-waste. On the
other hand, digitalisation could potentially support sustainability efforts. This begs
the question of how systems of governance, such as regulatory frameworks and
internal organisational governance, should harmonise digitalisation and sustainability
goals. Such harmonisation entails ensuring that digitalisation processes are environ-
mentally responsible while exploring how the application and features of digitalisa-
tion can help achieve environmental goals. By drawing insights from the case study
of CBDCs, this article will utilise the paradigm of adaptive governance to seek poten-
tial solutions to the environmental implications of digitalisation.
The link between digitalisation and sustainability is nuanced and com-
plex. The discussion of sustainability in this article refers to the man-
agement of natural resources (e.g., improving energy efficiency,
reducing resource consumption) to ensure their continued availability
for current and future generations.
Digitalisation may negatively
affect sustainability, particularly through increasing energy demands
and e-waste. Nevertheless, technology can facilitate better under-
standing of environmental challenges and inform the development of
equitable solutions. This is evident in the proliferation of innovative
projects such as digital platforms that track and reduce emissions.
Such platforms point to the growing capabilities of digital tools to
safeguard environmental interests.
That said, there is a lingering
tension between digitalisation and sustainability. Fast-moving digitali-
sation, such as distributed ledger technology (DLT, including proof-
of-work [PoW] DLT and non-PoW DLT),
big data and generative
See, e.g., J Morelli, Environmental Sustainability: A Definition for Environmental
Professionals(2011)1 Journal of Environmental Sustainability 1, 5; Microsoft, Environmental
Sustainability: A Commitment to a Better Future <
United Nations Environment Programme, Sustainable Digitalisation <https://www.unep.
See, e.g. M T Boçe and J Hoxha, Blockchain Technology as a Catalyst for Sustainable
Development: Exploring Economic, Social, and Environmental Synergies(2024) 13 Academic
Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 151, 159; I Guandalini, Sustainability through Digital
Transformation: A Systematic Literature Review for Research Guidance(2022) 148 Journal
of Business Research 456, 456.
DLT is the shared record of information that enables computers (nodes) in different places
to add, validate, and synchronise transactions. PoW DLT is a consensus mechanism to
validate new transactions added to a DLT platform, and validators are rewarded for validating
the transactions. Non-PoW DLT includes proof-of-stake (PoS) DLT. For PoS DLT, validators
of a blockchain network lock their tokens as a stake on the blockchain for the chance to be
selected to validate a new block and thus earn transaction fees as a reward. If the validators
do not do the work, they could lose their blocked tokens. See City of London Corporation
et al, Digital Currency Glossary(2024) <
01/FDC%20Crypto%20Glossary.pdf> 6, 8; AN Didenko and RP Buckley, Central Bank
Digital Currencies: A Potential Response to the Financial Inclusion Challenges of the Pacific-
Risks and Opportunities(2021) 3 Issues in Pacific Development 1, 19.
Received: 1 October 2023 Accepted: 19 September 2024
DOI: 10.1111/reel.12571
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2024 The Author(s). Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law (RECIEL) published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
RECIEL. 2024;115. 1
artificial intelligence (AI),
may accelerate resource consumption and
pose long-term environmental risks. The environmental footprint of
different technologies can vary greatlyfor example, the energy
intensity of crypto assets diverges significantly. Estimates suggest that
100 million transactions in one asset of the least energy-consuming
technology consume the same amount of energy as a single transac-
tion in an asset using the most energy-consuming technology.
over, carbon-intensive digital infrastructure (e.g., infrastructure
supporting internet data transfers) could contribute to environmental
Given the fundamental role of currency in today's world, the
focus of this article will be on central bank money. Central bank digital
currency (CBDC) is emblematic of the digitalisation of central bank
CBDC is a digital national currency issued by each country's
central bank. Amid the dynamic challenges that digital currencies pose
to policymakers (e.g., potential financial stability risks),
CBDCs have
emerged as a potential option to serve as central bank money in the
digital age. Various types of CBDCs are currently under development.
Wholesale CBDCs are primarily used by financial institutions to settle
trades in financial markets and foreign exchange transactions,
retail CBDCs are intended for public use. By the end of 2023, 94% of
central banks surveyed by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
were involved in CBDC-related work.
An increasing number of juris-
dictions are exploring the feasibility of CBDCs,
which could under-
pin the monetary system in the digital future.
The development of
CBDCs, including research, pilot programmes, supporting infrastruc-
ture and eventual usage, would all carry an increased environmental
The intersection of digital currencies and sustainability presents a
major and new challenge for policymakers and other actors (e.g., the
A survey of central bank laws of 174 International
Monetary Fund (IMF) members found that only about 40 countries
are legally allowed to issue digital currencies. Nearly 80% of 174 IMF
members either face an ambiguous legal framework in the issue of
digital currency or lack the legal authority altogether.
As a result,
there are limited regulations and laws focused on CBDCs, let alone
those concerning the intersection of CBDCs and sustainability. It is to
this gap in regulation and to the nexus between CBDCs and sustain-
ability (especially on issues of energy and e-waste) that this article
seeks to contribute. Given the dearth of existing regulation, the paper
focuses discussion on the broader governance and institutional envi-
ronment and issues at the CBDC-sustainability nexus itself.
Two related and fundamental questions comprise the nexus
between CBDCs and sustainability: firstly, how can we ensure that
CBDCs are environmentally responsible? To answer the first question,
focus should be placed on the development of environmentally
friendly or greenCBDCs to minimise their environmental footprint.
Secondly, how can digitalisation contribute to environmental goals
(e.g., climate targets) through its usage and features
(e.g., programmability of CBDCs)? However, uncertainties exist
regarding these two fundamental questions (i.e., whether CBDCs can
be greenand contribute to sustainability).
These uncertainties are exacerbated by the gaps in governance
(particularly a regulatory gap and a gap in internal organisational gov-
ernance). A regulatory gap exists, as, given their novelty, financial and
environmental law has not comprehensively addressed the possible
environmental impact of technological developments in digitalisation.
CBDCs are regulated mainly by financial law (including central banking
and regulations
), and energy consumption and e-waste are
regulated mainly by environmental law.
If not properly managed by
active regulatory arrangements (e.g., environmental impact assess-
ment and tendering requirements concerning energy efficiency), envi-
ronmental risks arising from technological developments of
digitalisation (e.g., e-waste) may not be properly considered or
The paradigm of adaptive governance helps to address these
The systems approach inherent in adaptive gover-
nance provides a valuable framework for addressing the regulation
and governance gap in digitalisation and sustainability. This is particu-
larly the case with learning by stakeholders (e.g., central banks and
other government departments) as their coordinated response.
See, e.g., D Chatterjee, Role of A.I. in Central Bank Digital Currency(2022) <https://>.
I Agur et al, Lessons From Crypto Assets for the Design of Energy Efficient Digital
Currencies(2023) 212 Ecological Economics 1, 1.
I Agur et al, Digital Currencies and Energy ConsumptionsNOTE/2022/006 (International
Monetary Fund 2022) 4.
Examples of CBDC include the digital euro that is being explored by the European
Central Bank.
S Jahan et al, Towards Central Bank Digital Currencies in Asia and the Pacific: Results of a
Regional Survey(International Monetary Fund 2022) 10.
Bank for International Settlements (BIS), Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)
Information Security and Operational Risks to Central Banks: An Operational Lifecycle Risk
Management Framework(2023) 8; Clifford Chance, Central Bank Digital Currencies: A New
Type of Intermediary(2023) 3.
A Di Iorio, et al., Embracing Diversity, Advancing Together Results of the 2023 BIS
Survey on Central Bank Digital Currencies and Crypto(2024) <
See, e.g., A. M. Mooij, A Digital Euro for Everyone: Can the European System of Central
Banks Introduce General Purpose CBDC as Part of Its Economic Mandate?(2023)
24 Journal of Banking Regulation 89, 89-104; Bank of England and HM Treasury, The Digital
Pound: A New Form of Money for Households and Businesses?(2023) <https://www.
working-paper.pdf>; H Wang, China's Approach to Central Bank Digital Currency:
Selectively Reshaping International Financial Order?(2022) 18 University of Pennsylvania
Asian Law Review 77, 77-134; H Wang, How to Understand Chinas Approach to Central
Bank Digital Currency?(2023) 50 Computer Law and Security Review 1, 1-17.
BIS Innovation Hub, Lessons Learnt on CBDCs(2023) 9.
I Agur et al, How Crypto and CBDCs Can Use Less Energy Than Existing Payment
Systems(International Monetary Fund, 2022) <
C Margulis and A Rossi, Legally Speaking, is Digital Money Really Money?(2021)
See, e.g., People's Bank of China, Law of the Peoples Bank of China (Amendment Draft for
Consultation) (2020) <
2020102318443757476.doc> art 19.
See, e.g., E Howcroft and M Jones, Bahamas to Regulate Banks to Offer Cbank Digital
Currency(2024) <
cbank-digital-currency-2024-07-01/> (At the time or wring, it has been reported that the
Bahamas would likely adopt regulations concerning CBDC within the next two years).
See, e.g., European Parliament and Council Directive 2012/19/EU on waste electrical and
electronic equipment (WEEE) (recast) Text with EEA relevance [2012] OJ L 197.
T Dietz et al, The Struggle to Govern the Commons(2003) 302 Science 1907, 1907.
R Cooney and ATF Lang, Taking Uncertainty Seriously: Adaptive Governance and
International Trade(2007) 18 European Journal of International Law 523, 539.
K van Assche et al, Adaptive Governance: Learning from What Organizations Do and
Managing the Role They Play(2022) 51 Kybernetes 1738, 1746.
20500394, 0, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [20/10/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Originating from seminal work in 2003,
adaptive governance
encompasses interactions among public and private actors, networks
and institutions to enhance social-ecological systems.
In the same vein, there is a gap in internal organisational gover-
nance. Digitalisation and sustainability are handled by different agen-
cies or different departments of an institution (such as separate
currency, technology and sustainability departments of a central bank
or of an international organisation) with arguably limited coordination.
Existing governance frameworks have rarely grappled with CBDCs
and sustainability, especially the contributions of CBDCs to sustain-
ability. Such limited coordination makes existing internal organisa-
tional governance struggle to align digitalisation with sustainability in
a holistic and timely way.
The urgency of addressing CBDCs in tandem with sustainability
arises from the limited timeframe available to guarantee that CBDC
frameworks will actively promote sustainability. CBDCs need to be
designed within a certain time frame given pressures such as currency
competition. Once CBDCs have established their structural processes,
it may prove difficult to change. CBDCs therefore need to be
designed today with sustainability in mind.
The article continues, in Section 2, by exploring the underlying
challenges that governance systems face in aligning digitalisation
with sustainability. It argues that the governance systems for digita-
lisation and sustainability face various mismatches in terms of func-
tions (functional mismatches), governance levels (spatial
mismatches) and timescales (temporal mismatches). Adaptive gover-
nance can help to explore the solutions to these mismatches. As
discussed in Section 2, there is a lack of alignment in the gover-
nance of digitalisation on the one hand and sustainability on the
other. Section 3explores learning as the potential solution to the
governance gaps highlighted in Section 2, particularly given the
early stage of governing CBDCs. As a crucial aspect of adaptive
governance, learning is an important way to respond to uncer-
Amid the evolving landscape, learning helps to address
the governance gaps by assessing the effect of digitalisation on
sustainability and breaking silos. Section 4concludes by further
considering how CBDCs may be harmonised with sustainability.
This article does not analyse the merits of CBDCs, which deserve
separate and careful analysis.
Governance involves any collaborative initiative intended to
oversee public affairs, emerging through structured interactions
among public entities, private entities, and both formal and informal
Mismatches in governance are among the major
reasons behind the challenges faced by socio-ecological systems,
and are arguably at the core of governance dilemmas.
mismatches occur horizontally between functions, vertically
across levels of governance
and across different timescales.
a major governance challenge concerning digitalisation and
sustainability, these mismatches reveal governance gaps in coordi-
nating different functions, and crossing governance levels and
These mismatches highlight the tension between digitalisation
and environmental sustainability. The learning of adaptive gover-
nance is therefore needed to address this tension (as discussed in
Section 3).
Understanding these mismatches is key to unpacking
the complexity of governance in the digitalisation context, the diffi-
culties faced by existing governance arrangements, and the result-
ing ramifications for the digitalisation-sustainability nexus more
The concept of adaptive governance originated from applying
ecological systems theory to natural resource management.
particular, adaptive governance analyses how a governance system
addresses uncertainties.
It serves as a valuable paradigm for
addressing challenges like climate change,
and has often been
adapted and applied by researchers and practitioners in different
and changing contexts. Adaptive governance addresses uncer-
tainties through learning (including learning in the policymaking pro-
The approach is critical in complex scenarios involving
multiple stakeholders, especially in situations where it is difficult to
determine the optimal course of action.
That said, adaptive gov-
ernance is not a silver bullet,
and adaptation brings both opportu-
nities (e.g., new connections) and challenges (e.g., the time
consumed in trust building among existing and new stakeholders).
These issues should also be carefully considered in governance pro-
cesses. This section provides a solid foundation for the analysis of
how adaptive governance can help design and improve governance
Dietz et al (n 19) 1907-1912.
BC Chaffin et al, A Decade of Adaptive Governance Scholarship: Synthesis and Future
Directions(2014) 19 Ecology and Society 1, 1.
C Wyborn et al, Conceptualising the SciencePolicyPractice Interface of Adaptive
Governancein S Juhola (ed) Handbook on Adaptive Governance (Edward Elgar 2023) 54, 68.
B Cosens et al, Governing Complexity: Integrating Science, Governance, and Law to
Manage Accelerating Change in the Globalized Commons(2021) 118 Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1, 2.
M Nikkanen and A Räsänen, Spatial Data, Methods, and Mismatches for Adaptive
Governance Researchin S Juhola (ed) Handbook on Adaptive Governance (Edward Elgar
2023) 100.
S Juhola, The Next Decade of Adaptive Governance Research: Concluding Remarksin S
Juhola (ed) Handbook on Adaptive Governance (Edward Elgar 2023) 253.
M Janssen and H van der Voort, Adaptive Governance: Towards a Stable, Accountable and
Responsive Government(2016) 33 Government Information Quarterly 1, 3.
KJ Winkler et al, Mismatches in the Ecosystem Services Literaturea Review of Spatial,
Temporal, and Functional-Conceptual Mismatches(2021) 6 Current Landscape Ecology
Reports 23, 24.
E Esener, Adaptive Governance for Blockchain Networks(2024) 7 Stanford Journal of
Blockchain Law and Policy 76, 101.
T Steelman, Adaptive Governancein C Ansell and J Torfing (eds), Handbook on Theories of
Governance (Edward Elgar 2022) 580, 581.
N Soininen et al, Adaptive Governance, Law and Regulationin S Juhola (ed) Handbook on
Adaptive Governance (Edward Elgar 2023) 35, 36.
Cooney and Lang (n 20) 524.
Janssen and van der Voort (n 28) 3.
BA Cosens et al, Designing Law to Enable Adaptive Governance of Modern Wicked
Problems(2020), 73 Vanderbilt Law Review 1687, 1731.
20500394, 0, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [20/10/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
2.1 |Functional mismatches
The governance frameworks for digital currencies
and sustainability
address distinct functions and policy domains. The functional mis-
matches of these two domains extend to different knowledge types,
perceptions, networks and institutions.
These mismatches are fur-
ther compounded by distinct policy areas, regulatory environments,
and a limited history of collaboration among actors, all of which shape
their development.
A useful example is wholesale CBDCs, which
would potentially enhance the efficiency of international payments
(e.g., reducing the number of intermediaries). However, this process
would involve energy consumption.
In the broader context of finance and sustainability, there is
increasing coordination between regulators in both fields. Examples
include the Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening
the Financial System (NGFS), the Task Force on Climate-Related
Financial Disclosures, the European Union (EU) Sustainable Finance
Disclosure Regulation, and the EU green bond standard. However,
such coordination remains limited, especially when it comes to
CBDCs should be designed in a way that mitigates their environ-
mental ramifications. Regulatory development could incentivise or
encourage CBDCs to meet high standards of energy efficiency and
rely on sustainable energy to function. Energy consumption (including
the energy efficiency of CBDC infrastructure and payment instru-
ments) should be an integral element in the initial design and execu-
tion of CBDCs.
The G7 called for measures such as the careful design of retail
CBDCs and disclosure of CBDCs' environmental effects.
can set a benchmark for energy-efficient payment and settlement sys-
tems by integrating carbon-neutral and sustainable energy sources to
achieve functional, performance, and resilience objectives.
European Central Bank (ECB) has also indicated the need for environ-
mentally friendly CBDCs based on technological solutions that reduce
its environmental impact.
The design of the digital Euro is expected
to motivate and urge payment service providers to reduce the envi-
ronmental footprint of the existing payment system.
The Bank of
England (BoE) indicated that the design and issuance of its possible
CBDC should consider the climate strategy of the BoE.
less, despite this explicit recognition, the sustainability implications of
CBDCs remain largely unclear. CBDCs would likely rely on technology
developments such as low-energy use hardware and software inter-
faces, as well as regulatory frameworks to be environmentally respon-
sible. CBDCs consume energy, especially when deployed not only
within domestic boundaries but also across borders. Against this back-
drop, solving functional mismatches in the fields of finance and sus-
tainability proves even more pertinent.
Meanwhile, as a first-mover, China is actively exploring the use of
its digital yuan or e-CNY to promote sustainability and may influence
the potential of using CBDCs to encourage environmentally friendly
activities. This is an example of where CBDCs and sustainability inter-
sect. The success of such an intersection depends on how well CBDCs
operate and how well regulatory and other issues, such as recovering
the cost of investing in the CBDC ecosystem, are dealt with. The
e-CNY is used in environmentally friendly activities such as cycling,
green business subsidy and discount transactions in the e-CNY pilot
Cyclists who opt for bicycle sharing can enjoy financial
benefits in the form of e-CNY, thereby encouraging zero-carbon
forms of transport.
This showcases CBDCs' ability to function as
viable financial rewards, which can further the execution and uptake
of green initiatives. China has since taken its incentivisation a step fur-
ther: recently, the digital yuan has been used in a domestic loan to
reduce carbon emissions in the energy sector.
The Postal Savings
Bank of China is also exploring the use of e-CNY in the rediscount of
green commercial bills,
where the bank buying these bills receives
another deduction from their debt amount for the prompt payment
before their due date. Nevertheless, it remains to be seen whether
and how functional mismatches (e.g., distinct policies and regulatory
environments) can be addressed here and what the long-term effects
of these efforts, such as scalability and cost recovery, would be.
Improving the coordination of different functions is essential for
narrowing the governance gap to harmonise digitalisation and sustain-
ability. Such coordination necessitates the construction of bridges
between prevailing governance structures, considering the traditions
(e.g., history, culture) of institutions, to effectively address the chal-
lenges posed by the evolving landscape.
It requires, among other
Here digital currencies include CBDCs, stablecoins, and other crypto assets. Stablecoins
and other crypto assets are not currencies in the strict sense and can be classified as a
financial asset (such as a security). CBDCs are national currencies issued by the central banks.
FATF, Updated Guidance for a Risk-Based Approach to Virtual Assets and Virtual Asset
Service Providers(2021) <
documents/Updated-Guidance-RBA-VA-VASP.html> 24.
Winkler, et al. (n 29) 25, 28.
C Wang et al, Towards a Typology of Adaptive Governance in the Digital Government
Context: The Role of Decision-Making and Accountability(2018) 35 Government
Information Quarterly 306, 320.
Agur et al (n 7) 13.
A Baglioni, Monetary Policy Implementation: Exploring the New Normalin Central Banking
(Palgrave Macmillan 2024), 241-252.
G7, Public Policy Principles for Retail Central Bank Digital Currencies(2021) <https://
1025235/G7_Public_Policy_Principles_for_Retail_CBDC_FINAL.pdf> 11, 12.
European Central Bank, Report on a Digital Euro(2020) <
pub/pdf/other/Report_on_a_digital_euro4d7268b458.en.pdf > 15.
Bank of England, The Bank of Englands Climate-Related Financial Disclosure 2021
(2021) <
M Gou, Deepen Cross-Border Pilots, Continuously Expand Scenarios, and Take the E-CNY
Pilot Further(2024) <
J Ouyang, E-CNY Empowers Dual Carbon- Meituan Bikes 3 Million Digital Currency
Users Have Ridden More Than 71.2 Million Kilometers' 2022)(3 March 2022) <https://>.
Postal Savings Bank of China, Postal Savings Bank of China Launched the Countrys First
Carbon-Reduction Supporting Tool +Sustainable Development Linkage +E-CNYLoan
(15 May 2023) <
China Banking and Insurance News, Rediscount +Green Bill Discount +E-CNYBusiness
Launched in Guangdong(18 April 2023) <
Chaffin et al (n 23) 9,
20500394, 0, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [20/10/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
things, the careful consideration of the effects of digitalisation in gov-
ernance design to align digitalisation with sustainability.
2.2 |Spatial mismatches
Mismatches between the governance levels at which problems need
to be addressed could lead to splintered governance.
mismatches could concern inconsistent scales.
Here scales refer to
analysing issues by applying a spatial dimension.
Regarding the
CBDC-sustainability nexus, the harmonisation of CBDC and sustain-
ability concerns the governance at the local (e.g., a local government
promoting environmentally friendly activities through CBDCs),
national (e.g., the role of central banks and other authorities in regulat-
ing and promoting green CBDCs), regional and international levels
(e.g., the coordination of efforts of different jurisdictions in developing
green CBDCs, including the energy efficiency of cross-border CBDCs).
For each of these examples, the scales of governance may not align
with real-world issues, leading to scale mismatches.
In light of this, it is critical to act and respond at the scale of the
Both sustainability and digitalisation concern local,
national, regional and global levels.
The cross-border use of CBDCs,
in particular, extends over two or more jurisdictions. As such, cross-
scale governance activities are necessary to accommodate the multi-
jurisdictional nature of both fields.
The self-organising aspect of adaptive governance may also be
reflected at smaller scales.
However, self-organisation at smaller
scales may prove insufficient to address the environmental implica-
tions of CBDCs. Given the challenges, such as global warming, that
energy consumption and e-waste impose, the nexus between CBDCs
and sustainability needs to be addressed not only at local and national
levels but also at regional and international levels. The phenomena
and issues being governed require a corresponding scale of gover-
nance (particularly jurisdictional scales) to avoid scale mismatches that
can occur with decentralisation. Further, the local governance may
struggle to address the complex large-scale, cross-scale or cross-level
inherent in the governance of digitalisation and sustainability.
Therefore, such governance needs to simultaneously operate at the
local, national, regional and international levels.
2.3 |Temporal mismatches
Conflict can arise between the long-term and short-term consider-
ations of different actors. Systematic adaptiveness is therefore
needed to reconcile these temporal mismatches.
Digitalisation and
sustainability involve vastly different timescales. The environmental
impact of CBDCs is contingent upon technological designs and gener-
ally concerns the mid- to long-term consideration of climate change
and environmental degradation. Various elements contribute to the
energy use of CBDC, including data centres and digital wallets located
on devices, as well as the use of software that processes payments.
CBDC energy consumption is also affected by technology and techno-
logical designs (as discussed below). For example, CBDCs could adopt
blockchain technology to create an immutable transaction record,
but this would incur costs of computations and storage, leading to fur-
ther environmental impact.
The extent of energy consumption
regarding access to these ledgers may be affected by the nodes of the
network, particularly their number and location, software, and proto-
To illustrate, with all else being equal, fewer nodes signal lower
redundancy and reduce energy consumption.
The energy efficiency
of software is thus linked to its carbon footprint.
Furthermore, technological design also has environmental impli-
cations. The diverse selection of technological designs among various
states may result in fragmentation and incompatibility of technical
standards. Such discrepancies can escalate energy consumption,
since more electricity would be needed due to incompatibility. Other
aspects like e-waste relating to digital infrastructure
and user pay-
ment means (e.g., digital wallets available on smart phones, payments
made by feature phones, related user hardware and software inter-
faces) could also carry broader environmental implications.
running on phones may, nevertheless, reduce dependence on card
networks and energy consumption, provided that CBDC transactions
can be conducted on low-energy devices and do not require more
energy-intensive payment methods.
These mid- to long-term environmental and sustainability consid-
erations may not always align with the short-term imperatives to roll
out CBDCs quickly, especially to acquire a first-mover advantage, or
R&D budgetary constraints for CBDC projects and technology. The
trade-offs inherent in design choices, encompassing factors like
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Nikkanen and Räsänen (n 26), 108.
Janssen and van der Voort (n 28), 3.
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Survey(2000) 32 Ecological Economics 217, 218.
Nikkanen and Räsänen (n 26), 108-109.
Cosens et al (n 36) 1725.
GK Hovelsrud and H Westskog, The Role of Adaptive Governance in Climate Mitigation
and Adaptation: A Local Perspectivein S Juhola (ed) Handbook on Adaptive Governance
(Edward Elgar 2023)194.
Cosens et al (n 36) 1727; DA DeCaro et al, Legal and Institutional Foundations of Adaptive
Environmental Governance(2017) 22 Ecology and Society 1, 10.
Nikkanen and Räsänen (n 26) 101.
Wang et al (n 39) 320.
Agur et al (n 7) 5.
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Payments(2023) <
J Xu, Developments and Implications of Central Bank Digital Currency: The Case of China
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Agur et al (n 7) 13.
ibid 14-15.
20500394, 0, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [20/10/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
performance (e.g., data flow), security advantages and energy usage,
are intricately tied to the competing overarching objective of digitali-
sation and sustainability.
Pursuing one goal could generate opportu-
nity costs for realising another.
Given currency competition, capital
costs and infrastructure development, some states may prioritise
short-term considerations in the research and development of CBDCs
over long-term environmental interests.
Mismatches could be exacerbated by the need for swift
responses not only to emergencies but also to innovations, developing
technology or user needs.
Taking spatial mismatches as an example,
the harmonisation of CBDC and sustainability at the local level may
move at a different pace compared with that at the national, regional
or international levels. In addition, a frequent gap in governance sys-
tems occurs when planning and funding arrangements are driven by
short-term perspectives rather than the long-term vision needed for
sustainability issues.
2.4 |Summary
The various mismatches discussed above highlight the significant and
overlapping challenges posed by existing governance arrangements to
sustainable CBDCs. Sustainability is a large-scale issue across space
and time involving mismatches in both governance levels and time-
scales. Adaptive governance, as outlined in Table 1, helps tackle mis-
matches and facilitates the collaborative endeavours of multi-level
institutions in ensuring that digitalisation is environmentally
responsible and contributes to a green economy. Functional and spa-
tial mismatches provide a prime example. In addressing functional
mismatches, adaptive governance aligns organisational governance
with the needs of the environment (including technical needs).
Given its capacity to address uncertainties involving a large number of
adaptive governance could be a useful tool in dealing with
the nexus between CBDCs and sustainability.
As a feature of adap-
tive governance
and as discussed below, learning provides a useful
way to organise an adaptive approach to further align digitalisation
with sustainability.
To respond to structural mismatches,
adaptive governance focuses
on fostering learning.
This can involve practices, ideas, values, key
questions and even assumptions.
Learning is the societal process of
adapting institutions to handle social and ecological change in a way
that improves the well-being of present and future generations.
in turn helps to reduce the gap in internal organisational governance.
Adaptive governance relies on the ability of actors to adapt to
and requires coordination of actors at different levels
to effectively manage social-ecological systems.
Learning is also a
learn by doingprocess for various stakeholders to jointly explore
S Lee and J Park, Environmental Implications of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)
(World Bank Group Korea Office 2022) 12.
I De Bode et al, CBDC and Stablecoins: Early Coexistence on an Uncertain Road(2021)
stablecoins-early-coexistence-on-an-uncertain-road#> 5.
Janssen and van der Voort (n 26) 2.
C Alexandra et al, Futures-Thinking: Concepts, Methods and Capacities for Adaptive
Governancein S Juhola (ed) Handbook on Adaptive Governance (Edward Elgar 2023)
88, 88-89.
TABLE 1 Functional, spatial and temporal mismatches faced by digitalisation and sustainability
Arises across Considerations Examples Possible solutions
Horizontal functions
(e.g., environment and
Different knowledge types,
perceptions, networks and
institutions (e.g., regulators)
The tension between the benefits of
digitalisation (e.g., efficiency) and its
environmental impact (e.g., e-waste,
energy use)
Coordination between
functions, including linking
with existing governance
Governance levels
(ranging from local to
international levels) and
Different jurisdictions and
inconsistent scales
The difficulties of the
governance scales to fit with
real-life issues
The inability of local-level governance or
central banks to address global warming
on their own
Cross-scale and cross-level
efforts to address mismatches
Different timescales Short, mid- to long-term
timescales and
Tension between short-term imperatives
to roll out CBDCs quickly and long-term
environmental considerations
Making trade-offs based on
Janssen and van der Voort (n 28) 2.
E Boyd and S Juhola, Adaptive Climate Change Governance for Urban Resilience(2015)
52 Urban Studies 1234, 1241.
RP Bixler et al, Adaptive Governance for Disaster Risk Reductionin S Juhola
(ed) Handbook on Adaptive Governance (Edward Elgar 2023) 237.
Nikkanen and Räsänen (n 26) 100.
Cooney and Lang (n 20) 534.
S Munaretto et al, Integrating Adaptive Governance and Participatory Multicriteria
Methods: A Framework for Climate Adaptation Governance(2014) 19 Ecology and
Society 1, 4.
J Woodhill, Sustainability, Social Learning and the Democratic Imperative: Lessons from
the Australian Landcare Movementin C Blackmore (ed), Social Learning Systems and
Communities of Practice (Springer 2010) 57, 63.
M Fournier et al, Flood Risk Mitigation in Europe: How Far Away Are We From the
Aspired Forms of Adaptive Governance(2016) 21 Ecology and Society 1, 3.
L Schultz et al, Adaptive Governance, Ecosystem Management, and Natural Capital(2015)
112 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
7369, 7369.
20500394, 0, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [20/10/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
solutions to address uncertainties,
which works to narrow the regu-
latory gap. As the core of governance efforts,
learning increases
knowledge (including new information through data collection) and
embraces different perspectives. Through learning, stakeholders could
transcend functional, spatial and temporal boundaries and work
together across those boundaries to build sustainable digitalisation.
To a certain degree, learning contributes to mitigating functional mis-
matches and other discrepancies, as central banks may not possess a
comprehensive understanding of the environmental ramifications
associated with CBDCs.
Understanding of the environmental implications of CBDCs needs
to be improved.
Notably, uncertainties exist in energy consumption
and e-waste issues (e.g., the long-term e-waste solutions) related to
fintech and other technical advancements. It is not easy to accurately
anticipate the far-reaching environmental impacts of digitalisation.
From an environmental perspective, the global environmental system
is a complex adaptive system, and learning is crucial to adapt to a
world experiencing increasingly fast environmental change.
together, rapid progress in practice as well as successful adaptation
both require learning.
Here learning encompasses insights into shifts
and impacts within governance environments, operational
expenditures and unforeseen consequences of digitalisation. With its
far-reaching range, learning will play a pivotal role in navigating the
intricate relationship between CBDCs and sustainability.
Learning needs to be integrated into decision-making processes
and should occur at all levels of governance (multi-level learning
Learning can be fostered in a number of ways. This includes effec-
tively preventing irreversible impacts (e.g., precaution in terms of pol-
icy and technological choices to prevent serious environmental
implications), closely reviewing the knowledge gaps underpinning
decisions (e.g., experimentation), critically assessing results (including
and other assessment of environmental implications as
discussed in Section 3.1) and encouraging diverse perspectives in the
decision-making processes (including breaking silos as discussed in
Section 3.2).
These different ways of learning may overlap. For
example, experimentation of CBDCs includes sandboxes and pilot
projects. In this process, the public and private sectors should make
efforts to break silos of digitalisation and sustainability and explore
trade-offs between different policy objectives. To tackle spatial mis-
matches, sandboxes could be developed at a regional level to address
issues such as divergent regulations in different jurisdictions. Cur-
rently there are very few sandboxes, which have been established or
are planned at a country level.
A sandbox that works on the envi-
ronmental implications of CBDCs is still lacking and may be
Encouraging regulatory and technological experimentation, a
sandbox could focus on seeking solutions and building capacity
(including sharing knowledge) in aligning digitalisation with sustain-
ability. For the organisers of sandboxes, they could be international
and regional organisations (e.g., the BIS) and other actors (e.g., central
banks). For the focus of sandboxes, they should have a system to
monitor the environmental implications of CBDCs (e.g., data collection
and analysis, an early warning mechanism regarding environmental
impact) and encourage actors (e.g., the industry, such as software
developers) to explore use cases of the contribution of CBDCs to a
green economy. To illustrate, energy costs are a factor that central
banks are considering or will face regarding CBDCs.
Sandboxes may
endeavour to provide general guidance (e.g., initial technical docu-
mentation, test scripts, minimum energy efficiency requirements) and
serve as a hub to promote peer learning.
Sandboxes should engage
with as many stakeholders as possible, including regulators of the dif-
ferent levels, international organisations, industry and other stake-
holders (e.g., non-governmental organisations [NGOs]). This promotes
inclusiveness and iterative reflection.
3.1 |Starting from the assessment of
environmental implications of CBDCs
Learning could be promoted through not only technology but also
regulation (such as tendering requirements concerning energy effi-
ciency). A useful starting point for learning is the assessment of envi-
ronmental implications of CBDCs, which concerns both technological
and regulatory aspects.
3.1.1 | Technological aspects
CBDC-related technology could affect the environmental implications
of infrastructure and should be further explored to identify environ-
mentally friendly solutions. According to a recent study, central
D Armitage et al. Adaptive Co-management and the Paradox of Learning(2008) 18 Global
Environmental Change 86, 91.
M Janssen and H van der Voort, Agile and Adaptive Governance in Crisis Response:
Lessons From the COVID-19 Pandemic(2020) 55 International Journal of Information
Management 1, 2.
AH Elsayed and MA Nasir, Central Bank Digital Currencies: An Agenda for Future
Research(2022) 62 Research in International Business and Finance 1, 4.
F Berkes, Environmental Governance for the Anthropocene? Social-Ecological Systems,
Resilience, and Collaborative Learning(2017) 9 Sustainability 1, 1.
Nikkanen and Räsänen (n 26) 104.
C Wyborn, Cross-Scale Linkages in Connectivity Conservation: Adaptive Governance
Challenges in Spatially Distributed Networks(2015) 25 Environmental Policy and
Governance 1, 3.
C Pahl-Wostl, A Conceptual Framework for Analysing Adaptive Capacity and Multi-Level
Learning Processes in Resource Governance Regimes(2009) 19 Global Environmental
Change 354, 356.
Wyborn et al (n 24) 68.
Cooney and Lang (n 20) 534.
See, e.g., LV Schumacher, Decoding Digital Assets: Distinguishing the Dream from the
Dystopia in Stablecoins, Tokenized Deposits, and Central Bank Digital Currencies (Palgrave
Macmillan 2024) 164-165 (Fintech Regulatory Sandbox of the Bank of Jamaica that has
tested a prototype CBDC); A Davletov, et al., Regulatory Sandbox Guideline on Central Bank
Digital Currency for the Maldives Monetary Authority (Department of Economic and Social
Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat, Maldives Monetary Authority, Ministry of
Environment Climate Change and Technology, Maldives, and Economic and Social
Commission for Asia and the Pacific 2023) 1-13.
Agur et al (n 6) 6.
Bank for International Settlements and Bank of England, Project Rosalind: Building API
Prototypes for Retail CBDC Ecosystem(2023) <>
16, 25.
20500394, 0, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [20/10/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
bankers consider CBDCs to be a greener option than cash.
reasons for this include the saving of cash transport, storage and man-
agement costs because trips to bank branches or ATMs are no longer
However, nuanced understanding is needed. For one, data
and IT systems (such as blockchain and data centres) are energy-
The complexity and rapid evolution of CBDCs and their
ecosystems pose various governance challenges due to the uncer-
tainties of the environmental implications of technologies. Therefore,
a range of infrastructures should be explored to effectively restrict or
monitor resource usage.
The following analysis consists of two
parts: environmentally responsible CBDCs, as discussed in the several
points below, and the contribution of CBDCs to sustainability.
Besides factors like monetary functions, experimentation should
deepen the understanding and monitor the impact of technologies
(such as those for core processing and user payment in the context of
payment systems
) on sustainability. This helps to address issues
like energy consumption and e-waste.
The energy use of digital
currencies could be affected by technology and the features of
Digital currencies may or may not use DLT. For CBDCs
that use DLT, theoretically these may include either permissioned
DLT (those that can only be accessed with permission) or permission-
less (available on an open network) DLT systems.
In fact, wholesale
CBDCs usually use permissioned DLT.
Retail CBDCs may adopt
non-DLT systems, permissioned DLT or hybrids that combine permis-
sioned DLT and non-DLT systems.
Notably, many of the techno-
logical issues discussed here apply not only to CBDCs but also to
other digital assets.
The energy consumption of CBDCs will be significantly deter-
mined by technology design. First, non-DLT based CBDCs might
exhibit greater efficiency than existing payment systems, provided
that central banks meticulously choose the platform, hardware and
other components of the CBDC ecosystem based on energy effi-
Energy efficiency is arguably similar to currency efficiency,
which evaluates a currency's effectiveness in realising its functionality
(e.g., value secured, features like programmability, the ease of storage
and security) in exchange for its energy consumption.
utilising a centralised ledger may negatively affect the payment con-
venience offered by a CBDC because of the possible caps on peer-
to-peer and offline transactions.
However, employing a combina-
tion of centralised and decentralised ledgers increases the complexity
of the CBDC system
including the interaction between these led-
gers. Such complexity may carry energy use implications. Some central
banks, such as the Deutsche Bundesbank, are exploring other DLT-
compatible wholesale payment solutions as alternatives to wholesale
Certain CBDC projects are considering non-DLT architec-
ture (such as novel central bank payment clearance systems like the
Eurosystem's TARGET Instant Payment Settlement).
The effects of
CBDC architectures deserve close attention.
Second, non-PoW permissioned networks may have a greater
ability to influence the energy consumption of the core processing
DLTs designed in a permissioned setting
manage energy consumption, since many nodes can exist in permis-
sionless blockchains and increase energy consumption.
Permissioned networks also facilitate the promotion of software
updates and protocols that are more energy-efficient.
The high car-
bon footprint is a major challenge faced by public blockchains based
on PoW, which are permissionless.
Given the increasing complexity
of computational puzzles, PoW's energy consumption is unlikely to
decrease even with more energy-efficient infrastructure.
Some CBDC projects opt for non-PoW permissioned DLT, allow-
ing central banks to manage the number, the role and the geographic
location of the network participants.
Nodes could be located wher-
ever renewable energy sources are available or where surplus energy
is otherwise wasted,
but this would depend on factors like the
renewable energy capacity of jurisdictions.
CBDCs will rarely use
PoW DLT, which tends to be more energy-consuming than permis-
sioned or permissionless non-PoW DLT.
Generally, higher energy
efficiency for each transaction appears to be more strongly linked
with innovative systems rather than solely with DLT itself.
Third, the energy consumption of CBDCs is contingent on CBDC
dissemination design (e.g., the number of tiers and data infrastructure
of commercial banks that concern processing
), CBDC features
Central Banking staff, Central Banks Are Bullish on Environmental Features of CBDC
(22 February 2023) <
Monetary Authority of Singapore Economic Policy Group, A Retail Central Bank Digital
Currency (CBDC): Economic Considerations in the Singapore Context(2021) <https://www.
considerations-in-the-singapore-context.pdf> 10.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 'Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate
Change' (2022) <
WGIII_FullReport.pdf> Chapter 1, 168.
Soininen et al (n 33) 38.
Agur et al (n 6) 3.
C Gola and J Sedlmeir, Addressing the Sustainability of Distributed Ledger Technology
(2022) Bank of Italy Occasional Paper No. 670, 1, 19.
Agur et al (n 7).
Agur et al (n 6) 5, 6.
V Sethaput and S Innet, Blockchain Application for Central Bank Digital Currencies
(CBDC)(2023) 26 Cluster Computing 2183, 2192.
Agur et al (n 6) 7.
Agur et al (n 7) 2.
MIT Digital Currency Initiative, Currency Efficiency(2024) <
Bank of Canada et al, Central Bank Digital Currencies: Foundational Principles and Core
Features(Bank for International Settlements 2020) 15.
PwC, PwC Global CBDC Index and Stablecoin Overview 2022(2022) 12.
Agur et al (n 7) 13.
ibid 2.
In permissioned DLTs, only participants approved can join the network and conduct
activities (e.g. reading transactions). City of London Corporation et al (n 4) 7.
Gola and Sedlmeir (n 102).
Agur et al (n 6) 6; I Manotas et al, An Empirical Study of PractitionersPerspectives on
Green Software Engineering(Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software
Engineering, 2016) 237.
E Urbinati et al, A Digital Euro: A Contribution to the Discussion on Technical Design
Choices(Bank of Italy 2021) 25.
Gola and Sedlmeir (n 102),13.
Agur et al (n 7) 2, 13, 14.
ibid; MIT Digital Currency Initiative, MIT Digital Currency Initiative Currency Efficiency
Research(2022) 14.
JR Jaimes Becerra et al, Research of the Development of Green Central Bank Digital
Currency, CBDC(2023) 1, 4, 7.
Agur et al (n 7) 9.
ibid 13.
Agur et al (n 6) 3.
20500394, 0, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [20/10/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
(e.g., features for compliance, security, integrity and universal
and other factors (e.g., transaction speed). In contrast to
intricate tiered systems, adopting a single-tier dissemination structure
would mitigate the duplication of energy consumption attributable to
multiple intermediaries.
However, central banks would likely opt
for more complex two-tier systems to rely on intermediaries to
address challenges such as the need to provide and manage payment
services for clients. Taking on a different perspective, compared with
crypto assets, CBDC dissemination architectures may be more com-
plex and result in increased energy consumption.
These factors concern entities and services within the CBDC eco-
system and their emission, payment-chain size and redundancies.
This includes the number of ecosystem actors and whether data cen-
tres adhere to high energy efficiency standards and utilise renewable
energy sources.
Energy consumption may fluctuate as new
research teams explore CBDCs, or in establishing bespoke arrange-
ments for regulatory compliance (e.g., anti-money laundering and
combating the financing of terrorism) and dispute settlement, or when
different infrastructures are interlinked for cross-border CBDCs. Sus-
tainability concerns could escalate with significant developments,
such as the interoperability of CBDCs with digital assets like stable-
In a broader context, energy consumption may also be rele-
vant in other activities related to digital currency (e.g., a potentially
large number of educational and promotional events,
the transpor-
tation of employees engaged by actors within the digital currency
The sustainability of CBDCs extends beyond energy consump-
tion. It encompasses broader issues including the efficient hardware
production methods with minimised consumption of rare metals and
water, the reduction of e-waste and the mitigation of negative envi-
ronmental implications of recycling such as the chemical effects on
As CBDCs are likely to be integrated into the broader
global payment system, solutions are required to address the cumula-
tive environmental effect of digitalisation and underlying factors
(e.g., economic equilibrium affecting the choice of actors, energy
economies of scale), which might include higher costs of energy,
incentive-based measures
and improved environmental accounting
It is important to explore environmentally sustainable
CBDC design, including minting (the issuance of CBDCs
) and
redemption (an intermediary's current account deposits at the central
bank increased by the amount of CBDC that the central bank receives
from the intermediary
Having considered the potential impact of CBDCs on sustainabil-
ity, it is useful to explore the opportunities for CBDCs to contribute
to the green economy. To this end, the learning inherent in adaptive
governance should focus on seeking possible ways to promote the
contribution of digitalisation to sustainability (such as through CBDC
ecosystems). Incorporating digitalisation into responses to sustainabil-
ity challenges can be facilitated through the development of technolo-
gies for supervisory and regulatory compliance.
Possible data
functions of CBDC may help collect and share, for example, waste-
related data arising out of activities using CBDCs. The digital age has
witnessed the convergence of payments and data,
opening the
door for the environmental repercussions of CBDCs to be examined
through their digital footprints. However, it is imperative to ensure
these regulatory measures enhance privacy protection to maintain
system stability and public trust. Striking a meticulous balance is
essential, as concerns may also arise regarding the impact of CBDC
utilisation for social policy on the integrity of central bank currency.
Nevertheless, with careful management, sustainability considerations
can be integrated into the CBDC design and use. If done effectively,
CBDCs can become a valuable policy tool in the future, helping to
address uncertainties concerning environmental implications.
Moreover, innovative green economy financial instruments could
be designed to ensure that they are solely used to finance projects
and activities that promote a circular economy.
If there are no com-
plications, CBDCs hold the potential to contribute to the green econ-
omy. Ozili, for example, highlights that
[A] CBDC can be designed to offer a transaction cost
waiver for transactions that are channeled to waste
reduction activities or waste re-use activities. A CBDC
can also be designed to have features that give tax
rebates for transactions that are channeled to waste
reduction activities or waste re-use activities. A CBDC
can also be designed to exempt circular economy
transactions from being taxed so as to encourage more
circular businesses to use CBDC. This type of
specially-designed CBDC will offer huge incentives to
circular businesses, it can lead to cost savings, and can
help to grow the circular economy.
ibid 2.
MIT Digital Currency Initiative (n 108).
Agur et al (n 7) 15.
Agur et al (n 6) 7.
Agur et al (n 14)
Agur et al (n 6) 1, 7.
Ledger Insights, Universal Digital Payment Network Targets Interoperable Stablecoins,
CBDCs(20 January 2023) <
MIT Digital Currency Initiative (n 108).
Agur et al (n 6) 7.
Agur et al (n 7) 4, 14.
Gola and Sedlmeir (n 102); Agur et al (n 6) 6.
MIT Digital Currency Initiative (n 108).
Agur et al (n 6) 7.
Central Bank Digital Currencies Working Group, Implementing a CBDC: Lessons Learnt
and Key Insights Policy Report(2020) <
Implementing-CBDC.pdf> 11.
Liaison and Coordination Committee on Central Bank Digital Currency, Interim Report
(2022) <>8.
R Auer et al, Central Bank Digital Currencies: A New Tool in the Financial Inclusion
Toolkit?(Bank for International Settlements 2022) 13.
J Cheng and J Torregrossa, A Lawyer's Perspective on U.S. Payment System Evolution
and Money in the Digital Age(4 February 2022) <
PK Ozili, Circular Economy and Central Bank Digital Currency(2022) 2 Circular Economy
and Sustainability 1, 4.
ibid 11.
20500394, 0, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [20/10/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
However, CBDCs also give rise to other issues that have to be
monitored, like privacy protection.
In other words, CBDC design could incentivise environmentally
responsible behaviour through preferential fee structures or rewards
programmes for eco-friendly transactions.
Other possible options
include CBDC-based green financing such as green bonds, loans
(e.g., micro-loans) and equity investments in renewable energy pro-
jects (e.g., renewable energy production and consumption).
bly, China favours using technology to promote environmentally
friendly activities. A customer who uses Meituan, a Chinese shopping
platform, and engages in low-carbon consumption behaviours, such as
skipping disposable tableware when ordering takeout or carrying
one's own reusable bags when buying fresh food, might get rewards
in the form of e-CNY.
A smart recycling machine with digital yuan
function can also provide financial benefits in the form of e-CNY
based on recyclables in the domestic waste that it collects.
theless, the feasibility and methods of implementing these efforts on
a large scale remain unclear.
3.1.2 | Regulatory aspects
As discussed above, a gap exists in the regulation of CBDCs so that
they are environmentally responsible. Traditional regulatory tools
(such as taxes) are not always effective for CBDCs, given the role of
CBDCs as national currencies. For example, while energy usage could
traditionally be regulated by taxation,
the energy consumption of
CBDCs appears to fall through the gaps. This is because levying taxes
or surcharges on CBDC usage is unlikely due to its status as public
money. Beyond the notion that a national currency is not traditionally
taxed, the imposition of a tax on the public use of a CBDC is contrary
to the principal policy of enhancing financial inclusion, particularly in
developing economies.
Regulation should be carefully designed to address the environ-
mental implications of technology (including technological
complexities) and other considerations of digitalisation (e.g., financial
stability). CBDCs could learn from and iterate on existing regulatory
such as environmental impact assessment. This learning
would help address the regulatory gap between financial and environ-
mental law. To handle the aforementioned issue of taxing energy-
consuming activities, some have suggested technology companies
should promote sustainable consumption by continuously improving
their business models.
This is akin to certain approaches in environ-
mental law that require continuous improvement in the environmental
performance of products and industries (e.g., vehicular emission
requirements, minimum energy efficiency standards,
energy efficiency standards
). Other potential solutions include a
possible currency energy efficiency score.
Moreover, efforts are
needed to ensure proper rule enforcement as the borderless nature of
digitalisation poses challenges for enforcement.
In particular, regulators could learn from impact assessment and
disclosure in other fields (e.g., environmental impact assessment, data
protection impact assessment). Environmental impact assessment and
disclosure of digital currencies would provide a crucial foundation for
assessing their effect on sustainability, particularly their carbon foot-
print. It would also help encourage the race to the top. Regular assess-
ments of CBDCs' impact on the environment could be required at the
various stages of CBDC development, similar to the US National Cli-
mate Assessment required under the Global Change Research Act.
Fully-fledged impact assessments may necessitate accounting for all
actors and elements within payment systems, encompassing a com-
prehensive evaluation of various environmental impacts.
disclosure of the environmental impact of CBDCs is crucial. As dis-
cussed above, a G7 foundational principle on CBDCs is that [t]hose
central banks which publish climate-related disclosures (for example
disclosures consistent with the Task Force on Climate-related Finan-
cial Disclosure framework) should consider disclosure of the environ-
mental impact of CBDC operations in their reporting.
it is critical to explore how CBDCs' environmental footprint would be
tracked, assessed and managed.
As an institutional framework con-
cerning group learning, such transparency also helps to disseminate
information, test the value concerning sustainability, and build
The assessment and management of relevant environmental
footprint (e.g., that of CBDCs) contributes to the learning concerning
the nature of the sustainability risks of digitalisation. Notably, privacy
protection needs to be balanced with data collection if the monitoring
of CBDCs' environmental footprint concerns the privacy of CBDC
S Shilina, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and Their Far-Reaching Effects: An
Economic, Social, and Environmental Perspective (2024) <
PK Ozili, Using Central Bank Digital Currency to Achieve the Sustainable Development
Goals (2023) <
B Xia, Meituan: Participating in Green and Low-Carbon Consumption Behaviors Can
Receive Low-Carbon Rewards through E-CNY(2021) <,
Yema Financial, Serving the People and Green Development, Bank of Communications
Actively Explores New Low-Carbon Life Scenarios through E-CNY(2023) <https://www.>.
See, e.g., J Truby, Decarbonizing Bitcoin: Law and Policy Choices for Reducing the Energy
Consumption of Blockchain Technologies and Digital Currencies(2018) 44 Energy
Research & Social Science 399, 400.
AN Didenko, et al., After Libra, Digital Yuan and COVID-19: Central Bank Digital
Currencies and the New World of Money and Payment Systems(2020) 65/2020 European
Banking Institute Working Paper Series 1, 46, 50; H Wang, Achieving Financial Inclusion
Through Digital Currencies (United Nations Development Programme 2024) <https://www.
currencies>; H Wang, How Can CBDCs Be Designed to Drive Financial Inclusion? (United
Nations Development Programme 2024) h
Wang (n 12) 4.
M Gossen and O Lell, Sustainable Consumption in the Digital Age: A Plea for a Systemic
Policy Approach to Turn Risks into Opportunities(2023) 32 GAIA 71, 74.
See, e.g., Energy Conservation Act 2012 (2020 Rev Ed), ss 26B, 40.
See, e.g., California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 6 (2022).
MIT Digital Currency Initiative (n 120).
Bank Indonesia, Project Garuda: Navigating the Architecture of Digital Rupiah(2022) 7.
Wyborn et al (n 24) 64.
Agur et al (n 7) 18.
G7 (n 42) 12.
World Economic Forum, Central Bank Digital Currency Policy-Maker Toolkit(2020) 24.
Armitage et al (n 85) 88.
20500394, 0, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [20/10/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
As another example, regulators could learn to address informa-
tional challenges in governance, including access to information
(e.g., the environmental impact of new initiatives) by stakeholders,
as well as the limits of existing knowledge.
Procedural rules should
outline the procedures and infrastructure for the production of infor-
mation for decision making, the extent of investigation for adminis-
trative decisions, and the integration of information infrastructure
with management processes.
To illustrate, such a process to gen-
erate data on the environmental effects of new developments and
possible alternatives could be the EU's regulatory framework for
environmental assessments,
although these usually concern one-
off assessments.
Institutionally, management frameworks on water
and the marine environment (e.g., the Maritime Spatial Planning
Directive) require EU Member States to develop water status moni-
toring processes that are integrated into the formulation of the
future management of sea basins.
Similar data generation and
integration strategies may be considered by CBDC governance to
ensure effective planning such as risk assessment and management
(e.g., the possible minimum energy efficiency requirements of hard-
ware and software, the planning of e-waste treatment capacity
development to promote benefits like recovering valuable materials
from e-waste
In addition, regulators could learn to integrate sustainability into
CBDC ecosystems (such as app development) and different stages of
CBDCs (e.g., outsourcing, future-proofing). Legal frameworks can
solidify sustainability as a crucial factor in navigating digitalisation. It is
important to endow legal authorities with the capacity to institute pol-
icies and practices that encourage the alignment of sustainability and
digitalisation. In other words, the law can explicitly provide the rele-
vant authorities legal power to harmonise digitalisation and sustain-
ability, thus solidifying sustainability as a crucial factor in navigating
Rules could be developed to align digitalisation with sustainability.
The outsourcing of CBDC activities and the future-proofing of CBDCs
provide valuable insight into the intersection between sustainability
and digitalisation. Both private (e.g., financial institutions) and public
actors (e.g., central banks) may outsource their activities to a vendor,
such as outsourcing the development of CBDC platforms to private
Separately, future-proofing a payment system would
mean improving system resilience and equipping it to deal with future
Rules (such as rules on disclosure of outsourced activities'
environmental impact) could be developed to mediate the behaviour
of actors in the CBDC ecosystem to ensure the activities are properly
outsourced and future-proof, with sustainability in mind.
In terms of the forms of rules, guidelines are often a good starting
Guidelines may explain regulators' expectations for the
enhance the industry's understanding of regulators'
approach to enforcement,
help regulators to review industry
promote compliance
and develop a culture that
aligns digitalization with sustainability. In other words, guidelines
direct the behaviour of specified actors through outlining principles or
best practice standards, and the adherence to these guidelines can
affect the regulator's risk evaluation of the actor.
Guidelines may
apply to not only the industry but also public actors.
In terms of the content of rules, rules should highlight the require-
ment to consider sustainability implications in decision-making. Com-
parable situations have emerged in various domains: consider the
privacy regulations imposed on app development in response to
the COVID-19 pandemic, which aligned data privacy considerations
with public health measures.
Guidelines could encourage financial
institutions (e.g., banks, asset managers) to identify, monitor and man-
age environmental risks.
In the same vein, regulations can learn
from such practice by aligning sustainability with digitalization through
requirements that track and mitigate environmental risks. Taking
future-proofing as an example, guidelines might cover the following
aspects: (i) the requirements in key aspects such as energy efficiency
of software, hardware and underlying technology to reduce energy
consumption; (ii) material sourcing to encourage using sustainable
materials in hardware, including servers and other devices; and (iii) e-
waste management to minimise e-waste and improve environmentally
sound e-waste collection and treatment.
Soininen et al (n 33) 44.
I Mukherjee, Rethinking the Procedural in Policy Instrument Compounds: A Renewable
Energy Policy Perspective(2021) 40 Policy and Society 312, 318.
Soininen et al (n 33) 44.
European Parliament and Council Directive (EU) 2014/52 amending Directive 2011/92/
EU on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the
environment Text with EEA relevance [2014] OJ L 124; European Parliament and Council
Directive (EC) 2001/42 on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on
the environment [2001] OJ L 197.
Soininen et al (n 33) 44.
CP Baldé et al, The Global E-waste Monitor 2024(International Telecommunication
Union (ITU) and United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) 2024) 7.
Bank for International Settlements (BIS), Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)
Information Security and Operational Risks to Central Banks: An Operational Lifecycle Risk
Management Framework(2023) 4.
G Soderberg et al, Behind the Scenes of Central Bank Digital Currency(International
Monetary Fund 2022) 4.
See, e.g., Monetary Authority of Singapore, Guidelines on Outsourcing (2018) <https://>.
Reed Smith, Revised Outsourcing Guidelines for Non-bank Financial Institutions in
Singapore (2024) <
Monetary Authority of Singapore, Guidelines on the Regulation of Markets (2005) <
Clifford Chance, MAS Publishes Revised Guidelines on Outsourcing (2016) <https://www.
National Audit Office, Principles of Effective Regulation (2021) <
accessible.pdf> 21.
Monetary Authority of Singapore, Supervisory Approach and Regulatory Instruments <
Janssen and van der Voort (n 86) 5.
See, e.g., Monetary Authority of Singapore, Guidelines on Environmental Risk
Management (Banks) (2020) <
environmental-risk-management> 4, 8; Monetary Authority of Singapore, Guidelines on
Environmental Risk Management (Asset Managers) (2020) <
See, e.g., CP Baldé et al (n 167) 13.
20500394, 0, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [20/10/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
More broadly speaking, to proactively seek solutions by learning,
regulators should be explicitly authorised and encouraged to experi-
ment with the harmonisation of digitalisation and sustainability. Cur-
rently, there is little regulation of the nascent field of CBDCs.
Moreover, it seems that sustainability issues related to CBDCs are not
highlighted in financial and environmental regulation. The People's
Bank of China, for example, put forward the Law of the People's Bank
of China (Amendment Draft for Consultation) in 2020, which pro-
poses that China's digital yuan be accepted alongside the traditional
paper yuan as legal tender.
Moreover, the Pudong New Area, one
of China's major free trade zones, plans to pilot the use of digital yuan
in carbon trading and green power trading.
However, the nexus
between digitalization and sustainability needs to be more clearly
identified in laws and regulations.
Rules, such as those used for impact assessments, shape the envi-
ronment and parameters for governmental and nongovernmental
stakeholders involved in adaptative governance.
Regulatory frame-
works should therefore grant relevant authorities the flexibility to
experiment and coordinate across both jurisdictional and substantive
This is particularly important for the coordination
between digitalisation and sustainability. It is important to integrate
sustainability as a significant factor in digitalisation efforts through
environmentally responsible CBDCs, and conversely, to thoroughly
explore solutions to sustainability challenges through the lens of
CBDC development. These considerations should not be confined to
the initial design phases of digitalisation but should also extend
to subsequent stages, including the exploration of new use cases of
3.2 |Breaking silos and developing capacity
To align digitalisation with sustainability, different stakeholders need
to work beyond silos and jointly develop their capacities. For adaptive
learning, it is essential to bridge the silos between digitalisation and
sustainability and enhance the capacity of stakeholders
(e.g., regulators) to adapt to the evolving financial landscape. The inte-
gration of diverse types of knowledge (including but not limited to the
latest scientific knowledge) is key.
Adaptive governance demands
an effective mechanism that enables stakeholders, including individ-
uals and institutions, to engage across various domains and gover-
nance levels. This fosters mutual interaction and cultivates a culture
of continuous learning.
The engagement between stakeholders
includes efforts to strengthen the networks of stakeholders as forums
of learning (e.g., multi-stakeholder platforms and initiatives to identify
knowledge gaps, develop nodes of expertise and jointly produce
), to promote information dissemination across gover-
nance layers and to develop monitoring system and feedback loops
that promote learning.
Regulatory complexities (e.g., the complex-
ity of predicting, assessing and handling the environmental implication
of digitalisation), most of which are often new, need to be addressed
in this network of CBDC governance. Importantly, the engagement
between stakeholders requires trust-building.
Experts in different fields (e.g., technology, finance, law and sus-
tainability) should be consulted early in the CBDC development pro-
cess. The coordination of different goals is also important. A
collaborative approach should be adopted to support these experts to
learn from and work with each other. For example, a common lan-
guage across different fields could be established by collaboratively
creating a sustainability risk taxonomy of digitalisation from the begin-
ning. Moreover, CBDC projects should work closely with wider
reforms to address challenges in governance.
Yet, it is essential to
recognise the varying goals across different governance systems.
The recognition of different goals involves how environmental aims
interact with other considerations in CBDC design (e.g., privacy).
Notably, private sector incentives may not always match public policy
objectives, especially regarding system compatibility, privacy protec-
tion and user identification.
Through learning, different values or
incentives can be recognised, enabling the rethinking of aims and
Adaptive governance also necessitates enhanced adaptive capac-
ity of actors to navigate uncertainties, including preparing for unex-
pected developments and expediting decision-making when urgency
is paramount.
In reality, however, there are constraints posed by
the ability of governments to adapt.
Capacity building could help
solve this problem. Capacity building includes not only the provision
of funding by governments but also contributing to knowledge (such
as knowledge creation, integration and sharing).
The utilisation of
internal and external capabilities is important,
including the capabil-
ities of central banks in both digitalisation and sustainability. Stake-
holders should not only offer assistance to other parties but also
enhance their own capacity. For example, given the complexities in
timelines and scale, support from international organisations and
arrangements, such as the BIS, United Nations, G20, Financial Stability
Board and NGFS, would be beneficial. These stakeholders are also
People's Bank of China, 'Explanation for the Law of the Peoples Bank of China
(Amendment Draft for Consultation)' (2020) <
113456/113469/4115077/index.html> para 3.6; People's Bank of China, Law of the
Peoples Bank of China (Amendment Draft for Consultation) (2020) <
cn/goutongjiaoliu/113456/113469/4115077/2020102318443757476.doc> art 19.
180,The General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office
of the State Council issued the Pudong New Area Comprehensive Reform Pilot
Implementation Plan (2023-2027)(2024) <
6927503.htm> para 2.2.
DeCaro et al (n 59) 3.
Chaffin et al (n 23) 9, 10.
Esener (n 31) 104.
ibid 103.
Bixler et al (n 78) 238, 239.
Esener (n 31) 107.
Bank of Canada et al (n 109) 6.
RK Craig, et al., Balancing Stability and Flexibility in Adaptive Governance: An Analysis of
Tools Available in U.S. Environmental Law(2017) 22 Ecology and Society 1, 1.
C Catalini and J Massari, Stablecoins and the Future of Money(2021) <
JS Levy, Learning and Foreign Policy: Sweeping a Conceptual Minefield(1994)
48 International Organization 279, 286.
Janssen and van der Voort (n 86) 3.
D Fitzpatrick, Towards Adaptive Property: Legal Design for a Climate-Affected Futurein
S Juhola (ed) Handbook on Adaptive Governance (Edward Elgar 2023) 226.
Cosens et al (n 36) 1728.
C Wang et al (n 39) 306.
20500394, 0, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [20/10/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
improving their own capacity over time. While adaptive capacity
needs to be developed by governance at the lower levels,
it may
be advisable to make adaptive capacity as an objective of relevant
laws, including the ability of rules to calibrate to different contexts in
a more efficient way.
This is particularly salient when we face the
fast-changing digitalisation landscape.
Apart from enhancing capacities, it is essential to clarify the func-
tions of various agencies and strengthen coordination among different
actors (including dialogues and a decision-support mechanism for
evidence-informed policy). Clear rules on the role and scope of a
CBDC policy are desirable for promoting coordination between cen-
tral banks, other regulators and the private sector.
While central
banks typically lead CBDC initiatives, addressing sustainability issues
naturally goes beyond their jurisdiction. Even within a singular agency,
different departments, like the legal and sustainable development
departments within a central bank, should have well-defined roles to
best address sustainability issues. Adaptive governance emphasises
learning and cooperation to find solutions. Adaptive governance calls
for meaningful interactions among policy goals and the decision-
support mechanisms that consider different interests and incorporate
various kinds of knowledge to inform the problem definition and the
selection of measures.
Bridging the gap in existing governance
arrangements requires careful consideration of the bureaucratic struc-
tures that often prioritise stability and efficiency but may hinder inno-
vation and adaptability.
Well-managed bureaucracies can swiftly
enforce new policies and guarantee adherence to them.
Janssen and van der Voort (n 86) 2.
Fitzpatrick (n 192) 227, 229.)
PL Siklos, Central Bank Digital Currency and Governance: Fit for Purpose?(Center for
International Governance Innovation 2021) 18.
Esener (n 31) 105.
Janssen and van der Voort (n 86) 5.
TABLE 2 Problems and solutions concerning CBDCs and sustainability (non-exhaustive)
Examples Factors underlying the problems
Problems E-waste Redundancy: CBDCs as an extra layer of the financial
system instead of replacing the existing financial
Time sensitiveness: A narrow window of opportunity
for CBDC design given the fast development of
Future: Possible expansion of CBDC use (domestically
and internationally) and increased resource use
Energy consumption such as that related to research and development,
operation (e.g., infrastructure like DLT and data centres) and features of
CBDCs (e.g., compliance, security, interoperability)
Non-energy resources (e.g., rare metals, water) to produce hardware
Lack of data, knowledge, regulation and cooperation concerning sustainability
and CBDCs
Solutions Experimentation, precaution and monitoring
Starting from the assessment of environmental implications of CBDCs,
including those of CBDC development and design:
Endowing legal authority to authorities to align sustainability and
Guidelines, standards and procedures to promote sustainability (e.g.,
CBDC tendering and outsourcing requirements on low-energy use
hardware and software, continuous improvement in environmental
performance of products) and to ensure access to information (e.g.,
disclosure of CBDC activities' environmental impact and CBDC energy
efficiency scores)
Tracking energy consumption and waste
Programmability to incentivise climate-friendly behaviour
Integration of eco-friendly infrastructure
Accounting standards
Other incentives to use green energy or less resources
Addressing environmental implications of CBDCs
(environmentally friendly CBDCs)
Contribution of CBDCs to sustainability (while
considering other factors like privacy protection)
Breaking silos and developing capacity
Engagement with experts from various domains (e.g., sustainability,
technology, finance, law) early in digitalisation and actions to foster
cooperation, starting with a sustainability risk taxonomy to arrive at a
common language
Clear rules on the role and scope of a CBDC policy to promote
coordination between actors
Networks across levels (e.g., different bodies, engagement with
stakeholders) and trust building to share information and solve problems
Possible interaction with wider initiatives (e.g., NGFS, e-waste treatment
capacity development initiatives)
Exploring the balance between factors such as privacy protection and data
Abbreviations: CBDCs, central bank digital currencies; DLT, distributed ledger technology; NGFS, Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening
the Financial System.
20500394, 0, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [20/10/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
efforts are needed to advance understanding and collaboration in
addressing sustainability within CBDC governance frameworks. These
efforts include dialogues among stakeholders to understand the con-
ditions faced by the regulators and the needs of stakeholders
(e.g., the policy objectives, government support to sustainability initia-
tives, financial and technological capacity of regulators, the features
of payment systems, the local needs), and learning from experience,
such as the EKLIPSE project funded by the European Commission to
support better-informed decisions of governments, businesses and
other actors regarding biodiversity.
Although the EKLIPSE project
concerns biodiversity, its process design (including the call for
requests, knowledge and experts, and relatedly the development of
an open network of knowledge
) can provide a reference for CBDCs
in conducting learning. The EKLIPSE project develops a decision-
support mechanism for evidence-informed policy, involving experts
from science and society to integrate evidence and spot knowledge
Meanwhile, peer review and open consultation are also
included. Such mechanisms can be adapted when possible and serve
as a starting point for developing processes to break silos and build
capacity. In this way, CBDC sandboxes would further engage with
knowledge holders to search for regulatory and technological tools to
solve problems.
Yet, traditional state-centric regulations may prove inadequate,
given the multitude of new and intricate issues involving numerous
stakeholders at domestic and international levels. In both the financial
and sustainability realms, regulators face the progressively uphill task
of regulation given factors including the increased complexity of prac-
tices, expanded scope of regulation and the higher demand of risk
It is imperative to investigate the dynamics of inter-
actions among various stakeholders, such as central banks, other regu-
lators and the industry (e.g., commercial banks, payment operators,
technology companies, market makers, liquidity providers and third-
party service providers), in effectively managing uncertainties. The
efforts of these stakeholders should encompass the sharing of infor-
mation, leveraging knowledge exchange and fostering cooperation
across diverse subject matters (horizontal functions). Additionally, the
focus should extend to mechanisms promoting interaction, specifically
the flow of information (including addressing potential issues like
insufficient supply of information
), among distinct levels of gover-
nance. Sustained efforts are needed to harmonise digitalisation and
sustainability (as indicated in Table 2).
For digitalisation to contribute to sustainability, institutions must
account for and mitigate ensuing environmental risks.
This requires
addressing the nexus between digitalisation and sustainability by rec-
onciling the functional, spatial and temporal mismatches that may oth-
erwise emerge between the short-term pressures to develop CBDCs
and longer-term environmental considerations.
Adaptive governance, particularly its core value of learning, can
help to address these mismatches. To best harmonise digitalisation
with sustainability, adaptive governance should prioritise two key
aspects: (1) the environmental implications of digitalisation to handle
the sustainability externalities problem; and (2) the contribution of
digitalisation to sustainability to realise environmental goals. If prop-
erly managed, learning can facilitate coordinated actions in gover-
nance and support flexible institutions. Experimentation, precaution
and monitoring are examples of collaborative learning efforts among
stakeholders (e.g., central banks, the industry, international organisa-
tions, NGOs, research institutions and the public). Actors should be
acutely aware of the need to conduct learning regularly.
Rules can
take various forms depending on the national context and start from
guidelines. These efforts help to improve governance, address new
challenges and adapt to a new landscape where new public and pri-
vate actors (e.g., new CBDC-issuing states) enter the CBDC system.
Looking ahead, there is a pressing need to advance our under-
standing, predictive abilities and responses to crucial questions con-
cerning digitalisation and its potential implications. Key issues range
from the careful consideration of parameters (e.g., the number and
location of network actors, their eligibility criteria, software and hard-
ware updates) relating to energy consumption of a digitalisation eco-
and the assessment of the feasibility of incorporating
sustainability goals in finance (including central banking) to the use of
incentives to promote learning
and the enforcement of policies
that promote digitalisation and sustainability.
This research is supported by the Sustainable Development and Com-
merce Initiative at the Centre for Commercial Law in Asia at SMU. It
is also supported partially by the Australian Research Council's Dis-
covery Projects funding scheme (project DP220101632). A previous
version or parts of this article have been presented at the 2023 SMU-
Sydney-HKU Law and Sustainability Conference, the Asian Develop-
ment Bank Institute and UNSW Sydney.
Some portions of this article have also been presented during the
keynote presentations of the author at the World Bank FCI (Finance,
Competitiveness and Innovation) Seoul Center's 10th Anniversary
Event and the Vaduz Roundtable. The author is grateful to the
Hovelsrud and Westskog (n 58) 197.
EKLIPSE endeavours to create a process to advice European policy on biodiversity and
related environmental issues. For example, dialogue is used between actors such as a process
facilitator and the requester of a certain policy. A Watt et al, EKLIPSE: Engaging Knowledge
Holders and Networks for Evidence-Informed European Policy on Biodiversity and
Ecosystem Services(2018) 15 Evidence and Policy 253, 254, 257; EKLIPSE, About, <>
ibid 258, 259.
ibid 255.
DW Arner et al, FinTech and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Building Financial
Ecosystems for Resilience, Innovation and Sustainable Development(2022) 39 Banking and
Finance Law Review 5, 27.
H Wang and S Gao, The Future of the International Financial System: The Emerging
CBDC Network and Its Impact on Regulation(2024) 18 Regulation and Governance
288, 296.
M Barth et al, Sustainable Digitalisation-Fostering the Twin Transformation in a
Transdisciplinary Way(2023) 32 GAIA 6, 6.
Cooney and Lang (n 20) 534.
Agur et al (n 6) 6, 7.
Armitage et al (n 85) 86.
Shilina (n 144).
20500394, 0, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [20/10/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
insightful comments of three anonymous reviewers, Michelle Lim,
Harro van Asselt, Fleur Johns, Barbara Cosens, Aiaze Mitha, Rolf
H. Weber, Paul Stern, Ross Buckley, Stefanie Schacherer, Nengye Liu,
Xia Ying, Weihuan Zhou, Tony Song and other participants of these
events. Thanks go to Layton Hubble, Enqi Liu, Heather Whelahan,
Guy Suttner and other research assistants for their valuable
Data sharing not applicable to this article as no datasets were gener-
ated during the current study.
Heng Wang
Heng Wang is a Professor of Law and Lee Kong Chian Fellow at
the Yong Pung How School of Law, Singapore Management Uni-
versity, where he also serves as the Associate Dean (Faculty Mat-
ters & Research). He is also an adjunct professor at the Faculty of
Law & Justice, University of New South Wales (UNSW Law &
Justice). Prior to these appointments, he was a professor and
founding co-director of the Herbert Smith Freehills China Interna-
tional Business and Economic Law (CIBEL) Centre, UNSW Law &
Justice. Heng is a recipient of major grants and awards and has
been named as a top researcher in international law by The
Australian newspaper. His work has been cited in intergovernmen-
tal organisation documents. Heng has advised or been a keynote
speaker at events organised by many reputable organisations and
institutions (e.g., ADB, APEC and Korean Foreign Ministry, Bun-
NAB, UNDP, UNICTRAL, World Bank, WTO) and the private sec-
tor. His current research focuses on the governance of digitalisa-
tion and sustainability, as well as the future of international
economic relationships.
How to cite this article: Wang H. Addressing governance
challenges of digitalisation and sustainability: The case of
central bank digital currency. RECIEL. 2024;115. doi:10.1111/
20500394, 0, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [20/10/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
Can digitalization be designed in such a way that it does not harm the environment or promote unsustainable lifestyles? Can it even promote a green transformation? The authors of this GAIA special issue discuss how stakeholder engagement and transdisciplinary approaches can help address digitalization and sustainability in an integrated way. The special issue deepens insights into the state of knowledge on sustainable digitalization in both scientific and political discourses.
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The emergence of central bank digital currency (CBDC) provides an opportunity for central banks to make an important contribution to the transition to a circular economy. This paper examines the role of a central bank digital currency in the circular economy. Central banks can contribute to the transition to a circular economy in two ways: first, by making central bank digital currency accessible to circular businesses and other players in the circular economy sector; and second, by looking into how the design features of CBDC can support circular economy goals. On the role of CBDC in the circular economy, I argue that a central bank digital currency offers a better payment option for circular economy financial transactions; central bank digital currency can lead to greater financial inclusion for ‘unbanked’ informal workers in the circular economy; CBDC can create a gateway that allows a central bank to offer financial assistance to distressed circular businesses; using a central bank digital currency can reduce illicit activities in the circular economy; a central bank digital currency can be used to provide stimulus funding to support circular businesses during crises; and, a central bank digital currency can offer low transaction cost for circular economy financial transactions. The paper also shows the link between CBDC and the circular economy. It also offers a critical perspective on the link between CBDC and the circular economy.
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This paper sets out a proposal for framing collective responsibility as a central element within the cooperative governance of climate change. It begins by reconstructing the analysis of climate change as a Tragedy of the Commons in the economic literature and as a Problem of Many Hands in the ethical literature. Both formalizations are shown to represent dilemmatic situations where an individual has no rational incentive to prevent the climate crisis and no moral requirement to be held responsible for contributing to it. Traditionally both dilemmas have been thought to be solvable only through a vertical structure of decision-making. Where contemporary research in political economy has undergone a “governance revolution”, showing how horizontal networks of public, private, and civil society actors can play an important role in the management of the climate crisis, little research has been carried out in the ethical field on how to secure accountability and responsibility within such a cooperative structure of social agency. Therefore, this paper contributes by individuating some conditions for designing responsible and accountable governance processes in the management of climate change. It concludes by claiming that climate change is addressable only insofar as we transition from a morality based on individual responsibility to a new conception of morality based on our co-responsibility for preventing the climate crisis.
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The vast transactional, trust and security advantages of Bitcoin are dwarfed by the intentionally resource-intensive design in its transaction verification process which now threatens the climate we depend upon for survival. Indeed Bitcoin mining and transactions are an application of Blockchain technology employing an inefficient use of scarce energy resources for a financial activity at a point in human development where world governments are scrambling to reduce energy consumption through their Paris Agreement climate change commitments and beyond to mitigate future climate change implications. Without encouraging more sustainable development of the potential applications of Blockchain technologies which can have significant social and economic benefits, their resource-intensive design combined now pose a serious threat to the global commitment to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. The article examines government intervention choices to desocialise negative environmental externalities caused by high-energy consuming Blockchain technology designs. The research question explores how to promote the environmentally sustainable development of applications of Blockchain without damaging this valuable sector. It studies existing regulatory and fiscal policy approaches towards digital currencies in order to provide a basis for further legal and policy tools targeted at mitigating energy consumption of Blockchain technologies. The article concludes by identifying appropriate fiscal policy options for this purpose, as well as further considerations on the potential for Blockchain technology in climate change mitigation.
The optimal design of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) is analyzed in an environment where agents sort into cash, CBDC, and bank deposits according to their preferences over anonymity and security; and where network effects make the convenience of a payment instrument depend on the number of its users. A CBDC can be designed with attributes similar to cash or deposits, and can be interest bearing: a CBDC that closely competes with deposits depresses bank credit and output, while a cash-like CBDC may lead to the disappearance of cash. Then, the optimal CBDC design trades off bank intermediation against the social value of maintaining diverse payment instruments. When network effects matter, an interest-bearing CBDC alleviates the central bank’s tradeoff.
Adaptive governance has emerged in the last decade as an intriguing avenue of theory and practice for the holistic management of complex environmental problems. Research on adaptive governance has flourished since the field's inception, probing the process and mechanisms underpinning the new approach while offering various justifications and prescriptions for empirical use. Nevertheless, recent reviews of adaptive governance reveal some important conceptual and practical gaps in the field, particularly concerning challenges in its application to real-world cases. In this paper, we respond directly to the empirical challenge of adaptive governance, specifically asking: which methods contribute to the implementation of successful adaptive governance process and outcomes in practice and across cases and contexts? We adopt a systematic literature review methodology which considers the current body of empirical literature on adaptive governance of social-ecological systems in order to assess and analyse the methods affecting successful adaptive governance practice across the range of existing cases. We find that methods contributing to adaptive governance in practice resemble the design recommendations outlined in previous adaptive governance scholarship, including meaningful collaboration across actors and scales; effective coordination between stakeholders and levels; building social capital; community empowerment and engagement; capacity development; linking knowledge and decision-making through data collection and monitoring; promoting leadership capacity; and exploiting or creating governance opportunities. However, we critically contextualise these methods by analysing and summarising their patterns-in-use, drawing examples from the cases to explore the specific ways they were successfully or unsuccessfully applied to governance issues on-the-ground. Our results indicate some important underlying shared patterns, trajectories, and lessons learned for evidence-based adaptive governance good practice within and across diverse sectors, issues, and contexts.
The notion of adaptive governance was originally created to capture forms of collaboration in socio-ecological systems that can respond to rapid changes in the environment. However, such a notion also has a great potential to be transferred and understood in the digital government context, where there is an increasing need to establish forms of collaboration that can respond to swift changes in the environment related to technology and citizen demands. Drawing on the analysis of four cases of IT-related project collaboration, we put forward that the degree of sharing of decision-making power and of accountability between government and non-government actors is critical to developing different types of adaptive governance. Findings show that the distribution of decision-making power and of accountability can be decoupled, resulting in three types of adaptive governance - namely polycentric, agile, and organic governance. We contribute to research by detailing and empirically testing the notion of adaptive governance in a digital government context, and to practice by highlighting the role of the distribution of decision-making power and of accountability in devising adaptive governance strategies.