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Parametric Architectural Design for a New City Identity: Materials, Environments and New Applications


Abstract and Figures

In contemporary architectural Design, we speak of a parametric structural design. A design that integrates new functionalities crossed with the spatial geometry of objects. It has been considered structured because it optimizes combinations that integrate a minimum of materials and data to respond to functions, uses, and needs more adapted to a society in perpetual evolution. Parametric modelling allows the usability of new materials and the integration of new structures in a variety of design environments. This transdisciplinary research explores aspects of parametric modelling, a design method that creates digital models using algorithms and parameters. By focusing on the material and immaterial plurality of the designed space, this method enables the generation of complex and innovative forms that would be difficult to realize with traditional methods. Then, from a position that redefines the city as both a "medium" city and an "object" city, we explore the fields of application and novelties that are investing in the fields of architectural construction. We examine how parametric modelling can be used to create more sustainable and environmentally efficient buildings, using parametric processes, and optimizing the use of space. In this sense, our research will lead us to identify two aspects of parametric modelling: the conceptual parametric design aspect and the constructive parametric design aspect. Finally, the results of our research enable us to identify a design process that demonstrates the feasibility of using parametric modelling to generate viable, sustainable, and versatile spaces.
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Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs
2023, Volume 7, Number 1, pages 122138
Original scientific paper
Parametric Architectural Design for a New City Identity:
Materials, Environments and New Applications
* Dr. Ines Sahtout Gaha
Department of Design, Higher Institute of Fine Arts Tunis, Tunis University, Tunisia
Article History:
Received: 12 February 2023
Revised: 16 March 2023
Accepted: 19 June 2023
Available online: 30 June 2023
Parametric Design;
Architectural Modeling;
Constructive Parametric Design;
City Identity.
In contemporary architectural Design, we speak of a parametric structural design. A design that
integrates new functionalities crossed with the spatial geometry of objects. It has been considered
structured because it optimizes combinations that integrate a minimum of materials and data to
respond to functions, uses, and needs more adapted to a society in perpetual evolution.
Parametric modelling allows the usability of new materials and the integration of new structures
in a variety of design environments. This transdisciplinary research explores aspects of
parametric modelling, a design method that creates digital models using algorithms and
parameters. By focusing on the material and immaterial plurality of the designed space, this
method enables the generation of complex and innovative forms that would be difficult to realize
with traditional methods. Then, from a position that redefines the city as both a "medium" city
and an "object" city, we explore the fields of application and novelties that are investing in the
fields of architectural construction. We examine how parametric modelling can be used to create
more sustainable and environmentally efficient buildings, using parametric processes, and
optimizing the use of space. In this sense, our research will lead us to identify two aspects of
parametric modelling: the conceptual parametric design aspect and the constructive parametric
design aspect. Finally, the results of our research enable us to identify a design process that
demonstrates the feasibility of using parametric modelling to generate viable, sustainable, and
versatile spaces.
This article is an open-access article
distributed under the terms and conditions
of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International (CC BY 4.0)
Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs
stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional
claims in published maps and institutional
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s).
Contribution to the field statement
- This paper explores the fundamentals of parametric design as an innovative
digital environment for architectural design
- It captures the architectural specificities of the city of Tunis through parametric
- It highlights the conceptual and constructive specificities of the city's
architectural design
- Emphasizes the importance of participatory design in the architectural design
process to create more inclusive and sustainable urban spaces.
The article contributes to the field of architecture and urban planning by
exploring innovative approaches to design, sustainability, and city
identity, while also advocating for a more inclusive, human-centered,
and participatory design process that considers the well-being and
preferences of local communities. These contributions have the potential
to positively impact the social and cultural fabric of cities and their
inhabitants. Overall, this manuscript provides a significant contribution
to the existing literature on parametric architectural design and explores
the importance of participatory design in the architectural design
process. By involving stakeholders from the beginning of the design
process, this approach makes it possible to create urban spaces that are
more inclusive and responsive to the needs of local communities.
*Corresponding Author:
Department of Design, Higher Institute of Fine Arts Tunis, Tunis University, Tunisia
How to cite this article:
Gaha, I. S. (2023). Parametric Architectural Design for a New City Identity: Materials, Environments and New Applications. Journal of Contemporary
Urban Affairs, 7(1), 122-138.
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1. Introduction
Our research focuses on exploring the potential of parametric architectural design to define a new
urban identity. Parametricism is thus growing up and becoming serious about making an impact in the
world (Schumacher, 2016). We focus on using parametric modeling to create buildings that are
responsive to user needs while being environmentally and socially sustainable. By using algorithms
and parameters to generate digital models, architects can create complex and innovative forms that
would be difficult to achieve using traditional methods (Kelly, 2014). We also seek to bring together
elements that could consolidate the new parametric modeling experiments developed by designers and
researchers in spatial geometries with the new constraints of architectural construction. The
computational grasp of parameter-dependent processes of emergence and transformation is also a
winning proposition in the field of urban planning and design (Schumacher, 2016). Therefore, this
paper examines how parametric modeling can be used to optimize the construction and fabrication of
new buildings, using environment-friendly materials, and optimizing the use of space. Finally, we seek
to create a homogenized and improved spatial interpretation and identification of the city using
parametric modeling. By focusing on the material and immaterial plurality of the designed space, this
method generates complex and innovative forms that reflect the unique identity of each city. An
identity constructed according to ambivalent criteria based on the architectural space's use and
functionality. This territorial identity matches together natural identity elements which are related to
the natural environment data of the city, with human identity elements which are the individual and
the society, both are linked to the artefactual identity elements identified as arrangements made in a
city (Sönmez, 2020). The results of our research identify the crucial role of parametric modeling as a
design process in generating viable, sustainable, and versatile spaces for the cities of the future.
Parametric architectural design is an innovative approach in the field of architecture that is intended to
create buildings and public spaces using advanced digital tools. It is founded on the use of parameters
that control all aspects of an architectural project, from geometry to environmental performance. This
approach aims to design buildings and public spaces that are relevant to environments and
communities and can reflect a sense of belonging and experience. The word ‘architecture’ seems to
mean both a thing and an activity. On the one hand, it seems to imply buildings with certain
‘architectural’ attributes imposed on them. On the other, it seems to describe what architects do, a
certain way of going about the process of making buildings. (Hillier, 2007). By modeling the
architects’ designers can include various parameters such as topography, natural light, wind,
materials...etc. Computer modeling is a method of virtual representation that provides a form of
electronic prototyping. It allows ideas to be developed, described, visualized, and evaluated in terms
of environmental performance without the expense of actual construction or the time-consuming task
of producing drawings (Frazer, 2016). In that sense, we have decided to study parametric architectural
design to define it in a specific context related to the methods of conception, to the construction
environments, and especially to architectural city modelization. This involves, among other things, a
search for an answer to the following questions:
How can parametric designing with new architectural software include essential algorithms for
optimizing the configuration and enhancement of a project?
What are new investigation environments that parametric design explores to optimize the lived
experience in the city?
What are the distinctions between conceptual parametric design models and constructive
parametric design models?
Should a city's architectural sustainability depend more on the preservation of its environment
or its constant updating through design parameters?
1.1 Methodology
Our research is divided into four parts and is based on a mixed methodological approach that combines
theory and practice. First, we define the properties of parametric modeling by reviewing different
design methods that use algorithms and parameters to generate numerical models. We'll explore how
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this method can be used to create more sustainable, efficient, and aesthetic buildings.
Next, we'll begin an explanatory section devoted to architectural application environments and their
dimensions. We'll look at how parametric modeling can be used to optimize the construction and
fabrication of structures, using specific materials, and optimizing the use of space. We will also explore
ways in which this method can be used to design buildings that fulfill users' needs while being
environmentally friendly and viable in a sustainable way. Third, we will distinguish between the
characteristics of the city as a "medium" and the city as an "object" (Table 4). We will examine how
parametric modeling can be used to create complex and innovative forms that reflect the unique
identity of each city. We will also explore how this method can be used to create more citizen-friendly
public spaces. Finally, we will discuss a new architectural vision that includes the user as the first actor
in the design of his city.
1.2 Aim and Materials
The main objective of this research is to explore how parametric architectural design can be used to
create a unique identity to achieve a participative appropriation of the city. This approach involves
focusing on the materials used in construction, the environments created by architecture, and possible
new applications with parametric design. It's about bringing together our most distinctive and cohesive
architectural and participatory elements into a strong and meaningful city statement. The socio-
economic and territorial development of a society can be significantly influenced by exploring
parametric architectural design to create a unique identity for a city. By creating a city with strong,
coherent urban planning, it is possible to support and strengthen the cultural identity of the city. This
identity can be shaped by elements such as architecture, parametric planning, the arts, and citizen
participation. Encouraging community participation in the creation of this identity can strengthen
residents' sense of belonging. Through a cartographic study specific to the city of Tunis, we aim to
highlight architectural and environmental dimensions that actualize aspects of the user amenity
experience. A parametric demonstration based on programs, plugins, and presenting architectural
indicators will be implemented. We will examine how the usability of materials and new algorithms
can be linked to inclusive parametric architecture and connected society. The following illustration
(Figure 1) outlines the specific methodology process required to put this research into action. It
represents a frieze that defines the starting point of our research which is based on the literary
modalities that define parametric architectural design. This methodology is then divided into two
distinct levels: the first involves imagining and drawing digital models, while the second involves
imagining and making these models. By exploring these two different design phases, our research aims
to identify the advantages and constraints of parametric modeling. A transition is highlighted to link
definitions and theory to a qualitative state of art that reveals the city as a duality inscribing a
conceptual-environmental and constructive-architectural schematization. After testing and displaying
mapping simulations focused on users' experiences in the city of Tunis, its way findings, and
amnesties, (figure 5) designed to demonstrate the value of social and architectural inclusion; we'll be
able to identify the key factors for a better parametric architectural design. An original architectural
parametric design for the city will be suggested, integrating all social specificities, and enhancing
functionality and usability for a more interconnected society.
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Figure 1. Methodological process.
2. Theoretical Background: The fundamentals of parametric design
One of the most profound aspects of contemporary architecture is not the rediscovery of complex
curving forms, but the newfound ability to generate construction information directly from design
information through the new processes and techniques of digital design and production (Branko, 2003).
Otherwise, to encapsulate the cardinal principles of parametric design we adopt through this research
a multidimensional approach that links parametric architectural design to definitions identifying theory
and practice. This chapter has the merit of focusing on new parametric architectural design methods,
which attempt to redefine the dimension of research/design in both an epistemological and digital
context. The epistemological aspect is seen through the modeling processes and the numerical aspect
through the new architectural principles of parametric realization. The fundamentals of parametric
design are explained in this section according to a reading direction identifying the birth of the
parametric architectural notion through different interpretations and reasonings. Etymologically,
parametric design is a paradoxical term. The adjective "parametric" refers to parameter, which comes
from the Greek "para", signifying a subsidiary or assistant, and the term "metron", which implies
"measurement". This, in turn, opens two windows on its significance- the one mathematical, reflecting
a measurable factor that defines a system or sets the conditions for its operation, and another that is
more general, describing the boundary and scope of a specific process or activity (Semlali, 2017).
Modeling and configuring architectural space have nowadays become a tool that offers spatial
experimentation and mutually integrates the user and the architect in a reading and interpretation phase.
In this sense, each modeling work requires configured expertise and creativity based on specific
architectural knowledge. Digitally modelled representations that handle function and are used to
identify constantly changing needs. In this sense, Robert Woodbury states that Design is changed.
Parametric modeling represents change (Woodbury, 2010) We highlight the term "change" since it is
defined in a computer modeling context; the character of a parametric design project is identified in
terms of changes during its realization. The use of relationship programs for generating shapes,
fragmenting spaces, and even performing algorithms, constantly invites iteration to be part of the
design process. Each modification represents a new parameter setting, and each new parameter setting
produces a new creative experience. Alternating tasks that focus on specific spatial prototyping and
identifying functionalities and usability. Graphical and parametric exploration is a process that leads
the designer into an interactive research phase and allows him to explore a set of solutions to define
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his final project. In this same definitional context, (Wassim, Shwe, Peter, Robert, & Simon, 2017)
integrates a specific vocabulary that refers to parametric architectural configuration as a kind of
prototype, he defines the integration of new programs alternating solutions and combinations between
color material and environment as "electronic prototyping" (Wassim, Shwe, Peter, Robert, & Simon,
2017). This dynamic research is methodologically carried out according to the project phases and we
can even talk about parametric methods. First, it is a matter of manipulating complex data and
mastering programming language to reach the desired design " Desired Design-outcomes " (Helmut,
Andreas, Michael, & Kilian, 2009). Next, it is required to carry out what we can describe as
"Algorithm-Thinking" (Wassim, Shwe, Peter, Robert, & Simon, 2017) to solve problems by applying
parameters. Finally, it is a question of being part of an experimental field for architectural construction
prototypes. Prototyped models offer simulations of shapes, materials, textures, and colors and define
functionalities and uses. Modeling or simulating are tasks targeting the creation of a thought and a
generated architectural visualization. Patrick Janssen (Patrick & Rudi, 2015), defines a parametric
model as an algorithm that generates models consisting of geometry and attributes (material
definitions). This algorithm uses functions and variables, including both dependent and independent
variables. Some of the independent variables can be given a more prominent status, as the interface to
the parametric model, these are referred to as the parameters of the model (Frazer, 2016).
Figure 2. [PAD] Involving change, (Developed by Author).
Generated architectural modeling is a methodical design in which the insertion of sound images and
architectural models is generated from the implementation of several rules depending on a very specific
algorithm. Each generated design is configured with a set of modeling parameters. It is a generative
design based on algorithmic thinking allowing to apply parameters and rules that altogether define,
encode, and clarify the relationship between the imagination of the architectural space and its desirable
construction. In other terms, parametric architectural design becomes recognizable according to the
intention of the design and the response inventoried algorithmically. We will be able to classify thus
on one hand the intention of the design and on the other hand the response of the design. Generative
design is becoming increasingly important, largely due to new programming environments (Peters &
Brady, 2018), in his chapter "Parametric Environmental Design Simulation and Generative Processes",
looks at the intricacies of architectural construction. He underlines the need for architects to navigate
in a dynamic digital landscape, using a diverse range of tools for tasks encompassing document
creation, communication, graphics, drawing, design, and the use of new information technology tools.
He confirms that the development of the programming tool Processing offered another alternative
environment in which algorithmic design could be explored and shared with an interested community.
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There is a trend in architecture towards parametric designin which the designers focus their attention
on the creation of generating algorithms rather than specific instances. In this paradigm, variants of the
design are produced by varying the parameters of the underlying algorithm, and it is in the evaluation
of design variants where computer simulation can play a significant role (Peters & Brady, 2018). The
description of parametric design basics in this section, helped us to understand that technological
innovation based on new digital performance software, is a process that is introducing change for the
optimization of architectural and urban planning research. Architects, interior designers, and engineers
are faced with a significant challenge: conceptual and constructive, it involves equally thinking and
doing. However, according to (Ajla, 2016), design professionals are currently faced with many
challenges rapid technological changes, the necessity to innovate and raise the bar in building
performance, and a paradigm shift in architecture. There are several reasons why progressive practices
must continuously invest in research and the implementation of advanced technologies, but the need
to improve design processes and services is typically the overarching drive (Ajla, 2016).
2.1 Software
The second part of our research is dedicated to demonstrating the fundamental role of innovating and
creating in architectural design. Using applications dedicated to parametric architectural design, we
intend to examine some examples of parametric architectural models identifying the construction
drawings of urban cities as mentioned in figure 4 and figure 5. These examples will refer to the
interoperability of two environments and are configured using Rhino 3D parametric design software
with Grasshopper. To communicate the successful integration of new software into the architectural
design environment (Fink & Reinhard, 2019) stated that Rhinoceros 3D is a commercial Computer-
Aided-Design (CAD) software developed by Robert McNeel & Associates that bases geometry on
mathematical nurbs models (Fink & Reinhard, 2019). Also approved by (Peters & Brady, 2018), who
specified that in 2007 the introduction of Grasshopper, a new visual scripting plug-in for Rhinoceros
was recognized. The architectural community was ready for an algorithmic design tool, so Grasshopper
rapidly gained in popularity. It is financially accessible; it has a vibrant online community, and it makes
it easy for designers to create their appropriate design tools. Crucially, in the context of introducing
simulation to the digital design environment, what Rhino/Grasshopper has offered is the ability to
easily create custom plug-ins. (Peters & Brady, 2018). Interoperability between Rhino 3D and
Grasshopper is one of the key features that make them powerful tools for architects and designers. The
two programs work seamlessly together, allowing designers to create complex designs that can be
easily modified and updated. Rhino 3D provides the platform for creating 3D models, while
Grasshopper provides the tools for creating parametric designs. Interoperability between the two
programs means that designers can move quickly and easily between them, using the strengths of each
to create designs that are both visually stunning and highly functional. The most preferred design
software package for 3D modeling and parametric design is Rhinoceros and Grasshopper3d.
Rhinoceros is a professional modeling software and Grasshopper is a plug-in for Rhinoceros which
provides it with a visual programming environment that is used to define algorithms that automate
tasks in Rhino (Apellániz & Vierlinger, 2022).
3. Case Study: Environments of architectural applications versus representative dimensions
For the purposes of our research, this section aims to study design environments that generate readings
of architectural configurations and identify city-specific parameters (Peters & Brady, 2018) specified
that Homes and buildings are in constant negotiation with their immediate environment. The reality of
architectural design reveals a constant duality between the building and its environment, on the one
hand, and the design process, which can anticipate this duality and thus improve this relationship, on
the other hand. Architectural representations and models offer a future vision that can optimize the
spatial viability of buildings. They situated the act of drawing as being a predictive act of
experimenting with possible futures. The building's architects' design today form the cities of the
future. Simulation is a way in which designs can be tested for their future performance. (Peters &
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Brady, 2018). As we made clear in our first section when we defined PAD, (Figure 2) parametric
simulation depends on a process involving change, an approach linked to two different application
environments: one related to concepts and ideas, and the other to algorithm generation and
construction. In the context of historical determination (Stavric & Marina, 2011) has identified 1990
as the year when parametric design influenced the development of digital architectural design, where
we can distinguish between architectural CONCEPTUAL parametric design (Table 2) and
architectural CONSTRUCTIVE parametric design (Table 3), (Stavric & Marina, 2011). These
architectural models which are designed with parameters and program synchronizations are the object
of virtual representations covering simultaneously invariant entities and contingent entities (Agbodan,
Marcheix, Pierra, & Thabaud, 2023) which are algorithmically configured to display architectural
spaces. The space experimentation through prototyping or simulating models aims to integrate the user
consumer of the building in an atmosphere approximately close to reality. Modeling and configuring
the space becomes a tool facilitating the user's experimentation and integrating them at the same time
into a reading and interpretation phase. In this sense, each modeling activity requires configured Form-
Thinking and creativity based on architectural knowledge. The interaction between thinking and doing
will be explained by translating and transforming architectural knowledge into graphic Form-Making
representations. Parametric architectural design recognizes the particular characteristics of the city
and uses them to create buildings and public spaces that are adapted to the specific features of each
neighborhood. The particularity of the city is recognized through its climate, its environmental
insertion, its urban structuring, and its appropriation. By configuring and classifying these parameters,
Rhinoceros 3D and Grasshopper display the city and connect it with its environment in a way that
optimizes its sustainability. Through (Table 1) we set out some examples of the kind of parameters
that bring ideas to fruition. These are just some of the plug-ins that are appropriate for the software
Table 1. Table Showing parameter classes from, Form-Thinking to Form-Making
Design Plugins Assistance.
The Meta-Parameters classes
Parametric Architectural CONSTRUCTIVE
Form Making Imagine and Make
Combining, synchronizing, and prototyping
Envelope + Texture + Covering + Walls
Usability + Shapes + Contours +
Population + Genome+ Fitness, Selection,
Crossing-over + Mutation
[ PAD] Results through visualizations simulations and prototypes.
To create a geometric simulation in Rhino, Grasshopper offers a visual programming function. Users
can switch and group nodes between multiple functions to create code that defines what is being
created and calculates adequate solutions. That's why this methodology is often referred to as computer
modeling. According to Peters and Brady (2018), design simulation can predict building performance
by comparing early geometries in terms of energy consumption, daylight, shading, airflow, comfort,
sunlight, and other parameters. (Peters & Brady, 2018).
3.1 Imagine and Draw, Imagine and Make
Parametric architectural conceptual design is an approach to designing buildings that uses parametric
modeling techniques to imagine and then draw 3D models and plans with adjustable parameters. This
enables architects and designers to imagine and make (Lafhaj, AlBalkhy, & Linner, 2023), to explore,
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and test different design options quickly and efficiently, based on specific design objectives and
constraints. The emphasis is on generating a concept, a form that can later be developed into a more
detailed design. Parametric architectural Constructive design is an approach to building system design
that uses parametric modeling mechanisms to generate detailed, constructive design solutions. It
involves the creation of three-dimensional models with adjustable parameters linked to building
elements and systems. This enables architects to optimize constructability, structural integrity, material
efficiency, and other construction site considerations. The aim is to create a design that can be
efficiently translated into a built structure.
3.1.1 Parametric Architectural CONCEPTUAL Design
Conceptual Parametric Modeling is an architectural design method that allows architects and designers
to create digital models using algorithms and parameters. Using extensions such as Ladybug and
Honeybee in Grasshopper, building professionals can design for a specific environment based on
climatic and geographic data. This allows architects to configure a climate based on the city, which
can help create more sustainable and energy-efficient building designs. Ultimately, conceptual
parametric modeling offers an innovative approach to architectural design that allows architects to
create more accurate and customized models to meet their clients' needs. The climate simulation of
downtown Tunis is a concrete example of the use of parametric conceptual modeling in architecture
as shown through (Figure 3).
Table 2. Ladybug and Honeybee as two examples of Parametric Architectural CONCEPTUAL
Typical program application
Interoperability with extensions
Ladybug is a Grasshopper plug-in for
visualizing and analyzing atmospheric
data. It provides representations such as
sun position and trajectory, wind
simulation, psychrometric map, etc., as
well as geometric analyses such as
radiation analysis, shadow study, and
view and visibility analysis. (Energy Plus
Weather File)
Honeybee is a Grasshopper3D extension
that connects to certified simulation models
such as Energy-Plus/Open-Studio for
building energy management, HVAC
calibration, climate comfort... etc. As
regards Radiance for daylight and
transparency simulation, Honeybee is a
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Figure 3. Climate modelisation with Ladybug and Honeybee, downtown Tunis.
3.1.2 Parametric Architectural CONSTRUCTIVE Design
By presenting these study cases, which explain both the properties of some of the Rhino and
Grasshopper programs and show examples of customized downtown Tunis simulations, we show how
program and plugin management can be used to optimize and read architectural renderings. We began
with the idea of a concept defined using an immaterial environment integrated into units of measure
to create simulations identifying the city's atmosphere and demonstrating its capability to interact with
its environment on the one hand, and with its users on the other.
Next, we became aware of algorithms supporting genomes and concordances to generate architectural
models that are specific to both environmental and architectural parameters. Integrated features in
Rhino and Grasshopper enable parameters to be applied to different territory components, offering
great design flexibility. Grasshopper modeling enables complex geometries to be managed and shaped,
facilitating the creation of innovative, customized designs. This is what the authors Domenica,
Arianne, and Pepe (2022) have pointed out by asserting that the parameterization of the objects can be
applied to different elements of the territory by means of the tools implemented in Rhino and
Grasshopper. Indeed, programming in Grasshopper makes it possible to manage and model even
complex geometries (Domenica, Arianna, & PEPE, 2022).
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Table 3. Urbano and Galapagos as two examples of Parametric Architectural CONSTRUCTIVE
Typical program application
Interoperability with genomes
Urbano: To explore the city's geospatially
in 2D and 3D, Data is collected from the
OSM website. As soon as the model is
downloaded from the platform, it becomes
usable in the Rhinoceros/Grasshopper.
(Figure 4)
Galapagos: Galapagos provides a
prospecting genome to achieve fitness that
can be maximized or minimized.
Galapagos minimizing and maximizing
mass-addition distances between the
searched best point and all amenities
prospected on the map as shown on (Figure
Starting from an immaterial conceptual vision and interoperating with constructive properties, the city
takes shape and form, not only according to its environment and atmosphere but also according to a
communal imaginary and social DNA. The interoperability of model generation makes it possible to
develop a coexistence between architectural experience and perception. Digital simulations can be
used to convert quantitative building structure data into more qualitative and sensorial experiences, as
(Yanni, 2012) confirms by explaining that computer simulations transform quantitative models of
building physics into qualitative sensory experiences (Yanni, 2012). In this same context, (Oxman &
Gu, 2015) defined the particularity of this type of design as generative modeling which is mentioned
as a complex process involving the development and use of systems that are concerned with the
emergence of forms, from relationships, norms, and generative parameters. The emerging forms are
generated by preformulated processes.
Figure 4. Urbano. Building 3D models using Open Street Map.
Interaction is a fundamental part of this model, as it enables generative features to be applied to design.
For this, it is important to have an interactive design module that enables the designer to manipulate
and direct the production of the desired solutions. In short, the generative model is a powerful tool for
designers seeking to create complex, innovative forms using pre-established processes and close
interaction with the system. (Table 3), highlights the interoperability of the urban cartography of the
city of Tunis with the landmarks constructed in the city according to the activities of citizens. This
duality is further illustrated in (Figure 5), where the Urbano and Galapagos tools resize the city
according to its geographic features and the location of amenities, allowing more accurate
visualizations to be designed for obvious constructions. This approach provides a better understanding
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of citizens' needs and habits and can help design more appropriate and sustainable urban projects for
the city.
Figure 5. Novel Constructive benchmarks based on distances to commodities.
The generative model is the design of, and interaction with, complex mechanisms that deal with the
emergence of forms deriving from generative rules, relations, and principles. Shapes and forms are a
result of pre-formulated generative processes. Interaction is a major priority in this model. To employ
generative techniques in design, there is a need for an interactive module that provides control and
choices for the designer to guide the selection of desired solutions (Oxman & Gu, 2015).
We deduce that parametric architectural design is a reliable [incorporating error correction] and
iterative process, [Choose -select- optimize- perform-evaluate] that enhances the results' visibility and
connects the user to his future environment through space prototyping. Parameterization increases the
complexity of both designer tasks and interface as designers must model not only the artifact being
designed but a conceptual structure that guides variation. Parametric settings can have both positive
and negative impacts on tasks, performance, and designers' perception of results. On the one hand,
parameterization can encourage the search for more context-sensitive designs, encourage the
exploration of new forms and types of form creation, reduce the time and effort required for changes
and improvements, and enable a better understanding of the object's conceptual structure in the design
phase. On the other hand, configuration can require additional effort, increase the complexity of local
design decisions, and increase the number of elements to be taken into account when carrying out the
requested tasks (Aish & Robert, 2005). To reach a culture of innovation within architectural design,
the introduction of these modeling environments provides us with some sustainable perspectives that
are ultimately linked to the viability of the city and its future configuration in terms of energy, ecology,
and the use of bio-based and even recycled composite materials. In the following section of our
research, we will focus on the effects of such parametric models on the creation of a city's identity.
4. Findings: The city's identity, from medium to object
In the beginning, was the city. Or rather, the dream of a city. That's all. [...]. To this we've added poetry:
The city palpitates like a heart, the city flies like a breath. An ever-expanding vivacity fills these
imaginary cities. Some have mistaken this urban poetry for utopia (Lassave, 1992). This is how
Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs, 7(1), 122-138 / 2023
Dr. Ines Sahtout Gaha 133
Lassave describes the city, by attributing a connotation linked to a collective imagination. An image
that refers to the city's history, inscribed in the memory of its residents, it remains alive by its
belonging. This same city today takes care to satisfy the needs of all its users, a modern city, a city of
consumption that offers paths, wayfinding, and especially shelter. If we decide to build a sustainable
city with historical and cultural values, it should be the city that offers all the amenities needed to lead
a comfortable life. A city designed according to the needs of its citizens. The visual appearance of a
city is not necessarily perceived in the same way by all those who live in it, approach it, or pass through
it; (Figure 6) the mental image they have of it may be forged by different feelings or practical needs:
the need to find one's way around, a zest for life, aesthetic imperatives, the desire to belong to a
community, etc (Lynch, 1984).
Figure 6. Identity is at the heart of the city's parameters.
4.1 The city identity, a material, and an immaterial construction
The city is a physically and spatially complex entity, combining economic, social, cultural, and
environmental aspects. For this reason, urban design is a disciplinary field that links architecture and
spatial planning. It is also a meeting hub for designers, engineers, artists, architects, and garden
planners, all working together to satisfy human needs and expectations. In describing our results, we
refer to two urban design pioneers and theorists, Ildefons Cerdà (Cerdà, 2022), the engineer, and
Camillo Sitte, (Sitte & Stewart, 2013) the architect, who proposed two styles of discourse and two
types of graphic representation, revolving respectively "The city as an object" on the one hand, and
"The city as a medium" on the other. We thus propose to link together the two parametric design
environments that we have pre-configured in (Table 1), as follows: a "city as a medium" that identifies
itself through lived experience and the image of the drawn city, and an "object city" that builds a
relationship with urban space. A constructive vision that defines typology, density, contours,
appearance, shapes, and architectural functionalities.
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Table 4. Design the city object by perceiving the environment.
Designing The Medium City. [Table
Building The Object City. [Table 3]
Nature, history, culture, society,
heritage, the idea of the city
through time, the city of the
future, the social imagination
The management of accessibility,
wayfinding, behaviours,
citizenship, participation,
comfort, and livability.
The idea of a sustainable city,
green design…etc.
Algorithm Thinking
Solidity, convenience, and beauty
(Alain, 1999)
Typology study
Composition modeling
Measuring the density of
Urban exploitation
Landscape integration
Green architecture…etc.
Building Thinking- Co-conception
Desired, Design-outcomes
Connected Society
Connecter User
Connected City
Our research findings have enabled us to identify the crucial role of parametric modeling as a design
process in the creation of viable, sustainable, and versatile spaces. Indeed, our survey revealed that the
use of parametric modeling enables us to generate designs that are better adapted to the specific needs
of users while considering environmental and economic constraints. This design approach also enables
better integration of the various disciplines involved in the design process, such as architecture,
engineering, and construction. In short, our research has shown that the use of parametric modeling
can make a significant contribution to the creation of high-quality spaces that meet users' needs while
being sustainable and versatile. We thus identify two ideas of the city's sustainability, the first considers
that integrating parametric models to design sustainable cities is one of the major solutions for
rebuilding and reclaiming a viable space, which is defined as a geographical entity unaffected by
economic or other factors. The new concept of sustainability must have the first name “urban”, so that,
when we talk about urban sustainability, we will be talking about spatialized sustainability, not a
concept that belongs to ecology, economy, or sociology (Feriel, Kitouni, & Sassi Boudemagh, 2018).
The second is considered an evolutionary process that takes environmental well-being into account.
Sustainable urban development may be defined as a process of synergetic integration and co-evolution
among the great subsystems making up a city (economic, social, physical, and environmental), which
guarantees the local population an on-decreasing level of well-being in the long term, without
compromising the possibilities of development of surrounding areas and contributing by this towards
reducing the harmful effects of development on the biosphere (Camagni, 1998). We would also add to
this the human factor in the composition of the city: a viable, sustainable, and versatile city relies on
the citizenship of its people, and above all on their participation, (Table 4). The city's actors are simply
its users. The phenomenon of participation has been an essential component of the globally accepted
sustainable city concept since the 1970s. (Turken & Eyuboglu, 2021).
4.2 Discussion: Planning and inventing the city's future, users at the heart of Design Process
The following discussion constitutes both a model, an outline, and a proposed call to action for
thoughtful research and applications in parametric design architecture. Indeed, our in-depth analysis
has highlighted the importance of using parametric modeling as a design tool for creating innovative
and sustainable spaces. We are convinced that this approach can bring real added value to current
architectural practice, enabling designs that are more precise, more efficient, and better adapted to
users' needs. This is why we are calling for concerted action to encourage research and applications of
parametric design in architecture. As classified through (Table 4), we are convinced that this approach
can help address some of the most pressing challenges facing our society in terms of sustainability,
energy efficiency, and adaptability to environmental change. We therefore encourage architects,
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engineers, urban planners, and researchers to explore the possibilities offered by parametric modeling
and to work together to develop innovative, sustainable solutions for urban spaces and buildings. In
short, our discussion is a call to action for more widespread use of parametric design in architecture,
in order to meet the challenges of our time and create a more sustainable, user-friendly future. We
want to highlight the necessity of co-designing the city and establishing a new culture of interaction
and participation. The right to the city involves two fundamental rights for urban inhabitants: the right
to oeuvre (participation) and the right to appropriation (Zeybekoglu, 2022). A culture that reconfigures
the city in digital, parametric, and essentially human terms. To satisfy a future space user, parameter
synchronization is defined and based on specific needs. The parametric design of architectural
environments is based on this concept, using tools and programs to present a model close to reality
and to convince consumers of the viability of the space concerned. The parametric design of a spatial
configuration considers the usability of both spatial modeling as a prototype and the city itself as an
environment and a concrete design context. Architectural space modeling thereby has a dualistic
function: one centered on the spatial experience as a model, and another centered on the user
experience as a participant. This new architectural space representation and spatial prototyping
technique offers an experience that is characterized by the three classic "Ux" factors: system, user, and
context. In conjunction with (Fink & Reinhard, 2019) ideas, they suggest that cultural aspects can be
incorporated into the design process by involving citizens. Participation platforms, tools, or
applications can be developed and integrated into this process to meet citizens' needs. By involving
citizens in the design process, professionals can better understand the needs and expectations of the
local community, which can contribute to the creation of more suitable and sustainable spaces.
Participation platforms can take different forms, such as surveys, focus groups, participatory design
workshops, or collaborative mapping tools. These tools enable citizens to share their ideas, concerns,
and needs regarding public spaces and buildings, which can help designers create more suitable and
effective solutions. In short, this idea suggests that involving citizens in the design process can help
create more sustainable spaces that are better adapted to local needs. Cultural aspects can be considered
through the involvement of citizens. Participation platforms, tools, or applications can be developed
and incorporated into this process to address and screen citizens’ needs. It can be concluded that the
application of digital tools within the urban planning process is state of the art, in business and research.
Towards an efficient workflow in the future, open-source tools will be considered as a driving force to
support the research. The collaboration between different institutions and the sharing of knowledge is
critical to strive for better solutions (Fink & Reinhard, 2019).
To further develop the discussion around our research we propose future readings that can optimize
and revalue parametric design models. Thus, we mention in the following points the fundamental
aspects that need to be taken into consideration:
Exploration of new forms of parametric modeling for architectural design, such as AI-based or
generative modeling, which enable greater flexibility and adaptability to user needs.
In-depth study of the impact of parametric design on the sustainability of buildings and public
spaces, examining energy, environmental, and social aspects in particular.
Development of new citizen participation tools for parametric design, such as mobile
applications or online participation platforms, enabling users to actively contribute to the
design process.
Benchmarking the performance of buildings designed with the parametric method against
buildings designed with traditional methods, to establish the advantages and limitations of this
Study of the economic feasibility of parametric design for architectural projects, examining the
costs associated with the use of advanced technologies and the involvement of users in the
design process.
Exploring the use of parametric design to create more inclusive and accessible public spaces,
considering the needs of disabled and elderly people.
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Studying the impact of parametric design on the health and well-being of users, examining
aspects such as daylighting, air quality, and acoustics.
In sum, these prospects for future research can help improve our understanding of the use of
parametric design in architectural construction and offer users new opportunities to connect with
their immediate environment.
5. Conclusions
This research presents an innovative approach to the architectural design of the city using parametric
context as a new paradigm for creation and conceptualization. This approach enables designers and
spatial researchers to conceive, plan, and implement changes in the world around us while considering
citizens as the main actors in their living environment. Digital modeling is an act of creation that
humanizes time through the act of creating, modeling, prototyping, and configuring. This experience
suggests that designers and consumers of space should open up to a new culture of designing
architectural projects, based on human methods and ways of thinking.
City design strategy must be citizen-centric, it is necessary to recognize that including participatory
aspects in the architectural design requires, to some extent, a greater effort than with the authoritarian
model (Giuseppe, 2021). By considering the city's history, identity, and sustainability, designers can
create a city that reflects the values and culture of its inhabitants. Using parametric design, architects
can create buildings that are both innovative and sustainable, while using energy-efficient materials.
This approach can also be used to create a coherent identity for the entire city, using similar design
principles and materials across multiple buildings. In conclusion, parametric design is a promising
approach to architectural design for the city. Using this method, designers can create innovative,
sustainable buildings that reflect the values and culture of the city and its inhabitants.
In return, it's important to point out that while parametric design can offer many benefits in terms of
sustainability, energy efficiency, and architectural innovation, it can also present limitations in relation
to environmental and social change. The results of parametric design can be influenced by factors such
as costs, government regulations, and investor preferences. This can limit the ability of designers to
create buildings that fully meet the needs of citizens and the environment. What's more, while
parametric design can offer benefits in terms of energy efficiency, it can also encourage an over-
reliance on automated technologies and systems. This can lead to a reduction in the interaction between
people and their built environment, with potentially negative consequences for quality of life and
mental health. Ultimately, parametric design must be used with care and in conjunction with other
approaches to ensure that the results meet the needs of citizens while being sustainable and
environmentally friendly. Designers need to be aware of the potential limitations of this approach and
work to find creative solutions to overcome them. Despite these identified limitations, parametric
design remains an important approach in defining a city's identity and creating a viable, sustainable
space. Using this method, designers can create innovative, durable buildings that reflect the values and
culture of the city and its inhabitants, while fostering positive interaction between people and their
built environment.
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or
not-for-profit sectors.
Conflict of Interests
The Author declares that there is no conflict of interest.
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or
not-for-profit sectors.
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Dr. Ines Sahtout Gaha 137
Data availability statement
Data is openly available in a public repository that issues datasets with DOIs.
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Software: Rhino 3D, I.S.G. Writing, Review & Editing: I.S.G.
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How to cite this article:
Gaha, I. S. (2023). Parametric Architectural Design for a New City Identity: Materials, Environments and New Applications. Journal of
Contemporary Urban Affairs, 7(1), 122-138.
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Metaphor technique adapting organic shape from nature requires advanced technology for its development. Metaphor with regular irregularity concepts provides better camouflage and harmony within context. Irregularity on bird’s nest metaphor is shown better in section plan. Conceptual thinking by section integrating various parameters requires dominant understanding toward structural context. Design context is a pavilion at Nansha Bird Park, Guangzhou, China. The presence of the pavilion should not interfere bird's habitat. Design purpose is making a pavilion that camouflage with minimum interruption toward site. Design approach applies metaphor technique. Metaphor utilizes natural shape (biomimicry) of bird’s nest as nest for humans and birds. By cutting the pavilion into half, the structural complexity of bamboo construction can be shown clearly. Form finding process is done by digital technology and parametric design to achieve optimal form from desired metaphor. Site contextuality is responded specifically by the utilization of bamboo material and construction. Structural system utilizes interwoven bamboo layers to shape monocoque structure with vector-active system. Exploration is done by Rhino 5 and Grasshopper application. Form exploration focuses on bamboo layers as pavilion's structure. Patterns by Grasshopper’s script are applied to each layer. The pavilion’s shape is derived from basic spherical shapes as a metaphor of bird's nest. The resulting shape is stretched to create more space and split in half to expose its structure. Pavilion design responds to site and climate by considering the relationship of function, material, and bamboo construction parameters. Limitation on parametric concepts makes optimization simulation problems have to be adjusted with constructability.
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Abstrak: Dalam perancangan arsitektural, kertas masih menjadi media utama untuk visualisasi desain, terutama melalui gambar teknis dan presentasi proyek. Namun, penggunaan kertas secara berlebihan berdampak negatif pada lingkungan akibat penebangan hutan dan limbah kertas, yang bertentangan dengan upaya global menuju keberlanjutan di sektor konstruksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi potensi Augmented Reality (AR) sebagai media visualisasi yang lebih ramah lingkungan. Metodologi penelitian yang di impelementasikan menggabungkan pendekatan kualitatif dan eksperimen, pengabungan dua pendekatan ini akan menghasilkan hasil yang lebih maksimal. Hasil analisis dan eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan AR tidak hanya efektif dalam mengurangi limbah kertas, tetapi juga meningkatkan efisiensi proses desain dan komunikasi. Teknologi AR memungkinkan pengguna menelusuri desain bangunan dengan lebih rinci, mengidentifikasi potensi masalah lebih awal, dan melakukan penyesuaian desain secara cepat. Di samping dampak positif terhadap lingkungan, penggunaan AR juga mempercepat proses pengambilan keputusan dan kolaborasi antar-stakeholder melalui pengalaman visual yang realistis dan interaktif. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat mendorong penerapan teknologi yang mendukung keberlanjutan dalam industri konstruksi, serta pelaku industri untuk mengadopsi metode visualisasi modern yang lebih efisien dan ramah lingkungan.
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This study explores the intersection of dynamic culture and participatory design in urban spaces, emphasizing the role of user experiences in shaping urban environments. By integrating residents' input in the design and planning processes, this research aims to foster sustainable, viable urban futures that reflect local cultural dynamics and community needs. Utilizing a case study in Tataouine, Tunisia, the research employs parametric mapping and user experience mapping to analyze interactions with heritage sites and public spaces. This approach captures qualitative data on user experiences and overlays it with spatial context, enabling the identification of patterns and relationships between cultural practices and territorial dynamics. The study aims to identify key factors for citizen participation, analyze user experiences in relation to cultural dynamics, and formulate recommendations for integrating participatory design principles. By aligning urban development with a dynamic culture and user-centric design, the study envisions urban spaces that are inclusive, sustainable, and reflective of local identities. The findings underscore the potential of participatory design to enhance the value of urban heritage and promote a more engaged and resilient urban community.
Digital architecture has become popular in the second millennium, achieving architectural styles and approaches that are prevalent at present and reflect the latest trends, technologies, and design philosophies. Therefore, the term "contemporary architecture" may include a variety of styles and movements. In the second half of the twentieth century, some sufficient theories and proposals explored the possibilities of architecture as a language of social and technological development. This led to an "architecture crisis" and urban and environmental problems arising from the ideas of modernity. The research problem is a cognitive deficiency in the applications of parametric modeling in local architectural projects. The research aims to identify digital technologies in architectural design in global projects that have brought about intellectual and professional transformations in architecture, which have produced a series of new theories, technologies, and methods of construction in search of a "new paradigm" to solve the complex problems emerging in design and parametric applications in architectural projects.
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At the origin of every architectural and city project, there is a nostalgia for Paradise or the aspiration to build this wonderfulplace we have lost. Visions, architecture and city projects are necessarily prophetic images in search of a happy life onEarth. Every proposal for the city, every project, and every plan is a Utopia, an ideal place which aspires to become Eutopia.However, given the many visions and proposals, we can ask ourselves whether these Utopias have fulfilled their promiseto achieve a good place or are dystopias. In light of this unknown factor, this paper intends to reflect on some visions andproposals of the city. Some of them constitute the foundations of urban planning – like Howar’s Garden City, Wright’sBroadacre City, Le Corbusier’s Radiant City, the functional city of CIAM – others, elaborated by Erwin Anton Gutkind, IannisXenakis, Constantinos Doxiadis, Takis Zenetos, originated from different assumptions, deluding themselves that they aresolving the problems of the contemporary city or represent its last frontier, such as the Smart City.
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The use of robotics in construction projects is still in its infancy despite the opportunities that robots can present for the improvement of construction practices. One of the strategies to effectively increase the reliance on robots in construction is increasing the knowledge and improving the educational programs about robotics for university students. This paper contributes to the ongoing efforts worldwide to improve the teaching methods about construction robotics through the presentation of a novel method called “Imagine and Make”, in which students learn how to integrate robotics in different aspects and practices in construction projects. The method has been applied at Centrale Lille in France since 2018. The results of the application of “Imagine and Make” in the first semester of 2021-2022, evaluation by students, and teaching outcomes are reported in this paper Keywords – Robotics, Construction management techniques, Construction 4.0, Robotics teaching, France.
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The Parametric FEM Toolbox is a plug‐in for the visual programming environment Grasshopper which implements the RF‐COM API of the Dlubal RFEM finite element software to establish a connection between these two platforms. Both the transfer of data from Grasshopper into RFEM and back from RFEM into Grasshopper are supported. Thus, new possibilities are enabled beyond the options of the conventional graphical user interface (GUI) of RFEM: the use of the Rhino 3D modelling tools to create NURBS curves and surfaces; the possibility of the parametric modification of an existing FE model or part of it; the export and processing of FE model data, which sometimes is not even available through the program GUI, e.g. 3D shapes of beam elements; etc. With these functionalities, the object‐oriented structure and compact GUI, this tool can easily be adapted to numerous workflows and optimization processes. This paper explores which possibilities exist for implementing a commercial FEM software in a parametric design platform. Existing approaches are reviewed, the development of the Parametric FEM Toolbox is described and some of the possible workflows with this new tool are explored through a collection of real‐world case studies.
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Building design is a highly interdisciplinary research field integrating technological, architectural, structural, social and other aspects. Participatory design, or co-design, already used in other disciplines, is now facilitated by the diffusion of Building Information Modelling which offers greater control of the interdisciplinary aspects in building design. But unlike other disciplines, architecture is characterized by a high number of requirements, partly formalizable, quantifiable and optimizable and partly only intuitive. Furthermore is difficulty to employ a collaborative design framework because designer and end user work on different knowledge levels: one works on satisfying classes of requirements, and the other is unable to abstract his needs and therefore properly formalize requirements or desires. The use of simple parametric models in the pre-design phase, based on algorithms capable of generating geometries dependent on multiple modifiable variables, could overcome this problem. This paper offers a preliminary investigation on the possibility of integrating bottom-up design aspects by giving parametric models to possible end users and allowing them to explore the design space, identifying preferential outputs and overcoming some of their technical gaps. Working in parametric environments in the pre-design phase opens to the integration of tools such as evolutionary multiobjective optimization algorithms (EMOA). New fitness functions can be defined to bring design closer to the end users’ proposed outputs without neglecting performance optimization, which is typical in parametric design. The framework proposed differs from existing “product configurator”, used in industrial design, which allows the personalization of aesthetic characteristics. This paper aims at a greater understanding of the end user’s will for satisfying them better in the subsequent design phases. The technological tools currently available to make this framework possible will be analysed, identifying shortcomings and problems, along with methodological implications.
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The phenomenon of planning involving citizen’s participation in planning literature has been from the second half of the 20th century. Indeed, different methods and techniques have been used in the process. However, participatory practices are time-consuming and negotiations are tiresome. Accordingly, the integration of developing digital technologies into participatory processes has been seen as a potential to reach large audiences and provide time-space independence. Within the scope of this research, a detailed literature review was done regarding e-participation, and ten (10) examples representing the upper levels at the ladder of participation were examined within the context of project, participation, and socio-technical criteria. SWOT analyzes were structured by grouping similar applications, and current trends for the use of e-participation in urban design have been revealed. The analysis showed that citizens e participation- participation tend to allow citizen design or location-based interaction, playful interfaces and game elements which can be sources for encouragement.
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This article investigates the relationship between transformation of cities and the right to the city. To be able to do this, the problems that are created by contemporary urbanization such as social exclusion, poverty and environmental degradation are discussed in the first part. After that, with a special focus on the period starting with industrial revolution up until today, the article explains economic and political motivations behind urban transformation. This part emphasizes how urban change under different forms of capitalism creates and deepens social inequalities in cities. Final part of this article will be a discussion on the right to the city, and its relation to these urban issues.
Conference Paper
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By 2050 an estimated 70 percent of the world's population will live in megacities with more than 10 million citizens (Renner 2018). This growth calls for new target-oriented, interdisciplinary methods in urban planning and design in cities to meet sustainable development targets. In response, this paper exemplifies an integrated urban design process on a master plan project in Vienna. The objective is to investigate the potential towards a holistic, digital, urban design process aimed at the development of a practical methodology for future designs. The presented urban design process includes analyses and simulation tools within Rhinoceros 3D and its plug-in Grasshopper as quality-enhancing mediums that facilitate the creative approaches in the course of the project. The increase in efficiency and variety of design variants shows a promising future for the practical suitability of this approach.
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Architectural heritage conservation projects are one of the most risky and complex projects in the construction industry. Many studies have reported frequent performance failures in terms of time, cost and quality. To implement a quality management in the conservation projects and enhance their performance; we propose the adoption of two emerging and innovative approaches: Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) and Building Information Modeling (BIM). Through an analysis of literature review (journals, white papers, norms and standards) on the subject, a comprehensive qualitative study in theoretical term has been carried out to define the potential advantages of the synergy between the BIM and IPD to face conservation issues and constraints through project lifecycle. Finally, we draw some general conclusions, summarize the implications for practice and set out recommendations for further research.
This paper aims to build a theoretical foundation for parametric design thinking by exploring its cognitive roots, unfolding its basic tenets, expanding its definition through new concepts, and exemplifying its potential through a use-case scenario. The paper focuses on a specific type of topological parameter, called non-manifold topology as a novel approach to thinking about designing cellular spaces and voids. The approach is illustrated within the context of additive manufacturing of non-conformal cellular structures. The paper concludes that parametric design thinking that omits a definition of topological relationships risks brittleness and failure in later design stages while a consideration of topology can create enhanced and smarter solutions as it can modify parameters based on an accommodation of the design context.
Since The social logic of space was published in 1984, Bill Hillier and his colleagues at University College London have been conducting research on how space features in the form and functioning of buildings and cities. A key outcome is the concept of ‘spatial configuration’ — meaning relations which take account of other relations in a complex. New techniques have been developed and applied to a wide range of architectural and urban problems. The aim of this book is to assemble some of this work and show how it leads the way to a new type of theory of architecture: an ‘analytic’ theory in which understanding and design advance together. The success of configurational ideas in bringing to light the spatial logic of buildings and cities suggests that it might be possible to extend these ideas to other areas of the human sciences where problems of configuration and pattern are critical.