
Real Algebraic Geometry with a View toward Koopman Operator Methods

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This workshop was dedicated to the newest developments in real algebraic geometry and their interaction with convex optimization and operator theory. A particular effort was invested in exploring the interrelations with the Koopman operator methods in dynamical systems and their applications. The presence of researchers from different scientific communities enabled an interesting dialogue leading to new exciting and promising synergies.

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We study the limits of the cones of symmetric nonnegative polynomials and symmetric sums of squares, when expressed in power-mean or monomial-mean basis. These limits correspond to forms with stable expression in power-mean polynomials that are globally nonnegative (resp. sums of squares) regardless of the number of variables. We introduce partial symmetry reduction to describe the limit cone of symmetric sums of squares, and reprove a result of Blekherman and Riener (Discrete Comput Geom 65:1–36, 2020) that limits of symmetric nonnegative polynomials and sums of squares agree in degree 4. We use tropicalization of the dual cones, first considered in the context of comparing nonnegative polynomials and sums of squares in Blekherman et al. (Trans Am Math Soc 375(09):6281–6310, 2022), to show differences between cones of symmetric polynomials and sums of squares starting in degree 6, which disproves a conjecture of Blekherman and Riener (Discrete Comput Geom 65:1–36, 2020). For even symmetric nonnegative forms and sums of squares we show that the cones agree up to degree 8, and are different starting with degree 10. We also find, via tropicalization, explicit examples of symmetric forms that are nonnegative but not sums of squares in the limit.
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Many problems and conjectures in extremal combinatorics concern polynomial inequalities between homomorphism densities of graphs where we allow edges to have real weights. Using the theory of graph limits, we can equivalently evaluate polynomial expressions in homomorphism densities on kernels W , that is, symmetric, bounded and measurable functions W from [0,1]2R[0,1]^2 \to \mathbb {R} . In 2011, Hatami and Norin proved a fundamental result that it is undecidable to determine the validity of polynomial inequalities in homomorphism densities for graphons (i.e., the case where the range of W is [0,1] , which corresponds to unweighted graphs or, equivalently, to graphs with edge weights between 0 and 1 ). The corresponding problem for more general sets of kernels, for example, for all kernels or for kernels with range [1,1][-1,1] , remains open. For any a>0a> 0 , we show undecidability of polynomial inequalities for any set of kernels which contains all kernels with range {0,a}\{0,a\} . This result also answers a question raised by Lovász about finding computationally effective certificates for the validity of homomorphism density inequalities in kernels.
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In this paper we develop a number of results and notions concerning Positivstellensätze for semirings (preprimes) of commutative unital real algebras. First we reduce the Archimedean Positivstellensatz for semirings to the corresponding result for quadratic modules. Various applications of the Archimedean Positivstellensatz for semirings are investigated. A general Positivstellensatz with denominators is proved for filtered algebras with semirings. As an application we derive a denominator-free Positivstellensatz for the cylindrical extension of an algebra with Archimedean semiring. A large number of illustrating examples are given.
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Harmonic Hilbert spaces on locally compact abelian groups are reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHSs) of continuous functions constructed by Fourier transform of weighted L2L^2 L 2 spaces on the dual group. It is known that for suitably chosen subadditive weights, every such space is a Banach algebra with respect to pointwise multiplication of functions. In this paper, we study RKHSs associated with subconvolutive functions on the dual group. Sufficient conditions are established for these spaces to be symmetric Banach ^* ∗ -algebras with respect to pointwise multiplication and complex conjugation of functions (here referred to as RKHAs). In addition, we study aspects of the spectra and state spaces of RKHAs. Sufficient conditions are established for an RKHA on a compact abelian group G to have the same spectrum as the CC^* C ∗ -algebra of continuous functions on G . We also consider one-parameter families of RKHSs associated with semigroups of self-adjoint Markov operators on L2(G)L^2(G) L 2 ( G ) , and show that in this setting subconvolutivity is a necessary and sufficient condition for these spaces to have RKHA structure. Finally, we establish embedding relationships between RKHAs and a class of Fourier–Wermer algebras that includes spaces of dominating mixed smoothness used in high-dimensional function approximation.
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A noncommutative (nc ) polynomial is called (globally) trace-positive if its evaluation at any tuple of operators in a tracial von Neumann algebra has nonnegative trace. Such polynomials emerge as trace inequalities in several matrix or operator variables, and are widespread in mathematics and physics. This paper delivers the first Positivstellensatz for global trace positivity of nc polynomials. Analogously to Hilbert’s 17th problem in real algebraic geometry, trace-positive nc polynomials are shown to be weakly sums of hermitian squares and commutators of regular nc rational functions. In two variables, this result is strengthened further using a new sum-of-squares certificate with concrete univariate denominators for nonnegative bivariate polynomials. The trace positivity certificates in this paper are obtained by convex duality through solving the so-called unbounded tracial moment problem, which arises from noncommutative integration theory and free probability. Given a linear functional on nc polynomials, the tracial moment problem asks whether it is a joint distribution of integral operators affiliated with a tracial von Neumann algebra. A counterpart to Haviland’s theorem on solvability of the tracial moment problem is established. Moreover, a variant of Carleman’s condition is shown to guarantee the existence of a solution to the tracial moment problem. Together with semidefinite optimization, this is then used to prove that every trace-positive nc polynomial admits an explicit approximation in the 1-norm on its coefficients by sums of hermitian squares and commutators of nc polynomials.
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Let S⊆Rn be a compact semialgebraic set and let f be a polynomial nonnegative on S. Schmüdgen’s Positivstellensatz then states that for any η>0, the nonnegativity of f+η on S can be certified by expressing f+η as a conic combination of products of the polynomials that occur in the inequalities defining S, where the coefficients are (globally nonnegative) sum-of-squares polynomials. It does not, however, provide explicit bounds on the degree of the polynomials required for such an expression. We show that in the special case where S=[-1,1]n is the hypercube, a Schmüdgen-type certificate of nonnegativity exists involving only polynomials of degree O(1/η). This improves quadratically upon the previously best known estimate in O(1/η). Our proof relies on an application of the polynomial kernel method, making use in particular of the Jackson kernel on the interval [-1,1].
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We study the problem of recovering a collection of n numbers from the evaluation of m power sums. This yields a system of polynomial equations, which can be underconstrained (m < n), square (m = n), or overconstrained (m > n). Fibers and images of power sum maps are explored in all three regimes, and in settings that range from complex and projective to real and positive. This involves surprising deviations from the Bézout bound, and the recovery of vectors from length measurements by p-norms.
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We deal with the following general version of the classical moment problem: when can a linear functional on a unital commutative real algebra A be represented as an integral with respect to a Radon measure on the character space X ( A ) of A equipped with the Borel σ\sigma σ -algebra generated by the weak topology? We approach this problem by constructing X ( A ) as a projective limit of the character spaces of all finitely generated unital subalgebras of A . Using some fundamental results for measures on projective limits of measurable spaces, we determine a criterion for the existence of an integral representation of a linear functional on A with respect to a measure on the cylinder σ\sigma σ -algebra on X ( A ) (resp. a Radon measure on the Borel σ\sigma σ -algebra on X ( A )) provided that for any finitely generated unital subalgebra of A the corresponding moment problem is solvable. We also investigate how to localize the support of representing measures for linear functionals on A . These results allow us to establish infinite dimensional analogues of the classical Riesz-Haviland and Nussbaum theorems as well as a representation theorem for linear functionals non-negative on a “partially Archimedean” quadratic module of A . Our results in particular apply to the case when A is the algebra of polynomials in infinitely many variables or the symmetric tensor algebra of a real infinite dimensional vector space, providing a unified setting which enables comparisons between some recent results for these instances of the moment problem.
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Conditional Sums-of-AM/GM-Exponentials (conditional SAGE) is a decomposition method to prove nonnegativity of a signomial or polynomial over some subset X of real space. In this article, we undertake the first structural analysis of conditional SAGE signomials for convex sets X . We introduce the X -circuits of a finite subset ARn{\mathcal {A}}\subset {\mathbb {R}}^n A ⊂ R n , which generalize the simplicial circuits of the affine-linear matroid induced by A{\mathcal {A}} A to a constrained setting. The X -circuits serve as the main tool in our analysis and exhibit particularly rich combinatorial properties for polyhedral X , in which case the set of X -circuits is comprised of one-dimensional cones of suitable polyhedral fans. The framework of X -circuits transparently reveals when an X -nonnegative conditional AM/GM-exponential can in fact be further decomposed as a sum of simpler X -nonnegative signomials. We develop a duality theory for X -circuits with connections to geometry of sets that are convex according to the geometric mean. This theory provides an optimal power cone reconstruction of conditional SAGE signomials when X is polyhedral. In conjunction with a notion of reduced X -circuits, the duality theory facilitates a characterization of the extreme rays of conditional SAGE cones. Since signomials under logarithmic variable substitutions give polynomials, our results also have implications for nonnegative polynomials and polynomial optimization.
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We consider the generalized moment problem (GMP) over the simplex and the sphere. This is a rich setting and it contains NP-hard problems as special cases, like constructing optimal cubature schemes and rational optimization. Using the reformulation-linearization technique (RLT) and Lasserre-type hierarchies, relaxations of the problem are introduced and analyzed. For our analysis we assume throughout the existence of a dual optimal solution as well as strong duality. For the GMP over the simplex we prove a convergence rate of O(1/r) for a linear programming, RLT-type hierarchy, where r is the level of the hierarchy, using a quantitative version of Pólya’s Positivstellensatz. As an extension of a recent result by Fang and Fawzi (Math Program, 2020. we prove the Lasserre hierarchy of the GMP (Lasserre in Math Program 112(1):65–92, 2008. over the sphere has a convergence rate of O(1/r2). Moreover, we show the introduced linear RLT-relaxation is a generalization of a hierarchy for minimizing forms of degree d over the simplex, introduced by De Klerk et al. (J Theor Comput Sci 361(2–3):210–225, 2006).
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In this article, we derive first-order necessary optimality conditions for a constrained optimal control problem formulated in the Wasserstein space of probability measures. To this end, we introduce a new notion of localised metric subdifferential for compactly supported probability measures, and investigate the intrinsic linearised Cauchy problems associated to non-local continuity equations. In particular, we show that when the velocity perturbations belong to the tangent cone to the convexification of the set of admissible velocities, the solutions of these linearised problems are tangent to the solution set of the corresponding continuity inclusion. We then make use of these novel concepts to provide a synthetic and geometric proof of the celebrated Pontryagin Maximum Principle for an optimal control problem with inequality final-point constraints. In addition, we propose sufficient conditions ensuring the normality of the maximum principle.
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A framework for coherent pattern extraction and prediction of observables of measure-preserving, ergodic dynamical systems with both atomic and continuous spectral components is developed. This framework is based on an approximation of the generator of the system by a compact operator Wτ on a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS). The operator Wτ is skew-adjoint, and thus can be represented by a projection-valued measure, discrete by compactness, with an associated orthonormal basis of eigenfunctions. These eigenfunctions are ordered in terms of a Dirichlet energy, and provide a notion of coherent observables under the dynamics akin to the Koopman eigenfunctions associated with the atomic part of the spectrum. In addition, Wτ generates a unitary evolution group {etWτ}t∈R on the RKHS, which approximates the unitary Koopman group of the system. We establish convergence results for the spectrum and Borel functional calculus of Wτ as τ→0+, as well as an associated data-driven formulation utilizing time series data. Numerical applications to ergodic systems with atomic and continuous spectra, namely a torus rotation, the Lorenz 63 system, and the Rössler system, are presented.
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We propose a convex-optimization-based framework for computation of invariant measures of polynomial dynamical systems and Markov processes, in discrete and continuous time. The set of all invariant measures is characterized as the feasible set of an infinite-dimensional linear program (LP). The objective functional of this LP is then used to single out a specific measure (or a class of measures) extremal with respect to the selected functional such as physical measures, ergodic measures, atomic measures (corresponding to, e.g., periodic orbits) or measures absolutely continuous w.r.t. to a given measure. The infinite-dimensional LP is then approximated using a standard hierarchy of finite-dimensional semidefinite programming problems, the solutions of which are truncated moment sequences, which are then used to reconstruct the measure. In particular, we show how to approximate the support of the measure as well as how to construct a sequence of weakly converging absolutely continuous approximations. As a by-product, we present a simple method to certify the nonexistence of an invariant measure, which is an important question in the theory of Markov processes. The presented framework, where a convex functional is minimized or maximized among all invariant measures, can be seen as a generalization of and a computational method to carry out the so-called ergodic optimization, where linear functionals are optimized over the set of invariant measures. Finally, we also describe how the presented framework can be adapted to compute eigenmeasures of the Perron–Frobenius operator.
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We study the stability of statistical properties of Anosov maps on tori by examining the stability of the spectrum of an analytically twisted Perron–Frobenius operator on the anisotropic Banach spaces of Gouëzel and Liverani (2006 Ergod. Theor. Dyn. Syst. 26 189–217). By extending our previous work in Crimmins and Froyland (2019 Ann. Henri Poincaré 20 3113–3161), we obtain the stability of various statistical properties (the variance of a CLT and the rate function of an LDP) of Anosov maps to general perturbations, including new classes of numerical approximations. In particular, we obtain new results on the stability of the rate function under deterministic perturbations. As a key application, we focus on perturbations arising from numerical schemes and develop two new Fourier-analytic methods for efficiently computing approximations of the aforementioned statistical properties. This includes the first example of a rigorous scheme for approximating the peripheral spectral data of the Perron–Frobenius operator of an Anosov map without mollification. We consequently obtain the first rigorous numerical methods for estimating the variance and rate function for Anosov maps.
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We consider the problem of maximizing a homogeneous polynomial on the unit sphere and its hierarchy of sum-of-squares relaxations. Exploiting the polynomial kernel technique, we obtain a quadratic improvement of the known convergence rate by Reznick and Doherty and Wehner. Specifically, we show that the rate of convergence is no worse than O(d2/2)O(d^2/\ell ^2) in the regime =Ω(d)\ell = \Omega (d) where \ell is the level of the hierarchy and d the dimension, solving a problem left open in the recent paper by de Klerk and Laurent (arXiv:1904.08828 ). Importantly, our analysis also works for matrix-valued polynomials on the sphere which has applications in quantum information for the Best Separable State problem. By exploiting the duality relation between sums of squares and the Doherty–Parrilo–Spedalieri hierarchy in quantum information theory, we show that our result generalizes to nonquadratic polynomials the convergence rates of Navascués, Owari and Plenio.
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We examine spectral operator-theoretic properties of linear and nonlinear dynamical systems with globally stable attractors. Using the Kato decomposition, we develop a spectral expansion for general linear autonomous dynamical systems with analytic observables and define the notion of generalized eigenfunctions of the associated Koopman operator. We interpret stable, unstable and center subspaces in terms of zero-level sets of generalized eigenfunctions. We then utilize conjugacy properties of Koopman eigenfunctions and the new notion of open eigenfunctions—defined on subsets of state space—to extend these results to nonlinear dynamical systems with an equilibrium. We provide a characterization of (global) center manifolds, center-stable, and center-unstable manifolds in terms of joint zero-level sets of families of Koopman operator eigenfunctions associated with the nonlinear system. After defining a new class of Hilbert spaces, that capture the on- and off-attractor properties of dissipative dynamics, and introducing the concept of modulated Fock spaces, we develop spectral expansions for a class of dynamical systems possessing globally stable limit cycles and limit tori, with observables that are square-integrable in on-attractor variables and analytic in off-attractor variables. We discuss definitions of stable, unstable, and global center manifolds in such nonlinear systems with (quasi)-periodic attractors in terms of zero-level sets of Koopman operator eigenfunctions. We define the notion of isostables for a general class of nonlinear systems. In contrast with the systems that have discrete Koopman operator spectrum, we provide a simple example of a measure-preserving system that is not chaotic but has continuous spectrum, and discuss experimental observations of spectrum on such systems. We also provide a brief characterization of the data types corresponding to the obtained theoretical results and define the coherent principal dimension for a class of datasets based on the lattice-type principal spectrum of the associated Koopman operator.
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We prove quenched versions of (i) a large deviations principle (LDP), (ii) a central limit theorem (CLT), and (iii) a local central limit theorem (LCLT) for non-autonomous dynamical systems. A key advance is the extension of the spectral method, commonly used in limit laws for deterministic maps, to the general random setting. We achieve this via multiplicative ergodic theory and the development of a general framework to control the regularity of Lyapunov exponents of \emph{twisted transfer operator cocycles} with respect to a twist parameter. While some versions of the LDP and CLT have previously been proved with other techniques, the local central limit theorem is, to our knowledge, a completely new result, and one that demonstrates the strength of our method. Applications include non-autonomous (piecewise) expanding maps, defined by random compositions of the form Tσn1ωTσωTωT_{\sigma^{n-1}\omega}\circ\cdots\circ T_{\sigma\omega}\circ T_\omega. An important aspect of our results is that we only assume ergodicity and invertibility of the random driving σ:ΩΩ\sigma:\Omega\to\Omega; in particular no expansivity or mixing properties are
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This paper presents a class of linear predictors for nonlinear controlled dynamical systems. The basic idea is to lift (or embed) the nonlinear dynamics into a higher dimensional space where its evolution is approximately linear. In an uncontrolled setting, this procedure amounts to numerical approximations of the Koopman operator associated to the nonlinear dynamics. In this work, we extend the Koopman operator to controlled dynamical systems and apply the Extended Dynamic Mode Decomposition (EDMD) to compute a finite-dimensional approximation of the operator in such a way that this approximation has the form a linear controlled dynamical system. In numerical examples, the linear predictors obtained in this way exhibit a performance superior to existing linear predictors such as those based on local linearization or the so-called Carleman linearization. Importantly, the procedure to construct these linear predictors is completely data-driven and extremely simple -- it boils down to a nonlinear transformation of the data (the lifting) and a linear least squares problem in the lifted space that can be readily solved for large data sets. These linear predictors can be readily used to design controllers for the nonlinear dynamical system using linear controller design methodologies. We focus in particular on model predictive control (MPC) and show that MPC controllers designed in this way enjoy computational complexity of the underlying optimization problem comparable to that of MPC for a linear dynamical system with the same number of control inputs and the same dimension of the state-space. Importantly, linear inequality constraints on the state and control inputs as well as nonlinear constraints on the state can be imposed in a linear fashion in the proposed MPC scheme. Similarly, cost functions nonlinear in the state variable can be handled in a linear fashion.
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We develop a new generalization of Koopman operator theory that incorporates the effects of inputs and control. Koopman spectral analysis is a theoretical tool for the analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems. Moreover, Koopman is intimately connected to Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD), a method that discovers spatial-temporal coherent modes from data, connects local-linear analysis to nonlinear operator theory, and importantly creates an equation-free architecture allowing investigation of complex systems. In actuated systems, standard Koopman analysis and DMD are incapable of producing input-output models; moreover, the dynamics and the modes will be corrupted by external forcing. Our new theoretical developments extend Koopman operator theory to allow for systems with nonlinear input-output characteristics. We show how this generalization is rigorously connected and generalizes a recent development called Dynamic Mode Decomposition with control (DMDc). We demonstrate this new theory on nonlinear dynamical systems, including a standard Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered model with relevance to the analysis of infectious disease data with mass vaccination (actuation).
In this paper we explore determinantal representations of multiaffine polynomials and consequences for the image of various spaces of matrices under the principal minor map. We show that a real multiaffine polynomial has a definite Hermitian determinantal representation if and only if all of its so-called Rayleigh differences factor as Hermitian squares and use this characterization to conclude that the image of the space of Hermitian matrices under the principal minor map is cut out by the orbit of finitely many equations and inequalities under the action of (SL2(R))nSn(\textrm{SL}_{2}(\mathbb{R}))^{n} \rtimes S_{n}. We also study such representations over more general fields with quadratic extensions. Factorizations of Rayleigh differences prove an effective tool for capturing subtle behavior of the principal minor map. In contrast to the Hermitian case, we give examples to show for any field F\mathbb{F}, there is no finite set of equations whose orbit under (SL2(F))nSn(\textrm{SL}_{2}(\mathbb{F}))^{n} \rtimes S_{n} cuts out the image of n×nn\times n matrices over F{\mathbb{F}} under the principal minor map for every n.
Relative entropy programs belong to the class of convex optimization problems. Within techniques based on the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality, they facilitate to compute nonnegativity certificates of polynomials and of signomials. While the initial focus was mostly on unconstrained certificates and unconstrained optimization, recently, Murray, Chandrasekaran and Wierman developed conditional techniques, which provide a natural extension to the case of convex constrained sets. This expository article gives an introduction into these concepts and explains the geometry of the resulting conditional SAGE cone. To this end, we deal with the sublinear circuits of a finite point set in Rn\mathbb {R}^n, which generalize the simplicial circuits of the affine-linear matroid induced by a finite point set to a constrained setting.
We consider the class of all linear functionals L on a unital commutative real algebra A that can be represented as an integral w.r.t. to a Radon measure with compact support in the character space of A. Exploiting a recent generalization of the classical Nussbaum theorem, we establish a new characterization of this class of moment functionals solely in terms of a growth condition intrinsic to the given linear functional. To the best of our knowledge, our result is the first to exactly identify the compact support of the representing Radon measure. We also describe the compact support in terms of the largest Archimedean quadratic module on which L is nonnegative and in terms of the smallest submultiplicative seminorm w.r.t. which L is continuous. Moreover, we derive a formula for computing the measure of each singleton in the compact support, which in turn gives a necessary and sufficient condition for the support to be a finite set. Finally, some aspects related to our growth condition for topological algebras are also investigated.
We analyse the representation of positive polynomials in terms of Sums of Squares. We provide a quantitative version of Putinar’s Positivstellensatz over a compact basic semialgebraic set S, with a new polynomial bound on the degree of the positivity certificates. This bound involves a Łojasiewicz exponent associated to the description of S. We show that if the gradients of the active constraints are linearly independent on S (Constraint Qualification condition), this Łojasiewicz exponent is equal to 1. We deduce the first general polynomial bound on the convergence rate of the optima in Lasserre’s Sum-of-Squares hierarchy to the global optimum of a polynomial function on S, and the first general bound on the Hausdorff distance between the cone of truncated (probability) measures supported on S and the cone of truncated pseudo-moment sequences, which are positive on the quadratic module of S.
The arithmetic mean/geometric mean inequality (AM/GM inequality) facilitates classes of nonnegativity certificates and of relaxation techniques for polynomials and, more generally, for exponential sums. Here, we present a first systematic study of the AM/GM-based techniques in the presence of symmetries under the linear action of a finite group. We prove a symmetry-adapted representation theorem and develop techniques to reduce the size of the resulting relative entropy programs. We study in more detail the complexity gain in the case of the symmetric group. In this setup, we can show in particular certain stabilization results. We exhibit several sequences of examples in growing dimensions where the size of the reduced problem stabilizes. Finally, we provide some numerical results, emphasizing the computational speedup.
Motivated by recent progress in quantum information theory, this article aims at optimizing trace polynomials, i.e., polynomials in noncommuting variables and traces of their products. A novel Positivstellensatz certifying positivity of trace polynomials subject to trace constraints is presented, and a hierarchy of semidefinite relaxations converging monotonically to the optimum of a trace polynomial subject to tracial constraints is provided. This hierarchy can be seen as a tracial analog of the Pironio, Navascués and Acín scheme (Pironio et al. in New J. Phys. 10(7):073013, 2008) for optimization of noncommutative polynomials. The Gelfand–Naimark–Segal (GNS) construction is applied to extract optimizers of the trace optimization problem if flatness and extremality conditions are satisfied. These conditions are sufficient to obtain finite convergence of our hierarchy. The results obtained are applied to violations of polynomial Bell inequalities in quantum information theory. The main techniques used in this paper are inspired by real algebraic geometry, operator theory, and noncommutative algebra.
A univariate trace polynomial is a polynomial in a variable x and formal trace symbols Tr(xj). Such an expression can be naturally evaluated on matrices, where the trace symbols are evaluated as normalized traces. This paper addresses global and constrained positivity of univariate trace polynomials on symmetric matrices of all finite sizes. A tracial analog of Artin's solution to Hilbert's 17th problem is given: a positive semidefinite univariate trace polynomial is a quotient of sums of products of squares and traces of squares of trace polynomials.
Certifying function nonnegativity is a ubiquitous problem in computational mathematics, with especially notable applications in optimization. We study the question of certifying nonnegativity of signomials based on the recently proposed approach of Sums-of-AM/GM-Exponentials (SAGE) decomposition due to the second author and Shah. The existence of a SAGE decomposition is a sufficient condition for nonnegativity of a signomial, and it can be verified by solving a tractable convex relative entropy program. We present new structural properties of SAGE certificates such as a characterization of the extreme rays of the cones associated to these decompositions as well as an appealing form of sparsity preservation. These lead to a number of important consequences such as conditions under which signomial nonnegativity is equivalent to the existence of a SAGE decomposition; our results represent the broadest-known class of nonconvex signomial optimization problems that can be solved efficiently via convex relaxation. The analysis in this paper proceeds by leveraging the interaction between the convex duality underlying SAGE certificates and the face structure of Newton polytopes. After proving our main signomial results, we direct our machinery toward the topic of globally nonnegative polynomials. This leads to (among other things) efficient methods for certifying polynomial nonnegativity, with complexity independent of the degree of a polynomial.
We develop a framework for simulating measure-preserving, ergodic dynamical systems on a quantum com- puter. Our approach provides an operator-theoretic representation of classical dynamics by combining ergodic theory with quantum information science. The resulting quantum embedding of classical dynamics (QECD) enables efficient simulation of spaces of classical observables with exponentially large dimension using a quadratic number of quantum gates. The QECD framework is based on a quantum feature map that we introduce for representing classical states by density operators on a reproducing kernel Hilbert space, H. Furthermore, an embedding of classical observables into self-adjoint operators on H is established, such that quantum mechanical expectation values are consistent with pointwise function evaluation. In this scheme, quantum states and observables evolve unitarily under the lifted action of Koopman evolution operators of the classical system. Moreover, by virtue of the reproducing property of H, the quantum system is pointwise-consistent with the underlying classical dynamics. To achieve a quantum computational advantage, we project the state of the quantum system onto a finite-rank density operator on a 2n-dimensional tensor product Hilbert space associated with n qubits. By employing discrete Fourier-Walsh transforms of spectral functions, the evolution operator of the finite-dimensional quantum system is factorized into tensor product form, enabling implementation through an n-channel quantum circuit of size O(n) and no interchannel communication. Furthermore, the circuit features a state preparation stage, also of size O(n), and a quantum Fourier transform stage of size O(n2 ), which makes predictions of observables possible by measurement in the standard computational basis. We prove theoretical convergence results for these predictions in the large-qubit limit, n → ∞. In light of these properties, QECD provides a consistent simulator of the evolution of classical observables, realized through projective quantum measurement, which is able to simulate spaces of classical observables of dimension 2n using circuits of size O(n2 ). We demonstrate the consistency of the scheme in prototypical dynamical systems involving periodic and quasiperiodic oscillators on tori. These examples include simulated quantum circuit experiments in Qiskit Aer, as well as actual experiments on the IBM Quantum System One.
Let K K be the basic closed semi-algebraic set in R n \mathbb {R}^n defined by some finite set of polynomials S S and T T , the preordering generated by S S . For K K compact, f f a polynomial in n n variables nonnegative on K K and real ϵ > 0 \epsilon >0 , we have that f + ϵ ∈ T f+\epsilon \in T [15]. In particular, the K K -Moment Problem has a positive solution. In the present paper, we study the problem when K K is not compact. For n = 1 n=1 , we show that the K K -Moment Problem has a positive solution if and only if S S is the natural description of K K (see Section 1). For n ≥ 2 n\ge 2 , we show that the K K -Moment Problem fails if K K contains a cone of dimension 2. On the other hand, we show that if K K is a cylinder with compact base, then the following property holds: ()fR[X],f0onKqTsuchthatrealϵ>0,f+ϵqT.()fR[X],f0 on KqT such that  real ϵ>0,f+ϵqT. ( ‡ ) ∀ f ∈ R [ X ] , f ≥ 0 on K ⇒ ∃ q ∈ T such that ∀ real ϵ > 0 , f + ϵ q ∈ T . (\ddagger )\quad \quad \forall f\in \mathbb {R}[X], f\ge 0 \text { on } K\Rightarrow \exists q\in T \text { such that }\forall \text { real } \epsilon >0, f+\epsilon q\in T.\quad This property is strictly weaker than the one given in [15], but in turn it implies a positive solution to the K K -Moment Problem. Using results of [9], we provide many (noncompact) examples in hypersurfaces for which ( ‡ \ddagger ) holds. Finally, we provide a list of 8 open problems.
We revisit facial reduction from the point of view of projective geometry. This leads us to a homogenization strategy in conic programming that eliminates the phenomenon of weak infeasibility. For semidefinite programs (and others), this yields infeasibility certificates that can be checked in polynomial time. Furthermore, we propose a refined type of infeasibility, which we call stably infeasible, for which rational infeasibility certificates exist and that can be distinguished from other infeasibility types by our homogenization.
We describe a generalization of the Sums-of-AM/GM-Exponential (SAGE) methodology for relative entropy relaxations of constrained signomial and polynomial optimization problems. Our approach leverages the fact that SAGE certificates conveniently and transparently blend with convex duality, in a way which enables partial dualization of certain structured constraints. This more general approach retains key properties of ordinary SAGE relaxations (e.g. sparsity preservation), and inspires a projective method of solution recovery which respects partial dualization. We illustrate the utility of our methodology with a range of examples from the global optimization literature, along with a publicly available software package.
We revisit two results of Curto and Fialkow on moment matrices. The first result asserts that every sequence y ∈ R Z + n y\in \mathbb {R}^{\mathbb {Z}^n_+} whose moment matrix M ( y ) M(y) is positive semidefinite and has finite rank r r is the sequence of moments of an r r -atomic nonnegative measure μ \mu on R n \mathbb {R}^n . We give an alternative proof for this result, using algebraic tools (the Nullstellensatz) in place of the functional analytic tools used in the original proof of Curto and Fialkow. An easy observation is the existence of interpolation polynomials at the atoms of the measure μ \mu having degree at most t t if the principal submatrix M t ( y ) M_t(y) of M ( y ) M(y) (indexed by all monomials of degree ≤ t \le t ) has full rank r r . This observation enables us to shortcut the proof of the following result. Consider a basic closed semialgebraic set F = { x ∈ R n ∣ h 1 ( x ) ≥ 0 , … , h m ( x ) ≥ 0 } F=\{x\in \mathbb {R}^n\mid h_1(x)\ge 0, \ldots ,h_m(x)\ge 0\} , where h j ∈ R [ x 1 , … , x n ] h_j\in \mathbb {R}[x_1,\ldots ,x_n] and d := max j = 1 m ⁡ ⌈ deg ⁡ ( h j ) / 2 ⌉ d:=\operatorname {max}_{j=1}^m \lceil \operatorname {deg}(h_j)/2\rceil . If M t ( y ) M_t(y) is positive semidefinite and has a flat extension M t + d ( y ) M_{t+d}(y) such that all localizing matrices M t ( h j ∗ y ) M_{t}(h_j\ast y) are positive semidefinite, then y y has an atomic representing measure supported by F F . We also review an application of this result to the problem of minimizing a polynomial over the set F F .
We characterize the longterm behavior of a semiflow on a compact space K by asymptotic properties of the corresponding Koopman semigroup. In particular, we compare different concepts of attractors, such as asymptotically stable attractors, Milnor attractors and centers of attraction. Furthermore, we give a characterization for the minimal attractor for each mentioned property. The main aspect is that we only need techniques and results for linear operator semigroups, since the Koopman semigroup permits a global linearization for a possibly non-linear semiflow.
We extend the recent spectral approach for quenched limit theorems developed for piecewise expanding dynamics under general random driving to quenched random piecewise hyperbolic dynamics. For general ergodic sequences of maps in a neighborhood of a hyperbolic map we prove a quenched large deviations principle (LDP), central limit theorem (CLT), and local central limit theorem (LCLT).
The unpredictability of chaotic nonlinear dynamics leads naturally to statistical descriptions, including probabilistic limit laws such as the central limit theorem and large deviation principle. A key tool in the Nagaev–Guivarc’h spectral method for establishing statistical limit theorems is a “twisted” transfer operator. In the abstract setting of Keller and Liverani (Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa-Classe di Scienze, 28:141–152, 1999), we prove that derivatives of all orders of the leading eigenvalues and eigenprojections of the twisted transfer operators with respect to the twist parameter are stable when subjected to a broad class of perturbations. As a result, we demonstrate stability of the variance in the central limit theorem and the rate function from a large deviation principle with respect to deterministic and stochastic perturbations of the dynamics and perturbations induced by numerical schemes. We apply these results to piecewise expanding maps in one and multiple dimensions, including new convergence results for Ulam projections on quasi-Hölder spaces.
We consider linear programming (LP) problems in infinite dimensional spaces that are in general computationally intractable. Under suitable assumptions, we develop an approximation bridge from the infinite-dimensional LP to tractable finite convex programs in which the performance of the approximation is quantified explicitly. To this end, we adopt the recent developments in two areas of randomized optimization and first order methods, leading to a priori as well as a posterior performance guarantees. We illustrate the generality and implications of our theoretical results in the special case of the long-run average cost and discounted cost optimal control problems for Markov decision processes on Borel spaces. The applicability of the theoretical results is demonstrated through a constrained linear quadratic optimal control problem and a fisheries management problem.
We prove an upper bound on the degree complexity of Putinar's Positivstellensatz. This bound is much worse than the one obtained previously for Schm\"udgen's Positivstellensatz but it depends on the same parameters. As a consequence, we get information about the convergence rate of Lasserre's procedure for optimization of a polynomial subject to polynomial constraints.