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Abstract and Figures

Crude oil refineries are high-importance infrastructure that play a key role in the energy supply chain. Securing the operational and structural integrity of refineries in the aftermath of an earthquake is crucial for avoiding the undesirable consequences of a Natural-Technological (NaTech) incident, such as injuries, environmental pollution, business interruption, and monetary losses. Refineries are designed, constructed, maintained, and operated under a strict framework of standards and regulations. Still, seismic-related NaTech incidents are occurring. Thus, to assess with more confidence and consequently improve, if needed, their seismic resilience, a coherent performance-based framework needs to be utilised, that accounts for the refinery as an integrated system comprising a variety of structural typologies, such as buildings, tanks, and high-rise stacks. These structures have very diverse dynamic properties and hence seismic responses. Towards this objective, a virtual crude oil refinery is examined herein as a case study. The aim is to showcase the steps of a seismic risk assessment framework when applied to such infrastructures, focusing on the evaluation of the seismic hazard, the development of the exposure model, the numerical analysis of the structures, and the preliminary damage assessment of the facility using different earthquake scenarios.
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,4, Nikolaos D. KARAFERIS
, Athanasia K.
KAZANTZI3,4, Konstantinos BAKALIS5 & Dimitrios VAMVATSIKOS6
Abstract: Crude oil refineries are high-importance infrastructure that play a key role in the energy
supply chain. Securing the operational and structural integrity of refineries in the aftermath of an
earthquake is crucial for avoiding the undesirable consequences of a Natural-Technological
(NaTech) incident, such as injuries, environmental pollution, business interruption, and monetary
losses. Refineries are designed, constructed, maintained, and operated under a strict framework
of standards and regulations. Still, seismic-related NaTech incidents are occurring. Thus, to
assess with more confidence and consequently improve, if needed, their seismic resilience, a
coherent performance-based framework needs to be utilised, that accounts for the refinery as an
integrated system comprising a variety of structural typologies, such as buildings, tanks, and high-
rise stacks. These structures have very diverse dynamic properties and hence seismic responses.
Towards this objective, a virtual crude oil refinery is examined herein as a case study. The aim is
to showcase the steps of a seismic risk assessment framework when applied to such
infrastructures, focusing on the evaluation of the seismic hazard, the development of the exposure
model, the numerical analysis of the structures, and the preliminary damage assessment of the
facility using different earthquake scenarios.
Crude oil refineries are among the most important energy infrastructure since they are located in
the core of the energy supply chain. Crude oil extracted at oil rigs, is transported to refineries
(upstream part), then processed to produce liquid and gaseous fuels (midstream part), which are
then delivered to costumers (downstream part). The large amount of oil and oil products being
circulated in a refinery, which are flammable, hazardous, and potentially explosive materials,
dictates the need to secure the operational and structural integrity of the facility in the aftermath
of an earthquake event. In fact, a potential failure may result in undesirable events, spanning from
business disruption to uncontrolled leakage and/ or major fire incidents, as well as injuries and
event casualties (Cruz and Steinberg 2005). The devastating consequences of such seismic-
triggered NaTech events have been reported, among others, in the aftermath of the 1999 Izmit
earthquake in Turkey, the 2003 Tokachi-Oki and the 2011 Tohoku earthquakes in Japan.
The standard practice is the refinery operators to work closely with regulatory authorities to
improve the existing as well as to develop more reliable frameworks for the seismic risk
assessment of refineries in order to cope with the consequences of earthquakes and ensure
continuous operation in case of a NaTech event (Camila et al. 2019). Still, most existing
frameworks are qualitative tools based on risk analysis (Girgin et al. 2019), risk evaluation
(Theocharidou and Giannopoulos, 2015), and risk rating (Krausmann et al. 2011). These tools
are in fact very useful for the development of preliminary mitigation strategies, as well as for
developing emergency response plans and mitigation actions on account of predefined scenarios.
Yet, they cannot offer a reliable computation of the actual expected seismic loss and consequently
contribute to the improvement of the seismic resilience of the facility. It is, thus, necessary to
develop a comprehensive framework for the seismic risk assessment of such facilities by
considering the aleatory and epistemic uncertainties stemming from the seismic hazard, the
Research Associate, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece,
PhD Candidate, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
3 Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, International Hellenic University, Serres, Greece
4 Member, Societal Resilience & Climate Change (SoReCC) Center of Excellence, Diegem, Belgium
5 Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Structural Engineering IBK, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland
6 Associate Professor, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
SECED 2023 Conference MELISSIANOS et al.
structures’ modelling approaches, the structures’ seismic performance, etc. via exploiting the
Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering framework (Cornell and Krawinkler 2000).
The preliminary framework for the seismic risk assessment of a crude oil refinery that is developed
in this study, consists of (1) the seismic hazard calculation, (2) the development of the exposure
model, (3) the analysis of the structures via simplified and surrogate numerical models, and (4)
the damage assessment. A virtual typical mid-size refinery located in a highly seismic active area
in Greece is considered as a case study, in order to showcase the process and present scenario-
based results, as a first step towards identifying the most critical assets at risk.
Seismic hazard
The case-study refinery is located within a major industrial area in the west of Athens, Greece.
The open-source platform OpenQuake (Pagani et al. 2014), developed by the Global Earthquake
Model Foundation, was employed to compute the seismic hazard for the area of interest. The
seismic hazard calculations were based on the results of the Eu-funded SHARE Project
(Woessner et al. 2015) area source model and the Ground Motion Prediction Equation of Boore
and Atkinson (2008).
The geometry and dynamic properties of the structures encountered in an oil refinery are
essentially very different. A variety of Engineering Demand Parameters (EDPs) is therefore
required to assess the structural performance of such assets. Thus, the selected Intensity
Measure (IM) for the analysis should be a reliable and sufficient predictor for “all” EDPs of interest
(Kohrangi et al. 2017). The mean of the log spectral acceleration at a set of periods (), that
is in fact an asset-aware IM, is selected herein as the appropriate IM considering for its evaluation
a range of periods that span between 0.1sec to 1.0sec. The seismic hazard curve for the site of
interest is presented in Figure 1. Additionally, the typical asset-agnostic  is also adopted as
an IM.
A set of 30 hazard-consistent natural ground motion records was selected for undertaking the
time-history analyses of the assets. The non-pulse-like and non-long-duration records were
selected from the NGA-West2 database (Ancheta et al. 2013) using the Conditional Spectrum-
base method of Kohrangi et al. (2017). More details on the selected ground motion records are
presented by Bakalis et al. (2018) and Karaferis et al. (2022).
Figure 1. Seismic hazard curve for the case-study refinery site.
Exposure model
The examined facility is a typical mid-size crude oil refinery in terms of functionality, covering an
area of 1850m x 1250m. The plan view of the refinery is shown in Figure 2. The identified critical
assets at risk are (1) the atmospheric liquid storage tanks (crude oil, naphtha, diesel, marine oil,
jet oil, gasoline, slops, asphalt), (2) the spherical pressure vessels for storing gases (propane,
butane), (3) the flare for burning gaseous wastes, (4) the main refinery flare, and (5) the refining
areas, where process towers, chimneys, and equipment-supporting building-type structures are
Crude oil is imported in the refinery via pipelines from marine or land terminals and stored in crude
oil tanks. Then, it is transported to the refining areas for processing. Intermediate and final
products (liquid and gaseous fuels) are stored in tanks. Fuels and gases are circulated within the
refinery via a dense piping network, consisting of buried, on-ground, and rack-supported pipes.
An overview of the entire refining process can be found in Ancheyta (2011).
SECED 2023 Conference MELISSIANOS et al.
Figure 2. Exposure model: Plan view of the case-study crude oil refinery.
Fragility analysis
A comprehensive description of the considered structures and the corresponding numerical
models is offered in Table 1.
Anchored and unanchored
tanks with diameter raging
from 11.6m to 85.4m
Surrogate model
Bakalis et
al. (2017)
1 and 2 story steel open-
frame buildings with
rectangular plan
Elastic nonlinear models with
diaphragms modelling slabs
Kazantzi et
al. (2022)
1, 2, and 4 story RC open-
frame buildings with
rectangular plan
Elastic nonlinear models with
diaphragms modelling slabs
Kazantzi et
al. (2022)
Pressurized steel tower
with height 33m
Multi degree-of-freedom nonlinear
model with elastic beam-column
Karaferis et
al. (2022)
Reinforced Concrete
chimney with height 87m
Multi degree-of-freedom nonlinear
model with fibre elements
Karaferis et
al. (2022)
Steel chimneys with height
30m and 80m
Multi degree-of-freedom nonlinear
model with elastic beam-column
Karaferis et
al. (2022)
Steel lattice tower with
height 68m and
rectangular plan
Nonlinear 3D model with elastic
beam-column elements
Karaferis et
al. (2022)
Spherical pressure
vessels (tanks) with
diameter 20.22m,
supported by braced legs
Spherical shell represented by a
concentrated mass, legs modelled
with elastoplastic beam-column
elements, and braces modelled with
tension-only elements
Table 1. Refinery structures analysed: Brief description and numerical models.
naphtha tanks
marine oil tanks
crude oil tanks
gasoline tanks
gasoline tanks
crude oil tanks
kerosene tanks
tanks fuel oil
tanks asphalt
area 2
area 4
area 1
area 3
SECED 2023 Conference MELISSIANOS et al.
The numerical models were developed using the open-source software OpenSees (McKenna
and Fenves 2000). The seismic demand of the refinery structures was evaluated by means of
Incremental Dynamic Analysis (Vamvatsikos and Cornell 2002) for the selected set of 30 records.
Both aleatory and epistemic uncertainties were considered. The former stem from the record-to-
record variability, while the latter from the analysis assumptions.
Fragility curves are employed to quantify the structure’s susceptibility to damage. The fragility for
the considered structures is computed as:
󰇛󰇜 󰇟󰇠 󰇟 󰇠 (1)
where 󰇛󰇜 is the fragility at a given IM level, 󰇟󰇠 is the probability of its arguments, is the
structural demand, and is the capacity.
The structure-specific damages states (DSs) are homogenized in order to formulate a set of
global DS for the refinery system as per ATC-20 (1989), namely DS0: No damage, DS1: Low
damage, DS2: Medium damage, DS3: Extensive damage, and DS4: Near collapse. The failure
modes of each refinery structure with reference to the global DSs are presented in Table 2.
Sloshing, base
plate rotation
Elephants’ foot
buckling, base
plate rotation
elements: medium
intestory drift
elements: high
intestory drift
failure of medium
failure of high
Shell local
Interstory drift
Shell local
Interstory drift
Most braces have
Brace fracture
Table 2. Refinery structures analysed: Brief description and numerical models.
The computed fragility curves of two liquid storage tanks are shown in Figure 3, while the
corresponding ones for two typical steel high-rise stacks, namely a 30m high chimney and a
process tower are presented in Figure 4.
SECED 2023 Conference MELISSIANOS et al.
Figure 3. Fragility curves: (a) crude oil tank and (b) gasoline tank [LS2: sloshing base plate
rotation, LS3: elephants’ foot buckling, base plate rotation].
Figure 4. Fragility curves: (a) 30m high steel chimney and (b) a process tower [LS1: top
displacement, LS2: Interstory drift, LS4: shell local buckling].
Preliminary results
Stakeholders and policy makers are typically more familiar with scenario-based results, compared
to time-based ones, because the former provide a “straightforward” answer on the expected
structural damages given that a specific earthquake scenario has occurred. These results are
usually included in risk assessment studies and are used for post-disaster emergency planning
and risk mitigation strategies designing, using the colour tagging of ATC-20: DS0 “green”, DS1
“yellow”, DS2 “orange”, DS3 “red”, and DS4 “black”. In such results, apparently, the likelihood of
the earthquake scenario in a given time period and consequently the distribution of the most
probable damage throughout the facility is not provided.
Two earthquake scenarios are considered in this study: (1) a M6.4 earthquake event at the
Loutraki fault, located 46km southwest of the considered refinery and (2) a M6.0 earthquake event
at the Ag. Theodoroi fault, located 32km west of the refinery. The accelerograms at the refinery
site were produced using the EXSIM ( software taking into
consideration the effects of the source, the propagation path of the seismic waves, and the local
geotechnical conditions at the site of interest. The seismic sources are modelled by rectangular
planes that are divided into discrete sub-faults, which are then considered to be point sources.
The energy produced by these sub-faults propagates radially with a constant velocity and triggers
neighbouring sub-faults, leading to the rupture of the entire fault surface. The path effects are
represented by empirical attenuation relationships. The maximum acceleration at the refinery site
resulting from the event at the Loutraki fault is 0.37g, while from the event at the Ag. Theodoroi
fault is 0.621g. The consequences are depicted in Figure 5 for the scenario (1) and in Figure 6
for the scenario (2). In both cases, it is identified that the liquid storage tanks and the building in
the refining unit areas are the most vulnerable assets.
SECED 2023 Conference MELISSIANOS et al.
Figure 5. M6.4 earthquake event at the Loutraki fault [scenario (1)]: Consequences in terms of
most probable DS.
Figure 6. M6.0 earthquake event at the Ag. Theodoroi fault [scenario (2)]: Consequences in
terms of most probable DS.
flare spherical pressure tanks
naphtha tanks
marine oil tanks
crude oil tanks
gasoline tanks
gasoline tanks
crude oil tanks
kerosene tanks
tanks fuel oil
tanks asphalt
refining unit area 2
refining unit area 4
refining unit area 1
refining unit area 3
flare spherical pressure tanks
naphtha tanks
marine oil tanks
crude oil tanks
gasoline tanks
gasoline tanks
crude oil tanks
kerosene tanks
tanks fuel oil
tanks asphalt
refining unit area 2
refining unit area 4
refining unit area 1
refining unit area 3
SECED 2023 Conference MELISSIANOS et al.
The structural integrity and operational safety of crude oil refineries are critical, especially in the
event of an earthquake. To reliably achieve this dual objective, a comprehensive framework for
assessing the seismic risk of refineries is necessary. This study presents a preliminary seismic
risk assessment of a virtual mid-size oil refinery, which is examined as a case study. Initially, the
critical assets of the facility, namely liquid storage tanks, equipment-supporting building-type
structures, spherical pressure vessels, process towers, chimneys, and the flare, were identified
to formulate the exposure model. The seismic hazard at the site of interest was calculated using
the 2013 European Seismic Hazard Model. Reduced-order numerical models for the assets were
developed, and Incremental Dynamic Analysis was used to analyse the structures and compute
their seismic demands. The fragility curves of the assets were calculated by defining a set of
global damage states. Finally, the seismic consequences for two seismic scenarios were
evaluated, demonstrating that liquid storage tanks and equipment-supporting building-type
structures as the most vulnerable assets. While these results are typically used in risk assessment
studies to provide information to stakeholders and engineers for post-disaster emergency
planning and design, they may not be applicable for insurance purposes.
The authors would like to thank Dr. V. Karastathis, Research Director at the National Observatory
of Athens, Greece, for selecting the seismic scenarios and carrying out the analyses for producing
the accelerograms.
This research has been co-financed by the European Union through the HORIZON 2020 research
and innovation programme “METIS–Seismic Risk Assessment for Nuclear Safety” under Grant
Agreement No. 945121 and the HORIZON innovation action “PLOTO–Deployment and
Assessment of Predictive modelling, environmentally sustainable and emerging digital
technologies and tools for improving the resilience of IWW against Climate change and other
extremes” under Grant Agreement No. 101069941.
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
A seismic fragility assessment methodology is presented for equipment-supporting reinforced concrete and steel buildings that are typically encountered in oil refineries. Using a suite of hazard-consistent ground motions and reduced-order models, incremental dynamic analysis is performed to obtain the seismic demand of the structural systems examined. Appropriate drift- and floor acceleration-sensitive failure modes are considered to define the limit state capacities of the supporting structure and the nested non-structural process equipment. Special care is exercised on the demand and capacity representation of structural and non-structural components, offering a transparent roadmap for undertaking analytical fragility assessment for equipment-supporting buildings typical to an oil refinery. The findings and the proposed methodology can be exploited by designers and facility managers for mitigating the risk of failure prior to the occurrence of an earthquake event, for designing the pertinent structures and their non-structural components by means of a risk-aware performance-based methodology, or as feed data in early warning systems.
Full-text available
The seismic fragility is assessed for typical high-rise stacks encountered in oil refineries, namely process towers, chimneys, and flares. Models of varying complexity were developed for the structures of interest, attempting to balance computational complexity and accuracy regarding the structural dynamic and strength properties. The models were utilized along with a set of hazard-consistent ground motions for evaluating the seismic demands through incremental dynamic analysis. Demand/capacity-related uncertainties were explicitly accounted for in the proposed framework. Damage states were defined for each of the examined structure considering characteristic serviceability and ultimate limit states. Τhe proposed resource-efficient roadmap for the analytical seismic fragility assessment of typical high-rise stacks, as well as the findings of the presented research work are available to be exploited in seismic risk assessment studies of oil refineries.
Full-text available
The 2013 European Seismic Hazard Model (ESHM13) results from a community- based probabilistic seismic hazard assessment supported by the EU-FP7 project “Seismic Hazard Harmonization in Europe” (SHARE, 2009–2013). The ESHM13 is a consistent seismic hazard model for Europe and Turkey which overcomes the limitation of national borders and includes a through quantification of the uncertainties. It is the first completed regional effort contributing to the “Global Earthquake Model” initiative. It might serve as a reference model for various applications, from earthquake preparedness to earthquake risk mitigation strategies, including the update of the European seismic regulations for building design (Eurocode 8), and thus it is useful for future safety assessment and improvement of private and public buildings. Although its results constitute a reference for Europe, they do not replace the existing national design regulations that are in place for seismic design and construction of buildings. The ESHM13 represents a significant improvement compared to previous efforts as it is based on (1) the compilation of updated and harmonised versions of the databases required for probabilistic seismic hazard assessment, (2) the adoption of standard procedures and robust methods, especially for expert elicitation and consensus building among hundreds of European experts, (3) the multi-disciplinary input from all branches of earthquake science and engineering, (4) the direct involvement of the CEN/TC250/SC8 committee in defining output specifications relevant for Eurocode 8 and (5) the accounting for epistemic uncertainties of model components and hazard results. Furthermore, enormous effort was devoted to transparently document and ensure open availability of all data, results and methods through the European Facility for Earthquake Hazard and Risk (
Full-text available
A series of scalar and vector intensity measures is examined to determine their suitability within the seismic risk assessment of liquid storage tanks. Using a surrogate modelling approach on a squat tank that is examined under both anchored and unanchored support conditions, incremental dynamic analysis is adopted to generate the distributions of response parameters conditioned on each of the candidate intensity measures. Efficiency and sufficiency metrics are used in order to perform the intensity measure evaluation for individual failure modes, while a comparison in terms of mean annual frequency of exceedance is performed with respect to a damage state that is mutually governed by the impulsive and convective modes of the tank. The results reveal combinations of spectral acceleration ordinates as adequate predictors, among which the average spectral acceleration is singled out as the optimal solution. The sole exception is found for the sloshing‐controlled modes of failure, where mainly the convective period spectral acceleration is deemed adequate to represent the associated response due to their underlying linear relationship. A computationally efficient method in terms of site hazard analysis is finally proposed to serve in place of the vector‐valued intensity measures, providing a good match for the unanchored tank considered and a more conservative one for the corresponding anchored system.
Full-text available
The NGA-West2 project database expands on its predecessor to include worldwide ground motion data recorded from shallow crustal earthquakes in active tectonic regimes post-2000 and a set of small-to-moderate-magnitude earthquakes in California between 1998 and 2011. The database includes 21,336 (mostly) three-component records from 599 events. The parameter space covered by the database is M 3.0 to M 7.9, closest distance of 0.05 to 1,533 kin, and site time-averaged shear-wave velocity in the top 30 m of V-S30 = 94 m/s to 2,100 m/s (although data becomes sparse for distances >400 km and V-S30 > 1,200 m/s or <150 m/s). The database includes uniformly processed time series and response spectral ordinates for 111 periods ranging from 0.01 s to 20 s at 11 damping ratios. Ground motions and metadata for source, path, and site conditions were subject to quality checks by ground motion prediction equation developers and topical working groups.
A three-dimensional surrogate model is presented for the seismic performance assessment of cylindrical atmospheric liquid storage tanks. The proposed model consists of a concentrated fluid mass attached to a single vertical beam-column element that rests on rigid beam-spokes with edge springs. The model is suitable for rapid static and dynamic seismic performance assessment. Contrary to other simplified models for tanks, its properties are determined through a simple structural analysis that can be performed in any nonlinear analysis software, without the need for complex finite-element models. The results compare favorably to those of three-dimensional finite element models on three tanks of varying aspect ratios. A step-by-step example of the modeling procedure is presented for a squat unanchored tank, and a sensitivity analysis is conducted in order to investigate the effect of various modeling parameters on the seismic response of the proposed tank model.
In this Study, we report on the results of a random mail survey of 400 industrial facilities affected by the Turkey earthquake of 17 August 1999. The survey asked questions concerning damage and economic losses, hazardous materials and hazardous materials releases during the earthquake, and risk management and emergency response practices for hazmats prior to and after the earthquake. The study results indicate a high toll on industrial facilities in the region with more than 56% of industrial facilities reporting structural damage and over 60% reporting economic losses. A significantly higher number of industrial facilities built prior to the introduction of the first seismic building codes in 1975 Suffered damage. In a logistic regression, older facilities and facilities owned by multinational firms were found to be more likely to suffer damages than Turkish-owned facilities or newer facilities. Eight percent of facilities handling hazardous materials suffered an earthquake-triggered hazardous materials release. Preparedness for earthquake-triggered hazardous materials releases prior to the earthquake was low, but increased significantly in the aftermath of the earthquake, especially for those facilities that had suffered earthquake damage.
Modeling and Simulation of Catalytic Reactors for Petroleum Refining deals with fundamental descriptions of the main conversion processes employed in the petroleum refining industry: catalytic hydrotreating, catalytic reforming, and fluid catalytic cracking. Common approaches for modeling of catalytic reactors for steady-state and dynamic simulations are also described and analyzed. Aspects such as thermodynamics, reaction kinetics, process variables, process scheme, and reactor design are discussed in detail from both research and commercial points of view. Results of simulation with the developed models are compared with those determined at pilot plant scale as well as commercial practice. Kinetics data used in the reactor model are either taken from the literature or obtained under controlled experiments at the laboratory.