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Mental Imagery in Dreams of Congenitally Blind People



It is unclear to what extent the absence of vision affects the sensory sensitivity for oneiric construction. Similarly, the presence of visual imagery in the mentation of dreams of congenitally blind people has been largely disputed. We investigate the presence and nature of oneiric visuo-spatial impressions by analysing 180 dreams of seven congenitally blind people identified from the online database DreamBank. A higher presence of auditory, haptic, olfactory, and gustatory sensation in dreams of congenitally blind people was demonstrated, when compared to normally sighted individuals. Nonetheless, oneiric visual imagery in reports of congenitally blind subjects was also noted, in opposition to some previous studies, and raising questions about the possible underlying neuro-mechanisms.
Citation: Kang, J.; Bertani, R.; Raheel,
K.; Soteriou, M.; Rosenzweig, J.;
Valentin, A.; Goadsby, P.J.;
Tahmasian, M.; Moran, R.; Ilic, K.;
et al. Mental Imagery in Dreams of
Congenitally Blind People. Brain Sci.
2023,13, 1394.
Academic Editors: Luigi De Gennaro
and Maurizio Gorgoni
Received: 29 June 2023
Revised: 27 September 2023
Accepted: 28 September 2023
Published: 30 September 2023
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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Mental Imagery in Dreams of Congenitally Blind People
Jungwoo Kang 1, , Rita Bertani 1 ,† , Kausar Raheel 1, , Matthew Soteriou 2, Jan Rosenzweig 3, Antonio Valentin 4,
Peter J. Goadsby 5, Masoud Tahmasian 6, Rosalyn Moran 7, Katarina Ilic 1,8 , Adam Ockelford 9
and Ivana Rosenzweig 1, 10,*
1Sleep and Brain Plasticity Centre, Department of Neuroimaging, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and
Neuroscience (IoPPN), King’s College London, London WC2R 2LS, UK
2Department of Philosophy, King’s College London, London WC2R 2LS, UK
3Department of Engineering, King’s College London, London WC2R 2LS, UK
4Basic and Clinical Neuroscience, IoPPN, King’s College London, London WC2R 2LS, UK
5NIHR-Wellcome Trust King’s Clinical Research Facility, King’s College London, London WC2R 2LS, UK
6Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine, Brain and Behaviour (INM-7), Research Centre Jülich,
52428 Jülich, Germany
7Department of Neuroimaging, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience (IoPPN),
King’s College London, London WC2R 2LS, UK
8BRAIN, Department of Neuroimaging, King’s College London, London WC2R 2LS, UK
9Centre for Learning, Teaching and Human Development, School of Education, University of Roehampton,
London SW15 5PJ, UK
10 Sleep Disorders Centre, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London SE1 1UL, UK
These authors contributed equally to this work.
It is unclear to what extent the absence of vision affects the sensory sensitivity for oneiric
construction. Similarly, the presence of visual imagery in the mentation of dreams of congenitally
blind people has been largely disputed. We investigate the presence and nature of oneiric visuo-
spatial impressions by analysing 180 dreams of seven congenitally blind people identified from the
online database DreamBank. A higher presence of auditory, haptic, olfactory, and gustatory sensation
in dreams of congenitally blind people was demonstrated, when compared to normally sighted
individuals. Nonetheless, oneiric visual imagery in reports of congenitally blind subjects was also
noted, in opposition to some previous studies, and raising questions about the possible underlying
Keywords: dream; congenitally blind; cross-modal plasticity
1. Introduction
Historically, the term ‘mental imagery’ has been used to refer to depictions and the
experience of sensory information without a direct external stimulus, commonly recalled
from memory [
]. During these representations one re-experiences a version of the
original stimulus or some novel combination of stimuli in one’s mind’s eye [
]. More
recently, it has been shown that individual sensitivity to a particular sensory input may
underlie that person’s sensory imagery deficits [
]. In dreams, (oneiric) imagery is thought
to arise from the reactivations and manipulations of sensory cortical representations during
sleep, although the exact nature of these mechanisms remains uncertain [
]. Perhaps
unsurprisingly, the presence of visual imagery in the mentation of dreams of congenitally
blind people has long been a matter of significant controversy [
]. To date, it is unclear
to what extent the absence or loss of vision affects the sensory and pictorial sensitivity
for dream construction [
], or, more specifically, how it impacts the ability of the
nervous system to integrate sufficient sensory information to produce mental images
during dreaming.
Brain Sci. 2023,13, 1394.
Brain Sci. 2023,13, 1394 2 of 9
Arguably, sensory modalities other than vision (e.g., auditory, haptic/tactile, and
olfactory) enable adaptive functional development of the occipitotemporal visual system
in the absence of visual stimulation early in life [
]. This model is supported, at least
prima facie, by evidence of cross-modal neuroplasticity of the “blind visual cortex” and
its involvement in episodic memory [
], language [
], and in auditory [
] and
haptic [30] processing [5].
Moreover, sleep itself, and more specifically, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep [
appears fundamental for the full development of the visual cortex [
], and, therefore, of
mental imagery [
]. Notably, Eagleman and Vaughn have recently proposed that the
circuitry underlying REM sleep serves to selectively amplify the visual system’s activity
periodically throughout the night, allowing it to defend its territory against takeover from
other sensory inputs [
]. It has also been argued that, during the distinct microstates
of REM [
], phasic brain-state co-ordination leads to transient differential coherence
with hippocampal and other wider thalamo-(visuo)cortical regions [
]. In turn, this
may also ensure attentional shifts that ‘reset’ mnemonic processing frames and enable
oneiric conscious experiences [
], including discrete epochs of the generation of visual-like
mental representations during REM sleep [
]. With this background, it is of note that
congenitally blind people show significantly reduced, or fully absent, rapid eye movements
during sleep [8].
Nonetheless, over the years, it has been reported that congenitally blind people
can, and do, experience oneiric visuo-spatial imagery in a way that is similar to sighted
individuals [
]. In keeping with this, significant negative correlations between the
visual activity index (defined by performing a quantitative analysis of dream content, also
see [
]) and occipital alpha power have been demonstrated during REM’s dream mentation
in congenitally blind subjects [
]. This is largely in line with reduced or blocked alpha
power over the occipital cortex, commonly associated with visual imagery in normally
sighted people [
]. Strikingly, some congenitally blind subjects have also been able to
represent the visual content of their dreams in accurate drawings, if somewhat less detailed
and slightly more symbolic and archetypal, similar to those of sighted controls [42].
Thus, with the background of this ongoing debate [
], we set to investigate
the presence and nature of oneiric visuo-spatial impressions by analysing 180 dreams of
seven congenitally blind people identified from the online database DreamBank (http:
//, accessed on 1 May 2021) [
]. We predict nonmetaphorical visual
keywords to be significantly less frequent, and nonmetaphorical auditory, haptic, gustatory,
and somatosensory keywords to be significantly more frequent in the dream reports of the
congenitally blind group, compared to the sighted control group.
2. Methods and Materials
The DreamBank [
] collection is a distinct database of over 20,000 dream reports
(Supplement). Its dream reports have been predominantly collected during the last century,
preceding the global availability of digital media. Thus, arguably, they may be more devoid
of its hypothesised corruptive globalising effect [
], which could impact individual’s
dream mentation and subjects’ memories of personally experienced events [
]. All Dream-
Bank participants gave informed consent, and all methods were carried out in accordance
with relevant UK and international guidelines and regulations.
2.1. Dream Selection
Altogether, 180 dreams of seven congenitally blind subjects were identified in the
DreamBank [
] (Table 1). In this study, all participants self-identified as white (U.S.) (also
see, accessed on 1 May 2021).
Brain Sci. 2023,13, 1394 3 of 9
Table 1. Sociodemographic data for the congenitally blind subjects (DreamBank) [48].
CODE Sex Age Years of
Education Occupation Nature/Degree
of Blindness
# of Dream
1 F 32 18 Unemployed C/T 10
2 F 52 12 Envelope stuffer C/T 37
3 F 44 18 Factory worker (retired) C/T 32
4 F 44 13 Medical transcriptionist C/T 9
5 M 45 16 Human resources management C/T 61
6 M 46 12 Small engine repairs C/T 12
7 F 18 13 College student C/T 19
Abbreviations: C/T: congenitally blind with no residual vision of any kind; F: female; M: male.
Specifically, six congenitally and totally blind subjects were initially identified from
a larger DreamBank series of dreams, collected in the 1990s from visually impaired men
and women (Series 1) [
]. An additional nineteen dreams were then sourced from one
congenitally and totally blind participant who was interviewed in late 1940s (Series 2).
The normative sample of dreams from the control subjects, also recorded in the
past century, were collected from the DreamBank, as previously described [
] (also see
Supplement). Overall, 981 dreams from normally sighted gender-matched controls from
the DreamBank’s Series 3 (490 dreams from female subjects) and 4(491 dreams from male
subjects) were identified for the purposes of the statistical analyses [51].
2.2. Dream Analysis
The modified dream content analysis was conducted, as previously described [
More specifically, the relevant dream report series from the DreamBank was selected
and a set of sensory keywords belonging to seven predetermined categories was chosen
(Table 2) [10,14].
Table 2. Keywords used to analyse dream content on DreamBank, divided in seven categories.
Colours ˆwhiteˆ or ˆblackˆ or ˆgoldˆ or ˆsilverˆ or ˆcopperˆ or ˆbronzeˆ or ˆredˆ or ˆgreenˆ or ˆorangeˆ or
ˆvioletˆ or ˆpurpleˆ or ˆblueˆ or ˆyellowˆ or ˆgr[ae]yˆ
Aesthetic adjectives pretty or beaut- or gorgeous or handsome or ugly or disgust or attractive
Luminosity dark or bright or ˆlightˆ or ˆlitˆ or ˆshin(ing|e|ed)ˆ or illumi or ˆsun(ˆ|ny)ˆ
Size ˆbig(|ger)ˆ or enormous or huge or ˆlongˆ or ˆlarg(e|er)ˆ or ˆgi(ant|gantic)ˆ or ˆta(ll|ller)ˆ or
ˆsmal(l|ler|lest)ˆ or t[i|ee]ny or little or ˆthi(n|nner|nnest)ˆ
Auditory ˆhea(r|rd|ring)ˆ or sound or ˆlou(d|dly|der)ˆ or ˆquietˆ or nois
ˆtouc(h|hing|ed)ˆ or ˆfe(el|lt)ˆ or ˆsmoothˆ or ˆsoftˆ or ˆco(ol|ld) or ˆh(eat|ot)ˆ or ˆpai(n|ful)ˆ or
ˆhurtˆ or ˆwarm
Olfactory/Gustatory smel(l|t) or scent or tast(y|e)
Subsequently, utilising the DreamBank software [
], the sensory content of 180 dreams
of congenitally blind and 981 normally sighted subjects was analysed and compared (for
more in-depth description, please refer to Supplement).
Prior to the analysis, selected dream reports were quality scanned to exclude those
reports in which keywords were used metaphorically, or not in a strictly sensory context;
for example, a dream report mentioning “a little gift” was included, as “little” is a size
indicator in this case, while reports containing phrases such as “I was a little startled”
were excluded. Furthermore, keywords not directly related to the sensations of the subject
reporting the dream were not considered in the analysis; for instance, “my left rib hurt”
Brain Sci. 2023,13, 1394 4 of 9
was included, while statements such as “they were not hurt” or “he was in pain” were not
included. Afterwards, for each subject group (congenitally blind versus sighted controls),
we compiled the total number of dream reports in which any of the categories’ keywords
were used in a strictly sensory and self-referential way. This compilation was conducted
by two independent investigators (J.K. and R.B.) in a double-blind manner; eventual
discrepancies were discussed with a third investigator (K.I.), and rectified accordingly prior
to the statistical analysis (Supplementary Table S1).
Statistical analysis was conducted with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
(SPSS) Statistics 26 (IBM Corp., New York, NY, USA). A chi-square test for independence
was calculated comparing the occurrence of each keyword’s frequency, for each category,
between the dreams of the congenitally blind and those of the normally sighted controls
(Figure 1; Table S1).
Brain Sci. 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 10
reporting the dream were not considered in the analysis; for instance, my left rib hurt”
was included, while statements such as they were not hurt” or he was in pain were not
included. Afterwards, for each subject group (congenitally blind versus sighted controls),
we compiled the total number of dream reports in which any of the categories keywords
were used in a strictly sensory and self-referential way. This compilation was conducted
by two independent investigators (J.K. and R.B.) in a double-blind manner; eventual dis-
crepancies were discussed with a third investigator (K.I.), and rectied accordingly prior
to the statistical analysis (Supplementary Table S1).
Statistical analysis was conducted with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
(SPSS) Statistics 26 (IBM Corp.,New York, USA). A chi-square test for independence was
calculated comparing the occurrence of each keyword’s frequency, for each category, be-
tween the dreams of the congenitally blind and those of the normally sighted controls
(Figure 1; Table S1).
Figure 1. Oneiric sensory impressions in congenitally blind versus sighted controls. Keyword fre-
quency is reported in percentages above the bars for each category. Signicance values (p) from the
chi-squared tests are also reported above the bars. * Denotes p < 0.05.
Statistical signicance was set at an alpha of 0.05.
3. Results
Congenitally blind subjects were shown to use words indicating auditory (37.0% ver-
sus 12.3%; p < 0.001), haptic (29.8% versus 8.6%; p < 0.001), gustatory, and olfactory (12.7%
versus 1.3%; p < 0.001) sensations signicantly more frequently when describing their
dream content in comparison to normally sighted subjects (Figure 1; Supplementary Table
In our study, congenitally blind subjects were shown to use visual adjectives such as
colours (4.4% versus 20.2%; p < 0.001) and (visual) aesthetic judgments [52] (2.8% versus
8.8%; p < 0.001); however, their use of these adjectives was present signicantly less fre-
quently than in their sighted counterparts.
  
Figure 1.
Oneiric sensory impressions in congenitally blind versus sighted controls. Keyword
frequency is reported in percentages above the bars for each category. Significance values (p) from
the chi-squared tests are also reported above the bars. * Denotes p< 0.05.
Statistical significance was set at an alpha of 0.05.
3. Results
Congenitally blind subjects were shown to use words indicating auditory (37.0%
versus 12.3%; p< 0.001), haptic (29.8% versus 8.6%; p< 0.001), gustatory, and olfactory
(12.7% versus 1.3%; p< 0.001) sensations significantly more frequently when describing
their dream content in comparison to normally sighted subjects (Figure 1; Supplementary
Table S1).
In our study, congenitally blind subjects were shown to use visual adjectives such as
colours (4.4% versus 20.2%; p< 0.001) and (visual) aesthetic judgments [
] (2.8% versus
8.8%; p< 0.001); however, their use of these adjectives was present significantly less
frequently than in their sighted counterparts.
No significant difference between the two groups was found for the categories of size
(19.3% versus 18.8%; p= 0.837), and, interestingly, correspondingly, no significant difference
was observed in the category of luminosity (7.7% versus 11.3%; p= 0.123).
Brain Sci. 2023,13, 1394 5 of 9
Additionally, a previously unpublished excerpt from an interview with a congenitally
blind subject, where she discusses a dream in which she perceived the colour white,
conducted in the late 1940s, is also shown (Table 3) [48].
Table 3.
Extract from a representative interview with a congenitally blind college student (Dream-
Bank [48]).
“[. . .] We went over to a table that was up against the wall, at one end of the studio. The top was covered by a
white chiffon tablecloth, very voluminous. It was a gorgeous thing, very soft and full and beautiful. And on the
table were two big silver candelabras with candles in them, and I think they were lit. Neither R. nor I were
content with the way the tablecloth was arranged, so while we waited for the music to come on, we went over to
the tablecloth to rearrange it in nicer folds [. . .]”
Q: Do you think R. told you that the tablecloth was white?
No. I just knew it and I had a visual impression of white which I can’t describe except that it was just devoid of
any darkness, no color.
Q: Do you often have this sensation?
No, it’s just as unusual as having a color impression, for me, that is. Actually, of course, I never have any idea of
dark and light, neither in the day nor in the night. It’s just nothing at all, but this was a real visual impression of
white, at least it was to me. It may just be my conception of white, but there it was.
Q: What about the candelabra, did you have an impression of the color silver or do you mean you knew it was
of the metal silver?
Well, I knew it was silver metal because it was very smooth to touch, but I also had the impression of silver and
the way I know silver is that it’s like white only shiny.
4. Discussion
In keeping with previous studies, we demonstrate a higher presence of auditory, haptic,
olfactory, and gustatory sensation in dreams of congenitally blind people, when compared
to normally sighted individuals [
]. Our report of oneiric visual-like imagery in con-
genitally blind subjects (Figure 1; Table 3), however, challenges the negative findings in the
majority of previous studies [
]. On the other hand, our results appear to be in keeping
with two studies that have demonstrated (oneiric) visual-like imagery in congenitally and
totally blind subjects lacking any previous visual perception or experience [17,41,43].
We also report, for the first time, an excerpt from an interview with a congenitally
blind woman (Table 3; DreamBank [
]). Her elaboration of oneiric visual-like experiences
is in broad agreement with other anecdotal reports where subjects refute common under-
standing that their visual-like imagery may reflect merely metaphoric [
] or mental
representations with preserved spatial and metric properties [
]. Some mechanistic un-
derstanding has been gained from the research in the field of lucid dreaming, where lucid
dreaming is defined as an experience of achieving conscious awareness of dreaming while
still asleep [
]. In lucid dreamers, different spatio-temporal EEG features, with distinct
oneiric narrative and imagery, have been demonstrated depending on whether dreams
were spontaneous or induced (e.g., by visual stimulation or presleep suggestion) [
]. The
former have been linked with increased activity in areas associated with an increased
level of visual attention and executive memory processing, with the latter predominantly
demonstrating a significant increase in gamma activity in the frontal lobes [
]. However,
it remains unknown if lucid dreaming exists, and if so, whether it is less or more prevalent
in congenitally blind dreamers. None of the dreams’ narratives in this study suggested
lucid dreaming.
Given the period when the dreams analysed in this study were collected, i.e., some
stemming from as early as the mid-20th century, it is of interest to consider whether
experience and cultural beliefs may have impacted visual imagery and dreaming of our
participants [
]. For instance, Schwitzgebel (2002) reported a surprising inconsistency in
the results of the earlier and later studies of dreams, with research conducted in the early
20th century consistently demonstrating dreaming in black and white [56]. However, this
Brain Sci. 2023,13, 1394 6 of 9
trend abruptly disappeared in the 1960s, presumably with the advent of colour TV and
other media [
]. More recently, it has been suggested that vividness of dream experiences,
including experience of colours, may predominantly depend on the intensity of the brain
activity in distinct neurocircuitry [
]. However, how distinct anatomical and physiologic
processes of the congenitally blind brain may affect this process remains an important
unanswered question, with some initial insights gained from neuroimaging studies (for
further in-depth systemic review, please refer to [5]).
Historically, it has been recognised that the major experimental conundrum in de-
lineating processes that may underlie any such visual imagery predominantly reside in
the limited objectivity of otherwise highly personal and subjective dream reports. Simi-
larly, the overwhelming neurophysiologic complexity of the visual system presents further
hindrance [
]. For example, the visual system comprises multiple parallel and interact-
ing processing pathways in the brain that relate and process neural information on form,
motion, and colour [
]. However, it is uncertain whether there is anatomical sepa-
ration between the visual cortical areas serving visual imagery and those serving visual
perception [
]. Over the years, some neuroscientists have proposed that the regions used
for visual imagery present a subset of those engaged in perception, whilst others have
maintained that the regions subserving visual perception and imagery are the same (please
see [
]). In summary, to date, there remains ambiguity over how these separate pathways
are brought together into a single image, and whether the reevoking of images inevitably
activate all of them on all the hierarchic levels [43,58,59].
Another interesting possibility could be that, arguably, in a theoretical parallel to
Jungian’s notion of archetypal symbols (e.g., protoconsciousness and oneiric primordial
images) [
], the eccentric genetic wiring of our early visual cortex [
] supports a possi-
bility of elementary (primordial) ‘visual-like’ or homoi
oma (“likeness”, in Ancient Greek)
neural representations that are inbuilt a priori and onto which other sensory modalities
feedback nonvisual and potentially predictive information. If this is indeed the case, this,
in turn, would then enable a typical spatio-temporal organization of early visual areas by
eccentricity [
] to develop even in the life-long absence of vision [
]. Moreover, such a
notion would arguably also explain the striking ability of congenitally and totally blind
subjects to draw symbolic representations of various visual images [
] in eerie likeness to
those drawn by normally sighted subjects. Somewhat analogous hypotheses have been
advanced in the past to explain the protracted language acquisition in autistic individuals
in comparison to those with neurotypical development, and are in line with the notion
of Hebbian correlation learning in neuroanatomically structured networks which yield
distributed circuits binding action and perception information [
]. Perhaps relatedly,
Pascual-Leone and Hamilton (2001) have argued that the human brain may operate as an
inherently metamodal network, where distinct brain regions may execute a given function
or computation regardless of sensory input modality (please refer to [61]).
The existence of homoi
oma could also be reasoned by the demonstrations of cross-modal
neuroplasticity, as evidenced by neuroimaging [
] and sensory substitution [
studies [
]. For instance, it has been recently argued that the creation of new connections
between the occipital cortex and areas of the brain involved in auditory or haptic processing,
and/or the unmasking of existing connections, which are normally inhibited in the presence
of vision [
], may, in the blind, enable integration of nonvisual sensory inputs
to generate any such visuo-spatial images [
]. Moreover, parts of the occipital cortex,
such as the V1 region, have been shown to undergo cross-modal plastic adaptation in
the congenitally blind, and to contribute to nonvisual processing [
]. However,
other occipital areas—such as the extrastriate body area [
], the lateral occipital tactile-
visual area [
], and the fusiform and inferior temporal gyri [
] maintain the higher-order,
multisensory integration functions that they have in the sighted, and, therefore, presumably
at least in part, may contribute to the formation of our reported oneiric homoi¯
Finally, despite obvious limitations of our small cross-sectional study that compared
individuals from different time eras, sex/gender, and ages, hence, restricting claims of any
Brain Sci. 2023,13, 1394 7 of 9
causality, we propose that our findings are supportive of the presence of homoi
oma, or oneiric
visual-like imagery in congenitally blind people. However, it remains that other equally
plausible alternative explanations cannot be currently excluded, including those arguing
for amodal spatial representations in visual cortices of congenitally blind people [
], and
those stating that visual-like imagery in the dream reports of blind people may only be
understood in metaphorical terms [
]. Nonetheless, it is hoped that our findings will
support the growing calls for multicentre and multimodal imaging studies of dreaming
and sleep physiology in congenitally blind people. Deciphering the mechanistic nature and
the genesis of homoi¯
oma may open new possibility in the utilisation of neuroplasticity and
its potential role for treatment of neurodisability.
Supplementary Materials:
The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https://, Table S1: Oneiric sensory impressions/words
used in dreams of congenitally blind vs. sighted controls.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualisation, R.B., J.K., K.R., A.O. and I.R. Methodology, software
and formal analyses J.K. and K.I. All authors; writing—original draft preparation, All authors;
writing—review and editing. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Data Availability Statement:
All data that support the findings of this study are available and open
source at the DreamBank [48].
Special thanks is owed to the DreamBank’s Adam Schneider and G. William
Domhoff (Psychology Department, UC Santa Cruz, USA) for all their generous help in providing access
to the previously unpublished material at the DreamBank, and throughout this study in the sourcing
and analysis of the dream reports.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... Along with sounds (such as speaking, hearing, or having a conversation), perceptions of touch, taste, pleasure, pain, etc., are also experienced in dreams. Further, compared to subjects with normal vision, congenitally blind people experience dreams with more auditory, haptic, olfactory, and gustatory sensations [6]. Few reports, nonetheless, suggest some oneiric visual imagery, but with lesser frequency, in congenitally blind subjects compared to subjects with normal vision [6]. ...
... Further, compared to subjects with normal vision, congenitally blind people experience dreams with more auditory, haptic, olfactory, and gustatory sensations [6]. Few reports, nonetheless, suggest some oneiric visual imagery, but with lesser frequency, in congenitally blind subjects compared to subjects with normal vision [6]. ...
Dreaming, a common yet mysterious cognitive phenomenon, is an involuntary process experienced by individuals during sleep. Although the fascination with dreams dates back to ancient times and gained therapeutic significance through psychoanalysis in the early twentieth century, its scientific investigation only gained momentum with the discovery of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep in the 1950s. This review synthesises current research on the neurobiological and psychological aspects of dreaming, including factors influencing dream recall and content, neurophysiological correlates, and experimental models, and discusses the implications for clinical practice.
Since one of its first descriptions 70 years ago, rapid eye movement sleep has continually inspired and excited new generations of sleep researchers. Despite significant advancements in understanding its neurocircuitry, underlying mechanisms and microstates, many questions regarding its function, especially beyond the early neurodevelopment, remain unanswered. This opinion review delves into some of the unresolved issues in rapid eye movement sleep research, highlighting the ongoing need for comprehensive exploration in this fascinating field.
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Background The presence of visual imagery in dreams of congenitally blind people has long been a matter of substantial controversy. We set to systematically review body of published work on the presence and nature of oneiric visuo-spatial impressions in congenitally and early blind subjects across different areas of research, from experimental psychology, functional neuroimaging, sensory substitution, and sleep research. Methods Relevant studies were identified using the following databases: EMBASE, MEDLINE and PsychINFO. Results Studies using diverse imaging techniques and sensory substitution devices broadly suggest that the “blind” occipital cortex may be able to integrate non-visual sensory inputs, and thus possibly also generate visuo-spatial impressions. Visual impressions have also been reported by blind subjects who had near-death or out-of-body experiences. Conclusion Deciphering the mechanistic nature of these visual impression could open new possibility in utilization of neuroplasticity and its potential role for treatment of neurodisability.
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Unlike sleep-walkers, patients with rapid-eye-movement-behaviour disorder (RBD) rarely leave the bed during the re-enactment of their dreams. RBD movements may be independent of spatial co-ordinates of the ‘outside-world’, and instead rely on (allocentric) brain-generated virtual space-maps, as evident by patients’ limited truncal/axial movements. To confirm this, a semiology analysis of video-polysomnography records of 38 RBD patients was undertaken and paradoxically restricted truncal/thoraco-lumbar movements during complex dream re-enactments demonstrated.
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People with aphantasia have impoverished visual imagery so struggle to form mental pictures in the mind's eye. By testing people with and without aphantasia, we investigate the relationship between sensory imagery and sensory sensitivity (i.e., hyper- or hypo-reactivity to incoming signals through the sense organs). In Experiment 1 we first show that people with aphantasia report impaired imagery across multiple domains (e.g., olfactory, gustatory etc.) rather than simply vision. Importantly, we also show that imagery is related to sensory sensitivity: aphantasics reported not only lower imagery, but also lower sensory sensitivity. In Experiment 2, we showed a similar relationship between imagery and sensitivity in the general population. Finally, in Experiment 3 we found behavioural corroboration in a Pattern Glare Task, in which aphantasics experienced less visual discomfort and fewer visual distortions typically associated with sensory sensitivity. Our results suggest for the very first time that sensory imagery and sensory sensitivity are related, and that aphantasics are characterised by both lower imagery, and lower sensitivity. Our results also suggest that aphantasia (absence of visual imagery) may be more accurately defined as a subtype of a broader imagery deficit we name dysikonesia, in which weak or absent imagery occurs across multiple senses.
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The predominance of visual content in dreams raises a fundamental issue in the formation of images and for the construction of ideas based on the activity of the visual cortex in people with visual impairments. The central question for students of the visual system and for dream connoisseurs is: to what extent the absence or loss of vision will affect the sensory sensitivity for dream construction. Sensory modalities other than vision (tactile and auditory) can influence the functional development of the occipitotemporal visual system in the absence of visual stimulation early in life. What I mean is that blind individuals have significantly less visual capacity, but they also have an increase in the number of auditory, tactile, olfactory, and gustatory sound impressions.
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Regions of the brain maintain their territory with continuous activity: if activity slows or stops (e.g., because of blindness), the territory tends to be taken over by its neighbors. A surprise in recent years has been the speed of takeover, which is measurable within an hour. These findings lead us to a new hypothesis on the origin of REM sleep. We hypothesize that the circuitry underlying REM sleep serves to amplify the visual system’s activity periodically throughout the night, allowing it to defend its territory against takeover from other senses. We find that measures of plasticity across 25 species of primates correlate positively with the proportion of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. We further find that plasticity and REM sleep increase in lockstep with evolutionary recency to humans. Finally, our hypothesis is consistent with the decrease in REM sleep and parallel decrease in neuroplasticity with aging.
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Complex natural sounds, such as bird singing, people talking, or traffic noise, induce decodable fMRI activation patterns in early visual cortex of sighted blindfolded participants [1]. That is, early visual cortex receives non-visual and potentially predictive information from audition. However, it is unclear whether the transfer of auditory information to early visual areas is an epiphenomenon of visual imagery or, alternatively, whether it is driven by mechanisms independent from visual experience. Here, we show that we can decode natural sounds from activity patterns in early “visual” areas of congenitally blind individuals who lack visual imagery. Thus, visual imagery is not a prerequisite of auditory feedback to early visual cortex. Furthermore, the spatial pattern of sound decoding accuracy in early visual cortex was remarkably similar in blind and sighted individuals, with an increasing decoding accuracy gradient from foveal to peripheral regions. This suggests that the typical organization by eccentricity of early visual cortex develops for auditory feedback, even in the lifelong absence of vision. The same feedback to early visual cortex might support visual perception in the sighted [1] and drive the recruitment of this area for non-visual functions in blind individuals [2, 3].
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REM sleep is a peculiar neural state that occupies 20-25 percent of nighttime sleep in healthy human adults and seems to play critical roles in a variety of functions spanning from basic physiological mechanisms to complex cognitive processes. REM sleep exhibits a plethora of transient neurophysiological features, such as eye movements, muscle twitches, and changes in autonomic activity, however, despite its heterogeneous nature, it is usually conceptualized as a homogeneous sleep state. We propose here that differentiating and exploring the fine microstructure of REM sleep, especially its phasic and tonic constituents would provide a novel framework to examine the mechanisms and putative functions of REM sleep. In this review, we show that phasic and tonic REM periods are remarkably different neural states with respect to environmental alertness, spontaneous and evoked cortical activity, information processing, and seem to contribute differently to the dysfunctions of REM sleep in several neurological and psychiatric disorders. We highlight that a distinctive view on phasic and tonic REM microstates would facilitate the understanding of the mechanisms and functions of REM sleep in healthy and pathological conditions.
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In congenitally blind individuals, the occipital cortex responds to various nonvisual inputs. Some animal studies raise the possibility that a subcortical pathway allows fast re-routing of tactile information to the occipital cortex, but this has not been shown in humans. Here we show using magnetoencephalography (MEG) that tactile stimulation produces occipital cortex activations, starting as early as 35 ms in congenitally blind individuals, but not in blindfolded sighted controls. Given our measured thalamic response latencies of 20 ms and a mean estimated lateral geniculate nucleus to primary visual cortex transfer time of 15 ms, we claim that this early occipital response is mediated by a direct thalamo-cortical pathway. We also observed stronger directed connectivity in the alpha band range from posterior thalamus to occipital cortex in congenitally blind participants. Our results strongly suggest the contribution of a fast thalamo-cortical pathway in the cross-modal activation of the occipital cortex in congenitally blind humans. In congenitally blind people, tactile stimuli can activate the occipital (visual) cortex. Here, the authors show using magnetoencephalography (MEG) that occipital activation can occur within 35 ms following tactile stimulation, suggesting the existence of a fast thalamocortical pathway for touch in congenitally blind humans.
Dreams are experiences that occur during sleep, while we are disconnected from the environment. Thanks to recent progress in neuroimaging techniques, it is now becoming possible to relate dream features to specific patterns of brain activity. Some conditions occurring in patients with neurological disorders, such as lucid dreams and parasomnias, not only have diagnostic value, but also offer a window into the dream process. They show that dreaming is reflected in physiological signals, behaviours, and brain activity patterns, and that the body can enact dream content. Yet, the dream body can also be distinct from the real body; in their dreams, patients with congenital paraplegia can walk, those with sleep apnoea rarely suffocate, and phantom limb pain can disappear. These conditions provide valuable models for future studies investigating the mechanisms that underlie oneiric experiences.