
Empowering autonomous systems with AI-enabled V2X communication based signal analysis using sliding window integrated ensemble machine learning model

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Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have garnered attention for their potential to improve wireless communication networks by establishing line-of-sight (LoS) connections. However, urban environments pose challenges such as tall buildings and trees, impacting communication pathways. Intelligent reflection surfaces (IRSs) offer a solution by creating virtual LoS routes through signal reflection, enhancing reliability and coverage. This paper presents a three-dimensional dynamic channel model for UAV-assisted communication systems with IRSs. Additionally, it proposes a novel channel-tracking approach using deep learning and artificial intelligence techniques, comprising preliminary estimation with a deep neural network and continuous monitoring with a Stacked Bidirectional Long and Short-Term Memory (Bi-LSTM) model. Simulation results demonstrate faster convergence and superior performance compared to benchmarks, highlighting the effectiveness of integrating IRSs into UAV-enabled communication for enhanced reliability and efficiency.
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Complete autonomous systems such as self-driving cars to ensure the high reliability and safety of humans need the most efficient combination of four-dimensional (4D) detection, exact localization, and artificial intelligent (AI) networking to establish a fully automated smart transportation system. At present, multiple integrated sensors such as light detection and ranging (LiDAR), radio detection and ranging (RADAR), and car cameras are frequently used for object detection and localization in the conventional autonomous transportation system. Moreover, the global positioning system (GPS) is used for the positioning of autonomous vehicles (AV). These individual systems’ detection, localization, and positioning efficiency are insufficient for AV systems. In addition, they do not have any reliable networking system for self-driving cars carrying us and goods on the road. Although the sensor fusion technology of car sensors came up with good efficiency for detection and location, the proposed convolutional neural networking approach will assist to achieve a higher accuracy of 4D detection, precise localization, and real-time positioning. Moreover, this work will establish a strong AI network for AV far monitoring and data transmission systems. The proposed networking system efficiency remains the same on under-sky highways as well in various tunnel roads where GPS does not work properly. For the first time, modified traffic surveillance cameras have been exploited in this conceptual paper as an external image source for AV and anchor sensing nodes to complete AI networking transportation systems. This work approaches a model that solves AVs’ fundamental detection, localization, positioning, and networking challenges with advanced image processing, sensor fusion, feathers matching, and AI networking technology. This paper also provides an experienced AI driver concept for a smart transportation system with deep learning technology.
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Artificial Intelligence-based applications have been increasingly deployed in every field of life including smart homes, smart cities, healthcare services, and autonomous systems where personal data is collected across heterogeneous sources and processed using ”black-box” algorithms in opaque centralised servers. As a consequence, preserving the data privacy and security of these applications is of utmost importance. In this respect, a modelling technique for identifying potential data privacy threats and specifying countermeasures to mitigate the related vulnerabilities in such AI-based systems plays a significant role in preserving and securing personal data. Various threat modelling techniques have been proposed such as STRIDE, LINDDUN, and PASTA but none of them is sufficient to model the data privacy threats in autonomous systems. Furthermore, they are not designed to model compliance with data protection legislation like the EU/UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is fundamental to protecting data owners' privacy as well as to preventing personal data from potential privacy-related attacks. In this article, we survey the existing threat modelling techniques for data privacy threats in autonomous systems and then analyse such techniques from the viewpoint of GDPR compliance. Following the analysis, We employ STRIDE and LINDDUN in autonomous cars, a specific use-case of autonomous systems, to scrutinise the challenges and gaps of the existing techniques when modelling data privacy threats. Prospective research directions for refining data privacy threats & GDPR-compliance modelling techniques for autonomous systems are also presented.
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The possible applications of communication based on big data have steadily increased in several industries, such as the autonomous vehicle industry, with a corresponding increase in security challenges, including cybersecurity vulnerabilities (CVs). The cybersecurity-related symmetry of big data communication systems used in autonomous vehicles may raise more vulnerabilities in the data communication process between these vehicles and IoT devices. The data involved in the CVs may be encrypted using an asymmetric and symmetric algorithm. Autonomous vehicles with proactive cybersecurity solutions, power-based cyberattacks, and dynamic countermeasures are the modern issues/developments with emerging technology and evolving attacks. Research on big data has been primarily focused on mitigating CVs and minimizing big data breaches using appropriate countermeasures known as security solutions. In the future, CVs in data communication between autonomous vehicles (DCAV), the weaknesses of autonomous vehicular networks (AVN), and cyber threats to network functions form the primary security issues in big data communication, AVN, and DCAV. Therefore, efficient countermeasure models and security algorithms are required to minimize CVs and data breaches. As a technique, policies and rules of CVs with proxy and demilitarized zone (DMZ) servers were combined to enhance the efficiency of the countermeasure. In this study, we propose an information security approach that depends on the increasing energy levels of attacks and CVs by identifying the energy levels of each attack. To show the results of the performance of our proposed countermeasure, CV and energy consumption are compared with different attacks. Thus, the countermeasures can secure big data communication and DCAV using security algorithms related to cybersecurity and effectively prevent CVs and big data breaches during data communication.
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Pedestrian understanding of driver intent is key to pedestrian safety on the road and in parking lots. With the development of autonomous vehicles (AVs), the human driver will be removed, and with it, the exchange that occurs between drivers and pedestrians (e.g., head nods, hand gestures). One possible solution for augmenting that communication is an array of high-intensity light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to project vehicle-to-pedestrian (V2P) messages on the ground plane behind a reversing vehicle. This would be particularly beneficial to elderly pedestrians, who are at particular risk of being struck by reversing cars in parking lots. Their downward gaze and slower reaction time make them particularly vulnerable. A survey was conducted to generate designs, and a simulator experiment was conducted to measure detection and reaction times. The study found that elderly pedestrians are significantly more likely to detect an additional projected message on the ground than detect the existing brake light alone when walking in a parking lot.
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Autonomous systems and the Internet of Things (IoT) have become more sophisticated research areas and entered successfully into various daily living activities such as smart homes & buildings, autonomous cars, drones, robots, etc. A crucial and essential aspect of these systems is the precision and accuracy of the decision-making process, i.e., the decision support system. Likewise, developing a completely autonomous system is an open research problem. This paper proposes a computational intelligence-based prediction and communication mechanism for the independent system where IoT is used as a data collection tool. Initially, energy gauge (EG) devices collect helpful information about neighboring devices in the IoT networks. Then, information about the potential relaying devices is broadcasted by the concerned EG device, which uses every member device to adjust routing path(s) in the autonomous system. Furthermore, every EG device has an embedded computational intelligent decision support system that is used to precisely predict the criticality of a neighboring device (preferably relay) in the autonomous systems. Therefore, every device must ensure data transmission via the most reliable path(s), i.e., avoiding critical devices if possible. A device is assumed critical if either its residual energy or received signal strength indicator value is less than the defined threshold values for the autonomous systems. Additionally, the proposed mechanism has ensured a uniform traffic distribution of the transmitted packets in the autonomous system. The operational applicability of the proposed computational intelligence-enabled prediction mechanism in the autonomous system is verified by comparing it with the existing approaches. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme has enhanced the accuracy of the concerned autonomous systems more than other schemes.
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There is a group of users within the vehicular traffic ecosystem known as Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs). VRUs include pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, among others. On the other hand, connected autonomous vehicles (CAVs) are a set of technologies that combines, on the one hand, communication technologies to stay always ubiquitous connected, and on the other hand, automated technologies to assist or replace the human driver during the driving process. Autonomous vehicles are being visualized as a viable alternative to solve road accidents providing a general safe environment for all the users on the road specifically to the most vulnerable. One of the problems facing autonomous vehicles is to generate mechanisms that facilitate their integration not only within the mobility environment, but also into the road society in a safe and efficient way. In this paper, we analyze and discuss how this integration can take place, reviewing the work that has been developed in recent years in each of the stages of the vehicle-human interaction, analyzing the challenges of vulnerable users and proposing solutions that contribute to solving these challenges.
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With the continuous advancement of automation technology, autonomous driving assistance systems are gradually sharing the tasks during driving, but the driver still assumes the main driving tasks. In addition to driving activities, the advent of numerous new functions will have an indirect impact on the driver’s mental effort. However, determining the driver’s mental effort remains a difficult issue. In this paper, a method is proposed to assess the mental workload of drivers, combining real driver’s physiological data with the speed of his/her vehicle. The correlation coefficient and significance level are obtained by analyzing the correlation between physiological data and road types. The relevant data is then preprocessed to determine the characteristic index, with the mental workload as the input index. The driver’s mental workload is classified and the mental workload prediction model is constructed on the basis of the combination of the Fuzzy Pattern Recognition Algorithm and Genetic Algorithm. At the same time, the suggested approach is compared to the J48 Classification Algorithm and the Simulated Annealing Optimization Algorithm. The results demonstrate that the proposed method in this paper’s effectiveness for identifying the driver’s mental workload level is evidently better than other algorithms, which provides new theoretical support for assessing the L3+ driver’s mental workload level under the background of the safety of the intended functionality when they take over the control of the drive.
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Radio resource allocation in VCN is a challenging role in an intelligent transportation system due to traffic congestion. Lot of time is wasted because of traffic congestion. Due to traffic congestion, user have to miss their important work. In this paper, we propose radio resource allocation scheme so that user can utilize their time by taking the advantage of subscription plan. In this scenario, multitype vehicle identification scheme from real time traffic database is proposed, its history will match in transport database and vehicle travelling history database. Proposed method indicates 95% accuracy for multitype vehicle detection. Subscription plans are allocated to the user on the basis of resource allocation, scheduling, levelling and forecasting. This scheme is better for traffic management, vehicle tracking as well as time management.
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The idea of autonomous vehicle platoons presents a variety of social, economic, and safety benefits to the transportation industry. However, implementing and deploying autonomous vehicle platoons is still a challenge. In this paper, we present a PID-based computationally cost-efficient controller to aid in the longitudinal control of the inter-vehicle distance between successive platoon members. The proposed approach is facilitated by inter-vehicle communication. The algorithm was implemented using the Robotics Operating System and Gazebo simulation environment. In order to evaluate the performance and applicability of the proposed approach, meticulous simulations under numerous scenarios were performed using 3D vehicle models so as to mimic the real world. The algorithm successfully maintains the longitudinal inter-vehicle distance within the desired range, ensures that no collisions occur among platoon members, and preserves the platoon formation.
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Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) communication allows vehicles to wirelessly exchange information on the surrounding environment and enables cooperative perception. It helps prevent accidents, increase the safety of the passengers, and improve the traffic flow efficiency. However, these benefits can only come when the vehicles can communicate with each other in a fast and reliable manner. Therefore, we investigated two areas to improve the communication quality of V2V: First, using beamforming to increase the bandwidth of V2V communication by establishing accurate and stable collaborative beam connection between vehicles on the road; second, ensuring scalable transmission to decrease the amount of data to be transmitted, thus reduce the bandwidth requirements needed for collaborative perception of autonomous driving vehicles. Beamforming in V2V communication can be achieved by utilizing image-based and LIDAR’s 3D data-based vehicle detection and tracking. For vehicle detection and tracking simulation, we tested the Single Shot Multibox Detector deep learning-based object detection method that can achieve a mean Average Precision of 0.837 and the Kalman filter for tracking. For scalable transmission, we simulate the effect of varying pixel resolutions as well as different image compression techniques on the file size of data. Results show that without compression, the file size for only transmitting the bounding boxes containing detected object is up to 10 times less than the original file size. Similar results are also observed when the file is compressed by lossless and lossy compression to varying degrees. Based on these findings using existing databases, the impact of these compression methods and methods of effectively combining feature maps on the performance of object detection and tracking models will be further tested in the real-world autonomous driving system.
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The automotive industry is transitioning towards intelligent, connected, and autonomous vehicles to avoid traffic congestion, conflicts, and collisions with increased driver safety. Connected and autonomous vehicles (CAV) must be aware of their surroundings and act as per their environment. Communication infrastructure can be vital in transmitting necessary information to peers and receiving critical information for timely decisions. This article provides a comprehensive review of the topic, covering the aspects of enabling wireless technologies and sensor fusion. The article reviews data acquisition using various sensing devices such as RADAR (Radio Detection and Ranging), LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), cameras, and multi-modal sensor fusion of the acquired data after signal processing. Thereafter, it reviews the communication and networking infrastructure for intra- and inter-vehicle communication and related technologies. For each of these themes, research challenges and future directions have been identified.
The Internet of things (IoT) and wireless sensors have collaborated with many real-time environments for the collection and processing of physical data. Mobile networks with sixth-generation (6G) technologies provide support for emerging applications using connected and autonomous vehicles (CAV) and observe critical conditions. Although, autonomous vehicle-based routing solutions have presented significant development toward reliable and inter-vehicle communications. However, there are numerous research obstacles in terms of data delivery and transmission latency due to the unpredictable environment and changing states of IoT sensors. Therefore, this work presents an efficient and trusted autonomous vehicle routing protocol using 6G networks, which aims to guarantee high quality of service and data coverage. Firstly, the proposed protocol establishes a routing process using a simulated annealing optimization technique and improves energy optimization between IoT-based vehicles, and under difficult circumstances, it statistically guarantees the optimal solution. Secondly, it provides a risk-aware security system due to reliable session-oriented communication with network edges among connected vehicles and avoids uncertainties in the autonomous system. The proposed protocol is verified using simulations for varying vehicles and varying iteration time that indicates a green communication system for the autonomous system with authenticity and system intelligence.
Autonomous driving will change the role of the driver. From being the main actor in driving, the driver will now have a supervisory role during the autonomous driving phases. However, if the driver has to take over control of the vehicle, he must be aware of the situation around him. This is why it is important to develop interfaces to keep him in the loop. This article proposes a systematic review of Human Vehicle Interaction (HVI) providing situation awareness in the context of autonomous driving. 37 articles presenting such interactions are analyzed in terms of design of the interaction (modalities, location, conveyed information) but also in term of evaluation and experimental conditions. We present an overview of previous studies in order to highlight the work already done or in progress. Current studies present mainly monomodal interfaces although the evaluation of multimodal interactions present promising results in this field.
With the unprecedented development of smart vehicles and road side units equipped with wireless connectivity, the transportation system is undergoing revolutionary changes in the past decade or two. Bearing safety and efficiency as the utmost objectives, the vehicular environments are witnessing explosive increase of various sensors onboard vehicles and equipped at transportation infrastructures. On the one hand, these sensors are destined to be wirelessly connected to provide more comprehensive situational awareness for transportation purposes. On the other hand, the abundance of sensor data of the environment can potentially shed light on the channel propagation characteristics that lie at the core of any communications system design. The integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) is henceforth both necessary and natural in vehicular communications networks (VCN). Different from existing ISAC works that target generic environments but are limited to dualfunction radar-communications (DFRC), in this paper we focus on transportation scenarios and applications but take a wholistic view of ISAC possibilities. First, we argue that, even though many sensors in transportation settings are non-RF-based, functional ISAC (fISAC) is feasible and necessary, in both communicationcentric (CC) or sensing-centric (SC) modes. To facilitate this, the concept of synesthesia is introduced to ISAC to accommodate “machine senses” in the RF and non-RF formats. We then zoom in to RF-based sensors and propose the so-termed signaling ISAC (sISAC), with either unified-hardware (UH) or separatehardware (SH) platforms, and delineate the unique issues arising in transportation settings. Several transportation-specific case studies are included to demonstrate these various ISAC regimes. Towards the end, the relationships of these ISAC (su-)categories are discussed with a roadmap laid out.
Formal verification provides assurance to the modeling and design of robotic applications in executing autonomous operations. With the advancement of technologies, robotic applications have evolved to integrate multiple distributed robots. As a result, the integration of formal verification-based methods to assure the correctness of the interactions between multiple distributed robots has become ever more important. However, going from formally verified models designed in formal environments/software such as UPPAAL to robotic simulation software such as robot operating system (ROS) and Gazebo is time-consuming and prone to human errors. Nonetheless, such a translation from formal to simulation environment is essential for robotic applications that are going to be deployed in the real world, for obvious economical and safety reasons. In this article, we provide our insights into the development of a framework that integrates design and formal verification at a higher level of abstraction and then performing a translation to ROS, focusing on a scenario for distributed drones representing urban air mobility. Through this article, we seek to accelerate the development cycle in transitioning from formally verified systems to simulation.
A survey on AI/ML-driven intrusion and misbehavior detection in networked autonomous systems: techniques, challenges and opportunities
  • O Ajibuwa
  • B Hamdaoui
  • A A Yavuz