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Role of Yoga Prana Vidya healing techniques in successful and speedy recovery of skin
ailments: A multiple case study
Saloni Dilip Shah, Atheesh Kumar M, Sundar Balaji, Shweta Kotian and Venkata Satyanarayana Nanduri *
Yoga Prana Vidya Ashram, Thally-635118, Tamil Nadu, India.
World Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, 2023, 05(01), 001–008
Publication history: Received on 23 May 2023; revised on 13 July 2023; accepted on 16 July 2023
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.53346/wjapmr.2023.5.1.0030
Introduction: Skin ailments are those diseases that affect the skin. They can be triggered either due to some bacteria
or fungal infections or some dust or food allergies or imbalances in the digestive system causing eruptions or itching on
the surface of the skin. Some skin ailments are also genetic in nature caused due to poor lifestyle and environmental
Material and Method: This study uses the case study method by collecting data from multiple patients and recording
their feedback.
Results: The skin conditions treated in 6 cases were: Skin Infection, Folliculitis, Warts on the skin, Boils on the skin,
Skin allergy, and Fungal moles using YPV healing protocols along with the practice of YPV Sadhana App component,
with complete cure resulting after a few weeks of healing. The patients experienced complete cures after the respective
healers healed the cases, without any medical intervention.
Conclusion: It is observed that the no touch and no drug, distance healing Yoga Prana Vidya modality which is a holistic
and integrated energy healing system has been effective in treating a variety of ailments including various skin issues.
Further research using appropriate sample and methodology is recommended.
Keywords: Infection; Warts; Folliculitis; Allergy; Boils; Energy healing; Yoga Prana Vidya System ®; YPV ®
1. Introduction
1.1. Skin Ailments
Skin is the largest organ and tissue in the human body that covers and protects our entire body. It helps in feeling
sensations like pains, and hot and cold temperatures; helps in keeping the body temperature steady; removes toxins
from our body in the form of sweat; prevents dehydration, etc. Skin diseases are not always diseases caused due to
issues with the skin tissue itself but there can be multiple reasons for skin ailments to occur namely lifestyle
disturbances, weak immunity, poor environmental conditions, stress, or due to fundamental health conditions affecting
the skin.
Detecting a skin issue is easy as it is visible on the surface of the skin and a patient generally for medical help visits a
dermatologist or any healthcare practitioner. To treat skin issues, home remedies can be resorted to. But if it does not
get even a little better, proper treatment must be resorted to. In addition, the recovery can be accelerated by making
lifestyle changes like changes in diet especially reducing intake of dairy products, managing stress, maintaining
environment and self-hygiene, taking measures to maintain the PH level of the body, etc. [1].
World Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, 2023, 05(01), 001–008
1.2. Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV)
Yoga Prana Vidya is a no-touch, no-drug energy healing therapy that uses energy or prana to cure many types of physical
or psychological ailments. YPV is an integrated and holistic system as it promotes not only energy healing to cure
ailments but also includes physical exercises, breathing exercises, forgiveness sadhana, meditation techniques, the right
diet, intake of sufficient amount of water, etc. included in YPV Sadhana App for the overall health of a person at physical,
emotional, and mental levels. The energy body of a healthy person and a sick person are shown in Figures 1 and 2
respectively. In energy healing techniques, the healer removes the diseased, dirty, and used-up energy from the affected
part or the whole body of a person and fills it up with fresh energy.
Figure 1 Energy Body of a Healthy person
Figure 2 Energy Body of a sick person
Energy healing is based on the fundamental that the physical body can normalise itself as it has a consciousness of its
own, and the rate at which it recovers depends on the quality and size of the energy body. This can be done even at a
distance as the healer need not necessarily be present in front of the patient to receive the healing energies. A person's
energy body has many chakrams, and each chakram controls some part or system of the body. In case a person is
detected with some physical ailment or is going through any psychological problems, the corresponding chakram
associated with that system or part of the body or condition also indicates a malfunction. The energy healer uses the
energy healing techniques of cleansing and energizing, to make these energy centres or chakrams balanced to function
properly. In this way, many diseases can be cured if the chakrams of the energy body are healed.
Published research articles in the literature show that YPV healing techniques have been applied to successfully heal
various ailments like Dislocation of knee cap [2], Hodgkin lymphoma cancer [3], Nephrotic Syndrome [4], Epilepticus
[5], Snakebite [6], Urinary Fistula [7], Hyperthyroidism [8], High Cervical disc prolapse [9], Cholesterol and asthma [10],
Exostosis of ear [11], Heart Block [12], Diabetes [13], Eye issues [14], Skin allergies [15], Dermatitis [16] and many other
difficult medical cases [17].
Figure 3 Chakrams or energy centres
World Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, 2023, 05(01), 001–008
Fig 3. shows the major energy centres or chakrams.
This paper presents a report of 6 skin ailments healed by different healers successfully using the Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV)
system of Healing protocols without any medical treatment.
2. Case Report
Data of 5 cases healed are presented in Table 1 below, showing the ailment condition, number of healings done, and
duration of each healing with the results. The skin ailments treated were skin infections, folliculitis, warts on the body,
boils on the skin, and skin allergies. The YPV Healing protocol used by the healers was the HDP Level 1 healing protocol
which involves higher techniques of regeneration, reducing infection, pain, etc.
Table 1 Case Details
before YPV
YPV Intervention
Number of
healings done
Duration of
one healing
Protocol used
Skin Infection
1 full healing daily
30 mins
HDP1 healing track
100 % recovered in 10
days of healing
1 full healing daily
30 mins
100 % recovered in 15
days of healing
Warts on body
1 full healing daily
30 mins
100 % recovered in 45
days of healing
Boils on skin
1 full healing daily
and 3 times
affected part
healing in a day
20 mins
100 % recovered in 2
days of healing
Skin allergy
2 full healings
30 mins
100 % recovered in 4
days of healing
Fungal moles
on the skin
1 full healing
alternate days
30 mins
YPV L2/3 healing
Infection protocol,
Affected part healing)
100 % recovered in 60
days of healing given
alternate days
3. Results
It is observed from Table 1 that the patients got 100 % recovery from their skin issues within a few weeks of applying
YPV Healing techniques. The following paragraphs show details of each case with images taken before and after the YPV
healing intervention and the results obtained.
3.1. CASE 1- Skin Infection
A 27-year-old businessman residing in Bangalore developed itching on the skin. He resorted to medical treatments like
the application of creams etc. but it did not give any relief. Hence, he contacted a YPV healer for healing. He was
suggested to take more fruits and raw vegetables along with the practice of YPV Sadhana App components of breathing
and forgiveness. Within 7 days of daily healing, he saw a significant reduction in the itching and infection. After
continuing the healing for 10 days, the condition recovered completely. Figures 4A and 4 B show the condition Before
and after healing the condition.
Further, he also learned the Yoga Prana Vidya healing Course and is continuing to practice the basic techniques taught
in the course for maintaining good health.
World Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, 2023, 05(01), 001–008
Figure 4A Before healing
Figure 4B After healing
3.2. CASE 2- Folliculitis
A 41-year-old businesswoman residing in Mumbai used to develop folliculitis for 2 to 3 years around her arms and
armpit areas. She used to apply creams and ointment but it would only give her temporary relief. Upon contacting a YPV
Healer, the healing was started and within 7 days of healing, the small bumps and redness on the skin reduced
drastically. The healing continued for 15 days and the subject recovered 100 %. There are no before and after photos
available for this case.
3.3. CASE 3- Warts on Body
A 22-year-old girl residing in Mumbai developed warts all over her body, especially on the foot which was bothering
her social life. This created more pressure on her as the warts were visible. She tried medical treatment but could not
bear the heavy creams and ointment application. Thereafter, she desired to try the YPV system of healings through a
YPV Healer. Since she was psychologically affected by sadness and anxiety, forgiveness sadhana was prescribed to her
along with Yoga Prana Vidya Energy healing techniques. After 15 days of healing, the warts slowly started shedding out
making her feel more confident and happier. A total of 45 daily healings were given for complete recovery. After the
completion of the healing sessions, the subject continued forgiveness Sadhana along with her family members. Figures
5A and 5B show the before and the after photos of the condition.
Figure 5A Before healing
Figure 5B After healing
3.4. CASE 4- Boils on Skin
A 25-year-old homemaker residing in Coimbatore had developed irritation and itching on her face and neck areas due
to boils on her skin. Upon contacting a YPV healer, the healing was done for 2 days with affected part healing done
additionally 3 times a day for both days. After one healing, the irritation was reduced to about 90 % and after the next
healing, the issue was completely cured. She experienced a lot of peace and a relaxed mind. Along with the healing, she
was suggested to reduce the intake of salt and practice breathing and forgiveness techniques which are a part of the
YPV Sadhana app. After the condition completely recovered, the subject continued to practice the YPV Sadhana App
components as part of her day-to-day life.
World Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, 2023, 05(01), 001–008
Figures 6A and 6B show the before and the after photos of the condition
Figure 6A Before healing
Figure 6B After healing
3.5. CASE 5- Skin allergy
A 57-year-old housewife from Udupi complained of having skin rashes and itchy bumps all over her body. Post
contacting a YPV healer, her healing was done twice a day for 4 days. After 2 days, 4 full healing sessions along with the
practice of breathing and mild exercises, the itching stopped and skin colour started to become normal instead of bright
red in colour. She was much at peace after 4 days of healing when the issue was resolved 100%. Figures 7A and 7B show
the before and the after photos of the condition.
Figure 7A Before healing
Figure 7B After healing
3.6. CASE 6- Fungal Moles on Skin
A 14-year-old boy residing in Mumbai developed fungal moles around his knees, elbow, upper body, and neck areas due
to an accumulation of sweat (See Fig 8A). Upon contacting a YPV Healer who was trained in Levels 2 & 3 energy healing,
this patient was given Levels 2 and 3 healings on alternate days for a total of 60 days and the healer asked the subject
to stop intake of milk. After 15 sessions of healing, the size and the number of moles started decreasing and the fungal
infection around the neck and throat areas reduced. After a total of 30 healings, the subject got completely cured and
the infection and moles did not relapse. The subject continued the practice of forgiveness sadhana and discontinued the
intake of milk. He is more confident as the marks are no longer visible (See Fig 8B).
World Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, 2023, 05(01), 001–008
Figure 8A Before healing
Figure 8B After healing
4. Discussion
There are several ways of treating skin ailments. A most common suggestion is the application of creams and ointments
[18]. But if the issues are addressed holistically, the ailment can be treated from its root cause giving very minimum
chances of a relapse. Hence, Yoga Prana Vidya energy healing along with YPV Sadhana App components of breathing,
forgiveness, and exercise can help in stress management, improved relationships with self and others, and improved
physical body systems like the digestive system and lymphatic system resulting in overall and sustained well-being of a
person which is reflected on the skin.
It is noted that previously Thirumani et al. [15] and Nayak et al. [16] reported successful healing treatment of various
skin diseases with similar results obtained using Yoga Prana Vidya Protocols
This study has documented 6 cases of skin disorders that were healed successfully using Yoga Prana Vidya Protocols.
The skin conditions treated were: Skin infection, Folliculitis, Warts on the body, Boils on the skin, Skin allergies, and
Fungal moles. It is observed that the YPV healers used healing protocols in the treatment of these cases as alternative
World Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, 2023, 05(01), 001–008
5. Conclusion
In this case of treating multiple skin ailments, the Yoga Prana Vidya system has been found to be an effective healing
tool due to its underlying advantages of being a holistic and integrated energy system. With energy healing combined
with YPV Sadhana App components like breathing and forgiveness, the ailments can be treated not only at a physical
layer but also emotionally and mentally giving the subject a sustained recovery. Due to its no touch and distance healing
advantages, the healer is free from any sort of contamination as he/she need not touch the affected skin area of the
subject. It is recommended that healthcare professionals learn and practice YPV techniques to complement their
medical disciplines for the holistic treatment of patients. Further research may be explored on this topic using YPV
techniques on a wider scale using appropriate methodologies and samples.
Compliance with ethical standards
Our grateful thanks to all the patients for sharing case details on condition of anonymity for this study, and grateful
thanks are also to Sri Ramana Trust (Thally-635118, Tamil Nādu, India) for using their registered copyright terms Yoga
Prana Vidya System ® and YPV ®.
Statement of informed consent
Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the study on condition of anonymity.
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