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Automated and Continuous Risk Assessment for ROS-Based Software-Defined Robotic Systems



In modern and complex production systems, the focus is shifted toward the software part. Software-Defined Manufacturing (SDM) and Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS) characterize this trend. SDM and CPPS enable the concept of adaptive, flexible, and self-configuring production systems. These software-intensive robotic systems are safety- critical because they usually are applied in the same environ- ments as human workers. Therefore they require a continuous risk assessment. The uploading of a new software to the system can change its behavior drastically and therefore, the risk assessment needs to be redone. Key enabling technologies are digital twins, advanced and hybrid risk models, and Model-to- Model (M2M) transformation methods. In this paper, we introduce a new approach to the automated and continuous risk assessment based on Robot Operating System (ROS) code of a software-defined robotic system. The approach pipelines four key elements: (i) a logger that logs the data of the digital twin, (ii) an adder algorithm that creates risk annotated code based on the given ROS code, the output of the logger, and the hardware description including risk data of robot parts, (iii) an M2M transformation algorithm that automatically generates hybrid risk models from risk-annotated code, and (iv) OpenPRA solvers for numerical evaluation of the generated hybrid risk models.
Automated and Continuous Risk Assessment for ROS-Based
Software-Defined Robotic Systems
Philipp Grimmeisen1, Rucha Golwalkar1, Yuliang Ma1, and Andrey Morozov1
Abstract In modern and complex production systems, the
focus is shifted toward the software part. Software-Defined
Manufacturing (SDM) and Cyber-Physical Production Systems
(CPPS) characterize this trend. SDM and CPPS enable the
concept of adaptive, flexible, and self-configuring production
systems. These software-intensive robotic systems are safety-
critical because they usually are applied in the same environ-
ments as human workers. Therefore they require a continuous
risk assessment. The uploading of a new software to the system
can change its behavior drastically and therefore, the risk
assessment needs to be redone. Key enabling technologies are
digital twins, advanced and hybrid risk models, and Model-to-
Model (M2M) transformation methods.
In this paper, we introduce a new approach to the automated
and continuous risk assessment based on Robot Operating
System (ROS) code of a software-defined robotic system. The
approach pipelines four key elements: (i) a logger that logs the
data of the digital twin, (ii) an adder algorithm that creates
risk annotated code based on the given ROS code, the output
of the logger, and the hardware description including risk data
of robot parts, (iii) an M2M transformation algorithm that
automatically generates hybrid risk models from risk-annotated
code, and (iv) OpenPRA solvers for numerical evaluation of the
generated hybrid risk models.
Keywords: Risk Assessment, Risk-Annotated Code, Hybrid
Risk Models, M2M Transformation, ROS, Software-Defined
Robotic Systems
The focus of modern, dynamic, and complex production
systems is shifting toward the software part. The develop-
ment of flexible, adaptive, and self-configuring production
systems is emphasized by the concepts of Software-Defined
Anything (SDx), Software-Defined Manufacturing (SDM),
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), and Cyber-Physical Produc-
tion Systems (CPPS). Thus, production systems become
more efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable [1], [2], [3].
In SDx the software is solely decisive for the configuration
of system functionality. SDM is a concept derived from SDx.
SDM enables a separation of the manufacturing ecosystem
into software definition layers and physical manufacturing
layers, which allows full flexibility of production through
definition via software [4], [5]. Digital twins and model-
based systems engineering are indispensable technologies for
SDM-systems. The digital twin is a virtual representation
of a physical asset that is available at all times during the
operation and engineering process [6], [1]. The introduced
software-intensive production systems, including robotic sys-
tems, can be safety-critical because they are often deployed
1The Authors are with the Institute of Industrial Automation and
Software Engineering, University of Stuttgart, 70550 Stuttgart, Germany
in the same environment as human workers. Moreover, they
collaborate with human workers. They may contain moving
parts that can hurt human workers or carry substances that
are dangerous to humans, such as chemical mixtures. Thus,
they require a continuous risk assessment.
Hybrid risk assessment methods that combine event trees,
fault trees, Markov chains, and Bayesian networks can de-
scribe sophisticated failure scenarios of modern production
systems, but they need to be adjusted to update the soft-
ware. Thus, the risk assessment must be performed before
uploading any software. Advanced hybrid and highly flexible
risk models are essential. These hybrid risk models must be
automatically generated and synchronized with the current
software, digital twins, or system models. Therefore, Model-
to-Model (M2M) transformation algorithms are needed.
Contribution: This paper presents a new approach that
enables the automated and continuous risk assessment of
software-defined robotic systems using risk annotated Robot
Operating System (ROS) code. The case study on a robotic
manipulator demonstrates the applicability of the proposed
approach. The proposed pipeline is shown in Figure 1.
Logger that analyzes the execution of ROS code and
outputs the sequence of relevant code functions and
physical robotic components that are active during the
execution of relevant functions.
Adder that automatically extends the original ROS code
with the risk annotations based on the output of the
logger and the robotic hardware description extended
with available risk data.
An M2M transformation algorithm from risk-annotated
code to a hybrid risk model.
OpenPRA solvers that numerically evaluate the gener-
ated hybrid risk model.
Relevant methods from the literature are categorized into
the following sections. First, the available risk profiles and
Annexes for modeling languages are discussed. Second,
relevant model-to-model transformation methods are investi-
A. Risk Profiles and Annexes
Risk profiles enable the modeling and analysis of the
risk and reliability from different source models. In [7], the
Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time Embedded Systems
(MARTE) profile was introduced. It extends the Unified
Modeling Language (UML) with concepts for the quan-
titative analysis and modeling of embedded and real-time
systems. In [8], [9], MARTE was extended by a profile for
Dependability Analysis and Modeling (DAM). The DAM
profile can add dependability annotations to UML and derive
a stochastic Petri net model for dependability analysis. The
Architecture Analysis & Design Language (AADL) [10]
has been extended with an Error Model Annex and Hazard
Model Annex. This allows the extending of AADL models
with error models and hazard models for safety and hazard
analysis [11], [12], [13]. SysML v1 resilience profiles for
reliability analysis were introduced in [14] and [15]. In our
previous work [16], [17], [18] we used and extended the
SysML v2 RiskMetadata package [19]. The RiskMetadata
package allows the integration of reliability-related data, such
as the failure probability of parts into SysML v2 models. We
extended the RiskMetadata package with the ability to mark
B. Model-to-Model Transformation Methods
To adequately describe and analyze flexible software-
defined systems, M2M transformation methods that automat-
ically generate risk models are indispensable. In our previous
papers [18], [16], [17] we introduced a new method that
includes a transformation method from SysML v2 to hybrid
risk models. This enables the automated and continuous
reliability assessment based on the SysML v2 [19] models
of the digital twin.
Many research works have investigated M2M transforma-
tion methods to fault trees [20], [21], [22], [23], [24]. The
automated generation Markov chains has been the subject
of different research works [25], [26], [27], [28]. The main
difference between these works is the type of the source
model. We generate the fault trees and Markov chains from
ROS code whereas other methods use SysML v1 [29],
SysML v2, AADL, and MATLAB & Simulink. In [30] a
generation of fault trees from code was introduced. The
approach is generic and only for fault tree generation.
To the best of our knowledge, there is no risk annotation
available that allows the enhancement of ROS code with
risk-related data. None of the discussed methods support the
automated generation of hybrid risk models from ROS code.
Our approach can generate hybrid risk models from ROS
code extended with risk-annotations.
A. Overview
The new approach to automated and continuous risk
assessment of a ROS-based software-defined robotic system
is shown in Figure 1. The main contributions are highlighted
in blue. First, the logger logs data during the execution
of ROS code. The output is a log data file that lists the
components that are active during the execution of relevant
functions. This file also contains the call sequence of relevant
functions. Second, the Adder parses the log data and the
robotic hardware description including the available risk
data. The risk data includes failure probabilities of robotic
hardware components (joints, grippers, sensors, etc.) and
redundancy information (e.g. we might use redundant power
sources). The output of the Adder is a risk-annotated code,
where each identified function is annotated with a special risk
annotation block. Next, the M2M transformation algorithm
automatically generates a hybrid risk model from the risk-
annotated code. Last, the hybrid risk models are analyzed
with OpenPRA solvers. The Logger part, highlighted in
a dashed red line is ROS specific and must be adapted
for use in other programming languages. The other parts
can be easily adapted to other programming languages and
B. Logger
The Logger extracts relevant software functions as well
as the information about robotic components being active
during the execution of those functions. The Logger input,
could be e.g. a ROS code that controls a robotic manipulator
to pick and place a test tube as described in the case study.
The Logger outputs the log data as a text file. Listing 1 shows
the log data of the pick and place software.
10 ActiveComponents:gripper
12 CallSequence:init(),pick_position(),pick(),
Listing 1. Generated log data of the pick-and-place software.
The Logger is written in C++. The execution of the ROS
code can be visualized on simulation tools RViz [31] and
Gazebo [32]. As soon as a new function in the ROS code
begins execution, a ROS message containing the name of
the function is published on a ROS topic. Along with the
function name, the components used during the execution of
a particular function are also published. For example, the data
related to the joints of a robotic manipulator is published to
the topic joint states. A ROS node subscribed to the relevant
topic receives the required data. This data is stored in a text
file for further analysis. The log data contains the names of
relevant executed software functions as a sequence and the
robotic components that are active during the functions.
However, the log data is not the complete data about the
system. The Logger can only identify components that are
available in the simulation and in ROS topics. In Gazebo
simulation we can extract information about the position,
velocity, and effort of the joints and gripper of a robotic
manipulator. Among others, the control system and power
supply are missing, because they are not part of the sim-
ulation and there are no ROS topics for these components
to subscribe. However, this components are required for the
risk assessment.
The Logger can be adapted to any programming language
such as Python or C and can work with ROS version 1 as
well as can be adapted to ROS2. The Logger is not hardware-
specific, we can log the data of any ROS controlled robotic
Fig. 1. The proposed approach to the automated and continuous risk assessment of ROS-based software-defined robotic systems.
C. Adder
The Adder automatically generates risk-annotated code
from the log data, robotic hardware description with available
risk data, and the original code.
Hardware description with risk data: The hardware
description should contain the information about the hier-
archical architecture of the robotic system, such as parts or
components, extended with risk-related data, such as failure
probability and redundancy. It could be stored e.g., as a
SysML or text file. The robotic manipulator that we use in
our case study (see Figure 3) has the following hierarchical
architecture: The risk data such as failure probabilities and
redundancy needs to be added by experts, as shown in Figure
Fig. 2. Robotic manipulator executing the pick-and-place of a test tube.
Risk-annotated code: The risk-annotation is a comment
block that can be added to any function of the software.
The syntax and structure of the risk-annotated code for
the place() function are shown in Listing 2. There are
two types of sections in this block. @Function describes
the function itself. @Component describes all components
which are active during the execution of this function. Inside
the function block (lines 6 - 9) the name of the function
and the callSequence are stored. The callSequence gives us
information at which position in the code the function is
executed. The component block defines the risk data related
to each component. There will be one component block for
each component that is active inside the function. Component
blocks (lines 10 - 27) contain the name, probability of
failure (probability [0;1]), quantity, and redundancy {true,
false}of the corresponding component. In this paper, we
consider only classical redundancy (a spare component that
takes over if the primary is failed), such as the redundant
control system (lines 16 - 21). However, in a similar way,
we can add other risk-related features such as N-modular
redundancy, error detection, hot and cold spares, and other
fault tolerance techniques [33]. The risk-annotation can be
adapted to other programming languages, such as Python,
Java, or C. It is editable, which allows engineers to make
changes or additions like new components, updating the
probability of failure, etc.
The Adder algorithm has the following steps:
1) Parsing the log data and robotic hardware description.
2) Storing retrieved information; risk-related data, func-
tions call sequence, and active components during each
3) Searching for the functions from call sequence list in
the original code.
4) Creating and adding of the risk-annotations.
5) Repeat steps 3 - 4 until the end of the code.
6) Output the risk-annotated code.
D. M2M Transformation Method
The M2M transformation method parses the risk-annotated
code and searches for the risk-annotations. The transfor-
mation algorithm reads and stores all provided information
about the functions, components, and respective risk-related
data. Then, the M2M transformation algorithm creates a fault
tree for each identified function. The fault tree contains all
the components as basic events, which are used in the func-
tion. The top event is the failure of the function modeled as
an OR-gate. If the algorithm detects a redundant component,
it creates an AND-gate and adds the corresponding quan-
tity of the components as basic events. The transformation
method from risk-annotated code to fault trees is described
with pseudo code in Algorithm 1.
The M2M transformation algorithm stores the information
about the call sequence from the function block. Within
that, the algorithm creates a Markov chain, see Figure 4.
It creates a transient state (e.g. pick) for each function and a
corresponding absorbing failure state (e.g. pick failure). An
absorbing ”done” state is created, which serves as a success
state. The transition probability to jump from a state to the
corresponding failure state is defined by interconnected fault
trees. The probability to jump from a state (e.g. pick) to
the corresponding failure state (e.g. pick failure) is provided
by the top event probability of fault tree ft pick failure. The
transition probability to jump from a transient state (e.g. pick)
to the next transient state (e.g. place position) is calculated
as 1 - P(ft pick failure). The transformation method from
risk-annotated code to Markov chains is described with
pseudo code in Algorithm 2. The output of the transformation
algorithm is a hybrid risk model in the OpenPRA model
exchange format.
Algorithm 1 Fault tree transformation algorithm
//Step (0): Parse risk-annotated code
risk data = parse(’file’)
//Step (1): Create empty sets of events (FT.E), gates (FT.G), and relations
F T.E :=
F T.G :=
F T.C :=
//Step(2): For each function create one FT
for function in risk data do
top event = str(function + failure’)
FT.C.add(’OR’, top event)
//Step(3): Transform components to basic events
for component in risk data do
//Step(4): Add redundancy
if redundancy == TRUE then
for num components do
FT.C.add(’AND’, FT.E[component])
end for
end if
if redundancy == FALSE then
if num components >1then
for num components do
FT.C.add(’OR’, FT.E[component])
end for
FT.C.add(top event, FT.E[component])
end if
end if
//Step(5): Add probabilities
for prob in components do
if prob == TRUE then
end if
end for
end for
//Step(6): Write FT to file
end for
E. Risk Assessment with OpenPRA
We use the OpenPRA framework [34] for numerical
risk assessment. OpenPRA is an open-source framework,
which integrates multiple risk methods into an easy-to-use
environment. The OpenPRA integrated analysis module can
analyze hybrid risk models, such as Markov chains with
interconnected fault trees. It first solves the fault trees by
calling the fault tree analysis solver. The computed results
are added to the transitions of the Markov chain. The
Markov chain solver solves afterwards the final Markov
chain. Currently, the risk assessment method considers only
component failures. But the method will be extended with
Algorithm 2 Markov chain transformation algorithm
//Step (0): Parse risk-annotated code
risk data = parse(’file’)
//Step (1): Create empty sets of states (MC.S) and edges (MC.E)
M C.S :=
M C.E :=
for state in sequence do
//Step (2): Create state and failure state for each function
MC.S.add(failure state)
//Step (3): Set the edges between states and links to fault trees
MC.E.[old state].add(state)
MC.E[old state].add(link)
end for
//Step (4): Write MC to file
write MC
failure modes (e.g. loose of the picked object) and can be
used for a detailed risk assessment.
A. System architecture and software
We evaluated the applicability of the introduced approach
on a real robotic manipulator. The set-up of the case study
including the robotic manipulator and a laptop that executes
ROS code is shown in Figure 3. In our experiments RViz
and Gazebo plays the role of the digital twin of the system.
The method could be extended to other digital twin imple-
Fig. 3. Robotic manipulator executing the pick-and-place of a test tube.
The real robotic manipulator consists of a control system,
seven non-redundant electric motors, seven non-redundant
torque sensors, one power system, and a two-finger gripper.
We manually added redundancy to the control system and
power system of the robotic manipulator, to show that
our method can handle redundant components. The system
architecture is modeled by the SysML v2 formalism, see
Figure 2. We used the RiskMetadata package to extend
the system architecture with risk-related data (probability of
failure and redundancy).
The task of the robotic manipulator is to pick and place
an object. The corresponding software is implemented in
ROS. It firsts, initialises the robotic manipulator. Then, it
moves, based on predefined coordinates, to the pick position
and picks the object. Afterwards, it moves to the desired
place position and place the object there. Then, the robotic
manipulator goes in nine out of ten cases back to the initial
position and picks another object. Otherwise, the task is
finished. This operation sequence is visible in the Markov
chain in Figure 4.
B. Logger analysis
We use Linux Ubuntu 20.4 operating system that is
installed with ROS Noetic Ninjemys. The required libraries
for the digital twin of the robotic manipulator and framework
MoveIt [35] are installed so that complex motion sequences
can be implemented. We use visualization tools and simula-
tion tools such as RViz and Gazebo to visualize the actions
performed by the robotic manipulator. The ROS code to
implement the pick and place actions is executed. Intending
to extract the executed functions of the ROS code and the
components used during the execution of each function, we
added a logger to the ROS code. The final result of the
Logger is the log data containing the call sequence and a
list of used components for each function. The log data is
shown in Listing 1.
C. Risk-annotated code
The developed Adder algorithm automatically creates the
risk-annotated code from the ROS code that controls the
robotic manipulator, the Logger outputted log data, and the
robotic hardware description including risk data. Listing
2 shows the generated risk-annotated code of the place()
function. The place() function is called on the fifth position
(line 8). During the place() the control system,power system,
and gripper are used. Within the @Component block, the
probability,quantity, and redundancy are defined. The failure
probability of the power system is 6.674e08 (line 12). The
redundancy and quantity of the power system are defined
in lines 13 - 14. We updated the failure probability of the
electric motors during the place position() function with a
higher failure probability, due to the additional weight.
1void place(moveit::planning_interface::
MoveGroupInterface& move_group)
6*@Function {
7*name = place
8*callSequence = 5
10 *@Component {
11 *name = power_system
12 *probability = 6.674e-08
13 *quantity = 2
14 *redundancy = true
15 *}
16 *@Component {
17 *name = control_system
18 *probability = 2.167e-10
19 *quantity = 2
20 *redundancy = true
21 *}
22 *@Component {
23 *name = gripper
24 *probability = 7.344e-08
25 *quantity = 1
26 *redundancy = false
27 *}
28 *******************************/
Listing 2. Except of the risk-annotated code to control the
robotic manipulator
D. Hybrid risk model
We automatically transform the risk-annotated code into
a hybrid risk model. It consists of a top-level Markov chain
with interconnected fault trees. The Markov chain is shown
in Figure 4. It contains the transient states: init,pick position,
pick,place position, and place. It also contains an absorbing
failure state for each function, e.g. pick failure, and the
absorbing done state. The transition probabilities to jump
from a transient state to the corresponding failure state
is given by the interconnected fault trees. We generate a
fault tree for each function of the code. The fault trees
include all components that are used throughout the func-
tion. The probability of failure for the associated compo-
nents is derived from the FIDES 2009 [36] and NPRD-95
[37] database. We defined the failure probabilities for one
minute of operation. In particular, we generated the fault
trees: ft init failure,ft pick position failure,ft pick failure,
ft place position failure, and ft place failure.
E. Results
We conduct the risk assessment of the hybrid risk model
with our OpenPRA framework.
Failure state Probability of absorption
init failure 7.38e-06
pick position failure 6.65e-06
pick failure 7.38e-06
place position failure 9.14e-06
place failure 7.34e-07
Fault tree Failure probability top event
ft init failure 7.38e-07
ft pick position failure 6.65e-07
ft pick failure 7.38e-07
ft place position failure 9.15e-07
ft place failure 7.34e-08
Table I shows the probability of absorption in one of the
failure states. Starting state is the init state. The most likely
failure state to get absorbed is the place position state. Table
II presents the top event failure probabilities of the fault trees.
In this paper, we introduce a new method, that enables
the automated and continuous risk assessment of software-
defined robotic systems based on the software. We demon-
strate the applicability of the proposed approach using a
robotic manipulator case study.
Fig. 4. Hybrid risk model containing a Markov chain with interconnected
fault trees. The Markov chain contains one absorbing failure state for each
function and the absorbing done state. The probabilities 0.9 and 0.1 represent
the operational profile of the system. We assume that the robotic manipulator
goes in nine out of ten cases back to the initial position and picks another
The novel method includes (i) a Logger that extracts log
data such as the sequence of relevant functions and compo-
nents that are active during the function from executed ROS
code, (ii) an Adder, that extends code with risk annotations
in an automated way to generate risk-annotated code. The
risk annotation is based on the output of the Logger, the
robotic hardware description including available risk data,
and the original code, (iii) An M2M transformation algorithm
from risk-annotated code to a hybrid risk model, and (iv) the
analysis with OpenPRA. The proposed method can assess the
risk of a software-defined robotic system.
The extension of the risk-annotation with more risk-related
data that include failure modes, dependencies, or error prop-
agation is possible. This will require further development
of suitable hybrid risk models, transformation algorithms,
and new solvers for OpenPRA. This will help us to describe
possible failures scenarios of modern, flexible and dynamic
production systems more precisely and therefore enable a
more meaningful risk assessment. This will be subject of
our future work.
This work has been partly funded by the German Federal
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (Bun-
desministerium f¨
ur Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, BMWK)
under the project ”Software-defined Manufacturing f¨
ur die
Fahrzeug- und Zulieferindustrie” (SDM4FZI, funding code
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... This system detects unsafe conditions and autonomously mitigates potential hazards, showcasing robustness in challenging environments. Integrating cutting-edge technologies, and Grimmeisen et al. (2023) demonstrate how 1. What are the impacts of digital twin technologies on worker safety within humancentric manufacturing environments? ...
... Their system uses AR glasses for visual augmentation and DRL for collision avoidance, validated in practical scenarios. In another approach, Grimmeisen et al. (2023) presented an automated risk assessment framework for ROS-based robotic systems. This methodology integrates digital twins with hybrid risk models to provide real-time adaptive safety measures, validated on a robotic manipulator. ...
... Another limitation is the computational complexity and resource requirements of digital twin models. The frameworks proposed by Wang et al. (2023) and Grimmeisen et al. (2023) involve sophisticated algorithms and high-fidelity simulations that demand significant computational power and storage. This requirement can be a barrier for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that may lack the necessary resources to implement such advanced systems. ...
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Introducción: La Industria 5.0 integra tecnologías avanzadas con enfoques centrados en el ser humano para mejorar la seguridad en la fabricación, la colaboración humano-robot y la eficiencia. Los gemelos digitales, réplicas virtuales de sistemas físicos, son centrales en esta iniciativa para mejorar la seguridad laboral y la eficiencia operativa. Metodología: Esta SLR utilizó una estrategia de búsqueda exhaustiva en cinco bibliotecas digitales: IEEE Explore, Scopus, Taylor & Francis Online, ACM Digital Library y Web of Science. Resultados: Los hallazgos destacan las contribuciones de los gemelos digitales a la seguridad de los trabajadores mediante el monitoreo en tiempo real, la detección inteligente y la gestión proactiva de riesgos. La colaboración humano-robot se logra a través de la integración de datos en tiempo real. Los gemelos digitales también mejoran la eficiencia en la fabricación al permitir sistemas de producción más inteligentes y adaptativos. Discusión: A pesar de su potencial, se deben abordar desafíos como la calidad de los datos, la complejidad computacional, la ciberseguridad, los factores humanos y los impactos socioeconómicos. Conclusiones: Esta SLR subraya el papel de los gemelos digitales en el avance de la Industria 5.0, promoviendo entornos industriales más seguros, eficientes y centrados en el ser humano.
... This cluster contains 11 out of the 88 articles and has nine sub-clusters, making it the cluster with the highest number of sub-clusters (sub-applications). Four of them are assigned to four different Risk Assessment Simulation Tools (RAST) namely, to detect human behavior for predictable/unpredictable robot motion [61], to detect mechanical hazards of a collaborative assembly workstation [62], to detect system failure scenarios as per runtime situations [63], and to identify the risk factors in all layers of a CPS [64,65]. As per the distribution of sub-clusters, "Risk Assessment Simulation Tools (RAST)' is the widely researched area of this cluster, containing five out of the 11 articles. ...
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Industry 4.0 brings smartness to manufacturing systems through Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Digital Twins (DT), and the Internet of Things. Going a step further, Industry 5.0 seeks to achieve these modern manufacturing industry goals by integrating the precision of robots/cobots with human creativity by establishing human-centered CPS. Hence, it is crucial to have a good understanding of key technological adjustments and how they are being incorporated for sustaining human-centricity, resilience, and reconfigurability in CPS-based workcells. This systematic search and review addresses this central research question. The review was based on carefully established systematic search and elimination/inclusion criteria. After a gradual filtering process as elaborated in this paper, 88 related articles were deeply analyzed to arrive at the conclusions. The significance of this review is that it analyzes research works based on CPS platforms to identify how the technicalities at each level of the CPS establishment can support sustaining human-centered applications. It was identified that novel approaches are obtained by adjusting the decision-making algorithms of the CPS. An overuse of virtual reality methods was noticed. There is a requirement for improved and reliable biosensing applications. Parallel improvements in other industries such as interoperability and cyber-security can provide better support for the changes in the focused industry. These findings will be useful for future research trends in the manufacturing industry.
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The concepts of Software-Defined Manufacturing (SDM) and Digital Twins emphasize the current trend in production system development. These systems are characterized by frequent software updates to address adjustable production processes and higher system flexibility. These software-intensive systems are safety-critical and require a thorough reliability analysis. This implies the necessity to automatically re-evaluate the reliability before each software update. In this paper, we introduce a new Model-to-Model (M2M) transformation method that enables the automatic generation of hybrid reliability models from the Digital Twin formalism based on SysML v2. The models of the Digital Twin are extended with reliability data. The method includes (i) transformation of behavioral models to Markov chains, (ii) transformation of structural models to fault trees, and (iii) the generation of hybrid reliability models based on the software and system structure. Besides, this paper describes an SDM-system, based on a robotic manipulator, that fulfills two different tasks depending on the uploaded software. This case study shows that our M2M transformation method enables continuous reliability assessment of SDM-systems.
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Digital Twins, which serve as virtual representations, are becoming increasingly important to meet the needs of future industrial automation. Digital Twins are mostly created for specific use cases, facing various requirements e.g. reliable intellectual property protection, interoperability, flexibility, or extendability during implementation. For this purpose, decisions regarding structure and technology have to be made before implementation. In this paper, we discuss relevant requirements based on a proposed procedure for the derivation of project-specific intelligent Digital Twin implementations. The influences and correlations of project requirements are discussed concerning the choice of intelligent Digital Twins implementation structure and technology. In addition, the paper outlines their advantages and disadvantages. The proposed procedure is exemplarily illustrated using an intelligent Digital Twin utilized for a modular offshore-platform producing green hydrogen and derivatives.
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Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) is an indispensable technology to evaluate the risk, dependability, and resilience characteristics of safety-critical systems. Therefore, PRA uses widely adopted methods, such as classical event trees, fault trees, Markov chains, Bayesian networks, and their numerous combinations. To analyze challenging failure scenarios of modern, intelligent, autonomous, and highly dynamic Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), the integration of multiple PRA methods is needed. This paper presents a PRA approach based on classical Event Tree Analysis (ETA) and Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and provides the technical description of a new open-source software platform called OpenPRA. Besides, this paper describes a representative case study from the autonomous system domain, focusing on autonomous warehouse robots.
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Model-based systems engineering approaches are commonly used for the development of various heterogeneous mechatronic systems including nowadays popular Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). As a rule, the dependability analysis is carried out during the system integration phase of the UAV development. Therefore, fundamental design drawbacks might be uncovered too late leading to serious and costly rework. This paper presents a new methodology for the early dependability analysis of a UAV system applicable during the design phase. The proposed dependability analysis is based on the Dual-graph Error Propagation Model (DEPM), a stochastic model of system design aspects that influence error propagation processes: control flow, data flow, and component-level reliability properties. A new domain-specific Systems Modeling Language (SysML) profile and the transformation algorithm from the SysML model to the DEPM are introduced as two key parts of this methodology as well as the main research results of this paper. The relevant technical details of the modeling workflow are demonstrated with a case study UAV that explains how to design a UAV using the introduced SysML profile, transform the SysML model into the DEPM, and evaluate dependability properties.
We describe the concept of software-defined manufacturing, which divides the manufacturing ecosystem into software definition and physical manufacturing layers. Software-defined manufacturing allows better resource sharing and collaboration, and it has the potential to transform the existing manufacturing sector.
Conference Paper
While automation technologies advance faster than ever, gaps of resilience capabilities between autonomous and human-operated systems have not yet been identified and addressed appropriately. To date, there exists no generic framework for resilience assessment that is applicable to a broad spectrum of domains or able to take into account the impacts on mission-scenario-level resilience from system-specific attributes. In the proposed framework, resilience is meant to describe the ability of a system, in an open range of adverse scenarios, to maintain normal operating conditions or to recover from degraded or failed states in order to provide anticipated functions or services to achieve mission success. The term resilience is introduced in relation with classical terms such as fault, error, failure, fault-tolerance, reliability, and risk. The proposed model-based resilience assessment framework is based on a resilience ontology that enables the use of system models into reliability and risk models for transparent, persistent, and up-to-date modeling and quantification. A SysML profile and associated OWL ontology are defined to enable the use of a range of resilience mechanisms into the design and operation of a system.
The Digital Twin (DT) is commonly known as a key enabler for the digital transformation, however, in literature is no common understanding concerning this term. It is used slightly different over the disparate disciplines. The aim of this paper is to provide a categorical literature review of the DT in manufacturing and to classify existing publication according to their level of integration of the DT. Therefore, it is distinct between Digital Model (DM), Digital Shadow (DS) and Digital Twin. The results are showing, that literature concerning the highest development stage, the DT, is scarce, whilst there is more literature about DM and DS.