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Abstract and Figures

Background. Assessment of cell viability is crucial in cell studies. Testing plasma membrane integrity is a traditional approach of evaluating cell viability. Mitochondrial functional capacity closely correlates with plasma membrane integrity and overall cell health. This study aimed to investigate whether any aspect of mitochondrial adaptive capacity in isolated pancreatic acini is associated with the quality of isolated pancreatic acini preparations, as determined by the dye exclusion method. Materials and Methods. Experiments were carried out on male Wistar rats weig­hing 250–300 g. A suspension of isolated pancreatic acini was obtained using collagenase. The rate of oxygen consumption of rat isolated pancreatic acini was measured with Clark oxygen electrode. Basal respiration of isolated pancreatic acini was recorded for approximately 2 min. Afterwards, the mitochondrial adaptive capacity was examined using FCCP in concentrations from 0.5 to 2 μM. Uncoupled respiratory stability was calculated as a ratio of respiration rate at high and low FCCP concentrations. Plasma membrane integrity was assessed with trypan blue staining. A total of 74 preparations of isolated pancreatic acini were used in this study. Results. In all experiments, 92–99 % of pancreatic acinar cells exhibited negative trypan blue staining, indicating intact plasma membranes. The basal and maximal uncoupled respiration rates were not affected by the fraction of trypan-negative cells. However, acini preparations with <less than 95 % plasma membrane integrity had significantly lower uncoupled respiration rates when exposed to a high concentration of FCCP (2 µM), indicating reduced stability of uncoupled respiration. Conclusions. Results of the study suggest that the stability of uncoupled respiration can serve as a novel metabolic functional test to complement the existing methods for assessing cell vitality.
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ISSN 1996-4536 (print) ISSN 2311-0783 (on-line) Біологічні Студії / Studia Biologica 2023 Том 17 / № 3 С. 243–252
Biol. Stud. 2023; 17(3): 243–252 DOI:
© 2023 Anastasiia Zub et al. Published by the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv on behalf of Біологічні Cтудії / Studia
Biologica. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License which
permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
UDC: 612.34:612.26:577.23
Anastasiia Zub , Bohdan V. Manko , Bohdan O. Manko ,
Volodymyr Manko , Andriy Babsky
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 4 Hrushevsky St., Lviv 79005, Ukraine
Zub, A., Manko, B. V., Manko, B. O., Manko, V., & Babsky, A. (2023). Uncoupled respiration
stability of isolated pancreatic acini as a novel functional test for cell vitality. Studia Biologica,
17(3), 243–252. doi:10.30970/sbi.1703.735
Background. Assessment of cell viability is crucial in cell studies. Testing plasma
membrane integrity is a traditional approach of evaluating cell viability. Mitochondrial
functional capacity closely correlates with plasma membrane integrity and overall cell
health. This study aimed to investigate whether any aspect of mitochondrial adaptive
capacity in isolated pancreatic acini is associated with the quality of said preparations,
as determined by the dye exclusion method.
Materials and Methods. Experiments were carried out on male Wistar rats weig hing
250–300 g. A suspension of isolated pancreatic acini was obtained using collagenase.
The rate of oxygen consumption of rat isolated pancreatic acini was measured with
Clark oxygen electrode. Basal respiration of isolated pancreatic acini was recorded for
approximately 2 min. Afterwards, the mitochondrial adaptive capacity was examined
using FCCP in concentrations from 0.5 to 2 μM. Uncoupled respiratory stability was
calculated as a ratio of respiration rate at high and low FCCP concentrations. Plasma
membrane integrity was assessed with trypan blue staining. A total of 74 preparations
of isolated pancreatic acini were used in this study.
Results. In all experiments, 92–99 % of pancreatic acinar cells exhibited nega-
tive trypan blue staining, indicating intact plasma membranes. The basal and maximal
uncoupled respiration rates were not a󰀨ected by the fraction of trypan-negative cells.
However, acini preparations with <less than 95 % plasma membrane integrity had sig-
nicantly lower uncoupled respiration rates when exposed to a high concentration of
FCCP (2 µM), indicating reduced stability of uncoupled respiration.
244 Anastasiia Zub, Bohdan V. Manko, Bohdan O. Manko, Volodymyr Manko, Andriy Babsky
ISSN 1996-4536 (print) ISSN 2311-0783 (on-line) Біологічні Студії / Studia Biologica 2023 Том 17 / № 3 С. 243–252
Conclusions. Results of the study suggest that the stability of uncoupled respira-
tion can serve as a novel metabolic functional test to complement the existing methods
for assessing cell vitality.
Keywords: pancreas, acinar cells, viability, uncoupled respiration
In vitro experiments involving isolated live cells, whether cultured immortalized cell
lines or primary cells obtained from living organisms, are extensively conducted in various
biological sstudies. Cell viability is a critical aspect for conducting accurate examinations
of biological processes. Impaired metabolism, disrupted ion transport, and compromised
physiological responses to stimuli are observed in damaged or necrotic cells. Traditional
approaches to evaluate cell viability include testing plasma membrane integrity using
techniques like trypan blue staining or assessing metabolic activity with methods such as
the MTT test.
Mitochondrial functional activity in cells is highly correlated with plasma membrane
integrity. In renal cells, cold injury causes disruption of cell morphology, a 70% lactate
dehydrogenase activity release, and nearly complete loss of both basal and uncou-
pled cell respiration (Cassim et al., 2022). In cardiac myocytes, hypoxia-reoxygenation
induces a reduction of maximal uncoupled respiration in parallel with an increase of cell
necrosis measured with a combination of calcein-AM and plasma membrane imperme-
ant ethidium homodimer-1 (Peger et al., 2015). In pancreatic acinar cells, hydrogen
peroxide causes a decrease in both basal and maximal respiration, while menadione
intensies basal respiration and reduces maximal uncoupled respiration; both com-
pounds also cause an increase in lactate dehydrogenase release (Armstrong et al.,
2018). Interestingly, antioxidant mitoQ also causes a signicant decrease in both uncou-
pled respiration and plasma membrane integrity of pancreatic acinar cells (Armstrong
et al., 2019). In many experimental settings, the mitochondrial damage precedes cell
death with or without the signs of plasma membrane rupture (Armstrong et al., 2019;
Bock & Tait, 2020; Manko et al., 2021). It is thus expedient to develop new highly sensi-
tive cell viability assays based on mitochondrial function evaluation.
Recently, our research group characterized the mitochondrial adaptive capacity of
pancreatic acinar cells using a comprehensive set of uncoupled respiration parameters
(Manko et al., 2019). The present study aimed to investigate whether any aspect of mito-
chondrial adaptive capacity in isolated pancreatic acini is associated with the qua lity of
isolated pancreatic acini preparations, as assessed with the dye exclusion method.
Materials. Reagents used in experiments were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St.
Louis, Mo): sodium chloride, glucose, N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N′-2-ethanesulfonic
acid (HEPES), soybean trypsin inhibitor, bovine serum albumin (BSA), sodium pyruvate,
glutamine, FCCP, collagenase type IV; Merck Chemicals (Burlington, Mass) – Calcium
chloride dihydrate. All other reagents were of the purest available grade.
Experimental animals. All manipulations with animals are accomplished in accor-
dance with the ’European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for
Experimental and other Scientic Purposes’ (Council of Europe No 123, Strasbourg
1985). Experimental protocols were approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee
ISSN 1996-4536 (print) ISSN 2311-0783 (on-line) Біологічні Студії / Studia Biologica 2023 Том 17 / № 3 С. 243–252
of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (protocol No. 33-04-2023 of 03.04.2023).
Experiments were carried out on male Wistar rats (250–300 g). Animals were kept
under the standard conditions of a vivarium at a constant temperature with 12:12-h
light-dark cycle and on a basic diet. In vitro experiments were performed on pancreatic
acini isolated from animals, which were starved for 12 h prior to the experiment.
Isolation and viability assessment of pancreatic acinі. A suspension of isolated
pancreatic acini was obtained with collagenase (type IV, 0.2 mg/mL) as previously reported
(Manko et al., 2013) in basic incubation medium containing (mM): NaCl 140.0, KCl
4.7, CaCl2 1.3, MgCl2 – 1.0, HEPES – 10.0, glutamine – 2.0, sodium pyruvate – 2.0,
glucose – 10.0; BSA – 2.5 mg/mL; soybean trypsin inhibitor – 0.1 mg/mL and essential
MEM amino acid supplement; pH set at 7.4 with NaOH. Cell counting was performed with
a hemocytometer with trypan blue staining as described previously (Manko et al., 2021).
Oxygen consumption. The rate of oxygen consumption of isolated pancreatic acini
was measured with Clark oxygen electrode at 37 °C using YSI 5300 Biological oxygen
monitor (Yellow Springs Instruments) or SI929 6-channel Oxygen Meter (Strathkelvin).
Extracellular-like respiration medium contained (mM): NaCl – 140.0, KCl – 4.7, CaCl2
1.3, MgCl2 – 1.0, HEPES – 10.0, glucose – 10.0; BSA – 2.5 mg/mL and soybean trypsin
inhibitor – 0.1 mg/mL; pH set at 7.4 with NaOH. Protonophore FCCP was added step-
wise into the respiration chamber in 0.5 μM aliquots (2.0 μM total) to reach the maximal
uncoupled respiration rate as described earlier (Manko et al., 2019).
Statistical analysis. Results are presented as means ± S.E.M. Statistical analysis
was performed using Origin Pro 2018 (Northampton, Mass) software. The signicance
of di󰀨erence between the groups was determined with a one-way ANOVA followed by
a Turkey corrected post-hoc t-tests in case of a signicant di󰀨erence according to ANOVA.
In the course of this study, to ensure a high statistical power, a total of 74 prepara-
tions of isolated pancreatic acini were examined. To reduce the e󰀨ects of investigator
bias, a total of 59 of these preparations (experiment 1) were performed by one scientist
and other 15 were later reproduced by another scientist (experiment 2). The viability of
pancreatic acini was assessed with trypan blue staining immediately after the isolation
procedure. In all experiments, cell viability exceeded 92 %, while in experiment 2 it was
signicantly higher than in experiment 1 (Fig. 1, Fig. 2B). This may indicate the di󰀨er-
ence in cell preparation technique or in viable cell number estimation between the two
scientists. Cells with intact plasma membrane are not stained with trypan blue and thus
are di󰀩cult to count in large three-dimensional acini under the microscope. We have
also divided experiment 1 into two clusters based on cell viability with a 95 % cuto󰀨 as
a typical indicator of a high-quality cell preparation (Fig. 1C).
Basal respiration of freshly isolated pancreatic acini was recorded for approximately
2 min. Afterwards, titration with FCCP with 0.5 µM aliquots (nal concentrations 0.5, 1.0,
1.5 and 2.0 µM, ~2 min for each concentration) was performed to reach the maximal
uncoupled respiration rate. We have noted that the kinetics of respiration response to
FCCP varied greatly among preparations. In part of experiments, the maximal respi-
ration was already reached at 0.5–1 µM FCCP; further increase in the protonophore
concentration resulted in a marked inhibition of oxygen consumption rate (Fig. 1A). In
other cases, the respiration rate steadily increased up to 1.5–2 µM FCCP (Fig. 1B).
There were also all kinds of intermediate kinetic responses. In order to describe such
246 Anastasiia Zub, Bohdan V. Manko, Bohdan O. Manko, Volodymyr Manko, Andriy Babsky
ISSN 1996-4536 (print) ISSN 2311-0783 (on-line) Біологічні Студії / Studia Biologica 2023 Том 17 / № 3 С. 243–252
0100 200300 400
Time (s)
0100 200300 400
Oxygen content (nmol)
Time (s)
90 92 94 96 98 100
Stability of uncoupled respiration (r.u.)
Cell viability (%)
Experiment 2
Experiment 1,
cluster 1
Experiment 1,
cluster 2
r = 0.53
p =1.2·10-6
r = 0.47
p = 0.00017
Fig. 1. Dependence of uncoupled respiration stability of isolated pancreatic acini on cell viability: A, B – dif-
ferent examples of original respiration recordings, arrows indicate addition of 0.5 µM FCCP aliquot;
C – data from experiment 1 were split into cluster 1 – cell viability below 95 % (red points) and cluster
2 – cell viability over 95 % (green points); experiment 2 data form cluster 3 with cell viability over
95 % (black points). Black and blue lines are the results of linear regression of experiment 1 data
(black) and both experiments (blue) with corresponding Pearson’s r and p values. Each experiment is
presented by a separate point. Experiment 1 was performed by one scientist with a YSI 5300 biologi-
cal oxygen monitor, while experiment 2 was performed by another scientist with a SI929 6-channel
oxygen meter
ISSN 1996-4536 (print) ISSN 2311-0783 (on-line) Біологічні Студії / Studia Biologica 2023 Том 17 / № 3 С. 243–252
discrepancies in FCCP e󰀨ects, formerly we used [FCCP]max – the optimal FCCP concen-
tration when the maximal respiration rate is reached (Manko et al., 2019). However, the
discrete nature of this parameter renders statistical analysis problematic. In addition, it
is di󰀩cult to establish optimal concentration when neighboring values of respiration are
very close to each other. Thus, we calculated the uncoupled respiratory “stability” as
a ratio of respiration rate at high and low FCCP concentrations according to the equation:
Stability = (V1.5+V2.0)/(V0.5+V1.0),
where V is an uncoupled respiration rate with index as FCCP concentration in µM.
To test if the uncoupled respiratory stability depended on the plasma membrane
integrity, we have plotted data of the two parameters at Fig. 1. Above a horizontal
dashed line (Stability = 1.0) are experiments in which the respiration rate continued to
increase when high concentrations (1.5–2 µM) of FCCP were added. Conversely, when
high FCCP concentrations inhibited respiration, the stability was lower than 1. Clearly,
most of the datapoints (31 of 41) in cluster 1 of experiment 1 have stability values
under 1, which is not the case for cluster 2 (7 of 18) and experiment 2 (3 of 15) (Fig. 1).
Furthermore, there was a signicant moderate positive correlation between the stabi-
lity of uncoupled respiration and the number of trypan-negative cells with Pearson’s
r = 0.53 for the whole sample (n = 74, p = 0.0000012) and 0.47 for experiment 1 data
(n = 59, p = 0.0001728).
The statistical analysis of the di󰀨erences between three experimental clusters was
performed with ANOVA followed by a post-hoc Turkey test. As expected, the fraction of
trypan-positive dead cells was signicantly lower in experiment 1 cluster 2 compared
to cluster 1, and even lower in experiment 2 (Fig. 2B). The basal (no FCCP added)
and maximal respiration rates remained the same between all groups (Fig. 2A, C). It
was previously shown that basal and maximal respiration rates are proportional to cell
viability (Armstrong et al., 2018; Cassim et al., 2022). Apparently, small cell viability dif-
ferences do not signicantly a󰀨ect respiration parameters. However, the uncoupled res-
piration upon 2 µM FCCP was signicantly higher in experiment 2 compared to experi-
ment 1 cluster 1, indicating higher uncoupled respiration stability (Fig. 2A). There was
no statistical di󰀨erence between the respiration rates in Experiment 1 cluster 1 and
experiment 2, even though the experiments were performed with di󰀨erent instruments
and by di󰀨erent scientists (see Methods section) (Fig. 2C).
Our study revealed a notable association between slight di󰀨erences in cell viability,
as determined by the trypan blue exclusion test, and signicant e󰀨ects on uncoupled
respiration stability. Basal respiration of trypan-positive cells with either digitonin-perme-
abilized (Horbay et al., 2012; Manko et al., 2013; Pesta & Gnaiger, 2012; Rose et al.,
2019) or otherwise damaged (Cassim et al., 2022) plasma membrane is usually more
than 5-fold lower compared to intact cells due to metabolite e󰀪ux from cytoplasm. The
respiration of permeabilized pancreatic acinar cells can be restored by the addition of
exogenous oxidative substrates and ADP (Manko et al., 2013; Manko & Manko, 2013).
In our study, we investigated the respiration of pancreatic acini in extracellular-like res-
piration medium without ADP or Tricarboxylic acid cycle oxidative substrates. In addi-
tion, high Ca2+ and NaCl concentration in extracellular-like respiration medium is toxic
to mitochondria of pancreatic acinar cells (Maléth & Hegyi, 2016; Manko et al., 2013).
Because of this, we assume that a small fraction of trypan-positive necrotic cells has
a minimal contribution to oxygen consumption. Thus, uncoupled respiration stability is
the aspect of the viable trypan-negative cell population metabolism.
248 Anastasiia Zub, Bohdan V. Manko, Bohdan O. Manko, Volodymyr Manko, Andriy Babsky
ISSN 1996-4536 (print) ISSN 2311-0783 (on-line) Біологічні Студії / Studia Biologica 2023 Том 17 / № 3 С. 243–252
Fig. 2. E󰀨ect of isolated pancreatic acini viability on their basal and uncoupled respiration: A – respiration
rates of pancreatic acini in cluster 1 (E1C1) and 2 (E1C2) of experiment 1, and experiment 2 (E2)
upon uncoupling with FCCP in increasing concentrations (x axis shows the resulting FCCP concen-
tration in the respiration chamber with 0.5 µM stepwise titration); Bthe di󰀨erence in pancreatic
acinar cell necrosis in three groups; Cthe maximal uncoupled respiration of pancreatic acinar
cells; * – signicant di󰀨erence vs E1C1, P ≤ 0.05, # – signicant di󰀨erence vs E1C2, P ≤ 0.05, n = 41
(E1C1), 18 (E1C2) and 15 (E2), data are shown as M ± S.E.M.
We have previously established that the uncoupled respiration stability in iso-
lated pancreatic acini depends on the type of oxidative substrate added to the medium
(Manko et al., 2019). We observed that the rapid decline in uncoupled respiration can
be attributed to the limited accumulation of certain oxidative substrates (such as suc-
cinate, α-ketoglutarate, and malate) due to the low plasma membrane permeability of
-0.5 00.5 11.5 2 2,5
Respiration rate,
nmol O2 / (106 cells·s)
[FCCP], µM
Cell necrosis (%)
E1C1 E1C2 E2
* #
Maximal respiratory capacity,
nmol O2 / (106 cells·s)
E1C1 E1C2 E2
ISSN 1996-4536 (print) ISSN 2311-0783 (on-line) Біологічні Студії / Studia Biologica 2023 Том 17 / № 3 С. 243–252
intact pancreatic acinar cells (Manko et al., 2013, 2019), Interestingly, we found that
the ester forms of these substrates (such as monomethyl-succinate and dimethyl-α-
ketoglutarate), which can penetrate the cell membrane, supported higher stability of
uncoupled respiration. Therefore, the decrease in uncoupled respiration stability in less
viable acini preparations is most likely a result of depletion of intracellular oxidative sub-
strates, which cannot be rapidly replenished by glycolysis alone.
MTT assay is a conceptually similar approach to studying cell metabolic activity, as
it relies on the activity of NADPH-dependent oxidoreductases. In human trophoblast-
like cells, the decrease in maximal uncoupled respiration upon action of linoleic acid
correlates with MTT test results (Shrestha et al., 2019). However, in astrocytes, gluta-
mate treatment caused a decrease in maximal uncoupled respiration, but did not a󰀨ect
the MTT assay (Yan et al., 2017). The direct comparison of sensitivity and reliability of
the uncoupled respiration and MTT assay is a subject for further studies. An important
issue of interpretation of results of the uncoupled respiration and other cell metabolism
tests is that the changes of metabolic parameters are often not related to cell viability.
The pitfalls of MTT assay related to the use of metabolic inhibitors in experiments have
been discussed recently (Stepanenko & Dmitrenko, 2015). Similarly, we reported that
the decrease of maximal uncoupled respiration in pancreatic acinar cells oxidizing glu-
tamine was not accompanied by any changes in cell viability (Manko et al., 2021).
The ndings of this study lead to several important conclusions. Firstly, it is advis-
able to use only preparations of pancreatic acini with high viability (> 95 % trypan-nega-
tive) in experiments to avoid the e󰀨ects of negative metabolic shift associated with lower
quality preparations. However, further investigations are required to determine whether
this conclusion holds true for other cell types and to establish appropriate viability
thresholds. Secondly, the conventional assessment of maximal uncoupled respiration
rate proves to be insu󰀩ciently sensitive in detecting mitochondrial and cellular damage.
We have established that the stability of uncoupled respiration, i.e., the ability of mito-
chondria to sustain a high respiration rate with an increasing uncoupler concentration,
is more sensitive to cell damage caused by isolation procedures. It is still unknown if
early mitochondrial and cell damage induced by toxins or other factors can be detected
similarly. Thirdly, relying solely on a single approach (plasma membrane integrity or cell
metabolic activity) is inadequate for comprehensive cell viability and functional integrity
evaluation. We propose using the stability of uncoupled respiration as a novel metabolic
functional test to complement the existing methods for assessing cell viability.
Conict of Interest: The authors have no competing interests to declare that are
relevant to the content of this article.
Human Rights: This article does not contain any studies with human subjects per-
formed by any of the authors.
Animal Rights: All experiments were carried out in accordance with the „European
Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and Other
Scientic Purposes” (Council of Europe No. 123, Strasbourg 1985). All animal proce-
dures were approved by the Committee for the Care and Use of Animals of the Ivan
Franko National University of Lviv under the protocol No. 33-04-2023 of 03.04.2023.
250 Anastasiia Zub, Bohdan V. Manko, Bohdan O. Manko, Volodymyr Manko, Andriy Babsky
ISSN 1996-4536 (print) ISSN 2311-0783 (on-line) Біологічні Студії / Studia Biologica 2023 Том 17 / № 3 С. 243–252
Conceptualization, [M.B.O.; M.V.]; methodology, [M.B.O.]; investigation, [Z.A.;
M.B.V.]; resources, [M.V.; B.A.]; data curation, [M.B.O.]; writing – original draft prepa-
ration, [Z.A.; M.B.V., M.B.O.]; writing review and editing, [M.V.; B.A.]; visualization,
[M.B.O.] supervision, [M.B.O., M.V.; B.A.]; project administration, [M.V.; B.A.]; funding
acquisition, [–].
All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
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Анастасія Зуб, Богдан В. Манько, Богдан О. Манько,
Володимир Манько, Андрій Бабський
Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка
вул. Грушевського, 4, Львів 79005, Україна
Вступ. Аналіз життєздатності має вирішальне значення у клітинних дослі-
дженнях. Перевірка цілісності плазматичної мембрани є традиційним підходом
для визначення життєздатності клітин. Функціональна здатність мітохондрій тісно
корелює з цілісністю плазматичної мембрани та загальною інтактністю клітини.
Мета цього дослідження полягала в тому, щоби перевірити, чи пов’язані пара-
метри мітохондріальної адаптивної здатності ізольованих панкреатичних ацинусів
підшлункової залози із якістю препаратів ізольованих ацинарних клітин, визначе-
ної за допомогою фарбування трипановим синім.
Матеріали та методи. Досліди проводили на щурах-самцях лінії Wistar масою
250–300 г. Cуспензію ізольованих панкреатичних ацинусів отримували з вико-
ристанням колагенази. Швидкість споживання кисню ізольованими ацинусами
252 Anastasiia Zub, Bohdan V. Manko, Bohdan O. Manko, Volodymyr Manko, Andriy Babsky
ISSN 1996-4536 (print) ISSN 2311-0783 (on-line) Біологічні Студії / Studia Biologica 2023 Том 17 / № 3 С. 243–252
Re ce ive d / Одержа но Revision / Доопрацьовано Accepted / Прийнято Published / Опубліковано
19 May, 2023 03 July, 2023 31 August, 2023 27 September, 2023
підшлункової залози щурів вимірювали за допомогою кисневого електрода Кларка.
Базальне дихання ізольованих ацинусів підшлункової залози реєстрували при-
близно протягом 2 хв. Після цього досліджували адаптивну здатність мітохондрій
за допомогою FCCP у концентраціях від 0,5 до 2 мкмоль/л. Незв’язану респіра-
торну стабільність розраховували як співвідношення частоти дихання за високих
і низьких концентрацій FCCP. Цілісність плазматичної мембрани оцінювали за
допомогою фарбування трипановим синім. У цьому дослідженні використано
74 різних препарати ізольованих ацинарних клітин підшлункової залози.
Результати. У всіх експериментах 92–99 % ацинарних клітин підшлункової
залози були трипан-негативними. Базальне та максимальне роз’єднане дихання не
залежали від фракції трипан-негативних клітин. Проте клітинні препарати з <95 %
цілісністю плазматичної мембрани мали значно нижчу швидкість роз’єднаного
дихання за високої (2 мкМ) концентрації FCCP, таким чином демонструючи низьку
стабільність роз’єднаного дихання.
Висновки. Ми пропонуємо стабільність роз’єднаного дихання як новий тест
метаболічної функції, що доповнює наявні методи оцінки життєздатності клітин.
Ключові слова: підшлункова залоза, ацинарні клітини, життєздатність,
роз’єднане дихання
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Static cold storage (SCS) is currently the most widely used method for organ preservation, but a number of limitations are associated including tissue damage and restricted opportunity for organ repair. Thus, the development of improved hypothermic storage solutions is an urgent need. Herein, using a renal epithelial cell model (LLC-PK1), we tested the benefits of ADD10, a novel clinical grade antioxidant product, in reducing damages associated with ischemia-reperfusion (IR). Cells were stored up to 24h at 4 °C in University of Wisconsin (UW) solution without or in the presence of 1% ADD10 with following reperfusion up to 24h at 37 °C. The presence of ADD10 significantly decreased cells damages, cell death, and the level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (P < 0.05). Concomitantly, ADD10 supplementation also favored an increased oxygen consumption rate (OCR) and improved bioenergetics of LLC-PK1 cells (P < 0.05). Finally, preliminary in vivo studies suggested a benefit of ADD10 on the renal function post-transplantation. In conclusion, these results demonstrate that the addition of ADD10 to the preservation solution not only efficiently protects renal cells during SCS, but also improves the functionality of cold-stored organs during transplantation.
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Through their many and varied metabolic functions, mitochondria power life. Paradoxically, mitochondria also have a central role in apoptotic cell death. Upon induction of mitochondrial apoptosis, mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP) usually commits a cell to die. Apoptotic signalling downstream of MOMP involves cytochrome c release from mitochondria and subsequent caspase activation. As such, targeting MOMP in order to manipulate cell death holds tremendous therapeutic potential across different diseases, including neurodegenerative diseases, autoimmune disorders and cancer. In this Review, we discuss new insights into how mitochondria regulate apoptotic cell death. Surprisingly, recent data demonstrate that besides eliciting caspase activation, MOMP engages various pro-inflammatory signalling functions. As we highlight, together with new findings demonstrating cell survival following MOMP, this pro-inflammatory role suggests that mitochondria-derived signalling downstream of pro-apoptotic cues may also have non-lethal functions. Finally, we discuss the importance and roles of mitochondria in other forms of regulated cell death, including necroptosis, ferroptosis and pyroptosis. Collectively, these new findings offer exciting, unexplored opportunities to target mitochondrial regulation of cell death for clinical benefit.
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The dependence of uncoupled respiratory capacity of intact pancreatic acini on oxidative substrate supply and functional cell state has not yet been studied in detail. In this study, the respiratory responses of isolated pancreatic acini to FCCP were measured with Clark electrode and mitochondrial membrane potential was assessed with rhodamine123 fluorescence. The response of acini to FCCP was characteri­zed with maximal uncoupled respiration rate, optimal FCCP concentration, respiration acceleration and decele­ration. Maximal uncoupled respiration rate substantially increased upon the oxidation of glucose + glutamine (3.03 ± 0.54 r.u.), glucose + glutamine + pyruvate (2.82 ± 0.51 r.u.), glucose + isocitrate (2.71 ± 0.33 r.u.), glucose + malate (2.75 ± 0.38 r.u.), glucose + monomethyl-succinate (2.64 ± 0.42 r.u.) or glucose + dimethyl-α-ketoglutarate (2.36 ± 0.33 r.u.) comparing to glucose alone (1.73–2.02 r.u.) or no substrate (1.76 ± 0.33 r.u.). The optimal FCCP concentration was the highest (1.75 μM) upon glucose + glutamine + pyruvate combination and the lowest (0.5 μM) upon glutamate, combinations of glucose with isocitrate, malate, succinate or α-ketoglutarate. Respiration acceleration after FCCP application was the highest with dimethyl-α-ketoglutarate. Following the peak respiration, time-dependent deceleration was observed. It increased with FCCP concentration and depended on oxidative substrate type. Deceleration was the highest upon malate or isocitrate oxidation but was not observed in case of glutamine or dimethyl-α-ketoglutarate oxidation. Pyruvate alone or in combination with glutamine and glucose significantly decreased the depolarizing effect of FCCP on mitochondrial membrane potential and increased respiration elasticity coefficient with respect to the membrane potential change. Thus, in pancreatic acinar cells, the combination of pyruvate, glutamine and glucose enables the optimal adaptive respiratory response to membrane depolarization.
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Mitochondrial dysfunction is a core feature of acute pancreatitis, a severe disease in which oxidative stress is elevated. Mitochondrial targeting of antioxidants is a potential therapeutic strategy for this and other diseases, although thus far mixed results have been reported. We investigated the effects of mitochondrial targeting with the antioxidant MitoQ on pancreatic acinar cell bioenergetics, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production and cell fate, in comparison with the non-antioxidant control decyltriphenylphosphonium bromide (DecylTPP) and general antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC). MitoQ (µM range) and NAC (mM range) caused sustained elevations of basal respiration and the inhibition of spare respiratory capacity, which was attributable to an antioxidant action since these effects were minimal with DecylTPP. Although MitoQ but not DecylTPP decreased cellular NADH levels, mitochondrial ATP turnover capacity and cellular ATP concentrations were markedly reduced by both MitoQ and DecylTPP, indicating a non-specific effect of mitochondrial targeting. All three compounds were associated with a compensatory elevation of glycolysis and concentration-dependent increases in acinar cell apoptosis and necrosis. These data suggest that reactive oxygen species (ROS) contribute a significant negative feedback control of basal cellular metabolism. Mitochondrial targeting using positively charged molecules that insert into the inner mitochondrial member appears to be deleterious in pancreatic acinar cells, as does an antioxidant strategy for the treatment of acute pancreatitis.
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Background/aims: The omega 6 fatty acid (FA) linoleic acid (LA) is required for embryonic development; however, omega 6 FAs can alter cellular metabolism via inflammation or modulation of mitochondrial function. Fetal LA is obtained from the maternal diet, and FAs are transported to the fetus via placental FA transporters (FATPs) and binding proteins (FABPs), but specific proteins responsible for LA transport in placental trophoblasts are unknown. Dietary LA consumption is increasing, but the effect of elevated LA on trophoblast function is not clear. Methods: Swan71 trophoblasts were exposed to physiological and supraphysiological concentrations of LA for 24 hours. Quantification of mRNA was determined using real time PCR, and protein concentration was determined by Western blot analysis. Cell viability, citrate synthase activity and mitochondrial respiration were determined. Results: Exposure to 300 and 500 μM LA increased FATP1 and FATP4 mRNA expression. 500 μM LA increased FATP1 and FATP4 protein expression. Exposure to 500 μM increased FABP5 mRNA expression, while exposure to 100 to 500 μM LA decreased FABP3 mRNA expression. 300 and 500 μM LA decreased FABP3 protein expression. Cell viability was decreased by exposure to LA (100 to 1000 μM). Citrate synthase activity and routine mitochondrial respiration were significantly decreased by exposure to 300 and 500 μM LA, and maximal respiration and spare respiratory capacity were decreased by exposure to 100 to 500 μM LA. 300 and 500 μM LA increased reactive oxygen species generation in human trophoblasts. Moreover, exposure to 300 and 500 μM LA decreased IL-6 secretion. Exposure to 500 μM LA increased IL-8, NF-κB and PPAR-γ mRNA expression, but decreased NF-κB protein expression. 300 μM LA decreased IL-8 protein expression. Further, exposure to 100 to 500 μM LA increased prostaglandin E2 and leukotriene B₄ release. Conclusion: Exposure to LA decreases cell viability, alters mRNA expression of FA transport related proteins, mitochondrial respiration and function, and inflammatory responses in trophoblasts. These findings may have implications on placental function when women consume high levels of LA.
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Mitochondrial dysfunction lies at the core of acute pancreatitis (AP). Diverse AP stimuli induce Ca²⁺-dependent formation of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP), a solute channel modulated by cyclophilin D (CypD), whose formation causes ATP depletion and necrosis. Oxidative stress reportedly triggers MPTP formation and is elevated in clinical AP, but how reactive oxygen species influence cell death is unclear. Here, we assessed potential MPTP involvement in oxidant-induced effects on pancreatic acinar cell bioenergetics and fate. H2O2 application promoted acinar cell apoptosis at low concentrations (1-10 μM), whereas higher levels (0.5-1 mM) elicited rapid necrosis. H2O2 also decreased the mitochondrial NADH/FAD⁺ redox ratio and ΔΨm in a concentration-dependent manner (10 μM-1 mM H2O2), with maximal effects at 500 μM H2O2. H2O2 decreased the basal O2 consumption rate of acinar cells, with no alteration of ATP turnover at < 50 μM H2O2. However, higher H2O2 levels (≥ 50μM) diminished spare respiratory capacity and ATP turnover, and bioenergetic collapse, ATP depletion, and cell death ensued. Menadione exerted detrimental bioenergetic effects similar to those of H2O2, which were inhibited by the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine. Oxidant-induced bioenergetic changes, loss of ΔΨm, and cell death were not ameliorated by genetic deletion of CypD or by its acute inhibition with cyclosporine A. These results indicate that oxidative stress alters mitochondrial bioenergetics and modifies pancreatic acinar cell death. A shift from apoptosis to necrosis appears to be associated with decreased mitochondrial spare respiratory capacity and ATP production, effects that are independent of CypD-sensitive MPTP formation.
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Acute pancreatitis (AP) is a leading cause of hospitalization among non-malignant gastrointestinal disorders. The mortality of severe AP can reach 30–50%, which is most probably owing to the lack of specific treatment. Therefore, AP is a major healthcare problem, which urges researchers to identify novel drug targets. Studies from the last decades highlighted that the toxic cellular Ca2+ overload and mitochondrial damage are key pathogenic steps in the disease development affecting both acinar and ductal cell functions. Moreover, recent observations showed that modifying the cellular Ca2+ signalling might be beneficial in AP. The inhibition of Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic reticulum or the activity of plasma membrane Ca2+ influx channels decreased the severity of AP in experimental models. Similarly, inhibition of mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP) opening also seems to improve the outcome of AP in in vivo animal models. At the moment MPTP blockers are under detailed clinical investigation to test whether interventions in MPTP openings and/or Ca2+ homeostasis of the cells can be specific targets in prevention or treatment of cell damage in AP. This article is part of the themed issue ‘Evolution brings Ca2+ and ATP together to control life and death’.
Objectives: The objective of this study was to test whether pyruvate and glutamine affect the ethanol and cholecystokinin (CCK) effects on the mitochondrial function, viability, and morphology of rat pancreatic acini. Methods: Respiration was measured with Clark oxygen electrode. Mitochondrial membrane potential, reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (phosphate) (NAD(P)H), cell morphology, and viability were studied with fluorescence microscopy. Results: In vitro, CCK (0.1 nM) caused pyruvate-dependent stimulation of basal and uncoupled respiration, and the effects were abolished by ethanol (20 mM). The combination of ethanol with CCK (2 hours) caused necrosis of approximately 40% acinar cells in medium with glucose, but not with pyruvate and/or glutamine. Cholecystokinin (10 nM) or ethanol with 0.1 nM CCK caused plasma membrane blebbing not related to apoptosis only when both glutamine and pyruvate were present. Glutamine, but not pyruvate, decreased NAD(P)H level and prevented the effects of ethanol with CCK on mitochondrial membrane potential and NAD(P)H, but, in combination with CCK and ethanol, decreased the uncoupled respiration. In vivo, the combination of ethanol (4 g/kg) and CCK (20 pmol/kg) suppressed basal and uncoupled respiration and caused acinar cell blebbing, but not necrosis. Conclusions: The lack of sufficient substrate supply in vitro makes pancreatic acinar cells susceptible to necrosis caused by ethanol and CCK in clinically relevant concentrations.
Skeletal muscle mitochondrial respiration is thought to be altered in obesity, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes; however, the invasive nature of tissue biopsies is an important limiting factor for studying mitochondrial function. Recent findings suggest that bioenergetics profiling of circulating cells may inform on mitochondrial function in other tissues in lieu of biopsies. Thus, we sought to determine whether mitochondrial respiration in circulating cells (peripheral blood mononuclear cells [PBMCs] and platelets) reflects that of skeletal muscle fibers derived from the same subjects. PBMCs, platelets and skeletal muscle ( vastus lateralis) samples were obtained from 32 young (25-35 years) women of varying BMIs. Using extracellular flux analysis and high-resolution respirometry, mitochondrial respiration was measured in intact blood cells as well as in permeabilized cells and permeabilized muscle fibers. Respiratory parameters were not correlated between permeabilized muscle fibers and intact PBMCs or platelets. In a sub-set of samples with permeabilized blood cells available, raw measures of substrate (pyruvate, malate, glutamate, and succinate)-driven respiration did not correlate between permeabilized muscle (per mg tissue) and permeabilized PBMCs (per 10 ⁶ cells); however, complex I leak and OXPHOS coupling efficiency correlated between permeabilized platelets and muscle (Spearman's ρ = 0.64; p = 0.030, Spearman's ρ = 0.72; p = 0.010; respectively). Our data indicate that bioenergetics phenotypes in circulating cells cannot recapitulate muscle mitochondrial function. Select circulating cell bioenergetics phenotypes may possibly inform on overall metabolic health, but this postulate awaits validation in cohorts spanning a larger range of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes status.
Objective: To study the effect of glutamate on metabolism, shifts in glycolysis and lactate release in rat astrocytes. Methods: After 10 days, secondary cultured astrocytes were treated with 1 mmol/L glutamate for 1 h, and the oxygen consumption rates (OCR) and extra cellular acidification rate (ECAR) was analyzed using a Seahorse XF 24 Extracellular Flux Analyzer. Cell viability was then evaluated by MTT assay. Moreover, changes in extracellular lactate concentration induced by glutamate were tested with a lactate detection kit. Results: Compared with the control group, treatment with 1 mmol/L glutamate decreased the astrocytes' maximal respiration and spare respiratory capacity but increased their glycolytic capacity and glycolytic reserve. Further analysis found that 1-h treatment with different concentrations of glutamate (0.1-1 mmol/L) increased lactate release from astrocytes, however the cell viability was not affected by the glutamate treatment. Conclusion: The current study provided direct evidence that exogenous glutamate treatment impaired the mitochondrial respiration capacity of astrocytes and enhanced aerobic glycolysis, which could be involved in glutamate injury or protection mechanisms in response to neurological disorders.