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Rev. Gest. Soc. Ambient. | Miami | v.17.n.9 | p.1-16 | e04004 | 2023.
RGSA – Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental
ISSN: 1981-982X
Data de submissão: 16/06/2023
Data de aceite: 18/09/2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24857/rgsa.v17n9-021
Organização: Comitê Científico Interinstitucional
Editora Chefe: Christian Luiz da Silva
Avaliação: Double Blind Review pelo SEER/OJS
Marcos Fava Neves
Beatriz Papa Casagrande
Vinicius Cambaúva
Gabriel de Oliveira Teixeira
Paula Junqueira Franco Toledo
Objective: The purpose of the research is to understand the technological evolution of agriculture over the years
and propose a new perspective for the practices that are becoming established in agribusiness.
Theoretical framework: The study analyzes agricultural activities practiced from the beginning of agriculture up
to the present day to demonstrate the trends that are likely to gain strength in this sector in the coming years.
Method: The investigation aimed to be descriptive. Bibliographic and documentary research were used as
methodological procedures.
Results and conclusion: The findings suggest that the agribusiness sector is transitioning into a novel phase
termed Agriculture 6.0, wherein sustainability assumes a pivotal role in business advancement. A paradigmatic
shift is observed in production processes, characterized by an ongoing pursuit of ecosystem preservation and
restoration, in congruence with the aspirations of future generations for an improved quality of life.
Research implications: The proposal of a new technological model that characterizes the evolution of agricultural
activities is focused on defining concepts, systems, technologies/services, and areas of study. This enables
agribusiness organizations to gain a deeper understanding of the transformations occurring in the macro-
environment, thereby considering these aspects in their planning processes.
Originality/value: Brazil is one of the world's largest agricultural producers and exporters. Therefore, in order to
continue solidifying itself as a sustainable supplier of food, fibers, and other agricultural products, the country
needs to remain attentive to the changes demanded by the environment and the trends that are gaining strength in
the current scenario.
Keywords: Agriculture 6.0, Technological Evolution, Sustainability, Agribusiness, Trends.
Objetivo: O propósito da pesquisa é entender a evolução tecnológica da agricultura ao longo dos anos e propor
uma nova visão para as práticas que estão se consolidando no agronegócio.
Universidade de São Paulo. Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil.
E-mail: favaneves@gmail.com Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5693-7543
Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil.
E-mail: beatriz.casagrande@usp.br Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9040-9349
Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil.
E-mail: viniciuscambauva@usp.br Orcid: https://orcid.org/0009-0005-6364-4924
Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil.
E-mail: gabriel.oliveira.teixeira@usp.br Orcid: https://orcid.org/0009-0001-7587-1535
Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil.
E-mail: paulajftoledo@hotmail.com Orcid: https://orcid.org/0009-0008-9634-3724
Agriculture 6.0: A New Proposal for the Future of Agribusiness
Rev. Gest. Soc. Ambient. | Miami | v.17.n.9 | p.1-16 | e04004 | 2023.
Referencial teórico: O estudo analisa as atividades agrícolas praticadas desde o início da agricultura até os dias
atuais em função de mostrar quais são as tendências que devem ganhar força nesse setor nos próximos anos.
Método: A investigação possui teor descritivo. Pesquisas bibliográficas e documentais foram utilizadas como
procedimentos metodológicos.
Resultados e conclusão: Os resultados sugerem que o agronegócio está entrando em uma nova era, chamada
agricultura 6.0, que coloca a sustentabilidade no centro do desenvolvimento dos negócios. Há uma mudança de
paradigma na forma de produzir com uma busca incessante pela preservação e recuperação dos ecossistemas, em
linha com o que as gerações futuras almejam para uma melhor qualidade de vida.
Implicações da pesquisa: A proposta de um novo modelo tecnológico que caracterize a evolução da atividade
agropecuária tem como foco a definição dos conceitos, sistemas, tecnologias/serviços e áreas de estudo, para que
organizações do agronegócio possam compreender melhor as transformações que têm acontecido no
macroambiente para considerar estes aspectos em seu processo de planejamento.
Originalidade/valor: O Brasil é um dos maiores produtores e exportadores agrícolas do mundo. Dessa forma,
para continuar se consolidando como fornecedor sustentável de alimentos, fibras e outros agro-produtos, o país
precisa estar atento às mudanças que o ambiente exige e as tendências que se fortalecem à luz do contexto atual.
Palavras-chave: Agricultura 6.0, Evolução Tecnológica, Sustentabilidade, Agronegócios, Tendências.
RGSA adota a Licença de Atribuição CC BY do Creative Commons (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
For a long time, human interventions in the environment have brought negative impacts
on global ecosystems. However, since more than half of the world's economic production
depends on nature, this dynamic's continuity can result in unprecedented consequences
(Heading & Zahidi, 2023). The implementation of processes aimed only at maximising
production, without considering the depletion of nature, ended up threatening economic
development. For this reason, the economy and ecology should walk side by side in decision-
making and policy design for society growth (Venkatesan et al., 2021).
Currently, the population's desire for increasingly sustainable practices is clear. The
environment becomes more critical for consumers, who seek ecologically correct choices to the
detriment of traditional purchases without social and environmental responsibility. This
perspective has led to the beginning of a green conscience, translated into a conscious
consumption that appreciates the form of production and the impacts caused in nature and
society (Bulut et al., 2021).
The growing concern with these issues is bringing essential transformations to the
productive models through the rise of disruptive solutions for global agriculture and livestock
(Embrapa, 2021). New production methods based on actions that protect nature and animal and
human health come from a historical demand and are becoming increasingly relevant (Vidal et
al., 2021).
Over time, there was a natural transition from traditional technologies focused on
momentary economic gains, without concern of the consequences and damage caused to the
environment - named "grey" - to strategies based on nature with rational use of natural resources
- called "green" (Gusev, 2020). In this sense, businesses start from an integrated vision of the
environment and production, positively impacting the competitiveness, safety, efficiency and
sustainability of the food, energy, and other agro-product chains.
Agriculture 6.0: A New Proposal for the Future of Agribusiness
Rev. Gest. Soc. Ambient. | Miami | v.17.n.9 | p.1-16 | e04004 | 2023.
Brazil has stood out in this context due to its significant agricultural and livestock
production results. The intensive use of technologies allows produce more with less through
systems that seek increased productivity with reduced costs and adopting sustainable practices
(Neves, 2016). Since agribusiness is one of the main pillars that drive our country's
development, this sector represents a massive opportunity for Brazil to consolidate itself in
sustainable development and to stand out for its production potential with balance between
productivity, preservation and even revitalisation of the environment.
Like any other sector, agriculture and its practices need to be constantly changing to
adapt to the new propositions that the macroenvironment requires, due to the challenges of
meeting the demand of a growing global population, besides managing the rational use of
natural resources and mitigating climate change (Hatanaka et al., 2021).
Agribusiness and developing an increasingly sustainable economy are inseparable
guidelines. Considering this, it is essential to understand the agricultural technological
evolution over the years and identify the following trends that will lead us to a more productive
and ecological path. Given these issues, the purpose of this article is to present a new proposal
for the future of agribusiness, Agriculture 6.0, marked precisely by the integration of various
actions and good practices that will continue to lead Brazil to successful results, whether in the
productive, environmental, social, or economic sphere.
The research holds a descriptive nature, as it analyzes the technological evolution of
agriculture and proposes a new model to characterize trends that are being identified as
promising for the future of agribusiness. The study encompassed bibliographic research of
scientific articles within the 'Scopus' and 'Google Scholar' databases, as well as documentary
retrieval of information from reports and databases of esteemed entities in the agricultural
Agricultural practices began with Agriculture 1.0, characterised by rudimentary and
traditional methods with intensive use of labour and animal power. At that time, which lasted
until just before the 1950s, the focus was on supplying the local population, and the tools used
were simple, leading to a low rate of productivity (Zhai et al., 2020).
Moving to Agriculture 2.0, the modernisation of agriculture triggered by the "Green
Revolution" began to advance with the insertion of agricultural machinery. This period was
marked by a significant increase in the efficiency of activities from the development of science.
New technologies, synthetic inputs and chemical pesticides were created to large-scale
production and to reduce vulnerability to natural conditions (Zhai et al., 2020).
On the other hand, the intensive use of this technological package aimed at increasing
crop production and productivity has raised reflections on the economic, social and
environmental consequences. The exacerbated exploitation of natural resources aggravated
groundwater and surface water pollution, increased soil erosion and transformed the landscapes
with a loss of cultural, heritage and tourism values (ZANONI, 2004).
Agriculture 3.0 emerged from the development of computers and electronics.
Agricultural machinery that used to be operated manually started incorporating GPS signals,
bringing greater efficiency to operations. The strategies adopted in this stage began to curb the
problems that arose in the previous one since this precision agriculture model reduced the need
for chemicals and optimised irrigation systems (Zhai et al., 2020).
Agriculture 6.0: A New Proposal for the Future of Agribusiness
Rev. Gest. Soc. Ambient. | Miami | v.17.n.9 | p.1-16 | e04004 | 2023.
Data is now used to monitor agricultural activities and outcomes through the
information that considers the variations within farms. In addition, remote sensing technologies
and farm guidance systems are adopted to optimise processes and save resources, as it deepens
the level of detail of needs in the field (Cema, 2017).
The transition to Agriculture 4.0 is characterised by the evolution of various digital
technologies such as sensor networks, Internet of Things (IoT), drones, software systems,
satellite image processing, cloud computing, extensive data analysis and mobile applications
(Zambon et al., 2019).
This phase is marked by data collection, processing and analysis to provide diagnostics
to make producers decisions more assertive and strategic (Saiz-Rubio & Rovira-Más, 2020).
Creating a digital ecosystem with real-time management brings greater efficiency to the entire
agribusiness chain, from production, processing and distribution to the final consumer (Liu et
al., 2020).
The operations become an integrated network of internal and external actions,
centralising data to associate various systems and agents along the production chain. In
addition, implementing these technologies becomes more accessible to producers with cheaper
and improved sensors, low-cost processors and high-range cellular communication (Cema,
2017; Maffezzoli et al., 2022).
The next step came with Agriculture 5.0, which relies on its production processes using
robotics, autonomous decision systems, wireless sensor networks, crewless vehicles, machine
learning and artificial intelligence algorithms. Known as smart agriculture, it introduces
solutions that refine data analysis through an improved understanding of accurate, relevant and
reliable information (Ahmad & Nabi, 2021).
Agriculture 6.0: A New Proposal for the Future of Agribusiness
Rev. Gest. Soc. Ambient. | Miami | v.17.n.9 | p.1-16 | e04004 | 2023.
Table 1. Summary table with the evolution of the types of agriculture and their practices.
Type of
Impacts / Changes
Agriculture 1.0
Rudimentary and
traditional practices.
Intensive human and animal labor and use
of simple tools.
Low Production.
Cema (2017), Zhai et
al., (2020).
Agriculture 2.0
Start of modernization
and improvements in
agricultural practices.
1950 -
Science, supply of inputs and pesticides,
machines and implements, connection to
new markets.
Increased efficiency and
productivity, scale production.
However, it resulted in field
chemical contamination, excessive
energy consumption and excessive
use of natural resources.
Cema (2017), Zhai et
al., (2020).
Agriculture 3.0
Agricultural guidance
systems and productivity
1990 -
Agricultural georeferencing,
biotechnologies, management per m2.
Reduced use of chemicals, improved
accuracy of activities.
Cema (2017), Zhai et
al., (2020).
Agriculture 4.0
Development of new data-
based digital skills that
connect the production
model and the different
agents in the value chain.
2015 –
Equipment and digital tools to carry out
activities through the collection, integration
and analysis of data from the field: IoT, big
data, cloud computing, image processing,
geographic information system (GIS),
drones, communication technologies,
Evolution from a traditional system
to a digital system reducing time,
costs, land use and increasing
productivity and production quality.
Cema (2017), Zhai et
al., (2020), Saiz-
Rubio & Rovira-Más
(2020), Liu et al.,
(2020), Maffezzoli et
al., (2022).
Agriculture 5.0
Smart farming
Data-driven properties
embedding robotics with
AI algorithms into their
systems to automate tasks.
Intelligent systems involving unmanned
and autonomous decision support
operations: robotics and AI – decision
automation; machine learning (ML);
wireless sensor networks (WSN).
Solutions that refine decision
making, increase profitability and
help with labor shortages. In addition
to enabling even more precise
applications of inputs, they enable
greater efficiency in water use and
increase yield.
Saiz-Rubio & Rovira-
Más, Ahmad & Nabi
Source: Elaborated by the authors (2023).
Agriculture 6.0: A New Proposal for the Future of Agribusiness
Rev. Gest. Soc. Ambient. | Miami | v.17.n.9 | p.1-16 | e04004 | 2023.
Thus, using these modern technologies reduces risks in the field, increases the
sustainability of agricultural practices and provides predictive scenarios to the farmer, making
agriculture increasingly productive, profitable, and environmentally friendly. Also, agrarian
robots encompass the central problem of a labour shortage that farms have been facing (Saiz-
Rubio, Rovira-Más, 2020).
Another era is currently being consolidated in agricultural technological evolution.
Agriculture 6.0 strengthens the desire for sustainable development and the increasingly rational
use of the planet's resources to leave a natural heritage worthy of future generations. In the
coming years, the relationship between man, agriculture and nature will be a crucial issue to
prevail the harmony between all existing life forms.
Table 2. A new proposal for the future of agribusiness - Agriculture 6.0.
Type of
Impacts / Changes
Specialized solutions
based on nature to
protect, manage and
restore ecosystems in
order to increase the
response of
environments and
make them healthier.
More resilient
production model
with rational and
sustainable use of
natural resources
while simultaneously
increase human well-
et al.,
Massruhá et
al., (2020).
Bio revolution
Biofuels and
Carbon credits
Source: Elaborated by the authors (2023).
Thus, this proposal sees such integration as central to defining what lies ahead in
agribusiness. The solutions are specialised and nature-based to protect, manage and restore
ecosystems. In this sense, the practices seek to increase the responsiveness of productive
environments and make them healthier to simultaneously provide human well-being,
environmental balance and biodiversity benefits.
Agriculture 6.0: A New Proposal for the Future of Agribusiness
Rev. Gest. Soc. Ambient. | Miami | v.17.n.9 | p.1-16 | e04004 | 2023.
Picture 1. The technological evolution of agriculture throughout history.
Source: Elaborated by the authors (2023).
Agriculture 6.0: A New Proposal for the Future of Agribusiness
Rev. Gest. Soc. Ambient. | Miami | v.17.n.9 | p.1-16 | e04004 | 2023.
Picture 1 above illustrates the main topics that comprise the "Agriculture 6.0" proposal,
comparing it with previous models and their respective processes and technologies incorporated
into agricultural and livestock production systems and other links in the production chain. It is
worth noting that the technologies that emerged in previous phases must continue to be
improved, especially the intelligent tools provided by Agriculture 5.0, but aimed at enhancing
the integrative and increasingly sustainable systems of Agriculture 6.0.
The seven main trends that should be strengthened in the coming years will be described
below. The use of these technologies may further consolidate Brazilian agribusiness as a
sustainable global supplier of food, fibres, bioenergy and other agro-products.
4.1 Regenerative Systems
Given the great need for transformation around the production systems to achieve the
planet's sustainability goals due to climate change, regenerative practices have been widely
accepted in the last few years. The integrated techniques to be adopted bring measures to
increase soil health, sequester carbon from the atmosphere, maintain water quality, conserve
and expand biodiversity and improve quality of life (TNC, 2020).
Regenerative agriculture has the potential to produce nutritious food for the growing
world population and yet reduce the impact of human actions on the ecosystem. This production
model enables the restoration of the environment, making agriculture a solution to
environmental problems rather than the villain as it is defined today (Schattman et al, 2023).
The concept encompasses various agricultural techniques that are based on the
conscious management of production. One example is cropping rotation or succession of more
than one plant species in the same area, being an essential pillar for the improvement of
biodiversity, besides reducing the impacts caused by monoculture, such as physical, chemical
and biological degradation of the soil and the development of pests (LAL, 2020).
In addition, the adoption of the no-till farming system in straw and the minimum soil
disturbance - that is, covering the crop all year round so that the land does not lie fallow during
the off-season - helps prevent soil erosion, increases water retention and ends up reducing the
levels of atmospheric CO2 (Giller et al., 2021).
Another practice is the integrated pest management with the introduction of biological
products instead of exclusive chemical use. These bio-inputs can help maintain the plants’
health by controlling pests and insects that transmit diseases. Besides, these products increase
beneficial microorganisms that promote the release, transfer and cycling of essential nutrients
from the soil to the plant (Giller et al., 2021).
Integrated production systems with the combination of agricultural, livestock and
forestry production systems within the same area can also be considered. They naturally
stimulate plant development, increase soil fertility, contribute to the biodiversity of insects and
plants, and increase carbon sequestration by the system (Giller et al. 2021).
This issue will be in significant evidence in the coming years all over the planet.
Regenerative agriculture is an essential ally to the natural balance of healthy soils, which will
help farmers to produce more diversified food with high productivity, safety and quality.
Promoting these systems enables a more harmonious relationship between individuals, nature,
and the different areas of human activity.
4.2 Circular Economy
The circular economy visualises the productive systems cyclically and add value to
products by reducing waste and replacing disposal with reuse flows (Kristoffersen et al., 2021).
This practice emerges as a strategy that makes possible to improve economic performance and
Agriculture 6.0: A New Proposal for the Future of Agribusiness
Rev. Gest. Soc. Ambient. | Miami | v.17.n.9 | p.1-16 | e04004 | 2023.
minimise the damage caused by reducing the use of resources and waste disposal (Velasco-
Muñoz et al., 2022).
This production model is a critical path to be followed in agribusiness since it transforms
what would previously be discarded in the environment into new products with added value,
such as biofertilisers, bioenergy and biomolecules. The principles aim to implement restorative
activities since it allows the maintenance of materials already used, by-products or waste for
various purposes. Rethinking the linearity usually occurring in production systems is urgent
and necessary for environmental preservation and long-term economic growth (Aznar-Sánchez,
2020). Circular economy practices have primary effects across various business domains,
including cost management, supply chain, quality control, environmental management, process
optimization, logistics, service management, and research and development. Embracing
circularity principles within strategic planning is imperative for organizations, enabling them
to attain economically sustainable outcomes while concurrently mitigating environmental and
societal impacts (Barros et al., 2021).
4.3 Bio Revolution
The biological sciences represent another essential pillar for the reinvention of new
solutions to the challenges that currently plague production systems. Global problems are
already being graced with advances in biotechnology, synthetic biology, plant, animal and
microbial genomics and phenomics studies, gene editing, development of biomolecules, bio-
inserts and other biosystems (Chui et al., 2023).
Bioeconomy is a term that encompasses these various facets. The most influential
perspectives involve bioecology, biotechnology, and bioresources (or bio-inputs). The first is
based on social changes that alter production models, consumer habits, and even modern culture
to prioritize the conscious use of natural resources, biodiversity, and a harmonious relationship
between humans and the environment. On the other hand, the biotechnology perspective refers
to advances in research and development in areas such as biological science, biochemistry,
biophysics, genetics, and nanotechnology. Nature ceases to be consumed and starts to serve as
the foundation for the creation of goods and services (Vargas, Pinto & Lima, 2023).
Synthetic biology techniques with increasingly efficient molecular tools (such as
CRISPR) are opening many technological opportunities beyond the development of new
cultivars and breeds. This biological niche can potentially cause transformative changes for
agriculture in the short, medium and long term, bringing more productivity and sustainability
(Goold et al., 2018). With the help of genetic engineering, it is possible to redesign existing
models in nature to exert different and desirable competencies. These solutions will expand the
knowledge about the biological functions of organisms to create new biotechnological products
that will bring cost and resource reduction, besides improving the efficiency of plants and
animals (Embrapa, 2021).
Finally, bioresources or bio-inputs come to complement fossil-based chemicals with
biological ones. There is a growing demand for research on multifunctional microorganisms
that positively impacts the field's most diverse needs. Given this, it is worth noting that they
will be prominent tools in improving the quality and productivity of agricultural systems and
the adaptation of crops to climate change (Gómez-Godínez et al., 2021).
In this sense, bio-inputs are configured as an essential perspective factor with its various
contributions for: increase root growth, allowing better absorption of available water by plants;
improvement of physical and chemical soil attributes; decreased use of synthetic fertilisers
based on nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), either by the contribution of nutrients
by microorganisms, as by the increased efficiency of nutrient absorption by plants; induction
Agriculture 6.0: A New Proposal for the Future of Agribusiness
Rev. Gest. Soc. Ambient. | Miami | v.17.n.9 | p.1-16 | e04004 | 2023.
of the plant's defence system and biological control of pests and diseases, also reducing the
need for chemical pesticides (MAPA, 2021).
Advances in biological sciences are a bet for future agriculture and represent a new
production perspective. Incorporating these biological solutions can deliver quality products
with safety and economic viability while offering the potential to restore what has been
consumed in previous processes.
4.4 Biofuels and Bioenergy
Producing bioenergy from sugarcane represents a viable and sustainable approach to
combatting climate change. To achieve this, various strategies are employed, such as adopting
sustainable land use and management practices to enhance soil carbon sequestration, engaging
in large-scale production of biofuels, bioelectricity and bioproducts, recycling industrial waste,
and implementing sector-specific policies that reward farmers with carbon credits for reducing
greenhouse gas emissions (Antar et al., 2021).
It is interesting to highlight the circular economy model that can be obtained when
integrating ethanol production from corn and sugarcane, in the so-called "flex full" plants, with
cattle raising. This happens because there is a vital co-product in the corn production chain
called DDG (Dried Distillers Grains), a protein compound used by the animal industry, which
generates manure that can be used as fertiliser for corn and sugarcane (Neves et al., 2021).
Another product that has been gaining prominence in the bioenergy scenario in Brazil
is biogas. Produced from the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter, it has as possible raw
materials sanitary waste, livestock and agro-industry waste, such as manure and vinasse
produced in the sugar cane sector for example (Coelho, 2018).
Due to its characteristic of transforming waste into energy, the biogas chain stands out
for its ability to transform "environmental liabilities" into "energy assets". However, biogas
only explores 2% of its potential currently. In 2022, the production reached 2.8 billion cubic
meters, a growth of 21.3% compared to 2021, but the country can produce approximately 80
billion cubic metres of biogas per year, which would be sufficient to supply all the country's
demand for gas sustainably (CiBiogás, 2022).
Several other sustainable products, such as ammonia and green hydrogen, are also
produced from the biogas chain (CiBiogás, 2021). Green hydrogen is another fuel that has been
much discussed, being referred to by many as the fuel of the future (BEZERRA, 2021). Having
an energy capacity of up to three times that of gasoline, green hydrogen is an interesting solution
for the country's decarbonisation since it does not emit harmful gases when burned (PAIVA,
2022). Biomass, which consists of all organic matter of plant or animal origin that can be used
for energy generation, is also considered very promising as a renewable and affordable energy
source (EPE, 2022). Unlike oil, biomass is a raw material that is not permanently exhausted
over time. In addition, its products have a low carbon footprint and do not emit greenhouse
gases when burned (TUNA, 2022).
4.5 Carbon Credits
With the purpose of contributing to limit global warming to 1.5°C by 2030, corporations
worldwide are setting carbon zero or carbon neutrality (net zero) targets, aiming to eliminate
carbon emissions from their operational activities. However, several sectors are still unable to
do that due its production processes. This results in most companies relying on the purchase of
carbon credits to offset or neutralize the remaining emissions (McKinsey, 2022).
Agriculture 6.0: A New Proposal for the Future of Agribusiness
Rev. Gest. Soc. Ambient. | Miami | v.17.n.9 | p.1-16 | e04004 | 2023.
Brazil is at the centre of decarbonization opportunities and its potential has becoming
even greater. The country can supply almost half of the global demand for carbon credits by
2030 and the revenue generation potential from carbon credits by the end of the decade reaches
US$ 120 billion (ICC Brasil, 2022).
According to McKinsey, the world demand for carbon credits is estimated to grow 15
times by 2030 and up to 100 times by 2050, representing a very promising trend in the next
years. Nevertheless, the availability of carbon credits in the Brazilian market is limited,
representing less than 1% of the country's annual potential. Furthermore, the country has a
remarkable capacity to generate carbon credits since 15% of the global potential for carbon
capture through natural means is within its territory (McKinsey, 2022).
Another factor that makes Brazil an attractive location for carbon credit projects is the
relatively low cost of developing and implementing such initiatives, as well as its
competitiveness compared to the global average. Consequently, the country holds enormous
potential to excel in this market, given its abundance of natural resources and ability to provide
credits of high quality and integrity (McKinsey, 2022).
4.6 Productive Intensification
Productivity gains in Brazilian agriculture and livestock, together with the growth in
demand (domestic and foreign) for the sector's products that should occur in the coming years,
are among the main factors to drive our country's growth. In this context, it is essential that
strong investments generate technological innovation and infrastructure improvement
(Embrapa, 2021).
According to projections, the grain production is expected to grow by over 24% until
the 2032/2033 crop season, reaching nearly 390 million tons. Compared to the current
production, this represents an increase of 76 million tons, which corresponds to an annual
growth rate of over 2%. The increase in productivity will be the decisive factor for achieving
this scenario (MAPA, 2023).
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) estimates that 7%
of agricultural growth in the world should occur due to intensification and 87% using all
productivity gains, with corn and soybean cultures standing out in Brazil. Both the public and
the private sectors have developed to encourage agricultural and cattle-raising intensification
in Brazil, with the incentive to replace degraded pastures with agriculture and important
initiatives such as the new Forest Code, the ABC Plan and the Brazilian INDC (Intended
Nationally Determined Contributions), which present the national GHG reduction intentions
(Embrapa, 2021).
The incentive for agricultural research and the development of new technologies is
essential for Brazil to be competitive in the international market, maintaining its high
productivity levels. (Marin et al., 2016). The use of bio-inputs as well as precision agriculture
techniques and crop-livestock-forest integration, stand out as tools to improve agricultural
efficiency (Embrapa, 2021; Silva, 2021).
4.7 Collaborative Convergence
The continuous and promising technological advancement in the most varied
agribusiness fronts requires the use of resources and even the knowledge obtained throughout
the process. The path of scientific development should and tends to be convergent, integrative,
collaborative and with the participation of transdisciplinary teams (Embrapa, 2022).
This is why various specific areas within the production chain may be strategically
integrated to expand the application of solutions and meets society's demands and the planet's
Agriculture 6.0: A New Proposal for the Future of Agribusiness
Rev. Gest. Soc. Ambient. | Miami | v.17.n.9 | p.1-16 | e04004 | 2023.
needs. Production systems should not be thought of in isolation, but instead considered with
their interdependence among agents from an interconnected and systemic vision (Avery, Kreit
& Falcon, 2020).
The topics described here for Agriculture 6.0 already complement each other. One
practice creates opportunities for others, enhances efficiency in different areas, or presents
solutions in the overall context. Thus, if planned and implemented together with collective
actions, utilizing the efforts, infrastructure, and knowledge of various stakeholders along the
chain, the gains can be even greater.
Looking at all facets of a challenge allows us to consider the aspects that generate impact
in the most different areas. Therefore, the broad visualisation and integrated work between the
links in the chain must be increasingly improved so that the convergence of knowledge and the
experiences obtained can be collaborative to offer increasingly versatile and effective products
and solutions.
The proposal of a new technological model that characterises the evolution of
agricultural activity focuses on the definition of concepts, systems, technologies/services and
study areas so that agribusiness organisations can better understand the transformations that
have happened based on the macroenvironment and, consequently, consider these aspects in
their planning process. Among the main advantages that the adoption of the concept can bring
to the planning process are:
• Optimize the productive efficiency of the systems.
• Reducing production costs;
• Better use of productive resources (and/or by-products).
• Value capture through green markets and environmental preservation.
• Value capture through the carbon market (reduction of emissions).
• Preservation of the soil, ecosystems, and nature.
• Improvement of soil fertility, pest and disease control, plant physiology and,
consequently, a better productive environment.
• Search for alternatives for raw material inputs.
• Development of new products, technologies, solutions and services.
• Knowledge and experience from different areas.
• Among others.
Through these aspects, we expect that this content contributes to the decision of
organisations, optimising their results, protecting the environment, and contributing to the
future of humanity and caring for the people involved directly or indirectly with their activities.
Remarkably, technological advancement over the years has transformed agriculture and
production systems. It has been possible to make production increasingly efficient, productive
and sustainable through countless tools, techniques, practices and technologies. Not
surprisingly, the trends that have been emerging and should be in evidence in the coming years
represent a paradigm shift in the way we see agricultural production today, in line with what
future generations want for a better quality of life.
Agriculture 6.0 must be considered with ambition by public and private institutions so
that we can continue reinventing ourselves and investing in new technologies that make Brazil
emerge as a sustainable world supplier of food, fibres, bioenergy and other agro-products. This
Agriculture 6.0: A New Proposal for the Future of Agribusiness
Rev. Gest. Soc. Ambient. | Miami | v.17.n.9 | p.1-16 | e04004 | 2023.
new integrating model intends to improve our relationship with the planet and the use of the
available resources by the balance between human and environmental well-being.
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