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J. Pijar MIPA, Vol. 18 No. 5, September 2023: 687-691 ISSN 1907-1744 (Print)
DOI: 10.29303/jpm.v18i5.5479 ISSN 2460-1500 (Online)
Muhammad Wahyu Setiyadi
Biology Education Department, STKIP Al Amin Dompu, NTB, Indonesia
*Email: wahyusetiyadi074@gmail.com
Received: August 1, 2023. Accepted: August 6, 2023. Published: September 21, 2023
Abstract: This study aimed to determine the application of the project-based learning model to self-efficacy and
student learning outcomes in the botany Phanerogamae course. The research method used in this study is the PTK
method or Classroom Action Research. The subjects in this study are students of the Biology Education study
program STKIP Al Amin Dompu, even in the semester 2022/2023. The instruments used in this study are lumbar
instruments of student self-efficacy and instruments of student learning outcomes. The analysis used in this study
is qualitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that applying the project-based learning model can improve
student learning outcomes and self-efficacy. The self-efficacy of students in the botany Phanerogamae course in
the pre-cycle was 49.12%; in the first cycle, it was 78.95%, and in the second cycle, it was 91.23%. Meanwhile,
student learning outcomes have also improved. In the pre-cycle, it was 47.37%, cycle I was 78.95%, and cycle II
was 89.47%.
Keywords: Project Based Learning, Self Efficacy, Learning Outcomes.
Botany Phanerogamae is one of the compulsory
courses in the Biology Education Study Program
curriculum of STKIP Al Amin Dompu. Botany
Phanerogamae is one of the botany courses that studies
seed or flowering plants. "Phanerogamae" is often a
synonym for seed or flowering plants. Phanerogamae
includes a group of plants that have seeds, which means
they have a process of sexual reproduction that
involves the formation of seeds. Phanerogamae Botany
course discusses various aspects of morphology,
anatomy, ecology, classification, and reproduction of
seed plants. In addition, the botany Phanerogamae
course will also teach about the diversity of seed plants
and their importance in the ecosystem.
The learning method of botany Phanerogamae
courses is carried out by integrating practicum
activities with theoretical studies. Students must carry
out practicum before participating in lecture activities,
and the reverse order is unjustified. It is based on the
assumption that scientific understanding is formed
through experience. Truth or error in lecture activities
will strengthen the student experience gained through
practical activities [1].
Learning in the Botany Phanerogamae course
has been different from what I expected from the
lecturer. The problem is that most students have not
been active during the learning process, and learning
outcomes in this course still need to be higher. It was
evidenced by the Midterm Exam scores from Biology
Education students who took botany Phanerogamae
courses in the 2022/2023 academic year; the even
semester still needs to be improved. The minimum
completeness criteria determined in the botany
Phanerogamae course is 70. The evaluation results of
19 students, students who met the minimum
completeness amounted to 9 people (47.37%), and the
number of incomplete students amounted to 10
(52.63%). It shows that student learning outcomes in
the botany Phanerogamae course in the midterm of the
2022/2023 academic year are still categorized as low.
Another thing that can also affect a person's
success is self-efficacy. Someone who believes that
they can do something that has the potential to change
events that occur in their environment will be more
likely to act and more likely to be successful than those
who have low self-efficacy[2]. The results of a survey
from PISA by the OECD [3] show that the average self-
efficacy index of Indonesian students is below the
average OECD index of -0.51 out of 0.04.
Based on the results of observations and
reflections carried out by self-efficacy and learning
outcomes of biology education students of STKIP Al
Amin Dompu are still relatively low; these problems
are influenced by several things, such as lecturers only
relying on PowerPoint media and not using other
media, the use of inappropriate learning methods for
teaching materials in the botany Phanerogamae course,
lack of interaction between fellow students and
lecturers and quite many students who Do not dare to
express opinions or ideas conveyed either to colleagues
or with lecturers during the learning process. In the
botany Phanerogamae course, students also need help
remembering many Latin names of plants that lecturers
often discuss and identifying plants; students find it
difficult to reveal the characteristics of very diverse
plants. From this, there is a need for innovation using a
fun learning model that can encourage students to
improve their learning outcomes. One of the learning
models that is suitable to be applied to botany
Phanerogamae courses is Project Based Learning[4].
The Project-based learning model is one of the
learning models that can stimulate students to be
actively involved in the learning process [5]. Project-
based learning is a systematic learning model involving
learners in learning knowledge and skills through a
J. Pijar MIPA, Vol. 18 No. 5, September 2023: 687-691 ISSN 1907-1744 (Print)
DOI: 10.29303/jpm.v18i5.5479 ISSN 2460-1500 (Online)
long and structured process of inquiry with authentic
and complex questions and carefully designed product
tasks [6][7]. Project-based learning has tremendous
potential to make learning experiences more engaging
and meaningful for learners. The model has been
proven to positively impact students, such as increasing
student achievement, mastery of student concepts,
student attitudes towards science, student activeness
following learning, and student learning ability [8-13].
In addition, project-based learning can produce
professional teachers [14-16].
Project-based learning has also begun to be
developed, not just ordinary project learning. Still, it
has begun to be integrated with technology such as
computers [17-18], and the results are better than
project-based learning that does not use technology. In
addition, the results of projects made by learners can
also serve as learner assessments [19]. Based on the
overall description above, the researcher is interested
in conducting research entitled "Application of the
Project-Based Learning Model in the Botany
Phanerogamae Course to Improve Self-efficacy and
Student Learning Outcomes at STKIP Al Amin
The research method used in this study is the
PTK method or Classroom Action Research. The
design in this study used the PTK research design from
Kurt Lewin. Action research is a research activity in the
context of a classroom that is carried out to solve
learning problems faced by educators to improve the
quality and learning outcomes and try new things in
learning to improve the quality and learning outcomes
[20]. Kela action research here is carried out in as many
as two cycles, with each cycle consisting of four stages,
namely: (1) planning, (2) implementation, (3)
observations, and (4) reflection. The subjects in this
study are 19 students in the 2nd semester of Biology
Education STKIP Al Amin Dompu for the 2022/2023
academic year. The instruments used are self-efficacy
with Likert scales and student learning outcomes
instruments totaling 25 questions. The data analysis
technique used in this study is using descriptive
analysis. To analyze the data obtained in this study, use
the following formula:
Students' self-efficacy criteria are said to have
good self-efficacy if at least in the medium category
1 ≤ X ≤ 2
: Very low
2 ≤ X ≤ 3
: Low
3 ≤ X ≤ 4
: Medium
4 ≤ X ≤ 5
: High
X = 5
: Very high
The results of the percentage of student self-
efficacy in further learning will be adjusted to the
criteria achieved in Table 1 [22][23].
Table 1. Classical criteria of student self-efficacy
Grade (%)
Criteria for completeness of
Very high
Very low
% clasical = number of students completed
a number of all students 𝑥100%
The criteria for successful actions applied in this
study include two things that can be seen in Table 2.
Table 2. Action success criteria
Action success criteria
Student self-
Student activeness
reached a percentage of
≥ 81%, a very good
Student learning
The percentage of
classical completeness
reached ≥ 81% of all
students who achieved
the KKM of the Botany
Phanerogamae plant
course, which is 70
The results show that the application of the
project-based learning model can improve self-efficacy
and learning outcomes of STKIP Al Amin Dompu
students in the Botany Phanerogamae course. More
details can be seen in the following table:
Table 3. Results of Student Self-Efficacy Percentage Analysis
Pre Cycle
Cycle 1
Cycle 2
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very High
J. Pijar MIPA, Vol. 18 No. 5, September 2023: 687-691 ISSN 1907-1744 (Print)
DOI: 10.29303/jpm.v18i5.5479 ISSN 2460-1500 (Online)
Based on the results of the analysis of the
percentage of self-efficacy of biology education
students in learning using a project-based learning
model, in the pre-cycle, the average self-efficacy of
students measured based on three components, namely
academic, social, and emotional, is still in the medium
category, which is 49.12%. From these results, in the
pre-cycle self-efficacy of biology education, students
have not met the completeness criteria. In cycle 1, it is
known that the average self-efficacy of students in
learning is 78.95% with high criteria but has not
reached the predetermined criteria, namely with an
average percentage of students in learning ≥ 81% with
very high criteria, but when viewed from table 3 the
self-efficacy of students of STKIP Al Amin Dompu
biological education increased and met the criteria for
completeness in the social component, Where in the
social component, 89.47% of students meet the criteria.
In cycle II, it can be known that the average percentage
of student self-efficacy in project-based learning is
91.23%, which means that it has met the criteria for an
average percentage of ≥ 81% with very high criteria.
More details can be seen in the diagram below.
Figure 1. Student self-efficacy diagram
From the picture above, the ability of self-
efficacy measured based on three indicators, namely
academic, social, and emotional students, before
implementing the project-based learning model is still
in the medium category. It is due to the ability of
students who still need to improve in learning focus and
self-motivation, making it more difficult to take tests
related to botany Phanerogamae learning material
appropriately. In cycle 1, the application of the learning
model saw an overall increase in all three indicators,
but what was very visible was an increase in social
indicators. In cycle 2, the three indicators measured
have met classical completeness: academic, social, and
emotional indicators have exceeded 81%, with an
average of 91.23%. That way, applying the project-
based learning model can increase the self-efficacy of
STKIP Al Amin Dompu biology education students.
It is because the project-based learning model
allows students to build knowledge in a natural context,
where the main idea of project-based learning is to
provide opportunities for students to investigate
problems in the real world that will allow students to
gain new knowledge. It is in line with Serin and
Safithri, who stated that the project-based learning
model provides opportunities for students to explore
their abilities in critical thinking, problem-solving, and
independent work [24-25]. Then Pajarez & Kranzler
stated that self-efficacy provides a basis for motivating,
acting well, and achieving in all areas of life [26].
Table 4. Learning Outcomes Test Analysis Results
Learning Outcomes
High score
Low score
Number of students
The number of students
is incomplete
% classical
Based on the learning outcomes test in Table 4,
the average score of students in the pre-cycle was
65.42, with classical completeness of 47.37%. It proves
that classical completeness in the Botany
Phanerogamae course must still be added to KKM or
in the medium category. After applying the project-
based learning model in cycle 1, it can be seen that the
highest score achieved by students is 96, The lowest
score was 64. The average score from students
increased to 77.47, although when viewed from the
table of action success criteria, it still did not reach
classical completeness, which only reached 78.95%. In
cycle two, there was also a significant increase where
the percentage of classical completeness reached
89.47%, which means that it has met the classical
completeness criteria of ≥ 81%. Thus, it can be stated
that applying the project-based learning model can
improve student learning outcomes in the botany
Phanerogamae course.
The botany Phanerogamae course is a course
combined with practicum. Where can students be
involved in a project so that it can trigger the
development of knowledge they have following what
they experience themselves? It is reinforced by the
statement of Widiantie, Setiawati, and Junaedi, who
suggest that Phanerogamae Botany practicum is
synonymous with a free inquiry where students
independently determine problem formulations and
hypotheses, determine variables to be studied, design
Pre cycle cycle 1 cycle 2
J. Pijar MIPA, Vol. 18 No. 5, September 2023: 687-691 ISSN 1907-1744 (Print)
DOI: 10.29303/jpm.v18i5.5479 ISSN 2460-1500 (Online)
experiments, analyze and interpret experimental data.
Students independently conduct investigations based
on existing problems following predetermined themes,
while lecturers only accompany and facilitate the
inquiry-based practicum process [27,35].
It is reinforced by research on the project-based
learning model, which suggests that applying it can
improve student learning outcomes and learning
activities [28-31]. In addition, in project-based
learning: 1) students are involved in doing
assignments; 2) participate in solving a problem; 3) ask
lecturers and other students about problems that have
not been understood; 4) participate in seeking
information for problem-solving; 5) carry out
discussions according to the direction of the lecturer;
6) be an assessment of his abilities; 7) willing to train
themselves to solve problems or similar problems; 8)
Trying to apply the knowledge gained in the problem-
solving process [32].
In learning the project-based learning model,
students will solve a hypothetical problem and produce
a product as proof so that it can improve student
activities and learning outcomes in the Botany
Phanerogamae course. It aligns with the research,
which states that the project-based learning model can
develop problem-solving skills in working on a project
that can produce appropriate results and provide broad
opportunities for students to choose topics, conduct
research, and complete certain projects [33,36]. The
result of other studies also stated that the project-based
learning model requires skills using the principle of
learning by doing or what is called learning by doing.
Based on the portfolio, student activities will show
what students have learned, how to ask questions,
analyze, synthesize, and overcome problems in new
ways [34]. In addition, it can also show how students
interact intellectually, emotionally, and socially with
fellow students and their lecturers.
The study's results show that applying the
project-based learning learning model can significantly
increase self-efficacy. Besides that, the project-based
learning model can improve students' learning
outcomes of the STKIP Al Amin Dompu biology
education study program in the Botany Phanerogamae
course. The project-based learning model in this study
provides opportunities for students to explore their
abilities in critical thinking, problem-solving, and
independent work. In addition, the project-based
learning learning model is learning that requires skills
using the principle of learning while doing or what is
called learning by doing. So, it can affect memory, self-
efficacy, and student learning outcomes.
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