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Sustainable Fishery Management and Controlling Overcapacity in Kelantan State Commercial Fishery, East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia



Trawlers and purse seines are two main fishing nets used by the commercial fishing industry in Malaysia, and assessing their profitability is crucial for managing the fisheries to achieve sustainable fishing. The study's objective is to identify the variations in accounting profit levels in the commercial fishing sector in Kelantan State, east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Based on an in-depth study of fishing capacity and other economic considerations, a comparison of accounting profits between the trawler and purse seine fisheries by using a revenue and profit approach. Trawlers incurred higher profit than Sein net and causing overcapacity by the trawlers.
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Kedah International Conference on Social Science and Humanities
UiTM Kedah (Online), Malaysia, 21-22 June 2023:
2nd International Conference on Business, Finance, Management and Economics
eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2023. The Authors. Published for AMER and cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open-access article under the CC BY-
NC-ND license ( Peerreview under the responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour
Researchers), and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), College of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
DOI: 55
Sustainable Fishery Management and Controlling Overcapacity in Kelantan
State Commercial Fishery, East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia
Moe Shwe Sin1*, Lavaniya Gopabala Krishnan1, Tai Shzee Yew2
*Corresponding author
1 Department of Economics, Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Development, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030, Kuala
Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia
2 Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Accountancy and Management, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Sungai Long
Campus, Cheras 43000, Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia;;
Tel: 0179148045
Trawlers and purse seines are two main fishing nets used by the commercial fishing industry in Malaysia, and assessing their profitability is crucial for
managing the fisheries to achieve sustainable fishing. The study's objective is to identify the variations in accounting profit levels in the commercial
fishing sector in Kelantan State, east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Based on an in-depth study of fishing capacity and other economic considerations,
a comparison of accounting profits between the trawler and purse seine fisheries by using a revenue and profit approach. Trawlers incurred higher
profit than Sein net and causing overcapacity by the trawlers.
Keywords: Accounting Profit; Trawler; Purse Seine; Peninsular Malaysia
eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2023. The Authors. Published for AMER and cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open-access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license ( Peerreview under the responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-
Behaviour Researchers), and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), College of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
1.0 Introduction
Commercial fishing is a global activity that has been designated as high-risk in several kinds of conditions (Lucas & Case, 2018).
Commercial fishing has expanded dramatically in the last decade as worldwide demand for seafood has increased (Mileski et al., 2019).
Not only is fish a staple item in the diets of millions of people, but it is also a significant source of money for fishermen and allied industries
(Haas et al., 2019). Fish and fish products contribute to over 60% of total animal protein consumed in the country (in comparison to
poultry, beef, and pork), which is much more than in other Asian countries (Béné et al., 2015). The commercial fishing sector is the
largest in the world, and it contributes to the high mortality rate of marine species (Davis et al., 2019). The majority of marine fish
populations are overexploited, and fishing fleets around the world are severely overcapacity.
Overexploitation of marine fisheries is a serious concern around the world, and in fisheries that have also been carefully manage d
by coastal nations, many uncertainties have considerably limited the effectiveness of traditional fisheries management systems in
restoring exploited stocks. Management decisions in the fishing sector can have a direct impact on reducing overexploitation and
overcapacity. Overcapacity combined with extreme overexploitation may result in the depletion and maybe extinction of fishing
populations in the absence of any control over access or property rights (Sin et al., 2019). Overcapacity refers to a fleet's ability to fish
at levels that exceed the sustainable catch level in a fishery, such as when there are too many vessels and/or fishermen. Incentives to
the fishing industry are ubiquitous around the world, and these incentives contribute to overcapacity of fishing fleets and overexploitation
of fisheries resources.
Sustainable fisheries management can be accomplished through the use of effective laws and other means, such as the
implementation of a daily vessel limit in Kelantan State, the approval of net size limitations, and many more. Management authorities
Sin, M.S.,, KICSS2023, 2nd International Conference on Business, Finance, Management and Economics (BIZFAME), UiTM, Kedah, Malaysia, 21-22 June 2023, E-BPJ 8(SI15 ), Sep 2023 (pp.55-60)
must produce valid, enforceable, and proven harvest procedures, as well as sufficient rights-based benefits for the fishing
community, in order to improve fisheries (Monteiro, 2017). There are some recurring challenges, such as a drop in profitability in the
commercial fishing business, which leads to a rise in food security concerns. The impact of profit variables has an impact on other
factors. When the profit in a particular fishing ground is great, the fishers will try to increase their fishing efforts, resulting in the fishing
ground being heavily exploited by the fishers because the primary vessels will target the same fishing ground. The objective of the
research is to concentrate on the profitability of fishermen based on catch and profit data. This research will be useful for future research
and the environment, as well as for evaluating the profitability of vessel operations.
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Overexploitation and Effects on Landing in Marine Fisheries
Most marine fish populations are overexploited, and fishing fleets globally have significant overcapacity. Many fisheries catch across
the world have fallen dramatically in recent years or have already failed due to overfishing, and significant fishing grounds are
concentrated in areas impacted by pollution, habitat loss, and coastal zone alteration (Monteiro, 2017). Overfishing is sometimes
associated with inefficient commercial fishing methods that bring in enormous volumes of undesired fish or other animals, which are
subsequently wasted.
Overexploitation of marine fisheries are still a severe problem around the world, and in fisheries that have also been densely
managed by coastal nations, multiple uncertainties have significantly hampered the effectiveness of traditional fisheries management
strategies in replenishing exploited stocks (Li et al., 2020). Garrett Hardin's research (Hardin, 1968), titled "The Tragedy of the
Commons," had a significant impact on the wider topic of resource overexploitation. Hardin's model was only qualitative, but it identified
patterns of overexploitation of any resource that is exploited at a level quicker than it can reform itself (Perissi et al., 2017).
2.2 Sustainable Fisheries Management
Sustainability entails addressing our own demands without jeopardizing future generations' ability to meet their own. Fisheries
management is the process of developing and enforcing the rules required to prevent overfishing and aid in the recovery of ov erfished
stocks. The sustainability fisheries must be managed to ensure that marine resources are exploited in a sustainable and efficient manner.
The necessity to include the economic and social components into the management process has been recognized in recent years,
owing to the ecosystem-based fisheries management strategy (Garcia et al., 2017). This fishery's management policy has been focused
mostly on fishing effort limitations and technological measures for both professional and recreational fishermen (Castro et al., 2019).
Sustainable fisheries are achieved by establishing a permanent no-take zone to prevent unwanted catches and habitat loss (Garcia-
De-Vinuesa et al., 2018). Sustainable fisheries also highly affected by the capture of vessels with high probability of failed to work on
the enforcement policies whereas the reducing status of fishing mortality rates are higher according to Schaefer et al.,(2021).
3.0 Methodology
3.1 Descriptive Data: Questionnaire Design
The study used a structured questionnaire survey to examine the accounting profit of the fishermen. The questionnaire is divided into
four components to assess profitability. In the Kelantan commercial fishing business, structured questionnaires were utilized to collect
information about the fishermen's characteristics and economic aspects. Economic data was gathered, such as (1) fixed costs, such as
(a) main vessel skin cost, (b) fuel cost, (c) engine cost, (d) gear cost - trawl net, seine net, tuna net, and other equipment expenses, and
(2) variable costs, such as fishing operation costs.
3.2 Accounting Profit Analysis
The variable cost, fixed cost, catch, and fishing effort of the fishery can all have a significant impact on total profit; in fact, profit shows
the economic performance of fishing sectors. The analysis is used to investigate the impact of profit, overcapacity, and overfishing. The
total revenue of the vessel is computed using two types of vessels: (a) trawlers and (b) purse seines. The economic study examines the
economic performance of the trawl and purse seine fleets in terms of income, expenses, and profit. The following adapted equations
are used to compute the mathematical specifications for the revenue function, ex-vessel pricing function, total cost function, and total
profit (Sin et al., 2019).
 (1)
 
 
 (2)
Equation 1 is used to compute the overall earnings of each trawler and purse seine vessel. Equation 2 calculates the total revenue
of each trawler and purse seine vessel, where Yt = revenue for each trawler and purse, t = time frame, i = gear type, where i1 = trawler
and i2 = purse seine, respectively. Each vessel's total cost includes total fixed cost + total variable cost, as shown in Equation 3.
Equations 5 and 6 are used to calculate the fixed and variable costs for each vessel in each fisheries gear type.
Sin, M.S.,, KICSS2023, 2nd International Conference on Business, Finance, Management and Economics (BIZFAME), UiTM, Kedah, Malaysia, 21-22 June 2023, E-BPJ 8(SI15 ), Sep 2023 (pp.55-60)
  
  (3)
   (4)
   (5)
    (6)
      (7)
    (8)
    (9)
4.0 Findings
In Kelantan state, the commercial fishing industry is separated into two types: trawl fishery and purse seine fishery. The economic
performance of Kelantan's fisheries industry is evaluated based on the type of gear used and the overall performance of both types of
fisheries. As illustrated in the equations, total fixed cost (TFC) is divided by fixed cost per unit, and total variable cost (TVC) is divided
by variable cost per unit to begin the accounting profit analysis. The economic analysis is based on the equations from the methodology
section, which are total cost, total variable cost, total fixed cost, and profitable industry analysis. The total fixed cost, total variable cost,
and total cost value of the trawler fishery in Kelantan state are shown in Table 1. The value depicts the offshore and deep-sea vessel
based on the fixed and variable cost details provided by the respondent fishermen. Tables 1 and 2 shows RM as a unit and the
 denotes Malaysian Ringgit per vessel per year.
To identify the total cost of the trawler in the Kelantan state, need to calculate the total fixed cost, and total variable cost. The total
fixed cost of a vessel includes the cost of the (a) vessel skin, (b) echo sounder, (c) fish finder, (d) generator, (e) engine, (f) trawl net, (g)
seine net, (h) tuna net and other equipment such as (i) fish container, (j) fish compartments, (k) cooking stove, (l) refrigerator, (m)
spotlights and (n) GPS. Each vessel's licensee and insurance fees are also fixed costs per year. The item under the total fixed cost
shows the fixed cost of a vessel. The total variable cost (TVC) in this case includes crew wages, operating costs, landing fees, and
maintenance costs. The operating costs refer to the cost of fuel and food per vessel per year. The maintenance cost includes the cost
of maintaining the vessel, gear, and engine. Crew wages were calculated using primary data from survey analysis. Wages for the captain
(Taikong) and other crew members are calculated separately. The average trip for a trawler in a month is three trips, and the average
wage for a trip is multiplied by three trips and then calculated for a year. The fuel cost for trawlers is calculated using the subsidies price
of RM1.65 per liter.
Furthermore, the average price of an ice block is RM20 per block, and seiners use a minimum of 120 ice blocks in a single trip.
Seiners' wages are calculated differently than trawlers. In comparison to trawlers, the crew size is usually between 14 and 20 people.
Crew wages are higher on trawlers than on purse seines. The captain (Taikong) is paid by a total percentage of profit, such as 10 to
15% per month. In comparison to the trawler, the rest of the crew is paid on a monthly basis, with wages based on the number of hauls.
The cost is calculated to identify the overall trawl and purse seine fishery input and output by referring to the table for the profit
analysis of Kelantan state. The cost is calculated for the average mean of a vessel, multiplied by the number of vessels in each zone,
and the total sum of each cost is provided. Table 1 shows the TFC value of trawler is RM78,043 and purse seine is RM85,930 whereas
the TFC value of purse seine fishery is higher than trawler in the Kelantan state. The difference between the trawler and purse seine in
Kelantan fisheries are enormous. Besides, the TVC value of trawler is RM403,960 and purse seine is RM498,222. Comparably, the
TVC of the seiners are higher compared to the trawler in the Kelantan state. In reality, the seiners have more cost than trawlers usually
due to the size of the vessels and the needs in the vessels are more than the trawlers. The vessel has a larger capacity to accommodate
the large number of crew members and fishing equipment. So, the total cost of seiner is RM584,152 and trawler is RM482,003.
Table 1. Estimation of total cost, total fixed cost and total variable cost of Kelantan state
Purse Seine
Total Fixed Cost (TFC)
1. Main skin vessel
 
2. Trawl net
 
3. Seine net
 
4. Tuna net
 
5. Engine
 
Sin, M.S.,, KICSS2023, 2nd International Conference on Business, Finance, Management and Economics (BIZFAME), UiTM, Kedah, Malaysia, 21-22 June 2023, E-BPJ 8(SI15 ), Sep 2023 (pp.55-60)
6. Echo sounder
 
7. Fish finder
 
8. Generator
 
9. GPS
 
10. Other equipment’s
 
11. Vessel license fee
 
12. Insurance fee
 
 
Total Variable Cost (TVC)
13. Operating cost
 
14. Maintenance cost
 
15. Wages of crew
 
16. Landing fee
 
17. Ice block cost
 
 
Total Cost (TC)
Total Cost
(+ )
 
5.0 Discussions
The study focuses on the trawler and purse seine fisheries in the Kelantan state fishing industry. According to the author Viswanathan
et al., (2001), the most common industrial gear types are trawl (pukat tunda) and purse seine (pukat jerut), with trawl gear harvesting
demersal species and purse seines harvesting pelagic species. The world population is frequently cited as a significant driver of
increased seafood demand and fisheries development. In reality, income is a more important driver of fish (and other animal-source
food) consumption (Béné et al., 2015).
The profit is estimated by calculating the total cost where the total cost will be multiplied by the number of vessels in Kelantan
according to the fishery. Then the total revenue is estimated by use the catches per year multiply with the average price of the species.
Then, the revenue is multiplied by the total number of vessels as mentioned earlier. The profit is total revenue minus total cost. This will
estimate the Kelantan fisheries profit in a year. Table 2 shows the profit estimation of Kelantan state. The trawler catches in a year is
718,867Kg and purse seine is 651,639Kg. The overall profit of Kelantan fishing industry is RM658,293,548.00.
Table 2. The profit estimation of Kelantan state
Purse Seines
Total Cost of Industry
(TC ×  )
 
Total Revenue of Industry (TR × )
 
Total Profit of Industry
(TR ˗ TC)
 
Total Profit of Kelantan Industry
(Trawler + Purse Seine)
 
Profit always influences fishermen's efforts; the more effort put into fishing; the more overfishing issues arise. Long term, the fishery
resources will be fully exploited, and the lack of marine resources will persist if fishing efforts are not controlled by management.
Furthermore, fishermen's perspectives on fishing profit and resources are important. Because there are more trawl vessels in the sea,
the profit of trawler contribution is higher than that of purse seines in the Malaysian fishery industry. Trawlers are heavily converging on
the marine sea zone, particularly in the Kelantan area where the number of vessels of trawler is higher than the purse seine. Kelantan
state profit of fishery industry is lower, but it is still a profitable industry.
Nevertheless, rising fish demand and the economic importance of the fishing industry have put significant strain on many fish stocks
(Haas et al., 2019). According to the researcher's survey session, fishermen would like to continue fishing in the future due to the large
profit gain from the industry. Because of overcapacity, the seiners usually dislike the trawlers. The researcher concludes that trawlers
are sea draggers that are highly profitable, and that many foreign fishers work in the trawl fishery. Purse seine fishing is also very
profitable, and the crew is mostly made up of locals. Furthermore, the trawl fishery has a high yearly landing because whereas the
number of seiners in Kelantan is lower too than trawlers. Based on the cost and revenue, the seiners are competing highly with the
trawlers in Kelantan study area. The outcome of profitable analysis shows that Kelantan has vice versa result. The trawl fishery
conquered the industry while in Kelantan the seine fishery performs much higher than trawler.
However, profitability has an impact on overfishing. A vessel's catch rate per year is approximately higher. Profitability leads to
overcapacity and overfishing. To assume, most marine resources will become extinct within the next 5 decades due to overfishing, and
Sin, M.S.,, KICSS2023, 2nd International Conference on Business, Finance, Management and Economics (BIZFAME), UiTM, Kedah, Malaysia, 21-22 June 2023, E-BPJ 8(SI15 ), Sep 2023 (pp.55-60)
the marine seabed will be destroyed due to overcapacity. Only the government can control overfishing and overcapacity. Due to
uncontrollable catches, the effects of overfishing and vessel overcapacity are severe in Kelantan commercial fishing industry. Long-term
profits are good for those fishermen, but it is destroying the marine coast and resources. Stopping or overcoming this management
effectiveness is essential for all vessels, particularly trawlers and seiners. The rules and regulations are the only ways of controlling
these factors of overcapacity, overfishing and enormously profitable.
6.0 Conclusion and Recommendations
The survey revealed that trawlers predominated in the Kelantan fishing area. Vessels with a high fixed cost investment get a high profit
return, which theoretically leads to overcapacity and overexploitation of catches. Commercial fishermen prefer to fish with trawl nets
rather than seine nets. According to the conceptual framework model, fishermen's profits have a direct impact on overfishing and
overcapacity in the marine commercial fishing business. The study shows that higher revenues lead to more effort, which creates
overexploitation and overcapacity on the seafloor. As a result, the report includes a few potential regulations that could be implemented
in the future to prevent overfishing and overcapacity. Policies that can be properly implemented in this area include (a) limiting vessel
licenses, (b) eliminating fuel price subsidies, and (c) increasing taxation on landing fees. These solutions will help with future commercial
fishing sector regulation.
This research work is supported by the research project grant provided by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE), Malaysia, under
the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme with the research project code of FRGS/1/2020/SS0/UMT/02/8. Authors would like to thank
MOHE, Malaysia and the Centre of Research Management and Innovation, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (RMIC-UMT).
Paper Contribution to Related Field of Study
Sustainable marine capture fisheries could be achieved by controlling overfishing and overcapacity. The direct relation between profit
and overcapacity enhances the exploitation of fishery resources in Malaysia. The research findings highlight the overcapacity of
trawlers especially in Kelantan and east coast of Peninsular and it would be effective implementation for sustainable fishery
management in Malaysia and ensuring food security.
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trawl fishery. Marine Resource Economics, 16(4), 293314.
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Spatial conservation prioritization concerns trade-offs between marine conservation and resource exploitation. This approach has been increasingly used to devise spatial management strategies for fisheries because of its simplicity in the optimization model and less data requirement compared to complex dynamic models. However, most of the prioritization is based on static models or algorithms; whose solutions need to be evaluated in a dynamic approach, considering the high uncertainty and opportunity costs associated with their implementation. We developed a framework that integrates species distribution models, spatial conservation prioritization tools and a general grid-based dynamic model (Grid-DM) to support evaluation of ecological and economic trade-offs of candidate conservation plans. The Grid-DM is spatially explicit and has a tactical management focus on single species. We applied the Grid-DM to small yellow croaker (Larimichthys polyactis) in Haizhou Bay, China and validated its spatial and temporal performances against historical observations. It was linked to a spatial conservation prioritization tool Marxan to illustrate how the model can be used for conservation strategy evaluation. The simulation model demonstrated effectiveness in capturing the spatio-temporal dynamics of the target fishery as well as the socio-ecological effects of conservation measures. We conclude that the model has the capability and flexibility to address various forms of uncertainties, simulate the dynamics of a targeted fishery, and to evaluate biological and socioeconomic impacts of management plans. The modelling platform can further inform scientists and policy makers of management alternatives screening and adaptive conservation planning.
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Total marine fisheries catches within the exclusive economic zone of the Canary Islands, Spain, were reconstructed to include catches from the various small-scale artisanal fleets and their discards, as well as subsistence, recreational and other unreported catch. Total reconstructed catch was estimated at 38600 t in 1950, increasing to 81200 t in 1985, declining to approximately 43700 t year–1 in the early 2000s, and finally spiking to about 65300 t year–1 by the late 2000s. These catches coincide with a severe depletion of fish stocks, especially those of demersal species, due in part to fishing overcapacity in the artisanal sector, despite attempts to limit effort by the government. Spain only started to report catches to the FAO in 2006, and from 2006 to 2010 reconstructed catch was seven times the reported catch. Nearly 70% of this catch was from the recreational fishing sector, due in part to technological advancements and increased investments in the construction and improvement of secondary ports.
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United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 ‘life below water’, is directed to the sustainable use and conservation of the oceans and marine resources. However, there is very limited information available on how the large-scale commercial fishing industry might contribute to the achievement of SDG 14. This paper shows engagement opportunities for the fishing industry, with a focus on fish harvesting, for the different targets of SDG 14. We find that the fish harvesting sector can contribute to almost all SDG 14 targets, except in the prohibition of certain forms of fishing subsidies. The fishing industry has the opportunity to implement practices that, for example, can help to reduce marine pollution or bycatch. More work is needed to provide specific reporting mechanisms for fisheries companies to assess their progress against the other SDGs.
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With the full implementation of the landing obligation on 1 January 2019, In European waters it will become mandatory for the trawling fleet to land at port all catches of certain species because, according to Article 15 of the new European Common Fisheries Policy, the species subject to the minimum conservation reference size (MCRS) cannot be discarded. Additionally, since 2005, trawlers over 15 m in length are required to carry an onboard vessel monitoring system (VMS), which generates information on fleet dynamics. The objective of this work was to provide a tool for avoiding unwanted catches by integrating the catch study of trawlers operating in the port of Blanes together with VMS data. To achieve this objective, the catches of 40 hauls were monitored, sampled and analysed together with VMS data for the years 2012-2014 integrated in a geographical information system. The results show that specimens below the MCRS were often captured in crinoid aggregation habitats, bottoms with maërl and muddy bottoms that were identified as nursery habitats of commercial species, e.g. Merluccius merluccius, Pagellus spp. and Mullus spp. VMS data showed considerable fishing pressure on areas with maërl and muddy habitats during the recruitment periods of these and other commercially relevant species. Implementing spatial or seasonal closures in habitats where species regulated by the MCRS are subject to catches could be a useful tool for preventing unwanted catches.
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Fishery systems are complex systems that need to be managed in order to ensure a sustainable and efficient exploitation of marine resources. Traditionally, fisheries management has relied on biological models. However, in recent years the focus on mathematical models which incorporate economic and social aspects has increased. Here, we present FLBEIA, a flexible software to conduct bio-economic evaluation of fisheries management strategies. The model is multi-stock, multi-fleet, stochastic and seasonal. The fishery system is described as a sum of processes, which are internally assembled in a predetermined way. There are several functions available to describe the dynamic of each process and new functions can be added to satisfy specific requirements.
Mexican flag longline fishing vessels operating in tropical waters of the northeastern Pacific Ocean commonly target and land silky sharks (Carcharhinus falciformis). In this study silky sharks captured by Mexican flag longline fishing vessels in the northeastern Pacific Ocean and brought onboard were tagged and released with pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs), following removal of hooks or cutting gangions as close to the hook as feasible, to evaluate their post-release survival (PRS). The PRS rate estimated using Kaplan-Meier survival analyses was 84.8 % (95 % CI: 71.0 %-100 %) for 63 silky sharks. Utilizing a rope noose to lift sharks aboard vessels was demonstrated to be an effective handling method. The 58 silky shark survivors were at liberty with PSATs attached for an average of 102 days (range: 1-298 d). Average linear displacement for 46 silky sharks at liberty for > 30 d was 512 nmi (range: 45-927 nmi), indicating relatively rapid widespread dispersion from release locations.
Commercial fishing is one of the most dangerous industries in the world. Although fishing vessel capsizes are rarely occurring events, they result in a disproportionally high fatality rate. In Canada, such fatalities are a significant problem. This study’s objectives are to determine the primary causes of fishing vessel capsizing and recommend measures to reduce the frequency of fishing vessel capsizes. A significant part of the data collection for the study is focused on the fishing industry in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, although the conclusions are more widely applicable. Through an analysis of national and international fishing vessel capsizing accident investigation reports, the study identifies the primary causes of capsizing events. In 57 of the 60 capsizes analyzed, operators’ actions played a significant role. Through interviews and discussions with fishing vessel operators, this data was supplemented and reinforced with a preliminary investigation of capsizing near-misses. The concept of near-miss reporting has been successfully used in other industries to identify hazards and improve safety culture. The study also focused on operator and crew understanding of vessel stability. This revealed a correlation between the amount of formal training an operator had received and their understanding of stability. Those who had received stability training were better equipped to avoid or manage potential capsizing events. Many fishing vessel capsize events were attributed to operator error and operators with no stability training are more likely to make poor decisions based on lack of knowledge or common misconceptions of vessel stability. A compulsory stability education course for the fishing industry is recommended along with a trial program of formalized near-miss reporting.
The focus on maritime security research is generally on port and commercial ship activities. One overlooked maritime activity with security concerns is commercial fishing. Commercial fishing has grown as an industry dramatically in the past decade as a result the growing global demand for seafood. Further, commercial fishing is labor intensive and that labor is generally low skilled and from vulnerable populations. The security concern is the inadequacies of vetting this labor. One of the overlooked issues is the forced use of this labor by the vessel owners. In particular, this industry has experienced an uptick in human trafficking where this labor is forced to work. This paper reviews the international laws and policies to deter forced labor and human trafficking at sea. Further, we compare the level of trafficking among countries with various institutional frameworks to deal with maritime human trafficking. To evaluate this comparison, we apply case study methodology on international law and country policy interaction for seven countries including the United States, Ireland, Taiwan, Philippines, United Arab Emirate, Thailand and Sudan. We conclude with six recommendations to combat human trafficking or forced labor in the commercial fishing industry addressing issues of gender, poor reporting mechanisms including reliance on self-reporting, cooperation among countries and sharing of data, prevention and enforcement, and awareness of the problem of human trafficking in the commercial fishing industry.
The marine fishery resources in the West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia are overexploited by fishing effort by the trawlers. The encroachment of trawlers to the near-shore fishery and conflict between traditional fishers and trawlers still exists, although a licensing system was imposed by trawl fishery management. The dynamics of fishing effort with various alternative management policies was analyzed, and the proper combination of the management policies was selected in order to control overcapacity by the trawlers and provide sustainable management of the trawl fishing industry. System simulation analysis was carried out to determine effort dynamics and the performance of the industry. The results indicated that, the management policy, including the combination of reducing 50% of licenses issued in 2012 coupled with a decreasing fuel price subsidy and increasing landings charges, could be the proposed management policy for the sustainable management of Zone B trawlers in the West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia.
Background: Commercial fishing is a global industry that has been frequently classified as high-risk. The use of detailed surveillance data is critical in identifying hazards. Methods: The purpose of this study was to provide updated statistics for the entire US fishing industry during 2010-2014, generate fleet-specific fatality rates using a revised calculation of full-time equivalent estimates, and examine changes in the patterns of fatalities and in risk over a 15-year period (2000-2014). Results: During 2010-2014, 188 commercial fishing fatalities occurred in the United States. Vessel disasters and falls overboard remain leading contributors to commercial fishing deaths. The Atlantic scallop fleet stands out for achieving substantial declines in the risk of fatalities over the 15-year study period. However, fatality rates ranged from 21 to 147 deaths per 100 000 FTEs, many times higher than the rate for all US workers. Conclusions: Although the number of fatalities among commercial fishermen in the United States has generally declined since 2000, commercial fishing continues to have one of the highest occupational fatality rates in the United States. The sustainable seafood movement could assist in improving the health and safety of fishing industry workers if worker well-being was integrated into the definition of sustainable seafood.