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The relationship between brand awareness and purchase intention: A meta-analysis study


Abstract and Figures

This study aimed to determine the relationship between brand awareness and purchase intention through meta-analysis. The scope of the study was limited to the data set of studies conducted in Turkey. For this purpose, relevant studies were accessed using the National Thesis Centre (Türkiye), Kafkas University Database, and Google Scholar search engine. Twelve studies, seven theses and five articles, were deemed appropriate for inclusion in the analyses. CMA 4.0 (Comprehensive Meta-Analysis 4.0) program was used for the analyses in the study. In the analyses, it was determined that there was a heterogeneous distribution and there was no publication bias. As a result of the analyses, it was determined that the effect size (according to Pearson r) between brand awareness and purchase intention was 0.627 (in the fixed effect model) and 0.610 (in the random effect model). Therefore, according to the data obtained from the studies included in the meta-analysis, it was revealed that brand awareness positively affects purchase intention.
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ISSN: 2148-2586
bmij (2023) 11 (3):1121-1129
© 2023 The Author(s).
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Research Article
The relationship between brand awareness and purchase
intention: A meta-analysis study
Marka farkındalığı ve satın alma niyeti arasındaki ilişki: Bir meta-
analiz çalışması
Yağmur Kerse1
Asst. Prof., Kafkas University, Kars,
ORCID: 0000-0002-6773-1153
Submitted: 1/08/2023
Revised: 1/09/2023
Accepted: 10/09/2023
Online Published: 25/09/2023
Citation: Kerse, Y. The relationship
between brand awareness and purchase
intention: A meta-analysis study, bmij
(2023) 11 (3): 1121-1129, doi:
This study aimed to determine the relationship between brand awareness and purchase intention
through meta-analysis. The scope of the study was limited to the data set of studies conducted in
Turkey. For this purpose, relevant studies were accessed using the National Thesis Centre (Türkiye),
Kafkas University Database, and Google Scholar search engine. Twelve studies, seven theses and five
articles, were deemed appropriate for inclusion in the analyses. CMA 4.0 (Comprehensive Meta-
Analysis 4.0) program was used for the analyses in the study. In the analyses, it was determined that
there was a heterogeneous distribution and there was no publication bias. As a result of the analyses,
it was determined that the effect size (according to Pearson r) between brand awareness and purchase
intention was 0.627 (in the fixed effect model) and 0.610 (in the random effect model). Therefore,
according to the data obtained from the studies included in the meta-analysis, it was revealed that
brand awareness positively affects purchase intention.
Keywords: Brand Awareness, Purchase Intention, Meta-Analysis
Jel Codes: M30, M31, M39
Bu çalışmada marka farkındalığı ve satın alma niyeti arasındaki ilişkinin meta analiz yoluyla
belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma kapsamı Türkiye’de yapılmış çalışmalara ait veri seti ile
sınırlandırılmıştır. Bu amaçla Ulusal Tez Merkezi, Kafkas Üniversitesi Veri Tabanı ve Google
Akademik arama motoru kullanılarak ilgili çalışmalara ulaşılmıştır. Araştırmaya 7’si tez, 5’i makale
olmak üzere toplam 12 çalışma dahil edilmiştir. Analizler için CMA 4.0 (Comprehensive Meta
Analysis 4.0) programı kullanılmıştır. Yapılan analizlerde heterojen bir dağılımın sergilendiği ve
yayın yanlılığının bulunmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Bunun yanında marka farkındalığı ile satın alma
niyeti arasındaki etki yüklüğünün (Pearson r’ye göre) fixed etki modelinde 0,627; random etki
modelinde ise 0,610 olduğu belirlenmiştir. Dolayısıyla meta analize dahil edilen çalışma
bulgularından elde edilen bulgulara göre marka farkındalığının satın alma niyetini pozitif yönde
etkilediği ortaya konulmuştur.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Marka Farkındalığı, Satın Alma Niyeti, Meta-Analiz
JEL Kodları: M30, M31, M39
Yağmur Kerse
bmij (2023) 11 (3):1121-1129
In today's conditions, consumers, who have to make numerous daily decisions, also have to cope with
a huge information overload. This situation creates a mental strain for consumers. In order to cope with
this mental strain, consumers develop several shortcuts and rules of practice when making decisions.
One of these rules of practice, brands, is the rule of practice that consumers use the most in the
contemporary market. Because brands facilitate many purchasing decisions and provide assurance
(Hutter, Hautz, Dennhardt & Füller, 2013), it is not enough for the producers of goods/services to have
a good brand alone. In addition to being a good brand, consumers should also recognise this brand. In
other words, consumers must also be aware of it (brand awareness).
Brand awareness is the place of a brand in the consumer's mind compared to competing brands and
plays a very important role in the purchasing process (Aktepe & Baş, 2008). Because consumers prefer
to buy the brand they know (Shahid, Hussain & Zafar, 2017). In other words, consumers buy the
products of certain brands whose quality has been tested and has met their expectations. The reason
behind this situation is that consumers have difficulty trying something new. Therefore, branded and
quality-tested products are preferred by consumers (Maria, Pusriadi, Hakim & Darma, 2019). Various
studies have revealed that consumers prefer brands with a strong place in the consumer mind at the
purchasing stage (Aktepe & Baş, 2008).
This study determined the relationship between brand awareness and purchase intention through meta-
analysis. Meta-analysis is an objective and effective method used to summarize and make sense of the
extensive and comprehensive literature by using the data set of individual studies previously conducted
on the subject to be examined (Aksoy Kürü, 2021). Thanks to meta-analysis, which means "analysis of
analyses" (Üstün & Eryılmaz, 2014), the validity of individual studies with similar findings is
strengthened, and more reliable findings are obtained by combining the findings of small sample
studies (Akgöz, Ercan & Kan, 2004). In this context, this study aims to obtain a more reliable result by
determining the strength of the relationship between brand awareness and purchase intention through
meta-analysis. This study included the studies whose data were collected in Turkey in the analysis. As
a result of the literature review, no study examining the relationship between these two concepts with
meta-analysis was found in Turkey. The study is thought to contribute to the literature in this respect
because it deals with the relationship between brand awareness and purchase intention. In other words,
the study's contribution is to examine this relationship, which is addressed holistically in different
studies with different sectors and samples through meta-analysis.
Brand awareness is seen as one of the stepping stones of the purchasing process, and a high level of
awareness increases the likelihood of purchasing a product or service. For this reason, it is thought that
a holistic examination of the relationship between brand awareness, which helps businesses to provide
long-term sustainable competitive advantage (Foroudi, 2019), and purchase intention will shed light on
both managers and researchers working on this subject. In the study, firstly, the concepts of brand
awareness and purchase intention are explained. Then, studies dealing with the relationship between
the concepts are mentioned. In the method section of the study, the purpose and data of the study are
explained. After the findings are presented, some suggestions for businesses and future studies are
Conceptual framework
Kotler (1997) defines a brand as a name, logo, sign, and label distinguishing a product or service from
competitors (Tariq, Abbas, Abrar & Iqbal, 2017). However, the brand is now a concept that creates a
certain meaning and emotion in individuals beyond names, logos, and signs and creates a mark in their
minds and hearts. Therefore, a brand is a relationship involving trust (Wijaya, 2013).
Brand awareness is explained as the ability of a potential consumer to recognize and recall that a brand
belongs to a certain product category (Aaker, 2009). Brand recognition and brand recall are
subcomponents of brand awareness. Brand recognition refers to the ability of consumers to confirm
their previous encounters with the brand when the "brand" is given as a cue. On the other hand, brand
recall is consumers' ability to remember the brand when "product category" is given as a cue (Wang &
Yang, 2010).
Aaker (2009) states that brand awareness is a four-stage process. Accordingly, while the consumer is
unaware of the brand in the first stage, they recognize it in the second stage. The third stage is the stage
where the consumer remembers the brand. In the last stage, the brand becomes the first brand that
comes to mind in the consumer's mind. Therefore, brand awareness is formed.
Yağmur Kerse
bmij (2023) 11 (3):1121-1129
Brand awareness is a prerequisite for the consumer to create unique associations and pictures of the
brand. For a brand to be included in the basket created by the consumer for purchase, a certain brand
awareness must first be created. Because brand awareness provides familiarity and affinity with the
brand (Ceritoğlu, 2019), this familiarity and affinity enable consumers to recognize a brand in a product
category and make a purchase decision. Therefore, it can be said that brand awareness has an important
role in purchase intention (Chi, Yeh & Yang, 2009). Because brands with low brand awareness and
unrecognized brands are unlikely to be purchased by consumers (Avcılar, 2008).
Purchase intention means thinking and planning to purchase a good or service. It can also be expressed
as a consumer's desire to purchase a particular product or brand (Shahid et al., 2017). The effect of brand
awareness in creating this desire has been demonstrated in studies conducted in Turkey and the
international literature (Tariq et al., 2017; Maria et al., 2019; Rahmi, Ilyas, Tamsah & Munir, 2022). For
example, Üngör (2023) used data from customers using electronic marketplaces and found that brand
awareness positively affects purchase intention. In his study with consumers in Istanbul, Qaderi (2022)
determined that brand awareness positively affects purchase behaviour. Bahçekapılı (2019) suggested
that there is a positive relationship between brand awareness and purchase intention in his study on
customers purchasing smartphones. Yurdakul and Şener (2021) conducted a study with data obtained
from university students and found that the relationship between brand awareness and purchase
intention is positive. Onurlubaş (2018) obtained data from people who use white goods, and Karaca,
Sönmez Karapınar & Ata (2022) collected data from people who buy or book holidays online. In their
studies, these researchers found that purchase intention increased with increasing brand awareness.
Since the relationship between brand awareness and purchase intention is also addressed in this study,
other studies showing the relationship between variables are included in the following section
Purpose and data of the study
This study aimed to determine the relationship between brand awareness and purchase intention, and
a meta-analysis method was used for this purpose. The findings obtained from the studies available in
the literature were considered in the study. Correlation coefficients (effect size) and sample sizes were
used in the study findings, and more holistic and reliable findings were tried to be obtained from the
findings of the studies in the literature.
Studies conducted in Turkey were considered for the research data in the study. In this direction, theses
and articles examining the relationship between brand awareness and purchase intention were
identified. The Turkey National Thesis Centre, Kafkas University Database (Subscriber databases such
as Ebsco, SOBIAD, etc.), and Google Academic search engine were used for this determination. In July
2023, a search was made using the keywords "brand awareness", "marka farkındalığı" and "marka
bilinirliği", and then the studies on purchase intention were selected. In this direction, thesis studies
containing the word "brand awareness" were searched through the National Thesis Centre web page,
and 114 thesis studies were determined. Then, 61 results were obtained for "marka farkındalığı", and 55
results were obtained for "marka bilinirliği". In addition, the Kafkas University Database was searched
with the word "marka farkındalığı", and 1,444 results were observed. In the same database, 711 results
were found in the search with the word "marka bilinirliği". Finally, Google Scholar was searched, and
3,050 results were obtained for "marka farkındalığı" and 2,290 results were obtained for "marka
bilinirliği". In these studies, the studies including the concept of "purchase intention" were identified.
Then, the studies were analysed according to the following inclusion criteria:
1. The studies must have been in Turkish or English in Turkey.
2. The studies should be a thesis or article.
3. The studies should address the relationship between brand awareness and purchase intention.
4. The concept of "purchase intention" should be analysed in the studies. For example, studies examining
variables such as brand awareness and purchase behaviour or brand awareness and purchase
preference should not be considered.
5. In the studies, correlation coefficients between these two concepts or R2 value should be given in
simple regression analysis findings.
6. Sample sizes should also be given in the studies.
Yağmur Kerse
bmij (2023) 11 (3):1121-1129
7. The studies' relationships between the concepts should be analysed as one-dimensional. Even if they
are considered multidimensional, holistic relationships for variables (such as general brand awareness)
should also be given.
Considering the above criteria, seven theses and five articles were suitable for the analysis. Studies
examining the relationship between brand awareness-purchase behaviour, preference, and decision
were excluded from the evaluation. In addition, studies in which correlation coefficients could not be
reached were also excluded. Although correlation coefficients were found in some studies (e.g., Öz,
2022), they were not included in the analysis due to their experimental design. In the final case, the
studies included in the analysis are in Table 1 below.
Table 1: Studies Included in the Analysis
Author(s) Study Title
Coefficient (r)
The relationship among sub-culture identity, brand image, brand
awareness and purchase intention in the event sponsorship context
(Etkinlik sponsorluğu bağlamında alt kültür kimliği, marka imajı,
marka farkındalığı ve satın alma niyeti)
Marka bilinirliğinin tüketici satın alma niyeti üzerindeki etkisinde satış
elemanının özelliklerinin aracı rolü: Akıllı telefon kullanıcıları üzerine
bir araştırma (The mediating effect of salesperson characteristics on the
effect of brand awareness on purchase intention: A research on
smartphone users)
Marka farkındalığı ile satın alma niyeti arasındaki ilişki bağlamında
televizyon dizilerinde ürün yerleştirme (Product placement in tv series
in the context of the relation between brand awareness and purchase
Sponsorlukların marka bilinirliğine ve satın alma kararına etkisi:
Üniversite öğrencileri üzerinde bir uygulama (The effect of
sponsorships on brand awareness and purchasing decision: A practice
on university students)
The role of social media on brand awareness and purchase intention
(Marka bilinciliği ve satın alma girişinde sosyal medya'nın rolü)
Tekin, 2018
Marka bilinirliğinin satın alma niyeti üzerine etkisinde sosyal
medyanın aracılık rolü (The mediating role of social media on the
effects of brand awareness on purchase intention)
Hareketli ve ışıklı açık hava reklam ünitelerinin, marka farkındalığı,
marka tercihi ve satın alma niyetine etkisi üzerine bir araştırma
(Motion and light outdoor advertising units, brand awareness, brand
preference and intention to buy a research on its effect)
Karaca et
al., 2022
Çevrimiçi deneyimin tatil satın alma niyeti üzerindeki etkisinde marka
farkındalığı ve marka çağrışımının rolü (The role of brand awareness
and brand association in the impact of the online experience on holiday
purchase intention)
Marka değeri boyutlarının marka bağlılığı ve satın alma niyeti üzerine
etkisi: X marka beyaz eşya kullanıcıları üzerine bir uygulama (The
effect of brand value dimensions on brand loyalty and purchase
intention: An application on X brand white appliances users)
& Öztürk,
Hazır giyim sektöründe marka değeri boyutlarının satın alma niyeti
üzerine etkisi (The effect of brand value dimensions on purchasing
intent in ready-made clothing sector)
Yapraklı &
Kara, 2015
Marka değeri bileşenlerinin müşteri temelli ölçümlenmesi:
Kahramanmaraş dondurma sektörüne yönelik bir uygulama
(Customer-based appraise of brand value components an application
towards Kahramanmaraş ice cream sector)
Yurdakul &
Şener, 2021
Amaca yönelik pazarlama ve sponsorluk faaliyetleriyle desteklenen
marka değerinin tüketicilerin satın alma niyeti üzerine etkisi (The
effect of brand value supported by cause-oriented marketing and
sponsorship activities on the purpose intention of the consumers)
Analysing the data
The CMA 4.0 (Comprehensive Meta-Analysis 4.0) program analysed the research data. For this, firstly,
coding was made on the Microsoft Excel page for author(s), study name, correlation coefficient, and
sample. Then, the coding was checked by an independent person. These data, whose control was
completed, were entered into the program and analysed. In the analysis, Fisher's z values were used
instead of correlation values, taking into account the recommendations of the researchers (Şen &
Yıldırım, 2020). The analysis findings are given in Table 2 (correlation values) and Table 3 (Fisher's z
values). According to Table 3, it is seen that the effect of brand awareness on purchase intention varies
between 0.180 and 1.006 in terms of Fisher's z and has positive values. In addition, it is observed that
Yağmur Kerse
bmij (2023) 11 (3):1121-1129
the general effect is 0.737 according to the fixed effect model and 0.709 according to the random effect
Table 2: Forest Plot Obtained with Fixed and Random Effect Model (Correlation)
Study Name
Statistics for each study
Lower limit
Upper limit
Atasever, 2020
Bahçekapılı, 2019 0,586 0,509 0,654 11,957 0,000
Başarır, 2019
Bayrak, 2020
Kamal, 2018
Tekin, 2018
Yamak, 2022
Karaca et al., 2022
Onurlubaş, 2018
Onurlubaş & Öztürk, 2020
Yapraklı & Kara, 2015
Yurdakul & Şener, 2021
Table 3: Forest Plot Obtained with Fixed and Random Effect Model (Fisher’s Z)
Study Name
Statistics for each study
Fisher’s Z
Variance Lower limit Upper limit Z-Value p-Value
Atasever, 2020
Bahçekapılı, 2019
Başarır, 2019
Bayrak, 2020
Kamal, 2018
Tekin, 2018
Yamak, 2022
Karaca et al., 2022
Onurlubaş, 2018
Onurlubaş & Öztürk, 2020
Yapraklı & Kara, 2015
Yurdakul & Şener, 2021
Before evaluating the relationships in the study, the heterogeneity and publication bias of the studies
included in the analysis were checked. Q value, p-value and I2 value were examined for heterogeneity
(Table 4). As seen in Table 4, the Q value is 322,172, and the Df value is 11. The Q value should be greater
than that for heterogeneity at a 95% significance level and 11 degrees of freedom in the χ2 table. The Q
value in the study (322,172) was observed to be greater than the critical χ2 value (19,675; In addition, the p-value (0.000), another
criterion for heterogeneity, was less than 0.05. Finally, the I2 value was examined and found to be 96.586.
Since this value is higher than 75% (Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins & Rothstein, 2013), it is concluded that
there is a high level of heterogeneity.
The funnel plot (Figure 1), Classic fail-safe N values, and Begg and Mazumdar rank correlation values
were examined to determine any publication bias in the studies included in the analyses. The funnel
plot (Figure 1) determined that the studies were symmetrically distributed around the combined
(average) effect size and in the upper region of the graph as it should be. In the Classic fail-safe N test,
the N value was 7234. This value means that 7234 studies must be found for the p-value to be greater
than 0.05. The fact that it is very unlikely to reach this number of studies (i.e., too many studies are
required) indicates no publication bias. Finally, Kendall's tau p-value in the Begg and Mazumdar rank
correlation test was examined to detect bias. Since this value (0.316) was greater than 0.05, it was found
that there was no publication bias.
Yağmur Kerse
bmij (2023) 11 (3):1121-1129
Figure 1: Funnel Plot Indicating Bias
After determining that there was no heterogeneity and publication bias in the study, the effect findings
(in terms of Fisher z) for the studies examined in Table 2 were converted into Pearson r value as
suggested by the researchers (Şen & Yıldırım, 2020). The findings obtained are given in Table 4. In this
process, lower-upper limit values were also calculated and converted. The code =FISHERTERS(...) was
written for this conversion on the Microsoft Excel page.
Table 4: Findings for Heterogeneity and Effect Size
%95 CI
Model Number
S.E. Z p Lower
Q Df(Q) p I2
Fixed 12 0,627 0,015 50,242 0,000 0,609 0,644 322,172 11 0,000 96,586
Random 12 0,610 0,080 8,844 0,000 0,502 0,699
According to the findings obtained from the studies included in the meta-analysis in Table 4, the effect
size (according to Pearson r) between brand awareness and purchase intention is 0.627 in the fixed effect
model and 0.610 in the random effect model. Therefore, brand awareness positively affects purchase
intention. That is, it plays a role in people's purchase intention.
Discussion and conclusion
In this study, the findings of the studies on the relationship between brand awareness and purchase
intention in Turkey were combined and reinterpreted by the meta-analysis method. Within the scope
of the study, "brand awareness", "marka farkındalığı" and "marka bilinirliği" keywords were searched
through the National Thesis Centre, Kafkas University Database, and Google Scholar search engine.
Afterwards, the studies, including the purchase intention variable, were identified in the results. The
identified studies were re-examined according to the selection criteria, and it was seen that 12 studies,
7 of which were theses and 5 of which were articles, could be included in the study. It was observed
that the studies were conducted by obtaining data from smartphone users, online holiday buyers,
television viewers and customers from many different sectors, such as ready-to-wear clothing, white
goods, ice cream, home textiles, and decoration. A total of 4688 data were used in the studies used in
the meta-analysis.
Before examining the relationships between the concepts in the study, it was determined that the studies
included in the analysis exhibited a heterogeneous distribution and that there was no publication bias.
Yağmur Kerse
bmij (2023) 11 (3):1121-1129
As a result of the subsequent analyses, it was determined that the effect size (according to Pearson r)
between brand awareness and purchase intention was 0.627 in the fixed effect model and 0.610 in the
random effect model. In other words, in support of other studies in the literature (Tariq et al., 2017;
Maria et al., 2019; Bahçekapılı, 2019; Karaca et al., 2022; Üngör, 2023), it was observed that brand
awareness affects consumers' intention to purchase a product. In addition, it was determined that the
level of this relationship between brand awareness and purchase intention (effect size) is moderate
(0.627 and 0.610).
Today's consumers must choose among numerous brands when purchasing goods and services. While
making this choice, they tend to turn to brands they know or are familiar with. Therefore, products with
high brand awareness have a better place in the market and contribute to the company's profit (Shahid
et al., 2017). For this reason, businesses can be recommended to be more visible on social media and
engage in sponsorship activities to increase brand awareness. For example, companies can cooperate
with social media phenomena to increase brand awareness. In addition, they can sponsor
environmental and social projects to attract the attention of consumers who are now more sensitive to
environmental and social issues.
This study includes a holistic view of the relationship between brand awareness and purchase intention.
Through meta-analysis, the findings of the studies in Turkey have been combined, and a contribution
to the literature has been made by presenting a general and reliable result. However, there are
limitations of the study, such as the fact that the research was conducted only in correlation with the
studies conducted in Turkey and that there were no determinations regarding the mediator and
moderator variables in the relationship between the concepts. It may be recommended to consider these
limitations in future studies and conduct a meta-analysis study, including studies in the international
literature. In addition, even if brand awareness plays an important role in purchase intention, there is
no guarantee that it will turn into purchasing behaviour. In other words, brand awareness is only one
step in the purchasing process. Therefore, studies on purchase behaviour and intention (purchase) can
be examined in future studies.
Externally peer-reviewed
Conflict of interests:
The author has no conflict of interest to declare.
Grant Support:
The author declared that this study has received no financial support.
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CMA İle Meta-Analiz Uygulamaları Meta-Analizin Temelleri Meta-Analizin Adımları Yayım Yanlılığı CMA Programı Yayım Yanlılığı Korelasyona Dayalı Etki Büyüklüğü Ortalama Farkına Dayalı Etki Büyüklüğü İkili Veriye Dayalı Etki Büyüklüğü Cohen d, Hedges g, ortalama farkı, standartlaştırılmış ortalama farkı, standartlaştırılmamış ortalama farkı Olasılık oranı, risk oranı, risk farkı indeksleri Korelasyon Analog ANOVA, moderatör analizi, alt grup analizi, meta-regresyon
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This paper develops a multi-disciplinary measure of the brand signature construct by means of literature review and primary data analysis. This study explains that brand signature involves (i) endorsement of consistent consumer attitude toward diffusion of a brand name and brand logo (consists of typeface, design, and color); (ii) the expression and pursuit of a distinct message and the quality of the organization to consumers as well as consistency in communication; and (iii) the implementation, support, and maintenance of hotel brand signature systems based on the use of online/offline media. SEM is employed in order to test the proposed model. The results indicate that brand signature includes dissemination of its dimensions; brand attitude with two components (brand association and brand belief); brand awareness consists of brand familiarity, and brand recognisability; and consistency in brand reputation and prefaced by hotel brand performance implementation. Brand signature is recommended as a tool useful for the service industry to manage their global hotel brand reputation and performance.
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The need for comprehensive and systematic research syntheses has been increasing as the number of primary studies has proliferated in educational sciences in recent years. That is the main reason why diverse applications of meta-analysis, which is one of the most effective ways of research synthesis, has been encouraged in many disciplines including social and educational sciences. The main purpose of this article is to provide a conceptual framework for meta-analysis by questioning its criticisms and strengths over other methods of research synthesis. In addition, some methodological and statistical considerations like comparison of fixed-effect and random-effects models, different measures of effect size, unit of analysis, validity issues including publication bias and quality of primary studies, heterogeneity, moderator and power analyses in meta-analysis are discussed in detail. Moreover, brief information about software for statistical analyses performed in meta-analysis and a summary of standards for reporting meta-analysis are provided within the scope of this article. How well meta-analyses are conducted and reported is crucial since it has essential roles not only for cumulative nature of science but for policy makers and practitioners as well. Thus, we aim to provide the meta-analysts with an introductory-level guideline for their meta-analysis research.
Purpose: This research aimed to analyze the role of perceived risk in the relationship between brand awareness and purchase intention. This research is important because the perceived risk of online purchasing can influence consumer purchasing behavior. Design/methodology/approach: This research used an explanatory study with a quantitative approach. The research was conducted on 112 Shopee users in Makassar City. Data were collected through an online questionnaire. The data collected were analyzed using the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with the AMOS application and the Sobel Test to test the indirect relationship. Findings: Risk, financial risk, time risk, delivery risk, and privacy risk were essential elements forming perceived risk. Brand awareness had a positive influence on purchase intention. Perceived risk was a variable that mediated the influence of brand awareness on purchase intention. Originality/value: The results of this research indicated that the more aware consumers are of a brand, the negative perceptions of the brand will appear due to the ease with which information was disseminated and accepted by consumers. Perception of risk is a factor that can reduce consumer buying interest. Consumer purchase intention towards a known brand will decrease if the brand is perceived as having a high risk. Research limitation: This research was conducted on most students who did not yet have stable financial capabilities. For further studies, we suggest using respondents who have better financial ability to provide a more tangible measurement of purchasing ability. Practical implication: Results showed that perceived risk could reduce the influence of brand awareness on purchase intention. Thus, minimizing risk, ensuring the absence of perceived negative things before choosing a brand, and ensuring consumer comfort in using a brand were factors encouraging purchase intention.
The purpose of this research is to analyze the direct effect of social media marketing, word of mouth, and the effectiveness of advertising on brand awareness and its impact on intention to buy, either directly or indirectly. The data source of 50 respondents, obtained from the customers who only use transportation services in the area of Samarinda City. Models using path analysis programs and data are processed through SPSS version 23. This research states sub-structure model 1 is known as social media marketing and the effectiveness of advertising directly has a significant positive effect on brand awareness. From sub-structure 2, the effectiveness of advertising and brand awareness directly has a significant positive effect on the intention to buy. Finally, social media marketing and the effectiveness of advertising indirectly have a significant positive effect on intention to buy through brand awareness. Keywords: Social media marketing; Word of mouth; Effectiveness of advertising; Brand awareness; Intention to buy
The purposes of the study are to explore the effects among brand awareness, perceived qualit y, brand loyalty and customer purchase intention and mediating effects o f perceived quality and brand loyalty on brand awar eness and purchase intention. The samples are collected from cellular phone users living in Chiyi, and the resea rch adopts regression analysis and mediating test to examine t he hypotheses. The results are: (a) the relations a mong the brand awareness, perceived quality and brand loyalty for purchase intention are significant and positive eff ect, (b) perceived quality has a positive effect on brand loyalty, (c) perceived quality will meditate the effects betwee n brand awareness and purchase intention, and (d) brand loyalty will mediate the effects between brand awareness and pur chase intention. The study suggests that cellular phone manufacturer s ought to build a brand and promote its brand awar eness through sales promotion, advertising, and other marketing a ctivities. When brand awareness is high, its brand loyalty will also increase. Consumers will evaluate perceived quality of a product from their purchase experience. As a result, brand
Purpose – The purpose of this article is to analyze how social media activities, in specifically the Facebook page of a car manufacturer, and user interactions with these brand related activities affect the perception of brands and ultimately influence consumers purchase decision. Based on an online survey with users of the corporation's Facebook fanpage, and in accordance to hierarchy of effects theory the author's findings show the positive effect of fanpage engagement on consumers' brand awareness, word of mouth (WOM) activities, and purchase intention. The findings further indicate that annoyance with the fanpage due to information overload leads to negative effects on fanpage commitment and to decreased WOM activities. From a theoretical standpoint the results of this study contribute to understanding of the value-enhancing potential of social media campaigns. Design/methodology/approach – To answer the authors' research questions and test their hypotheses, a study was set up in cooperation with the car brand MINI. To test their hypotheses, the authors applied structural equation modeling with AMOS 18. Findings – The article analyzes the influence of brands’ social media activities and participants' social media involvement on the purchase decision process of consumers. Their findings demonstrate that engagement with a Facebook fanpage has positive effects on consumers' brand awareness, WOM activities and purchase intention. Results further indicate that annoyance with the fanpage leads to negative effects in respect to the overall commitment to and involvement with the fanpage and WOM. The authors' research shows that social media activities indeed affect the purchase decision-making process. Originality/value – New marketing communication reality presents new challenges and opportunities for companies as purchase decisions are increasingly influenced by social media interactions. People rely more than ever on their social networks when making those decisions. Nevertheless, outcomes of social media activities are still disputed in practice. The effects of social media campaigns on consumers' perception of products and brands as well as the effects on purchase decisions have yet to be better understood. This study therefore investigates how social media activities, in specific the Facebook appearance of a car manufacturer, affect the perception of brands, and ultimately influence the purchase decision process of consumers while considering the risk of creating annoyance. From a theoretical standpoint the results of this study contribute to understanding of the value-enhancing potential of social media campaigns and demonstrate how the perception of brands is influenced through this new communication channel. For brand managers this study is of value, as it shows that social media activities do have a positive influence on brands as they support their management of the purchase process.