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Brownfield Regeneration in Sarajevo -Sustainable Growth Towards a Polycentric City

  • Urban Innovation Vienna

Abstract and Figures

Sarajevo is a city with an eventful history of urban development. Over time, the city has grown along the valley into its characteristic longitudinal shape. The city centre with its administrative, commercial and recreational functions, is located in the in the east. Industrial and productive zones that lay once on the outskirts of town have been incorporated into the urban fabric and represent a dormant potential for urban densification. They also offer an excellent opportunity to develop new mixed-use centralities where urban infrastructure is already available and move towards a polycentric, walkable city where all essential amenities, recreational spaces, and jobs are within a short distance. The Sarajevo Brownfield Urban Regeneration (SBUR) project aims to support public administrations in this endeavour. More than 20 brownfield sites in the city were identified and analysed. Based on a multi-criteria analysis, two sites were selected for the elaboration of development proposals: Kvadrant B in Marijin Dvor and Vaso Miskin Crni in Novo Sarajevo. Both sites represent strategically important locations in the wider city context and they have been underused for a long time. Efforts to develop them have led to the implementation of individual projects but overall development concepts are lacking. In order to initiate their holistic development, both sites need integrated masterplans that are supported by politics, administration, land owners and the people of Sarajevo. At the same time, these concepts must respond to the social, economic and ecological challenges that the city is facing today. The interdisciplinary and international project team covered the many competences required for the task. The methodological approach to the planning process was based on a thorough spatial analysis coupled with qualitative interviews to better understand the contemporary needs of the city. Based on the findings, key qualities were defined for both sites and spatial development scenarios were elaborated. A market analysis was conducted to understand current trends and demands, and to derive implications for the mix of uses at the development sites that would create livability for all age groups. Following an integrated design vision and strategy, urban rules were spelled out to guide the implementation process. Particular attention was paid to the programming of green and public spaces, which were found to be insufficient in the surrounding areas. The team also reached out to local experts, academia and the community in the Urban Design Lab that included expert workshops, an architecture course at the University of Sarajevo, as well as public events to discuss brownfield development in the city. Furthermore, colleagues from ETH Zurich, working on the new Urban Plan for Sarajevo, performed simulations on the micro-climatic implications of the proposed designs. The results showed the importance and correlation of daylight, air quality and wind in the selection of building orientation, location and heights, materialization, open spaces and vegetation. Know-how from Vienna was imported to tackle the challenges of land consolidation and to formulate a sound action plan for project implementation and quality control. Overall, the Sarajevo Brownfield Urban Regeneration project represents an integrated planning approach with a strong focus on international knowledge exchange, green building, and sustainable urban design that does not end at the drawing board, but already takes into account strategies for implementation in the planning process in order to ensure that defined urban design qualities are translated into reality.
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reviewed paper
18-20 September 2023 – ISBN 978-3-9504945-2-5. Editors: M. SCHRENK, V. V: POPOVICH, P. ZEILE,
P. ELISEI, C.BEYER, J. RYSER, H. R. KAUFMANN – Ljubljana, Slovenia
Brownfield Regeneration in Sarajevo – Sustainable Growth Towards a Polycentric City
Katharina Höftberger, Angela Djuric, Hubert Klumpner, Roland Krebs, Klara Matić, Andrea Pavlović,
Michael Walczak
(DI Katharina Höftberger, BA, superwien urbanism, Lenaugasse 2/4, 1080 Vienna,
(Angela Djuric, BA BSc, Urban Innovation Vienna, Operngasse 17-21, 1040 Wien,
(Prof. Hubert Klumpner, MA, ETH Zurich, Neunbrunnenstrasse 50, 8050 Zurich,
(DI Roland Krebs, MBA, superwien urbanism, Lenaugasse 2/4, 1080 Vienna,
(Klara Matić, MBA, Colliers, Petrinjska ul. 3, 10000 Zagreb,
(DI Andrea Pavlović, University of Sarajevo, Patriotske lige 30, 71000 Sarajevo,
(Dr. Michael Walczak, MA, ETH Zurich, Neunbrunnenstrasse 50, 8050 Zurich,
Urban planning and design processes generally follow standardised procedures that have been tried and
tested by generations of experts. However, due to the local context and changing framework conditions in
each city and project site, processes always need to be adapted and result in unique planning histories that
take into account the specific political, spatial, social, cultural and economic conditions of a place. Adverse
circumstances might challenge ambitious process designs and lead to slimmed-down planning processes and
unsatisfactory results, while an enabling environment can enrich the process and inspire the outcome. The
reality, however, is not always black or white. There are multiple influential factors and it is the task of the
planners not to lose sight of the goal and to use the circumstances in the best possible way to achieve high-
quality design results. Urban design may be defined as “the process of providing quality contextual places
for people” (Black & Sonbli 2019, 21). This indicates the contextuality of place and process and highlights
the need to adapt to the local context in order to achieve an adequate result.
Within the framework of a consultancy for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
(EBRD), an international and interdisciplinary planning team composed of architects, spatial planners,
economists, and sustainable resource managers, made the effort to implement an integrated and participatory
urban design process for two brownfield sites in Sarajevo. This paper explores the manifold challenges and
obstacles that the team was confronted with and the creative approaches to overcome these hurdles. It takes a
critical look at the adjustments in the process and the results, and gives an outlook and recommendations for
the next steps towards implementation and development.
Keywords: Land Consolidation, Sustainable Design, Integrated Urban Design, Brownfield Regeneration,
Microclimate Simulation
2.1 Political and administrative context and the lack of trust
The City of Sarajevo is the capital and largest city in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) with a population
estimated at 276,000 inhabitants, according to the latest census (Statistika, 2013). The area of the city is
141.5 km2 and it consists of four municipalities: Stari Grad, Centar Sarajevo, Novo Sarajevo, and Novi
Grad. The city is represented by the Mayor of the City of Sarajevo and the City Assembly. Along with five
other municipalities, it is part of Sarajevo Canton, which has its own legislative, executive and judiciary
powers. It is governed by the Assembly of the Canton and the Prime Minister. Moreover, every municipality
has its own Municipal Mayor and Municipal Assembly. The complex hierarchy of this governance system is
reflected in all spatial processes and jurisdiction is often (mis)used in the planning of the city’s development
and urban growth.
The complex political-administrative structure of the Canton of Sarajevo, which is reflected in the
management of the city itself, resonates at all levels of government, and complicates the management of the
city, its territories and resources (Zupcevic & Causevic 2009). The frequent overlapping of responsibilities
and the exclusion of certain levels from responsibilities, often supported by unclear or conflicting legal
regulations, reduces public confidence in the abilities and intentions of those involved in management
processes. The spatial planning authorities are particularly challenged, since private capital has been driving
construction activities rapidly since the political system change, while strategic planning can hardly keep up
with the definition of the necessary framework conditions.
Brownfield Regeneration in Sarajevo – Sustainable Growth Towards a Polycentric City
Nature-based Solutions for Sustainable Resilient Smart Green and Blue Cities
Under these circumstances, and in view of the post-war reconstruction of the city, non-transparent
developments of large spatial reserves were carried out, mostly at the sites of former industrial areas, but also
in the central urban fabric, which shook trust in both political and professional goodwill of the actors
involved (Tzifakis & Tsardanidis 2006). In many cases, planning documents were changed on investors’
requests without the participation of the public. This was facilitated by the law on spatial planning at the
time, which gave Municipal Mayors the opportunity to change existing planning documents through
abbreviated procedures and for individual locations without holding a public hearing and presentation
(Spatial Planning Act, Canton Sarajevo Gazette, 7/05, Article 46). Real estate developments without a legal
basis or contrary to valid planning documents were not uncommon either.
Over the past two decades, the development of Sarajevo has led to the creation of large shopping centres and
monofunctional residential areas. Unfortunately, many of these projects failed to comply with basic urban
planning parameters, neglecting important factors such as fire safety standards, road width, and lighting.
Private investments dominated the real estate sector, as public institutions lacked the capacity to actively
participate in real estate development. Limited public budgets, the need to invest in socio-economic
measures, and the absence of a resident-focused development strategy have profoundly influenced urban
development in Sarajevo. Furthermore, the city's urban planning has been characterised by a lack of vision
and strategy, driven by the imitation of global and regional trends, such as the separation of functions and a
car-centric approach. Planning regulations often prioritised these trends rather than considering local
potentials and the overall quality of life for Sarajevo's residents.
The wider public and planning professionals had limited influence on urban development in Sarajevo due to
prevailing circumstances. Following the war, private ownership took precedence over public ownership, with
land becoming a valuable asset for obtaining investment benefits. Consequently, private investors wield
significant influence, sometimes overshadowing the concerns of the wider public and planning experts. This
has led to a loss of faith in effective spatial planning, as responsible institutions often prioritise meeting the
desires of investors over improving residents' quality of life (Botic 2013). Although current urban planning
legislation recognizes public involvement, participation typically occurs towards the end of design processes,
and public hearings often serve as justification for changes that have already been decided upon.
2.2 Environmental challenges and the new urban plan
At the same time, the Sarajevo urban area faces pressing challenges amidst multiple crises like climate
change and social division. The quality of housing has declined and although the number of units its steadily
growing, there is a lack of affordable housing for middle- and low-income groups. Public spaces and social
infrastructure are lacking in existing and new settlements. Environmental problems, such as air pollution,
worsen due to high private car usage and reliance on wood and coal for heating. Authorities' efforts to
address these issues are slowly entering public discourse, but time and initiatives are needed for noticeable
changes in daily life (Hewlett & Gallego-Lopez 2020).
Sarajevo’s location in the valley allows only limited air flow, leading to frequent smog, particularly during
winter months. Within the urban fabric, specific areas are more susceptible to pollution, causing significant
impacts on the surrounding regions. Historical urban planning documents, spanning from the 1960s to the
1980s, acknowledged the importance of mitigating winter smog by implementing measures such as city
gasification, promoting sustainable public transportation, and imposing height limitations in the central area
where the valley is narrowest. However, as urban growth intensified in the 2000s, these policies proved
insufficient to accommodate the pressures of urban growth. Irregular developments on vacant lots and
abandoned industrial sites further exacerbated the environmental conditions in Sarajevo. Buildings of
unfavourable height and position further impair the already problematic state of Sarajevo's air pollution.
The change in perspective and new understanding of social, economic and ecological urban needs are
reflected in some important documents that have been developed over the last few years and are also used in
preparation for the new Urban Plan. The Study on Ventilation Corridors was developed along with the Green
Cantonal Action Plan for Sarajevo in 2020 (Hewlett & Gallego-Lopez 2020). The document proposes
regulations for the positioning and height of the buildings along the main ventilation corridors in the city and
has been adopted by the Government. The planning and construction needs of the Canton and the City of
Sarajevo are subject of a new Urban Plan, which is currently being drafted. The last Urban Plan was created
in 1986 and has long become inadequate and ineffective to address contemporary urban challenges. The lack
Katharina Höftberger, Angela Djuric, Hubert Klumpner, Roland Krebs, Klara Matić, Andrea Pavlović, Michael Walczak
18-20 September 2023 – ISBN 978-3-9504945-2-5. Editors: M. SCHRENK, V. V: POPOVICH, P. ZEILE,
P. ELISEI, C.BEYER, J. RYSER, H. R. KAUFMANN – Ljubljana, Slovenia
of a high-quality urban strategy was consequently reflected in the detailed planning documents (regulatory
plans, urban projects), which were supposed to be based on the overall Urban Plan. However, the ongoing
process of developing a new Urban Plan is leading to a number of problems as several major development
projects in the city are halted awaiting its adoption. In such a stalemate, all efforts to activate and improve
the urban space depend on the willingness of decision-makers to act and advocate for the incorporation of
new solutions into the Urban Plan and their subsequent elaboration within the detailed planning documents.
At this point of time, planning is a matter of building trust between the profession, the public, decision
makers and investors, which requires a great deal of skill and time, as well as a change in the mindset of all
stakeholders involved.
2.3 Brownfields as a potential for polycentric development
During the after-war period, large areas of former industrial complexes were abandoned. The regeneration of
these brownfield sites holds great potential for future urban development and the emergence of new qualities
in Sarajevo. In times of high land use and rapid soil sealing in the urban peripheries, brownfields represent
an attractive opportunity to enable urban growth in a more sustainable way. Additionally, most brownfield
sites already have access to basic infrastructure such as water, electricity and sewer connections. Due to the
city’s expansion over time, many brownfields in Sarajevo are located in high-density environments and in
central positions within the city area today. The regeneration of these sites and a general focus of urban
development activities on urban voids are significant in order to prevent urban sprawl and to generate a city
of adequate density.
The development of brownfield sites in Sarajevo also offers the potential to create new mixed-use centralities
in a largely monofunctional urban fabric that evolved along the valley and has its main administrative centre
and business hub around the old town in the east. As a growing city, it is time for Sarajevo to develop new
urban centres that fulfil multiple functions, offer job opportunities as well as recreational spaces, educational
and cultural institutions. In a polycentric vision of the city, the numerous brownfield sites across the urban
tissue are anchor points and incubators for such developments. The elaboration of a clear vision for
Sarajevo’s brownfield sites is crucial in order to induce the release of these high-potential land and
encourage investments in their development.
The task of developing two brownfield sites in Sarajevo was at the beginning of the planning team's intense
interaction with the city. Against the background of a complex political and administrative situation and a
general lack of trust in urban planning processes, it was crucial to apply a professional approach, a
transparent planning process and comprehensible, fact-based decision making.
3.1 Application of a good practice urban design process
Although each urban design process is unique in its procedure and outcomes, there is a broad consensus in
scholarship and practice as to what basic stages should be followed (cf. Black & Sonbli 2019, Carmona
2013, Lloyd-Jones 2001). In order to create “quality contextual places for people”, the design process should
start with a multi-layer analysis that includes the urban context on different spatial scales as well as the
policy framework and socio-demographic aspects. Based on the findings, a strategic design framework is
developed. It informs the development of the design through concepts and scenarios before acting as an
evaluation matrix for the outcomes. The design phase as such is circular rather than linear as it reverts to the
concept through several evaluation loops and should be tested by local stakeholders. The stage of delivery
and implementation adds another layer to the design that needs to remain flexible and adapt to the various
demands that arise during realisation (Black & Sonbli 2019). The design process is rational and
experimental, it works through a process of deduction, where a design solution is an early hypothesis to be
tested, drawing on pre-existing models and exposing it to multiple realities (Lloyd-Jones 2001). It is
important to stress that the designers do not act in isolation but are exposed to power relations that shape the
process and its outcomes through agency and political structures. The history of place and the contemporary
political situation influence the process along with numerous stakeholders ranging from policy makers,
investors, space users, etc (Carmona 2013). Acknowledging the importance of all these actors is the first step
towards enabling participatory design processes. The inclusion of local stakeholders in planning processes
Brownfield Regeneration in Sarajevo – Sustainable Growth Towards a Polycentric City
Nature-based Solutions for Sustainable Resilient Smart Green and Blue Cities
has steadily increased in recent decades and numerous tools for co-creation and participatory design have
been developed that can be integrated into tried and tested processes (cf. Krebs & Mayr 2023, 550ff.).
Fig. 1: Stages of a standard urban design process as compared to the case study in Sarajevo. Source: Author’s own figure based on
Black & Sonbli 2019.
In Sarajevo, the work process was organised in four main phases. The first task was to understand the urban
context of Sarajevo and review the many opportunities for brownfield development that the city had to offer.
The result of a multi-criteria analysis of 24 brownfield sites was the selection of two target sites for further
analysis and development: Kvadrant B in Marijn Dvor and the former Central Railway Workshop Vaso
Miskin Crni (VMC) in Novo Sarajevo.
Kvadrant B is an eight hectare central location in the city of Sarajevo. The area is partially developed with
new shopping malls, business buildings and services and is part of the city’s new business and public centre,
with old heritage buildings from the Austro-Hungarian period which are currently in private ownership. The
rest of the site, near the Miljacka River, is used as a parking space, owned by the Canton of Sarajevo. The
connection to the public transport system and the road network is excellent and high density surroundings are
a good precondition for the implementation of mixed uses in the area. The redevelopment of the site has been
subject of discussion for over 20 years and has evolved to a controversial topic.
The former Central Railway Workshop Vaso Miskin Crni was partially and poorly transformed into
shopping malls after the 90s. The twelve hectare site is centrally located, with good connection to all the
main traffic lines and the tram line in walking distance. It consists of both newly built facilities as well as old
warehouses, which are currently abandoned. The central location and the high-density surrounding form an
ideal condition for the implementation of a mixed-use neighbourhood. The high number of involved owners,
among which there are both private and public entities, is a challenge to the development of the site.
The selected brownfield sites were assessed and a spatial analysis was carried out. In parallel, a Real Estate
Demand Study was prepared to inform the planning process and decision-making. In order to test
development opportunities, different spatial and mixed-use scenarios were drafted for both sites. They were
discussed with the Working Group comprising representatives from all involved administrative levels to
agree on the way forward. In parallel, the Sarajevo Urban Design Lab was conducted. The program included
a series of academic workshops, public events, and stakeholder meetings that enabled a broader discussion
about brownfield development in Sarajevo. At the same time, the different mixed-use scenarios for both
project sites were evaluated, and their financial viability assessed against the backdrop of the previously
conducted market analysis. A microclimate simulation analysed the impact of the design on the immediate
environment in terms of heat and wind effects. Finally, clear design visions were developed for Vaso Miskin
Crni and Kvadrant B, including a detailed design strategy, technical information, infrastructure plans, as well
as environmental and social impact appraisals. The final design also made a strong case for the benefits of
the proposed projects from the perspectives of urban regeneration and sustainable ‘green’ development.
The process was carried out by an interdisciplinary team of architects and urbanists, environmental and
financial experts, as well as trained participation specialists. The clear process designed on the onset of the
project increased transparency and provided a flexible and holistic approach where each stage informed the
other. The clear structure was the basis for the involvement of public and private stakeholders throughout the
process and promoted the trust and accountability needed in the Sarajevo context.
The following sections go into more detail on some of the components of the design process that were
particularly important in order to respond to the diverse challenges we encountered in Sarajevo: public
participation, market demand, sustainable urban design, microclimate simulations and land consolidation.
Katharina Höftberger, Angela Djuric, Hubert Klumpner, Roland Krebs, Klara Matić, Andrea Pavlović, Michael Walczak
18-20 September 2023 – ISBN 978-3-9504945-2-5. Editors: M. SCHRENK, V. V: POPOVICH, P. ZEILE,
P. ELISEI, C.BEYER, J. RYSER, H. R. KAUFMANN – Ljubljana, Slovenia
3.2 Public participation in a complex environment
The concept of public participation is often explained along Sherry Arnstein’s ladder of participation (1969).
The model describes eight levels of participation ranging from manipulation to information and partnership
all the way up to citizen control which is presented as the ultimate form of participation. This conception of
citizen involvement, however, has also been criticised. Collins and Ison suggest that “[T]he linear
conceptualization of participation does little to emphasise the importance of either the process or the
existence of feedback loops, which shape understandings of the situation“ (2009, 362). While a high level of
public involvement is generally desirable, it is questioned to what extent power should be shifted from
elected decision makers to small groups of people who have the capacity to engage. Moreover, the
possibilities and range of participation vary according to the design question, scale of the problem, and local
context. Therefore, the level, range and tools of public participation must be adapted to the specific
parameters of each project.
In the case of Sarajevo, public participation in planning processes is usually limited to the legally required
public hearings prior to adoption of a planning document. Involvement of local stakeholders throughout a
design process is rare or virtually non-existent. There is, however, an emerging public interest in the spatial
development of the city. Driven by the professional and academic community a public discourse on urban
development is developing, which criticises the undesirable developments of the past and calls for a new
style in urban planning. The focus is on issues such as quality of life, public space and social participation,
while issues of sustainability and resilience are less present. Both selected brownfield sites have been in the
focus of public attention for a while due to specific developments and expectations related to them. At the
same time, there is limited experience with public participation processes and a lack of trust in the system of
political decision making. This challenging situation is further complicated through the powerful position of
private landowners and investors who try to influence the public discourse to their advantage.
In the midst of this complex situation, the planning team for the development of Kvadrant B and Vaso
Miskin Crni endeavoured to involve decision makers, experts and the public in the planning process. In a
first step, and in order to take account of the multilayered administrative and political situation, a Working
Group was set up. Members of this group included representatives and decision makers of all administrative
levels included in the planning process: Catnon, City and the Municipalities. Regular meetings with this
group formed the basis for transparent communication across administrative boundaries and hierarchies and
aimed to achieve broad political support for the developed design proposals.
In a stakeholder analysis, the planning team identified key players in the professional and academic field of
planners and architects in Sarajevo who should be involved in the process in order to contribute their
expertise and act as multipliers to make the discussion accessible to a broader public. The Stakeholder Core
Group comprised experts and academics, representatives of the Association of Architects in BiH (AABH),
and local practitioners. They were invited to planning workshops to discuss ideas for urban design, functions
and possibilities for implementation. Additionally, interviews were conducted with selected stakeholders
from different fields of expertise related to the economic, spatial, and socio-cultural development of the city.
The centre piece of participation and exchange was the four-day Urban Design Lab (UDL), which was
carried out in cooperation with the University of Sarajevo. It included an urban design workshop with local
students on both project sites, professional workshops with municipal staff and the Stakeholder Core Group,
as well as public events like a movie night, panel discussion, and final presentation of the academic
workshop. Since the urban design process was on a mere conceptual stage, the idea was to reach out to a
wider public while staying in a professional context. The events were advertised through the networks of the
University, AABH and Days of Architecture, a local architecture festival. The professional exchange during
the UDL was very valuable for the design process and supported the development of robust masterplans that
would respond to the urban context and local needs. The participation process also revealed broad support
for the work of an ‘external’ planning team that would bring in new ideas and possible solutions to the
development of two sites that have been much discussed and disputed in the past.
The entire planning process was thoroughly documented and the results were submitted for the National
Architecture Award (Collegium Artisticum). It was selected as winner in the category urbanism and
presented in a public exhibition. Moreover, the project report was published by the University of Sarajevo
with a clear presentation of the design process and full disclosure of all plans and development proposals
Brownfield Regeneration in Sarajevo – Sustainable Growth Towards a Polycentric City
Nature-based Solutions for Sustainable Resilient Smart Green and Blue Cities
(Krebs & Pavlović 2023). The planning team has thus guaranteed a maximum degree of transparency on the
process and its results. It is now up to the political decision makers to initiate implementation and involve the
public in a continued discourse on the design and its realisation in the urban context.
3.3 Market demand study and financial analysis
The aim of the market demand study and financial analysis was to understand the current situation of the real
estate market in Sarajevo in order to base the design proposal on actual needs and respond to adverse trends.
The approach was chosen in response to the uncoordinated real estate development of the last decades that
has led to monofunctional housing estates on the urban fringes and underused spaces across the urban fabric.
As a first step, a detailed market demand analysis was prepared to understand the investment and
development activity and trends in each real estate segment (residential, office, hotel and retail market) in
Sarajevo and BiH. One of the key findings was that due to the unavailability of large lands for development
within the urban fabric, most new development is on the suburban, greenfield land. The migration of
residents to the outskirts resulted in the need for expansion of the city's infrastructure (communal
infrastructure such as roads, sewerage, pedestrian paths etc.). In addition, the remote location of the new
suburban neighbourhoods leads to long commutes to the downtown business district every day, mostly by
car. This has a negative impact on the quality of air due to high CO2 emissions. Furthermore, the distance of
the new residential neighbourhoods to main public facilities (e.g. hospitals, schools, elderly homes etc.) and
lack of mixed uses exacerbates social exclusion. The market demand study supported the case for
regeneration of central dormant brownfield sites such as Vaso Miskin Crni and Kvadrant B. The two selected
sites have access to the communal infrastructure (roads, public transportation – tram and bus lines, access to
sewerage, electricity, water, telecommunication etc.) and they are close to the central business district and
public institutions. In case of a reuse of the brownfield sites the greenfields might remain undeveloped and
pollution could be decreased and social inclusion ensured. Moreover, given the sites’ central location and
connectivity, the utilisation of the existing urban infrastructure would be improved (more users and direct
and indirect financial benefits).
Based on a detailed market research and analysis of the location of the two selected sites and their
characteristics, a highest and best use analysis was conducted. The key conclusions of the analysis supported
the elaboration of mixed-use concepts and project phasing schemes. Due to the vast size of the Vaso Miskin
Crni site, one of the key recommendations was to keep an element of flexibility in the future planning
documents to create the opportunity for a sustainable economic development rather than prescribing the
long-term redevelopment according to short-term market projections (Bacon et al. 2008).
Finally, a financial case using a discounted cash flow method was prepared based on the development ratios
and vision from the proposed masterplan. The financial case assessed financial feasibility and viability of the
proposed concept. The quantification went beyond the typical investment return ratios. An estimation of the
favourable environmental implications for the proposed development was also conducted. Some of the
analysed implications were obtained by assuming the surface of public greenery per inhabitant and
employee, estimating the reduced commute time and quantity of fewer CO2 emissions.
3.4 Sustainable urban design and smart city innovation
Based on the spatial analysis, inputs from participation, financial considerations and other relevant factors, a
robust urban design was developed for both sites as a first proposal for further elaboration.
The site of Kvadrant B is envisioned to be developed as a new business centre that incorporates mixed uses
to create a lively and attractive neighbourhood. Ground floor areas will host shops, services, cafes, and
restaurants, reviving the streets and public spaces of the area. The inclusion of a variety of new central
functions will further support the implementation of business and retail uses. The concert hall which has
been anticipated for the past 20 years will be taken into account with a designated plot that is temporarily
used as a public park. Moreover, a significant percentage of high-quality housing should be present on site to
counteract the decreasing number of residents in the central area of the city. The new urban structure
responds to the Austro-Hungarian urban pattern in the east of the site and continues the typical block
perimeter system. Existing heritage buildings shall be preserved and restored while the structure of new
buildings will gradually transition towards the modernist buildings in the west, organically filling the gap in
the urban fabric. Building heights develop with the typology, rising from east to west with a high point next
Katharina Höftberger, Angela Djuric, Hubert Klumpner, Roland Krebs, Klara Matić, Andrea Pavlović, Michael Walczak
18-20 September 2023 – ISBN 978-3-9504945-2-5. Editors: M. SCHRENK, V. V: POPOVICH, P. ZEILE,
P. ELISEI, C.BEYER, J. RYSER, H. R. KAUFMANN – Ljubljana, Slovenia
to the existing tower of the Sarajevo City Center. The area along the river will be transformed into a linear
park providing a high-quality green space. The centre of the neighbourhood will be a new green square with
multifunctional urban surfaces but many trees to provide shade and cool down the environment during hot
summer months.
Fig. 2: Development propositions for Kvadrant B (left) and Vaso Miskin Crni (right). Author’s own figure.
Vaso Miskin Crni could be redeveloped as a new centrality of Novo Sarajevo that integrates central
functions which are currently missing. The development of a mixed-use neighbourhood will include offices,
retail, housing, and social infrastructure in a balanced ratio that responds to market demands and establishes
an urban business centre. Integrating active uses, like restaurants, cafes, and shops, in the ground floor zones
of the buildings will be crucial in order to create a lively centrality that meets the demands of people
working, living and seeking leisure in the area. The new urban fabric respects the industrial heritage of the
site while responding to surrounding structures. It is recommended to keep two buildings of the old Railway
Workshop as valuable assets that preserve the identity of the site. The form of the old production hall was
picked up and replicated to shape the urban grid along the east-west axis. The predominant typology is a
modern block development with green courtyards. The denser blocks in the southeast of the site have
continuous plinths that provide larger spaces for retail and urban workshops. The general building height is
five floors with selected high points of up to 16 floors. The main public space is the one-hectare park in the
centre of the neighbourhood. It will be designed to fulfil the diverse needs of the new inhabitants and people
working or studying in the area. The main east-west axis will be another important public space. Designed as
a pedestrian boulevard with shops, cafés, and restaurants along the building fronts, it will be the vibrant spine
of the neighbourhood.
With the development of the two brownfields, Sarajevo has the opportunity to implement flagship projects
for smart and environmentally friendly urban development. However, sustainable urban development is a
long-term transformation process that adds an extra layer of complexity to already complex urban design
processes (Thompson 2016). In order to establish an innovative ecosystem in a smart city, numerous
stakeholders need to be coordinated. Sophisticated governance with a long-term planning horizon is required,
where tasks include management, decision-making and implementation, but also communication and
creating transparency and opportunities for participation (Appio et al. 2019). In 2018, the City of Sarajevo
launched a Smart City Initiative, developing a vision for Smart Sarajevo 2030. Initial projects have been
implemented since, however, a legally binding and comprehensive Smart City Strategy has not been
established yet. Measures against air pollution are a top priority in Sarajevo. Hence, reducing road traffic and
promoting renewable energy provision and green spaces are the fields to be tackled in any urban
development project. Considering the local challenges, the lack of a holistic strategy, insufficient
sustainability standards in the building sector and limited public budgets, the recommended Smart City
measures for the two brownfield developments focus on affordable innovations in the fields of renewable
energy and energy efficiency, sustainable mobility solutions and green city.
The introduction of sustainable building standards in both development areas could be a lever to reduce the
high energy demand for heating and cooling and is a prerequisite for shifting energy supply to local
renewable energy sources such as district heating, geothermal and photovoltaic energy. Since green building
certifications are not yet standard in BiH, the brownfields could be presented as lighthouse projects to be
Brownfield Regeneration in Sarajevo – Sustainable Growth Towards a Polycentric City
Nature-based Solutions for Sustainable Resilient Smart Green and Blue Cities
scaled up in the future. The use of state-of-the-art building rating systems could also become mandatory in
quality assurance and create transparency, which in turn supports the trustmaking process. Regarding the
costs, which are an obstacle in the implementation of sustainable building standards, investors have to expect
an additional 100 euros per square metre of net floor area or a total additional investment cost of 7 percent
(Schöfmann et al. 2020; Hu & Skibniewski 2021) . On the other hand, the operating costs over the life cycle
of a building can be reduced by up to 85 percent (Architektur Online 2020).
Sarajevo's path towards becoming a pedestrian and bicycle-friendly city requires the reduction of motorised
vehicles and the promotion of active mobility with attractive public transport and supplementary micro-
mobility offers (Appio et al. 2019). The establishment of car-free neighbourhoods with neighbourhood
garages at the edge of the area with e-charging infrastructure and a general reduction of parking obligations
for project developers have been recommended. Adequate bicycle infrastructure inside and outside the
buildings (lockable bicycle parking, etc.) should be implemented. Sharing systems (bicycles, e-cars) can be a
valuable complement to the use of public transport, but should be implemented on a city-wide level. Public
transport remains by far the most energy-efficient mode of transport for daily use.
Air quality is a top priority in Sarajevo, so developers should prioritise green city solutions and create
resilient urban spaces. Landscape planning should be integrated early and throughout the development
process to be cost-effective. Greening and shading of public spaces are the most effective measures to avoid
urban heat islands in the long term. Intensive planting (trees, façade greening) also has positive effects on the
microclimate. Trees with a high crown density can reduce the perceived temperature by up to 18°C during
the summertime (Stangl et al. 2019). In addition to heat, heavy rainfall is also one of the noticeable effects of
climate change, so the implementation of comprehensive rainwater management is strongly recommended.
3.5 Microclimate analysis
The impact of wind and its relationship to temperature is crucial in a topographical valley like Sarajevo due
to the high probability of the Inversion Weather Phenomenon (Walczak 2023). In order to understand and
quantify the current urban situation and potential future projects, different simulation frameworks can be
applied. “Rhinoceros 3D” with the algorithmic modelling extension of “Grasshopper 3D” allows a real-time
bridge between qualitative 3D modelling (architecture and urban design) and quantitative simulation
On the one hand, these tools were used to simulate temperature during a period representing the hottest week
of the typical meteorological year. As input, historic weather files from the years 2007 to 2021 were used
from the location of the International Airport in Sarajevo (Climate OneBuilding 2023). On the other hand
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) wind simulations were run through “OpenFOAM” cases.
“OpenFOAM” is an open-source CFD software and has an extensive range of features to solve, among
others, complex fluid flows and turbulences, which has been made accessible through the “blueCFD-Core”
project (Walczak 2023). The simulation results have been calibrated and validated in Sarajevo through on-
site 3D wind measurements using a mobile Galion LIDAR system “windRoverII” (Walczak 2023), as part of
the 4D Digital Twin for Sarajevo developed within the “Urban Transformation Project Sarajevo - UTPS”
(Walczak & Pagani 2022). Additionally, both frameworks required information on building volumes, facade
materials, roofs and public spaces, as well as the location of vegetation.
Through an iterative process and fast visual feedback mechanisms, multiple scenarios were gradually tested
and translated into the architecture and urban design of both brownfield sites. Challenges and opportunities
included strategies in larger open spaces regarding urban heat islands and their mitigation through vegetation
and non-sealed surfaces. Related specifically to wind, urban design features such as porosity in building
volumes, the linear orientation following the wind direction and heterogenous building heights support urban
ventilation and natural cooling. Also, the incorporation of water bodies and river streams is benefitting cold
air streams.
As an outlook, conclusion and policy recommendation, for resilient planning and implementation, each
regulatory plan would require such an analysis since the climatic boundary conditions are changing with
every intervention (Pelja-Tabori 2021) .
Katharina Höftberger, Angela Djuric, Hubert Klumpner, Roland Krebs, Klara Matić, Andrea Pavlović, Michael Walczak
18-20 September 2023 – ISBN 978-3-9504945-2-5. Editors: M. SCHRENK, V. V: POPOVICH, P. ZEILE,
P. ELISEI, C.BEYER, J. RYSER, H. R. KAUFMANN – Ljubljana, Slovenia
3.6 Towards implementation: ideas for land consolidation
Early phases of analysis have revealed complex ownership structures at both sites. Plot sizes range from very
small to very large parcels with a diverse mix of more than twenty different landowners on each site. The
largest shares are owned by private companies, followed by different public institutions and individual
private landowners. In both cases, the complex ownership situation has been the main reason why a
coordinated overall development has not taken place in the past. While large private owners have shown
their interest and were willing to buy the parcels of smaller owners, the latter are hoping for higher returns
and better opportunities at a later point. Public owners and the local administrations have not yet developed
the necessary tools to facilitate and lead the development either.
The study of good practice cases from Vienna, however, offered solutions that could also be feasible for
Sarajevo. The central tool for land consolidation would be a cooperation agreement in the form of an Urban
Development Contract between all private and public owners that is based on a consensus about the
masterplan for development and future cadastre plan of the area. The new cadastre plan redistributes the land
according to their value after development. Landowners would own the same share of net gross floor area
compared to the percentage of land that they own now. This ensures an equal distribution of the profit that
arises from development. At the same time, selected land parcels would be transferred to public ownership to
provide access roads, public parks, social infrastructures, etc. These assets are an added value to other
landowners who can sell their properties for higher prices due to enhanced amenities in the surroundings. At
the same time, they guarantee basic services and improve quality of life also for the people living around the
site. The cooperation agreement also includes the founding of a joint Development Corporation that leads the
development process from this point on, coordinating all stakeholders and implementing the masterplan as
The Vienna model of land consolidation has been presented to the local public authorities who showed
interest in the approach. Major landowners were contacted to assess their willingness to cooperate in such a
process. Overall there have been positive reactions but there were also concerns in relation to the
transparency of such processes. The need to create and maintain public trust and to include the wider public
in decision making processes related to both brownfield sites that represent key locations in the urban fabric
was emphasised. However, the coordination of such a process through international and independent experts
was seen as a potential to overcome such obstacles and to move towards implementation of sustainable,
mixed-use neighbourhoods in Vaso Miskin Crni and Kvadrant B.
The elaboration of development proposals for Kvadrant B and Vaso Miskin Crni took place in the field of
tension between the interests of different political and administrative levels, landowners and the public, as
well as the contemporary demands on modern urban planning, which result from the climate and biodiversity
crisis, social inequality and economic development requirements. The textbook approach to urban design
was adapted and enhanced to meet the specific challenges that the City of Sarajevo presented to the planning
The complex political and administrative system and the lack of trust in public authorities were addressed
through a transparent and comprehensible planning process where each step was a logical consequence of
previous analysis and which was fully disclosed through a publication that covers the entire design process
and final results. Local experts, academia and the professional public were included through the Stakeholder
Core Group and open event formats reached out to a wider public for the discussion of concepts and design
principles. The many layers of administration were involved in the process through the Working Group that
was regularly informed and invited to participate in the design process through co-creative workshops.
The predominant role of developers in urban development in Sarajevo and complex ownership structures on
the selected brownfield sites were tackled through the empowerment of the local administration in the
Working Group that enhanced their internal cooperation and influence on the design process. At the same
time, a comprehensive real estate demand study ensured that the recommended mix of uses was based on
empirical facts rather than on personal financial interests or public misconceptions of the situation. The
proposed land consolidation approach represents a possible solution for the problem of implementation and
the possibility of further independent consultation by the international team has been offered.
Brownfield Regeneration in Sarajevo – Sustainable Growth Towards a Polycentric City
Nature-based Solutions for Sustainable Resilient Smart Green and Blue Cities
Environmental and social challenges can be met through innovative design ideas and smart city approaches
that were adopted to the local circumstances and potentials. The microclimate analysis is a new tool to refine
urban design that has been used for the first time in Sarajevo and has proven the compatibility of the urban
design proposal with the demands of the ventilation corridors. Some suggestions from this work could also
find their way into the new urban plan currently being developed.
Overall, the aim of the design process was to elaborate sustainable, resilient and climate-fit development
proposals for brownfield sites in Sarajevo and to showcase a design and possible implementation process that
could be replicated in other urban voids throughout the city in order to create a polycentric city of short
distances. Of course, the team’s efforts cannot cease at this point and it will take much more work with a
specific focus on stakeholder engagement, public consultation and transparent cooperation with landowners
to move these projects towards implementation and “quality contextual places for people”.
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
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This study aims to investigate the cost surcharges of green buildings. In this study, the green construction cost surcharge (GCCS) is defined as the additional capital costs associated with sustainable building features and practices. More specifically, this study intends to (1) identify the green cost surcharge difference on a global scale; (2) identify the green cost surcharge differences across building types; and (3) gain a basic understanding of the causes of cost differences. A literature survey on green building surcharge costs was performed, resulting in a total of more than 1,300 cases from 11 countries. The cases included both residential and nonresidential units. The results show that there is a regional difference among green cost surcharges; however, the median and mean green cost surcharges are 7%. Furthermore, there is a cost difference among building types, with school buildings having the highest cost surcharge. Varied cost estimation and collection methods also lead to different green cost surcharge results; the differences between industry findings and academic research are very apparent. Lastly, 11 cost variables are identified as well.
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Smart Cities initiatives are spreading all around the globe at a phenomenal pace. Their bold ambition is to increase the competitiveness of local communities through innovation while increasing the quality of life for its citizens through better public services and a cleaner environment. Prior research has shown contrasting views and a multitude of dimensions and approaches to look at this phenomenon. In spite of the fact that this can stimulate the debate, it lacks a systematic assessment and an integrative view. The papers in the special issue on “Understanding Smart Cities: Innovation Ecosystems, Technological Advancements, and Societal Challenges” take stock of the past work and provide new insights through the lenses of a hybrid framework. Moving from these premises, we offer an overview of the topic by featuring possible linkages and thematic clusters. Then, we sketch a novel research agenda for scholars, practitioners, and policy makers who wish to engage in – and build – a critical, constructive, and conducive discourse on Smart Cities.
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Drawing on empirical research in London, this paper examines how public spaces in the contemporary city are shaped. Together, the ‘contexts’, ‘processes’ and ‘power relationships’ that are revealed represent an integrated framework in the form of a journey through time during which contemporary public space—exemplified in this paper through the case of public space in London—is moulded. Extrapolating to the larger field of urban design, the discussion advances a theory of the urban design process as a place-shaping continuum. This urban design (or place-shaping) process, in all its complexity and variety, has the potential to anchor the field of urban design, offering a core for intellectual enquiry and policy/practice innovation. To situate this, the paper begins with a brief examination of urban design as a subject for investigation.
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The article discusses the efforts to undertake economic reconstruction in Bosnia following the end of the war. It argues that, despite certain successes such as the rehabilitation of infrastructure and the privatization of the banking sector, overall progress has been below expectations. The study, accordingly, attempts to analyse the reasons behind the reconstruction failure by grouping Bosnia’s problems into four different challenges for analytical purposes: the post-Dayton institutional deficiency; overcoming political fragmentation; creating appropriate conditions for economic revival; and graduating from dependency on foreign economic aid. In this respect, it is concluded that the intersection between the economic and political dimensions of post-conflict reconstruction has generated a paradox: while huge amounts of economic assistance have intended to facilitate political reconciliation, the nature of the administrative (political) structure that was established in the post-war period has in turn hindered economic recovery and the creation of a unified economic space. Moreover, political fragmentation and slow progress in economic reconstruction have been in a mutually constitutive relationship in which the existence of the one has contributed to the sustenance of the other.
The heated controversy over “citizen participation,” “citizen control,” and “maximum feasible involvement of the poor,” has been waged largely in terms of exacerbated rhetoric and misleading euphemisms. To encourage a more enlightened dialogue, a typology of citizen participation is offered using examples from three federal social programs: urban renewal, anti-poverty, and Model Cities. The typology, which is designed to be provocative, is arranged in a ladder pattern with each rung corresponding to the extent of citizens’ power in determining the plan and/or program.
National Census of Bosnia and Herzegovina
STATISTIKA (2013) National Census of Bosnia and Herzegovina 2013. Available at: [Accessed 14.06.2023]
An Agent-based Digital Twin for Sarajevo
  • Michael Walczak
  • Marco Pagani
WALCZAK, Michael and PAGANI, Marco: An Agent-based Digital Twin for Sarajevo. In: ETH Zurich NSL, Newsletter 54, June 2022: Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning. Zurich, 2022. Available at: [Accessed 07.06.2023].