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Environmental sensitivity, which refers to the capacity to recognize and react to environmental stimuli, has been linked to increased levels of metacognition, which is the capacity to learn about one's own learning processes. Sensory processing sensitivity (SPS) is a characteristic that can make people more sensitive to the stimuli and settings in their surroundings. Regarding the development of mobile game-based educational procedures, the study of the neurocognitive bases of the mechanisms underlying them, such as metacognition and environmental factors, could play a crucial role in the implementation of these educational practices. The purpose of the current narrative review is to identify the key mechanisms by which mobile games affect young learners' metacognitive and environmental sensitivity profiles and to suggest future research directions on the specific selection of gamification-based educational interventions.
iJIM | Vol. 17 No. 18 (2023) International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM) 67
iJIM | eISSN: 1865-7923 | Vol. 17 No. 18 (2023) |
JIM International Journal of
Interactive Mobile Technologies
Christou, A.I., Tsermentseli, S., Drigas, A. (2023). The Role of Mobile Games and Environmental Factors in Improving Learning and Metacognitive Potential
of Young Students. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 17(18), pp. 67–84.
Article submitted 2023-06-19. Revision uploaded 2023-07-18. Final acceptance 2023-07-23.
© 2023 by the authors of this article. Published under CC-BY.
The Role of Mobile Games and Environmental Factors
in Improving Learning and Metacognitive Potential
of Young Students
Environmental sensitivity, which refers to the capacity to recognize and react to environ-
mental stimuli, has been linked to increased levels of metacognition, which is the capacity
to learn about one’s own learning processes. Sensory processing sensitivity (SPS) is a char-
acteristic that can make people more sensitive to the stimuli and settings in their surround-
ings. Regarding the development of mobile game-based educational procedures, the study
of the neurocognitive bases of the mechanisms underlying them, such as metacognition and
environmental factors, could play a crucial role in the implementation of these educational
practices. The purpose of the current narrative review is to identify the key mechanisms by
which mobile games aect young learners’ metacognitive and environmental sensitivity pro-
les and to suggest future research directions on the specic selection of gamication-based
educational interventions.
sensitivity, childhood, gamication, metacognition, learning, neurocognition
The term “metacognition” refers to a learner’s awareness of their own cognition
and cognitive processes [1]. Reective abilities and the capacity to self-regulate men-
tal processes are both incorporated into the idea of metacognition [2]. A child should
have the best learning results possible from a developmental standpoint when meta-
cognitive skills are successfully implemented. According to this theory, it is expected
that a young learner will acquire and use the best possible levels of metacognitive
skills that will help him or her monitor, control, and modify his or her own internal
cognitive processes. Due to a growing awareness of the need to take steps to educate
self-regulated and self-directed learners who can employ autonomous digital tech-
nologies to aid their self-learning capacity, there has been a resurgence in interest in
Antonios I. Christou1(*),
Stella Tsermentseli1,
Athanasios Drigas2
1University of Thessaly,
Volos, Greece
2National Centre for Scientic
Research “Demokritos,” Agia
Paraskevi, Greece
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Christou et al.
the literature around metacognition in more recent years [3]. Schools are the ideal
settings for meta-cognition because they have a major impact on a person’s capacity
to experience need satisfaction, which can also boost motivation and increase school
involvement [4] [5].
From a children’s learning-developmental perspective, they are also inuenced
by a range of non-cognitive factors, such as personality and the environment of
the classroom, besides their IQ. One of the most in-depth theories on sensitivity to
environmental stimuli in recent years is the concept of sensory processing sensitiv-
ity (SPS), which is characterized by high environmental sensitivity [6] [7]. Despite
extensive adult research on SPS, children’s literature has only lately become a focus
of attention [7]. From a learning standpoint, it is feasible that arrangements in the
school environment and specialized educational interventions may have a dierent
eect on kids who have features that make them more susceptible to environmen-
tal stimuli.
Additionally, information technologies are being used more and more in edu-
cational settings with the goal of maximizing kids’ learning potential in a variety
of ways. For instance, [8] shows how information technology has been utilized to
design tailored learning experiences for each learner. Gamication-based learning
experiences can be developed using information technology, and these possibili-
ties have been shown to be more motivating and engaging for students [9]. This is
especially relevant to the currently chosen review. Mobile game-based learning plat-
forms can provide students with a fun and interesting approach to learning while
also monitoring their progress and providing them with tailored feedback [10].
It’s intriguing to see that more and more evidence is emphasizing the cru-
cial neurocognitive mechanisms at play in SPS and metacognition. Designing
gamication-based educational interventions that are based on the learner’s specic
neurocognitive prole will be very important for designing technology-assisted edu-
cational interventions. Delinquently making such potential multidirectional contri-
butions will be essential for doing this.
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The rst section of this paper is devoted to the presentation of key theories surround-
ing metacognition, environmental sensitivity, and early learning. More specically,
the section presents briey the self-determination theory (SDT) and its contribution
to better understanding early learning. Moving on, the key concepts surrounding SPS
are also presented, along with their key implications for development and behavior.
The section is concluded with a cross-theory discussion between the key constructs
of interest, metacognition, sensitivity, and gamication-based learning.
The second section moves into discussing key evidence in the literature sur-
rounding the neurocognitive underpinnings of metacognition, SPS, and gami-
cation-based learning. The sections aim to highlight key mechanisms that may be
involved in regulating metacognition and sensitivity, but also that may be signicant
in the designation of eective gamication-based learning.
The third and last section concerns the potential implications of the abovemen-
tioned neurocognitive mechanisms in designing gamication-based educational
interventions with the maximum potential impact on children’s learning. Key contri-
butions of such mechanisms to dierentiated learning and suggestions on designing
learning tools that account for individual dierences based on the neurocognitive
prole of the young learners are discussed.
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The Role of Mobile Games and Environmental Factors in Improving Learning and Metacognitive Potential of Young Students
 
 
Self-determination theory is a macro-theory that claims that in order for people
to be naturally motivated and involved in their daily activities, a small number of
psychological prerequisites must be met [4]. Numerous studies carried out have
shown that autonomy (i.e., volition) is particularly crucial for learning new skills
because it is linked to positive outcomes such as interest in the course material,
conceptual understanding, and classroom adjustment [11]. Internal regulation, in
which people act because they feel they should rather than because they want
to, is a form of controlled motivation. External regulation, such as reward and
punishment contingencies, is another form of controlled motivation. In contrast,
identied or integrated regulation is a component of autonomous motivation
and happens when people take ownership of the regulation of their own actions
because it is personally signicant to them. An action is done out of interest
because it is enjoyable in and of itself when one is motivated by intrinsic factors
[12] [39].
Competency requirements are also linked to knowledge of eectively coordinated
conduct. Although Stroet et al. [14] claim that competence is connected to motivation
and engagement in learning, Marshik et al. [13] claim that competence denotes the
requirement for self-condence in one’s abilities. When they believe they can han-
dle their academic obstacles better, for example, kids are competent. In the same
vein, Froiland and Worrell [5] assert that children exhibit higher levels of intrinsic
motivation and academic engagement when they feel supported in their need for
competence. Students who feel capable but not independent lack the intrinsic drive
to learn as a result. The SDT assumption that autonomy and competence are both
critical criteria for the preservation of intrinsic motivation is supported by a large
body of experimental data to date [15]. Although metacognition has gained a lot of
academic attention in the years surrounding primary and higher education, it is
frequently ignored in childhood education [16].
According to research, educational initiatives that promote autonomy, compe-
tence, and relatedness can also increase students’ participation in metacognitive
processes and improve academic achievements [17–18]. Meeting these requirements
has been referred to as the sense of need satisfaction and has been demonstrated to
support psychological development, intrinsic drive, and involvement in academic
work [19] [4]. It has been said that the need for relatedness, which is connected to
feelings of connection with others, is a fundamental need that might aect learning
[14]. For instance, young kids feel a connection to their teachers and peers, which
can boost learning outcomes [20]. An individual’s need for connection makes them
want to be somewhat dependent, rather than completely independent, of someone
they trust, but they also need autonomy so they have a sense of will and choice
about their own dependence and behavior. The acquisition of such skills may be
associated with individual characteristics that relate to one’s ability to respond to
environmental cues.
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The environmental sensitivity hypothesis contends that each person’s sensitivity
to their surroundings varies [21]. Environmental sensitivity has been described as
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critical for an individual’s ability to adapt eectively to the conditions of a given
environment, and there are individual dierences in the sensitivity prole among
dierent individuals, with some individuals described as more sensitive than oth-
ers. According to a review study [7], the theories of SPS [22], biological sensitivity
to context [23], and dierential susceptibility [24] are often referred to as environ-
mental sensitivity. These theories all contend that people with high levels of sen-
sitivity benet more from supportive environments [25–26], but they also suer
more when exposed to unsupportive environments [27–28]. The only theory, how-
ever, that accurately describes environmental sensitivity as a personality attribute
is the idea of SPS [7]. Adults are often assessed for SPS using self-report question-
naires, whereas adolescents are assessed using the highly sensitive child (HSC)
scale [29–30].
Sensory processing sensitivity is characterized by a particular set of behavioral
manifestations, such as emotional reactivity, sensitivity to subtleties, and overstim-
ulation [6] [31]. More specically, “depth of processing” is related to taking more
time to process stimuli in unfamiliar environments [32]. This is also accompanied by
“planned behavior,” where an individual’s response is thought to be more eective
in a given or known situation because the individual has already learned how to
demonstrate a response [6]. Additionally, emotional reactivity describes someone’s
stronger emotional reactions to environmental stimuli [33] [35]. Increased aware-
ness of environmental subtleties, such as smells or tastes, is another feature of SPS
[7] [22] [34]. Lastly, overstimulation characterizes high-SPS individuals, which can
be caused by auditory, visual, and social stimuli [7]. In a similar vein, behavioral
studies have suggested that individuals with high SPS scores manifested a greater
response when completing a positive mood induction task, which was interpreted
as heightened positive aect [35].
Interestingly, SPS may also be important for early learning and child develop-
ment because it aects how children experience school and how well they learn.
High-SPS kids are more sensitive to their environment, according to a few studies in
the educational context [25]. These studies, however few, are mostly concerned with
preventive rather than daily classroom experiences. For example, in noisy or visu-
ally congested situations, children who are extremely sensitive to sensory input may
feel overwhelmed or distracted, which can have a negative impact on their atten-
tion and capacity to learn. Future studies must provide more information about the
benets of SPS in helping kids realize their individual learning potential both within
and outside of the classroom.
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The SDT includes the basic psychological need theory, which contends that every-
one experiences need satisfaction and need dissatisfaction, regardless of circum-
stance, personality, or cultural background [4] [36]. According to this idea, eortful
control and behavioral regulation are crucial preconditions for both need satisfac-
tion and academic success [37–38]. The signicance of need satisfaction, however,
may also depend on other personal variables, such as SPS [12] [39]. SPS may aect the
signicance of need satisfaction for motivation and behavioral engagement within
a learning setting because students with greater SPS are more reactive to their envi-
ronment [6] [7] [31]. Interesting studies have looked at the connection between SPS
and behavior. The Pluess et al. study [29], which was based on attention, activation
control, and inhibitory control, showed that SPS was most signicantly positively
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The Role of Mobile Games and Environmental Factors in Improving Learning and Metacognitive Potential of Young Students
correlated with eortful control. This would indicate, in accordance with the SDT,
that students with higher SPS are better able to control their behavior, for example,
if they choose tasks that are within the range of their abilities (autonomy and com-
petence), get along with their peers (relatedness), and become actively involved in
class (behavioral engagement).
Furthermore, there is currently no convincing empirical evidence to establish
a major relationship between metacognition and SPS, despite studies looking into
this connection. The relationship between SPS and emotional intelligence, a notion
related to metacognition, was examined in one study by Acevedo et al. [40]. Despite a
minor positive correlation between SPS and emotional intelligence, the study found
that this relationship was not statistically signicant.
While there isn’t much direct evidence connecting metacognition and SPS in
terms of child learning, the separate lines of research we highlighted earlier imply
that both domains are important for child development and education in var-
ious ways. Our understanding of these aspects of children’s development will be
improved by further research in this area, which will also help to identify the most
eective educational strategies for helping kids improve intellectually, socially, and
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Gamication, which is dened as the use of game and mobile game design
elements in learning environments, has the potential to support early learn-
ing [41–42]. Children are more likely to be motivated to study when learning
activities are made more interesting and enjoyable, according to research [43].
Gamication can oer a more dynamic and immersive learning experience that
enables kids to grow in motivation, self-ecacy, and high-level thinking in a safe
and supervised environment [44]. By monitoring and evaluating each learner’s
progress, modifying the diculty, or oering tailored feedback to support learn-
ing, gamication can also allow for personalized adjustments to learning experi-
ences [45].
Additionally, the usage of information technologies in schooling may impact
metacognition and SPS. Despite the fact that there hasn’t been much research,
particularly looking at the relationships between information technologies in edu-
cation, metacognition, and SPS, there is some evidence to suggest that employ-
ing technology to promote both constructs may be advantageous. Regarding
metacognition, it has been suggested that SDT could serve as a crucial theoreti-
cal foundation for developing gamication-based educational interventions that
seek to improve students’ learning motivation and performance [46]. It has been
discovered that classrooms with technological enhancements encourage pupils
to become more aware of their own learning processes. For instance, a study by
Hadwin et al. [47] found that using a metacognitive tool within an online learning
environment improved students’ metacognitive awareness and ability to manage
their learning. SPS claims that there is currently no direct research on gamication
applications in kids’ education that take the learner’s environmental sensitivity
prole into account. Future research to further explore this topic may focus on
the precise gamication features that are eective for children with dierent sen-
sory processing proles. This topic of research is further developed in the section
that follows.
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A crucial component of learning and problem-solving that emerges progressively
throughout childhood is metacognition. According to some theories, metacognition
starts to take shape during childhood and improves with time, thanks to both learn-
ing and brain development. Children should be able to evaluate the accuracy of
their information around the age of six, according to Schraw and Moshman [48],
but it takes them until they are between the ages of 10 and 14 to be able to control
their cognition, which involves planning, monitoring, and evaluating. In a similar
vein, more recent observations suggest that during the early years of life, children
can reect on their performance, but there is a mismatch between the accuracy of
their evaluation and their actual measured performance [49]. Such skills for eec-
tive evaluation of their performance are developmental achievements that come
later in life [91]. In this area of inquiry, there are numerous contributors that have
been highlighted in empirical research, including training [50], task-relevant feed-
back and task diculty levels [49], and working memory [51].
The prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, default mode network, and hip-
pocampus are just a few of the brain regions that have been connected to metacog-
nitive functions in studies. In research employing functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI), Davidson et al. [52] carefully evaluated how cognitive control and
executive functions developed from 4 to 13 years of age. According to the study, the
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, a part of the brain linked to working memory and
cognitive control, became more active as people aged when performing activities
that required inhibitory control and task switching. A comprehensive explanation of
the brain mechanisms governing cognitive control was also suggested in Banich’s lit-
erature review on executive functions [53]. The anterior cingulate cortex, according
to the author, is engaged in conict monitoring and error detection, and it becomes
especially active when kids are given tasks that require them to keep track of their
own performance. In a similar vein, a more recent longitudinal fMRI study sought to
evaluate the neurobiological bases of nine- to ten-year-old children’s metacognitive
monitoring as they performed arithmetic tasks and gave performance assessments
[54]. According to the study, children’s left inferior frontal gyrus grew during the
problem-solving task and while engaging in a task involving procedural monitoring.
The observed eect was correlated with the participant’s arithmetic development
during a three-year developmental window, which also highlighted the matura-
tional procedures taking place on the prefrontal cortex and the corresponding devel-
opment of metacognitive monitoring.
In a study employing fMRI, Ghetti and Bunge [55] looked into the brain changes
that underlie the development of episodic memory during middle childhood. Age-
related increases in the hippocampus’ activity via tasks requiring memory integra-
tion and source watching suggest that this area is engaged, combining information
from several sources to support metacognitive assessment. Overall, these ndings
suggest that the maturation of the brain regions responsible for self-awareness,
monitoring, control, memory, and self-referential processing promotes the growth
of metacognition in young people. However, considering the known limited ver-
bal ability and working memory capacity in the early years of life [56], generat-
ing operational denitions and developing accurate neurocognitive measurements
of children’s metacognitive skills is a rather exigent task [57]. The particular brain
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mechanisms involved in metacognition and how they change as people age will
require more investigation using a variety of techniques and larger sample sizes.
It’s interesting to note that there is compelling evidence that both children and
adults share the same brain areas that are engaged in metacognition. Nevertheless,
depending on the precise metacognitive task presented, the participants’ precise
developmental stage, and the observed individual variations, the degree of activa-
tion within these regions varies among dierent ages [58]. In a study by Germine
et al. [59], the brain correlates of metacognition in a sample of children and adults
were examined using fMRI. When making metacognitive assessments of their own
performance, both groups exhibited activation in the prefrontal cortex, parietal cor-
tex, and anterior insula, according to their ndings. However, the adult individuals
showed higher activation in these areas compared to the kid participants, which
may indicate that adults’ metacognition relies more on these regions. Similar to this,
studies have revealed that as people age and gain experience, their prefrontal cortex
becomes more concentrated and ecient, which may support the development of
metacognitive abilities [52] [60].
The precise pattern of activity and functional connectivity within these regions
may change depending on the specic task requirements and the stage of develop-
ment, similar to how the anterior cingulate cortex, hippocampus, and fault mode
network are thought to play a role in metacognition in both children and adults [53]
[55] [61]. Overall, both children and adults have the brain regions involved in meta-
cognition, but depending on age and experience, these regions may develop and
operate dierently. To fully comprehend these brain regions’ developmental paths
and how they serve metacognitive functions across the lifespan, more research
is required.
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Research suggests that a number of brain areas are involved in sensory pro-
cessing and may have a role in changing sensitivity to sensory inputs, even though
the neurological mechanisms behind SPS in children are not fully understood. For
instance, the fMRI study by Acevedo and colleagues [62] compared the brain activity
of individuals with high and low SPS levels in reaction to emotional stimuli. The
activation of brain areas linked to depth of processing, memory, and physiological
regulation in response to emotional stimuli is positively correlated with SPS (and its
interaction with the early environment). The ndings demonstrated that those with
high SPS responded to emotional stimuli with more amygdala activation than indi-
viduals with low SPS, a brain region involved in processing emotional information.
One such brain part is the thalamus, which transmits bodily sensory information
to the relevant cortical regions for further processing. Young children’s SPS may be
related to the thalamus’s critical role in ltering sensory data and controlling the
ow of information to other brain regions. Accordingly, those with high SPS scores
displayed greater activation in the brain regions linked to the visual areas related to
ne visual distinctions [32]. Additionally, connections between higher SPS and the
activation of working memory and attention-related brain areas were reported by
an fMRI study conducted during a task demanding attending to context in the visual
landscape [63].
Electroencephalography (EEG) was also employed in a dierent study by
Jagiellowicz et al. [32] to look into how the brain reacts to auditory stimuli in people
with high and mild SPS. Overall, the processing of sensory information is probably
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mediated by the thalamus, primary sensory cortex, and amygdala. This may inu-
ence individual dierences in susceptibility to sensory inputs [40]. To fully compre-
hend the brain mechanisms underlying SPS in youngsters, more study is necessary.
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Gamied learning experiences have been proposed to be particularly aective
as they oer incentivised conditions that can assist in the engagement of learners in
goal-directed behavior [64]. Such an assumption is backed up by data demonstrat-
ing that incentives can enhance a specic set of cognitive processes that are critical
to learning [65] and incorporate working memory capacity [66–67]. An increasing
corpus of research is impressively highlighting the importance of games in educa-
tional procedures for children. These ndings imply that games can have a positive
eect on a number of cognitive functions and brain areas that support motivation
and learning. For instance, playing mobile games improved attentional control and
visuospatial skills in a randomized controlled trial study of young adults [68]. These
mental operations are essential for academic learning as well and can be improved
with gamication techniques. Another fMRI study looking at changes in brain
activity in response to a gamied math app in youngsters found that the brain’s
attention and numerical processing regions changed as the children’s math skills
increased [69]. In a similar vein, fMRI studies have documented that reward can
mediate the increased activity in prefrontal and parietal regions that are strongly
associated with working memory [70–72]. In activities involving the learning of
complicated mathematics, second language acquisition [73], spatial skills [74], and
learning in many other areas, activation of the dorsal fronto-parietal network has
been reported [75]. It’s interesting to note that there is evidence to suggest that
when attention is directed toward an external learning activity, the default-mode
network (DMN), another brain network linked to top-down modulation of atten-
tion and working memory, may become less active. More specically, it has been
found that the DMN activates when attention is diverted from self-referential tasks
(i.e., those involving autobiographical memory, theory of mind, and aective deci-
sion-making) [76–77].
Additionally, new research has identied emotions as key factors in ecient
learning. According to Greipl et al.’s [78] evaluation of neuro-functional activity pat-
terns when participants received feedback, they examined a wide range of brain
regions implicated in emotional and rewarding processes (such as the amygdala or
ventral tegmental area). The study revealed that mobile game-based learning can
support learning processes with the contribution of reward and emotional engage-
ment on a neurofunctional level. This evidence is in line with accumulating evi-
dence that suggests that the emotional engagement of learning can be impacted to
facilitate learning processes [79–81].
Overall, these ndings point to a positive inuence of gamication treatments on
cognitive functions and brain areas associated with learning and motivation. These
ndings show the potential of gamication in educational interventions for young
children, but more research is needed to fully comprehend the mechanisms under-
lying these outcomes and to pinpoint the most eective gamication strategies for
various learner types. However, how gamication features are planned and imple-
mented can greatly aect how eective they are. Gamication strategies must be
founded in motivation and learning research and tailored to the needs and abilities
of each learner.
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 
 
It would be crucial to consider the fundamental neurocognitive mechanisms
that cause individual dierences in learning if we wanted the gamication-based
learning experience to have the greatest impact on each learner. It’s important to
note that some evidence suggests the brain circuits responsible for SPS may also be
in charge of metacognition. It’s interesting to note that research reveals that meta-
cognition and game-based learning can both inuence various brain regions; how-
ever, the particular brain regions aected can vary depending on the individual,
the activity, and the situation. More specically, the insula, prefrontal cortex, and
anterior cingulate cortex are all active during metacognition. These areas medi-
ate executive functions such as attention, working memory, and decision-making
[82–83]. Gamication-based learning, however, has been demonstrated to activate
a number of brain regions associated with motivation, reward processing, and
attention. The amygdala, prefrontal cortex, and ventral striatum are a few of these
[84]. For instance, the ventral striatum is connected to the rewarding part of game-
based learning activities, but the prefrontal cortex is involved in planning and deci-
sion-making during these activities [80]. However, gamication-based learning and
metacognition have complicated and poorly understood impacts on the brain. Along
with the possible impacts of various gamication and metacognitive activities on
distinct brain regions, individual dierences in learning preferences and styles may
also be important.
To our knowledge, there isn’t any research that specically examines the function
of these components collectively with reference to the neurocognitive link between
SPS, meta-cognition, and game-based learning [85]. However, each of these elements
has a unique potential inuence on how the brain functions. For the employment of
game-based learning aids in the classroom, the aforementioned study on the neu-
rocognitive relationship between environmental sensitivity and metacognition may
have signicant ramications. The shared neural networks in metacognition and
SPS during development may have signicant eects on how well children learn
[62]. In a similar vein, gamication-based learning can also activate dierent areas
of the brain associated with reward, motivation, and attention that are critical in
early-year learning [65].
 
Designing successful educational interventions may require further investigation
in this eld of study. First of all, educators could better accommodate students with
high SPS by having a better grasp of the underlying brain networks. For instance,
children with high SPS may be more susceptible to environmental distractions
such as noise or bright lights, which can aect their learning potential. In order
to improve their ability to learn, their learning environment may be changed to
remove sensory distractions. Additionally, a deeper comprehension of the brain pro-
cesses underlying metacognition may help guide instructional strategies for devel-
oping metacognitive abilities in young learners [1]. Young learners could benet
from the development of metacognitive abilities by including tasks that encourage
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reection and self-awareness, such as journaling or self-evaluation activities. The
explicit teaching of thinking regulation and monitoring by educators could also aid
in improving the learning eciency of students [86].
One way that the research on the neurocognitive link between metacognition and
environmental sensitivity may be helpful in gamication applications is the creation
of mobile games that are better adapted to the demands of learners with high levels
of environmental sensitivity [79]. To make mobile games more pleasurable for peo-
ple with high SPS, mobile game designers may, for instance, provide options that let
learners adjust the sensory environment of the game, such as the ability to change
the brightness or volume. Designers could also add elements such as opportunities
for reection and feedback on learners’ performance that aid in the development of
metacognitive abilities [87]. Additionally, mobile game designers might include ele-
ments that call for learners to exercise inhibitory control or cognitive exibility, both
of which are frequently impaired in people with high SPS. In the mobile game, for
instance, having players pause and deliberate before choosing their course of action
might aid in the development of inhibitory control.
Research has shown that the neurological connection between metacognition,
contextual sensitivity, and gamication-based learning has important ramications
for the development of gamication applications in child learning [88]. Further
research into these relationships may also assist in guiding the creation of mobile
games that are better adapted to the demands of learners with lower executive
function or cognitive exibility, as seen in people with high SPS [89]. For example,
designers may include elements that make the player pause and consider their
choice before selecting it in the mobile game, helping students to build inhibitory
control. Additionally, designers could incorporate components that make students
switch between tasks using dierent sensory modalities, which helps with the devel-
opment of cognitive exibility.
Gamication and the understanding of the neurocognitive processes that under-
lie learning and development are both crucial to individualized instruction in spe-
cial education [90]. Dierentiated teaching is a strategy in which teachers adapt their
lessons to each student’s specic requirements and aptitudes. Teachers can design
a learning environment that is interesting, motivating, and matches the individual
needs of each student by incorporating gamication into diversied teaching prac-
tices. For children who have diculty processing sensory information, educators
can create gamication-based learning programs that provide sensory stimulation
in a regulated and adaptable manner. This will enable the student to progressively
adjust to the sensory environment. Overall, educators can tailor the learning envi-
ronment to each student’s needs by using techniques that highlight the neurocogni-
tive mechanisms that underlie learning and development. This will eventually lead
to improved academic and social results.
Overall, the evidence suggests that technology might be a useful tool for promoting
these dimensions in educational environments, while additional study is required
to properly understand the relationships between information technologies, meta-
cognition, and SPS. The use of information technologies in areas like personal-
ized learning, teamwork and communication, and data analysis can aid students
in growing their capacity for metacognition. Personalized education, for example,
can help students better understand their unique learning preferences and change
their techniques accordingly, while cooperation and communication can promote
metacognitive reection and problem solving. Students can develop metacognitive
self-regulation abilities and a better awareness of their strengths and shortcomings
by receiving feedback on their learning progress through data analytics, which
iJIM | Vol. 17 No. 18 (2023) International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM) 77
The Role of Mobile Games and Environmental Factors in Improving Learning and Metacognitive Potential of Young Students
helps them. Gamication applications for child learning may become more useful
and specialized if knowledge of the neurocognitive mechanisms behind SPS, meta-
cognition, and game-based learning is incorporated [79]. To completely comprehend
the connections between these constructs and their consequences for educational
interventions, more research is, however, required.
Finally, it’s critical to emphasize how benecial and productive all digital tech-
nologies are for the eld of education. The use of these technologies, which include
mobile devices [92–93], a range of ICT apps [94–95], and especially games [96], facil-
itates and improves educational processes, including evaluation, intervention, and
learning. In addition, the use of ICTs, theories and models of metacognition, mind-
fulness, meditation, and the development of emotional intelligence [97–108], speed
up and improve even more educational practices and outcomes, particularly for the
learning potential of young students.
More precisely, knowing the neurocognitive processes that underlie dierent
elements of learning can help parents and teachers better understand how to cre-
ate environments that support learning in children. The information regarding the
neurocognitive connection between metacognition and environmental sensitiv-
ity, as outlined in the present narrative review, could prove valuable in creating
gamication-based applications that are tailored to the requirements of learners
with varying cognitive proles, including individuals with hightened levels of envi-
ronmental sensitivity. Gamication apps should generally be designed with learn-
ers’ various needs and skill levels in mind, especially those with environmental
sensitivity proles. Educators and parents may help children develop crucial abili-
ties such as motivation and self-regulated learning by using tactics that target these
neurocognitive mechanisms. They can also give children an enjoyable and success-
ful learning experience.
On the other hand, information technologies can be used to create learning set-
tings that are more accommodating for children who have SPS. For instance, by
allowing students to pick the elements of their learning environment, personalized
learning platforms can oer them control over it. Additionally, compared to typical
classroom settings, virtual and augmented reality technology can provide students
with more immersive and interesting learning opportunities. In conclusion, the
employment of information technology in education may have an impact on both
metacognition and sensory processing sensitivity by giving students the chance to
practice metacognition. There is currently very little research examining the direct
impacts of such implementations on a person’s potential for metacognition and pro-
le of sensory processing.
 
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 
Antonios I. Christou is an Assistant Professor in Child Neurocognitive
Development at the University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece. He is currently the
Coordinator of the Section of Neuropsychology of the Hellenic Psychological Society
Stella Tsermentseli is an Associate Professor in Developmental Psychopa-
thology and Cognitive Functions at the University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece (E-mail:
Athanasios Drigas is a Research Director at N.C.S.R. ‘Demokritos’, Institute of
Informatics and Telecommunications–Net Media Lab & Mind-Brain R&D, Athens,
Greece (E-mail:
... The most current trend that has garnered significant attention all around the globe in recent years as a result of improvements in digital technology is gamification-based learning (to be specific) [30]. Student participation in the acquisition of English vocabulary may be stimulated via the use of gamification, which can also build unending passion among students [31], the development of psychological well-being [32], the practice of metacognition and sensory processing sensitivity [33], as well as the modification of behavior and the promotion of learning outcomes [34]. ...
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This study uses the Fisher-Yates shuffle (FYS) algorithm and the Honeycomb UX method to create a smartphone game to engage teens in history learning. Gaming technology has improved rapidly, creating more compelling educational techniques. Educational games are designed to boost students’ computation and cognition. Few studies have merged FYS and Honeycomb in mobile history instructional games. This study uses an innovative technique to instruct young people about history. Smartphones are developed and evaluated using the FYS for randomization and the Honeycomb UX for user experience. Few studies have integrated these two aspects into mobile educational and historical games. According to a survey, this game improves teen historical knowledge and interest. Honeycomb UX testing yielded an average score of 3.75, suggesting user approval. In conclusion, algorithms and UX in educational games can increase local history knowledge.
... 578 respectively (Zholaushievna et al., 2022). And m-learning based systems provide access to resources and activities from mobile devices, while simulators and virtual environments offer immersive experiences for practicing skills in a controlled environment (Christou et al., 2023). These variants reflect the diversity of different teachinglearning systems, enriching the teaching and learning process. ...
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Mathematical skills are fundamental to students' cognitive and practical development and are essential to their academic and professional success. The implementation of effective teaching-learning systems is crucial to facilitate the acquisition of these competencies, providing students with tools and methodologies that promote a deep and lasting understanding of mathematical concepts, these systems must be interactive, adaptive and designed to address the individual needs of students, ensuring that each student can reach his or her maximum potential. This paper seeks to identify the methods used in the implementation of these systems, the technology and the relevant factors for their construction. The results show that gamification and game-based learning are popular and effective methods, while block-based programming is considered to be efficient. Factors include curriculum design, interactivity and content. Among the most used technologies, scratch and virtual reality (VR) are mentioned.
... Moreover, reflecting on lifelong learning, the PST was concerned with developing identity as a learner and transferring learning to other contexts. Educational experts emphasize that metacognition is critical to both teaching and learning [38][39][40][41][42][43]. Therefore, they highlight the importance of developing PSTs' metacognitive skills as both learners [44] and teachers [45]. ...
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Digital video recordings (DVRs) have become an effective tool in sustainable teacher education. In the current study, our aim was to investigate the impact of utilizing mobile applications for DVRs in classroom activities, designed to address misconceptions of mathematical concepts, on pre-service teachers’ capacity of reflective thinking. Two groups of approximately 10 PSTs participated in an education program. The participants learned as third-year students in the Department of Mathematics Education. Interviews and digital video-recorded observations were used as data collection tools. Deductive and inductive content analysis would be used as data analysis tools. The study showed that the DVR environment constituted a sustainable educational environment that supported PSTs’ development in writing reflections on their mathematics teaching. These results underscore the significance of using digital platforms for PSTs’ education, particularly for promoting metacognitive thinking practices such as reflective thinking.
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This study examines the impact of mobile gaming on Islamic Religious Education (Indonesian: PAI) learning outcomes using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Conducted at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 1 Tulungagung, the research utilized surveys and documentation for data collection. Analysis, carried out with JASP software, began with Explanatory Factor Analysis (EFA) to uncover data structures, followed by Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to validate these structures. The findings indicate that excessive mobile gaming negatively affects PAI learning outcomes, whereas positive perceptions of gaming are associated with improved academic performance. The SEM analysis reveals intricate relationships among gaming activity, student perceptions, and learning outcomes, suggesting that while gaming can boost engagement, it may also hinder academic focus if not managed appropriately. The study further explores how motivation and engagement with specific game genres-such as MOBA, Battle Royale, and RPG-might differentially influence PAI learning outcomes. However, the current SEM analysis does not directly address these genre-specific effects, highlighting the need for additional research. In conclusion, the study emphasizes the necessity of balanced integration of mobile gaming in educational contexts and provides practical recommendations for educators and policymakers to navigate these challenges effectively.
This study examines the impact of mobile gaming on Islamic Religious Education (Indonesian: PAI) learning outcomes using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Conducted at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 1 Tulungagung, the research utilized surveys and documentation for data collection. Analysis, carried out with JASP software, began with Explanatory Factor Analysis (EFA) to uncover data structures, followed by Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to validate these structures. The findings indicate that excessive mobile gaming negatively affects PAI learning outcomes, whereas positive perceptions of gaming are associated with improved academic performance. The SEM analysis reveals intricate relationships among gaming activity, student perceptions, and learning outcomes, suggesting that while gaming can boost engagement, it may also hinder academic focus if not managed appropriately. The study further explores how motivation and engagement with specific game genres—such as MOBA, Battle Royale, and RPG—might differentially influence PAI learning outcomes. However, the current SEM analysis does not directly address these genre-specific effects, highlighting the need for additional research. In conclusion, the study emphasizes the necessity of balanced integration of mobile gaming in educational contexts and provides practical recommendations for educators and policymakers to navigate these challenges effectively.
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Memory is one of the most vital cognitive functions, affecting almost all aspects of human life. Meta-memory is considered a special part of metacognition that enables humans to acquire mnemonic knowledge and meta-skills to take control of their memory functions. In the digital era, the use of mobile applications to improve memory is constantly gaining ground, while virtual reality is considered a promising technology for memory rehabilitation. The current study aimed to present a metamemory framework based on eight fundamental principles of metacognition. The theoretical model is complemented by a set of meta-mnemonic strategies while emphasizing the role of virtual reality and mobile applications in metamemory skills training. The metamemory strategies framework supported by virtual reality and mobile applications provides a training paradigm for implementation in general, special, and vocational education.
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To succeed in online distance learning where students are physically separated from teachers and peers, students must develop self-regulated learning skills to effectively manage their learning process. This study examined how students with different demographic backgrounds adopt or fail to adopt self-regulated learning to engage in online distance learning. Survey data were collected from 295 students at Indonesia Open University. Although students’ online learning self-efficacy and online self-regulated learning were above average, they reported low levels of confidence and abilities to seek help, develop task strategies, and allocate time for online learning. Their online self-regulated learning and online learning self-efficacy were significantly correlated. However, there were no significant relationships between online self-regulated learning and learning performance, and between online learning self-efficacy and learning performance. Furthermore, female and/or older students reported lower learning performance than male and younger students. Qualitative data from open-ended questions were analyzed to interpret the quantitative results. Recommendations for stakeholders of open universities were made to assist in students’ improvement of self-regulated learning skills and to address equity issues in Indonesian online distance learning and similar contexts.
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Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Aldous Huxley, Sergei Rachmanicoff, Chopin, Goethe. What do these people have in common? They all used hypnosis to explore and expand the boundaries of their intelligence. The aim of the current review is to investigate the impact of clinical hypnosis on Metacognition, Consciousness and Intelligence based on the counterpart model. Furthermore, we examine the role of virtual reality hypnosis in service of metacognition. The results showed that clinical hypnosis-with the power of attention and imagery-can effectively and rapidly reformat cognitive and metacognitive skills, upgrade intelligence and raise conscious experience into the higher energy levels. Hypnosis improves metacognition by reorganizing the survival-emotional-reward centers, smoothing the non-verbal pathways for effortless self-regulation. We concluded that the clinical hypnosis guarantees peak performance, innovation, success, and happiness in all areas of life. It can also play a significant role in education as a tool for dealing with the well-established learned weaknesses, for mental/emotional training and brain rewiring, facilitating learning, unlearning and relearning. Virtual reality hypnosis is a top promising technology assisting metacognitive training.
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Emotional intelligence constitutes an important 21st century skill that impacts positively several areas of everyday life. It contains competencies that enhance the ability of other significant skills for self-development. The main purpose of this study is to present the way we can develop and improve our emotional intelligence based on the pyramid model and its nine layers. To achieve this goal, the paper seeks to address the following question: What are the metacognitive and metaemotional skills and strategies that can play a key role in developing, enhancing and improving emotional intelligence? Extensive reference is made to the skills that involved in each layer and have been identified as necessary and should be cultivated by the individual leading gradually to the higher levels of self-actualization and transcendence. Furthermore, we suggest some strategies in each layer that work auxiliary and supportive for the cultivation of the specific skills. Metacognitive and metaemotional skills and strategies are necessary to conquer the levels of emotional intelligence and to apply in a variety of contexts
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Clinical hypnosis is becoming increasingly recognized as a valuable clinical intervention for a wide range of psychological and medical problems. The current review paper seeks to determine the role of clinical hypnosis in learning difficulties, emotional or behavioral problems and physical disabilities. In addition, we co-examine the effectiveness of virtual/augmented reality hypnosis. Finally, we discuss the possible uses of clinical hypnosis within the educational settings. The results showed that hypnosis may hold the keys for new types of metacognitive strategies based on non-verbal pathways of effortless self-regulation. We are on the eve of a new philosophy in special education, open to groundbreaking intervention strategies that recognize the fundamental role of subconsciousness in the treatment of learning and other disabilities. Clinical hypnosis seems to be a promising strategy with high potential to be applied in the educational settings.
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p>The development and the cultivation of emotional intelligence and of the skills it can offer to the individual are the main elements and pursuits of contemporary research. The enhancement of self-control, the reinforcement of self-criticism and self-awareness and the cultivation of the constant self-development are the most central objectives of all the people and of the scientists since they are the cornerstone for euphoria. The aim of the present study is the review and the critical reproduction of information and conclusions that have been extracted from the international bibliography regarding the issue in question. More specifically, there will be an effort to evaluate and present the significance of the activities of virtual reality and of augmented reality that contribute to the development of emotional intelligence skills. Along the same lines, there will be an important review of the articles that refer to the exploitation of such digital tools, to achieve the same results for the people suffering from autism as well. Besides, the care for all the members of the society with no exceptions, and certainly of those members that suffer from mental retardation, should be of upmost importance. The present article focuses on the role that those tools play for the amplification of the skills in the sphere of emotional intelligence not only as far as the duration of the research is concerned.</p
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Accumulating evidence identifies emotions as drivers of effective learning. In parallel, game-based learning was found to emotionally engage learners, allegedly harnessing the fundamental tie between emotions and cognition. Questioning further whether and how game-based learning elicit emotional processes, the current fMRI study examined the neurofunctional correlates of game-based learning by directly comparing a game-based and a non-game-based version of a digital learning task. We evaluated neurofunctional activation patterns within a comprehensive set of brain areas involved in emotional and reward processes (e.g. amygdala or ventral tegmental area) when participants received feedback. With only a few exceptions, decoding of these brain areas’ activation patterns indicated predominantly stronger relative activation in the game-based task version. As such, our results substantiate on a neurofunctional level that game-based learning leads to an invigoration of learning processes through processes of reward and emotional engagement.
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p class="0abstract">Emotional intelligence is significant, and it is an integral key to successful intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships. High emotional intelligence strengthens individuals with additional abilities and skills necessary in personal and working life. This study aims to develop Nine Layer Pyramid Model Questionnaire, a reliable and valid measurement instrument of emotional intelligence, based on the theoretical nine-layer pyramid model of emotional intelligence which illustrates hierarchically the abilities and skills that people need to possess to reach the top of emotional intelligence. Models of emotional intelligence and literature on it were investigated, and tool with 81 items was developed. The question items were in full correlation with the levels of the pyramid model. Data were collected through self-reports from 520 teachers from primary and secondary school grade. Results via statistical analysis indicated that the scale is a reliable and valid instrument in measuring emotional intelligence and showing which level they have achieved better and at which level improvements are needed. </p
The goal of this article is to review the empirical evidence of metacognition and its role in early childhood development and education. Metacognition is the ability to monitor and regulate one’s thinking, which supports meaningful, life-long learning. Metacognition is well studied in elementary and higher education; however, it is often overlooked in early childhood. This paper synthesizes research studies from the last few decades to provide readers with a conceptual understanding of the history, development, measurements, applications, and future directions of metacognition in the early years.
It is widely recognized that flipped learning has great potential for enhancing students’ conceptual understanding through the reversed arrangement of before-class learning activities and in-class settings. However, this approach also raises the challenge of students having to obtain the learning content by themselves, especially for abstract concepts such as fractions, where students frequently encounter problems in mathematics education. In this study, we proposed a gamified interactive e-book approach to supporting a flipped mathematics classroom. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, a quasi-experimental study was implemented in an elementary school mathematics course. There were three groups: the students who adopted the gamified interactive e-book in the mathematical flipped classroom (the GIEBFL group), the students who learned with conventional flipped learning (the CFL group), and those who learned with traditional instruction (the TI group). The results from a paper-and-pencil test indicated that the GIEBFL students significantly outperformed the CFL and TI students. In addition, the questionnaire of students’ learning motivation showed that the GIEBFL students had better motivation than the CFL and TI students. Also, the GIEBFL students achieved significantly higher meta-cognition tendency than the TI students.