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The psychological impacts of content moderation on content moderators: A qualitative study


Abstract and Figures

Content moderation generally refers to the practice of monitoring user generated content and applying a set of rules defining what is acceptable. As a result, Content Moderators (CMs) are responsible for reviewing and removing harmful online material, which has the potential to cause psychological harm. However, little is known about the perceived impacts of the job. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 commercial CMs who were exposed to child sexual abuse material (CSAM) as part of their job. Interviews were analysed using framework analysis to investigate any psychological impacts. Results demonstrated that CMs manifested with a range of symptoms consistent with experiencing repeated trauma. This included experiencing intrusive thoughts of CSAM, triggered by situations with similar contexts to those encountered at work, avoidance of children and negative cognitive and emotional effects such as cynicism, anxiety and detachment. These symptoms fit into a framework of post traumatic and secondary traumatic stress and suggest CMs wellbeing and exposure to stressful stimuli may be comparable to professionals working in the emergency services or caring professions, such as social workers. These personnel are at heightened risk of various problems including compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma and burnout. Companies which employ moderators should learn from these comparable professions and provide psychoeducation and trauma-informed care to CMs which have been demonstrated to help mitigate these challenges.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Spence, R., Bifulco, A., Bradbury, P., Martellozzo, E., & DeMarco, J. (2023). The psychological impacts of content
moderation on content moderators: A qualitative study. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on
Cyberspace, 17(4), Article 8.
The Psychological Impacts of Content Moderation on Content
Moderators: A Qualitative Study
Ruth Spence, Antonia Bifulco, Paula Bradbury, Elena Martellozzo, & Jeffrey DeMarco
Centre for Abuse and Trauma Studies, Middlesex University, London, UK
Content moderation generally refers to the practice of monitoring user generated
content and applying a set of rules defining what is acceptable. As a result, Content
Moderators (CMs) are responsible for reviewing and removing harmful online material,
which has the potential to cause psychological harm. However, little is known about the
perceived impacts of the job. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with
11 commercial CMs who were exposed to child sexual abuse material (CSAM) as part
of their job. Interviews were analysed using framework analysis to investigate any
psychological impacts. Results demonstrated that CMs manifested with a range
of symptoms consistent with experiencing repeated trauma. This included experiencing
intrusive thoughts of CSAM, triggered by situations with similar contexts to those
encountered at work, avoidance of children and negative cognitive and emotional
effects such as cynicism, anxiety and detachment. These symptoms fit into a framework
of post traumatic and secondary traumatic stress and suggest CMs wellbeing and
exposure to stressful stimuli may be comparable to professionals working in the
emergency services or caring professions, such as social workers. These personnel are
at heightened risk of various problems including compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma
and burnout. Companies which employ moderators should learn from these
comparable professions and provide psychoeducation and trauma-informed care
to CMs which have been demonstrated to help mitigate these challenges.
Keywords: child sexual abuse material; content moderation; trauma; post-
traumatic stress disorder; work stress
Editorial Record
First submission received:
November 27, 2022
Revisions received:
March 29, 2023
July 14, 2023
Accepted for publication:
August 7, 2023
Editor in charge:
Lenka Dedkova
Social media and the internet have become ubiquitous. It is estimated that nearly three billion people use
Facebook each day (Facebook, 2022b), while Instagram has 2 billion active users (Statista, 2022). However, with
the freedom to share information comes the ability to upload and distribute more troubling content. In the second
quarter of 2022 alone, Facebook actioned 20.4 million pieces of child sexual exploitation (Facebook, 2022a). The
increasing amount of user generated uploaded content means that companies need to hire more and more
content moderators (CMs), these are the individuals who evaluate and remove material that is flagged by users as
harmful or in violation of platform policy.
There is a wealth of evidence that exposure to other peoples trauma at work affects wellbeing and mental health
(e.g., Léonard et al., 2020; Ralph, 2020) and research focusing on CMs suggest they suffer from impacts similar to
those found in other professionals (Steiger et al., 2021). However, despite a growing number of businesses
employing moderators (Fact.MR, 2022), research attempting to evaluate the impact on CMs has largely focused
on volunteer moderators (Cook et al., 2022; Schöpke-Gonzalez et al., 2022). It is likely that volunteer and
commercial CMs have distinct working conditions, likely leading to experiencing the role differently, in that it may
be associated with different expectations, training, and levels of support (Burns et al., 2008).
The present study was designed to qualitatively explore any psychological impacts in commercial CMs. This was
to illustrate the potential difficulties experienced within their roles, while also providing information for more
effective work practice in this field. The use of in-depth semi-structured interviews allows participants to express
themselves freely and articulate a diversity of experiences. The results can be used to inform organisations about
how the work may affect employees and therefore what types of support should be put in place. Indeed, without
a sound understanding of any specific psychological effects on CMs, attempts to ameliorate or counter any
impacts could be misguided or even harmful (Wessely et al., 2000). This would impede efficiencies within the role
and could adversely affect staff retention and recruitment. In the remainder of this introduction, a review of the
different work environments populated by CMs and how the work CMs undertake might give rise to psychological
difficulties is considered.
The Work of a Content Moderator
CMs enforce the online rules which tell users how to behave and what content is acceptable on a particular
internet site (Gerrard, 2022). Some sites use a community reliant approach where communities define their own
standards that are then put into effect by volunteer moderators, whilst other sites use an industrial approach,
where workers are employed to enforce a set of standardised rules (Caplan, 2018). As such, the ways in which CMs
are employed vary. Whilst some are volunteers, paid moderators can range from in-house workers employed
directly by the company needing moderation; to boutique firms specialising in content moderation for other
companies; to outsourced third party vendors and microlabour platforms (Roberts, 2019). This means CMs can
experience a range of working conditions where some have less workplace protection as technically, they are not
employees - thus the company requiring moderation work has a level of plausible deniability to the harm faced
by these CMs (Barrett, 2020; Roberts, 2019).
Nevertheless, CMs play a critical role in protecting firms reputations, ensuring online platforms do not become
unusable, hostile spaces that are unprofitable for these business (Drootin, 2021). Furthermore, they shape what
is seen online as they make hundreds of daily decisions, and for some this can be with limited oversight (Parks,
2019). In 2014 Chen estimated there were over 100,000 paid CMs worldwide. It is likely that in the intervening
years this number has increased. In 2021 Messenger and Simmons reported Facebook and Instagram had
expanded their moderation workforce to 15,000 people, and companies continue to hire more with a proliferation
of businesses that specialise in brand protection and moderation (Fact.MR, 2022). These figures do not include
the numerous unpaid CMs used by sites like Reddit (Witynski, 2022).
As part of their role, material deemed offensive or harmful is sorted into queues and sent to CMs for review where
they must make decisions about suitability in line with the set of policies they are currently enforcing (Ahmad &
Krzywdzinski, 2022). CMs can be required to view depictions of child sexual abuse and violence, as well as less
graphic but no less noxious content that displays cruelty, humiliation and discrimination. Thus, moderators
engage in emotional labour as they are expected to regulate their own emotions when exposed to this material,
as well as during interactions with users as they work to represent the platform (Steiger et al., 2021). The content
they view can range from text, to still photos to explicit video and the amount of time spent viewing material
varies; it can however be substantial in terms of hours every working day (Dwoskin, 2019). In addition, CMs have
to maintain high accuracy levels and throughput quotas to meet acceptable job performance standards, which
contribute to stress above that which might be experienced through viewing the content alone (Dwoskin et al.,
2019; Wohn, 2019). Dwoskin et al. (2019) described how moderators had their performance regularly audited and
were expected to maintain an accuracy score of over 95 percent when identifying and correctly removing harmful
content in accordance with company standards.
There is a body of evidence highlighting the consequences of chronic job-related stress or exposure to difficult or
traumatic content at work being serious and long-lasting (Vasconcelos et al., 2021). Research with front-line
professionals such as first responders has revealed that exposure to other peoples traumatic experiences can
lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a disorder that can develop after exposure to actual or threatened
death, serious injury, or sexual violence either directly, through experiencing or witnessing the event, or
experiencing repeated or extreme exposure to aversive details of the traumatic event(s). It is marked by intrusion,
avoidance, negative symptoms and hyperarousal (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Professionals in caring
professions such as social workers and therapists who are exposed to second-hand accounts of trauma can
develop syndromes such as secondary traumatic stress (STS), vicarious trauma (VT) and burnout (Craig & Sprang,
2010; Greinacher et al., 2019; Lee et al., 2018). These have been referred to as the cost of caring and relate to the
stress reaction experienced by someone in response to anothers distress (Figley, 1995). STS has similar symptoms
to PTSD such as intrusive thoughts, hyperarousal and hypervigilance, as does VT, although it is also associated
with a transformation of self-image and worldview (Foley & Massey, 2021; Krause, 2009). Burnout is characterised
by emotional exhaustion, cynicism and reduced feelings of accomplishment (Brady, 2017; OMalley et al., 2019).
This is also true for professions not traditionally considered front-line staff. For example, journalists exposed to
traumatic events while working with difficult content such as child abuse, child cruelty, war and aviation accidents,
report higher levels of PTSD and the internalization of guilty cognitions (Browne et al., 2012). Drone pilots involved
in military operations have reported higher levels of burnout, and an increased likelihood of developing anxiety,
depression and PTSD (Asaro, 2013). Judges and lawyers report sleep disturbances, feeling isolated, concentration
problems and interpersonal issues (Jaffe et al., 2003; Léonard et al., 2020). Lastly, police officers who specialise in
internet child exploitation and are repeatedly exposed to images and videos of child abuse as part of their
investigations show raised rates of STS, mental health difficulties and absenteeism (Bourke & Craun, 2014; Ralph,
2020). Furthermore, disorders such as PTSD, STS and burnout are often comorbid with other mental health
problems such as depression and anxiety and in some cases their onsets are linked (e.g., Hakanen et al., 2008;
Schindel-Allon et al., 2010).
Anecdotal accounts from investigative journalists suggest the work of CMs places them at risk for a range of
psychopathological difficulties. CMs report anxiety, depression, nightmares, fatigue and panic attacks, with their
relationships and physical health also affected (Newton, 2019, 2020b). Both Microsoft and Facebook have been
sued for substantial sums by CMs who developed PTSD on the job and held the companies responsible (Ghoshal,
2017; Newton, 2020a). Similarly, academic research highlights high stress levels and fatigue (Cook et al., 2022) and
symptoms of insomnia, anxiety, low mood and experiencing intrusive images (Benjelloun & Otheman, 2020) and
work by Roberts (2019) found that although CMs would report not being negatively impacted by the work they
would demonstrate via anecdotes that the work was affecting them and their relationships.
More broadly, moderators have reported feeling burnout and emotionally exhausted (Dosono & Semaan, 2019;
Riedl et al., 2020; Schöpke-Gonzalez et al., 2022), apathy (Lo, 2018) and underappreciated (Wohn, 2019), as well as
being harassed by users or feeling guilty for enforcing rules or taking actions they do not necessarily agree with
(Dosono & Semaan, 2019; Wohn, 2019). Moral injury occurs when someone acts, fails to prevent or bears witness
to acts that transgress their moral beliefs (Litz et al., 2009) and therefore for some, the work of CMs could manifest
as moral injury. Indeed, a mismatch between the community and moderators values is associated with quitting
in volunteer moderators (Schöpke-Gonzalez et al., 2022).
Nevertheless, some individuals inevitably are more susceptible to trauma than others and there is individual
variability to the degree of negative impact as a result of the role (Powell et al., 2015). People exposed to trauma
can experience post-traumatic growth, whereby their coping leads to a greater sense of purpose and life meaning
(Steiger, 2020). A survey of internet child exploitation police officers found they had higher wellbeing than a
normative adult sample (Tomyn et al., 2015), and similarly, a study of volunteer moderators found low levels of
STS (Schöpke-Gonzalez et al., 2022). Organisational support can also raise feelings of compassion satisfaction
where the focus rests on the benefits rather than costs of the job, and positive feelings are experienced when
helping someone who has been traumatised (Brady, 2017; Hunsaker et al., 2015). This can act as a buffer against
compassion fatigue, STS and burnout (Brady, 2017; Conrad & Kellar-Guenther, 2006). Thus, the role of CM may
produce significant stress for some, but not all.
The evidence suggests that content moderation is associated with a variety of negative impacts, although it is
possible for some individuals the work will be associated with positive effects. To date, there have been few
academic studies that explore what impacts the demands of the job might engender and many that have been
conducted have focused on the experience of volunteer CMs (e.g., Dosono & Semaan, 2019; Lo, 2018; Wohn, 2019).
However, volunteer moderators may experience different types of psychological distress due to their distinct
motivational factors and the range of activities they engage in which commercial CMs do not (Matias, 2019). The
current study aims to qualitatively explore the impact of the job on commercial CMs, with the objective of using
these results to highlight areas where problems may arise. Specifically, the study set out to investigate a) what, if
any, behavioural changes moderators may experience due to their job and b) how, if at all, the work affects their
relationships with others. The findings can act as a first step to guide larger scale studies on the impacts.
Eleven CMs with experience of moderating CSAM were recruited. Initial recruitment was through online
advertising on social media platforms and utilising existing networks, with further recruitment relying on a
snowball technique where interviewees provided the research teams details to potential participants.
Participation was voluntary and CMs were not remunerated for their time. Moderators who wanted to participate
were given an information sheet which explained the study and outlined that they had to have experience of
moderating CSAM. All participants were given the opportunity to ask questions before, during and after
involvement. There was no minimum requirement with regards to how much exposure a participant had as the
study was interested in exploring various CM experiences. All participants spoke English but for the majority it was
not their native language. Specific employment-related details such as the participants employer or specific sites
they may have moderated were not requested, however at the beginning of each interview participants were
asked to outline what their job entailed and confirm they were exposed to CSAM as part of their work. All
participants worked full-time as CMs either for commercial companies or CSAM specific hotlines. The sample
included six females and five males, from eight countries: the Netherlands, UK, Ireland, Germany, Brazil, Colombia,
Malaysia and India.
All participants took part in an online interview, and could participate with their camera on or off. Interviews were
administered by two of the research team and were conducted from April to June 2022. They ranged in duration
from 47 to 78 minutes, with average interview time of an hour. The interviews all followed a similar structure with
participants asked about their role, how the material affected them, how they coped, other occupational stressors,
how the job was perceived by others and the impact of COVID on their working conditions. This paper focuses on
data relating to impacts of the work. Interviewers asked open-ended questions and follow up probes were used
as needed to elicit further information and clarify answers. Informed consent was recorded verbally before the
interview commenced. Ethical approval was granted for the study by the universitys psychology research ethics
committee (ref: 20888). The interviewers did not specifically ask about non-disclosure agreements (NDAs;
contracts CMs may be required to sign that prohibit them from talking about their work) but anonymity and
confidentiality were guaranteed through the use of participant codes, and participants personal details were not
stored. All data was secured on password protected drives in line with Data Protection and UK GDPR regulations
and the interview recordings were deleted after transcription.
Data Analysis
All interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim and anonymised through removal of identifiable
information. A Framework approach was used to analyse the data (Gale et al., 2013). This enables in-depth
exploration of the data whilst making the process of data analysis transparent and is particularly suited to the
analysis of cross-sectional descriptive data (Ritchie & Lewis, 2003). It involved six stages, Familiarisation: the
transcripts are read repeatedly to enable familiarisation with the data and identify key themes. Coding: descriptive
or conceptual labels are systematically applied to interesting or notable excepts of raw data. The coding
framework is then discussed and agreed by the research team. Developing an analytical framework: codes are
grouped into categories representing interrelated ideas or concepts. Applying the analytical framework: the codes
and categories are applied across all the transcripts. Entering the data into the framework matrix: a spreadsheet is
used to generate a matrix. In the matrix, each column represents a key category and each row represents an
individual participant. The summarised data from each transcript are entered into the matrix so each cell
represents a category by participant. Interpreting the data: the final analytic stage involves working through the
data in the matrix, drawing out the range of experiences and views expressed during the interviews, identifying
similarities and differences across participants, and interrogating the data to seek to explain emergent patterns
and findings.
The CMs reported a number of different impacts across a variety of domains, particularly emotional and cognitive.
They also discussed factors that exacerbated work stress aside from the content. The identified themes and sub-
themes are presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Themes Identified Through Framework Analysis.
Superordinate Themes
Impact Awareness
Barriers to talking about impacts, Harmful Content
Desensitisation, Keeping a distance from victims, Suitability, View of Self,
Sensitivity to Some Material
Negative Cognitive Changes
Thoughts of CSAM, Hypervigilance Regarding Children, Incompatible with
Family Life, World is Darker Place, Cynical Views of People
Emotional Toll
Anger, Anxiety, Mental Health, Fatigue, Sleep Disturbance, Self-Care,
Effects Relationships
Stressful Work Environment
Respect, Ill-Equipped, Quotas
Impact Awareness
Regardless of if CMs felt they were personally affected by the work, there was an awareness amongst all the
moderators that the content they were being exposed to was harmful and had the potential to affect them long-
I think the turnovers always higher in the more problematic content. We didnt see that much
turnover in terms of bullying or election misinformation or adult nudity because those policies are,
that kind of content doesnt really traumatise you as much as the other ones. (CM8)
Nevertheless, some CMs did assert they were unaffected by the job. However, further probing always elicited
either current or past examples of difficulties. The reluctance to talk about impacts was notable and possibly
reflects attitudes towards the work, such as not wanting to talk about the difficulties, because they agreed to take
on the job and accepted that exposure to content was part of their profession. Additionally, many effects may
come on gradually and may be hard for CMs to recognise, quantify and put into words. CMs are aware that
something has changed and can talk about being affected in general, but find it difficult to identify specifics. It
has an effect on you detrimentally when youre on your own. It affects your imagination in ways that you cant
quantify, but it still affects you. (CM3)
Therefore, although all CMs gave examples of how they had been negatively affected by their role, the level of
distress caused and insight about effects varied. A couple reported they could not identify any impacts within
themselves and viewing traumatic content was just their job but noticed impacts in others, or gave examples of
impacts that occurred in the past, possibly reflecting that any effects or symptoms associated with the work
change over time for some CMs.
Associated with change in effects over time was the ability of CMs to detach from the material. It seemed after the
initial shock of viewing content, a common way to cope with the feelings evoked was to shut down emotionally.
This ability seemed to develop over the first few months in the job and enabled CMs to look at content without
experiencing any adverse reactions. They kind of get used to see those tickets and to see that kind of content and
its like they transform into robots and suppressing their emotions and stuff like that. (CM7)
In particular, CMs tried to keep an emotional distance from the victims. This both involved remaining analytical,
but also a conscious effort not to think about the children as people or think about what had happened to those
victims both before and after that particular piece of content was created.
Im just trying to keep my mind to analysing the material, and its been working so far... It helps me
because then I dont remind myself that its actual people and actual stuff that happened. It helps me
to just think about it as something like a TV series that theyre analysing or whatever. (CM1)
However, others struggled with maintaining that boundary and could not remain detached from the victims. This
resulted in them subjecting themselves to the content more than they had to as a result.
That child, when on his own, showed his trauma and as a reviewer I kind of think this is my
responsibility to make sure that, even if I do it years after the event happened, its my responsibility
to make sure that the child in some way wasnt on his own going through this trauma. (CM9)
At the extreme end the emotional blunting could turn into desensitisation, where CMs became anesthetised to
what they were witnessing. Although perhaps an adaptive response overall, it made a couple of CMs question
themselves and if their ability to do the work meant there was something wrong with them. However, it may be
that those who were unable to turn off their emotional response in this way did not last long in the job.
If you see a child being sexually abused how do you look at this in a numb way or can you ever look
at it? It leads to a lot of burnout. A lot of people in the child sexual exploitation or terrorism spheres
particularly have a quick turnaround in terms of the work that they do because its traumatic for them.
Its not something that people want to view. (CM8)
Desensitisation did not occur across all content. Some CMs had personal sensitivities and reported certain types
of content continued to be upsetting, even after they had adjusted to what they were being exposed to overall.
This could be both in terms what was in the content but also across different types of content, e.g., text rather
than images was more disturbing for some. My trigger is bestiality. I cannot work on the bestiality content, but I
had to do it at some point, and it was really tough for me because I have my dog. (CM5)
Negative Cognitive Changes
CMs experienced intrusive thoughts and discussed how images of CSAM remained in their minds after initial
exposure. The intrusive thoughts were generally associated with feelings of psychological distress or unease.
So that was quite disturbing for that moment. Yes, I did take about two or three days off from work
after that... I was not physically ill. It just was immediate that I couldnt take off my head from that.
CMs reported that intrusive thoughts were particularly prevalent during, and indeed triggered by, sexual relations
with their partners. This often resulted in them having to stop and/or deliberately distract themselves from
thoughts of CSAM. This could leave them questioning their sexuality and reduced feelings of intimacy within the
Same with my own sexuality, sometimes I say to my boyfriend, just let me have a minute for myself
and then Ill try to bring my thoughts to nice thoughts and then its okay, but that wasnt there before.
Thats new since I started the job. (CM2)
The presence of children also appeared to trigger thoughts of CSAM and worry about child welfare. In a couple of
cases this even led to CMs trying to avoid children, especially situations where a child might become upset as this
was particularly distressing and triggered or intensified intrusive thoughts of CSAM. CMs who had children
particularly struggled with the content and it was reported that staff often left the job when they were either
planning on or having children of their own, demonstrating a recognition that having children would impact their
ability to do the work. CMs in general demonstrated heightened concerns about child safety and feeling more
protective of children.
When my aunt had her child… I tried to explain to her what’s happening, what’s actually happening…
and that you need to be more attentive as a parent when youre leaving your child even to a simple
game. Its not just a game anymore. (CM7)
More general changes in cognition were also evident, with the exposure to disturbing content leading to the
development of a more negative world view. CMs talked about having lived in a bubble or having been sheltered
but that their job had revealed another darker side of the world. This was also associated with the development
of a cynical view of people and their behaviour. This general distrust of others experienced by CMs could result in
difficulties with interpersonal relationships. In particular, a couple of female CMs expressed concerns about men
in general as they developed suspicions of their possible involvement in perpetrating or watching CSAM. As a
result, some described experiencing a more general loss of hope and fewer positive emotions.
But sometimes I feel like my joy has been taken away from life. Its not in a very serious way but, I
dont know, I just see the world a little bit less colourful. Yes, its a bit difficult to explain, but I guess I
know now how dark the world can be. (CM1)
Emotional Toll
The work also took an emotional toll on CMs. Many talked about feelings of anger or frustration and this was
discussed generally in the context of the content, feeling anger when they thought about what they had seen or
the people that were involved. However, a couple were more explicit in saying their anger was more generalised
than that. CMs also spoke about physical affects experienced at work, with one even describing having panic
attacks. The descriptions offered varied but all were indicative of experiencing a fight or flight response to the
Sometimes I feel not exactly nervous but like my body is very awake but not in the sense of not being
tired, more like being a little, maybe shaking a little but not shaking on the inside. More like nervous
but without a reason when I see very much content or content that is very disturbing. (CM2)
In general though, CMs did not articulate the exact emotional affects. They tended to talk in generalities about
mental health issues, getting sick due to the content and experiencing emotional stress. This suggested the job
might be associated with a general malaise rather than specific problems.
He just said, I knew that there would be some really gross content, but I really didnt expect this.
Honestly, I didnt have really words to tell him. I mean, literally, I just go and tell him that thats the
part of work that youre feeling. (CM6)
They also discussed feeling fatigue at work and being drained or exhausted by the work. This might be a slightly
different way of expressing the malady experienced by workers in this role. This weariness could be linked to the
emotional effects of being exposed to content, or a business need in meeting quotas. When I started here, I
actually was off sick for 60 per cent, because I had no energy and I wasnt feeling good. I couldnt even stay awake
when I was here. (CM1)
CMs reported sleep disturbances, such as nightmares, which often were connected to the violence they had
witnessed during work. There was also difficulty falling or staying asleep, which may have contributed to day time
tiredness. This was due to replaying images as they were trying to get to sleep or waking up for fear of being
I started to have sleeping problems, I dont know it was really irrational, everything comes to me and
I had problems sleeping, I was afraid to sleep for a week. I wanted to sleep, but I didnt sleep well, that
week I would sleep 2 or 3 hours. I would wake up and be like no no, I wasnt sleeping, no I have to be
awake. (CM4)
CMs also mentioned that self-care suffered as a result of the work. This was attributed to stress, whether caused
by the content itself or having to hit specific targets and quotas, individuals developed ways to comfort themselves
at work.
I know of many people who say that they do eat a lot of chocolate while working. Chocolate is one;
coffee is another… Thirdly, smokers who smoke, they tend to take a lot more smoking breaks… One
is to help them cope with what they see. Secondly, the stress of meeting their daily numbers. (CM6)
CMs felt unable to talk to friends and family about their work. They felt that others did not want to know or that
they would be traumatised if they did know. However, for some this was associated with a feeling of disconnection
because not only were they shielding others from what they had seen, but also they were hiding the affects the
job could have on them. For some this contributed to a sense of isolation.
For my grandparents, Im a researcher. Thats all that they know about me, they dont know more. My
parents know that Im working on CSAM but I dont tell them anything else. Same thing for my partner,
but because of this, when youre having a bad day, when you have your emotions all over the place,
you still have to pretend that youre okay, that everything is fine. (CM9)
Stressful Work Environment
The emotional toll involved in the work could be exacerbated or alleviated by the response of management, and
this seemed to hinge on whether managers respected the role that CMs played within the company. This was
often more likely if leaders had direct experience of the work and could empathise with what CMs experienced,
both in terms of content but also the targets that CMs had to hit.
I got affected by the management when they started pressuring you. Lots of things, and you didnt
even realise that how much we are affected by the content as well. Its really disturbing content what
were working in, specifically in a minor content, but still, the managers didnt care about that. They
were like, ‘Now, oh, your performance this way. We need to extend something, or…’” (CM5)
Quotas were also mentioned by many of the CMs as something which added to a feeling of pressure or stress on
top of what they were witnessing. This was both the levels of accuracy that had to be maintained and throughput.
This too, was often linked to the approach of management with a feeling that their focus was on reaching the
quotas with no appreciation of the wider context of the job.
“’Youre not getting your quota. Bring you into the office, [CMs name] you need to improve on this,
this, and this, and its like, Woah, hold on a second, you should watch this stuff. Theres a bit of a
divorce going on there, a disconnect. (CM3)
Lastly, CMs felt that the tools they had to work with often were not designed with content moderation and their
role in mind. This added to the frustration and stress associated with their job because they felt it prevented them
from being able to do it effectively.
Exposure to other peoples trauma at work can be detrimental to employees (Greinacher et al., 2019; Lee et al.,
2018) and to the efficient fulfilment of their work. Existing literature suggests that this is also the case for CMs
(Cook et al., 2022; Schöpke-Gonzalez et al., 2022). Research to date examining the psychological effects of this
work is sparse and tends to focus on the experience of volunteer moderators who may have a different set of
motivations and job-related tasks (Matias, 2019). The present study adds to this literature by qualitatively exploring
the psychological effects of content moderation in commercial CMs. The results show both negative cognitive and
emotional changes take place and that these are associated with behavioural changes such as avoidance and
hypervigilance. Overall, the effects are consistent with commercial CMs experiencing a trauma response in relation
to their work, and provides evidence demonstrating why organisations employing CMs need to provide trauma-
informed care for their employees.
Similar to previous research, although CMs knew the content was difficult and that people struggled, there was a
reluctance to talk openly about the personal impacts of the job (Roberts, 2019). There are several possible reasons
for this, such as: a lack of awareness around how they are being impacted or the inability to put the impacts into
words. Syndromes such as VT and burnout are cumulative and gradual, this can make it difficult for individuals to
recognise any changes within themselves or others (Krause, 2009; Ledingham et al., 2019). Alternatively, CMs may
not want to admit to impacts either because they agreed to the job or because as Roberts (2019) argued, adverse
effects may suggest they are unable to perform the job adequately. Equally, the participants all worked full-time
as content moderators and therefore some may have signed NDAs, which can be associated with a fear of
speaking out about the job (Schiffer, 2021).
Nevertheless, some CMs did appear to be coping well. Again, there are several possible reasons for this: some
CMs reported they were more sensitive to particular types of content. It could be that certain people, for example
those who do not interact with children in their daily lives, are more resilient to working with CSAM material.
Similarly, people who stay in in this profession for a long time, may be the ones who are affected less, cope
relatively well and experience little in the way of impairment, or even undergo a period of post-traumatic growth.
There appeared to be an initial period at the beginning of the job whereby people either tended to adjust to the
role or leave. Therefore, CM resilience may be dependent on the content they are exposed to, or may change over
time. However, the adjustment seemed to be associated with the ability to suppress emotions, which may have
longer-term consequences for social and mental wellbeing (Chervonsky & Hunt, 2017; Hu et al., 2014). Future
research should investigate what predicts resiliency in CMs, but also the potential long-term effects both in terms
of ongoing resiliency and any possible deleterious consequences of this.
Many of the impacts described by CMs are in line with the symptoms described by volunteer moderators
(Dosono & Semaan, 2019; Schöpke-Gonzalez et al., 2022). The symptoms are also reminiscent of those occurring
after repeated or extreme exposure to aversive details of trauma as described by PTSD or STS, and the majority
of themes could be grouped in this way (see Table 2). When CMs gave examples of how they were affected, they
talked about intrusive thoughts and images of CSAM including that these were triggered by children and their own
sexual activity. Additionally, some described avoiding children and there were a number of negative cognitive and
emotional affects, including hypervigilance around children, anger and increased distrust of others. There were
also symptoms of hyperarousal, presenting as sleep disturbance and bodily sensations of anxiety. However, the
interviewers asked open ended questions regarding possible impacts. Specific questions that could be used to
assess or diagnose different disorders were not utilised. More research is needed to investigate whether CMs
reach the threshold for any potential diagnoses, to what extent symptoms reflect one or many different potential
syndromes such as burnout, PTSD or VT and to estimate their potential prevalence in this population.
Nevertheless, this study suggests the psychological impacts experienced by commercial CMs are comparable to
those experienced by professionals such as first responders and police tasked with analysing child exploitation
material (Greinacher et al., 2019; Bourke & Craun, 2014). In these professions, these risks are more widely
recognised, for the most part, contributing to support being implemented and facilitating more understanding
from managers and the community (Burns et al., 2008; Krause, 2009). In contrast, despite their centrality to the
business model of many online platforms (Barrett, 2020) moderators remain an undervalued, often hidden
profession (Gillespie, 2018), frequently located in the global south and commonly not afforded the same benefits
and provisions as offered to other professionals (Roberts, 2019; Jereza, 2021). However, the increasing amount of
literature demonstrating the potential negative consequences of this work (e.g., Benjelloun & Otheman, 2020;
Roberts, 2019) illustrates that companies need to take more responsibility for the welfare of these employees and
volunteers and provide better protection against the possible deleterious psychological effects.
Understanding the effects this work has on CMs from a psychological perspective allows the symptoms to be
positioned in a framework that can draw on the large psychological literature around trauma and its sequalae. It
can link the experiences and emotional responses direct from the voices of CMs to clinical practice and empirically
ground potential recommendations. This includes creating interventions based on what works and for whom, as
well as better designing systems to protect CMs. Many organisations provide technological solutions such as
blurring to minimise the impact (Das et al., 2020). However, these are not necessarily considered useful by
moderators (Spence et al., 2023) and a lack of support has been associated with quitting in volunteer moderators
(Schöpke-Gonzalez et al., 2022). Nevertheless, there are potentially processes which could be put in place to
alleviate emotional distress, for instance playing Tetris after trauma exposure has shown some early promise in
reducing the occurrence of intrusive memories (Iyadurai et al., 2018). Regardless, these results suggest that
companies should provide trauma-informed care at work, which is guided by the principles of safety,
trustworthiness, peer support collaboration and mutuality, empowerment, and cultural, historical and gender
issues (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2014) and is shown to reduce STS and
burnout amongst staff (Handran, 2015; Schepers & Young, 2022).
Table 2. Themes Rearranged Into PTSD Symptom Domains.
PTSD Domain
Thoughts of CSAM
Incompatible with Family Life
Negative Symptoms
Cynical Views of People, World is Darker Place, Mental Health, Desensitisation, Anger,
Fatigue, Self-Care, Effects Relationships, View of Self
Hypervigilance Regarding Children, Sleep Disturbance, Anxiety
Although trauma responses such as intrusive thoughts might be disturbing, what may be more insidious is the
slow change in perceptions of the world and those in our communities, which could be more pervasive and affect
all spheres of the CMs life. Research with volunteer moderators found they experience cognitive changes like
increased apathy and guilt (Dosono & Semaan, 2019; Lo, 2018). In this study, commercial CMs described having a
darker, more cynical view of the world and other people, and these views may not change once they leave their
job (OMalley et al., 2019). Although the specific ages of the CMs were unknown, they tended to be young and,
generally, most CMs are younger than thirty (Mukhopadhyay, 2020). Although the evidence is inconsistent,
younger age has been associated with greater distress after experiencing trauma and more symptoms (Acierno
et al., 2006; Adams & Boscarino, 2006), as well as higher levels of burnout (Brady, 2017). This may be because
when compared to older workers, they lack a wide array of life experiences to draw on, making them less equipped
to deal with stressful situations (Lerias & Byrne, 2003). Older workers are also more likely to use positive emotion
regulation strategies and possess higher emotional competencies to stave off negative consequences (Steiger,
2020). Therefore because of their age, CMs may be a group that are particularly vulnerable to repeatedly working
with traumatic material.
There is currently limited research that investigates the psychological impacts of the role. However, there is some
evidence that suggests the harmful impacts of moderation are not necessarily restricted to those viewing overtly
disturbing material such as CSAM. In work by Jereza (2022, p. 12) a moderator commented working with hate
speech so much is it would get into my head. Like these images and words would flash across my brain like with no
warning, and I didnt want them there. It wasit was awful. I was like, I would kind of torturing myself, um, and so I
do think, you know, it can get into your head easier than you would think perhaps? Or when I was out and bout
like if I ever saw a white guy with a tattoo, I would immediately start scanning his body for hate symbols. And every
white guy has a tattoo in [City] . . . I was like hating myself for it. Theyre not supposed to be there. Im not this
person (emphasis added). This suggests that intrusive thoughts and hypervigilance may also be associated with
working with hate speech. This content is the most prevalent type that CMs have to analyse on social media
platforms (Facebook, 2022a; Twitter, 2021) therefore, research into the effects of working with this content
specifically is needed. In particular, if it is associated with VT, where the world views of moderators may be
changed, possibly even in agreement with what they being exposed to. Indeed, it is possible that many of the same
impacts might be present across different content types but the substance of the impacts could vary in line with
the material the CM is exposed to.
The current study was a cross-sectional qualitative design therefore was not able to capture changes over time.
Additionally, time in post was not reported, therefore it cannot be ascertained if certain impacts were more likely
to be described by those earlier or later in their career as a CM. Similarly, to encourage participation CMs were
not asked about details of their role such as if they were employed directly by the company or were outsourced
labour, although all participants were in paid positions and were able to conduct an interview in English. There
are numerous volunteer CMs used by sites like Reddit (Caplan, 2018) and moderation is a global phenomenon.
Thus, this study was unable to fully capture the full range of different work environments CMs will be exposed to,
not only in terms of support provided but also working conditions, which are likely impact CM resilience (Burns et
al., 2008; Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2014). However, this study opens up future
avenues for research, including larger scale studies that can quantify potential impacts and explore potential
factors that increase CM resilience.
Many of the CMs described a range of symptoms that were associated with experiencing trauma at work, including
intrusive thoughts, avoidance and hypervigilance around children. This suggests it is crucial for companies to
provide psychoeducation, intervention and trauma informed care. Of particular concern were the cognitive biases
that highlighted a cynical and suspicious framework as these may be harder for CMs to recognise and be resistant
to change, even after leaving the role. Larger scale quantitative and longitudinal research are both needed to
quantify the possible effects and their long-term consequences.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.
Authors Contribution
Ruth Spence: project administration, formal analysis, writingoriginal draft. Antonia Bifulco: supervision,
methodology, writingreview & editing. Paula Bradbury: data curation, methodology. Elena Martellozzo:
funding acquisition, investigation, writingreview & editing. Jeffrey DeMarco: conceptualization, funding
acquisition, writingreview & editing.
This work was conducted with the help of Amy Harrison.
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Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace (
ISSN: 1802-7962 | Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University
About Authors
Ruth Spence is a senior researcher at the Centre for Abuse and Trauma Studies at Middlesex University working
across various projects that focus on trauma experiences and their psychological sequela, as well as developing
online assessment and intervention approaches. She has worked in partnership with charities, industry and third
sector organisations using a range of online methodologies and analytic techniques to create insights from data.
She has published extensively on the determinants of mental health, including life events and the psychological
effects of online content.
Professor Antonia Bifulco is a Lifespan psychologist in the Department of Psychology at Middlesex University,
and director of the Centre for Abuse and Trauma Studies. Her research over 30 years has investigated the
circumstances around a range of childhood abuses, including sexual abuse, together with the consequences for
later life adjustment, relationships, adult trauma and psychological disorder. This has been published in numerous
academic journal articles, and several books.
Paula Bradbury is doctoral researcher at Middlesex University exploring the appropriateness of policy, policing
practice and legislation in response to adolescents sharing nudes. She is also an active senior researcher at the
Centre of Abuse and Trauma Studies. She is a published, peer reviewed author, specialising in the field of online
harms, child sexual abuse and exploitation, stalking, sexual violence, offender pathways and adolescent digital
behaviours. She has a keen interest in understanding sexual behaviours in cyberspace and how our safeguarding
policies and policing practices need to evolve to meet the challenges of the Metaverse. She provides private online
harms consultation to public, private, and civil service organisations, both in the UK and abroad.
Dr Elena Martellozzo is an Associate Professor in Criminology and Associate Director at the Centre for Child Abuse
and Trauma Studies (CATS) at Middlesex University. Elena is a world leading expert in cybercrime, focusing
primarily on online harms, online safety and is involved in policy debates at the intersection of technology and
human behaviour. One of Elenas key focuses is to develop innovative research and sharing her findings in
international fora. She continually attracts research funding in highly sensitive areas with government
departments including the police, the Internet Watch Foundation, the NSPCC, the Children Commissioner for
England, the Home Office.
Jeffrey DeMarco is a forensic psychologist and Senior Lecturer at Middlesex University. The majority of his
operational, policy and insight work explores the intersection between psychology and social institutions such as
the Criminal Justice System. This has included work for the European Commission, enhancing the policing of sexual
abuse; investigating youth justice systems for UNICEF across the MENA region and eastern Africa, and establishing
educational programmes for parents and young people; improving partnership between local communities and
military in conflict zones, including Iraq and Afghanistan while developing well-being hubs for families to seek
health, education, immigration and criminal justice advice; and assessing the psychopathology of adolescent
victims/offenders of violence presenting to the police and statutory services.
󲐜󲐝󲐞󲐟󲐠 Correspondence to
Ruth Spence, Centre for Abuse and Trauma Studies, Middlesex University, London, NW4 4BT.
... A recent study by Spence et al. (2023) found that content moderators on social media platforms experienced symptoms consistent with secondary traumatic stress and PTSD, and that they were "at heightened risk of various problems including compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma and burnout." Aspects of the content moderation role resemble those of the publisher, editor, proofreader and other publishing personnel in that they must determine whether content meets the community's standards and is suitable for its various audiences, intended and unintended. ...
... For one, we need solid, independent empirical research to explore and test best practices in engaging writers of trauma narratives in the publishing process, and in response workplace protocols for those who produce these works. The research being undertaken by Cripps (2022b) and colleagues and early evidence, such as that of Spence et al. (2023), are important, but they represent only the tip of the iceberg and a promising start for a body of research needed to provide the evidence base for development of trauma-sensitive approaches across the publishing supply chain. This evidence base will enable: ...
Full-text available
We live in an extraordinary time in human history. Arguably, the most significant social changes have taken place in recent decades, including changes in policy and attitudes towards human rights, how we educate and treat children, towards sexual violence and abuse, sexuality and gender identification, to name just a few. In Australia, we have witnessed public responses through Royal Commissions and other public inquiries that have given voice to generations of people whose suffering had been silenced by formal and informal social mechanisms. Now, in the twenty-first century, the proliferation of new technologies, social media and social campaigns designed to engage people online as well as offline have empowered citizens to take control of their narratives, to tell their own stories. In the published literature, a great many have begun to reveal the nature and extent of traumas experienced by individuals, families, groups and entire communities. In the publishing industry, scant attention is given to the occupational risks faced by the workforce charged with disseminating these trauma stories: the editors, literary agents, proofreaders, publicists and other publishing personnel who are repeatedly exposed to trauma narratives. Even as publishing facilitates healing through story, it is also perpetuating—or at the very least enabling—the transmission of trauma: from author to publishing personnel, and quite possibly also from industry to reader. This paper posits that publishing as an industry is awash with trauma. Through the perspective of an industry insider, it explores the three faces of trauma in the publishing context: recounting trauma as a vehicle for healing and reconciliation, the trauma narrative as a commodity and vicarious trauma as an occupational hazard.
... The impacts of workplace exposure to CSAM are the subject of extensive research for some of these professions -most notably policing (Krause 2009;Leclerc et al. 2022;Mitchell et al. 2023;Powell et al. 2015;Redmond et al. 2023), highlighting the availability of formal organisational supports for police tasked with investigating CSA/M, albeit with debatable efficacy (Cullen et al. 2020;Wortley et al. 2014). However, other workers who are exposed to such material may have only minimal access to employment support -particularly content moderators working for online platforms (Riesewieck and Block 2018;Spence et al. 2023;McIntyre 2023), although this work is beyond the scope of this literature review, occurring prior to referral of content to police (INHOPE 2022a: 58). ...
Full-text available
This literature review draws together literature describing how child sexual abuse material (CSAM) is currently used in institutional contexts – by police, courts, academic and policy researchers and private sector entities. In doing so, it reveals that there has historically been scant engagement with victims and survivors about such uses, and little research into the impacts of reuse for individuals who are depicted in CSAM. Despite the specificities of CSAM experience (as described by victims and survivors), and the recognised value of lived experience perspectives, inclusion of CSAM victim and survivor perspectives in research design and policies governing institutional reuse of this material is still a rarity. We hypothesise that better outcomes can be achieved for children and adults who experience victimisation through CSAM if these perspectives are prioritised in ways that are supported by human-centred and trauma-informed research and practice.
... We all left with horrible views of humanity.'" For a recent study, see Spence et al., 2023, Naughton 2017. exploring whether the situational context for initial clinical observation and diagnosis of moral injury might be overdetermining the phenomenon insofar as moral injury research remains bound to a framework of pathological trauma. ...
... These assessments treat content moderation as a challenge of evaluating and making decisions about what a post or account says or appears to be. Typically, content-focused moderation tasks include the removal of illegal content that platform users would not want to see, such as child sexual abuse material (CSAM) and terrorist content, as well as the management of other forms of potentially or perceptually harmful or unwanted content such as nudity, pornography, or material that promotes harmful behaviors such as self-harm, eating disorders, or suicide (Spence et al. 2023;Roberts, Wood, and Eadon 2023;Levine 2022;Suzor, Seignior, and Singleton 2017;Gorwa, Binns, and Katzenbach 2020;Chancellor et al. 2016). ...
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As the social media landscape undergoes broad transformation for the first time in over a decade, with alternative platforms like Mastodon, Bluesky, and Threads emerging where X has receded, many users and observers have celebrated the promise of these new services and their visions of alternative governance structures that empower consumers. Drawing on a large-scale textual analysis of platform moderation policies, capabilities, and transparency mechanisms, as well as semistructured group interviews with developers, administrators, and moderators of federated platforms, we found that federated platforms face considerable obstacles to robust and scalable governance, particularly with regard to persistent threats such as coordinated behavior and spam. Key barriers identified include underdeveloped moderation technologies and a lack of sustainable financial models for trust and safety work. We offer four solutions to the collective safety and security risks identified: (1) institutionalize shared responses to critical harms, (2) build transparent governance into the system, (3) invest in open-source tooling, and (4) enable data sharing across instances.
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Content moderators (CMs) apply policies set by platforms to protect users from harmful content. It is a stressful job, associated with reduced mental health and well-being. In this study, an anonymous survey was used to demonstrate most CMs cope by seeking support from colleagues and this is associated with lower psychological distress and secondary trauma and higher well-being whereas increased smoking and alcohol consumption is associated with increased symptomology. Well-being services were not related to a reduction in psychological distress or trauma. We argue these results fit within a framework of trauma-informed working and provide evidence for its utility in the trust and safety sector. They also highlight the need for continued research into “what works” to support the resilience of frontline staff.
This article focuses on cloudworking in developing countries and the implications of this type of work on development. The analysis draws on two eminent development theories—the capabilities approach and dependency theory. Using these framework, opportunities and risks of cloudwork to developing countries are presented and analyzed, and policy implications discussed.
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Toxicity mitigation consists in rephrasing text in order to remove offensive or harmful meaning. Neural natural language processing (NLP) models have been widely used to target and mitigate textual toxicity. However, existing methods fail to detoxify text while preserving the initial non-toxic meaning at the same time. In this work, we propose to apply counterfactual generation methods from the eXplainable AI (XAI) field to target and mitigate textual toxicity. In particular, we perform text detoxification by applying local feature importance and counterfactual generation methods to a toxicity classifier distinguishing between toxic and non-toxic texts. We carry out text detoxification through counterfactual generation on three datasets and compare our approach to three competitors. Automatic and human evaluations show that recently developed NLP counterfactual generators can mitigate toxicity accurately while better preserving the meaning of the initial text as compared to classical detoxification methods. Finally, we take a step back from using automated detoxification tools, and discuss how to manage the polysemous nature of toxicity and the risk of malicious use of detoxification tools. This work is the first to bridge the gap between counterfactual generation and text detoxification and paves the way towards more practical application of XAI methods.
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Commercial content moderators are exposed to a range of stressors at work, including analysing content that has been flagged as harmful. However, not much is known about their specific coping strategies. Depth interviews were conducted with 11 content moderators exposed to child sexual abuse material (CSAM) as part of their job, and thematically analysed to investigate both individual coping strategies and those deployed organisationally. Results highlighted the importance of social support and validation of the role, as well as creating boundaries between work and home life. Moderators expressed a preference for mandatory, individual therapy with professionals who had specific experience supporting those exposed to CSAM. How content moderators cope and can be further supported are discussed.
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This chapter focuses on India, which—along with the Philippines—has become a core destination of content moderation outsourcing, according to various investigative scholarly works and articles in the media. The chapter examines two questions: (1) What are the value chain configurations through which global social media firms and suppliers in India coordinate content moderation services? (2) How is the labor process of content moderation organized and controlled within these value chain configurations?
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Two important aspects must be accounted for when discussing the mental health of first responders and, in particular, their report of post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS). The first concerns the provision of quantitative data from longitudinal study designs, the second concerns the sophistication of the work-related model used to frame such studies. This is a report on the development of a model for Brazilian firefighters who also work as first responders, from the establishment of a longitudinal panel design study, the Brazilian Firefighter Longitudinal Health Study (FLoHS). The first objective was to compare trainee and active firefighters based on their follow-up data with a nationwide sample of similarly aged Brazilians. The second was to test the effect that operational and organizational experiences had on firefighters' PTSS level during follow up. At baseline, trainee firefighters came from higher socioeconomic backgrounds, were healthier and less exposed to trauma compared to a similarly aged national sample. At follow up, they reported higher prevalence of smoking, sleep problems, anhedonia and were more likely to be overweight. PTSS was predicted by operational and organizational stressors, even when controlled for health status at baseline. The results present not only the differences in the predictive status of operational and organizational events in relation to PTSS, but also how the effects of such events might interact. The data suggest the need for evidence-based interventions, support provided and changes at work environments to improve report rates for mental health in general and for PTSS in particular.
Much scholarship across the humanities and social sciences seek to shed light on the intersection of far-right politics and social media platforms. Yet, scholars tend to focus on racist actors and the ideological underpinnings of platform policies while the contingencies that shape the experiences of content reviewers who make decisions about racist content remain underexamined. This article fills this gap by exploring such contingencies from a linguistic anthropological perspective. Drawing on Facebook moderators’ stories, I illustrate the factors adjacent to, and beyond, ideology that animate the adjudication of racist hate speech.
Moderating content on social media can lead to severe psychological distress. However, little is known about the type, severity, and consequences of distress experienced by volunteer content moderators (VCMs), who do this work voluntarily. We present results from a survey that investigated why Facebook Group and subreddit VCMs quit, and whether reasons for quitting are correlated with psychological distress, demographics, and/or community characteristics. We found that VCMs are likely to experience psychological distress that stems from struggles with other moderators, moderation team leads’ harmful behaviors, and having too little available time, and these experiences of distress relate to their reasons for quitting. While substantial research has focused on making the task of detecting and assessing toxic content easier or less distressing for moderation workers, our study shows that social interventions for VCM workers, for example, to support them in navigating interpersonal conflict with other moderators, may be necessary.
When people have the freedom to create and post content on the internet, particularly anonymously, they do not always respect the rules and regulations of the websites on which they post, leaving other unsuspecting users vulnerable to sexism, racism, threats, and other unacceptable content in their daily cyberspace diet. However, content moderators witness the worst of humanity on a daily basis in place of the average netizen. This takes its toll on moderators, causing stress, fatigue, and emotional distress akin to the symptomology of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The goal of the present study was to explore whether adding positive stimuli to breaktimes-images of baby animals or beautiful, aweinspiring landscapes-could help reduce the negative side-effects of being a content moderator. To test this, we had over 300 experienced content moderators read and decide whether 200 fake text-based social media posts were acceptable or not for public consumption. Although we set out to test positive emotional stimulation, however, we actually found that it is the cumulative nature of the negative emotions that likely negates most of the effects of the intervention: the longer the person had practiced content moderation, the stronger their negative experience. Connections to compassion fatigue and how best to spend work breaks as a content moderator are discussed.
While most user content posted on social media is benign, other content, such as violent or adult imagery, must be detected and blocked. Unfortunately, such detection is difficult to automate, due to high accuracy requirements, costs of errors, and nuanced rules for acceptable content. Consequently, social media platforms today rely on a vast workforce of human moderators. However, mounting evidence suggests that exposure to disturbing content can cause lasting psychological and emotional damage to some moderators. To mitigate such harm, we investigate a set of blur-based moderation interfaces for reducing exposure to disturbing content whilst preserving moderator ability to quickly and accurately flag it. We report experiments with Mechanical Turk workers to measure moderator accuracy, speed, and emotional well-being across six alternative designs. Our key findings show interactive blurring designs can reduce emotional impact without sacrificing moderation accuracy and speed.
en Digital labour scholars have produced insightful analyses of the unpaid, creative, affective labour performed by users on social media platforms. Meanwhile, an increasing number of scholars have been studying the hidden labour of content moderators: underpaid, contingent workers who enable the sanitised online spaces that users take for granted by removing disturbing content. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork with third-party Facebook content moderators in the USA and Ireland, I argue that the case of content moderation affords us a new way of putting these approaches into conversation with one another. Specifically, I illustrate how content moderators perform affective labour – for themselves and for the platform – in ways that make possible the monetisation of users’ cultural activities. In doing so, I draw attention to the human costs of maintaining user ‘safety’ and thus the profitability of large social media platforms. Modération corporelle: travail numérique comme bien affectif fr Les spécialistes du travail numérique ont produit des analyses perspicaces du travail non rémunéré, créatif et affectif effectué par les utilisateurs des plateformes de médias sociaux. Entre-temps, un nombre croissant de chercheurs se sont penchés sur le travail caché des modérateurs de contenu : des travailleurs sous-payés qui, en supprimant les contenus dérangeants, permettent la création d’espaces en ligne aseptisés que les utilisateurs tiennent pour acquis. En m’appuyant sur un travail ethnographique de terrain avec des modérateurs de contenu tiers sur Facebook aux États-Unis et en Irlande, je soutiens que le cas de la modération de contenu nous offre une nouvelle façon de mettre ces approches en conversation les unes avec les autres. Plus précisément, j’illustre comment les modérateurs de contenu effectuent un travail affectif - pour eux-mêmes et pour la plateforme – de manière à rendre possible la monétisation des activités culturelles des utilisateurs. Ce faisant, j’attire l’attention sur les coûts humains liés au maintien de la « sécurité » des utilisateurs et donc de la rentabilité des grandes plateformes de médias sociaux.
In this study, explore secondary traumatic stress (STS) in preservice teachers (PSTs) and if trauma‐informed practices (TIPs) have the potential to mitigate STS. We hypothesize that PST who have had consistent and extensive exposure to TIP will experience lower levels of STS in their student teaching or residency than students who have not had this exposure. Thirty‐four PST participated in the study. Twenty‐one were women, 12 men, and 1 identified as nonbinary. Their average age was 31 years. Participants were 73.1% Caucasian. A survey design was used. Surveys went out to all Metropolitan State University of Denver School of Education Students. Early results demonstrate a positive causal relationship between an increase of TIP seminars and decreased STS. By integrating TIP seminars and principles into teacher preparation programs, new teachers will enter the workforce better equipped to address their own needs and the needs of the children and families they serve.