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Checklist of newly-vouchered annelid taxa from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean, based on morphology and genetic delimitation

Pensoft Publishers
Biodiversity Data Journal

Abstract and Figures

We present a checklist of annelids from recent United Kingdom Seabed Resources (UKSR) expeditions (Abyssal Baseline - ABYSSLINE project) to the eastern abyssal Pacific Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ) polymetallic nodule fields, based on DNA species delimitation, including imagery of voucher specimens, Darwin Core (DwC) data and links to vouchered specimen material and new GenBank sequence records. This paper includes genetic and imagery data for 129 species of annelids from 339 records and is restricted to material that is, in general, in too poor a condition to describe formally at this time, but likely contains many species new to science. We make these data available both to aid future taxonomic studies in the CCZ that will be able to link back to these genetic data and specimens and to better underpin ongoing ecological studies of potential deep-sea mining impacts using the principles of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusuable) data and specimens that will be available for all. We include genetic, imagery and all associated metadata in Darwin Core format for 129 species of annelids from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, eastern abyssal Pacific, with 339 records.
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Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e86921
doi: 10.3897/BDJ.11.e86921
Taxonomy & Inventories
Checklist of newly-vouchered annelid taxa from
the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific
Ocean, based on morphology and genetic
Helena Wiklund , Muriel Rabone , Adrian G Glover , Guadalupe Bribiesca-Contreras , Regan
Drennan , Eva C D Stewart , Corie M Boolukos , Lucas D King , Emma Sherlock , Craig R Smith ,
Thomas G Dahlgren , Lenka Neal
‡ Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom
§ University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
| Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre, Gothenburg, Sweden
¶ University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom
# University of Hawaii, Honolulu, United States of America
¤ NORCE Norwegian Research Centre, Bergen, Norway
Corresponding author: Helena Wiklund (, Adrian G Glover (,
Lenka Neal (
Academic editor: Wagner Magalhães
Received: 24 May 2022 | Accepted: 02 Jun 2023 | Published: 15 Sep 2023
Citation: Wiklund H, Rabone M, Glover AG, Bribiesca-Contreras G, Drennan R, Stewart ECD, Boolukos CM,
King LD, Sherlock E, Smith CR, Dahlgren TG, Neal L (2023) Checklist of newly-vouchered annelid taxa from the
Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean, based on morphology and genetic delimitation. Biodiversity Data
Journal 11: e86921.
We present a checklist of annelids from recent United Kingdom Seabed Resources
(UKSR) expeditions (Abyssal Baseline - ABYSSLINE project) to the eastern abyssal Pacific
Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ) polymetallic nodule fields, based on DNA species
delimitation, including imagery of voucher specimens, Darwin Core (DwC) data and links to
vouchered specimen material and new GenBank sequence records. This paper includes
genetic and imagery data for 129 species of annelids from 339 records and is restricted to
‡,¶ ‡,¶ #
© Wiklund H et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY
4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are
material that is, in general, in too poor a condition to describe formally at this time,
likely contains many species new to science. We make these data available both to aid
future taxonomic studies in the CCZ that will be able to link back to these genetic data and
specimens and to better underpin ongoing ecological studies of potential deep-sea mining
impacts using the principles of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusuable) data
and specimens that will be available for all.
New information
We include genetic, imagery and all associated metadata in Darwin Core format for 129
species of annelids from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, eastern abyssal Pacific, with 339
taxonomy, DNA barcoding, biodiversity, conservation, deep-sea mining, abyssal Pacific,
environmental impact
We present a checklist of annelid fauna from recent UKSR expeditions (ABYSSLINE
project) to the CCZ the equatorial abyssal Pacific, based on DNA species delimitation,
including imagery of voucher specimens, Darwin Core data (DwC) and links to vouchered
specimen material and new GenBank sequence records. This is a region undergoing
significant exploration for mineral resources in the form of polymetallic nodules at the
seafloor (Hein et al. 2013) and, as such, future environmental monitoring of these areas
will require access to information on the biodiversity of animals at the seafloor, in particular
based on sound taxonomic sources (Glover et al. 2018, Rabone et al. 2023a, Rabone et al.
Surveying of this region over the the past 20 years resulted in a large collection of often
very small, morphologically sub-optimally preserved and difficult to identify annelids,
despite the best efforts at collecting animals directly from samples at sea using cold-chain
protocols (Glover et al. 2015). Typically, the specimens can be identifed to family or genus
at best. Although good quality DNA sequences were obtained in most cases, there are few
genetic matches to sequences available on public databases (Suppl. material 1), most
being from other studies in the CCZ (Janssen et al. 2015, Janssen et al. 2019, Bonifácio
and Menot 2019, Bonifacio et al. 2020, Bonifácio et al. 2021) or abyssal Atlantic
(Boggemann 2009,Boggemann 2016). Based on detailed taxonomic studies that also
incorporated molecular data (e.g. Wiklund et al. 2019, Bonifácio and Menot 2019, Neal et
al. 2022a, Neal et al. 2022b, Bonifácio et al. 2021), over 80% of the CCZ-collected
annelids are likely new to science (Rabone et al. 2023b). To date, publications from the
areas targeted in this study have yielded 60 annelid species from 327 specimen records, of
2Wiklund H et al
which only 18 species have been formalised as new (Wiklund et al. 2019, Drennan et al.
2021, Neal et al. 2022a, Neal et al. 2022b). However, we are left with a problem in that
many specimens are in sub-optimal morphological condition and unable, therefore, to be
formally described. Therefore, in order to ensure that this material is accessible and useful
as more comparative material is recovered in future surveys and that the DNA sequences
obtained are linked transparently to openly-available molecular tissue/DNA and specimen
vouchers, we are making these data and materials available in the form of this checklist
paper. This has two major advantages: firstly, it enables future taxonomic work with better
materials to use and to link to these data and potentially describe more of these
specimens; secondly, it provides openly available data on the actual species hypotheses
used to support ecological papers describing the biodiversity of the CCZ (Rabone et al.
2023b), which clearly suffer from a lack of quality control in the specimen identifications
available, as has been recently acknowledged (Bianchi and Gonçalves 2021, Washburn et
al. 2021). This checklist also provides supporting data to Stewart et al. (2023) describing
the biodiversity and connectivity of annelids across the entire eastern CCZ region.
This paper includes a checklist of 129 annelid species, with 339 records from 18
polychaete families and four species of Sipuncula. Excluded from this study are several
annelid families which are common in the CCZ, but are either ones that have already been
studied (Wiklund et al. 2019, Drennan et al. 2021, Neal et al. 2022a, Neal et al. 2022b) or
are currently in preparation in separate detailed taxonomic papers (e.g. order Phyllodocida
and families Acrocirridae and Serpulidae).
Materials and methods
The first UKSR ABYSSLINE cruise (AB01), sampling the UK-1 exploration contract area,
took place in October 2013 aboard the RV Melville and the second cruise (AB02), sampling
the UK-1 and OMS-1 (Ocean Minerals Singapore) exploration contract areas and one Area
of Particular Environmental Interest (APEI), APEI-6, took place in February-March 2015
onboard RV Thomas G. Thompson. Sampling locations are as indicated in Fig. 1.
A comprehensive description of our methods is provided in Glover et al. (2015). In
summary, deep-sea benthic specimens from the targeted CCZ areas were collected using
a range of oceanographic sampling gear including box core, epibenthic sledge (EBS), ROV
and multiple core. Geographic data from sampling activities were recorded on a central
GIS database. Live-sorting of specimen samples was carried out aboard both vessels in a
‘cold-chain’ pipeline, in which material was constantly maintained in chilled, filtered
seawater held at 2–4°C. Specimens were preliminarily identified at sea and imaged live
using stereomicroscopes with attached digital cameras. Only annelid specimens with a
visible head end were counted and included in taxonomic and biodiversity analyses. The
specimens were then stored in individual microtube vials containing an aqueous solution of
80% non-denatured ethanol, numbered and barcoded into a database and kept chilled until
return to the Natural History Museum (NHM), London, UK.
Checklist of newly-vouchered annelid taxa from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, ... 3
Laboratory Work
In the laboratory, specimens were re-examined using stereomicroscopes, identified to the
best possible taxonomic level and a small tissue sample was taken for DNA extraction.
most of the specimens in this study, the material was too poor or degraded to make
species-level identifications.
Extraction of DNA was done with DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit (Qiagen) using a Hamilton
Microlab STAR Robotic Workstation. About 450 bp of 16S and 650 bp of cytochrome c
oxidase subunit I (COI) were amplified using primers listed in Table 2. PCR mixtures
contained 1 μl of each primer (10 μM), 2 μl template DNA and 21 μl of Red Taq DNA
Polymerase 1.1X MasterMix (VWR) in a mixture of total 25 μl. The PCR amplification
profile consisted of initial denaturation at 95°C for 5 min, 35 cycles of denaturation at 94°C
for 45 s, annealing at 55°C for 45 s, extension at 72°C for 2 min and a final extension at
72°C for 10 min. PCR products were purified using Millipore Multiscreen 96-well PCR
Purification System and sequencing was performed on an ABI 3730XL DNA Analyser
(Applied Biosystems) at NHM Sequencing Facility, using the same primers as in the PCR
reactions (Table 2). Overlapping sequence fragments were merged into consensus
sequences using Geneious (Kearse et al. 2012) and aligned using MAFFT (Katoh 2002)
for 16S and MUSCLE (Edgar 2004) for COI.
Figure 1.
Map of ABYSSLINE sampling locations used in this study. a) The Clarion-Clipperton Zone,
central Pacific Ocean, with contract areas and Areas of Particular Environmental Interest
highlighted; b) UK-1 and OMS-1 sampling locations used in this study; c-e) Bathymetric data
for sites in UK-1 and OMS-1 claim areas, with yellow circles showing sampling locations.
4Wiklund H et al
Family/Order Species # Records
Ampharetidae Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_015) 2
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_044) 3
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_062) 2
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_1082) 1
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_1161) 1
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_1338) 3
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_1578) 2
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_1599) 2
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_163) 3
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_265) 1
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_292) 4
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_774) 1
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_789) 4
Chaetopteridae Chaetopteridae sp. (NHM_331) 3
Chrysopetalidae Chrysopetalidae sp. NHM (1303) 2
Chrysopetalidae sp. (NHM_1550) 1
Chrysopetalidae sp. (NHM_2026) 1
Chrysopetalidae sp. (NHM_410) 1
Chrysopetalidae sp. (NHM_748A) 1
Cirratulidae Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_172) 4
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_1001) 1
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_1235) 3
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_1429) 1
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_1518) 1
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_165) 1
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_2093) 1
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_2163) 4
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_269) 4
Table 1.
List of species included in this study, including the number of records per species.
Checklist of newly-vouchered annelid taxa from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, ... 5
Family/Order Species # Records
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_340) 5
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_530) 3
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_734) 1
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_904) 2
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_915G) 4
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_945C) 1
Flabelligeridae Flabelligeridae sp. (NHM_045) 3
Flabelligeridae sp. (NHM_1274) 2
Flabelligeridae sp. (NHM_1313) 3
Flabelligeridae sp. (NHM_1638) 2
Flabelligeridae sp. (NHM_2124) 1
Flabelligeridae sp. (NHM_555) 1
Flabelligeridae sp. (NHM_630A) 1
Flabelligeridae sp. (NHM_738) 3
Flabelligeridae sp. (NHM_955) 7
Glyceridae Glyceridae sp. (NHM_1242) 3
Glyceridae sp. (NHM_207) 13
Glyceridae sp. (NHM_2089) 2
Goniadidae Goniadidae sp. (NHM_1512) 2
Lacydoniidae Lacydoniidae sp. (NHM_1355C) 1
Lacydoniidae sp. (NHM_1797D) 1
Lacydoniidae sp. (NHM_898) 1
Magelonidae Magelonidae sp. (NHM_1340) 2
Maldanidae Maldanidae sp. (NHM_026) 5
Maldanidae sp. (NHM_1170) 1
Maldanidae sp. (NHM_1178) 2
Maldanidae sp. (NHM_836) 5
Maldanidae sp. (NHM_900) 1
Onuphidae Onuphidae sp. (NHM_1010) 2
Onuphidae sp. (NHM_2430) 1
6Wiklund H et al
Family/Order Species # Records
Orbiniidae Orbiniidae sp. (NHM_050) 4
Orbiniidae sp. (NHM_102) 4
Orbiniidae sp. (NHM_1947G) 1
Orbiniidae sp. (NHM_264) 2
Orbiniidae sp. (NHM_458) 2
Orbiniidae sp. (NHM_754) 6
Orbiniidae sp. (NHM_791) 2
Orbiniidae sp. (NHM_824) 7
Paraonidae Paraonidae sp. (NHM_059) 7
Paraonidae sp. (NHM_1139) 1
Paraonidae sp. (NHM_177) 2
Paraonidae sp. (NHM_2118) 1
Paraonidae sp. (NHM_332) 6
Paraonidae sp. (NHM_363) 5
Paraonidae sp. (NHM_412) 3
Paraonidae sp. (NHM_434) 3
Paraonidae sp. (NHM_584) 2
Paraonidae sp. (NHM_902) 4
Pilargidae Ancistrosyllis sp. (NHM_765) 9
Polynoidae Bathyeliasona mariaae 2
Bathyfauvelia glacigena 9
Bathyfauvelia ignigena 1
Polaruschakov lamellae 1
Polynoidae sp. (NGM_1074) 1
Polynoidae sp. (NHM_034) 1
Polynoidae sp. (NHM_1000) 1
Polynoidae sp. (NHM_128) 8
Polynoidae sp. (NHM_1655) 2
Polynoidae sp. (NHM_1763) 1
Polynoidae sp. (NHM_2097) 1
Checklist of newly-vouchered annelid taxa from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, ... 7
Family/Order Species # Records
Polynoidae sp. (NHM_2099) 1
Polynoidae sp. (NHM_2101) 2
Polynoidae sp. (NHM_2122) 1
Polynoidae sp. (NHM_2195) 2
Polynoidae sp. (NHM_583) 2
Polynoidae sp. (NHM_588) 2
Polynoidae sp. (NHM_589) 1
Polynoidae sp. (NHM_595) 8
Polynoidae sp. (NHM_679) 8
Polynoidae sp. (NHM_690) 1
Polynoidae sp. (NHM_747A) 1
Polynoidae sp. (NHM_747D) 5
Polynoidae sp. (NHM_756) 2
Polynoidae sp. (NHM_773B) 7
Polynoidae sp. (NHM_834) 1
Sabellariidae Sabellariidae sp. (NHM_1167B) 4
Sabellidae Sabellidae sp. (NHM_1613) 1
Sabellidae sp. (NHM_1859A) 1
Sabellidae sp. (NHM_1879) 1
Sabellidae sp. (NHM_189) 1
Sabellidae sp. (NHM_1991) 1
Sabellidae sp. (NHM_351) 1
Sabellidae sp. (NHM_370) 1
Sabellidae sp. (NHM_472) 1
Sabellidae sp. (NHM_535) 1
Sabellidae sp. (NHM_647) 1
Sabellidae sp. (NHM_915D) 2
Sigalionidae Pholoinae sp. (NHM_366) 4
Sigalionidae sp. (NHM_1093) 1
Sigalionidae sp. (NHM_342) 9
8Wiklund H et al
Family/Order Species # Records
Sigalionidae sp. (NHM_881) 2
Sphaerodoridae Sphaerodoridae sp. (NHM_1003) 1
Sphaerodoridae sp. (NHM_2177) 1
Sphaerodoridae sp. (NHM_2532) 1
Terebellidae Terebellidae sp. (NHM_018) 1
Trichobranchidae Terebellides sp. (NHM_167) 1
Terebellides sp. (NHM_406) 1
Sipuncula Sipuncula sp. (NHM_126) 6
Sipuncula sp. (NHM_1298) 2
Sipuncula sp. (NHM_148) 1
Sipuncula sp. (NHM_715) 10
Primer Sequence 5'-3' Reference
Species delimitation and taxonomic assignments
Future studies of biogeographic and bathymetric ranges, gene-flow, extinction risks, natural
history, reproductive ecology, functional ecology and geochemical interactions of CCZ
species are dependent on accurate taxonomic identifications. Our more recent taxonomic
studies (e.g. Glover et al. (2016), Dahlgren et al. (2016), Wiklund et al. (2017), Wiklund et
al. (2019), Drennan et al. (2021), Neal et al. (2022a), Neal et al. (2022b)), applied an
integrative DNA taxonomy approach, with species delimitation principally based on a
Table 2.
Primers used for PCR and sequencing of COI and 16S.
Checklist of newly-vouchered annelid taxa from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, ... 9
phylogenetic species concept, sensu Donoghue (1985) coupled with morphological
interpretations. However, in this broader study of all of the annelids, including many poorly-
preserved or fragmented individuals, we have relied more heavily on genetic data.
Taxonomic assignments and nomenclature
Almost all species discriminated by the analyses could be identified to family level from
morphology and this was cross-checked with the genetic data through a BLAST search.
Given the poor preservation of morphology and the goals of this paper to make specimen
and genetic data rapidly available for any future studies, we did not attempt to force
species into genera in most instances and used an open nomenclature whereby the
species are named with the best taxonomic level and a species epithet that refers to the
best voucher specimen of that species. For example, Pilargidae sp. (NHM_015) is the
informal species name for the species that is represented by two specimens, specimen
NHM_015 being the better representative (an informal type specimen). This avoids
confusion with the use of sp. A, B, C etc. where informal and confusing synonyms can
easily arise.
Species were delimited, based on well-supported clades recovered from phylogenetic trees
estimated separately for 16S and COI sequences. Best nucleotide substitution models for
each alignment (i.e. 16S and COI) and best-fit partitions were inferred using PartitionFinder
2.0 (Lanfear et al. 2017), utilising a greedy clustering algorithm (Lanfear et al. 2012) and
PhyML v.3 (Guindon et al. 2010). Phylogenetic trees were estimated using Bayesian
Inference in BEAST v.2.6.2 (Bouckaert et al. 2019) under a Yule speciation model,
uncorrelated relaxed clock, GTR+I+G substitution model for each partition of COI (codon
positions 1, 2 and 3) and for 16S and a chain length of 100 M, sampling every 10,000. The
MCMC runs were inspected convergence in Tracer v.1.7.1. The first 50 M states were
discarded as burn-in and a consensus median heights tree was generated from the
remaining posterior trees. Trees were visualised using FigTree v.1.4.4 and species clusters
were mostly defined from very similar sequences recovered in monophyletic clades with a
posterior probability of 1.
Data Handling
The field and laboratory work created a series of databases and sample sets that are
integrated into a data-management pipeline. This includes the transfer and management of
data and samples between a central collections database, a molecular collections
database and external repositories (GenBank, WoRMS, OBIS, GBIF, GGBN, ZooBank)
through DwC archives. This provides a robust data framework to support DNA taxonomy, in
which openly available data and voucher material is key to quality data standards. All DwC
data present in the taxon treatments of the checklist herein are also provided as a
supplementary data file to allow for ease of usage (Suppl. material 2). A further elaboration
of the data pipeline is published in Glover et al. (2015).
10 Wiklund H et al
List of Species
A list of the species in this checklist and number of records is provided here in Table 1.
Ampharetidae Malmgren, 1866
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_015)
a. scientificName: Ampharetidae; taxonConceptID: Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_015); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Ampharetidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1866; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral Singapore exploration
claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4094;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB11; at Station S10; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12°02.49’; verbatimLongitude: 117°13.03’;
decimalLatitude: 12.0415; decimalLongitude: -117.21717; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB11; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate:
2015-03-13; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from nodule (on the epibenthic
sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol
aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA
2023.309; recordNumber: NHM_1893; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund |
Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers: 0174126196;
associatedSequences: OQ746731 (16S); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal |
Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart;
dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology;
language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName:
ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID:
b. scientificName: Ampharetidae; taxonConceptID: Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_015); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Ampharetidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1866; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: UK Seabed Resources Ltd exploration
area UK-1 Stratum A; verbatimLocality: UK1 Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4336;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB01; at Station B-K-E; from R/V Melville Cruise no.
MV1313; verbatimLatitude: 13°50.232; verbatimLongitude: 116°33.506; decimalLatitude:
13.8372; decimalLongitude: -116.55843; geodeticDatum: WGS84; eventID:
UK1_AB01_EB01; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate: 2013-10-09;
eventTime: 10:26; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net (on the
epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-
denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber:
NHMUK ANEA 2023.308; recordNumber: NHM_0015; recordedBy: Adrian Glover |
Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Magdalena Georgieva; otherCatalogNumbers:
0174127342; associatedSequences: OQ746466 (16S) | OQ746789 (18S) | OQ738494
(COI); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover |
Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20;
identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode:
Checklist of newly-vouchered annelid taxa from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, ... 11
NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord:
PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: 667791B3-AD99-567E-A080-F41C3123770A
Diagnosis: Damaged specimens (Fig. 2) consistent with placement within
Ampharetidae, based on morphology and DNA.
Distribution: Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific ocean.
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_044)
a. scientificName: Ampharetidae; taxonConceptID: Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_044); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Ampharetidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1866; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral Singapore exploration
claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4094;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB11; at Station S10; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Figure 2.
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_015).
a: Anterior fragment of live specimen NHM_1893;
b: Dorsal view of prostomium with branchiae, preserved specimen NHM_015;
c: Thoracic uncini, specimen NHM_015;
d: Live specimen NHM_015 in ventral view, partly inside the tube.
12 Wiklund H et al
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12°02.49’; verbatimLongitude: 117°13.03’;
decimalLatitude: 12.0415; decimalLongitude: -117.21717; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB11; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate:
2015-03-13; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net (on the epibenthic
sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol
aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA
2023.311; recordNumber: NHM_1947I; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund |
Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers: 0174126173;
associatedSequences: OQ746738 (16S); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal |
Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart;
dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology;
language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName:
ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID:
b. scientificName: Ampharetidae; taxonConceptID: Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_044); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Ampharetidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1866; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral Singapore exploration
claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4100;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB05; at Station S2; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'06.93; verbatimLongitude: 117'09.87;
decimalLatitude: 12.1155; decimalLongitude: -117.1645; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB05; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate:
2015-02-26; eventTime: 21:29; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from supra
net (on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80%
non-denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber:
NHMUK ANEA 2023.312; recordNumber: NHM_2769; recordedBy: Adrian Glover |
Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers:
0174126158; associatedSequences: OQ746783 (16S); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund |
Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan |
Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and
morphology; language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName:
ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: 8DEE847A-
c. scientificName: Ampharetidae; taxonConceptID: Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_044); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Ampharetidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1866; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: UK Seabed Resources Ltd exploration
area UK-1 Stratum A; verbatimLocality: UK1 Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4336;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB01; at Station B-K-E; from R/V Melville Cruise no.
MV1313; verbatimLatitude: 13°50.232; verbatimLongitude: 116°33.506; decimalLatitude:
13.8372; decimalLongitude: -116.55843; geodeticDatum: WGS84; eventID:
UK1_AB01_EB01; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate: 2013-10-09;
eventTime: 10:26; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net (on the
epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-
denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber:
NHMUK ANEA 2023.310; recordNumber: NHM_0044; recordedBy: Adrian Glover |
Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Magdalena Georgieva; otherCatalogNumbers:
0174127318; associatedSequences: OQ746470 (16S) | OQ746793 (18S); identifiedBy:
Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier |
Checklist of newly-vouchered annelid taxa from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, ... 13
Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks:
identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK;
collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen;
occurrenceID: EB0ED06F-AEFF-5006-8181-F1C25FE55726
Diagnosis: Damaged specimens (Fig. 3) consistent with Ampharetidae, based
morphology and DNA.
Distribution: Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific ocean.
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_062)
a. scientificName: Ampharetidae; taxonConceptID: Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_062); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Ampharetidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1866; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: UK Seabed Resources Ltd exploration
area UK-1 Stratum B; verbatimLocality: UK1 Stratum B; maximumDepthInMeters: 4233;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB09; at Station U1; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'21.81; verbatimLongitude: 116'40.86;
decimalLatitude: 12.3635; decimalLongitude: -116.681; geodeticDatum: WGS84; eventID:
UK1_AB02_EB09; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate: 2015-03-10;
eventTime: 10:46; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from supra net (on the
epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-
denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber:
NHMUK ANEA 2023.314; recordNumber: NHM_2541; recordedBy: Adrian Glover |
Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers:
0174126183; associatedSequences: OQ746779 (16S) | OQ738616 (COI); identifiedBy:
Figure 3.
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_044).
a: Specimen NHM_044, overview;
b: Specimen NHM_044, dorsal view of anterior end, scale bar 200 µm.
14 Wiklund H et al
Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier |
Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks:
identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK;
collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen;
occurrenceID: 9883D76D-3710-56C8-B231-665FDB2833BA
b. scientificName: Ampharetidae; taxonConceptID: Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_062); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Ampharetidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1866; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: UK Seabed Resources Ltd exploration
area UK-1 Stratum A; verbatimLocality: UK1 Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4108;
locationRemarks: Deployment BC04; at Station B; from R/V Melville Cruise no. MV1313;
verbatimLatitude: 13°50.993; verbatimLongitude: 116°38.697; decimalLatitude: 13.84988;
decimalLongitude: -116.64495; geodeticDatum: WGS84; eventID: UK1_AB01_BC04;
samplingProtocol: USNEL Box Core; eventDate: 2013-10-09; eventTime: 17:34; habitat:
Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from 0-2 cm layer of box core using a 300 micron
sieve; individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol
aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA
2023.313; recordNumber: NHM_0062; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund |
Thomas Dahlgren | Magdalena Georgieva; otherCatalogNumbers: 0174127389;
associatedSequences: OQ746474 (16S) | OQ738499 (COI); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund
| Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan |
Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and
morphology; language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName:
ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: D15497A0-76F6-523E-
Diagnosis: Damaged specimen (Fig. 4) consistent with placement within
Ampharetidae, based on morphology and DNA.
Distribution: Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean.
Figure 4.
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_062), specimen NHM_062 in lateral view. Scale bar 500 µm.
Checklist of newly-vouchered annelid taxa from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, ... 15
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_1338)
a. scientificName: Ampharetidae; taxonConceptID: Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_1338);
kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family:
Ampharetidae; taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1866;
waterBody: Pacific; stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral
Singapore exploration claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A;
maximumDepthInMeters: 4302; locationRemarks: Deployment EB06; at Station S5; from
R/V Thomas G. Thompson Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'15.44;
verbatimLongitude: 117'18.13; decimalLatitude: 12.25733; decimalLongitude: -117.30217;
geodeticDatum: WGS84; eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB06; samplingProtocol: Brenke
Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate: 2015-03-01; eventTime: 04:02; habitat: Abyssal plain;
fieldNotes: Collected from epi net (on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1;
preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA
voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA 2023.317; recordNumber:
NHM_1338; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine
Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers: 0174126541; associatedSequences: OQ746662 (16S) |
OQ746890 (18S); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian
Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20;
identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode:
NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord:
PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: 8198ADBC-A581-5F1A-AEE6-C1FEC1F8F6E2
b. scientificName: Ampharetidae; taxonConceptID: Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_1338);
kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family:
Ampharetidae; taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1866;
waterBody: Pacific; stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral
Singapore exploration claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A;
maximumDepthInMeters: 4302; locationRemarks: Deployment EB06; at Station S5; from
R/V Thomas G. Thompson Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'15.44;
verbatimLongitude: 117'18.13; decimalLatitude: 12.25733; decimalLongitude: -117.30217;
geodeticDatum: WGS84; eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB06; samplingProtocol: Brenke
Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate: 2015-03-01; eventTime: 04:02; habitat: Abyssal plain;
fieldNotes: Collected from epi net (on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1;
preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA
voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA 2023.318; recordNumber:
NHM_1347H; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren |
Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers: 0174126538; associatedSequences:
OQ746666 (16S); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian
Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20;
identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode:
NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord:
PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: D26AEACE-F406-5672-B690-5BF0ADB022F8
c. scientificName: Ampharetidae; taxonConceptID: Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_1338);
kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family:
Ampharetidae; taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1866;
waterBody: Pacific; stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: UK Seabed
Resources Ltd exploration area UK-1 Stratum B; verbatimLocality: UK1 Stratum B;
maximumDepthInMeters: 4137; locationRemarks: Deployment EB07; at Station U7; from
R/V Thomas G. Thompson Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'27.26;
16 Wiklund H et al
verbatimLongitude: 116'36.77; decimalLatitude: 12.45433; decimalLongitude: -116.61283;
geodeticDatum: WGS84; eventID: UK1_AB02_EB07; samplingProtocol: Brenke
Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate: 2015-03-03; eventTime: 20:40; habitat: Abyssal plain;
fieldNotes: Collected from epi net (on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1;
preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA
voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA 2023.319; recordNumber:
NHM_1480I; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine
Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers: 0174126167; associatedSequences: OQ746686 (16S);
identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine
Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20;
identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode:
NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord:
PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: EAE6F368-F2E1-56C4-9EF4-94BCCCF2E699
Diagnosis: Damaged specimen (Fig. 5) consistent with placement within
Ampharetidae, based on morphology and DNA.
Distribution: Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean.
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_1161)
a. scientificName: Ampharetidae; taxonConceptID: Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_1161);
kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family:
Ampharetidae; taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1866;
waterBody: Pacific; stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral
Singapore exploration claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A;
maximumDepthInMeters: 4100; locationRemarks: Deployment EB05; at Station S2; from
R/V Thomas G. Thompson Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'06.93;
verbatimLongitude: 117'09.87; decimalLatitude: 12.1155; decimalLongitude: -117.1645;
geodeticDatum: WGS84; eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB05; samplingProtocol: Brenke
Figure 5.
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_1338), live specimen NHM_1338.
Checklist of newly-vouchered annelid taxa from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, ... 17
Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate: 2015-02-26; eventTime: 21:29; habitat: Abyssal plain;
fieldNotes: Collected from epi net (on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1;
preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA
voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA 2023.316; recordNumber:
NHM_1161; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine
Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers: 0174126544; associatedSequences: OQ746629 (16S);
identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine
Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20;
identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode:
NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord:
PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: FACA35E6-347A-54CA-8D19-6A9C5CA0D813
Diagnosis: Damaged specimen (Fig. 6) consistent with placement within
Ampharetidae, based on morphology and DNA.
Distribution: Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean.
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_789)
a. scientificName: Ampharetidae; taxonConceptID: Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_789); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Ampharetidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1866; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral Singapore exploration
claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4100;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB05; at Station S2; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'06.93; verbatimLongitude: 117'09.87;
decimalLatitude: 12.1155; decimalLongitude: -117.1645; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB05; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate:
2015-02-26; eventTime: 21:29; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net
Figure 6.
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_1161), live specimen NHM_1661 in dorsal view.
18 Wiklund H et al
(on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: Tissue voucher stored in
80% non-denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer;
recordNumber: NHM_1177; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund | Thomas
Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers: 0109405353 | 0174126590;
associatedSequences: OQ746639 (16S) | OQ738569 (COI); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund
| Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan |
Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and
morphology; language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName:
ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID:
b. scientificName: Ampharetidae; taxonConceptID: Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_789); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Ampharetidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1866; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: UK Seabed Resources Ltd exploration
area UK-1 Stratum B; verbatimLocality: UK1 Stratum B; maximumDepthInMeters: 4237;
locationRemarks: Deployment BC06; at Station U6; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'34.742; verbatimLongitude: 116'41.218;
decimalLatitude: 12.57903; decimalLongitude: -116.68697; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: UK1_AB02_BC06; samplingProtocol: USNEL Box Core; eventDate: 2015-02-22;
eventTime: 05:08; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from nodule in box core
sample; individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol
aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA
2023.332; recordNumber: NHM_0870; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund |
Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers: 0174126619;
associatedSequences: OQ746569 (16S); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal |
Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart;
dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology;
language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName:
ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: 0DE37950-8866-5263-
c. scientificName: Ampharetidae; taxonConceptID: Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_789); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Ampharetidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1866; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: UK Seabed Resources Ltd exploration
area UK-1 Stratum B; verbatimLocality: UK1 Stratum B; maximumDepthInMeters: 4425;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB02; at Station U5; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'32.23; verbatimLongitude: 116'36.25;
decimalLatitude: 12.53717; decimalLongitude: -116.60417; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: UK1_AB02_EB02; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate:
2015-02-20; eventTime: 06:24; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net
(on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-
denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber:
NHMUK ANEA 2023.331; recordNumber: NHM_0789; recordedBy: Adrian Glover |
Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers:
0174126596; associatedSequences: OQ746561 (16S) | OQ746860 (18S); identifiedBy:
Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier |
Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks:
identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK;
collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen;
occurrenceID: D791260E-EDCE-5FF5-9BF5-9D7223F1C860
Checklist of newly-vouchered annelid taxa from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, ... 19
d. scientificName: Ampharetidae; taxonConceptID: Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_789); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Ampharetidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1866; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: UK Seabed Resources Ltd exploration
area UK-1 Stratum B; verbatimLocality: UK1 Stratum B; maximumDepthInMeters: 4258;
locationRemarks: Deployment BC20; at Station U13; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'35.813; verbatimLongitude: 116'29.614;
decimalLatitude: 12.59688; decimalLongitude: -116.49357; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: UK1_AB02_BC20; samplingProtocol: USNEL Box Core; eventDate: 2015-03-09;
habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from nodule in box core sample;
individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol
aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA
2023.333; recordNumber: NHM_1631; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund |
Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers: 0174126237;
associatedSequences: OQ746698 (16S); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal |
Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart;
dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology;
language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName:
ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID:
Diagnosis: Damaged specimen (Fig. 7) consistent with placement within
Ampharetidae, based on morphology and DNA.
Distribution: Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean.
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_265)
a. scientificName: Ampharetidae; taxonConceptID: Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_265); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Ampharetidae;
Figure 7.
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_789), live specimen NHM_870 in lateral view. Scale bar: 1 mm.
20 Wiklund H et al
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1866; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: UK Seabed Resources Ltd exploration
area UK-1 Stratum A; verbatimLocality: UK1 Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4128;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB04; at Station G-I; from R/V Melville Cruise no.
MV1313; verbatimLatitude: 13°45.21N; verbatimLongitude: 116°29.12W; decimalLatitude:
13.75583; decimalLongitude: -116.48667; geodeticDatum: WGS84; eventID:
UK1_AB01_EB04; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate: 2013-10-17;
eventTime: 01:50; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net (on the
epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-
denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber:
NHMUK ANEA 2023.325; recordNumber: NHM_0265; recordedBy: Adrian Glover |
Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Magdalena Georgieva; otherCatalogNumbers:
0174127346; associatedSequences: OQ746490 (16S) | OQ746809 (18S) | OQ738508
(COI); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover |
Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20;
identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode:
NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord:
PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: E9B2998D-6DE9-5E70-BAA7-3027D067D1A4
Diagnosis: Damaged specimen (Fig. 8) consistent with placement within
Ampharetidae, based on morphology and DNA.
Distribution: Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean.
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_292)
a. scientificName: Ampharetidae; taxonConceptID: Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_292); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Ampharetidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1866; waterBody: Pacific;
Figure 8.
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_265), live specimen NHM_265 in lateral view.
Checklist of newly-vouchered annelid taxa from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, ... 21
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral Singapore exploration
claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4094;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB11; at Station S10; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12°02.49’; verbatimLongitude: 117°13.03’;
decimalLatitude: 12.0415; decimalLongitude: -117.21717; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB11; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate:
2015-03-13; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net (on the epibenthic
sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol
aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA
2023.328; recordNumber: NHM_1865; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund |
Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers: 0174126147;
associatedSequences: OQ746726 (16S); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal |
Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart;
dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology;
language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName:
ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID:
b. scientificName: Ampharetidae; taxonConceptID: Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_292); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Ampharetidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1866; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral Singapore exploration
claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4094;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB11; at Station S10; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12°02.49’; verbatimLongitude: 117°13.03’;
decimalLatitude: 12.0415; decimalLongitude: -117.21717; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB11; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate:
2015-03-13; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net (on the epibenthic
sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol
aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA
2023.329; recordNumber: NHM_1947B; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund |
Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers: 0174126187;
associatedSequences: OQ746735 (16S); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal |
Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart;
dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology;
language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName:
ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: BD75E160-
c. scientificName: Ampharetidae; taxonConceptID: Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_292); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Ampharetidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1866; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral Singapore exploration
claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4070;
locationRemarks: Deployment BC09; at Station S2; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'04.914; verbatimLongitude: 117'10.691;
decimalLatitude: 12.0819; decimalLongitude: -117.19283; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: OMS1_AB02_BC09; samplingProtocol: USNEL Box Core; eventDate:
2015-02-26; eventTime: 00:37; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from 0-2 cm
layer of box core using a 300 micron sieve; individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen
stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer;
catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA 2023.327; recordNumber: NHM_1056; recordedBy:
22 Wiklund H et al
Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier;
otherCatalogNumbers: 0174126534; associatedSequences: OQ746610 (16S);
identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine
Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20;
identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode:
NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord:
PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: 93C0FFA4-4E5E-585B-BCA8-61D51E4947DE
d. scientificName: Ampharetidae; taxonConceptID: Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_292); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Ampharetidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1866; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: UK Seabed Resources Ltd exploration
area UK-1 Stratum A; verbatimLocality: UK1 Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4128;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB04; at Station G-I; from R/V Melville Cruise no.
MV1313; verbatimLatitude: 13°45.21N; verbatimLongitude: 116°29.12W; decimalLatitude:
13.75583; decimalLongitude: -116.48667; geodeticDatum: WGS84; eventID:
UK1_AB01_EB04; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate: 2013-10-17;
eventTime: 01:50; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net (on the
epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-
denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber:
NHMUK ANEA 2023.326; recordNumber: NHM_0292; recordedBy: Adrian Glover |
Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Magdalena Georgieva; otherCatalogNumbers:
0174127370; associatedSequences: OQ746493 (16S) | OQ746812 (18S) | OQ738511
(COI); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover |
Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20;
identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode:
NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord:
PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: DBD48590-7B08-583C-AD7E-97B0364CFA1A
Diagnosis: Damaged specimens (Fig. 9) consistent with placement within
Ampharetidae, based on morphology and DNA.
Distribution: Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean.
Figure 9.
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_292), live specimen NHM_1865 in lateral view.
Checklist of newly-vouchered annelid taxa from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, ... 23
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_774)
a. scientificName: Ampharetidae; taxonConceptID: Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_774); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Ampharetidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1866; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: UK Seabed Resources Ltd exploration
area UK-1 Stratum B; verbatimLocality: UK1 Stratum B; maximumDepthInMeters: 4425;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB02; at Station U5; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'32.23; verbatimLongitude: 116'36.25;
decimalLatitude: 12.53717; decimalLongitude: -116.60417; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: UK1_AB02_EB02; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate:
2015-02-20; eventTime: 06:24; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net
(on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-
denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber:
NHMUK ANEA 2023.330; recordNumber: NHM_0774; recordedBy: Adrian Glover |
Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers:
0174126620; associatedSequences: OQ746558 (16S) | OQ746859 (18S); identifiedBy:
Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier |
Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks:
identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK;
collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen;
occurrenceID: A2AB0A12-F120-5C81-BF8E-A33B95008AF1
Diagnosis: Damaged specimen (Fig. 10) consistent with placement within family
Ampharetidae, based on morphology and DNA.
Distribution: Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean.
Figure 10.
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_774), posteriorly incomplete specimen NHM_774. Scale bar: 1 mm.
24 Wiklund H et al
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_1082)
a. scientificName: Ampharetidae; taxonConceptID: Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_1082);
kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family:
Ampharetidae; taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1866;
waterBody: Pacific; stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral
Singapore exploration claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A;
maximumDepthInMeters: 4100; locationRemarks: Deployment EB05; at Station S2; from
R/V Thomas G. Thompson Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'06.93;
verbatimLongitude: 117'09.87; decimalLatitude: 12.1155; decimalLongitude: -117.1645;
geodeticDatum: WGS84; eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB05; samplingProtocol: Brenke
Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate: 2015-02-26; eventTime: 21:29; habitat: Abyssal plain;
fieldNotes: Collected from epi net (on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1;
preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA
voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA 2023.315; recordNumber:
NHM_1082; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine
Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers: 0174126583; associatedSequences: OQ746614 (16S) |
OQ746874 (18S); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian
Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20;
identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode:
NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord:
PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: D14E9925-C50B-5EB8-808B-0DF8AF255839
Diagnosis: Damaged specimens (Fig. 11) consistent with placement within family
Ampharetidae, based on morphology and DNA.
Distribution: Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean.
Figure 11.
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_1082). A Live specimen NHM_1082 in dorsal view. Scale bar: 1 mm;
B Thorax and anterior end of specimen NHM_1082 in lateral view.
Checklist of newly-vouchered annelid taxa from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, ... 25
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_163)
a. scientificName: Ampharetidae; taxonConceptID: Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_163); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Ampharetidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1866; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral Singapore exploration
claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4122;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB04; at Station S1; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'08.02; verbatimLongitude: 117'17.52;
decimalLatitude: 12.13367; decimalLongitude: -117.292; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB04; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate:
2015-02-24; eventTime: 19:10; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net
(on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-
denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber:
NHMUK ANEA 2023.324; recordNumber: NHM_1025B; recordedBy: Adrian Glover |
Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers:
0174126558; associatedSequences: OQ746608 (16S); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund |
Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan |
Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and
morphology; language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName:
ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID:
b. scientificName: Ampharetidae; taxonConceptID: Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_163); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Ampharetidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1866; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: UK Seabed Resources Ltd exploration
area UK-1 Stratum A; verbatimLocality: UK1 Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4084;
locationRemarks: Deployment BC06; at Station D; from R/V Melville Cruise no. MV1313;
verbatimLatitude: 13°57.794; verbatimLongitude: 116°34.093; decimalLatitude: 13.96323;
decimalLongitude: -116.56822; geodeticDatum: WGS84; eventID: UK1_AB01_BC06;
samplingProtocol: USNEL Box Core; eventDate: 2013-10-12; eventTime: 23:01:00;
habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from 0-2 cm layer of box core using a 300
micron sieve; individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-denatured
ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA
2023.322; recordNumber: NHM_0163; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund |
Thomas Dahlgren | Magdalena Georgieva; otherCatalogNumbers: 0174127365;
associatedSequences: OQ746480 (16S) | OQ746802 (18S) | OQ738502 (COI);
identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine
Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20;
identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode:
NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord:
PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: EF5227F0-E817-59D1-9FAD-D00A41C502EB
c. scientificName: Ampharetidae; taxonConceptID: Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_163); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Ampharetidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1866; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: UK Seabed Resources Ltd exploration
area UK-1 Stratum A; verbatimLocality: UK1 Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4075;
locationRemarks: Deployment RV05; at Station G; from R/V Melville Cruise no. MV1313;
decimalLatitude: 13.76085; decimalLongitude: -116.4653; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
26 Wiklund H et al
eventID: UK1_AB01_RV05; samplingProtocol: Remotely Operated Vehicle; eventDate:
2013-10-17; eventTime: 19:06; habitat: Abyssal plain; individualCount: 1; preparations:
specimen stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in
buffer; catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA 2023.323; recordNumber: NHM_0334;
recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Magdalena Georgieva;
otherCatalogNumbers: 0174127373; associatedSequences: OQ746498 (16S) |
OQ746816 (18S); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian
Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20;
identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode:
NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord:
PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: 3D9F7E8B-9CBD-504B-ADA7-3A5FAFC1523C
Diagnosis: Damaged specimens (Fig. 12) consistent with placement within
Ampharetidae, based on morphology and DNA.
Distribution: Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean.
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_1599)
a. scientificName: Ampharetidae; taxonConceptID: Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_1599);
kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family:
Ampharetidae; taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1866;
waterBody: Pacific; stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral
Singapore exploration claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A;
maximumDepthInMeters: 4094; locationRemarks: Deployment EB11; at Station S10; from
R/V Thomas G. Thompson Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12°02.49’;
verbatimLongitude: 117°13.03’; decimalLatitude: 12.0415; decimalLongitude: -117.21717;
geodeticDatum: WGS84; eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB11; samplingProtocol: Brenke
Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate: 2015-03-13; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected
Figure 12.
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_163), anterior fragment of live specimen NHM_1025B, in dorsal view.
Checklist of newly-vouchered annelid taxa from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, ... 27
from supra net (on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen
stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer;
catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA 2023.321; recordNumber: NHM_3052; recordedBy:
Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier;
otherCatalogNumbers: 0174123645; associatedSequences: OQ746787 (16S) |
OQ738620 (COI); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian
Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20;
identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode:
NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord:
PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: BC7C7D83-CC6F-556D-9852-569AECCFDD26
b. scientificName: Ampharetidae; taxonConceptID: Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_1599);
kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family:
Ampharetidae; taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1866;
waterBody: Pacific; stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: UK Seabed
Resources Ltd exploration area UK-1 Stratum B; verbatimLocality: UK1 Stratum B;
maximumDepthInMeters: 4237; locationRemarks: Deployment BC19; at Station U12;
from R/V Thomas G. Thompson Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'31.273;
verbatimLongitude: 116'41.889; decimalLatitude: 12.52122; decimalLongitude:
-116.69815; geodeticDatum: WGS84; eventID: UK1_AB02_BC19; samplingProtocol:
USNEL Box Core; eventDate: 2015-03-08; eventTime: 01:04; habitat: Abyssal plain;
fieldNotes: Collected from 0-2 cm layer of box core using a 300 micron sieve;
individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol
aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA
2023.320; recordNumber: NHM_1599; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund |
Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers: 0174126145;
associatedSequences: OQ746697 (16S) | OQ738594 (COI); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund
| Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan |
Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and
morphology; language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName:
ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: 8CA1389D-
Diagnosis: Damaged specimen (Fig. 13) consistent with placement within
Ampharetidae, based on morphology and DNA.
Figure 13.
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_1599), live specimen NHM_1599 in dorsal view.
28 Wiklund H et al
Distribution: Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean.
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_1578)
a. scientificName: Ampharetidae; taxonConceptID: Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_1578);
kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family:
Ampharetidae; taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1866;
waterBody: Pacific; stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: UK Seabed
Resources Ltd exploration area UK-1 Stratum B; verbatimLocality: UK1 Stratum B;
maximumDepthInMeters: 4233; locationRemarks: Deployment EB09; at Station U1; from
R/V Thomas G. Thompson Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'21.81;
verbatimLongitude: 116'40.86; decimalLatitude: 12.3635; decimalLongitude: -116.681;
geodeticDatum: WGS84; eventID: UK1_AB02_EB09; samplingProtocol: Brenke
Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate: 2015-03-10; eventTime: 10:46; habitat: Abyssal plain;
fieldNotes: Collected from epi net (on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1;
preparations: Tissue voucher stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol aqueous solution |
DNA voucher stored in buffer; recordNumber: NHM_1679; recordedBy: Adrian Glover |
Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers:
0109405403 | 0174126146; associatedSequences: OQ746705 (16S) | OQ738596 (COI);
identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine
Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20;
identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode:
NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord:
PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: 7AB8D3F6-877D-58CC-B47B-ED903976172F
b. scientificName: Ampharetidae; taxonConceptID: Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_1578);
kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family:
Ampharetidae; taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1866;
waterBody: Pacific; stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: UK Seabed
Resources Ltd exploration area UK-1 Stratum B; verbatimLocality: UK1 Stratum B;
maximumDepthInMeters: 4136; locationRemarks: Deployment BC18; at Station U12;
from R/V Thomas G. Thompson Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'25.195;
verbatimLongitude: 116'37.477; decimalLatitude: 12.41992; decimalLongitude:
-116.62462; geodeticDatum: WGS84; eventID: UK1_AB02_BC18; samplingProtocol:
USNEL Box Core; eventDate: 2015-03-07; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected
from nodule in box core sample; individualCount: 1; preparations: Tissue voucher stored
in 80% non-denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer;
recordNumber: NHM_1578; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund | Thomas
Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers: 0109405427 | 0174126169;
associatedSequences: OQ746695 (16S); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal |
Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart;
dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology;
language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName:
ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID:
Diagnosis: Damaged specimens consistent with placement within family Ampharetidae,
based on morphology and DNA. Live specimens inside the tube found attached to the
nodules (Fig. 14).
Checklist of newly-vouchered annelid taxa from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, ... 29
Distribution: Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean.
Chaetopteridae Audouin and Milne Edwards, 1833
Chaetopteridae sp. (NHM_331)
a. scientificName: Chaetopteridae; taxonConceptID: Chaetopteridae sp. (NHM_331);
kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; family: Chaetopteridae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1833;
waterBody: Pacific; stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral
Singapore exploration claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A;
maximumDepthInMeters: 4100; locationRemarks: Deployment EB05; at Station S2; from
R/V Thomas G. Thompson Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'06.93;
verbatimLongitude: 117'09.87; decimalLatitude: 12.1155; decimalLongitude: -117.1645;
geodeticDatum: WGS84; eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB05; samplingProtocol: Brenke
Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate: 2015-02-26; eventTime: 21:29; habitat: Abyssal plain;
fieldNotes: Collected from epi net (on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1;
preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA
voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA 2023.336; recordNumber:
NHM_1163B; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren |
Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers: 0174126615; associatedSequences:
Figure 14.
Ampharetidae sp. (NHM_1578), live specimen NHM_1578 inside the muddy tube attached to
the nodule.
30 Wiklund H et al
OQ738564 (COI); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian
Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20;
identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode:
NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord:
PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: 33907DBF-3CBE-5938-AFF9-D89E722F9420
b. scientificName: Chaetopteridae; taxonConceptID: Chaetopteridae sp. (NHM_331);
kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; family: Chaetopteridae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1833;
waterBody: Pacific; stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: UK Seabed
Resources Ltd exploration area UK-1 Stratum A; verbatimLocality: UK1 Stratum A;
maximumDepthInMeters: 4160; locationRemarks: Deployment BC14; at Station L; from
R/V Melville Cruise no. MV1313; verbatimLatitude: 13°43.597; verbatimLongitude:
116°40.200; decimalLatitude: 13.72662; decimalLongitude: -116.67; geodeticDatum:
WGS84; eventID: UK1_AB01_BC14; samplingProtocol: USNEL Box Core; eventDate:
2013-10-22; eventTime: 07:25; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from 0-2 cm
layer of box core using a 300 micron sieve; individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen
stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer;
catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA 2023.335; recordNumber: NHM_0461; recordedBy:
Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Magdalena Georgieva;
otherCatalogNumbers: 0174127341; associatedSequences: OQ746523 (16S) |
OQ746839 (18S) | OQ738523 (COI); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas
Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart;
dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology;
language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName:
ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID:
c. scientificName: Chaetopteridae; taxonConceptID: Chaetopteridae sp. (NHM_331);
kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; family: Chaetopteridae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1833;
waterBody: Pacific; stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: UK Seabed
Resources Ltd exploration area UK-1 Stratum A; verbatimLocality: UK1 Stratum A;
maximumDepthInMeters: 4075; locationRemarks: Deployment RV05; at Station G; from
R/V Melville Cruise no. MV1313; decimalLatitude: 13.76085; decimalLongitude:
-116.4653; geodeticDatum: WGS84; eventID: UK1_AB01_RV05; samplingProtocol:
Remotely Operated Vehicle; eventDate: 2013-10-17; eventTime: 19:06; habitat: Abyssal
plain; individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol
aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA
2023.334; recordNumber: NHM_0331; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund |
Thomas Dahlgren | Magdalena Georgieva; otherCatalogNumbers: 0174127338;
associatedSequences: OQ746496 (16S) | OQ746815 (18S); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund
| Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan |
Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and
morphology; language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName:
ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: D3FE16FA-
Diagnosis: Damaged specimens (Fig. 15) consistent with placement within
Chaetopteridae, based on morphology and DNA.
Checklist of newly-vouchered annelid taxa from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, ... 31
Distribution: Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean.
Chrysopetalidae Ehlers, 1864
Chrysopetalidae sp. (NHM_2026)
a. scientificName: Chrysopetalidae; taxonConceptID: Chrysopetalidae sp. (NHM_2026);
kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Phyllodocida; family:
Chrysopetalidae; taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Ehlers, 1864; waterBody:
Pacific; stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral Singapore
exploration claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters:
4235; locationRemarks: Deployment EB12; at Station S11; from R/V Thomas G.
Thompson Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'03.03; verbatimLongitude: 117'24.28;
decimalLatitude: 12.0505; decimalLongitude: -117.40467; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB12; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate:
2015-03-16; eventTime: 05:30; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net
(on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 2; preparations: Tissue voucher stored in
80% non-denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer;
recordNumber: NHM_2026; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund | Thomas
Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers: 0174127391 | 0174123646;
associatedSequences: OQ746747 (16S); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal |
Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart;
dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology;
language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName:
ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID:
Figure 15.
Chaetopteridae sp. (NHM_331), live specimen NHM_461 in dorsal view.
32 Wiklund H et al
Diagnosis: Damaged specimen consistent with placement within
Chrysopetalidae Ehlers, 1864 based on morphology and DNA.
Distribution: Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean.
Chrysopetalidae sp. (NHM_410)
a. scientificName: Chrysopetalidae; taxonConceptID: Chrysopetalidae sp. (NHM_410);
kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Phyllodocida; family:
Chrysopetalidae; taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Ehlers, 1864; waterBody:
Pacific; stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: UK Seabed Resources Ltd
exploration area UK-1 Stratum A; verbatimLocality: UK1 Stratum A;
maximumDepthInMeters: 4500; locationRemarks: Deployment BC12; at Station K; from
R/V Melville Cruise no. MV1313; decimalLatitude: 13.86328; decimalLongitude:
-116.54885; geodeticDatum: WGS84; eventID: UK1_AB01_BC12; samplingProtocol:
USNEL Box Core; eventDate: 2013-10-20; eventTime: 03:39; habitat: Abyssal plain;
fieldNotes: Collected from 0-2 cm layer of box core using a 300 micron sieve;
individualCount: 1; preparations: Tissue voucher stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol
aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; recordNumber: NHM_0410; recordedBy:
Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Magdalena Georgieva;
otherCatalogNumbers: 0109405360 | 0174127297; associatedSequences: OQ746510
(16S) | OQ738518 (COI); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren |
Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified:
2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology; language: en;
institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE;
basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: A1F1FF52-ABD9-58B5-B30D-
Diagnosis: Damaged specimen (Fig. 16) consistent with placement within family
Chrysopetalidae Ehlers, 1864, based on morphology and DNA.
Distribution: Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean.
Figure 16.
Chrysopetalidae sp. (NHM_410), anterior end of live specimen NHM_410 in dorsal view.
Checklist of newly-vouchered annelid taxa from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, ... 33
Chrysopetalidae sp. (NHM_1550)
a. scientificName: Chrysopetalidae; taxonConceptID: Chrysopetalidae sp. (NHM_1550);
kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Phyllodocida; family:
Chrysopetalidae; taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Ehlers, 1864; waterBody:
Pacific; stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: UK Seabed Resources Ltd
exploration area UK-1 Stratum B; verbatimLocality: UK1 Stratum B;
maximumDepthInMeters: 4226; locationRemarks: Deployment MC15; at Station U10;
from R/V Thomas G. Thompson Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'34.188;
verbatimLongitude: 116'32.331; decimalLatitude: 12.5698; decimalLongitude: -116.53885;
geodeticDatum: WGS84; eventID: UK1_AB02_MC15; samplingProtocol: Multi Corer;
eventDate: 2015-03-06; eventTime: 06:40; habitat: Abyssal plain; individualCount: 1;
preparations: Tissue voucher stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol aqueous solution |
DNA voucher stored in buffer; recordNumber: NHM_1550; recordedBy: Adrian Glover |
Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers:
0109405058 | 0174126190; associatedSequences: OQ746694 (16S); identifiedBy:
Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier |
Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks:
identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK;
collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen;
occurrenceID: 6F7DBD3E-1EEF-597F-B530-C7C2771A9BB0
Diagnosis: Damaged specimen (Fig. 17) consistent with placement within family
Chrysopetalidae, based on morphology and DNA.
Distribution: Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean.
Figure 17.
Chrysopetalidae sp. (NHM_1550), body fragment of live specimen NHM_1550.
34 Wiklund H et al
Chrysopetalidae sp. NHM (1303)
a. scientificName: Chrysopetalidae; taxonConceptID: Chrysopetalidae NHM (1303);
kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Phyllodocida; family:
Chrysopetalidae; taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Ehlers, 1864; waterBody:
Pacific; stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral Singapore
exploration claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters:
4302; locationRemarks: Deployment EB06; at Station S5; from R/V Thomas G.
Thompson Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'15.44; verbatimLongitude: 117'18.13;
decimalLatitude: 12.25733; decimalLongitude: -117.30217; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB06; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate:
2015-03-01; eventTime: 04:02; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net
(on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-
denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber:
NHMUK ANEA 2023.338; recordNumber: NHM_1303; recordedBy: Adrian Glover |
Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers:
0174126610; associatedSequences: OQ746654 (16S); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund |
Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan |
Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and
morphology; language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName:
ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID:
b. scientificName: Chrysopetalidae; taxonConceptID: Chrysopetalidae NHM (1303);
kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Phyllodocida; family:
Chrysopetalidae; taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Ehlers, 1864; waterBody:
Pacific; stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral Singapore
exploration claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters:
4302; locationRemarks: Deployment EB06; at Station S5; from R/V Thomas G.
Thompson Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'15.44; verbatimLongitude: 117'18.13;
decimalLatitude: 12.25733; decimalLongitude: -117.30217; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB06; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate:
2015-03-01; eventTime: 04:02; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net
(on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: Tissue voucher stored in
80% non-denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer;
recordNumber: NHM_1349; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund | Thomas
Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers: 0109405357 | 0174126564;
associatedSequences: OQ746671 (16S); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal |
Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart;
dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology;
language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName:
ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID:
Diagnosis: Damaged specimens (Fig. 18) consistent with placement within family
Chrysopetalidae, based on morphology and DNA.
Checklist of newly-vouchered annelid taxa from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, ... 35
Distribution: Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean.
Chrysopetalidae sp. (NHM_748A)
a. scientificName: Chrysopetalidae; taxonConceptID: Chrysopetalidae sp. (NHM_748A);
kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Phyllodocida; family:
Chrysopetalidae; taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Ehlers, 1864; waterBody:
Pacific; stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: UK Seabed Resources Ltd
exploration area UK-1 Stratum B; verbatimLocality: UK1 Stratum B;
maximumDepthInMeters: 4425; locationRemarks: Deployment EB02; at Station U5; from
R/V Thomas G. Thompson Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'32.23;
verbatimLongitude: 116'36.25; decimalLatitude: 12.53717; decimalLongitude: -116.60417;
geodeticDatum: WGS84; eventID: UK1_AB02_EB02; samplingProtocol: Brenke
Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate: 2015-02-20; eventTime: 06:24; habitat: Abyssal plain;
fieldNotes: Collected from epi net (on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1;
preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA
voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA 2023.337; recordNumber:
NHM_0748A; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren |
Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers: 0174126549; associatedSequences:
OQ746550 (16S) | OQ746856 (18S); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas
Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart;
dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology;
language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName:
ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID:
Figure 18.
Chrysopetalidae sp. (NHM_1303).
a: Anterior fragment of live specimen NHM_1303 in ventral view;
b: Anterior fragment of preserved specimen NHM_1303 in dorsal view, scale bar 0.5 mm.
36 Wiklund H et al
Diagnosis: Damaged specimen (Fig. 19) consistent with placement within
Chrysopetalidae, based on morphology and DNA.
Distribution: Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean.
Cirratulidae Ryckholt, 1851
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_530)
a. scientificName: Cirratulidae; taxonConceptID: Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_530); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Cirratulidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Ryckholt, 1851; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral Singapore exploration
claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4302;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB06; at Station S5; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'15.44; verbatimLongitude: 117'18.13;
decimalLatitude: 12.25733; decimalLongitude: -117.30217; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB06; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate:
2015-03-01; eventTime: 04:02; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net
(on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-
denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber:
NHMUK ANEA 2023.362; recordNumber: NHM_1268; recordedBy: Adrian Glover |
Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers:
0174126537; associatedSequences: OQ746648 (16S) | OQ738575 (COI); identifiedBy:
Figure 19.
Chrysopetalidae sp. (NHM_748A), anterior fragment of live specimen NHM_748A. Scale bar:
500 µm.
Checklist of newly-vouchered annelid taxa from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, ... 37
Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier |
Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks:
identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK;
collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen;
occurrenceID: 62CED7EC-7D44-53E5-856F-BDC4B84AA420
b. scientificName: Cirratulidae; taxonConceptID: Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_530); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Cirratulidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Ryckholt, 1851; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral Singapore exploration
claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4302;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB06; at Station S5; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'15.44; verbatimLongitude: 117'18.13;
decimalLatitude: 12.25733; decimalLongitude: -117.30217; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB06; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate:
2015-03-01; eventTime: 04:02; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net
(on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: Tissue voucher stored in
80% non-denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer;
recordNumber: NHM_1348H; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund | Thomas
Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers: 0109405378 | 0174126588;
associatedSequences: OQ746669 (16S) | OQ738579 (COI); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund
| Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan |
Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and
morphology; language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName:
ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: 643009D7-
c. scientificName: Cirratulidae; taxonConceptID: Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_530); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Cirratulidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Ryckholt, 1851; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: UK Seabed Resources Ltd exploration
area UK-1 Stratum B; verbatimLocality: UK1 Stratum B; maximumDepthInMeters: 4158;
locationRemarks: Deployment BC02; at Station U2; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'22.020; verbatimLongitude: 116'31.017;
decimalLatitude: 12.367; decimalLongitude: -116.51695; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: UK1_AB02_BC02; samplingProtocol: USNEL Box Core; eventDate: 2015-02-17;
eventTime: 12:12; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from 0-2 cm layer of box
core using a 300 micron sieve; individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80%
non-denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber:
NHMUK ANEA 2023.361; recordNumber: NHM_0530; recordedBy: Adrian Glover |
Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers:
0174126731; associatedSequences: OQ746525 (16S) | OQ746842 (18S) | OQ738524
(COI); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover |
Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20;
identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode:
NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord:
PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: D779D49E-D225-5B2F-8BC6-E72B98AE12A1
Diagnosis: Damaged specimens (Fig. 20) consistent with placement within
Cirratulidae, based on morphology and DNA.
38 Wiklund H et al
Distribution: Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean.
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_734)
a. scientificName: Cirratulidae; taxonConceptID: Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_734); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Cirratulidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Ryckholt, 1851; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: UK Seabed Resources Ltd exploration
area UK-1 Stratum B; verbatimLocality: UK1 Stratum B; maximumDepthInMeters: 4425;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB02; at Station U5; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'32.23; verbatimLongitude: 116'36.25;
decimalLatitude: 12.53717; decimalLongitude: -116.60417; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: UK1_AB02_EB02; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate:
2015-02-20; eventTime: 06:24; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net
(on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: Tissue voucher stored in
80% non-denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer;
recordNumber: NHM_0734; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund | Thomas
Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers: 0109405383 | 0174126621;
associatedSequences: OQ746545 (16S) | OQ746853 (18S) | OQ738534 (COI);
identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine
Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20;
identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode:
NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord:
PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: B9BD1477-E343-5B43-8335-1A7EE6EBF14B
Diagnosis: Damaged specimen (Fig. 21) consistent with placement within family
Cirratulidae, based on morphology and DNA.
Figure 20.
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_530), live specimen NHM_1268 in dorsolateral view.
Checklist of newly-vouchered annelid taxa from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, ... 39
Distribution: Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean.
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_904)
a. scientificName: Cirratulidae; taxonConceptID: Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_904); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Cirratulidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Ryckholt, 1851; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral Singapore exploration
claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4302;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB06; at Station S5; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'15.44; verbatimLongitude: 117'18.13;
decimalLatitude: 12.25733; decimalLongitude: -117.30217; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB06; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate:
2015-03-01; eventTime: 04:02; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net
(on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: Tissue voucher stored in
80% non-denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer;
recordNumber: NHM_1348I; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund | Thomas
Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers: 0109405357 | 0174126587;
associatedSequences: OQ746670 (16S) | OQ738580 (COI); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund
| Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan |
Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and
morphology; language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName:
ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID:
b. scientificName: Cirratulidae; taxonConceptID: Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_904); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Cirratulidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Ryckholt, 1851; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: UK Seabed Resources Ltd exploration
area UK-1 Stratum B; verbatimLocality: UK1 Stratum B; maximumDepthInMeters: 4198;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB03; at Station U4; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'34.28; verbatimLongitude: 116'36.63;
Figure 21.
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_734), anterior fragment of the live specimen NHM_734.
40 Wiklund H et al
decimalLatitude: 12.57133; decimalLongitude: -116.6105; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: UK1_AB02_EB03; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate:
2015-02-23; eventTime: 05:39; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net
(on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-
denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber:
NHMUK ANEA 2023.363; recordNumber: NHM_0904; recordedBy: Adrian Glover |
Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers:
0174126812; associatedSequences: OQ746574 (16S) | OQ746865 (18S) | OQ738542
(COI); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover |
Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20;
identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode:
NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord:
PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: 5A98AB6B-6421-531E-8C96-8DC8A332DDC0
Diagnosis: Damaged specimens (Fig. 22) consistent with placement within
Cirratulidae, based on morphology and DNA.
Distribution: Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean.
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_915G)
a. scientificName: Cirratulidae; taxonConceptID: Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_915G); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Cirratulidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Ryckholt, 1851; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral Singapore exploration
claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4302;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB06; at Station S5; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'15.44; verbatimLongitude: 117'18.13;
decimalLatitude: 12.25733; decimalLongitude: -117.30217; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
Figure 22.
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_904), anterior end of live specimen NHM_904.
Checklist of newly-vouchered annelid taxa from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, ... 41
eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB06; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate:
2015-03-01; eventTime: 04:02; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net
(on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-
denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber:
NHMUK ANEA 2023.365; recordNumber: NHM_1271; recordedBy: Adrian Glover |
Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers:
0174126613; associatedSequences: OQ746650 (16S); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund |
Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan |
Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and
morphology; language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName:
ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID:
b. scientificName: Cirratulidae; taxonConceptID: Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_915G); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Cirratulidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Ryckholt, 1851; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral Singapore exploration
claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4094;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB11; at Station S10; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12°02.49’; verbatimLongitude: 117°13.03’;
decimalLatitude: 12.0415; decimalLongitude: -117.21717; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB11; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate:
2015-03-13; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net (on the epibenthic
sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol
aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA
2023.367; recordNumber: NHM_1948B; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund |
Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers: 0174126149;
associatedSequences: OQ746740 (16S); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal |
Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart;
dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology;
language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName:
ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID:
c. scientificName: Cirratulidae; taxonConceptID: Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_915G); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Cirratulidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Ryckholt, 1851; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral Singapore exploration
claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4045;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB10; at Station S7; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'10.43; verbatimLongitude: 117'11.57;
decimalLatitude: 12.17383; decimalLongitude: -117.19283; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB10; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate:
2015-03-11; eventTime: 22:49; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net
(on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-
denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber:
NHMUK ANEA 2023.366; recordNumber: NHM_1784; recordedBy: Adrian Glover |
Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers:
0174126148; associatedSequences: OQ746720 (16S); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund |
Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan |
Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and
morphology; language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName:
42 Wiklund H et al
ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: C26DC393-
d. scientificName: Cirratulidae; taxonConceptID: Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_915G); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Cirratulidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Ryckholt, 1851; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: UK Seabed Resources Ltd exploration
area UK-1 Stratum B; verbatimLocality: UK1 Stratum B; maximumDepthInMeters: 4198;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB03; at Station U4; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'34.28; verbatimLongitude: 116'36.63;
decimalLatitude: 12.57133; decimalLongitude: -116.6105; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: UK1_AB02_EB03; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate:
2015-02-23; eventTime: 05:39; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net
(on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-
denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber:
NHMUK ANEA 2023.364; recordNumber: NHM_0915G; recordedBy: Adrian Glover |
Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers:
0174126547; associatedSequences: OQ746582 (16S) | OQ746866 (18S) | OQ738545
(COI); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover |
Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20;
identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode:
NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord:
PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: BA345B22-C418-55F2-9AA5-DE601137D123
Diagnosis: Damaged specimens (Fig. 23) consistent with placement within
Cirratulidae, based on morphology and DNA.
Distribution: Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean.
Figure 23.
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_915G), anterior of fragment of live specimen NHM_1271.
Checklist of newly-vouchered annelid taxa from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, ... 43
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_945C)
a. scientificName: Cirratulidae; taxonConceptID: Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_945C); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Cirratulidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Ryckholt, 1851; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: UK Seabed Resources Ltd exploration
area UK-1 Stratum B; verbatimLocality: UK1 Stratum B; maximumDepthInMeters: 4198;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB03; at Station U4; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'34.28; verbatimLongitude: 116'36.63;
decimalLatitude: 12.57133; decimalLongitude: -116.6105; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: UK1_AB02_EB03; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate:
2015-02-23; eventTime: 05:39; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net
(on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-
denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber:
NHMUK ANEA 2023.368; recordNumber: NHM_0945C; recordedBy: Adrian Glover |
Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers:
0174126546; associatedSequences: OQ746594 (16S) | OQ746867 (18S) | OQ738551
(COI); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover |
Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20;
identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode:
NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord:
PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: C3206274-F5C3-52DD-9CDB-DAE9C198C20B
Diagnosis: Damaged specimen (Fig. 24) consistent with placement within family
Cirratulidae, based on morphology and DNA.
Distribution: Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean.
Figure 24.
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_945C), anterior end of live specimen NHM_945C in lateral view. Scale
bar: 1 mm.
44 Wiklund H et al
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_1001)
a. scientificName: Cirratulidae; taxonConceptID: Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_1001); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Cirratulidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Ryckholt, 1851; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral Singapore exploration
claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4122;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB04; at Station S1; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'08.02; verbatimLongitude: 117'17.52;
decimalLatitude: 12.13367; decimalLongitude: -117.292; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB04; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate:
2015-02-24; eventTime: 19:10; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net
(on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-
denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber:
NHMUK ANEA 2023.343; recordNumber: NHM_1001; recordedBy: Adrian Glover |
Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers:
0174126582; associatedSequences: OQ746602 (16S) | OQ746869 (18S) | OQ738554
(COI); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover |
Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20;
identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode:
NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord:
PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: 38F92F98-0ADD-5143-B6D9-9429F17B9BFE
Diagnosis: Damaged specimen (Fig. 25) consistent with placement within family
Cirratulidae, based on morphology and DNA.
Distribution: Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean.
Figure 25.
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_1001), anterior fragment of live specimen NHM_1001 in lateral view.
Checklist of newly-vouchered annelid taxa from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, ... 45
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_1235)
a. scientificName: Cirratulidae; taxonConceptID: Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_1235); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Cirratulidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Ryckholt, 1851; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral Singapore exploration
claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4090;
locationRemarks: Deployment BC11; at Station S5; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'13.0425; verbatimLongitude: 117'19.5229;
decimalLatitude: 12.21738; decimalLongitude: -117.32538; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: OMS1_AB02_BC11; samplingProtocol: USNEL Box Core; eventDate:
2015-02-28; eventTime: 12:09; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from 0-2 cm
layer of box core using a 300 micron sieve; individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen
stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer;
catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA 2023.344; recordNumber: NHM_1235; recordedBy:
Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier;
otherCatalogNumbers: 0174126761; associatedSequences: OQ746642 (16S) |
OQ746882 (18S) | OQ738572 (COI); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas
Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart;
dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology;
language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName:
ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: 9E7B92EE-
b. scientificName: Cirratulidae; taxonConceptID: Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_1235); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Cirratulidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Ryckholt, 1851; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral Singapore exploration
claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4090;
locationRemarks: Deployment BC11; at Station S5; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'13.0425; verbatimLongitude: 117'19.5229;
decimalLatitude: 12.21738; decimalLongitude: -117.32538; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: OMS1_AB02_BC11; samplingProtocol: USNEL Box Core; eventDate:
2015-02-28; eventTime: 12:09; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from 0-2 cm
layer of box core using a 300 micron sieve; individualCount: 1; preparations: Tissue
voucher stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in
buffer; recordNumber: NHM_1236; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund | Thomas
Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers: 0109405405 | 0174126561;
associatedSequences: OQ746643 (16S) | OQ738573 (COI); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund
| Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan |
Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and
morphology; language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName:
ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID:
c. scientificName: Cirratulidae; taxonConceptID: Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_1235); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Cirratulidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Ryckholt, 1851; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral Singapore exploration
claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4302;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB06; at Station S5; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
46 Wiklund H et al
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'15.44; verbatimLongitude: 117'18.13;
decimalLatitude: 12.25733; decimalLongitude: -117.30217; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB06; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate:
2015-03-01; eventTime: 04:02; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from supra
net (on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80%
non-denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber:
NHMUK ANEA 2023.345; recordNumber: NHM_2267; recordedBy: Adrian Glover |
Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers:
0174126160; associatedSequences: OQ746768 (16S) | OQ738610 (COI); identifiedBy:
Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier |
Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks:
identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK;
collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen;
occurrenceID: 575F84CD-A6B7-5A27-B43C-1C505F4DA337
Diagnosis: Damaged specimen (Fig. 26) consistent with placement within
Cirratulidae, based on morphology and DNA.
Distribution: Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean.
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_1429)
a. scientificName: Cirratulidae; taxonConceptID: Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_1429); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Cirratulidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Ryckholt, 1851; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: UK Seabed Resources Ltd exploration
area UK-1 Stratum B; verbatimLocality: UK1 Stratum B; maximumDepthInMeters: 4137;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB07; at Station U7; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'27.26; verbatimLongitude: 116'36.77;
decimalLatitude: 12.45433; decimalLongitude: -116.61283; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: UK1_AB02_EB07; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate:
2015-03-03; eventTime: 20:40; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net
(on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-
denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber:
Figure 26.
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_1235), anterior end of live specimen NHM_1235.
Checklist of newly-vouchered annelid taxa from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, ... 47
NHMUK ANEA 2023.346; recordNumber: NHM_1429; recordedBy: Adrian Glover |
Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers:
0174126795; associatedSequences: OQ746679 (16S) | OQ738584 (COI); identifiedBy:
Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier |
Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks:
identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK;
collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen;
occurrenceID: A47A987B-669A-5489-B17B-0D9A6B1D5575
Diagnosis: Damaged specimen (Fig. 27) consistent with placement within
Cirratulidae, based on morphology and DNA.
Distribution: Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean.
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_1518)
a. scientificName: Cirratulidae; taxonConceptID: Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_1518); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Cirratulidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Ryckholt, 1851; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: UK Seabed Resources Ltd exploration
area UK-1 Stratum B; verbatimLocality: UK1 Stratum B; maximumDepthInMeters: 4252;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB08; at Station U11; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'30.79; verbatimLongitude: 116'29.48;
decimalLatitude: 12.51317; decimalLongitude: -116.49133; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: UK1_AB02_EB08; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate:
2015-03-05; eventTime: 18:53; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net
(on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-
denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber:
NHMUK ANEA 2023.347; recordNumber: NHM_1518; recordedBy: Adrian Glover |
Figure 27.
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_1429), anterior end of live specimen NHM_1429.
48 Wiklund H et al
Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers:
0174126217; associatedSequences: OQ746690 (16S) | OQ738592 (COI); identifiedBy:
Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier |
Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks:
identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK;
collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen;
occurrenceID: 3F24B635-16EE-501C-B5D6-1489D94A1E25
Diagnosis: Damaged specimen (Fig. 28) consistent with placement within
Cirratulidae, based on morphology and DNA.
Distribution: Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean.
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_2093)
a. scientificName: Cirratulidae; taxonConceptID: Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_2093); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Cirratulidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Ryckholt, 1851; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Area of Particular Interest APEI-6;
verbatimLocality: APEI-6; maximumDepthInMeters: 4026; locationRemarks: Deployment
EB13; at Station APEI; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson Cruise no. TN319;
verbatimLatitude: 19 27.874; verbatimLongitude: 120 01.525; decimalLatitude: 19.46457;
decimalLongitude: -120.02542; geodeticDatum: WGS84; eventID: APEI6_AB02_EB13;
samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate: 2015-03-20; eventTime: 16:12;
habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net (on the epibenthic sledge);
individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol
aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA
2023.349; recordNumber: NHM_2093; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund |
Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers: 0174126762;
Figure 28.
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_1518), anterior end of live specimen NHM_1518 in dorsal view.
Checklist of newly-vouchered annelid taxa from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, ... 49
associatedSequences: OQ746749 (16S) | OQ746903 (18S) | OQ738604 (COI);
identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine
Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20;
identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology; language: en; institutionCode:
NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord:
PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: C28A4742-08BA-53DB-8CEB-CBBE8834F4E9
Diagnosis: Damaged specimen (Fig. 29) consistent with placement within
Cirratulidae, based on morphology and DNA.
Distribution: Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean.
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_2163)
a. scientificName: Cirratulidae; taxonConceptID: Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_2163); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Cirratulidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Ryckholt, 1851; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Area of Particular Interest APEI-6;
verbatimLocality: APEI-6; maximumDepthInMeters: 4026; locationRemarks: Deployment
EB13; at Station APEI; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson Cruise no. TN319;
verbatimLatitude: 19 27.874; verbatimLongitude: 120 01.525; decimalLatitude: 19.46457;
decimalLongitude: -120.02542; geodeticDatum: WGS84; eventID: APEI6_AB02_EB13;
samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate: 2015-03-20; eventTime: 16:12;
habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net (on the epibenthic sledge);
individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol
aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA
2023.353; recordNumber: NHM_2163; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund |
Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers: 0174126737;
associatedSequences: OQ746759 (16S) | OQ746911 (18S); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund
| Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan |
Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and
morphology; language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName:
Figure 29.
Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_2093), anterior end of live specimen NHM_2093 in lateral view.
50 Wiklund H et al
ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: 89A2C19A-
b. scientificName: Cirratulidae; taxonConceptID: Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_2163); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Cirratulidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Ryckholt, 1851; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral Singapore exploration
claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4094;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB11; at Station S10; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12°02.49’; verbatimLongitude: 117°13.03’;
decimalLatitude: 12.0415; decimalLongitude: -117.21717; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB11; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate:
2015-03-13; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net (on the epibenthic
sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol
aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA
2023.352; recordNumber: NHM_1877; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund |
Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers: 0174126220;
associatedSequences: OQ746727 (16S); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal |
Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart;
dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology;
language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName:
ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID: 11DC1AF6-
c. scientificName: Cirratulidae; taxonConceptID: Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_2163); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Cirratulidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Ryckholt, 1851; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral Singapore exploration
claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4045;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB10; at Station S7; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'10.43; verbatimLongitude: 117'11.57;
decimalLatitude: 12.17383; decimalLongitude: -117.19283; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB10; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate:
2015-03-11; eventTime: 22:49; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net
(on the epibenthic sledge); individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-
denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; catalogNumber:
NHMUK ANEA 2023.351; recordNumber: NHM_1782; recordedBy: Adrian Glover |
Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; otherCatalogNumbers:
0174126163; associatedSequences: OQ746719 (16S); identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund |
Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan |
Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and
morphology; language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName:
ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrenceID:
d. scientificName: Cirratulidae; taxonConceptID: Cirratulidae sp. (NHM_2163); kingdom:
Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; order: Terebellida; family: Cirratulidae;
taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Ryckholt, 1851; waterBody: Pacific;
stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral Singapore exploration
claim Stratum A; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4100;
locationRemarks: Deployment EB05; at Station S2; from R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'06.93; verbatimLongitude: 117'09.87;
decimalLatitude: 12.1155; decimalLongitude: -117.1645; geodeticDatum: WGS84;
Checklist of newly-vouchered annelid taxa from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, ... 51
eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB05; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate: