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Finding life beyond the classroom walls: a Change Laboratory supporting expansive de-encapsulation of school

Finding life beyond the classroom walls: a Change
Laboratory supporting expansive de-encapsulation of
Yrjö Engeström, Pauliina Rantavuori, Piia Ruutu, Maria Tapola-Haapala
Dans Éducation & didactiqueÉducation & didactique 2023/2 (Vol. 18)2023/2 (Vol. 18), pages 125 à 141
Éditions Presses universitaires de RennesPresses universitaires de Rennes
ISSN 1956-3485
ISBN 9782753595507
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© Presses universitaires de Rennes | Téléchargé le 03/10/2023 sur via University of Helsinki (IP:
Éducation et didactique
17-2 | 2023
Finding life beyond the classroom walls: a Change
Laboratory supporting expansive de-encapsulation
of school
Sortir de la salle de classe : un laboratoire du changement pour
« désencapsuler » l’école par apprentissage expansif
DOI: 10.4000/educationdidactique.11773
ISSN: 2111-4838
Presses universitaires de Rennes
Date of publication: 23 August 2023
Number of pages: 125-141
ISBN: 978-2-7535-9550-7
ISSN: 1956-3485
Electronic distribution by Cairn
Yrjö Engeström, Pauliina Rantavuori, Piia Ruutu and Maria Tapola-Haapala, “Finding life beyond the
classroom walls: a Change Laboratory supporting expansive de-encapsulation of school”, Éducation et
didactique [Online], 17-2 | 2023, Online since 02 January 2025, connection on 19 September 2023.
Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International - CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
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© Presses universitaires de Rennes | Téléchargé le 03/10/2023 sur via University of Helsinki (IP:
Éducation & Didactique, 2023, vol. 17, no2,p.125-141 125
Yrjö Engeström
CRADLE, University of Helsinki; ID ORCID: 0000-0002-6949-4278
Pauliina Rantavuori
Tampere University; ID ORCID: 0000-0002-0160-9825
Piia Ruutu
CRADLE, University of Helsinki; ID ORCID: 0000-0001-5731-5394
Maria Tapola-Haapala
CRADLE, University of Helsinki; ID ORCID: 0009-0002-5713-5267
In an encapsulated classroom, the school text – the knowledge conveyed by teachers and textbooks and reproduced
in tests and exams – tends to become the object of the activity instead of being an instrument for understanding the
world. In order to understand and promote sustainable de-encapsulation, we need to identify, document, analyze,
and foster a wide variety of actions and practices. Our article contributes to this need by presenting a practical,
methodological, and conceptual framework for de-encapsulation in schools. In this study, 8th graders from one
comprehensive school in Finland worked on projects chosen by themselves, with the support of researchers during
the school year. The projects were carried out in Change Laboratory intervention, a method of participatory analysis
and design based on the theory of expansive learning. We built an analytical framework to examine how students took
actions to break out of the encapsulated classroom and school while working on the projects significant for them. The
expansive de-encapsulation actions were analyzed using three dimensions: 1)the individual or collective nature of
the de-encapsulation efforts; 2)the direction of the movement, and 3)the composition of the movement. The findings
show significant variation of de-encapsulation actions in the four projects. None of the four project groups was unable
or unwilling to engage in de-encapsulation. This indicates that there is a broad spectrum of possible student-led
projects that can, in a variety of ways, involve and nourish actions of expansive de-encapsulation. Allowing students
to create and lead their own projects has strong potential for the opening up of the school and creating partnerships
with progressive actors outside the school.
Sortir de la salle de classe: un laboratoire du changement pour «désencapsuler» l’école par apprentissage expansif
Keywords: encapsulation, expansive de-encapsulation, action, Change Laboratory, cultural-historical activity theory.
Au sein d’une forme scolaire « encapsulée » [fermée sur elle-même], le texte du savoir (les connaissances transmises par
l’enseignant et reproduites par les tests et les examens) tend à devenir l’objet de l’activité au lieu d’être un instrument
de compréhension du monde. Afin de comprendre et promouvoir une «désencapsulation», il est nécessaire d’identifier,
documenter, analyser et encourager une grande variété d’actions et de pratiques. Notre article répond à ce besoin en
présentant un cadre pratique, méthodologique et conceptuel pour la désencapsulation de la forme scolaire. Dans cette
étude, des élèves de 8eannée [classe de4e] d’un collège public en Finlande ont travaillé pendant l’année scolaire et avec le
soutien de chercheurs sur des projets qu’ils avaient eux-mêmes choisis. Les projets ont été menés au sein d’un Laboratoire
du Changement, une méthode d’analyse et de conception participative basée sur la théorie de l’apprentissage expansif. Nous
avons construit un cadre d’analyse pour examiner comment les élèves ont agi pour sortir de l’encapsulation de la classe
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Yrjö Engeström, Pauliina Rantavuori, Piia Ruutu & Maria Tapola-Haapala
Obligatory public schools were created to protect
children from child labour and other hardships of
life. Paradoxically, this protective mission has led to
the separation of the school from the rest of life and
to alienated learning – a phenomenon we call encap-
sulation. Efforts to analyze and overcome the encap-
sulation of school instruction by means of the theory
of expansive learning (Engeström, 2015) date back
to an article published in 1991.
“The expansive learning approach exploits the
actually existing conflicts and dissatisfactions among
teachers, students, parents and others involved in
or affected by schooling, inviting them to join in a
concrete transformation of the current practice. In
other words, this approach is not built on benevolent
reform from above. It is built on facing the current
contradictions and draws strength from their joint
analysis. […] The expansive learning approach would
break the encapsulation of school learning by a stepwise
widening of the object and context of learning. […]
This kind of expansive transition is itself a process of
learning through self-organization from below. The self-
organization manifests itself in the creation of networks
of learning that transcend the institutional boundaries
of the school and turn the school into a collective
instrument” (Engeström, 1991, p.256-257).
The present article reports on practical, metho-
dological and conceptual steps toward de-encapsula-
tion, taken in a recent project in Finland (Engeström,
Rantavuori, Ruutu & Tapola-Haapala, 2023). Our aim
is to add momentum to the agenda of moving into
the collective zone of proximal development of school
instruction. This agenda identifies the zone with the
help of two interconnected dimensions, namely that of
overcoming skin-deep learning and that of de-encap-
sulation of the school (Engeström, in press). The
skin-deep learning that dominates school instruction
around the world was well characterized by Alberts.
“The factoid-filled textbooks that most young
U.S. students are assigned for biology class make
science seem like gibberish—an unending list of dry,
meaningless names and relationships to be memorized.
Take, for example, my 12-year-old grandson’s life
science textbook. Approved by the State of California,
it is filled with elaborate drawings and covers an
astonishingly broad range of biology. But the text is
largely incomprehensible for its student audience…
When my grandson and his classmates successfully
complete that book and the class based on it, it is clear
that they will know nothing of the kind of biology that
inspires passion in the souls of the scientists working in
the labs around me…” (Alberts, 2012, p.1263).
Patricia Phelan and her co-authors (1998) iden-
tified three worlds between which school students
et de l’école tout en travaillant sur des projets significatifs pour eux. Les actions de désencapsulation par apprentissage
expansif ont été analysées suivant trois dimensions: 1)la nature individuelle ou collective des efforts de désencapsulation;
2)l’orientation du mouvement d’expansion de l’enquête, et 3)la nature de ce mouvement. Les résultats montrent une
évolution significative des actions de désencapsulation dans les quatre projets. Aucun des quatre groupes de projet n’a
été incapable ou n’a refusé de s’engager dans la désencapsulation. Cela indique qu’il existe un large éventail de projets
possibles dirigés par des élèves qui peuvent, de diverses manières, impliquer et nourrir des actions de désencapsulation
par apprentissage expansif. Permettre aux élèves de créer et de diriger leurs propres projets présente un fort potentiel pour
l’ouverture de l’école et la création de partenariats dynamiques avec des acteurs en dehors de l’école.
Mots-clés: encapsulation-désencapsulation, apprentissage expansif, laboratoire du changement, théorie historico-culturelle
de l’activité.
All the four authors equally contributed to the writing of this article and are therefore listed in alphabetical order.
We express our gratitude to the students, teachers, headmaster and partners of the comprehensive school in which
the study was conducted. This study was funded by the Academy of Finland, grant number325599, principal
investigator Yrjö Engeström.
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Yrjö Engeström, Pauliina Rantavuori, Piia Ruutu & Maria Tapola-Haapala
move, often with considerable friction: the world of
the family, the world of the school, and the world of
peers. We added to this model the worlds of digital
activity, civic activity, and future activity (Figure1).
Today, encapsulation means the deliberate or habi-
tual tendency to exclude the students’ other worlds
from the world of school activity – although in fact
the other worlds penetrate and hybridize with
the school world, often without anybody’s plan
or permission (Engeström, Rantavuori, Ruutu &
Tapola-Haapala, 2022).
In an encapsulated classroom, the school text
the knowledge conveyed by teachers and text-
books and reproduced in tests and exams – tends to
become the object of the activity instead of being an
instrument for understanding the world. When the
text becomes the object, the instrumental resources
of the activity are impoverished – students are left
“on their own devices,” to deal with decontextua-
lized abstractions. This typically hits hardest those
students whose families and communities are most
vulnerable to begin with. These are typically students
who have little or no access to academic knowledge
and skills outside the school. Encapsulation is closely
connected to compartmentalization, the fragmenting
of learning and knowledge into closed compartments
dedicated to different school subjects and their speci-
fic demands of reproducing correct answers.
De-encapsulation efforts are not alien to regular
school work. However, when de-encapsulation is
initiated and directed by teachers, it is often limited
to short-term events squeezed in between tasks dicta-
ted by standard curricula, for example excursions
and visits by outside experts in classrooms. Such rela-
tively compartmentalized events tend to have only
limited impact on the overall experience of school
learning. Thus, we should pay serious attention to
and nourish students’ own attempts at de-encapsula-
tion. Clearly student-initiated de-encapsulation is a
long journey. It may initially emerge as small steps
and modest initiatives. Yet, if they come together and
begin to cross-fertilize, such small steps and modest
initiatives may generate a sea change.
Cultural-historical activity theory and the theory
of expansive learning have been used as resources in
a variety of attempts at de-encapsulation. At the risk
of over-simplification, we may see four main strands
in these attempts. One strand consists of efforts to
move students out of the school, to become involved
in real-life activities that have value for the school.
A good example is the recent paper of Ghadiri
Khanaposhtani etal. (2022) on youth participation
in community and citizen science programs in out-
of-school settings. The paper reports on experiences
of moving the students “towards activities which
mirror the multi-role nature of professional scientists
and their research practices” (p.1749).
The other prominent strand consists of efforts to
move resources of the students’ out-of-school life-worlds
into the school, to challenge and enrich the knowledge
prescribed in curricula and textbooks. Studies within
this strand include the funds of knowledge approach
(Moll etal., 1992; Gonzales, Moll & Amanti, 2005),
based on the premise that students, their families,
school staff and researchers together build an educa-
tional practice in which local culturally developed
knowledge, skills and traditions are recognized and
cultivated. This strand also includes efforts to foster
students’ movement, exploration and engagement
in urban environments (Leander, Philips & Taylor,
2010; Morrison etal., 2019; Taylor & Hall, 2013).
The third strand consists of student-led projects
(e.g., Azevedo, 2006; Hilppö & Stevens, 2023; Vare,
2021). When such projects are truly shaped by the
students and have sufficient longevity, they may
include both students’ movement out of school into the
world, and movement of resources of the students’ out-
of-school life-worlds into the school.
Figure 1. The six activity worlds of adolescent
students (Engeström etal., 2022, p.6)
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Yrjö Engeström, Pauliina Rantavuori, Piia Ruutu & Maria Tapola-Haapala
The fourth, perhaps most demanding type of
de-encapsulation is represented by efforts taken by
entire schools to build long-term partnerships with
various actors and activity systems in their commu-
nities. Inspiring examples of this may be found in
the work of Yamazumi (2010; 2014; 2021) and
Jóhannsdóttir (2018).
The present article examines bi-directional efforts
of de-encapsulation that correspond to the third type
sketched above, namely four projects1 initiated and
led by 8thgrade students that went on for an entire
school year.
This article seeks to answer two research questions,
one substantive and the other one methodological:
1. What kinds of possibilities for and limita-
tions to de-encapsulation may be identified in
student-led longitudinal projects hosted and
supported by the school?
2. What kinds of methodological solutions
and novel challenges are found in an effort
to systematically analyze de-encapsulation in
student-led longitudinal projects hosted and
supported by the school?
The core of the encapsulation of the school resides in
the specific subjects of instruction. A school may be
quite open to the outside world in its daily interac-
tions, yet the contents of instruction in the various
subjects commonly remain self-contained, as if pre-
packaged within curricular modules and textbooks,
enforced by frequent exams and tests.
However, we also see a growing array of forms
of de-encapsulation that do not represent a delibe-
rate emancipatory strategy and fail to challenge the
predetermined instructional contents. We call these
forms chaotic de-encapsulation. Three forms of chao-
tic de-encapsulation are particularly salient. First of
all, schools are increasingly used as marketplaces for
various commercial and corporate actors (Parreira
doAmaral, Steiner-Khamsi & Thompson, 2019;
Hogan & Thompson, 2020; Seppänen etal., 2023).
Secondly, social media and associated patterns of
behavior and interaction are brought into schools by
students of all age groups and have pervasive contra-
dictory impact on everyday school life (Olowo etal.,
2020; Raza etal., 2020). Thirdly, the notion of ‘open
learning environments’ (Hannafin, Land & Oliver,
1999) has had significant impact both in terms of
bringing digital tools into classrooms and in terms
of architectural design of schools as ‘open spaces’.
These three forms of chaotic de-encapsulation some-
times make teachers and students feel overwhelmed
and under-appreciated. Indeed, re-encapsulation may
at times be warranted as defense against the intrusive
forces of chaotic de-encapsulation.
In contrast to chaotic forms of de-encapsulation,
we advocate expansive de-encapsulation of schools.
Such alternative type of de-encapsulation has four key
characteristics: (1)it is based on the students’ own
initiatives, concerns and interests, formulated and
pursued in dialogue and collaboration with instruc-
tors and other stakeholders; (2)it takes shape in
longitudinal collective efforts that go beyond short-
term individual self-interests and are connected to
the advancement of common good; (3)it seeks criti-
cal dialogue with and anchoring in the contents and
forms or regular instruction in school subjects; and
(4)it initiates and maintains durable partnerships
between the school and the surrounding commu-
nities, including various activity systems that are
oriented toward promotion of human flourishing and
common good. In other words, expansive de-encapsu-
lation seeks to expand the object and motive of school
learning and school instruction, not only in terms of
geographic and social space but also in terms of subs-
tantive contents and ethical-political commitments.
In our analysis, the distinction between activity and
action made by Leont’ev (1978) plays a foundational
role. For Leont’ev, object-oriented activity, or acti-
vity system, was the foundational unit of analysis. For
him, the object was the true motive of an activity. For
example, the object of a collective tribal hunting activity
would be the wild game that could feed the tribe – and
this object also embodied the motive of the activity. In a
complex activity, division of labor separates individual
goal-driven actions from the overall object and motive.
“We call a process an action if it is subordinated
to the representation of the result that must be
attained, that is, if it is subordinated to a conscious
purpose. Similarly, just as the concept of motive
is related to the concept of activity, the concept
of purpose is related to the concept of action.
The appearance of goal-directed processes or actions
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Yrjö Engeström, Pauliina Rantavuori, Piia Ruutu & Maria Tapola-Haapala
in activity came about historically as the result of the
transition of man to life in society. The activity of
participants in common work is evoked by its product,
which initially directly answers the need of each of
them. The development, however, of even the simplest
technical division of work necessarily leads to isolation
of, as it were, intermediate partial results, which are
achieved by separate participators of collective work
activity, but which in themselves cannot satisfy the
workers’ needs. Their needs are satisfied not by these
’intermediate’ results but by a share of the product
of their collective activity, obtained by each of them
through forms of the relationships binding them one to
another, which develop in the process of work, that is,
social relationships.” (Leont’ev, 1978, p.63-64)
Blunden (2009) proposes that a collabora-
tive project, not activity, should be the prime unit
of analysis of activity theory. Cambridge English
Dictionary defines a project as “a piece of planned
work or an activity that is finished over a period of
time and intended to achieve a particular purpose.”
In other words, projects are limited in their duration
and aimed at a more or less clear predetermined goal.
The very idea of activity as an object-driven gene-
rative formation, temporally unbounded, not redu-
cible to plans and open-ended in its outcomes, is
foundational for understanding the creative poten-
tial and historical responsibility of human beings
and their communities. The temporally bounded and
goal-directed character of projects makes Blunden’s
proposal alien to the very mission of activity theory.
These limitations of projects have been identified by
both activists and scholars. A Nicaraguan agroecolo-
gical activist cited by Holt-Giménez (2006, p.171)
stated: “We promote projects, and projects have a
short life. They are unsustainable. The problems
go farther than whether or not the aid arrived or
if the people implemented different techniques.”
Correspondingly, organizational scholars have
identified what they call ‘the project learning para-
dox’, pointing out that “the temporary nature of
projects […] seems to inhibit the sedimentation of
knowledge, because when the project dissolves and
participants move on, the created knowledge is likely
to disperse” (Bakker etal., 2010, p.494).
However, short-term individual and group actions
may grow into durable activities. This kind of expan-
sive transformation typically involves search for and
testing of possible objects and motives (Bratus &
Lishin, 1983). Such search is particularly prominent
in adolescence, as young people explore and shape
their life commitments, careers and identities. Projects
initiated and led by adolescents may be seen as efforts
of finding and generating new, durable and generative
activities. Such projects can be lengthy, and they typi-
cally generate complex strings or bundles of actions.
Yet they are temporally finite and often their intended
end product is more or less explicitly spelled out at
the beginning. This kind of projects may be regarded
as intermediate formations between goal-directed
actions and object-driven activities. In the present
analysis, we focus on this type of projects.
The Finnish education system aims to offer equal
educational opportunities for all. Education is free
of charge from pre-primary to higher education.
The local authorities and other education provi-
ders maintain comprehensive schools for students
between 7 and 16years of age. One-year pre-primary
education before the comprehensive school has
been compulsory for all children in Finland since
2015. Compulsory primary education begins with
comprehensive school, usually during the year the
child turns seven. School place is assigned to each
child close to their homes by local authorities.
Parents are also free to apply for a place in another
school of their preference where the pupil can start if
there is room. Compulsory education ends when the
student reaches the age of 18 or when the student has
completed upper secondary qualification.
Finnish teachers are required to have a Master's
degree. Teachers are highly educated and commit-
ted to their work. The education system in Finland
is based on trust in teachers and their education.
Teachers can choose which teaching methods and lear-
ning materials they want to use. Finland has no natio-
nal test for students in primary and lower secondary
education. School ranking lists do not exist. Teachers
are responsible for assessments based on the goals and
assessment criteria written in the curriculum.
Our study aims to identify and test ways in which
adolescent students can find and cultivate signifi-
cance in their lives, understood as commitments and
actions that connect the adolescent students' perso-
nal interests with collective actions and projects for
a just and equitable world (Engeström, Rantavuori,
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Yrjö Engeström, Pauliina Rantavuori, Piia Ruutu & Maria Tapola-Haapala
Ruutu & Tapola-Haapala, 2022; 2023). We conduc-
ted this study in a public comprehensive school with
500students in Helsinki metropolitan area. The
school has grades from 1 to9, including several special
education classes. Like all comprehensive schools in
Helsinki, our research site organizes the instructions
following the principles of inclusion. Students who
need intensifi ed or special support for their learning
or schooling are offered this support in their nearest
school. At the time of the research implementation,
38% of the school's students received intensifi ed or
special support, and 37% studied Finnish as a second
language. The school received positive discrimination
funding from the City of Helsinki to prevent margina-
lization and reduce social exclusion.
After a commitment from the school's principal,
research permission was granted by the Education
Division of the City of Helsinki. The principal of the
school helped us with recruiting participants. We
wished to have 14–15-year-old eight grade students
representing the typical school population. The prin-
cipal suggested a group of 8th-grade students whom
researchers met at school before the beginning of
the study. Participants were informed in advance in
writing and orally about the research. Researchers
ensured that the given information was clear and
understandable and addressed that it is possible
to withdraw from this study at any point without
consequences. Consent was asked from the parti-
cipants and their guardians, who received written
information letters and consent forms that comply
with the data protection regulations.
Altogether, fourteen 8th-grade students volunta-
rily began to work on long-term projects chosen and
shaped by themselves. The process was carried out as
Change Laboratory (CL) intervention (Sannino etal .,
2016; Virkkunen & Newnham, 2013) over the school
year 2020-2021. The CL is a method for participatory
analysis and design, based on the theory of expan-
sive learning. “The very point is to generate the unex-
pected—learning what is not yet there” (Sannino &
Engeström, 2017, p.81). The CL typically consists of
6 to 10sessions, with one or more follow-up sessions.
The CL sessions were conducted within regular
school hours and in a regular art classroom space.
The projects' topics, contents, and means were selec-
ted, designed, and implemented by the students
without the constraints of the regular curriculum and
the pressures of testing and grading. This CL prima-
rily involved students themselves and put them at
the center as the owners of the process. The central
actors and agents of change were 14 to 15-year-old
middle-school students. Projects were conducted
with the support of researchers, school staff, and
external experts if needed. Figure2 presents the
timeline of the Change Laboratory intervention.
Eight CL sessions were held in the school weekly
during the fall of2020. In the rst session, researchers
Figure 2. Timeline of the Change Laboratory intervention
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Yrjö Engeström, Pauliina Rantavuori, Piia Ruutu & Maria Tapola-Haapala
presented examples of Finnish adolescents' common
concerns and interests. After that, researchers asked
students to think about topics that they find relevant
to themselves. Students wrote down their thoughts
independently, and after that, topics were discussed
together. In the first and second sessions, partici-
pants formed project groups to construct and imple-
ment projects they found significant for them. Each
of the four researchers, the authors of this paper,
was responsible for one of the project groups. In the
third session, the groups elaborated on their projects'
topics and guiding ideas. Table1 presents the names,
topics, and products of the four projects.
At the beginning of each session, groups were given
a common task to support their projects. At the end
of the session, all participants gathered together, and
groups reported on what they had worked on during
the session and on their plans for the next session.
In January 2021, students presented their projects
to classmates, teachers, and the principal. After that,
19follow-up sessions were organized during the spring
term. The number of follow-up sessions depended on
the situation of each project (see Figure2).
A public closing event of the research project was
held at the school at the end of May 2021. Students
prepared presentations of their projects with the
help of researchers. Students presented their projects
and final products at the closing event to a broader
audience. The principal of the school and the deputy
mayor of the City of Helsinki gave talks at the event.
A Finnish member of the European Parliament
commented and provided feedback on students'
projects after each presentation.
Our data consists of recordings of the eight
CL sessions, 19follow-up sessions, the public
closing event (3632words), and ten final inter-
views (58808words). The length of the CL sessions
varied between 66 and 98minutes and of the follow-
up sessions between 30 and 155minutes. The
length of the final interviews varied between 34
and 117minutes. The data was transcribed verba-
tim by professional transcribers. Table2 presents
the number of transcribed words for each of the four
project groups.
The first step of our analysis consisted of prelimi-
nary identification of all actions of de-encapsulation
in the unfolding of the four projects. For example,
the issues of equality, bullying and mutual accep-
tance may be understood as an object that motivated
the emerging activity of creating a documentary film
in the project ‘Everyone should be accepted as one
is’ (see Table1). That emerging activity was accom-
plished by means of numerous goal-directed actions,
such as selecting interviewees or writing the script for
a segment of the film. Some of these actions opened
up the classroom or the school to interaction with the
outside world, for example project group members
going to the headmaster to ask for advice, or inviting
selected persons to come to the school to be inter-
viewed on film. We call such actions de-encapsulation
actions. These actions were primarily taken during
school time, within the Change Laboratory sessions,
although they gradually expanded also beyond the
school hours.
As the second step, we constructed and imple-
mented a three-dimensional framework for the
analysis of the data. The first dimension is that of
directionality and scope of the de-encapsulation action.
This dimension contains four categories: (a)moving
out of the classroom into the wider school;
(b)moving out beyond the school; (c)bringing the
Table 1. Names, topics, and products of the four projects
Name of the project Topic of the project Product of the project
Small action, big world How do one’s positive and negative words
and actions affect other people?
A booklet and posters
K-pop The meaning of music, especially K-pop,
for people
Survey and presentation on K-pop
Everyone should be accepted as one is Equality, bullying, and mutual acceptance A documentary film
Brotherhood of Steel A tabletop role-playing game that com-
bines history and science fiction; in the
game, you have the possibility to either
be yourself or whoever you want
A tabletop role-playing game
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Yrjö Engeström, Pauliina Rantavuori, Piia Ruutu & Maria Tapola-Haapala
wider school into the classroom; (d)bringing the
outside world into the school.
De-encapsulation actions are illustrated by
arrows. Their direction describes the direction of
de-encapsulation action in question, and their size
whether the de-encapsulation action is related to the
wider school or to the outside world (Figure3).
The second dimension of the analysis is that of
subject of the de-encapsulation action. This dimen-
sion contains three categories: (a)individual actions
(illustrated by a circle); (b)group action (a cloud);
(c)organizational action (a square). By organizatio-
nal actions we mean actions taken by representatives
of organizations, for example by the headmaster
of the school or by representatives of non-govern-
mental organizations (NGOs) invited to support
the students’ projects. Actions taken by individual
teachers were considered as individual actions, as
teachers usually do not act on behalf or as appointed
representatives of the school organization.
The third dimension of the analysis is that of
vehicle of the de-encapsulation action. This dimension
contains three categories: (a)movement of people
(illustrated by red color); (b)movement of text,
discourse or representations (blue); (c)movement
of images and imaginaries (green).
The categories in each dimension may be to some
extent overlapping. For example, one and the same
action may involve both movement of people and
movement of textual representations. However, as
we conducted the analysis at the relatively detailed
and fine-grained level of actions of de-encapsulation,
the dominant mode of each action could regularly be
determined in each of the three dimensions so as to
reach a consensus among the four authors.
It must be pointed out that we also found actions
of re-encapsulation (illustrated with a ‘Do not enter’
sign). Actions of re-encapsulation include protective
isolation and closure of projects vis-à-vis the outside
world, including students from other project groups
within the Change Laboratory.
The analytical framework is summarized with the
help of graphic symbols in Figure3. We will now
apply the analytical framework to the data on the
four student-led projects.
The members of the group had experienced exclu-
sion and bullying and wanted to do something to
alert other students to stop it. The students decided to
create and administer a questionnaire to collect their
fellow students’ experiences of both negative and posi-
tive impact other people’s words and actions can have
on us. On their own initiative, they walked to the
headmaster’s office to ask for support for the ques-
tionnaire. They got a permission and encouragement
to send the questionnaire to all students of the school.
This gave the process traction, and they eventually
received 108responses. One of the students began to
draw pictures that illustrated some of the responses.
The work of the group resulted in a 24-page prin-
ted booklet, titled Small Action, Big World. It consists
of 16responses to the questionnaire and the group
members’ commentaries to the selected responses,
plus pictures drawn or painted by a student (Figure4
is an example). The printed booklet was distribu-
ted to all students of the school. In addition, four
pictures were enlarged and, together with the asso-
ciated commentaries, printed as posters that were
placed on multiple walls of the school.
In the booklet, the picture of Figure4 was pres-
ented as an illustration of excerpts from students’
answers to the questionnaire and the project group’s
comments on these excerpts. Here is an example of
such an excerpt and the group’s comment on it.
Table 2. Number of transcribed words by project groups
CL sessions Follow-up sessions Total
Small action, big world 39,000 words 44,000 words 83,000 words
K-pop 32,000 words 30,000 words 62,000 words
Everyone should be accepted as one is 44,000 words 14,000 words 58,000 words
Brotherhood of steel 43,000 words 50,000 words 93,000 words
Total 158,000 words 138,000 words 296,000 words
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Yrjö Engeström, Pauliina Rantavuori, Piia Ruutu & Maria Tapola-Haapala
“They have scolded me, meaning it as a joke, but
one could well take is as malicious. They spoke in a
malicious tone.”
Even if you try to say something as a joke, you cannot
always be sure whether you meant it for real. It is wise
to follow up on what impact one’s own words have, and
to think how you could perhaps change your habits.
Even a small amount of malice in your tone or laughing
can lead to many problems.
The members of this project group were from the
beginning driven by personally experienced conflicts.
They wanted to reach a wide audience, primarily
fellow students. For this they searched and received
authorization from the headmaster of the school.
They produced the questionnaire by themselves, but
they brought in outside expertise for the design of the
booklet and posters. The actions of de-encapsulation
taken within the project are summarized in Figure5.
The group produced the whole substance of the
booklet and posters, namely texts and pictures, but
a professional graphic artist took care of the layout
in collaboration with the students. In an online
meeting, the graphic artist and the students discussed
the layout, the order of the texts, which pictures and
texts would be placed on the same page, and the
color and fonts of the booklet. During the process,
the students commented on and made suggestions
for the different versions of the layout of the booklets
and posters. Before the material was taken to a prin-
ting press, the students accepted the final version of
the layout. The fee of the graphic artist and the prin-
ting of the booklet and posters were paid from the
budget of the research project.
As can be seen in Figure5, eight de-encapsula-
tion actions were directed outward and four inward.
Nine of the 12actions were performed by the group.
Five actions involved physical movement of people,
whereas seven involved movement of text and
discourse. The following comment by one of the
group members illuminates the students’ experience
of de-encapsulation.
”Well, we got to decide what we do, actually all the
time. We were able to get a graphic artist, which probably
wouldn’t be possible in school. It wouldn’t happen.
Because we often don’t have very much power. For
instance like in presentations, there may be a certain topic
or length or amount. Here we had a lot more influence
over it [the project]. And then, of course, we haven’t done
anything like this in school before.” (Final interview with
a student, project group ‘Small action, big world’)
The student’s statement “which probably wouldn’t
be possible in school” is particularly interesting. The
project group worked in a school classroom and
during regular school hours – yet the student did not
experience this as being “in school.” This reflects the
empowering potential of student-led projects. But the
student’s statement also reflects an important problem,
namely the fact that the projects remained largely
disconnected from the contents and processes of regu-
lar classroom instruction in the different subjects.
K-pop, Korean popular music, is a voluminous music
phenomenon with lots of international fans. To the
fans, K-pop may be a significant part of life that
brings happiness, sense of community, and emotio-
nal closeness (e.g., King-O’Riain, 2021; Laffan, 2021;
Park etal., 2021). The group ‘K-pop’ produced a
presentation on K-pop, based on an inquiry targeted
at fans from different countries. The choice of the
topic was not self-evident. Group members doubted
if music, although personally significant, could be an
issue significant enough for being a project theme
that others would find relevant.
Student A: Everything that interests me is not
significant in any way.
Figure 4. Illustration from the booklet produced
by the project group ‘Small action, big world’
(picture by Rania Al-Mafrachi)
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Yrjö Engeström, Pauliina Rantavuori, Piia Ruutu & Maria Tapola-Haapala
Researcher: But it is to you.
Student A: Well, I don’t know.
Researcher: What are they [your topics of interest],
what would you like to say? Because they are significant
if they are interesting. And surely there are also other
people who think the same way.
Student A: Music. It is not significant in any way.
Researcher: Why is it not significant?
Student A: It is not. (Change Laboratory session 2)
In this project, something significant to the group
but unrecognized at school was brought to the school
from the outside world. There were also hesitations
and rejections, including an action of re-encapsula-
tion when the group initially refused to show K-pop
videos to the participants of the other project groups
within the Change Laboratory. The group used the
Internet to ask for comments from personal acquain-
tances. They did not use online forums available
for larger, anonymous audiences. The actions of
de-encapsulation and re-encapsulation taken within
the project are summarized in Figure6.
Out of the 13 actions of de-encapsulation in this
group, five were directed outward and eight inward.
Eight de-encapsulation actions were performed
by individuals and six by the group. Five actions
involved physical movement of people, whereas eight
involved movement of text and discourse.
In the final interview at the end of the school
year, a member of the project group was asked about
possible connections between the project and regular
school instruction.
Researcher: Well, did you get, through this work,
some ideas on what could be done in a new way at
school altogether?
Student A: Well, they use lots of books. They could
use also computers in some subjects. (Final interview
with a student, project group ‘K-pop’)
The student’s response indicates dissatisfaction
with the bookish bias of instruction, perhaps made
salient by the experience of actively using digital
videos and the Internet within the project. However,
connections between the contents of the project
and contents of the subject matter taught in various
school subjects were not taken up.
Equality, bullying, and diversity were impor-
tant themes for the members of the project group
‘Everyone should be accepted as one is.’ They had
seen or experienced themselves bullying, prejudices,
racism, and inequality at school, in their leisure
time, and on social media platforms. They felt that
everyone should understand that it is not OK to bully
or exclude other people. They also felt that it is diffi-
cult to intervene without becoming oneself bullied,
excluded or even subjected to violence. They empha-
sized many times the importance of their topic.
Student A: We chose this topic because it is important.
It should be made more visible so that all people would
understand how important it is. (Change Laboratory
session 2)
The group decided that they would create a
documentary film. It would include drama scenes of
bullying situations, the points of view of the perpe-
trator and the victim of bullying, and interviews with
people who have experienced bullying or discrimi-
nation. The group began planning the manuscript
and recruiting interviewees and actors. Researchers
found a documentary film maker who worked with
the students in three Change Laboratory meetings.
The group continued planning the contents and
practical realization of the documentary with the
help of the documentary film maker. They discussed
and designed the scenes and dialogues of bullying
situations. The group also discussed locations, music
and colors that would depict different emotions rela-
ted to bullying, such as anxiety and fear. The pers-
pectives of the bullied and the bully were represented
with the help of bullying narratives created by the
students. The documentary film maker guided the
students in formulating interview questions. They
also discussed the practical realization of the inter-
views and the timetable of filming.
The work of this group was objectified in the form
of a 10-minute documentary film ‘Everyone Should Be
Accepted as One Is’, which was filmed in school during
two school days. Other students from the school acted
in the film. The group conducted four interviews in
the school. The documentary was shown in the closing
event of the research project, in the group’s own
school, in other schools, and it is still available on a
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Yrjö Engeström, Pauliina Rantavuori, Piia Ruutu & Maria Tapola-Haapala
website with Finnish and English subtitles. Figure7
represents frames captured from the film.
In this group, de-encapsulation actions were rich
and continuous throughout the project (see Figure8).
Altogether 49actions of de-encapsulation were taken
in this project. Out of them, 22were directed outward
and 27 were directed inward. 19actions were perfor-
med by individuals, 26actions were performed by the
group, and five actions by representatives of organi-
zations. 10actions of de-encapsulation were accom-
plished by moving people, whereas 38 of them were
conducted by means of text, discourse and represen-
tations. The action of planning of the drama scenes
of the documentary together with the documentary
film maker was coded as having been accomplished
primarily by means of imagination.
Besides the participation of the city’s deputy
mayor in the closing event of the research project,
shared by all the four projects, this trajectory also
included de-encapsulation actions by two organiza-
tions outside the school. Students found it essential
to obtain more knowledge of bullying. Researchers
suggested they could have a phone call to a NGO that
works at the national level in Finland, supporting
schools to resolve bullying situations. We arranged
a time for a phone call. Students prepared questions
for two representatives of the NGO and wrote them
down beforehand. Each student presented one ques-
tion, such as What is the motive of the bully? and How
is it possible to end bullying? After the phone call,
one student commented on it: “They answered very
well.” The group also needed to find a person to be
interviewed about bullying and discrimination. The
researcher found a platform called Speaker Forum,
and students made a phone call to its coordinator.
The students described their project and the reason
for the phone call. The coordinator suggested three
persons. In the next session, students chose one of
those three who promised to be interviewed.
Although this group took an exceptionally large
number of de-encapsulation actions, this was not easy
and did not happen automatically. The students had
intensive debates about the choice of interviewees, they
practiced phone calls and prepared interview ques-
tions beforehand. Students reflected on the process
during the intervention, in the final interviews, and at
the closing event. They pointed out several things they
learned during the project and connections between
their project and ordinary schoolwork.
Researcher: Did something that you studied in school
support doing it [the project]?
Student A: Information technology, yes. Finnish
Student B: Yes. At least I have been in optional drama,
and perhaps some ideas came from there into this
manuscript. And then just this basic experience that we
get in school, too.
Student A: But [name of the Finnish language teacher]
says that in our project we went through all sub-domains
of Finnish language. (Final interview with the project
group ‘Everyone should be accepted as one is’)
The actions of de-encapsulation and re-encapsu-
lation taken within this project are summarized in
Figure 7. Two frames from the documentary film
produced by the project group ‘Everyone should be
accepted as one is’
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Yrjö Engeström, Pauliina Rantavuori, Piia Ruutu & Maria Tapola-Haapala
The members of this group developed and played
a dystopic tabletop role-playing game called
‘Brotherhood of Steel’2. The topic and the name of
the project were articulated by the group members
as follows:
Brotherhood of Steel role-playing game which
combines history and science fiction and while playing
it you can be yourself or anyone you want. (Report
of the project group ‘Brotherhood of Steel’, Change
Laboratory session 2)
In the third session of the Change Laboratory, the
group members explained further their choice of topic:
Researcher: Why are we making this project?
Student A: Because we want that people can be
themselves, who they are. And it is also fun.
Researcher:That was well said. How does a role-
playing game help people to be themselves?
Student A:You can be anyone, anywhere you want.
Nobody is going to bully you.
Researcher: Do you mean that through a role you can…?
Student A:You can be a different gender. No one
comes to you and says, hey, you are a boy, so you cannot
be a girl.
Student B: So, you can even be a stray dog. (Change
Laboratory session3)
The group created its own graphic logo (Figure 9).
The ‘Brotherhood of Steel’ role-playing game was
created from three separate worlds that later merged
into one heterogenous but shared world. A map of
the worlds was drafted on brown kraft paper and
became a central artifact for the group.
This project group mainly worked in a separate
part of the classroom. The members of the group did
not easily allow outsiders to enter their world and
they twice denied school staff members and students
from other projects access to the group.
A role-playing game is foundationally a fantasy
activity (Fine, 2002). Consequently, the entire
process of this group’s work was saturated by the use
of imagination.
The de-encapsulation and re-encapsulation
actions of this group are summarized in Figure10.
The most puzzling feature in the de-encapsula-
tion conducted by this group was the continuous
flow of imagination in the group members’ gestures,
words and actions. This feature is represented by
means of the green continuous two-headed arrow
on the top of the Figure10. This flow was accom-
plished by the group as a whole, often in the form
of one member completing the sentence, gesture or
action initiated by another member. Isolating specific
de-encapsulation actions in this flow turned out to be
very difficult, and it remains an unsolved methodo-
logical challenge.
Besides de-encapsulation by means of the conti-
nuous flow of imagination, this project included
five de-encapsulation actions directed outward and
six directed inward. Only two of these actions were
performed by the group. Seven of these de-encap-
sulation actions were performed by moving people,
four by moving text and discourse. Perhaps the most
surprising actions were taken when individual group
members started to communicate with the professio-
nal transcriber by talking to the video camera during
the Change Laboratory sessions – and the transcri-
ber responded by inserting in the transcripts short
messages to the group members.
Researcher: The one who is writing these [ transcripts]
is a fan of this group. You have such funny stories and
so nice things going on.
Student A: Is she our fan or?
Researcher: Yes, she is. She wanted to send her regards.
Student A: Regards back to her.
Researcher: I´ll tell her and she also hears…
Figure 9. The logo of the project group
‘Brotherhood of Steel’
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Figure 3. Symbols used in the analysis of de-encapsulation and re-encapsulation actions
Figure 5. Trajectory of de-encapsulation actions taken within the project ’Small action, big world’
Figure 6. Trajectory of de-encapsulation and re-encapsulation actions taken within the project ’K-pop’
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Figure 8. Trajectory of de-encapsulation actions taken within the project ’Everyone should be accepted as one is’
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Figure 10. Trajectory of de-encapsulation and re-encapsulation actions taken within the project ‘Brotherhood of Steel’
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Yrjö Engeström, Pauliina Rantavuori, Piia Ruutu & Maria Tapola-Haapala
Student A: Thank you.
Transcriber writes back in the next transcript with an
emoji: You are welcome [student’s name], and you are
an amazing group
Members of this group refl ected on their project
in the fi nal interviews.
Researcher: Yes, have some things that you’ve studied
in school supported your project?
Student B: Mathematics.
Researcher: Mathematics, yes.
Student B: Mathematics. You have to know how to
count. And Finnish language is pretty good, too, so that
you know how to write and make no mistakes, that’s
pretty important. What else? Well, a free mind and a
creative character. It is a bit, well, not an inborn thing,
but you must have it. And what else? Well, Finnish
language is the biggest thing, mathematics (…) This
is more just the idea, that you get the feeling that,
goddamn it, these three random guys did something
like this. Something I have not done before, so why
couldn’t I do that! (Final interview with student, project
group ’Brotherhood of Steel’)
Student A: But it was super fun, as we did not have
to do school work. Well, no, it was fun in the sense
that I got to create something new and also my friends
got to create their own things. Well, I am not sure how
much they liked it, hopefully they did. But to be allowed
to create something of one’s own without restrictions.
Well, there were restrictions, one could not do just
anything. (Final interview with student, project group
’Brotherhood of Steel’)
The latter excerpt is particularly illuminating in
its oscillation between straightforward rejection of
the standard mode of schooling (“ we did not have
to do school work”; “without restrictions” ) and more
nuanced consideration of what was actually accom-
plished in the project (“ I got to create something new”;
“there were restrictions” ).
When the Change Laboratory process ended in
this school and the other groups terminated their
work, this project group continued playing and
modifying the game.
Our fi st research question was: What kinds of possi-
bilities for and limitations to de-encapsulation may
be identified in student-led longitudinal projects
hosted and supported by the school?
Table 3 gives a summary of the distributions of
de-encapsulation actions taken in the four projects.
The table shows that there was signifi cant variation
among the four projects. The project ‘Small action,
big world’ was strongly outward oriented and acted
as a tight group. The project ‘K-pop’ was more
oriented to bringing in resources from the outside,
and its actions were more frequently taken by indi-
viduals. The project ‘Everyone should be accepted
as one is’ took an exceptionally large number of
de-encapsulation actions, oriented equally outward
and inward, and also quite evenly taken by the group
and by individuals. Finally the project ‘Brotherhood
of Steel’ was unique in its reliance of imagination.
Its de-encapsulation actions outside those conduc-
ted within the medium of imagination were quite
equally oriented outward and inward, and they
were predominantly taken by individuals. In the
first three projects, the de-encapsulation actions
were most frequently accomplished with text and
discourse. In the ‘Brotherhood of Steel’ project, the
dominant vehicle was imagination; de-encapsulation
actions outside those conducted within the medium
of imagination involved movement of people more
frequently than movement of text and discourse.
We fi nd this diversity encouraging. It seems that
there is a broad spectrum of possible student-led
projects that can in a variety of ways involve and
nourish actions of de-encapsulation. It is notable that
none of the four project groups was unable or unwil-
ling to engage in de-encapsulation. Some resistance
to outward-oriented de-encapsulation actions was
evident in the ‘K-pop’ group, and resistance to inward-
oriented de-encapsulation actions inside the school
community was manifested in the ‘Brotherhood of
Steel’ group. But neither one of these groups remai-
ned closed or insulated; they found their own ways of
pursuing de-encapsulation. This means that allowing
students to create and lead their own projects has
strong potential for the opening up of the school.
While student-led projects such as those analyzed
in this article are an important step toward de-encap-
sulation, they have also clear limitations. First of all,
with partial exception of the ‘Brotherhood of Steel’
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Yrjö Engeström, Pauliina Rantavuori, Piia Ruutu & Maria Tapola-Haapala
project3, the projects we analyzed had relatively weak
connections to the contents of regular instruction in
different subjects. It was a deliberate decision to give
the students as much power as possible to shape their
projects, without demanding that they connect the
projects to the contents, constraints and pressures
of regular instruction. From the point of view of the
school, this left the innermost capsule of the curricu-
lar subject matter largely unopened and unchallenged.
We see such critical encounters between the students’
own interests and the contents of instruction as a next
step in this line of research and interventions.
Secondly, much in the same vein, the projects did
not systematically involve teachers as collaborators.
The researchers did not specifically ask the teachers
to get involved in the projects. When a project group
found it useful, they asked and some teachers suppor-
ted the work in specific phases of the projects. The
project group ‘Everyone should be accepted as one is’
interviewed one school staff member in a documen-
tary film. Two teachers collaborated in recruiting the
actors for the film and took care of the rehearsals.
One teacher also acted in the documentary. Members
of the ‘Brotherhood of Steel’ project were interested
in playing their game outside the CL sessions and
school staff members arranged room and time for
students, enabling them to play during the school
hours. The ‘Small action, big world’ group distributed
a questionnaire to school students and students were
allowed to answer it during their lessons. While these
were important steps, having teachers more systema-
tically engaged as collaborators could surely enrich
the projects.
Thirdly, we had good experiences of useful and
competent support to the projects from outside the
school, but much needs to be done to make such
collaboration a systematically supported strategy.
Partnerships between schools and outside organiza-
tions tend to be administratively arranged and thus
easily reproduce the top-down logic of standard
schooling. Alternative types of partnerships need to
be developed, for example between student-led colla-
borative projects and social movements, or between
projects and grassroots community organizations,
cooperatives and social enterprises. This is a stepwise
development, as schools and principals may initially
be timid to engage in collaboration with organiza-
tions working for equity, sustainability and social
justice (DeMatthews & Tarlau, 2019).
The left-hand side of Figure 11 depicts what was
accomplished in the Change Laboratory process
analyzed in this article. The right-hand side of
Figure11 represents the possible next step in
de-encapsulation, addressing the three limitations
identified above. This image of the zone of proxi-
mal development indicates that de-encapsulation is
more than breaking away. It is also entering into and
finding traction both in classroom instruction and in
potential partner activity systems outside the school.
The second research question of this study was:
What kinds of methodological solutions and novel
challenges are found in an effort to systematically
analyze de-encapsulation in student-led longitudinal
projects hosted and supported by the school?
The three-dimensional methodological framework
summarized in Figure2 worked well as a whole. As
shown in Table2, the analysis captured the rich
diversity of actions and trajectories of de-encapsu-
lation accomplished in the four projects. Obviously
our analysis is still exploratory and further studies are
needed to refine and solidify the framework.
The main methodological challenge arose in the
analysis of the project ‘Brotherhood of Steel’. This
project group was immersed in a flow of joint imagi-
ning in which specific actions were difficult to iden-
tify and bound. However, as Murphy (2004) argues,
joint imagining is not just internal and mental.
“…this form of imagining is always mediated by
objects: not just mental objects, although surely they
can play a part, but also by material, verbal, and gestural
objects that all serve, in various ways, to help constitute
the act of imagining. These objects are often used in
combination with one another, in creative synthesis, to
construct new meanings in settings that are often socially
accomplished and shared.” (Murphy, 2004, p.277)
Murphy studied joint imagining in a group of
architects, arguably a more organized and planned
context than that of the adolescents constructing
and playing a fantasy role-playing game. Yet Murphy
talks about the joint imagining among the architects
in terms of ongoing activity, not in terms of distinct
identifiable actions.
In our analysis we purposefully used the
notion of flow to describe the imagining that took
place in the project group ‘Brotherhood of Steel’.
Csikszentmihalyi’s (2014) concept of flow is descri-
bed as a state of mind that occurs when a person
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Yrjö Engeström, Pauliina Rantavuori, Piia Ruutu & Maria Tapola-Haapala
is totally immersed in an activity, or as the melting
together of action and consciousness. Already these
two common characterizations make it clear that,
besides being foundationally about individual mental
states and processes, Csikszentmihalyi’s theory does
not make a distinction between activity and action.
In other words, it is of little use for our purpose of
analyzing materially mediated actions of collective
imagining embedded in an emergent activity.
For us, the notion of flow is a placeholder for
a more nuanced and robust understanding of how
actions can be identified as entities in their own right
and yet organically interconnected in an ongoing
activity largely conducted by means of collective
imagining, such as the creation and playing of a
Table 3. Overview of the distributions of de-encapsulation actions in the four projects
Direction of de-en-
capsulation action*
Subject of de-encapsulation
Vehicle of de-encapsulation action Actions of re-
Outward Inward Indi-
Group Organi-
People Text, talk Imagination
Small action,
big world
8(6/2) 4(2/2) 2 9 2 5 7 - -
K-pop 5(3/2) 8(2/6) 8 6 2 5 8 - 1
should be
accepted as
one is
22(8/14) 27(7/20) 19 26 5 10 38 1 -
of Steel
5(2/3) 6(3/3) 8 2 2 7 4 Continuous
flow of actions
of imagination
* The numbers in parenthesis indicate distribution between actions of moving between the classroom and the wider school (the first
digit) and actions of moving between the school and the outside world (the second digit).
** The sum of actions for each project group in this dimension may exceed the total number of de-encapsulation actions taken by the
group because some actions were coded as having been taken by more than one kind of subject, e.g., by both an individual coming from
the outside and by the project group, acting together.
Figure 11. Moving in the zone of proximal development: From student-led projects to collaborative projects
anchored in contents of instruction and in bottom-up partnerships
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Yrjö Engeström, Pauliina Rantavuori, Piia Ruutu & Maria Tapola-Haapala
fantasy role-playing game. Vygotsky’s work on art
and imagination may provide fertile resources for
developing this endeavor (Vygotsky, 1971; 2004).
As a concluding note, we offer a response given
in the final interview by one of the participants of the
project ‘Small action, big world’.
Researcher: Well, have this Change Laboratory and
your project somehow connected to or influenced your
own thoughts about the future?
Student A: Yes, I would say so.
Researcher: What kind of influence might they have
Student A: Well, maybe along with them I have
somehow gained more hope about perhaps being able
to impact things in some ways. And even if it is not big
impact, it is still impact.
1. There were actually five projects in this school. In this
paper, we analyze four of these, as each of the four authors
of the paper was responsible for one of them.
2. The project was inspired by the Fallout4 game world.
3. For example, teachers of the members of ‘Brotherhood
of Steel’ took into account the work done in the project as
grounds for elevating grades in the year’s final report cards
of the project members.
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... Various analysis methods, such as the method of discursive manifestations of contradictions (Sannino & Engeström, 2011), transformative agency by double stimulation (Sannino, 2022), expansive learning actions (Engeström et al., 2013), and de-encapsulation actions (Engeström et al., 2023a), have been applied to analyse the collected data. The application of these analysis methods has provided valuable insights into the dynamics and processes that emerged in the CL sessions. ...
... In this study, we examined the ways in which students initiated and enacted steps to break out of the encapsulated classroom and school while working on their projects (Engeström et al., 2023a). We built an analytical framework to investigate students expansive de-encapsulation actions using three dimensions: 1) the individual or collective nature of the de-encapsulation efforts; 2) the direction of the movement, and 3) the composition of the movement, and observed that it worked well. ...
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Our research project, In Search for Significance: Fostering movement across the six worlds of adolescents, aimed to identify and test ways in which adolescents can find and cultivate significance in their lives, understood as commitments and actions that connect the adolescents' personal interests with activities and projects for a just and equitable world. The research project draws on cultural-historical activity theory and the model of adolescents' different worlds. The project was implemented with the help of the Change Laboratory intervention method. In the research project, 32 eighth-grade students from two comprehensive schools in Finland worked on long-term projects with the support of researchers, school staff, and external experts during two school years. The Change Laboratory is a method for participatory analysis and design based on the cultural-historical activity theory and the theory of expansive learning. The Change Laboratory sessions were conducted within regular school hours, but the students selected, designed, and implemented the topics, contents, and means of the 11 projects. The data has been analyzed with qualitative analysis methods. Adolescents can plan and carry out challenging projects significant to themselves and to the broader society. Allowing students to create and lead their own projects has important potential for developing teaching and learning and students' transformative agency. Change Laboratories promoted a sustained search for significance among adolescents in the school context. In an age of widespread alienation, models such as this are of utmost importance. 165
... (p. 184) 15 Le travail récent d'intervention réalisé avec des élèves du secondaire dans l'accompagnement de projets réalisés par ces élèves s'ancre dans cette perspective éducative particulière qui passe par la « désencapsulation » des apprentissages scolaires et la construction collective par les élèves d'un concept pour une nouvelle activité (Engeström et al., 2022(Engeström et al., , 2023a(Engeström et al., , 2023b. Le processus d'encapsulation peut être compris comme l'enfermement des apprentissages scolaires dans la transmission de concepts bien délimités n'ayant qu'une portée limitée dans la vie en dehors de l'école. ...
Studies of teacher agency need analytical frameworks with processual and collective perspectives in support of the transformation of educational institutions and practitioners. The framework of transformative agency by double stimulation (TADS) from cultural-historical activity theory is used as a lens to inquire how a Change Laboratory in initial teacher education in China supported teacher agency. Our analysis traces the occurrence of the TADS phases during six online Change Laboratory sessions and the distribution of these phases among 13 participants and two researchers, moving toward a major transformation of the institutional strategies for mentoring school placement. Our findings verify the usability of the TADS model for capturing transformative teacher agency as a stepwise process. The analysis shows the nonlinear character of the TADS process, requiring adaptation to context-specific contingencies. The distribution of TADS phases among the participants and researchers reveals the collective and relational nature of teacher agency in transformation efforts.
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Understanding and promoting agency are crucial to addressing urgent social problems of our time. Through agency, we can take transformative steps toward the future that ought to be. This book shows how contemporary conceptualizations from cultural-historical activity theory can inform research and practice that fosters positive change. At the core of this book's novel approach to agency and transformation are three motifs: motives, mediation, and motion. These take inspiration from the original work of Vygotsky and subsequent generations of scholarship, enabling us to understand agency in ways that recognize the social and cultural aspects of agency without losing sight of individuals' contributions to changing their own lives and the lives of others. Referring to connections between learning, pedagogy, and agency, the chapters address power, freedom, and the future in contexts including adolescence, school exclusion, children's activism, Indigenous communities, environmental activism, homelessness, childbirth, and young people during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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The idea of education as a commodity, particularly as a field of export, has gradually taken hold in Finland creating a base for government collaboration with edu-business. In that logic comprehensive schooling for citizens in a small nation like Finland is positioned as a tool for a platform economy and to make profit within a sector of welfare society that has traditionally been considered separate from business-making forces. In this chapter after briefly describing the commercial actors in comprehensive schooling in Finland, we aim to understand how businessing around comprehensive schooling works in Finland based on interviews with different types of actors who aim to create this industry. We distinguish the rationalities, logics and modes of operation of edu-business. The rationale behind private actors’ involvement in comprehensive schooling in Finland rests on their claimed ability to create “innovations” that schools themselves cannot make, mainly related to the use of technology. Possible negative side effects are not discussed. Edu-preneurs emphasise “evidence based” activities done outside the academic community, nevertheless they call this research. Industry-making in education is conducted via networks facilitating various edu-business related activities by connecting interests and actors. We conclude that society needs to be wary of multiple lines of products and policy pressures by global edu-business creating new policies like auditing and quality assurance policies to guide and consult education policy-makers. Overall developments in businessing around comprehensive schooling raise questions about democracy and schooling as public service in a small nation like Finland.
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We investigated youth participation in three Community and Citizen Science (CCS) programs led by natural history museums in out-of-school settings. Using second generation Activity Theory, we looked at repeated participation over time, collecting and then qualitatively analyzing ethnographic fieldnote observations on focal youth participation and components of the activity systems. We found each program provided multiple and unique access points for youth to participate in environmental science. Further, when facilitators emphasized the scientific goals of the programs clearly and repeatedly, youth participation in the scientific processes of the CCS programs deepened. Access to scientific tools, facilitation in using them, and repeatedly applying them in authentic research, enabled youth to participate in different aspects of CCS, from exploring to submitting biological data. Repeated participation in CCS activities provided the opportunities for youth to try the same type of participation multiple times (intensification), as well as provided the opportunity for youth to try different types of participation (diversification). Our findings suggest that repeated participation in authentic scientific research in CCS contexts fosters youth development of new roles and possible development of environmental science identities.
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The article explores developmental tensions in Finnish adolescents’ accounts of their different worlds. By understanding tensions experienced by students, educators can develop their pedagogical practices to address those tensions. Building on cultural-historical activity theory, we analysed 12 interviews of 8th graders, focusing on their experiences in six worlds: family, school, peers, digital, civic, and future activity. The adolescents experienced their worlds as mutually penetrating hybridised configurations. Hybridisation is a source of tensions. Using the method of analysing discursive manifestations of contradictions, we identified tensions ranging from dilemmas to conflicts, critical conflicts and double binds. These represented all the six worlds, with school being the host of the largest number of tensions. The school emerged as a site of conflicts, civic involvement as a source of hesitation and doubt, and future as a source of some degree of desperation. About half of the manifestations were hybrid, involving more than one world. The world of school was most highly hybridised, and the most hybridised was the relationship between school and peer activity. For these adolescents, the challenge is not just moving from one world to another; dwelling in one single setting such as the school means facing tensions generated by hybridisation. Tensions stemming from the intrusion into the school of other worlds cannot be suppressed but should be turned into drivers of expansive learning and development. Our findings are an invitation for the school to become involved in collaborative efforts to address the sources of tensions and transform the practices of schooling accordingly. © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
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Students’ interest pathways are fashioned not only from existing educational resources and opportunities, but importantly also by extending beyond them. In this study, we conceptualise these extensions as productive deviations and engage in a comparative analysis of various productive deviations we have identified in our ethnographic study of seven 5th and 6th grade FUSE Studios – an alternative learning infrastructure for schools. Our analysis shows that the deviations can vary from short term excursions to semester-long projects and can also become the focus of other students’ interests.
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Secondary school students are granted few opportunities to change their world, yet they are expected to engage fully as citizens the moment they leave school. This issue is growing starker with multiple global crises contributing to mental health concerns. This situation stimulated a practical education for sustainability project designed to promote student agency by supporting small, student-led, community-based projects, planned and supported within the secondary school context. This research ran alongside the project in order to investigate (a) the impact of implementing these projects on the students involved and (b) the implications of this for their teachers. The research approach was based on Cultural-historical Activity Theory, which explores the learning generated through multi-layered interactions within a given activity system. In stimulating student agency, it was clear that the project had challenged existing practice. Students sensed a shift in power relations, remarking on how teachers respected and listened to their opinions. Those teachers who appeared more authoritarian appeared to experience the greatest transformation although ceding power did not come naturally, particularly where this challenged notions around teacher responsibility. In this way, teachers' professionalism threatened to become the means by which they withheld power from their students. Implications of this for schools and policy are considered.
Background/Context A growing interest in how principals address issues of social justice in schools has emerged with an emphasis on critically interrogating school practices, policies, curriculum, and instructional approaches. Yet, many injustices, which prompt calls for social justice, are created outside of the school by larger socioeconomic arrangements and require greater consideration and collaboration between schools and communities. Given the interrelatedness of schools and communities, this study explores the principal's role in addressing social injustices through activism and utilizing the community's resources and emerging political opportunities to promote social justice. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine how, if at all, do principals with social justice orientations engage in activism, particularly in relation to their school-community context and the networks and political opportunities that are available within and around the school. Setting Data were collected in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico; Baltimore, United States; and Ceará, Brazil. Research Design This qualitative multicase study used in-depth interviews and observations to explore the leadership actions of principals with social justice orientations. Findings Findings revealed the specific actions taken by principals to understand the social and political context in which they work. The principals in the study utilized their understanding of context to inform their avenues for organizing activity and how they lead to strategically position their schools as resources to support communities and families. Challenges to an activist approach to leadership were also identified, including (a) tensions associated with the multifaceted nature of social justice and the demands; (b) ethical obligations of being a principal within a system and needing to adhere to district policies and priorities; and (c) the unpredictability and uncertainty of outcomes in certain school-community contexts. Conclusions/Recommendations Major conclusions and recommendations for this study include the need to instill in principals a recognition that what happens in society impacts schools, and therefore, requires leadership to be attentive to community needs and activist-oriented. Preparing and supporting principals requires additional attention to how principals can lead for social justice with communities and in ways that are responsive to context. The potential constraints associated with being employed by a school district or connected to a social movement with predetermined priorities needs to be further explored and considered.
By applying cultural-historical activity theory and expansive learning theory to educational research, this volume illuminates new forms of educational activities as collaborative interventions in schools and communities where learners and practitioners generate expansive learning so that they can collectively transform their activities and expand their agency for themselves. It covers four cases of activity-theoretical formative intervention studies conducted in Japan, which are related to: fostering children’s expansive learning in classroom lessons; teachers as collaborative change agents in redesigning schools; expanding the school activity from below; and emerging knotworking agency in community-based disaster prevention learning. This book employs activity theory as a general theoretical framework of human learning and development to connect focal data from empirical and interventional studies on real human learning in specific educational settings in Japan. In this way, the book illustrates how the general theoretical framework could be used to understand a specific socio-cultural milieu, that is, the Japanese context. It also shows the universal relevance of the Japanese context of educational activity on broader international research, analyzing concrete empirical data from specific settings in Japan. In conclusion this book creates new understanding and develops a cohesive framework of the agentic and hybrid nature of educational activities as collaborative interventions in the expansion of learning.