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Commentary on the Book Entitled Sexual Violence Against Children in Britain Since 1965: Trailing Abuse by Nick Basannavar. Palgrave Macmillan. 2021. ISBN 978-3-030-83147-9



This Commentary is a subjective personal appraisal of the book in question rather than an objective Review. The rationale for this approach is presented. The author of the book engages with a series of “landscapes”, real and metaphorical, in his quest to “trail” child sexual abuse (CSA) in Britain over the last half century and more in its material reality and its representation in public discourse. It is an interdisciplinary work intended to sit at the intersection of diverse research areas: sexual violence; the history of sexuality; social and cultural history; media history and media studies; medicine and psychiatry; sociology and policy; criminology, law and sexual offending; childhood and family studies. Despite the titular focus on “sexual violence” against children, no definition of the term is offered in the book. It is a critical omission, with major ramifications, from a work that is otherwise studiously attentive to the changing language through which taboo acts of sexual engagement with children have been conceived and represented in media and other public discourse. The author’s use of the “sexual violence” concept is vigorously contested.
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... In dealing with cases of sexual violence, it is crucial to provide support and protection to victims and prevent sexual violence through education and public awareness as well as strict law enforcement against perpetrators (O'Carroll, 2024). We can strive to reduce rates of sexual violence and provide better support for those who are victims of this violence through a holistic and sustainable approach (De Sousa Mascena Veras et al., 2024). ...
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Background. The background research on the review of the criminal justice process in cases of sexual violence is highly relevant as these cases often cause controversy and concern in society. These cases not only damage individuals physically and psychologically, but also make people distrust the justice system. It is imperative to evaluate how the criminal justice process is carried out in dealing with sexual violence cases in the District Court, where such cases are processed. Purpose. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the criminal justice process in cases of sexual violence in the District Court. This case study also identifies key stages in handling sexual violence cases, from investigation to final decision. An additional objective of this study was to discover obstacles that may be encountered in the implementation of the criminal justice process. Method. Qualitative field research is used. Data will be collected through direct observation of the criminal justice process in sexual violence cases at the District Court, interviews with judges, prosecutors, lawyers, and other parties related to the case, and analysis of documents relating to sexual violence cases that have been processed. Results. The research shows that despite efforts to improve the criminal justice process in sexual violence cases at the District Court, there are several issues that need to be addressed. The results showed that some cases were delayed, there was a lack of support for victims, and sometimes disagreements between the law enforcement agencies involved. However, it was also found that positive progress has been made to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the criminal justice process in sexual violence cases. Conclusion. This research found that, although there are obstacles and barriers in carrying out the criminal justice process in sexual violence cases in the District Court, there is still room for improvement and reform. To ensure justice for all parties involved in sexual violence cases, better collaboration between relevant institutions, better support for victims, and strengthening of legal procedures are needed.
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Analysis of a Finnish nationally representative student sample found that subjective reactions to first intercourse (mostly heterosexual; usually in adolescence) were highly positive for boys and mostly positive for girls, whether involved with peers or adults (Rind, 2022). The present study examined the generality of these findings by examining subjective reactions to first coitus (heterosexual intercourse) in a German nationally representative sample of young people (data collected in 2014). Most first coitus was postpubertal. Males reacted mostly positively and uncommonly negatively in similar fashion in all age pairings: boy–girl (71% positive, 13% negative); boy–woman (73% positive; 17% negative); man–woman (73% positive, 15% negative). Females’ reactions were more mixed, similar in the girl–boy (48% positive; 37% negative) and woman–man (46% positive, 36% negative) groups, but less favorable in the girl–man group (32% positive, 47% negative). In logistic regressions, adjusting for other factors, rates of positive reactions were unrelated to age groups. These rates did increase, in order of importance, when participants were male, their partners were close, they expected the coitus to happen, and they affirmatively wanted it. Reaction rates were computed from the Finnish sample, restricting cases to first coitus occurring in the 2000s, and then compared to minors’ reactions in the German sample. The Finns reacted more favorably, similarly in both minor–peer and minor–adult coitus, with twice the odds of reacting positively. It was argued that this discrepancy was due to cultural differences (e.g., Finnish culture is more sex-positive). To account for the reaction patterns shown in the adolescent–adult coitus, sizably at odds with expectations from mainstream professional thinking, an evolutionary framework was employed.
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People with pedophilia (PWP) can deal with their sexual desires by relieving sexual arousal without sexually exploiting children. Study 1 investigated whether public reactions toward nonoffending pedophilic men are affected by their strategies to relieve sexual arousal (non-sexual pictures vs. child sex dolls) or to reduce their sex drive via testosterone-lowering medication in legally non-problematic ways. A sample of German-speaking participants (N = 143) read three vignettes describing PWP using either of these strategies. Participants (59.4% females) mean age was 39.7 (SD = 15.6). They rated their preferred social distance and affective responses toward the person in the vignette, as well as how dangerous they perceived them to be. Although no significant difference was detected between the nonsexual pictures and sex dolls condition on cognitive (except for dangerousness), affective, and behavioral levels, both consistently elicited more stigmatizing reactions than the testosterone-lowering medication condition. To investigate if this effect was driven by disapproving any relief of sexual arousal or the use of actual child stimuli in particular, Study 2 (N = 151) added two conditions with PWP using adult child-like stimuli to relieve sexual arousal: adult-as-schoolgirl porn and adult partner with childlike appearance. Here, participants (57.6 females) mean age was 28.0 (SD = 13.3). Results indicate that stigmatization was driven by disapproving the use of child stimuli rather than the relief of sexual arousal in general. Individuals with a sexual interest in children face strong stigmatizing reactions, which are only alleviated when they are described as undergoing treatment lowering sex drive or – to a lesser extent – being able to mate with an adult partner or using porn with adult actors posing as schoolgirls.
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Background. Studies show considerable variability in the definitions and operationalization of child maltreatment (CM), which limits research, policy formation, surveillance, and cross-country and cross-sector comparisons. Objective. To review the recent literature (2011–2021) to understand current issues and challenges in defining CM, to assist in the planning, testing and implementing of CM conceptualizations. Methods. We searched eight international databases. Articles were included if the substantive content was related to issues, challenges, and debates in defining CM, and the article was an original study, review, commentary, report, or guideline. The review followed methodological guidance for the conduct of scoping reviews and was reported in accordance with the PRISMA-ScR checklist. Four experts in CM conducted a thematic analysis to summarize findings. Methodological rigor of the included studies was not formally assessed. Results. We identified 7372 potentially relevant articles; 55 full-text studies were assessed for eligibility, 25 satisfied the inclusion criteria. We identified three themes: 1) strategies to define CM, including the integration of child and victim perspectives; 2) difficulties in defining specific CM types; and 3) real-world implications for research, prevention and policy. Conclusions. Despite longstanding concerns, challenges regarding the definitions of CM persist. A small minority of studies have tested and implemented CM definitions and operationalizations in practice. The findings will inform international multi-sectoral processes to develop uniform definitions of CM, for example by highlighting the need to acknowledge challenges in defining some CM types and emphasizing the importance of considering the perspectives of children and CM survivors.
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The aim of this study was to analyze the prevalence and characteristics of child sexual abuse (CSA) in Andalusia, Spain's most populated region. A sample of 817 adults (281 male; M age = 34.7; SD = 13.86) completed the Child Sexual Abuse Experiences Questionnaire. Because the sample was unbalanced, we performed post-stratification by gender, resulting in 562 participants (50% male). Overall, 38.8% of the sample reported at least one type of contact abuse experience, with prevalence ranging from 22% for being fondled to 3.9% for being forced to perform a sexual act involving penetration. The first episode of CSA most commonly occurred between age 6 and 11 years, except for penetration. The majority of reported experiences were repeated and perpetrated by a male. More than half of the victims did not label their experience as sexual abuse, and this apparent lack of awareness about what constitutes abuse was particularly evident among male victims. The prevalence of CSA in Andalusia is higher than for Spain as a whole, highlighting the need to raise public awareness through prevention programs.
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Research on the link between childhood sexual abuse experiences (CSAE) and pedohebephilia is limited by its focus on events that the respondents rate as abusive. We asked 199 German-speaking (Study 1) and 632 English-speaking (Study 2) men with and without self-reported pedohebephilia to complete the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) and scales to assess perceived non-coercive childhood sexual experiences with adults (PNCSE-A), and peers (PNCSE-P, only Study 2). A substantial number of participants with PNCSE-A disagreed with all items of the CTQ Sexual Abuse subscale (e.g., 35% and 26% of pedohebephilic men in Studies 1 and 2, 38% of teleiophilic men in Study 2). While pedohebephilic men reported more CSAE than teleiophilic men, the effects for PNCSE-A did not consistently point in the expected direction. In Study 2, conviction status for sexual offenses among pedohebephilic men was linked to higher rates of CSAE, PNCSE-A, PNCSE-P, physical neglect, and physical abuse. Pedohebephilic men in Study 2 also reported more PNCSE-P than teleiophilic men. Our results highlight the importance of assessing different (positive or neutral) perceptions of CSAE. Better controlled designs (e.g., matched case-control studies) are needed to substantiate whether and how perceived non-coercive childhood sexual experiences relate to pedohebephilia and sexual offending.
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Felson et al. (2019) used a large-scale nationally representative Finnish sample of sixth and ninth graders to estimate the population prevalence of negative subjective reactions to sexual experiences between minors under age 18 and persons at least 5 years older and between minors and peer-aged partners for comparison. They then accounted for these reactions in multivariate analysis based on contextual factors. The present study argued that focusing exclusively on negative reactions short-changed a fuller scientific understanding. It analyzed the full range of reactions in the same sample, focusing on positive reactions. For reactions in retrospect, boys frequently reacted positively to minor-older sex (68%, n = 280 cases), on par with positive reactions to boy-peer sex (67%, n = 1510). Girls reacted positively to minor-older sex less often (36%, n = 1047) and to girl-peer sex half the time (48%, n = 1931). In both minor-older and minor-peer sex, rates of positive reactions were higher for boys vs. girls, adolescents vs. children, when partners were friends vs. strangers or relatives, with intercourse vs. lesser forms of sexual intimacy, with more frequent sex, and when not coerced. Boys reacted positively more often with female than male partners. In minor-older sex, partner age difference mattered for girls but not boys, and the minor’s initiating the sex (14% for girls, 46% for boys) produced equally high rates of positive reactions. Most of these factors remained significant in multivariate analysis. The frequency of positive reactions, their responsiveness to context, the similarity in reaction patterns with minor-peer sex, and the generalizability of the sample were argued to contradict the trauma view often applied to minor-older sex, holding it to be intrinsically aversive irrespective of context.
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Minor attracted persons (MAPs) represent a highly stigmatized population. While robust literatures exist linking stigma-related stressors to negative psychological sequalae in other stigmatized populations, the research examining stigma processes in MAPs has only recently begun to develop. The present study expands this area of research by examining associations between stigma-related stressors (e.g., internalized pedonegativity, perceived support from close others, disclosing minor attraction), relational quality, loneliness, and psychological distress in an online sample of MAPs (n = 202). Results demonstrated expected associations between perceived lack of support from others, increased internalized pedonegativity, psychological distress, and suicidality. Mediation modelling suggest loneliness mediates the relationship between perceived support from family and mental health outcomes and partially mediates the relationship between internalized pedonegativity and psychological distress. Our findings also show that most MAPs had disclosed their minor attraction to someone in their life but disclosure itself was not associated with improved mental health; whether a disclosure was followed by support was associated with increased wellbeing. The results of this study improve our understanding of MAPs’ mental health and can help inform how clinicians provide support to this population.