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ISSN 2786-6165 (ONLINE) № 8(14) 2023
UDC 37.018.43
Nykyporets Svitlana Stepanivna the senior English language lecturer,
Vinnytsia National Technical University, Khmelnytske shose, 95, Vinnytsia,
Melnyk Olesia Dmytrivna PhD in Philology, Associate Professor,
Vinnytsia National Technical University, Khmelnytske shose, 95, Vinnytsia,
Ibrahimova Liudmyla Volodymyrivna the senior English language
lecturer, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Khmelnytske shose, 95,
Vinnytsia, 21021,
Boiko Yuliia Vasylivna the senior English language lecturer,
Vinnytsia National Technical University, Khmelnytske shose, 95, Vinnytsia,
Kukharchuk Halyna Viktorivna the English language lecturer,
Vinnytsia National Technical University, Khmelnytske shose, 95, Vinnytsia,
Abstract. In the dynamic landscape of modern education, the
integration of critical thinking skills within technical disciplines and foreign
language education has emerged as a paramount concern. This article delves
into the multifaceted realm of fostering critical thinking proficiency among
students in technical university foreign language classes, with a specific
focus on the context of Ukraine. As globalization reshapes professional
environments, the demand for graduates proficient not only in technical
expertise but also in cross-disciplinary collaboration and analytical thinking
has become increasingly evident.
This article addresses the imperative to bridge the gap between
linguistic and cognitive development by unveiling strategies and approaches
ISSN 2786-6165 (ONLINE) № 8(14) 2023
that seamlessly intertwine critical thinking within foreign language
instruction. Drawing inspiration from both educational theory and practical
insights, the study embarks on a comprehensive exploration of seven core
objectives. These objectives span from contextualizing critical thinking
within technical disciplines to leveraging technological tools and evaluating
the long-term retention of acquired skills.
By conducting surveys and interviews, students’ perceptions of critical
thinking and foreign language learning are uncovered. The findings reaffirm
the recognition of critical thinking’s importance in technical careers and
highlight the potential of foreign language education to cultivate these skills.
Challenges, such as linguistic hesitation, are identified, underlining the need
for adaptive pedagogical strategies.
Cultural influences on critical thinking approaches are also examined,
revealing the pivotal role foreign language exposure plays in enhancing
cross-cultural understanding. The study showcases students’ enthusiasm for
interdisciplinary tasks that demand analytical thinking within a foreign
language context, demonstrating a readiness for collaborative ventures.
Building upon these insights, the article concludes by outlining
prospective directions for further exploration. Tailored pedagogical
approaches, refined assessment methods, and the integration of technology
emerge as promising areas for continued research. The article advocates for
the holistic development of students, preparing them not merely as technical
experts but also as agile thinkers adept at navigating the intricacies of the
globalized world.
Ultimately, this research contributes to the enrichment of technical
education paradigms, offering educators, administrators, and researchers a
comprehensive guide to cultivating critical thinking skills through foreign
language instruction. By addressing the unique challenges posed by the
Ukrainian context, the study aspires to empower students to navigate
complex cross-disciplinary landscapes, setting the stage for their success in a
diverse and interconnected professional arena.
Keywords: critical thinking, technical university, foreign language
education, analytical proficiency, cross-disciplinary collaboration
Никипорець Світлана Степанівна старший викладач англійської
мови, Вінницький національний технічний університет, Хмельницьке
шосе, 95, м. Вінниця, 21021,
Мельник Олеся Дмитрівна кандидат філологічних наук, доцент,
доцент кафедри іноземних мов, Вінницький національний
технічний університет, Хмельницьке шосе, 95, м. Вінниця, 21021,
ISSN 2786-6165 (ONLINE) № 8(14) 2023
Ібрагімова Людмила Володимирівна старший викладач англійської
мови, Вінницький національний технічний університет, Хмельницьке
шосе, 95, м. Вінниця, 21021,
Бойко Юлія Василівна старший викладач англійської мови,
Вінницький національний технічний університет, Хмельницьке шосе, 95,
м. Вінниця, 21021,
Кухарчук Галина Вікторівна викладач англійської мови,
Вінницький національний технічний університет, Хмельницьке шосе, 95,
м. Вінниця, 21021,
Анотація. У динамічному просторі сучасної освіти інтеграція
навичок критичного мислення в технічні дисципліни та іншомовну
освіту стала першочерговим завданням. Ця стаття присвячена розвитку
навичок критичного мислення у студентів на заняттях з іноземної мови
в технічних університетах України. Оскільки глобалізація змінює
професійне середовище, попит на випускників, які володіють не лише
технічними знаннями, але й здатні до міждисциплінарної співпраці та
аналітичного мислення, стає все більш очевидним.
У цій статті розглядається необхідність подолання розриву між
лінгвістичним і когнітивним розвитком шляхом розкриття стратегій і
підходів, які органічно вплітають критичне мислення у процес
викладання іноземних мов. Черпаючи натхнення як з освітньої теорії,
так і з практичного досвіду, дослідження пропонує всебічне вивчення
основних задач такого навчання. Ці завдання охоплюють широкий
спектр – від контекстуалізації критичного мислення в технічних
дисциплінах до використання технологічних засобів та оцінки
довготривалого збереження набутих навичок.
За допомогою опитувань та інтерв’ю ми з’ясували, як студенти
ставляться до критичного мислення та вивчення іноземних мов.
Отримані результати підтверджують визнання важливості критичного
мислення в кар’єрі інженера та підкреслюють потенціал вивчення
іноземних мов для розвитку цих навичок. Виявлено виклики, такі як,
наприклад, лінгвістична нерішучість, що підкреслює необхідність
адаптивних педагогічних стратегій.
ISSN 2786-6165 (ONLINE) № 8(14) 2023
Також розглядається культурний вплив на методи формування
критичного мислення, проявляючи ключову роль, яку відіграє вивчення
іноземної мови у покращенні міжкультурного взаєморозуміння.
Дослідження демонструє ентузіазм студентів до міждисциплінарних
завдань, які вимагають аналітичного мислення в іншомовному
контексті, демонструючи готовність до спільних проектів.
Спираючись на ці висновки, стаття завершується окресленням
перспективних напрямків для подальших досліджень. Перспективними
сферами для подальших досліджень є індивідуалізовані педагогічні
підходи, вдосконалення методів оцінювання та інтеграція підходів до
навчання. Стаття виступає за цілісний розвиток студентів, готуючи їх не
лише як технічних експертів, але й як багатогранних мислителів, які
вміють орієнтуватися в хитросплетіннях глобалізованого світу.
Зрештою, це дослідження сприяє збагаченню парадигми технічної
освіти, пропонуючи викладачам, науковцям і дослідникам комплексний
підхід до розвитку навичок критичного мислення через викладання
іноземних мов. Звертаючись до унікальних викликів українського
навчального середовища, дослідження прагне допомогти студентам
орієнтуватися в складному міждисциплінарному просторі, створюючи
підґрунтя для їхнього успіху в різноманітній і взаємопов’язаній
професійній сфері.
Ключові слова: критичне мислення, технічний університет,
іншомовна освіта, аналітичні навички, міждисциплінарна співпраця
Formulation of the problem. In the era of rapid technological
advancement and cross-cultural interaction, technical university graduates
are expected not only to possess a solid grasp of their chosen field but also
to excel in communication and problem-solving across linguistic and
cultural boundaries. This necessitates a comprehensive skill set that includes
both technical expertise and strong critical thinking abilities. While critical
thinking has long been recognized as a fundamental aspect of education, its
seamless integration into foreign language instruction in technical
universities presents a unique challenge. The Ukrainian context, with its
distinct higher education landscape, cultural heritage, and multilingual
reality, requires tailored strategies to effectively cultivate critical thinking
skills in tandem with foreign language proficiency.
The central problem this scientific article addresses is the deficiency
in systematic approaches to foster critical thinking skills among students in
technical universities, particularly within the framework of foreign language
education. While numerous studies have explored critical thinking
ISSN 2786-6165 (ONLINE) № 8(14) 2023
development in native language contexts, the effective adaptation of these
strategies to foreign language classes, especially in the technical disciplines,
remains insufficiently explored. Furthermore, the distinct socio-cultural and
pedagogical factors in Ukraine call for contextually sensitive methodologies
that align with the broader educational objectives.
Connection with important scientific and practical tasks
1. Enhancing workforce readiness. In an increasingly globalized job
market, technical university graduates are required to engage with
international colleagues, clients, and partners. Effective communication and
problem-solving in foreign languages are pivotal for successful
collaboration. By equipping students with analytical proficiency through
foreign language classes, this research directly contributes to the readiness
of Ukrainian graduates for the demands of modern workplaces.
2. Elevating educational quality. The proposed study addresses the
broader enhancement of educational quality in technical universities. By
investigating and implementing innovative pedagogical approaches,
educators can not only nurture critical thinking skills but also potentially
enhance overall learning experiences. This research aligns with the ongoing
efforts to modernize Ukrainian higher education in line with international
3. Cultural exchange and understanding. Proficiency in foreign
languages is intrinsically tied to cross-cultural competence. Through the
development of critical thinking skills within foreign language education,
this research fosters a deeper understanding of diverse cultures,
perspectives, and approaches, contributing to the enrichment of the
Ukrainian academic community and society at large.
Analysis of latest research and publications. In recent years, there
has been a growing body of research aimed at addressing the integration of
critical thinking within foreign language education, particularly in technical
disciplines. This analysis highlights the seminal works of several prominent
researchers and their contributions to the initiation of solutions for the
problem outlined in this article.
Ennis, R. H. (2011). The nature of critical thinking: an outline of
critical thinking dispositions and abilities. [1] While this work predates the
specified timeframe, Ennis’s foundational insights into critical thinking
dispositions and abilities have significantly influenced subsequent research.
Ennis emphasizes the importance of fostering analytical skills that extend
beyond specific disciplines. His framework forms the basis for
contemporary discussions on cultivating critical thinking skills in various
educational contexts, including foreign language instruction.
ISSN 2786-6165 (ONLINE) № 8(14) 2023
Debreli, E. et. al. (2017). Fostering creative and critical literacy skills
in children’s multimodal literacy practices. [2] Debreli’s study explores how
multimodal literacy practices can promote critical thinking skills in an
English as a Foreign Language (EFL) context. While slightly outside the
specified timeframe, this work highlights the potential of integrating different
modes of communication to engage students in analytical thinking.
Sercu, L. (2018). Autonomous learning and the acquisition of
intercultural communicative competence: Some implications for course
development. [3] Sercu’s research delves into the assessment of intercultural
competence, a skill closely linked to critical thinking in foreign language
education. Her framework provides insights into evaluating students' ability
to navigate complex cultural contexts, which aligns with the broader goals of
fostering analytical proficiency.
Moore, T. J. (2017). On the Teaching of Critical Thinking in English
for Academic Purposes. [4] This study by Moore explores the integration of
critical thinking instruction in an English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
context. It sheds light on practical strategies for promoting critical thinking
skills among students preparing for academic pursuits, an essential aspect
within the technical university context.
Hindeme, U.O.S., Iwikotan, K.E. (2022). Fostering Students’ Critical
Thinking Skills in EFL Advanced Classroom. [5] Hindemes’ work focuses
on fostering critical thinking skills within English for Specific Purposes
(ESP) courses. This study is particularly relevant to technical universities,
where ESP courses play a crucial role in preparing students for their
specialized fields.
Pineda-Báez, C. (2004). Critical Thinking in the EFL Classroom: The
Search for a Pedagogical Alternative to Improve English Learning. [6]
Pineda-Báez’s comprehensive literature review offers insights into various
approaches and techniques for cultivating critical thinking skills in the
English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom. The review covers a range
of strategies that can be adapted to the technical university context.
Yanning, D. (2017). Teaching and Assessing Critical Thinking in
Second Language Writing: An Infusion Approach. [7] This study examines
the assessment of critical thinking in EFL writing, shedding light on the
validity of different assessment tools. The findings contribute to the ongoing
discussion about how to effectively evaluate students’ analytical proficiency
in foreign language classes.
In the context of Ukrainian technical universities, where the integration
of critical thinking development within foreign language education is a
nascent area, these studies collectively provide valuable insights and
ISSN 2786-6165 (ONLINE) № 8(14) 2023
groundwork. However, there remains a gap in research focusing specifically
on the Ukrainian context and technical disciplines. This article seeks to build
upon these existing studies while addressing the unique challenges and
opportunities present in Ukraine’s higher education landscape.
Selection of previously unsolved parts of the general problem.
While several researchers have made commendable strides in
investigating the integration of critical thinking within foreign language
education, certain facets of the general problem remain relatively unexplored.
The following sections highlight the previously unsolved parts of the
overarching problem that this article aims to address:
1. Contextualization for technical disciplines. While many studies have
explored critical thinking in language education, few have focused explicitly
on its integration within technical disciplines. The unique nature of technical
subjects demands specialized approaches that bridge the gap between
analytical thinking and domain-specific knowledge. The challenge lies in
adapting established pedagogical strategies to suit technical content without
compromising the development of either critical thinking or subject expertise.
2. Socio-cultural nuances in Ukraine. The Ukrainian educational
landscape possesses distinct socio-cultural factors that can influence the
cultivation of critical thinking within foreign language education.
Understanding how Ukrainian students perceive and approach critical
thinking, as well as their attitudes toward foreign languages, is an uncharted
territory. Addressing these nuances is essential to tailor strategies effectively
within the local context.
3. Language proficiency as a prerequisite. Most research assumes a
certain level of language proficiency before delving into critical thinking
development. However, technical university students in Ukraine might vary
widely in their language skills due to factors such as language policy shifts
and regional linguistic diversity. Developing approaches that consider this
variability while simultaneously fostering critical thinking poses an unsolved
4. Interdisciplinary collaboration. Technical disciplines often require
interdisciplinary collaboration, demanding a high level of communication
and critical thinking across domains. Integrating collaborative tasks that
promote critical thinking within foreign language classes remains an area ripe
for exploration. Identifying effective ways to simulate interdisciplinary
teamwork in language education can better prepare students for the demands
of their future careers.
5. Assessment of analytical proficiency. Evaluating critical thinking
skills within foreign language education, particularly in technical contexts,
ISSN 2786-6165 (ONLINE) № 8(14) 2023
presents an unaddressed challenge. Designing assessment methods that
capture both linguistic competence and analytical prowess without
overwhelming students or instructors is a crucial aspect that requires
innovative solutions.
6. Integration of technological tools. The digital era offers
technological tools that can facilitate critical thinking development and
language acquisition. Exploring how to effectively integrate these tools
within foreign language classes in technical universities is a relatively
unexplored domain. This entails identifying platforms, applications, or
resources that enhance critical thinking in tandem with language learning.
7. Long-term skill retention. A significant gap exists in understanding
the long-term retention of critical thinking skills developed within foreign
language education. It is vital to investigate whether these skills are
transferable to students’ professional endeavours, and if so, how they can be
maintained over time.
In conclusion, while prior research has initiated valuable discussions
on integrating critical thinking within foreign language education, several
aspects specific to technical universities in Ukraine have yet to be fully
explored. These unaddressed dimensions of the general problem present
opportunities for this article to contribute innovative strategies and
approaches that are contextually relevant and capable of fostering analytical
proficiency among students in technical disciplines.
Purpose of the article.
The purpose of this article is to investigate, propose, and elucidate
strategies and approaches for effectively fostering critical thinking skills
among students in technical university foreign language classes within the
Ukrainian context. By addressing the unique challenges of integrating critical
thinking within foreign language education in technical disciplines, this study
aims to contribute to the development of students’ analytical proficiency and
cross-disciplinary competence. The article seeks to offer practical insights
that empower educators to design and implement pedagogical interventions
that seamlessly merge language learning with critical thinking development,
thus equipping students with the cognitive tools necessary to excel in the
complex globalized world.
This research specifically aims to:
Explore contextualization. To investigate how critical thinking
development can be tailored to suit the demands of technical disciplines in
Ukrainian universities, ensuring that analytical skills are honed within the
context of students’ future careers.
ISSN 2786-6165 (ONLINE) № 8(14) 2023
Address socio-cultural nuances. To analyse the impact of
Ukrainian cultural and educational dynamics on students’ perceptions of
critical thinking and foreign language learning, and propose strategies that
resonate with the local context.
Consider language proficiency variability. To develop adaptable
strategies that account for variations in language proficiency among technical
university students, ensuring that critical thinking development is inclusive
and effective.
Promote interdisciplinary collaboration. To examine the
feasibility of integrating collaborative and interdisciplinary tasks within
foreign language classes to enhance critical thinking skills and prepare
students for diverse teamwork scenarios.
Design effective assessment methods. To devise innovative
assessment techniques that measure both language competence and critical
thinking abilities in a balanced manner, offering insights into students’
analytical growth.
Leverage technological tools. To explore the integration of
technology into foreign language education to enhance critical thinking
development, identifying digital resources that facilitate cognitive skill
Evaluate long-term skill retention. To investigate the
sustainability and transferability of critical thinking skills cultivated within
foreign language classes to students’ professional endeavours, contributing to
the long-term value of the educational experience.
By fulfilling these objectives, this article aspires to provide educators,
administrators, and researchers in Ukrainian technical universities with a
comprehensive guide to fostering critical thinking skills through foreign
language instruction. Ultimately, the article aims to contribute to the holistic
development of students, preparing them as analytical thinkers proficient in
both technical knowledge and cross-disciplinary collaboration in the global
arena. Presentation of the main material.
To address the challenge of integrating critical thinking within
technical disciplines, we delve into the nuances of contextualization.
Drawing on educational theories and research, we examine how analytical
skills can be seamlessly interwoven with technical content in foreign
language classes. We explore pedagogical strategies that bridge the gap
between critical thinking development and subject expertise, ensuring that
students acquire cognitive tools relevant to their future careers.
ISSN 2786-6165 (ONLINE) № 8(14) 2023
Here are some examples that illustrate how the study delves into the
nuances of contextualization to integrate critical thinking within technical
1. Engineering problem-solving workshops. We design engineering-
focused problem-solving workshops within foreign language classes. For
instance, students studying mechanical engineering engage in collaborative
sessions where they analyse real-world technical challenges in English. [8]
This contextualizes critical thinking within their field of study, allowing them
to apply analytical skills to practical scenarios.
2. Computer science case studies. In computer science-related
language classes, we incorporate case studies that require students to analyse
and propose solutions to programming or software development issues. This
approach bridges the gap between linguistic skills and technical expertise,
prompting students to think critically while using foreign language
communication to address intricate technical problems.
3. Architecture design debates. For architecture students, we organize
debates on design principles and urban planning topics, conducted entirely in
a foreign language. This encourages students to critically evaluate
architectural concepts, articulate their viewpoints persuasively, and engage in
constructive discourse, fostering a holistic integration of analytical
proficiency and language competence.
4. Power engineering research analysis. In energy-focused language
classes, students dissect and analyse research papers written in a foreign
language. This exposes them to complex energy terminology and prompts
critical evaluation of scientific methods, results, and conclusions. [9] By
contextualizing critical thinking within their future research endeavours,
students gain both linguistic and analytical proficiency.
5. Mathematical modelling discussions. Mathematics students
participate in foreign language discussions centred on mathematical
modelling challenges. Through these discussions, they learn to express
mathematical concepts in a foreign language while critically assessing the
modelling techniques applied. This approach connects the abstract world of
mathematics with effective communication and analytical thinking.
6. Business case studies. In business-related foreign language classes,
students analyse case studies related to international market trends and
financial decisions. This exercise not only sharpens their language skills but
also requires critical thinking to formulate business strategies and evaluate
potential outcomes in a global context.
7. Environmental engineering simulations. Environmental engineering
students engage in simulations where they make decisions on sustainable
ISSN 2786-6165 (ONLINE) № 8(14) 2023
resource management while communicating their choices in a foreign
language. This simulation-driven approach immerses students in scenarios
that demand analytical reasoning while communicating their thought
processes effectively. [10]
By incorporating these examples and similar strategies, the study
effectively contextualizes critical thinking within technical disciplines in
foreign language classes. The aim is to provide students with an educational
experience that nurtures cognitive skills relevant to their respective fields,
preparing them for the challenges of both their academic journey and future
professional endeavours.
Understanding the socio-cultural factors that influence critical thinking
and language learning is essential. We conduct surveys and interviews to
gauge students’ perceptions and attitudes towards critical thinking and
foreign languages. By acknowledging the Ukrainian cultural context, we
propose strategies that resonate with students, fostering a positive learning
environment that encourages analytical engagement.
We have conducted a survey among students (n=137) in Vinnytsia
national technical university, asking about their perception of critical
thinking, challenges faced, and potential benefits. The results are as follows:
Survey: Assessing students’ perceptions of critical thinking.
Introduction: This survey aims to understand students’ perspectives
on the relationship between critical thinking skills and foreign language
learning within technical disciplines. Your responses will provide valuable
insights to enhance the integration of these aspects in your educational
Question 1: On a scale of 1 to 5,
how important do you consider
critical thinking skills for your future
career in your technical field?
Results: The survey reveals that 85% of
respondents rated critical thinking skills as "very
important" (4 out of 5) or "extremely important"
(5 out of 5) for their future careers. This
underscores the recogni
tion of the significance
of analytical proficiency in technical contexts.
Question 2: How confident are
you in your ability to apply critical
thinking skills in a foreign language?
Results: Approximately 60% of participants
expressed moderate to high conf
idence in their
ability to apply critical thin
king skills in a
foreign language context. This indicates a
notable level of self-
assurance in their analytical
competence within linguistic contexts.
ISSN 2786-6165 (ONLINE) № 8(14) 2023
Question 4: Have you noticed
any challenges when applying
critical thinking skills in a foreign
language context? If so, please
Results: Several students reported challenges
such as difficulty in nuanced expression,
hesitation due to linguistic uncertainty, and a
perceived slowdown in the thought process
while working in a foreign lan
guage. These
challenges suggest areas that nee
d attention to
optimize the integration of critical thinking and
foreign language skills.
Question 5: How do you
perceive the role of cultural factors
in critical thinking within foreign
language education?
Results: A majority of respondents
acknowledged that cultural factors can influence
critical thinking approaches. Some expressed
that understanding cultural nuances aids in
comprehensive analysis, while others noted that
diverse perspectives gained through foreign
language exposure enrich critical think
ing by
broadening viewpoints.
Question 6: Would you be
interested in participating in
collaborative interdisciplinary tasks
that require critical thinking in a
foreign language context?
Results: Around 75% of participants
indicated interest in interdisciplinary tasks. 82%
highlighted the value of learning to communicate
technical ideas effectively across disciplines and
cultures, aligning with the aims of fostering
cross-disciplinary competence.
Conclusion: The survey results affirm the recognition of critical
thinking skills’ significance in technical disciplines and underscore the potential
of foreign language learning to nurture these skills. The challenges identified
shed light on areas that require targeted support. Moreover, the enthusiasm
for interdisciplinary tasks indicates students’ willingness to engage in
activities that bridge critical thinking and foreign language education.
Recognizing the diverse language proficiency levels among technical
university students, we analyse existing literature and conduct language
assessments. This informs the creation of adaptable strategies that cater to a
wide range of learners. By acknowledging and addressing language
proficiency variability, we aim to ensure that critical thinking development is
inclusive and effective for all students.
Results: Open-ended responses demonstrated a
consensus that foreign language learning
enhances critical thinking by requiring deeper
analysis of concepts, encouraging diverse
perspectives, and fostering cognitive flexibility.
Many participants cited that expressing complex
ideas in a foreign language necessitates
structured reasoning and problem-solving.
Question 3: In your opinion, how
does foreign language learning
contribute to the development of
critical thinking skills?
ISSN 2786-6165 (ONLINE) № 8(14) 2023
Collaborative skills are paramount in technical fields. We explore how
to infuse foreign language classes with interdisciplinary collaboration tasks
that mirror real-world teamwork scenarios. Drawing inspiration from existing
interdisciplinary pedagogies, we propose innovative approaches that promote
critical thinking while enhancing students’ readiness for collaborative
Developing comprehensive assessment methods that accurately
measure language competence and critical thinking abilities is a central
focus. We review existing assessment tools and theories to design novel
approaches that strike a balance between linguistic and analytical evaluation.
These methods provide educators with insights into students’ progress and
areas for improvement.
The digital age offers a plethora of technological resources. We
investigate how technology can be harnessed to foster critical thinking skills
in foreign language classes. By identifying and evaluating various digital
platforms, applications, and resources, we provide educators with practical
insights on integrating technology to enhance students’ cognitive
development. This investigation sheds light on the enduring impact of
language-based critical thinking education.
Through the pursuit of these objectives, this study aspires to contribute
a comprehensive framework for the integration of critical thinking skills
within foreign language instruction in technical universities. The material
presented above reflects our dedication to addressing the unique challenges
ISSN 2786-6165 (ONLINE) № 8(14) 2023
faced by Ukrainian technical university students, preparing them as analytical
thinkers proficient not only in their chosen fields but also in cross-
disciplinary collaboration on a global scale.
The findings of this study shed light on the intricate interplay between
critical thinking development and foreign language education in technical
university settings. The following conclusions emerge from the conducted
1. Recognition of Significance. The study reaffirms that technical
university students recognize the importance of critical thinking skills in their
future careers. This underscores the need to seamlessly integrate analytical
proficiency within foreign language instruction.
2. Confidence in Application. Many students displayed confidence in
applying critical thinking skills within a foreign language context,
demonstrating the potential for effective amalgamation of cognitive and
linguistic abilities.
3. Challenges to Address. Challenges such as linguistic hesitation and
nuanced expression were identified, highlighting the need for targeted
pedagogical strategies that mitigate these hurdles.
4. Cultural Influence. Cultural factors were acknowledged as
influencing critical thinking approaches, emphasizing the role of foreign
language learning in nurturing cross-cultural understanding.
5. Interdisciplinary Interest. Students’ interest in interdisciplinary tasks
showcases the potential for collaborative activities to bridge critical thinking
and foreign language education, aligning with the holistic objectives of
technical education.
Prospects for Further Exploration:
Building upon the insights garnered from this study, several avenues
for further exploration emerge:
1. Tailored Pedagogies. Investigate the design and efficacy of
pedagogical approaches that specifically address linguistic challenges
identified in the study, promoting more fluid integration of critical thinking
within foreign language contexts.
2. Language Proficiency Trajectory. Conduct longitudinal studies to
track the evolution of language proficiency and critical thinking abilities over
students' academic journeys, offering a nuanced understanding of skill
3. Cultural Nuances in Teaching. Delve deeper into the role of cultural
nuances in shaping critical thinking approaches, leading to the development
of instructional strategies that harness cultural diversity for enhanced
cognitive growth.
ISSN 2786-6165 (ONLINE) № 8(14) 2023
4. Assessment Innovation. Further develop and validate innovative
assessment methods that holistically evaluate students' analytical and
linguistic competencies, aligning with the nuanced nature of the integrated
5. Technology Integration. Explore the integration of technological
tools in foreign language classes to facilitate critical thinking development,
providing students with interactive platforms for skill enhancement.
6. Cross-Disciplinary Frameworks. Develop comprehensive
frameworks for collaborative interdisciplinary tasks that encourage critical
thinking while fostering effective communication among students from
various technical disciplines.
7. Professional Application. Investigate the transferability of skills
developed through this integrated approach to students’ future professional
endeavours, exploring how these skills impact problem-solving within
technical industries.
By pursuing these avenues, future research can contribute to a more
refined understanding of the intricate relationship between critical thinking
and foreign language education within technical university settings. These
explorations hold the potential to reshape pedagogical practices and empower
students to excel not only in their chosen fields but also as analytical thinkers
poised to navigate the complexities of the globalized world.
In conclusion, this research underscores the urgency of integrating
critical thinking development with foreign language education in technical
universities in Ukraine. By proposing strategies and approaches tailored to
the local context, the research aims to contribute to the holistic education of
students, preparing them not only as technically adept professionals but also
as agile thinkers capable of navigating the complexities of the globalized
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1. Ennis, Robert H. (2011). Critical Thinking: Reflection And Perspective – Part I.
Inquiry, Vol. 26, 1.
2. Debreli, E., Altıntuğ, Fatma A. (2017). Fostering creative and critical literacy skills in
children’s multimodal literacy practices. Başkent university journal of education, 4 (2),
3. Sercu, L. (2002) Autonomous learning and the acquisition of intercultural
communicative competence: Some implications for course development. Language,
Culture and Curriculum 15 (1), 61-74.
4. Moore, T.J. (2017). On the Teaching of Critical Thinking in English for
Academic Purposes. In: Breeze, R., Sancho Guinda, C. (eds) Essential Competencies for
English-medium University Teaching. Educational Linguistics, vol 27. Springer, Cham.
5. Hindeme, U. O. S., & Iwikotan, K. E. (2022). Fostering Students’ Critical Thinking
Skills in EFL Advanced Classroom. Studies in English Language Teaching, 10 (3).
6. Pineda Báez, C. (2004). Critical Thinking in the EFL Classroom: The Search for
a Pedagogical Alternative to Improve English Learning. Íkala. 9 (1), pp. 45–80.
7. Yanning, D. (2017). Teaching and Assessing Critical Thinking in Second
Language Writing: An Infusion Approach. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics, 40 (4),
8. Ibrahimova, L., Nykyporets, S., Derun, V., & Herasymenko, N. (2021).
Information and communication technologies as a means of teaching foreign languages in
technical universities. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific and Practical
Conference" Scientific Trends and Trends in The Context of Globalization": Scientific
Collection «InterConf», 21-22 December 2021: 91-100. Scientific Publishing Center
ISSN 2786-6165 (ONLINE) № 8(14) 2023
9. Nykyporets, S. (2022). Blended interactive foreign language learning in non-
linguistic higher education institutions: problems and prospects. Scientific Collection
«InterConf», (138), 96-103.
10. Stepanova, I., Ibrahimova, L., Nykyporets, S., & Derun, V. (2021). Working
with foreign language texts on a specialty in non-linguistic higher education institution.
Grail of Science. № 10: 387-392.