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Developing health indicators for composite structures based on a two-stage semi-supervised machine learning model using acoustic emission data


Abstract and Figures

Composite structures are highly valued for their strength-to-weight ratio, durability, and versatility, making them ideal for a variety of applications, including aerospace, automotive, and infrastructure. However, potential damage scenarios like impact, fatigue, and corrosion can lead to premature failure and pose a threat to safety. This highlights the importance of monitoring composite structures through structural health monitoring (SHM) and prognostics and health management (PHM) to ensure their safe and reliable operation. SHM provides information on the current state of the structure, while PHM predicts its future behavior and determines necessary maintenance. Health indicators (HIs) play a crucial role in both SHM and PHM, providing information on structural health and behavior, but accurate determination of these indicators can be challenging due to the complexity of material behavior and multiple sources of damage in composite structures. In the present work, a model containing a developed adaptive standardization, a dimension reduction sub-model, a time-independent sub-model, and a time-dependent sub-model is introduced to address this challenge. First, the raw data collected by the acoustic emission technique monitoring composite structures under fatigue loading is processed to provide plenty of statistical features. The extracted features are adaptively standardized according to the available data until the current time. Then, the principal component analysis algorithm is employed to reconstruct a few yet highly informative features out of those statistical features. An artificial neural network is used to regress the principal components to the HI that meets the prognostic criteria. Finally, the last sub-model takes into account the time dependency of HI values during fatigue loading. In comparison to other models, the results show superior performance.
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*Center of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence for structures, prognostics & health management,
Aerospace Engineering Faculty, Delft University of Technology
Kluyverweg 1, Delft, 2629 HS, The Netherlands
Dept. Structural Mechanics & Hydraulics Engineering, Andalusian Research Institute in Data
Science and Computational Intelligence (DaSCI), University of Granada
Granada18001, Spain
Abstract. Composite structures are highly valued for their strength-to-weight ratio, durability,
and versatility, making them ideal for a variety of applications, including aerospace,
automotive, and infrastructure. However, potential damage scenarios like impact, fatigue, and
corrosion can lead to premature failure and pose a threat to safety. This highlights the
importance of monitoring composite structures through structural health monitoring (SHM) and
prognostics and health management (PHM) to ensure their safe and reliable operation. SHM
provides information on the current state of the structure, while PHM predicts its future
behavior and determines necessary maintenance. Health indicators (HIs) play a crucial role in
both SHM and PHM, providing information on structural health and behavior, but accurate
determination of these indicators can be challenging due to the complexity of material behavior
and multiple sources of damage in composite structures. In the present work, a model containing
a developed adaptive standardization, a dimension reduction sub-model, a time-independent
sub-model, and a time-dependent sub-model is introduced to address this challenge. First, the
raw data collected by the acoustic emission technique monitoring composite structures under
fatigue loading is processed to provide plenty of statistical features. The extracted features are
adaptively standardized according to the available data until the current time. Then, the
principal component analysis algorithm is employed to reconstruct a few yet highly informative
features out of those statistical features. An artificial neural network is used to regress the
principal components to the HI that meets the prognostic criteria. Finally, the last sub-model
takes into account the time dependency of HI values during fatigue loading. In comparison to
other models, the results show superior performance.
Key words: Prognostic and Health Management, Structural Health Monitoring, Intelligent
Health Indicator, Artificial Intelligence, Composite Structures, Acoustic Emission.
X ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials
SMART 2023
D.A. Saravanos, A. Benjeddou, N. Chrysochoidis and T. Theodosiou (Eds)
Available online at
Eccomas Proceedia SMART (2023) 923-934
© 2023 The Authors. Published by Eccomas Proceedia.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of SMART 2023.
doi: 10.7712/150123.9844.451295
The use of composite structures is increasing in different industries thanks to their desirable
mechanical properties such as lightweight and high strength. However, interpreting and
predicting their behavior is more challenging than that of isotropic materials such as metals,
especially during complex operational loading conditions like compression-compression
fatigue loading [1]. In fact, describing the behavior of composite structures with the existing
physics-based models has not been completely successful, taking different aspects into account
[2, 3]. This becomes even more unpredictable when some uncertain events, such as impacts,
happen that may not have already been included in the calculation [4]. With this in mind, the
question is how safely to use these structures in sensitive industries such as aviation for a long
period of time. The simple and fast answer could be increasing the design (safety) factor,
making the structures thicker and the aircraft heavier. However, this solution is not obviously
efficient in various terms, including zero emissions, cost, and sustainability. Thus, the
prediction of the structure's behavior, especially its remaining useful life (RUL), in such
industries not only increases safety and efficiency but also saves time and money regarding
maintenance. However, a health indicator (HI) is needed to first represent the damage status of
the structure and secondly predict its RUL [5]. The first part, namely diagnosis, can help to
interpret the behavior of the structure and its damages, which will be useful to discover the
weak points and improve the design. The second part, namely prognosis, can improve safety
by predicting the failure time of the component earlier. Diagnosis and prognosis together can
significantly improve the decision-making process for maintenance, which is really costly in
aviation, in a way that the first one will say what types of actions are needed and the latter one
will determine when these actions are taken.
Designing (or discovering) a HI that satisfies the needs for both diagnostics and prognostics
is really challenging, and it seems even more difficult for complicated cases such as composite
structures. A HI (or damage index) of a structure is always decreasing (or increasing) during
operational conditions if no maintenance and self-healing occur. This fact should be induced in
the design of a HI and investigated by a metric, namely monotonicity (Mo). When a group of
similar structures reach their end-of-life (EoL), their comprehensive HIs should logically and
ideally end up at the same value, representing the failure threshold. Unfortunately, HIs at the
EoL do not end up with the same value and fluctuate; this deviation can be measured by a metric
called prognosability (Pr). Finally, if the HIs for similar structures follow a similar correlation
in terms of usage time and have the same pattern, they are more predictable. This similarity in
HIstrends can be measured by the criterion of trendability (Tr) [6-8]. The first two expectations
(Mo and Pr) can be considered as facts, while the maximum Tr obviously may not be achievable
due to the stochasticity and uncertainty of influential phenomena, including different
progressive damage scenarios and loading conditions. Nevertheless, achieving HIs with a high
Tr is still a target in order to enhance the RUL prediction accuracy. In the perspective of the
prognostics, which is the main target of the current work, a HI should meet these three
evaluation criteria, Mo, Pr, and Tr.
Complex time-dependent patterns (e.g., progressive damages in composite laminates) and
uncertain events (e.g., a bird strike to an airplane) cannot be taken into account without online
condition monitoring [9], which is termed structural health monitoring (SHM) for the case of
structures. Thus, SHM plays an important role in the diagnostics of the structures [10]. An
extension of SHM is termed "prognostics and health management (PHM)" technology, which
includes RUL prediction and is more comprehensive. Among different SHM techniques,
acoustic emission (AE) is one of the most popular and promising ones [11]. The principles of
elastic wave dispersion through the structure are the basis for this passive SHM technique,
which is highly sensitive to damage initiation and propagation. An AE system continuously
gathers signals from sensors attached to the structure. Since these signals are not steady over
time due to the nonlinear nature of the physical system in operation, they should be processed
and mined over time-windowed intervals. Moreover, interpreting the raw AE data and
translating it to the health state of the structure is not straightforward [12]. Thus, feature
extraction from the time-windowed AE data can not only take steps towards this purpose but
also reduce the capacity needed to carry the massive raw data, which is problematic in long
applications like the fatigue loading of structures (reduction from billions to thousands) [13]. It
should be noted that in complex applications where there are no pre-confirmed or pre-promising
features to select, it is important to first extract as many statistical features as possible from the
time and frequency domains of the signals. However, the tremendous features require a more
complicated fusion model to construct desirable HIs. To moderate this issue, dimension
reduction techniques, ensuring that the variation among features can be kept, result in a simpler
HI constructor model.
One of the common characteristics of the prognostics and HI construction models is that
they are time-dependent, meaning that the correlation between the historic data from the
beginning (often in a healthy state) and the current time should be taken into account to improve
the performance of the HI and RUL prediction models. The performance of the HI design model
can therefore benefit from taking into account whether or not SHM data are time-dependent.
An AE dataset of composite panels with a single stiffener that were subjected to impact and
run-to-failure C-C fatigue loading is examined in the current work [14]. The dataset consists of
201 statistical (time and frequency) features that were drawn from AE data that had been
windowed using different lengths and sliding windowing sizes. In the current work, 500 cycles
for both length and slide have been selected. The 201 statistical features are first adaptively
standardized for each composite panel individually using a new standardization method. Then,
using the principal component analysis (PCA) method, 201 features are reduced to 10 features,
which are then imported into a multilayer perceptron (MLP) to be regressed to HI labels without
taking the time-dependency relationship of the SHM data at various time steps into account. A
semi-supervised learning technique is used to train the model using the simulated ideal labels
because the true HI labels are not available [15]. With an objective function combining the HIs
evaluation criteria and the regression error, the Bayesian optimization algorithm is used to
determine the hyperparameters of this time-independent model (TIM). The predicted HI values
with TIM, or "1st level HI," are then imported into the next model to take into account the time-
dependency from the prior SHM data up to the current time step. But before using this time-
dependent model (TDM), the 1st level HIs are resampled based on usage time to have the same
length in each batch with the goal of enhancing the TDM section's performance. The
performance of the suggested approach is finally confirmed by a comparison of the final outputs
(the 2nd level HIs) alongside the output of TIM in terms of the criteria scores.
To evaluate the quality of a prognostic signature (HI), three confirmed criteria (Mo, Pr, and
Tr) are used, which are expressed as follows:
󰈏 󰇡󰇛󰇜󰇢
󰇭 󰇡󰇢
where and 󰇛󰇜 represent the measurements at the times of and , respectively. 
is the covariance, where is the vector of measurements on the specimen (among
specimens) that has measurements. and are the standard deviations of and ,
respectively. The selected metric for Mo in Eq. (1), the so-called Modified Mann-Kendall
(MMK), compared to the other versions (Sign and Mann-Kendall), is more robust to noise and
also considers the relation of data points with a time gap of more than one unit [13, 16]. All
three criteria get a score in the range of [0 1], with 1 representing the optimum score for the
HIs. After considering all of the above-mentioned criteria, the  metric is defined as
which ranges from 0 (minimum quality) to 3 (maximum quality) for the evaluated HIs,
assuming that the control constants a, b, and c are 1.
In the present work, a machine learning approach is developed that is based on a combination
of a dimension reduction model (PCA), a time-independent model (TIM), and a time-dependent
model (TDM) after up-sampling of timeseries in each batch. Since no true value is available as
HIs, the ideal HIs labels are simulated in terms of the usage time, and a semi-supervised
framework is employed through implicitly implementing the prognostic metrics (Mo, Pr, and
Tr) as well as exploiting the given EOL [17]. This framework is categorized based on inductive
learning algorithms, termed intrinsically semi-supervised [15], which are improvements to
preexisting supervised algorithms that enable labeled and unlabeled data to be used directly to
optimize an objective function with components. The overall framework from the raw SHM
data to the final HI, including the proposed model, is shown in Figure 1. From the pre-
     1 
     
Figure 1 .
3.1 Adaptive standardization
         
          .  
              
              
           
    .       
    .         
  
This process is performed for the extracted AE features of each composite specimen separately,
which is acceptable and applicable from the perspective of the prognostics.
3.2 Dimension reduction
Since the number of extracted features from AE data is high, i.e., 201, which causes more
complex subsequent models, they can first be reduced. In this regard, the PCA model, which is
a promising dimension reduction technique, is utilized to decrease the number of features from
201 statistical features to 10 principal components (PCs). The percentage of the total variance
explained by 10 PCs for twelve composite specimens is listed in Table 1. As can be seen, the
minimum variance covered by the first 10 PCs is 86.97% for composite specimen 3. More PCs
could be extracted as inputs for the subsequent models, but to keep the models simpler, such a
reconstructed variance of AE features is accepted. The PCs for all twelve composite specimens
are shown in Figure 2. Although more PCs could be extracted as inputs for the following
models, the reconstructed variance of AE features is accepted in order to keep the subsequent
models simple. Figure 2 displays the PCs for all twelve composite specimens.
Table 1: The percentage of the total variance covered by 10 PCs for different composite specimens.
covered variance
Figure 2: The first 10 PCs extracted from 201 AE features for twelve single-stiffener composite panels.
3.3 Time-independent model (TIM)
In this section, an initial neural network architecture is established first, and the BO
algorithm is then employed to optimize the pertinent constructive hyperparameters. Given that
only ten features (PCs) remain after the dimension reduction step by PCA, an MLP with a few
layers can be a suitable starting point for the regression task, which entails fitting 10 PCs to a
value (HI).
3.3.1 Multilayer perceptron (MLP)
To fit the 10 PCs to the ideal simulated HI, an MLP network including 4 layers is designed
with a linear transfer function as the output layer. A modified mean absolute error (MAE) is
used as the loss function between predictions and targets:
 󰇛󰇜
where R represents the number of responses, and denotes target value and the network’s
output for response , respectively. is the regularization parameter to improve generalization
by modifying the performance function. Using this performance function leads the neural
network to have smaller weights and biases, resulting in a smoother response and less
overfitting. is considered 1 for the current work. Only the training (composite specimens) set
is used to train and validate the MLP model, with 30% of the training data used for validation.
Although the maximum number of training epochs was set to 1000, the output of the MLP is
based on the best validation loss, with the validation check patience set to 10. According to the
optimizers and default values in the MATLAB R2022a framework, the other hyperparameters
are determined using the BO algorithm.
3.3.2 Bayesian optimization (BO)
The hyperparameters that should be optimized by the BO include training optimizer
algorithms as well as each layer's number of neurons and activation function. Three types of
optimizing algorithms are regarded as the first optimizable variable (optimizer algorithms),
including Levenberg-Marquardt (LM), Bayesian regularization (BR), and resilient
backpropagation (RB). The number of neurons in fully connected (FC) layers 1, 2, 3, and 4 has
been allocated [1,50], [1,50], [1,50], and [1,10], respectively, based on trial and error. The last
optimizable variable is the activation function, which is assigned the same type for all hidden
layers and is selected from a categorical space including linear, Rectified Linear Units (ReLU),
saturating linear, symmetric saturating linear, hard-limit, symmetric hard-limit, log-sigmoid,
hyperbolic tangent sigmoid, Elliot symmetric sigmoid, radial basis, normalized radial basis,
triangular basis, inverse, softmax, and competitive according to the MATLAB definition. The
BO algorithm was given 100 trials with an exploration ratio of 0.8 in parallel computing to
optimize the hyperparameters.
A new objective function for the BO algorithm is introduced in order to consider the HIs
evaluation metrics. The BO objective includes two parts: regression loss and criteria loss. The
first one is based on the root-mean-square error (RMSE) between the targets and predictions
over only the validation (composite specimens) set. The second loss includes the Mo, Pr, and
Tr, which are calculated considering all data sets, including training and validation portions.
The relevant equations are as follows:
 󰇛󰇜
 
  
where is the importance coefficient of  against .  has been
normalized based on the maximum fitness score to fall in the range of [0, 1], while 
has been normalized based on the maximum target value, which is 100. It should be noted that
the ideal HI values are simulated in a range from 0 (healthy state) to 100 (failure state).
3.4 Time-based resampling
After the TIM step, the 1st level predicted HI could be considered as a prognostic parameter
to import into a prognostic model for predicting RUL. However, the time-dependency between
the data has not yet been considered, even though this relationship is a fact according to the
physics of the phenomenon. Before designing the time-dependent model, its input data should
be resampled in such a way that all sequence input HI(1) (1st level predicted HI) within a batch
have the same length. However, the typical padding techniques, such as zero padding, are not
appropriate in this case since the HIs values with respect to the percentage of lifetime should
be similar. For instance, if the batch size is 2 and the lengths of the HIs are 100 and 1000, the
first HI cannot be extended by 900 zero values to have the same length as the second HI. In this
case, the HI at the EOL for the first specimen becomes 0, while it should be 100, the same as
the second HI. Similarly, the typical interpolation cannot be performed since the correlation
between the number of data points in HI and the EOL is not constant or even linear. Sometimes
the length of HI for a longer EOL is less than for one with a shorter EOL, as a result of the
varying sampling frequency of the AE system depending on the pre-determined amplitude
threshold value and uncertain progressive damage in composite panels. With this in mind, a
new up-sampling technique called "time-based resampling" is employed in the current research.
First, the time vectors of HIs are converted to percent lifespan, i.e., [0%, 100%]. Then, in each
batch, the shorter HI vectors (in terms of the number of data points) are up-sampled to equal
the longer HI vector’s length according to the relevant time vectors. This process is repeated
for each batch separately. It should be noted that the size of the batch cannot be equal to the
number of all training data sets in this case. Because the TIM will learn only the position of the
data regardless of its value, it starts to predict from zero (healthy) at the beginning up to 100
(failure) at the EOL according to the position of the coming data. For instance, for HIs with an
equal length of 1000, the TIM model, by using only a bias, will learn that position 1 should
 .             
   .  
       .       
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3.5 Time-dependent model (TDM)
 
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 󰇭󰇧
󰇨󰇮 12
    20
Figure 3 .
      0.01
learning rate drop factor of 0.1, a learning rate drop period of 10, and a gradient threshold of 1,
all of which have been selected after trial and error. Despite the fact that the maximum number
of training epochs was set to 2000, the network’s output is based on the best validation loss,
with the validation check frequency set to 50 iterations (the number of trained batches) and the
validation check patience set to 50. As mentioned in the previous section, the batch size of 2
was taken, where no padding is needed since the sequences in each batch are already of equal
Table 2 displays the hyperparameters for the TIM sub-model that have been optimized using
BO. The 1st and 2nd level HIs that are outputted after the TIM and TDM sub-models can be seen
in Figure 4. It is important to note that specimens 11 and 12 were utilized as validation and test
samples, respectively. The error shown in Figure 4 represents the RMSE between the simulated
ideal HIs and the constructed (1st and 2nd level) HIs. As shown in the figure, the HI(1)s generated
by TIM have high fluctuations, while TDM upon TIM produces smooth HI(2)s. The HI(1)s for
specimens 6 (training) and 11 (validation) exhibit a decreasing trend, which highlights the
limitations of the TIM. On the other hand, the TDM was able to correct the trend for these two
specimens. In terms of the behavior of HI(2)s, there are several (1 to 3) increasing steps observed
over the fatigue life, which can be interpreted as different damage states and can contribute to
the subsequent prognostic model for RUL prediction.
The evaluation metrics for the constructed HIs are presented in Table 3. Thanks to
considering the time-dependency, all the scores for HI(2) are higher than those for HI(1). The
proposed model not only offers a simpler and faster approach, but it also produces higher
 scores when compared to state-of-the-art results [17]. Notably, the deep learning
model in [17] comprises 193418 learnable parameters, whereas the proposed method has only
1319 learnable parameters (~0.7%), with 828 assigned to TIM and 491 assigned to TDM.
Table 2: The hyperparamters of the TIM optimized by the BO.
optimizer algorithms
activation function
Objective value
Bayesian regularization
saturating linear
Table 3: The HIs evaluation metrics for the 1st and 2nd level HIs constructed by TIM and TDM, respectively.
HIs evaluation criteria
TIM (HI(1))
Ref. [17]
Figure 4: The 1st and 2nd level HIs outputted after the TIM and TDM sub-models.
The study examined an AE dataset of composite panels with a single stiffener subjected to
impact and run-to-failure C-C fatigue loading. Using a new standardization method and PCA,
the 201 statistical features were reduced to 10 features, which were then imported into an MLP
to be regressed to simulated HI labels. The TIM sub-model was optimized using the BO
algorithm, and the predicted HI values were imported into the TDM sub-model to enhance its
performance. The proposed approach produced higher Fitness score than state-of-the-art results
and had much less (~0.7%) learnable parameters, which is much simpler and faster than the
deep learning model in the previous study.
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... Of imperative importance is the input to these models, which are features capable of correlating to degradation [7,8]. Such features are usually referred to as health indicators (HIs) [9] and are an indirect output of the SHM data [10]. HIs can be directly tied to the damage accumulation displaying a non-linear behavior, as damage progression is usually non-linear. ...
... For the construction of capable HIs, researchers have turned their attention to advanced processing methodologies to create suitable HIs. Principal component analysis (PCA)-based algorithms [17,18,19], genetic programming [20,21], and other machine learning (ML) algorithms [10,22,23,24,25,26] are usually employed for this process. The favorable properties of such HIs make them more appropriate for use in more complex applications, like composite structures. ...
... where t is the running time and t EOL is the EoL operational time of the available training SSPs. Eq. (17) provides a HI in the range [0, 1], which can also be scaled by simply a multiplication in a coefficient [10,24,56]. The normalization via t 2 EOL is necessary to obtain the desired values for prognosability since each unit has a different lifetime. ...
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Designing health indicators (HIs) for aerospace composite structures that demonstrate their health comprehensively, including all types of damage that can be adaptively updated, is challenging, especially under complex conditions like impact and compression-fatigue loadings. This paper introduces a new AI-based approach to designing reliable HIs (fulfilling requirements—monotonicity, prognosability, and trendability—referred to as ’Fitness’) for single-stiffener composite panels under fatigue loading using acoustic emission sensors. It incorporates complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise for feature extraction, semi-supervised base deep learner models made of long short-term memory layers for information fusion, and a semi-supervised paradigm to simulate labels inspired by the physics of progressive damage. In this way, nondifferentiable prognostic criteria are implicitly implemented into the learning process. Ensemble learning, especially using a semi-supervised network built with bidirectional long short-term memory, improves HI quality while reducing deep learning randomness. The Fitness function equation has been modified to provide a more trustworthy foundation for comparison and enhance the practical reliability of the standard in prognostics and health management. Ablation experiments are conducted, including variations in dataset division and leave-one-out cross-validation, confirming the generalizability of the approach.
... The fact that RUL prediction and HI construction models are historical-dependent is a common drawback. It means that to enhance the performance of the HI and RUL prediction models, the temporal relationship between historical data from the starting point until the present moment should be considered [1,13,14]. As a result, prognostic and HI construction models function less efficiently when prior information, either entirely or partially from the beginning, is missing. ...
... In fact, a model is needed to map thousands of data points (as can be seen in experimental campaigns that generated extensive datasets-cite NASA and ReMAP) to a single HI value at the current time, regardless of the prior HIs. To address this challenge, data-driven approaches, especially AI, have drawn attention in diagnostic [27][28][29][30] and prognostic [13,31] applications thanks to their ability to discover complex and nonlinear relationships between data. Nevertheless, several constraints exist to extract proper HIs from GW data: Loss function of regression model 1. ...
... The optimal generator function is represented as a quadratic polynomial: where t is the operating time and t EoL is the time of the final failure. Eq. (10) results a HI in the range [0, 1], which can also be scaled by a multiplication in a coefficient [13,43]. The normalization via t 2 EOL is necessary to obtain the desired values for Pr since each unit has a different lifetime. ...
Developing comprehensive health indicators (HIs) for composite structures encompassing various damage types is challenging due to the stochastic nature of damage accumulation and uncertain events (like impact) during operation. This complexity is amplified when striving for HIs independent of historical data. This paper introduces an AI-driven approach, the Hilbert transform-convolutional neural network under a semi-supervised learning paradigm, to designing reliable HIs (fulfilling requirements, referred to as 'fitness'). It exclusively utilizes current guided wave data, eliminating the need for historical information. Ensemble learning techniques were also used to enhance HI quality while reducing deep learning randomness. The fitness equation is refined for dependable comparisons and practicality. The methodology is validated through investigations on T-single stiffener CFRP panels under compression-fatigue and dogbone CFRP specimens under tension-fatigue loadings, showing high performance of up to 93% and 81%, respectively, in prognostic criteria.
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A health indicator (HI) is a valuable index demonstrating the health level of an engineering system or structure, which is a direct intermediate connection between raw signals collected by structural health monitoring (SHM) methods and prognostic models for remaining useful life estimation. An appropriate HI should conform to prognostic criteria, i.e., monotonicity, trendability, and prognosability, that are commonly utilized to measure the HI’s quality. However, constructing such a HI is challenging, particularly for composite structures due to their vulnerability to complex damage scenarios. Data-driven models and deep learning are powerful mathematical tools that can be employed to achieve this purpose. Yet the availability of a large dataset with labels plays a crucial role in these fields, and the data collected by SHM methods can only be labeled after the structure fails. In this respect, semi-supervised learning can incorporate unlabeled data monitored from structures that have not yet failed. In the present work, a semi-supervised deep neural network is proposed to construct HI by SHM data fusion. For the first time, the prognostic criteria are used as targets of the network rather than employing them only as a measurement tool of HI’s quality. In this regard, the acoustic emission method was used to monitor composite panels during fatigue loading, and extracted features were used to construct an intelligent HI. Finally, the proposed roadmap is evaluated by the holdout method, which shows a 77.3% improvement in the HI’s quality, and the leave-one-out cross-validation method, which indicates the generalized model has at least an 81.77% score on the prognostic criteria. This study demonstrates that even when the true HI labels are unknown but the qualified HI pattern (according to the prognostic criteria) can be recognized, a model can still be built that provides HIs aligning with the desired degradation behavior.
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The interest in the use of composite materials in thin-walled structures has grown over the last decades due to their well-known superior mechanical performance and reduced weight when compared with traditional materials. Notwithstanding, composite structures are susceptible to damage during manufacturing and to fatigue degradation during service, which grants inspection and maintenance strategies outstanding importance in the duty of mitigating premature failures and reducing whole life cycle costs. This paper aims to provide a cross-sectoral view of the current and potential maintenance strategies that are drawing the attention of the different industries and researchers by reviewing the current use and limitations of composites structures, the impact of maintenance in the whole-life cycle of the composite structures, the health and condition monitoring techniques applied, and the benefits and limitations of the currently used and potential maintenance strategies. Finally, the health and condition monitoring techniques and maintenance approaches used by the different industries are contrasted to identify trends and divergences and suggest research gaps and industrial opportunities.
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Prognostics is an emerging field of research that enables the real-time health assessment of an engineering system and the prediction of its future state based on up-to-date information. This field integrates various scientific disciplines including physics/mechanics, computational statistics and probabilistic modeling, machine learning and sensing technologies. The main goal is the prediction of the remaining useful life (RUL) of the engineering system while it is in-service. Lately, there is an effort to study and predict the future status of engineering systems that exhibit a complex degradation process. The availability of condition monitoring (CM) data, the constantly increasing computational power, the development of machine learning algorithms and the advancements on the physics/mechanics for several engineering systems form a solid foundation to achieve that goal. Among the engineering systems that exhibit a complex degradation process are composite structures. Composite structures have made a significant mark in numerous industries, driven by advantages in structural efficiency, performance, versatility and cost. It is well known that the damage accumulation process of composite structures depends on several parameters, i.e. the type of material and the lay-up, the loading frequency and sequence, the manufacturing process. Additionally, the multi-phase nature of composites and the variation of defects result in a stochastic activation of the different failure mechanisms. So, one expects that the long-term behaviour of two comparable composites structures, subjected to comparable environmental and loading conditions, will differ and that makes the fatigue damage analysis, and consequently the prediction of RUL, very complex tasks. This difference is profound especially when unexpected phenomena may occur. The goal of this research is to develop a new RUL prediction model that is able to learn from unexpected phenomena and adapt its parameters accordingly. The model is composed of three elements; 1) sensing techniques to acquire online CM data, 2) machine learning algorithm for developing a damage modelling strategy and 3) stochastic modelling for uncertainty quantification. Based on the literature review, it was concluded that a frequentist data-driven model has the potential to fulfil the research goal and an extension of the Non-Homogenous Hidden Semi Markov model (NHHSMM) is a good candidate. The first step was to design the structure of the RUL prediction model and define its elements. The next step was to develop the extension of the NHHSMM, and verify its correctness and robustness, utilizing simulated Monte-Carlo (MC) data. A series of assumptions was necessary in order to frame the applicability of the model towards composite structures and to achieve an efficient prediction process. Finally, the last step was the demonstration of the efficiency and robustness of the developed methodology. Given the fact that the research presented in this thesis took place at the Structural Integrity & Composites Group of the Aerospace Engineering Faculty, unidirectional carbon fibre prepregs, commonly used in aerospace industry, were utilized. Open-hole specimens were subjected to constant amplitude fatigue loading up to failure while in-situ impact and manufacturing imperfections were used so as to demonstrate unexpected phenomena. Acoustic emission and digital image correlation techniques were employed in order to collect CM data which were used for the training and testing processes. In addition, a new data fusion methodology, on a feature-level, was presented utilizing the available CM data. Eight specimens were used for the training process and they were subjected only to fatigue loading. Four specimens were used for testing the proposed adaptive model. Three of them were subjected to fatigue and in-situ impact, and created a left, a right outlier and an inlier performer respectively to the training specimens. The last one was subjected just to fatigue loading but created one more left outlier case since it had a manufacturing imperfection. Furthermore, five prognostic performance metrics, found in literature, were employed and two new were introduced, in order to compare the performance of the RUL predictions and it was found that the Adaptive Non-Homogenous Hidden Semi Markov model (ANHHSMM) provides better prognostics, indicating that this model has the potential to predict more accurately the RUL of outlier and inlier cases. In conclusion, this thesis has addressed important challenges and limitations of the current prognostic models and it provides a solid base for further extensions towards a global version of a real-time adaptive data-driven model.
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Damage characterization of laminated composites has been thoroughly studied the last decades where researchers developed several damage models, and in combination with experimental evidence, contributed to better understanding of the structural behavior of these structures. Experimental techniques played an essential role on this progress and among the techniques that were utilized, acoustic emission (AE) was extensively used due to its advantages for in-situ damage monitoring with high sensitivity and its capability to inspect continuously a relatively large area. This paper presents a comprehensive review on the use of AE for damage characterization in laminated composites. The review is divided into two sections; the first section discusses the literature for damage diagnostics and it is presented in three subsections: damage initiation detection, damage type identification and damage localization, while the second section is devoted to damage prognostics and it focuses on the remaining useful life (RUL) and residual strength prediction of composite structures using AE data. In every section, efforts have been made to analyze the most relevant literature, discuss in a critical manner the results and conclusions, and identify possibilities for future work.
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Structural health monitoring (SHM) is the continuous on-board monitoring of a structure’s condition during operation by integrated systems of sensors. SHM is believed to have the potential to increase the safety of the structure while reducing its deadweight and downtime. Numerous SHM methods exist that allow the observation and assessment of different damages of different kinds of structures. Recently data fusion on different levels has been getting attention for joint damage evaluation by different SHM methods to achieve increased assessment accuracy and reliability. However, little attention is given to the question of which SHM methods are promising to combine. The current article addresses this issue by demonstrating the theoretical capabilities of a number of prominent SHM methods by comparing their fundamental physical models to the actual effects of damage on metal and composite structures. Furthermore, an overview of the state-of-the-art damage assessment concepts for different levels of SHM is given. As a result, dynamic SHM methods using ultrasonic waves and vibrations appear to be very powerful but suffer from their sensitivity to environmental influences. Combining such dynamic methods with static strain-based or conductivity-based methods and with additional sensors for environmental entities might yield a robust multi-sensor SHM approach. For demonstration, a potent system of sensors is defined and a possible joint data evaluation scheme for a multi-sensor SHM approach is presented.
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Semi-supervised learning is the branch of machine learning concerned with using labelled as well as unlabelled data to perform certain learning tasks. Conceptually situated between supervised and unsupervised learning, it permits harnessing the large amounts of unlabelled data available in many use cases in combination with typically smaller sets of labelled data. In recent years, research in this area has followed the general trends observed in machine learning, with much attention directed at neural network-based models and generative learning. The literature on the topic has also expanded in volume and scope, now encompassing a broad spectrum of theory, algorithms and applications. However, no recent surveys exist to collect and organize this knowledge, impeding the ability of researchers and engineers alike to utilize it. Filling this void, we present an up-to-date overview of semi-supervised learning methods, covering earlier work as well as more recent advances. We focus primarily on semi-supervised classification, where the large majority of semi-supervised learning research takes place. Our survey aims to provide researchers and practitioners new to the field as well as more advanced readers with a solid understanding of the main approaches and algorithms developed over the past two decades, with an emphasis on the most prominent and currently relevant work. Furthermore, we propose a new taxonomy of semi-supervised classification algorithms, which sheds light on the different conceptual and methodological approaches for incorporating unlabelled data into the training process. Lastly, we show how the fundamental assumptions underlying most semi-supervised learning algorithms are closely connected to each other, and how they relate to the well-known semi-supervised clustering assumption.
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This paper investigates the effect of temperature and hybridization on the impact damage evolution and post-impact residual strength of hemp/epoxy, basalt/epoxy and their hybrid laminates, using mechanical and acoustic emission (AE) based analysis. To start with, the specimens were impacted by a drop weight impact tower machine at two temperatures of 30 °C and 65 °C and then they were subjected to a three-point bending test for the assessment of their residual strength, while online AE signals were recorded during the test. The mechanical behavior of the laminates was evaluated through measurement of the impact force and absorbed energy. AE response of the slope of cumulative rise angle (RA) was used for identification of the severity of the impact-induced damage in the laminates. In addition, the sentry function was computed on the basis of the correlation between the mechanical strain energy stored in the materials and the acoustic energy propagates by fracture events, enabled evaluation of the amount of impact-induced damage. These results showed the hybridized laminates having a better resistance to impact damage at the elevated temperature (65 °C) compared with the non-hybridized laminates, whereas, in the case of the ambient temperature (30 °C), basalt/epoxy laminates had a higher impact damage resistance than other configurations. This study reveals the capability of the proposed AE-based methods to investigate the effect of temperature and hybridization of composite laminates.
The delamination in curved composite laminates is one of the main defects, especially in aerospace structures. To optimize the design of the delaminated composite panels under compression loading, accurate characterization of the effects of different parameters such as features of the initial defect, the curvature of the laminate, and layup stacking sequence on the post-buckling behavior play a significant role. In this research, after a comprehensive review on the main previous researches, by implementing a Cohesive Zone Model (CZM), the nonlinear post-buckling response of different curved laminated composite panels has been investigated in the presence of various single and multiple delamination growth. To validate the present modeling procedure, the obtained results are compared with the experimental and previous numerical ones. Then, a detailed parametric study is performed on the effects of fiber angle orientation as well as number, size, location and stacking sequence of delaminations with different sizes on the post-buckling behavior of curved laminates with various curvatures. Results show that, in the panels with short length of delamination, an unstable growth occurs. In the flat panel, the amount of this phenomenon and its effects on decreasing the postbuckling load capacity are much more than the curved panel. The obtained results of this study highlight the sensitivity amount of instability behavior of curved composite panels to curvature, layup, and delamination features. The conclusions are essential and beneficial in the stability analysis and damage tolerance design of curved composite laminates, which are commonly used in the aircraft structures.
Intelligent Fault Diagnosis and Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Rotating Machinery provides a comprehensive introduction of intelligent fault diagnosis and RUL prediction based on the current achievements of the author's research group. The main contents include multi-domain signal processing and feature extraction, intelligent diagnosis models, clustering algorithms, hybrid intelligent diagnosis strategies, and RUL prediction approaches, etc. This book presents fundamental theories and advanced methods of identifying the occurrence, locations, and degrees of faults, and also includes information on how to predict the RUL of rotating machinery. Besides experimental demonstrations, many application cases are presented and illustrated to test the methods mentioned in the book. This valuable reference provides an essential guide on machinery fault diagnosis that helps readers understand basic concepts and fundamental theories. Academic researchers with mechanical engineering or computer science backgrounds, and engineers or practitioners who are in charge of machine safety, operation, and maintenance will find this book very useful. Provides a detailed background and roadmap of intelligent diagnosis and RUL prediction of rotating machinery, involving fault mechanisms, vibration characteristics, health indicators, and diagnosis and prognostics Presents basic theories, advanced methods, and the latest contributions in the field of intelligent fault diagnosis and RUL prediction Includes numerous application cases, and the methods, algorithms, and models introduced in the book are demonstrated by industrial experiences. © 2017 Xi'an Jiaotong University Press Co. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.