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Unpacking the nonlinear effect of self‐efficacy in entrepreneurship: Why and under which condition more is not better

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Abstract and Figures

Self‐efficacy exerts a positive impact on several self‐regulatory functions to support goal accomplishment and performance. However, in contexts that are characterized by uncertainty and ambiguity, such as entrepreneurship, there might be a tipping point to this relationship, prompting calls for deeper investigations on the nonlinear effect. In particular, the underlying mechanisms explaining why and when the nonlinear effect occurs are unclear. Drawing on theories of self‐regulation, we examine the nonlinear effect of entrepreneurial self‐efficacy on venture goal progress through the entrepreneur's active feedback‐seeking and venture effort. We also propose that the entrepreneur's state error mastery orientation moderates the nonlinear effect. Conducting a six‐wave repeated measures study among 84 early‐stage entrepreneurs in a business accelerator in the Philippines, we use a within‐person approach to test our hypotheses and research model. Results suggest that self‐regulatory mechanisms in terms of feedback seeking, effort, and state error mastery orientation help to unpack why and when self‐efficacy exerts a nonlinear effect on performance outcomes.
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Received: 8 August 2022 Revised: 22 August 2023 Accepted: 23 August 2023
DOI: 10.1111/peps.12618
Unpacking the nonlinear effect of self-efficacy in
entrepreneurship: Why and under which condition
more is not better
Marilyn A. Uy1Shuhua Sun2Michael M. Gielnik3
Gabriel Henry Jacob4John Luis D. Lagdameo5
Armando G. Miclat Jr.5Enrico C. Osi5
1Division of Strategy, International Business,
and Entrepreneurship, Nanyang Business
School, Nanyang Technological University,
Singapore, Singapore
2Department of Management, Freeman School
of Business, Tulane University,New Orleans,
Louisiana, USA
3Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Institute of
Strategic HR Management, Lüneburg,
4Division of Strategy, International Business,
and Entrepreneurship, Nanyang Business
School, Nanyang Technological University and
Asian Pastoral Institute, Singapore, Singapore
5Department of Marketing and Law, and
Department of Leadership and Strategy,John
Gokongwei School of Management, Ateneo de
Manila University, Quezon City, Philippines
Marilyn A. Uy, Division of Strategy,
International Business, and Entrepreneurship,
Nanyang Business School, Nanyang
TechnologicalUniversity, ABS-05-076, 91
Nanyang Avenue, Singapore, 639956,
Self-efficacy exerts a positive impact on several self-
regulatory functions to support goal accomplishment and
performance. However, in contexts that are characterized by
uncertainty and ambiguity, such as entrepreneurship, there
might be a tipping point to this relationship, prompting calls
for deeper investigations on the nonlinear effect. In partic-
ular, the underlying mechanisms explaining why and when
the nonlinear effect occurs are unclear. Drawing on the-
ories of self-regulation, we examine the nonlinear effect
of entrepreneurial self-efficacy on venture goal progress
through the entrepreneur’s active feedback-seeking and
venture effort. We also propose that the entrepreneur’s
state error mastery orientation moderates the nonlinear
effect. Conducting a six-wave repeated measures study
among 84 early-stage entrepreneurs in a business acceler-
ator in the Philippines, we use a within-person approach
to test our hypotheses and research model. Results sug-
gest that self-regulatory mechanisms in terms of feedback
seeking, effort, and state error mastery orientation help to
unpack why and when self-efficacy exerts a nonlinear effect
on performance outcomes.
Personnel Psychology. 2024;77:81–108. © 2023 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
... I theorize that self-promotion catalyzes initiative-taking and proactive adaptation by eliciting greater environmental feedback (Bandura, 1991). Enhanced information exchanges support subgoal enactment during goal striving, clarifying focus and motivating efforts (Brown et al., 2001;Uy et al., 2024). ...
... Feedback helps form challenging goals and stimulates intentional actions, enhancing agentic behavior (Bandura, 1986(Bandura, , 2001. Exposing oneself to scrutiny through selfpromotion, even at the risk of criticism, can help form and specify goals through others' evaluative reactions and foster active goal pursuit (Bandura, 1991;Uy et al., 2024). Conversely, entrepreneurs who rarely self-promote are less likely to receive swift, valuable feedback and may rely on delayed business outcomes (e.g., sales figures) to guide their actions. ...
... I propose that this enhanced engagement manifests in further ideas and recommendations. This more valuable feedback can, in turn, trigger agentic behavior by identifying key points of attention (Brown et al., 2001) and encouraging greater effort (Uy et al., 2024). However, while I find evidence for my theory, Study 1 can only assume the mechanism at play, as the data do not allow for testing targets' reactions to entrepreneurial self-promotion. ...
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Research in impression management has primarily examined how self-promotion affects one’s image, neglecting the potential benefits of feedback on the underlying image that is being impression managed. This study bridges this gap by integrating impression management with social–cognitive theory to explore how self-promotion can enhance feedback from targets, thereby stimulating initiative-taking and proactive adaptation in the actor. Analyzing five-wave monthly survey data from 574 entrepreneurs, I find a positive relationship between self-promotion and experimentation, which positively associates with business-model adaptation. This indirect effect is observed exclusively among entrepreneurs confident in their capabilities, highlighting the critical role of self-efficacy. Furthermore, results from three scenario-based experiments demonstrate that higher levels of self-promotion elicit greater engagement from targets, with responses containing more constructive elements, such as ideas or concerns, thereby supporting my theory. My findings underscore the richer feedback generated from self-promotion, suggesting it plays a critical role in facilitating agentic behavior. This contributes to a more nuanced understanding of self-promotion’s impact, proposing new avenues for future studies in impression management and entrepreneurship.
... However, ESE has a dark side, which is until now largely ignored in entrepreneurship literature (Newman et al., 2019). The few studies that illuminate this dark side, associate very high ESE with overconfidence and point to the risk of entrepreneurs stopping to seek feedback and engage in trial-and-error (Lindsley et al., 1995;Uy et al., 2024), while this behavior is crucial for reducing the ambiguity and uncertainty of the entrepreneurial context (Minniti, 2004;Shepherd and Gruber, 2021). This study aims to provide a more granular perspective by positing that, rather than high ESE, the issue of overconfidence is more accurately explored by measuring inaccurate or unwarranted ESE. ...
... Simon and Shrader (2012) demonstrated how high certainty boosts new product introductions, but reduces the likelihood of new product success. Finally, Uy et al. (2024) found that very high ESE reduces active feedback seeking, unless it is accompanied by high state error mastery orientation, i.e. the belief that mistakes are inevitable and provide opportunities for learning (Frese and Keith, 2015). However, none of these studies use comparisons between perceived and actual (objectively measured) performance, nor do their data provide insight into the prevalence of overconfidence among (aspiring or novice) entrepreneurs compared to the general population. ...
... However, overconfidence is detrimental in the early stages of planning and preparing for goal achievement (Dunning, 2011) and more pronounced overconfidence can lead to risky behavior and poor performance (Karpen, 2018;Robbins and Beer, 2001). This is in line with studies that found a negative correlation between new venture performance and entrepreneurs displaying high self-esteem or over-optimism (Baron et al., 2016;Lindsley et al., 1995;Uy et al., 2024). In education, overconfidence is generally associated with a complacent attitude, with students being content to "breeze" through their studies without putting in much effort or adequately monitoring their performance (Dunlosky and Rawson, 2012). ...
Purpose Entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE) has a dark side largely ignored in the field of entrepreneurship education. Research in educational psychology indicates that self-efficacy is prone to misjudgment, with novice learners often displaying overconfidence. Furthermore, this misjudgment is gendered; studies suggest that men are more likely to display overconfidence and less likely to correct erroneous self-assessments. However, realistic self-assessments are essential for effective learning strategies, pivotal for performance in the ambiguous entrepreneurial context. Therefore, this study explores whether entrepreneurship education helps mitigate overconfidence, and if this impact varies by gender. Design/methodology/approach Common in educational psychology, but new in the field of entrepreneurship education, a calibration design captures discrepancies between perceived and actual performance. Data from before and after an introductory undergraduate entrepreneurship course ( N = 103) inform descriptive analyses, statistical comparison tests and calibration plots. Findings As expected, nearly all novice students showed significant overconfidence. Curiously, gender difference was only significant at the end of the course, as overconfidence had decreased among female students and increased among male students. Originality/value The paper advocates a more nuanced stance toward ESE, and introduces ESE accuracy as a more fitting measure of entrepreneurial overconfidence. The findings flag the common use of self-perception as a proxy for actual competence, and evoke new research avenues on (gender differences in) learning motivations of aspiring entrepreneurs. Finally, the study shares guidance for entrepreneurship educators on fostering a “healthier” level of self-efficacy for better entrepreneurial learning.
... I theorize that self-promotion catalyzes initiative-taking and proactive adaptation by eliciting greater environmental feedback (Bandura, 1991). Enhanced information exchanges support subgoal enactment during goal striving, clarifying focus and motivating efforts (Brown et al., 2001;Uy et al., 2024). ...
... Feedback helps form challenging goals and stimulates intentional actions, enhancing agentic behavior (Bandura, 1986(Bandura, , 2001. Exposing oneself to scrutiny through selfpromotion, even at the risk of criticism, can help form and specify goals through others' evaluative reactions and foster active goal pursuit (Bandura, 1991;Uy et al., 2024). Conversely, entrepreneurs who rarely self-promote are less likely to receive swift, valuable feedback and may rely on delayed business outcomes (e.g., sales figures) to guide their actions. ...
... I propose that this enhanced engagement manifests in further ideas and recommendations. This more valuable feedback can, in turn, trigger agentic behavior by identifying key points of attention (Brown et al., 2001) and encouraging greater effort (Uy et al., 2024). However, while I find evidence for my theory, Study 1 can only assume the mechanism at play, as the data do not allow for testing targets' reactions to entrepreneurial self-promotion. ...
... Efforts to find the will and ability from within oneself are called self-efficacy. Uy et al (2024), explain that a person's conviction in their ability to effectively carry out and realize the targeted behaviour is known as their self-efficacy. Insole models, such as role models through perspective and mastery of experience, also accompany this. ...
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This ponder looks at the impact of college bolster, family back, and self-efficacy on the entrepreneurial intrigued of East Java PMW beneficiary understudies. A quantitative strategy was utilized in this think-about. The investigation test comprised 248 PMW beneficiaries. Coincidental Inspecting carried out test determination. Information investigation was carried out utilizing SEM-PLS through the SmartPLS 3.2.9 program. The study shows that (1) College back has no critical impact on entrepreneurial intrigue. (2) Family bolster encompasses a positive impact on entrepreneurial intrigue. (3) Self-efficacy incorporates a positive impact on entrepreneurial intrigue. The study shows that superior colleges cultivate students' entrepreneurial curiosity. Family back and self-efficacy are imperative components in empowering entrepreneurial intrigue among understudies. Suggestions and headings for future investigation are also discussed.
... Another aspect of diversity is that research is predominantly conducted on entrepreneurship from advanced economies. For instance, only one study in this special issue samples entrepreneurs from an emerging economy (the Philippines; Uy et al., 2023), with the remaining studies investigating what has been labeled "WEIRD" entrepreneurs, that is, entrepreneurs from Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic countries (Henrich et al., 2010). ...
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This special issue of Personnel Psychology is devoted to micro‐based research on entrepreneurship, an emerging field that heretofore has been highly influenced by scholars in economics, strategy, and sociology. A theme of this special issue is that to further advance research on entrepreneurship, we need to develop a greater understanding of the role of individuals and teams in entrepreneurial activity from an OB/HR perspective. Accordingly, the goals of our overview article are twofold. First, we summarize the articles in the special issue, which address a number of important micro topics, including HRM practices in the entrepreneurial firm, leadership, identity, teams, well‐being, diversity/equity/inclusion, and careers and hiring. These articles are based on a variety of research methods and data sources from multiple nations. Second, we identify additional important topics for OB/HR scholars who are interested in conducting research on entrepreneurship. They include a global perspective, the bright versus dark side of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship and STEM workers, and genetic and biological determinants. We conclude with a consideration of methodological and research design issues.
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The B Corp certification is the outcome of a voluntary third-party certification process and attests that a venture adheres to certain social and environmental standards. Using propensity score matching on a global dataset of 1,231 B Corp certified ventures and 1,231 comparable non-certified ventures, we examine how an initial B Corp certification influences a venture’s likelihood of securing funding from entrepreneurial finance investors. Drawing on signaling theory, we find that the initial adoption of the B Corp certification significantly increases a venture’s likelihood of securing funding. We further show that higher B Corp certification scores, indicative of higher signal strength, are more effective in attracting investments. Our findings remain robust when applying an instrumental variables approach, and when considering different types of investments and investors. Notably, our further analyses suggest that the effect of a B Corp certification is especially pronounced for attracting funding from impact investors. Overall, our results provide a nuanced understanding of how signaling and signal strength, through the adoption of a voluntary sustainability standard, influence the funding of entrepreneurial ventures and offer a set of practical implications.
Despite the undisputed importance of feedback-seeking for new venture advancement, little is known about the circumstances that make it effective. In this study, it is proposed that the collective psychological ownership of new venture teams over the new venture (i.e. this is ‘OUR’ venture) can help leverage the value and bear the costs of self-improvement feedback-seeking behaviour (SI-FSB), amplifying the expected positive relationship between new venture teams’ SI-FSB and new venture performance. Insights from a survey-based study involving 166 new ventures support the hypotheses. Contributing to the nascent feedback-seeking research in the new venture context, this study shows that SI-FSB matters and suggests that new venture teams should keep their collective psychological ownership over their new venture strong.
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Entrepreneurs are often depicted as lone heroes. However , they are encouraged to seek and use feedback from their social environment to refine their venture ideas and enhance performance. Surprisingly, systematic research on entrepreneurs' feedback-seeking is in its infancy, and this nascent research is marked by conceptual vagueness about the feedback-seeking process and the limitations of related concepts. This article leverages the rich research on feedback seeking from organizational behavior/applied psychology to expli-cate the nature of entrepreneurs' interpersonal feedback seeking while considering the specific demands of entrepreneurship. We delineate feedback seeking from related concepts and theorize a process model of how entrepreneurs seek feedback to pursue instrumental, ego, symbolic, and relational goals, resulting in outcomes not only for entrepreneurs but also for their ventures and immediate and wider social environments. This article provides a foundation for research on entrepreneurs' feedback seeking that is attentive to their personal goals and vulnerabilities while also considering the impact of this process on their social environment. Our conceptual model also offers new
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Although hundreds of studies have found a positive relationship between self-efficacy and performance, several studies have found a negative relationship when the analysis is done across time (repeated measures) rather than across individuals. W. T. Powers (1991) predicted this negative relationship based on perceptual control theory. Here, 2 studies are presented to (a) confirm the causal role of self-efficacy and (b) substantiate the explanation. In Study 1, self-efficacy was manipulated for 43 of 87 undergraduates on an analytic game. The manipulation was negatively related to performance on the next trial. In Study 2, 104 undergraduates played the analytic game and reported self-efficacy between each game and confidence in the degree to which they had assessed previous feedback. As expected, self-efficacy led to overconfidence and hence increased the likelihood of committing logic errors during the game.
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We review the research on the psychology of entrepreneurship of the last decade. We focus on two key topics in entrepreneurship research: action and process. Combining action and process in a model of the psychology of entrepreneurship, we present the action theory process model of entrepreneurship and use it as a guiding framework for the review. We discuss theories of action, such as effectuation/causation, bricolage, theory of planned behavior, and action theory. Furthermore, we adopt a process perspective to discuss antecedents of actions in terms of cognition, motivation, and emotion and how they develop during the entrepreneurial process. The process perspective considers recursive relationships and dynamic changes in actions and their antecedents over time. We conclude that the action theory process model is a useful starting point to explain the psychological dynamics of entrepreneurship. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, Volume 10 is January 2023. Please see for revised estimates.
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We extend organizational justice theory by investigating the justice perceptions of academic entrepreneurs regarding interactions with their universities. We assess how these justice perceptions influence the propensity of academic entrepreneurs to engage in different forms of commercialization, as well as the moderating role of entrepreneurial identity and prosocial motivation. We test our predictions using data from 1,329 academic entrepreneurs at 25 major U.S. research universities. Our results indicate that organizational justice is positively associated with intentions to engage in formal (i.e., sanctioned) technology transfer, and negatively associated with intentions to engage in informal (unsanctioned and noncompliant) technology transfer, which we characterize as a form of organizational deviance. Our findings also show that entrepreneurial identity and prosocial motivation (i.e., a focus on oneself vs. others) amplify and attenuate, respectively, the relationship between justice perceptions and technology transfer intentions. Finally, although intentions to engage in formal technology transfer predict subsequent behavior, intentions to engage in informal technology transfer do not. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).
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The Experience Sampling Method is used to collect participant self-reports over extended observation periods. These self-reports offer a rich insight into the individual lives of study participants by intermittently asking participants a set of questions. However, the longitudinal and repetitive nature of this sampling approach introduces a variety of concerns regarding the data contributed by participants. A decrease in participant interest and motivation may negatively affect study adherence, as well as potentially affecting the reliability of participant data. In this chapter, we reflect on a number of studies that aim to understand better participant performance with Experience Sampling. We discuss the main issues relating to participant data for longitudinal studies and provide hands-on recommendations for researchers to remedy these concerns in their own studies.
This study was driven by an initial finding that female founders' participation rate in Israeli accelerators is significantly higher (15.3 %) than their participation rate in the. Israeli startup sector (7.4 %). Linking accelerators' design to the known barriers to female entrepreneurship, we examined how accelerators may enhance female entrepreneurship by addressing their specific needs. Based on a dataset (N = 779) of structured interviews with startup founders who participated in accelerator programs in Israel during 2011–2019, we present evidence that female founders seek and gain more entrepreneurial knowledge, network building, and entrepreneurial self-efficacy during their participation in accelerators than do male founders. Female founders also seek to increase their legitimacy more than do their male counterparts but did not report making more progress in this aspect. Finally, both the goal of and progress in obtaining access to capital and improving fundraising skills received lower ratings from female founders than from male founders. We further ask whether accelerators are more helpful for women because they are better adapted to the female gender or because they are generally better adapted to founders with those background conditions that often characterize women. We found that the startup's stage of development and the founder's prior entrepreneurial experience mediated most gender differences, supporting the latter possibility. We discuss the implications of our findings for accelerators and other support programs as a means of increasing women's participation rates in innovative entrepreneurship.
While most participants benefit from action-oriented entrepreneurship training, such programs can paradoxically also have negative effects. Training programs in which participants actively engage in entrepreneurship involve facing problems that might be too difficult to overcome, potentially decreasing trainees' entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Based on theories of self-regulation, we argue that error mastery orientation is a factor that explains under which condition problems do or do not lead to decreases in entrepreneurial self-efficacy during training. To test our model, we conducted a 12-week action-oriented training program and applied a longitudinal design with one baseline measurement, seven measurements during training, and one measurement after training. Analyses based on 415 lagged observations from 109 training participants indicated that participants with low error mastery orientation experienced decreases in entrepreneurial self-efficacy during training when facing problems. In contrast, participants high in error mastery orientation could buffer the negative effects of problems on entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Our results suggest that error mastery orientation is a critical factor to understand why participants' episodic experiences of problems during training negatively influence their entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Shedding light on these self-regulatory factors advances the understanding of the potential dark side of action-oriented entrepreneurship training.
To be effective, experts need to simultaneously develop others (i.e., provide advice and feedback to novices) and advance their own learning (i.e., seek and incorporate advice and feedback from others). However, expertise, and the state of efficacy associated with it, can inhibit experts from engaging in these activities or doing so effectively. We discuss when and why cognitive entrenchment and reduced perspective taking lead experts to hold misperceptions about others. We then explain how these misperceptions lead experts to provide less helpful advice and feedback to novices and to be less likely to seek and take input from others. We offer insights to overcome these barriers, enhancing experts’ ability to provide and propensity to seek advice and feedback.