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Abstract and Figures

Implicit feedback is collecting information about software usage to understand how and when the software is used. This research tackles implicit feedback in Software Product Lines (SPLs). The need for platform-centric feedback makes SPL feedback depart from one-off-application feedback in both the artefact to be tracked (the platform vs the variant) as well as the tracking approach (indirect coding vs direct coding). Traditionally, product feedback is achieved by embedding ‘usage trackers’ into the software’s code. Yet, products are now members of the SPL portfolio, and hence, this approach conflicts with one of the main SPL tenants: reducing, if not eliminating, coding directly into the variant’s code. Thus, we advocate for Product Derivation to be subject to a second transformation that precedes the construction of the variant based on the configuration model. This approach is tested through FEACKER, an extension to pure::variants. We resorted to a TAM evaluation on pure-systems GmbH employees(n=8). Observed divergences were next tackled through a focus group (n=3). The results reveal agreement in the interest in conducting feedback analysis at the platform level (perceived usefulness) while regarding FEACKER as a seamless extension to pure::variants’ gestures (perceived ease of use).
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Tracking Feature Usage: Incorporating Implicit Feedback
into Software Product Lines
Oscar Díaza, Raul Medeirosa,
, Mustafa Al-Hajjajib
aUniversity of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa, Spain
bpure-systems GmbH, Magdeburg, Germany
Implicit feedback is collecting information about software usage to understand
how and when the software is used. This research tackles implicit feedback in
Software Product Lines (SPLs). The need for platform-centric feedback makes
SPL feedback depart from one-off-application feedback in both the artefact to
be tracked (the platform vs the variant) as well as the tracking approach (in-
direct coding vs direct coding). Traditionally, product feedback is achieved by
embedding ‘usage trackers’ into the software’s code. Yet, products are now
members of the SPL portfolio, and hence, this approach conflicts with one of
the main SPL tenants: reducing, if not eliminating, coding directly into the
variant’s code. Thus, we advocate for Product Derivation to be subject to a
second transformation that precedes the construction of the variant based on
the configuration model. This approach is tested through FEACKER, an ex-
tension to pure::variants. We resorted to a TAM evaluation on pure-systems
GmbH employees(n=8). Observed divergences were next tackled through a fo-
cus group (n=3). The results reveal agreement in the interest in conducting
feedback analysis at the platform level (perceived usefulness) while regarding
FEACKER as a seamless extension to pure::variants gestures (perceived ease
of use).
Keywords: Software Product Lines, Implicit Feedback, Continuous
1. Introduction
Continuous deployment is considered an extension of Agile practices whereby
the user feedback is extended beyond development by frequently releasing and
deploying software to customers and continuously learning from their usage
(Dakkak et al., 2021a). Feedback can be obtained either directly, e.g., through
Corresponding author
Email addresses: (Oscar Díaz), (Raul
Medeiros), (Mustafa Al-Hajjaji)
Preprint submitted to Journal of Systems and Software September 18, 2023
arXiv:2309.04278v2 [cs.SE] 15 Sep 2023
reviews (i.e., explicit feedback) or through tracking user interactions (i.e., im-
plicit feedback). We focus on implicit feedback, i.e., the automatically collected
information about software usage from which user behavior and preferences can
be inferred (van Oordt and Guzman, 2021).
In one-off development, implicit feedback (hereafter just ‘feedback’) benefits
developers and analysts alike. Developers can benefit from a more timely aware-
ness of bugs, bad smells, or usability issues (Johanssen et al., 2019) while being
motivated by the fact that their software is bringing real value to real users
(van Oordt and Guzman, 2021). Regarding the analysts, they resort to feed-
back for requirement prioritization (Wang et al., 2019; Johanssen et al., 2019)
and requirement elicitation (Liang et al., 2015). No wonder feedback is catching
on among one-off developers (Fitzgerald and Stol, 2017). Unfortunately, feed-
back has not received the same attention for variant-rich systems in general and
Software Product Lines (SPLs) in particular (Dakkak et al., 2021a).
Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) aims to support the develop-
ment of a whole family of software products (aka variants) through systematic
reuse of shared assets (aka the SPL platform) (Clements and Northrop, 2002).
To this end, SPLE distinguishes between two interrelated processes: Domain
Engineering (DE), which builds the SPL platform, and Application Engineering
(AE), which consists of deriving individual products from the SPL platform. In
this setting, experiences with feedback are very rare (Dakkak et al., 2021a).
Traditionally, feedback is conducted at the application level (van Oordt and
Guzman, 2021). Yet, a hallmark of SPLE is to move development efforts as much
as possible from AE to DE. Feedback should be no exception. Thus, we advocate
for feedback practices to be part of DE and, as such, to be moved upwards from
products to the SPL platform. This leads to platform-based feedback rather
than product-based feedback. Unfortunately, the limited support for continuous
deployment among variability managers (e.g., pure::variants (Beuche, 2019),
GEARS (Krueger and Clements, 2018)) hinders this issue from being grounded
on empirical evidence. On these premises, we tackle two research questions:
How could ‘platform-based feedback’ be incorporated into SPLE prac-
How would variability managers be enhanced to support ‘platform-based
In addressing these questions, we contribute by
elaborating on general requirements for leveraging variability managers
with feedback services (Section 4);
providing proof-of-concept of how these requirements can be realized for
pure::variants as the variability manager and Google Analytics (GA) as
the usage tracker (Section 5);
providing proof-of-value through a hybrid evaluation: a Technology Ac-
ceptance Model (TAM) evaluation is first conducted among employees of
pure-systems GmbH (n=8), followed by a focus group for the most diver-
gent TAM questions (n=3) (Section 6).
The research is conducted as a Design Science Research (DSR) practice
(Sein et al., 2011). DSR aims to solve or at least explain the issues of a problem-
atic situation (i.e., implicit feedback not being conducted at the SPL platform
level) by favoring a bottom-up approach where researchers join practitioners
in their local problems/solutions, which are next argumentatively generalized.
This bottom-up approach fits our research setting where, to the best of our
knowledge, no experiences, let alone theories, have been reported on implicit
feedback in SPLs (Dakkak et al., 2021a). We start with a brief about implicit
feedback in one-off development.
2. Background: Implicit Feedback
The industry is embracing agile and continuous methods, which inherently
includes customers’ feedback in the analysis loop of the development process
(Schön et al., 2017; Johanssen et al., 2019). Specifically, the literature distin-
guishes two customer feedback types: explicit and implicit. The first refers to
what users directly say or write about a software (e.g., tweets, reviews written in
an app store, etc.) (van Oordt and Guzman, 2021; Johanssen et al., 2019). By
contrast, implicit feedback automatically collects data about the software usage
or execution from which user preferences and trends can be inferred (Maalej
et al., 2009; van Oordt and Guzman, 2021). In short, explicit feedback is how
users see the software, while implicit feedback depicts how they actually use it.
Uses of implicit feedback in one-off development include:
Requirement Prioritization. Based on actual feature usage, managers pri-
oritize which requirement implementation or maintenance should be per-
formed first (Johanssen et al., 2019; Hoffmann et al., 2020; van Oordt and
Guzman, 2021; Johanssen et al., 2018).
Requirement Elicitation. Discovery of new requirements by analyzing the
different usage paths of the users (Hoffmann et al., 2020; Oriol et al., 2018)
Optimization. Improvement of different quality indicators (Martínez-Fernández
et al., 2019; Johanssen et al., 2019) or optimization of functionalities to be
easier and faster for the users to perform them (van Oordt and Guzman,
Bug Awareness. Early identification and fixing of bugs by capturing them
through crash reports and raised errors in the logs (van Oordt and Guz-
man, 2021; Johanssen et al., 2019; Olsson and Bosch, 2013).
User Understanding. Understanding how users interact with the software
(e.g., analyzing how they adapt to new functionalities)(van Oordt and
Guzman, 2021; Johanssen et al., 2019).
SPLs certainly need to prioritize requirements, optimize code, or understand
users. Yet, the fundamental difference rests on the level at which the decision-
making process occurs: the platform level rather than the product level. In
particular, in SPLE the prioritization of requirements or the optimization of
code is often conducted at the platform level rather than based on individual
products. Though application engineers can provide information about specific
products, such as usage or bugs, the ultimate decision of which code to opti-
mize or which requirement to prioritize often lies with the Domain Engineering
board. Therefore, we advocate for implicit feedback to be harmonized with
SPLE practices and hence, be moved to the platform level.
3. Practical case: Implicit Feedback at WACline
Figure 1: The Commenting feature. Besides adding notes, reviewers can include bibliograph-
ical references from Google Scholar.
This section introduces the case that triggered this research: WACline, an
SPL in the Web Annotation domain (Medina et al., 2022). With 85 distinct
features, WACline supports the creation of custom browser extensions for Web
annotation with a current portfolio of eight variants. WACline engineers need to
track feature usage. The discomfort of supporting implicit feedback by directly
acting upon the variant’s code causes need of a more fitting approach.
3.1. The running example
As the running example, Fig. 1 shows the case of the Commenting feature.
This feature permits adding a comment to a highlighted text on the web. In
addition, it allows reviewers to query Google Scholar directly without opening
a new browser tab.
Implementation-wise, WACline follows an annotation-based approach to SPLs.
This implies that variations are supported through pre-compilation directives
that state when a block code is to be included in the final product based on
the presence or absence of a feature selection at configuration time. Using
pure::variants as the event manager, WACline variations are denoted through
pre-compilation directives that start with an opening directive //PVSCL:IFCOND
and end with a closing directive //PVSCL:ENDCOND. Fig. 2 (left) provides
an example with the //PVSCL:IFCOND directives (aka #ifdef block) framing
part of the codebases of Commenting and Replying features.
Figure 2: Platform code (with pre-compilation directive) vs Feedback-minded variant code
(i.e., each execution of this code populates the feedback log with an event occurrence described
along with the ‘eventCategory’ (e.g., Commenting), the ‘eventAction’ (e.g., CommentingEn-
actment) and the ‘variant’ (i.e., the product which raises the event).
WACline delivers Web products. Web applications are one of the earlier
adopters of implicit feedback. This is achieved with the help of web analytic
services such as GA (W3Techs, 2022). GA tracks and reports website usage. It
provides insights into how visitors interact with a website, including the number
of visitors, their behavior, and their demographics. Operationally, interaction
tracking is achieved by inlaying tracking instructions (known as ‘hits’ in the
GA parlance). Fig. 2 (right) displays an example of Commenting once incor-
porated into a WACproduct (notice that the #ifdef block is no longer there).
WACproduct is now ‘feedback-minded’, i.e., each execution of this code pop-
ulates the feedback log with an event occurrence. Those hits run in the web
browser of each client, collecting data and sending it to the feedback log. Even-
tually, this feedback log is consulted through appropriate dashboards (Google,
However, WACproduct is not just a standalone product, but a variant derived
from the WACline platform. Realizing implicit feedback in the conventional way
(i.e., at the variant level) causes the ‘gut feeling’ that a fitting approach was
3.2. The ‘gut feeling’
While providing tracking code at the variant level, WACline engineers were
aware of eventual risks in terms of delays, partially, and chances of ‘merge hells’
in the Git repository. The following paragraphs delve into these issues.
Risk of delays. Continuous deployment brings developers and customers
closer, reducing the latency in development decisions often associated with the
traditional model where product units serve as the interface between customers
and development teams. SPLE introduces an additional layer of indirection
between users and code developers. As code developers, domain engineers might
not have direct access to the users through the application engineers. This
additional layer can lead to further delay in receiving user feedback, slowing
down the decision-making process.
Risk of partiality. Eager to promptly content their customers, application
engineers might be tempted to conduct feedback analysis locally (i.e., usage
tracking limited to their products), favoring changes to be conducted at the
product level, overlooking the implications for the SPL platform as a whole.
Risk of ‘merge hell’. In SPLE, changes made to the product branches tend to
be merged back into the platform branch. If GA hits are added at the application
level, then each AE team will inject them for their purposes. However, this way
of conducting feedback analysis increases the likelihood of encountering merge
conflicts while merging variant branches back into the platform’s Master branch.
Alternatively, WACline engineers attempted to define ‘feedback’ as a feature,
but it did not work either. Usage feedback is not a "prominent or distinctive
user-visible aspect of a variant" but a measurement for decision-making that
might involve tracking distinct single features or feature combinations (e.g., Is F1
and F2 used together?). Feedback directives can be considered crosscuts on the
SPL’s Feature Model. This situation highlighted two significant inconsistencies
when conducting feedback at the variant level:
a conceptual mismatch (tracking subject). SPLs reason in terms of fea-
tures, while GA (and other analytic services) consider products the unit
of tracking,
a process mismatch (scope). SPLs set the analysis for a collection of
products (i.e., the SPL portfolio), while GA is thought to track a single
These observations prompted the endeavor to integrate implicit feedback into
existing variability management systems, ensuring a platform-wide coverage of
4. Requirements for feedback-minded variability managers
Design principles (aka general requirements) provide guidelines for designing
effective solutions that can solve real-world problems and meet the needs of
the stakeholders (Gregor et al., 2020). Therefore, design principles are very
much framed by the problems and stakeholders where the principles were born.
This section introduces design principles derived from our experience handling
implicit feedback in WACline.
Domain engineering
Application engineering
Problem Space Solution Space Feedback Analysis Space
Domain Analysis
Requirements analysis
(incl. scoping,
variability modeling)
class Selector {
int id = 0;
class Target {
void setTarget(){
(models, source code, ...)
class List {
List getList(){
class List {
List getList(){
Product Usage
Domain Implementation
(feedback modeling)
Product Derivation
Feedback Gathering
Usage Occurrence
Feedback analysis
Figure 3: Leveraging SPLE with Feedback Analysis. The bold line denotes the feedback
workflow: analysis-specification-coding-dataGathering-analysis.
4.1. General Requirements
This subsection identifies feedback tasks to be considered during the SPLE
process, and hence, they are amenable to being accounted for by variability
managers. Fig. 3 depicts the traditional SPLE process (Apel et al., 2013)
enriched with feedback tasks. Specifically:
Domain Engineering now includes Feedback Specification (i.e., the descrip-
tion of the data to be collected in the Feedback log) and Feedback Analysis
(i.e., the study of the data in the Feedback log),
Application Engineering now incorporates Feedback Transformation (i.e.,
inlaying feedback tracking instructions during variant derivation) and Feed-
back Gathering (i.e., collecting implicit feedback during variant execution).
The following subsections delve into these tasks.
4.1.1. Feedback Specification
Like in one-off development, feature usage can become a main informant
for different decision-making issues throughout the lifetime of the SPL plat-
form. The Goal-Question-Metric (GQM) approach is a popular framework for
driving goal-oriented measures throughout a software organization (Basili and
Rombach, 1988). By defining specific goals and identifying key performance
indicators, the GQM approach provides a structured way for decision-making.
We frame Feedback Specification as a GQM practice with metrics related to
feature usage. Fig. 4 depicts our (meta)Model.
Basili and Rombach (1988) introduce the following template for goal descrip-
- object
- purpose
- audience
- context
- point
- filename
- label
- label
- description
Figure 4: The Feedback Model.
Analyze <object of study> with the purpose of <purpose> with re-
spect to <quality focus> from the point of view of the <perspective>
in the context of <context>
In one-off development, the ‘object of study’ tends to be a single product.
However, SPL heavily rests on features as a significant construct throughout the
SPLE process. Accordingly, it is natural to introduce features as the ‘object of
study’ of feedback analysis. After all, chances are that agendas, organizational
units or release schedules are set regarding features (Hellebrand et al., 2017;
Wnuk et al., 2009). Yet, for some analysis scenarios, features might turn too
coarse-grained, and analysis might need to be conducted regarding particular
feature combinations (e.g., as described in the pre-compilation directives that
conform the #ifdef blocks). Hence, the codebase to be analyzed may be denoted
by a single feature or a combination of features. This will identify ‘the slice of
the SPL codebase’ that stands for the object of study.
Next, this code slice is to be analyzed in the pursuit of distinct purposes (e.g.,
refactoring, testing, etc.) concerning ‘usage’ from the point of view of a given
audience (e.g., domain engineers, testers, product units, product engineers) in
a given context. Finally, a Goal is refined in terms of Questions. A question
should be open-ended and focus on the specific aspect of the goal that needs
to be measured. Hence, questions are to be answered with the help of Metrics,
i.e., measures that indicate progress towards the goal.
For example, consider the Commenting feature as the ‘object of study’ (see
Fig. 1). For this object, possible purposes include:
feature scoping. Engineers might want to assess the extent Google Scholar
is queried from within Commenting. The rationale goes as if this particular
utility is seldom used w.r.t. the usage of Commenting, then it might be
better to detach it from Commenting and offer it as a separate sub-feature.
feature optimization. Commenting is made available in two ways: ‘double
click’ and ‘right click’. Engineers wonder whether this double choice may
confuse users and, if so, which is the most popular approach for this feature
to show up.
If the SPL Control Board (i.e., the committee in charge of the SPL fate) conducts
this study in the context of planning the next WACline release, the resulting
goal is left as follows:
Analyze Commenting with the purpose of scoping & optimization
with respect to usage from the point of view of the Control Board
in the context of the planning for the next release
The example so far assumes the context to be the SPL platform as a whole.
Though the object of the study is limited to the Commenting’s codebase (i.e., the
#ifdef blocks involving Commenting), the context is the entire SPL portfolio,
i.e., track Commenting no matter the variant in which this feature is deployed.
In addition, we also came across scenarios where the analyst was interested
in the usage of a feature but for a particular set of variants. Back to the running
example, Commenting adds menus and widgets to the Web interface. If utilized
with other GUI-intensive features, such as Highlighting,Commenting may lead
to cluttered interfaces that can potentially discourage users. It should be noted
that Commenting and Highlighting have no feature dependency; hence, they do
not appear together in pre-compilation directives. However, the combining effect
regarding the cluttered interface requires the tracking of Commenting for those
variants where Highlighting is also deployed. We underline that ‘contextual
features’ might exhibit no dependency on ‘objectual features’ as captured in
feature models yet exhibit some sort of implications that qualify the context
of the tracking (e.g. F1’s power consumption might impact the response rate
of F2 and F3, yet this implication might not always be reflected in the feature
model). In this case, the goal would look as follows:
Analyze Commenting with the purpose of usability evaluation with
respect to usage from the point of view of the UX designer in the
context of Highlighting
Here, the Highlighting feature characterizes the context where Commenting is
to be tracked, i.e., the subset of the SPL portfolio subject to tracking.
We now move to the questions. Previous goals on Commenting could be ad-
dressed through two questions with their respective metric counterparts, namely:
How is Commenting used? Commenting permits querying Google Scholar
from within. The Control Board wonders about the extent this feature
is coupled with the fact of commenting, and if sparse, decides to offer it
as a separate sub-feature. To this end, GoogleScholarHappened metric is
How is Commenting enacted? This feature offers two enactment modes:
DoubleClickEnactment or RightClickEnactment. Assessing the popularity
Product Derivation
Platform Code
Feedback Model
Figure 5: Two-step Product Derivation. First, the Feedback Transformation injects the track-
ing hit along with the feedback model. Second, the Pre-compilation Transformation filters out
those ifdef blocks that do not meet the configuration model. The result is a feedback-minded
of each of these modes helps to determine if they are alternatives or if any
of them is residual, and hence, a candidate to step out in the next release.
For these metrics to be enactable, the feedback specification needs to indicate
how is going to be supported: the pointcut. A pointcut is a join point which
denotes a given line of code within a file. A pointcut denotes the point in
‘the slice of the SPL codebase’ (i.e., the object) where a tracking hit should be
raised and collected in the feedback log. A metric might involve one or more
pointcuts. As we will see later, the metric DoubleClickEnactment will require
two pointcuts, one for each of the points in the code where double-click can
be enacted. Section 5.1 will introduce the concrete syntax for this model using
4.1.2. Feedback Transformation
Feedback transformation refers to the interpretation of the feedback model.
In one-off development, the analyst manually introduces the tracking instruc-
tions into the product codebase. SPLs aim at reducing, if not removing, coding
during AE. The SPL way is to resort to ‘transformations’ that generate the vari-
ant through ‘transforming’ the SPL platform along with a given configuration
model. Likewise, feedback goals might be better supported through ‘transform-
ing’ the SPL platform rather than directly acting upon the variant code. Rather
than polluting the platform code, ‘separation of concerns’ advises for feedback-
specific code to be added on the fly during Product Derivation. Specifically,
Feedback Transformation takes the SPL platform, the configuration model and
the feedback model as input and injects the corresponding tracking code (see
Fig. 5). This code is next subject to the traditional transformation based on
pre-compilation directives. The resulting variant will be feedback-minded, i.e.,
it will populate the feedback log at run-time.
4.1.3. Feedback Gathering
Feedback gathering refers to capturing usage data from users (Johanssen
et al., 2019). Traditionally, in the same vein as any other data, usage data
should meet specific quality properties (Redman, 2013), namely accuracy (i.e.,
tracking hits should be error-free and reflect real-world values), completeness
(i.e., tracking hits should include at least all the information specified in the
feedback model), consistency (i.e., data gathered should be consistent among
the different products) and, timeliness (i.e., data should always be up-to-date
and reflect the real use of the platform). Thus, feedback gathering goes beyond a
programming issue to also include data governance considerations. The question
is what SPLE brings to account for these quality factors:
accuracy. SPLE-wise, the feedback specification and specifically, the con-
textual features provide a declarative way to set the scope of the feedback
analysis. Rather than naming the products subject to the tracking (ex-
tensional approach), SPLs offer features as an implicit means to single out
the variants of interests. On the downside, faults in the feedback specifi-
cation will have a more significant impact as they propagate to a larger
set of variants;
completeness. SPLE-wise, completeness imposes a careful consideration
not only of the contextual features to be considered but also of the end-
users (or framing installations) where the variants are to be deployed. This
might be an issue if domain engineers do not have access to the ultimate
users/installations where the variants are run;
consistency. SPLE-wise, the transformation approach ensures that the
feedback code is generated in the same way no matter the variants in
which this code ends up being injected;
timeliness. SPLs evolve quicker than one-off applications if only by the
number of variants they consider and the different sizes of the codebase.
The larger the number of variants and the codebase, the larger the chances
for feedback analysis to evolve, and hence, the more challenging to keep
usage data up-to-date. Traditional product-based feedback does not scale
to this volatile scenario. Keeping pace with feedback analysis evolution
calls for model-driven approaches where analysis is described at a higher-
abstraction level, and transformation takes care of implementation details.
Model-driven not only accounts for code consistency but also speeds up
development, hence, reducing the cost of updating feedback specification
which facilitates up-to-date data.
4.1.4. Feedback Analysis
To aid decision-making in dynamic environments, dashboards are deemed
essential (López et al., 2021). A dashboard is a graphical user interface that
provides an overview of key performance indicators, such as feature usage, rele-
vant to a particular business objective or process (such as feature optimization)
Nº of p articipan ts
Yea rs of e xp er ie nc e
Part icip ant s exp erie nce le vel
in SPL at pur e::systems
Part icip ant s job ro le
Field Application Engineer
Figure 6: Participants demographics: SPL experience & role played.
(Few, 2006). Google Analytics offers dashboards for website owners to ana-
lyze trends and patterns in their visitors’ engagement with the website (Plaza,
2011). However, SPL scenarios differ in two key aspects. Firstly, the focus of the
tracking is not a single application but rather (a subset of) the SPL portfolio.
Secondly, features become the central unit of analysis. Thus, dashboards must
be designed to accommodate these unique characteristics.
4.2. Validating the requirements
COH1. In general, I consider IF4SPL a natural fit to current
SPLE pr actic es
COH2. I consider the Feedback Specification task a natural
fit to curre nt SPL E practi ces
COH3. I consider Feedback Transformation a natural fit to
current SPLE practices
COH4. I consider Feedback Gathering fits well with
current SPLE practices
COH5. I consider Feedback analysis a natural fit to current
SPLE pr actic es
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Stron gly A gree
Figure 7: Assessing coherence for IF4SPL.
The previous subsection introduced a way to support implicit feedback in
SPLE, named IF4SPLE (i.e., Implicit Feedback for SPLE). This proposal was
derived from our experience handling implicit feedback in WACline. To improve
external validity, this section conducts a survey on the extent IF4SPLE accounts
CON1. In general, I would consider that IF4SPLE does not
alter the traditional role distribution among the SPL task
forc e
CON2. I would favor Feedback Specification to be
perfo rmed by D omain Engineers at the Platform level
CON3. I would favor Feedback Specification to be
perfo rmed by A pplicati on Engin eers a t the Vari ant lev el
CON4. I would favor Feedback Analysis to be performed
by D omain Eng ineers a t the Pl atform level
CON5. I would favor Feedback Analysis to be performed
by Ap plicati on Engine ers at t he Vari ant level
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Stron gly A gree
Figure 8: Assessing consistency for IF4SPL.
for coherence (i.e., the quality of forming a unified whole with traditional SPLE
practices) and consistency (i.e., the quality of seamlessly fitting with prior roles
in SPLE). The next paragraphs describe the evaluation of IF4SPLE principles.
Goal. The purpose of this study is to assess the goodness of the IF4SPL princi-
ples for seamlessly introducing Implicit Feedback into SPLE practices from the
point of view of annotated-based SPL practitioners in the context of pure-systems
GmbH pure-systems GmbH 1and annotated-based SPLs.
Participants. To look into the generality of the solution, we resorted to pure-
systems GmbH, which is a leading provider of software product lines and variant
management engineering tools, including pure::variants. The suitability of this
company is twofold. First, pure-systems GmbH is well placed to assess the ex-
tent FEACKER is seamlessly integrated with its own tool (i.e., pure::variants).
Second, pure-systems GmbH acts as a consultant for a broad range of companies,
and hence, faces different requirements and domains. Hence, its participation
will provide a high variation of settings in which to support generalization.
Design. The experiment was conducted within the monthly seminar regularly
kept at pure-systems GmbH. The seminar lasted for 90 minutes. The partici-
pants were introduced to the importance of Implicit Feedback in single-off devel-
opment and the interest in bringing these benefits to SPLE. Next, IF4SPLE was
introduced. At this time, participants were asked to fill up the questionnaire
(see next paragraph). Fifteen employees attended the seminar, yet only eight
completed the survey. For these eight employees, demographic data is displayed
in Fig. 6.
Instrument. To better profile what is meant by ‘a seamless introduction’, we
characterize this adverb in terms of coherence (i.e., the quality of forming a uni-
fied whole with traditional SPLE practices) and consistency (i.e., the quality of
seamlessly fitting with prior roles in SPLE). We resort to an ad-hoc questionnaire
where items are assessed through a five-point Likert that is refined for each of
the tasks introduced by IF4SPLE (i.e., Feedback Specification, Feedback Trans-
formation, and so on). Whereas coherence looks at the process, consistency
regards the roles played by participants in an SPL organization. Specifically, we
consider two roles (i.e., DE vs AE). The rationale reads as Implicit Feedback
might be conducted as part of DE with the participation (or not) of application
developers. And the other way around, it is possible for Implicit Feedback to
be defined for a set of products without implying the whole platform. Figs. 7
and 8 show the results of IF4SPLE’s coherence and consistency, respectively.
When it comes to assessing the internal consistency, or reliability, of ques-
tionnaires, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient measure is used. It helps determine
whether a collection of questions consistently measures the same characteristic.
Cronbach’s alpha quantifies the level of agreement on a standardized 0 to 1 scale.
Higher values indicate higher agreement between items. Thus, high Cronbach’s
alpha values indicate that response values for each participant across a set of
questions are consistent. On these grounds, we calculate the Cronbach’s alpha
values of the questionnaire items for coherence and consistency, leading to a
result of 0.63, and 0.8 alpha values, respectively. In the case of consistency, we
reversed the results of questions CON3 and CON5 as they favor AE to conduct
implicit feedback affairs. An acceptable degree of αreliability is defined as 0.6
to 0.7, and a very good level is defined as 0.8 or greater (Ursachi et al., 2015).
Therefore, we can consider the questionnaire reliable enough.
Results. Coherence. Participants generally believe IF4SPLE is a natural fit
for current SPLE practices (question COH1). Feedback Specification (question
COH2) and Feedback Analysis (question COH5) were the tasks that unanimous
agreement reached about being conducted at the level of DE, hence moving
Implicit Feedback from being a product concern to being a platform concern.
Surprisingly, while positive, feedback transformation (i.e., injecting feedback
concerns when the product is generated mimicking traditional techniques based
on pre-compilation directives) did not meet our expectations, with most partic-
ipants ranking it as ‘neutral’.
Consistency. Participants generally considered that IF4SPLE does not al-
ter the traditional role distribution among the SPL task force (question CON1).
That said, in line with IF4SPLE, pure::variant’s employees seem to favor domain
engineers before application engineers when conducting feedback specification
and analysis (questions CON2 and CON4).
The next section looks at the feasibility of this approach, using pure::variants
as the variability manager.
Client PC
WACline's Browser
Google Analytics
sends event hits
variant with feedback
Google Apis
Feedback Attributed
Feedback Model
Visual Paradigm Online Free Edition
Visual Paradigm Online Free Edition
Figure 9: FEACKER’s deployment diagram. Pure::variants is extended with three new
components: feacker::specification, feacker::analysis and feacker::transformation
5. Proof-of-concept: implicit feedback in pure::variants
This section introduces FEACKER (a portmanteau for FEAture and traCKER),
an extension for pure::variants along the IF4SPLE principles. FEACKER is
publicly available at
The deployment diagram of the FEACKER system is presented in Fig. 9.
The specification and transformation components are responsible for incorpo-
rating the tracking code, utilizing GA as the tracking framework. At run-time,
variant execution on the Client PC generates data in the GA log, which is
later analyzed by the analysis component of FEACKER. This component pro-
cesses the feedback data and presents it through an attributed feature model,
as described in Section 5.42. Details follow.
5.1. Feedback Specification
Figure 10: The feedback model for the goal: Analyze Commenting with the purpose of
scoping & optimization with respect to usage from the point of view of the Control Board in
the context of variants that exhibit either Highlighting or Emailing.
2The implementation of the solution relies on the pure::variants SDK, utilizing three exten-
sion points: specification, transformation, and analysis. It should be noted that pure::variants
uses pre-compilation directives for variability support and introduces the concept of a Family
Model, which separates the SPL platform implementation through logical names referred to
as ‘model elements’.
FEACKER resorts to the YAML language for the concrete syntax of the
Feedback Model introduced in Section 4.1.1. Fig. 10 provides a myFirst-
feedback.yaml snippet for the running example. Clauses on lines 2-5 capture
the Goal. Two clauses have a documentation purpose ( audience &purpose),
whereas target and context have execution implications. Both hold a feature-
based predicate similar to the one in pre-compilation directives (so far, only
AND/OR are supported). Context holds ‘a contextual predicate’ to delimit the
variants whose configuration model should match this predicate. Target holds
‘an objectual predicate’ to characterize the #ifdef blocks whose pre-compilation
directives should satisfy this predicate. Thus, the slice of the platform codebase
to be tracked is intensively defined by the #ifdef blocks whose pre-compilation
directives satisfy the objectual predicate when deployed in variants matching
the contextual predicate subject to the tracking (i.e., the slice of the platform
codebase to be tracked). Both predicates are consulted during feedback transfor-
mation to filter out the #ifdef blocks subject to tracking as a result of matching
the variability of interest (object of study) in the appropriate variants (the con-
text). Back to the example, the tracking scope is that of #ifdef blocks whose
pre-compilation directives hold Commenting when in variants that exhibit either
Highlight or Emailing.
As for questions, they do not have any execution implications apart from
structuring the metrics. The sample snippet introduced two questions: Q1 and
Q2. The former is grounded on QueryGoogleScholarHappened metric. As for
Q2, it is based on the counting of DoubleClickEnactment and RightClickEnact-
Finally, pointcuts are captured through three clauses. FileName and Path
single out the code file in pure::variants Family Model. As for the anchor, it
holds the line of code where the GA_INJECT directive is to be injected at
transformation time.
5.2. Feedback Transformation
In pure::variants, Product Derivation has two inputs: the configuration
model (a .vdm file) and the SPL platform. The output of this process is a
variant product, where #ifdef blocks that do not align with the configura-
tion model are removed. This filtering of non-conforming blocks is achieved in
pure::variants by selecting the ‘File Processing’ option. This is depicted on the
right side of Fig. 11 (b).
In FEACKER, Product Derivation extends pure::variants’ through an ad-
ditional step: Feedback Transformation. The output is also a variant, but now
the variant code includes GA hints in accordance with the feedback model. Fig.
11 (c) illustrates the progression of a code snippet. The process departs from
the platform codebase. The Feedback Transformation injects the GA hits along
with the feedback model. GA hits are composed of an interaction (eventAc-
tion) that happens during the usage of the feature (eventCategory) while using
a given product (variant). Finally, the pre-compilation directives are removed
from the code. The output is a feedback-minded variant. Refer to Appendix
Appendix A for the algorithm.
Figure 11: FEACKER’s realization of Fig. 5 with the feedback model supported as a yaml file
(a). The Feedback Transformation takes the platform code as input and injects the GA hits
to the corresponding #ifdefs (c). The resulting code is next subjected to the Pre-compilation
transformation that filters out #ifdefs that do not meet the configuration model. GUI-wise,
pure::variants is extended with a second user interaction: FeedbackProcessing (d). On clicking,
FEACKER conducts the Feedback Transformation, and next invokes pure::variantsFilePro-
cessing to launch the Pre-compilation Transformation. The result is a feedback-minded vari-
ant, i.e., its usage will populate the feedback log.
5.3. Feedback Gathering
FEACKER resorts to GA for feedback gathering. Event data is collected into
the GA feedback log. The utilization of GA presents both advantages and dis-
advantages. The benefits include GA’s ability to comprehensively collect event
data regarding visitors, traffic sources, content, and conversions. Additionally,
GA provides advanced data visualization tools and it is highly scalable. On the
downside, keeping event data at Google might jeopardize confidentiality.
5.4. Feedback Analysis
GA provides data visualization tools to track single apps. By contrast, we
pursue feature-centric dashboards that track an SPL portfolio. This is a topic
in its own right. For completeness’ sake, this subsection explores the use of
attributed feature models for feedback visualization.
Figure 12: Attributed Feature models: Commenting holds four attributes for GA API calling
parameters (top side). Select FeedbackPull from the drop-down menu for these API calls to
be enacted. Results are stored in FeedbackPull.xfm, a copy of the input feature model where
feature-usage attributes will show the metric values as returned by the API call (bottom side).
In an attributed feature model, extra-functional information is captured as
attributes of features (Benavides et al., 2010). Examples include non-functional
properties (e.g., cost, memory consumption, price) or rationales for feature in-
clusion. This permits leveraging the automated analysis of feature models by
incorporating these usage parameters (Galindo et al., 2019). Likewise, we add
‘usage’ as a feature attribute. However, unlike other attributes such as cost or
memory consumption, ‘usage’ is highly volatile and needs frequent updates. In
this setting, databases resort to derived attributes, i.e., attributes that do not
exist in the physical database but are derived at query time from the database.
Regarding derived attributes, two steps are distinguished: definition (when the
query is defined) and enactment (when the query is triggered).
FEACKER supports this vision, namely:
definition time. Analysts might enlarge the feature model with usage
attributes. These attributes hold a GA query to obtain the aggregate
for this metric using the GA’s API. Fig. 12 (top) illustrates this vi-
sion for our running example. Commenting is the object of study for
three metrics: DoubleClickEnactment, RightClickEnactment, and Query-
enactment time. It is up to the analysts to decide when to enact these
queries. To this end, FEACKER adds a ‘FeedbackLogPull’ option to the
pure::variants processing menu. When selected, FEACKER (1) retrieves
the queries held as values of the attributes, (2) executes the queries, and
(3) creates a clone of the feature model, where attributes now hold the
GA responses (Fig. 12 (bottom)). Refer to Appendix Appendix A for
the algorithm.
At present, query results are integrated into the model without further pro-
cessing. Subsequent executions of ‘FeedbackPull’ will replace the existing clone
with a new one that mirrors the current feedback log. All in all, using feature
models falls short. First, it is not evident how to visualize metrics that involve
multiple features (e.g., usage of F1 but not F2). Second, feature models offer
a static view of the current variability, whereas feedback analysis necessitates
a representation of how usage evolves. This calls for pure::variants to be en-
larged with full-fledged dashboards. Alternatively, extending GA dashboards
with feature-centric visualizations. This is still a work in progress.
6. Proof-of-value: Evaluation
6.1. Design of the Evaluation
Table 1: In the pursuit of a realistic evaluation.
Realistic ...
participants tasks environment Instrument
Pure::Systems ×TAM
WACline ×Focus Group
DSR emphasizes that authenticity is a more important ingredient than con-
trolled settings (Sein et al., 2011). For an authentic evaluation, Sjøberg et al.
(2002) introduce three factors: (1) realistic participants, (2) realistic tasks, and
(3) a realistic environment. Sjøberg et al. recognize the difficulties of meeting
all factors simultaneously, given the developing nature of the interventions in
FEACKER is not an exception; in fact, quite the opposite. However, the
participation of practitioners from WACline and pure-systems GmbH provides a
unique opportunity to assess the utility of FEACKER’s outcomes. The practi-
tioners from WACline meet the first criteria of realistic participants, as WACline
is web-based. They also used FEACKER in a real setting. However, WA-
Cline’s limited size may limit the results’ generalizability. On the other hand,
practitioners from pure-systems GmbH are well placed to assess the seamless
integration of FEACKER with pure::variants. Furthermore, the company is a
consultant for a broad range of customers, providing insights on the extent the
approach could be generalized to settings other than Web-based variants. How-
ever, they have not used FEACKER in a real task. As a result, we opt for a
hybrid evaluation that combines both quantitative and qualitative evaluation.
Specifically (see Table 1),
for quantitative evaluation, we resort to the Technology Acceptance Model
(TAM) as the instrument and pure-systems GmbH as the participant.
TAM is founded upon the hypothesis that technology acceptance and use
can be explained by a user’s internal beliefs, attitudes, and intentions
(Turner et al., 2010),
for qualitative evaluation, we draw on Focus Groups as the instrument and
WACline practitioners as the participants. Focus groups are suggested
in Software Engineering as an empirical method for getting practitioner
input and qualitative insights, particularly in the early phases of research
for identifying issues (Kontio et al., 2008). In this case, the evaluation
resorts to a realistic task (i.e., the Web-based Commenting feature), and
the focus groups are structured along the dissents expressed in the TAM
This hybrid approach rests upon the assumption that both populations (i.e.,
pure-systems GmbH and WACline) share a common mindset that sustains that
the intention of use of the former serves to guide the real use of the latter.
This is undoubtedly a threat to ‘hybrid-ness’ validity, yet this likeness between
both populations is (partially) supported by both using pure::variants as the
variability manager.
US1. Using FEACKER would enable me to accomplish IF4SPL tasks
more q uickly
US2. Using FEACKER would improve my performance following IF4SPL
US3. Using FEACKER for following IF4SPLE would increase my
produc tivity
US4. Using FEACKER would enhance my effectiveness on following
US5. Using FEACKER would make it easier to follow IF4SPLE
US6. I would find FEACKER useful in following IF4SPLE
Strongly Di sagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Figure 13: FEACKER’s perceived usefulness.
6.2. TAM evaluation
Goal. The purpose of this study is to assess the perceived ease of use and
usefulness of FEACKER with respect to introducing IF4SPLE practices into
EU1. Learning to operate FEACKER would be easy for me
EU2. I would find it easy to get FEACKER to do what I want it to do
EU3. My interaction with FEACKER would be clear and
under standable
EU4. I would find FEACKER to be flexible to interact with
EU5. I would find FEACKER easy to use
EU6. It would be easy for me to become skillful at using FEACKER
Strongly Di sagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Figure 14: FEACKER’s perceived ease of use.
pure::variants from the point of view of annotated-based SPL practitioners in
the context of pure-systems GmbH.
Participants. We sought the assistance of employees at pure-systems GmbH. As
they were involved in commercialising and developing pure::variants, we believed
they were suitably positioned to assess its ‘ease of use’. Furthermore, half of
the participants were consultants, exposing them to a wide range of domains,
thereby providing a wider perspective on the FEACKER’s ‘usefulness’.
Design. FEACKER was evaluated as part of the monthly seminar in which the
IF4SPLE was previously evaluated (as described in Section 4.2). The seminar
was structured as follows. An initial 90-minute session provided an overview
of implicit feedback, including an in-depth examination of the FEACKER’s
components. A live demonstration of the tool followed this. Participants were
encouraged to ask questions throughout the seminar. Finally, participants were
allowed to interact with the tool and complete a TAM questionnaire.
Instrument. The study evaluates two internal variables of TAM: perceived use-
fulness and perceived ease of use. Rationales follow. As consultants of pure::variants,
the participants were in a good position to provide an informed opinion on how
much they believe using FEACKER would improve their job performance (per-
ceived usefulness). As developers of pure::variants, the participants could pro-
vide an informed opinion on the degree of ease in using FEACKER for existing
pure::variants users (perceived ease of use).
Results. Fig. 13 displays the chart for the variable ‘perceived usefulness’. No-
tice that ‘usefulness’ is measured regarding the support given to the IF4SPLE
process. The chart reveals a prevailing agreement among participants regarding
the usefulness of FEACKER. However, the chart also indicates there is no full
consensus on this matter (this will later serve to inform the Focus Group). As
for ‘perceived ease of use’ (see Fig. 14), results tend to be more conclusive on
the seamlessness to which FEACKER is embedded within pure::variants. The
results suggest that using FEACKER does not interfere with the existing GUI
gestures of pure::variants.
Threats to validity.
Construct Validity refers to the level of precision by which the variables
specified in research assess the underlying constructs of concern. Here, the
constructs are ‘ease of use’ and ’usefulness’. To mitigate its potential influ-
ence, the researchers utilized the TAM questionnaire. To ensure internal
consistency, Cronbach’s alpha is calculated for the questionnaire, which
resulted in an αvalue of 0.62 and 0.97 for usefulness and ease of use,
respectively. Cronbach alpha values of 0.7 or higher indicate acceptable
internal consistency, with values above 0.9 perceived as redundancy of
some questions.
Internal Validity refers to how much the independent variable(s) or
intervention was the actual cause of the changes observed in the depen-
dent variable. Here, the intervention is FEACKER. Yet, other factors
besides FEACKER might influence the results. First, the background
of the participants. In this regard, the researchers consulted employees of
pure-systems Gmbh. Except for one, all participants have at least two-year
experience in both SPL and pure::variants (see demographics at Fig. 6).
Second, the clarity and understandability of the questionnaire. To mit-
igate its potential influence, we resort to the TAM questionnaire, which
has been widely employed and validated in assessing software engineering
artefacts (Wallace and Sheetz, 2014).
External Validity assesses to what extent the results obtained in this
study can be generalized to other scopes different to the one approached
in the study. We defer the discussion of this issue to Section 7.
6.3. Focus Group evaluation
TAM measures intention to use, but it is not based on the real use, hence,
contradicting the second principle of an authentic evaluation (Sjøberg et al.,
2002). To mitigate this drawback, we resort to a second evaluation, now based
on Focus Groups.
Goal. The purpose of this study is to delve into the divergent items of a
previous TAM evaluation with respect to introducing IF4SPLE practices into
pure::variants from the point of view of annotated-based SPL practitioners in
the context of the WACline SPL.
Participants. The group was formed by three engineers with at least two-year
experience in using pure::variants3. All of them were part of WACline’s core-
development team.
3Focus groups are typically made up of 3-12 people (Parker and Tritter, 2006)
Design. Participants were asked to create a feedback model collaboratively. The
model should approach analysis opportunities they were interested in. They
came up with 18 different hits related to 11 features4. Feedback was gathered
during a week about WACline products running in a sandbox framework. So
collected feedback was presented through the usage-based attributed feature
model shown in Fig. 12. Once the usage feedback was collected, the focus
groups started.
Instrument. The focus group was structured along those issues that rose the
most significant divergence in the TAM evaluation (see Fig. 13 and Fig. 14).
Each issue was turned into a question for the focus group, namely:
Is the feedback model able to capture your feedback needs ef-
fectively? This question accounts for the TAM’s US1 statement: Using
FEACKER would enable me to accomplish IF4SPL tasks more quickly.
Fig. 13 depicts the divergences in the answers: disagree (1), neutral (3),
agree (3), and strongly disagree (1). Among the tasks introduced in the
IF4SPL, the more labour-intensive one is feedback specification since it re-
quires knowledge about the feature model, the SPL product portfolio, and
the code of the feature(s) at hand. Hence, the focus question delves into
the extent FEACKER’s feedback model can directly capture the needs of
the analysts.
How seamlessly were IF4SPLE’s new tasks integrated with your
SPLE practices? This question accounts for the TAM’s US2 statement:
Using FEACKER would improve my performance following IF4SPL. Fig.
13 depicts the divergences in the answers: disagree (1), neutral (3), and
agree (4). IF4SPLE proposes the need for an analysis space and the
consequent tasks in SPLE. The way that these tasks are integrated into
the traditional workflow may have a direct influence on the performance
of the team. Hence, the focus question seeks to explore the impact of
IF4SPLE tasks on the performance of domain engineers.
How seamless was FEACKER integrated with pure::variants
gestures? This question accounts for the TAM’s EU1 statement: Learn-
ing to operate FEACKER would be easy for me. Fig. 13 depicts the di-
vergences in the answers: strongly disagree (1), neutral (2), agree (3), and
strongly agree (2). Being FEACKER an extension can disrupt the way
of interacting with pure::variants. Thus, this question tries to determine
how much FEACKER disturbs existing pure::variants gestures.
4The resultant feedback model can be found in a branch of WACline’s repository: https:
Is the feedback model able to capture your feedback needs ef-
fectively? Participants indicated that most of their feedback expressions
refer to a single feature. No case popped up with AND/OR expressions.
Two participants missed the ability to record values of variables at exe-
cution time. This would allow capturing the number of items a user has
at the same time to operate within the GUI or capture values that could
make the system fail.
How seamlessly were IF4SPLE’s new tasks integrated with your
SPLE practices?Participants agreed on feedback functionality being
subject to the same reuse principles as domain functionality and hence,
being moved to DE. As one participant put it: “If testing is mainly a DE
activity, why should feedback analysis differ? After all, usage feedback
informs feature evolution, sort of perfective maintenance”. This said, they
expressed two worries. First, the feedback model is fragile upon changes in
the #ifdef blocks. This introduces a dependency between code developers
and feedback analysts. How severe is this limitation? Participants observe
that feedback analysis tends to be conducted for mature features where
customer usage drives feature evolution rather than feature ‘upbringing’.
For mature features, the expectation is that code would be relatively stable
and hence, with a low risk of interference between feedback analysis and
feature developers. Second and most important, upgrades on the feedback
model would only take effect by deriving the products again. This might
be a severe concern for some installations, but, after all, this is what con-
tinuous deployment is supposed to be. Finally, some exciting issues arose
with no clear answer: How is the evolution of feedback models conducted?
How would different feedback models co-exist? Should variability be engi-
neered within the feedback model itself? What strategy would be to face
large feature models with intensive feedback needs? Should techniques
similar to those for SPL testing be used?
How seamless was FEACKER integrated with pure::variants
gestures? Participants mostly appreciate conducting feedback analy-
sis without leaving pure::variants. This seems to suggest that variability
managers should not overlook this concern.
Nevertheless, some issues emerged:
Feedback Model. All participants found it cumbersome to specify. Dif-
ficulties came from Feedback Models’ dependency on the #ifdef blocks,
specifically, the anchor specification. This limitation might be eventually
mitigated through dedicated editors,
Feedback Transformation. Participants found the approach intuitive and
akin to the modus operandi of pure::variants,
Attributed Feature Models. Participants foresaw the benefits of introduc-
ing feature usage for more sophisticated feature analysis. However, feature
models are very poor as dashboards. Participants indicate the need to en-
hance variability managers with this functionality5or, instead, tap into
existing dashboard applications through dedicated connectors.
6.4. Threats to validity
We follow here the threats to validity for Qualitative Research as described
by Maxwell (1992)
Descriptive Validity refers to the accuracy and completeness of the
data. To mitigate this threat, we took notes about participants’ reac-
tions as well as recording the session’s audio to facilitate further analysis.
Moreover, we asked for clarifications from the participants during the dis-
cussion. Another limitation is the small number of participants. This is
partially due to the pursuit of realism in selecting the participants, who
were required to be knowledgeable about both pure::variants and GA.
Favouring realism versus quantity is supported by the literature on focus
groups, which recommends purposive sampling as the method for partici-
pant recruiting (Morgan, 1997).
Interpretive Validity refers to how well researchers capture partici-
pants’ meaning of events or behaviours without imposing their perspective.
It should be noted that the problem was pointed out by the practitioners
themselves when attempting to accord pure::variants and GA. To improve
interpretative validity, we began the session with a brief presentation on
the study’s objectives and the proposed intervention. This presentation
was aimed at establishing common terminology and avoiding misunder-
Reproducibility.FEACKER and WACline are readily accessible to the
public through download. The additional infrastructure utilized in this
study, including pure::variants and GA, is widely used among practition-
ers, facilitating the dissemination of this work’s results.
7. Generalization
Following DSR, the situated learning from the research project should be
further developed into general solution concepts for a class of field problems
(Sein et al., 2011). Sein et al. suggest three levels for this conceptual move:
generalization of the problem instance, i.e., to what extent is implicit
feedback aproblem for SPL other than WACline?
generalization of the solution instance, i.e., to what extent is FEACKER
asolution to implicit feedback in SPLs?
5It rests to be seen whether pure::variants tabular view of features which includes at-
tributes, might provide a better fit.
derivation of design principles, i.e., what sort of design knowledge can
be distilled from the FEACKER experience that might inform variability
managers other than pure::variants.
The rest of this section tackles these questions.
7.1. Generalization of the Problem Instance
Table 2: Contextual characterization of the local experience in WACline.
Technical environment
Programming language JavaScript
Branching strategy Grow-and-prune
Variability manager pure::variants
Tracker Manager Google Analytics
SPL Attributes
Lifespan 5 years
Size (approx.) 85 features & 7 products
Domain Web
Variability model Annotation-based
Implicit Feedback Purpose Scoping
Generalizing from a local experience starts by identifying the contextual
parameters that might have influenced the intervention and its utility. Table
2 gathers what we believe are the main contextual parameters that frame our
case study. The question arises about whether our setting is somehow unique
or rather other SPL installations can share it.
The first consideration is the domain: the Web. Certainly, the Web is a
pioneering domain in applying continuous deployment using implicit feedback:
mobile-app development (Xiao et al., 2021); online training platform (Astegher
et al., 2021); or mobile and web contexts (Oriol et al., 2018). However, we ar-
gue that the interest in implicit feedback is not limited to the Web. Clements’s
popular definition of an SPL as addressing ‘a particular market segment’ entails
that the evolution of ‘this market segment’ should, naturally, go hand in hand
with the evolution of the SPL (Clements and Northrop, 2002). Hence, SPL
scoping (i.e., deciding on the features to be covered by the SPL) is necessarily
‘continuous’ to keep pace with this market segment. If SPL scoping is contin-
uous, then implicit feedback will become a main informant of how this market
segment evolves. And if so, chances are the problem of implicit feedback found
in WACline is shared by other installations.
Notice that WACline’s incentive for implicit feedback is in informing scop-
ing. However, usage data is also useful for troubleshooting, fault prediction,
supporting network operations or development activities (Dakkak et al., 2021b,
2022b), and enabling continuous experimentation (Mattos et al., 2018). Specifi-
cally, collected data provides valuable insights into the real-world behaviour and
performance of embedded systems, allowing for the identification of potential
issues and the development of solutions to improve performance. Additionally,
models and simulations used in the evolution of embedded systems can be vali-
dated and refined, providing a more robust and accurate understanding of the
system behaviour (Dakkak et al., 2021b, 2022b). We can then conjecture that
implicit feedback would also be of interest to cyber-physical systems.
7.2. Generalization of the Solution Instance
FEACKER is an intervention for pure::variants as the event manager, GA as
the event tracker, Web-based product portfolios, and integrated product deploy-
ment. The following paragraphs discuss the limitations of such characterization
in the generalizability of FEACKER.
Technological limitations. The focus on pure::variants limits our solution to
annotation-based SPLs. Other approaches using feature-oriented programming
or component-based SPLs would need to resort to other means as our approach is
heavily based on pre-compilation directives. As for GA, FEACKER’s Feedback
Model might be biased by hit specification in GA. Other trackers like Grafana
, Matomo or Zoho might have different expressiveness, which would involve
changes in the Feedback Model.
Organization limitations. FEACKER is conceived for organizations with access
to SPL variants once deployed. Yet, to collect usage data, a data pipeline must
be established that connects to the deployed variants within the customer’s net-
work. These variants might reside in a protected intranet with multiple security
gates and checkpoints to prevent unauthorized access. The access setup for each
customer will be unique and require customized configurations to connect the
variants to the data collectors and into the pipeline. This, in turn, raises the
issue of data completeness. Suppose access to variant usage is limited, and only
a subset of variants can be sampled. In that case, data completeness refers to
how well the collected data represents the full range of products used by cus-
tomers. Collecting data from functioning nodes is necessary for accurate results
in some situations. However, this may not be possible in SPLs with hundreds
of deployed variants due to technical or resource constraints. The challenge
in these cases is to gather data from a representative sample of variants that
accurately reflects the SPL platform.
Domain limitations. FEACKER is an intervention for Web-based product port-
folios. Using FEACKER in embedded and cyber-physical domains introduces
additional challenges:
Performance impact. The limited resources of embedded and cyber-physical
systems make it crucial to optimize data collection, as these activities can
consume internal resources. One solution is collecting data during low-
traffic hours. The casuistic can be exacerbated in SPLs, where each vari-
ant configuration may suffer different performance impacts, calling for a
bespoken solution to minimize the performance impact on each deployed
variant (Dakkak et al., 2022a; Mattos et al., 2018).
Data dependability. Embedded systems produce various data types, such
as sensor readings, network status, performance metrics, and behaviour
patterns. Evaluating just one type of data does not give a full under-
standing of its quality. While specific quality measures, such as integrity,
can be applied to individual data types, a complete understanding of data
quality requires analyzing the interrelationships and correlations between
multiple data sources. The complexity arises when each product con-
figuration has different sensors and data sources, requiring the feedback
collection process to be aware of the unique settings and requirements of
each configuration (Dakkak et al., 2021b).
7.3. Derivation of design principles
Table 3: Design Principles for Implicit Feedback in Variability Managers.
ID Provide variability man-
agers with...
for Domain Engineers
Realization in
DP1 ... a goal-centric feedback
specification model
... structure feedback di-
rectives using GQM
ayaml realization of GQM
DP2 ... a feature-based feed-
back model
... align feedback with
other SPLE tasks
yaml’s target clause in
terms of features
DP3 ... feedback transforma-
... account for ‘separation
of concerns’ to avoid pol-
luting the platform code
A two-step Product
DP4 ... feature-based feedback
... track SPL-wide metrics Feature models with de-
rived attributes
Design principles reflect knowledge of both IT and human behavior (Gregor
et al., 2020). Accordingly, a design principle should provide cues about the
effect (e.g.., allowing for implicit feedback at the platform level), the cause (e.g.,
feedback transformation), and the context where this cause can be expected
to yield the effect for the target audience (e.g., domain engineers). Table 3
outlines the main design principles. We consider as main design decisions the
following: characterizing the feedback model in terms of features; structuring
the feature model along the GQM model; and supporting the feedback model
as a full-fledged model and hence executable by transformation.
8. Conclusion
Implicit feedback is widely recognized as a key enabler of continuous deploy-
ment for one-off products. This work examined how feedback practices can be
extended to the level of the SPL platform, affecting both SPLE processes and
variability manager tools. We advocate for placing features at the centre of the
analysis and realizing feature tracking as a transformation approach. We devel-
oped FEACKER as a proof-of-concept, which is available for public inspection
and use. The evaluation included both real practitioners in a TAM evalua-
tion (n=8) and a focus group (n=3). The results suggest that the approach is
seamless with respect to current practices but raises several issues regarding its
This work sought a global perspective in introducing feedback analysis in
SPLs. Each of the feedback tasks (i.e., specification, transformation, gathering
and analysis) is a subject in its own right, raising diverse questions:
How could feature usage leverage existing feature-analysis techniques?
Could dependency between two features be weighted based on the (co)usage
of these two features? Could this co-usage between features be used by
configuration assistants to recommend co-features?
How could SPL evolution become ‘continuous’ by tracking feature usage?
Which sort of metrics can be most helpful in tracking SPL evolution?
How can existing experiences on analysis dashboards be tuned for platform-
based feedback?
To what extent does implicit feedback account for the same benefits as in
one-off development?
Ultimately, we hope to promote debate among researchers and practitioners
about the challenges of introducing implicit feedback in variability-rich systems.
At play, bringing continuous deployment into SPLE.
We would like to extend our gratitude to both WACline’s and pure-systems
employees for their invaluable contributions to this research. We are grateful for
their time and effort. This work is co-supported by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033
and the “European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR” under contract PID2021-
125438OB-I00. Raul Medeiros enjoys a doctoral grant from the Ministry of
Science and Innovation - PRE2019-087324.
Appendix A. Algorithms
Feedback Transformation (Algorithm 1): The process starts by creating a
copy of the platform code. Then, it filters the feedback directives specified in the
feedback model (yaml file) based on the expressions that match the configuration
model. The corresponding event specifications are processed for the directives
that pass this filter. The event pointcuts are determined using the file names
and anchors defined in the feedback model, with the file name corresponding to
an artifact of the Family Model and the anchor serving to single out the code
fragment where the GA hit is to be injected. Finally, FEACKER generates the
GA hits and inserts them into the appropriate code lines.
Feedback Analysis (Algorithm 2): The algorithm gets as input a feature
model. First, the analysis component searches for GA query parameters in the
given feature model. The value of these attributes (i.e., the GA API query)
is then used as the input to call the GA API. Finally, a copy of the feature
model is created and the raw results obtained from GA API replace the query
parameter value of the attributes in the cloned feature model.
Algorithm 1: Feedback Transformation takes a feedback model, the platform code
and a variant configuration model as an input and returns the platform code with
embedded feedback hits.
1function PlatformCode feedbackTransformation( FeedbackModel feedbackModel,
PlatformCode platformCode, VariantConfigurationModel
2//Extract selected and deselected features from the variant configuration
3Map<Feature,Boolean> selectedFeatures = extractFeatures(
4//For each goal check whether the input variant is part of the goal context
and if it satisfies the target expression
5foreach(goal in feedbackModel.goals){
6if(isExpressionTrue(feedbackModel.context, selectedFeatures) and
isExpressionTrue(, selectedFeatures)){
7//Create the directory for the platform code with the embedded GA code
8Platform feedbackPlatformCode = copyDirectory(platformCode)
9//For each question in the goal, get its metrics
10 foreach (question in goal.questions){
11 foreach (metric in question.metrics){
12 //For each pointcut find where the GA code should be
13 foreach (pointcut in metric.pointCuts){
14 File file = findFile(feedbackPlatformCode, pointcut.
15 foreach (ifdefBlock in file){
16 //Check if the #ifdef block satisfies the target
17 if(doesIfdefMatchExpression(,
18 //Generate the google analytics hit code and
add it to the given file
19 Integer anchorLine = findAnchor(pointcut.
anchor, ifdefBlock, file)
20 addGoogleAnalyticsHit(anchorLine, metric,
21 }
22 }
23 }
24 }
25 }
26 }
27 }
28 }
29 return feedbackPlatformCode
30 }
Algorithm 2: Feedback Analysis, takes a feature model with GA query parameters
on it and returns a cloned feature model with the raw results of those GA query.
1function FeatureModel feedbackPull(FeatureModel implicitFeatureModel){
2//Search for Google Analytics usage attributes in the implicit feature model.
3Map<String, String> usageAttributeMap = findFeedbackQueryParameters(
4Map<String, String> feedackResultsAttributeMap = new Map()
5//For each attribute, get its value, call GA API and store the result
6for each (usageAttribute in usageAttributeMap){
7String googleAnalyticsQuery = usageAttribute.value
8String feedbackData = googleAnalyticsApi.getFeedbackData(
9//Store GA API results in an auxiliary map
10 feedackResultsAttributeMap[]=feedbackData
11 }
12 //Create the cloned feature model
13 FeatureModel clonedFeatureModel=copyFeatureModel(implicitFeatureModel)
14 //For each attribute replace the value with the result obtained from GA API
15 for each (feedbackResultAttribute in feedackResultsAttributeMap){
16 featureModelAttribute = findFeedbackAttributeInFeatureModel(, usageAttributedFeatureModel)
17 featureModelAttribute.setValue(feedbackResultAttribute.value)
18 }
19 //Save the changes of the cloned feature model
20 usageAttributedFeatureModel.saveChanges()
21 return clonedFeatureModel
22 }
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Continuous deployment has become a widely used practice in web-based software applications. Deploying a new software version to production is a seamless automated process executed thousands of times per day. Continuous deployment reduces the time between a code commit and that commit is active in production. While continuous deployment promises many advantages to software development organizations, the adoption of continuous deployment in the software-intensive embedded systems industry is limited. Several empirical studies have highlighted the challenges associated with software-intensive embedded systems. However, very few studies, if any at all, have attempted to provide a practical approach to realize continuous deployment to these systems. This paper proposes a Controlled Continuous Deployment (CCD) approach, which considers the constraints software-intensive embedded systems have, such as high reliability and availability requirements, limited possibility for rollback after deployment, and the high volume of in-service systems in the market. We derived the approach by conducting a case study at Ericsson AB, focusing on three Radio Access Networks (RAN) technologies embedded software used in 3G, 4G, and 5G mobile networks. CCS CONCEPTS • Software and its engineering → Software design engineering .
Conference Paper
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Continuous Deployment (CD) advocates for quick and frequent deployments of software to production. The goal is to bring new functionality as early as possible to users while learning from their usage. CD has emerged from web-based applications where it has been gaining traction over the past years. While CD is appealing for many software development organizations , empirical evidence on perceived benefits in software-intensive embedded systems is scarce. The objective of this paper is to identify perceived benefits after transitioning to continuous deployment from a long-cycle release and deployment process. To do that, a case study at a multinational telecommunication company was conducted focusing on large and complex embedded software; the Third Generation (3G) Radio Access Network (RAN) software.
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Software product-line engineering is arguably one of the most successful methods for establishing large portfolios of software variants in an application domain. However, despite the benefits, establishing a product line requires substantial upfront investments into a software platform with a proper product-line architecture, into new software-engineering processes (domain engineering and application engineering), into business strategies with commercially successful product-line visions and financial planning, as well as into re-organization of development teams. Moreover, establishing a full-fledged product line is not always possible or desired, and thus organizations often adopt product-line engineering only to an extent that deemed necessary or was possible. However, understanding the current state of adoption, namely, the maturity or performance of product-line engineering in an organization, is challenging, while being crucial to steer investments. To this end, several measurement methods have been proposed in the literature, with the most prominent one being the Family Evaluation Framework (FEF), introduced almost two decades ago. Unfortunately, applying it is not straightforward, and the benefits of using it have not been assessed so far. We present an experience report of applying the FEF to nine medium- to large-scale product lines in the avionics domain. We discuss how we tailored and executed the FEF, together with the relevant adaptations and extensions we needed to perform. Specifically, we elicited the data for the FEF assessment with 27 interviews over a period of 11 months. We discuss experiences and assess the benefits of using the FEF, aiming at helping other organizations assessing their practices for engineering their portfolios of software variants.
A significant amount of research project funding is spent creating customized annotation systems, re-inventing the wheel once and again, developing the same common features. In this paper, we present WACline, a Software Product Line to facilitate customization of browser extension Web annotation clients. WACline reduces the development effort by reusing common features (e.g., highlighting and commenting) while putting the main focus on customization. To this end, WACline provides already implemented 111 features that can be extended with new ones. In this way, researchers can reduce the development and maintenance costs of annotation clients.
[Context and motivation] According to Data-Driven Requirements Engineering (RE), explicit and implicit user feedback can be considered a relevant source of requirements, thus supporting requirements elicitation. [Question/problem] Less attention has been paid so far to the role of implicit feedback in RE tasks, such as requirements validation, and on how to specify what implicit feedback to collect and analyse. [Principal idea/results] We propose an approach that leverages on goal-oriented requirements modelling combined with Goal-Question-Metric. We explore the applicability of the approach on an industrial project in which a platform for online training has been adapted to realise a citizen information service that has been used by hundreds of people during the COVID-19 pandemic. [Contributions] Our contribution is twofold: (i) we present our approach towards a systematic definition of requirements for data collection and analysis, at support of software requirements validation and evolution; (ii) we discuss our ideas using concrete examples from an industrial case study and formulate a research question that will be addressed by conducting experiments as part of our research.