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Limnology and Oceanography Letters 2023
© 2023 The Author. Limnology and Oceanography published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.
on behalf of Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography.
doi: 10.1002/lol2.10353
Why should I submit my article to a scientic-society journal?
Scientic publishing is a business enterprise that publishes
journals following a diversity of models including those
where: (1) journals are owned and published by a publishing
company that retains revenues and (2) those published by a
partnership between a publishing company and a scientic
society where revenues are shared. Authors choose where to
submit their articles from over 40,000 peer-reviewed scholarly
journals (Johnson et al. 2018), and the journal publishing
model is one consideration in their decision process. Journals
published by the Association for the Sciences of Limnology
and Oceanography (ASLO) have followed model 2 since 2015
when ASLO entered a partnership with Wiley, in part because
of revenue sharing that expanded the capacity of this society
to serve its authors and members. I use lessons learned from
the ASLO publication experience to describe three benets of
the society-publisher model that you as an author might con-
sider when deciding where to submit your next manuscript.
Publisher partnerships expand the capacities of
scientic societies to serve
Scientic publishing is on a fast track toward fully open
access journals where authors pay the publication cost.
Authors are largely unaware that more than half of this publi-
cation cost goes from the publisher to ASLO. This publishing
revenue constitutes 40% to 60% of ASLOs total annual reve-
nue, depending on income from conferences. This revenue
supports services and benets provided by ASLO to its mem-
bers and beyond. The most direct benet is publication of
ASLOs journalsone of the most valued functions of scien-
tic societies for its members (Johnson et al. 2018). But many
other benets are enabled by this partnership, including ASLO
operations and programs that target students, early career
researchers (ECRs), and under-represented groups. Examples
The Meeting Travel Awardpays travel costs for stu-
dent and ECR members to attend an ASLO meeting.
The Raelyn Cole Editorial Fellowshipprovides pro-
fessional development for ECRs in publishing, peer review,
and scientic writing.
The Early Career Publication Honorpays the publi-
cation cost of open-access articles authored by ECRs in need,
including those from the global south.
The Science Communication Internshipprovides
opportunities for graduate students to learn about science
The Global Outreach Initiativeassists members out-
side the U.S. in communicating aquatic science to non-techni-
cal audiences.
The Multicultural Programbuilds cohorts of con-
nected students from under-represented groups and provides
travel support to ASLO meetings.
The Ecological Dissertations in the Aquatic Sci-
encesis a symposium that builds collaborations among
recent PhD recipients.
The Amplifying Voices Webinarseries for Early
Career Researchers from historically excluded groups.
Through their payment of publication fees, authors who
publish in ASLO journals provide nancial support that
enables these kinds of programs. Wiley also contributes indi-
rectly to this support by pointing authors to opportunities
they might have through their institutions to pay open-access
publication costs:
Stature of scientic-society journals
ASLO is a globally respected and recognized brand of both
freshwater and marine science. That respect and recognition
have accumulated over 68 yr, beginning with ASLOsrst
publication of Limnology and Oceanography (L&O) in 1956.
Articles published in L&O have reported major new discover-
ies, developed and challenged conceptual models, shaped and
reshaped the directions of freshwater and marine science. I
compiled 10 examples of transformative science published in
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
L&O during each of its rst ve decades (Table 1). These arti-
cles, many authored by icons of limnology and oceanogra-
phy, illustrate the range of topics where scientic
understanding was advancing rapidly in the second half of
the 20th century, including: (1) rates of primary productivity,
nutrient assimilation, element (e.g., sulfur) cycling, and deni-
trication; (2) diel periodicity and light limitation of photo-
synthesis; (3) nutrient (N, P) concentrations, sources, forms,
limitation of ocean production, eutrophication of lakes, and
geochemistry; (4) exchanges across air-ocean, river-ocean, and
sediment-water interfaces; (5) classication of ecosystems
based on their physical features and biological communities;
(6) size-based scaling of ingestion rates and C content of
plankton; (7) food web structures and connections including
heterotrophic components of the plankton, grazer control of
primary producers, and fate of autotrophic production;
(8) DOM excretion by phytoplankton, use by bacteria, photo-
reactions, and attenuation of light; (9) stoichiometric rela-
tions including the P:Chlorophyll ratio of lakes, N:P ratio as a
control on algal growth and composition, and the C:N ratio
of particles; (10) harmful algal blooms, their occurrences and
ecophysiology; (11) ocean color and satellite-derived primary
These kinds of advances have accelerated and expanded in
scope during the 21st century, so the widely respected and
recognized ASLO brand has been earned from nearly seven
decades of publishing durable and transformative articles.
Authors recognize and value the ASLO brand just as they
value the brands of other scientic societies such as AGU,
The articles listed in Table 1are bricks in the foundation
upon which the aquatic sciences have been built, and each
was highly cited. This is important for authors because cita-
tions are one indicator of the scientic impact of our work.
Clarivates journal impact factor is the mean number of cita-
tions of articles published the previous 2 yr, so it is an index
of the impact of individual articles. For 2022, ASLOs two
research journals, L&O and L&O Letters, ranked #2 and #1
respectively among 21 journals in the eld of limnology, and
#5 and #2 among 63 journals in the eld of oceanography.
Authors submit to ASLO journals because of their stature built
from 68 yr of publishing innovative research, and because
authors know their articles will be read, cited, and impactful.
Rigorous and constructive peer review
Scientic peer review is a process of quality control to
assure readers that they can trust the contents of published
articles. Although often maligned and widely discussed, the
peer review process has been described as one of the glories
of science(Rennie 2003), and a golden standardfor validat-
ing published research (Tennant 2018). Editors use peer
review as a basis for making editorial decisions, and the Edi-
tors of ASLOs journals are committed to providing fair, criti-
cal, and constructive evaluations of each manuscript we
Table 1. Ten of the most cited research articles in Limnology and Oceanography during each of its rst ve decades of publication.
Citation numbers are from Scopus (29 July 2023).
Odum (1956) Dugdale and
Goering (1967)
et al. (1972)
Hecky and
Kilham (1988)
Behrenfeld and
Falkowski (1997)
Ryther (1956) Eppley et al. (1969) Carlson (1977) Seitzinger (1988) Valiela et al. (1997)
Sanders (1958) Conover (1966) Morel and Prieur
Hedges and Stern (1984) Smayda (1997)
Riley (1957) Dugdale (1967) Dillon and Rigler
Putt and Stoecker (1989) Amon and Benner (1996)
Ryther and Yentsch
Steele (1962) Jørgensen (1977) Westrich and Berner
Duce and Tindale (1991)
Pomeroy (1959) Burns (1968) Jassby and Platt
Froelich (1988) DeLong et al. (1993)
Edmondson et al.
Hansen and Rattray
Frost (1972) Paerl (1988) Moran and Zepp (1997)
Doty and Oguri (1957) Hellebust (1965) Sieburth et al. (1978) Ullman and Aller (1982)Duarte and Cebri
Rawson (1956) Mullin et al. (1966) Rhee (1978) Benson and Krause
Morris et al. (1995)
Wieser (1959) Paine and Vadas (1969) Zaret and Suffern
Hedges et al. (1986) Hansen and Bjørnsen
Cloern Why submit to a society journal?
receive. Readers consider rigorous peer review as a badge of
trust that the methods and data analyses of a published article
are sound and clearly reported, the data and analyses clearly
support the authors conclusions, the writing is clear, logical
and accessible to the journals readers, and the article
advances science at a level that merits publication. Authors
appreciate the guidance provided by reviewers and editors to
strengthen their articles. From a survey of 3040 academics,
90% said that the main area of effectiveness of peer review
was in improving the quality of the published paper
(Ware 2008). This has been my experience too. Every article I
have authored and every manuscript I have handled as an Edi-
tor is stronger (clearer, more rigorous, and more concise) than
the original submission, and often substantially stronger.
Authors understand that rigorous peer review takes time,
and the time required to make editorial decisions is one crite-
rion they use to select a journal. In making this decision,
authors weigh the balance between their priorities for fast
publication and careful authoritative reviews. Table 2shows
the median number of days for each of ve steps in the edito-
rial handling of manuscripts submitted to L&O Letters from
late 2016 to mid 2023. In recent years, the median time
from Editor receipt of a manuscript to a rst editorial decision
has been about 5055 d; most (6065%) of that time has been
to secure peer reviews. I regularly receive messages from
authors like those in Box 1indicating that the constructive
guidance from reviewers and editors is highly valued and
worth the time required to receive an editorial decision.
Short answer to the title question
Authors should know that ASLO uses its publication-
derived revenues to support the community of aquatic
scientists, targeting in particular students, ECRs, and under-
represented groups. ASLOs widely respected brand has been
built from nearly seven decades of publishing research at the
cutting edges of limnology and oceanography. And, the
editors of ASLOs journals view their jobs as helping authors
publish clear and compelling presentations of their research.
James Cloern, Editor-in-Chief
Limnology and Oceanography Letters
Table 2. Median times (days) for ve steps in the editorial handling of manuscripts submitted to L&O Letters: (1) Editor-in-Chief
assigns an Associate Editor (topical specialist); (2) Associate Editor assigns a rst reviewer; (3) receipt of the last peer review; (4)
Associate Editor recommendation; and (5) Editor-in-Chief decision.
Breakdown of turnaround times to rst decision (median)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Submission to editor assigned 3.63 4.87 4.99 4.18 2.01 1.71 1.25 1.61
Editor assigned to rst reviewer assigned 6.65 7.16 7.17 8.85 5.99 7.37 7.93 6.32
First reviewer assigned to last review returned 32.76 37.78 34.18 33.67 37.64 33.85 34.19 31.79
Last review returned to editor recommendation 6.66 9.69 8.29 11.73 7.33 7.28 11.26 8.44
Editor recommendation to editor decision 8.58 8.16 5.42 3.02 0.89 1.02 0.77 0.95
BOX 1. Example testimonials from authors who
submitted manuscripts to Limnology and
Oceanography Letters.
I am impressed by the high-quality reviewing process.
Xin Lin, Associate Professor, Xiamen University,
This was my rst time submitting a manuscript to the jour-
nal and I can only say good things about the review process.
I would be happy to submit here again.
Clara R. Vives, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of
It has been an excellent review process.
Gregory Britten, Assistant Scientist, Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution.
Many thanks for all the support of your team during the sub-
mission process.
Hopefully it will be the rst of many to come in L&O
Jorge Salgado, Lecturer, Department of Geography,
University College London UK.
We really appreciate the comments from reviewers and edi-
tors that help to improve this paper! It is a long journey, but
I learned a lot throughout this process!
Nicole Cai, ORISE Fellow, US EPA Region 3.
Thank you for the time and effort in getting our manuscript
assessed. The three reviews are very thorough and construc-
tive, and will no doubt help us improve this piece.
Clément Duvert, Senior Research Fellow, Charles
Darwin University, Australia.
Cloern Why submit to a society journal?
Amon, R. M. W., and R. Benner. 1996. Bacterial utilization of
different size classes of dissolved organic matter. Limnol.
Oceanogr. 41:4151.
Behrenfeld, M. J., and P. G. Falkowski. 1997. Photosynthetic
rates derived from satellite-based chlorophyll concentra-
tion. Limnol. Oceanogr. 42:120.
Benson, B. B., and D. Krause. 1984. The concentration and
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and seawater in equilibrium with the atmosphere. Limnol.
Oceanogr. 29: 620632.
Burns, C. W. 1968. The relationship between body size of
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ingested. Limnol. Oceanogr. 13: 675678.
Carlson, R. E. 1977. A trophic state index for lakes. Limnol.
Oceanogr. 22: 361369.
Conover, R. J. 1966. Assimilation of organic matter by zoo-
plankton. Limnol. Oceanogr. 11: 338345.
DeLong, E. F., D. G. Franks, and A. L. Alldredge. 1993. Phyloge-
netic diversity of aggregate-attached vs. free-living marine
bacterial assemblages. Limnol. Oceanogr. 38:924934.
Dillon, P. J., and F. H. Rigler. 1974. The phosphorus-chlorophyll
relationship in lakes. Limnol. Oceanogr. 19:767773.
Doty, M. S., and M. Oguri. 1957. Evidence for a photosyn-
thetic daily periodicity. Limnol. Oceanogr. 2:3740.
Duarte, C. M., and J. Cebri
an. 1996. The fate of marine auto-
trophic production. Limnol. Oceanogr. 41: 17581766.
Duce, R. A., and N. W. Tindale. 1991. Atmospheric transport
of iron and its deposition in the ocean. Limnol. Oceanogr.
36: 17151726.
Dugdale, R. C. 1967. Nutrient limitation in the sea: Dynamics,
identication, and signicance. Limnol. Oceanogr. 12:
Dugdale, R. C., and J. J. Goering. 1967. Uptake of new and
regenerated forms of nitrogen in primary productivity.
Limnol. Oceanogr. 12: 196206.
Edmondson, W. T., G. C. Anderson, and D. R. Peterson. 1956.
Articial eutrophication of Lake Washington. Limnol.
Oceanogr. 1:4753.
Eppley, R. W., J. N. Rogers, and J. J. McCarthy. 1969. Half-
saturation constants for uptake of nitrate and ammonium
by marine phytoplankton. Limnol. Oceanogr. 14: 912920.
Froelich, P. N. 1988. Kinetic control of dissolved phosphate in
natural rivers and estuaries: A primer on the phosphate
buffer mechanism. Limnol. Oceanogr. 33: 649668.
Frost, B. W. 1972. Effects of size and concentration of food par-
ticles on the feeding behavior of the marine planktonic
copepod Calanus pacicus. Limnol. Oceanogr. 17:805815.
Hansen, D. V., and M. Rattray. 1966. New dimensions in estu-
ary classication. Limnol. Oceanogr. 11: 319326.
Hansen, P. J., and P. K. Bjørnsen. 1997. Zooplankton grazing
and growth: Scaling within the 22000 μm body size range.
Limnol. Oceanogr. 42: 687704.
Hecky, R. E., and P. Kilham. 1988. Nutrient limitation of phy-
toplankton in freshwater and marine environments: A
review of recent evidence on the effects of enrichment.
Limnol. Oceanogr. 33: 796822.
Hedges, J. I., and J. H. Stern. 1984. Carbon and nitrogen
determinations of carbonate-containing solids. Limnol.
Oceanogr. 29: 657663.
Hedges, J. I., W. A. Clark, P. D. Quay, J. E. Richey, A. H. Devol,
and M. Santos. 1986. Compositions and uxes of particu-
late organic material in the Amazon River. Limnol. Ocean-
ogr. 31: 717738.
Hellebust, J. A. 1965. Excretion of some organic compounds
by marine phytoplankton. Limnol. Oceanogr. 10: 192206.
Jassby, A. D., and T. Platt. 1976. Mathematical formulation of
the relationship between photosynthesis and light for phy-
toplankton. Limnol. Oceanogr. 21: 540547.
Johnson, R., A. Watkinson, and M. Mabe. 2018. The STM
report: An overview of scientic and scholarly publishing. Inter-
national Association of Scientic. Technical and Medical Pub-
lishers, Available from
Jørgensen, B. B. 1977. The sulfur cycle of a coastal marine sed-
iment (Limfjorden, Denmark). Limnol. Oceanogr. 22:
Moran, M. A., and R. G. Zepp. 1997. Role of photoreactions in
the formation of biologically labile compounds from dis-
solved organic matter. Limnol. Oceanogr. 42: 13071316.
Morel, A., and L. Prieur. 1977. Analysis of variations in ocean
color. Limnol. Oceanogr. 22: 709722.
Morris, D. P., and others. 1995. The attenuation of solar UV
radiation in lakes and the role of dissolved organic carbon.
Limnol. Oceanogr. 40: 13811391.
Mullin, M. M., P. R. Sloan, and R. W. Eppley. 1966. Relation-
ship between carbon content, cell volume, and area in phy-
toplankton. Limnol. Oceanogr. 11: 307311.
Odum, H. T. 1956. Primary production in owing waters.
Limnol. Oceanogr. 1: 102117.
Paerl, H. W. 1988. Nuisance phytoplankton blooms in coastal,
estuarine, and inland waters. Limnol. Oceanogr. 33: 823843.
Paine, R. T., and R. L. Vadas. 1969. The effects of grazing by
sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus spp., on benthic algal
populations. Limnol. Oceanogr. 14: 710719.
Pomeroy, L. R. 1959. Algal productivity in salt marshes of
Georgia. Limnol. Oceanogr. 4: 386397.
Putt, M., and D. K. Stoecker. 1989. An experimentally deter-
mined carbon:volume ratio for marine oligotrichouscili-
ates from estuarine and coastal waters. Limnol. Oceanogr.
34: 10971103.
Rawson, D. S. 1956. Algal indicators of trophic lake types.
Limnol. Oceanogr. 1:1825.
Rennie, D. 2003. Editorial peer review: Its development and
rationale. In F. G. Head [ed.], Peer review in health sciences,
Second ed. BMJ Publishing Group.
Cloern Why submit to a society journal?
Rhee, G. Y. 1978. Effects of N:P atomic ratios and nitrate limi-
tation on algal growth, cell composition, and nitrate
uptake. Limnol. Oceanogr. 23:1025.
Riley, G. A. 1957. Phytoplankton of the north Central Sar-
gasso Sea, 19501952. Limnol. Oceanogr. 2: 252270.
Ryther, J. H. 1956. Photosynthesis in the ocean as a function
of light intensity. Limnol. Oceanogr. 1:6170.
Ryther, J. H., and C. S. Yentsch. 1957. The estimation of phy-
toplankton production in the ocean from chlorophyll and
light data. Limnol. Oceanogr. 2: 281286.
Sanders, H. L. 1958. Benthic studies in Buzzards Bay.
I. Animal-sediment relationships. Limnol. Oceanogr. 3:
Seitzinger, S. P. 1988. Denitrication in freshwater and coastal
marine ecosystems: Ecological and geochemical signi-
cance. Limnol. Oceanogr. 33: 702724.
Sheldon, R. W., A. Prakash, and W. H. Sutcliffe. 1972. The size
distribution of particles in the ocean. Limnol. Oceanogr.
17: 327340.
Sieburth, J. M., V. Smetacek, and J. Lenz. 1978. Pelagic ecosys-
tem structure: Heterotrophic compartments of the plank-
ton and their relationship to plankton size fractions.
Limnol. Oceanogr. 23: 12561263.
Smayda, T. J. 1997. Harmful algal blooms: Their ecophysiol-
ogy and general relevance to phytoplankton blooms in the
sea. Limnol. Oceanogr. 42: 11371153.
Steele, J. H. 1962. Environmental control of photosynthesis in
the sea. Limnol. Oceanogr. 7: 137150.
Tennant, J. P. 2018. The state of the art in peer review. FEMS
Microbiol Lett 365: fny204.
Ullman,W.J.,andR.C.Aller.1982.Diffusioncoefcients in
nearshore marine sediments. Limnol. Oceanogr. 27:552556.
Valiela, I., J. McClelland, J. Hauxwell, P. J. Behr, D. Hersh, and
K. Foreman. 1997. Macroalgal blooms in shallow estuaries:
Controls and ecophysiological and ecosystem conse-
quences. Limnol. Oceanogr. 42: 11051118.
Ware, M. 2008. Peer review: Benets, perceptions and alternatives.
Publishing Research Consortium.
Westrich, J. T., and R. A. Berner. 1984. The role of sedimen-
tary organic matter in bacterial sulfate reduction: The G
model tested. Limnol. Oceanogr. 29: 236249.
Wieser, W. 1959. The effect of grain size on the distribution
of small invertebrates inhabiting the beaches of Puget
Sound. Limnol. Oceanogr. 4: 181194.
Zaret, T. M., and J. S. Suffern. 1976. Vertical migration in zoo-
plankton as a predator avoidance mechanism. Limnol.
Oceanogr. 21: 804813.
Many thanks to Katie Simmons, Teresa Curto, Mike Pace, Jack Middelburg,
Rita Franco-Santos, Roxane Maranger, and Sam Luoma for sharing data
and their thoughtful comments on an early version of this editorial.
Submitted 16 August 2023; Accepted 17 August 2023
Cloern Why submit to a society journal?
... Given my very large sample size of handling manuscripts, the generosity and engagement of L&O reviewers shines brightest in my mind. The high standards for thoughtful and constructive reviews with ASLO journals is clearly something authors notice as well (Cloern 2023). I am mindful of the fatigue that is evident in our (and every) community. ...
... The latter lies with scientific societies (e.g., Royal Society), commercial (e.g., Elsevier) or nonprofit (e.g., Oxford University Press) publishers, university presses (e.g., Johns Hopkins), or independent entities (e.g., Frontiers). Revenue may, for example, be converted into shareholder profit, used to subsidize APC waivers, or reinvested into the scientific community to provide career development opportunities (e.g., Cloern 2023). Publishing and reviewing choices should also consider journal credibility and peer review rigor (quality control), as the rise in predatory journals presumably linked to the OA movement threatens research integrity and trustworthiness. ...
Full-text available
Publishing scientific work is as important as conducting research. The rise of online Open Access (OA) publications that are immediately available to readers everywhere free of charge has transformed the publishing landscape in the past decades. I offer a translation of this article into Brazilian Portuguese as my own attempt to improve access to scientific content (Supplementary Information, SI). In this article, I introduce OA publishing in the context of the aquatic sciences. More specifically, I talk about how OA came to be, the different types of OA publications and copyright licenses, the benefits and pitfalls of OA publishing, and how to pay for gold OA publications.
Full-text available
Scholarly communication is in a perpetual state of disruption. Within this, peer review of research articles remains an essential part of the formal publication process, distinguishing it from virtually all other modes of communication. In the last several years, there has been an explosive wave of innovation in peer review research, platforms, discussions, tools, and services. This is largely coupled with the ongoing and parallel evolution of scholarly communication as it adapts to rapidly changing environments, within what is widely considered as the 'open research' or 'open science' movement. Here, we summarise the current ebb and flow around changes to peer review and consider its role in a modern digital research and communications infrastructure and suggest why uptake of new models of peer review appears to have been so low compared to what is often viewed as the 'traditional' method of peer review. Finally, we offer some insight into the potential futures of scholarly peer review and consider what impacts this might have on the broader scholarly research ecosystem. In particular, we focus on the key traits of certification and reputation, moderation and quality control, and engagement incentives, and discuss how these interact with socio-technical aspects of peer review and academic culture.
The primary mode of interaction of dissolved phosphate with fluvial inorganic suspended particles is via a reversible two‐step sorption process. The first step, adsorption/desorption on surfaces, has fast kinetics (minutes–hours). The second step, solid‐state diffusion of adsorbed phosphate from the surface into the interior of particles, has slow kinetics (days–months) and is dependent on the time history of the previous surface sorption and the chemistry of the solid diffusional layer. Natural clay particles with a surficial armoring of reactive iron and aluminum hydroxyoxides resulting from chemical weathering of rocks and soils have a high capacity for absorbing phosphate in the second step and for maintaining low “equilibrium phosphate concentrations” in solution. Extrapolation of laboratory sorption and extraction experiments with natural soils and suspended sediments to the environment suggests that the phosphate concentrations of unperturbed turbid rivers (SPM > 50 mg liter ⁻¹ ) are controlled near the dynamic equilibrium phosphate concentration of their particles (EPC 0 = 0.2–1.5 µ M) and that fluvial suspended particles “at equilibrium” contain up to 10 µ mol‐P g ⁻¹ that is desorbable. Release of this phosphate from particles entering the sea produces the characteristic shape and magnitude of input profiles of dissolved phosphate observed in unperturbed estuaries. On a global scale, fluvial particulates could transport from 1.4 to 14 × 10 ¹⁰ mol yr ⁻¹ of reactive phosphate to the sea, some 2–5 times more than that in the dissolved load alone.
Denitrification occurs in essentially all river, lake, and coastal marine ecosystems that have been studied. In general, the range of denitrification rates measured in coastal marine sediments is greater than that measured in lake or river sediments. In various estuarine and coastal marine sediments, rates commonly range between 50 and 250 µ mol N m ⁻² h ⁻¹ , with extremes from 0 to 1,067. Rates of denitrification in lake sediments measured at near‐ambient conditions range from 2 to 171 µ mol N m ⁻² h ⁻¹ . Denitrification rates in river and stream sediments range from 0 to 345 µ mol N m ⁻² h ⁻¹ . The higher rates are from systems that receive substantial amounts of anthropogenic nutrient input. In lakes, denitrification also occurs in low oxygen hypolimnetic waters, where rates generally range from 0.2 to 1.9 µ mol N liter ⁻¹ d ⁻¹ . In lakes where denitrification rates in both the water and sediments have been measured, denitrification is greater in the sediments. The major source of nitrate for denitrification in most river, lake, and coastal marine sediments underlying an aerobic water column is nitrate produced in the sediments, not nitrate diffusing into the sediments from the overlying water. During the mineralization of organic matter in sediments, a major portion of the mineralized nitrogen is lost from the ecosystem via denitrification. In freshwater sediments, denitrification appears to remove a larger percentage of the mineralized nitrogen. N 2 fluxes accounted for 76–100% of the sediment‐water nitrogen flux in rivers and lakes, but only 15–70% in estuarine and coastal marine sediments. Benthic N 2 O fluxes were always small compared to N, fluxes. The loss of nitrogen via denitrification exceeds the input of nitrogen via N 2 fixation in almost all river, lake, and coastal marine ecosystems in which both processes have been measured. Denitrification is also important relative to other inputs of fixed N in both freshwater and coastal marine ecosystems. In the two rivers where both denitrification measurements and N input data were available, denitrification removed an amount of nitrogen equivalent to 7 and 35% of the external nitrogen loading. In six lakes and six estuaries where data are available, denitrification is estimated to remove an amount of nitrogen equivalent to between 1 and 36% of the input to the lakes and between 20 and 50% of the input to the estuaries.
Phytoplankton can become limited by the availability of nutrients when light and temperature are adequate and loss rates are not excessive. The current paradigms for nutrient limitations in freshwater, estuarine, and marine environments are quite different. A review of the experimental and observational data used to infer P or N limitation of phytoplankton growth indicates that P limitation in freshwater environments can be demonstrated rigorously at several hierarchical levels of system complexity, from algal cultures to whole lakes. A similarly rigorous demonstration of N limitation has not been achieved for marine waters. Therefore, we conclude that the extent and severity of N limitation in the marine environment remain an open question. Culture studies have established that internal cellular concentrations of nutrients determine phytoplankton growth rates, and these studies have shown that it is often difficult to relate growth rates to external concentrations, especially in natural situations. This should lead to a greater reliance on the composition of particulate matter and biomass‐based physiological rates to infer nutrient limitation. Such measurements have demonstrated their utility in a wide variety of freshwater and marine environments, and, most importantly, they can be applied to systems that are difficult to manipulate experimentally or budget accurately. Dissolved nutrient concentrations are most useful in determining nutrient loading rates of aquatic ecosystems. The relative proportions of nutrients supplied to phytoplankton can be a strong selective force shaping phytoplankton communities and affecting the biomass yield per unit of limiting nutrient.
Multiple interacting physical, chemical, and biotic factors, in proper combination, lead to the development and persistence of nuisance algal blooms. Upon examining combinations of environmental conditions most likely to elicit nuisance blooms, commonalities and analog situations become more apparent among coastal marine (dinoflagellate-dominated), estuarine (dinoflagellate- and cyanobacteria-dominated), and freshwater (cyanobacteria-dominated) ecosystems. A combination of the following hydrological, chemical, and biotic factors will most likely lead to bloom-sensitive waters: a horizontally distinct water mass; a vertically stratified water column; warm weather conditions, as typified by dry monsoon tropical climates and summer seasons in temperate zones; high incident photosynthetically active radiation (PAR); enhanced allochthonous organic matter loading (both as DOC and POC); enhanced allochthonous inorganic nutrient loading (nitrogen and/or phosphorus); adequate availability of essential metals, supplied by terrigenous inputs or upwelling; underlying sediments physically and nutritionally suitable as “seed beds” for resting cysts and akinetes; algal-bacterial synergism, which exhibits positive impacts on phycosphere nutrient cycling; algal-micrograzer (protists and rotifers) synergism, which also enhances nutrient cycling without consumption of filamentous and colonial nuisance taxa; and selective (for non-nuisance taxa) activities of macrograzers (crustacean zooplankton, larval fish). Nuisance bloom taxa share numerous additional physiological and ecological characteristics, including limited heterotrophic capabilities, high degrees of motility, and toxicity. Given such a set of commonalities, it would appear useful and timely to identify and address generally applicable criteria for deeming a water body “bloom sensitive” and to incorporate such criteria into the design of water quality management strategies applicable to both coastal marine and freshwater habitats.