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Yadav et al., Biological Forum – An International Journal 15(7): 177-184(2023) 177
ISSN No. (Print): 0975-1130
ISSN No. (Online): 2249-3239
Thrips parvispinus (Karny): Pest of concern to Indian farmers in Chilli – A Review
Manisha Yadav1*, Balbir Singh2, Geeta Devi1, Pooja Kumari1, Neeraj Kumar3 and Priyal Choudhary4
1Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Agricultural Entomology,
CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar (Haryana), India.
2DES, Directorate of Extension Education (Entomology),
CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar (Haryana), India.
3Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Entomology,
Jawahar Lal Nehru Krishi Vishavvidhalaya, Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh), India.
4Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Entomology,
Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh), India.
(Corresponding author: Manisha Yadav*)
(Received: 25 April 2023; Revised: 05 May 2023; Accepted: 26 May 2023; Published: 05 July 2023)
(Published by Research Trend)
ABSTRACT: Thrips are the most prevalent species of sucking pests that attack a range of horticulture
crops and spread dangerous plant viruses. As a result of changing crop production patterns, increased
pesticide use, and climate change, there are reports of a thrips outbreak in a number of locations. The
global range of Thrips parvispinus (Karny) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) has dramatically expanded over the
past two decades. In addition to India, it is now known to occur in France, Greece, Hawaii, Mauritius,
Reunion, Spain, Tanzania, and the Netherlands. Initial record of T. parvispinus was reported on papaya in
Bengaluru in 2015. After that many southern states (Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Telangana) have
been reported an infestation of T. parvispinus particularly on chilli crops, inflicting 50–80% damage. Being
a polyphagous species, infestations of beans, eggplant, papaya, chillies, peppers, potatoes, shallots, Ficus,
Anthurium, Chrysanthemum, Dahlia, Dipladenia, and Gardenia and strawberries have been documented. T.
parvispinus undergoes five phases of development and completes their life cycle in 13–15 days. Larvae
suck sap from the underside of leaves, whilst adults primarily colonise on flowers and the underside of
leaves. The production of fruits is decreased by infestation, which results in high flower drop. Several IPM
approaches like timely planting, mulching, balanced use of nitrogenous fertilizers, installation of blue
sticky traps, spraying of biopesticides and microbial pesticides and some insecticides like Spirotetramat @
160g/acre, tolfenpyrad 15 EC @ 1 ml/L of water, spinetoram 11.7 SC @1 ml/L and many more
recommended by CIB&RC. The review presents the status of T. parvispinus at national and global level,
including its identification, taxonomic status, distribution and host range, biology and lifecycle, nature of
damage, feeding behaviour and various management strategies, in the context of the seriousness of the
damage caused by the invasive pest in India in the recent past. This review also discusses the importance
of exploring various IPM techniques for the control of this invasive thrips.
Keywords: Thrips, T. parvispinus, chilli, polyphagous, pest status, life cycle, integrated pest management.
Chilli is known as a significant commercial spice and
vegetable crop, as well as a widely used global spice
known as "wonder spice." It is grown almost
everywhere in the country, during the Kharif and Rabi
seasons. Chilli cultivation is hindered by
many constraints like abiotic and biotic stresses. Chilli
crop yield potential and total production are poor due to
low producing varieties and a high occurrence of insect-
pests and disease, particularly thrips. Previously, just
one significant species of thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis
(Hood), was detected infesting chilli and inflicting
economic loss, but this year another invasive thrips,
Thrips parvispinus (Karny), was observed causing
serious harm to chilli flowers and fruits. Thrips are tiny
insects that range in size from 1 to 4 mm. Thrips are
among the most important agricultural pests in the
world due to the damage they do through oviposition,
feeding, and the potential to transfer plant viruses.
Thrips are members of the order Thysanoptera, which
currently has about 5500 recognised species. Tubulifera
and Terebrantia are the two suborders of the order.
Approximately 60% of the species belong to the
Tubulifera suborder, which is confined to a single
family, the Phlaeothripidae. 44 species of thrips have
been reported from India (Rachana and Varatharajan
2017). Several species in this genus are significant
pests, causing damage directly by feeding and egg
laying or indirectly through vectoring several
pathogenic tospoviruses on economically important
crops. They use their well-developed left mandible to
pierce and suck sap from various parts of the plant. The
Biological Forum – An International Journal 15(7): 177-184(2023)
Yadav et al., Biological Forum – An International Journal 15(7): 177-184(2023) 178
eggs are oviposited into plant tissues by gravid females
using a saw-like ovipositor (Ananthakrishnan, 1984).
Thrips parvispinus (Karny), a pest species of South
East Asia, is a significant pest on a variety of
agricultural and horticulture crops of major plant
natural orders (Rachana and Varatharajan 2017). T.
parvispinus, a member of the "Thrips orientalis group"
(Mound, 2005), is a common pest with quarantine
implications that has been identified from Thailand to
Australia and Europe (Mound and Collins 2000). It is
also known as western thrips or tobacco thrips. It is a
globally distributed invasive pest species that requires
quarantine. The insect pests are challenging to manage
due to their small size and difficult to identify
behaviour. As a result, an attempt is made to evaluate
information about the invasive thrips T. parvispinus at
the national and global levels, including its host range
and distribution, identification, life cycle, extent of
damage, and management techniques.
T. parvispinus’ s geographic range has expanded
dramatically over the last two decades, and it is now
known to occur in Greece (Mound and Collins 2000),
Mauritius (Mound, 2010), Tanzania and Uganda
(Moritz et al., 2013), Spain (Lacasa et al., 2019) and the
Netherlands (Anonymous, 2019), in addition to India.
Tyagi et al., (2015) were the first to report the presence
of this species in India on papaya (Carica papaya) from
Bangalore and Karnataka (Rachana et al., 2018).
Several other host plants are Brugmansia sp., Tagetes
sp., Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Momordica charantia L.
Chrysanthemum sp., Gossypium sp., Mangifera indica
L., Tamarindus indica L., Dahlia rosea, and Capsicum
annum (Rachana et al., 2022). This pest was initially
discovered infesting the key chilli-growing regions of
Gujarat (mainly Anand, Vadodra, Kheda,
Chhotaudepur, Panchmahal, and Mahisagar districts)
(Patel et al., 2022).
It is a polyphagous species that has been recorded to
infest beans, eggplant, papaya, pepper, potato, shallot
and strawberry. In Indonesia, T. parvispinus
infestations were most prevalent on chilli, melon,
cucumber, brinjal, and squash (Johari et al., 2014).
Furthermore, it was discovered on ornamentals in
greenhouses in Europe, including umbrella trees,
gerberas, gardenias, and citrus (Lacasa et al., 2019).
According to a joint survey report by the Directorate of
Plant Protection, Quarantine, and Storage, as well as the
State Agriculture Universities and Agriculture
Departments of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, more
than 0.4 million ha of chilli crop were infested with this
invasive threat, with yield losses ranging from 10 per
cent to 30 per cent. A greater incidence of infestation
(10 to 20 thrips/flower) was seen in the Andhra Pradesh
districts of Warangal, Khammam, and Guntur (Janyala,
2021 and DPPQS, 2021).
The adults of female T. parvispinus have dark brown
body, head and thorax are lighter than abdomen. In
comparison to female thrips, male adults are light
brown in colour and smaller in size. Through, scanning
electron microscopy, it was discovered that thrips have
been seven segmented antennae and forked sensory
organs on their III and IV segments. Three pairs of
ocellar setae are present on the head, the third pair
is relatively small and outside the ocellar triangle. On
the pronotum, there are three pairs of posterior border
setae and two pairs of lengthy posteroangular setae. The
metanotum is reticulate and devoid of campaniform
sensilla; lengthy median setae are found behind the
anterior edge (Hulagappa et al., 2022). In contrast,
tergite VIII has a microtrichia comb. Ctenidia are
present in the V–VIII tergite at the lateral portion, and
in the tergite VIII, they are situated behind the
spiracles. The length of the wing exceeds the length of
the abdomen. At the first and second wing’s vein fronts,
there was a full line of setae. It is black or darkened
with a pale base (Johari et al., 2014).
Under greenhouse conditions, Thrips parvispinus
completes its life cycle on chilli pepper in 13–14 days.
Temperature has an impact on the life cycle from egg to
adult. The entire cycle lasts roughly 15 days (Lewis,
1973). Males and females of T. parvispinus underwent
an average preadult phase developmental time of 12.97
and 12.57 days, respectively. The metamorphic
transition between paurometabola and holometabola in
T. parvispinus has also been noted (Borror et al., 2005).
T. parvispinus has five immature stages. Egg stage,
two-instar nymph, prepupal and pupal all had durations
of 4.79, 1.36, 3.54, 1.08 and 1.96 days, respectively.
Pre-oviposition lasts for 1.11 days, and the life cycle
finishes in 13.68 days. Male longevity was six days,
female longevity was 8.55 days, and each female
produced 33 eggs on average. The population growth
of T. parvispinus followed a type III survivorship curve
with an intrinsic rate of increase of 0.15 individuals per
day per female (Hutasoit et al., 2017).
The eggs of female thrips are laid on the leaves, and the
larvae emerge after four to five days. The larvae go
through two moults in four to five days while feeding
leaves and flowers. Larvae then develop into pupae, and
after two to three days the adult appears. We currently
don't know what proportion of the population pupates
in the soil, but we believe that some of the population
does. The prominent little dark spherical dots on the
blooms are the result of egg deposition in the bract
leaves. On the light-coloured variety, these are more
noticeable. This part of their biology is still being
studied. Sexual reproduction has been noted for this
thrips. A female lives for nine days and lays roughly 15
eggs. Male adults have an average lifespan of six days
(Ahmed et al., 2023).
Yadav et al., Biological Forum – An International Journal 15(7): 177-184(2023) 179
Fig 1. Life cycle of Thrips parvispinus (Ahmed et al., 2023).
Thrips parvispinus larvae are confined to the underside
of leaves, whereas adults prefer to colonise flowers and
the undersides of leaves. By rasping and sucking the
plant sap, both adults and larvae harm plants. Heavy
infestation lowers fruit set and development, stunts
plant growth, causes flower drop, and eventually
reduces production. Due to the North East Monsoon's
significant rainfall in 2021, T. parvispinus infestations
in chilli crops were much worse than those caused by
other thrips species in the country's southern regions.
Evidently, observable plant damage in the form of
feeding scars on petals, leaves, or fruit provides
information on the diet of thrips. In contrast to what is
indicated by visible damage, thrips species may have
wider and more varied diets. Many species have been
shown to consume pollen (Kirk, 1984), and some
species that are thought to be phytophagous are actually
facultatively predatory (Kirk, 1997). The inclusion of
pollen in the diet can stimulate oviposition, reduce
larval development time, and increase female fecundity
(Zhi et al., 2005; Riley et al., 2007).
Deep scratches and punctures on the underside of the
leaves are signs of thrips damage. The underside of the
leaf that has been infected turns reddish brown, whereas
the upper side of such a leaf appears yellowish.
Common signs include distorted leaf lamina with
necrotic regions and yellow streaks. Furthermore,
distorted leaf lamina with necrotic patches and yellow
streaks was observed. Newly developing leaves that are
severely infested become dried out or blighted (Sridhar
et al., 2021). These thrips mainly infest the flowers
which are white in colour and fragrant (Mound and
Collins, 2000). Due to thrips scraping on petals, petals
on floral sections develop brownish streaks. Damage
causes flowers to dry out and wilt, which reduces fruit
production. The plant's growth is hampered by a severe
infestation because thrips feed on its growing parts, and
fields with a severe infestation also show bloom drop.
In the nectariferous region of chilli flowers, a number
of adults, including both males and females, were
observed hiding and feeding. According to Hutasoit et
al. (2017), the T. parvispinus is the most prevalent
species discovered on the flowers (71%) and leaves
(56%) of chilli pepper and cayenne pepper plants. This
pest's infection of fruit caused inappropriate and
deformed fruit setting, fruits growing on button-shaped
shapes (as in the case of bell peppers), and fruit
surfaces to seem rough and scratchy. According to
Maharijaya et al. (2011), the fruits developed an
aberrant form.
The Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Karnataka states
saw an outbreak of this species in 2021, which left
extremely infested areas with 70–100 per cent damage.
Thrips on chilli blooms were first observed in January
2021 in the Chilakaluripeta and Pratipadu mandals of
the Guntur district of the Andhra Pradesh state;
thereafter, its spread was observed in all chilli growing
areas in the state (Sireesha et al., 2021). Its severe
infestation was also reported from eastern parts
(Varanasi and Mirzapur districts) of Uttar Pradesh
(Sethy et al., 2022).
The widespread spread of T. parvispinus reached lag
phase and led to its population rising alarmingly in a
span of four years. This has affected the specie’s
capacity to adapt to a variety of plant hosts as well as
their propensity to widen their geographic range within
the nation (Rachana et al., 2022). There is a significant
production loss in India as a result of the widespread
flower shedding, deformity, and falling of chilli fruits.
The chilli farmers in Andhra Pradesh predicted a loss of
Rs. 1 lakh per acre (Anonymous, 2021b). According to
Johari et al., (2014), T. parvispinus causes a 23–60 per
cent reduction in chilli yield in field settings in
Indonesia. According to Varatharajan et al. (2016), T.
parvispinus is a crucial pollinator for a variety of
tropical and subtropical crops.
Yadav et al., Biological Forum – An International Journal 15(7): 177-184(2023) 180
Fig. 2. Map showing the outbreak record of Thrips parvispinus in India. Green colour dots indicate the particular location
There is very little information known about T.
parvispinus management globally. This article presents
the information that is currently available based on field
studies that have been done and some of the impromptu
recommendations given where the incidence is in severe
Cultural practices:
➢ Under three different screening methods- green
house, leaf disc, and detached leaf tests- the
Capsicum annuum AC 1979, C. annuum bisbas,
C. annuum CM 331, C. baccatum no. 1553, C.
annuum keystone resistant giant, and C.
baccatum aji blanco christal were discovered to
be resistant against T. parvispinus (Maharijaya
et al., 2011).
➢ The mayang ratih genotype of chrysanthemum
was discovered to have a parent that was
resistant to T. parvispinus, and it can be utilised
in future resistance breeding programmes
(Musalamah et al., 2021).
➢ It is important to follow recommended fertiliser
usage guidelines and avoid using nitrogenous
fertilisers excessively (Sireesha et al., 2021).
Physical practices:
➢ Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande),
Frankliniella intonsa (Trybom), Thrips tabaci
Lindeman, Thrips palmi Karny, and Thrips
parvispinus Karny all experience 100 per cent
mortality when exposed to 60 per cent CO2
atmospheres at 30°C (Seki and Murai 2012).
Mechanical practices:
➢ According to Murai et al. (2009), T.
parvispinus was more attracted to white colour
traps than blue or yellow ones. While, Sireesha
et al. (2021) observed that the blue and yellow
sticky traps are luring more T. parvispinus
➢ For mass trapping right after transplanting,
there should be placement of blue sticky traps
25-35 per acre (Anonymous, 2021a).
Biological control:
➢ This pest could be controlled by spraying
Bacillus albus-NBAIRBATP or Pseudomonas
fluorescens-NBAIRPFDWD @ 20 g/L on the
flowers and fruits of chillies (Anonymous,
➢ In 2003 and 2005, research on thrip’s natural
enemies and a control threshold to enable
Yadav et al., Biological Forum – An International Journal 15(7): 177-184(2023) 181
integrated pest management (IPM) of thrips on
sweet pepper in protected cultivation in tropical
settings in Indonesia was carried out. Potential
natural enemies included the ladybird beetle
species Menochilus sexmaculatus and
Coccinella transversalis, as well as the
entomophagous fungus Lecanicillium lecanii.
Among them Menochilus sexmaculatus and
fungus Lecanicillium lecanii were found
effective for the management of T. parvispinus
(Prabaningrum et al., 2008).
➢ Azadirachtin 10000 ppm, 0.003%, 3 ml/L and
Pseudomonas fluorescens 1% WP, 2 108 cfu/g,
4 g/L were shown to be effective in controlling
the new invasive thrips, T. parvispinus, which
infested chilli (Anonymous, 2022).
Botanical control:
➢ The Indonesian mahogany, Toona sureni,
3.0% and fish poison bean, Tephrosia vogelii,
2.5 and 3.0%, and eucalyptus oil, 2.0% all
recorded more than 30.0% efficacy during the
vegetative stage and the lowest attack of T.
parvispinus until 75 DAP, and they all
provided the highest marketable flower yields
of chrysanthemum (Rahardjo et al., 2021).
➢ Neem cake should be applied at a rate of 200
kg per acre to standing crops as well. Use of
soap solution, neem oil, or pongamia oil in
strongly infested areas (Sridhar et al., 2021).
Legal control:
➢ It has been noted that mature leaves and fruits
contain less thrips. Therefore, it is unlikely that
thrips will be found on completely ripe green
chilli fruits. However, during routine
phytosanitary inspections of the export
cargoes, the petiole region of the chilli must be
carefully scrutinised. Fully mature and
partially withered pods are picked for red chilli
export. Sun drying reduces the moisture
content of harvested pods to 10 per cent. If
there are any associated insect pests, they are
entirely eliminated throughout the harvesting
and sun drying processes. As a result, neither
T. parvispinus nor any other species of thrips
are a barrier to red chilli export. Pesticide
residues should be monitored by observing the
waiting period. (DPPQ&S, 2022).
Chemical management:
➢ To reduce pest resistance, Sugano et al.,
(2013) recommended spraying papaya with a
variety of pesticides with various modes of
action. T. parvispinus lives and feeds on the
papaya plant's flowers and growing shoots,
hence these areas should be sprayed. Young
papaya leaves and fruit typically have waxy
surfaces and can be challenging to wet, thus a
surfactant like Latron B-1956 should be used
to enhance spreading and wetting of the leaves
and thereby provide greater control.
➢ T. parvispinus was fully destroyed after being
exposed to a liquid form of phosphine at a
concentration of 200 ppm for 1 hour
(Setyawan et al., 2015).
➢ Fipronil 80WG @ 40g/acre, Fipronil 40% +
imidacloprid @ 40g/acre, Cyantraniliprole @
240ml/acre, Acetamiprid @ 40g/acre, and
Spirotetramat @ 160g/acre are among the
insecticides that are being rotated as ad hoc
recommendations for the management of T.
parvispinus outbreaks (Sireesha et al., 2021).
➢ Plants sprayed with tolfenpyrad 15 EC @ 1
ml/L water, and spinetoram 11.7 SC @ 1 ml/L
water both recorded lower thrip counts in
chillies (2.39 and 2.67 thrips/flower,
respectively) (Anonymous, 2022a).
Integrated pest management (IPM) approaches for
thrips in chilli crop (Anonymous, 2022(b)):
➢ Clean cultivation means keeping crop field’s
borders and bunds weed-free because many
weeds serve as thrip’s alternate hosts. Summer
ploughing is necessary for resting stage
➢ Apply well-decomposed farm yard manure
(FYM) or compost at a rate of 1 t/acre,
ameliorated with Metarhizium anisopliae or
Pseudomonas fluorescens at a rate of 2 kg/t, in
addition to the recommended rates of farm yard
manure (10 to 12 t/acre).
➢ Avoid staggered planting and begin cropping
season early. If possible, use resistant or
early/short-duration types to avoid the thrip’s
peak incidence.
➢ To develop resistance against thrips, apply 500
kg of vermicompost and 200 kg of neem cake
per acre to the soil.
➢ Using silver-colored polythene sheets with a
thickness of 25–30 micron as a mulch will
restrict thrip’s ability to pupate in the soil.
➢ Chilli is intercropped with maize/sorghum, and
cowpea in a ratio of 10:3:1 as a barrier and
reservoir for the growth of natural enemies,
resulting in the biological control of thrips.
➢ Mechanically destroying plants that are heavily
infected by uprooting and burying or burning
➢ Setting up blue sticky traps at a density of 25–
30 traps per acre at crop canopy level for the
purposes of mass monitoring and trapping.
➢ By using as little chemical pesticide spraying as
possible, natural enemies can be preserved.
Instead, evenly cover the entire plant with
botanical pesticides such as NSKE 5 per cent or
Neem oil 3 per cent @ 2ml/L, Pongamia oil @
3 ml/L or microbial pesticides like Beauveria
bassiana @ 4.00 g or ml/L (spore load - 1x108
cfu/g or ml), Pseudomonas fluorescence -
NBAIRPFDWD @ 20 g/L, or Bacillus albus -
NBAIR-BATP @ 20 g/L.
Yadav et al., Biological Forum – An International Journal 15(7): 177-184(2023) 182
Table 1: CIB & RC approved registered Insecticides for thrips in chilli (Anonymous, 2022b).
Dosage per ha in required
Waiting period (in days)
Acephate 95 % SG
790 g in 500 L
Acetamiprid 20 %
50-100 g in 500-600 L
Carbofuran 03 % CG
33.30 kg
Cyantraniliprole 10.26%
600 g in 500 L
Dimethoate 30 % EC
600 ml in 500-1000 L
Emamectin benzoate 05% SG
200 g in 500 L
375 ml in 500 L
Ethion 50 % EC
1.50-2.00 L in 500-1000 L
Fenpropathrin 30 % EC
250-340 ml in 750-1000 L
Fipronil 05 % SC
800-1000 g in 500 L
Fipronil 80 % WG
50.00 -62.50 g in 500 L
Imidacloprid 70 % WS
1.00 -1.50 kg
Imidacloprid30.50%m/m SC
125-150 g in 500 L
Imidacloprid 17.80 % SL
125-250 ml in 500-700 L
Lambdacyhalothrin 4.90%CS
500ml in 500 L
Lambda-cyhalothrin05% EC
300 ml in 400-600 L
Methomyl 40 % SP
0.75-1.12 kg in 500-1000 L
Oxydemeton-methyl25% EC
1 L in 500-1000 L
Spinosad 45 % SC
160 g in 500 L
Thiacloprid 21.70% SC
225-300 g in 500 L
Thiamethoxam 30 % FS
Used as seed dresser
0Tolfenpyrad 15 % EC
1 L in 500 L
Diafenthiuron 47 % + Bifenthrin 09.40 % w/w SC
625 ml in 500 L
Emamectin Benzoate 01.50 % + Fipronil 03.50 % SC
500-750 g in 500 L
Emamectin benzoate5 % w/w + Lufenuron 40 % w/w WG
60 g in 500 L
Flubendiamide 19.92 % + Thiacloprid 19.92 % w/w SC
200-250 ml in 500 L
Fipronil 07 % + Hexythiazox 02 % w/w SC
1 litre in 500 L
Hexythiazox 3.5% + Diafenthiuron 42% WDG
650 gm in 500 L
Indoxacarb 14.5 % + Acetamiprid 7.7 % w/w SC
825-875 ml in 500 L
Profenofos 40 % + Fenpyroximate 2.5 % w/w EC
1 litre in 500 L
The pest, Thrips parvispinus is known as a global pest
and it is reported across the worldwide. The presence of
this invasive pest on ornamental plants meant for export
poses major risks and causes quarantine authority’s
great concern. Systematic surveillance of T. parvispinus
in other regions of India is also necessary since it may
become a pest or vector. Thrips are better managed
when a community-based strategy to pest control is
used, especially when the infestation is spreading
widely. In order to create insecticide resistance
management techniques as part of IPM, baseline
toxicological data describing the pest's susceptibility to
various insecticides indicated for thrips management
must be developed. Understanding the causes of the T.
parvispinus epidemic caused by shifting climatic
conditions as well as other ecological and genetic
factors aids in being ready in case similar circumstances
arise in the future. Overall, it is advised to use an
integrated pest management strategy to control T.
parvispinus, which includes a variety of eco-friendly
tools like host plant resistance, biological control
options like entomopathogens, physical and mechanical
control measures, and the use of eco-friendly
insecticide molecules.
Acknowledgements. The authors extend their sincere
gratitude to the Head of the Department of Entomology, CCS
Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar for their assistance
with this study. This work is carried out in collaboration
among all the authors. Author Manisha Yadav has
conceptualized the manuscript, collected the data and
prepared the initial draft. The manuscript has been reviewed
and edited Dr. Balbir Singh. Authors Geeta Devi, Pooja
Kumari and Priyal Choudhary have helped in concept
framework and improvement.
Conflict of interest. None
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How to cite this article: Manisha Yadav, Balbir Singh, Geeta Devi, Pooja Kumari, Neeraj Kumar and Priyal Choudhary
(2023). Thrips parvispinus (Karny): Pest of concern to Indian farmers in Chilli – A Review. Biological Forum – An
International Journal, 15(7): 177-184.