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A new species of Automate (Crustacea: Decapoda) from the Persian Gulf


Abstract and Figures

During 2019, two specimens belonging to a new species of the alpheid shrimp genus Automate De Man, 1888 were collected from two islands in the northern part of the Persian Gulf. The new species is a member of the A. hayashii group which hitherto only comprised two species. However, the new species A. arturi can be separated from them by several morphological features: a shorter rostrum with rounded tip, a shorter stylocerite barely extending beyond the first antennular article, the scaphocerite not reaching to the end of the second antennular article, the third maxilliped coxa with a subtriangular-shaped lateral plate, the ischia of the first pereiopods (chelipeds) dorsally armed with spiniform setae and ventrally with a small tubercle, and the ischia of the walking pereiopods armed with a single ventrolateral spiniform seta.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Received: 10 May 2023. Accepted: 26 July 2023. Published online: 9 Sep 2023.
Crustacean Research 2023 Vol.52: 79–89
©Carcinological Society of Japan.doi: 10.18353/crustacea.52.0_79
A new species of Automate (Crustacea: Decapoda) from the Persian Gulf
Hossein Ashrafi, Sammy De Grave
Abstract. During 2019, two specimens belonging to a new species of the alpheid
shrimp genus Automate De Man, 1888 were collected from two islands in the northern
part of the Persian Gulf. The new species is a member of the A. hayashii group which
hitherto only comprised two species. However, the new species A. arturi can be sepa-
rated from them by several morphological features: a shorter rostrum with rounded
tip, a shorter stylocerite barely extending beyond the first antennular article, the scaph-
ocerite not reaching to the end of the second antennular article, the third maxilliped
coxa with a subtriangular-shaped lateral plate, the ischia of the first pereiopods (cheli-
peds) dorsally armed with spiniform setae and ventrally with a small tubercle, and the
ischia of the walking pereiopods armed with a single ventrolateral spiniform seta.
Key words: Automate, new species, Persian Gulf, northern Indian Ocean
The snapping shrimp genus Automate De
Man, 1888 is relatively species-poor, as it cur-
rently comprises of only 13 species (De Grave
& Fransen, 2011; Wang & Sha, 2017; Ramos-
Tafur, 2018; Komai et al., 2020). However, the
genus as a whole and in particular the species
complexes surrounding A. dolichognatha De
Man, 1888 are in need of revision (Anker &
Komai, 2004). It is anticipated that synonyms
will need to be resurrected, whilst several cryp-
tic and/or pseudocryptic species await descrip-
tion. Anker & Komai (2004) divided the genus
into three informal species groups, one of
which, the A. hayashii Anker & Komai, 2004
group is morphologically close to the mono-
typic genus Coronalpheus Wicksten, 1999 (see
Poddoubtchenko et al., 2008), recently corrab-
orated by genetic evidence (Chow et al., 2021).
It appears plausible that some species currently
considered as part of Automate may need
transferring to this genus instead, potentially
including further undescribed species.
Up to now, only the near-pantropical species,
A. dolichognatha, has been recorded from the
northern Indian Ocean. Kazmi & Kazmi (1979)
record A. gardineri Coutière, 1902 (currently a
junior synonym of A. dolichognatha) from
Manora Island along the Karachi coast of Paki-
stan with the record repeated in Afzal et al.
(1986). As, however, these reports are unillus-
trated nor are any morphological details pro-
vided beyond generic level characteristics, the
true identity of this material is unknown. With-
in the Persian Gulf, Naderloo & Türkay (2012)
were the first to record the species, from
Chiruyeh (Iran) along the northern coastline of
the Gulf. Ashrafi et al. (2020) mention further
records of A. dolichognatha from the Persian
Gulf as well of the Gulf of Oman, but without
more geographically precise locations, herein
corrected to Sirri Island (Iran) and Gwadar Bay
(Iran), respectively.
Further specimens of Automate were collect-
ed by the first author in 2019 from Hengam Is-
80 Crustacean Research 52
land situated on the north-western side of the
Hormuz Isthmus, as well as Abu-Musa Island
on the eastern side of the Persian Gulf, close to
the border between Iran and UAE. A close ex-
amination of these specimens revealed that
they belong to a new species of A. hayashii
group, which is herein described.
Total genomic DNA was isolated from the
tissues of the fourth and/or fifth pleopods and
pleonite muscles using the DNeasy Blood &
Tissue Isolation Kit (QIAGEN) according to
the manufacturerʼs protocol. The PCR was used
to amplify a partial segment of the 16S rRNA
gene (aproximately 550 bp) using the primers
Cari F and Cari R (Aznar-Cormano et al.,
2015) mitochondrial CO1 (aproximately
650 bp) using the primers LCO1490 and
HCO2198 (Folmer et al., 1994) or JgLCO1490
and JgHCO2198 (Geller et al., 2013), and nu-
clear H3 (aproximately 330 bp) using the prim-
ers AF and AR (Colgan et al., 1998). A total
volume of 20 μl including 4 μl 5x MyTaqTM
Red Reaction buffer (comprising 15 mM
MgCl2 and 5 mM dNTPs), 1 μl DNA template,
13.2 μl dH2O, 0.8 μl of each primer, and 0.2 μl
MyTaqTM Red DNA polymerase were used for
PCR. The thermocycler conditions were set as
follows: 5 min at 94°C, followed by 40 cycles
of 1 min at 94°C, 1:30 s at 53°C, and 1:30 s at
72°C, and a final extension step at 72°C for
10 min for 16S; 5 min at 94°C, followed by 40
cycles of 30 s at 90°C, 1:30 s at 48°C, and
1 min at 72°C, and a final extension step at 72°
C for 10 min for CO1; and 3 min at 94°C, fol-
lowed by 40 cycles of 30 s at 94°C, 30 s at 48°
C, and 50 s at 72°C, and a final extension step
at 72°C for 3 min for H3. The final products
were purified by the GenElute PCR Clean-up
kit (Sigma-Aldrich), and sent to Macrogen,
Amsterdam for sequencing.
Type material is deposited in the collection
of the Muséum National dʼHistoire Naturelle,
Paris, France (MNHN). Carapace length (cl) is
used as the standard expression of size, mea-
sured from the tip of the rostrum to the end of
the carapace along the mid-dorsal line and ex-
pressed in mm.
Family Alpheidae Rafinesque, 1815
Automate De Man, 1888
Automate arturi sp. nov.
(Figs. 1–4)
Type material examined
Holotype: male, cl 4.2 mm; 26°383.24N
55°511.68E, Khamasi, Hengam Island, Per-
sian Gulf, Iran; leg. H. Ashrafi, 05 Jan 2019
(fcn IR19-101); MNHN-IU-2014-1264. Para-
type: 1 non-ovigerous female, cl 5.3 mm; 25°
5352.64N 55°232.78E, Qadir Park, Abu-
Musa Island, Persian Gulf, Iran; leg. H. Ashrafi,
19 Jul 2019 (fcn IR19-116); MNHN-
Description of holotype
Medium-sized alpheid shrimp. Carapace
(Fig. 1A, B) glabrous, relatively compressed
laterally, frontal margin sinuate, with small
broadly triangular rostrum, apex rounded; or-
bital teeth lacking; pterygostomial margin
rounded; cardiac notch well-developed.
Pleon (Fig. 1C) with first to fifth pleurae
rounded antero- and postero-ventrally; sixth
pleonite with truncate posterolateral projection
and angulate posteroventral lobe, latter without
articulated lobe. Telson (Fig. 1D, E) subrectan-
gular, about 1.7 as long as anterior width, taper-
ing posteriorly, anteriorly about 2.5 times wider
than posterior margin, with 2 pairs of spiniform
setae dorsally situated at 0.6 and 0.8 of telson
length, each about 0.1 of telson length in size;
distal margin with 2 pairs of spiniform setae,
mesial pair about four times as long as lateral
pair, about twice as long as dorsal spiniform se-
tae, central portion of distal margin slightly
convex, furnished with several long setae.
Crustacean Research 52
Eyes (Fig. 1A) exposed dorsally and lateral-
ly, longer than basal width; eyestalks juxta-
posed, subparallel, tapering distally, touching
each other proximally, slightly diverging dis-
tally, anterio-mesial margin slightly projecting,
with single subapical dorsal seta; eyes reaching
Fig. 1.Automate arturi sp. nov., female holotype, Hengam Island, Persian Gulf (MNHN-IU-2014-1264). A, anterior part of
cephalothorax and appendages, dorsal view; B, same, lateral view; C, pleon, left lateral view; D. telson and uropods, dorsal view;
E, posterior pleonites, telson and uropods, lateral view.
82 Crustacean Research 52
basal margin of scaphocerite and approximat-
ing mid-length of dorsally visible part of basal
antennular article.
Antennula (Fig. 1A, B) with slender elongate
peduncle; first antennular article about twice as
long as visible portion of eyes, with two spini-
form setae along mid-length of mesial margin,
ventromesial carina without tooth, stylocerite
reaching to about end of first antennular article,
subacute, mesially sinuate; second antennular
article slender, about twice as long as visible
portion of first one, around 3.5 times as long as
wide; third antennular article short, about a
third of second antennular article length, as
long as wide; lateral flagellum with merged
rami, aesthetascs on segments 7–12; mesial fla-
gellum more slender than lateral one.
Antenna (Fig. 1A, B) with basicerite bearing
subacute antero-ventral tooth; scaphocerite
with distolateral tooth falling short of reaching
distal margin of second antennular article, con-
siderably surpassing distal margin of blade, lat-
eral margin straight; carpocerite slender, over-
reaching antennular peduncle.
Mouth parts as usual for the genus in exter-
nal observation, only second and third maxilli-
ped dissected out. Second maxilliped (Fig. 2A)
without podobranch, epipod elongate, vascular-
shaped. Third maxilliped (Fig. 2B, C) with ar-
throbranch and mastigobranch, lateral plate
triangular-shaped, pointing laterally; exopod
slender, reaching to about middle of antepenul-
timate segment; antepenultimate segment rela-
tively slender, about 6 times as long as widest
part, slightly concave along distal third of
mesio-ventral margin; penultimate segment
short, about 0.25 of antepenultimate segment
in length, about 2.5 times as long as wide; ulti-
mate segment slender, slightly shorter than an-
tepenultimate segment, with about 20 spini-
form setae on ventro-lateral margin, mainly in
double groups and one spiniform seta distally.
First pereiopods (chelipeds) asymmetrical in
size but relatively similar in shape. Major che-
liped (Fig. 3A–C) with coxa bearing mastigo-
branch and setobranch; basis small; ischium
vase-shaped, distal margin about twice as wide
as proximal part; disto-dorsal margin armed
with two slender spiniform setae, with small
blunt subterminal projection on ventral margin;
merus robust, slightly wider in mid-region than
proximal and lateral regions, about twice as
long as wide, ventrally concave on proximal
two-thirds accommodating proximo-ventral
portion of palm and on distal third accommo-
dating carpus, with approximately 7 small rows
of serrulate setae along ventro-mesial margin;
carpus widening distally, distal margin nearly
twice as wide as proximal margin; chela about
twice as long as merus; palm slightly com-
pressed laterally, somewhat constricted proxi-
mally, slightly more than 1.5 times as long as
broad, ventral margin furnished with long setae
on distal half, about 1.5 times as long as fin-
gers; cutting edges of pollex and dactylus with
few blunt teeth on proximal half and almost
straight on distal half, crossing each other ter-
minally. Minor cheliped (Fig. 3D–F) more or
less similar to major one, smaller, and more
slender; merus with approximately ten small
rows of serrulate setae on mesio-ventral mar-
gin; dactylus almost straight on entire cutting
Second pereiopod (Fig. 2D) with coxa bearing
mastigobranch and setobranch; ischium slender,
about 9 times as long as wide, unarmed ventral-
ly; merus slender, subequal to ischium; carpus
slender, about 1.4 times as long as ischium, five-
segmented, second segment longest, approxi-
mate ratio 5.0 : 7.0 : 3.0 : 2.5 : 3.5; chela about
a third of ischium length, palm slightly longer
than fingers.
Third pereiopod (Fig. 2E) with coxa bearing
mastigobranch and setobranch; basis small; is-
chium vase-shaped, distal margin 1.5 times as
wide as proximal margin, armed with single
spiniform seta on ventral margin slightly proxi-
mally; merus relatively robust, nearly 3 times
as long as ischium; carpus slender, about 1.8
times as long as merus, distally slightly widen-
Crustacean Research 52
Fig. 2.Automate arturi sp. nov., female holotype, Hengam Island, Persian Gulf (MNHN-IU-2014-1264). A, second maxilliped;
B, third maxilliped, dorsal view; C, same, ultimate segment and distal portion of penultimate segment, ventral view; D, second
pereiopod, lateral view; E, third pereiopod, lateral view; F, fourth pereiopod, lateral view; G, fifth pereiopod, lateral view; H, same,
propodus and dactylus, mesial view.
84 Crustacean Research 52
ing, dorso-distally with prominent blunt pro-
jection, bearing single slender spiniform seta
disto- ventrally; propodus subequal to carpus,
with 5 spiniform setae on ventral margin and
one pair distally; dactylus simple, subconical,
about 0.4 of propodus length. Fourth pereiopod
(Fig. 2F) similar to third one but slightly more
slender, carpus with less prominent dorso-distal
Fig. 3.Automate arturi sp. nov., female holotype, Hengam Island, Persian Gulf (MNHN-IU-2014-1264). A, major cheliped, mesial
view; B, same, lateral view; C, same, distal portion of palm and fingers, lateral view; D, minor cheliped, mesial view; E, same, lateral
view; F, same, distal portion of palm and fingers, lateral view.
Crustacean Research 52
projection, coxa with mastigobranch and seto-
branch, ischium with single spiniform seta.
Fifth pereiopod (Fig. 2G, H) generally similar
to fourth one, coxa with only setobranch; ischi-
um with single spiniform seta, carpus lacking
both dorso-distal projection and ventro-distal
spiniform seta; propodus with rows of serrulate
setae on distal half of ventro-mesial margin.
Uropodal protopod (Fig. 1D, E) with lateral
projection triangular, mesial projection trun-
cate; uropodal rami broadly ovate, significantly
overreaching posterior margin of telson; exo-
pod with triangular distolateral tooth with adja-
cent longer slender spiniform seta; diaeresis
shallowly sinuous, with two blunt distantly-
located projections; endopod slightly over-
reaching exopod.
Little morphological variation is apparent
comparing the paratype (Fig. 4) to the holo-
type. The antero-mesial tubercle of the eye is
more prominent and easily visible (Fig. 4A) vs.
very small in the holotype; the stylocerite does
not reach the distal margin of the first antennu-
lar article (Fig. 4A) vs. reaching to distal mar-
gin in the holotype; and the fingers of the major
cheliped are more robust, with a noticeable gap
when closed and a more prominent dentition
(compare Figs. 2C and 4B–C).
Color pattern
Body (Fig. 5) transparent; with scattered
pink chromatophores on mesial side of eye-
stalks, antennular peduncle, basal segments of
antennular flagella, antepenultimate segment of
third maxilliped, and proximal half of uropodal
exopod; and denser fields of pink chromato-
phores on posterior third of third pleonite, pos-
terior half of fourth pleonite, all over fifth and
sixth pleonites, proximal two-thirds of telson
and proximal half of uropodal endopod; all pe-
reiopods transparent; ovaries orange.
Derived from the Latin phrase Arturus rex, in
reference to our close friend, Arthur Anker, the
undisputed King of alpheid taxonomy.
Fig. 4.Automate arturi sp. nov., female paratype, Abu-Musa Island, Persian Gulf (MNHN-IU-2014-1265). A, anterior part of
carapace and appendages, dorsal view; B, major cheliped, mesial view; C, same, lateral view.
86 Crustacean Research 52
Presently only known from Hengam Island
and Abu-Musa Island in the north-eastern Per-
sian Gulf; likely more widespread in the re-
Genbank sequences
Holotype (MNHN-IU-2014-1264): CO1
(OR359492), 16S (OR360734), H3 (OR487188);
paratype (MNHN-IU-2014-1265): CO1
(OR359491), 16S (OR360733), H3 (OR487189).
Both specimens were collected in under coral
rubble on a fine sand substrate, near live corals
at a depth of 3–5 m. The paratype from Abu-
Musa Island was found inside a cemented dead
bivalve shell together with an unidentified
specimen of Prionalpheus Banner & Banner,
Although the slight morphological differenc-
es between the holotype from the Hengam Is-
land and the paratype from the Abu-Musa Is-
land (see above) initially led to speculation
both specimens could represent different taxa,
the genetic analysis reveals the genetic distance
(P-value) between both to be negligible, less
than 0.01 (1 percent) in both 16S rRNA (
0.002) and CO1 (0.000). Both specimens are
thus considered to be conspecific.
Fig. 5.Automate arturi sp. nov., female paratype, Abu-Musa Island, Persian Gulf (MNHN-IU-2014-1265). A, right, dorsolateral
aspect; B, left lateral aspect. Photos by Rashed Abdollahi.
Crustacean Research 52
The new species is considered a member of
the informal A. hayashii group, established by
Anker & Komai (2004) based on the following
characters: triangular rostrum, subparallel eye-
stalks, eyes with antero-mesial tubercle (promi-
nent in paratype), a well-developed scaphocer-
ite, the second maxilliped lacking a podobranch,
the propodus of the third pereiopod armed with
a row of spiniform setae, subconical dactyli on
pereiopods 3–5, the uropodal endopod surpass-
ing the exopod, and (most importantly) the
uropodal diaresis shaped into two blunt projec-
tions (i.e blunt teeth in Anker & Komai, 2004).
So far, only two species have been assigned to
this species group, A. hayashii Anker & Kom-
ai, 2004, only known from a single specimen
from southern Hokkaido (Japan) and A. salo-
moni Coutière, 1908. The latter species was for
a long time only known from the ovigerous fe-
male holotype, obtained in 1905 by the Percy
Sladen Trust Expedition to the Indian Ocean,
from Salomon Atoll, part of the Chagos Archi-
pelago (Coutière, 1908, 1921), partially re-
illustrated by Anker & Komai (2004). Recent
French expeditions in New Caledonia and Pap-
ua New Guinea have discovered more material
of this species, which has been used in a phylo-
genetic study (Chow et al., 2020), although no
updated morphological description has become
available as yet.
The new species can be easily distinguished
from A. hayashii in a number of important
characters: 1) frontal margin more concave in
A. arturi sp. nov. (compare Fig. 1A with 2B in
Anker & Komai, 2004) with a conversely nar-
rower rostrum; 2) distolateral tooth of the
scaphocerite conspicuously surpassing the dis-
tal margin of the blade in A. arturi sp. nov. vs.
only reaching in A. hayashi; 3) ischia of the
major and minor chelipeds with a small disto-
ventral tubercle in A. arturi sp. nov. vs. un-
adorned in A. hayashii; 4) differences in the
dentition of the fingers of the major cheliped
(compare Figs. 3C, 4B–C with 3A–B in Anker
& Komai, 2004); as well as the ventral margin
of the palm of the major cheliped being smooth
in A. arturi sp. nov vs. marginally indented in
A. hayashi. Further, the color pattern of these
two species is reported to be different, as A.
hayashii was described as being uniformly
light orange in Anker & Komai (2004), whilst
A. arturi sp. nov. is transparent with scattered
pink chromatophores (Fig. 5).
Based on the illustrations of the holotype of
A. salomoni by Coutière (1921: pl. 60, figs.
1–1b) and Anker & Komai (2004: fig. 4), the
new species can be distinguished as follows: 1)
rostrum more developed with an acute tip in A.
salomoni vs. very short, blunt in A. arturi sp.
nov.; 2) tip of stylocerite significantly over-
reaching the distal margin of the first antennu-
lar article in A. salomoni vs. reaching margin
in A. arturi sp. nov.; 3) scaphocerite reaching
the distal margin of the second antennular arti-
cle in A. salomoni vs. falling short in A. arturi
sp. nov.
With the addition of the new species, the in-
formal A. hayashii group becomes even more
morphologically heterogeneous than conceived
by Anker & Komai (2004). The true phyloge-
netic significance of the three groups within the
genus, their morphologically defining features
and indeed the status of some species in rela-
tion to Coronalpheus must await a full phylo-
genetic re-assessment of the genus.
Fieldwork of the first author was financially
supported by Dr. Reza Naderloo (University of
Tehran). The study was financially supported
by the student grant project SGS01/PřF/2023
of University of Ostrava. We appreciate the
help of Rashed Abdollahi in the field and tak-
ing photos of the new species. Gratitude is ex-
tended to the local people of Hengam and Abu-
Musa islands, and also the authorities of Abu-
Musa for their hospitality and providing
fieldwork opportunity.
88 Crustacean Research 52
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(HA) Department of Biology and Ecology,
Faculty of Science, University of Ostrava,
Chittussiho 10, CZ-71000, Ostrava, Czech
(SDG) Oxford University Museum of Natural
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The alpheid shrimp, Automate hayashii Anker and Komai, 2004, was previously known only from the holotype collected from Hakodate Bay, Hokkaido, northern Japan, and biological information on the species remained scarce. In this study, we report the second discovery of A. hayashii based on material from Ibaraki Prefecture and Chiba Prefecture, Japan, extending its geographical range to the south. All of the newly collected specimens were collected from intertidal rocky shore, as well as the holotype. We performed phylogenetic analysis using the mitochondrial 16S rDNA to infer the position of A. hayashii and to preliminary assess the informal grouping within Automate based on the morphology.
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The material of the present checklist has been collected from the Iranian intertidal and shallow subtidal shores of the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman from 2015 to 2019, in addition to re-examining all the materials deposited in the Zoological Museum of the University of Tehran. This checklist providing 16 new records for the Persian Gulf and 15 for the Gulf of Oman raised the number of recorded caridean shrimps to 109 and 49 for these gulfs, respectively. However, the actual number of these shrimps are higher than these numbers due to two facts. Firstly, most of the subtidal diverse ecosystems, e.g. coral reefs and seagrass bed have not been seriously investigated taxonomically. Secondly, there are some members of species complexes and probably some new species in the study which need to be carefully treated.
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Three species of the genus Automate De Man, 1888 are described herein, including two new species: A. anacanthopusoides sp. nov. and A. spinosa sp. nov.. Automate anacanthopusoides sp. nov. can be easily identified by the presence of a rostrum, the notch on the lower margin of the major chela, the stout minor cheliped and the cutting edge of the pollex not dentate, and by the absence of spines on the ventral margin of the propodus of the third and fourth pereiopod. Automate spinosa sp. nov. can be easily identified by the nearly straight anterior margin of the carapace, and the presence of spines on the ventral margin of the propodus of third and fourth pereiopod. A key of all species of the Automate is provided.
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During the past decade, a large number of multi-gene analyses aimed at resolving the phylogenetic relationships within Decapoda. However relationships among families, and even among sub-families, remain poorly defined. Most analyses used an incomplete and opportunistic sampling of species, but also an incomplete and opportunistic gene selection among those available for Decapoda. Here we test in the Caridea if improving the taxonomic coverage following the hierarchical scheme of the classification, as it is currently accepted, provides a better phylogenetic resolution for the inter-families relationships. The rich collections of the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris are used for sampling as far as possible at least two species of two different genera for each family or subfamily. All potential markers are tested over this sampling. For some coding genes the amplification success varies greatly among taxa and the phylogenetic signal is highly saturated. This result probably explains the taxon-heterogeneity among previously published studies. The analysis is thus restricted to the genes homogeneously amplified over the whole sampling. Thanks to the taxonomic sampling scheme the monophyly of most families is confirmed. However the genes commonly used in Decapoda appear non-adapted for clarifying inter-families relationships, which remain poorly resolved. Genome-wide analyses, like transcriptome-based exon capture facilitated by the new generation sequencing methods might provide a sounder approach to resolve deep and rapid radiations like the Caridea.
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Coronalpheus natator new genus, new species is described from the Galapagos Islands. It lives under subtidal rocks. It is similar to species of Automate in having the eyes exposed in dorsal view, the pterygostomian angle of the carapace unarmed, the mandible with a palp and molar process, the first pereo-pods dissimilar and the dactyl carried extended dorsally, the second pereopod with 5 articles in the carpus and epipods on the 4 anterior pairs of pereopods. However, it has an appendix masculina on the second pereopod, the pigmented part of the eye is well developed and there are distinct spinules on the basal article of the antennular flagellum. The rostrum reaches to the pigmented part of the eye. The stylocerite and scaphocerite are well developed. In life, it is colored yellowish with a bright red line along the dorsal midline.
One of the most notable evolutionary innovations of marine invertebrates is the snapping claw of alpheid shrimps (Alpheidae), capable of generating a powerful water jet and a shock wave, used for defense, aggression, excavation, and communication. Evolutionary analysis of this character complex requires the study of a suite of complementary traits to discern pre-adaptations or post-adaptations of snapping behavior. A comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the Alpheidae based on two mitochondrial and four nuclear markers, covering 107 species from 38 genera (77.6% generic coverage), is presented. Ancestral state reconstruction analyses revealed five independent origins of snapping, two of which relate to the morphologically similar but phylogenetically distant genera Alpheus and Synalpheus, highlighting significant convergence. The evolution of the five complementary traits (adhesive plaques, tooth-cavity system, dactylar joint type, chela size enlargement, and orbital hood) did not always show a significant correlation with the evolution of snapping overall, sometimes only in a few lineages, suggesting different evolutionary pathways were involved and demonstrating the versatility in the evolution of the snapping mechanisms.
A new species of the alpheid shrimp genus Automate de Man, 1888, A. awaji, is described on the basis of an ovigerous female holotype and three paratype specimens (sex not determined) from Awaji Island, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. The specimens were collected from soft sediments on a shallow subtidal flat (depth 4-8 m) using an airlift suction sampler. The new species is referred to the A. evermanni Rathbun, 1901 species group, in which seven species are currently included, from various parts of the world. Automate awaji n. sp. is characterized by the combination of the following characters: eye with cornea relatively small, in lateral and subdistal position on eyestalk; antennal scaphocerite with distolateral spine not exceeding rounded distal blade; ultimate article of maxilliped 3 with longitudinal row of setae on dorsolateral surface; cheliped ischia without spiniform setae on dorsal and ventral margins; major chela of type I smooth, not rugose or tuberculate on dorsal and ventral margins, fingers not gaping; carpus of pereopod 2 with proximal-most article less than half-length of second article; propodus of pereopod 5 with grooming apparatus consisting of closely spaced transverse rows of stiff setae. It is the fourth representative of the genus Automate reported from Japan. A brief overview on Japanese species of Automate is also given.
Several systematic revisions of the superfamily Palaemonoidea Rafinesque, 1815 (Natantia) have been published, with molecular studies complementing morphological examination. Yet, the true systematic positions of two families within the superfamily have remained uncertain , one of these being Anchistioididae Borradaile, 1915, the second being Desmocarididae Borradaile, 1915. We constructed a further phylogeny of Palaemonoidea based on two mito-chondrial and five nuclear markers to resolve this issue. Anchistioides Paulson, 1875 (the sole genus of Anchistioididae) is recovered nested within Palaemonidae Rafinesque, 1815, calling into question the validity of Anchistioididae as a distinct family. We also review the morphological characters that have been used to support family level status of Anchistioides including mouthparts adaptations, telson ornamentation, larval morphology, the presence of an appendix interna on the first pleopod in both sexes, and the mandible with a distally flared molar process. Although the latter two characters appear to be synapomorphic to the genus, we contend that these are ambiguous and not well founded to support the family-level status of the genus. As a consequence, and supported by the phylogenetic results, Anchistioididae is herein considered to be a synonym of Palaemonidae.
A new species of caridean shrimp of the family Alpheidae, Automate isabelae sp. nov., found in stomach analysis contents of the lane snapper Lutjanus synagris (Linnaeus, 1758), from the Keys and SW coast of Florida, Gulf of Mexico, is described. The abdomen and portions of the cephalic appendages were damaged in holotype, but remainder of the body and the chelipeds, whith the most important diagnostic characters are in decent or perfect condition, the description was further supplemented based on intact morphological parts of the paratypes. The presence of tubercles on the dorsal and ventral margins of the major chela palm, shows this new species to be related to the eastern Pacific Automate rugosa Coutière, 1902. Both congeners can be easily discriminated by the proportions and shape of the third maxilliped, the proportions and ornamentation of the carpus, merus, and chela of the major cheliped, the ventral seta of the carpus of the minor cheliped, the presence of a distoventral spine on the propodi of third and fourth pereopods, the armature of dorsal surface of telson, and their geographical distribution. The description of this new species increases the number of worldwide valid species known of the genus Automate to 12.