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Methodological approaches to assessing digital maturity of logistics activities of pharmaceutical enterprises


Abstract and Figures

The aim: development of methodological approaches to assessing the digital maturity of the logistics activity of a pharmaceutical enterprise and elaboration of the proposed methodology on the example of those domestic enterprises that have a developed logistics system and some experience in the implementation of digital technologies in logistics activities. Materials and methods: Research was conducted using databases on the Internet: the European Center for Information Systems Research, the European Medicines Agency, and scientific and metric databases - Scopus, Web of Science. Logical, systematic analysis and synthesis, graphic methods of research, and methods of mathematical and statistical analysis (expert, pair correlation and taxonomic) were used. The results. An analysis of the state of implementation of digital technologies was carried out on the example of domestic pharmaceutical enterprises, which have been the leaders of the pharmaceutical market in recent years. It is substantiated that the assessment of digital maturity is a mandatory prerequisite for the digital transformation of pharmaceutical market entities. The existing models of digital maturity assessment are analyzed, and their shortcomings are identified. Based on this, a methodology for assessing the digital maturity of the logistics activities of pharmaceutical enterprises is proposed. An algorithm for the practical implementation of the methodology for assessing the digital maturity of the logistics activity of pharmaceutical enterprises is proposed. Based on the application of the proposed methodological approaches for assessing digital maturity using the taxonomic method, the calculation of the integral indicator of the level of digital maturity of the logistics activity of domestic pharmaceutical enterprises was carried out. The priorities for the implementation of digital technologies in the logistics activities of pharmaceutical enterprises were determined depending on the degree of their digital maturity. Conclusions. It has been proven that the digital transformation of the logistics activities of pharmaceutical enterprises is a complex process that must consider many factors of the internal and external environment of the pharmaceutical enterprise. It is impossible to form a strategy and make decisions about investing in digital technologies without first assessing your real opportunities and weak points of the enterprise. That is why the assessment of the existing level of digital maturity is an important step on the way to the systematic digitalization of the logistics activities of a pharmaceutical enterprise. The proposed methodical approaches to assessing the digital maturity of the logistics activity of pharmaceutical enterprises will allow to form a holistic view of the real level of digital maturity of a certain enterprise and its deviation from the desired state, determine the priority directions for increasing the level of digital maturity, based on the specifics of the logistics activity of a particular pharmaceutical enterprise, and develop a sound digital strategy to improve the performance of both the individual business and the pharmaceutical supply chain
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ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science № 4(44)2023
1. Introduction
In recent years, digital technologies (DT) have had
a serious impact on the lives of millions of people, and
various sectors of the economy actively use these tech-
nologies to increase the speed, accuracy and efficiency of
information processing, to automate processes related to
the performance of routine, repetitive and monotonous
operations, thanks to which there is an opportunity to
significantly increase the efficiency of enterprises.
Today, DTs are actively implemented in the phar-
maceutical industry, primarily in the areas of informa-
tion exchange, bar coding of pharmaceutical products,
management accounting, statistical data processing, cre-
ation of web platforms to support and improve the provi-
sion of pharmaceutical care and services, discussion of
initiatives in the field of health care [1, 2]. In addition, DT
allows you to automate the processes of management,
marketing and logistics, which signif icantly affects the
financial aspects of the activities of pharmaceutical mar-
ket entities (PME) [3].
Pharmaceutical logistics is an important and inte-
gral component of pharmacy. In the conditions of high
UDC 615.1:658.7
DOI: 10.15587/2519-4852.2023.286741
Anastasiia Lisna, Olga Posilkina, Elena Litvinova, Yuliia Bratishko, Olga Gladkova
The aim: development of methodological approaches to assessing the digital maturity of the logistics activity of a
pharmaceutical enterprise and elaboration of the proposed methodology on the example of those domestic enter-
prises that have a developed logistics system and some experience in the implementation of digital technologies in
logistics activities.
Materials and methods: Research was conducted using databases on the Internet: the European Center for Infor-
mation Systems Research, the European Medicines Agency, and scientic and metric databases – Scopus, Web of
Science. Logical, systematic analysis and synthesis, graphic methods of research, and methods of mathematical
and statistical analysis (expert, pair correlation and taxonomic) were used.
The results. An analysis of the state of implementation of digital technologies was carried out on the example of
domestic pharmaceutical enterprises, which have been the leaders of the pharmaceutical market in recent years. It
is substantiated that the assessment of digital maturity is a mandatory prerequisite for the digital transformation of
pharmaceutical market entities. The existing models of digital maturity assessment are analyzed, and their short-
comings are identied. Based on this, a methodology for assessing the digital maturity of the logistics activities
of pharmaceutical enterprises is proposed. An algorithm for the practical implementation of the methodology for
assessing the digital maturity of the logistics activity of pharmaceutical enterprises is proposed. Based on the ap-
plication of the proposed methodological approaches for assessing digital maturity using the taxonomic method,
the calculation of the integral indicator of the level of digital maturity of the logistics activity of domestic pharma-
ceutical enterprises was carried out. The priorities for the implementation of digital technologies in the logistics
activities of pharmaceutical enterprises were determined depending on the degree of their digital maturity.
Conclusions. It has been proven that the digital transformation of the logistics activities of pharmaceutical en-
terprises is a complex process that must consider many factors of the internal and external environment of the
pharmaceutical enterprise. It is impossible to form a strategy and make decisions about investing in digital tech-
nologies without rst assessing your real opportunities and weak points of the enterprise. That is why the assess-
ment of the existing level of digital maturity is an important step on the way to the systematic digitalization of the
logistics activities of a pharmaceutical enterprise. The proposed methodical approaches to assessing the digital
maturity of the logistics activity of pharmaceutical enterprises will allow to form a holistic view of the real level of
digital maturity of a certain enterprise and its deviation from the desired state, determine the priority directions for
increasing the level of digital maturity, based on the specics of the logistics activity of a particular pharmaceutical
enterprise, and develop a sound digital strategy to improve the performance of both the individual business and
the pharmaceutical supply chain
Keywords: pharmaceutical industry, pharmaceutical enterprise, logistics activity, digitalization, digital maturity,
digital technologies
How to cite:
Lisna, A., Posilkina, O., Litvinova, E., Bratishko, Y., Gladkova, O. (2023). Methodological approaches to assessing digital maturity of logistics
activities of pharmaceutical enterprises. ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science, 4 (44), 76–88. doi:
© The Author(s) 2023
This is an open access article under the Creative Commons CC BY license hydrate
ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science № 4(44)2023
competition in the pharmaceutical market, “pressure”
from customers, and the complex organizational basis of
pharmaceutical logistics processes, pharmaceutical en-
terprises (PEs) are constantly trying to improve logistics
business processes to fully satisfy the needs of consum-
ers and increase their competitiveness [4].
The study of the domestic and global experience of
using DT in PE logistics activities made it possible to gen-
eralize the advantages of their use for pharmacy [5–7]:
increasing the reliability of the functioning of pharmaceu-
tical supply chains (PSC); increasing the level of their
safety and security; reduction of logistics costs and losses;
reducing the risks associated with entering the chains of
falsified and counterfeit pharmaceutical products; increas-
ing transparency of business processes and, as a result,
increasing trust between partners participating in the
chain; increasing the level of privacy and security of infor-
mation that is a commercial secret; increasing guarantees
regarding the preservation of the quality of medicinal
products at all stages of their promotion from the manufac-
turer to the consumer; increasing labor productivity and
the ability to deal with such urgent problems as: limited
access to data in some PEs that use functionally different
information platforms and repositories; the lack of modern
automated management systems in many PMEs capable of
promptly analyzing the conditions of storage and transpor-
tation of pharmaceuticals, the volume of their stocks, fore-
casting the need for material resources and optimizing
production; lack of paperless organization of production of
pharmaceutical products.
Therefore, the need for digitalization of pharmaceuti-
cal logistics is determined by the requirements of both
PMEs and healthcare institutions, for which the problem of
reliability and uninterrupted functioning of pharmaceutical
supply chains, ensuring the physical availability of drugs
and the timeliness of their delivery to customers (clients) is
actualized, especially in the conditions of epidemics and
martial law, ensuring the transparency of PSC functioning
and their protection against counterfeit products.
The implementation of DT in all areas of pharmacy
fundamentally changes the content of business processes
and the nature of interaction with clients and consumers.
Thus, the digital transformation in the pharmaceutical in-
dustry determines ways of revising the existing PME
business model, increasing the responsiveness of pharma-
cy to the challenges that determine civilizational develop-
ment today. Such, in particular, are the growing volumes
of digital information exchange, the need to increase the
availability of pharmaceutical products in the conditions
of the appearance of new diseases, etc. [8].
As the analysis of literary sources showed, the
processes of digitalization of pharmaceutical logistics
are inf luenced by various factors: the state of the PE
digital infrastructure, the qualification of logistics per-
sonnel and their awareness of DT, the level of costs asso-
ciated with their implementation, the effectiveness of the
organizational structure of logistics activities at enter-
prises, the state of organizational culture [9–11].
DT is the main driver of digital transformation.
Therefore, the availability and effectiveness of the use of
these technologies in many ways determine the level of
digital maturity (DM) of PE logistics activities.
GxP industry standards place high demands on
the competence of PE personnel, as this factor directly
affects the quality of all business processes and, accord-
ingly, the quality of health care. Therefore, the appropri-
ate level of digital literacy of logistics personnel is an
important condition for the effectiveness of the logistics
activities of PE and their DM.
Management of costs associated with the imple-
mentation of DT on PE is also of particular importance
for the implementation of the digital transformation strat-
egy, since their unjustified and uncontrolled growth
leads to an increase in prices for pharmaceutical products
and, thus, leads to a decrease in the affordability of drugs
for end users.
The effectiveness of the implementation and use of
DT on PE depends to a large extent on the quality of
management of the processes of digitalization of logistics
activities and, in particular, the digital competencies of
management personnel. The assessment of the organiza-
tional structure of management allows us to answer the
question of whether there is a position or department at
the PE that is assigned the functions of digital manage-
ment and, in particular, logistics activities.
A manifestation of DM PE is the effectiveness of
digital channels of interaction with customers, who are
considered as digital partners. The construction of such
channels helps to satisfy the needs and requests of cus-
tomers (consumers) as fully as possible, as well as to
ensure the profitable activity of PE.
As you know, the active implementation of DT re-
quires significant financial resources and investments,
which actualizes the problem of their effective use, which
largely depends on the validity of the PE’s choice of dig-
italization strategy. It is not possible to choose an appro-
priate strategy for the digitalization of activities for a
certain PE without a preliminary assessment of the DM
level of the enterprise.
DM PE characterizes the level of implementation
and development at the DT enterprise, the extent to which
business processes are covered by them, the efficiency of
using digital assets, the type of computer system used and
data processing modes, which ultimately determine the
enterprise’s ability to quickly respond to changes in the
surrounding environment and constantly improve its ac-
tivity. That is, we can say that the level of DM is deter-
mined by the accumulated digital potential of PE, which
determines the further strategy of digital transformation of
the enterprise and the level of its effectiveness.
The main goal of the growth of DM logistics activ-
ities of PE is to create additional value for the consumer
by increasing the physical availability of pharmaceuti-
cals in the right city at the right time, increasing the
quality of logistics service, reliability, timeliness and
uninterrupted fulfilment of orders, reducing the risks of
poor order fulfilment, increasing the transparency of the
activities of pharmaceutical chain participants and the
development of permanent partnership relations between
ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science № 4(44)2023
It should be noted that conducting a DM assessment
provides PE with the opportunity to obtain specific advan-
tages on the path of digital transformation of logistics ac-
tivities, in particular: it allows a reasoned approach to de-
termining the desired level of DM; form recommendations
for choosing a strategy for the digital transformation of
logistics activity, based on the conditions and features of a
specific PE and the calculated integral indicator of the
level of DM of the PE’s logistics activity; identify unused
reserves of digital potential, etc. It should be noted that,
despite the relevance of the problem of assessing the DM
level of logistics activities of domestic PEs, it has not yet
been properly ref lected in scientific sources, which deter-
mined the choice of the research topic.
The aim of the work – development of methodical
approaches to evaluating DM logistics activities of PE
and working out the proposed methodology on the exam-
ple of those domestic enterprises that have a developed
logistics system and some experience in implementing
DT in logistics activities.
2. Planning (methodology) of the research
The following research plan was developed in or-
der to achieve the specified research goal:
to analyze and generalize the existing scientific
approaches to defining the essence of DM of the enterprise
and to determine the main advantages of PE functioning
from increasing the level of DM of logistics activities;
select PEs, based on which the proposed DM as-
sessment methodology will be developed, based on a pre-
liminary diagnosis of the existing level of DT implementa-
tion in their logistics activities since DM can only be
discussed if the enterprise has a certain digital potential;
according to the results of the study of scientific
sources, determine appropriate indicators for diagnosing
the existing level of digitalization of PE logistics activities;
based on the results of systematization of results,
critical analysis of modern approaches to determining the
essence of DM of the enterprise and determining the ad-
vantages of PE from increasing the level of DM of logistics
activities, develop methodical approaches to evaluating
the DM of logistics activities of PE, as a diagnostic tool for
the enterprise’s readiness for digital transformation;
to develop the proposed methodology at PE,
which is a leader in the field of pharmaceutical logistics
on the domestic market;
based on the results of the development of the
specified methodology, propose recommendations for
improving logistics processes in pharmacy and increas-
ing the reliability, safety, and efficiency of PSC activities.
An important component of the proposed method-
ology for assessing DM of PE logistics activities is the
determination of the sequence of stages of its implemen-
tation (Fig. 1).
Next, we will consider in more detail the content
of the stages of assessing the DM level of logistics activ-
ities at domestic PEs.
As already mentioned, based on data from the lit-
erature [12–14], the main factors that directly affect the
success of the digital transformation of logistics activi-
ties of enterprises are determined, in particular: digitali-
zation strategy, digital competence of personnel, organi-
zational culture, DT, organization of sales activities,
organizational structure of digital management. There-
fore, to assess the level of DM of logistics activities of PE,
first of all, it is necessary to assess the presence of a
digitalization strategy at the enterprise and the degree of
its integration with the logistics strategy.
Next, it is necessary to form a list of local indica-
tors that should be used to evaluate the DM of PE logis-
tics activities. It should be noted that the selection of in-
dicators is one of the most responsible stages of the
methodology since the accuracy and completeness of the
DM assessment of the enterprise’s logistics activity will
depend on the completeness and rationality of their list.
The list of indicators selected at the first stage of their
filtering based on the previously conducted content anal-
ysis was used as the basis of the developed questionnaire.
For the selection of indicators for further filtering, scien-
tists, managers, and specialists of logistics services (de-
partments) of PE were involved as experts.
According to the results of experts’ evaluations, in-
dicators are selected, the average rating of which has the
largest number of points within each direction of research.
To form the final list of DM evaluation indicators
of PE logistics activity, the pairwise correlation coeffi-
cient is calculated at the next stage. Indicators with a
pairwise correlation coefficient of more than 0.9 are ex-
cluded from it. Values of pairwise correlation coeffi-
cients that are close to unity indicate the presence of a
strong relationship. Values close to zero indicate either
the absence of any relationship or the absence of a rela-
tionship of the type for which the corresponding coeffi-
cient was developed [15].
In the future, based on the calculations, the values
of the weighting coefficients for the indicators character-
izing the DM level of the logistics activity of the PE are
The list of indicators for evaluating DM, which
reflects the specifics of PE logistics activity, formed by
the authors, includes:
1. According to the direction (component) of DM
assessment “Strategy”: existence of a clearly formulated
digital strategy; the level of staff awareness of the digital
strategy and its goals; considering the logistics compo-
nent in the digital strategy, which involves the use of
digital logistics tools.
2. According to the direction (component) of the
assessment of DM “Personnel,” the level of implementa-
tion of measures for the development of digital skills and
abilities of logistics personnel; level of mastery/share of
employees with basic computer skills.
3. According to the direction (component) of the
assessment of DM “Organizational culture”: the level of
coordination and interaction of management levels during
the digital transformation of logistics activities; availabili-
ty of measures to overcome (prevent) employee resistance
that arises in the process of digitization of PE logistics
activities; the level of discrepancy between the digital
competence of employees and the tasks they perform.
ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science № 4(44)2023
4. According to the direction (component) of the
assessment of DM “Digital technologies”: the level of
providing the enterprise with computers and other equip-
ment necessary for the normal functioning of logistics
processes; the level of implementation of effective mod-
ern security systems for PE cyber security; the level of
use of technologies of automated vehicles and drones,
sensors and sensors that monitor the movement of phar-
maceutical products online.
5. According to the direction (component) of the
evaluation of DM “Sales logistics,” the presence of a
modern interface of the PE website, the use of SEO-opti-
mization technologies, the level of use of digital distribu-
tion channels of pharmaceutical products, the availability
of an application for mobile devices to improve the effi-
ciency of work with PSC participants.
6. According to the direction (component) of DM
assessment, “Structure”: the level of flexibility of OSU
and its ability to adapt to changes occurring in the external
environment of PE (including changes related to the digital
revolution); the level of use of modern architectures (API,
cloud) to increase the speed and f lexibility of PE work; the
presence in the structure of PE of a position or department,
which is assigned the functions of digital management.
To transform qualitative assessments (answers) of
experts into quantitative indicators of assessment of DM
of logistics activities of PE, it is advisable to use a
three-level scale, according to which: a high assessment
is equal to 1.5 points; average grade – 1 point; low score
0.5 points.
At the fifth stage, based on the use of the Statistica
software package, the integrated taxonomic indicator of the
actual DM level of the PE logistics activity is calculated.
Next (at the sixth stage), an evaluation scale is
substantiated for diagnosing the qualitative state of the
DM of the logistics activity of the PE.
At the seventh stage, the desired (proper) level of
local and integral DM indicators of PE logistics activity is
determined based on a previously conducted analysis of
the state of implementation of DT in PE logistics activity.
In the following (eighth stage), the gaps between
the actual and the desired level of DM indicators of PE
logistics activities are evaluated.
In the ninth stage, priorities for the implementa-
tion of DT in the logistics activities of PE are deter-
mined depending on the degree of their DM (Fig. 2).
The diagram shown in the f igure was built based on the
proposals of the European Agency for Drugs [16, 17]
and supplemented with the author’s vision regarding the
selection of priorities for the implementation of DT in
the logistics activities of PE depending on the degree of
their DM.
Fig. 1. The proposed algorithm for assessing the DM of PE logistics activities.
Source: own development
Determination of the goa
l of digital transforma
tion of PE logistics activities
2. The choice of the method and direction of evaluation of DM of logistics activities
of PE
3. Formation of a system of local indicators and selection of a scale of
transformation of qualitative indicators into quantitative ones
4. Development of a questionnaire for conducting an expert survey on assessing the
state of DM logistics activities of PE and processing the results
5. Calculation of the integral taxonomic indicator of the actual level of DM logistics
6. Justification of the evaluation scale for diagnosing the qualitative state of the
DM of the logistics activity of the PE
7. Determination of the desired (proper) level of local and integral indicators of
assessment of DM of PE logistics activities
8. Determining the gaps between the actual and desired level of DM of PE logistics
9. Selection of the optimal strategy for the digital transformation of PE logistics
activities, based on the state of the company's DM and identified gaps
10. Control over the implementation of the strategy of digital transformation of
logistics activities and its adjustment
ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science № 4(44)2023
In the tenth – last stage, control over the imple-
mentation of the strategy of digital transformation of PE
logistics activities and its adjustment is carried out.
3. Materials and methods
The research was conducted using databases on
the Internet: the European Center for Information Sys-
tems Research, the European Medicines Agency, and
scientific and metric databases – Scopus, Web of Science.
The search was conducted using the following keywords:
digitalization, digital maturity, digital technologies.
Research on the use of DT in domestic PEs is giv-
en as of 2022 based on data provided by the PEs under
study. The evaluation of DM logistics activity was car-
ried out on the example of the operation of such domestic
PEs as PJSC “Pharmak”, PJSC “PM Darnytsia” and LLC
“PC Zdorovya”. The choice of these PEs is justified by the
fact that these enterprises have been the leaders in terms
of sales of drugs on the pharmaceutical market for many
years [18–20] and are also leaders in the field of pharma-
ceutical logistics.
When working out the existing approaches to DM
assessment of PE logistics activity, logical and systematic
methods were used, as well as methods of analysis and
synthesis, with the help of which the essence of the digital
maturity category of PME was investigated, the experi-
ence regarding digitalization of logistics activity was
summarized, and DM assessment methods existing in
domestic and foreign practice were elaborated enterprises.
A graphical method was used to visually present
the results.
The expert method was used to assess the level of
DM of PE logistics activities according to 6 predefined
key components (directions): strategy, personnel, struc-
ture, DT, sales logistics, organizational culture. The col-
lection of information was carried out by the method of a
standardized expert survey. The formation of the group
of experts took place with the involvement of representa-
tives of the scientific field and practical pharmacy.
For the reliability and thoroughness of the research,
we developed a model for determining the coefficient of
expert competence, which allows you to assess the ex-
pert’s competence based on the expert’s professional level
of knowledge in this field, considering his qualification
category and practical experience [21, 22]. As an initial
(target) variable when building the model, the assessment
of the expert’s awareness of the problem under study was
considered, which, according to the questionnaire, had
two possible values: fully satisfied need for information (1)
and partially satisfied need for information (0).
Fig. 2. Priorities of implementing DT in logistics activities of PE depending on the degree of their DM
Source: elaborated and supplemented by the authors based on [16, 17]
Priorities for the implementation of digital technologies in PE logistics
activities depending on the degree of their DM
DT implementation priorities
for PE with low and
satisfactory DM
DT implementation
priorities for PE with
medium DM
DT implementation
priorities for PE with high
Broadband Internet
Information and
Electronic Business
forums, online
Specific mobile
applications and
Global navi
satellite system
Virtual reality
of things
ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science № 4(44)2023
Based on the results of the study, quantitative param-
eters were determined that affect the degree of awareness of
experts on the investigated problem: total work experience,
work experience by profession, age, number of subordinates,
qualitative - position, scientific qualification, and form of
PE ownership. The ranking of the input variables by the
level of importance for determining the expert’s awareness
of the problem under study was carried out based on the
calculation of the information criterion λ2 ( Ta ble 1).
Table 1
Results of assessment of experts’ competence indicators
Parameter Value
Chi-square(λ2) P-value
Position 36.164 0.00122
Work experience in that position 27.142 0.00255
Total work experience 25.174 0.00216
Scientic qualication 21.183 0.00349
Age 13.647 0.00272
PE ownership form 12.395 0.00188
Number of subordinates 7.401 0.001592
Source: own development
According to the results of the assessment, 4 indi-
cators were selected, which have the greatest informa-
tiveness: position, total work experience, work experi-
ence by profession, and scientific qualification. Other
indicators were not included in the model for assessing
the competence of experts, as they had low λ2 values.
To build a model for assessing experts’ compe-
tence indicators, the logistic regression method was
used, which allows obtaining estimates of binar y feed-
back in the form of a continuous function with a value
from the interval [0; 1], which are inter preted as the
probability that the target variable
will take the value 1.
When building the model,
various methods of estimating its
parameters were tested. The best
indicators were obtained using the
quasi-Newton method and the
Hooke-Leevesguasi-Newton meth-
od [23, 24]. Based on the calculated
coefficients of competence, the lev-
el of experts’ awareness of the in-
vestigated problem was qualitative-
ly characterized in accordance
with Harrington’s verbal-numeri-
cal scale (Table 2).
Table 2
Harrington scale [21]
Graduation Numeric interval
Very low 0.00-0.20
Low 0.20-0.37
Middle 0.37-0.63
High 0.63-0.80
Very high 0.80-1.00
More than 50 specialists who had more than five
years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry and rel-
evant professional education took part in the expert survey.
The degree of agreement of experts’ conclusions, which was
measured using the concordance coefficient (W=0.908), ca n
be recognized as high. The significance of the concordance
coefficient was assessed by calculating the Pearson test (χ2)
and comparing it with the tabular value for degrees of free-
dom n–1. Since the calculated value of χ2 significantly ex-
ceeds the tabular value, this confirms the non-accidental
consistency of the experts’ conclusions.
The method of pairwise correlation was used to
form the final list of DM evaluation indicators of PE lo-
gistics activity in order to eliminate the phenomenon of
In order to calculate the integral indicator of the
level of DM of logistics activity of PE, based on the data
of an expert survey and the subsequent transformation of
qualitative assessments into quantitative ones, we used
the methods of mathematical and statistical analysis
(namely, the taxonomic method), which provides the op-
portunity to set and mathematically substantiate even
such tasks for which there are no full-fledged statistics,
or in the case when among the studied indicators there
are only qualitative ones. The advantage of this method
is also that it provides the possibility of adapting eco-
nomic and mathematical models to the changing condi-
tions of the enterprise’s operating environment [25].
For a qualitative assessment of the calculated inte-
gral indicator of the level of DM of logistics activity of
PE, we used the scale given in the Table 3, which allows,
depending on the level of the calculated integral indicator,
to identify the state of DM PE (low, satisfactory, average,
high) and to determine the priority areas of digital trans-
formation of logistics activities at a certain PE.
Table 3
The scale of quantitative and qualitative assessment of the level of DM of
logistics activities of PE
evaluation of
the integral in-
dicator of DM
tion of the
DM integral
DM status description
Low 0–0.25
PE is sceptical of DT and does not consider their impact on
logistics activities seriously enough. The PE management
examines only the practice of conducting digital transforma-
tion of logistics activities at competitors or other PEs
Satisfactory 0.25–0.50
PE is very slow to accept DT. The process of digital
transformation of logistics activity stretches for a long
time, and the digitalization itself is quite supercial and
does not cover all areas of PE logistics activity
Middle 0.50–0.75
PE supports DT and invests in innovation and digital
logistics. The guidance focuses on the implementation
of DT, but there is no performance measurement and
analysis of these innovations. Also, insucient attention
is paid to planning, development of digital strategy and
formation of digital competencies of employees
High 0.75–1
PE uses all the possibilities provided by DT. The process
of digital transformation is systemic and covers all areas of
logistics activity. Innovations are monitored and evaluated,
and a digital PE strategy is developed.
Source: elaborated and supplemented by the authors based on [21, 25]
ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science № 4(44)2023
4. Research results
The results of a preliminary express analysis of the
evaluation of the implementation of DT in the logistics
activities of the PE, conducted using open information
sources and the sites of the investigated PEs and informa-
tion provided by the PEs themselves, are shown in the
Table 4. This preliminary analysis was carried out with
the aim of diagnosing the sufficiency of the logistics po-
tential accumulated at the studied PEs, which allows us
to talk about the correct use of these enterprises as ob-
jects for approbation of the proposed DM assessment
methodology of PE logistics activities.
The results of the express analysis show that the
studied PEs have already accumulated a certain poten-
tial and experience in the use of DT, which opens seri-
ous innovative prospects for further improvement of
logistics processes and the creation of conditions for
ensuring the reliability, safety and efficiency of PSC activ-
ities. After all, access to DT creates significant advantages
for all PEs, which makes it possible to build strategic part-
nerships, access support services such as training, finance,
and legal services, reach different markets and different
segments of drug consumers, which is critical when build-
ing a digital environment in the pharmaceutical industry.
The results of the quantitative assessment of the
level of digitalization of logistics activities at the investi-
gated PEs (PJSC “Farmak”, PJSC “PM “Darnytsia”,
LLC “PC “Zdorovya”) using local indicators traditionally
used in scientific sources are presented in Table 5. Accord-
ing to the data it can be seen that the level of local indica-
tors of the digitalization of logistics activities of
LLC “PC “Zdorovya” is significantly lower compared to
PJSC “Farmak” and PJSC “PM “Darnytsia” (almost in all
areas). The highest level of local indicators is observed in
PJSC “Farmak”.
Тable 5
Assessment of the level of digitalization of PE logistics
activities using traditional local indicators
Indicators of assessment of the
level of digitalization of logistics
Indicators of digital infrastructure
The number of computers used in
logistics activities on PE per 100
employees, pcs./100 people
37 21 11
Number of specialized programs
for PE, pcs. 22 14 13
Indicators of material and technical supplement
The share of equipment with
Internet access in the total volume
of equipment, %
2.58 1.06 0.88
The share of equipment with
articial intelligence in the total
volume of equipment, %
0.05 0 0
Indicators of labor resources
Share of employees with IT
education, % 13.9 8.5 8.1
The share of employees who use
digital technologies in PE logis-
tics activities, %
5.6 4.9 4.6
Share of employees who have un-
dergone digital literacy training, % 11.2 6.3
Financial indicators
Share of spending on digital
technologies in the total spending
structure, %
7.7 3.4 2.6
The share of costs for professional
development, training employees
in digital literacy in the overall
structure of costs for personnel
training, %
46.2 63.1
Organizational and management indicators
The share of managers with IT edu-
cation in the management structure
of PE logistics activities, %
6.1 3.5 4.6
The share of digital document ow
from PE logistics activities, % 38 33 29
Source: generated by the authors
Table 4
The results of an express analysis of the
implementation of DT in the logistics activities of the
investigated PEs
Directions for using DT PJSC
Use of computers and
broadband Internet access + + +
Availability of a single
digital platform for the
interaction of all PSC
+ + +
Availability of specialized
programs for managing
PE logistics activities
+ +
Availability of technology
without a documented ow
of PE logistics activities
+ +
Use of «industrial» Inter-
net of Things technology + + +
The presence of a mod-
ern PE website interface,
the use of SEO optimiza-
tion technologies
+ + +
Availability of informa-
tion about PE logistics ac-
tivities in social networks:
+ + +
– social network Facebook + + +
– social network Instagram
– social network Twitter
– YouTube + + +
– chatbot at Telegram/Viber + + +
Availability of an online
application for smart-
phone users
The use of structured and
unstructured large data
sets and their signicant
diversity processed by
software tools (Big Data)
Articial Intelligence
Source: generated by the authors based on data provided
by the studied PEs for 2022
ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science № 4(44)2023
Therefore, the conducted analysis shows that the
available material, technical and information resources
for the digital transformation of logistics activities in
domestic PEs are different, and this difference is largely
due to the number of investments in DT and the level of
provision of PE and staff with digital infrastructure, the
level of digital competence of employees.
However, the obtained results do not provide a
clearly defined generalized quantitative assessment of
satisfaction (dissatisfaction) with the level of digitaliza-
tion of PE logistics activities and are insufficient to
form a systematic view of the state of DM logistics ac-
tivities of a certain enterprise and the choice of further
priorities for its development. The calculation of the
specified local indicators allows to obtain only local
comparative information regarding the state of DT use
and does not provide an opportunity to draw conclu-
sions regarding the presence or absence of a certain PE
of the necessary digital potential for further digital
transformation. To obtain a more objective and system-
atic assessment of the DM status of organizations, for-
eign scientists and consulting companies use various
methods (Table 6) [26–32].
Based on the results of the analysis of the existing
DM evaluation methods, it can be concluded that these
methods have a structure that corresponds to the Capa-
bility Maturity Model Integrated and provide for the
possibility of identifying bottlenecks for the digital trans-
formation of the enter prise’s logistics activities. However,
they also have certain limitations that make them insuf-
ficiently effective for diagnosing problems and building
a digitalization development plan for PE.
Table 6
General characteristics of the methods used in foreign practice for evaluating the company’s DM
No. Methodology devel-
oper Characteristics
MIT Center for Digital
Business and Capgem-
ini Consulting [26]
Based on the analysis of more than 400 large enterprises from various industries, three key areas of
digital transformation were formed: Transforming Customer Experience, Transforming Operational
Processes and Transforming Business Models. Within each of the selected spheres, there are three com-
plementary elements, and these nine elements form a set of building blocks of digital transformation.
However, no enterprise completely transforms all nine elements at once. Dierent businesses move
towards digital transformation at dierent rates and achieve dierent levels of success
2Deloitte’s Digital Ma-
turity Model [26]
Digital capabilities are evaluated in 5 key areas: Customer, Strategy, Technology, Operations, Organiza-
tion & Culture. The ve main dimensions are divided into 28 sub-dimensions, which, in turn, are divided
into 179 indicators by which DM is evaluated. Emphasis is placed on Business Strategy. Successive steps
of specifying the strategy are the denition of Business Model and Operating Model
Digital Transformation
Index, developed by an
analytical agency,
Arthur D. Little [27, 28]
It has a larger number of consolidated areas of assessment: Strategy and governance, Products and
services, Customer Management, Operations and Supply Chain, Corporate Services and control, In-
formation Technology, Workplace and culture. For each enterprise, the evaluation results are formed
in the form of a radar, on which, taking into account the specics of the industry, the Virtual Star
level and the average industry level are also marked
Digital Business
Aptitude (DBA) of the
KPMG enterprise [29]
It combines 5 areas of assessment: Vision and strategy, Digital Talent, Digital First Processes, Agile Sourc-
ing and technology, and Governance. As in the two previous models, each of the selected spheres includes
several components. The evaluation results are formed in the form of radar; each evaluation sector has its
own colour. A feature and advantage of this model is the self-assessment diagnostic tool, which is freely
available. There are 2 levels on the radar for each area of assessment: for this enterprise and the average
for all enterprises that have passed the assessment. Thus, a basis for comparative assessment is formed,
which is very important for decision-making in the eld of strategy selection and priority areas of digital
Digitalization Piano
developed at the
initiative of IMD and
Cisco Global Center for
Digital Business Trans-
formation [30, 31]
Similarly to 7 notes, 7 Transformation Categories are distinguished, which make up the most im-
portant elements of the value chain of the enterprise: Business Model, Structure, People, Processes,
IT Capability, Oerings, Engagement Model. For each of them, a list of guiding questions has been
developed, the answers to which can help to draw up a transformation plan. A feature of this model
is the determination of the gap between the current and desired levels in each direction. At the same
time, to obtain the eect, it is recommended to simultaneously transform several elements and tech-
nologies – the creation of musical chords
Methodology of the
Ionology enterprise
The Ionology company distinguishes 5 blocks of digital transformation changes: Strategy and culture,
Sta and customer, Process and innovation, Technology, Data and analytics
7Acatech Industry 4.0
Maturity Index [32]
Developed based on research carried out by the National Academy of Sciences and Technology of Germa-
ny. Four key areas of digital transformation are distinguished: resources, information systems, culture, and
organizational structure. The evaluation method is somewhat more complicated than the one described
above. The index is formed simultaneously in several areas. Selected directions are evaluated accord-
ing to the stages of development of Industry 4.0 (informatization, connectivity, visibility, transparency,
predictability, self-correction). In addition, corporate processes are analyzed in terms of ve functional
areas (development, production, logistics, service, marketing, and sales). Special attention is paid to the
transformation of the organizational structure and culture. The main goal is to create a exible, constantly
developing enterprise
ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science № 4(44)2023
The conducted analysis proved the necessity of
adapting (improving) the given methods for DM evalua-
tion of PE logistics activities. The methodology improved
and adopted by the authors provides for determining the
DM level of PE logistics activity in 6 areas: strategy, per-
sonnel, structure, DT, sales logistics, and organizational
culture using a system of indicators created for PE, se-
lected based on two-stage filtering.
A scale was used to interpret the obtained results
of DM assessment of logistics activity of PE based on the
calculated integral indicator, which allows to determine
the quality level of DM of logistics activity (low, satisfac-
tory, middle, and high) and, according to the determined
level of DM, to choose an appropriate strategy of digital
transformation of logistics activity.
The results of the calculation of the integral DM
indicator of the logistics activity of the investigated PEs
are shown in the Table 7.
The assessment of the level of DM of the logistics
activity of the investigated PEs using the improved meth-
odology allows us to draw the following conclusions:
LLC “PC “Zdorovya” has a satisfactory level of
DM (0.274), which indicates that the PE really assesses
the importance of using DT and their advantages in com-
parison with analogue technologies but is very slowly
introducing them into logistics activities. The company
devotes enough time and resources to establishing the
structure of information communications, but it does not
have sufficiently developed digitalization in the field of
sales logistics and operational activities, and strategic
planning needs to be improved in the context of the de-
velopment of the digital economy.
Research results indicate that PJSC “PM “Darnytsia”
has a satisfactor y level of DM, as does LLC “PC “Zdor-
ovya”. The calculated value of the integral indicator DM of
logistics activities is slightly higher compared to LLC “PC
“Zdorovya” (0.366) but also indicates a limited digitalization
of logistics activities, which does not cover all areas of PE
activity. The enterprise has been diagnosed with a sufficient
level of organizational culture, which allows hope that fur-
ther digital change will be well received and staff resistance
will be minimal. More attention should be paid to the devel-
opment of a digital strategy and its integration with the
overall PE development strategy. Attention should also be
paid to identifying and building the digital competence and
digital literacy of staff, as well as evaluating the prospects
for using digital marketing tools.
Compared to other researched PE PJSC “Farmak”
has an average level of DM logistics activity. The com-
pany skillfully uses the opportunities opened by the
application of DT, has a digital strategy, and invests in
this direction. Individual digitization activities can
serve as an example for other PEs. However, the field of
digital transformation of sales logistics also needs in-
tensifying efforts.
As already mentioned, determining the DM level
of PE logistics activity is necessary for the formation of
a well-founded and consistent strategy for the digital
transformation of logistics activities and the effective use
of the resources necessary for this (Table 8).
Table 7
The results of the DM’s expert assessment of the logistics activities of the investigated PEs
PE elements Values for each subsystem Integral index
Calculated value DM level Calculated value Strategy
LLC «PC «Zdorovya»
Strategy 0.268 Satisfactory
0.274 satisfactory
DM level
Activating eorts and attracting the
necessary additional resources to
accelerate the digital transforma-
tion of logistics activities
Personnel 0.289 Middle
Organizational culture 0.364 Middle
DT 0.327 Satisfactory
Sales logistics 0.241 Low
Structure 0.374 Satisfactory
PJSC «PM «Darnytsia»
Strategy 0.283 Satisfactory
0.366 satisfactory
DM level
Activating eorts and attracting the
necessary additional resources to
accelerate the digital transforma-
tion of logistics activities
Personnel 0.513 Satisfactory
Organizational culture 0.427 Middle
DT 0.384 Middle
Sales logistics 0.494 Satisfactory
Structure 0.428 Middle
PJSC «Farmak»
Strategy 0.525 Middle
0.621 middle DM
Adoption of the best global expe-
rience in digitalization of logistics
Personnel 0.597 Middle
Organizational culture 0.624 Middle
DT 0.561 Middle
Sales logistics 0.496 Local
Structure 0.518 Middle
ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science № 4(44)2023
5. Discussion of research results
Despite numerous studies [33–36] on the prob-
lems of digital transformation of the company’s activ-
ities, its practical implementation remains quite prob-
lematic. Moreover, problems arise both in the field of
building a theoretical and conceptual basis for the
mechanisms of developing the company’s digital strat-
egy and in assessing its DM. In particular, the prob-
lems of choosing the factors of digital transformation
to assess its effectiveness and considering industry
specifics are significant.
The conducted analysis of the state of imple-
mentation of DT in the logistics activities of the inves-
tigated domestic PEs allowed us to conclude that the
domestic pharmaceutical industry has already accu-
mulated a certain potential and experience of using DT
in the management of logistics activities of enterprises,
which proves that PMEs understand the importance of
using the advantages of digital transformation.
It has been established that the analysis and diag-
nosis of the DM level of PE logistics activities in
Ukraine are currently not being carried out, as there are
no methods of such assessment adapted to the specifics
of PE logistics activities. It is the lack of such research
that makes it impossible for PE to form a well-founded
and consistent strategy for the digital transformation of
logistics activities and the effective use of the resources
necessary for this.
Based on these considerations, methodical ap-
proaches to DM assessment of PE logistics activities
were developed and elaborated in the work. The pro-
posed method considers the peculiarities of managing
the logistics activities of PE in the conditions of digi-
talization and allows to abstract from the specifics of
the organization of logistics business processes at
different PEs. The peculiarity of the given method is
that, unlike most other methods aimed at evaluating
the DM of the enterprise, it allows you to evaluate the
DM of the logistics activities of the PE. In addition,
the methodology provides a structural approach to the
assessment of digital transformations and is sufficient-
ly comprehensive from the point of view of covering
all aspects of the digital transformation of PE logistics
activities. In addition to the traditional areas of assess-
ment of DM of enterprises (strategy, personnel, str uc-
ture, DT, organizational culture) provided in other
methods, an important component of the proposed
method is the assessment of DM of sales logistics,
which is a critically important process for the imple-
mentation of the social function of PE – timely provi-
sion of the population with the necessary and quality
The improved and adapted to the specifics of the
PE activity method makes it possible not only to deter-
mine the potential of their DM and readiness for the
implementation of DT in logistics activities in order to
increase the reliability, safety and efficiency of the lo-
gistics processes of both individual PE and PSC but also
based on the calculation of the integral (taxonomic) of
the digital maturity indicator and the proposed scale of
qualitative interpretation of the level of this indicator to
choose an adequate strategy for the fur ther digital
transformation of logistics activities. This will contrib-
ute to increasing the efficiency of investments aimed at
the digital transformation of PE activities.
It is certain that the problems raised in this
study do not reveal the whole range of issues related to
the implementation of DT in PE activities and their
impact on the eff iciency of logistics processes of en-
terprises and the functioning of PSC. A complex of
issues related to the development of an assessment of
possible risks of digital transformation of the logistics
activities of domestic PEs remains unresolved, which
is a necessary condition for the formation of effective
and safe PSCs.
The practical significance of the obtained
results lies in the creation of a methodological basis
for assessing the level of DM, which will contribute to
the process of improving the management of the pro-
cesses of digitization of the logistics activity of PE
thanks to the well-founded choice of a digital trans-
formation strategy corresponding to the potential of
the enterprise.
Study limitations are caused by the difficulty
of obtaining the amount of information necessar y for
their implementation, which, in most cases, is not pre-
Table 8
Matrix appropriate for the selection of strategies for the digital transformation of PE logistics activities depending on
the level of the integral indicator of DM
DM level Characteristic behavior Strategy The range of change of
the integral indicator DM
High PE demonstrate a high level
of digitization
Development and implementation of an innovative strat-
egy for digital transformation of logistics activities 0.75–1
Middle PE implement DT Adoption of the best global experience regarding the
digital transformation of logistics activities 0.50–0.75
Satisfactory PEs explore digitization
Activating eorts and attracting the necessary additional
resources to accelerate the digital transformation of
logistics activities
Low PE ignore digitalization Local implementation of digital technologies in PE
logistics activities 0–0.25
ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science № 4(44)2023
sented in statistical reports and on PE websites, by the
lack of investment resources that are needed for effec-
tive digital transformation of PE, which has a certain
inf luence on the choice and effectiveness of the imple-
mentation of the corresponding strategies, as well as
with the lack of methodical approaches to determine
the desired state of DM PE.
Prospects for further research are related to the
development of a road map for the digital transforma-
tion of the logistics activities of domestic PEs, which
have different logistics potential and a controlled mar-
ket share.
6. Conclusions
1. An analysis of the state of implementation of
DT was carried out on the example of PE, which in
recent years has been the leader of the domestic phar-
maceutical industry. Based on the conducted analysis,
it was concluded that the leading domestic PEs have
already accumulated some experience in the use of
DT; in particular, software has been implemented in
the management of PE logistics activities. DTs are
used in working with customers, and other DT mea-
sures are in place, demonstrating PME’s understand-
ing of the importance of taking advantage of digital
2. It is substantiated that the assessment of the
level of DM is a mandatory prerequisite for conducting
the digital transformation of PE. The methods (models)
for DM assessment of enterprises existing in the world
practice were analyzed, and the necessity of their adapta-
tion for the purposes of assessing the DM level of PE lo-
gistics activities was determined.
3. The main areas of assessment of DM logistics
activities of PE are determined: strategy, personnel, orga-
nizational culture, DT, structure, sales logistics.
4. An algorithm for evaluating the DM of the lo-
gistics activity of PE is proposed, which is adapted to the
specifics of the pharmaceutical industry.
5. For the practical application of the DM evalua-
tion method of PE logistics activity based on two-stage
filtering, a system of evaluation indicators was substanti-
ated, which were worked out on the example of three
domestic PEs that have sufficient logistics potential and
experience in implementing DT.
6. Based on the application of the proposed me-
thodical approaches to the evaluation of the DM of the
logistics activity of PE, the calculation of the integral
indicator of DM of the logistics activity of the studied PE
was carried out using the taxonomic method - PJSC
“Pharmak”, PJSC “FF Darnytsia”, LLC “FC “Zdorovya”.
A scale is proposed for the defined zone of qualitative
assessment of the level of the calculated integral indicator
DM of the logistics activity of enterprises.
7. Based on the conducted quantitative and qualita-
tive assessment of the DM level of the investigated PEs and
the determination of the deviation of the actual level of their
DM indicator from the desired state, a digital transforma-
tion strategy for each of the enterprises is substantiated.
8. The practical significance of the conducted
research is to create conditions for more effective use of
resources aimed at improving the logistics activities of
pharmaceutical manufacturers, increasing their level of
competitiveness, and ensuring sustainable development,
which is an important factor in improving the pharma-
ceutical supply of the population in Ukraine.
Conflict of interests
The authors declare that they have no conf lict of
interest in relation to this research, including financial,
personal, authorship, or any other nature that could affect
the research and its results presented in this article.
The study was conducted without financial support.
Data availability
The manuscript has no associated data.
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ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science № 4(44)2023
Received date 23.05.2023
Accepted date 22.08.2023
Published date 31.08.2023
Anastasiіа Lisna*, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Management and Quality Assurance in Pharmacy,
National University of Pharmacyб Pushkinska str., 53, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002
Olga Posilkina, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Department of Management and Quality Assurance
in Pharmacy, National University of Pharmacy, Pushkinska str., 53, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002
Elena Litvinova, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Department of Management and Quality
Assurance in Pharmacy, National University of Pharmacy, Pushkinska str., 53, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002
Yuliia Bratishko, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Management and
Quality Assurance in Pharmacy, National University of Pharmacy, Pushkinska str., 53, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002
Olga Gladkova, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Management and Quality Assurance in Pharmacy,
National University of Pharmacy, Pushkinska str., 53, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002
*Corresponding author: Anastasiіа Lisna, e-mail:
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Digitization of healthcare and pharmaceutical care has a significant impact on the development and functioning of these industries. Virtual tools provide significant benefits by improving access to medicines, as well as real-time diagnosis and treatment. Aim. To analyze and generalize literature sources on the use of digital technologies in the process of providing pharmaceutical care and determine further prospects for application. Materials and methods. The search for information sources in foreign databases WoS, Scopus, PubMed was conducted mainly over the past five years; theoretical (analysis and synthesis of scientific literature and normative sources, generalization, classification, analytical, comparative and logical) and empirical (description, comparison) methods were used. Results. The features of digital transformation in the process of providing pharmaceutical care are considered taking into account the processes of digitalization and healthcare in general. It is noted that digitization, which previously seemed desirable, but not mandatory, has become an absolute necessity. The main priorities and trends in the processes of modern transformation of pharmaceutical care are determined, which make it possible to form and master current innovations and develop the ability to work in a patient-centered paradigm. Conclusions. Time requires the expansion of pharmaceutical services through digital technologies, some of them have already become widespread (e-prescriptions, mobile applications, digital dosing technologies), and it significantly improves pharmaceutical care due to a personalized approach to the patient, wider interaction between doctors and patients, the possibility of using information for effective analysis and decision-making, transformation of business processes for rapid response in real time. Digital interventions by pharmacists have a positive impact on health in general. There is limited evidence on the cost-effectiveness of digital interventions, which has led to hesitancy in applying this approach, and it requires further study.
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Dynamic changes in the global economy, resulting from the implementation of the Industry 4.0 concept, cover practically all areas of life. They mainly concern companies that need to adapt to these changes as soon as possible in order to face growing competition. The digitalization process is of great significance in this respect, as it requires having appropriate material and personal resources as well as knowledge necessary to implement new innovative solutions. Problems associated with the digitalization of economy are very well understood in the European Union (EU), which makes every effort to ensure the best possible conditions for the implementation of this process in companies in all member states. A special group of these countries belong to Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), the youngest members of the EU. Given this extremely important issue, the paper presents the results of research on the level of digitalization of small, medium and large enterprises in this group of countries (CEE). Their aim was to evaluate the level of digitalization of the studied groups of enterprises and individual CEE countries. It was important to determine digital technologies dominating in particular groups of enterprises and, with the use of non-parametric tests, the influence of the digitalization level on selected economic parameters of particular CEE countries. The research was based on 11 selected indicators characterizing the digital technologies used, infrastructure for Industry 4.0 and personnel training in new technologies. The level of digitalization of individual groups of companies was determined based on the multi-criteria decision-making method (MCDM). In this case, the TOPSIS and VIKOR methods were applied, for which the rankings and levels of digitalization of individual CEE countries were also determined. The entropy and CRITIC methods were utilized to measure the weights of indicators adopted for the study. The whole research was complemented by statistical analyses of the adopted indicators. The results showed a high differentiation in the level of digitalization for individual CEE countries and the studied groups of enterprises. The highest levels of digitalization were reported in Slovenia, Croatia and the Czech Republic. The lowest levels were reported in Bulgaria and Romania. From the point of view of the size of enterprises, the highest levels of digitalization were found in the group of large enterprises, which results from their potential and resources. The results are an important source of information regarding the current state of digitalization in the CEE countries, considering the size of enterprises. This, in turn, should be used when developing strategies for the digital transformation of the CEE countries and the entire EU.
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Aim. To analyze the current trends in the field of digitalization of pharmaceutical logistics and supply chain management in the context of the coronavirus pandemic and identify factors that hinder the introduction of digital technologies into the activities of pharmaceutical market entities. Materials and methods. To achieve the goal of the study, an analysis of foreign and domestic scientific literature, an expert survey of managers and employees of pharmaceutical companies was conducted. The research methods were abstract-logical, monographic, system and content analysis, expert survey. Results. The relevance of digitalization of pharmaceutical logistics and supply chain management in the context of the coronavirus pandemic has been substantiated. A review of the practice of implementing digital technologies in the activities of domestic pharmaceutical companies has been conducted. According to the expert survey, the problems of introducing digital technologies into the activities of pharmaceutical companies from the point of view of managers and the staff have been identified. The reasons that hinder the process of introducing modern digital technologies into the activities of the domestic pharmaceutical sector in the field of healthcare have been determined. Conclusions. The use of digital technologies is a necessary element of restructuring the information and logistics support for all participants in pharmaceutical supply chains, improving the reliability and quality of their activities and protecting the chains from counterfeit products. This problem is especially relevant in a pandemic when a well-organized and uninterrupted pharmaceutical logistics becomes in many cases an important condition for preserving not only health, but also human life. Therefore, today it is necessary to implement a comprehensive system of measures aimed at increasing the level of digitalization of the pharmaceutical industry, which will contribute to increasing the efficiency of the functioning of pharmaceutical supply chains, as well as improving the reliability and continuity of drug supply to the population of Ukraine.
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Introduction. Digitization of Ukrainian enterprises is a complex process that is closely interconnected with state and global transformations in the field of implementation of modern information and communication and intellectual technologies, and requires the formation of innovative human capital capable of fully realizing the benefits of digitized economic activity. Purpose. The purpose of the study is to conduct a systematic analysis of the digitalization indicators of Ukrainian enterprises. Method (methodology). During conducting systematic analysis of digitalization indicators of Ukrainian enterprises the method of comparison, the method of informal content analysis, the graphical method and the method of generalization of information obtained from available sources of information were applied. Results. The article provides systematic analysis of digitalization indicators of Ukrainian enterprises. Research of a number of international organizations and research institutions has been systematized in order to identify changes in the tendencies of introduction of modern information and communication technologies and formulation of conclusions on the rationality of their use by domestic enterprises on the basis of studying the experience of the leading countries in this field. It is established that the existing digital ecosystem of Ukraine needs improvement, especially in the field of enhancing the digital and innovative culture of existing human capital of enterprises and the formation of digital competences of a new era already in the future profession education. The integral index of digital competitiveness of the Ukrainian enterprises which has been calculated on the basis of studying of indicators of activity of the Ukrainian enterprises at introduction of information and communication technologies is offered. According to the calculations, the underutilization of the digital opportunities, provided by modern information and communication technologies, by enterprises is established. The necessity of further modernization of domestic productions and providing them with modern means of work, which are capable to provide increase of competitiveness of domestic business and promotion of more intensive intellectualization of human capital is detected. Suggestions on the need to develop effective management tools that can facilitate coordination between existing policies in the field of digitalization of Ukrainian enterprises, stimulate domestic enterprises for active digital transformations and creating products with new consumer properties, ensure the formation of flexible ecosystems that can provide intellectualization of human capital of domestic enterprises in accordance with the requirements of the global business environment are made.
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As with other sectors of the economy, pharmaceuticals and healthcare is undergoing digital transformation and with some companies this is continuing at a rapid pace as companies attempt to mine the sources of data available. For those involved with the industry, this means an array of new abbreviations, initialism and acronyms to learn. Terms such as: artificial Intelligence, machine learning, internet-of-things (or the ‘industrial’ internet-of-things -IIOT), blockchain, augmented reality, predictive analytics, big data analytics, Industry 4.0 (or Industry X.0), digital twins, and telehealth are becoming part of the modern manufacturing lexicon.
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The article covers an analysis of metrics used to measure digitalization activities. Five main levels are analyzed - moving from the metrics of the digital economy to society, industry, enterprise, and clients. The study is based on leading public and commercial metrics used for the evaluation of the digital progress. The similarities and differences between key performance indicators on each level are discussed, forming a set of conclusions on the scope and maturity of various measurement systems and potential improvement options.
Koly farmatsevtychna asotsiatsiia -spravzhnii lider, abo Tsyfrovizatsiia pid kontrolem. Apteka, 26/27 (1347/1348)
  • D Poliakova
Poliakova, D. (2022). Koly farmatsevtychna asotsiatsiia -spravzhnii lider, abo Tsyfrovizatsiia pid kontrolem. Apteka, 26/27 (1347/1348). Available at: Last accessed: 08.05.2023
Pharmaceutical logistics under martial law
  • A Nechyporuk
  • D Kochubei
Nechyporuk, A., Kochubei, D. (2023). Pharmaceutical logistics under martial law. Commodities and Markets, 46 (2), 4-15. doi: